Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Riyadh, Jumada I 5, 1439, Jan 22, 2018,– Minister of Foreign Affairs Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir held a meeting here today with Djibouti Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mahamoud Ali Youssouf on the sidelines of the meeting of foreign ministers of member countries of the Coalition Supporting Legitimacy in Yemen. During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations in addition to issues on the agenda of the meeting. –SPA
  2. A leading politician from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has converted to Islam and resigned from his position with the anti-Muslim party, the party has confirmed. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Kingston upon Thames Admission by supper ticket bought in advance (see below) 5.30pm for 6pm at the YMCA Indian Student Hostel, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ The nearest underground stations are Great Portland Street, Warren Street, and Euston. The venue is the upstairs conference room. The halal supper costs £8.50, paid in advance. The additional charge of £1.50 will go towards the hire of the room. 5.30 – 6.00 pm Arrival in Conference Room 6.00 – 6.10 pm AGM Chaired by the President, Dr. Yusuf Omar Ali Agenda 1. Chairman’s Report. Treasurer’s Report. Council elections. Proposals for new council members, chairperson, and vice-chairperson (with their prior agreement) and names ofvolunteers should reach the Hon. Sec. Dr. Susan Sills by 8 Feb. 2018. The names of all the present Council Members and Officers can be found inside the back cover of the Autumn 2017 Journal. Any other business. Date of next AGM: 20 February 2019. 6.10pm Meeting introduced by the Chair, Dr. Eleni Palazidou Dr. Martin Orwin with Aisha Afrah and Hanna Ali: An Evening of Poetry, Readings and Discussion. Dr. Orwin is senior lecturer in Somali and Amharic at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London). He is a longstanding member of the Anglo-Somali Society and supporter of its objectives. Writing by young Somalis in the diaspora is becoming better known with poets such as Warsan Shire and Ladan Osman making a name for themselves internationally. In this event two young poets and writers, Aisha Afrah and Hanna Ali will read their work in English, and Martin Orwin will read translations of recent Somali poems. There will be an opportunity for discussing the work and Martin will give a brief introduction to Somali poetry and recent developments of poetry by Somalis in Somali and English. 7.30pm Supper Tickets available through Eventbrite or by post as below: Cost per head (supper and towards hire of hall) will be £10.00 (£8.00 for students/unwaged). PLEASE RETURN THIS SLIP with cheque or postal order by Friday 16 February 2018 to David Brooks, 67 Mill End Road, Cambridge CB1 9JW Tickets will be sent to you by post. A stamped, addressed envelope would be appreciated. I enclose £………. for myself and ………..other guest(s). Name(s) (as for label on chest)…………………………………………………………………………(please print) Address to which ticket(s) should be sent………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Cheque/postal order payable to: Anglo-Somali Society. Check here for more:
  4. MOGADISHU, Jan. 24 — Somali security forces backed by Africa Union troops on Wednesday killed three Al-Shabaab militants and injured several others during a heavy fighting in Bula-burte town in Hiiraan region, central Somalia, Somali authorities said. Bula-burte District Commissioner Abdi Dahir Gure told reporters that the allied forces preempted militants’ plot to carry out attack in the town. “There are no casualties on both the joint forces and civilians so far. The situation is calm now,” Gure said. Residents in the town said that the fighting began after the militants fired mortar shells early Wednesday. “Al-Shabaab fighters attacked army base here with mortar shells, then heavy fighting erupted which lasted several hours,” a residents said. Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on the latest military victory by the security forces. Bula-burte in Hiiraan region is under Hirshabelle State and it is about 200 km north of the capital Mogadishu. Xinhua
