Deeq A.

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  1. Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya,Micheal Keating oo hadal u jeediyey Golaha Amniga ayaa sheegay in Puntland iyo Somaliland ay qarka u saaran yihiin dagaal. Mr.Keating ayaa walwal ka muujiyey ciidamada labada maamul ee isku horfadhiya degaanno ka tirsan gobolka Sool,halkaasoo uu sheegay in maalmaha soo socda dagaal ka qarxi karo,kadib markii lagu fashilmay dadaalkii xal nabadeed oo lagu dhammeeyo colaadda. Danjire.Keating oo arrimaha Xiisadda Tukaraq u tegay magaalada Hargeysa ayaa ku baaqay in si deg deg ah lagu xalliyo khilaafka”Haddii uu khilaaf dhab ah jiro, waa in si deg deg ah loogu xalliyo wada hadal,Balse in la adeegsado awood ciidan iyo dagaal ma ahan habka ugu habboon ee lagu xalliyo dhibaatooyinkan,”ayuu xilligaasi yiri Micheal Keating . Laakiin Mr.Micheal ayaa haatan u sheegay Golaha Amniga ee Qaramada Midoobey in Somaliland diidday in ay ciidankeeda kala baxdo degaanka ay qabsadeen ee Tukaraq,si loo helo jawi wada-xaajood lagu bilaabi karo,isagoo u muuqday in uu quus ka taaganyahay xal siyaasadeed oo lagu dhammeeyo murankaasi. PUNTLAND POST The post Keating oo sheegay in Puntland iyo Somaliland dagaal qarka u saaran yihiin. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- The Somali government said on Wednesday it will establish the first-ever ICT body, the National Communications Authority (NCA), to help regulate the country's telecommunication sector. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Faah faahino dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya shil gaari oo khasaare nafeed geystay oo sakay ka dhacay deegaano hoos yimaada gobalka sool. Shilkan ayaa ka dhacay tuulada samakaab ee gobalka sool, kaasi oo sababay dhimashada ila iyo sadax ruux oo laba kamid ah ay ahaayeen isku qoys ama hal qoys. Gaarigan shilka galaya ayaa la sheegay inuu kayimid magaalada gaalkacyo ee gobolka kaasi oo shil ku galay tuulada samakaab ee gobalka sool. Goobjoogayaal ayaa warbaahinta gobalka sool u sheegay inuu shilkaasi geystay qasaare dhimasho iyo mid dhaawac intaba, dadkii ku dhaawacmayna loola cararay isbitaalka weyn ee Laascaanood. PUNTLAND POST The post Shil Dhimasho Iyo Dhaawac Geystay Oo Ka Dhacay Gobalka Sool appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. I am the only adult woman in my family who does not wear the Islamic headscarf, the hijab. And 20 years ago, that statement would have caused people — Muslim and non- Muslim — to ask why the rest were covered rather than why I was not, which is the case now. Times have changed, and the conversation about the hijab — which should be honest — has moved in the wrong direction. This can be seen in the reaction of some Muslims to the initiative of the head of St Stephen’s School in Newham, Neena Lall, in banning girls under the age of eight from wearing the hijab. She also discouraged children from fasting at Ramadan. Some of the families at the school protested; local councillors and Muslim organisations criticised her; she apparently had death threats issued against her. She backed down and the chair of governors who had supported her resigned. St Stephen’s is one of the most successful primary schools in the UK. This is a backward step for the young girls who are pupils there. This should be a straightforward issue. The hijab is meant to be worn to cover women in order to avoid tempting men. Don’t get me started on the issues I have with that as a feminist and as a Muslim woman. But putting children in a hijab is akin to dressing them in high heels and make-up. It is sexualised clothing. By covering up young girls, the implication is that they are sexual beings. In our attempt not to offend those who believe this, we are limiting girls’ rights and freedom. In the current climate of hyper- political correctness, with strident liberals on one side and ill- informed knuckleheads on the other, we have lost the ability to think straight. The hostility towards Muslims, of which I have been a victim, is being exploited by conservative men within communities such as mine to shut down legitimate concerns. It is not Islamophobic to ban the headscarf in primary schools — or any school, for that matter. Indeed, it would help if the Department for Education were to issue guidelines for