Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Mogadishu (HOL) - Al-Shabaab militants fired motor shells on military bases manned by African Union troops in Lower Shabelle region.The attacks which happened simultaneously on Tuesday night at AMISOM bases in 60km and Golweyn localities. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. As an undercover operative for Somalia’s al Shabaab militia, Nasteh spied on the insurgent group’s senior commanders to ensure their loyalty and planned bombings and assassinations in government-controlled territory. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Map of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Addis Ababa – The United Nations human rights chief expressed concern on Tuesday over the deaths of at least seven people chanting anti-government slogans during a religious festival in Ethiopia last week. The unrest in the city of Woldiya in the northern Amhara region was the latest bloodshed to occur since widespread anti-government protests began in Ethiopia in 2015 that have killed hundreds and posed one of the biggest challenges to the ruling party’s 27 years in power. The deaths in Woldiya occurred during the Ethiopian Orthodox Church’s Timkat celebration of Jesus Christ’s baptism, a two-day festival where replica Arks of the Covenant are paraded through the streets and people baptised en masse. Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the High Commissioner for Human Rights, said the deaths occurred when security forces allegedly shot people chanting anti-government slogans. She added the UN was “concerned by the use of force by security officials against worshippers”. “This incident is all the more regrettable, as it comes just two weeks after Ethiopia’s ruling coalition, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, officially announced its intention to undertake reforms,” Shamdasani said. “We call on the authorities to ensure that the security forces take all feasible measures to prevent the use of force.” Earlier this month, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn announced Ethiopia would release some jailed politicians. So far, hundreds of prisoners have been freed, though most of the country’s most notable detainees remain behind bars. The demonstrations against the ruling coalition started in 2015 when Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, the Oromos, protested a proposal to expand the boundaries of the capital Addis Ababa, that they claim would have deprived them of their land. They were soon joined by the Amharas, the country’s second-largest ethnicity who predominate Woldiya and have long complained of marginalisation. In October 2016, the government imposed a state of emergency that lasted 10 months as a way to stop the unrest, but protests and deaths have occurred sporadically in the Oromo and Amhara federal states since it ended. AFP
  4. Siyaasi muddo dheer Mucaarad ku ahaa dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta shaaciyay in uu si buuxda u taageersanyahay qorshaha xukuumadda madaxweyne Gaas ee ku aaddan soo celinta dhammaan degaannada maqan ee gobolka Sool. Siyaasigan oo lagu magacaabo Xaaji.Maxammed Xaaji. Aadan oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garoowe isagoo uu dhinac taaganyahay guddoomiyaha gobolka Nugaal Mudane.Cumar Cabdullaahi Maxammed(Fara-weyne) ayaa sheegay in haatan guud ahaan shacabka Puntland ka midaysanyihiin taageerada xukuumadda Gaas iyo dagaalka lagu soo celinayo degaannada maqan ee gobolka Sool. Xaaji.Maxammed ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in aanay Somaliland qiil u noqon doonin in safarkii Farmaajo ku dhaliyey weerarkii Tukaraq lagu qabsaday,maadaama buu yiri”aan Farmaajo ugu horrayn madaxweyne Federaal oo Puntland soo booqda”. Dhinaca kale siyaasigan ayaa eedayn kulul u jeediyay Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo uuku tilmaamay nin la dayriyey oo wixii arkaaba ka carareen,balse Somaliland oo aan weli baran ku riixaya burbur iyo dagaal uusan ka saari doonin. Halkaan ka daawo shirka jaraa’id ee siyaasiga. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo:-Siyaasi muddo dheer Mucaarad ku ahaa Puntland oo Maanta si buuxda u taageeray Xoraynta Sool. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. Buula burde-(Caasimadda Online)-Ciidamo katirsan Dowladda soomaaliya iyo kuwa AMISOM oo howgalo ka Sameeyey Degmada Buule Burde ee Gobolka Hiiraan howlgalkaan ayaa daba socday kadib dagaal kooban oo xalay ka dhacay Degmada Buule burde ee Gobolka Hiiraan. Ciidamada baaritaanka sameeyay ayaa meel isugu geeyay dhaliyarada xaafada ay kasoo qabteen inta ay howlgalka ay kawadeen una baarayay halhal. Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Jabuuti ee qeybta ka ah AMISOM ayaa duleedka Magaalada iyagana ka bilaabay howlgallo ay ku baadi goobayaan dhalinyaro la sheegay in ay katirsan yihiin Al-Shabaab. Howlgalkan waxaa sabab u ahaa kaddib markii xalay la weeraray Saldhigyo Ciidan oo ku yaalla Magaalada kuwas oo laga maqlayay israsaaseynta ka dhacaysay Magaalada Buulo Barte. Buule burde waxa ay go’doon ugu jirtaa kooxda Al-Shabaab waxaana inta badan habeenadii dhaafay ka dhaca weeraro lagu qaadayo Saldhigyada Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Jabuuti ee ka tirsan Howlgalka Midowga Afrika . Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Hawlgal Ciidamada dowlaalo ka sameeyey gobolka hiiraan kadib saldhigyo ciidan oo weeraray appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  6. The German Government announced its commitment of EUR 23.4 million to support infrastructure work in Somalia. Channeled through the World Bank’s Multi Partner Fund (MPF) the contribution will strengthen municipal planning and implementation capacity to improve access to basic infrastructure. “Germany joins the MPF at a critical and exciting juncture,” said Marius Rauh, Head of Development Cooperation: “Investments in infrastructure through municipalities will not only contribute to generating growth in urban areas and improving the living conditions for Somali citizens, but will also support local governments in planning and managing more resilient cities.” In addition, an amount of Euro 1.2 was committed to support necessary preparatory studies. The MPF has been investing in urban infrastructure through the Somali Urban Investment Planning Project and through the Somalia Financing Facility for Local Development. The German contribution will allow for an expansion in the support to urban development through the MPF. The contribution from the German Government recognizes the key role of government in the development and implementation of the urban agenda in Somalia, in line with the MPF’s approach to using country systems and putting the government in the lead in the country’s development. “The World Bank’s role in Somalia is about working with and through government and building the capacity of the authorities to spearhead reform and development,” said Hugh Riddell, World Bank Country Representative for Somalia. “Germany’s contribution to the MPF will allow us to build on the initial work in urban resilience and to expand this agenda across the country.” “The Federal Government appreciates Germany’s commitment to use government systems and channel funds through the MPF. We cannot underestimate the importance of government leadership in rebuilding the country,” said H.E Hon. Abdirahman Beileh, Minister of Finance for the Federal Government. “We also welcome the important contributions that Germany will bring to the agenda, given their role in co-chairing the Infrastructure Working Group.” The Multi Partner Fund works predominantly through Somali authorities and includes institution-building, economic growth and urban development activities. MPF is supported by the European Union (EU), United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DfID), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation (SIDA), the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the Swiss Agency for Development Co-operation (SDC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the World Bank’s State- and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF).
