Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Iyadoo Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo uu kala diray maamulka Gobolka Banaadir isla markaana magacaabay maamul cusub ayaa waxaa arrintaa ka hadlay Guddoomiyihii hore ee Maxkamadda Gobolka Banaadir Xaashi Cilmi Nuur. Xaashi Cilmi oo u waramaayay Idaacadda SMN ee magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha Somalia uu xor u yahay inuu magacaabo cida la shaqeynkarta, isla markaana xil ka qaadis ku sameynkaro cida uu u arko mashaqeyste, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxa uu Xaashi Cilmi sheegay inaanu jirin cid si maalaayacni ah xilka looga qaadayo iyadoo aan lagu helin qaladaad uu ku kacay, waxa uuna soo dhaweeyay kala dirista maamulka Gobolka Banaadir iyo magacaabida maamulka cusub. Waxa uu tilmaamay in Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha lagula xisaabtami doono wixii khaladaad ah oo ay geystaan shaqsiyaadka ay magacaaban, isagoo taa bedelkeeda sheegay inay xaq u leeyihiin inay xilka ka qaadan cida ay u arkaan inaanu shaqeysaneynin ama ay magacaaban cida gudankarta waajibka Qaran. Xaashi Cilmi, ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka Muqdisho inay taageeran hanaanka shuruucda u degsan dalka, iyadoo la eegaayo danaha Qaranka. Sidoo kale, guddoomiyihii hore ee Maxkamadda gobolka Banaadir Xaashi Cilmi Nuur, oo wax laga weydiiyay arrinta Maqaamka Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in go’aan ka gaarista Maqaamka Caasimadda ay tahay mid u taala baarlamaanka Federaalka ah ee Somalia. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay inaanu jirin cid xiligaan ay mas’uuliyad gara ka saran tahay inay raadiso Maqaamka Gobolka Banaadir, hase ahaatee uu ugu dhow yahay baarlamaanka Somalia. Dhinaca kale, maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ee magacaaban ayuu ugu baaqay inay ka fogaadan khaladaadka ay xilka kuwaayen kuwii hore, haddii kale ay mari doonaan halka ay kuwaasi mareen. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Muxuu guddoomiyihii maxkamada G/Banaadir ka yiri kala dirista maamulka Gobolka? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. By Ahmed Abdi Yemen— Djibouti President said on Saturday that the global powers presence in his country will not undermine the peace of his tiny state, despite warnings from regional experts. Japan, U.S, France, Italy and UK are a presence in Djibouti militarily, While Saudi Arabia is building a base as well India, Turkey and Russia are considering a naval presence in Djibouti amid pursuing national and defense interests that lie in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, in terms of influence and expansion of trade. Relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia have deteriorated in recent months, following Qatar Crisis. Sino-Japanese relations are still mired in tension. “Even if they go to war with each other somewhere else, I think that they will not undermine the peace of Djibouti,” said President of the Republic of Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh. Speaking with the Universal TV’s Abdisalam Harari, he said that the superpowers are here for a common objective and same goal which is participating in the peace of the region, which probably means to ward off any terror threat. Djibouti with dreams of becoming Africa’s Dubai approached all are welcome to Djibouti policy after September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center site, United States. “I am inviting more foreign militaries because I want my people to get a better life.” Mr.Guelleh said his government provides health-care and schooling to his country’s population despite limited national resources, referring to IMF’s criticism of the government’s policy. The president believes that Egypt and Ethiopia will not go to war with each other, however, the war of words over the Nile waters grow. He also blamed Somali media for assisting in Al-Shabaab in terms of its propaganda war by “posting old images of the group carrying many bullets, instead of posting a weakened image of the terrorist group when a soldier from Somali National Army (SNA) lacks bullets supplies. Politico, a U.S news-outlet published last week, January 15, a piece sub-titled: “DJIBOUTI — “World War III will start here” and authored by Bruno Maçães. Djibouti’s Minister for Economic and Finance Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh took to social media to respond to the author’s piece, “The most valuable military real estate in the world”. “Instead of guessing Djibouti as a potential place of war between superpowers, what if it becomes the place of valuable cooperation for Global security and stability,” The Minister tweeted, on Wednesday, January 17. Djibouti is open to any kind of approach from Turkey such as building a military base to secure the Red Sea, Djiboutian ambassador to Ankara Aden H. Abdillahi said late last year— December 29, 2017. Djibouti is strategically located near some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, controlling access to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It serves as a key refueling and transshipment center and is the principal maritime port for imports from and exports to neighboring Ethiopia, according to Wikipedia entry
