Deeq A.

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  1. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ciidan booliis ah oo ka socda dalka Sierra Leone, ayaa la geeyay magaalada Kismaayo, kaddib markii ay kasoo dageen Muqdisho, iyadoo ay xigi doonaan ciidammo kale oo xoojin ah. Tiradda ciidamadan ayaa waxay gaarayaan 145 askari oo isugu jira Askar iyo saraakiil waxayna qayb ka noqon doonaan tayeynta iyo tababaridda ciidanka booliska ee ka howlgala Koonfurta iyo Bartamaha Soomaaliya. Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta KMG ee Jubbaland ayaa horay waxaa ugu sugnaa illaa 15 saraakiil oo boolis ah, kuwaasoo ka socda Waddanka Sierra Leone, iyadoo imaatinka 145 Askari oo kalana lagu xoojinayo saraakiishaas, waxaana tirada guud ay noqonaysaa ilaa 160-qof oo isugu jira Saraakiil iyo askar booliis ah. Sidoo kale, Ku-simaha taliyaha ciidanka booliska AMISOM, Christine Alalo, ayaa sheegay inay sii xoojin doonaan awood-siinta iyo tayaynta ciidammo booliis ah oo ka tirsan Jubbaland, kuwaasoo horay booliska AMISOM ay u tababareen. “Hawl-galkooda ayaa noqon doona dhiirri-galinta booliiska Jubbaland. 2016-kii Waxaan Tababar siinay 600 askari oo booliis ah oo ka tirsan Jubbaland,” ayuu yiri Christine Alalo. Dhanka kale, Sarkaalkan wuxuu sheegay in dalka Sierra Leone ay gacan ka geysan doonaan sidii loo dhisi lahaa loona xoojin lahaa hawlaha ay dalkan u joogaan. Ugu dambeyn, dalka Sierra Leone ayaa waxaa horay looga joojiyay inay ka shaqeeyaan Somalia, kaddib markii uu dalkooda ka dillaacay cudurka halista ah ee Ebola kaasoo kumanaan qof ku dilay dalal ku yaalla Galbeedka Afrika. PUNTLAND POST The post Ciidammo ka socda Waddanka Sierra Leone oo gaaray Magaalada Kismaayo ee Jubbaland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Balcad (Caasimadda Online) – Wararka ka imaanaya Deegaank Ilbaq oo dhanka Waqooyi ka Xiga Tuulada Gololeey Ee Degmad Balcad aya Sheegaya in Gaari ay Wateen Ciidamo katirsan Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ay Wadada u Galeen Ciidamada Alshabaab. Wararka ayaa shegaya in Gaariga oo ahaa Nuuca ay Soomaalidu u taqaano Cabdi bile oo ay Wateen Ciidanka Dowlada ay Gubeen Alshabaab,Wararka ayaa intaa ku daraya inuu jiro Qasaaro kala duwan oo soo kala gaaray Dhinacyada Dagaalamay. Ciidamada la weeraray ayaa la sheegay inay ka soo tageen degmada Mahaday iyagoo ku sii jeeday magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana weerar kedis ah ku qaaday maleeshiyaad wadada ku jirey kuwaas oo loo maleynayo inay ahaayeen dagaalyahanada Al-Shabaab. Wararka ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in dagaal halkaa uu ka dhacay iyadoo qaar kamid ah ciidamada milatariga ay soo gaartay waxyeelo isugu jirta dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Ciidamada ku dhaawacmay iskahorimaadka ayaa la sheegay inuu ku jiro sarkaal madax u ahaa ciidamada degmada Mahaday kaasoo magaciisa lagu soo gaabiyay Muqtaar Jareer. Dagaalka ayaa weli wuxuu ka socda halka loo yaqaan Il-Baq, waxaana lasoo sheegayaa in la isku adeegsanayo hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan, waxaana goobta dagaalka gaaray ciidamo gurmad ah oo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda oo ku sugnaa Degmada Balcad. Xarakada Al-Shabaab ayaa maalmihi ugu dambeysay kusii xoogeysaneysay inta u dhaxeyso magaalooyinka Balcad Jowhar, waxayna halkaas ku qaadeen weeraro badan oo uu kamid ahaa mid khasaaro xooggan loogu geystay ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa AMISOM. Xarakada Al-Shabaab ayaa Gobolka Shabeelada hoose uga soo cararay duqeymo iyo weeraro ay dowladda iyo Mareykanka ka geysanayaan halkaas, waxayna xoogooda kusoo aruureen gobolada dhexe iyo Shabeelada dhexe. Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha waan idinla socodsiin doonaa Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) _ Ciidamo Boolis ah oo ka socda dalka Seirra Leone oo shalay soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa la geeyay magaalada Kismaayo, kuwaasoo qeyb ah howl galka AMISOM. Ciidamadan oo gaaraya 145 Boolis ayaa noqonaya ciidamadii ugu badnaa ee Booliska AMISOM, waxaana ay la howl geli doonaan Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwa Jubbaland ee magaalada Kismaayo. Dhamaan 145-ta Askari waxaa ay u Safreen magaaladda Kismaayo si ay ugu biiraan 15 Sarkaal oo horudhac u ahaa oo horay halkaaas u tagay. Waa tiraddii ugu badneeyd ee Ciidammo Booliis ah oo Sierra lion ay Soomaaliya keento tan iyo markii uu Biloowday Howlgalka 11 jirsaaday. Ciidamadaan dheriga ah waxaa lagu keenay Dalab uu sameeyay Golaha Amaanka ee QM oo ku xusnaa Qaraar soo baxay 2017kii, kaasi oo goluhu uu ku dalbaday in Ciidamada Booliiska ee AMISOM lagaarsiiyo 1040 Askari. “Imaanshahoodu waxa uu xoojin doonaaa Ciidamada Booliiska Maamulka Jubaland, 2016 kii waxaan tababarnay 600 oo booliiska jubbaland ah Ciidamadaan sierra lion-na waxay ka caawin doonaan in ay xoojiyaan howlahooda amaan sugidda, ayey tiri Christine Alalo oo ah kusimaha Taliyaha Booliiska AMISOM. Waxay uga mahad celisay Dowladda Sierra lion in ay Ciidammo keentay Soomaaliya si ay uga qayb qataan Dadaaladda xasilinta ee Dalka ka socda. AMSOM ayaa war ay soo saartay ku sheegtay in ay laban laabeeyso Dadaaladda ay ku qoraneeyso Ciidamo cusub oo Booliis ah waqtigaan oo lagu jiro kalaguur uu Howlgaku Ciidamadda Soomaaliya ugu wareejinayo Amaanka Dalkooda. AMISOM oo Soomaaliya ku Jooga booliis yo military-ba ayaa 11 sano jirsatay, intii ay Soomaaliya jogeen waxay Ciidamadda Dowladda ka caawiyeen In ay Dhul badan ka qabsadaan Al-shabaab, inkastoo Xeel dheereyaasha military aaminsanyihiin in wali aan lagaarin Hadafyo Muhiim ah oo howlgalku lahaa.