head teachers on this. Children need to be protected from the idea that their bodies are sexual and that if they don’t cover up they will become victims. This should not be unsayable — or even controversial — just because it involves disagreeing with some people from minority ethnic groups. Schools should be a place for children to express themselves, not where they are boxed in. Lall is being depicted as anti-Muslim. Not so. Those who send their children to the school do so because she knows how to get the best from pupils. She should be left to do her job and I hope the Department of Education is brave enough to come to her defence. Source: – Evening Standard The post Hijabs sexualise little girls and school heads are right to ban them appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged Turkey on Wednesday to curtail its military operation in Syria and warned it not to bring U.S. and Turkish forces into conflict, but a Turkish source said a White House readout did not accurately reflect the conversation. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. A leading politician from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has converted to Islam and resigned from his position with the anti-Muslim party, the party has confirmed. Arthur Wagner, a leading member of the far-right party in Germany’s eastern German state of Brandenburg, stepped down for “personal reasons”, a party spokesperson confirmed, according to state broadcaster Deutsche Welle. Wagner, who has been a member of the party since 2015, refused to comment to Tagesspiegel, the daily newspaper that first broke the news of his conversion. “That’s my private business,” he told the daily. On the party’s Brandenburg state committee, Wagner’s work focused on churches and faith communities, according to Deutsche Welle. The AfD has campaigned against refugees and migrants and made history when it won 12.6 percent of the vote in federal elections in September 2017, entering the Bundestag for the first time. newsinideThe party became the third largest party in the Bundestag. The news sparked derision on social media, with many Twitter users pointing to the irony of Wagner converting to Islam after being a high-ranking member of a party that has railed against the presence of Muslims in Germany. Emily Dische-Becker said: “Creeping Sharia picks up speed as politician from Germany’s islamophobic AfD converts to Islam.” Mark Berry said: “I really don’t understand Nazis.” ‘Islam is a foreign entity’The AfD has long denied accusations that it is Islamophobic. Originally founded in 2013 as a Eurosceptic party, the AfD took the lead as the most aggressive anti-refugee voice in the country while nearly a million asylum seekers arrived in Germany in 2015. In the party’s first bill since its electoral success in September, the AfD proposed amending Germany’s Residence Act by barring refugees from bringing their relatives from the war-ravaged countries they fled. Earlier this month, Beatrix von Storch, the deputy leader of the AfD’s parliamentary group, was blocked from Facebook and Twitter after publishing Islamophobic posts criticising police for posting Arabic-language updates on New Year’s Eve. She had written: “What the hell is happening in this country? Why is an official police site tweeting in Arabic? Do you think it is to appease the barbaric, gang-raping hordes of Muslim men?” The party has also sought to ban the construction of mosques in Germany. In March 2016, the party’s Bavaria branch published a policy statement calling for an end to the “construction and operation” of mosques in the region, Deutsche Welle reported at the time. In February of that year, then party leader Petry Frauke sparked outrage when she proclaimed that German border guards should “use fire arms if necessary” in order to prevent “illegal border crossings” by refugees and migrants. In April 2016, the AfD’s Alexander Gauland proclaimed that Germany must remain “a Christian country” and “Islam is a foreign entity”. The rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric has also coincided with a spike in violence against asylum seekers. The German interior ministry documented 3,533 attacks on refugees and their accommodations – nearly 10 a day – in 2016. Source: Aljazeera The post Far-right German