Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. ADDIS ABABA: The African Union (AU) mission in Somalia’s planned withdrawal of 21,000 troops from the extremist-threatened Horn of Africa nation by 2020 cannot be met without urgent help from the international community, the mission’s chief said on Saturday. In an interview, Francisco Madeira said that he fears all gains made in the past decade could be lost in an abrupt departure. Speaking on the sidelines of an African Union summit, he said the world must “fast-track” to meet the 2020 goal of handing over security responsibilities to Somalia’s military. “The UN and other partners must understand that this enterprise needs additional resources,” he said. The US military and others have warned that Somalia’s forces are not ready as the Al Shabaab extremist group continues to carry out deadly attacks in the capital, Mogadishu, and elsewhere. A truck bombing in Mogadishu in October killed 512 people and was blamed on Al Shabaab’s ability to assemble ever-larger explosives. Only a few attacks since 9/11 have killed more people. The US military last year increased its presence in Somalia to more than 500 personnel and carried out more than 30 drone strikes against Al Shabaab and a small presence of Daesh group-affiliated fighters. But the African Union pullout from Somalia has begun, with 1,000 troops leaving last year. Madeira said he hopes another 1,000 troops will withdraw this year. The AU mission has faced a struggle for stable funding. The continental body says only 40 per cent of its overall budget is funded by its member states, with the balance coming from donors. Observers say the unreliability of outside funding makes it difficult for the AU to finance critical activities such as peacekeeping operations. In 2016 a major funder of the AU mission in Somalia, the European Union, cut its funding for troop allowances by 20 per cent, citing priorities elsewhere in Africa and around the world. Somalia’s fragile central government continues to face the challenges of regional tensions and rampant corruption. While President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed once vowed to eliminate Al Shabaab within a couple of years, his administration has seen multiple shuffles of key security officials in less than one year in office. Associated Press
  2. Iidaale-(Caasimadda Online)-kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa xukun dil ah ku fuliyay nin ay ku eedeeyeen in uu fal kufsi iyo dil ah ugaystay haweeneey ka mid ah dadka deegaanka iidaale ee gobolka baay. Ninka ay ayay kooxda Shabaab Goob fagaaraha ah ay ku toogteen ayaa lagu Magacaabi jiray Aadan Ibraahim Aadan wax ay sheegeen Al-Shabaab in uu Haweeneyda kufsaday iyada oo iska difaaceysa uu faas la dhacay sidaasna ay ku geeriyootay . Al-shabaab ayaa marar badan ka fulyay deeganada ay gacanta kuhayaan falal isugu jira dil iyo gacangoyn iyagoo meel fagaaraha dadka isugukeenayay . Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Kooxda Al-Shabaab Oo Xukun Dil Toogasho Ka Fuliyay Deegaan Ka Mid Ah G/Baay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. The construction of a wall in parts of Mandera County has helped tame cases of terror attacks in the town, an official says. The wall has already covered ten kilometers from the Kenya-Ethiopia-Somalia border and plans are to increase the stretch to 28 kilometers. North Eastern regional commissioner Mohamud Saleh said since the stretch of the wall was constructed, incidents of attacks in the town have gone down by more than 90 percent. “Those terrorists used to attack and run to Somalia but since the wall was erected, the incidents are now almost zero in Mandera Town,” he said on the phone as he inspected the ongoing construction of the wall. Saleh said 90 percent of Mandera County is peaceful apart from the stretch from Arabia to Kotulo where he termed as “volatile, unpredictable, challenging and ambiguous. He said Al-Shabaab operatives use the area to carry out incursions by attacking security vehicles, plant landmines, target security installations and communication masts before retreating back to Somalia. He however said the government is reviewing its strategies to come up with new methods to combat terrorism, radicalisation and violent extremism in the region at large. The government has not disclosed the cost of constructing the barrier but officials say it will comprise a concrete barrier with listening posts, surveillance stations and CCTV cameras. Saleh said the government will fast-track the construction of the 700km security wall aimed at blocking Al-Shabaab militants who enter Kenya through the porous border. The wall, a series of concrete barriers, fences, ditches and observation posts overlooked by CCTV stations that is expected to stretch from the Indian Ocean to the city of Mandera where both countries converge with Ethiopia. The wall is manned by the Kenya Defence Forces soldiers who are already on the ground. A surveillance road is also being built, running parallel with the barrier, for easier monitoring of the border. The barrier was expected to be modeled on the snaking structure that separates Israel from Palestine’s West Bank and would have seen bricks, mortar and barbed wire line the border. Saleh said the contractors will skip places where there are valleys and mountains as the exercise goes on. The wall, whose cost was initially estimated at Sh20 billion, had been touted as Kenya’s best bet in keeping Somalia-based terrorists Al-Shabaab from sneaking into the country. Standard