  5. ADDIS ABABA, Jan. 24 — The Ethiopian government said Wednesday that 21 of its nationals were repatriated from Libya. Meles Alem, spokesperson for the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Xinhua that the 21 Ethiopians arrived in the capital city, Addis Ababa, on Wednesday as part of the first round of the Ethiopian government’s effort to repatriate its citizens from the North African nation. According to the ministry, procedures for the repatriation of the second batch of 45 Ethiopian migrants from Libya is underway. Ethiopia is conducting the repatriation process in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The exact number of Ethiopians who are stranded in Libya is yet to be identified. Hundreds of thousands of African migrants, including Ethiopians, have in recent years used Libya, lying on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, as a transit route to Europe. The repatriation process mainly includes registration and documentation of Ethiopian nationals in Libya’s major cities, mainly Tripoli and Benghazi, according to the ministry. Ethiopia coordinates the protection of its citizens in Libya through its embassy in Cairo, Egypt. Some Ethiopian migrants stranded in Libya reportedly face slavery and human trafficking threats. The challenges facing African migrants in Libya came amid Ethiopian government efforts to repatriate its citizens from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia in March gave a 90-day amnesty for undocumented migrants to voluntarily leave the country or face fine or imprisonment. Riyadh has since extended the amnesty for more than once. Reports say several hundred thousand undocumented Ethiopians still refused to leave Saudi Arabia. Xinhua
  6. The details are perplexing. Five separate shootings over the span of two weeks in Etobicoke. Seven victims ranging in age from four to 47. One suspect, but no apparent motive. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Ethiopian opposition leader Merera Gudina poses for a photo after an interview with AFP at his home in Burayu, on January 23, 2018. Prominent Ethiopian opposition leader Merera Gudina was freed from jail on January 17, 2018 after the government dropped charges against him as part of a wider prisoner amnesty. / AFP PHOTO / CHRIS STEIN / ALTERNATIVE CROP Ethiopia’s government needs to hold negotiations with the country’s most-popular opposition parties or risk the return of destabilising protests, veteran dissident Merera Gudina said in an interview, days after leaving prison. A cause celebre for opponents of Ethiopia’s government during his time behind bars, Merera is the only prominent opposition politician to be freed since Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn announced earlier this month that his administration would release an unspecified number of the many dissidents jailed in the country. The announcement came amid continuing anti-government unrest in Ethiopia despite authorities ending a 10-month state of emergency last year and ongoing dialogue between the government and some opposition groups. In an interview with AFP on Tuesday, Merera said the dialogue holds little promise because the opposition parties involved are unpopular, while the prime minister’s goal for the prisoner amnesty to “improve the national consensus and widen the democratic platform” will not be met if more prisoners are not released. “I think [for] the ruling party, it is time to rethink, and stop these piecemeal things and lead this country to a real national dialogue and a national consensus. That’s the only way out,” Merera, 61, who chairs the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress, said at his home in the town of Burayu west of the capital Addis Ababa. Merera was detained in December 2016 shortly after the state of emergency declaration, which followed months of anti-government protests. Hundreds died and tens of thousands were arrested. Those protests started the previous year when the country’s largest ethnic group the Oromos denounced a plan to expand the capital Addis Ababa into their federal region Oromia. The unrest later spread to another region populated by Ethiopia’s second-largest ethnic group, the Amharas. The demonstrations represented one of the biggest challenges ever to the unchecked power of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), which has led the country since 1991 and currently controls with its allies every single seat in parliament. ‘Outside of our control’ Protests have continued since the August 2017 expiry of the emergency decree, and the prisoner amnesty along with the government’s assurance that more detainees will soon be released is widely seen as an attempt to temper the discontent. “Millions of youth are outside of our control. If we don’t present something real to them, again they can go out of control,” said Merera, who is Oromo. While he was charged with an array of offences, Merera believes his arrest was an attempt to sap the morale of the protesters and sow disunity among the country’s opposition parties. He said he considered retiring from politics after spending more than a year incarcerated during his trial, but decided against it after the reception he received from supporters upon his release. “A country of 100 million, is too big, too big for one group. That is clear to everybody, I think including to them, those who lead us,” Merera said. “Really, controlling state power should not be the end of the world. They should see life after that.” AFP