  3. Major motels in style with vacationers or Westerners across the globe have been prime targets of jihadist teams for years. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Qoraal uu u qeeybiyay Warbaahinta Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir Thaabid Cabdi Maxamed ayuu ku aqbalay xil ka qaadistii lagu sameeyay. Gudoomiye Thaabid ayaa faah faahiyay sababaha keenay qilaafkii sababay in xilka looga qaado ee dhexmaray isaga iyo madaxda sare ee dalka. Gudoomiye Thaabid ayaa codsaday in ciidamada laga kor qaado Xarunta Dowlada Hoose si uu xilka u wareejiyo. ugu dambeeyntii shacabka Muqdisho ayuu ugu baaqay in ay ilaaliyaan amaanka oo ay meel iska dhigaan wax kasta oo dhibaato keeni karaan islamarkaasina la la shaqeeyo dowlada. Hoos ka Aqriso Qoraalka uu soo saaray Thaabid. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Thaabid oo Aqbalay xil ka qaadistii uu ku sameeyay Madaxweyne Farmaajo appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. Cases of piracy in Indian Ocean off Somalia coast increased in 2017, raising fears that sustained attacks could raise insurance and freight costs for Kenya importers. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia on Sunday commemorated 45th anniversary of Somali press amidst world media watchdog called for a stop to threats to journalists in Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Wasaaradda caafimaadka dowladda federalka Soomaaliya ayaa Amar kusoo rogtay shaqaalaha ajaanibta ee ka howlgala Goobaha Caafimaadka ee ku yaalla ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa ay sheegtay Wasaaradda Caafimaadka in ay doonayso in hubiyo tayada howlwadeennada caafimaadka ee dalka ka howlgalaya, iyo in lala socdo shaqadooda cafimaad.
  8. The Ministry of Agriculture in conjunction with the information ministry launch a joint national guidance program aimed at encouraging local farming production to reach food self sufficiency. The project will help Somaliland to be self- sufficient in food production and the mission is to discourage the country banking on imported food from overseas. The Agri Ministry is working very closely with the farmers in terms of providing support to the farmers. The Ministry of Agriculture will consult the farming communities as this is due to lead improved food security and lessen the dependency on foreign imported food that are skyrocketing prices and push the inflation which has impacted the country’s standard of living. The joint program is to revive and encourage more farmers to focus on enhancing local production to promote food and income security. The two ministers along with the director generals have gotten together to come up with the best possible way forward for attaining self food sufficiency.
  9. HARGEISA–Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Education of Somaliland met with two different delegations from USA and Sudan. The Sudanese delegation consist of an ex-Foreign Minister and the US delegation consisted of investors. The delegation showed sympathy for the cause of self determination of Somaliland. The government of Somaliland is keen to cooperate with the Sudanese government to develop education and water projects. The government of Somaliland appreciates the enthusiasm of the newly formed relations between Somaliland and Sudan, referred to support being extended by Sudan to Somaliland in the field of education, especially the admission of the Somaliland students in the Sudanese universities. The Vice Minister expressed concern in the drought which is a reoccurring phenomenon. Many Somalilanders suffered from a drastic decrease in their livestock. The Somaliland government is trying its hardest to tackle the drought regardless of having insufficient funds. MOFA, Somaliland