  7. By Ahmed Abdi NAIROBI, Kenya, (Somaliland Informer) Ethiopia reached out ONLF to pursue a peaceful solution to the Ogaden conflict, according to an official statement released by the ONLF group last week. ONLF has been fighting to help Ogadenia become a sovereign nation since 1984 and waged a long, bloody war against Ethiopia’s military and security forces. The re-open of the peace talks with the ONLF will bring an end to a half-century conflict as many factions previously involved in this Eastern Africa’s long-standing conflict which has ravaged Ethiopia’s Ogaden region. “We have agreed to meet each other in Kenya as part of the peace talks and will continue doing so,” said ONLF in a statement published on its official website, Ogaden News Agency (ONA). Last week, Kenya dispatched a delegation led by a former State Minister for Defense and member of parliament representing Garissa County, Mohamed Yusuf Haji to meet ONLF executive officials in Sweden to pave the way for the talks, according to local reports. On Monday, Officials from ONLF group held a meeting with the Somali Ogaden Communities in North America to hear their recommendations on the intended talks with the current Ethiopian government. The Human Rights Groups, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said the Ethiopian military have committed human rights violations against Somalis in the Ogaden, which borders Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti. The government has always denied the allegations. Peace talks between Ethiopia and the ONLF stalled in October 2012 and many hope the upcoming peace talk with the ONLF will bring an end to a half-century conflict as both sides are willing to compromise after two decades of bitter fighting. On January 09, 2018, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) called on the International Community, the European Union and the United States to stand up for the Somalis in Ogaden for their legitimate grievances in terms of serious political, economic and humanitarians crisis. In its press release, UNPO brought to the International Community’s attention to a forgotten region and its 7-10 million people including to the notorious detention camp better known as ‘Ogaden jail’, which is home to several thousand men and women inmates including political prisoners. Several hours of fighting around Shilabo district in the Korahey Province near a Chinese-run oil field, about 150 km from the Somali regional capital of Jijiga have left at least 30 Ethiopian combatants dead. Among of them were the Ethiopian National Defense Forces that have controlled the region on the border with Somalia, according to Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (ESAT). The officials of the Ogaden Regional Government feel that the uprising of the Oromia and Amhara regional states were helped the rebel to wage a large-scale offensive against the regular army— Amhara and Oromo are the two largest ethnic groups in the country. When TPLF took over the central government in 1991 it formed Federalism and new charter in which the people in the Somali territory applied to article 39 of the Ethiopian Constitution, which defines the right of ethnocultural communities to self-determination, including the right to establish a regional state or independent state. In 1994, Ogaden Parliament held their first vote for independence, where 84% of voters said they wanted ‘Ogadenia’ to be an independent state. Since then, Ogaden relations with the TPLF-EPRDF soured. Ogaden was part of Greater Somalia until the British annexed to Ethiopia on November 29, 1954. Since then the people of the Somali territory waged an armed struggle against its occupation. The government failed to crush Ogaden rebellion militarily since 1994 and relied on harsh policies pursued by Ethiopia’s military several attempts to end the Ogaden conflict politically provided fruitless.
  8. Swezerland-(Caasimadda Online)-Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xakuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali khayre ayaa lagu wadaa in maanta oo Arbaca ah uu khudbad dhinacyo badan taabaneysa ka jeediyo shirka Dhaqaalaha Aduunka. Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Dalka Swezerland Faadumo C/llaahi Insaani oo la hadashay Warbaahinta Qaranka ayaa sheegtay in Maanta uu R/wasaaraha XFS Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre khudbad ka hor jeedin doono madaxda ka qeyb galeysa Shirka dhaqaalaha Aduunka oo sanadkan lagu qabtay Magaalada Davos ee Dalka Swezerland. Ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa la filayaa inuu shirka ka dib kulamo kala duwan la qaado Madaxda Shirka ka qeyb galaysa isagoona hor dhigi doona Baahiyada ay qabaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyo Caalamku Maalgashi buuxa ugu samaysan lahaa Dalka Soomaaliya oo loo arko in uu yahay Dalka Dihin kuna fiican Maalgashi dhaqaale. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post R/wasaare Kheyre oo maanta Khudbad ka jeedin doona Shirka Dhaqaalaha Aduunka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Xasan Maxamed Khaliif ayaa sheegay in gacanta lagu dhigay gacan ku dhiiglayaashii ka dambeeyay taliyihii Booliiska Galdogob gaashaanle Cabdi Xamiid Warsame, kaasoo xalay lagu dilay Bursaalax. Dilka taliyaha ayuu gudoomiyuhu sheegay inay ka dambeeyeen dhowr askari oo katirsanaa ciidanka booliiska, kuwaas oo lagu guulaystay in dhammaantood gacanta lagusoo dhigay. Waxaa uu guddoomiyuhu sheegay inay wadaan baaritaan iyo howlgallo islamarkaana aysan ka hordhacayn sababta taliyaha loo dilay, isagoo sheegay in sharciga la horkeenidoono dambiilayaasha. Wararku waxaa kale oo ay sheegayaan inuu dhaawac soo gaaray saddex askari oo katirsanaa ilaalada taliyaha.