  8. The UK’s International Development Secretary has pledged to provide humanitarian assistant to Somalia. “The devastating consequences of drought in Somalia remain a major concern. The UK led the global effort to avert famine last year, but the country is facing further difficult conditions in 2018. The job is not yet done”, Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt, secretary of state for international development said. “I am very clear that this is not just Somalia’s problem. The whole world is less safe when instability, poverty and extreme weather triggered by climate change are left to feed extremism and mass migration.” “This is why the work we are doing here is so important, with British troops helping develop Somali forces, with world-class diplomats delivering a peaceful future and aid workers providing life-saving water and food. This is why the international community also needs to step up their support to Somalia before more innocent lives are lost,” Mordaunt continued. The £21 million ($29.7 million) humanitarian aid package will include vaccinations for 12.5 million livestock against respiratory diseases, benefiting two million Somalis. Food security and livelihood initiatives will assist 40,000 beneficiaries, with water and sanitation projects impacting 155,000 people. The UK government will invest in nutrition support for some 300,000 vulnerable Somalis and 130,000 children to be screened and treated for malnutrition. Earlier this month a commission of Somali scholars called for the protection of their country from “foreign interference” to respect the country’s sovereignty. The statement by the commission included concerns of “extrajudicial forces” leading to “sedition and unnecessary consequences” on Somalia’s domestic issues. The US frequently executes drone strikes and special operation raids in Somalia, often killing unarmed civilians. US drone strikes have reportedly killed 700 Somalis and injured 54 since 2007 according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. The United Kingdom has a special regiment of 85 military personnel on the ground in Somalia, to train and work with the African Mission. It remains unclear whether the UK is assisting in any joint US-Somali operations. Middle East Monitor
  9. Jannaayo 24, 2018 – Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta & Teknoolojiyada, Mudane Eng Cabdi Cashuur Xasan, ayaa sheegay in mudnaanta 1aad ee Wasaaradda xilligan ay tahay sidii loo dhisi lahaa Hay’adda Isgaarsiinta Qaranka oo loogu talo galay inay nidaamiso isgaarsiinta dalka. Wasiirka oo ka hadlayay aqoon-is-weydaarsi socday muddo 3 maalmood ah oo loo qabtay shirkadaha isgaarsiinta, shirkado la-talin iyo Kooxda Hawl-fulinta oo loogu talo galay inay taageero farsamo ka geystaan sidii loo dhisi lahaa hay’addii ugu horreysay ee nidaamisa isgaarsiinta dalka. Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in markii Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyaddu uu saxiixay Xeerka Isgaarsiinta Qaranka bishii Oktoobar 2017, ay Wasaaraddu ka dalbatay Bankiga Adduunka taageero farsamo oo lagu dhisayo Hay’adda, iyadoo Bankigu uu gacan ka geystay in la hawl-geliyo khubaro Wasaaradda kala talin doona sida ugu habboon ee lagu dhisi karo Hay’ad nidaamisa, isla markaana horumarisa isgaarsiinta dalka. “Waxaad haysataan fursad naadir ah oo aad ku aasaaseysaan hay’ad cusub oo aysan xannibeynin caqabadaha maamul ee haysta hay’adaheena dawladeed ee hore u jiray. Waxaad mas’uul ka tihiin guusha ama guul-darrada hay’addan cusub, waxaana idinku adkeynayaa inaad sameysaan wax kasta oo awooddiina ah – qof qof iyo koox ahaanba – oo aad dalka ugu aasaaseysaan hay’ad sharaf iyo awood leh,” ayuu yiri wasiirku. Wasiirka ayaa ku adkeeyay in cid kasta oo ku lug leh dhismaha hay’addan laga doonayo in ay ka soo dhalaasho kaalinteeda kaga aaddan dhismaha hay’addan cusub. “Waxaan dooneynaa inaan dhisno hay’ad tusaale u noqota oo ay ku daydaan hay’adaha kale ee dawladeed” ayuu intaasi ku daray. Ugu dambeyntii Wasiirka ayaa u mahad celiyay Bankiga Adduunka oo taageero farsamo u fidinaya dhismaha Hay’addan Isgaarsiinta Qaranka, isla markaana marti-geliyay aqoon-isweydaarsigan. DHAMMAAD The post Wasiirka Boostada & Isgaarsiinta oo sheegay in la dhisayo Hay’ad nidaamisa isgaarsiinta dalka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. 