politician converts to Islam, quits AfD party appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirka Amniga xukuumada Somalia Maxamed ABuukar Isloow ‘’Ducaale’’ ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Hay’adaha amaanka dowlada Federaalka laga doonaayo in muddo gaaban ay kusoo celshaan amniga magaalada Muqdisho. Wasiir Ducaale, waxa uu sheegay in Saraakiisha iyo ciidamada amaanka lasiin doono awoodo dheeri ah, haddii ay dhacdo in looga maarmi waayo xaalada hadba markaa jirta. Waxa uu tilmaamay in amni darada ka jirta magaalada Muqdisho ay sabab u tahay wada shaqeyn la’aan ka dhex jirta Hay’adaha amaanka iyo dadka shacabka balse waxa uu ballanqaaday inay xooga saarayaan dib usoo nooleynta xiriirka. Waxa uu cadeeyay in ciidamada amaanka ay mas’uul ka yihiin amniga goobaha ay joogan waxa uuna ku baaqay in iyadoo la gudanaaya mas’uuliyada haddana ciidamada laga doonaayo inay wanaajiyaan la dhaqanka shacabka. ‘’Mas’uuliyada saran Saraakiisha iyo ciidamada waxaa kamid ah inay wanaajiyaan shacabka, askarigii lagu helaa danbi ka dhan ah shacabka waxaan xaqiijineynaa in la marin doono sharciga’’ Sidoo kale, waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada dowlada ay uga digayaan laba arrin oo uu ku sheegay Xadgudub iyo in shaatiga dowlada loo isticmaalo qaabab kale oo aan sharci aheyn. Arrintaan ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili ciidamada dowlada ay qaabab khaldan xiliyada qaar ula dhaqmaan dadka shacabka ah gaar ahaan wakhtiyada ay ku jiran howlgalka iyo xiliyada ay isticmaalayaan waddooyinka magaalada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Wasiir Ducaale oo 2 arrin uga digay ciidamada Dowlada ee ka howlgala Muqdisho (Maxay kala yihiin) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-War goordhow nasoogaaray ayaa sheegaya in Qarax uu ka dhacay eeryada Xaafada Tarabuunka Degmada Hodan ee Gobolka Banaadir. Qaraxa oo inta badan laga wada maqlay Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxa uu ka dhashay miino la dhigay darbiga Guri ku yaalla dhabarka danbe ee Isbitaal Digfeer, waxaana ka dhashay Khasaaro kala duwan. Khasaaraha ugu badan ee Qaraxa ayaa soo gaaray qoyskii degnaa Guriga dhabarka danbe laga dhigay Qaraxa, iyadoo dadka deegaanka ay soo sheegayaan in waxyeelo taa lamid ah ay soo gaartay xoolo ku oodnaa halka uu Qaraxa ka dhacay. Dadka uu waxyeelada kasoo gaaray Qaraxa ayaa la dhigay Isbitaalka Digfeer oo ku dhawaa, waxaana sidoo kale burbur xoogan uu soo gaaray Hooyga dhabarkiisa danbe lagu aasay Qaraxa. Ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada ayaa gaaray goobta uu Qaraxa ka dhacay, iyagoo halkaa ka sameeyay howlgal aan dad lagu qaban. Dhinaca kale, goobta uu Qaraxa ka dhacay ayaa waxaa horay loogu rasaaseeyay gaadiid ay la socdeen dad ka tirsan shaqaalaha dowlada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Qarax khasaaro geystay oo goordhow ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. About 500 refugees detained by Australia on Nauru have signed a petition demanding they be moved to Australia and New Zealand. Source: Hiiraan Online
  10. THE rivalry between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on one side and the Gulf state of Qatar on the other is spilling poison into the Horn of Africa, embittering animosities between half a dozen countries in the region. Several of them have seized an opportunity to benefit from instability in the Arabian peninsula by offering bases. But if Arab conflicts spread, countries in the Horn could be dragged into the fray. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. US forces operating in Somalia took part in a mission in which their Somali counterparts killed fighters who appeared to be under 18, the US military's Africa Command said Wednesday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa socdaal qaatay muddo 17 maalmood ah waxa uu ku maray Gobollada Nugaal, Bari, Mudug iyo Galguuud oo kamid ah Goboladda ugu ballaaran ee Soomaaliya, halkaas oo uu ugu kuur-galay baahiyaha nololeed ee dadka iyo arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta, waana socdaalkii ugu horreeyey ee Madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed uu ku maro Gobolada dalka kadib burburkii dowladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Haddaba maxaa laga dhaxlay Safarka Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo uu ku maray Deegaanadaas Halkan ka akhriso dhowr qodob oo dhaxal gal ka dhigaya socdaalka Madaxweyne Farmaajo 1-Xoojinta Dowladdnimada, Madaxweyne Farmaajo, ayaa qaar kamid ah deegaanadii uu tagay dadka ku soo dhoweeyey qaarkood ay ilmeeyeen markii Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa ay arkeen, iyaggoo sheegay in waligood aysan arkin dowlad Soomaaliyeed oo guryahooda kusoo booqaneysa. 