Deeq A.

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  1. Garowe (Puntlandi) Wasaaradda caafimaadka dowladda Puntland ayaa soo dhoweysay Engineero ka socda dalka Germany oo qiimayn ku sameynaysa goobta laga dhisayo isbitaal weyn oo ay dowladda Germany u dhisayso Puntland. Isbitaalkan ayaa qeyb ka ah mashaariic dhinaca caafimaadka ah oo ay dowladda Germany ku taageerayso dowladda Puntland, kuwaas oo socondoona saddexda sano ee soo socota ayna ku baxayso qarash dhan $31.3 milyan oo dollar. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda caafimaadka, Dr. Cabdirisaaq Xirsi Xasan iyo duqa degmada Garowe xasan Goodir, ayaa Engineerada geeyay isbitaalka guud ee Garowe iyo goobaha kale ee dowladda Germany mashaariicdeeda laga fulinayo, waxayna kadib la qaateen kullan la isku xor wareysanayay oo ku saabsanaaa qorshaha dhismaha isbitaalka. Agaasimuhu wuxuu warbaahinta u sheegay in bisha february ee soo socota madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland uu si rasmi ah u dhagax dhigidoono isbitaalkaan oo ahaandoona isbitaalka ugu weyn Puntland islamarkaana si aad ah loo qabalabayndoono. Dowladda Germany ayaa horey dowladda Puntland uga taageertay dhaqaalaha ku baxaya mashruuca dayactirka waddada dheer ee xiriira Garowe iyo Gaalkacyo, taasoo haatan meel wanaagsan maraysa.
  2. A statement from China’s Huawei Marine, reveals that HM was completing a ‘desktop study’ for a new subsea cable system, dubbed the ‘Peace Subsea Cable’ whose first phase is meant to connect South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Somalia and Pakistan (Gwadar and Karachi). Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. EUCAP Human Rights and Gender experts met with representatives of the NAGAAD Network in Hargeisa on January 25th. NAGAAD is an NGO that advocates for women and children’s empowerment and works towards “achieving an egalitarian society where women, children and men are equally significant”. Founded in 1997, it was formed to serve as an organized, collective voice of women who were determined to fight for their socio-economic and political rights as equal citizens of Somaliland. Discussions this week focused on the gender issues involved in human trafficking, illegal migration that poses a threat to national security, as well as the protection of human rights. To effectively fight against illegal migration, “we must empower women and young people and advocate for a safe and secure environment for them to live in, so they can grow and realize their full potential as leaders in all spheres,” NAAGAD Executive Director, Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed said. With the support of EUCAP, the NAGAAD Network is working in close cooperation with the Somaliland Attorney General Office (AGO) on the planning of an upcoming Maritime Legislation Workshop to take place in Hargeisa. NAGAAD representatives will participate as trainers and elaborate on the protection of victims of maritime crimes, men and women, boys and girls. “We must support and encourage women to fully participate in the economic flow of the maritime resources. We must educate institutions to fully understand and appreciate the importance of women participation in the economy of the Country”, Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed added. EUCAP discusses Human Rights and Gender in the context of maritime security in Hargeisa
  4. United Somaliland Front U.S.F United Somaliland Front is a new administration/government leadership for Somaliland who support the values established by the Initial Interception of Somaliland Unity on May 18, 1991. Its main objective is to continue the mission of creating unity, partnership, collaboration, humanity, and democracy for all Somalilanders. United Somaliland Front is a partnership of citizens for political advancement in democracy, justice, and harmony between the Somalilander tribes and states from Awdal to Sool. This partnership is to continue the administration of equity share, educational access, and allocation of resources among Somalilanders across regions. USF eliminates the concept of Jeegaan Land. It acts as a government in exile but participates in the country as a great civic engagement to eliminate violence among the grieving people of Somaliland Tribes. United Somaliland Front is the first step to creating a safe political atmosphere in Somaliland and throughout the region, which extends beyond Somaliland to include other areas such as Neighboring State and Countries in Horn Of Africa. Recent events in Somaliland created an urgent need for USF. Many Somali landers realized that the system they created was misused by the Kulmiye Party and Government Tribes of Gabiley Clan and Habal Jeclo Clan (known as Hagbadland). The two tribes were rotating the system of government, creating a political vacuum in Somaliland. USF is the antidote to that system, replacing it with a new vision for the Somaliland political and governmental system. Most Somali landers want equal opportunities for education and shared access to resources, but the present government has denied these rights to anyone who is not a member of the two indicated tribes. With the recent misguided so-called election in Somaliland, many people recognize that