  4. The Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs, Saad Ali Shire (PhD), in his exclusive interview with Walta TV said that Somaliland is making unreserved effort to cement cooperation with Ethiopia in security, economic and people to people relations at large. Dr. Saad underscored that peace and security are mandatory to assure growth and development of countries. Somaliland and Ethiopia are cooperating and maximizing efforts to maintain peace and stability. He added that the economic cooperation between Somaliland and Ethiopia is historical and is growing. The Berbera Port is developing, Ethiopia is maximizing share on the port; besides, the port is at a close distance to Ethiopia ; in this regard, Ethiopia will be more beneficiary from it. “Somaliland considers Ethiopian development as its own development; as the neighbors develop and become prosperous it directly or indirectly benefits others. The construction of the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam over the Nile surely brings about development to Ethiopia and this will wrap off Somaliland with sale of electric power.” he added. On December 2017 Somaliland has elected President Musa Bihi Abdi during the National election and the peaceful and democratic transfer of power was hailed as exemplary for other African countries by observers; he said adding that this achievement will help a lot for the upcoming endeavors of the country. Despite a working government and a strong economy, autonomous region of Somaliland continues to have difficulties in its recognition attempt to be regarded as a sovereign nation, the Somaliland government and the people consider themselves as independent state, however internationally the status of the state has been hanging in limbo since it split from Somalia in May 18, 1991. It was noted that Ethiopia has granted hundreds scholarships to Somaliland citizens at various public universities around the nation, it was noted. The Ethiopian Airlines, the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, some private universities and other businesses sectors are working Somaliland, Walta learnt. Walta
  5. Addis Ababa – HE the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia Amb. Ahmed Isse Awad met with his counterparts from Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti, South Sudan and Uganda to accept and vote for the candidate, HE Dr. Abdusalam Hadliye Omer, former Minister of Foreign Affairs. The foreign minister and international cooperation of the Federal Republic of Somalia met with his counterparts in Addis Ababa on the sidelines of the 32nd ordinary session of the Executive Council’s Meeting of the AU. Although Somalia is a founding member of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), officially announces its candidature and competes for the first time in the Executive Secretary of IGAD, which was founded on the idea of ​​some heads of state of the Horn of Africa, including the former military president of the Somali Democratic Republic, General Mohamed Siad Barre. History The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa was created in 1996 to supersede the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) which was founded in 1986. The recurring and severe droughts and other natural disasters between 1974 and 1984 caused widespread famine, ecological degradation and economic hardship in the Eastern Africa region. Although individual countries made substantial efforts to cope with the situation and received generous support from the international community, the magnitude and extent of the problem argued strongly for a regional approach to supplement national efforts. In 1983 and 1984, six countries in the Horn of Africa – Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda – took action through the United Nations to establish an intergovernmental body for development and drought control in their region. The Assembly of Heads of State and Government met in Djibouti in January 1986 to sign the Agreement which officially launched IGADD with Headquarters in Djibouti. The State of Eritrea became the seventh member after attaining independence in 1993. In April 1995 in Addis Ababa, the Assembly of Heads of State and Government made a Declaration to revitalise IGADD and expand cooperation among member states. On 21 March 1996 in Nairobi the Assembly of Heads of State and Government signed ‘Letter of Instrument to Amend the IGADD Charter / Agreement” establishing the revitalised IGAD with a new name ” The Intergovernmental Authority on Development”. The Revitalised IGAD, with expanded areas of regional cooperation and a new organisational structure, was launched by the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government on 25 November 1996 in Djibouti, the Republic of Djibouti.
