Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Garowe (Puntlandi) Guddoomiyaha degmada Boocame ee gobolka Sool, Xayle Xasan Shirre, ayaa si adag uga jawaabay warar been abuur ah oo ay saxaafadu qortay oo ku saabsanaa in ciidamo maamulka Hargeysa katirsan ay gudaha u galeen degmadaas. Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay warkaasi sheegay inuu yahay mid aan waxba ka jirin oo ay baahiyeen dad aan waxba kala ogayn oo doonaya inay qalqal galiyaan shacabka gobolka Sool ee u diyaar garoobaya xoraynta gobolka Sool. Xayle ayaa sheegay inay jirto meel 15km ujirta degmada Boocame oo ay yimaadeen ciidamada Somaliland, balse durbadiiba isaga carareen kadib markii ciidanka difaaca Puntland uu xagooda soo aaday. Waxaa uu ku baaqay in dowladda Puntland lagala qeyb qaato difaac iyo xoraynta gobolka Sool, isagoo sheegay degmada Boocame inay kamid tahay degmooyinka ugu horeeya ee ka qeyb qaadanaya dagaalka gobolka Sool looga sifaynayo maleyshiyada kusoo duushay ee lagasoo diray Burco, Berbera iyo Hargeysa. Source: Puntlandi
  2. Jowhar (Caasimadda Online) – Nuur Iidow Beyle ayaa ku guuleystay doorashada kursiga Xildhibaano Golaha Shacabka ee Beesha Cali Madaxweyne, kaddib markii wareegii labaad uu helay 27 cod, halka C/llaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe uu helay 24. Tirinta cododka wareega labaad ayaa la soo gabagabeeyay, iyadoo natiijada horudhaca ah ay muujineyso in Nuur Iidow Beyle ku guuleystay kursiga Xildhibaannimo ee Beesha Cali Madaxweyne/Xawaadle. Waxaa tartanka Wajigiisa Koowaad ku haray Musharixiinta 1:-Xuseen Axmed Geelle 2:- Dahabo Xasan Axmed 3:-Dahir Cabdulle Cawaale 4:-Cali Cabdullaahi Cosoble Haddaba Caasimadda Online ayaa xog faahfaahsan ka heshay lacagihii waalida aheyd oo ay Sanbaloolshe iyo Iidow u isticmaaleyn doorashada sidii uu midba midka kale guusha uga heli lahaa. Sida ay xogta hoose sheegeyso Iidow ayaa waxaa gadaal ka riixayey Madaxtooyada Villa Somalia, wuxuuna ahaa ninka ugu badan ee bixiyey lacaga la siiyey ergada 51 qof ee doorashada sameenayey. 1) Iidow ayaa ergada siinayey midkiiba lacag gaareyso ilaa 10.000 (Toban Kun oo Dollar), waxaana la qiyaasayaa inuu 35 ergo siiyey lacagta sare ku qoran 2) Sanbaloolshe ayaa isna ergada siinayey min 5,000 (Shan Kun oo Dollar), wuxuuna lacag siiyey ilaa 30 kamid ah ergadii wax dooraneysay. Iidow ayaana awoodda sare helay, wuxuna 2 cod ka saramaray Sanbaloolshe, iyadoo arrintaas loo aaneenayey lacagta badan ee uu bixiyey. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maxaa kala socotaa lacagihii waalida aheyd oo ay kursiga Xildhibaanimo u adeegsadeen Sanbaloolshe iyo Iidow? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Jowhar (PP) ─ Waxaa goor-dhaw lagu soo gaba-gabeeyay Degmada Jowhar ee xarunta gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe doorashada xlidhibaan ka tirsan golaha baarlamaanka federaalka Somalia, kaasoo ay ku tartmeen lix musharrax. Doorashadan oo billaabatay duhurnimadii maanta ayaa waxaa ku tartamay musharraxiinta kala ah; C/llaahi Maxamed Cali [Sanbaloolshe] 2. Cali C/llaahi Cosoble Siyaad 3. Daahir C/lle Cawaale, 4. Nuur Iidow Beyle, 5. Dahabo Xasan Axmed 6. Xuseen Axmed Geelle. Wareeggii koowaad ee doorashada waxaa isugu soo haray C/llaahi Maxamed Cali [Sanbaloolshe] oo helay 24 cod iyo Nuur Iidow Beyle oo helay 23 cod, sidoo kale waxaa hal cod Cali C/llaahi Cosoble, Waxaana xumaatay Saddex cod, ugu dambeyn waxaa wareega labaad u gudbay Sambaloolshe iyo Bayle. Guddoomiyaha guddiga madaxa-bannaan ee doorashooyinka Marwo Xaliimo Ismaaciil (Xaliimo Yarey) ayaa ku dhawaaqday in kursigan uu ku guuleystay Nuur Iidow Beyle oo helay 27-cod, halka 24-cod helay C/llaahi Maxamed Cali [Sambalooshe]. Dhanka kale, Xarunta Doorashada ay ka dhacaysay waxaa goob-joog ahaa Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Hir-shabeelle, Guddoomiyeyaasha Gobolka iyo Degmada, Mas’uuliyiin iyo xubno ka socda ururrada bulshada rayidka ah. Madaxweynaha Hir-shabelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare iyo ku xigeenkiisa, Cali Xuseen Guud-laawe ayaa hoolka doorashada soo gaaray markii lasoo gaba-gabeeyay doorashada, laakiinse aan lagu dhawaaqin doorashada. Ugu dambeyn, Doorashadan oo Maxkamadda sare ee Somalia ay sheegtay in aan la qaban doonin ayaa dhacday, iyadoo aysan jirin wax war ah oo kasoo baxay dhanka Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Doorashada Kursi ka dhinaa Baarlamaanka Somalia oo lagu soo Gaba-gabeeyay Jowhar appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. Addis Ababa, 28 Jan 2018: Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo ku sugan Magaalada Addis Ababa ee caasimadda Itoobiya, halkaas oo uu kaga qeyb galayo Shir-Madaxeedka Caadiga ah ee Midowga Afrika, ayaa waxa ay kulan gaar ah yeesheen Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay António Guterres. Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa bogaadiyey horumarka la taaban karo ee Dowladdu ka sameysay dhinacyada siyaaadda, amniga iyo dib u heshiisiinta. Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa dhiniciisa sheegay in Dowladda ay ka go’antahay sii xoojinta dib u heshiisiinta iyo xasillina dalka, isaga oo intaas ku daray Madaxweynuhu in ay muhiim tahay in Qaramada Midoobay ay dardargaliso caawimaadda ay siiso Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyn Madaxweynaha iyo Xoghayaha ayaa isla soo qaaday meesha ay mareyso u diyaarinta ciidamada Soomaaliya in ay amniga dalka la wareegaan , Xoghaye Guterres ayaana qiray in Ciidamada Soomaaliya ay yihiin kuwo la isku hallayn karo oo u baahan in la taageero oo kaliya , waxa uuna hadalkiisa kusoo gabagabeeyey in Qaramada Midoobay ay gargaar dhinaca bini’aadanimada ah gaarsiin doonto Soomaaliya. -DHAMMAAD- The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay oo Kulmay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. Jowhar (Caasimadda Online) – Nuur Iidow Beyle ayaa ku guuleystay doorashada kursiga Xildhibaano Golaha Shacabka ee Beesha Cali Madaxweyne, kaddib markii wareegii labaad uu helay 27 cod, halka C/llaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe uu helay 24. Tirinta cododka wareega labaad ayaa la soo gabagabeeyay, iyadoo natiijada horudhaca ah ay muujineyso in Nuur Iidow Beyle ku guuleystay kursiga Xildhibaannimo ee Beesha Cali Madaxweyne/Xawaadle. Waxaa tartanka Wajigiisa Koowaad ku haray Musharixiinta 1:-Xuseen Axmed Geelle 2:- Dahabo Xasan Axmed 3:-Dahir Cabdulle Cawaale 4:-Cali Cabdullaahi Cosoble Doorashada Kursigan ayaa aheyd mid aad u xiiso badneyd oo dhaqaale badan lagu baxshay, iyadoo Sanbaloolshe oo horay kusigan u baneeyay uu dadaal badan ugu jiray sidii uu mar kale ugu guuleysan lahaa, hase ahaatee haatan looga adkaaday. Guddiga doorashada Madaxa banaan ayaa lagu wadaa inuu goor dhow ku dhawaaqo natiijada rasmiga ah, iyadoo hoolka doorashada ka dhacday uu goor dhow gaaray Madaxweynaha Hirshabeelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare iyo Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Cali C/llaahi Cosoble iyo Mas’uuliyiin kale. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Deg deg: Nuur Iidow Beyle oo ku guuleystay Kursiga Xildhibaannimo ee Beesha Cali Madaxweyne appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Siyaasiga C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame ayaa sheegay in xarigii looo geystay laba ka mida mas’uuliyiinta xisbigiisa oo uu afduub ku tilmaamay inay muujineyso sida hay’adda NISA u noqotay mid loo adeegsado dano siyaasadeed. Kadib war-saxaafadeed xisbiga wadjir kasoo saareen xarigii koobnaa ee guddoomiyaha iyo xogahaya xisbigaasi u geysteen ciidamada NISA ayuu si weyn u canbaaraynayaa afduubka uu sheegay in lagula kacay labada masuul ee xisbiga uu hoggaamiyaha ka yahay. “Hay’adii Nabadsugida iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka waxay noqotay mid lagu fushado danaysi siyaasadeed oo shakhsi ah..” ayuu fariintiisa ku yiri C/raxmaan C/shakuur oo weli ay ku socoto maxkamad loo heysto Qaran dumisnimo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post C/raxmaan C/shakuur: “Hay’adii Nabadsugidda Qaranka waxay noqotay mid lagu fushado daneysi siyaasadeed oo shakhsi ah” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. Guud ahaan Xaalada Gobolada Ceyn iyo Sool aad ayay u degan tahay marka laga reebo howlgal ay Ciidan kooban oo Puntland ahi ay kasameeyeen Deegaanada God-qaboobe iyo Boocame. Saaka waabarigii ayaa howlgal kooban waxaa sameeyey Ciidan qaybka ahaa Khaatumo oo horey ugu biiray Ciidanka Puntland, kuwasoo weerar ku qaadey Maleeshiyaad taabacsan Soomaaliland oo deegaankaas isku urursaday. Deegaanka Howlgalka laga fuliyey ayaa ah Dhinaca Gudaha marka loo eego Tukaraq oo deegaankaan wuxuu Dhinaca Laascaanood ka xigaa Tukaraq. Tukaraq dhankeeda Waxba kama jiraan oo aad ayay u degantahay. Saaka Wixii dhacay Ma ahayn ama Laguna tilmaami karo Dagaal, wuxuu ahaa Howlgal kooban, Khasaaruhuna Ma badenymfer oo hal Nin oo ka mid ahaa Maleeshiyaadka is urursanayay ayaa geeriyooday. Dowlada Puntland kama aysan hadal howlgalka saaka dhacay ee lagu kala eryey Maleeshiyaad is urursanayay, Guud ahaana Xukuumadu waxay adkeysay in wax macluumaad ahi ay baxaan ama lasiiyo saxaafada. Wariye Madaxbanaan oo ku sugan Buuhoodle iminka si kumeelgaar ah ula shaqeeya Puntlandi oo kasoo Qaramada Deegaanada Sool iyo Ceyn wuxuu sheegay in Guud ahaan Xaaladu ay aad u degan tahay. Buuhoodle
  8. Addis Ababa, 28 Jan 2018: Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo ku sugan Magaalada Addis Ababa ee caasimadda Itoobiya, halkaas oo uu qeyb galayo Shir-Madaxeedka Caadiga ah ee Midowga Afrika, ayaa waxa ay kulan gaar ah yeesheen Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay António Guterres. Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa bogaadiyey horumarka la taaban karo ee Dowladdu ka sameysay dhinacyada siyaaadda, amniga iyo dib u heshiisiinta. Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa dhiniciisa sheegay in Dowladda ay ka go’antahay sii xoojinta dib u heshiisiinta iyo xasillina dalka, isaga oo intaas ku daray Madaxweynuhu in ay muhiim tahay in Qaramada Midoobay ay dardargaliso caawimaadda ay siiso Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyn Madaxweynaha iyo Xoghayaha ayaa isla soo qaaday meesha ay mareyso u diyaarinta ciidamada Soomaaliya in ay amniga dalka la wareegaan , Xoghaye Guterres ayaana qiray in Ciidamada Soomaaliya ay yihiin kuwo la isku hallayn karo oo u baahan in la taageero oo kaliya , waxa uuna hadalkiisa kusoo gabagabeeyey in Qaramada Midoobay ay gargaar dhinaca bini’aadanimada ah gaarsiin doonto Soomaaliya.
