Deeq A.

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  1. Opposition leader Raila Odinga addressing a press conference at the Okoa Kenya Secretariat in Nairobi, on October 31, 2017. He has said that his swearing-in as people’s president will go on. PHOTO | DENNIS ONSONGO | NATION MEDIA GROUP Opposition leader Raila Odinga has vowed to form a rival government when he is sworn in on January 30 even if it is based outside the country. He spoke as 13 opposition MPs said they will have all the National Super Alliance (NASA) affiliated lawmakers to support the oath by swearing affidavits declaring they will only recognise Mr Odinga as president. In an interview with Voice of America, the opposition leader said his oath of office will be based on the results of the August 8, 2017 election, which he claims he won. He said he will form a cabinet and run a government even if it will be from exile. “This is no joke. An illegitimate government is in office, and the one that the people actually wanted to be there is outside. On January 30, we will end this. We will be sworn in with the August 8 results that shows we won,” he said. President Kenyatta has warned that the law will take its course if Mr Odinga acts against the Constitution while Attorney-General Githu Muigai has said the oath will attract a charge of treason, which attracts the death penalty. SHAM ELECTION On Wednesday, the AG said he has to listen to the interview before responding. “I will listen to it and come back to you,” he said on the telephone. In the August 8 election, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) declared President Kenyatta the winner with 8,203,290 votes (54 per cent) followed by Mr Odinga’s 6,762,224 (43 per cent). Nasa declared the election a sham and went to court to have it nullified. At that time, the opposition believed that the entire election was tainted by “non-compliance, irregularities and improprieties” and did not ask the Supreme Court to order a manual recount of the votes which would have established if there was an error — or manipulation of computers — in declaring Mr Kenyatta the winner. Instead, Nasa asked the court to quash Mr Kenyatta’s win and order a fresh election. The Supreme Court found in favour of the opposition and ordered a repeat poll, which Mr Odinga boycotted, citing lack of electoral reforms. The Nasa leader says his January 30 oath is a protest against what he terms lack of electoral reforms and the failure by Jubilee to initiate dialogue over it. Asked what he will do after the oath, Mr Odinga said he will form a government. EXILE “We can even be a government in exile, one that works from outside. It has happened in other countries. What we are saying is that Kenyans can no longer allow an illegitimate government not elected by the people to rule them. We will work like a government, we will form a Cabinet and we will work as a government,” Mr Odinga said in the Swahili interview recorded at his Capitol Hill office, Nairobi, on Tuesday. Mr Odinga dismissed as far-fetched claims of differences between him and his co-principals Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetang’ula. Nasa insiders say the three principals have called for a stop of the swearing-in ceremony, preferring dialogue to avoid the confrontation that would come with taking the presidential oath when President Kenyatta has already been sworn in. But Mr Odinga said the Nasa team is fully behind him. “There is no rift in Nasa at all. No problems whatsoever. My brothers are fully behind the course,” he said. On disagreements over the sharing of parliamentary committee leadership positions in the coalition, Mr Odinga said the differences were normal. RETREAT “In a large family like Nasa, these things are bound to occur. There will be cases where one family is demanding a fish and vice-versa. That is normal,” he said. Yesterday, it emerged that two meetings by the Nasa principals had not yielded fruits over the swearing-in ceremony and that they had scheduled a retreat on Friday at Maanzoni Hotel in Machakos. At Parliament Buildings on Wednesday, 13 lawmakers led by Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala and National Assembly Minority whip Junet Mohammed started a campaign that they said would see all the coalition’s MPs, governors and MCAs sign a legal instrument binding them to a resolution to swear in Mr Odinga and Mr Musyoka as “people’s president” and deputy. Nasa has 154 law makers — 127 MPs and 27 senators. The MPs said they do not recognise Mr Kenyatta as President. “We are bound by a solemn belief in the sanctity of the vote and respect for the democratic will of the people. And we stand here before you to say enough is enough. Enough with “accept and move on”. Enough with Jubilee’s electoral theft. Enough with the diplomats and their dialogue. Kenyans want