  10. Afhayeenka ciidanka daraawiishta Puntland Gaashaanle sarre Maxamuud Maxamed Axmed (Gubadle) oo maanta warfidiyeenka kula hadlay magaalada Garowe ayaa jawaab ka bixiyay hadalkii shalay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi oo uu ku eedeeyay shaqsi fudud oo dagaal ooge ah. Afhayeen Gubadle ayaa sheegay inaysan isku darajo ahayn Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiweli Gaas iyo Muuse Biixi, wuxuuna carabka ku dhuftay inay labo korneyl yihiin isaga iyo Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo uu sheegay inuu masuul ka noqonayo wixii dhibaato ah oo ka dhex dhaca labada maamul. Wuxuu intaas ku darey Korneyl Gubadle inay muddo dheer Puntland ilaalinaysay nabadgalyadda iyo daris wanaaga, balse ay soo xadgudubtey Somaliland ka dib markey duulaan ku qabsatey deegaanka Tuko Raq oo ay ka talinaysay Puntland. Isku soo wada duuboo waxaa cirka isku shareertey labadii todobaad ee u dambeeyay xiisad iyo saansaan colaadeed oo u dhaxaysay Puntland iyo Somaliland. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Afhayeenka Ciidanka Puntland oo u jawaabay Madaxweynaha Somaliland. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. By: Ms. Farrah Mohumed BERBERA–The Vice President, Hon. Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail aka Sayli’i has today officially opened a fishing port which the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) has rebuilt, revamped and expanded. The North-East Coast Fishing Enterprise (NECFISH) operates the fish port. The Norwegian government has provided the funds while FAO has implemented. The Vice president, the minister of Livestock Husbandry and Fisheries Hon. Hasan Mohamed Ali aka Gafadhi and official from the Norwegian government, and Berbera Marine College officials attended the function held for handing over locally produced vessels by the Marine College in Berbera. Both FAO and Norwegian officials who spoke at the function have spoken about the training and improving the knowledge based skills enhancement for the trainees which they urged the government to benefit from their honed skills. The minister for livestock husbandry and fisheries have thanked Norway for the support it provides to Somaliland. He praised the the working relations between Somaliland and FAO and further said that the new administration under incumbent president, Musa Bihi Abdi is concentrating on farming production and benefiting from local marine resources. The minister stated that the Nec-Fish Revamp ushers a new beginning.
  12. No warning was given before armed men and bulldozers razed the sites on the outskirts of Mogadishu last month Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. The Garissa county government has started demolishing structures along Ring Road following the expiry of a two-week notice. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Al Shabaab militants have destroyed a Hormuud communication mast located on the Somalia border town of Elwak. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Garowe (Puntlandi) Dowladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay inay ka go’an tahay in Soomaaliya sannadka 2020 ka dhacdo doorasho dadweyne oo loo dhan yahay. Hadalkaan waxaa sheegay madaxweyne ku xigeenka dowladda Puntland, Eng, Cabdixakiin Camey oo ka hadlayay shir looga hadlayo aragtida doorashada Soomaaliya ee 2020, kaasoo Garowe ka socda. Waxaa madaxweyne ku xigeenka sheegay inay Puntland tahay meesha kaliya ee Soomaaliya ka xoraynsan kooxaha argigxisada ee caqabada ku ah in Soomaaliya dimuqraadiyad gaarto. Eng, Camey wuxuu dowlada federalka ku adkeeyay inaysan kala reebin wacyi galinta doorashada iyo xoraynta degaanada gacanta ugu jira kooxaha argigixisada ee koonfurta iyo bartamaha ku sugan. Madaxweyne ku xigeenku wuxuu aragti ahaan sheegay inuu rajo wanaagsan ka qabo in Soomaaliya doorasho cod iyo qof ka dhacayso, isagoo ka eegaya dedaalada ay wadaan guddiga qaran ee doorashada. Halkaan ka dhegayso codka Camey. Madaxweyne+kuxigeenka+Puntland+Camay2 (1)
  16. The new Council Coordination Minister, Hon. Mohamed Aden Elmi met with the Speakers of the Legislative and Elders chambers of Somaliland yesterday. According to a press statement the ministry issued stated that the aim of the meeting was to enhance the working relations between the the ministry and the Houses of parliament. The meeting took place at the office of Somaliland’s house assembly speaker, Hon. Bashe Mohamed Farah. The Elders house speaker, Hon. Sulieman Mohamoud Adan was also in attendance during the gathering. The talks ranged from the bills tabled in the houses, strengthening the working relationship between the ministry and the houses, and ways to boost the working ties with overseas parliament the likes of British parliament. The minister has said that he talked with the speakers ways to strengthen the ties between the government and the chambers of parliament as it is the sole duty of the ministry. The parliament speaker-the house of assembly, Hon. Bashe asserted that in the last sessions, the house passed ten bills. Both sides have reached a common understanding of enhancing close working relations.