  10. French lawmakers have voted for a flagship article in a new law which will give citizens the “right to make mistakes” in dealings with the government without being automatically punished. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Banaanbax looga soo horjeedo ciidamo ka tirsan militiriga soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu ka socdaa qeybo ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho Ee Caasimada Soomaaliya. Dibad baxaan ayaa waxa uu ka socdaa Degmada Kaaraan iyadoo Dadweyne ka Carooday Dil shalay ka dhacay degmadaasi,islamarkaana ay dilkaasi geysteen Ciidanka Dawlada Soomaaliya. Labadii Maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ayaa waxaa xoogaa hakad galay isu socodka dadka iyo Ganacsiga suuqa,waxana taasi loo sababeynayay in halkaasi ay isku heysteen maleeshiyad hab beel u abaabulan oo wada dagaalamay. Dadka banaanbaxa dhigayay oo u badnaa ganacsato ayaa dalbanayay in dhibaatooyinka ka jira halkaasi laga qabto maadama uu dagaalka dhexmarayay maleeshiyaadkaas ay waxyeelo ka soo gaaratay qaar ka mid ah Ganacsatada,islamarkaana uu xirmay ganacsigoodii. xaaladda suuqa ayaa caadi kusoolaabatay kadib markii uu goobta soogaaray Gudoomiyaha degmada Karaan Cabdi fitaax Nuur Cali waxa uuna dibadbaxayaashii kuna qanciyay in ay joojiyaan banaanbaxa rabshadaha wata isla markaana laxalin doono tabashadooda. The post Shacabka ku nool Degmada kaaraan oo maanta banaanbax dhigay iyo suuqa oo xeran. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. As an undercover operative for Somalia’s al Shabaab militia, Nasteh spied on the insurgent group’s senior commanders to ensure their loyalty and planned bombings and assassinations in government-controlled territory. But late last year, the government officials he once hunted became his handlers after the 26-year-old joined a slowly growing stream of defectors to the U.N.-backed Somali administration. A Western-backed push by Somali officials to encourage al Shabaab defections has lured commanders, the former head of intelligence and a major regional warlord, security officials and defectors told Reuters, offering a rare window into secretive efforts to undermine the al Qaeda-linked insurgency from within. Senior defectors provide operational intelligence – such as how al Shabaab makes armoured vehicle bombs – and insights into its leadership. Most importantly, the government says, those defectors sow suspicion among al Shabaab’s leaders and encourage further defections by contacting former comrades. The message: defectors are welcomed, not punished. One former commander relocated abroad with his family; another now holds a senior position in the security services. Many have simply returned home, Somali officials say. Others, like Nasteh, are becoming intelligence assets after saying they are disillusioned with the Islamist insurgency, accusing it of un-Islamic practices. “They were killing clerics,” he told Reuters during an interview via video link from a safe house, naming three Islamic scholars he said were killed by the movement. “They were killing without consultation, it was just the guys at the top deciding.” The amnesty has angered some Somalis, who say those who commit crimes should be punished. Critics say the government has failed to penetrate the insurgency’s core – the top three defectors had all fallen out of favour with Shabaab’s inner circle. The stakes are high: al Shabaab, which wants to overthrow the Somali government and impose Islamic law, has killed hundreds of civilians across East Africa and thousands of Somalis in a decade-long insurgency. The full effect of the defections is unclear, although al Shabaab was needled into denouncing one former top commander, Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur, as an apostate after he publicly urged his clansmen to fight the insurgency. Robow joined the government in August. Government officials say only negotiation can end Somalia’s 26-year-old civil war – especially given the ragged state of the military. “Those who have been rehabilitated can be ambassadors back to their communities,” said Abdirahman Osman, a former minister of information who is now Mogadishu’s mayor. “We know military pressure helps, but it is not the end game.” The process Defections start with a phone call – from an al Shabaab fighter to his soldier cousin, or a former student to his teacher. Somalia’s clan relationships mean everyone knows someone on the other side. “Their only request usually is not to go to jail. Most don’t need to be resettled or sent anywhere,” said one Somali who helped bring over defectors and asked not to be named. The Shabaab member is passed to someone working with the government – often known to them personally – and told he’ll be welcomed if he rejects the insurgency, renounces violence, and accepts the Somali government. Clan elders act as guarantors. The defector then plans his escape, which can take months. Al Shabaab has tried to prevent defections by requiring senior members to get travel passes, two defectors told Reuters, forcing some to take circuitous routes through the bush. “I didn’t tell my wife … I didn’t eat. I barely slept. I left all my books, threw away all my SIM cards that they knew,” said a former district level head of education, describing his week-long escape by motorbike. Deserting is irrevocable, Somali officials say, because Shabaab jails or executes defectors. So far, they say, none of the 45 mid- and high-level defectors have reneged on their agreement. Twenty-two