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Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xukuumada Somalia ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in guud ahaan amniga magaalada Muqdisho ay sugi doonaan ciidamo isku dhaf ah. Abuukaate Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed (Khadar), oo ah Ra’iisul wasaare ku-xigeenka Xukuumadda Fedreaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in qorshaha cad ee Xukuumada uu yahay in amniga ay sugaan ciidamada isku dhafka ah. Khadar oo kormeeray xarun Ciidan oo ku taalla Magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay in ciidamada ku sugan xarunta ay kaalintooda muuqan doonto wakhti dhow. Waxa uu tilmaamay in dowlada Federaalka ay ku tashaneyso Ciidamo isku dhafka ah ee isugu jira Millitari, Boolis iyo Asluub, waxa uuna cadeeyay in amniga magaalada oo idil ay la wareegi doonaan. Khadar waxa uu sheegay in Ciidamadan ay si wadajir ah uga shaqeynayaan sugidda ammaanka, si looga hortago falalka ka baxsan ammaanka, waxa uuna aad u amaanay ciidamada qaadi doona howlgalada ee isku dhafka ah. Dhinaca kale, ku simaha Ra’isul wasaaraha ahna Ra’isul wasaare ku-xigeenka dalka Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed “Khadar” ayaa xusay in ciidamada qalabka sida ay yihiin kuwa dartood lagu gaarayo hannanka dawladnimada. loona bahanyahay in lagu buraarujiyo sida ay uga hortagilahaayeen cadawga banneeystay daadinta dhigga shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Maleeshiyaad la sheegay inay ka tirsan yihiin al-shabaab ayaa weerar xoogan ku qaaday degaan ka tirsan Magaalada Mandhera ee Gobolka Waqooyi Bari dalka Kenya. Maleeshiyaadkan ayaa weerarkooda la eegtay Shaqaale Kenyan ah oo ka shaqeynayay Cara Kaawo, kuwaa oo xiliga weerarka saarnaa gaari iska roge ah oo rar caro ah waday. Dadka deegaanka ayaa sheegay in weerarka uu si gaara uga dhacay degaanka lagu magacaabo Shimbir Faatumo oo ku taalla Koonfurta Mandera. Mid ka mid ah mas’uuliyiinta Gobolkaasi ayaa sheegay in la aamisan yahay ugu yaraan laba qof oo rayid ah inay ku dhinteen weerarkan, ilaa saddex kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen. Wargayska Daily Nation ee dalkaasi Kenya kasoo baxaya oo weerarkan wax ka qoray ayaa soo xigtay Madaxa AMnga ee Gobolka Kutswa Ololka oo isagu u sheegay inaysan weli caddayn tirada dadka waxyeelladu kasoo gaartay weerarkaasi. Waxay Daily Nation sheegtay in ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa amniga ay ku baxeen goobta weerarku ka dhacay. Gobolka Mnadera waa kan ugu badan Waqooyi Bari Kenya ee ay ka dhacaan weerarrada Al-Shabab ay ka gaystaan waqooyi Bari Kenya. Bishii December 2014-kii weerar midkan la mid ah oo Gobolka Waqooyi Bari dalka Kenya lagula eegtay Shaqaale ka shaqeynayay Cara Kaawada ayaa waxaa lagu dilay 36 qof. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Laamaha ammaanka Dalka Kenya ayaa ku jira heegan ballaaran,tan iyo markii maleeshiyaadka argagaixisada ah ee Alshabaab ay kordhiyeen weerarada ay ka geysanayaan gudaha dalkaasi Kenya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
NAIROBI, Kenya – At least four people were killed on Thursday night, in Mandera, in what authorities blamed on Al Shabaab. Source: Hiiraan Online
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Xasan Cali Khayre, oo maalmahaan safar shaqo ku joogay magaalada Brussels ee dalka Belgium, ayaa kulan muhiim ah la qaatay dhigiisa dalkaasi, Charles Michel. Xasan Cali Khayre iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha Belgium, Charles Michel oo kulan gaar ah yeeshay ayaa ka hadlay arrimo muhiim u ah labada dowladood oo ay kamid tahay xoojinta xariirka soo jireenka ah ee ka dhexeeya Muqdisho iyo Brussels. “Waxa aan la kulmay Ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka Belgium, Charles Michel. Waxa aan ka wada hadalnay arima badan oo khuseeya labada dowladood oo ay kamid tahay xariirka soo jireenka iyo sida loo xoojin lahaa”. Kulanka Ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre uu la qaatay Charles Michel ayaa waxa uu qeyb ka ahaa kulamo uu Brussels kula yeeshay masuulyiin ka tirsan midawga Yurub, kadib markii uu soo idlaaday kulankii looga hadlayay amaanka iyo hanaanka horumarka Soomaaliya ee lagu qabtay magaalada Brussels.