  4. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa shalay dib ugu laabtay Xafiiskiisa ku yaala dhismaha Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Soomaaliya ee degmaa Deyniile kadib markii uu ka soo dhamaaday mashquulkii ka dhashay Mooshinkii Guddoomiye Jawaari. Madaxweynaha markii uu ku laabtay Gaashaandhigga waxa uu kormeer ku tagay Kulyada Jaalle Siyaad oo u dhaw Dhismaha Wasaaradda Difaaca Soomaaliya waxa uuna la hadlay Ciidamo ka tirsan Howlgalka AMISOM ee Soomaaliya oo halkaasi ku sugan. Muxuu ka qabanyaa Gaashaandhigga? Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shir jaraa’id uu ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayuu faah faahin uga bixiyay sababaha uu udagay Gaashaan dhigga waxa uuna sheegay in ay tahay u kuur gelid Baahiyaha heesta Ciidamada Milatariga Soomaaliya laguna sameeyo daraasad ku saabsan tiradooda iyo tayadooda kadibna la xaliyo meelaha ay caqabadaha ka wajahayaan Difaaca soomaaliya. Daraasadii lagu sameeyay Ciidamada Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa khudbad uu u jeediyay Ciidamada Dowladda oo ay goob joog ka aheyd Saxaafadda ayuu ku sheegay in daraasadii lagu sameeyay Caqabadaha heesta Ciidamada lagu ogaaday in Dalka uu leeyahay Ciidamo tayo leh, Daacad ah, ayna ka go’antahay difaaca dalkooda balse ay heysato maamul xumi iyo dhiiri gelin la’aan sidoo kale ay ku jiraan Ciidamo aan badneen oo aan heysan hubkii ay ugu tala gashay Dowladda Soomaaliya isagoo u balan qaaday in arimahaas si deg deg ah wax looga qaban doono. Madaxweynaha ayaa dib ugu soo laabtay Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya markii uu go’aankaas ku dhawaaqay la tashiyo iyo dadaalo xoog leh oo la sameeyay kadib ayuu mar kale u guuray Wasaaradda Gaashaan dhigga ka hor khilaafkii ka dhashay mooshinkii Guddoomiye Jawaari waxa uuna halkaasi ku qaatay habeeno badan oo dhafar ah isagoo ku howlanaa xalinta dhinaatooyin Ciidamada Difaaca Soomaaliya. Maxaa laga qabtay maamul xumadii Ciidamada heysatay ? Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa dib u eegis ku sameeyay hogaanada Ciidamada waxa uuna badalay saraakiil badan oo muddo Taliyaal u soo ahaa Ciidamada Milatariga Soomaaliya isagoo shaqa geliyay Saraakiil dhalinyaro ah oo dhawaan ku soo biiray Ciidamada Soomaaliya. Dhalinyarada hogaamada loo dhiibay oo ah Saraakiil leh aqoon maadi ah iyo Tababar casri ah ayaa lagu amray in ay la yimaadaan qorshe wax looga qabto amaanka dalka loogana guuleesto Al-shabaab waxaana la faray in ay qaadaan wadiiqooyin qaran oo loo jeexay, Madaxweynaha ayaa la sheegay in Taliyaasha uu u fur furay xiriirkiisa si looga war haayo Ciidamada difaaca Soomaaliya oo muddo dheer dhibaato heysatay. Maxaa loo badalay Taliyaashii Ciidamada ? Taliyaashii laga qaaday hogaanada Ciidamada ma wada xumeen ee waxaa ku jiray Taliyaal shaqo wanaagsan soo qabtay balse daruufaha dalka ka jira uu sameeyay, sidoo kale qaar ka mid ah Taliyaashii la badalay ayaa loo dhiibay shaqooyin kale oo muhiim ah, halka kuwa kale la sheegay in ay gaboobeen ama da’da ka daba timid waxayna arimahaas oo dhan sababeyn in isbadal lagu sameeyo Taliyaasha Ciidamada milatariga Soomaaliya. Maxey soo kordhiyeen Taliyaasha Cusub? Waxbadan kama soo wareegan isbadalkii la sameeyay balse waxaa muuqanayo rajo wanaagsan oo ay qabaan Ciidamada Difaaca Soomaaliya, Saraakiisha iyo Ciidamada Dowladda ayaa kuu sheegaya inuu jiro iska war qab iyo xiriir toos oo ay la leeyihiin hogaanada Cusub laguna wargeliyay la xisaabtan iyo shaqo joogto ah, sidoo kale waxaa loo sheegay in ay heli doonaan xaquuqdooda bil walba. Farmaajo muxuu ka damacsan yahay Ciidamada ? Markii uu waday Olalahiisa doorashada Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo waxyaabihii uu balan qaaday waxaa ugu weynaa uguna muhiimsanaa dhismaha Ciidamo tayo leh oo la wareega difaaca iyo amniga Soomaaliya si looga maarmo Howlgalka AMISOM oo ay ku baxdo Maaliyiin doolaar waqti badana soo Caawiyay Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha ayaa raadinaya inuu ka tago muddo xileedkiisa dalka oo leh Ciidamo difaaca Bad,Barri iyo Cirka gaar ahaan Ciidamada Difaaca Soomaaliya oo ah kuwa ugu muhiimsan maadaama dagaal culus lagula jiro Al-shabaab. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay inuu dalka si deg deg ah uga saaro doono Al-shabaab waxaana arintaasi ka horeyso in la helo Ciidamo Milatari oo Awood leh. Dib ugu laabashada Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ee xafiiskiisa Gaashaandhigga ayaa laga dhowrayaa isbadal kale iyo in la sameeyo Howlgal Al-shabaab looga saarayo Soomaaliya sida ay sheegeen Saraakiisha amaanka iyo dadka ka agdhaw Xafiiska madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. W/D/ Xuseen Cabdulle Maxamed
  5. Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Mursal Shiikh Cabdiraxmaan ayaa maanta shaaciyay in uu u taagan yahay xilka Guddoomiyaha Aqalka hoose ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Wasiir Maxamed Mursal oo hadda ah mudane ka tirsan Aqalka hoose ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uu sii wadayo howsha Guddoonka Baarlamaanka, haddii uu ku guuleysto xilkaas. Sidoo kale Maxamed Mursal ayaa amaanay Guddoomiyihii hore ee is casilay Maxamed Shiikh Cismaan Jawaari, wuxuuna sheegay in uu meel wanaagsan gaarsiiyay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Maxamed Mursal ayaa lagu tuhmayaa in uu yahay Musharrax ay wadato Xukuumadda Soomaaliya, si uu u badalo Jawaari oo khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay isaga iyo Xukuumadda. Guddoomiyihii hore ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Mxamed Shiikh Cismaan Jawaari ayaa xilka iska casilay 9-kii bishan April, waxaana xeerka Baarlamaanku dhigayaa in booskaas lagu soo buuxiyo 15 maalmood gudahood. Shalay ayaa sidaan oo kale waxaa xilka Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya isku soo taagay Shiikh Aadan Madoobe oo Dowladii KMG ahayd ka soo noqday Guddoomiye Baarlamaan. Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka biloday olole doorasho oo lagu raadinayo booskii uu baneeyay Guddoomiyihii hore ee is casilay Jawaari. PUNTLAND POST The post Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga oo isku soo taagay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Riyadh (Caasimadda Online) – Sida uu daabacay Wargeyska Al Akhbar ee ka soo baxa Dalka Lebanon Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa ka hor timid siyaasadda Sucuudiga ee gudaha iyo Dibadda. Dhaxal sugaha Imaaraadka Mohammed bin Zayed,ayaa ka shaqeynaya sidii siyaasadda Sucuudiga uu uga bixi lahaa Imaaraadka una jebin lahaa xiriirka labada dal. Wargeyska Al Akhbar,waxaa uu xogtan ka helay Danjiraha Joordan ee Lebonan,kaas oo qoraalkan isaguna ka helay Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta. Danjirayaasha Imaaraadka iyo Joordan ee Lebonan,ayaa kulan ku yeeshay Magaalada Beirut ee Caasimadda Lebanon,waxaana ay halkaas isku dhaafsadeen Dukumiintiyo sir ah oo labada dal u dhaxeeya kana dhan ah Sucuudiga. Nabil Masarwa, oo ah danijraha Joordan ee Lebanon ayaa hadalkan laga soo xigtay isaga oo u sheegaya danjiraha Kuwait u fadhiya Beyruud,ninka lagu magacaabo Abdel-Al al-Qenaie.. Mid ka mid ah Dukumintiyada oo ku taariikheysan 20kii September 2017,waxaa uu muujinayaa kulan dhexmaray labada danjire ee dowladaha Kuwait iyo Joordan ee Lebanon,waxaana ay ka wada hadleen aragtida Imaaraadka. Dukumiintiga labaad ayaa waxaa uu soo baxay 28ka Bishii September 2017, waxaana uu muujinayay kulan dhexmaray Danjiraha Joordan ee Lebanon iyo danjiraha Imaaraadka ee Lebonan kaas oo lagu magacaabo Hamad bin Saeed al-Shamsi. Safiirka Jordan ee Lebonan ayaa laga soo xigtay isaga oo leh “siyaasadda Sucuudiga kuma qanacsanaya Imaaraadka weyna diidday”. Danjiraha Imaaraadka ee Lebonan ayaa laga soo xigtay isaga oo leh “Siyaasadda Sucuudiga,waxaa ay ka hor imaneysaa danaha Imaaraadka ee gudaha iyo Dibadda”. Dooddan waxaa ay dhalatay markii Nin u dhashay Qadar uu isu taagay Madax Hay’adda UNICEF,waxaana Lebonan ay u codeysan Ninka u dhashay Dalka Qadar oo lagu magacaabo Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari, Imaaraadka ayaana aad uga xumaaday arrintaas. Ra’isalwasaaraha Lebonan Rafiiq Al Xariiri ayey Imaaraadka ku eedeeyeen in uu ogaa in dalkiisa uu u codeynayo Ninka u dhashay dalka Qadar doorashadii dhacday 18kii October 2017. November Ra’isalwasaaraha Lebonan ayaa iska casilay xilkaas isaga oo joogay Sucuudiga mar dambe ayuusa sheegay in uu ka laabtay is casilaaddiisa. Xigasho: Radio Mustaqbal Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Hay’adda Culimada Soomaaliyeed ayaa maanta digniin ka soo saaray Bandhig Faneedyo lagu wado in dhawaan lagu qabto magaalada Muqdisho waxayna fariin u direen Shacabka Muqdisho. Shiikh Bashiir Axmed Salaad Guddoomiyaha Hay’adda Culimada Soomaaliyeed oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Muqdisho ayaa ka digay Bandhig faneed 20-ka Bishaan ka dhacaya Muqdisho kaas oo ay qaban doonto Fanaanadda Kiin Jaamac oo shalay ka soo degtay Garoonka Aadan Cadde. Sidoo kale Hay’adda Culimada Soomaaliyeed ayaa masuuliyiin ka tirsan Dowladda ku dhaliilay in muqdisho ku soo dhaweeyeen kiin Jaamac Muqdisho si ay u qabato Bandhig faneed waxa uuna ku tilmaamay dambi iyo khalad weyn oo shacabka loo hor kacayo. Waxaa uu sheegay in ay dowladda Soomaaliya ay ugu baaqayaan in wax laga qabto joojinta Bandhigaasi, waxaana uu ugu baaqay dhalinyarada in aysan ka qeyb galin. “Hay’adda Culimadda waxay caddeynaysaa in kuwa waxaas abaabulaya ay yihiin kuwa halis ku ah diinta iyo dalka, fidinaya, fisqi iyo fuxshi, Umadda iyo naftoodaba u horseedaya halaag aduun iyo Cadaab aakhiro.” Ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka ay soo saareen Culimadda Somaliyed. ikastaba Fanaaniin ka yimid dalka dibadiisa ayaa haatan muqdisho ka wada abaabul ku saabsan sidii ay u qaban lahaayeen bandhig Faneed lagu galaayo qarash,waxana fanaaniintaas ka mid ah King Jaamac Yare oo shalay soo gaartay Magaalada Muqdisho dhawaana Bandhig Faneed ku qabatay Magalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso hadalka Culumada Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. Abu Dubai (Caasimadda Online) – Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa la sheegay inay casuumaa u soo dirtay qaar ka mida madaxda maamul Goboleedyada dalka. Arrintan ayaa qeyb ka ah tallaabooyn is xig-xigay oo Imaaraadku qaatay kadib markii uu xumaaday xiriirka kala dhaxeeya dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya markii ciidamada ammaanka ay garoonka Muqdisho ku qabteen lacag u socotay safaaradda Imaaraadka Carabta 8-dii April 2018. Madaxweynaha Puntland C/weli Maxamed Cali (Gaas) oo maamulkiisu heshiisyo amni iyo kuwo dhaqaale kula jiro Imaaraadka ayaa la sheegay inuu dhowaan tegi doono Abu Dhabi, waxaana sidoo kale casuumaad la mida lagu wadaa inay Imaaraadka ku tagaan madaxweynayaasha K/Galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan iyo Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam. Imaaradka ayaa ku dhaqaaqay tallaabooyin ay ka mid yihiin; inuu joojiyey tababarki iyo taageeradii ciidamada Soomaaliya iyo inuu joojiyey shaqadii Isbitaalka Sheekh Zaid ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa tallaabooyin cusub inuu qaado. Waxaa dhowaan gaaray Imaaraadka madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed, waxaana hore uu sugnaa ra’iisal wasaarihi hore Cumar C/rashiid oo ka mida la-taliyeyaasha xukuumadda Abu Dhabi. Arrintaan ayaa kusoo aadeyso xilli uu wadahadal u furmay labada dowladood isla markaasna la filayo inay dowladda Soomaaliya raaligelin ka bixiso lacagtii lagu qabtay garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Aadan Cadde. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  9. Xaaska madaxweynihii hore ee Mareykanka George Bush ayaa geeriyootay iyada oo da’deedu tahay 92 sano. Barbara Bush oo sidoo kale ahayd hooyada George W Bush ayaa ahayd haweeneyda keliya ee nasiibka u yeelatay in ay aragto ninkeeda iyo wiilkeeda oo madaxweyne ka ah Mareykanka. Haweeneydan ayaa in muddo ah xanuun sanayd, waxaana dhammaadkii usbuucii tegay ay sheegtay in mar dambe aysan dawo u baahnayn. Barbara Bush ayaa muddadii uu seygeeda ahaa madaxweynaha Mareykanka waxa ay aasaastay hay’ad qoysaska dan yarta ah ee ku nool Mareykanka ka caawisa waxbarashada. Waxa ay sidoo kale si weyn uga soo horjeesaday faquuqa, iyadoo marar badan arrinta dumarka carruurta iska soo rid aka qaadatay mowqif ka duwan kan taageerayaasha seygeeda ee ka tirsanaa xisbiga Jamhuuriga.
