Deeq A.

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  1. MOGADISHU, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- Several Al-Shabaab militants were killed on Tuesday in heavy fighting between Somali National Army and the militant group near Baidoa town, southwest Somalia, officials said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. HARGEISA– Somaliland President, His Excellency, Musa Bihi Abdi has embarked on three day official working visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital today. The president, Bihi who is accompanied by the foreign minister will hold bilateral talks with Ethiopian Prime minister, Hailamariam Desalegn, who extended an official invitation to Somaliland delegation led by President Bihi.
  3. MOGADISHU – Somali al Shabaab Islamist militants, who have carried out frequent bombings in the capital, Mogadishu, said a former leader who defected to the government side was an apostate who could be killed. FILE PHOTO: Former al Shabaab leader Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur attends a news conference in Mogadishu, Somalia August 15, 2017. REUTERS/Feisal Omar Al Shabaab fell out with its former spokesman and deputy leader, Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur, in 2013. He defected to the U.N.-backed government in August last year. Al Shabaab has been fighting for years to try to topple Somalia’s central government and rule the Horn of Africa country according to its own interpretation of Islamic law. “If Mukhtar Robow thinks he can destroy Islamic sharia and the mujahedeen, he is deluded. Allah will protect Islam and Jihad will not stop just because of you and your likes who joined the enemies,” Ali Mohamud Rage, al Shabaab’s spokesman, said in a video posted late on Monday. It was not immediately possible to reach Robow for comment. “No doubt, Mukhtar Robow left his religion and joined the disbelievers and the enemies are still the enemies,” al shabaab’s spokesman said. “Anybody who joins the line of non-Muslims is an apostate who can be killed.” A report by rights body Human Rights Watch released on Monday said al Shabaab had threatened and abducted civilians in Somalia’s Bay region to force communities to hand over their children for indoctrination and military training in recent months. “Al Shabaab’s ruthless recruitment campaign is taking rural children from their parents so they can serve this militant armed group,” said Laetitia Bader, senior Africa researcher for the rights body. The insurgents, who are allied with al Qaeda, were driven out of the capital Mogadishu in 2011. They have also since lost nearly all other territory they previously controlled after an offensive by Somali government troops and African Union-mandated AMISOM peacekeepers. Al Shabaab, however, remains a formidable threat and has carried out bombings both in Mogadishu and other towns against military and civilian targets. Reuters
  4. Amira Adawe inside Karmal Square Somali Mall in Minneapolis, Minn. Adawe is a Legislative Liaison at the Minnesota Department of Health and co-author of “Skin-Lightening Practices and Mercury Exposure in the Somali Community”. August 9, 2017. MINNEAPOLIS — Karmel Square is a hub of the Somali community here, a colorful, cheerfully noisy hodgepodge of vendors and restaurants unofficially known as the Somali Mall. Amira Adawe stops by often to buy tea and chat in Somali with friends and relatives wearing hijabs and flowing, floor-length skirts. They greet her with smiles and hugs, and she calls them “auntie.” Her visits are more than social, however. The public health advocate scans market shelves for skin lightening creams that may contain harmful toxins — tubes and jars sold under names such as Fair & Lovely, Prime White, and Miss Beauty 7 Days White. Some women use the creams in hopes of erasing dark spots, but many rub them over their entire bodies multiple times a day in hopes of whitening their brown skin. The practice pervades many cultures in Africa, Asia, the