2-Waxay wax ka badashay Aragtida Beesha Caalamka ee ku aadan in Ammaanka Soomaaliya aan la isku haleyn karin, taasi oo noqotay inay san waxba ka jirin kadib socdaalka Madaxweynaha. 3-Nabadeyn iyo Dib u heshiisiin, Madaxweynaha iyo Wafdigiisa waxay Nabadeyn iyo Heshiis ay kala dhex dhigeen deegaano dhowr ah oo ay kamid tahay Magaaladda Gaalkacyo ee Gobolka Mudug, halkaasi oo Maleeshiyaad kala taageersan Puntland iyo Galmudug dhowr jeer ay ku dagaalamayn. 4-Xooijinta Hanaanka Dowlad goboleedyada, Safarka Madaxweynaha JFS uu ku maray qeybo kamid ah Puntland iyo Galmudug, oo ay ku wehliyeen Madaxweyneyaasha labadaasi Maamul waxaa suurta gashay in Madaxweyne Xaaf Magaalooyin siddii xilkaasi loogu doortay uusan tagin inuu booqdo oo ay kamid tahay Dhuusa mareeb, Guriceel, Xeraala iyo meelo kale, isaggoo la kulmay Qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, kalana hadlay tabashooyinka ay qabaan, sidoo kale Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa isna yimid Magaaladda Gaalkacyo. 5-In doorasho Qof iyo Cod ah ay ka dhici karto Soomaaliya Sanadka 2020 Safarka Madaxweynaha JFS, ayaa waxaa uu iftiimay in Ammaanka Soomaaliya uu yahay mid hagaagsan, islamarkaana ay ka dhici karto Doorasho qof iyo Cod ah. 6-Dib u soo nooleynta kaalinta culimada iyo odayaasha, Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya deegaan walbo oo uu tago waxuu la kulmayey Culumaa’udiinka iyo Salaadiinta, waxuuna ka talo weydiiyey xaaladda dalka iyo Kaalinta ay ka qaadan karaan dib u heshiisiinta. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo, inta uu ku guda jiray Socdaalkii Nabadda iyo Dib u heshiisiinta ee uu ku maray qeybo kamid ah Puntland iyo Galmudug, ayaa waxaa Magaalooyin ay kamid yihiin Qardho, Cadaado, Cabudwaaq, Gaalkacyo iyo Hobyo uu ka dhagax dhigay Mashaariic horumarineed, isaggoo dhowaan mar Saxaafadda uu la hadlayey sheegay in guddi loo saarayo daba galka iyo fulinta mashaariicda uu kasoo dhagax dhigay magaalooyinkaasi. Isha Sonna Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Akhriso: 6 qodob oo dhaxal gal ka dhigaya socdaalka uu Farmaajo ku maray Gobolada qaar appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. KENYA (REUTERS) - It has got the makings of a Hollywood thriller. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Mogadishu (HOL) - The Special Representative of UN Secretary-General to Somalia, Michael Keating addressed the security council on Wednesday, highlighting Somalia's progress despite terrorism, the risk of famine and a stormy political climate. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Somalia ayaa laga cabsi qabaa inay lumiso Kursiga xilka sare ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Urur Goboleedka IGAD, kadib markii ay awoodi weysay bixinta dhaqaale xoogan oo lagu leeyahay. Dowlada Somalia oo dadaal ku bixineysa kursigaas ayaa waxaa lasoo sheegayaa in caqabada hortaagan ay tahay dhaqaale 1 Milyan oo lagu leeyahay. Bixinta lacagta Halka Milyan ee dollarka Mareykanka ah ayaa kamid ah shuruudaha lagu qaban karo xilka Xoghayaha Guud, waxa ayna xiligan Somalia la ciirciireysaa dhaqaale xumo soo foodsaartay. Helida Kursiga ayaa waxaa dadaal xoogan ku bixineysa dowlada Ugandha oo si sahlan ku bixisay lacagta Halka Milyan ah, si ay u hanato kursiga iyadoo ka faa’iideysaneysa fursada dhaqaale xumo ee heysata Somalia. Dowlada Somalia ayaa xilkaasi Xoghayaha Guud ee IGAD la dooneysay C/salaan Cumar Hadliye oo horay u ahaa Wasiirkii Arrimaha Dibadda Somalia, hase yeeshee waxa ay u muuqaneysaa in qorshaha dowlada uu dhicisoobay. Sidoo kale, waxaa soo xirmaaya fursada lagu qaban lahaa xilkaasi, waxaana la filayaa in Sabtida fooda nagu soo heysa ay magaalada Addis Ababa ku shiraan Wasiirada Arrimaha dibadda IGAD, si ay uga doodaan cida noqon doonta Xogahayaha Guud ee xiga, hase ahaatee Madaxweynayaasha IGAD ayaa gaari doona go’aanka kama dambeys