  10. Inflation is simply rise in prices of commodities and devalues of money. It directly influences the standard of living. The effect of inflation has made it very difficult for many households have to get their basic necessities which have gone beyond their purchasing power. This article is about the impact of inflation to the standard of living and its main objectives are to find out the riskiness of inflation to the purchasing powered of society and to determine the main factors those contribute the inflation of Somaliland. The purpose of this article is to give the impact of inflation on standard of living. This paper examines the dynamic interactions between inflation and standard of living in Somaliland, to see how the inflation affects standard of living, Somaliland people has been weakened by uncontrollable inflation and they need a long term solution which at least reduce the inflation or the rising prices of the commodities. Somaliland has no an effective economic system that works properly, therefore it is difficult to explain any component of the economic philosophy such as the rate of inflation and unemployment, which are the most important tools that drive the measurement of economic wellbeing of any country whether its developed or under developed one. This article therefore focuses on finding the impact of inflation on the standard of living of people Hargeisa and other additional cities of Somaliland. Inflation is simply rise in prices of commodities and devalues of money. It directly influences the standard of living. This article dealt with the effects of inflation on standard of living in terms of expenses on food and non-food items, income, saving, loan and recreation in the city of Somaliland. The inflation rate of Somaliland still remains high in absolute terms and by comparison with many other countries in the sub-region and the world in general. There is some hard problems like high prices on goods and services because there is no government plans to address and determine the original prices of this products and services, the households in Hargeisa is so poor and some of them haven’t the basic needs. In this country there is allot of households which earns very low income and other basic needs like; Shelters, clean water and also food and clothes, so this Article will examine how the increasing rate of inflation in this country affects these households and their life. Rising inflation is one the unsolved problems in Somaliland and the political plans of the government aren’t success plans, therefore these people suffer enough for their life because of their affordability on high prices and the unemployment in all Somaliland, and there is no controlling inflation, especially when inflation is unexpected and catches people off guard or when it fluctuates widely from month to month or year to year. And also this Article will look into what are the main the sources of the inflation and what causes it repeatedly, why inflation in this country is uncontrollable. TYPES OF INFLATION ON THE BASIS OF SPEED AND INTENSITY: Creeping Inflation: This is also known as mild inflation or moderate inflation. Galloping Inflation: If mild inflation is not checked and if it is uncontrollable, it may assume the character of galloping inflation. Hyperinflation: It is a stage of very high rate of inflation. CAUSES OF THE INFLATION Demand Bull Theory John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) and his followers emphasized the increase in aggregate demand as the source of demand-pull inflation. The aggregate demand comprises consumption, investment and government expenditure. When the value of aggregate demand exceeds the value of aggregate supply at the full employment level, the inflationary gap arises. Cost Push Theory Cost-push inflation is caused by wage increases enforced by unions and profit increases by employers. The type of inflation has not been a new phenomenon and was found even during the medieval period. Excess Demand Excess demand is when the supply of goods and services falls short of the demand for them. Excess demand leads to rise in prices of goods and services because interested consumers engage in competitive bidding which result into higher prices. Market Power and Inflation Market power exercised by firms has become central to macroeconomics. Hall (1986, 1988) demonstrates how substantial market power and declining or flat marginal costs attenuate firms’ incentive to alter prices, thus contributing to aggregate fluctuations. STANDARD OF LIVING Standard of living is defined as the level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area. And quality of life is defined as the perception of ability to meet daily needs, physical activities, and well-being. In generally, Standard of living is related on the buying power of the household and the owning power of property in the country. So it is always related the income of people and the economic inflation rate. Quality of life is the general wellbeing of a society in term of health care, education, political freedom, a clean natural environment and any that can help to improve one’s satisfaction and happiness. Good in standard of living is always being first; and then we will able to have a high quality of life. A good standard of living had the characteristic of high income, low inflation and low unemployment happen in the country. From the perspective of business, standards of living in the country are important information that shown the level of consumption in the country. Measurements of Standard of Living Measuring living standards is very important for economic policy. However, in practice there are several difficulties in measuring living standards and therefore there are several different measures we could use. GDP per Capita GDP measures National Output / National Income. Per capita is the average income per person in the economy. This is a rough guide to living standards because it measures average incomes / the amount produced in an economy. However, income and average output is only a rough guide to living standards. GDP – Purchasing Power Parity PPP Another important factor in measuring living standards is GDP measured at Purchasing power parity. This means that the statistics take into account the actual cost of living. For example, some countries may have lower GDP, but the cost of living is much cheaper. PPP adjusts for these different costs of living. Real GDP per Capita / Hours Worked A more accurate guide to living standards is to take into account the number of hours worked. If you gain high GDP per capita but have to work a 12 hour day, then this is less desirable than same income for 6 hours work per today. (Measuring living standards / hours worked) Household Expenditure / Consumption Most measures of living standards focus on income. However, income is only a rough guide to the goods and services you can actually buy. Some people may have very high living costs (e.g. rent / council tax / transport costs). Therefore, the quantity of goods and services you can actually buy will give a better guide to living standards than just income. Another issue is that some people may receive benefits in kind. Poverty and Living Standards An important factor in measuring living standards for the economy is the number of people living below the poverty line. The poverty line is defined as: The level of expenditure necessary to buy a minimum level of nutrition and other basic necessities. The World Bank say that the poverty line can vary somewhat from country to country, reflecting different costs of living for taking part in the everyday life of society. Index of Human Development HDI This is a measure which seeks to look at the available choices that people have. It is a composite indicator comprised of 3 basic factors affecting living standards – income, life expectancy and education. The three components are: Real GDP per Capita, adjusted for the local cost of living (PPP) Life expectancy Education – levels of literacy The highest human development is given a value of 1. Low levels of Human development are given a value close to 0. In 1997, the country with the highest levels of HDI was Canada with 0.932 The poorest country was Sierra Leone with an HDI of 0.254 Index of Human Poverty HPI This was introduced by the United Nations Development Programme UNDP It is similar to the Index of Human Development, but, the HPI gives a greater weighting to examining how economic development is distributed throughout society. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion: This Article is about the impact of inflation to the standard of living and its main objectives are to find out the riskiness of inflation to the purchasing powered of society and to determine the main factors those contribute the inflation of Somaliland. It also focuses the exact impact that inflation does exert the life of individuals and the real relationship between these also focuses on the reasons that the government wouldn’t interfere the impact of inflation on standard of living and why the inflation of Somaliland especially the capital city of Hargeisa is uncontrollable and why the prices are always rising not declining, and what is government’s policy recommendation towards inflation. This Article is a summarized research paper in 2016. Therefore after the analyze of the collected data the Article found that 91% of the society agreed that inflation worsens the purchasing power of society, which clearly decides that inflation has an negative impact to the purchasing power of Somaliland society and their standard of living which effects their basic necessities like sheltering and water and sanitation. This Article also summarizes the most important factors those contribute the inflation of Somaliland are; the huge imports of goods from abroad and rises the prices of the commodities which effects the society, and lack of role of ministry of commerce or lack of government intervention to the market which is why the local merchants decide the determination of prices of the most commodities. Recommendation: In the conclusion of this Article we summarized the findings of the Article and confirmed that inflation hurts the standard of living and real purchasing power of society, we also discovered that inflation in Somaliland is worsening