nothing short of electoral justice,” said Mr Malala. ELECTED LEADERS “It is in this spirit that we as elected leaders representing the people have resolved to come together to further demonstrate that we do not recognise Uhuru Kenyatta as President,” he said. However, none of Wiper and Ford-Kenya MPs attended the press conference that came just a day after the coalition’s four principals failed to agree on the modalities of the oath after two days of secret meetings. The leaders first met on Monday at Karen Country Club and at a private residence in Lavington on Tuesday. In the affidavits, the leaders recognise Mr Odinga as the people’s president, having been elected as the president during the August 8 presidential election. They affirm that the poll, won by Mr Kenyatta, was not free, fair, transparent or verifiable. The affidavit further trashes the October 26 repeat presidential election as a nullity because it was conducted by an electoral commission that was in contempt of the Supreme Court orders and that it was not conducted in strict compliance of the constitutional provisions and all other applicable laws. ACCESS SERVERS “Had the IEBC complied with the Supreme Court orders and provided access to its servers, the results would have shown that the winner of the first presidential election was Mr Odinga,” the affidavit reads. However, during yesterday’s press conference both Mr Malala and Mr Mohammed rejected claims of disquiet in the coalition over the oath and the manner in which the committee leadership positions reserved for the opposition parties had been shared out. “There is no fallout in the coalition and nobody has been forced to sign the affidavit. It is one of our programmes to ensure the swearing-in ceremony takes place,” said Mr Mohammed. Mr Odinga, on the other hand, told VOA that while foreign diplomats were welcome to help Kenya as friends, the current stalemate could only be addressed by Kenyans themselves. “This is a fire that is for us Kenyans to put out. We have stated our agenda for dialogue.” he said. WARNED ENVOYS “If they do not, sisi hatubembelezi mtu (We will not plead with anybody). We will do our things, let them do theirs and then we will see where we will meet,” he said and warned the envoys to keep off the push for dialogue, accusing them of siding with Jubilee. Mr Odinga is particularly upset by US ambassador Robert Godec who recently asked Nasa to drop the “unconstitutional” swearing-in for a structured dialogue. “They are our friends but they cannot force us. Kenya is not a colony of America. We are a free country. We will do as we want. It is not us Nasa that have breached the Constitution because they have created an illegitimate government,” he said. Source: Daily Nation The post I will form my government even from exile, says Raila appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Xogo dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa Qaraxyo dhowr ah oo duleedka magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta Gobolka Jubbada Hoose lagula eegtay Gaadiid dagaal oo ay wateen ciidamada AMISOM qeybta Kenya iyo kuwa ay wateen Saraakiil Mareykan ah. Qaraxyadan oo la sheegay inay gaarayaan ilaa Seddex Qarax ayaa lagu aasay waddooyin ay marayeen Gaadiidka dagaal oo ay kala wateen ciidamada Kenya ee qeybta ka ah AMISOM iyo kuwa Mareykanka oo halkaa kawaday howlgal ka dhan ahaa al-Shabaab. Ciidamada is garabsanaayay ayaa waxaa wehlinaayay kuwa maamulka Jubbaland ayaa gabi ahaantooda ka anbabaxay magaalada Kismaayo waxa ayna xiligaa kusii jeeden degaanka Buula-guduud, waxaana ay sahay Millitari u sideen Ciidamo kale. Ciidamadan Qaraxyada loogu aasay waddooyinka ayaa la kulmay iska hor imaad Qaraxyada kadib, waxaana halkaa ka dhashay khasaaro isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Khasaaraha ugu badan ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu soo gaaray ciidamada maamulka Jubbaland oo iyagu la socday gaadiid dagaal oo dulbanaan ah, halka kuwa shisheeye ay la socdeen gaadiid dagaal oo aanu xabadu Karin isla markaana qafilan. Mid kamid ah Saraakiisha ciidamada maamulka ayaa sheegay in khasaaraha uu gaaray ilaa lix Askari oo dhaawac ah, halka dhimashaduna lagu sheegay afar Askari, waxaana dhanka ciidamada Kenya ka dhaawacmay askar aan la sheegin tiradooda marka laga soo tago kuwa Soomaalida. Sidoo kale, Ciidamada Qaraxa lala eegtay ayaa Qaraxyada iyo iska hor imaadka kadib dib ugu laabtay magaalada Kismaayo, maadaama ay la kulmeen weerar jidgal ah oo aysan fileyn. Geesta kale, Maamulka Jubbaland iyo Al-shabaab ayaan weli ka hadal weerarka iyo Khasaaraha ka dhashay, inkastoo qoraal ay baahiyeen websedyada Shabaab lagu sheegay in khasaaro xoogan uu jiro. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo The post Khasaaro intee la’eg ayaa ka dhashay Qaraxyada lala eegtay ciidamada Mareykanka & kuwa Kenya ee duleedka… appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo kulamo wada tashi kula qaadanaya magaalada Dhuusamareeb qeybaha bulshada ayaa ku ammaanay culumada iyo dhallinyarada Gobalka Galguduud dadaalka ay ku bixinayaan nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ay udub dhexaad u yihiin qorsheyaasha hormarineed ee dowladda, gaar ahaan arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta, loogana baahanyahay in ay ka soo dhalaalaan kaalintooda maadama ay in ka badan 70% ka yihiin shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Sidoo kale, Madaxweynaha oo xalay kulan gaar ah la qaatay culimada ayaa bogaadiyey kaalintooda ku aaddan wacyigelinta bulshada deegaankan isaga oo ku ammaanay sida ay naf iyo maalba ugu hureen in laga cirib tiro deegaannadan kooxda argagixisada ah ee Al Shabaab. “Markii laga hadlayo dagaalka ka dhanka ah argagixisada Alshabaab, waxaad tusaale wanaagsan u tihiin gobollada kale ee dalka, waayo idinkoo kaashanaya dhammaan qeybaha bulshada deegaankan waxaad ku guuleysateen in aad cadoowgaas la dagaalantaan oo aad ka dabar gooysaan deegannadan.” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Farmaajo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo maalinkii saddexaad ku sugan magaalada Dhuusamareeb ayaa wada dadaallo ku aaddan dardargelinta hawlaha dib u heshiisiinta iyo nabadeynta Galmudug. Halkaan ka daawo PUNTLANDPOST The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo bogaadiyay kaalinta culumada iyo dhallinyarada ee hawlaha dib u heshiisiinta Galmudug appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. Cadaado (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo ayaa weli ku guda jira socdaalkiisa nabadeed ee deegaanada maamulka Galmudug, gaar ahaan magaalada dhuusamareeb. Madaxweynaha ayaa horay socdaal nabadeed oo dhulka ah ugu soo maray laga billaabo Garowe ilaa Boosaaso waxa uuna dhageysanaayay soo jeedinta qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada. Waxa uu Madaxweynuhu socdaal kaa lamid ah kusoo maray magaalad Gaalkacyo ilaa Cadaado oo uu dhulka ku safray, wuxuuna u sii tallaabay magaalada Dhuusamareeb oo hadda uu kula shiraayo Madaxda maamulka Galmudug, Odayaasha, Waxgaradka iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa kulamo wada tashi ah magaalada Dhuusamareeb kula qaadanaya Maamulada, waxaana wehliya Culumada iyo dhallinyarada Gobalka Galguduud. Madaxweynaha oo xalay kulan gaar ah la qaatay culimada Ahlusuna ee Dhuusamareeb ayaa bogaadiyey kaalintooda ku aadan wacyigelinta bulshada deegaankan isaga oo ku amaanay sida ay naf iyo maalba ugu hureen in laga cirib tiro deegaanadan kooxda argagixisada ah ee Al Shabaab. Madaxweynaha ayaa yiri “Markii laga hadlayo dagaalka ka dhanka ah argagixisada Alshabaab, waxaad tusaale wanaagsan u tihiin gobollada kale ee dalka, waayo idinkoo kaashanaya dhammaan qeybaha bulshada deegaankan waxaad ku guuleysateen in aad cadoowgaas la dagaalantaan oo aad ka dabar gooysaan deegannadan.” Madaxweynuhu waxa uu culimada deegaanka ku sheegay inay yihiin kuwo mudan in la abaalmariyo dadaalka maadaama ay si wada jira ula dagaalamaan Shabaabka Dhuusamareeb iyo guud ahaanba kuwa haminaaya amni darada Gobolka. Wuxuu sheegay in culimada Ahlusuna ay ka firfircoon yihiin kuwa kale marka loo eego dhanka dagaalka, waxa uuna taa sabab uga dhigay inay leeyihiin ad adeeg uu alle u dhaliyay. Sidoo kale, waxa uu Maamulka Galmudug, Dhalinyarada iyo Waxgaradka ugu baaqay inay isgarabtaagan culimada Ahlusun, maadaama xiligaan uu dalka yahay mid ku jira dagaal ka dhan ah Shabaab. Dhinaca kale, waxa uu madaxweynuhu ku booriyay Ahlusuna inay siiwadaan dagaalka iyagoo heysta dhalinyaradooda hiilka u ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Cadaado The post Farmaajo ‘’Ahlusuna cashar ayey u dhigtay Shabaabka waana lasii wadi doonaa dhaqaajintooda” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni accused the United Nations on Wednesday of “preserving terrorism” in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo where U.N. peacekeepers have been unable to curb deadly attacks by Islamist rebels. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. When Ethiopia’s prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn visits Egypt this week to discuss bilateral cooperation in sectors like health, education, and agriculture one contentious issue will stand out: the completion of Africa’s largest dam. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Jailed Ethiopian opposition leader Merera Gudina has been freed after more than a year in detention. Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. Donald Trump unveiled the winners of his much-touted "Fake News Awards" late Wednesday, escalating his already persistent attacks on a number of major US media outlets. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Cadaado (Caasimada Online)-Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta maamulka Galmudug ayaa sheegaya in maanta uu qorshuhu yahay inuu dhaco shirka dhameystirka Mideynta maamulka Galmudu iyo Ahlusuna. Shirkaan ayaa lagu dhameystirayaa heshiiskii magaalada Muqdisho ay ku kala saxiixdeen maamulada Galmudug iyo Ahlusuna oo horay ugu kala duwanaa Siyaasada. Shirka ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka noqon doona Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo, Wasiiro uu kamid yahay Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha, Xildhibaano, Hogaamiyayaal maamul Goboleedyo, Siyaasiyiin iyo Saraakiil ciidan. Farmaajo oo ku guda jira xalinta khilaafyada ka jira Gobolada dalka ayaa xalay kulamo la qaatay dhinacyada Galmudug iyo Ahlusuna, Odayaasha dhaqanka, wuxuuna u sheegay inay muhiim tahay in heshiiskan la dhameystiro si horey loogu sii socdo. Sidoo kale, waxaa aad loo adkeeyay ammaanka magaalada Dhuusamareeb, waxaana sugidda amniga iska kaashanaya Ciidanka Dowladda, kuwa Galmudug iyo kuwa Ciidanka Hiil walaal ee dalka aan walaalaha nahay Jabuuti. Dhinaca kale, Farmaajo ayaa inta uu ku sugan yahay Dhuusamareeb waxa uu kulamo wadatashi la yeelan doonaa madaxda heer Dowlad goboleed iyo heer degmo, culumada, duubabka dhaqanka iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Cadaado The post Shirka Mideynta Galmudug iyo Ahlusuna oo lagu wado inuu manta furmo (Warbixin) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. Opposition leader Raila Odinga has vowed to form a rival government when he is sworn in on January 30 even if it is based outside the country. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. A Somali national is wanted by police over allegations he defrauded some traders in Eastleigh, Nairobi. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. A former child refugee from Somalia who was shuffled between Nova Scotia foster and group homes as a youth, and who as an adult now faces deportation, was released Wednesday from immigration detention. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. By Ahmed Abdi Galkayo — A Somali Female journalist says three members of a Somali President’s Bodyguards has attacked her amid reporting on corruption and politics. Bahjo Abdullahi Mohamed, One of the women reporters of Voice of Peace, a Galkayo-based radio station says Galmudug President Ahmed Dualle Geelle Haaf’s bodyguards tortured and sexually assaulted her during Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo’s visit to Galkayo. In a post on her Facebook account on Tuesday, the journalist said that she is suffering both physically and psychologically after the incident. The motive for the attacking was not immediately clear. “A driver in a car masqueraded as my colleagues offered me a lift, only to fall into the hands of gangs,” said Mrs. Mohamed in a post that had been shared over 3,820 times and liked over 14,000 times. When she got into the car, she saw three strange men wearing Somali National Army’s uniform who locked the car’s tinted windows to stop her escaping from them before taking her to house in Northern Galmudug.Later the men turned to be guards of President Haaf. Attacking journalists in revenge after covering corruption and politics has been common in Somalia but a sexual assault against Somali women journalists is a new thing.
  14. State Minister for Foreign Affairs Mrs. Hirut Zemene on Tuesday (16 January 2017) met with the Foreign Minister of Somaliland, Dr. Seid Shire. Foreign Minister Dr. Seid expressed Somaliland’s interest to contribute its part on the ongoing shared efforts towards ensuring peace and peace and security in the Horn of Africa. He further added shared Somaliland’s ambition to further heighten ties with Ethiopia via trade and infrastructure. State Minister Hirut, emphasized the fact that, Ethiopia is committed to supporting the development efforts of Somaliland
  15. Jailed Ethiopian opposition leader Merera Gudina has been freed after more than a year in detention. The leader of the Oromo Federalist Congress was released.... Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. Somaliland authority which its forces took control of Tukaraq has brought medical supplies to Maternity Child Center, the first of its kind. The major aim behind this is to see the center to benefits children and mothers residing in Tukaraq. Sool’s regional health coordinator in conjunction with staffers have visited the town as ordered by the minister of health of Somaliland, Dr. Hasan Ismail has said that the center up and running. The minister himself is expected to bring more medical supplies once he visits the town. Somaliland government which overpowered militia soldiers backed by Puntland who were stationed as they collect taxes but now as Somaliland army is securing its borders. The residents have welcomed the move with enthusiasm.