  6. Cadaado-(Caasimadda Online)-Ciidamada NISA iyo Booliiska Galmudug ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay Maleeshiyaad gaadiid ka dhacay deegaanada Maamulka Galmudug. Taliye ku xigeenka Saldhiga dagmaada Cadaado Cumar Macalin Cali ayaa sheegay in ay gacanta kusoo dhigeen maleeshiyaad dhac ka geystay intaa u dhexaysa Cadaado iyo Cabudwaaq oo ka tirsaan deegaanada Galmudug. Wuxuu sheegay Taliyaha Saldhiga magaalada Cadaado ayaa sheegay in raga gacanta lagu soo dhigay ayaa u gudbiyen saldhiga dagmaada cadaado laalana xisabtami doona falaalka amaan daro oo ay ka wadeen deegaanada Maamulka Galmudug. Sido kale,Taliyaha wuxuu sheegay in lagu daba jiro mid kamid ah raggaasi geystay dhaca kana baxsaday goobta laamaaha,ciidamada amniga ay baadi goobayaan sidii gacanta ugu soo dhigi lahaayeen. Maamulka Galmudug ayaa dadaal ugu jira sidii loo xasilin lahaa deeganada maamulkaasi loogana hortagi lahaa dadka falalka amaandari wada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maamulka Galmudug oo sheegay in ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen Maleeshiyaad dhac ka geystay deegaanada. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. Internal Displaced Women at Madina Camp. Photo by Faaris Adam In October 2017, 16-year-old Faiza Mohamed Abdi was shot in the “pelvic area” for declining the sexual advances of her attacker in the port town of Bosaso, Somalia. Abdi was brutally wounded by Abdikadir Warsame, a solider with the security forces in Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland. Since December 2017, Faiza has been undergoing treatment in a hospital in Turkey. Radio Dalsan reports: Faiza was reported to have been attacked by a Puntland state navy soldier who wanted to rape her while she was in Bosaso town but she struggled hard to defend herself from her attacker. On realizing that he can’t succeed in his mission, the soldier who was named as Abdikadir Warsame shot her at the private part leading her to sustain serious injury. She was later moved to Mogadishu for treatment but unfortunately, doctors said that she requires a specialized medical attention that is beyond their level. Unfortunately, Faiza is not alone. Although some of Somalia’s semi-autonomous regions have made recent attempts to push through anti-rape legislation, a general culture of impunity allows many violators to go unpunished — and tales of rape abound. Rape in camps for Internally Displaced People (IDP) In Somalia, more than two decades of civil war and famine have forced many people to flee their homes and live in IDP camps. Women and girls who live in camps outside the main cities are the most vulnerable to sexual assault. They do not have any protection and most rape cases occur in the middle of the night or when they are collecting firewood in remote areas. At the same time, due to the breakdown of the criminal justice system, victims often do not have access to the legal assistance necessary to seek justice. Fiican, a 45-year-old single mother and Buulo Ba’alay IDP camp resident, was raped in front of her children. She described the event in an interview with GV, stating: It was a midnight when an armed man with Puntland police uniform cracked my home, took me out by force and raped me. Not only did he rape, he tortured me and left me with severe wound on my body that still cause lot of pain up to now. The night of Fiican’s assault, men from Puntland Police went to the Bula Bacley IDP camp in the central city of Galkayo. The men broke into tents, taking Fiican and another mother by force. Both women were raped. Unfortunately, the victims have yet to receive justice for the violations they suffered. The assailants were arrested but have neither been charged in court nor sentenced for their crimes. According to the Puntland Human Right Defenders, 80 rape cases were reported in Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland in 2017. The real number of rapes is thought to be much higher because many victims do not speak out due to fear of stigmatization, a lack of trust in the criminal justice system and a lack of prepared health facilities. Aside from the issues of justice, another obstacle for survivors of sexual assault is the lack of health infrastructure, modern tools, and equipment that are required in this sector. The health system also lacks the qualified personnel to handle rape-related cases. Local culture can also be an obstacle to justice because of a regional custom which obligates