Middle East — and many immigrant communities in the U.S. — and Adawe has made it her mission to end it. She began her crusade as a graduate student, after she discovered that creams sold in many Twin Cities ethnic markets contained levels of mercury thousands of times higher than the amounts considered safe by the U.S. government. But her concerns go beyond the physical harm to women. She worries as much about the damage to their self-esteem. In Somali and other cultures, the lighter-skinned daughter is often seen as more beautiful, Adawe explained recently; in fact, the Somali term for light-skinned — cadey — is considered a compliment. “It’s used as a term of endearment,” she said, “but I think it’s so wrong to say it.” Public health agencies in several major cities have launched their own investigations of tainted skin creams, occasionally getting advice from Adawe along the way. And now Adawe has created The Beautywell Project, to combat the stigma faced by women with darker skin and take on the industry that promises them beauty in a jar. By day, Adawe is now a manager for the Children’s Cabinet of Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton. In her “spare time,” she hosts a weekly radio show in Somali that reaches 80,000 people worldwide. She holds educational outreach sessions in Minneapolis and Kenya, talks with imams, and presents at national and international conferences. Sooner or later, most anyone connected with the skin-lightening issue seeks out Adawe. She fields personal pleas for help from Somali men in Minneapolis worried about their pregnant wives rubbing cream on their skin, as well as calls for help from Kenya, Canada, and Australia. “We can’t address this issue without discussing beauty, what it means and ways to redefine beauty, as well as discussing and educating individuals about wellness,” she said in an interview. She admits her goal is ambitious. The stigma runs deep, and skin-lightening creams are a multibillion-dollar business overseas, despite bans and public campaigns against the products in many African countries. In the U.S., creams are often smuggled in and sold in small, ethnic markets like at Karmel Square or purchased on the internet. They have been found in Somali, Hmong, Mexican, Dominican, and West Indies communities from California to Minnesota to New York. Users, and even sellers of the creams, are often unaware that they are harmful or illegal. “We can’t address this issue without discussing beauty, what it means and ways to redefine beauty, as well as discussing and educating individuals about wellness.” AMIRA ADAWE Somali women are reluctant to speak openly about skin lightening, and Adawe faced resistance when she began her research seven years ago. Her persistence impressed Jim Koppel, who was deputy commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Health at the time. “It’s a very tight-knit community, and this put her in a tough place,” he said. “It could have had a negative impact on the businesses [that sell the creams], both financially and potentially for legal problems, and was of great concern to her personal reputation. And she went ahead and did it and continues to speak out.” “I had to be brave enough, and, fortunately, the community saw it as an issue” and supported her, Adawe said. “That means a lot to me.” Skin whitening creams displayed for sale at Karmel Square.A topic few wanted to talk about One recent afternoon, Adawe was 35 minutes into her radio show, broadcast from the studio of KALY, 101.7 FM, a Somali-American station tucked into a corner of the International Bazaar in Minneapolis. She had been talking nonstop about skin lightening, peppering her fluent Somali with a few English words — endocrine system, mercury, hydroquinone, prescription. Then she turned to the phones, murmuring in understanding as she listened to a female caller from a Minneapolis suburb. Do you have any more feedback, Adawe asked in Somali. “Women who practice skin lightening and who have experienced skin