24 Jan, 2018: Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in dhawaan uu magacaabayo guddi ka shaqeeya, dabagalka fulinta mashaariicda horumarineed ee uu ka dhagax dhigay deegaannadii uu socdaalka kusoo maray. Madaxweynaha oo Saxaafadda kula hadlay xafiiskiisa ayaa ka warbixiyey socdaalkii Nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta, isagoona sheegay in si dhow uu ula soconayo dhammeystirka fulinta mashaariicda uu dhagax dhigay. “Maalmaha soo socda waxaan magacaabayaa guddi dabagal ku sameeya mashaariicdii aan soo ballan qaadey, si aan ula soconno dhaqan galkooda. Dowladda waxaa ka go’an in ay kaalinteeda ka qaadato.” Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu baaqay ganacsatada iyo qurbajoogta Soomaliyeed in ay kaalin ka qaataan dib u dhiska iyo horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha. “Waxaan ugu baaqayaa ganacsatada iyo qurba joogta Soomaaliyeed in ay ka qeyb qaataan mashaariicda horumarineed iyo dib u dhiska dalkooda.” Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyaddu ayaa uga mahadceliyey shacabka sida wadaniyadda leh ee ay u soo dhaweeyeen isaga iyo wafdigiisa, waxa uuna ku tilmaamay mid ka tarjumeysa biseylka iyo hanka ay u qabaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed dowladnimada iyo wadajirka. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ku bogaadiyey Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada Puntland iyo Galmudug dadaalka ay ugu jiraan horumarinta, xasilinta, nabadeynta iyo dib u heshiisiinta bulshada ku dhaqan deegannadaas. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa socdaal qaatay muddo 17 maalmood ah waxa uu ku maray Gobollada Nugaal, Bari, Mudug iyo Galguuud, halkaas oo uu ugu kuur-galay baahiyaha nololeed ee dadka iyo arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta. _______DHAMMAAD__________ The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo magacaabaya guddi ka shaqeeya dabagalka mashaariicdii uu dhagax dhigay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. The first harvest | Credit: Seawater Greenhouse A ground-breaking project to grow vegetables with seawater has produced its first harvest in Somaliland, green tech start-up Seawater Greenhouse announced today. The UK start-up has reaped a successful crop of lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions from the ‘greenhouse’ – a shade net covered with cardboard pads. Seawater is trickled over the pads to keep the air damp and cool for the plants, cutting the need for irrigation by up to 90 per cent. The remaining water for the plants comes from an on-site desalination plant – the first in the country – powered by solar. The Somaliland set-up, Seawater Greenhouse’s first in the Horn of Africa, adapts the start-up’s design from similar projects in Australia, Abu Dhabi and Oman, in particular by replacing glass panels in the greenhouse with netting. This cuts costs tenfold compared to previous projects and is better suited to Somaliland’s climate, Seawater Greenhouse said. The greenhouse is also helping to regenerate nearby land thanks to the moisture produced by the indoor plants. This ‘oasis effect’ is allowing local farmers to start growing beans, melons and aubergines outdoors on the site. Somaliland is one of the poorest countries in the world, with millions of its citizens in need of emergency aid such as food and water due to severe drought and ongoing conflict in the region. According to the UN, the number of Somalis – across Somalia and Somaliland – on the brink of famine has grown tenfold since this time last year. Seawater Greenhouse’s founder and director Charlie Paton said the setup will not only act as a vital food source for local people, but could also provide a scalable solution for water-stressed sites around the world. “Water shortages are a global crisis that is worsening dramatically,” he said. “So is land degradation. This represents a scalable model that could be taken anywhere there is limited or no fresh water.” Paton now wants to expand the project from one to five hectares, but needs to find local investors willing to back the scheme. “This project’s ongoing success is going to be dependent on local ownership,” he said. Source: BusinessGreen
  12. Garowe (Puntlandi) Taliyaha ciidanka difaaca Puntland, Gen, Siciid Maxamed Xirsi (Siciid dheere), ayaa sheegay ciidamada difaaca Puntland inay heegan buuxa ugu jiraan sidii ay dhulkooda uga xorayn lahaayeen maleyshiyada maamulka Hargeysa ee duullaanka kusoo qaaday Tukaraq. Taliye Siciid Dheere oo ah sarkaalka ugu sareeya ee hogaaminaya ciidanka difaaca Puntland, ayaa haatan ku sugan jiida hore ee Tukaraq, waxaana uu sheegay inuu meel wanaagsan marayo qorshaha dib u xoraynta dhulka maqan. Wuxuu intaas ku daray inay dowladdu qorshe cad ka yeelatay difaaca dalka. General Siciid Dheere waxaa uu uga mahad celiyay shacabka reer Puntland sida ay diyaar ugu yihiin inay ka qeyb qaataan difaaca dhulkooda, wuxuuna u sheegay ciidamada difaaca Puntland inaysan dib usoo jeesandoonin illaa ay ka xaqiijiyaan ama soo sugaan xuduuda Puntlan meesha ugu dambeysa.