  17. Xarunta PDRC ee magaalada Garoowe ayaa Maanta lagu qabtay kulan wada-tashi ah oo ay yeesheen Haweenka,Ururada Bulshada,Hay’daha Xoojinta Sharciga iyo Wasaaradaha Haweenka iyo Dastuurka ee Puntland,waxaana looga tashanayey sidii qodobada muhiimka ah u ah xuquuqda Haweenka loogu dari lahaa Dastuurka Soomaaliya. Kulankaan ayaa waxaa soo qaban qaabisay Hay’adaha TAG FOUNDATION oo u qareenta Xuquuqda Haweenka,gaar ahaanna dhinaca Siyaasadda,waxaana gacan ka siisay Hay’adda UNDP. Guddoomiyaha TAG FOUNDATION ,Marwo.Caasho Geelle Diiriye oo ka hadashay kulanka ayaa sheegtay in Hay’addaan Tag ay ka hawlgasho degaanno badan oo ku yaalla Dowlad Goboleedyada;Puntland Jubaland,iyo Galmudug,islamarkaana ay u qareento xuquuqda Haweenka Soomaaliyeed,gaar ahaanna ka qeyb qaadashada siyaasadda dalka. Marwo.Caasho ayaa sidoo kale Haweenka u soo jeedisay in aysan ku ekaan xilalka hoose oo keliyah,balse u tartamaan xilalka sare ee waddanka. Dhinaca kale madaxa u qareemidda Xuquuqda Haweenka ee SWDC,Marwo.Maryan Taqal Xuseen ayaa sheegtay in Dastuurka Soomaaliya aysan ku caddeyn Xaquuqda ay Haweenka lee yihiin,sidaasi darteedna loo baahanyahay in helo qodobadaasi. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Dastuurka Puntland,Mudane.cabdiraxmaan Cali Cismaan oo kulanka ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in Xukuumadda Puntland ee haatan xilka haysa ay Haweenka muhiimad gaar ah siisay,islamarkaana jagooyin sare ka hayaan. Halkaan ka eeg sawirro. PUNTLANDPOST The post Hay’adda TAG Foundation oo Garoowe ku qabatay Kulan ku saabsan Xuquuqda dhinaca Siyaadda dalka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. H.E. Musa Behi Abdi, the recently elected president of the Republic of Somaliland, speaking to the press on Saturday, declared that Somaliland had no intention of crossing into Somalia territory even if Somalia’s Puntland engaged the army in battle. “Africa respects colonial borders and both of Somalia and Somaliland are subject to international laws confining nations to within pre-independence, demarcated boundaries,” president Behi stated. The President’s remarks were interpreted as a direct response to Puntland claims that the Somaliland army was planning to invade Garowe, the Somalia Federal State capital, some 8 kilometers beyond the Italian Somalia border with the former British Protectorate of Somaliland. “The Somaliland army is 60-plus kilometers this side of our border.If it so happens that Somalia’s Puntland engages it in battle, the Somaliland army will advance to secure its border and will not cross it,” he emphasized. The President also spoke of how committed the Republic of Somaliland was to the talks it started with Somalia seven years ago even though Somaliland fully well knows that Somalia leaders will never accept the inalienable fact that Somaliland has every right to fully and finally severe the flimsy ties still holding it to Somalia. President Behi touched a point that has of recent become a contentious issue – that of his government’s relations with the free press. “The press is the fourth state power,” the President said, continuing to say “We are, both, obliged to protect and develop this nation. That defines the boundaries of our mutual respect for one another”. Somaliland gained independence before Somalia but went over to join it to form the Somali Republic which was legally dissolved by a military coup de tat in 1969. The Somaliland public never fully accepted Somalia domination which bloomed into full effect within the first twelve months of the life of the ill-fated union in 1960-61. Somtribune