damage or illness should come to the radio and discuss their experience without disclosing their names,” the caller said in Somali. Adawe nodded. The topic of skin lightening is a delicate one, both overseas and in immigrant communities in the U.S. While the stigma associated with dark skin is deep, admitting to using skin-lightening creams is also taboo, thwarting efforts to track the prevalence of the practice. As adept as Adawe is at navigating the delicate social norms and customs of the Somali-American community she’s part of, when she began her research in 2011, she could find only seven women who would talk about their use of skin creams. It was in those interviews that women told her that they apply the creams to their entire bodies three times a day, sometimes while pregnant or breastfeeding. Most mixed several creams together and stored them in the refrigerator. Adawe had been suspicious of the creams since her childhood. Growing up in Mogadishu and Minneapolis in a health-minded family (her mother was the head of the maternal and child health bureau in Somalia), she watched with concern when friends’ and relatives’ skin reddened or grew discolored from using skin lighteners. Adawe is grateful for the message she received growing up with the darkest skin of three daughters: “I’m so fortunate I came from a family who embraced me for who I am,” she said. When Adawe became a county public health educator and a graduate student at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, she was finally in a position to act on her concerns. She purchased 27 samples of creams to test for the toxins she suspected were present. The tests confirmed Adawe’s fears, revealing that 11 of the products contained mercury, a known neurotoxin. Mercury has been banned in skin-lightening products by the Food and Drug Administration since 1973; the legal limit is 1 part per million. Adawe still remembers the shock she and the pollution control agency specialists who did the testing felt when they saw the results reaching 33,000 parts per million. FDA spokeswoman Lauren Sucher said mercury is on a short list of prohibited ingredients in cosmetics. “The FDA has been aware of mercury as a potential allergen, skin irritant and neurotoxin for decades,” she said in an email. Poisonous to the nervous, digestive, and immune systems, it is often found in unlabeled or mislabeled creams; sometimes it’s listed as “mercurous chloride,” “calomel,” “mercuric,” or “mercurio.” Just touching a washcloth or a mother’s cheek that has been rubbed with the products could be harmful to a baby, the FDA notes, interfering with brain and nervous system development. Yet the agency was able to inspect only 0.3 percent of 3 million cosmetics shipments last year, and it tested just 364 products even though “adverse findings” are discovered in 15 percent to 20 percent of the products tested, the FDA said last June in a letter to New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone Jr. Even skin-lightening products sold legally in the U.S. often contain ingredients other countries recognize as potential health hazards, Adawe said. Hydroquinone, a potential carcinogen that is banned in Europe, Japan, and elsewhere, is often found in the creams, as are steroids, which can cause acne, thinning of the skin, and hypertension. Adawe’s testing in 2011 triggered immediate action: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency cracked down on suppliers (in a raid on one popular store, inspectors found about 20 boxes full of products that contained mercury); the FDA investigated; and the Minnesota Department of Health warned of the danger. Elsewhere in the country, similar scenarios were playing out. Alerted through data from local and national surveys, health departments embargoed products, conducted home visits, and notified manufacturers and health agencies in other countries. In New York, for example, after finding eight skin creams with mercury after inspecting products from 22 stores, city health