after time and the government of Somaliland must set a policy for controlling inflation or at least to slow its rate. We recommended the following points: The ministry of finance should impose heavy restrictions to the imported goods since they are causing inflation or taking a huge contribution this worsening situation. The government should encourage and improve the central bank in order to manage the exchange rate and take back the determination of exchange rate as well as supply of money to distribute efficiently. Since inflation is big disaster in here Somaliland the government must set policies towards that problem and the ministry of commerce should participate and also the ministry of planning should take part of planning this policy. The government must improve the standard of living of individuals in order to reduce the riskiness of inflation. Business community must use domestic produced goods rather than imported goods, this would help the infant industries to produce more commodities with lower prices and the purchasing power of the society will go up and the life style of the population will be better, this is will cause economic growth and the society will save money, which can create investment opportunities and new labor will be used and non-functioning resources will be used. Business community should improve their investment capacity for increasing employment activity in order to improve the standard of living. Business owners should give care their community and charge as low prices as possible, the people of Hargeisa and the other provinces are weakened by high prices of commodities, so the merchants or business community must think of their society and stop seeking high profits which effects the life style of the population and lower the prices as possible. REFERENCE Mukhtar M. Aden., & Mohamoud A. & Rahma Abdi., (2016), the impact of inflation on standard of living, Hargeisa Somaliland, V.1. Summarized By: Mukhtar Mahdi Aden Tell: +252634056993 Email:
  11. Somaliland’s Foreign Minister Dr. Saad Ali Shire HARGEISA– The government of Somaliland has denied that plans are afoot for establishment of a Russian Military Base in the western port town of Sayla. This denial was made by the foreign minister Dr Saad Ali during an interview with Geeska Afrika, promoted by reports circulated by local English language news agencies. According to the reports Russia and Somaliland have entered an agreement for the European power to establish the base that will host Air and naval forces at Sayla, in exchange for recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign nation among other benefits. “While we have no qualms with the Russians the issue of a military base in our country has never been broached” said Dr Saad Ali adding that if it is ever raised then it shall receive relevant deliberation. Stating that Somaliland welcomed friends from all parts of the world, the foreign minister said that any country wishing to partner this government shall be accorded necessary protocols though of most import shall be what benefit citizens accrue from such an enterprise On the issue of the UAE having finally acceptable the Somaliland passport as a valid travel document to the gulf country, the FM revealed that final agreement on the same was reached during the recent official visit to the emirates by president Musa Behi Abdi To this effect Said Dr Saad Ali Shire Citizens of Somaliland shall start utilizing their local passports for multifaceted visits to the emirates, “that is as soon as technicalities are completely. Horn
  12. Immediately he assumed the Somaliland presidency in Mid 2010 former President Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo handed over the Kulmiye party chairmanship to his deputy Musa Behi Abdi. That move facilitated the candidacy of Musa Behi on Kulmiye party ticket that led to his election as Somaliland president in November 2017. That being so many people have been wondering on when the incumbent president shall like his predecessor, relinquish party Leadership to his deputy who happens to be the current interior minister. But according to Member of Parliament Ibrahim Jama Rayte, Silanyo made the decision not based on legal basis thence it is only President Behi who has such prerogative. Speaking to Eryal Tv MP Rayte Said “President Behi is not President Silanyo who took the decision to handover party leadership to his deputy, it is not a legal stipulation thence not binding to Behi” Stressing that President Behi can still operate as ruling party chair simultaneously as head of state, the legislator said people should stop confusing personal decisions with legal stipulations. As the debate over continued chairmanship of Behi at the party, all are acquiesced to facts that former president minister Mahmud Hashi Abdi is on the lobby trail towards ascending to the Kulmiye party chairmanship . Horn
  13. Historical perspective 1.1 Implications of Britain’s Transfer of Somali Territory to Abyssinia in 1897 Although there was no Act of Union, the voluntary merger between the state of Somaliland (Today the Republic of Somaliland) and on 1st July 1960, should be seen in the light of Britain’s illegal transfer of some 25,000 square miles of Somaliland territory, known subsequently as the Haud and Reserved Area, to king Menelik of Abyssinia in 1897. There was no consultation with the Somali people. The gravity of this transfer, which at the point in time secured for king Menelik’s cooperation with Britain’s imperial interests in the Sudan, only impinged in later years on Britain’s conscience when she exercised the responsibilities of a ‘protectorate’ ostensibly protecting the interests of the people of Somaliland. To that extent Britain after World War II, offered Ethiopia in exchange for the Haud and Reserved Area, a corridor to Zeila, which was turned down by the French. Undaunted, Britain then offered a cash payment, even a battleship, in consideration for the return of this territory to Somaliland. The offers were not accepted by Ethiopia. Instead, Britain, whilst recognizing Ethiopia’s sovereignty over this territory, established, by virtue of Anglo-Ethiopian Agreement of 1954, a liaison office in Jigjiga to protect the rights of Somalilanders in this territory. 1.2 Independence and Merger with No Act of Union The British acceptance of Ethiopian sovereignty over the Haud and Reserved Area was the forerunner to demands by the people of Somaliland for the rights of self-determination and independence from colonial rule. It was followed on 26 June 1960 with the promulgation of the independent State of Somaliland. With a view to pressing for the union of all the Somali people in the Horn of Africa to form what was then known as Greater Somalia, Somaliland initiated the merger with Somalia on 1st July 1960. The reluctance of political leaders in Mogadishu to accept wholeheartedly what most of them felt was Somaliland’s intrusiveness in their internal political affairs was manifest when Somaliland’s Prime Minister Mr. Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, visited Mogadishu before merger. He discovered to his chagrin that, without previous consultation, to appointments to the, as yet unpromulgated, new government had already been agreed, namely the president of the proposed Somali Republic, the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and Minister of Interior. This was a portent of problems to come. Both the Somaliland and Somalia legislatures, before independence, had independently prepared their own versions of ‘Act of Union’. These two versions were so apart conceptually and in detail that the Somaliland legislature, whilst agreeing in principle on June 30 – one day before Somalia’s independence and merger with Somaliland- to an Act of Union had been agreed and despite the fact that the provisional president had signed a decree entitled the Law of Union of the State of Somaliland and Somalia. This was unacceptable to the merged legislatures, now known as the Legislative Assembly and a consultative Commission for integration was thus appointed whose findings would be subject to a referendum. The national referendum on the findings of the Consultative Commission for Integration was held in July 1961. The Somali National League, the leading political party in the State of Somaliland, campaigned against the ratification of the constitution. Percentage votes against were: Hargeisa 72%, Berbera 69%, Buroa 66% and Erigavo 69%. The total number of votes cast in the Somali Republic as a whole were officially reported to be 1,952,660 out of which only 100,000 votes were recorded from the State of Somaliland. The new constitution was promulgated, but not before a military coup d’état in the State of Somaliland had attempted to restore the sovereignty of the State. The coup had been instigated by Sandhurst-trained junior officers, serving under Italian-trained senior officers. The leaders of the attempted coup were brought to trial in Mogadishu before a British judge on the charges of treason. He acquitted the officers on the grounds that the court had no jurisdiction over the State of Somaliland in the absence of an Act of Union. 1.3 Coup D’état Heralds Marxist Socialism By 1969, no advance had been made with the objective of a Greater Somalia, save to antagonize both Kenya and Ethiopia. A military coup d’état in Mogadishu replaced the democratically elected government of the then Prime Minister, Mr. Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, and Marxist Socialism was introduced by the military dictator, General Mohamed Siad Barre with the support of the Soviet Union. The Somali Republic became the Somali Democratic Republic under Barre’s communist doctrine. In 1977, the armed forces of Somalia were drawn into an invasion of Ethiopia from the State of Somaliland, but they were repulsed in the Jigjiga area by an Ethiopian counter-offensive, assisted by armour flown into the battlefield by Soviet and Cuban forces based in Addis Ababa. General Siad Barre, defeated in battle and fearful of assassination, embarked on a defensive course of clan nepotism, and an aggressive course of genocide towards the people of the State of Somaliland who, in 1981, formed the Somali National Movement (SNM) to regain the independence of their country. TO BE CONTINUED ……………..