  9. Jowhar-(Caasimadda Online)-Xildhibaan Cabdullahi Maxmaed Cali Sanbaloolshe ayaa ku guuleystay doorasho maanta ka dhacday Magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta Maamulka Hirshabeelle. Doorashada Kursiga Beesha oo ay ku tartamayeen Lix Musharrax ayaa waxaa si dirqi ah ugu guuleystay Cabdullahi Maxamed Cali Sanbalooshe oo helay 24 Cod,halka Xildhibaanka ku soo xigay oo ah Nuur Iidow Beyle uu helay 23 Cod. Wareegii koowaad ee Doorashada ayaa hadda soo gaba gaboobay,waxana isugu soo haray Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe oo helay 24 Cod iyo Nuur Iidoow Beyle oo helay 23 Cod 3 Cod weey halaabeen halka 1 Cod uu helay Cali Cabdullaahi Cosoble. Waxaa tartanka Wajigiisa Koowaad ku haray Musharixiinta 1:-Xuseen Axmed Geelle 2:- Dahabo Xasan Axmed 3:-Dahir Cabdulle Cawaale 4:-Cali Cabdullaahi Cosoble Gudiga doorashooyinka ayaa shaaciyay in goordhow ay ku dhawaaqi doonaan natiijada Rasmiga ah ee doorashadaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Sanbaloolshe oo hoggaaminaya doorashada ka socota Jowhar,wareeg 2aad ayaana loo gudbay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. The stand-off between Somaliland and Puntland forces at Tukaraq hamlet in Sool reminds Somalis of what Somalia and Ethiopia were going through more than thirty years ago: a conflict based on border dispute. Whereas the Ethiopian-Somali territorial dispute was between two sovereign states, the territorial dispute between Somaliland and Puntland is raging within a sovereign state. Somali leaders have not asked themselves the question Somalia’s first generation of political leaders had failed to ask about territorial disputes. On Somalia’s case for seeking to gain control of “missing territories” Bahru Zewde, the author of A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991, writes: “Diplomatically, however, the cause of Somali irredentism was doomed. In the African context in particular, the Organization of African unity, founded in 1963, for understandable reasons reaffirmed the inviolability of international borders, however arbitrarily they might have been drawn in the past ” ( Zewde, p.192; 2001). The African Union upholds the inviolability of international borders principle. Will the AU consider the pre-Union border between Somaliland Government and the ex-Italian Somaliland as a basis for making a decision on the territorial dispute? It was border that existed for five days but might fall within the category of arbitrarily drawn borders. Somaliland government does not have the advantage Eritrean People’s Liberation Front and Sudan People’s Liberation Army had had when they negotiated with Ethiopia and Sudan to become sovereign states in 1993 and 2011 respectively. Somaliland unilaterally seceded from Somalia in 1991 and conducted a referendum in 2001. The referendum did not take place in parts of the ex-British Somaliland currently known as “disputed territories”. This is the territory Somaliland has designated as jiidda hore ( the frontline ). It is not accessible to aid workers. While the blame for this situation cannot be solely pinned on Somaliland government, its claim of the disputed territories based on border between ex-British Somaliland and ex-Italian Somaliland puts inhabitants at disadvantage when it comes to implementing development projects funded by the international community through either Somaliland or Puntland. Although Somaliland claims the territory on account of it being a part of ex-British Somaliland it has never addressed the plight of the people in the territory the International Community has designated as disputed territories. British support for Somaliland political institutions and economic development only benefits social groups that signed Protectorate agreements and live in non-disputed territories . A large part of the disputed territory is home to people whom the British colonial administrators did not include in the “Proclamation of Terminating Her Majesty’s Protection Over the Somaliland Protectorate.” London Gazette published on 24 June 1960 implicitly states the distinction the British government made between subjects from clans in the Protectorate and the clans from non-Protectorate territories: “Now, therefore, We do hereby, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, proclaim and declare that, as from the beginning of the appointed day between Us or Our Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and any of the Tribes of the said territories, all Our obligations existing immediately before that day towards the said territories and all functions, powers, rights, authority or jurisdiction exercisable by Us immediately before that day in or in relation to the said territories by treaty, grant, usage, sufferance or otherwise, shall lapse.” Somaliland is not only in territorial dispute with Puntland, a federal member state. A few weeks ago when the Planning Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia paid a visit to Badhan, the Somaliland Minister for foreign Affairs accused Somalia of violating “territorial integrity of Somaliland”. Somaliland claims disputed territories on the basis of a colonial border before the Union ( 1 July 1960 ), whereas Puntland retains the privilege to appoint federal MPs and Senators from disputed territories, as the contentious electoral map developed by UNSOM in 2016 shows. In this situation neither political representatives from disputed territories based either in Hargeisa or in Garowe are capable of addressing the plight people in “Eastern Somaliland” without Britain’s commitment to “enhancing political stability in Somalia,including in Somaliland.” Britain is “supportive of dialogue between Somaliland and neighbouring Puntland, and with the Federal Government of Somalia on areas of mutual interest.” A war between Somaliland and Puntland will prolong the suffering of people in disputed territories. Despite Somaliland government’s indifference to the plight of people it looks upon as citizens, it has a major advantage over Puntland, which is claiming disputed territories on the basis of shared clan affiliation and the 1998 Puntland Charter. Puntland invoked the Charter for federal representation priveleges during negotiations with the Somali Federal Government before the 2017 election in Mogadishu. Since 2009 the International Community has used different approaches such as the dual track policy to diffuse tensions periodically triggered by the territorial dispute between Puntland and Somaliland. Britain’s development assistance and scholarships to Somalia hardly reach people in the disputed territories. As the country that facilitated end of the transition in Somalia and generously contributes to AMISOM budget, Britain has the diplomatic influence to facilitate talks between stakeholders in the disputed territories. A threat of war makes disputed territories inaccessible to aid workers, and youths vulnerable to radicalisation. The disadvantage imposed by disputed territories status on people is more pronounced in areas such as Lasanod, Huddun and Taleh, where people cast their votes during 2017 Somaliland elections but will never enjoy benefits the successfully conducted election will create in the form more development assistance for non-disputed territories in the ex-British Somaliland, and soon to be enhanced Somaliland Compact. Both the arguments for a clan-based adminstraton (Puntland) and pre-indendence identity (Somaliland) are failing people in the disputed territories. Liban Ahmad