workers now visit stores incognito to identify products of concern, said Wendy McKelvey, executive director of environmental health surveillance and policy. Once notified of the dangers, there’s “pretty good compliance,” McKelvey said. “They’re not wanting to sell hazardous products.” Adawe is often consulted because she understands and is trusted by the affected community. “I think it’s extraordinary what she’s doing,” said Lori Copan, a research scientist for the California Department of Public Health. “A person from the community is a much better spokesperson than someone working in a public health department in terms of motivating and speaking the language and being one of them. It would be fantastic for all of us in public health if we had a community leader like Amira.” The value of that cross-cultural competence is often in the details. Inspired by Adawe’s study, an ongoing biomonitoring project in Minnesota looking at chemical exposure in pregnant women and babies now tracks urinary mercury. With Adawe’s input, the program has fine-tuned details such as how to phrase questions in surveys about use of creams. “If you ask directly, ‘Do you use it?’ they will never, ever answer,” Adawe said. To get at the truth, she said, it’s better to start by asking what kind of moisturizer they use. Initial results of the yet-to-be-published study show that more than 30 percent of pregnant Asian women who spoke Hmong in their interviews had high levels of mercury and received special follow-up to help them reduce their exposures. “The higher levels were likely from using skin-lightening creams and eating certain kinds of fish higher in mercury,” said Jessica Nelson, an epidemiologist and program manager at the Minnesota Department of Health, where Adawe works as a legislative liaison. (The Somali portion of the study isn’t finished yet.) Adawe isn’t resting: She’s happy that skin lightening has been established as a public health issue. Still, Adawe said there’s plenty more to be done. Next up, she said, is trying to reframe what it means to be beautiful. She’s developing a curriculum for schoolgirls and outreach sessions focused on men, teenagers, and new teachers, which will revolve around the question: How do we change the narrative of what is beauty? “My dream is that every woman stops using skin-lightening creams and trying to change their color,” she said, “and that they are happy for who they are.” Statnews
  5. Bosaso-[Puntland Post]-Munasabadaan oo si weyn loo soo Agaasimay ayaa waxaa loo qabtay dhagax dhigga waddada isku xirta kalabayr iyo Caluula oo dhawaan ay si wada jir ah u dhagax dhigeen Madaxweynaha Soomaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr,Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas. Xalafadda oo ka dhacday Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta Gobalka Bari, waxa ka qeyb galay Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan DFS ,Wasiirka Warfaafinta isgaarsiinta iyo hidaha iyo Dhaqanka Punland, Maamulka gobalka Bari, Siyasiyiin, Isimo Nabadoono, waxgardka dagmooyinka ay wadadu marto iyo marti sharaf kale oo munasabada lagu casumay. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gobalka Bari Axmed Cali Cabdullaahi Cirro oo ugu horan ka hadlay munsabadda waxa uu sheegay muhiimadda uu leeyahay isku-tashigu waxaana bulshada reer Puntland uu ka codsaday in ay si wada jir ah uga qeyb qaatan dhismaha wadada isku xirta Kalabayr-Caluula. Wasiirka Warfaafinta isgaarsiinta iyo hidaha iyo Dhaqanka ee Punland Cabdi xirsi Qarjab ayaa amaany dadka gacanta ku haya dhismaha wadada waxaana uu sheegay in ay muhiim tahay in meel looga wada soo jeesto dhamastirka wadada. Cumar ismaaciil Waabar oo ka tirsan xildhibanad barlamaanka Soomaliya oo hadal ka jeediyey munasabada lagu soo dhaweynayey dhagax dhiga wadad isku xirta Kalabayr-Caluula aya wax uu yiri: “Isku tashigu waa wax muhiim ah dalkuna uu ku hormaro waxa loo baahan yahay in aan wadadan loo kala harin” ‘’Anagu hadii anu nahay Xildhibanada DFS waxanu dadaal u galaynaa