Dahabshiil delivers food aid to flood victims in Beledweyne
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Beledweyne (HOL) - Dahabshiil, one of the leading money transfer companies in Africa, has announced that it will be distributing food aid to flood victims outside Beled Weyne. Source: Hiiraan Online -
(CNN) Chinese personnel at the country's first overseas military base in Djibouti have been using lasers to interfere with US military aircraft at a nearby American base, activity that has resulted in injuries to US pilots and prompted the US to launch a formal diplomatic protest with Beijing, two military officials told CNN. Source: Hiiraan Online
“LIKE Sarajevo, 1914,” said the late Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, of the first gunshots fired on May 6th 1998. “An accident waiting to happen.” Neither he nor his counterpart in neighbouring Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, imagined that a light skirmish at Badme, a border village of which few had heard, could spiral into full-scale war. But two years later about 80,000 lives had been lost and more than half a million people forced from their homes. Source: Hiiraan Online
The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) in conjunction with UNFPA Somalia and UN Habitat Somalia on 19 April 2018 launched the Peace Building Fund (PBF) worth $2 Million. The PBF aims to facilitate youth political empowerment by enabling Somali young women and men to meaningfully engage in governance, peacebuilding and reconciliation efforts. Source: Hiiraan Online
MOGADISHU, Somalia — The U.S. military is dramatically expanding its operations at a former Soviet air strip in Somalia, constructing more than 800 beds at the Baledogle base, VICE News has learned. The construction at the secretive base marks the latest example of America’s growing and controversial shadow war in Africa. Source: Hiiraan Online
Acting on past experience, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is beefing up security in major urban centres ahead of the Islamic holy month of fasting. Source: Hiiraan Online
(CNN) At least 100 people have died and nearly 260,000 have been displaced by flooding in Kenya this month, the Kenyan Red Cross announced Thursday. Source: Hiiraan Online
Mogadishu (HOL) - Newly elected Lower House Speaker, Mohamed Mursal Abdirahman has officially assumed office on Thursday following handing over ceremony held in Mogadishu. Source: Hiiraan Online
Somalia, facing severe challenges, also shows signs of hope
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Despite important progress through years of international assistance around counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, humanitarian efforts, and state-building, peace and stability remain elusive in Somalia. On April 6, the Africa Security Initiative in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings hosted a discussion with experts on the challenges Somalia faces now and potential paths forward. Source: Hiiraan Online -
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirka Wasaaradda Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Xukuumadda Somalia Khadiijo Diiriye ayaa si carol eh u beenisay wararka sheegaya in si fool xun loola dhaqmay ciyaartooyda 17-jirada. Wasiir Khadiijo waxa ay sheegtay in wararka been abuurka ah ay faafiyeen kuwa ay xanuunjineyso Horumarka Somalia, waxa ayna carab dhawday in dhalinyaradaasi qudhooda la weydiinkaro waxa loo sameeyay. Ciyaartooyda ayey sheegtay in soo dhaweentooda ay ka qeybqaaten Madax iyo shacaba isla markaana ay marqaati leedahay in si wanaagsan looga soo dhaweeyay magaalada Muqdisho, hase ahaatee wararka beenta ah aysan u joojin doonin wanaaga jira. Wasiir Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye waxa ay intaa ku dartay in Ciyaartoyda aysan aheyn kuwo Xabsi ku jira, isla markaana Magaalada halkii ay doonaan ay ka mari karaan. Waxa ay sheegtay in Caruurtaas Iskuulkii ay dhiganayeen fasax laga soo qaaday iyo sidoo kale Waalidintooda,isla markaana aysan mudneyn in la yiraahdo maxaa saas loo yeelay, waxa ayna ku talisay in laga Shaqeeyo horumarka Ciyaaraha dalka. Mas’uuliyiinta soo dhaweysay ee wakhtiga kula qaatay qeybta VIP Garoonka ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Kheyre, Wasiirka amniga iyo Mas’uuliyiin kale. Haddalka Wasiir Khadiijo ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili baraha bulshada lagu faafiyay Sawiro la sheegay in looga been abuuray Ciyaartooyda kuwaa oo waxbadan loogu dhimaayo Wasaarada Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Ethiopia and Djibouti agreed to swap stakes in strategic public enterprises including airlines, ports and telecommunications companies, as the Horn of Africa neighbors pursue deeper economic integration. The deal would include exchanges of shares in Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise, Africa’s biggest carrier by revenue, Djiboutian Finance Minister Ilyas Dawaleh said in an interview. Shareholdings in companies such as the Doraleh Container Terminal and in a new oil terminal, Ethiopian Telecommunications Corp. and