  11. Magaalada Jowhar ayaa maanta waxaa ka bilowday doorashada Kursi ka mid ah Golaha Shacabka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Wararka laga helay Goobta Doorashada ayaa sheegaya in kursigaan ay ku tartamaayaan xubno si weyn looga yaqaano Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo ah Lix Musharax, iyagoo iska diiwaan geliyay Guddiga madaxa banaan ee doorashooyinka Qaranka,waxyna buuxiyeen shuruudihii looga baahnaa sida ay sheegeen Guddiga doorashooyinka madaxa banaan. Guddoomiyaha Guddiga doorashooyinka madaxa banaan Xaliima Yarey oo ka hadashay doorashada ayaa akhrisay magacyada Musharaxiinta 6-da ee ku tartamaya Kursigan, waxaana ay ka mahad celisay kaalinta uu Maamulka Hirshabeelle ka qaatay fududeynta howsha. 51 Ergo ee soo dooraneysa kursigaan ka banaan Golaha Shacabka ayaa hadda ku howlan soo doorashada shaqsigii ayaga ku matali laha Golaha Shacabka. Magacyada Musharaxiinta tartameysa ayaa waxay kala yihiin:- 1- C/llaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe 2- Cali C/llaahi Cosoble 3- Dahir Cabdulle Cawaale 4- Nuur Iidow Beyle 5- Dahabo Xasan Axmed 6- Xuseen Axmed Geelle Kursigan lagu tartamo ayaa doorashadiisa uu horey ugu guuleystay Taliyihii hore Hey’adda Nabad Suggida Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, kaddib markii loo magacaabay taliyaha hey’adda Nabad-sugida Qaranka. The post Doorashada kursi kamid ah Golaha shacabka oo ka bilaabatay Jowhar appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. The post Sawirro: Sharif Xasan oo tallaabo horumar leh ka sameeyay Baydhabo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Warbaahinta Puntlandi waxay soo bandhigaysaa labo shaqo oo ka banaan, tasoo loo baahan yahay Sida ugu dhakhsaha badan, Wixii macluumaad ah Hoos ka daalaco. 1- Warbaahinta waxay u baahan yihiin Wariye ka Howlgala Bosaso iyo nawaaxigeeda Sharuudaha Waa inaad heysataa khibrad ugu yaraan 5 sano ah oo aad kasoo shaqaynaysay Warbaahinta noocey doonto ha ahaatee. Waa inaad degantahay Bosaso waa inaad heysataa khibrad ah inaad isticmaali karto website-ka. HTML , worlpress ama FTP sharuudaha Guud ka EEG qaybta hoose ee page-kaan. 2- Warbaahinta Puntlandi waxaa ka banaan Wariye ka howlgala Gobolka Sool Sharuudaha Waa inaad heysataa khibrad ugu yaraan Labo sano oo aad kasoo shaqaynaysay Warbaahinta noocey doonto ha ahaatee Waabinaad heysataa khibrad ugu yaraan halsano inaad isticmaalaysay Internetka iyo qaabka Wararka loogu daaboco WordPress. Waa inaad degan tahay Buuhoodle Sharuudaha Guud ee Labadaan shaqo Waa inuu Wariyuhu heysataa oo leeyahay Teleefoonka Mobil ah oo kuwa casriga ah Sida Samsung noocyada Galaxy ama iphone khaasatan Samsung. Wariyaha heysta Qalabkiisa tixgalinta kowaad ayuu yeelanayaa markaan kala dooraneyno codsiyada nasoo gaara, laakiin Sharuud Ma ahan. Waa in Wariyuhu uu yahay shaqsi Masuul ah oo qof damiin ah la yimaadaa, Qodobkaan waa muhiim. Dhanka Warbaahinta Warbaahinta Puntlandi waxay tixgalin muhiim ah siiyaan Guud ahaan Howlwadeenada, waxaan ku Dadaalka in Shaqaalaha Warbaahintayada aan sare u qaado tayadooda shaqsiyeed iyo mid shaqaba. Shaqaalaha cusub wuxuu ku shaqeeyaa heshiis gaara oo 4 bilood ah markaas kadib Ayaan qiimeynaa in aan siiwadno wada shaqaynta iyo kamid ahaanshaha Bahda Puntlandi. Mushaarka waa lagawada hadlayaa. Hadaad daneynayso noogusoovdir codsigaaga iyo CV-gaaga wixii su’aal ah lasoo Xiriir Cafiiskayaga Garowe Cabdiwali Shiekh tlf 07734632
  14. Somaliland, a country that is yet to be recognized as an independent state from Somalia held its third presidential election on November 2017. A delegation along with the new president visited Ethiopia this week and spoke to Ethiopia’s Prime Minister and other government officials. Although Somaliland is a success story in many aspects, the country is challenged by a weak economy largely caused by Saudi Arabia’s ban on livestock export, which is one of the main driver’s of the country’s economy. Capital’s Eskedar Kifle spoke to Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Saad Ali Shire about the new administration, the issues of recognition and Somaliland’s place in the horn of Africa. Capital: Tell us about the delegation’s visit, what were some of the discussion points with the local authorities? Dr. Saad Ali Shire: Now we have a new government; we had the third presidential election since 2003. There is a new president, a new cabinet has been appointed; I was reappointed to the same position as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of our visit is a courtesy call from the Prime Minister; Somaliland is a very close friend of Ethiopia and it has always been a custom when a new president is appointed, to visit the Prime Minister here in Ethiopia. We also want to strengthen the good relationship we have with Ethiopia. Capital: Can you tell us the specific points of discussion? Ali Shire: We have touched upon many subjects; security, the economy and some projects we are carrying out jointly like the Berbera Corridor and the DP World Port, trade agreements, these are all issues that are ongoing. So these are some of the topics we touched upon. The President was accompanied by four ministers; myself, the Minister of Education, Minister of Interior and the Minister of Trade. All of them met their counterparts here in Addis Ababa. Capital: Speaking of the projects you mentioned; Berbera corridor, what stage is it on now? Ali Shire: The corridor, which is basically the road from Berbera to Wuchale hopefully will start this year; the road is going to be mainly funded by the United Arab Emirates. Now we are looking for consultants to perform the design and technical work on the road. Once the consultants are chosen and agreed up on, then the work will start and hopefully the construction itself will begin this year. Capital: We haven’t seen anything negative about the Presidential election you held in November. How would you say the whole thing went? Ali Shire: I think everything went well. Somaliland is one of the most democratic and stable countries in Africa. We have a track record of holding free and fair elections; of course campaigning is always contentious but I think it all went well. On Election day, we had 1642 polling stations and the election took place in all of them except for three areas. There were no injuries, no clashes; nothing of the machete welding people you saw in the presidential election of Kenya. We had a big contingent of international observers and they have stated that by large it was free and fair. We had three contenders and eventually the two candidates that were not successful accepted the results and conceded. About 550,000 people went to the polling