in aanu dawlada dhexe ka soo dhicino wixii gobaladani ay xaqa u lahayeen si buu yiri loogu kaabo dhismaha wadada kalabayr iyo Caluula ‘’sidaas waxa sheegaya Xildhibaan Cumar ismaaciil Waabari. Inta ay munasabadu socotay ayaa waxa goobta ka hadlaya Isimo Nabadoono ,iyo Siyaasi Cali Cabdi Awaare waxana dhamaantood ay sheegeen in meel looga wada soo jeesto bilawga iyo dhameystirka wadada kalabayr-Caluula iyagoona sida oo kale masuuliyiinta qaar halkaasi kaga dhawaaqay deeqo ay ugu tala galeen dhismaha wadada. Wasiir ku-xigeenka amniga ee dowladda faderaalka Soomaaliya Cabdinaasir Siciid Muuse ayaa sheegay inay tani farriin u tahay sidii dawladda dhex kaalinteeda uga qadan lahayd dhismaha wadada kalabayr-Caluula: “Wadadaan way naga go’antahay in aanu xildhiban ahaana ka qeyb qaadano meel walabana aan ka sheegno cidkasa oo aan la fariisanana gaar siino in wadadan ay shacabka deegaanadasi ay aad ugu baahan yihiin Waxana muujinaynaa doorka nagaga aadan wadadan oo mihiim u ah bulshada reere Punland.’’ Ugu danben munasabaad ayaa waxa halkaasi shaado sharaf lagu gudoonsiyey aas-asaha mashruuca wadad kalabayr iyo Caluula Cumar Cismaan Siciid oo dadaal dheeri ah ku bixiyay dhagax dhigga wadaadaas. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post- Bosaso The post Xaflad soo Dhaweyn oo loo qabtay dhagax-dhigga wadada Kalabayr-Caluula appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. MINNEAPOLIS — Karmel Square is a hub of the Somali community here, a colorful, cheerfully noisy hodgepodge of vendors and restaurants unofficially known as the Somali Mall. Amira Adawe stops by often to buy tea and chat in Somali with friends and relatives wearing hijabs and flowing, floor-length skirts. They greet her with smiles and hugs, and she calls them “auntie.” Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. MOGADISHU, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- A convoy of Somali security forces was hit by a landmine in the outskirts of the capital Mogadishu Tuesday but there were no casualties reported so far. Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. Dhuusamareeb (Caasimadda Online) – Ilaalada madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa gaaray magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta maamulka Galmudug iyadoo hordhac u ah wafdiga madaxweynaha oo ku sii jeeda maanta halkaasi. Ilaalada ayaa lagu hor istaagay degaanka Godinlabe markii maleeshiyo beeleed ay u diiday inay u gudbaan dhinaca Dhuusamareeb, laakiin waxaa markii dambe la xaliyay arrintan, iyadoo ilaalada ay gaareen iminka magaalada. Dhinaca kale iyadoo madaxweynaha Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo laga sugayo magaalada ayaa waxaa iyana ku si jeeda Dhuusamareeb madaxda maamul goboleedyada dalka oo dhammaantood la filayo inay ka qeyb galaan munaasabadda midowga Galmudug iyo Ahlu suna. Ammaanka magaalada ayaa si weyn loo adkeeyay, waxaana ku wada sugan ciidamada Ahlu suna, kuwa AMISOM iyo ilaalada madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, waxayna la ciirciireysaa dadkii ugu badnaa ee u martiya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ilaalada Madaxweynaha oo gaaray Dhuusamareeb & Madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada oo ku sii jeeda appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Soomaaliya waxaa sanad walba la meel-mariyaa miisaaniyado kala duwan, dowladda federaalka ah iyo dowlad goboleedyada sida Puntland, Galmudug, Hirshabeelle, Koonfur Galbeed iyo Jubbaland, mid weliba waxaa ay leedahay miisaaniyad gaar ah, sidoo kale Somaliland oo aan weli aqoonsi helin waxaa ay leedahay miisaaniyadda ugu badan. Hadaba, Goobjoog News, waxaa ay akhristayaasheeda u soo gudbineysaa dhamman miisaaniyada kala duwan ee maamullada ku howl-galaan, warbixintan iyo midii aanu uga hadalnay tirada mushaarka ay qaataan dhammaan Xildhibaannada maamul goboleedyada waxaa ay qeyb ka yihiin barnaamijyo silsilad ah oo aanu ugu talo-galnay wacyi-gelinta shacabka ee xogaha daahsoon. Miisaaniyadaha Kala Duwan Ee