ah. Dhinaca kale, Madaxweynayaasha IGAD ayaa xilkaasi la doonaaya Ugandha oo kamid ah dowladaha ugu quwada badan Africa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post DFS oo laga cabsi qabo inay lumiso kursi muhiim ah oo ay ku laheyd IGAD appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan ku heleyno wararka naga soo gaaraya Xarunta dowlada Hoose, Guddoomiyaha xilkiisa waayay ee Gobolka Banaadir Taabit Cabdi, ayaa magacaabay Guddiga Xilwarerjinta. Taabit ayaa Guddiga u magacaabay xubno dhowr ah oo la sheegay inay ka kooban yihiin 13 xubnood oo isugu jira Rag iyo Dumar. Guddigan ayaa diyaarinaaya Munaasabadda xil wareejinta, waxaana lasoo sheegayaa inay ku jiraan xubo ka socda dhanka Villa Somalia. Guddigan ayaa Munaasabada ku diyaarin doona dhammaan Dukumiintiyada uu maamulka leeyahay, iyadoo ay halkaa ku kala wareejisan doonaan maamulka cusub iyo kuwii hore ee maalmo un ka hor xilka laga qaaday. Dukumiintiyada ugu badan ee uu maamulka leeyahay ayaa waxaa wareejin doona Guddoomiyaha xilkaa laga qaaday Taabit, halka ku xigeenadiisa sida; Arrimaha Amniga iyo siyaasadda , Arrimaha Bulshada, Maamulka iyo Maaliyadda iyo Xoghayaha Guud ee Gobolka Benaadir ay dhankooda ka wareejin doonaan. Sidoo kale, Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho C/raxmaan Cumar Cusmaan (Eng. Yariisow) iyo ku xigeenadiisa ayaa xilka la wareegi doona, kuwaasi oo Axadii ina dhaaftay uu magacaabay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed (Farmaajo). Dhinaca kale, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ayaa ku baaqay in maamulka cusub uu tixgalin gaara siiyo howlwadeenada iminka ka shaqeeya Xarunta maamulka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Taabit oo si rasmi ah u magacaabay Guddi & Qabanqaabada oo bilaabatay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in dowlada Somalia ay u dhabar adeegi doonto dadaal waliba oo dib loogu soo celinkaro xiriirka Somalia kala dhexeeya adduunka. Ra’isul wasaaraha oo shirka dhaqaalaha Aduunka uga qeybgalaaya Swezerland, ayaa sheegay in Somalia ay ka qeybgalka shirkaasi lumisay goor hore balse ay hadda soo nooleeyen booska ay Somalia kaga jirtay shirarka ceynkaasi ah. Waxa uu tilmaamay inuu garwaaqsan yahay in shirka kadib ay Somalia kula soo laaban doonaan ballanqaadyo wakhti xadidan leh iyo kuwo aan wakhti laheyn, hase yeeshee ay guul weyn u arkaan inay soo nooleeyan xiriir iyo ka qeybgalka shirkaasi sanado badan ka hor lumay. ‘’Inta aanu wadno magaca iyo mas’uuliyada Somalia waxaanu ka dhabeyn doonaa dhaartii aanu marnay waxaan u dulqaadan doonaa in caqabad waliba oo aan u marno sida Somalia dib looga soo dhex muujin lahaa shirarkii ay lumisay ka qeybgalkiisa’’ ‘’Adduunka waxaan ka iibin doonaa biseylka aan u qabno inaanu helno Nabad iyo wax la qeybsiga dowladaha dhigeena. Waxaan si wanaagsan u buuxin doonaa booska aan ku laheyn shirarka adduunka ee aanu fursada u weynay’’ ‘’Qorshaha aan leenahay waa inaan Somalia dhignaa halka ay mudneyd adduunkuna waan uga run sheegeynaa xaaladeena dhabta ah, waayo waxaanu nahay dal iminka raadinaaya kalsooni iyo wax la qeybsiga adduunka intiisa kale’’ Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre waxa uu tilmaamay in baahiyada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Fursadaha maalgashi ee ka jira Soomaaliya ay u bidhaamin doonaan dhammaan wakiilada adduunka uga soo qeybgalay shirka. Ra’isul wasaare Khayre waxa uu intaa raaciyay in mudada uu ku sugan yahay Swezerland uu si hordhac ah ula kulmay madaxbadan isagoo ka dhaadhiciyay in Somalia ay qani ku tahay kheyraad dabiici ah, isla markaana dooneyso maalgashi. Waxa uu intaa kusii daray in madaxda u harsan oo ay wada kulmi doonaan inuu hor dhigi doono baahiyada ay qabaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyo sida Caalamku Maalgashi buuxa ugu samaysan lahaa Somalia oo loo arko in uu yahay Dalka nimceysan kuna fiican Maalgashi dhaqaale. Sidoo kale, Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre waxa uu wacad ku maray in Xukuumadiisu ay muddo gaaban kusoo afmeeri doonto dhammaan waxyaabihii ka khaldamay madaxdii hore ee Somalia kala dhexeeyay Adduunka intiisa kale. Geesta kale, Dowlada Somalia ayaa mudada ay joogto xal muuqda u shegay cilado diplumaasiyadeed oo muuqday kuwaa oo hoos u dhac ku keenay Siyaasada Somalia ee