stations to vote. The Kulmiye Party received the largest share of the votes. Capital: Did more people come out to vote than the last election? Ali Shire: We believe there may have been fewer numbers is the previous election, there were issues with double voting previously. The system we used this time did not allow double voting so the figures we saw were actual figures. Capital: Whenever election season occurs in most African countries, there is always a preconceived notion that there will be violence, and that has been true many times. How did you manage to hold a peaceful election? Ali Shire: I think we used the first biometric election system in Africa which really prevented anyone from tampering with the process, it is very good technology. And we don’t have a culture of political violence; people have confidence in the system, the national electoral commission did a fantastic job. Of course there is always contention; people question the validity of results and that was okay because the electoral commission was open to complaints and there are procedures to follow and they were able to satisfy the complaints and questions. Capital: You have a new president now. What particular priorities has he set on the agenda? Ali Shire: Well first, it is the same political party that won and is continuing. So as far as the bigger picture is concerned, the agenda is more or less the same. But of course every president brings with him or her their own priorities and agenda and the top priority for this government is economic development and job creation. Of course security is always the number one priority; it was for the previous government and it is for this one. But I think in addition to security, this president is setting for himself the target of creating jobs for youth. Capital: One of the major challenges for Ethiopia is also creating employment for its large youth population. What does the unemployment rate among the youth look like in Somaliland? How are you addressing it? Ali Shire: The unemployment among the youth is estimated at 75 percent which is extremely high. People are unemployed for a number of reasons and one of it is skills; young people don’t have the skills to market themselves and to be employed. Investment is another issue because you must have somebody who is willing to invest in the country to be able to create jobs. The government’s resources are limited so it cannot create enough jobs. One of the difficulties we have as an unrecognized state is that it creates an additional uncertainty for investors. It is not easy to attract direct foreign investment into the country. Our target is to improve the environment, create an investment environment that is more attractive to investors whether they are foreign or local. Capital: Speaking of recognizing Somaliland as a state, have there been any new developments? Ali Shire: Somaliland is a country that is very well established. We have been on this road since 1991; it existed under the colonial era as a British protectorate, some people miss that bit. In the minds of a lot of people, Somalia is just one country and Somaliland is part of Somalia and wants to secede from the rest of Somalia. It is not like that, we were two independent states that united and we just left that union because it didn’t work for us and it didn’t work for them and it didn’t work for the region either because it caused a lot of trouble and tension in the region and economically it didn’t work for anyone. That is why we left and we believe it is in the best interest of everyone to go their own way just like Djibouti. Djibouti was also mainly a Somali speaking country and it is doing very well compared to us. I think the international community recognizes that Somaliland is a state that fulfills all the requirements for an independent. We hope the international community will come to its senses and gives Somaliland the recognition it deserves; we have a very good legal case, both historical and humanitarian case. It is a matter of convincing the rest of the world that it is not just in the interest of Somaliland but the region, Africa and the rest of the world. Capital: Everything seems to be in the right place for Somaliland to be recognized as an independent state. Then why do you think the international community hasn’t done that? Do they have an interest in not granting the recognition? Ali Shire: That is a question that needs to be put forward to the international community. Different people give different reasons even though I am not in agreement with those reasons. People might say that Somalia is a country in turmoil and the recognition of Somaliland may make it even more difficult to solve the Somalia problem. Which I don’t think is right because as an independent state we would be able to assist Somalia reconcile and rebuild as a state. So I think it will be beneficial to Somalia and not a disadvantage. Some people say well this may open a Pandora’s box in Africa, but according to the report provided by the AU Commission in 2005, Somaliland is a unique case, there is no other case like it in Africa so there is no reason to worry about a Pandora’s box being opened because it is a case of two states that have now parted their ways. Capital: Have you resumed official talks with the Somalian government? Ali Shire: Well we have been in talks with Somalia since 2012; those talks were suspended in 2015 then the idea was to wait for Somalia to elect a new president and they did so last year. The international community also wanted to wait until that election was completed. I hope we will be able to resume the talks even though sometimes it doesn’t give me a whole lot of hope that we will be able to make advances because they have gone back on a number of things we have agreed on together at the talks. I hope that this time the new president of Somalia will take the talks very seriously. Capital: How would you describe Somaliland’s relationship with countries such as Turkey, Egypt and the Gulf States? Ali Shire: We welcome friendships from all corners of the world and I don’t think there is any country that we have a bad relationship with. But of course, given where we are we have a close relationship with our neighbors. We are on good terms, we don’t have a special relationship with Turkey or Egypt; they are friendly countries as they are to Ethiopia. As far as we are concerned we are a peaceful state. Capital: Last year, your country was facing a difficult situation due to the drought. How are you managing that? Ali Shire: The drought last year was devastating it really decimated our livestock and it left a lot of people displaced at the present time all over the country and those people are still vulnerable and they need to be supported. We also had the ban for livestock export to Saudi Arabia, the ban was lifted for a few weeks during the Haji time but it was re-imposed again and that is causing a lot of hardship economically in the country. Capital: Why did Saudi Arabia ban livestock export? Ali Shire: According to the Saudi Ministry of Agriculture, they said