Soomaaliya: 1. Miisaaniyadda 2018 Ee Dowladda federaalka ah: Golaha shacabka ayaa meel-mariyay miisaaniyadda dowladda federaalka ah ee 2018-ka taas oo dhan $274,640,191 (labo boqol iyo toddobaadan iyo afar Milyan, lix boqol iyo afartan kun, boqol iyo sagaashan kow dollar). Wadarta miisaaniyadda ee loo qoondeeyay miisaaniyadda joogtada ah iyo tan rasumaalka wa sidan: (B) Kharash-ka joogtada ah: US$ 260,171,727 (T) Kharashka Raasumaalka: US$ 14,458,464 Wadarta Guud: US$ 274,630,191 2. Somaliland: Somaliland waxaa ay November dooratay madaxweyne cusub, mas’uuliyiin la hadlay Goobjoog News waxaa ay sheegeen in miisaaniayadda cusub ee 2018-ka la filayo in la soo gudbiyo bishan Janaayo. Liis wasiirro ah uu ku jiro wasiirka maaliyadda ayaa 14-kii bishan la ansixyay, Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf ayaa la doonayaa in uu soo diyaariyo miisaaniyadda cusub ee Somaliland 2018, sanadkii hore waxaa ay miisaaniyadda aheyd illaa $363 Milyan oo dollar, waxaa ay ku yimid koror 27% marka la barbar-dhigo tii 2016, sidaasi ayeyna sanad walba wax loogu darayey $45 Milyan oo dollar ayey aheyd 2010-kii. Miisaaniyadda ayaa la sheegay in ay ku tiirsan tahay canshuuro laga qaado dekedda Berbera iyo kastamada cashuuraha ee kala geddisan, waxaana ka dhex muuqda miisaaniyadda illaa 16 Milyan oo dollar oo la sheegay inay tahay kaalmo laga filayo beesha caalamka. 3. Puntland: Miisaaniayadda Puntland ee 2018 waa $92, 713,364 Malyan. Miisaaniayadda waxaa laga saaray sida la sheegay lagaco laga filayey hey’adaha UN-ka. Maamulka Puntland waa midka ugu dhaw maamul goboleedyada bixinta mushaaraadka, hadana waxaa la sheega inaan loogu dhaqmin sidii ay ahayd aysana si billa ah hay’adaha kala duwan ee Dawlada iyo ciidamadu u helin xaquuqda ugu jirta miisaaniyada sida mushaaraadka iyo gunooyinka. 2017 waxaa ay miisaaniyadda Puntland aheyd 160,560,648 Dollar. 4. Galmudug: Maamulka Galmudug oo miisaaniyadda kala hadlay Goobjoog News waxaa uu sheegay in miisaaniyadda 2018-ka ay diyaar aheyd balse heshiiskii dhawaan ay galeen Galmudug iyo Ahlu sunna uu keenay in dib loogu laabto, oo la kordhiyo. Wasaaradda maaliyadda Galmudug waxaa sidoo kale ka hadashay in sanadkan 2017 ay miisaaniyadda aheyd $7.2 Milyan, waxaa ay ku tiirsan tahay Canshuuraha, Kabka laga helo dowladda federaalka ah iyo lacagaha ay ka helaan hey’adaha qaar sida Bangiga adduunka. 5. Hirshabeelle: Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Hirshabeelle Shiikh Cismaan Barre oo la hadlay Goobjoog News aya sheegay in maamulka aanu weli yeelan miisaaniyad, isla markaana hadda madaxweyne Waare iyo xukuumadiisa laga sugayo. 6. Koonfur Galbeed: Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed oo sidoo kale ka tirsan maamul goboleedyada dalka ayaan weli la keenin miisaaniyadiisa cusub 2018-ka, balse sanadkan 2017-ka waxaa ay miisaaniyadda aheyd illaa 6 Milyan oo Dollar. 7. Jubbalaland: Dowlad goboleedka Jubbalad, golaha wasiirrada iyo baarlamaankaba waa ay ansixiyeen miisaaniyadda 2018, waa Miisaaniyad ka badan middi sanadkii hore la meel mariyay iyadoo xooga lagu saaray dhismaha iyo Taakulaynta Ciidanka qalabka sida. Miisaaniyadda sanadkii 2017 waxaa ay aheyd 19 Malyan oo dollar halka 2018 laga dhigay $20,290,000. Ugu dambeyntii, miisaaniyadahan kala duwan laguma saleeyo baahida gobolka, qaar waxaa jiro aan miisaaniyad laheyn, sidoo kale miisaaniyadda maamul goboleedyada dowladda federaalka ah iyo bangiga dhexe ee Soomaaliya laguma war-geliyo. Goobjoog News, Xogta Goobjoog News, waa mid u gaar Goobjoog, lama qaadan karo, ogolaashiyo la’aan. Source