Djibouti Telecom SA will also be swapped, he said. While the deal has been politically “endorsed,” the two countries will form a committee to work out the details, Dawaleh said by phone April 30. Ethiopian Information Minister Ahmed Shide confirmed the agreement in a text message. The pact came as Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, made his first foreign visit at the weekend to Djibouti, the tiny state located where the Indian Ocean meets the Red Sea and that’s become a strategic hub for the U.S. and China. Landlocked Ethiopia — which the International Monetary Fund ranks as the fastest-growing economy on the continent — is trying to boost its export-oriented manufacturing, making it reliant on neighboring nations with ports. Dawaleh said Abiy told Djiboutian officials that both countries should start referring to their state-owned enterprises as belonging to all, rather than one nation. Abiy said in a statement on his Facebook page that officials from both countries “underlined the importance of working towards the realization of complete economic integration of the two economies.” He didn’t elaborate. Source: – Bloomberg
Mogadishu. The African Union Peace-keeping Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has shifted operational tactic from military engagement to talking with communities in order to win hearts of Somalis. The new approach involves reaching out to clan heads and ordinary citizens to challenge the dominant al-Shabaab propaganda that AMISOM troops are infidels who must be ousted. According to Lt Col Robert Nahamya, the commander of UPDF’s 19th Battalion Operating in Buufow under Battle Group 22, the al-Shabaab had won many hearts by convincing Somalis that AMISOM seeks to impose paganism on the country. “This harmful propaganda cannot work anymore because we have started engaging these communities and we are telling them, ‘look, AMISOM is composed of Muslims [as well]; it is wrong for you to simply fight on religious grounds’,” he said. The Colonel added: “This is already working and soon we shall defeat the enemy.” Uganda was the first to deploy in Somalia in March 2007, and still has the largest number of soldiers in the 22,000-strong AMISOM. The UPDF drove the militants out of the capital, Mogadishu, and are, alongside other troop contributors such as Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya, helping to keep al-Shabaab in check. Some security lapses have resulted in deadly attacks by the militants, the recent one being last month’s simultaneous attacks on three Ugandan bases in which President Museveni, the Commander-in-Chief, said up to eight soldiers were killed. The militants, Col Nahamye said in Mogadishu on Tuesday, used the polarised clan system to spread its propaganda by setting up one clan against another. THE POWER OF CLANS Capturing minds. Clans and religion are central to the lives of Somali people and war planners have decided that capturing the minds of the people, rather than military confrontation, is essential for lasting peace in the country. Opinion leaders. Regarding the clan system, Col Nahamye said that they have identified key opinion leaders, mainly the elders, whom they are encouraging to preach oneness. Although Somalis are principally the same people, speaking a common language, the clan-based governance structure is so divisive and often erupts in inter-communal violence. AMISOM, field commanders say, is playing the neutral arbiter to bridge the divide. Source: – Daily Monitor
The Somali government said that it has made headway in the investigation of the ICRC nurse who was kidnapped from the ICRC compound on Wednesday evening. Interior Ministry spokesperson Abdiaziz Ali Ibrahim announced that they have identified one of the kidnappers as Mohamud Mohamed Alas. Security officials have also identified the missing aid worker as Sonja Nientiet, a German national. Investigators believe that Alas, who worked as a security guard at the ICRC compound, had intimate knowledge of the compound layout and security measures and used this knowledge to facilitate the kidnapping. The ministry spokesman theory seems to corroborate with eyewitness accounts from Red Cross workers told media on Wednesday that the gunmen easily evaded the compound’s security guards and successfully snuck the nurse out of a back entrance and into a waiting vehicle. Ibrahim said that an extensive manhunt is underway to save the nurse and bring her captors to justice. He mentioned that the vehicle that was used in the kidnapping is now in police custody. A LinkedIn profile for Sonja Nientiet with extensive employment history with the ICRC gives us a glimpse of her professional career. She is a career humanitarian aid worker with postings in Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. “I have a strong believe [sic] in the Human Rights, which is why I have chosen to change my focus from nursing in Germany to international humanitarian aid,“ reads her LinkedIn bio. In Somalia, aid workers and journalists have been targeted in the past by armed gangs or Al-Shabaab militants and held for ransom.