victims to marry their assailants or accept “camels or livestock” as compensation for their assault: Rape is pervasive and often goes unpunished in much of Somalia, where decades of conflict have fueled a culture of violence and weakened institutions meant to uphold the law. Traditionally, rape victims are forced to accept compensation – often in the form of camels or livestock – and marry their assailants in a centuries-old practice designed to end war between rival clans. Small steps in the right direction — but is it enough? On 9 Sept 2017, the semi-autonomous region of Puntland made headlines when it opened the first forensic lab to handle rape cases in the city of Garowe. The year before, in September 2016, Puntland also became the first administrative region in Somalia to pass an anti-rape law.The House of Parliament voiced resounding support with 42 out of 45 members voting in favor of the bill which was later officially made into law. On 6 January 2018, the Parliament of self-declared state Somaliland followed Puntland’s lead and also proposed a new anti-rape bill. However, there is still a long way to go before it is passed by the Guurti (House of Elders) and is signed into law. Although the rape issue has attracted attention from the Somali government as well as the international community in the past years, sexual violence against women and children remains rampant and the number of assault cases continues to grow. Global Voices Written By Faaris Adam
  8. Taliyaha Saldhigga dhexe ee Garoowe,Dhamme. Maxamuud Muuse Bile(Fardafuul) oo goor dhoweyd shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xafiiskiisa ayaa si faahfaahsan uga warbixiyey xaaladda guud ee Amniga caasimadda Garoowe. Taliye Fardafuul ayaa sheegay in amniga guud ee magaalada Garoowe uu aad u wacanyahay,islamarkaana Booliiska oo kaashanaya Shacabka ay shaqaqdooda haystaan,balse ay jiraan dhalinyaro caadaystay dhaca mobile-da,kuwaasoo badankooda la xiray,qaarna haatan lagu daba-jiro. Dhinaca kale taliye Fardafuul ayaa ka warbixiyey shaqaaqo xalay ka dhacday magaalada Garoowe oo dad ku dhaacmeen,isagoo sheegay la soo qabtay ciddi dhibaatadaasi geysatay oo haatan gacanta lagu hayo. Dhamme.Fardafuul ayaa sidoo kale beeniyey in xilka laga qaaday,wuxuuna wararka laga faafiyey ku tilmaamay kuwa waxba kama jiraan ah. Halkaan ka daawo Shirka jaraa’id oo dhammaystiran. PUNTLANDPOST Cabdiraxmaan Ciise Cumar The post Daawo:-Faahfaahinta nin dad shacab ah ku dhaawacay Garoowe oo la qabtay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Minneapolis, 29 January 2018 - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Michael Keating, met with Somali-American elected officials, women’s rights activists and business and community leaders on Friday during a whirlwind visit to the city of Minneapolis, home to the largest Somali diaspora population in the United States. Source: Hiiraan Online
  10. Intiinii la socotay Maalintii Sabtida aheyd waxaan idiin soo gudbinay qeybta koowaad warbixin xasaasi ah aheyd oo ku saabsaneyd sheekada xiisaha leh ee dhexmartay Siyaad Barre iyo Madaxweyihii Ivory Coast Félix Houphouët-Boigny!. Qeybta labaad ee warbixintaas ayaa waxaa ku ballansaneyn inaan idiin soo gudbino Maalintii shalay ee Axadda aheyd balse cilad farsamo awgeed ayey u baaqatay. Haddaba halkaan hoose ka akhriso qeybta labaad ee sheekadaas: Safiirkii u fadhiyey meesha ayaa u yimi Qaybe oo ahaa danjirihii Soomaaliya waxa uuna u sheegay in ay markan codkooda siin doonaan balse shuruud? Waxa uu Xabshigu ka codsaday Danjire Qeybe in magaca laga dhigo French Somali Coast (Djibouti)! Waa Djibouti halaga dambeeysiiyo magacii hore! Taas dhib uma arag Danjire Qeybe maadama Jibuuti tahay magaca Caasimadda wuuna ka aqbalay! Qeybe waxa uu rabay in uu isku dhufto Faransiiska iyo Xabashida! Intii aan codeynta la bilaabin, Qeybe iyo Danjirihii Xabashida waxa ay u wada tageen masuulkii codeynta qaadyey waxa ayna u wada shegeen wixii ay ku soo heshiiyeen. Markii la soo wada xaadiray oo codeynta la qaadi rabo ayuu yiri masuulkii“Waxaan idiin hayaa war wanaagsan, Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya waxa ay ku heshiiyeen in magacu noqdo French Soomaali Cost [Djibouti], mar qura ayaa sacab lagu wada dhuftay oo saacad ku dhawaad socday! Waayo la yaab ayey noqotay Soomaaliya iyo Xabashida oo go’aan ku wada socda! Go’aankii Qaramada Midoobe kaddib, Faransiiska oo macangag ahaa, wuu ku sii adkeystay magacii uu bedelay! Hase ahaatee, 1974, waxa ay Midowgii Afrika (OAU) ku