it is time to bring political action to the country. The administration and management of the system will be based on an expatriate concept. Each country has its own unique way of engaging, especially in the context of the current political climate. However, each member of USF must engage with local politicians to further advance its cause and concept. Somaliland citizens will engage in the democratic process. They will interact with local tribes and share the values of USF with the people in their cities and states, as well as in areas of Somaliland which are not limited to tribe and region. The international community that invested in the Somaliland democratic process and the human development needs to be aware of the political changes in Somaliland, especially regarding the misguided democracy and the government’s violation of people’s rights to participate in the democratic process. The international community should become aware of the opportunity for partnership with USF to create peace and safety among Somali landers, as it works to protect this small nation from civil war and other incidents of civil unrest. USF will continue to work with the international community as it establishes Somaliland as a united community with a respectable system of government. The political dialogue will continue with Somalia to ensure a safe and peaceful environment in Somaliland. The concept paper will outline the process of creating a governmental authority. The expatriates of each country will nominate a chair and secretary for their particular country who will work with the president of the United Somaliland Front. The concept further outlines the financial resources of the administration, which is self-funded and self-governed. Individual and clan contributions will be the initial funding sources for travel and meeting expenses. However, the international community can participate in the process of building peace and security for the people of Somaliland. USF promotes civic participation and will collaborate with organizations, institutions, and embassies to further establish a safe environment in Somaliland and to serve as a new regional administration whose initial concept started in Burco in 1991. Any participating state or country must keep the recognition of the red, black, and blue USF flag consistent. USF is inviting all other political party members to work with USF. USF will be the legitimate system created by all people of Somaliland, establishing a shared government, settling political disputes, and managing regional and tribal resources for the states who are USF members. Martin Mohamed is the Founder and the President of the U.S. African Chamber of Commerce President Martin I Mohamed United Somaliland Front USF
  5. Dab aad u xoogan ayaa qabsaday kaalin shidaal oo ku taal agagaarka isgoyska Bulsho ee magaalada Garowe, wuxuuna ku faafay qaybo kamida xaafadaha ku dhow kaalintaas shidaal. Dabkan oo ah mid aad u xoogan ayaa laga arkayaa guud ahaan magaalada, waxaana hawada is qabsaday uuro madow iyo holac, waxayna warar soo baxaaya shegayaan inuu dabkaasi dhaliyey khasaare xoogan oo isugu jira dhaawac dad iyo mid hantiyeed. Goobta uu dabku ka kacay waxaa isugu soo baxay dadweyne fara badan oo isku dayaaya inay la tacaalaan daminta dabkan xogan. Magaalada Garowe oo ah caasimada Puntland ayaan lahayn dab-damis, mana ahan markii ugu horaysay oo dab dhaliyey hanti nafeed iyo mid dhaqaale uu magaalada ka kaco, waxaana muuqata inaysan Dawlada hoose ee Garowe ahayn mid weli ku baraarugtay khatarta uu dabku dhaliyo. Kala socod faah-faahin dheeriya PUNTLAND POST The post Dab khasaare dhaliyey oo ka holcaaya bariga magaalada Garowe appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Over the past 25 years, Somalia has experienced a cycle of protracted droughts, culminating in the most recent one in 2016 and 2017, when rains failed for three seasons in a row. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Hon. Mumin Seed during visit to Farms in Arabsiyo to witness the problems faced by farmers HARGEISA–Agriculture minister, Hon. Ahmed Mumin Seed has visited farms around Arabisyo to witness the problems faced by the farmers. The Director General of Agri ministry, Hon. Mohamed Said Ilkase and other officials were part of the ministers delegation during visit to the farming areas including Gogol Wanag, Agamsaha, Hore Haadlay, Caro Yaambo which produce vegetables and fruit as well. They toured a farm funded by Horn Gardens. The Horn Gardens have provided training to farming community so that they will adapt new methods aimed at making tangible progress. The Agri minister during his speech has pledged to assist the farming to overcome barriers that they are faced with during planting. He said that it is a priority for the new president on reaching food self-sufficiency in terms of farming production. The minister has said that it is time that farmers must join hands in conjunction with govt to reach food security and forget about relying on food provided by international organization. The new govt under president Musa Bihi has taken steps to bring together experts in farming to brainstorms ways to overcome dependency on imported food and start to take advantage of local production.