of those came across since January 2017. Al Shabaab told Reuters the defections were exaggerated and more than 50 soldiers – including senior commanders – had surrendered to the insurgency in the past three months. “The apostate Somali regime often resorts to fabricated reports in a desperate attempt manipulate public opinion and hide its mounting security failures in the capital and the endemic corruption hampering all its institutions,” said Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, the insurgency’s military operations spokesman. “As for the so-called deserters, most of them were already working as spies for the apostate regime. Once their cover was blown, they fled (al Shabaab) territories for fear of being executed … Others were successfully apprehended before they could flee and were put to trial.” Osman said the claim that 50 soldiers had surrendered was “rubbish”. The defectors are varied. Some come from the insurgency’s proselytising wing; others are military commanders, or from logistics, medical, intelligence, tax collection and judiciary functions. Once the defector reaches government territory, he will be debriefed by Somali intelligence, which can take weeks. Redacted debriefs shown to Reuters included details of how al Shabaab welds armour plates inside the cabs of vehicle bombs to prevent soldiers stopping them by shooting the driver. The suicide bomber enters through the roof and tinted windows hide the metal plates. Other details included a preference for renting houses with floorboards rather than cement floors so weapons could be hidden; the numbers and makeup of assassination teams; and widespread recriminations among fighters over an Oct. 14 bombing that killed more than 500 civilians in Mogadishu Nasteh said his main work for Shabaab’s Amniyat secret police was spying on leaders to stop them violating rules by skimming money or favouring their clan, and planning assassinations in government territory. “You study a person – his home, his work, his associates, his routes. If he’s not accessible using a pistol, or a landmine, then you use a car bomb,” said the slender, softly-spoken young man. What next? The government’s push to help defectors in a more organised way began in 2014 after splits in the insurgents prompted top Islamist Hassan Dahir Aweys to come across. He remains under house arrest since he hasn’t renounced violence. Close behind was Zakariya Ahmed Ismail Hersi, the ex-intelligence chief who once had a $3 million U.S. bounty on his head, and Mohamed Said Atom, the militants’ former head in the northern region of Puntland. Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur came last August. Somalia has no law granting amnesty for defections, but there is a cabinet-level policy that all regional states accept. Many defectors are working alongside the government they once fought. Hersi is deputy head of intelligence at the National Intelligence and Security Agency. Atom was relocated to Qatar. Robow, his militia intact, is exhorting Somalis to fight al Shabaab. All came across after losing favour with al Shabaab. “A lot of these guys have got blood on their hands all the way up to the elbows,” said a Western adviser. “But they can rise to a very high level (in government).” Harmonie Toros, senior lecturer at the University of Kent, said the government needs a political strategy. “The strength is that it (defections) demonstrates to a certain degree that there are senior members of al Shabaab who are not crazy radicals, that we can talk to,” she said. “The risk is if you pull all the moderates out, you only leave the ideologues.” Scholars and Somalis say the government must show its strength, not just the other side’s weakness. That’s hard with a tiny budget, constant infighting and massive corruption, but there has been progress. A Somali involved in helping defectors said his country’s political instability was the biggest challenge, but at least they were helping destabilise the other side. “The government and insurgency can both be heading downwards,” he said, making a dipping motion with his hands. “But people will still come across if they feel the insurgency is going down faster.” Reuters
  13. Abuja (Puntlandi) Gudddoomiyaha barlamaanka Puntland iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo ku sugan dalka NIgeria, ayaa maanta kullan muhiiim ah ku leh Xarunta ugu weyn ee UNDP ay ku leedahay Magaalada Abuja ee Dalka Nigeria. Kullankaan ayaa waxaa goob-joog ahaa Madaxa ugu sareeya hay’adda UNDP ee dalka Nigeria ku-xigeenkiisa iyo Mas’uuliyiin kale. Waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan ee aan ka wada hadalay waa sidii Puntland looga aas-aasi lahaa xarun lagu tababaro Baarlamaanka Puntland iyo waliba baarlamaanada kale ee Soomaaliya, taasoo magaceedana loo bixiya ( Puntland Institute for lagislator studies). Waftigayaga Baarlamaanka Puntland ee ku sugan Nigeria ee uu hogaaminayo Gudoomiye Axmed Cali Xaashi ayaa shalay kulama la yeeshay Xubno ka tirsan labada Aqal ee Nigeria NASS ( National Assembly) iyo A Senate ka.