shireen Muqdisho, Caasimadda Soomaaliya, waxaa gudoomiye loo doortay Maxamed Siyaad Barre maadama dalka lagu martigaliyo shirka la siiyo madaxtinimada. Hoggaanka ay Soomaaliya heshay waxa ay uga faa’ideysatay in ay uga mira dhalsiso himiladeedii ahayd xorreynta Jibuuti. Maxamed Siyaad Barre (AUN) waxa uu socdaal ku kala bixiyey badi dalalkii Afrika si ay u taageeraan qadiyaddaas balse waxaa ugu saameyn batay Madaxweynihii Ivory Coast Houphouët-Boigny. Maxamed Siyaad Barre markii uu kala hadlay qadiyadda Jibuuti Houphouët-Boigny, waxa uu ka helay jawaab aad cajiib u ahayd! Muxuu ku yiri? “Ninyohow waxaa laga baqayaa in haddii Jibuuti la xorreeyo aad idinku qaadataan ee ii ballan qaad in ay sideeda ahaneyso anaa WIILKAN YAR AMAR SIINAYEE [Wiilka yare e uu sheegayo waa Madaxweynihii Faransiiska]!”. Muxuu Houphouët-Boigny u yiri anaa amar siinaya Madaxweyanaha Faransiiska oo uu ku Tilmaamay CUNUG YAR!? Markii dalalka la guumeysaneyey la siinayey xorriyadooda, Ingiriiska waxa u bilaabay in uu si toos ah u fasaxo kuwii uu isagu haystay balse Faransiiska siyaasad kale ayuu adeegsaday isaga oo ku wargaliyey dalalkii uu haystay in ay Faransiis yihiin oo ay Baarlamaanka xubno u soo dirsadaaan, tusaale, Jibuuti waxa ay u dirsatay laba xubnood, halalka dalakii waa weynaa sida Ivory Coast iyo Senegal ay min 10 xubnood heleen. Houphouët-Boigny waxa uu markaa ka noqday Wasiir saameyn weyn ku leh Faransiiska. Sidoo kale Ivory Coast waxa ay ka mid ahayd dalalka uu Faransiisku danaha ugu badan ka lahaa kuwa uu gumeysanayey, taas ayaa dhaxal siisay Houphouët-Boigny in uu awooddaas yeesho! Maxamed Siyaad waxa uu Houphouët-Boigny xusuusiyey warbixin (Statement) uu hadda kahor siidaayey Raisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen (AUN) oo ku saabsaneyd in Soomaaliya dan ka lahayn Jibuuti , isaguna go’aankaas qabo. Houphouët-Boigny, markiiba waxa uu wacay Madaxweynihii Farasiiska isaga oo u sheegay in uu Maxamed Siyaad la joogo, una xaqiijiyey in Jibuuti Soomaaliya ka mid noqon doonin waxa uuna ku yiri “Naga dammee dhibteeda!” oo uu ula jeeday Jibuuti! Madaxweynihii Faransiiska ma jecleysan hadalkaas balse sidoo kale waxba kama diidi Karin Houphouët-Boigny waxa uuna shiriyey golihiisii Wasiiradda, halkaas oo lagu dhammeeyey sheekaddii xorreynta Jibuuti! Faransiiska waxa uu doonayey in ay Jubuuti u dhibaan dadkii taabacsanaa iyaga sida Cali Caarif oo Djibouti ka ahaa Raisul Wasaare xilligaas, balse waxaa ku diiday Wasiirkiisii guumeysiga oo sheegay in taasi reer Jibuuti iyo Soomaaliyaba aqbali doonin maadama la ogyahay in kuwaas ay iyaga u shaqeeyaan waxna ka bedeli doonin dhibtii Faransiiska lagu hayey! Sida carruurtii laga afduubi jiray iyo Safiirkoodii lagu qafaashay Muqdisho! Ugu dambeyn waxa ay go’aansadeen in Soomaaliya laga codsado in ay ku xiraan Xassan Guleed Abtidoon iyo Ayuub kuwaas oo markii dambe lagu wareejiyey taladdii Jibuuti! Waxaa xogtan iiga sheekeeyey Janaraal Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib oo ah barahayga Sooyaalka Siyaasadda Soomaaliya. W/Q: Maxamed Kaafi Email: Haddii ay qeybtii hore ku dhaaftay halkaan hoose ka akhriso Ogow sheekada xiisaha leh ee dhexmartay Siyaad Barre iyo Madaxweyihii Ivory Coast Félix Houphouët-Boigny! The post Ogow sheekada xiisaha leh ee dhexmartay Siyaad Barre iyo Madaxweyihii Ivory Coast Félix Houphouët-Boigny! (Qeybta 2-aad) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Farmers in Jibagalle village in drought-hit Nugal region have turned from vegetable to cereal crop production due to the shortage of water. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. The United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF said Saturday that investigation is underway after the fatal shooting of its contractor inside the UN agency’s compound in Mogadishu on Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online)- Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa soo saartay go’aano iyo amaro dul dhigtay shirkadda Imaaraadka Carabta DP ee maamusha dekadda Berbera. Amarkaan oo faraya shirkadda DP World in sanduuq xisaabeed ka furato bankiga dhexe ee Somaliland, loogana baahan yahay in ay dhigato lacagta kasoo baxda dekadda Berbera ee aysan dalka ka saarin dhaqaalaha. Arrintaan ayaa ka danbeysay kadib markii loo caal waayay sicir barbar baahsan ee ka jira guud ahaan Somaliland, isla markaana loo aaneynaayo shirkaddo kala duwan inay ku lug leeyihiin dhibaatada sicir barar. Sidoo kale shirkada DP World ayaa lagu amray inay ka soo wareegto sanduuq xisaabeedyada