  13. Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland mudane Axmed Cali Xaashi iyo Wafti uu hoggaaminayo oo maalmahan hawlo shaqo u jooga Dalka Nigeria ayaa maanta kulamo gaar gaar ah la qaatay xubno kamid ah Madaxda sare ee dalkaasi iyo Madaxa hay’adda UNDP ee dalka Nigeria. Guddoomiyaha ayaa ugu horrayn kulan la qaatay Madax ugu sarreeya UNDP ee dalkaasi Dr. Samuel Bwalya ee Dalka Nigeria iyo kuxigeenkiisa iyagoona guddoomiyaha u soo bandhigay soojeedin ama (Presentation) ay kusoo bandhigayaan waxyaaba ay ka taageeraaan Baarlamaanka Nigeria iyo waxyaaba ay kabaran karaan Baarlamaanka Puntland. Guddoomiyaha iyo madaxda sare ee UNDP waxay si gaar ah u lafo gureen sidii dhaqso loogu hirgelin lahaa Mac-hadka tababarka iyo daraasaadka Baarlamaanka Puntland kaas oo wax badan ka beddeli kara dar-dargelinta shaqada iyo kobcinta aqoonka Baarlamaanka Puntland. Sidoo kale guddoomiyaha ayaa kulamo la qaatay xubno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka dalkaasi gaar ahaa guddoomiyayaasha guddiyada Anshaxa iyo Habdhwrka iyo guddiga Maaliyadda golaha shacabka dalkaasi Hon. Dr Ossai iyo Hon. Dr Ita Enang oo muddo 20-sanno ah kusoo jirey baarlamaanka dalkaasi. Labada dhinac ayaa isla qaatay in la sameeyo xiriir wanaagsan oo u dhexeeya guddiyada kala duwan ee labada Baarlamaan si laysu weydaarsado khibrad iyo waayo aragnimo kala duwan maadaama labada dhinac mid waliba uu kusoo shaqeeyey xaalado kala duwan. ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? The post Baarlamaanka Puntland oo kulamo la qaatay Baarlamaanka Nigeria appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia–Somalia has appealed to the United Nations and the United States to lift the arms embargo they imposed during the civil war. Anadolu Agency caught up with Somalian Ambassador to Ethiopia Mohamed Ali-Nur Hagi on the sidelines of an African Union meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) in preparation for the 30th Assembly of heads of state and government slated for Sunday. The ambassador said the embargo had outlived its purpose. The UN Security Council first imposed an arms embargo on Somalia in January 1992. Although it has been relaxed in subsequent years, the embargo is still in effect. In 2014, the Security Council reaffirmed the overall arms embargo on Somalia. “Our appeals for the lifting of the arms embargo are well justified due to the fact that Somalis are no longer fighting a clan-based civil war, which had lent a reason for the U.S. and U.N. to impose the embargo,” the ambassador said. “So long as there is a national government that is committed to the country and to the international protocols and agreements, I think there is no reason Somalia is still kept under the embargo,” he said He added that the arms embargo had significantly eroded the capacity of the Somalian government to fight the al-Qaeda-linked insurgency al-Shabaab that has been wreaking havoc in Somalia for the past decade. “Sometimes al-Shabaab fighters have had more firepower than the Somalian National Army,” he lamented. While, conditions have greatly improved in Somalia with a peaceful transition of power, a process to implement institutions and a growing economic performance, the ambassador said his government wants a gradual takeover from the multinational peacekeeping force AMISOM. “The implementation of the pact for AMISOM to hand over to the Somalian National Army needs a lot of resources, a lot of planning,” he said. “I think some of the preparations are in place already, but at the moment, as the international community has already indicated, a gradual handover to the national army is in the best interest of the Somali government, people as well as in the interest