  8. Nairobi (HOL) - Kenya's Anti-terror Police Unit are hunting 35 suspected individuals after the government accused them of helping Alshabaab to carry out attacks in Mandera county. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Washington-(Caasimadda Online)-Xoghayaha Amniga Gudaha ee Mareykanka Kirstjen Nielsen ayaa ku dhawaaqday in la qaaday xayiraadii saarneyd dadka qaxootiga ah ee dalalka uu Maraykanku u arkayay inay halis kaga imaan karto. 11-ka dal ee wareegtada Madaxweyne Donald Trump ka joojisay in dadkooda ay galaan Mareykanka ayaa kala ah Masar, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria iyo Yemen, kuwaas oo hadda la oggolaaday in ay geli karaan Mareykanka. Wakaaladda WararkaFaransiiska (AFP) ayaa soo warisay in Xoghayaha Amniga Gudaha ee Mareykanka Kirstjen Nielsen ay ku dhawaaqday in la qaaday xayiraadii saarneyd dadka qaxootiga ee dalalka loo arkayay inay halistooda badan tahay, waxayna intaasi raacisay in qaxootiga ay mari doonaan baaritaan adag, ka hor inta aan loo ogolaan inay Mareykanka galaan. Golaha Xiriirka Muslimiinta Mareykanka ee loo soo gaabiyo (CAIR), Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Mareykanka, iyo ururada bulshada ayaa si aad ah u soo dhaweeyay go’aankan, waxayna sheegeen Trump inuu ka laabtay qeyb ka mid ah ajandayaashiisa foosha xun. Tan iyo markii Mareykanka uu xayiraadda dhanka socdaalka ku soo rogay dalalkaan waxaa yaraaday dadkii qaxootiga ahaa ee dalkaas geli jiray oo ay u badnaayeen Qaxooti fara badan oo horay looga qaadi jiray dalal kala duwan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maraykanka oo Xayiraadda Ka qaaday Qaxootiga dalal ay Soomaaliya ka mid tahay. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. China and the African Union dismissed on Monday a report in French newspaper Le Monde that Beijing had bugged the regional bloc’s headquarters in the Ethiopian capital. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Opposition leader Raila Odinga on Tuesday took the oath of office of the “People’s President of the Republic of Kenya.” Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. Madaxweynaha Maamulka Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Madoobe ayaa magacaabay Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda sare ee Maamulkiisa. Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa labo digreeto kukala magacaabey Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Jubbaland mudane Maxamed Sh Cusmaan Siciid iyo gudoomiyaha maxkamada sare Sheekh Cabdishakuur Ibraahim Cabdi. Tallaabadaan uu Maanta xilalkaan Cusub uu ku Magacaabay Axmed Madoobe ayaa ku soo aadeysa xili Kismaayo ay ka taagan tahay Xiisad ku aadan in Guddiga Anshaxa Baarlamanka Dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland ay sheegeen in ay xasaanadii ka qaadeen Xildhibaan Axmed Cabdi Xasan wallow isagu uu Sharcidaro ku tilmaamay. The post Axmed Madoobe Oo Magacaabay Xilal sar sare xili Laga dayrinayo Xaaladda siyaasadeed ee maamulka kismaayo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. HARGEISA–Certain regions in Somaliland have been declared drought-hit by the government on Tuesday according to Disaster Preparedness and Food Storage Authority. This was announced by Head of Disaster preparedness and Food Storage Agency, Hon. Faisal Ali Sheikh. Somaliland authority declared that at least more than 1 million and 700 people of its populace has been impacted by the severe drought which hit hard to the regions they inhabit.It is clearly said that the drought is due to hit hard to 47 percent of Somaliland populace.Mr. Faisal has appealed to the international community and Somaliland citizens to provide urgent relief to drought stricken people in Somaliland. There were recent calls that drought hit the western regions in Somaliland particularly the coast where a wake up call was made to send urgent humanitarian relief to save lives.