uga furan bankiyada gaarka loo leeyahay isla markaana lacagta uga soo xaroota dekeda ay si rasmi ah ugu shubto baanka dhexe ee Somaliland. Wakiilada shirkada Dp World u qaabilsan dekeda magaalada Berbera ayaa ilaa hada ka hadal sida ay u arkaan amarka ay xukuumadda Somaliland dul dhigtay. Dhinaca kale, wasaarada maaliyada Somaliland ayaa la faray inay bankiga dhexe ku wareejiso lacagta doolarka ah ee u taala sanduuq xisaabeedka uga furan bankiyada kale. Mudooyinkii u danbeeyay dadka shacabka iyo xisbiyada mucaaradka ayaa waxay ku eedeynayeen xukuumadda madaxweyne Muuse Biixi inay iyadu mas’uul ka tahay sicir bararka iyo inay maareyn weysay oo xal u heli weysay in sicirka suuqa noqdo mid degan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa The post Somaliland oo amar aan laga fileyn dul dhigtay shirkadda DP World ee maamusha dekadda Berbera appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Wasaaradda duulista hawada iyo garoomada Puntland ayaa qorsheynayasa in muddo labo todobaad gudahdeed ah si rasmi ah loogusoo guuro garoonka caaalmiga ah ee diyaaradaha Garowe, kaasoo dhawaan ay xariga ka jareen madaxweyne Gaas iyo madaxweyne Farmaajo. Garoonka diyaaradaha Garowe oo loogu magac daray, Gen, Maxamed Abshir Muuse, ayaan weli si toos ah uga bilaaban duulimaadyada dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisa, sababo la xiriira shaqadii dhismaha garoonka oo weli maraysa heer gabagabo. Wasaaradda duulista ayaa masuuliyiin katirsan oo la hadlay warsidaha Puntlandi waxay u sheegeen in garoonka ay u dhameystiran yihiin dhammaan qeybihii ugu muhiimsanaa, balse ay haatan howshoodu dhameystir ku dhow dahay qeybta calaamadadaha Runway-ka ee lagu kala hago diyaaradaha iyo qeybta dadka garoonka ka duulaya ay ku sugaan. Wasaaradda duulisya waxa kale oo ay sheegtay inuu meel fiican marayo mashruuca Nalaynta garoonka, iyadoo tilmaamtay in la diyaariyay dhamaman meelihii laga sameyn lahaa iyo dhaqaalihii ku bixi lahaa oo gabagabo ku dhow, inkastoo ay cadeeyeen inay howshaas guddi gaar ah gacanta ku hayaan, wasaaradduna aysan ku faro galin. Dhinaca kale, Shirkadaha dulimaadyada Soomaaliya ayaa xafiisyadooda ka furtay magaalada Garowe. Waxaa kale oo la filayaa in duulimaadyo caalami ah ay ka bilowdaan Garowe.
  15. Gudoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashooyinka Qaranka Soomaaliya Xaliimo Ismaaciil ayaa sheegtay in Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya 3 kursi ay ka banaanyihiin Islamarkaasina dhowaan ay dhaceeyso Doorashadooda. Xaliimo yareey ayaa sheegtay in la xaliyay cabasho balaaran oo ka taagneeyd qabsoomida doorashada Sadaxdaasi kursi dhowaana la qaban doono. Waxa ay sheegtay in ay ka dhacayaan Doorashada 3-daasi kursi magaalooyinka Cadaado, Kismaayo iyo Muqdisho. Ma sheegin xiliga rasmiga ah ee la qabanayo hayeeshee waxa ay carabka ku dhufatay in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan loo qaban doono. Shalay waxaa magaalada Jowhar lagu qabtay doorashada Kursi kamid ah kuraasta Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Xaliimo Yarey” 3 Kursi ayaa ka dhiman Baarlamaanka Dalka” appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Garowe (Puntlandi) Dowladda Puntland ayaa aas aasaysa ciidanka ilaalada xuduudaha Puntland, kuwaas oo noqonaya ciidankii ugu horeeyay ee u gaar ah inay sugaan ammaanka xuduudaha Puntland ay leedahay. Qorshahaan sameynta ciidanka xuduudaha dowladda Puntland, ayaa lagu meel mariyay shirkii golaha wasiirada Puntland, iyagoo goluhu ay si buuxda isugu raaceen mudnaanta ay leedahay in ciidan gaar ah loo sameeyo ilaalinta xuduudaha Puntland. Tilaabadaan ayaa lagu dhaqaaqidoonaa marka ay dowladda Puntland si buuxda u xorayso dhulka gacanteeda ka maqan, oo uu gobolka Sool ugu horeeyo, waxaana dowladdu ay diyaarinaysaa dhammaan qorshihii ciidankaan loogu talo galay. Dowladda Puntland waxay sheegtay ciidankaan mar la dhiso inay meesha ka bixidoonto in mar dambe dhulkeeda iyo xuduudaheeda lagusoo xad gudbo, sida hadda ka taagan gobolka Sool oo uu maamulka Hargeysa duullaan kusoo qaaday, xoongna ku haysto gobolka Sool magaalooyinkiisa ugu muhiimsan. Warsidaha Puntlandi waxaa uu xogtaan kasoo xigtay illo dowladda katirsan. Garowe