  17. Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu (R) with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry (L) Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu arrived in Cairo early Wednesday from Addis Abba to hold talks with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry as part of a diplomatic cooperation committee between the two countries, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported. According to Al-Ahram Arabic website, Shoukry and Gebeyehu will discuss the latest developments regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Gebeyehu arrived as the head of a ministerial delegation that includes the Ethiopian ministers of trade, health, investment, irrigation and electricity. Tensions between Egypt and Ethiopia heightened in recent years over the construction of Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam, which Egypt worries could reduce its share of Nile water. Ethiopia, which aims to become Africa’s biggest electricity exporter, says the dam will not have a negative impact on Egypt. Ahram
  18. A stock photo of an Ethiopian Railways locomotive. Addis Ababa, Jan 17 –The modern electrified railway that links Ethiopia with the port of neighboring Djibouti began transporting passengers, official sources announced today, a few days after the inauguration of this means of transport. Built in collaboration with China at a cost of 4 billion dollars contributed by the Import and Export Bank of the Asian country, the railroad provides Ethiopia with access to the sea, lost after the independence of Eritrea, with whose government it has stormy relations. The railroad is the first to be built using equipment and technical standards from China outside that Asian country.
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online): Safarka madaxweyne Farmaajo uu kusoo maray Puntland hadana uu ku joogo Gal-Mudug, wuxuu u muuqdaa mid lumiyay isku xirkii siyaasadeed ee madaxdda maamul goboleedyadda Somalia. Dowladda dhexe ayaa lagu dhaliilay kal hore qaabkii ay u wajahday dagaalkii maamul goboleedyadda gaar ahaan iney awoodi weysay iney midkood xitaa gacanta ku dhigto si ay u kala jabiso, laakiin hadda waxaa muuqda wax taa ka duwan, Dowladdu markaan waxey ciyaartay door siyaasadeed cajiib ah. Tan iyo markii uu bilaawday safarka madaxweyne Farmaajo waxaa la sheegay inuu yaraaday xiriirkii iyo iska warqabkii madaxda maamuladda, ilo muhiim ah ayaa Caasimadda Online u sheegay iney aad isugu soo dhowaadeen Farmaajo iyo Gaas taas oo aaney jeclaan Shariif Xasan iyo Axmed Madoobe. Sidoo kale madaxweynaha Gal-Mudug Axmed Ducaale Xaaf ayaa la sheegay inuu maalmihii dambe ka furtay hogaamiyaasha goboladda isagoo aad uggu soo dhowadaday madaxda Villa Somalia. Ilaa hadda madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe iyo Xoghayaha Guud ee golaha iskaashiga maamul goboleedyadda Cabdi Cali Raage ayaa ka gadoodsan sidda ay wax u socdaan ,Shariif Xasan ayaa sidoo kale ku aragti ah. Madaxweynaha Hirshabeele Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaan la ogeyn mowqifkiisa inkastoo uusan ku jirin hogaamiyasha Emirate-ka wax ka helay, markii uu dhamaado safarka madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa la filaya iney shir isugu yimadaan madaxda Dowlad goboleedyadda si ay isaga wareystaan mustaqbalka iskaashigoodda. Caasimadda Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Safarka madaxweyne Farmaajo oo kala fur furay siyaasadda madaxda maamul goboleedyadda appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. The release of opposition politician Merera Gudina and hundreds of other detainees in Ethiopia today must only be a first step towards freedom for all prisoners of conscience in the country, Amnesty International said today as 528 detainees were set free from several jails. Netsanet Belay, Amnesty’s Research and Advocacy Director for Africa, said: “While by all means a welcome step, the release of Merera Gudina today and other detainees must not be the last. “Hundreds of prisoners of conscience continue to languish in jail, accused or prosecuted for legitimate exercise of their freedom of expression or simply for standing up for human rights. “The Ethiopian authorities must now immediately and unconditionally release all remaining prisoners of conscience, including those who have already been convicted, as they did nothing wrong and should never have been arrested in the first place. To continue holding them is