  14. Eyl, an ancient port town located in the North-east of Somalia once caught the attention of the international media for being the centre of Somali piracy. It became infamous in the global map for the dirty dealings involving ransom and kidnapping of unsuspecting sailors. However, to equate the history of Eyl to piracy and kidnapping is a grave disservice. Its history is far beyond piracy and negative publicity. Eyl is a town full of history that people know little about. Its hidden treasures, the flora and fauna found within its borders, the breath-taking sea water, and the serene and tranquil beach, and the profound Somali history coupled with the ever green surrounding hills are just but a tip of the iceberg of what Eyl is. Its impeccable beauty will blow one’s mind. Once accustomed to it, one will yearn to see and to explore more of it. Eyl is one of the few getaway places in Somalia that will give you a pleasant feeling that washes over the hustle and the bustle of busy and noisy towns. Taking a vacation and enjoying the mystery of the epic hills will help you fully unwind. The magnificent appearance of the mountains and hills that surround the town of Eyl gives it a splendid beauty and grandeur that is pleasurable to watch. Equally, the two settlements of Daawad and Badey which surrounds the town provide an inflow to the town. The two settlements are connected by a meandering stream that takes water to the Indian Ocean. The lively springs within Eyl makes it a tourist destination from sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. Simply put, there is nothing like Eyl one can come across south of the Sahara and north of River Limpopo. To flash back the history of Eyl it was a centre for late Zayid Mohamed Abdulla- the religious leader who fought against British and Italian forces during colonialism. It was one of the strategic places which he chose to be his home. He built the most elegant parliament house in the horn of Africa in 19 century. The castle he built is still as beautiful as it was centuries ago. The Engineer who built the castle used camel milk during construction. Camel milk is one of the most treasured animal products in Somali culture. In addition to that, the Somali youth league (SYL); the founding fathers of Somalia’s independence had its main office in Eyl and it was among the few towns that they operated from. Eyl was an important trading centre. Dhows and ships from Yemen used to bring sugar, date, floor and tea-leaves in exchange for butter, millet and leather. Eyl was a business hub that brought people from all walks of life together. The education system that existed then was very strong. The schools that were there at the time had a good foundation and consequently produced young, talented, and visionary intellectuals that played a big role in the development of the country and more so the region-Puntland. Abdur-rahman Mohamed alias Farole, the former president of Puntland state was among those rare gems of individuals produced, mentored and groomed at Eyl. Eyl is a town that is known for its arable land and it is beautiful orchards and farms that produce all sorts of fruits and vegetable crops that are tasty and sweet unlike the arid part of the country that are dependent on seasonal rainfall. The ever-flowing springs of Eyl provides the necessary water for irrigation of the farms. Fishing was one of the most profitable sources of income that the people of Eyl depended on back in the days, it used to be transported to local markets and to the neighbouring countries like Yeman. However, Pirates and illegal fishers took away that opportunity from the people, causing their businesses to perish. In a random discussions I had with some of the people of Eyl town about fishing, I discovered, that there are many people in this town who are passionate about fishing but lack the required skill set and equipment to pursue their passion. The