of the region as a whole.” According to the ambassador, the threat posed by al-Shabaab remains though the insurgents’ capacity to be harmful has largely diminished over the years. “With the help of AMISOM, we have been able to liberate more and more areas from the grip of al-Shabaab. Although there have been suicide bombings even in the capital Mogadishu, the number of attacks from the insurgents have gone down,” he said. Relations with Turkey The relations between the governments and peoples of Turkey and Somalia have been “strong”, the ambassador said voicing appreciation that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “[…] is the first leader in the world who came to Somalia while Somalia was absent for nearly 25 years from the international arena”. “And since the Turkish government opened its base in Mogadishu, we get the impression that we have a real friend from somewhere in the world,” he said. “And that has enhanced the capacity of the security apparatus of the Somali people and the Somali government.” He called on the people and the government of Turkey to “increase direct investment in Somalia”. “We have abundant fishery and livestock resources which remain untapped and we would like Turkey to open international markets for Somalian products. “We would also like to receive technological assistance from Turkey,” he said. He added fishery and livestock resources constituted an opportunity for the Horn of Africa to become competitive on the world stage, with the help of such partners as Turkey. Hagi said the theft of the country’s fishery resources continued to this day — a trend that started decades ago while Somalia was in civil war. “There are many countries from Europe, Asia and the Middle East that keep on fishing near Somalian shores,” he said. “Because we have the longest coast in Africa, it is difficult for Somalia to control all that area.” The ambassador also lashed out at Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki who called the Turkish presence in Somalia “unacceptable” in an interview. “There are so many [things] unacceptable in the world,” he quipped. “And if it is not acceptable to them, it is a million times acceptable to us and the region.” AA
  15. Somaliland President, Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi made a special inspection visit today to the health ministry premises. The visit made by the Head of State was mean to know the duties that the ministry is in charge for the nation and to find out the challenges faced with the ministry in execution of its responsibilities. The health minister, Dr. Hasan Ismail Yusuf flanked by the Director General Dr. Mohamed Abdi Hergeye greeted the president upon arrival at the ministry of health. The Health Ministry’s DG Hon. Hergeye has reiterated that the daily day tasks of the ministry is going on smoothly and added that the staffers and the official are committed to deliver the promises made by the ruling party “Kulmiye” during the presidential election. The DG has said that the promise was to improve the quality of health standard where all Somaliland citizens should have access to basic health services. The health Minister, Dr. Hasan who made remarks at the event said that the ministry remains ready to turn the plans into actions which aims at bettering the healthcare in Somaliland. The Head of State, Hon. Bihi has reiterated that there is a huge burden on the shoulders of the staffers of the health ministry as a blunder which the midwives commit would have negative impact which may lead to death or renders disabled. The president stressed that all professionals at the ministry be it doctors, nurses and midwives exercise good ethics during their work.