adduunka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Kheyre: Somalia waxaan dhigeynaa halka ay mudneyd adduunkuna waan uga run sheegeynaa xaaladeena appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. MOGADISHU, Jan. 24 — The Somali government said on Wednesday it will establish the first-ever ICT body, the National Communications Authority (NCA), to help regulate the country’s telecommunication sector. Abdi Ashur Hassan, Minister for Post and Telecom, told a three-day forum in Mogadishu that his first priority is to establish a credible and effective regulatory authority that is operationally independent and strong enough to regulate the sector. “You have an exceptional opportunity to create a new institution not restricted by organizational challenges in our existing institutions,” Hassan told telecom operators, consultancy firms and Implementation Task Team that will provide technical assistance to the establishment of the country’s NCA. “You will be responsible for the success or the failure of this institution so I would urge you to do your utmost as individuals and as a team to ensure the establishment of a credible and effective institution,” said the minister. He said his ministry had requested the World Bank for a technical support to the establishment of NCA by way of providing expertise to the ministry on best ways to establish the regulatory body. Hassan urged the team to keep their role in mind as the Horn of Africa nation’s government embarks on this important task of creating a new institution. “We want the regulatory authority to become an exemplary organization that other institution to emulate and benchmark,” he added. The move comes after Somalia’s President in October last year signed into the National Communications Act to regulate the country’s telecommunication sector. The telecommunications bill calls for the creation of telecoms regulatory authority, development of the country with telecommunications technology, protecting corporate and consumer rights and more participation by private sectors in developing the sector. Enditem Xinhua
  19. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxammed Cabdullahi Maxammed(Farmaajo)ayaa maanta ka warbixiyey safarkii Nabadda iyo Dib u heshiisinta ee uu ku soo maray degaannada Puntland iyo Galmudug. Mudane. Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay dhaaftay heerkii nabadeynta iyo dib u-heshiisiinta,islamarkaana uu ku soo arkay horumar ballaaran iyo mashaariic baaxad weyn,balse dib u-heshiisiinta uu ka soo bilaabay soohdinta u dhexaysa Puntland iyo Galmudug gaar ahaanna magaalada Gaalkacyo. Madaxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in degaannada Puntland uu hawl weyn oo dhinaca din u-heshiisiinta ah ka soo qabtay,welina ay socoto dhammaystirka shaqadaasi,sidii ay taabba-gel u noqon lahayd. Dhinaca kale wuxuu sheegay in dhowaan uu magacaabayo guddi ka shaqeeya, dabagalka fulinta mashaariic horumarineed ee uu ka dhagax dhigay deegaannadii uu socdaalka kusoo maray. “Maalmaha soo socda waxaan magacaabayaa guddi dabagal ku sameeya mashaariicdii aan soo ballan qaadey, si aan ula soconno dhaqan galkooda. Dowladda waxaa ka go’an in ay kaalinteeda ka qaadato,”ayuu yiri Farmaajo. Halkaan ka daawo. PUNTLANDPOST
  20. By Ahmed Abdi Hargeisa, Somaliland A Senior opposition leader says Wednesday that regional blocks will help Somaliland gain International recognization. “Our recognition lies in the hands of the regional blocks from Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to African Union (AU) but it needs Somaliland leadership to take our cause to them,” said Faysal Ali Warabe, leader of the UCID party. “We can’t be stopped to move forward,” Mr. Warabe added, referring to the talks between Somalia and Somaliland that broke off December 2015. “The same fate of South Sudan and Sudan applies to Somaliland but first we need to solve our internal issues.” “We can’t continue doing the same policy that we have been doing for the last two decades and expect differently,” said Dr. Hussein Abdullahi Bulhan, who accused of the current Somaliland politicians for being unfaithful in terms of recognition seeking. “We need to face every difficult thing and make the impossible, possible.” Warabe said the Northern regions claimed by the Puntland are part of Somaliland’s territory.