  17. Kenya’s opposition leader Raila Odinga has said he is ‘not afraid of sanctions’ ahead of his ‘swearing in ceremony’ scheduled for Tuesday 30th January 2018. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xogo dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa doorashadii shalay ka dhacday magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta maamulka HirShabelle. Doorashada dhacday ayaa laheyd xiisa gaara waxaana ku tartamaayay Musharaxiinta kala ah Nuur Iidow Beyle, C/laahi Maxamed Cali (Sanbaloolshe), Cali C/laahi Cosoble, Daahir Cabdulle Cawaale, Xuseen Axmed Geelle iyo Dahabo Xasan Axmed, waxaana wax dooraneysay 51 ergo. Doorashada oo laba wareeg ahayd, ayaa waxay wareegii hore ku soo idlaatay sidataan:- C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe oo helay 24 cod, Nuur Iidow Beyle oo helay 23 cod, 3 cod oo xumaaday iyo 1 cod oo uu helay Cali C/laahi Cosoble. Wareegii labaad, ayaa waxaa u gudbay labadii xubnood ee codadka ugu badan helay, kuwaa oo kala ah Sanbaloolshe iyo Nuur Iidow Beyle, waxayna natiijada ku soo idlaatay Nuur Iidow Beyle oo 27 cod helay iyo Sanbaloolshe oo 24 cod helay. HALKEE LAGA SOO ABAABULAY QORSHAHA SANBALOOLSHE LOOGA ILAALIYAY XUBINIMADA? Xukuumada Somalia, ayaa kaalin mug leh ka qaadatay sida Taliyihii hore ee NISA C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe uusan ugu soo laaban laheyn xubinimadiisa baarlamaanka ee uu horay u hayay. Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Xasan Cali Kheyre oo garabsanaaya Xubno Xildhibaano, Siyaasiyiin iyo Odayaal dhaqmeed kasoo jeeda HirShabelle ayaa juhdi ku bixiyay in Sanbaloolshe uusan kusoo laaban saaxada Siyaasada Somalia mudada ay jirto dowlada halka sano dhameysatay. Kheyre ayaa la sheegay in dhaqaale xoogan uu ku bixiyay guuldarada C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, iyadoo ujeedka lagu sheegay in muddo dhowr jeer uu ka hiiliyay dowlada hadda jirta. SABABTA LOOGA ILAALIYAY XILKA C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, ayaa wixii ka danbeeyay xil ka qaadistiisa Hay’adda NISA ku biiray garabka Mucaaradka dowlada waxaana la sheegay inuu kaalin weyn ka qaadanaayay sida caqabado dhanka Siyaasada ah loogu sameyn lahaa dowlada uu Hogaamiyo Madxaweyne Farmaajo. C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, ayaa la sheegay inuu sababsaday isgarabtaagiisa Mucaaradka, waxaana xusid mudan in xiligii uu dhacaayay weerarka lagu qaaday Hooyga C/raxmaan Cabdi shakuur uu halkaa ku sugnaa, sida laga soo xigtay ilo ka tirsan dowlada. C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, waxa uu tan iyo markii laga qaaday xilka ahaa mid aad uga soo horjeeday Siyaasada dowlada Somalia, kadib markii uu waayay xilka NISA iyo Xildhibaanimadiisii hore. DAREENKA LAGA QABAY SOO LAABASHADA SANBALOOLSHE Dowlada Somalia, gaar ahaan xukuumada uu Hogaamiyo Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa dareen lixaad leh ka qabtay C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe. Xukuumadu waxa ay aad uga cabsi qabtay soo laabashada C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe inay soo dadajiso caqabado Siyaasadeed, waxaana muuqday in Sanbaloolshe uu abuuri lahaa Mooshino ka dhan ah Xukuumada hadda jirta. Ujeedka soo laabashada C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa ka aargoosiga Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo iyo Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre oo iyagu uga baxay ballanqaadkii ahaa inuu iska casilo xubinimada baarlamaanka si uu muddo dheer usii hayo xilka NISA. Ballanqaadka ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa inaan laga qaadi doonin xilka NISA, waxa uuna qorshaha fog ahaa in laga qaado xubinimada baarlamaanka. Villa Somalia ayaa rumeysan in C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, uu ka halis badan yahay Siyaasiyiinta kale, sidaa aawgeed waxaa guuldarada Sanbaloolshe ee doorashada Jowhar loo arkay inay tahay mid ay kusii wakhti dheereysan karto dowlada hadda jirto. GO’AAN QAADASHADA SANBALOOLSHE C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, waxa uu ku ad adag yahay dhanka go’anka waxaana lagu tilmaamaa inuu yahay shaqsi jecel in mar waliba uu ka aargoosto dhinacyada ku laqdabeeya Siyaasada. Waxa uu Sanbaloolshe kaga duwan yahay Siyaasiyiinta kale adeegsiga shaqsiyaad isaga ku garab ah, waxaana xusid mudan in talaabo waliba uu qaadayo ay tahay mid uu isaga hormariyo dhinacyo kale. GABAGABO C/laahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, ayaa xiligaan aad uga soo horjeeda dowlada uu Hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo, oo aad uga shaqeysay inaanu mar kale kusoo bixin doorashada ka dhacday magaalada Jowhar. Sanbaloolshe waxa uu sidoo kale dajiyay haddii uu soo laabto inuu ka shaqeeyo sida loo kala diri lahaa Xukuumada hadda jirta, hase