they found two animals that were infected by a disease. But these two animals were not from Somaliland, they were from Somalia. Unfortunately, we were punished which we believe we don’t deserve; our livestock is healthy, we have quarantine facilities with international standards and we hope the ban will be lifted. Livestock is our main export so to lose that is a big blow to the economy. Capital: What about investment, have you seen any encouraging trend in that area? Ali Shire: Well the biggest one, the DP World Port project which we have discussed before. We do have few foreign investors in the country in the area of oil exploration, manufacturing, infrastructure and so on. But we need many more and the main problem is like I said the lack of recognition. I think once we have recognition that will open the door for more investment. We think we have a lot of opportunities for investors, whether it is investment in our maritime resources, agricultural resources , mining, industry or even in services, there are plenty of opportunities. Capital: You mentioned oil exploration, it is currently at the stage of exploration right now, do you think there is hope in finding it? Ali Shire: There has been oil exploration in Somaliland for since the 50s or maybe 40s. The geological structure of Somaliland is very similar to that of Yemen, and so I think the logic goes as if oil can be found in Yemen then it could be found here as well. So we are very hopeful that one day we will strike oil. Capital: You have previously mentioned that if Somaliland is recognized it will help alleviate regional security issues. Have you been facing security issues so far? Ali Shire: Security is a top priority for us as well as every country in the region. I think we have played a critical part in ensuring we have stability not only in Somaliland but also in the other countries around us; we do spend a lot of resources on this. I think we have been successful so far and we have been sharing intelligence with our neighbors and the international community. Our troops on the ground, day in and out take care of our country’s security. We believe we carry more than our fair share of the burden of ensuring security in this part of the world. Capital: How is the capability of your military? Ali Shire: The fact that we are a peaceful state says something about the capability. We don’t have a huge army, but we have enough to ensure security. May I also add that security is not only dependent on the size and capacity of the army but also in our community. It is really the community that looks after it. If they find or see anything suspicious, they immediately report it to the police. Capital: Let’s talk about the state of democracy, specifically to the freedom of expression and free media. There have been reports by watchdog groups that journalists are jailed without proper due process. What do you say about that? Ali Shire: I think I can state that we have a very vibrant and free press. Our constitution guarantees the freedom of expression and association. If you can read and write Somali and follow the Somaliland press, then you would understand how free it is. I think people sometimes go beyond proper boundaries, sometimes they cross red lines and you may have a few incidents here and there, but I think if you consider the totality of the freedom that is there for the press, you would be impressed. I am not aware of any journalist who is now behind bars for their views, some of them might have trespassed on others’ rights, but there is no one that has been sentenced arbitrarily. Capital: Somaliland has also been in the news recently for passing a law that criminalizes rape. Previously the way to deal with situations like that was by marrying the victims off to the offenders. The fact that such law has been passed, does it mean we will be seeing a more independent judicial system from traditional rules and women will enjoy better rights and protection? Ali Shire: What this basically means is that if you commit a crime, if you sexually assault someone you cannot hide yourself under tradition and culture, you are responsible for what you have done. If you violate someone’s dignity you pay for it. Capital: Let’s talk about the status of women and their participation in the country’s economy and politics. How does the government empower them? And politically, do we see women candidates participating to take over the big seat? Ali Shire: Women are very active in all walks of life. In business they are very active, in education for example, at the primary level you will find parity between boys and girls. Of course as you go up to higher education you lose that parity, you will find more boys than girls at this time. But maybe 20 years down the road, we will achieve parity at the level of higher education. As far as politics is concerned, I think women are not as active in politics as men because of traditions. I think it takes time; even in Europe, 100 years ago, the situation was very different, women were not allowed to vote. In Somaliland they do have the right to vote but you don’t find many women at the forefront of politics. In the new cabinet we have three new ministers; the minister for environment, minister of social affairs and minister of livestock and fisheries; they are all women. We also have many women that hold high-level places within the administration. Capital: It might not be much now, but would you say the trend is changing with the participation of women? Ali Shire: It is increasing. My view is that we really want parity and to get that, we really need to educate our girls. Because every woman who holds a position has it because she has the education and qualifications it has nothing to do with her gender so we need to work on that. Capital Ethiopia
  15. Uhuru Kenyatta Madaxweynaha dowlada Kenya oo ka hadlayay shirka madaxda midowga Afrika ee maanta ugu furmay Magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta Dalka Itoobiya ayaa ka dalbaday in hogaamiyaasha Afrika ee shirkaan ka qeyb galaya in ay bixiyaan malaayiin lacag ah iyo maareenta lacagtaas iyo ciidan, kuwaas oo lagu xoojinaya dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab ee ka dagaalama wadamo dhaca ee Geeska Afrika. Waxaa uu sidoo kale ka codsaday Madaxda Afrika in ay xoojiyaan taageeradda ay siiyaan ciidamada AMISOM ee ka howlgalla Soomaaliya . Madaxweynaha Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa sidoo kala sheegay in dowladiisa ay dagaal kula jirto dagaalamayaasha AL-shabaab, wuxuuna hogaamiaasha Afrika ka dalbaday in ay dar dar giliyaan dagaalkaas lagula jiro Al-shabaab. Waxaa uu uga mahadceliyay dowladaha Uganda, Itoobiya, Jabuuti iyo Burundi sidda ay uga qeyb qaateen amniga iyo xasilinta Soomaaliya iyada oo loo marayo Hawlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya AMISOM oo nabad ilaalin u joogta gudaha Soomaliya. Dagaalamayaasha Al-Shabaab ayaa wixii ka danbeyay Sanadkii 2011-kii waxay weeraro kala duwan ka fuliyeen Gudaha dalka Kenya, Xiligaas oo ciidamada dowladda Kenya ay soo galeen Gudaha Dalka Soomaaliya.