  19. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Yariisow Oo Ka hadlay Xilka Gobolka Banaadir ee dhawaan loo doortay isagoo kawarbixiyay sida ay Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isalwasaaraha ugu . Wasiirkii hore ee warfaadinta xukuumadda kheyre C/Raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisow ayaa ka hadlay xilka Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir oo loo magacaabay. Wareegto ka soo baxday Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa saaka xilka looga qaaday Thaabid Cabdi Maxamed waxaana lagu magacaabay C/Raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisow. Wasiirkii hore ee Warfaafinta haddana ah Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir C/Raxmaan Cumar Cismaan Yariisow ayaa soo dhaweeyay magacaabistiisa Guddoomiyaha Gobolka. Yariisow ayaa sheegay in xilkan uu si wanaagsan uga soo baxayo maaddaama sida uu yiri uu ka soo shaqeeyay qeybbaha kala duwan ee dowladda islamarkaana uu awood u leeyahay in uu ka shaqeeyo wada shaqeynta shacabka iyo Dowladda dhexe. Yariisow ayaa hadalkaan kasheegay asagoo ka qeybgelayay Munaasibad lagu xusayay sanadguurada 45 aad ee Saxaafadda Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in uu madaxda uga mahadnaqayo xilka cusub ee ay u magacaabeen. ugu danbayntii Ra’isalwasaaraha iyo Madaxweyne ayuu uga mahad celiyay sida ay kalsoonida u siiyeen uguna aaminiin in uu noqdo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir sidoo kalena ah duqa Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post C/raxmaan yariisow oo ka hadlay xilka loo magacaabay Ee maamulka gobolka banaadir appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi sacked the mayor of the capital Mogadishu and appointed his information minister to replace him on Sunday. The president, in a decree, named Abdirahman Omar Osman as the new mayor, replacing Taabit Abdi Mohamed. The president’s office did not give a reason for Mohamed’s dismissal. Local media reported on Saturday that Mohamed and Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire did not get on, but it was unclear whether that was the reason for Mohamed’s removal from the post. “After deliberation with the prime minister and interior minister, the Somali president appointed Abdirahman Omar Osman as the new mayor,” a statement on the Somali government website said. Mogadishu residents said security forces had entered the mayor’s office on Saturday night and took control of it. They also closed most roads in the city and they were still blocked on Sunday. The information minister could not be immediately reached for comment. Somalia has been mired by security problems since 1991 when war lords toppled dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. Backed by the African Union force AMISOM, the government is struggling to defeat an Islamist insurgency by the al Shabaab group. Al Shabaab wants to topple the government and establish its own rule based on its interpretation of sharia law. Reuters
  21. Jowhar-(Caasimadda Online)-Wasiirka Wasaaradda Amniga Hir-Shabeelle Cabduqaadir Aadan jeele ayaa sheegay in howlgalk lagu dilay Macalinkii tababarayay Dhalinyaro shabaab kubiiraysay halka qaarkalena ka tirsan Ciidamada Shabaab ay ku geeryoodeen isla markaana uu jiro dhaawac soo gaaray Caruurta ay Al-Shabaab tababarayeen sid uu hadalka u dhigay. jimcahii lasoo dhaafay ayay aheyd markii ay Ciidmo ka tirsan kuwa Kumaandoosta Soomaaliya oo ay wehlinayeen kuwo Cadaan ah ay weeraraeen Saldhig ay Al-Shabaab ku tababarayeen Dhalinyaro doonayay in ay ka mid noqdaan oo ku yaalla deegaanka Ciliyaale ee duleedka Jowhar,waxana howlgalkaas faah faahisay Wasaaradda amniga Maamulka Hir-Shbeelle. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Amniga Hir-Shabeelle Aadan jeele ayaa sheegay in howlgalkaas lagu dilay Macalinkii Dhalinyaradaas tababarayay halka 6 ka tirsan Ciidamada Shabaab ay ku geeryoodeen isla markaana uu jiro dhaawac soo gaaray Caruurta ay Al-Shabaab tababarayeen sid uu hadalka u dhigay. Sidoo kale Wasiirka Amniga Hir-Shabeelle Cabduqaadir Aadan Jeele ayaa waxa uu faah faahin ka bixiyay howlgallo maalmihii la soo dhaafay ka socday Wadada isuxirta Balcad iyo Jowhar kaas oo dhowr mar ay weeraro kudhufoo kadhaqaaq ah ay ka sameeyeen kooxda Shabaab. wasiirka ayaa hadalkii kusoo gabagabeeyay in amniga uu yahay mid wanaasgan,isla markaana howlgalladu ay yihiin kuwo socdo siina socon doona. Hoos Ka Dhageyso Codka Wasiirka Amniga Hir-Shabeelle. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Dhageyso:-Maamulka Hir-Shabeelle Oo Ka Warbixiyay Howlgalkii Ay Fuliyeen Ciidamada Danab appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. Bosaso-[Puntland Post]-Taliyaha Ciidanka Taraafikada ee Shan gobol oo Kamid ah Puntland Maxamed Finiin Yusuf oo shir ku qabtaya xarunta ciidamada ilaalada wadooyinka ee Bosaso ayaa ka warbixiyay weerar xalay Lagu qaaday Xerada ciidanka ee Magaaladda Boosaso. Taliyaha ayaa xaqiijiyay in weerarkaasi uu ku geeriyooday mid kamid ah Askarta Taraafikada iyadoona uu ku dhaawacmay Mid Kale, Kadib weerar loo adeegsaday Bambo Gacanta Laga soo Tuuray. Taliye Faniin ayaa sheegay iney tuhunsanyihiin Dad kala duwan oo soo Abaabulay Weerarkan kuwaas oo noqon Kora Ganacsato, Dad Shacab ah iyo Kooxaha Dagaalka kula jira Dowladda ee Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish oo kaashanaya dad deegaanka ah, sida uu sheegay Taliyaha ciidamada ilaalada wadooyinka shanta gobal ee Puntland. hoos ka daawo shirkiisa Jaraa,id Taliyaha Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post The post Daawo-Taliye Finiin ”baaritaan baanu ku wadnaa cidii ka danbeysay Qaraxii xalay Bosaso ka dhacay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Carmo (Puntlandi) Dhalinyarada isxilqaamayaasha Puntland ayaa maanta murtiyeed kasoo saaray shirweyne ay ku yeesheen magaalada Carmo, kaasoo looga hadlayay qorshaha iskaa wax uqabso ah oo ay dhalinyaradu sannadkaan ka sameyndoonaan degaanada Puntland. Halkaan ka akhriso war murtiyeed kasoo baxay.
  24. habeenimadii xalay ahayd ayaa Wareegto kasoo baxday xafiiska Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullahi Maxamed (Farmaajo), ayaa waxaa xilka looga qaaday Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir iyo ku-xigeenadiisa Gobolka. Wareegtada ayaa waxaa lagu magacaabay Guddoomiye cusub iyo ku-xigeenadiisa waxa ayna u qorneyd wareegtada sida tan. Halkaan hoose ka aqris Magacyada Iyo Qabiillada Ay Kasoo Jeedaan Shakhsiyaadkii Loo Magacaabay Guddoonka Gobolka 1- Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Eng. Yarisow (Beesha Abgaal Wacbuudhan Daa’uud) 2-Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed Tuulax Guddoomiye kuxigeenka 1aad ee Amniga iyo Siyaasada (Beesha Habar Gidir -Sacad) 3-Hussein Mohamed Nur Guddoomiye kuxigeenka 2aad ee Maamulka & Maaliyada (Beesha Murusade -Sabti -Israafiil) 4-Marwo Basma Omar Ahmed Guddoomiye kuxigeenka Arrimaha Bulshada & Wacyigelinta (Beesha Reer Xamar Camuudi) 5-Aadan Sheikh Cali Fidow Guddoomiye kuxigeenka Howlaha Guud (Maxamuud Hiraab Duduble) 6-Cumar Abdirisaak Xuseen Xoghayaha Guud ee gobolka (Beesha Xawaadle) Dhamaan Xubnahaan loomagacaabay waxa ay isugu jiraan kuwa kasoo shaqeeyay xafiisyada ugu sareeya dalka, gaar ahaan kan madaxwaynaha iyo kan raiisul wasaaraha. The post Magacyada Iyo Qabiillada Ay Kasoo jeedaan Shakhsiyaadkii Loo Magacaabay Guddoonka Gobolka iyo. appeared first on Caasimada Online.