  10. Cadaado (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo oo xalay ku hoyday magaalada Cadaado ayaa mabnta kulamo kula leh maamulka Galmudug iyo qeybaha bulshada magaalada. Wafdiga madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa xalay magaalada Cadaado loogu sameeyey munaasbada ballaaran oo soo dhaweyn ah, iyadoo saaka lagu wado uu uu kulamo la yeeshey mas’uuliyiinta Galmudug, waxgaradka iyo qeybaha kaladuwan ee bulshada. Madaxweynaah ayaa warbixino kaladuwan ka dhageysan doona bulshada,kuwaasi oo ku aadan baahiyaha ay qabaan iyo sida la isaga kaashan karo taloobooyin dhinaca horumarka ah. Waxaana wararku sheegayaan in kulamada uu ka mid yahay kulan xasaasi ah oo beesha Cadaado ay ku dooneyso inay madaxweynaha hordhigto diidmada ay ka qabto heshiiska Galmudug iyo Ahlu suna. Beesha Cadaado ayaa ka hor timid heshiiska mideynta Ahlu suna iyo Galmudug, waxaana ugu weyn arrimaha ay ka cabaneyso maqaamka magaalada Cadaado iyo awood qeybsiga, iyadoo madaxweyne Xaaf uu ku fashilmay inuu qanciyo beeshan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Beesha Saleebaan oo cabasho ku saabsan heshiiska Galmudug & Ahlu suna hordhigeysa Madaxweyne Farmaajo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Ankara (PP) ─ Dowladdaha qeybta ka ah isbahaysiga ku lugta ku leh dagaalka sokeeye ee dalka Suuriya ayaa kasoo horjeedsaday qorshe cusub oo uu Maraykanka ku doonayo in xudduuda Suuriya iyo Turkiga uga hirgaliyo ciidammo gaaraya 30 kun oo ka tirsan Kurdiyiinta, si baa la yiri ay amniga u sugaan. Madaxweynaha Turkiga Rajeb Tayib Erdogan ayaa qorshahan ku tilmaamay mid argagixiso oo la doonayo in qalaanqal lagu galiyo amniga dalkiisa, wuxuuna wacad ku maray in uu hor istaagi doono qorshe kasta oo lagu tabobarayo ciidammadaas. Dowladda Suuriya ayaa iyaduna qorshahan ku tilmaamtay weerar qaawan oo lagu soo qaaday dalkeeda, halka dowladda Ruushka ay ka digtay cawaaqib xumada ka dhalan karta. Jabhadan Kurdiyiinta oo lagu magacaabo SDF ayaa qabsaday kumanaan kiilo mitir oo dhulka Suuriyada, iyaga oo ka qabsaday kooxda Daacish, waxayna gacan ka heleen duqeymaha Maraykanka. Bishii Oktoobar ee sanadkii lasoo dhaafay waxa ay la wareegeen magaalada Raqa, wixii ka dambeeyayna waa ay isa sii balaarinayeen. Isbahaysiga uu horkacayo Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in ciidammadan ay sugi doonaan amniga xuduudaha Suuriya ay la wadaagto Turkiga iyo Ciraaq, askartana ka koobanyihiin Kurdiyiinta iyo Carabta deegaanadaas degen. Jabhadda Kurdiyiinta ayaa ku eg wabiga Furaat, iyada oo dhinaca kale ee wabiga ay ku suganyihiin ciidammada Suuriya ee Bashaar Al Asad. Turkiga ayaa u arka in ciidammada Kurdiga ay xiriir la leeyihiin jabhadda dalkaas ka dagaalanta ee PKK oo iyadu raadinaysa xornimada. Erdogan ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu diyaariyay ciidammada dalkiisa, islamarkaasna ay weerar ku qaadi doonaan deegaanka Afrin oo Waqooyiga Suuriya ka tirsan. Xigasho: BBC PUNTLAND POST The post Mareykanka oo lagu eedeeyay inuu wado Qorshayaal uu ku abuurayo Kooxo Argagaxiso ah appeared first on Puntland Post.
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By earning the SRES® designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. Out of all the dickwads on Chicago like Grabby Kane, Overrated Toews, Duncan elbow stick swinging Keith, Seabrook, Bolland his prime. And , the coach with final say over his roster, doesn’t just want DQ guys playing linebacker. He and his brother hit back to back home runs on 23 against the Colorado Rockies, which was the first time brothers hit back back home runs since 1938. Source
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  21. Agaasimaha guud ee Hay’adda socdaalka iyo jinsiyadaha dowladda federalka Soomaaliya, G/sare Koofi ayaa booqdey isla markaana kormeer ku sameeyey kastamkaTuurdibi oo ka tirsan degmada galdogob ee gobolka Mudug. Agaasimaha ayaa halkaas kula kulmey gudoomiyaha degmada Galgodob, taliyaha booliiska degmada, wasiir kuxigeenka arimaha gudaha dowladda Puntlanda iyo xildhibaano,. Wuxuu ka dhageystey warbixino khuseeya xadka Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia ee ku beegan degmada Galdogob. Sidoo kale agaasimaha ayaa kormeerey dhisme dhowaan laga hirgeliyey Turdibi kaas oo loogu talagaley in ay ku shaqeeyaan saraakiisha socdaalka iyo kuwa canshuuraha. Agaasime Koofi ayaa uga mahad celiyay dowladda Puntland sida ay isugu xilqaasey in ay Kastamka Tuuridibi ku dhameystiraan dhammaan adeegyada lagama maarmaanka u ah bar-xuduudeedka.