  14. Afganistaan-(Casimadda Online)-waxaa lasoo sheegayaa in 11-ruux ay ku dhaawacmeen weeraro kooxo hubeysan ay ku qaadeeen xafiiska Hey’adda samofalka ah ee Save the Children oo fadhigeedu ahaa dalka Afganistaan. Qarax weyn ayaa la la eegtay afka hore ee albaabka xarunta hey’addaasi oo ku taalla magaalada Jalalabaad waxaana kooxo hubeysan ay galeen dhismaha sida ay ku warameen mas’uuliiinta halkaasi ku sugnayd . Sidoo kale Waxaa la Sheegay in la arkayey caruur badan oo ka firxanaya dugsi u dhow xaruntaasi,kadib rasaas xoogan oo la maqlay,waxaana magaaladaasi ay bartilmaameed u tahay kooxda Dhaalibaan. Weerarka lagu qaaday xarunta Hey’adda Save the Children ayaa yimid maalmo kadib markii kooxda Taalibaan ay weerartay hotel lagu magacaabo Intercontinental oo ka mid ah kuwa raaxada ee ku yaalla magaalada Kabuul,halkaasi oo ay ku dileen 22-ruux oo badankoodu ahaa ajnabi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Deg Deg-Xarunta Hey’adda Save the Children oo la weeraray iyo kooxo hubeysan oo gudaha u galay. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Wiil Soomaali ah oo haysta dhalashada Maraykanka ayaa xabsi lagu xukumay Talaadadii,kadib markii lagu eedeeyey in uu taba-barsiinayey argagixiso debadda ah iyo in uu qorshaynayey weerarro Maraykanka lagu qaado. Xaakim Maraykan ah oo lagu magaabo Michael H. Watson,ayaa 22 sano xabsi ah ku xukumay Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxammed oo lagu eedeeyay in uu qorshaynayey weerarro argagixiso oo lagu qaado geyiga Maraykanka,sida ku xusan Warbixin ay daabacday Waaxda Garsoorka Maraykanka. Waaxda Garsoorka sheegtay in Cabdiraxmaan taba-bar la soo qaatay malayshiyaadka xagjiriinta al- Nusrah Front ee dalka Syria. Caddeyn ay heshay Hay’dda Sirdoonka FBI ayaa sidoo kale muujinaysa in Cabdiraxmaan uu qorshaynayey dil lagu khaarajinayo saraakiil militari oo Maraykan ah iyo qaar kamid ah shaqaalaha dowladda. Xigasho: PUNTLAND POST The post Xaakim Maraykan ah oo 22 sano ku xukumay wiil Soomaaliyeed. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka aan ka heleyno Xildhibaano ka tirsan Golaha Aqalka Sare ee baarlamaanka ayaa sheegaya in xal laga dhex abuuray Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo iyo Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Koowaad ee Aqalka Sare ee baarlamaanka, Abshir Maxamed Maxamuud (Bukhaari). Khilaaf Siyaasadeedka labada mas’uul ayaa waxaa xalkiisa lagu gaaray magaalada Cadaado ee maamulka Galmudug, xili uu Bukaari kamid yahay wafdiga la socda Madaxweynaha. Khilaafka labada mas’uul ayaa ahaa mid ka bilowday kala aragti duwanaanshaha dhanka Siyaasada iyo howlgalada ay dowladu ku u gaarsaneyso shaqsiyaadka sida dhow ula shaqeeya dowladaha Shisheeye ee carqalada Siyaasadeed ku haya dowlada. Waxaa xalinta khilaaf Siyaasadeedka kaalin weyn ka qaatay Hogaamiyaha maamulka Galmudug Xaaf, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Xildhibaano dhowr ah oo xiligan kamid ah Wafdiga Madaxweynaha ku wehlinaaya socdaalka Nabadeed. Bukhaari, ayaa aad uga careysnaa weerarkii December 18, 2017 lagu qaaday Hooyga C/raxmaan C/shakuur oo ay qaaden ciidamo ka tirsanaa NISA, waxaana iminka muuqda in xal laga gaar. Bukaari, ayaa weerarkaasi xiligaa ku sifeeyay mid lagu beegsanaayay shaqsiyaad gaara, hase ahaatee waxaa iminka muuqaneysa in Siyaasad ahaan ay aad isugu soo dhawaaden Farmaajo iyo Bukaari. Sidoo kale, Bukaari ayaa ka shaqeynaaya in xal buuxa laga gaaro xurguf Siyaasadeedka u dhexeeya Dowlada iyo Beesha uu kasoo jeedo. Ma cadda waxa ay isku soo dhawaanshiyaha Farmaajo iyo Bukhaari ka bedeli doonto xiisadaha Siyaasadeed ee xiligaan ka jira dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xog: Khilaaf Siyaasadeed u dhexeeyay Farmaajo iyo Bukhaari oo xal loo helay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. The Ethiopian government on Tuesday vowed to support African Union’s (AU) flagship project dubbed the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM). The AU on Monday announced that it will launch the first AU Agenda 2063 flagship project, the SAATM, as part of the ongoing 30th AU leaders Summit in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian Ministry of Transport and the Ethiopian Airlines Group, in a joint press conference on Tuesday, announced their full support towards the realization of AU’s “single African skies initiative.” Ahmed Shide, Ethiopian Minister of Transport, said that the initiative would “pave the way for other flagship projects such as the free trade area and the free movement of people.” According to Shide, Ethiopia has always been one of the pioneers in promoting the free skies in Africa and it is also one of the 11 champion countries that declared their commitment to establishing a single African air transport market. The launch of SAATM, which is scheduled on Jan. 28, is expected to spur more opportunities to promote trade, cross-border investments in the production and service industries including tourism, resulting in the creation of an additional 300,000 direct and 2 million indirect jobs, according to the pan-African block. Shide further stressed that the realization of SAATM would be attained through the immediate implementation of the 1999 Yamoussoukro Decision, which is the full liberalization of intra-African air transport services in terms of access, capacity and frequency. “The realization of SAATM is vital to the achievement of the long term vision of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, which is AU’s Agenda 2063,” Shide stressed. Tewolde Gebremariam, CEO of Ethiopian Airlines Group, also dubbed the initiative as a “huge milestone for the continent.” Noting the intra-Africa trade which stands at 20 percent of the total trade in the continent, Gebremariam stressed that African countries “need to integrate, trade and invest cross border investments among each other.” According to Gebremariam, air connectivity is the economic engine that would help augment the tourism, trade and other important sectors in the African continent. So far, 23 African countries out of 55 have subscribed to the Single African Air Transport Market, whereas 44 African countries have signed the Yamoussoukro Decision. Source: – Xinhua The post Ethiopia vows to support AU’s single African air transport market initiative appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has hailed Donald Trump for speaking “frankly” to Africans, after the US president unleashed a storm by reportedly describing African nations as “shithole countries”. “I love Trump because he speaks to Africans frankly. I don’t know if he was misquoted or whatever. He talks about Africans’ weaknesses frankly,” Museveni said on Tuesday in the capital Kampala to members of the East African Legislative Assembly (Eala). SLUR Trump reportedly used the language at a private White House meeting on January 12, which led to condemnation in the US and around the world. He has denied using that term, but admitted to using “tough” language at the meeting, and rebutted accusations of racism. Museveni also turned to Twitter to show his appreciation for Trump’s use of language. “Donald Trump speaks to Africa frankly. Africans need to solve their problems. You can’t survive if you are weak. It is the Africans’ fault that they are weak,” he wrote. His comments were in stark contrast to the outrage expressed by other African leaders. Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo tweeted that Trump’s language was “extremely unfortunate”. Namibia said the president’s language had “no place in diplomatic discourse” and was “contrary to the norms of civility and human progress”. The African Union, which represents African countries, demanded that Trump apologise. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, meanwhile, described the reported comments as “racist”, “shocking and shameful”. Museveni, 73, has been in power in Uganda since 1986 and could potentially seek a sixth term in office in 2021 if a bill to remove presidential age limits is passed. No stranger to controversy, on Monday he described Uganda as a “pre-industrial society” and said he regretted removing the death sentence, saying the move had been “a recipe for chaos”. Source: AFP The post Yoweri Museveni backs Donald Trump after vulgar remark appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Jubbada Hoose, ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Kenya ee halkaa ku sugan inay bilaabeen Afduubka dadka deegaanka. Ciidamadan Kenya ayaa la sheegay in dadka ay ka afduubtaan Goobaha lagu shaaho, waddooyinka, halka qaarna ay kala baxaan guryahay. Nabadoon C/laahi Xuseen Axmed ‘’Waamo’’, oo ka mid ah Odayaasha Gobolka Jubbada Hoose, ayaa sheegay in dadka deegaanka ay lasoo daristay cabsi dhanka Kenyaanka Gobolka jooga ah. Waamo, waxa uu sheegay in afduubka ugu badan uu yahay mid ka socda deegaanada dhaca xuduuda inta u dhaxeyso deegaanada Hoosingow iyo Dhoobley. Waxa uu tilmaamay in nolol iyo geeri ay ku la’ yihiin dhalinyaro iyo Odayaal badan oo uu sheegay inay qafaasheen ciidamada Kenya. Waamo, waxa uu tilmaamay inay jira dad ay qab qabteen ciidamada oo diyaarado ay ugu qaaden dalka Kenya, kuwaa oo aan xiriir la laheyn Alshabaab, isla markaana ah shacab. Waamo oo arrintaan ka hadlaayay ayaa yiri ‘’Ciidamada Kenyaanku waxay dhaafayaan ma arag yar iyo weyn waxa ay ku qaadanayaan diyaarad’’ Sidoo kale, Nabadoon Waamo, ayaa Ciidanka Kenya ku eedeeyay inay rayidka u dhibaateynayaan, iyagoo ku eedeynaya inay ka tirsan yihiin maleeshiyada Al Shabaab. Dhinaca kale, Dowlada Federaalka iyo Maamulka Axmed Madoobe ayaan weli ka hadal falkaan foosha xun oo ay ku kacayaan ciidamada Kenya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo The post Arrin cusub: Kenya oo arrin aad looga naxo ka bilowday deegaanada Gobolka Jubbada Hoose appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xakuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane. Xassan Cali kheyre ayaa lagu wadaa in Maanta oo Arbaca ah uu khudbad ka jeediyo shirka Dhaqaalaha Aduunka,sida ay qortay Wakaaladda Wararka SONNA. Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Dalka Swezerland Faadumo C/llaahi Insaani ayaa Wakaaladdu ka soo xigatay in Maanta R/wasaaraha XFS Mudane Xassan Cali Kheyre khudbad ka hor jeedin doono madaxda ka qeyb galeysa Shirka dhaqaalaha Aduunka oo sannadkan lagu qabtay Magaalada Davos ee Dalka Swezerland. Faadumo C/llaahi Insaani ayaa sheegtay in Mudane. Kheyre uu khudbaddiisa kaga hadli doono baahiyada dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Fursadaha maalgashi ee ka jira Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisulwasaare kheyre oo Maanta khudbad ka jeedin doona Shirka Dhaqaalaha Aduunka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Muddo saddex toddobaad gudahood ah ayaa wax waliba is bedeleen, kadibna natiijadii noqotay in xilka laga qaado mid ka mida mas’uuliyiintii ugu shacbiyadda iyo waxqabadka badnaa dowladda uu hoggaamiyo Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo oo aan weli sanad jirsan. Taabit Cabdi Maxamed wuxuu ahaa raggii ugu dhowaa ee madaxweyne Farmaajo oo qeyb ka ahaa ololihii doorashada, waxaana loo arkayey inuu waqtiga ugu danbeeya la gaari doono dowladda xilligan, laakiin si aan la fileyn ayay wax waliba ku dhaceen, degdeg ayaana xilka looga qaaday, taasoo dad badan ay la yaabeen, isla markaana la is weydiinayo sida wax u dhaceen iyo xaqiiqada jirta. Marka la isku soo xooriyo xiisadii maamulka Gobolka Banaadir hareysay ee keentay xil ka qaadisbta Taabit Cabdi Axmed waxaa lagu soo koobi karaa inay salka