Deeq A.

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  1. The post Daawo: Majaajiliistaha Sooraan iyo marwadiisa oo noqday lamaanaha sanadka cusub ugu shidan appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Somalia, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa magaalada Caabudwaaq kula kulmay mashaa’iqda iyo odayaasha deegaanka, isagoo kala hadlay dardargelinta kaalinta ay ku leeyihiin nabadeynta iyo dib u heshiisiinta bulshada deegaanka. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in odayaasha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ay asaas u yihiin arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta, kaalin muhiim ahna ay ka soo qaateen samatabixinta dalka, balse haatan looga fadhiyo dhameystirka dadaallaadaas iyo sidii ay u horseedi lahaayeen xaqiijinta bulsho mideysan oo u jiheysan dhanka horumarka iyo wax wada qabsiga. Kaddib is xog wareeysi ku saabsan caqabadaha la xiriira dib u heshiisiinta magaalada Caabudwaaq iyo talooyin ay soo jeediyeen waxgaradka uu la kulmay Madaxweynuhu, waxa ay isla garteen sidii loo yagleeli lahaa guddi ka shaqeeya nabadeynta iyo wadashaqeynta odayaasha dhaqanka magaalada Caabudwaaq iyo deegannada hoos yimaada. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo kulan gaar ah la qaatay culimada ayaa bogaadiyey kaalinta ay ku leeyihiin wacyigelinta bulshada deegaanka, isagaoona ku ammaanay sida ay ugu taaganyihiin joojinta coolaadaha iyo khilaafaadka hareeyay nolasha iyo horumarka bulshada. Madaxweynaha ayaa yiri “Waxaan idiin wadnaa fursad aad ka faa’iideysan kartaan. fursaddaasi waxa ay tahay inaan idiin keenno adeegyadii ay magaalada u baahnayd, adeegyadaasna ma imaan karaan haddii ay magaaladan kala qeybsantahay.” Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo maalinkii saddexaad ku sugan magaalada Caabudwaaq ayaa wada dadaallo iyo wadatashiyo ku saabsan dardargelinta hawlaha dib u heshiisiinta iyo nabadeynta oo saldhig u ah qorshaha socdaalka uu ku maray qeybo ka mid ah gobollada dalka . The post Sawirro: Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo culumada iyo odayaasha Caabudwaaq u gudbiyay dalab appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Dawladda Puntland Mudane Axmed Cali Xaashi iyo wafti ballaadhan oo uu hoggaaminayo oo maalmahan ku sugnaa caasimadda dalka Naigeria ee Abuuja ayaa halkaasi shir uga furmay. Waftiga uu hoggaaminayo guddoomiyuhu oo ay kamid ahaayeen Xubno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Puntland iyo lataliyayaal Maanta ayaa waxay marti u ahaayeen Mac-hadka Xeer dajinta iyo Daraasaadka Barlamaanka Dalka Nigeria NILS (National Institute of Legislative Studies), iyo NASS (National Assembly ) oo ah Baarlamaanka Qaranka Nigeria. Xaflad soo dhoweyn ah oo loo sameeyey guddoomiyaha iyo waftigiisa isla markaana lagu qabtay xarunta Xeer dejinta iyo Daraasaadka Barlamaanka Dalka Nigeria ayaa waxaa ugu horrayn ka hadashay Agaasimaha Guud ee Mac-hadka Prof. Ladi Hamalai. Iyadoo sheegtay in ay aad ugu faraxsantahay soo dhawaynta waftiga uu guddoomiyahu hooggaaminayo, iyadoo intaas ku dartay in ay tahay markii ugu horaysey taariikhda ee ay wafti Soomaali ahi soo booqdaan Mac-hadka. Agaasimaha Mac-hadkaana ayaa Baarlamaanka Puntland u ballan qaaday dhinacyada tababarka iyo sidii uu baarlamaanka Puntland u yeelan lahaa Mac-had u gaar ah tababarka Baarlamaanka Puntland, kaas oo xiriir dhow la yeelan doona Mac-hadka Tababarka dalkaani Nigeria. Guddoomiyaha Barlamaanka Puntland Mudane Axmed Cali Xaashi ayaa uga mahadceliyey madaxda dalka Nigeria oo uu ugu horeeyo Guddoomiyaha Barlamaanka Dalka Nigeria soo dhoweynta wanaagsan ee ay u sameeyeen isaga iyo waftigiisa. Guddoomiye Xaashi ayaa ka war bixiyey xaaladda guud ee dalka Soomaaliya isagoona si gaar ah uga hadlay Puntland oo uu xusay in ay tahay deegaanada ugu nabdoon dalka uguna horumarka wanaagsan isla markaana ay doonayaan muddada ay joogaan dalkaani Nigeria in ay xoogga saaraan sidii ay xiriir wanaagsan u samayn lahaayeen taasina ay tahay sababta ay ku doorteen in ay halkaani yimaadaan. Guddoomiyaha iyo waftiga uu hogaaminayo ayaa muddo hal usbuuc aqoon kororsi u sii joogi doona Dalka Nigeria. Mudadaas waxay kulamo gaar gaar ah la yeelan doonaan Guddoomiyaha Barlamaanka, Guddoomiyaha Aqalka Sare iyo Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda ee Dalka Nigeria. Kulamadaas ayaa la filayaa in ay kor u qadaan xiriirka ku dhisan iskaashiga dhinacyada tababaradda iyo tayaynta Golaha Barlamaanka Puntland iyo kan Dalka Nigeria. The post Baarlamaanka Puntland oo shir uga furmay dalka Nigeria. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. President Musa, Is The Messiah Of Somaliland Somaliland: The former British Somaliland protectorate achieved full indepedence from the United kingdom on 26 june,1960,the state of Somaliland united with Somalia, a territory under a U.N mandated Italian Trusteeship until that same day, thereby creating the Somali Republic. The Republic of Somaliland restored its independence after the total collapse of Somalia on 18 May 1991 as result of the civil war of the late eighties and early ninties. The decision was made by the Congress of Council of Clan Elders held in Burao from 27 April to 15 May,1991. In addition,the Republic of Somaliland is situated in the Horn of Africa. Its boundries are defined by the Gulf of Aden in the north, somalia in the east, the Federal Republic of Ethiopia in the south-west, and the Republic of Djiboute in the north-west. Somaliland has a coastline which is 850 Kms long in the Red sea. Thus Somaliland is unrecognized state which was a part of Somalia before 1991 but the worsening crises in Yemen has increased the interest of countries to open military and naval bases in Republic of Somaliland such as the recent agreement made between Somaliland and U.A.E to use military airport of Somaliland. The Red Sea is very much sensitive for its geopolitical and ecomomic importance beause of its importance for world’s most powerful states for instance , the transport of goods from China to Europe transfers to Pacific ocean to Indian ocean via the Red Sea to Mediterranean sea. Market products from Europe pass through this route in bulk. The largest amount of oil movement is made the same through the same way to Europe. Thus the region is important to China, European countries and Russia and America . Solely China transacts trillion USD via Red Sea per annum. Therfore,the region is very close to Somaliland and has highest geopolitical ,geo-economic and geo-security importance. This has also great meaning to Saudi, Iran and major powers in the world. Similarly, the recent agreement made between Russia and Egypt to use military airport of Egypt and the decision of Egypt to provide two Islands in the Red Sea coast to Saudi though faced opposition from the public are intended to control the neck of the Red Sea strip to the Suez Canal . The political crisis along the Red Sea seems to have reached to its peak with the worsening crisis in Yemen, the intervention of Egyptian military commanders to Sawa Military Base in Eritrea and continued Saudi-led forces coalition operation in Yemen. The increased presence of world great powers and opening of new military bases in the region as well as the new marriage between Saudi and Egypt have now grabbed the eyes and ears of political analysts in the Horn of Africa which is considered as the most important part for its geopolitical location. Furthermore, Sudan has closed its borders and moved troops recently to the eastern parts bordering with Eritrea. It is also accusing neighboring Egypt for its provocation to clashes, training Sudanese anti government rebel groups and Eritrean militants. These days, the increased interest of countries to open military and naval bases along the Red Sea exerts an influence on the stability of Horn of Africa countries. They affect the pattern of cooperation and inter- conflicts within Horn of africa.Such relations define the parameters for search for external resources as well as for the extraction of domestic resources and military and naval bases. Even relations between the super powers ,countries of different ideological persuasions,those with competing national interest . Unfortunately, these countries are not building industrial zones but strengthening their military bases. These may lead the region to increasing competition among the various powers, and eventually to an obvious turmoil. YEMEN: Yemen is in sever crisis; several religious institutions have been destructed. About 80 percent of its population has been receiving food and non-food aid. Furthermore, Yemen is divided by race, religion and thought. And particularly, the religious dissimilarity between Shia and Sunni and the absence of political system that can accommodate these two dichotomies, is leading the country to the worst state failure. Yemen is presently the potential safe haven for militants and pirates similar to that were in Somalia. Thus, the incidents in Yemen during the last three years created rift to foreign intervention, the Saudi-led Military Coalition begun to undertake operations. Presently, the political chaos between Iran-led Shai and Saudi-led Sunni has been deepening in the region. Finally, these recommendations are imaportant for the goverment of Somaliland : To establish indepedent strategic study centers and institutions to deal such issues and provide timely reserach and advisory services to the government on the areas of international relation ,diplomacy anf recognition as well. Go to ensuring economic advancement in the country so that it can reduce the vulnerability of the nation to foreign challenges thereby keep its national intetest. 3, To have accurate foreign and national security policy and strategy.It must be scientific and to the right way in a manner to create smooth relations in the neighbouring countries and the globe. In Somaliland, development, democratization , peace and stability efforts at home matters more in order to protect Somaliland’s national interest in the Red Sea. At the domestic level, the government has to make every effort to narrow the divisiveness of the nation by adopting partnership policy rather than domination. HAMDI ABDI JAMA Hargeisa ,Somaliland.
  5. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry telephoned his Ethiopian counterpart on Sunday night to express concern over a news report that Ethiopia had rejected Egypt’s proposal for the World Bank to mediate the technical studies on the environmental impact of the Grand Renaissance Ethiopian Dam. Egypt’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid appeared on Amr Adib’s television show “Kol Youm” (Every day) on Sunday night, where he relayed the conversation between Ethiopian Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu and Shoukry. According to Abu Zeid, Gebeyehu stated the quotes attributed to Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn in the state-owned Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) were taken out of context. “Shoukry called to discern the accuracy of the statements and to express Egypt’s worry over them,” Abu Zeid said. “If any party rejects or has a problem with the initiative [to involve the World Bank in the negotiations over the technical studies], they must provide convincing reasons. The situation cannot bare further delays.” Abu Zeid reiterated Egypt’s desire to include the World Bank in the negotiations, which he stated are a technical rather than political matter. “We will wait for the tripartite meeting in order to reach a clear decision not subject to individual interpretations from Ethiopia and Sudan,” the spokesperson said. The Ethiopian News Agency spoke with Desalegn over the weekend, after he returned from a two-day Ethiopian-Egyptian summit in Cairo. “Seeking professional support is one thing. Transferring [arbitration] to an institution is another thing. So we told them that this is not acceptable to our side,” Desalegn was quoted as saying in ENA. The news story in which the prime minister’s comment originally appeared has since been taken down. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry proposed the World Bank’s involvement in the issue in December, but the Ethiopian prime minister did not pledge support for it. During a press conference marking the close of the summit, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi expressed his “grave concern” over the state of the negotiations. In the leadup to the meeting, an Egyptian government official speaking on condition of anonymity told Mada Masr that negotiations with Ethiopia were becoming extremely bumpy and are approaching a “dead end.” Sisi also said that, while the Ethiopian prime minister did not agree to involving the World Bank, he affirmed the importance of involving Sudan in the negotiations and floated the possibility of bringing a different third party on board. Sisi, however, stated that more time would be lost in choosing another third party. The dam has been a site of diplomatic tension between Cairo and Addis Ababa since construction began in 2011. Egypt has continually reiterated its claim to its historic share of the Nile’s water, expressing concern that the filling of the dam’s reservoir will affect downstream flow to its 100 million-person population. Madamasr
  6. Booliska Dalka Masar Oo Xabsiga U Taxaabay Ku Dhawaad 14 Dhalinyaro Oo Dhamaantood Soomaali Ah Iyo Dambiga Lagu Haysto.
  7. His Excellency the Vice President of the Republic of Somaliland, Abdirahman Abdullahi Ismail ‘Zeili’i’, today toured army command posts beyond Tukaraq town which changed hands earlier this month in favor of the Somaliland army. The VP visit is the first of its kind the presidency makes since the town was captured from the Somalia Federal State of Puntland on January 9. H.E. Abdirahman Zeili’i’s visit is seen as a morale booster to the troops at the front. Accompanying the Vice President on this visit was a large delegation among whom were the Chief of Staff of the Somaliland army, Major General Noah Tani, Minister of Defense, Essa Ahmed Hiir, Minister for Water Resources, Suleiman Ali Koore, Vice Minister for Information, Mohamed Musa Abess, Sool Regional Governor, Abdi Khayre Dirir, Mayor of Las Anod Abdi Hussein Tarwale, Regional Police Commander, Army Divisions Commanders led by area Commander Brigadier General Ali Barre and many more. Tukaraq is still some 70 kilometers this side of the border with a Somalia that has ever since the collapse of the military regime in 1991 been feeding the international with false claims of sovereignty over large tracts of land on Somaliland soil based on ethnic affinities. Somaliland always maintained that it has willingly – albeit hurriedly – sacrificed its five-day, internationally recognized sovereignty to a union with Somalia in order to pave the way for a Greater Somalia dream nation which included the French Somaliland of Djibouti, Haud & Reserve area Plus Ogadenia in Eastern Ethiopia and the Northern Frontier District of Kenya – all of latter three failed to make it, hence the restoration of its independence, internationally defined boundaries and sovereignty of 1960. Somtribune
  8. President Muse Bihi Abdi of the Republic of Somaliland is on an expedited mission to bring back the country to track after a dismal seven and half year of ailing President Silanyo’s tenure during which the institutions of governance deteriorated, public property and finance decimated, and the juridical processes marred. The challenges the new president has started to unwind are enormous but the public is anxious to support him all the way. The energy and enthusiasm shown thus far through his relentless efforts has delighted many an observer. At the foreign affairs scene, his quick and efficient contact with the neighbouring countries of Ethiopia and Djibouti are significant. Ethiopian friendship is paramount and any security concerns it may have over the United Arab Emirates proposed Military Facility at Berbera ought to be addressed in ways beneficial to both countries. The general public of Somaliland regard the agreement entered into by the former Somaliland regime ( Silanyo’s) as immature and far from reflecting the interests of the nation and essentially ill-acquired and illegal. Some of the points raised demonstrating the illegality include: The apparent use of bribery and corruption to gain votes in Parliament and payola tactics to neutralise public opinion by disseminating falsehoods on illusionary gains that cannot be substantiated The parliamentary joint session was unprecedented and illegally assembled. The Joint session can only be called on certain occasions promulgated by the Constitution. The House of Representative’s Chairman left the Session and hence that gesture principally abrogated the Joint session set-up. No agenda was formulated together by the parliamentary bodies and no discussion by MPs was permitted. No parliamentary procedure was followed and MPs were physically thrown out of the session after demanding procedural point of order. Such an infraction of procedure nullifies any outcome. The document circulated in the Joint session was not the Protocol Agreement purportedly signed by the two States. A flyer summarizing, what was alleged to the benefits to be gained, was distributed. It contained no terms, no conditions and no specifics on the points agreed upon contradicting the Constitutional requirement that agreements between The Republic of Somaliland and other foreign bodies ought to be forwarded to House of Representatives for appraisal and adopted if found commensurate with national interests. Such rudimentary requirement of evaluating the content of Agreements had been ignored. It still remains shrouded in secrecy up to this day as the new President and his government strive to rectify the ramifications caused by the ignominious deal. The purported financial gains have also not been revealed. The mention of 4 million dollars to be obtained by Somaliland in the deal is an outrageous rib-off which amounts to robbery. The mention of projects accompanying the deal and UAE administering the Projects, as their prerogative, is an insult to injury. The arrangement is made in such a fashion as to forestall the new government led by The President Muse Behi Abdi to affect the spending of the proceeds and make a determination as per the priorities of the state. President Behi’s immediate request to temporarily halt the Projects underway at the site is commendable but it turned out that the smug UAE representatives ignored the request and continued with their unilateral ways in spite of the order. An officer of the Sahil regional authority who was asked why the activities at the site still continue queried whether the UAE representatives would heed a local chapter of the government if the clear and succinct call of the President are being ignored. This is reminiscent of things to come when we know that they do the same in Mogadishu with their forces attacking and ransacking the house of an MP and blatantly casting aside government of Somalia security authorities. The deteriorating climate of peace and stability in the Horn and the audacious attempts to destabilize Ethiopia by some Arab countries allied with the Emirates is a sure sign that the facility being sought by them is for malicious intent. The crookery and deceit with which the so-called Agreement has been manipulated through the inept regime of the Silanyo era was done not for the somaliland’s interest but for the monetary gains of a few greedy characters. Such characters, who have the audacity to raise their voices in public recently, should be tried for their treasonous actions. The UAE treats Somaliland in ways similar to that they treat other Somalia regions. They neither respect our statehood nor respect our people’s quest and aspirations for independence and sovereignty. They have capitalized on our weak institutions and pauperism and have never indicated an iota of respect towards our people and government. The President is right to demand critical details of the secret UAE military base deal and to question the cost and effect valuation of the scandalous so-called Agreement. We would be anxious to know whether the Agreement made with Somaliland on the Military Base has been approved for them by the Somalia government of the past or present. In the case of that happening, such a revelation should automatically abrogate the Agreement. If the appropriations of funds are not satisfactory and in Somaliland’s interest, the Agreement should also be annulled. Somaliland should remain vigilant not to let its guard down and not allow hostile forces use it as a launching pad to harm our brotherly neighbours, primarily Ethiopia. Ali Ege Duale
  9. The presidents of Somaliland and Somalia have made their first contact in which they discussed two main issues. According to Geeska Afrika Source President Musa Bihi Abdi of Somaliland and President Mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo of Somalia held their first discussions via a telephone conversation earlier in the week. The sources indicate that the two heads discussions that came prior to the three days official visit to Ethiopia undertaken by the Somaliland head of state were facilitated by CENTRE FOR HUMANITARIAN DIALOGUE. During the conversations in which both the presidents are reported to have been unanimous in their desire for sustainable peace, the Somaliland head state raised the question of ongoing conflict in Tukaraq, a town in the Somaliland Sool region where the national army is engaged in running battles with forces from Puntland, a Somalia administrative region to the east of Hargeisa. President Bihi who laid blame of conflict on the Somalia federal government which is waging a proxy war through Puntland, give the intimidating visit of the SFG planning minister’s visit to Badhan town in Somaliland’s Sanaag region as a good example. Our source reports that President Behi told Farmajo that “A covert visit by one of your ministers to our country illegally is provocation enough, and it is not worthy anything apart from unnecessary confrontation” President Farmajo is said to have denied the accusations while promising to pursue peaceful resolution as he stressed on the fact that his administration is one guided by pursuit of peaceful co-existence. In conclusion to the two Presidents are reported to have agreed on the imperatives of resuming stalled international sanctioned talks Between their two countries in which they also committed to be present at the initial opening anywhere agreed upon.
  10. Apple is partnering with Malala Fund to educate more than 100,000 girls around the world, the company announced Monday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga H.E. Amb. Ahmed Isse Awad ayaa uga qeybgalay Magaalada Jeddah ee Boqortooyada Saudi Arabia shir gaar ah oo Wasiirada Arrimaha Dibadda wadamada Islaamka ay kaga tashanayeen gantaal baalistik ah oo fallaagada Xuutiyiinta ay la beegsadeen Caasimadda Riyadh. Wasiir Axmed Ciise Cawad ayaa khudbad ku baxaysay Afka Carabiga ka jeediyay shirkaasi, isaga oo sheegay in Soomaaliya ay barbar taagan tahay Dowladda Sacuudiga, ayna si kulul u cambaareyneyso falka cadowtooyada leh ee Xuutiyiintu ku weerareen dalkaasi, waxaana uu soo jeediyay si dhibaatooyinka ka jira dunida muslimka loo xaliyo ay laga maarmaan tahay isbaheysi dhab ah oo taabbagal ah. Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Danjire Axmed Ciise Cawad, waxa uu kulamo kala gaar gaar ah kula yeeshay Jeddah Wasiirada Arrimaha Dibadda Djibouti H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Saudi Arabia H.E. Mr. Adel Al-Jubeir, Maldives H.E. Dr. Mohamed Asim iyo Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda Sudan H.E. Mr. Hamid Mohamed E. Momtaz. Wasiirku waxa kale oo uu la kulmay Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Iskaashiga Islaamka Dr. Yousef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen iyo Guddoomiyaha Bankiga Horumarinta Islaamka Mr. Bandar Hajjar. Kulamadaasi oo Wasiir Cawad kala hadlay mas’uuliyiintaasi kala duwan danaha Soomaaliya iyo dhinacyadaasi ay wadaagaan ayaa muujiyay sida dalkiisu ugu diyaar yahay maalgeshi kadib hanaqaadkiisa siyaasadeed iyo mid ammaan. The post Sawirro: Wasiir Ahmed Awad oo dalka dibadiisa uga qeybgalaaya shirkii ugu horeeyay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. LASANOD–Vice President of Somaliland, Abdirahman Sayli’i has handed over medical supplies to Tukaraq Maternal Health Center today. The VP paid a short visit to Tukaraq a town in the east of Sool region ever since Somaliland’s armed forces have taken control from its arch rival militias backed by Puntland. The American Refugee Committee (ARC) first donated the medical supplies which was aimed at preventing diarrhea related diseases in the town, is the first of its kind as Somaliland government is doing all it can to help residents to have access to basic social needs. Traditional leaders in the town have had the chance to tell the real needs of the town as the VP has had the opportunity to listen to their gripes. The residents have accused militia soldiers which used to collect taxes as an exploitation and have not done anything for the town. The taxes were used to carry out development projects in Garowe and Bosaso in Puntland. The VP and the minister for water affairs have promised to deal with the grievances made by the residents. The VP has further said that the government will rebuild the school in the town and new Maternity Child Health Center.
  13. By: Farrah Mohumed TUKARAQ–Somaliland’s Vice President, Hon. Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail aka Sayli’i on Monday has visited frontlines in Takaruq town in Sool region to boost the morale the armed forces stationed there to secure the border with Puntland, a semi-autonomous regional state in Somalia which has been encroaching its territorial borders which date back to the colonial era. The Vice President leading a high level ministerial delegation paid a courtesy visit to army barracks in Takaruq which its armed forces have driven out of Puntland backed militia which aims to destabilize Somaliland stability and peace in the eastern regions.The Defense minister, water affairs minister and assistant minister for information accompanied the vice president’s visit to the army bases in the Sool region. The Army Cheif Major General Nuh Tani has briefed the Vice President on the recent aggression launched by militia soldiers backed by Puntland in a bid to instigate unrest and chaos in Somaliland which maintained its law and order over the years without the backing of int’l support. Mr. Tani has apprised the VP and said that the armed forces are executing their national duty in defending the nation from any foe and further added that Puntland amassed troops in nearby areas in the border although he insisted that Somaliland does not want to engage war with its neighbor. Defense minister of Somaliland, Hon. Ise Ahmed Yusuf has conveyed a clear message to Somalia and unequivocally said that Somaliland does not want to wage war with its neighbors. The minister has reiterated that Somaliland will continue to live in peace and harmony with its neighbor but stressed the importance of peace. VP has informed men and women in boots that they should not first start war but do all they can to secure borders by peaceful means. He urged to defend themselves if they are attacked by enemies. The VP and his delegate have monitored the real situation of armed forces stationed in the border region with Puntland particularly Tukaraq which SL forces drove out of Puntland mercenaries who claim to own the region by ethnic basis. Somaliland and Puntland locked horns on the control of Sool, Sanaag and Ayn. Somalia is backing Puntland to destabilize Somaliland’s stability over the years. Somaliland argues that this belongs to her by border demarcation dating back to colonial era while Puntland is saying that it part of her territory by kinship. The Int’l community called the hostility to an end by urging both sides to resolve their dispute by peaceful manner.
  14. Liban Du’aleh Asayr, ex-Somaliland Minister of Telecommunications under President Riyale administration, passes away in London while undergoing medical treatment Liban Du’aleh Asayr (aka Abdulle), the former Somaliland Minister of Telecommunications under President Riyale administration, has passed away in London where he was undergoing medical treatment. Born in Lasanod in 1942 and educated in Sheikh Primary School, Liban Asayr won scholarship to the former Soviet Union to train as an engineer. After graduation he returned to Somalia and, for a couple of years, worked for the Ministry of Maritime Transport where he oversaw major projects on renovating seaports. He fell out with the military regime for human rights violations and resigned his position to pursue a new business career. Late 1980s he applied for political asylum in the United Kingdom. In 1990s he returned to Somaliland to serve as a minister under President Egal administration. He played a major role in strengthening reconciliation. He is survived by a wife, adult offsprings, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. May Allah rest soul in peace. by Liban Ahmad
  15. The US State Department is offering to fund a nearly USD600,000 (Sh61,600,000) programme which seeks to address a perceived link between Kenyan male identity and vulnerability to recruitment by Al-Shabaab. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. 2017 has no question been a year of harrowing humanitarian crises, a deadly year of natural disasters. We have seen pictures of starving children in Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan and Nigeria. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. Baladweyne(Caasimadda Online)-Magaalada Baladweyne ee Xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan waxaa maanta gaaray wafddi uu hoggaaminayo wasiirka maaliyadda maamulkaasi Maxamed Maxamuud Cabdulle . Wafdiigan waxaa qeyb ka ah Xubno ka socda Sanduuqa Horumarinta Soomaaliya ee ASSF,waxaana ay Magaalada u tageen in ay la kulmaan Ganacsatada iyo Dadka degaanka ee ay dhibaatada ka heysato shilinka Soomaaliyaga oo ka joogsaday Madaalada Baladweyne. Guudoomiye ku xigeenka aminga iyo siyaasadda Gobolka Hiiraan Xuseen muumin Cismaan iyo Guudoomiyaha degmada Baladweyne Maxamed cismaan Cabdi Qalafow ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin imashaha wafdigan u horkacayo Wasiirka Maaliyada dowlad Goboleedka Hirshabeelle ee yimaadan baladweyne. Wasiirka Maxamed Maxamuud Cabdulle ayaa sheegay in ay la kulmi doonaan qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada inta ay joogan Magaalada Baladweyne,islamarkana hadafka ay u yimadeen ay tahay sidi loo ogaan laha baahiyaha ay qaban bulshada ku nool Magalaada Baladweyne kadibna loo fulin laha mashaariic lagu horumarinayo Magalaada. wasiirka oo warbaahinta kula hadlay Baladweyne ayaa sheegay in ay ukuurgalayaan qaabka loo fulin karo Mashaariic uu Madaxweynaha Maamulkaasi kaga dhawaaqay Gobolka Hiiraan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Wafdi ka socda Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Hirshabeelle oo gaaray Baladweyne appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta u ambabaxay magaalada Geneva ee dalka Switzerland,isagoo ka qeyb gali doona shirka dhaqaalaha adduunka oo halkaasi k furmi doona dhawaan. Wefdiga Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo ay qeyb ka ahayeen mudanyaal ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa Garoonka kasii sagootiyay Xubno ka tirsan labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya iyo masuuliyiin kale. Shirkaan lagu wado in uu Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ka qeybgalo ayaa waxa uu socon doonaa mudo Saddex Maalmood ah,waxa uuna yahay markii ugu horeysay oo ay madax ka socota dowladda ka qeybgasho mudo 30 sanadood ah . Shirkani muhiimad gaar ah u leh Soomaaliya maadaama ay ka qeybgalayaan hoggaamiyaal ka kala socoda wadamada ku horumaray dhinaca Dhaqaalaha oo uu kujiro Mareykanka waxaana lagu casuumay Soomaaliya iyo wadamo kale oo Afrika kamid ah qaar kood. Sidoo kale Ra’iisul Wasaare kheyre ayaa inta uu ku sugan yahay dalkaas waxa uu lakulmi doonaa madax badan oo Afrikan ah oo shirkaas ka qeybgaleya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre Oo Maanta U Ambabaxay Dalka Switzerland appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. HARGEISA–The Registration of Somaliland’s public servants in government institutions launching ceremony kicked-off in Hargeisa, the capital today. The Civil Service Commission is spearheading the project dubbed “HeadCount” which aims to get rid the public sector of “ghost workers”. The Head of State, His Excellency, Musa Bihi Abdi officially started the launch ceremony. The highly and well organized event saw the attendance of Civil Service Commission Chairperson, Hon. Sharmarke Ahmed Mohumed and the Labor and Social affairs minister, Ms. Hinda Jama Hirsi. The CSC chairperson already announced the requirements for all public servants should be as follows:- The Public Servant should be in the Payroll. He/She must have the Somaliland National Identity Card. Should have academic and professional certificates. Hon. Sharmarke has stressed that the main mission behind the census is to have justice in the public sector. He added that having the headcount kicked off then this will lead to have better public servants that will serve for the nation and that their knowledge will be improved. The minister of labor, Ms. Hinda has said that once fact based number of public servants are known then the gov’t will base its yearly based budgets where it will plan the number of staffers that it will recruit each and every year. The Head of State, Hon. Musa Bihi has reiterated that the mission of the project is to restore the the trust of the public on public servants. The President clearly stated that this is mean that the public will be justly and diligently served by public servants.
  20. Ugu yaraan 20 ruux ayaa ku dhimatay,in ka badan 30 kalena waa ku dhaawacantay dagaal maalmihii la soo dhaafay ka socday degaanno ka tirsan gobolka Sanaag,sida laga soo xigtay mas’uuliyiinta gobolka. Dagaalka oo u dhexeeya laba beelood ayaa ka bilowday nin lagu dilay degaanka Darar-weyne ee gobolka Sanaag,waxaana haatan sii xoogaystay xiisadda oo saamaysay degaanno kale oo ka tirsan gobolka Togdheer,iyadoo ilaa iyo haatan aanay jirin cid kala dhex gashay labadaan beelood. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo saaka qoraal kooban soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook,ayaa ku baaqay in si deg deg ah loo joojiyo dagaalka oo haatan u muuqda mid gacanta ka baxay. Mudane. Biixi,ayaa sidoo kale soo jeediyay in wixii la kala tirsanayo lagu dhameeyo“tanaasul iyo is-xaq dhawr”. Wixii ka soo kordha kala soco: The post Ugu yaraan 20 ruux oo ku dhintay dagaal ka socda Somaliland. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Wararka aan ka heleyno degmada Kaaraan ee gobolkan Banaadir ayaa wax ay sheegayaan in Ciidamo ka wada tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku dagaalameen Gudaha degma kaaraan. Goobjooge kusugan goobta uu dagaalka kadhacay ayaa Caasimadda Online u sheegay in uu jiro khasaaro dagaalkaas ka soo gaaray dad Shacab ah oo ku sugnaa Goobta uu dagaalka ka dhacay,islamarkaana Haweeney Ganacsato aheyd ay ku geeriyootay. iska hor imaadkan ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Goob Jaadka( Qaadka) lagu iibiyo oo ku taalla degmadaas,waxanala sheegay in ciidamada wada dagaalamay ay ka wada tirsan yihiin kuwa Milateriga Soomaaliya . Maamulka degmada Kaaraan wali kama aysan hadlin dagaalkaas,todobaadyadii u dambeeyay Muqdisho ku ayaa dhibane u ahayd dagaalada dhexmara Ciidamada ka wada tirsan dowladda,iyada oo xalay ay u dambeysay ay ku dagaalameen degmada Shibis ee Gobolkaan Banaadir. waxaa dagan Xaalada Goobtii uu dagaalka ka dhacay ,waxaana halkaas gaareen Ciidamo isugu jira Boolis iyo Nabadsugid kuwaas oo amniga xaqiijinaya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Faah Faahin Dagaal Khasaaro Dhimasho iyo dhaawac Geystay Oo Ka Dhacay magaaladda Muqdisho appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. Madaxwaynaha dowladda Puntland Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare ee Puntland u magacaabay Maxamed Cali Farax oo horay u ahaa Agaasimaah guud ee Wasaarada Cadaalada . Dhinaca kale, Maxamed Cabdulqaadir Cismaan oo ah Agaasimihii Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare ayaa Madaxwayne Gaas u wareejiyey Wasaarada Cadaalada Puntland iyo arrimaha Diinta. Isku badelkaan agaasimayaasha guud ee labada wasaaraddood waxaa Puntland u xaqiijiyay sarkaal katirsan wasaaadda Puntland oo qadka taleefonka kula hadlay wariyaha Puntlandi ee Garowe. Maxamed Cali Faarax ayaa horey ugasoo shaqeeyay wasaaradda waxbarashada, isagoo noqday madaxii mashaariicda, tababarada iyo xirfadaha gacanta, sidoo kale wuxuu agaasime guud kasoo noqday wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha Puntland. Sidoo kale, Maxamed Cabdiqaadir Cismaan, ayaa isaga agaasime guud kasoo noqday wasaaradda xanaanada xoolaha Puntland kahor inta aan loosoo badalin waxbarashada.
  23. Cabdirisaaq Axmed Abiikar waa aabbe Soomaaliyeed oo ka soo bara-baxay colaadda ka jirta Koonfurta,wuxuuna muddo 10 sano ah ku noolyahay magaalada Garoowe,isagoo ka mid ah dadka saboolka ah ee nolol maalmeedka ku dhibban. Cabdirisaaq waxaa ka tahriibtay gabadhii curaddiisa ahayd oo haatan muddo sagaal bilood ah lagu haysto dalka Libya,islamarkaana dhaawac culus loogu geystay,kadib markii Cabdirisaaq uu awoodi waayey in uu bixiyo lacagta madax-furashada ee Ma’gafe dalbaday oo gaaraysa $6500 Dollar. Aabbahan Soomaaliyeed ayaa Umadda Soomaaliyeed iyo guud ahaan muslimiinta ka dalbaday in ay ka caawiyaan badbaadinta gabadhiisa oo haatan xaalad halis ah ku sugan,kadib markii Ma’gafe isugu daray gaajo iyo jirdil. Halkaan ka daawo. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo:Muuqaal kaa ilmaysiinaya. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Hobyo-(Caasimadda Online)-Mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo Madaxweynaha Dowlada Somalia oo xalay ilaa shalay ku sugnaa magaalada Caabud-waaq ee G/Galgaduud ayaa maanta lagu wadaa inuu tago Magaalda Hobyo. Safarka Madaxweynaha uu ku tagaayo Magaalada Hobyo, ayaa wuxuu la xiriira dhagax dhigida dhismaha Dakadda magaalada Hobyo oo maamulka Galmudug ay si wayn u daneynayaan. Madaxweynaha waxaa socdaalkiisa ku wehelinaya Madaxweynaha Galmudug Mudane Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf, Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka Mudane Maxamed Xaashi Carrabeey, Madaxa Golaha Xukuumadda ee Dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug Sh. Maxamed Shaakir Cali Xasan, Xildhibaanno heer Federaal iyo heer Dowlad Goboleed, Wasiirro iyo masuuliyiin heer gobol iyo heer degmo. Ugudanbayntii Madaxweynaha Dowlada Somalia Mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa tagi doonaa Magaalada Cadaado, asagoo doonaya in uu soo qanciyo Bulshada degta Magaaladaasi oo tabasho ka qabta in cadaado lagararay caasimadda maamul goboleedka galmudug lonararay dhuusamareeb . Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Madaxweynaha Dowlada Somalia Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo Oo Maanta Tagaya Magaalada Hobyo appeared first on Caasimada Online.