  16. Shir muddo dhowr toddobaad ah ka soconayey xarunta Wasaaradda Qorashaynta iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah ee Puntland isla markaana looga arrinsanayey dib u eegista shacriga Istaatiitiga dawladda ama sharciga hubinta iyo tiro kooba ayaa lasoo geba-gebeeyey iyadoo muddadii uu soconayeyna si weyn loo lafo guray sharcigaasi. Xeerkaan oo hore ay u meel mariyeen golaha fulinta ee Puntland ayaa waxaa soo celiyey golaha sharci dejinta si wax looga beddelo isla markaan dib markale loogu celiyo goleyaasha dawladda iyada oo wax laga beddeley dhammaan qodobadii ay soo calaamadiyeen golaha sharci dejintu, isla markaana lagu daray talooyinkii ay soo jeediye Baarlamaanku. Sidoo kale mudda uu shirkaani socdey ayaa waxaa laga talo geliyey dhammaan hay’adihii dawladda ee ay khusaysey arrintaani , ururada bulshada rayidka ah, ururka looyarrada iyo xafiiska garyaqaanka guud ee dawladda Puntland si uu shirku u noqdo mid miro dhal wanaagsan la yimaada isla markaana dhaxal gale u noqda bulshada Puntland. Sharcigaan ayaa dhowaan la horgeyn doonaa goleyaasha dawladda si ay u ansixiyaan isla markaana waxaa uu noqon doonaa mid wax badan ka beddela hannaanka hubinta iyo tiro koobka iyo sidoo kale inuu xakameeyo xog uruurin aanay dawladdu ogayn in aan laga samayn Karin dalka. The post Shir looga hadlayey Sharciga Hubinta iyo tiro koobka Puntland oo Garoowe lagu qabtay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Taliyaha Ciidamada difaaca dowladda Puntland,Sarreeye guud,Siciid Maxammed Xirsi(Siciid Dheere) ayaa wax lagu qoslo ku tilmaamay warar lagu baahiyey baraha bulshada oo sheegaya in xilka iska casilay. Siciid Dheere oo haatan ku sugan jeedda hore Tukaraq ee ay fadhiyaan ciidamada difaaca Puntland ayaa u sheegay Puntland Post in kuwa wararkaas faafinaya ay doonayan in ay jaah-wareeriyan Shacabka iyo dowladda Puntland ee ka midaysan dagaalka lagu soo celinayo degaannada ka maqan Puntland. Dhinaca kale xaaladda magaalada Laascaanood ee gobolka Sool ayaa kacsan,kadib markii Somaliland bilowday uruurinta hubka gaarka loo leeyahay ee shacabka,islamarkaan lagu wargeliyay dhammaan qorileeyda in ay maamulka ku wareejiyan hubka ay haystaan,sida aan xogta ku helnay. Ciidamada Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa weli isku horfadhiya jiidda hore degaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool halkaasoo dhowaan ay la wareegtay Somaliland,waxaana laga cabsi qaba in dagaal ka qarxo degaankaas oo inta badan shacabkii ka bara-kacay. SOURCE: PUNTLAND POST
  18. Mogadishu (HOL) - Three Al-Shabaab Islamist militants in Buloburde town last night after the militants raided AMISOM base, a district official said Wednesday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. The killings suggest a state that is now more predator than protector. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Kenyan film "Watu Wote" - all of us - has been nominated for an Oscar award for best live action short film. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Kenyan film "Watu Wote" - all of us - has been nominated for an Oscar award for best live action short film. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. Mogadishu (HOL) - With a historic visit to the coastal town of Hobyo in Mudug region, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed 'Farmaajo' two-week tour to Puntland and Galmudug drew to a close. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Somali envoy to Ethiopia speaks to Anadolu Agency prior to AU summit Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. MOGADISHU (Reuters) - As an undercover operative for Somalia’s al Shabaab militia, Nasteh spied on the insurgent group’s senior commanders to ensure their loyalty and planned bombings and assassinations in government-controlled territory. Source: Hiiraan Online
  25. Galdogob-(Caasimadda Online)-Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug ee Maamulka goboleedka Puntland Xasan Maxamed Khaliif ayaa sheegay in ay gacanta ku soodhigeen askartii ka dambeysay dilka Taliyihii Booliska Degaanka Galdogob ee Maamulka Puntland. Xalay ayay ahayd markii ay Ciidamo ka mid ah Booliska Puntland ay ku toogteen Gaashaanlle C/Xamiid Warsame degaanka Bursaalax ee Gobolka Mudug. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug Xasan Maxamed Khaliif ayaa sheegay in ragga dilka geystay gacanta lagu soo dhigay sharcigana lagu wareejinayo si loo waafajiyo caddaaladda. gudoomiye Khaliif ayaa ka gaabsaday in uu ka hadlo sababta loo dilay Taliyaha waxa uuna hadalkiisa ku soo gaabiyay in uu socdo baaritaan ay waddo laanta dambi baarista ee maamulka Puntland lana geyn doono Raggaasna Maxkamad. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ciidamadda Maamulka Puntland oo dad usoo qabateen dilka Taliyiha Booliska Galdogob appeared first on Caasimada Online.