Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. In the 30-plus years I’ve been in the publishing business, I’ve seen my share of “new countries.” Some are scams, such as the Dominion of Melchizedek, which I exposed as a fraud nearly two decades ago. But most new countries are never fully realized simply because their promoters suffer from the delusion that their claims of sovereignty will magically be recognized, without anyone putting together a clear plan for getting there. There are two almost insurmountable obstacles: Getting anyone to take you seriously (diplomatic recognition, etc.) Defending your territory from incursions by more powerful neighbors A great example of a claim that hasn’t been taken seriously is the Principality of Sealand, a “country” founded on an abandoned World War II gun platform in the North Sea off the English coast. In 1967, Roy and Joan Bates took up residence there. “Prince Roy” proclaimed a Sealand constitution and introduced a national flag and national anthem and began selling passports. Now that Prince Roy and Princess Joan have died, their son, Prince Michael, is Sealand’s caretaker. Sealand passports are not formally recognized, and in 1997, 150,000 were revoked. But you can still buy one for only €244.99 and even become a Lord, Lady, Baron, Baroness, Count, or Countess of Sealand. Just don’t try using your Sealand passport to cross an actual international border. Still, viable efforts to establish new countries that could actually be taken seriously are everywhere. Separatist groups in Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain want to create their own independent states, to name just a few movements across Europe. The most advanced efforts are in Catalonia, which in October voted overwhelmingly to separate from Spain. But its efforts to b>ecome independent were put down by force by the Spanish government. But perhaps the most successful new country is one that you may have never heard about. It’s called Somaliland, and it’s carved out of the territory of the war-torn nation of Somalia. You’ve no doubt read quite a lot about Somalia, which claims sovereignty over Somaliland, in recent years. The government that the international community recognizes is riddled with corruption and effectively controls only a small portion of its official territory. When Islamist militants seized Somalia’s capital Mogadishu in 2006, a coalition of African countries intervened to restore the so-called “legitimate” government. Unfortunately for citizens of Somalia, the government hasn’t been able to restore the rule of law. Just a few weeks ago, Mogadishu experienced the worst terror attack in Somalia’s history. More than 300 people were killed. To put it mildly, it’s not a place you’d want to invest in or visit. Yet, this is the Somalia the world recognizes as a sovereign state. However, the northern region of the country – Somaliland – is very different. Crime is low, terrorism is almost non-existent, and the standard of living is higher. A series of peaceful elections has reinforced democratic rule for more than 25 years. While nearly all the residents of Somaliland are Muslim, disputes are settled under a traditional tribal system called Xeer. Like the common law that America inherited from England, Xeer is based on legal precedent and local customs. While the world continues to acknowledge the corrupt government of Somalia, Somaliland has quietly prospered, despite lack of international recognition. It has its own currency and issues its own passports, which enjoy (limited) recognition. That’s not all Somaliland has going for it. It claims a territory of 68,000 square miles and has a population that exceeds 3.5 million people. And crucially, it has the ability to defend its territory, with more than 35,000 soldiers. Somaliland’s economy recently got a huge boost when one of the world’s largest seaport management companies, DP World, agreed to develop a new port there. Part of the agreement provides for DP World to create a free trade zone in Berbera on the Gulf of Aden. It will be modeled on Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone, currently the largest free trade zone in the Middle East. The fact that a major company like DP World is willing to make a big bet on Somaliland represents a pivotal vote of confidence for the country. It just might be the ingredient needed to compel the international community to recognize Somaliland as a sovereign nation. That’s especially true as conditions in “official” Somalia continue to deteriorate. Certainly, Somaliland will continue to face challenges in the months and years ahead. But the fact that its government is looking to the example of Dubai, one of the world’s most prosperous regions, is a bellwether for the future. And it just might be a model for other new countries to follow. Not to mention a terrific investment opportunity for those brave enough to get in on the ground floor. Reprinted with permission from