  16. Wanllaweyn-(Caasimadda Online)-Koox Hubeysan ayaa xalay Degmada Wanlla weyn ee Gobolka Shabeellaha hoose ku dishay Kaaliyahii Maxkamadda Degmada Wanllaweyn ee Gobolka Shabeellaha hoose. Dilka ayaa sida la sheegay wax uu ka dhacay afaafka hore ee guriga kaaliyaha iyada oo dadkii ka dambeeyay dilkaas ay goobta isaga baxsadeen sida uu sheegay gudoomiye ku xigeenka degmada Walweyn Maxamed Cabdullaahi Cumar. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka ayaa dilkaasi waxa uu ku eedeeyay in ay ka dambeeyaan Al-Shabaab oo uu sheegay in ay dhibaato ku hayaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Sidoo kale waxa uu hadalkiisa intaasi ku daray in Gudi loo saaray baaritaanka ku aadan sidii Gacanta loogu soo dhigi lahaa dadkii ka dambeeyay dilka Kaaliyihii Maxkamada degmada Walweyn Maxamed Jacfar Cabdi. Ciidanka amaanka ee Degmada Wanllaweyn ayuu sheegay in kaddib dilka Kaaliyaha ay howlgal ka sameeyeen Xaafadda uu dilka ka dhacay ee Magaaladaas hayeeshee ilaa hadda aysan jirin cid ay u soo qabteen. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Faahfaahin ku saabsan Kaaliye Maxkamadeed oo xalay lagu dilay Gobolka Shabeellaha hoose. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. By Ahmed Abdi Frustrated with staying in the camps for decades and suffering a prolonged period of resettlement procedures, refugees opted to immigrate to Europe through human smugglers that partnered with workers of money-transfer schemes. The European Union experienced a mass exodus of African refugees for two executive years- 2015 and 2016. Among of them, were refugees referred their cases to the United States and EU nearly seven years ago by the UNHCR. The United Nations’s protection counseling officials at UNHCR Yemen get bribes from the vulnerable refugees for their resettlement programs through individuals who act as a go-between between the refugees and the UN Refugee Agency. Even though the intermediaries get a small share of the money they receive a promise of resettlement for a third country but they often get in terrible when the refugees demand the return of their money from the UNHCR staffers. The pressure of solving the issue before anyone else learns and not paying on time by the UN staff encourages them to act violently by hiring gangs that intimidate the refugee clients. In July 2015, The Swedish government helped dozens of Horn of African refugees from Yemen to settle in its country successfully but many of the refugees could not refer their cases to Sweden without bribing the UN Refugee Agency. From then, the Swedish government quit taking in refugees from Yemen. The reason for not accepting refugees from Yemen is not immediately clear; however, a reporter from Swedish national TV (SVT) said when was asked if the decision relates to the bribery: “I don’t know. But the story was familiar in Stockholm.” Most refugees felt helpless after their former leader Yusuf Goggaar who challenged with an International Organization allegedly executed by poison along with his wife. His two daughters survived and moved to Somaliland when Dahabshiil company helped them. Another Somali Christian father who thought Christianity will save him from the gangs that regard the truth as their main enemy likely died of poisoning. He was waiting for a resettlement from Australia for years before his tragic demise. He was buried in Muslim Cemetery in Sana’a by his fellow Somali men. He left behind a son of his and his Bible. Australia no longer takes in African refugees from Yemen. African immigrants trying to escape poverty, unemployment and state repression die in the sea lanes every single year due to Canada, Germany, UK, US, Australia,Japan, China, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, EU, AU, and International communities inaction in terms of protecting refugees/Asylees and promoting democracy. As traveling through the area of Yemeni port of Hodeidah declined following several years of use — many smugglers changed their work from human smugglers to drug smugglers — that infiltrate the Kingdom’s borders to smuggle Hashish— after 42 Somali refugees were killed when a helicopter gunship attacked their boat off Yemeni coast in March last year. Many of the smugglers left Sana’a to resume their work at the Gulf of Aden where they receive help from persons wearing the uniform when it comes to re-arresting refugees and immigrants fleeing from the smugglers. At least 30 African refugees and migrants have drowned off the coast of Yemen after the boat they were traveling on capsized. Smugglers reportedly also fired on passengers. Both UNHCR’s repatriation program and its “Dangerous Crossing Campaign” provided a fruitless because the Agency outsources key sectors of its actual work duties to specific NGOs who provide a limited support to their refugee clients. Some of the NGOs founded by individuals left the UNHCR after enriching themselves. A senior Jubaland State official said in early January that the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has “intentionally created a humanitarian catastrophe” in the Jubaland state of Somalia. “People started to go back the same camps that UNHR established for them 27 years ago,” said Abdirashid Ali Gooni, Governor of Lower Juba. UN wanted to ensure food and water are provided the repatriated Somali refugees from Dadaab through their partner American Refugee Committee (ARC) but did not happen. While International Community, the World Bank and IMF are not doing enough to help African nationals in their homeland, the African heads of states aim at staying in office to run their countries as long as possible and oftentimes execute their political rivals— crackdown dissents to avoid losing power which forces people to escape persecution and eventually end up in the refugee camps or die in the sea lanes. The pressing question on the minds of many refugees and asylum-seekers is, “Will World Leaders address the root causes of migration at the World Economic Forum in Davos and African Union summit?”
  18. Guuto uu hogaaminayo Faysal Falaalug kana tirsan Ciidamada difaaca Puntland ayaa saaka Aroortii Weerar ku qaaday Fariisimo ay maleyshiyada maamulka Somaliland ku lahaayeen meel u dhaxysa God-qaboobe iyo Boocame oo ka tirsan Gobolka Sool. Dadka degaanka waxa ay sheegeen inay maqlayaan Hub culculus oo ay labad dhinac is-waydaarsanayaan. Lamana oga Khasaaraha Rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay weerarkaasi walow weli ay dhacayayaan Hub ay labada dhinac iswaydaarsanayaan. Inkastoo aysan dowladda Puntland weli toos ah u bilaabin howgalka xoraynta, ayaa hadana howgalkaan wuxuu ahaa mid jawaab u ah maleyshiyo maamulka Hargeysa oo shalay gudaha u galay degmada Boocame inlastoo saacad kadib ay si baxsad ah ugasoo carareen. la soco wixii soo kordha.