establishment of fishing industries coupled with the provision of skills and equipment to the people could be a great way to end unemployment and create jobs for young people. Eyl is not only a tourist destination but a town which can advance the dwindling Somalia’s economy and agricultural sector. If only the spring water that wastefully goes to the Indian Ocean is tapped, Eyl will generate a lot of agricultural products that will increase the GDP of the country. An establishment of port in Eyl town will also be a big economic boost for Puntland and Somalia at large and it will bring back the reputation and the lost glory that this beautiful town once pride itself back in the good old days. It is never too late to recognize the part of our country that hold high value and portray the silver lining side of Somalia. Eyl is the nerve centre of Somalia and the mitochondrion of Puntland. Its serenity attracts mass movement of tourists into it while the springs act as a water source for the farms. Tapping this natural resource will greatly impact the lives of the people living in Eyl and that of the country for good. FIGURE 1 A PHOTO DEPICTING THE HISTORIC TOWN OF EYL FIGURE 2 THE MOST ELEGANT HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT THAT WAS BUILT IN NINETEENTH CENTURY BY ZAYID MOHAMED ABDULLE HASSAN FIGURE 3 THE BEAUTIFUL FARMS THAT PRODUCE ALL SORTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLE CROPS THAT ARE TASTY AND SWEET. FIGURE 3 THE BEAUTIFUL FARMS THAT PRODUCE ALL SORTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLE CROPS THAT ARE TASTY AND SWEET. FIGURE 4 AN EYE-SOOTHING SIGHT OF EYL BEACH FIGURE 5: THE LIVELY SPRINGS WITHIN EYL MAKES IT A TOURIST DESTINATION FROM SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. FIGURE 5: THE LIVELY SPRINGS WITHIN EYL MAKES IT A TOURIST DESTINATION FROM SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. The post ARTICLE:- THE SERENE TOWN OF EYL appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. Nairobi-(Caasimadda Online)-Wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Nairobi ee caasimada ee dalka Kenya ayaa sheegaya in hawada laga saaray qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta dalkaasi gaar ahaan kuwa leyska arko kuwaas oo lagu eedeeyay inay baahiyeen dhaarinta hogaamiyaha mucaaradka ah ee xisbiga NASA ee dalkaas. Dowladda Kenya ayaa Jimcihii isugu yeertay Madaxda Warbaahinta waxaana ay ku hanjabtay in ay hawada ka saari doonto warbaahintii tabisa munaasibadda dhaarinta Raila oo ay dowladda diidday. TV-yadda Citizen, NTV iyo qaar kale ayaa diiday sida wararka qaar ay tilmaamayaan inay u hogaasamaan amarka dowlada, waxayna ku doodeen in ay muhiim tahay in ay baahiyaan,waxa ay ubaahanyihiin bulshada dalkaasi,isla markaana ay dhax dhaxaad ka yihiin siyaasada dalkasi. Agaasimaha guud ee Royal Media Servise, oo uu ka tirsan yahay TV-ga Citizen ayaa sheegay in dowladda dhexe ay hawada ka saartay TV-gooda iyo midka kale ee NTV la yiraa. Dowlada Kenya ayaa waday dadaalo ay ku dooneysay in ay ku carqaladeyso habsami u socodka dhaarta hogaamiyaha mucaaradka ah Raila Odinga iyo ku xigeenkiisa. Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Kenya, Githu Muigai oo ka hadlay qorshaha ay damacsanyihiin mucaaradka ayaa sheegay in tallaabadaasi ay tahay qiyaano qaran, ayna horseedi karto dil toogasho. Majirto ilaa hadda hadal dhinaca dowladda ka soo baxay oo aan ka ahayn hanjabaaddii jimcaha ee warbaahinta madaxdooda iyo Uhuru Kenyatta dhexmartay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post kenya oo Hawada ka Saartay Qaar ka mid ah TV-yada Kashaqeeya Dalkaasi. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Ciidamadda Nabad Sugida Maamulka Jubba-land ayaa xalay weerar ku qaaday hoy ay magaaladaasi ka daganaayeen mas’uuliyiin katirsan maamulkaas. Ciidamadda ayaa weeraray Hoy ay ku sugnaayeen Xildhibaan Axmed Cumar Taajir oo kamid ah Xildhibaanadda Baarlamaanka maamulka Jubba-land iyo sidoo kale gudoomiyaha Degmadda Kismaayo Tima Jilic. Sida ay inoo sheegeen dadka Magaaladda kismaayo Ciidamadda ayaa saacaddo kooban xayiraad saaray masuuliyinta ka tirsan maamulka Jubba-land,waxaana rasaas ay laga maqlay hoyga mas’uuliyiinta. lama oga sababta rasmiga ah ee ka dambeeysa in la weeraro masuuliyiintaan katirsan Jubbaland mana jirto wax war ah oo ilaa iyo hadda ka soo baxay Maamulka Jubbaland oo ay arintaan uga hadlayaan. PUNTLAND POST The post KISMAYO: Hooy Ay Daganyihiin Masuuliyiin katirsan Jubbaland oo La Weeraray appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Gaalkacyo-(Caasimadda Online)-Wararka naga Soo gaaraya Magaalada gaalkacyo ayaa Sheegaya in Magaalada lagu xiray 3 Xildhibaan oo ka mid ah Golaha degaanka Magaalada Gaalkacyo,kuwaas oo lagu eedeeyay in ay kaarar been abuur ah u daabici jireen dadka Danta yar,kadibna lacag ka qaadan jiray. Saddexda Xildhibaan ayaa qoyskiiba ka qaadayay $5 Doollar,kaddibna aan dib ugu soo laabaneyn,iyada oo maamulka Gobolka Mudug ee Puntland uu arrintaas ka war helay. Maxamuud Yaasin Axmed Tumey Gudoomiyaha golaha deegaanka degmada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegay in Xildhibaannada xiran ay ku wareejinayaan Maxkamadaha islamarkaana waxaa uu sheegay in lacagaha barakacayaasha laga qaaday ay u dib ugu celinayaan dadka barakacayaasha ee danyarta ah. 3 Xildhibaan oo kala ah Aways Axmed Salaad,C/waaxid Axmed Maxamed iyo Madar Cali Faarax ayaa kamid ahaa dadkii tagay xarumaha barkacayaasha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xildhibaano kaarar been Abuur ah u sameeyay Dadka Barakacayaal ah oo gacanta lagu dhigay. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. On January 19, then Coast regional coordinator Nelson Marwa said the operation must succeed. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Ciidamo ka tirsan Hay’adda Nabad Sugida iyo Sirdoonka qaranka Soomaliyeed iyo kuwa Booliska ayaa xirey qaar kamid ah wadooyinka Muhiimka ah ee magaaladda Muqdisho. Ciidamadda ayaa gaadiidka u diidaya in ay isticmaalaan wadooyinkaas,waxaana kaliyah loo ogol yahay in ay isticmaalaan dadka lugta maala. Wadooyinka xiran ee gaadiidka rayidka loo diidayo, ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Isgoysyada Sheekh Cali Suufi oo Baabuurta loo diidayo dhanka Maka Al-Mukarama inay u soo gudbaan, Isgoyska Bakaaraha, Isgoyska Hawlwadaag, Isgoyska Afarta Darjiin illaa Isgoyska Sanca. Lama oga sababta loo xiray wadooyinkaan iyo isbedelka amni ee ka jira Magaalada. PUNTLAND POST The post Ciidamada Dowladda oo Xirey Wadooyinka Magaaladda Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. GALKAYO, Somalia — In late 2016, the semiautonomous Puntland region of northeastern Somalia passed a landmark sexual-offenses law to widespread international acclaim. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Somali security forces on Monday killed at least seven al-Shabaab militants and injured a number of others following heavy fighting with insurgents in Bay region, in the south part of the Horn of Africa nation. Burhakaba District Commissioner in Bay region Mohamed Ibrahim confirmed that four government soldiers, including a senior commander, were killed in the fighting. “We have killed seven al-Shabaab militants, injured several others and recovered four guns after fighting that lasted several hours in Lug-habar location, along the road which joins Burhakaba and Baidoa town in this region,” Ibrahim said. He said the Somali National Army (SNA) conducted the operation against al-Shabaab militants in the area after getting information that the insurgents had mounted a checkpoint in the area. Al-Shabaab militants, however, said they won the battle with Somali National Army, claiming to have killed SNA’s commander for Bur-hakaba town, Abdirahman Osman Abrone. The group said its fighters ambushed a SNA convey from Baidoa town, the administrative capital of Southwest State in Somalia to Burhakaba town. The latest fighting came amid military operations in the region to flush out insurgents who have been mounting near-daily attacks on African Union peacekeeping mission bases, government installations and other public places. Source: – Xinhua The post At least 7 al-Shabaab militants killed in south Somalia appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. The newly appointed Mogadishu mayor, Eng. Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow) assumed office during handing over ceremony held on Monday night in Somali capital. Ministers, lawmakers, government officials, elders, businessmen and other civil society members have attended the handing over event which took place at the headquarters of local government. Osman who was the country’s Information minister at the time of his appointment took the office from his predecessor, Thabit Abdi Mohamed who was sacked 21st this month by Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo. The new mayor and the governor of Benadir region has commended the tremendous achievements of the outgoing mayor who held the post last year. He pledged to reform the institution and tackle the city’s crises including insecurity, corruption and the economy. For his his part, the outgoing mayor urged the municipal staff to work with the new mayor. The post Newly appointed Mogadishu mayor takes office appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirkii hore ee Warfaafinta Xukuumaddii Ra’isul wasaare Saacid, Cabdullaahi Cilmooge Xersi, ayaa sheegay in Hogaamiyaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe oo ka dheereeyay xadkii loogu tallo galay. Ciilmooge, ayaa sheegay in Axmed Madoobe uu caqabad ku yahay labada Gole ee maamulka iyo shacabka, waxa uuna carab ***** inuu yahay Hogaamiye digtaatoori ah. Ciilmooge, waxa uu sheegay in Axmed Madoobe uu caburin uu ku hayo labada Gole ee maamulka, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay in xiisadaha xiligaan ka jira Kismaayo uu isaga sabab u yahay. ‘’Khilaaf iyo caburin aan dhamaan ayaa kala dhexeeya labada Gole, cida uu isaga doonaayo ayuu xilka ka qaadaa, taa waxaan filaay inaanu xitaa keligii taliska uusan ku dhaqmin’’ Ciilmooge, waxa uu sheegay in maalin walba ay cabasho uga timaado dadka deegan Jubbooyinka, sidoo kale dhammaan la xaalufinayo dhirtii deegaanada Jubbaland dalka dibadiisana loo dhoofiyo Dhuxusha. Ciilmooge, ayaa intaa ku daray hadalkiisa in Axmed Madoobe uu yahay mid kaligiis talis ah oo jecel in kaligii uun uu wax maamulo sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxa uu ku dhaliilay in uusan ku guuleysan in uu xureeyo deegaanada ka maqan Maamulka Jubbland sidaas dareedeedna uu isagu u yahay musharax Maamulka Jubbaland. Geesta kale, Ciilmooge, ayaa labada Gole iyo dadka shacabka ah ugu baaqay inay iska xoreeyan Axmed Madoobe oo uu sheegay inuu yahay keligii talis. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Ciilmooge ‘’Axmed Madoobe waa kaligii talis caburin ku haya Golayaasha iyo Shacabka Jubbaland’’ appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  24. Hargeysa (Puntlandi) Abwaan Axmed Ibraahim Qorane oo ah Aabaha dhalay Naciimo Qorane oo ah gabadh u ololeysa midnimada Soomaali weyn kanasoo jeeda Hargeysa, laguna xiray Somaliland, ayaa si adag uga hadlay xarriga gabadhiisa. Abwaan Qorane waxaa uu sheegay gabadhiisa in loo xiray inay aaminsan tahay Somaliweyn ayna u xiran tahay sirdoonka maamulka Hargeysa. Wuxuu cadeeyay inuusan wax dhibaato ah u arag in gabadhiisu ay fikirka Somaliweyn aaminsan tahay laguna xirin karin. waxaa kale oo uu sheegay inaan cidina si khasab ah looga shubi karin looguna colaadin karin fikirka Somaliland. “Qofka dhahay Anigu Somaliland ayaan ahay, laakiin waxaan aaminsanahay Soomaaliweyn dee miyuu Diintii ka baxay. Adeer ma soconayso sacabka ii garaac iyo waxaan la dhoodhoobayo, gabadhaydana wax dambi ah ma gelin.” ayuu yidhi Abwaan Qorane. Halkaan ka daawo.