to perpetuate the gross injustice that they have already bravely endured for too long. “The authorities must also take urgent steps to guarantee that these wrongful detentions do not continue to take place, including by repealing or substantially amending all repressive laws under which most of prisoners of conscience are detained, including the draconian Anti-Terrorism Proclamation.” The releases come after Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn announced plans to release opposition political leaders and hundreds of other individuals and close down Maekelawi Prison in the capital Addis Ababa, a notorious detention centre where widespread acts torture were being committed. View latest press releases
  21. Addis Ababa January 17/01/2018 Ethiopia and Somaliland have agreed to jointly develop additional ports to strengthen economic integration. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn held talks yesterday with President Musa Bihi Abdi of Somaliland at his office. The two sides agreed to strengthen their cooperation in peace and security, economy, trade, and education sectors. Ethiopia will strengthen economic integration with Somaliland by using Berbera Port, the Premier said, adding that the country will therefore develop roads to ensure accessibility to the port. Hailemariam said, Ethiopia, which views the development of neighboring countries as its own, will further continue its support by providing further educational opportunities to Somaliland. Ethiopia will also support the fight in combating Al- Shabaab that has repeatedly attacked Somaliland, he stated. Somaliland President Musa Bihi Abdi said on his part Somaliland has the desire to further strengthen its good relations with Ethiopia. ENA
  22. NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The Somali government responded to widespread criticism by aid agencies on Wednesday, promising to investigate reports that thousands of families fleeing drought and conflict were forcefully evicted Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Shirweynaha 4aad ee dib u eegista Waxbarashada Puntland oo ay ka soo qayb galeen mas’uuliyiinta Waxbarashada heer Federaal iyo heer Dowlad Goboleed ayaa Galabta lagu soo geba-gabeeyay magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimadda Puntland. Shirweynahan oo muddo laba maalmood ah ka socday magaalada Garoowe ayaa diiradda lagu saaray dib u eegista waxyaabihii u qabsoomay wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland sannadkii tegay ee 2017 iyo qorshaha sannadkaan bilowga ah ee 2018,taasoo qeyb ka ah qorshaha guud ee Wasaarraddu dejisay 5 sano ee soo socota. Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland,Maxammed cabdulqaadir Cismaan ayaa sheegay in sannadkii dhammaaday ee 2017 ay Wasaaraddu hawl ballaaran ka qabatay horumarinta waxbarashada guud ahaan degaannada Puntland,sidoo kalena sannadka cusub la dejiyay qorshe weyn oo ku aaddan sare u qaadidda tayada waxbarashada. Halkaan ka daawo. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo:Shirweynaha afraad ee dib u eegista Waxbarashada Puntland oo Galabta lagu soo geba-gabeeyay magaalada Garoowe. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online): Gudoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Thabit Cabdi Maxamed oo ka mid ah wafuudda ku sugan magaaladda Dhuusamareeb ayaa galabta lagu sharfay inuu furo ciyaar kubadda cagta ah oo u dhaxeysay labadda magaalo ee Guriceel iyo Dhuusamareeb. Ciyaartan oo lagu xoojinayay iska dhaxgalka iyo nabadda ayey dhalinyaraddu codsadeen in gudoomiye Thabit uu kala so qeyb galo unna u furo, duqa caasimadda ayana ka qeyb galay kulanka isagoo tuuray kubadii koowaad. Daawadayaasha ciyaarta ayaa iyaguna fursad u helay iney gudoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir la sheekeystaan ,sawirana la wadaagaan. Thabit Abdi oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa ku baaqay in la dhiiri galiyo sportiga , sidoo kale ciyaarta kadib waxaa uu sheegay inuu ka helay hab ciyaareedka wanaagsan ee dhalinyaradda labadda magaalo. Kulankii u dhaxeeyay Dhuusamareeb iyo Guriceel ayaa kusoo idlaaday 0-0. Siyaasiyiin badan ayaa wali ku sugan Dhuusamareeb si ay goob joog uga noqdaan dhameystirka heshiiska Ahlu Sunna iyo Gal-Mudug. Caasimadda Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Gudoomiye Thabit oo lagu sharfay inuu furo kulan ciyaareed u dhaxeeyay Guriceel iyo Dhuusamareeb + Sawiro appeared first on Caasimada Online.