  14. Somaliland Mission to the UK would like to cordially invite you to a briefing and Q&A session with H.E. Dr Saad Ali Shire, Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation, with the Somaliland Community in the UK, the event will be in Somali language. The event will take place on Friday, 20 April, at 18.00-21.00 pm, at Botwell Social Centre, Botwell Lane, Hayes, UB3 2AB. This event will provide the opportunity for the Foreign Minister to update attendees on foreign policy priorities under the new Musa Bihi administration. This will include a discussion of developments surrounding the Berbera Port deal, relations with the international community, Somaliland’s position amid geopolitical changes in the region, and other issues. Time will be provided for participants to ask questions, and to share their thoughts on Somaliland’s foreign policy priorities. The goal of the event will be to outline the strategic priorities of the Ministry and the diplomatic situation it faces while providing Somaliland’s diaspora community to contribute their thoughts and ideas on the direction of this policy. The event will take place at Botwell Social Centre, Botwell Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2AB We look forward to your attendance. Language: Somali Any Suggestions, Comments or Questions please contact Ayan Mahamoud, MBE The representative of Somaliland to the UK & Commonwealth
  15. Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (MbZ) is working on breaking up Saudi Arabia, leaked documents obtained by Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar revealed. Al Akhbar said that the leaked documents contained secret diplomatic briefings sent by UAE and Jordanian ambassadors in Beirut to their respective governments. One of the documents, issued on September 20, 2017, disclosed the outcome of a meeting between Jordan’s ambassador to Lebanon Nabil Masarwa and his Kuwaiti counterpart Abdel-Al al-Qenaie. “The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed is working on breaking up the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the Jordanian envoy quoted the Kuwait ambassador as saying. A second document, issued on September 28, 2017, reveals meeting minutes between the Jordanian ambassador and his UAE counterpart Hamad bin Saeed al-Shamsi. The document said the Jordanian ambassador informed his government that UAE believes that “Saudi policies are failing both domestically and abroad, especially in Lebanon”. “The UAE is dissatisfied with Saudi policies,” the Jordanian envoy said. The Qatar voteAccording to the leaks, UAE ambassador claims that Lebanon voted for Qatar’s Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari in his bid to become head of UNESCO in October 2017. “[Lebanese Prime Minister Saad] Hariri knew Lebanon was voting for Qatar,” the UAE ambassador said in a cable sent to his government on October 18, 2017. In November last year, Hariri announced his shock resignation from the Saudi capital Riyadh. He later deferred his decision, blaming Iran and its Lebanese ally in Lebanon, Hezbollah, for his initial resignation. He also said he feared an assassination attempt. Officials in Lebanon alleged that Hariri was held hostage by Saudi authorities, an allegation Hariri denied in his first public statement following his resignation speech.
  16. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somalia, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa xalay khadka taleefanka kula hadlay madaxweynaha Masar cabdifataax al-Sisi, sida ay baahisay Wakaalada wararka Soomaaliyeed ee SONNA. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa u hambalyeeyay al-Sisi guushii uu ka gaaray doorashadii Madaxtinimo ee dhawaan ka dhacday waddanka Masar, isagoo u caddeeyay in dib u doorashadiisa ay gacan weyn ka geysaneyso xoojinta xiriirka labada waddan. Sidoo kale, Labada Madaxweyne ayaa iska wareystay arrimo kala duwan oo khuseeya labada waddan oo ay ka mid tahay tallaabooyinka wax ku ool ah ee ay qaadday Xukuumadda Federaalka Somalia ee dhinacyada amniga iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa uga mahad-celiyay dhiggiisa Masar Taageerada joogtada ee dowladdiisa ay siiso Dowladda iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana wuxuu xusay in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay sii adkeynayso xiriirka soo jireenka ah ee ka dhaxeeya labada dal ee walaalaha ah. Dhanka kale, Madaxweynaha Masar al-Sisi ayaa dhankiisa adkeeyay inay Masar gacan ka geysan doonto dadaalada ay dowladda Federaalka Somalia ku dooneyso inay ku xasiliso dalka, isagoo soo dhoweeyay guulaha la taaban talo ee ay ku tallaabsatay bilihii la soo dhaafay. Ugu dambeyn, Waa markii labaad oo Madaxweyne Somalia Farmaajo khadka taleefanka kula hadlo madaxweynaha waddanka Masar Cabdifataax al-Sisi. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo Taleefoonka kula hadlay Madaxweynaha Waddanka Masar appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. As Somalia seeks to ease tensions with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar which is seen to be at the center of the fallout of the two nations, has donated 30 buses and two cranes to Mogadishu regional officials. Relations between UAE and Somalia have been steadily declining since the latter’s decision not to cut ties with Qatar, preferring to take a neutral position in the dispute between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In March, Somalia banned UAE’s DP World from doing business in the country after it nullified an agreement the company had entered into with Ethiopia and Somaliland for the management of Berbera port. Diplomatic row One week ago, Somalia intercepted a plane chartered by UAE diplomats and confiscated $9.6m cash, saying it would investigate the intended purpose of the funds. UAE retaliated with a scathing statement describing the seizure of the money as a breach of diplomatic protocols. Both countries have separately issued statements ending a military cooperation program that was started in 2014, where UAE was training and paying some members of the Somali army. Voice of America (VOA) journalist, Harun Maruf also reported that the UAE-run Sheikh Zayed hospital in Mogadishu had suspended its operations until further notice. On Monday, it was reported that another UAE plane had been prevented from leaving Bosaso airport by Somali officials after Emirati military trainers refused to hand over their luggage to be scanned and searched. Reconciliation talks VOA has also reported that the Somali government on Monday opened conciliatory talks with UAEleaders. Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Isse Awad is quoted to have said that ‘talks have begun between the top leadership from the two countries and are progressing well.’ According to the minister, UAE had explained the purpose of the funds and will work with federal government of Somalia on their utilisation. Mohamed Moalimuu, Secretary General of National Union of Somali Journalists, tweeted on Tuesday evening that the country’s legislators had been summoned to return to duty, supposedly to discuss the UAE dispute. Source: – Africanews