ahaatee waxaa lala dheelay qorsho u muuqday mid ka halis badan kan uu damacsanaa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xog cusub: Yaa ka danbeeyay in Sanbaloolshe uusan dib u helin xubinimada BF? (Halista Sanbaloolshe ee DF) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Cairo – solely dependent on the Nile for its water – is at odds with Ethiopia over the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam, which it fears could reduce waters cascading down from Ethiopian highlands and through the deserts of Sudan to its fields and reservoirs. Ethiopia says the $4 billion-dam will have no such impact. “The aim is to agree on the resumption of the consultations,” said a diplomat attending an African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, where the three leaders are gathered. The diplomat was speaking on condition of anonymity. An Egyptian government source confirmed that Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi would participate, saying he extended his stay to do so. Sisi will meet Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, according to the diplomat. Discussions have been deadlocked for months over the wording of a study on the dam’s environmental impact. In December, Egypt proposed that the World Bank be allowed to help settle the dispute, a call dismissed by Ethiopia. Countries that share the Nile river have argued over the use of its waters for decades – and analysts have repeatedly warned that the disputes could eventually boil over into conflict. A bone of contention for both Ethiopia and Egypt is the speed at which the dam’s reservoir would be filled. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – now over 60 percent complete and which will churn out 6,000 MW upon completion – is centerpiece to the country’s ambitious power exporting plans. Source: Reuters The post Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan to meet on Monday for Nile dam talks appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Guddiga Madaxa Banaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay qaban doonaan doorashada dhammaan Kuraasta ka banaan Golaha Shacabka baarlamaanka Somalia. Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Madaxa banaan ee doorashooyinka Qaranka Xaliimo Ismaaciil Ibraahim ‘’Xaliimo Yareey’’ oo u warameysay warbaahinta maxaliga ah ayaa sheegtay inay dhameynayaan doorashooyinka harsan. Xaliimo Yareey, ayaa sheegtay inay u harsan tahay doorashada 3 Kursi oo ay ka taagan tahay cabaso, kuwaa oo ay sheegtay in mar kale lagu kala bixi doono. Waxa ay sheegtay in doorashada 3-da Kursi ay ka kala dhici doonaan Magaalooyinka Cadaado, Kismaayo iyo Muqdisho waxa ayna carab dhawday in si dhaqsi ah ay ku qaban doonaan. ‘’Wakhti badan masiin doono doorashooyinka harsan waxaanu si dhaqsi ah ku qaban doonaa doorashada Seddexda kursi ee noo harsan’’ Sidoo kale, beelaha leh kuraasta lagu tartami doono ayey sheegtay inay sii wargalinayaan wakhti hore, si loogu sii diyaar garoowe ka hor inta aan la gaarin. Haddalka Xaliimo Yareey, ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili maalinimadii shalay Guddiga Madaxa banaan ee doorashooyinka Qaranka ay Magaalada Jowhar ku qabteen doorashada kursi ka mid ah kuraasta Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Doorashada 3 Kursi ka tirsan baarlamaanka Somalia oo dhaceysa (Halkee ayaa lagu qaban doonaa?) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  21. President Uhuru Kenyatta joined fellow leaders at a summit of the African Union (AU) Assembly, dominated by reforms and moves towards a free trade area. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock today released US$10 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to urgently help the most vulnerable people displaced in Ethiopia due to the conflict along the borders of the Oromia and Somali regions. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. A military academy in the Afghan capital, Kabul, has come under attack leaving at least two soldiers dead, days after more than 100 people were killed in an explosion near the interior ministry building. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. President Uhuru Kenyatta says the best way to stabilise Somalia would be through more support for the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom). Source: Hiiraan Online
  25. Ifrah Mansour was barely eight years old when her family fled war-torn Somalia in 1998 and arrived in the United States. Source: Hiiraan Online