  21. Somaliland’s former industry minister, Hon. Shuaib Mohamed Muse has a new venture– running a bread industry in Hargeisa, Somaliland’s capital. The former politician is chairman and controlling of a firm operating a business serving bread. The bakery industry is located next to Mansor Hotel which lies in the north west of Hargeisa. At least three former government ministers under president Silanyo’s administration started a new business after they have failed to get a ministerial portfolio in Bihi’s cabinet. Former tourism minister also started a teaching post at high school in Hargeisa.
  22. To the west of Ethiopia near the Sudanese border lies a place called the Asosa zone. This may be the location of the oldest gold mine in the world. Dating back some 6,000 years, it provided a key source of gold to the ancient Egyptian empire, whose great wealth was famous throughout the known world. It may even have supplied the Queen of Sheba with her lavish gifts of gold when she visited King Solomon of Israel almost 3,000 years ago. The excitement in this part of the world is more about the future, however. Some local inhabitants already make a living from prospecting, and several mining companies have been active in the area in recent years, too. But what comes next could be on a much bigger scale: I have just co-published with my colleague, Owen Morgan, new geological research that suggests that much more treasure might be buried under the surface of this east African country than was previously thought. Treasure trail The Asosa zone is made up of flatlands, rugged valleys, mountainous ridges, streams and rivers. It is densely vegetated by bamboo and incense trees, with remnants of tropical rainforests along the river valleys. The zone, which is part of Ethiopia’s Benishangul-Gumuz region, is spotted with archaeological sites containing clues to how people lived here thousands of years ago, together with ancient mining pits and trenches. Local inhabitants have long taken advantage of these riches. They pan for gold in Asosa’s streams and also extract the precious metal directly from outcropping rocks. Local inhabitants panning for gold. Credit: Owen Morgan More substantial exploitation of the region’s riches dates back to the Italian invasion of the 1930s. The Italians explored the Welega gold district in West Welega, south-east of Asosa. Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974, believed the country had the potential to become a global leader in gold. But when the revolutionary Derg government deposed him and the country plunged into civil war, gold mining disappeared off the agenda for a decade and a half. It took until the early 2000s before the government started awarding exploration licences. Several mines are up and running, neither of them in Asosa. One is at Lega Dembi slightly to the east, owned by Saudi interests. The other, at Tigray in the north of the country, is owned by American mining giant Newmont, and just started production late last year. More is already on the way: the beneficiary of the Italian efforts from the 1930s in Welega is the Tulu Kapi gold prospect, containing 48 tonnes of gold. This was most recently acquired in 2013 by Cyprus-based mining group KEFI Minerals (market value: roughly US$2.3 billion (£1.7 billion)). As for Asosa, the Egyptian company ASCOM made a significant gold discovery in the zone in 2016. It published a maiden resource statement that claimed the presence of – curiously the same number – 48 tonnes of gold. Yet this only looks like the beginning. View across the gold-bearing schist rocks of the Asosa zone, Benishangul-Gumuz. Credit: Owen Morgan Au-some potential? The Asosa zone geology is characterised by various kinds of volcanic and sedimentary rocks that are more than 600 million-years-old. The region has been intensely deformed by geological forces, resulting in everything from kilometre-long faults to tiny cracks known as veins which are only centimetres in length. Some of these veins contain quartz, and it is mainly here that the region’s gold accumulated between 615m and 650m years ago – along with silver and various other minerals. The gold came from molten materials deep within the Earth finding their way upwards during a process known as subduction, where tectonic forces drive oceanic crust beneath a