  19. Muqdisho (PP) ─ C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame oo ka tirsan xubnaha sar-sare ee xisbiga Wadajir, ayaa ku tilmaamay Xariggii shalay loo geystay labo ka mid ah mas’uuliyiinta xisbiga inay ahayd afduub aan loo meel-dayin. Warsame oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in hay’adda Sir-doonka iyo Nabad-sugidda Qaranka ay noqotay mid shaqsiyaad ku fushadaan danahooda siyaasadeed. “Xariggii shalay mas’uuliyiin xisbigeenna ka tirsan loo geystay wuxuu ahaa afduub aan loo meel-dayirn. Waana arrin muujineysa in hay’addii Nabad-sugidda Qaranka lagu fushanayo dano siyaasadeed oo shaqsi ah,” ayuu yiri CC Warsame. Sidoo kale, Xoghayaha Guud ee Xisbiga Wadajir Sayidcali Macallin C/lle ayaa sheegay in falkii shalay ciidammo ka tirsan nabadsugidda ay uga kaxeysteen Maka Al-Mukarama Hotel uu ahaa mid la doonayay in lagu khaarijiyo, isgaoo ka digay in dalka lagu hago waddo qaldan oo cawaaqib xun dhalin karta. Xisbiga Wadajir ayaa wuxuu ka mid yahay xisbiyada mucaaradka ah ee dalka ka jira, balse wuxuu fikrado adag kala horyimid dowladda Somalia ee uu horkacayo Farmaajo, iyagoo horay u qabtay doodo lagu dhaliilayo DFS. Dhanka kale, 17-kii December 2017-kii, ayay aheyd markii ciidamo ka tirsan nabad-sugidda Somalia ay howlgal ku qaadeen guriga CC Warsame uu ka degen yahay Degmada Wadajir ee Muqdisho, kaasoo lagu dliay shan ka mid ah ilaaladiis Warsame. Ugu dambeyn, Xaaladda Siyaasadeed ee Muqdisho ayaa bishii lasoo dhaafay noqotay mid cakiran, iyadoo doodo badan laga keenay weerarro ay ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda Somalia la beegsadeen Guryaha ay Muqdisho ka deggen yihiin CC Warsame iyo Jen. Cabdi-Qaybdiid oo ka tirsan Xubnaha Aqalka sare ee Baarlamaanka Somalia. PUNTLAND POST
  20. Taliyaha Ciidamada nabad ilaalinta AMISOM ee Soomaaliya Gen.Cismaan Nuur Subagle ayaa sheegay in Al shabaab laga saaro inta badan Dalka. Gen.Subagle oo la hadlay Warbaahinta dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in AMISOM iyo Ciidamada Xoogga dalka oo iskaashanaya ay u suurta geshay in Al-shabaab ka saraan degaanno aad u badan,balse loo baahan yahay in la dhameystiro. Subagle yaa soo hadal qaaday qorshayaasha Ciidamada AMISOM ay kaga baxayaan Soomaaliya, isagoo qeexay in ay ka go’an tahay ka bixitaanka Soomaaliya marka amniga guud ee Dalka ay ku wareejiyaan Ciidamada Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed, taasi oo ay hadda socoto qorshahooda. PUNTLAND POST The post Gen.Subagle oo sheegay in Al-shabaab inta badan dalka laga saaray appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Hogaamiyaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe ayaa dhawaan shaaca ka qaaday in inta badan deegaanada maamulkiisa ay ku sugan yihiin maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab. Axmed Madoobe oo si feynaayay al-Shabaabka ku sugan deegaanada maamulkiisa ayaa sheegay inay yihiin kuwo dhawaan kasoo cararay Gobolka dalka ee duqeynta ka dhacday. Axmed Madoobe ayaa sheegay in dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ay dhowr jeer gaarsiiyeen dhawaqooda ku saleysan dhanka amniga, hase ahaatee aanu u muuqan dadaal ay dowlada ku bixineyso xal u helida qeyla dhaankooda. Madoobe waxa uu mar kale cadeeyay in al-Shabaabka kusii kordhaaya deegaanada maamulkiisa looga adkaan karo keliya dagaal mideysan oo lala galo, waxa uuna dhaliil ka muujiyay qaabka ay Jubbaland oo qura kula dagaalami karto. Waxa uu farta ku goday in qulqulka al-Shabaab ay saameyn ballaaran ku yeelan doonto Amniga, Horumarka iyo Xasiloonida dhulka maamulka, hase ahaatee ay diyaar u yihiin inay adeegsadaan maskax. Sidoo kale, dowlada Federaalka ayuu ugu baaqay inay muujiso kaalinteeda ku aadan la dagaalanka al-Shabaab, isla markaana ay ka dhabeyso duulaankii ay iclaamisay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa deegaanada Jubbaland kusii kordhaaya al-Shabaabka kasoo cararay duqeymaha ay diyaaradaha Mareykanka ka geystaan Gobolada kale ee dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo The post DFS oo aan weli ka jawaab bixin qeyla dhaan kasoo yeertay Axmed Madoobe (Maxay tahay) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. Students have grown a variety of agricultural products for the first time at the Agriculture School in Somalia, founded by Turkey-based agencies. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. A crop munching worm that can fly up to 100 km (60 miles) at night is spreading rapidly across Africa, threatening food production and the livelihoods of millions of farmers already struggling with conflicts and drought, experts said on Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. A teachers’ union on Saturday supported the appointment of Amina Mohammed as the Cabinet secretary for Education. Ms Mohammed, the outgoing Foreign Affairs CS, was on Friday nominated to head the Ministry of Education taking over from Dr Fred Matiang’i, who becomes the new Interior CS. SUPPORT Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) leaders supported the minister, saying they were optimistic she would help solve diplomacy issues in the ministry. They urged her to use her expertise in diplomacy to bring together education stakeholders and engage on various issues affecting the sector. “We know that she is an accomplished diplomat…we welcome her and are happy,” Kuppet Secretary-General Akello Misori told the Nation on the phone. He said despite not being an educationist, he supported her because she was capable of delivering. “I do not want to undermine her; even the Late Mutula Kilonzo was a lawyer but he did quite well in the Education Ministry,” Mr Misori said. STRATEGY Unlike her predecessor Dr Matiang’i, who was viewed by many as being ‘military’, Ms Mohammed is viewed as ‘soft’. But Mr Misori said all Ms Mohamed needed to do was to create new strategies and structures to deal effectively with challenges at the ministry. The priority areas for her, he said, should be infrastructure, secondary school transition, the new curriculum, examination cheating, cartels and teachers’ welfare. “She should fight so that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) may have its budget enhanced so as to support teachers in their work, as well as increase their numbers in schools,” said Mr Misori. “She has come at a time when we are at cross road, we have not achieved 100 per cent transition rate and still are grappling with poor infrastructure and a new curriculum. It is upon her to get her act right,” Mr Misori said. EXAMS Kuppet Chairman Omboko Milemba, who also is the Emuhaya MP, said: “We welcome and congratulate her for the new appointment. With her diplomatic experience and skills, she will do a good job.” “But we want to remind her that she should continue with reforms at the ministry, especially the new curriculum, policy and localisation of teachers,” he said. Mr Milemba also said the minister should ensure moderation during exam marking to avoid many failures. He said for the two years Dr Matiang’i was the Education CS, there have been 95,000 Es in national examinations. According to him, Dr Matiang’i did a great job and should have been reappointed Education CS. “I felt that there was no need to change Matiang’i. We had not yet seen what he really wanted to achieve. Nevertheless, we shall give Amina our full support,” said Mr Milemba. Source: Daily Nation The post Kuppet congratulates Amina Mohamed, ready to work with her appeared first on Caasimada Online.