  18. A sweeping $27-million lawsuit against the federal government brought by a Sudanese-Canadian who was detained overseas — and not allowed to return home for six years — is headed back to court, CBC News has learned. The Justice Department had been involved in settlement talks with Abousfian Abdelrazik but abruptly walked away from a recently scheduled mediation session, said Abdelrazik’s lawyer. “They said they could not provide us with any reasons,” said Paul Champ. “They were looking more at the polls than at their principles, and, unfortunately, I think that’s probably why they withdrew.” Contacted by CBC News Monday, CSIS did not respond and a spokesperson for the justice minister referred questions to Public Safety. “The government does not comment on settlement negotiations or ongoing court matters,” Scott Bardsley, a spokesperson for Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, said Monday night. Opening arguments in the lawsuit, which personally names former Conservative foreign affairs minister Lawrence Cannon, will now take place in Federal Court on Sept. 14. Former Conservative foreign affairs minister Lawrence Cannon is named in Abdelrazik’s lawsuit. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press) Torture claims Abdelrazik spent nearly six years in prison or forced exile and only managed to return to Canada in 2009 after the Federal Court ordered the government of former prime minister Stephen Harper to bring him home. Abdelrazik alleges he was tortured in Sudanese custody and the federal government violated his constitutional right to come home. Cannon is personally named because he refused to issue an emergency passport to Abdelrazik, contrary to the advice of Canadian government officials. The former minister declined comment on the lawsuit and directed CBC News to government lawyers. CSIS claimed Abdelrazik was an al-Qaeda operative and a danger to national security. In 2011, Abdelrazik was removed from a UN watch list of suspected al-Qaeda or Taliban associates. Last summer, the Trudeau government paid a $10.5 million breach-of-rights settlement in the case involving Omar Khadr, a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Not long after that deal became public, Abdelrazik was approached by federal lawyers who asked if there was interest in resolving his case. The two sides formally agreed to take the mediation route in September 2017 and met throughout the fall to hammer out the terms. At the same time last fall, Ottawa agreed to settle lawsuits involving Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad El Maati and Muayyed Nureddin, all of whom were wrongfully accused of links to terrorism and tortured in Syria. They were collectively paid $31.25 million. Settlement discussions with Abdelrazik progressed to a full-fledged mediation conference, which was scheduled for between Feb. 28 and March 2. Lawsuit settlements went over like ‘a lead balloon’ “[The government] withdrew the day before it was to start,” said Champ. An Angus Reid poll, conducted in the aftermath of the Khadr settlement, found an overwhelming majority of Canadians opposed the Khadr deal and thought it would have been better for the federal government to fight it out in court. Champ said he believes there’s a whiff of politics in the decision to pull the plug on mediation a day before it was set to begin. “I think there’s no doubt the political calculus is there would be some blowback, as they experienced with the Khadr settlement,” he said. A former CSIS analyst who worked counter-terrorism cases at CSIS and Public Safety said previous lawsuit settlements in cases where links to terror groups were alleged went over like a “lead balloon” with the public. “It was terrible PR for the government,” said Phil Gurski, now retired and the author of The Threat From Within: Recognizing Al Qaeda-Inspired Radicalization and Terrorism in the West. “The government looked like it was kowtowing to terrorists, and I think the government took a lesson on that.” Abdelrazik never charged with a crime Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has defended the Khadr settlement by pointing to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. “We have to stand up for everyone’s rights, whether you agree with them or not,” he said at a town hall in January. “When a government violates a Canadian, any Canadian’s fundamental rights, and allows them to be tortured, there are consequences and we all must pay.” Champ argued the facts of the Abdelrazik case are even worse for the government than those of Khadr’s case. Khadr was held by U.S. authorities and charged with a crime, but Abdelrazik was initially detained by Sudanese authorities and eventually prevented from coming home by the Canadian government. He was never charged with a crime. “It’s unfortunate this case wasn’t settled because — for the taxpayer — I think this is going to cost a lot more,” said Champ. Source: – CBC Source:
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho si xooli ah uga socda dadaalada loogu jiro diyaarinta shaqsiyaadka ku loolami lahaa Kursiga uu iska casilay Guddoomiyihii baarlamaanka Somalia, Maxamed Sheekh Cusmaan Jawaari. Shaqsiyaadka u taagan Kursiga uu iska casilay Jawaari ayaa ololahooda ka dhexwada Hoteelada ku yaalla magaalada Muqdisho iyo goobaha amaanka ah oo ay degan yihiin Xildhibaanada qaar. Musharaxiinta oo ay tiradooda sii kordheyso ayaa waxa uu mid waliba wataa qorshooyin ugaara oo ay ku kasbanayaan Xildhibaanada la filaayo inay codeyn doonaan. Musharaxiinta ugu miisaanka culus ayaa ilaa iyo hadda gaaraya Seddex Musharax oo la orankaro taageero ayey ku dhex leeyihiin baarlamaanka, halka Xildhibaanda kale ay yihiin kuwo doonaaya inay ka dhex muuqdan Taariikhda. Musharaxiinta ololaha wada qaarkood ayaa taageero ka helaaya Madaxda ugu sareysa dalka waxaana la saadaalinayaa in guusha ay raaci doonto cida ay wadato Madaxda. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, doorashada Kursiga uu iska casilay Jawaari ayaa waxaa ka harsan maalmo kooban, waxaana lagu wadaa in maalmahaasi ka hor lasoo dhameystiri shuruudaha doorashada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  20. Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya, ayaa ka hadlay Xiriirka Qadiimiga ee ka dhexeeya Somalia iyo Imaaraadka, wuxuuna xusay inuu Xiriirkaasi soo taxnaa ka hor intaysan Dowlado ka hanaqaadin labada Waddan. Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed waxa uu tilmaamay in Burburkii Dowladeed ee Somalia kadib inay Dowladda Imaaraadka taageeri jirtey Somalia, isla markaana ay Muwaadiniin badan oo Somali ah u qaxeen Imaaraadka, kuwaasi oo nolol wanaagsan ku haysta dalkaasi. Mar wax laga weydiiyey Aragtidiisa ku aadan Heshiiska Iskaashiga Milliteri ee labada dal, waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inuu Heshiiskaasi la saxiiday Madaxda Imaaraadka, si loo tababaro Ciiddanka Somalia oo xilligaas dagaal adag kula jirtay Alshabaab, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Wuxuuna u mahad celiyey Madaxweynaha Imaaraadka, Sheekh Khaliifa Bin Zaayid Al-nahyaani iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa, ahna Amiirka Dubai, Sheekh Maxamed Bin Raashid la saxiixday, kuwaasi oo uu xusay inay taageero ka geysteen Tababarka Ciiddanka Somalia iyo Dib-u-dhiska Hay’addaha Ammaanka. Shariif Sheekh Axmed waxaa wax laga weydiiyey Khilaafka cusub ee u dhexeeya DFS iyo Imaaraadka, waxa uu sheegay inuusan Waayadan joogin Somalia oo uu ku noolaa Mandiqada, balse uu dhawaan tegay Somalia, lana kulmay Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Waxa uu intaasi ku daray inay ka wada xaajoodeen Xiisadaha Taagan, isla markaana uu Aragti ahaan rumeysan yahay in loo baahan yahay in Khilaafka lagu xaliyo Wada-xaajood Diplomaasiyadeed, maadaama ay Somalia ka maarmi Karin Xiriirka dalalka Carabta iyo kuwo kale.
  21. Tanb iyo wixii ka dambeeyay bur burkii dowladdii dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya Xeebaha Soomaaliya waxaa si sharci daro ah uga kaluumaysanayay Maraakiib iyo doonyo Jariif ah oo laga leeyahay Wadamo ay kamidyihiin Iiraan , Yaman . Meelaha uu ku badan yahay kaluunka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Gobolka Garda Fuu ee Puntland , waxaana ku soo badanayay Doonyaha iyo Maraakiibta shisheeye ee jariifaya khayraadka uu Alle kumanaystay Gobolkaasi. Kaluumaysatada ayaa sheegay in ay dhibaato ku qabaan Doonyaha iyo Maraakiibtaasi Jariifaysa xeebaha Puntland gaar ahaan xiliyada ay ku guda jiraan shaqo maalmeedkooda . Qaar kamid ah kaluumaysatada ayaaba shaqadooda uga tagay dhibaatada ay kala kulmaan Maraakiibtaasi , waxaana isugu darsamay Abaarta iyo Jariifka sharcidarada ah taas oo keentay in ay yaraato shaqadii kaluumaysiga inkastoo uu ka hoseeyo jariifka halkii uu joogay intii udhexaysay 2016-2017kii . Dadka kunool Gobolka Garda Fuul ayaa noloshooda intabadan waxa ay ku tiirsan tahay kharaadka kujira bada iyo Xoolaha nool. Xeebaha Soomalaiya ayaa waxaa ku sugan Maraakiib dagaal oo laga leeyahay Wadamada Talyaaniga iyo Maraykanka kuwaas oo sheega in ay la dagaalaman Burcad badeeda Soomaalida. Hadaba Halkan ka dhagayso Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Garda Fuu Maxamuud Axmed Caynab oo arimahaasi oo dhan uga waramay . Gudoomiye Caynab
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha JFS Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa khadka Telefoonka kula hadlay dhigiisa dalka Masar C/fitaax Al-Sisi. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa Al-Sisi kala hadlay arrimo dhowr ah oo ku saleysnaa xiriirka labada dal, waxa uuna qasdiga xiriirka ahaa sida uu Farmaajo ugu hambalyeyn lahaa Madaxweynaha Masar Cabdulfataax Al Sisi. Farmaajo ayaa Al-Sisi ku amaanay sida ay dowladiisa Masar u garabtaagan tahay Somalia, waxa uuna carab ***** in Somalia ay ka faa’iideysan doonto taageerada kaga imaaneysa Masar. Farmaajo wuxuu caddeeyay in soo laabashadiisu ay gacan weyn ka gaysanayso sii xoojinta xiriirkii adkaa ee ka dhaxeeyay labada dale e Somalia iyo Masar. Farmaajo waxa uu Al-Sisi u xaqiijiyay in Dowladda Federaalka Somalia ay sii adkeynayso xiriirka soo jireenka ah ee ka dhaxeeya labada dal ee walaalaha ah, wuxuuna sheegay inuu ka rajeynayo hormar intaas ka buuran. Al-Sisi ayaa sidoo kale Madaxweyne Farmaajo uga mahadceliyay xiriirka walaaltinimo ay u muujisay Somalia, waxa uuna dhankiisa ka sheegay in Masar ay laba jibaari doonto xiriirka Somalia. Al-Sisi ayaa sidoo kale Madaxweyne Farmaajo ku amaanay guulaha la taaban karo oo ay Dowladda Federaalku ku tallaabsatay bilihii lasoo dhaafay. Labada Madaxweyne ayaa si gaara uga wada hadlay arrimo gaara oo aysan soo xigan saxaafada waxaana kamid ahaa sida Somalia looga caawin lahaa dhanka ciidamada, waxaana dalabkaasi soo dhaweeyay Al-Sisi. Dhinaca kale, Dowlada Masar ayaa kamid ah dowladaha garabka siiya Somalia, waxa uuna xiriirka labada dowladood gaarayaa heerkii ugu sareeyay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  23. Madaxweynaha Somaliya Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo ayaa kormeer ku tagay shalay gelinkii dambe Xaruntii Kulliyadii Jaalle Siyaad oo hadda AMISOM Saldhig Militari ay ka dhigteen. Socdaalka Madaxweynaha uu ku tagay Kulliyadii Jaalle Siyaad, ayaa waxaa ku wehlinaayay Taliyaha Ciidamada Asluubta Bashiir Maxamed Jaamac (B.Goobe) abaanduulaha Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Jeneraal Cabdillaahi Cali Caanood iyo Wakiilka Midowga Afrika ee Somaliya. Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa cutub ka mid ah ciidanka AMISOM ee Burundi salaan sharaf ka qaatay, wuxuuna kulan gaar ah la yeeshay wakiilka midowga Afarica ee Somalia Mr.Francisco Jose Maderia iyo saraakiisha ciidanka Burundi ee saldhiga u ah kuliyada Jaalle Siyaad, madaxweynaha ayaa ka xog waraystay xaalada xerada iyo dadaalada ciidanka Burundi ay wadaan kaasoo ku aadan howlgalka dowladdu ku cirib tirayso argagaxisada Al Shabab. Wakiilka Midowga Africa ee Somalia Mr.Maderia ayaa Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ku sheegay inuu yahay masuul ay ka go’an tahay dhismaha ciidan xooggan uu dalka yeesho iyo in lasoo afjaro kooxda Al-Shabaab,wuxuuna tusaale usoo qaatay sida uu ugu soo guuray wasaradda Gaashaandhigga oo mudooyinkii danbe ku shaqaynayay. Kulanka marka uu soo idlaaday Madaxweynaha ayaa kormeeray qaybaha ay ka kooban tahay kuliyada Jaale Siyaad, wuxuuna ku amaanay ciidanka Amisom siday xilli kasta ugu heelan yihiin dowladda iney ku garab siiyaan sidii Al-Shabaab loogu adkaan lahaa. Qeybaha ay ka kooban tahay Xarunta ayaa waxa uu Farmaajo ku arkay burbur iyo dayactir la’aan, waxa ayna guud ahaan Xaruntu tahay mid u baahan daryeel, maadaama ay dayaceen ciidamada AMISOM. Farmaajo waxa uu sheegay inay dayactirayaan Xarunta isla markaana ay howlgalinayaan si looga faa’iideysto Xarunta.
  24. iyadoo lagu guda jiro xili Roobaadkii Guga ayaa waxaa laga cabsi qabaa in meelaha ay fariistaan biyaha wasaqaysan ay ka dhashaan Cudurada faafa. Dhaqaatiirta ka howlgasha Goobaha Caafimaadka ee Gobolada ay Roobabku ka curteen ayaa waxa ay wadaan dadaalo ay ku wacyi galinayaan dadweynaha iyagoo faraya in ay Nadaafada ilaaliyaan. Agaasimaha Isbitaalka wayn ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo D,r Maxamed Xuseen Aadan ayaa shacabka ka codsaday in ay ubadkooda ka ilaaliyaan Goobaha ay biyuhu fariistaan . Sidoo kale dhaqtarka waxa uu ganacsatada uu kula taliyay gaar ahaan maqaayadaha Cuntada kariyay in raashinka ladaboolo, lagana ilaaliyo daqsiga si aysan Cuduro uga dhalan. Halkan ka Dhagayso Agaasimaha Isbitaalka Gaalkacyo . Agaasimaha Isbitaalka Gaalkacyo
  25. Roobabkii Guga ayaa waxa ay ka curteen meelo badan oo kamid ah Gobolada Puntland Xalay ilaa iyo shalay Galinkii dambe . Gobolada Puntland ee uu Roobka Guga uu ka curtay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Mudug, karkaar, Nugaal , iyadoona meelo badan oo Degmooyinka iyo Tuulooyinka hoose yimaada Goboladaasi uu Roobku biyo dhigay. Majirto ilaa iyo hada wax khasaare naf iyo maal ah oo uu Gaystay Roobkan . Dadka Xoolo dhaqatada ah ee ku nool Gobolada iyo Degmooyinka uu Roobku uu ka da,ay oo aan laxiriirnay ayaa inoo sheegay in ay aad ugu qabowsadeen Roobabkii xalay ilaa iyo shalay ka da,ay Degmooyinkaasi. Meelaha uu Roobka Guga uu ka da,ay ayaa badankooda waxaa ka jirtay Abaar xoogan oo saameen ku yeelatay dadka iyo Duunyada waxaana mudooyinkii udambeeyay Warsidaha soogaaraysay qaylo dhaanta dadka Xoolo dhaqatada ah ee ku nool meelihii uu Roobku ka curtay .