ku heysay saddex arrimood oo kala ah: 1- MAQAAMKA MUQDISHO Xuquuq la’aanta siyaasadeed iyo maqaamka Muqdisho ayaa ahayd arrin ka mida qodobadii uu eersaday guddoomiye Taabit, waxayna ku jirtay war-saxaafadeedkii uu ku aqbalay xil ka qaadistiisa. Waxayna arrintan la xiriirtaa in G/Banaadir uu helo maamul la mida maamullada kale ee dadka degan u tashadeen. Arrintan ka hadalkeeda iyo u doodisteeda waxay isu bedeshay halis dul saaran madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo saaxiibadiis oo muddooyinkii danbe Taabit u arkay nin inqilaab ka ridaya caasimadda oo dowladda Federaalka kala wareegaya gobolka kaliya ee ay ka taliso, waxayna sii xoogeystay shakiga arrintan markii uu qabanqaabiyey shir arrintan looga hadli lahaa oo saaxiibada dhow ee madaxweyne Farmaajo ay dhegta ugu sheegeen inuu halis ku yahay, taasoo keentay inuu soo farageliyo oo uu baajiyo. 2- AMNIGA CAASIMADDA Xaaladda ammaan ee caasimadda Muqdisho waxay ahayd mid gacanta ugu jirta Hay’adaha amniga ee dowladda Federaalka, waxaana muddo badan lagu fashilmay in laga hortago falalka amni darro iyo qaraxyada ka dhaca, taasoo loo aaneeyo isku dhex yaaca hay’adaha amni iyo ciidamada faraha badan ee ku sugan. Sida guddoomiyeyaashii ka horeeyay wuxuu Taabit dalbaday in lagu wareejiyo maamulkiisa arrimaha amniga, isagoo weliba balanqaaday in lagula xisaabtamo nabadgelyada, laakiin ma jirin wax jawaab ah oo madaxda sare uga yimid, waxaan la yaab lahayd in baaqyada guddoomiyaha uu ka jeediyo warbaahinta iyo shirarka caalamiga ah, halkii madaxda sare uu ka dhameysan lahaa. Amniga Muqdisho oo lagu wareejiyo maamul Banaadir leeyahay waxaa hore uga hor yimid dowladii Xasan Sheekh, waana shaqada kaliya ee xukuumadda fadhida Xamar ay qabato, laguna bixiyo dhaqaalaha ugu badan, wuxuuna qofkii damaaciya ka dhigan yahay mid curyaaminaya xukuumadda. Wasiiro, xildhibaanno iyo waxgarad badan ayaa kula taliyey Taabit inuu faraha kala baxo arrinta amniga Muqdisho, iyagoo kula dooday inuu ku fashilmayo , laakiin waxaa muuqatay inuu ku adkaa arrintan, si joogto ahna uu kormeer iyo dabagal ugu hayey ciidamada ammaanka sida Booliska iyo Nabadsugidda. 3- SHACBIYAD IYO TAAGEERO DADWEYNE Hab-dhaqankiisa shaqo ee aan harsiga lahayn, waxqabadka muuqda iyo sida uu ugu dhowaa shacabka wuxuu muddo kooban ku soo baxay xiddig ka dhex muuqda madaxda dowladda uu hoggaamiyo Farmaajo, waxayna taasi sida muuqata dhibaato ku noqotay xiddig kale oo ah Ra’iisal wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre. Loolan siyaasadeed hoose oo dhinacyo kala duwan leh ayaa labadan nin dhex maray. Inkastoo Taabit ka mid ahaa dadkii ka dambeeyay xilka Ra’iisal wasaarenimo ee Kheyre loo dhiibay, haddana wuxuu Kheyre u arkay inuu halis ku yahay mustaqbalkiisa siyaasadeed, wuxuuna uga dhowaaday Madaxweynaha iyo Fahad Yaasiin, kana sameystay kalsooni intii uu Taabit ku howlahaa raadinta xuquuqda Muqdishaawiyiinta. Inuusan Kheyre raali ka ahayn dardartii Taabit lasoo baxay waxaa laga dareemay markii uu hor istaagay qoonde dhaqaale oo golaha wasiirada ay u ansixiyeen G/banaadir, taasoo ahayd in loo kordhiyo 10% dakhliga ilaha Muqdisho oo hadda ay ku lahayd 15%. GABAGABO Madaxweyne Farmaajo wuxuu kalsooni aan la loodin karin ku qabaa shaqsiyaad doorashadiisa ka danbeeyay, waxaana muuqata inuu raali ku yahay ama ku qasban yahay in saaxiibadiisii hore mid mid loo siibo, iyadoo la ogaa in guddoomiyaha xisbigiisii TAYO iyo wasiiradii Maryan Qaasim ay ka baxday xukuumadda, iskana casishay xilka. Guddoomiye Taabit wuxuu fursad siiyey saaxiibadiis awoodda ku lahaa xafiiska Madaxweynaha markii ay ka tan badisay arrinta Muqdisho, wuxuuna si fudud oo aan la fileyn loogala baxay dowladii uu ka mid ahaa dadkii keenay, waxaase cad ineysan isaga ku ekaan doonin. The post Waxbadan ka Ogaaw asbaabaha soo dadajiyay in Taabit uu si sahlan kuwaayo xilkiisa (Akhriso Qodobada) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. Wasiirka arimaha dibadda iyo iskaashiga Caalamiga ee Soomaaliya Axmed Ciise Cawad oo ku guda jira Socdaalkiisii ugu horeeyay uu ku tago dalka dibaddiisa ayaa Cambaareeyay weerarka Sawaariikhda Balaastikada ee Maleeshiyaadka Xuutiyiinta yeman ay ku hayaan Xaramaynka Barakaysan, wuxuuna si adag wasiirku hoosta uga xariiqay in Soomaaliya ay dhinac taagan tahay xaqa Sucuudigu u leeyahay inuu kaga difaaco falkaasi Cadawnimada leh dhulkiisa iyo shacbigiisa weerarka Xuutiyiinta. Dhinaca kale wasiirka arimaha dibadda ee Soomaaliya ayaa la waydiiyay waxa ay dowladda Soomaaliya uga dhigan tahay wareejinta lagu wareejiyay Soomaaliya Xafiiskii ergada joogtada ah ee Soomaaliyeed ee xarunta ururka Iskaashiga Islaamka ee jiddah wuxuuna xusay in arintani tahay arin wayn oo aad u qiimo badan,ayna calaamad u tahay in dowladda soomaaliya ay dalka ka gudbinayso Jahawareerkii iyo burburkii uu ku jiray sanado badan. Md Axmed Ciise Cawad wuxuu intaasi raaciyay in soomaaliya ay si buuxda u barbar taagan tahay wadamada ku teedsan badda Cas oo Boqortooyada Sucuudiga hormoodka ka tahay sidii looga ilaalin lahaa amniga iyo badqabka marin badeedkan muhiimka ah handadaad kasta oo lagu carqaladeynayo xasilloonidiisa. Wasiirku waxa kale oo uu la kulmay Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Iskaashiga Islaamka Dr. Yousef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen iyo Guddoomiyaha Bankiga Horumarinta Islaamka Mr. Bandar Hajjar. Kulamadaasi oo Wasiir Cawad kala hadlay mas’uuliyiintaasi danaha Soomaaliya iyo dhinacyadaasi ay wadaagaan ayaa muujiyay sida dalkiisu ugu diyaar yahay maalgeshi kadib hanaqaadkiisa siyaasadeed iyo midda ammaan.