  22. Kulankaan oo ahaa mid wada tashi ah ayaa waxaa looga hadlayey siyaasadda qiimaynta iyo kormeerka taas oo gundhiggeedu yahay sidii loo dhammaystiri lahaa siyaasaddaan isla markaana ay dhammaan hay’adaha kala duwan ee dawladda Puntland ugu wada shaqayn lahaayeen siyaasaddaasi. Ujeeda ugu weyn ee siyaasaddaan loo hirgelinayo ayaa sidii ay ugu wada shaqayn lahaayeen dhammaan hay’adaha dawladda, hay’adaha Caalamiga ah, kuwa maxalliga ah iyo sidoo kale shirkadaha caalamiga ah iyo kuwa maxalliga ah si loola socda dhammaan mashaariicaha kala duwan ee ay dalka kawadaan isla markaana ay dawladdu doorkeeda u qaadato. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda qorshaynta iyo xiriirka caalamiga ah ee Puntland mudane Xuseen Cabdi Jaamac oo shirka furay ayaa bogaadin kaddib waxaa uu sheegay in siyaasaddaani ay muhim u tahay dawladda Puntland isla markaana sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan loo dhaqan gelin doono. Wuxuu sidoo kale carrabaabay agaasimuhu in aanay dhici doonin haba yaraatee mashruuc dambe oo aanay wasaaraddu waxba ka ogayn laga hirgeliyo Puntland isla markaana ay dawladdu il gaar ah ku hayn doonto hirgelidda mashaariicda ay bixiyaan deeqbixiyayaasha iyo shirkadaha maxalliga ahba. Muddadii shirku socdey ayaa waxaa madasha lagu soo bandhigay mashaariicihii hore ee dalka ka fuley iyo qaabka loo maamulay iyo sidoo kale muhiimadda ay leedahay in siyaad cad loo qeexo qiimaynta iyo kormeerka mashaariicaha dalka kajira iyo kuwa imaan doona. Dejinta siyaasadahaan kala duwan oo udub dhexaadka u ah dawladnimada Puntland ayaa waxaa dawladda ka caawinaya Baanka adduunka oo adeegsanaya xeeldheerayaal Soomaali ah iyo kuwo caalami ah oo khibrad dheeraad ah u leh arrimahaani. The post Kulan looga arrinsanayey samaynta siyaasadda Qiimaynta iyo Kormeerka oo lagu qabtay Garoowe appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Miraa exporters serving the Mogadishu market have started a boycott on the trade citing high farm gate prices. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. Baydhabo (PP) ─ Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Bay ayaa sheegaya inay saakay dagaal ku qabsadeen deegaanka Daynuunaay xoogag ka tirsan Al-shabaab, kaddib weerar ay la beegsdeen saldhig ay ciidamada dowladdu ku lahaayeen deegaankaas oo 25-km dhanka bari uga beegan Baydhabo oo ah xarunta Gobolka Bay. Dagaal culus ayaa la sheegay inuu deegaankaas k dhacay, iyadoo aan weli la ogeyn khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalka oo ay ku adkaatay ururka Al-sabaab oo muddo sannado ah isku dayayay inay awoodda ka tuurto dowladihii dalka soo maray. Al-shabaab ayaa shabakado ay Internet-ka ku leedahay ku baahisay inay la wareegtay deegaanka Daynuunaay ee gobolka Bay, ayna khasaar xooggan u geysteen ciidamadii dowladda ee saldhigga deegaankaas ku sugnaa. Dhanka kale, Maamulka Koonfur-galbeed Somalia oo iyaguna dagaalkaan ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inay iyagu weli gacanta ku hayaan deegaanka iyo sidoo kale saldhigga ciidamada ee halkaas ku yaalla. “Xerada iyo deegaanka Daynuunaay labadana waxaa gacanta ku haysa DFS, inkastoo Al-shabaab ay soo weerartay saakay haddana waan iska caabinay,” ayuu yiri guddoomiye ku xigeenka Amniga iyo Siyaasadda ee Deynuunaay, Zakariye Xaaji oo la hadlay Warbaahinta. Guddoomiye Zakariye oo aan sheegin halka uu ku sugan yahay ayaa xusay in ciidamada dowladda Somalia ay haatan baacsanayaan firxadkii Al-shabaab oo uu sheegay inay ku sugan yihiin deegaanka Low-guduud oo qiyaastii 8-km u jira Daynuunaay. Ugu dambeyn, Kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore Weeraro noocan oo kale ah ku qaaday Deegaannada Gobolka Bay, Waxaana Daynuunaay oo ah deegaan muhiim ah uu u dhaxeeya Baydhabo iyo Buur-hakaba. PUNTLAND POST The post Al-shabaab oo saakay qabsatay Daynuunaay iyo Maamuka Koonfur-galbeed oo ka hadlay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  25. Nigeria’s government on Monday summoned a representative of the the U.S. ambassador to explain reported remarks by President Donald Trump that immigrants from Africa and Haiti come from “shithole countries”, the foreign ministry said. Source: Hiiraan Online