Muqdisho (PP) ─ Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Benaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cusmaan (Eng. Yarisow) oo maanta daah furay Barnaanijka Dhismaha Goleyaasha deegaanka ee degmooyinka Gobolka Benaadir, ayaa sheegay ujeedka ugu weyn ee arrintan laga leeyahay in ay tahay shacabka talada in dib loogu celiyo. Barnaamijkan ayaa waxaa dhinac socda qorshaha Isku xirka Maamulada Degmooyinka, Hey’adaha Amniga iyo Garsoorka dalka, arrimaha lagu falan qeeyey kulanka ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa dowrarka iyo kaalinta Maamullada degmooyinka, hey’adaha amaanka iyo garsoorka Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir, Hoggaaminta suuban, Xalinta Khilaafaadka, sareynta sharciga iyo Dawladda wanaagga. Gudoomiyaha ayaa tilmaamay muhiimada ay u leedahay bulshada iyo Dawladnimada Soomaaliya in la hello maamul hoos laga soo dhisey, si bulshadu ay iyagu go’aan uga gaarto cidda matalaysa. “Si magaalada Muqdisho looga hirgeliyo dimuqoraadiyad hana-qaada looguna diyaar garoobo doorashooyinka 2020 dalka oo dhan ka dhici doona muwaadinkuna u helo fursad ah inuu wax doorto lana doorto, waxaan bilownay geeddigan oo leh habraac dhameystiran oo ku jirto wada shaqeynta hay’adaha amniga iyo Garsoorka dalka,” ayuu yiri Yarisow. Duqa Muqdisho ayaa tilmaamay dhowrkii bilood ee la soo dhaafay shacabka ku nool Caasimadda in loo dhaweeyey maamulka, isla markaana arrintaas ay ka dhalatay kalsooni iyo wadashaqeyn buuxda. Waxuna xusay sida ay lagama maarmaan u tahay in shacabku ay yeeshaan talada lagu hagayo deegaankooda. Ugu dambeyn, Kulan howlleedkan ayaa socon doona 3da ilaa 9 ka bisha, waxaana degmo walba uga soo qeyb galay toddoba xubnood oo kala ah, Gudoomiyaasha degmooyinka, Kuxigeenada 1aad ee amniga iyo siyaasadda, Kuxigeenada 2aad ee Arrimaha Bulshada, Xoghayaha Degmada iyo taliyeyaasha qeybaha Ciidamadda. PUNTLAND POST The post Muqdisho oo lagu Daah-furay Barnaamijka Dhismaha Golayaasha Deegaanka Xamar appeared first on Puntland Post.
Suqatra (Caasimada Online) – Dibadbaxyo carreysan ayaa ka billowday jasiiradda Suqatra ee u dhow Soomaaliya kadib markii Imaaraadka ay geeyeen 10 askari oo lagu daad gureeyey afar diyaarad. Dadka deegaanka ayaa taleefishinka Al-Jazeera u sheegay in afarta diyaarad ee Imaaraadka ay si sharci darro ah ku yimaadeen, si ay u cabsi geliyaan dowladda beesha caalamku ay aqoonsan tahay ee Yemen. Jaziiraddaan ayaa kaliya 80 KM u jirta Soomaaliya, hase yeeshee waxaa lahaanshaheeda sheegta Yemen. Muuaqaallo lagu baahiyey baraha bulshada ayaa muujinaya dibadbaxayaasha oo ku qeylinaya erayo ay ku taageerayaan madaxweynaha Yemen Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. سقطرى تهتف لليمن بحضور ابن دغر. شعب نبيل،يعاني ويهتف لوطنه. بالله عليكم مثل هذا الجمهور ألا يستحق أن تكونوا معه؟ إنه يبحث عنكم. عودوا إليه. pic.twitter.com/VqUzzW6pcL — Dr Mohammed Jumeh (@MJumeh) May 2, 2018 Dadka deegaanka ayaa ka carreysan in ciidamada Imaaraadka ay ceyriyeen ciidamadii dowladda Yemen ee ilaalada ka ahaa jaziiraddan. Jaziiraddan ayaa waxaa ku nool 60,000 oo qof, waxaana maamula dowladda Yemen.