  2. Events of potential strife inflicting impacts on the public always happen in everywhere. An old woman complaining against the price of bread may stire up street anger that might cause public uprise, which might in turn cause human casualty. The arrests of some prominent opposing politicians could prompt massive demonstrations and cause huge damage to public properties. The cost of human lost sometimes causes the downfall of democratically elected governments. For democratic governments are accountable to the people. The fact is, reacting after social, economic anf political events — the manner in which they are handled and remedied — is what measures the scale of government conviction for the care of human life. As history is our guide, we encounter with occurrences that are even worse than conlicts and clashes between opposing forces and experience overt all-out wars between tribes, nations and countries. Somaliland is no exception. Every country, rich or poor, has problems. For the most part, some governments are able to quickly solve problems without much trouble. Such governments either come up with a quick solution or use a strategy that worked well in the past. Problems become more difficult when there is no obvious solution and strategies that were tried in the past but didn’t and don’t work. These types of problems cause a great deal of stress and anxiety and require new and different strategies. The execptionality lies in how responsibly, wisely and willingly governments solve and deal with their problems. There is no shame if there are many problems in Somaliland that cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. The shame is when we neither have quick solution nor strategy that worked in the past. What sickens most of us is the way in which Somaliland government always reacts and responds to problems which inflict unafforfable economic burdens on Somaliland citizens. The regular imports of contaminated energy by Somaliland petroluem companies which usually cause serious mechnical damage to a cinsiderable number of public and private vehicles is the case in point. To import commodity that causes human health hazards and huge damage to most of our transportation means poses the questions ” Why do we need government? And what purpose does it serve in the public?” The most basic purpose of government is protection. Protection is defined as the “state of being free from danger or threat”, which basically means the care of human life. To explain the care of human life in detail, government is to protect:– 1. An individual from another individual. 2. An individual from a group. 3. A group from another group. (Protect people from one another) In addition to above, government must also:– a) Establish Justice b) Ensure domestic tranquility c) Provide for the common defense d) Promote the general Welfare e) Protect public properties Since above conditions are the basic social contract between the governments and the people, why Somaliland current administration fails to do anything about the problems causing pains in a responsible way? Where does the resource of our government negligence come from? Does it come from the lack of ability? Or is it that arrogance and inconsideration come from the leadership’s side? There are problems that can only be remedied by material resources and mentality, that we know. But what about the problems that require just actions and implementation through rules and regulations? Doesn’t this mean that our government acts contrary to the general welfare of the people? Or are there individuals within the government that dominate the entire country for their own ends? Are we not fully aware that there are ills in public services that could be improved when rules and regulations are enforced and observed in letter and spirit? Everyone knows, as the old gag puts it, that half of the time in goverment is wasted, but no one knows which half. The best thermometer to good government is its treatment of its people. The welfare of the people is the most telling measure of our nation’s success – and their potential is the most promising element of its future. It is up to us – all of us – to safeguard that future. Great leaders always come up with solutions to problems everybody can understand. The point is where to find that leader at this time and age. Government is a system, an institution connecting different ideas in a fantastic aspect of creativity, that is a form of recognizing the reality that connectivity of heart and mind, if applied, is wonderful solution to the problems of human life,. The fragmentation of government awareness mostly triggers dizzying vertigo in the chaos of the peoples’ living standard. The thing is, government can reform peoples’ life and protect the rights of both the poor and the rich. The scale of the damaged vehicles caused by the contaminated fuel is so huge, but the government did not take the proper action against those companies that imported this filthy fuel. The proper action which our government has not as of yet come up with is to enforce hard and fast rules and impose heavy fines on the petroleum companies and hold them responsible for the damages and compel them to compensate all those citizens whose vehicles were damaged. Impressing the rich and ignoring the poor is not a good government’s function and vision. A good governnment is that which protects the rights of all citizens; government that distances itself from favoring certain group against another. When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned. Good government is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruits in its season, and its leaves do not wither. The question is ” What one can expect from a government headed by a president who is elected by ignorant people that tribalism teared them into clans.”
  3. Mr. Abdirashid Duale, the CEO of Dahabshiil Group of Companies was, on Thursday, among the dignitaries attending the handover ceremony during which top management of the Somaliland Central Bank changed hands. Mr. Ibrahim Ali Jama ‘Baghdadi” took over the governorship. A veteran economist, Ahmed Hassan Arwo came in as the new Director-General. Speaking at the occasion, Abdirashid Duale, Group CEO of Dahabshiil Group of companies said, “ I would like to use this opportunity to welcome Mr. Ali Ibrahim Jama (Bagdadi) , new chairman of the Somaliland central bank and also Mr. Ahmed Hassan Abdi Arwo, incoming Director General, and to thank the outgoing chairman and the director general who have done a good job and have overcome many challenges during that period”. “Central banks all over the world ensure that privately owned banking and financial institutions stay within national and international compliance instruments, foster development, and coordinate life-saving, financial services,” Mr. Duale said. Duale further emphasized the regulating role central banks played to oversee that private financial institutions served the best interests of the public thus becoming a most crucial pillar upon which any nation’s financial soundness and economic growth rested. “The central bank is the supreme monetary authority in every country, and accordingly it has to perform various useful functions for ensuring smooth functioning of the economy and by working closely with commercial banks in strengthening those institutions”, he said. Mr. Abdirashid Duale added, “Dahabshil group of companies will closely work with the incoming central bank team as we did with the outgoing management.” Mr. Mohamed Said Awale, the manager Hargeisa Branch of Dahabshiil International Bank also spoke at the ceremony. Dahabshil Bank International (DBI) came into operation in 2010 in Djibouti, before moving in to open branches in major Somali cities such as Hargeisa, Burao, Bossasso, Garowe, Mogadishu, and Kismayu. Dahabshiil Pvt., the most senior company within the Group, has a network of over 24000 operators and agents in 144 countries worldwide making it a most-trusted, formidable player in the remittance industry, internationally. The company provides a vital link between the Diaspora Somali and other African communities and relatives back home keeping an indispensable lifeline of remittances flowing. The Vice President H. E Abdurrahman Abdillahi Ismail presided over the handing over ceremony of the held at the civil service commission hall.
  4. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Kadib shir deg deg ahaa oo maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho isla markaana uu shir guddoominayay Ra`iisul Wasaaraha xukumadda fedraalka Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre oo looga hadlaya saameynta ka dhalatay fatahaada uu sameeyay Webiga Shabeele ee mara magaalada Beladweyne ee gobolka Hiiraan. kulankaan waxaa kasoo qaybgalay hay’adaha gargaarka safiiro iyo xukuumadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo ka wadahadlay sidii gargaar loo gaarsiin lahaa dadka B/weyn oo ka barakacay Fatahaadda webiga Shabelle. Dhanka kale waxaa jiray kulamo uu la qaatay ra’iisulwasaaraha culumo udiinka Soomaaliyeed waxayna ka wadahadleen sidii caawimaad loo gaarsiin lahaa B/weyn. Ugu dambeyn shirkaas ayaa lagu magacaabay guddi loo xil saaray wax u qabashada kumanaanka ruux ee ka barakacay magaalada Beladweyene. Guddiga loo xilsaaray arrinta B/weyn ayaa waxaa uu ka koobanyahay 22 xubnood waxaana hoggaamin doona ra’iisulwasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed. Gudigaan lamagaacaabay ayaa waxaa laga filayaa in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan wax uga qabtaan mashaqada ka taagan duleedka magaalada Beladweyne ee ay ku sugan yihiin kumanaan barakacayaal ah ku waas oo aanan haysan waxyaabaha aas aasiga u ah nolosha bini aadamka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Gaalkacyo-(caasimadda Online)-Maamulka Galmudug ayaa Cambaareeyay cid kasta oo ka dambeysay Qarax ismiidaamin ahaa oo maanta ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. Qaraxaasi ismiidaamin aha ayaa loo adeegsaday Gaari nuuca loo yaqaano Borobox, waxaana qaraxaas fuliyay qof naftii hura ah oo la beegsaday goob ay ku sugnaayeen saraakiil ciidan. Inta la xaqiijiyay waxaa geeriyootay 6 qof oo kala ah laba sarkaal iyo afar Askari oo ilaalo u`ahaa Saraakiisha dhimatay. War-saxaafadeedka ka soo baxay maamulka Galmudug ayaa u qornaa sidan:- Dowlad-goboleedka Galmudug waxa ay ka tacsiyeyneysaa geeridii maanta ku timid allaha u naxa riistee Saraakiishii ciidamada xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan Ururka Guul wade Gobolka Mudug oo kooxo dhagar qabayaal ah maanta ku dileen qarax miino oo ka dhacay meel lagu qaxweeyo oo ku taala waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. Dowlada Goboleedka Galmudug waxa ay Cambaareyneysa cid kasta oo ka danbeysay falkaan foosha xun laguna dilay Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidanka xooga dalka, gaar ahaan Ururka Guul-wade ee dagan gobolka Mudug, waxaan codsaneynaa in Cadaaladda la hor keeno Cid kasta oo falkaan raad ku yeelata laguna sameeyo baaritaan dhab ah. Saraakiisha dhimatay waxaa ka mid ah allaha u naxariistee Taliyihii Ururka Guul wade Ciidanka Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed G/Sare Xoreeye, laba ka tirsan saaraakiil ciidan iyo labo ka mid ah Askarta Dowladda. Waxaan geeridaan xanuunka badan iyo murugadeeda la qeybsaneynaa dhamaan Eheladii iyo Ciidmada xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed, waxaana allaah uga baryeynaa in uu Naxariistiisa ka waraabiyo . Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  6. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-War qoraal ah oo ka soo baxay guddiga Dib u eegista Dastuurka ee labada Aqal ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in Dastuurka KMG ah ee xilligaan lagu Shaqeeyo uu yahay kan rasmiga ah kadib markii dhawaan uu sheegay guddoomiye ku xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Shacabka in la xaday Dastuurkii saxda ahaa. Waxa ay sheegeen in dastuurkan yahay kii saxd ahaa ee ay ansixiyeen ergada Agoosto 1, 2012, iyaga oo meesha ka saaray in dastuurkii saxda ahaa yahay midkii Todobaadkii hore lo qeybiyey xildhibaannada golaha shacabka. Guddiga ayaa sheegay in ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed u caddeynayaan in dastuurka hadda lagu dhaqmayo yahay kan saxda ah ee hay’adda dowladda lagu soo dhisay. Waxaa soo baxayay tan iyo markii uu is casilay guddoomiyihii hore ee baarlamaanka Maxamed Cismaan Jawaari in dastuurka la xaday. Dastuurka la xaday ayaa la sheegay in uu qorayo in Madaxweynaha uu kala diri karo baarlamaanka isla markaana uu haynayo xilka muddo shan sano ah. Halkan Hoose ka Akhriso War-saxaafadeedka Guddiga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibaan Shariif Abdullahi oo ka mid ah musharixiinta u taagan xilka gudoomiyaha golaha shacabka ayaa lacag $1,000 dollar ah ugu deeqay xulka 17 jirada Somalia ee gaaray final-ka tartanka Bariga iyo Bartamaha Africa. Musharaxa ayaa lacagta ku wareejiyay guddiga #CaawinQaran oo u istaagay iney dhaqaalo aruurin u sameyaan ciyaartooyda 17 jirada Somalia, wuxuu noqday qofkii ugu horreeyay ee lacag ku deeqa. Musharaxaan u taagan Xilka Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa noqday musharaxii ugu horreeyey ee taakuleyn u sameeyey dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee laga filayo in Magaalada Muqdisho kasoo dajiyaan koobka Bariga iyo Bartamaha Africa. Sidoo kale waxaa Maanta guddiga #CaawinQaran taakuleyn ku wareejiyey Xildhibaan Mustaf Dhuxulow, Wariyaha BBC Cabdiriraaq Xaaji Catoosh iyo Shakhsiyaad kale oo caan ah. Lacagaha ay guddigan aruuriyaan ayaa shaqsi shaqsi loogu qeybin doona ciyaartooyda ka qeyb gashay tartanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. Muqdisho (PP) ─ War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay Guddiga la socodka dib u eegista iyo hir-gelinta Dastuurka ayaa lagu sheegay in Dastuurka hadda sida KMG ah loogu shaqeeyo yahay kan saxda ah ee lagu soo dhisay Hay’adaha Dowladda. Guddigu waxay sheegeen in dastuurkan yahay kii saxda ahaa ee ay ergadu ansixiyeen sannadkii 2012-kii, iyagoo meesha ka saaray in dastuurkii saxda ahaa yahay midkii toddobaadkii hore loo qaybiyay Xildhibaannada Golaha Shacabka. Sidoo kale, Guddiga ayaa sheegay inay shacabka Soomaaliyeed u caddeynayaan in dastuurka hadda lagu dhaqmayo yahay kan saxda ah ee hay’adda Dowladda lagu soo dhisay. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee baarlamaanka Somalia C/weli Sheekh Ibraahim Muudeey ayaa horay u sheegay in la xaday dastuurkii saxda ahaa ee ay ergadu ansixiyeen, balse maalmo kaddib ayaa la sheegay in la helay. Ugu dambeyn, Baraha bulshada ayaa maalmihii ugu dambeeyay waxaa la isku weydaarsanayay hadallo ku aaddan dastuurka la xalay ee la sheegay iyo kaasoo la sheegay in dib loo helay. Haddaba, AKHRISO War-saxaafadeedka kasoo baxay Guddiga Dastuurka; PUNTLAND POST The post Guddiga dib u eegida Dastuurka oo war kasoo saaray hadallada aaddan Dastuurka Dalka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ayaa bannaan-baxyo looga soo hirjeedo maamulka Dowlad-deegaanka Soomaalida ee Itoobiya waxay ka dhacayeen deegaanno ka mid ah kuwa maamulkaas uu ka taliyo. Deegaannada ugu badan ee mudaaharaadyadu ay ka dhaceen ayaa waxaa ka mid ah deegaanka Shinniile, waxaana la sheegay in rabashadhan gilgilay deegaannada maamulka Soomaalida Itooobiya ay xilalkooda ku waayeen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulkaas. Wargeyska laga leeyahay Itoobiya ee la yiraahdo Addis Standard ayaa qoray in Madaxweynaha Dowlada-deegaanka Soomaalida ee dalka Itoobiya, Cabdi Maxamed Cumar uu xilka ka qaaday Madaxweyne ku xigeynkiisii Cabdikariin Cigalle, kuna badalay Xamdi Aadan Cabdi oo sida la sheegay kasoo jeeda Deegaanka Shiniile ee is-maamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya. Haweeneydan loo magacaabay madaxweyne ku xigeenka maamulkaas ayaa la sheegay inay ahayd Wasiiradii caafimaadka maamulka, iyadoo noqonaysa haweeneydii ugu horreysay oo loo magacaabay Madaxweyne ku xigeenka maamulka DDSI. Sidoo kale, Wargeyska ayaa sababta xilka looga qaaday C/kariin Cigalle ku sheegay in laga baqay inay kordhaan dibadbaxyada rabshadaha wata ee ka dhacaya deegaanka Shinniile. Dhanka kale, Wararka la helayo ayaa sheegaya inay jraan deegaanno kale oo wali ay ka socdaan dibadbaxyada rabshadaha wata oo laga baqayo inay sii kordhaan. Ugu dambeyn, Madaxweynaha Dowlad-deegaanka Soomaalida ee Itoobiya, Cabdi Maxamed Cumar ayaa la sheegayaa inuu wado dadaal uu ku joojinayo dibad-baxdyada rabshadaha wata ee looga soo horjeedo maamulkiisa. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne ku xigeenkii Dowlad-deegaanka Soomaalida ee Itoobiya oo xilkii laga qaaday appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibannada kooxda qabyo ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ayaa dib u soo nooleysay Kutladii Hore-u-socod ee mucaaradnimada ku bilowday dowladda Soomaaliya xilli ay 3 bilood xilka heysay. Kutladan oo magaalada Nairobi lagu dhisay ayaa u socon weyday waaqic ka hor yimid, kadib markii si weyn ay shacabka uga hor yimaadeen, waxaana guddoomiye u ahaa xildhibaan C/rashiid Maxamed Xiddig, waxayna markii danbe u noqotay mid magaca ahaan u jira. Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ayaa sheegaya inay kala qeybsameen xildhibaanadii kooxda Qabyo, iyadoo guddoomiyihii kooxdan C/rashiid Xididig iyo koox kale ay la safteen kooxdii waday mooshinka Guddoomiye Jawaari, waxaana la sheegay in guddoomiye cusub loo sameeyay Kutladii Hore-u-socod. Guddoomiyaha Kutladan ayaa la sheegay in laga dhigay Xildhibaan C/llaahi Maxamed Nuur, halka Guddoomiye kuxigeen aan hore u jirin laga dhigay Senator C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil Fartaag, iyadoo Xoghaye uu noqday Xildhibaan Cali Cabdi Cusmaan (Caliyow). Horaantii bishii April ayay aheyd markii C/rashiid Xidig iyo Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre ay ku kulmeen dalka isu tagga Imaaraadka Carabta, taasna ay keentay kala shakiga xubnaha Kudlada Horusocod oo soo dedejisay in Hoggaan cusub ay doortaan. Lama oga hoggaankan cusub Kudlada Horusocod waxaa uu ku soo kordhin doono mucaaradadii horay u jirtay ee Xukuumadda iyo Madaxtooyada kala kulmayeen Xildhibaanada aan siyaasad ahaan taageersaneyn labada xafiis. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  11. The World Bank announced today new support for Djibouti’s ongoing efforts to leverage digital technology to bring government closer to citizens and improve the impact, transparency and efficiency of its public administration. With a US$15 million credit from IDA, the World Bank’s Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- Somalia will next month host a two-day international conference aimed at stopping illegal charcoal trade in the Horn of Africa nation, organizers said Saturday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Ra’isalwasaaraha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa Magaalada Muqdisho ka furay shir ku saabsan fatahaadda wabiga shabeelle iyo Barakaca ka socda Magaaladaas. Shirkan oo uu Ra’isalwasaaraha ka furay Xarunta madaxtooyada dalka ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ka qeybgelaya Ra’isalwasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya,xildhibaanno,Guddiga ka hortagga Musiibooyinka Qaranka,Ganacsato iyo Hay’adaha aan dowliga ahayn ee gudaha dalka ka howlgala. Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Hirshabelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare oo ku sugan magaalada Beledweyne ayaa sheegay in dad kabadan boqol kun oo ruux ay u barakaceen fatahaadaha ka jira magaalada Beledweyne. dhawaan ayay ahayd markii Senatorrada kala ah Maxamed Cusmaan Faarax (Dhagajuun), Senator Naciima Ibraahim Yusuf, Senator Maxamed Xuseen Raage iyo Senator Cismaan Axmed Macow ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ay garan la’yihiin aamusnaanta dowladda. intabada dadka ku nool Baladweyne ayaa barakacay kadib markii guryahoodii ay biyo ugu soo galeyn biyahaas oo saameeyey dhammaan noloshii Bulshada Magalada Baladweyne. Kulanka ka furmay xafiiska Ra’isalwasaaraha ayaa waxaa lagu gorfeynayaa sidii loogu gurman lahaa dadka biyaha ay barakiciyeen ee Magalada Baladweyne. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  14. A Somali military official was killed on Saturday in bomb blast in Somalia's central town Galkayo. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Peshawa-(Caasimadda online)-Dowladda Pakistan ayaa sheegtay in Dhaqtarkii Hay’adda CIA-da Mareykanka ka saaciday dilkii Usama Bin Laden laga bixiyay Xabsi ku yaalla Gobolka Peshawar ee dalka Pakisan lana geeyay meel amaan ah. Saraakiisha Dowladda Pakistan ayaa ehelka Dr Shakil Afridi u sheegay in laga saaray Xabsiga dhexe ee Peshawar dowladduna ay geysay meel amaan ah oo aanay naftiisa qatar ku galayn. Shakil Afridi waxaa lagu xukumay 33 Sano oo Xabsi ah waxaana uu u xiranyahay dowladda Pakistan oo ku eedeysay in uu sirdoon shisheeye kala shaqeeyay dilka Usama Bin Laden oo gudaha Pakistan joogay. Dowladda Pakistan waxaa ay sheegtay in Dhaqtarka naftiisa ay ugala cabsatay Ururka Daalibaan oo ku xooggan Gobolka Peshawar ee Waqooyiga Pakistan sidaas darteedna Hay’adda sirdoonka Pakistan ee ISI ay ku heyso xabsi qarsoodi ah oo ka baxsan Gobolka. Jamil Afridi, oo ah Nin la dhashay Dhaqtarka ayaa sheegay in dowladda ay ku wargelisay in walaalkii laga kaxeeyay Xabsiga dhexee Peshawar lana geeyay goob ay dowladda amaankeeda gacanta ku heyso. Ciidanka gaarka ah ee Mareykanka ayaa waxaa ay Bishii May ee 2011ku dileen Usama Bin laden Magaalada Abbottabad waxaana dilkaas fududeeyay Dr Shakil Afridi oo ka mid ahaa shaqaalaha Caafimaadka ee ka hortagga Cudurka Dabeysha. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  16. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa si KMG ah u hakisay hawlihii dublamaasiyadeed ee safaaraddeedu ay ka wadday Muqdisho, taas oo la sheegay inay hakad ku jiraan tan iyo inta laga xallinayo xiisadda kala dhexeysa Dowladda Somalia. Wararka la helayo ayaa sheegaya in xukuumadda Imaaraadku ay dalka kala baxday qaar ka mid ah dublamaasiyiinteedii ka hawl-galayay safaraadda ay ku leedahay Muqdisho. Dubalamaasiyiinta Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa la sheegay in Dalka ay ka maqnaan doonaan maqnaanayaan illaa muddo aan la cayimin, iyadoo tani ay kusoo beegmayso xilli dhawaan ay dowladda Imaaraadku sheegtay inay hakisay dhammaan tababarrradii ay siin jirtay ciidamada Somalia, isla markaana ay qalabkeedii ka raratay caasimadda Somalia. Sidoo kale, Hakinta hawlaha safaaradda Imaaraadka ee Muqdisho ayaa la sheegay inuu ka yimid wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee Imaaraadka, iyadoo tani ay salka ku hayso khilaafka labada waddan u dhexeeya. Tallaabada ay qaadatay Dolwadda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa imaanaya xilli ay weli shaqeynayso safaaraddii Somalia ay ku lahayd dalka Imaaraadka oo dhawwaan safiirkeedii la bedlay. Dhanka kale, Dowladda Somalia ayaan ka hadlin xirtaanka safaraaddii ay ku lahayd Imaaraadku Muqdisho, waxaana safaraaddan ay shaeynayso muddo sannado ah, waana markii ugu horreysay oo lagu dhawaaqo in shaqadeedii la hakiyay. Ugu dambeyn, Khilaafkii u dhexeeyay Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Somalia ayaa hawada isku sii shareeraya, iyadoo aan la ogeyn qaabka lagu xallin doono, inkastoo horay loo sheegay in labada dowladood uu wadahadl u socdo. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta oo hakisay hawlihii safaaradeedu ay ka waday Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Iyadoo uu sii xoogeysanayo ololaha loogu jiro xilka Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa sii xoogeysanaya tartanka loogu jiro xilka uu banneeyay Prof. Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan (Jawaari). 11 musharax ayaa u taagan xilkan, waxaana ugu cadcad ilaa 3 musharax oo ay kala taageersan yihiin xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka iyo xafiisyada Madaxtooyada iyo Xafiiska Ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya, iyadoo doorashadan ay noqotay tii ugu cusleyd ee xilkan loo galo laga soo bilaabo shirkii Carte ee 2000. Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay inay taageersan tahay musharax Cali Maxamed Nuur (Xaaji Cali) oo ay dooneyso inuu xilkan ku soo baxo, laakiin Ra’iisal wasaare Kheyre ayaa dhinaciisa taageersan Maxamed Mursal Sheekh C/raxmaan oo iska casilayu xilka Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga. Arrintan ayaa salka ku heysa xaaladda siyaasaddda dalka iyo aragti kala duwanaasho ka dhex jirta labada xafiis, iyadoo markii hore ay wada taageerayeen wasiirka Gaashaandhigga, basle markii danbe ay arrintaasi isbedeshay, waxayna wararka qaar sheegayaan in taageerada Xildhibaan Xaaji Cali ka mid tahay heshiis lala galay Guddoomiyihii hore ee Jawaari. Musharax Ibraahim Isaaq Yarow ayaa la sheegay inuu taageero ka heysto xildhibaanadii Qabyo iyo kooxo kale oo uu ka mid yahay xubnaha ugu cadcad ee u tartamaya xilka guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  18. Gaalkacyo-(Caasimadda Online)-Faah faahino dhaaraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya qarax ismiidaamin ah oo ka dhacay Waqooyiga Magalada Gaalkacyo ee Puntland. Sida ay soo sheegayaan goobjoogayaal ku sugan Gaalkacyo waxaa qaraxan fuliyey ruux isku soo xiray walxaha qarxa waxaana uu isku qarxiyey goob ay ku sugnaayeen saraakiil ciidan. Wararkii ugu ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in qaraxaas lagu dilay taliyihii Ciidamada isku-dhafka ee Gobolka oo ay dowladda Soomaaliya u sameysay Gaalkacyo oo lagu Magacaabi jiray Cor, Xorreeyye iyo iyo Sarakal kale oo Magaciisa lagu sheegay Cabdi Qani Axmed Geyre halka dhaawacuna uu intaasi ka badan yahay. Qaraxan oo ka dhacay xaafadda Xero siinaay ayaa kadib waxaa la maqlay rasaas badan oo kor u dhaceysa waxaana goobta soogaaray ciidamo farabadan oo ka tirsan kuwa Puntland kuwaas oo goobta xiray. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  19. Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaasi Goordhow uu ka dhacay qarax ismiidaamin ah. Qaraxaan oo ahaa nooca ismiidaaminta ah ayaa la la eegtay Masuuliyiin katirsan Ciidamada isku dhafka ah ee Gobolka Mudug. Qof isi soo miidaamiyay ayaa isku qarxiyay meel ay ku sugnaayeen Taliyaashaan ciidamada isku dhafka ah. Waxaa qaraxaasi ku geeriyooday Taliyihii ciidamada isku dhafka Cor Xoreeya iyo Sarkaal kale oo lagu magacaabo Cabdi Qani Axmed Qeyre. Sidoo kale askar iyo dad shacab ah ayaa ku dhintay qaraxaasi sida ay sheegeen wariyaal iyo goobjoogayaal ku sugan Gaalkacyo. Qaraxa ayaa ka dhacay halka loo yaqaano Jiiro Cabdullaahi Yuusuf waxaana goobtaasi gaaray ciidamo katirsan kuwo amniga. Faah Faahinta qaraxa dib kala soco Insha allah Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Qarax Ismiidaamin ah oo ka dhacay Gaal-kacyo appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. The Ethiopia- Somali region has been rocked by what local media portals are describing as rare protests against the regional government. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Canada is providing assistance to address the critical needs of the millions of people in Somalia who continue to face hunger, disease, displacement, physical insecurity and loss of livelihoods as a result of the ongoing conflict and natural disasters, especially drought. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. KAMPALA - The Somali government officials are undergoing training in biometric registration to integrate pro-government militias into the national army. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Press Statement April 27, 2018 Centre for Policy Analysis (CPA) demands Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum (SONSAF) to clarify its position towards the safety and work of the human rights defenders of Somaliland. Having considered a written complaint submitted by a human rights defender, and after analyzing the comments he complained about, we are deeply concerned about the unacceptable and dangerous statements publicly made by a senior staff of SONSAFwho openly attacked through the social media the human rights defenders and made allegations that can put their lives at risk. The allegations also harshly tarnished the concept of human rights itself. We acknowledge that this is not the first time the officer in question made in a public place a similar statement that undermines the human rights while claiming representation of SONSAF. Recognized that the human rights defenders are already working in a tough environment in a selfless manner, it is unacceptable a senior staff of SONSAF to lead a smearing campaign against them. It is beyond doubt that the work of human rights organizations in Somaliland is not any way contrary to the sacred religion of Islam. Any claim to the contrary to smear the human rights is wrong and perilous. Human rights are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland which is based on the religion of Islam as stipulated in article five of the Constitution. We urge SONSAF to distance itself from that statement, take an appropriate action against the senior staff in question and make a public apology to the human rights defenders and refrain such unacceptable and dangerous attacks to the human rights defenders and to the human rights principles. Lastly, CPA commends the work of the human rights defenders in Somaliland and urges them to continue their efforts. For More information please contact with us at
  24. Finally, Kulmiye is too clever for their own detriment. For the last eight years this party has bet on the gullibility of the public to shamelesly lie to their face, telling them what the people wish to hear. For instance, on their visits to Somaliland, western ambassadors to Somalia are casualy introduced to the public as the representative of the country in Somaliland and Somalia. But this time, they have gone too far. Today, one thing is obvious and that is the government is lying about the nature of supposedly UAE delegation the president has received yesterday. The government’s narrative is that a high level delegation consisting of 12 persons met the president and apologized for remarks made by UAE minister last week. Allegedly, the delegation also promised to lift ban on Somaliland livestock exports, train and equip Somaliland forces and facilitate free movement of people and goods between the two countries. All this is good news, but many citizen are not having any of it. That is mainly due to the secrecy surrounding the identity and the ranks of the delegation. Apart from being twelve persons and of high-level, the government failed to release any more details. There were no joint press conference after the meeting. Journalists were not provided photographs of the delegation along with the press release. All we know about the envoy comes from the spokesperson of the president in a video posted on his facebook page. The ministry of foreign affairs reiterated spokesperson remarks today. This is remarkably different than how usually Somaliland receives dignitaries and how they are presented. Normaly, journalists are invited to the reception or photos of the event are posted online. There is also the matter of inconsistency in the press releases of the president’s spokesperson and the press release of ministry of foreign affairs. While the presidency mentions the establishment of kidney hospital, and public servants training provided by UAE, Ministry of Foreign Affais does not. On top of that disgusting cherry, the UAE side is yet to make statement regarding the alleged delegation. The final blow then came from an online tabloid newspaper, Qarannews, which reported that the delegation is not political at all, but consists of junior officials in DP World and the Djiboutian businessman Abdirahman Boore. At this juncture, one might wonder, what would compel the government to so blatanly lie to its people. A little background information explains it all. Last week, the UAE state foreign minister told BBC Arabic that Berbera military base and port deals came to being thanks to understanding with the Federal Government of Somalia, and that UAE did not have any communication with Somaliland. This embarrassed the Kulmiye who for long played the card of patriotism against the opposition. Suddenly, Kulmiye became a suspect of relinquishing the sovereignity of the country. Uncharacteristically, Waddani party has not let the chance go by. Abdirahman Irro called for the resignation of Muse Bihi and the trial of ex president Ahmed Silanyo for high treason immediately after the revelation. That must have thrown the government of tracks. In a desperate attempt to safe face Muse Bihi have grossly underestimated the intelligence of the people and orchesterated this sham. This time, I am glad to say, people know better. People are mocking the ill prepared and executed sham on social media. There are jokes and buns about the invisibility of the delegation, stolen photographs of the event that mirrors the theft of the constitution of Somalia that was revealed recently. Some people are even wondering the existence of a ghost country which is also called UAE that sent a ghost envoy to Somaliland. This time the lie did not pass. I am happy for that, but what is keeping me awake tonight is the question of what else, of higher consequences, is this government lying about? I can’t be the only one wondering that. Abdillahi Hassan Jama Journalist based in Hargeisa, Somaliland
  25. By Ahmed Abdi Hargeisa—Ministry of Trade, industries and Tourism will run the fuel Somaliland said in Communiqué released on Thursday. “After receiving the news of the contaminated fuels that caused some vehicles to halt from their work we have decided to test in the laboratory,” said the statement reads. “We will import a new lab so that we will test and analyze possible contaminated fuels in our fuel testing laboratory in the future,” the statement further said. “We will hold accountable the company that imported the contaminated fuel, the statement added.