  23. Madaxweynaha maamulka galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle (xaaf) ayaa sheegay in la xaliyay khilaafkii u dhaxeeyay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaliya iyo Galmudug ee ka dhashay khilaafkii Wadamada Khaliijka Carabta. Xaaf ayaa sheegay in Emirate-ka Carabta uu u tagay In Dowladda dalkaas ay tababaro siiyo Ciidamadda Dowladd Goboleedka Galmudug si ay ula wareegaan amniga deegaanadda Maamulkaas. “Khaliijka sidii aan u aaday iyo sidii loo fahmay baa kala jaad ahaa. Anigu waxaan u aaday nimankaa xooggaa anaga gobolkayaga waxba may tarin, sanadihii hore. Gobolada kale wixii ay tareen oo kale inay na taraan oo ciidamada noogu dhisaan xarumo iyo iskuulo inay nooga dhisaan degmooyinka. Shaqo badan bay ka qabteaan gobolada kale, gaadiid bay siiyaan. Anagu marka waan qatanayn.”ayuu yiri Xaaf. Madaxweynaha Galmudug, ayaa dhawaan Sheegay in Galmudug ay taageersan tahay isbahaysiga Sacuudiga. Dowladda Somaliya, ayaa xilligaa sheegtay inay dhexdhexaad ka tahay khilaafka u dhaxeeya dhinacyadaasi, iyadoona ka hortimid inay xiriirka u jarto Dowladda Qatar. PUNTLAND POST The post Xaaf” Waa la Xaliyay Khilaafkii noo dhaxeeyay Anaga iyo Dowlada” appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Hogaamiyaha Maamulka Galmudug, Axmed Ducaale Geelle (Xaaf), ayaa sharaxaad kooban ka bixiyay booqashadii uu sanadkii hore ku tagey dalka Emirate-ka Carabta. Xaaf, waxa uu sheegay in booqashadaasi ay ka careysiisay Dowladda Dhexe Somalia, balse waxa uu tilmaamay in aaditaankiisa Emirate-ka uu ahaa arrimo caadi ah. Xaaf oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay Idaacada VOA isla markaana ka hadlaayay Khilaafka ka dhashay safarkiisa Emirate-ka ayaa yiri “Khaliijka sidii aan u aaday iyo sidii loo fahmay baa kala jaad ahaa. Anigu waxaan u aaday nimankaa xooggaa anaga gobolkayaga waxba may tarin, sanadihii hore. Gobolada kale wixii ay tareen oo kale inay na taraan oo ciidamada noogu dhisaan xarumo iyo iskuulo inay nooga dhisaan degmooyinka’’ ‘’Shaqo badan bay ka qabteen gobolada kale, gaadiid bay siiyaan. Anagu marka waan qatanayn si aanu u helno xuquuq lamid ah tan Gobolada ayuu ahaa socdaalkeyga.” Waxa uu intaa raaciyay “Anigu meesha waxaan u aaday wax kale maaheynee waxay ahayd anagu waan qatanahayee dee qaybkayagii na siiya, gobolada kale wax waa sii seynee.” Dowlada Somalia ayaa waxaa xiligaa ka careysiiyay haddal uu Xaaf warbaahinta usoo mariyay taa oo aheyd in Galmudug ay taageersan tahay isbahaysiga Sacuudiga, oo markaasi uu khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay Dowladda Qatar. Sidoo kale, Dowladda Somaliya, ayaa xilligaa sheegtay inay dhexdhexaad ka tahay khilaafka u dhaxeeya dhinacyadaasi, iyadoona ka hortimid inay xiriirka u jarto Dowladda Qatar. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Xaaf ayaa iminka iska fogeeyay in socdaalkiisa Emirate-ka uu ahaa mid uu dhaqaale ugu soo qaadanaaya taageerida xulafada Sacuudiga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xaaf oo ka run sheegay waxa uu salka ku hayey Socdaalkiisa Emirate-ka ee sababay khilaafka Galmudug iyo DF appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  25. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha dalka Ugandha Yoweri Musavani ayaa markii ugu horeysay shaaca ka qaaday inuu jecelyahay Siyaasada iyo habdhaqanka Madaxweynaha dalka Maraykanka Donald Trump. Yoweri Musavani, waxa uu sheegay in Trump uu yahay Madaxweyne aad uga fogaada beenta iyo iskadaba jiitanka,maadaama dadka Afrikaanta iyo shucuubta kale ee caalamku yihiin kuwo aad u jecel beenta. Yoweri Musavani, waxa uu tilmaamay in Trump uu yahay mid ay iska cadyihiin Siyaasadihiisa dagaal iyo kuwa caadiga ahba, sidaa aawgeed Madaxda kale ee adduunku aysan u jecleen. Yoweri Musavani, ayaa hadalkaan ka sheegay xili uu khudbad dheer ka jeedinaayay kalfadhi baarlamaanka Bariga Afrika waxa uuna dowladaha Afrikaanka ah ugu baaqay inay taageeran Siyaasada Trump. Yoweri Musavani, waxa uu intaa raaciyay in shacabka Mareykanka ay heleen Madaxweyne aad uga wanaagsan kuwii hore, waxa uuna cadeeyay inuu horseed u noqonkaro Horumarka dalkiisa. Nuqul kamid ah khudbadiisa ayaa aheyd “Amerika waxa ay heshey madaxweynihii ugu wanaagsanaa ebed, waan jeclahay Trump sababtoo Afrikaanka runta ayuu u sheegaa. Afrikaanka waa in ay dhibaatooyinkooda iyaga xalistaan” Yoweri Musavani, waxa uu arrin iska caadi ah ku sheegay erayo gaf ah oo Trump ku tilmaamay shucuubta Africa, waxaana kamid ahaa ‘’Afrikaanku waa kuwo aan u qalmin nolosha oo gudaafad ah’’ Dhinaca kale, Musavani ayaa Afrikaanka ku booriyay inaysan wax u qaadan erayada uu ku hadaaqo Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Trump. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Musavani oo shaaciyay sababaha uu ku jeclaaday Siyaasada iyo Habdhaqanka Donald Trump appeared first on Caasimada Online.