continent. This is comparable to the reasons behind gold deposits in island arcs like some of the ones in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Our field observations and panning suggest that gold should be generally abundant across the Asoza zone – both in quartz veins but also elsewhere in the schist and pegmatite rocks in which they are located. We also see signs of substantial graphite deposits, which are important for everything from touch-screen tablets to lithium-ion batteries. There is undoubtedly much more world-class gold within this area than has already been discovered, pointing to a promising source of income for the government for years to come – much of the region remains unexplored, after all. It probably is no exaggeration to say that Ethiopia’s gold potential could rival South Africa’s, which would put it somewhere around the top five gold producing nations in the world. There are still some substantial challenges, however. Dealing with governmental red tape can be difficult. In an area like the Asosa zone there are dangerous wildlife to avoid, such as venimous snakes, baboons and even monkeys. The vegetation also becomes forbiddingly wild during wet seasons. It is also important to strike up good working relationships with local inhabitants, showing the utmost respect to local cultures – it’s the ethical way to operate, and failing to do so can make life harder with the authorities in the capital. This includes the need to preserve the natural beauty of the region; gold mining already has a very bad international reputation for environmental damage. With the right approach, however, western Ethiopia will be a literal gold mine that could bring economic benefit to the region. What the Queen of Sheba may have known 3,000 years ago, the modern world is finally rediscovering today.
  23. I am the only adult woman in my family who does not wear the Islamic headscarf, the hijab. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. Djibouti, Jumada I 07, 1439, January 24, 2018, — King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief) has signed a contract with AlRahma International Hospital to extend operating medical clinics for Yemeni Refugees at Abkh refugee camp in the Republic of Djibouti in the presence of Saudi Ambassador to the Republic of Djibouti Abdulaziz Al-Daoud. The contract was signed by Director of Medical and Environmental Aid Department Dr. Abdullah Al-Moallem, on behalf of the Center, while Dr. Mohammed Al-Sharqawi on behalf of the Hospital. –SPA
  25. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in dhawaan uu magacaabayo guddi ka shaqeeya, dabagalka fulinta mashaariicda horumarineed ee uu ka dhagax dhigay deegaannadii uu socdaalka kusoo maray. Madaxweynaha oo Saxaafadda kula hadlay xafiiskiisa ayaa ka warbixiyey socdaalkii Nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta, isagoona sheegay in si dhow uu ula soconayo dhammeystirka fulinta mashaariicda uu dhagax dhigay. “Maalmaha soo socda waxaan magacaabayaa guddi dabagal ku sameeya mashaariicdii aan soo ballan qaadey, si aan ula soconno dhaqan galkooda. Dowladda waxaa ka go’an in ay kaalinteeda ka qaadato.” Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu baaqay ganacsatada iyo qurbajoogta Soomaliyeed in ay kaalin ka qaataan dib u dhiska iyo horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha. “Waxaan ugu baaqayaa ganacsatada iyo qurba joogta Soomaaliyeed in ay ka qeyb qaataan mashaariicda horumarineed iyo dib u dhiska dalkooda.” Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyaddu ayaa uga mahadceliyey shacabka sida wadaniyadda leh ee ay u soo dhaweeyeen isaga iyo wafdigiisa, waxa uuna ku tilmaamay mid ka tarjumeysa biseylka iyo hanka ay u qabaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed dowladnimada iyo wadajirka. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ku bogaadiyey Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada Puntland iyo Galmudug dadaalka ay ugu jiraan horumarinta, xasilinta, nabadeynta iyo dib u heshiisiinta bulshada ku dhaqan deegannadaas. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa socdaal qaatay muddo 17 maalmood ah waxa uu ku maray Gobollada Nugaal, Bari, Mudug iyo Galguuud, halkaas oo uu ugu kuur-galay baahiyaha nololeed ee dadka iyo arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta.