Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaa soo shaac baxay saansaan muujineysa inuu dib u soo noolaaday khilaafkii Maamul Goboleedyada iyo dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo toddobaadkan ay mar kale qarxiyeen madaxweynayaasha Puntland iyo Jubbland. Madaxweynaha Puntland C/weli Gaas oo marar badan ku dooda inaysan wax shido ah u dhaxeyn maamulkiisa iyo dowladda Federaalk ayaa muddo 72 sacadood ah ku qabtay saddex shir jaraa’id iyo khubad jeedin isugu jira oo uu si toos ah ugu weerarray dowladda Soomaaliya ee uu hoggaamiyo Madaxweyne Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam oo lagu tilmaami jiray inuu u dhow yahay dowladda Federaalka ayaa markii ugu horeysay si toos ah u weerarray hab dhaqanka madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya, isagoo waliba ay kasoo yeereen ereyadii ugu kululaa ee uu ku halgaado dowladda Nabad iyo Nolol. C/weli Gaas iyo Axmed Madoobe waxay wadaaagaan arrimaha soo socda: 1) Labada madaxweyne ee C/weli Gaas iyo Axmed Madoobe waxay wadaagaan inay wada tageen dalka Imaaraadka Carabta oo xiriirka kala dhaxeeya dowladda Soomaaliya uu si weyn u xumaaday, iyagoo dhinaca kale ka horjeeda kaalinta dowladda Qatar ku leedahay dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. 2) Gaas iyo Madoobe waxay dowladda Federaalka ku heystaan inaysan dhaqaale fiican ka helin maamuladooda, iyadoo C/weli Gaas uu si cad u sheegay in mashaariicdii dowladda Qatar ku deeqday oo dhamaa 200 Milyan Doolar, lagu koobay Afgooye iyo Jowhar. Axmed Madoobe isagu wuxuu ku celceliyay inaysan dowladda ka helin wax dhaqaale ah oo dhaafsiiyay mushaar ciidamada, culeyskuna ku dhacayo maamuladooda. 3) Maamullada Puntland iyo Jubbaland waa labada maamul ee gacanta ku haya hanti Qaran, isla markaana ka hela dhaqaale aan cidna kula xisaabtamin, waa dekadaha Boosaaso iyo Kismaayo oo aan soo dhaafin maamulladaasi. Gabagabadii waxaa muuqata xiriirka Maamul Goboleedyada iyo dowladda federaalka inuu mar kale madaxa la gelayo khilaaf siyaasadeed oo markan aan la ogeyn halka uu ku dhammaan doono, iyadoo ay saameyn ku leeyihiin dalalka Imaaraadka iyo Qatar. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada
  2. Waxaa Shir jaraa’id ku qabtey Magaalada Muqdisho Laba Xildhibaan oo ka soo jeeda Maamul Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed oo kala ah Xildhibaan Mahad Cabdi Dhoore iyo Xildhibaan Abuukar Cabdulle Raage (Garmaqaate) ka dib markii ay ka caroodeen Buug ay si Wada jir ah u Maalgeliyeen Hay’adda Qaaramada midoobey u Qabilsan Horumarinta Beeraha ee FAO iyo Bangiiga Aduunka, Buugaas oo Cinwaan looga dhigay (REBUILDING RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN SOMALIA)waxaa la daabacay 27-kii Maarso 2018. waxaana ogolaadey oo aqbaley Daabacaadiisa Dowladda Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha, Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Wasaarada Beeraha. “Warabixinta Buugga ku Qoran waxay Halis ku tahay oo si toos ah Noloshooda ay uTaabaneysaa Bulshada iyo Beeraleyda Shabeelada hoose, waxayna dhalin kartaa Colaad iyadoo meesha ka saari karta Nabadda aan Xooga Badan ku taagneyn ee Dadka Deegaanku ku wada nool yihiin, anagoo og in marar badan Colaad laga huriyey oo lagu fashilmey” sidaa waxa yiri Xildhibaan Mahad Cabdi Dhoore oo intaa raaciyey. “Warbixintu waxay Xambaarsan tahay fariimo iyo Faham Marin habaabin ah oo aan ka turjumeyn Xaqiiqda jirta haba yaraatee, Bogga 28-aad ee Buugga (REBUILDING RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN SOMALIA) waxaa lagu sheegey in Maleeshiyo Beeleed ka soo jeeda Gobolada Dhexe oo aan lahayn aqoon iyo Xirfado Xagga Beeraha ay ku soo duuleen oo ay ku Habsadeen Dhulkii ugu Haboonaa ee Beeraha Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose, taasoo qayb weyn ka ah Nolol Xumida iyo wax soo saar la’aanta Soomaaliya” Mudane Dhoore waa uu sii Hadley oo waxaa uu yiri. “Waxaa marag ma doonta ah in Bulshada sida qaldan looga hadlayo ay ka mid yihiin Shaqsiyaad Caan ka ah Gobolka oo laga soo doortey oo Codkooda ku soo baxay kuwaas oo Madax ka noqdey Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose kana soo jeeda Bulshada lagu Aflagaadeeyey warbixinta Buuga ay soo saareen FAO iyo Bangiga Aduunka, Khatarta Buugu Xambaarsan yahay ma ahan oo keliya in runta laga fogaadey, ee waxay Suurta gelineysaa in mar kale Deegaanka laga abuuro Colaad Sokeeye iyo Barakac Baahsan oo aaan laa xamili karin”. “Warabixinta Buuga waxay aad uga fog tahay Runta iyo Dhedhexaadnimada, mana jiraan wax Cadeymo ah oo ay soo Xiganeyso, waxaana Maalgeliyey Hay’ado waa weyn sida FAO iyo Bangiga Aduunka, waxay ahayd in Xukuumada Soomaaliya ay aad uga Fiirsato inta aan la Daabacin Buuugaan kaasoo lagu bartilmaameedsadey Qabiil iyo Qowmiyad Gaar ah” sidaa waxaa yiri Xildhibaan Abuukar Cabdulle Raage (Garmaqaate) oo intaa ku darey. “Waxaa kaloo Warbixinta Buugga ku jira eedeemo Fool Xun oo sheegaya in la adoonsado dadka asal ahaan Deegaanka u dhashey taasoo lala Xiriirinayo dadka Gobolada Dhexe ka yimid taasoo marag ma doonta ka dhigeysa Xishood-darida iyo masuuliyada Xumida ka muuqata Warbixinta Buuga lagu xusey”. Mudane Garmaqaate waxaa kale oo uu yiri “Hay’adaha Buugaan soo saareey iyo Xukuumada ku taageertey labaduba ma hayaan Xigasho lagu Kalsoonaan karo, waana qaab kale oo la doonayo in dib loo yegleelo Colaadii Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose”. Ugu Dambeyntii Labada Xildhibaan waxay u mahadceliyeen Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Raiisul Wasaaraha, Ciidamada Amisom gaar ahaan kuwa Uganda ee ka Howl gala Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose iyo Ciidamada Milatariga Soomaaliya sida ay dadaalka ugu jiraan in Gobolaka Shabeelada Hoose nabad loogu soo dabaali lahaa waxayna Cambaareeyeen Dhammaan Hay’adaha Buugaan ku lug leh sida FAO, Bangiga Aduunka, Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Wasaaradda Beeraha Soomaaliya. Sanadkii la soo dhaafay ayey aheyd Markii Warbixin sidaan oo kale u Qaldan ay Ciidamada Mareykanka ee sida gaarka u tababaran (Navy Seal) ay ku dileen 10 Ruux oo beeraley ah oo laba Caruur ahayd Deagaanka Bariire, sidoo kale Saraakiil ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka ayaa Jariiradda The Guardian u sheegtey in Bulshada laga hadleyo ay ku lug lahaayeen Qaraxii 14 Oktoobar 2017 ee Isgoyska SOOBE taasoo ahayd Gef kale oo loo Geystey Bulshada la Dulminayo. W/D Cabdinaasir Xirsi Iidle E-Mail Tel 00252615503978
  3. Kenya and Djibouti have signed four agreements aimed at boosting trade and deepening bilateral links. The agreements were signed at State House, Nairobi, where President Uhuru Kenyatta hosted Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh, who is on a three State Visit to Kenya. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaa deegaanka Buurgaabo oo ka tirsan Jubbada hoose una jirta xadka Kenya iyo Soomaaliya 55 Km laga rarayaa Markab dhuxul ah oo qaada 17,000 oo jawaan, wuxuuna ku wajahan yahay magaalada Dubai ee Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta. Arrintan waxay imaanaysaa kadib markii Madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Madoobe uu safar uu ugu maqnaa UAE kasoo laabtay,iyadoo shaki abuuraysa in Imaaraatku Axmed Madoobe kula soo heshiiyeen ka ganacsiga dhuxusha. Shirkadda loo rarayo dhuxusha waxaa iska leh niman ganacsato ah oo Axmed Madoobe gacan saar laleh, waxayna joogaan magaalada Dubai, waxaa lagu kala magacaabaa ganacsade Cabdinaasir Cali Addoon iyo ganacsade Bashiir Dheere, waxaana wakiil uga ah magaalada Kismaayo iyo deegaannada Jubaland dhuxul rarista ganacsade Maxamed Cabdullaahi. Waxaa asbuucii hore ka dhacay muqdisho shir caalami ah oo looga hadlayey dhibaatada xaalufinta deegaanka iyo ka ganacsiga dhuxusha oo ay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Qaramada midoobay go’aan kasoo saareen in ay tahay denbi ka ganacsiga dhuxusha. Sanadkii 2017-kii waxaa Qaramada Midoobay kasoo saartay warbixin dheer oo ka hadlaysay meelaha ay Alshabaab ka helaan maalgelinta ay ugu horreyso ka ganacsiga dhuxusha, waxay warbixintu digniin u jeedisay UAE oo si toosa u iibsata dhuxusha laga raro deegaannada Alshabaab maamulaan.
  5. MOGADISHU (HOL) - Al-Shabab militants in Somalia have stoned a mother of eight to death for Polyandry on Wednesday.Hundreds of residents gathered at a public square in the town of .... Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. MOGADISHU (HOL) - Al-Shabab militants in Somalia have stoned a mother of eight to death for Polyandry on Wednesday.Hundreds of residents gathered at a public square in the town of .... Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Xilliga uu qofka canug u dhalanayo waa mid ka mid ah waqtiyada ugu qiimaha badan noloshiisa, hasayeeshee aabayaasha oo dhan uma ay suuragasho inay indha saaraan marka ilmihiisu uu dunida usoo baxayo. Askari Mareykan ah ayaa Sabtidii isku dayayay inuu u safro gurigiisa oo ku yaal magaalada Brandon ee gobolka Mississippi ee waddankaasi, kaddib markii xaafkiisa la dhigay qolka dhalmada, hasayeeshee safarkiisii ayaa waxaa ku yimid hakad kaddib markii uu dhib u dhacay duulimaadkii uu raaci lahaa. Haddaba markii uu Brooks Lindsey ku xayirmay gagida diyaaraha ayaa waxa uu go’aansaday inuu gabadhiisa Millie ku arko muuqaal ahaan oo waxa uu taleefankiisa ka wacay xaaskiisa Haley Lindsey. Haweeney ay ninkaasi wada safrayeen ayaa sawirka ka qaadday aabahan filayay in canug loo dhalo kaasoo oo uu walwal badan ka muuqday markii uu taleefankiisa daawanayay. “Waa uu oynayay aniguna waannu muraalo dilaacnay. Farahaannu ka qaadnay oo waannu ka fogaannay. Markiise aannu maqalnay oohinta canuga, ayaannu farxad kula dabaaldegnay. Waxaan rabay inaan arrintan idinla wadaago sababtoo ah ma doonayo inaannu weligeen hilmaanno howsha ay askarteenna noo hayaan iyo sida ay naftooda noogu huraan,” ayey barteeda Facebook-ga soo dhigtay, Tracy Dover, taas oo sidoo kale dadka la wadaagtay sawirka Brooks Lindsey. Kaddib markii sheekada lagu baahiyay Facebook-ga iyo Twitter-ka in ka badan 120,000 oo jeer, ayaa qoysas kale oo ka tirsan milateriga waxa ay barahooda soo dhigeen xusuustooda iyo sheekooyin ku saabsan aabayaal aanay u suuragelin inay joogaan xilliga ay carruurtooda dhalnayeen sababo shaqo awgeed. Qaar badan oo ka mid ah dadkaasi waxa ay soo qaadeen sida uu milateriga naftiisa ugu huro dadweynaha oo ay si joogta ah uga baaqsadaan ka qeybgalka xafladaha muhiimka ah ee qoysaskooda. “Ninkeygii hore ayaa inoo yimid todobaad kaddib markaan dhiilkeyga dhalay. Nidaamka Laanqeyrta Cas ee la maro waa mid aad gaabis u ah. Dib ayuu ugu laabtay ururkii uu ka tirsanaa, laba bilood kaddibna aabihii ayaa dhintay – waanay u suurageliwaysay inuu degdeg ku yimaado oo waxa uu yimid laba maalmood kaddib geeridii aabihii,” waxaa sidaa ra’yigeeda ku dhiibatay Susan DeCato, taas oo ninkeedii loo badelay magaalada Baqdaad ee waddanka Ciraaq. This Army soldier’s flight was delayed. He had to watch the birth of his daughter on FaceTime. I wanted to share this because I never want us to forget about our soldiers who serve us everyday and the sacrifices they make. — Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) May 7, 2018 Hooyo ayaa sheegtay in ninkeeda uu canuga u dhashay uu ku ogaaday warqad ay u dirtay oo wadada ku sii jirtay shan todobaad. Qaar ayaa waxa ay amaaneen dowrka tiknolojiyadda taas oo ka dhigtay in xitaa haddii uusan aabuhu iman karin goobta ay xaaskiisa ku dhalayso uu ugu yaraan daawan karo dhalmada canugiisa, sidoo kalana uu halkaa ka dhiirigelin karo xaaskiisa. “Jaceylkeyga ayaa waxaa loo qaaday meel kale markii uu canuga labaad noo dhashay. Maalintii xigtay ayaannu Mobile ka wada xiriirnay waxa uuna noqday qofkii ugu horreeyay ee arka indhaheeda. Gurigana dib uguma uusan soo laaban ilaa ay shan bilood ka gaartay,” waxaa soo qortay Jen Bell. “Dumaashigey ayaa mar uu ka soo kicitimay saldhig ku yaal Jarmalka halkan nagu soo maray isagoo gurigiisa ku sii socday, si uu u arko gabadha uu adeerka u yahay. Markii ugu horreysay ayaa waxa uu ku arkay barnaamijka Mobile-ka lagu isticmaalo ee FaceTime isagoo joogay Detroit!” waxaa sidaas barteeda Facebook-ga soo dhigtay Aelena Wade Collinson. Carruurta ay dhaleen ciidammada milateriga ayaa sidoo kale waxa ay dadka la wadaageen waxyaabihii ay u soo joogeen. Clare Wakeham ayaa isna soo dhigay: “Markii aan dhalanayay aabahay waxa uu ku jiray badda oo waxa uu saarnaa markab nooca quusa ah – haddii uusan howshaas adag haynna wuu inala joogi lahaa malaintaas. Markii uu badda ka soo baxay ayaa loo sheegay inaan dhashay – kaddibna habeenkii oo dhan ayuu soo safrayay si uu ii arko.” Hasayeeshee carruurta noocaasi ah oo dhan aabayaashood maalmo kuma aanay arag. Melissa Griffin ayaa soo dhigtay barteed Twitter-ka in aabaheed aanay arag muddo sanad ah markii ay dhalatay kaddib sababtoo ah markii aan dhalanayay waxa uu ka howlgalayay saldhig ku yaal Kuuriya. This Army soldier’s flight was delayed. He had to watch the birth of his daughter on FaceTime. I wanted to share this because I never want us to forget about our soldiers who serve us everyday and the sacrifices they make. — Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) May 7, 2018 Nasiib wanaag inanta yar ee Millie aabaheed waxaa u suragashay inuu raaco duulimaadkii xigay, markaas oo uu toos u tegay isbitaalka halkaas oo uu ugu dambeyntii kula kulmay gabadhiisa markaas un dhalatay.
  8. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa maanta xukun dil ah ku fulisay haweeney lagu eedeeyay inay isla guursatay mar qura 11 rag ah, waxaana goobta xukunkan laga fuliyay ku sugnaa dadweyne badan. Haweeneydan oo lagu magacaabo Shukri C/llaahi Warsame oo dhagax lagu dilay, ayaa la sheegay inay qirtay dambiga lagu soo eedeeyay, waxaana la sheegay inay sheegtay inay ku qanacsan tahay in lagu fuliyo xukunkii u soo baxa. Dilkan xukunkan ahaa ayaa ka dhacay deegaanka Sablaleele oo ka tirsan Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose ee Koonfurta Somalia, iyadoo haweeneydan lagu soo eedeeyay dambigan guurka badan ah ayaa noqonaysa tii guu horreysay oo Somalia ka dhacda. Maxkamadda Al-shabaab ee xukunkan fulisay ayaa sheegtay in Shurki ay caafimaad ahaan wanaagsanayd, isla markaana ay maxkamadda u sheegtay inay si bareera h dambigan u gashay. Inkastoo haweeneydan la dilay aanay goobta ka hadlin ayaa haddana dadkii goobta ku sugnaa waxay sheegeen in Shukri oo murugo ay ka muuqatay qaybta hoose ee jirkeeda dhulka lagu aasay, kaddibna dhagax garaacay illaa ay ka dhimanaysay. Ugu dambeyn, ma ahan markii ugu horreysay oo Al-shabaab ay sidan oo kale haweeney dhawr rag ah isku guursatay ay dhagax ku dilaan, laakiinse waa markii ugu horreysay oo la sheego in haweeney ay 11 nin isku guursato mar qura. PUNTLAND POST The post Al-shabaab oo xukun ku fulisay Haweeney ay ku eedeeyeen inay isla-guursatay tiro Rag ah appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa maalntii labaad uu dagaal ka dhacay xaafada Kaawa Godeey ee degmada Dharkenley ee Gobolka Banaadir, kaas oo u dhaxeeya ciidamo ka wada tirsan kuwa dowladda oo u abaabulan qaab beeleed. Dagaalkii shalay ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooay hal ruux halka laba kale ay ku dhaawacmeen, waxaana la sheegya in maleeshiyaadka dagaalamay ay isku heystaan Guri halkaasi laga dhisayo oo ay lacago ka qaateen. Dadka ku nool Xaafada Kaawa Godeey ee degamda Dharkenley ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in markale dagaal halkaasi uu ka dhacay maanta, isla markaana uu socdo in ka badan laba saacadood, balse weli aysan xaqiijin karin khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalkii maanta. Xaalad kacsanaan ah ayaa weli ka jirta goobta lagu dagaalamay, waxaana dad aan la xiriirnay ay sheegeen in ay weli maqlayaan rasaas goos goos ah oo labada dhinac ay isku ridayaan. Maamulka degmada Dharkenley weli dagaalkaas kama hadlin, waxaana taasi walaac ka muujiyey waxgaradka ku nool degmadaas.
  10. Lacago malaayiin dollar ayaa dawladda Soomaaliya uga lunta shirkadaha qandaraaska ka haysta Qaramada Midoobay oo baal mara heshiis ay dawladdu la gashay Qaramada Midoobay. Qaramada Midoobay waxay qiratay in qaar ka mid ah agabka loo keeno ee canshuur dhaafka ah ay galaan suuqa madaw, hase yeeshee waxay ku tilmaantay in falalkaasi ay yihiin kuwo dambiyeed, dawladdana ay ku garab taagan yihiin bixinta canshuurta. Sannadkii 2015-kii, Qaramada Midoobay waxay shaqada ka joojisay shirkad ku xadgudubtay heshiiska canshuur-dhaafka u samaynaya adeegyada iyo agabka Qaramada Midoobay. Dhinaca kale waxaa kale oo malaayiin kale ay uga lumaan shirkado kale oo gaar loo leeyahay oo waddanka jooga oo aan bixin wax canshuur ah. Waa mowduuca barnamaijka Galka Baarista ee idaacadda VOA, waxaa inoo haya Haaruun Macruuf.
  11. Shabeeelaha Hoose-(Caasimadda Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya Gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Al-Shabaab Maanta fal dil ah ay ku fuliyeen Haweeney ka mid aheyd dadka ku nool degmada Sablaale ee Gobolka Shabeeelaha Hoose. Goobta fagaaraha ee lagu dilay Haweeneydan waxaa joogay boqolaal dadka degaanka ah oo la yaabbanaa dacwadda lagu helay Gabadhaas oo la xiriirta in ay hal mar wada guursattay 11 Nin oo aan iska warqabin. Garsooraha Maxkamadda Alshabaab ayaa fagaaraha ka sheegay xukunka lagu riday Shukri C/llaahi oo sheegay inay qiratay dembiyadii lagu soo eedeeyay oo ahaa inay isla guursatay 11 Nin hal mar, xaaladda caafimaad ee Shukri Cabdullaah Warsame ayaa lagu sheegay inay ahayd mid wanaagsan. Al-shabaab waxaa ay sheegeen in Shukri aysan wax cudur daar ah ka bixin falkaas kuna qanacsaneyd Xukunka dhagax dilka ah ee lagu fuliyay. Dadkii soo xaadiray fagaarihii lagu fuliyey xukunka ayay aad ulayaab arrintan oo ah dhacdo aan weli lasoo werin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada
  12. Mubaarak-(Caasimadda Online) – Wararka ka imaanaya gobolka Shabellaha Hoose, ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Wabiga Shabelle uu fatahaad ka sameeyey deegaanka Mubaarak ee gobolkaasi iyo deegaanno kale oo ka agdhow. Mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka ayaa sheegay in Hal qof uu ku dhintey fatahaaddan kadib markii ay daadadku la tageen iyadoo sidoo kale baabi,iyay dhul beereed islamarkaana uu jiro barakac ay sameynayaan qaar ka mid ah shacabkii ku dhaqnaa deegaanka Mubaarak, si aanay u saameyn noloshooda fatahaaddan. Wabiga Shabelle ayaa horey fatahaad uga geystay deegaanno ka mid ah gobollada Hiiraan iyo Shabellaha Dhexe, waxaana uu saameeyey Kumanaan qoys kuwaas oo anan ilaa hadda wax lataaban karo oo gar gaar ah aan lagaarsiin . fatahaad Wabiyada ayaa marar badan saamayn kuyeeshay nolosha kumanaan qof oo soomaali ah mana jirto cid is ku howsha in ay ka hortagaan fatahaada ay sameeyaan wabiyada shabeele iyo juba oo mara dhulka soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada
  13. Bosaso[Puntland Post]-Iyadoo Mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey uu socday khilaaf udhexeeyey Hay’adda Tayo dhowrka ee Puntland (Quality Control) iyo Ganacsatada Puntland, kadib markii uu muran kadhashay lacag kordhin ay samaysay waaaxdu, Taasi oo ay Ganacsatadu ka soo horjeesteen. Waxaana maanta kulan ay ku yeesheen xarunta Wasaarda Ganacsiga ee Puntland ee magaalada Boosaso Sido kalena ay goobjoog ka ahaayeen Wasiirka Maaliyada ee Puntland Cabdiqaadir Siciid caarshe Dhaqaaje, iyo Masuuliyiin Kale ayaa lagu soo Bandhigay is afgarad laga gaaray Arintaasi. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Puntland Cabdiweli Xirsi Cabdulle (Indho Guran) Ayaa sheegay iney ku faraxsanyihiin Xalka laga gaaray Khilaafkii dhawaan ka dhashay Canshuur kordhintii ay sameysay Waaxda Tayo Baarista, wuxuuna Balanqaaday iney dhinacooda ka soo bixi doonaan Wixii lagu heshiiyay Wasiirka ayaa ka hadlay Warshadaha biyaha ee Bosaso ka howlgala kuwaasi oo uu sheegay in labo kamid ah ay buuxiyeen shuruudihii, Saxda ahaa ee lagu Aqoonsanayay, Wuxuuna u mahadceliyay Shaqada ay Qabteen Waaxda Tayo Baarista ee Puntland, Isagoo ugu baaqay shirkadaha Kale ee aan shuruudaha soo buuxin in sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ay Oga jaawaabaan Baaqii Wasaaradda ee ahaa in la hubiyo Tayada Wax dadka reer Puntland laga iibinayo. Hoos ka Daawo shirka Jara,id ee Wasiirka Ganacsiga Puntland. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post- Bosaso The post Xirnaashaha Dekedda Boosaso oo 7 Cisho kadib Laga heshiiyay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. In 1938 a car race took place on the streets of Mogadishu, which had great echo also in Italy. The competition was emphasized by the most important sports magazine of the time “Il Littoriale”. The governor Francesco Saverio Caroselli was the first who start the “Circuit of Mogadishu”. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. When Eritrea gained its independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Ethiopia became landlocked and therefore dependent on its neighbors—especially Djibouti—for access to international markets. This dependency has hampered Ethiopia’s aspiration to emerge as the uncontested regional power in the Horn of Africa. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Sida laga soo xigatay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada Somalia, waxaa amniga Safaarada Imaaraadka Carabta ee magaalada Muqdisho lagu wareejiyay ciidamo ka tirsan AMISOM. Ciidamadan oo wata dhowr gaari nooca dagaalka ayaa amniga Safaarada kala wareegay tiro ka tirsaneyd ciidamada Somalia ee uu Horay u tababaray Imaaraadka. Ciidamada AMISOM ee sida KMG ah ula wareegay amniga Safaarada ayaa caawinaaya ciidamo kale oo ka tirsan Militeriga dowlada kuwaa oo dhawaan la geeyay Safaarada. Gudaha Safaarada ayaa waxaa ka dhexmuuqda Gaadiidka iyo ciidamada AMISOM, oo ku daadsan inta badan Safaarada, halka qeybaha kale ay ku gudan yihiin tirroka tirsan Militeriga Somalia oo halkaa la geeyay wixii ka danbeeyay markii ay dowlada Imaaraadka alaabteeda kala baxday Somalia. Mid kamid ah Saraakiisha ka howlgaleysay Safaarada ayaa sheegay in si guud amniga Safaarada loogu wareejiyay AMISOM, maadaama uu Imaaraadka khilaaf kala dhexeeyo Somalia, taa oo keeni karta shaki Diplumaasiyadeed oo labada dowladood ah. Sarkaalkan ayaa intaa ku daray in Xafiisyada Safaarada ay iminka yihiin kuwo u xiran si KMG ah, hase ahaatee ay ku sugan yihiin kaliya ciidamada AMISOM iyo tirro yar oo ka tirsan Militeriga Somalia. Dowlada Imaaraadka ayaa Dekadda Xamar Markab uga raratay dhammaan agabkii shaqo ee ka yiilay magaalada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan Xerooyinka ciidan iyo Safaarada. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dowlada Somalia ayaan weli jiljileec u muujin dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta oo bilihii ugu danbeysay lasoo baxday ficilo muusaya awooda Qaranka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada
  17. Northern New England chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union are suing the federal government for records related to controversial actions by immigration and border agents. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Although called a “merchant of death” during sentencing for one of his 36 convictions — including gun trafficking, drug trafficking, forcible confinement, assault and extortion — a Somali man has avoided deportation because the government failed to give him a copy of a public website used in proceedings against him. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Mohamud Hassan Mohamed, a Mt Roskill resident and former Puketāpapa Youth Board member, was named a Kiwibank Local Hero Medalist for his service to the community late last year. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Mohamud Hassan Mohamed, a Mt Roskill resident and former Puketāpapa Youth Board member, was named a Kiwibank Local Hero Medalist for his service to the community late last year. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. Barely eight months after setting up its first overseas military base in Djibouti, next door to the United States’ Camp Lemonnier, Washington says China has started playing dirty, aiming military grade lasers at cockpits of US military aircraft, resulting in “minor eye injuries” to two US pilots. Now the US says it has filed a diplomatic complaint over this “bullying” which has allegedly heightened in recent weeks, compromising the safety of its aircrew in Djibouti. The lasers present a serious problem to pilots, when aimed at their aircraft, as they have the potential to injure or temporarily blind them, a serious aviation safety risk, especially during take-off and landing. “These are very serious incidents. We have formally demarched the Chinese government, and we’ve requested that the Chinese investigate these incidents,” Dana White, the Pentagon’s chief spokesperson said, adding that they were confident it was the Chinese doing this. This is the first time in Africa that the two global powers are having a military ‘harassment tiff’ and it will be interesting how Beijing will respond to this accusation of bullying. In 2016, the Pentagon objected to the proximity of the Chinese military base to its own, but this was ignored by Djibouti. Source of concern In July 2017, China became the latest country to set up an overseas base in Djibouti, cementing Beijing’s growing clout outside of being an economic and diplomatic superpower in Africa. The US says it has so far recorded 10 incidences since July and this was becoming a source of concern, given that the two countries militaries have had good relations in Djibouti ever since China set up the base. The US has operated a base next to the international airport in Djibouti since 2002. “The Djibouti government is free to work with who they want to. However, our concern is the safety of our service members, and so we raised the issue with China, and we expect China to investigate it thoroughly,” Ms White said. One of the planes targeted was a Lockheed C130 Hercules US military transport. “The reports we received from our pilots indicate that on three occasions the lasers were military grade and came from the Chinese base nearby,” Marine Lt-Col Chris Logan said. In 2016, a US congressman protested to former Secretary of State John Kerry that the US strategic interests in Djibouti and the region could be undermined in the face of China’s presence. It is understood that the Chinese base would eclipse Camp Lemonnier, the US permanent base in Djibouti, which hosts at least 4,000 military personnel. Djibouti receives $63 million annually in rent for its base from Washington. It is speculated that China will be paying it a monthly rent of $100 million for its facility, which is located close to the US Camp Lemonnier. Military positioning In July last year, China sent two warships, carrying personnel for the overseas military base in Djibouti, tipping the global military positioning scale, with an eye on Africa. One of the ships was an amphibious transport, which can load more helicopters and special troops capable of handling maritime and terrorist attacks. At its establishment, Beijing said that the base would ensure China’s performance of missions, such as escorts, peace-keeping and humanitarian aid in Africa and west Asia. “The base will also be conducive to overseas tasks including military cooperation, joint exercises, evacuating and protecting overseas Chinese and emergency rescue, as well as jointly maintaining security of international strategic seaways,” Chinas navy commander Shen Jinlong said. People’s Liberation Army China began construction of a logistics base in Djibouti in 2016, saying that it would use it as resupply point for its navy ships taking part in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions off the coasts of Yemen and Somalia. Beijing’s military paper, Global Times, in its editorial, laid bare what this facility would be, underpinning the fact that it would in fact be a military base. “Certainly this is the People’s Liberation Army’s first overseas base and will have troops there. It’s not a commercial resupply point,” the paper said. The actualisation of the military base, coupled with its economic interest now firmly places it at the centre of the continents growth and security. The base is also being seen as a front to improving its growing arms race, through joint training and exercises, which has seen all the regional militaries use Chinese manufactured weapons in various sectors. Apart from China and the US, Djibouti and Somalia also play hosts to military bases from France, Germany, Italy, Turkey and Qatar, who have a military presence in the region. Source: – The East Africa
  22. SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates: Wooden dhows crammed with second-hand Japanese cars have been sailing unhindered into Yemeni ports for the past three years despite rigid wartime controls on imports of aid and other vital supplies. Like many Yemeni traders, Ali al-Mahry jumped at this chance to turn a profit by supplying customers at home with cars bought cheaply at auction in the United Arab Emirates. A Saudi-led military coalition, of which the UAE is part, has been battling Houthi rebels since 2015 with the aim of restoring the Yemeni government in exile. The coalition has imposed controls to deny arms to the Houthis, fighters aligned with Iran who control the capital Sanaa and Hudaida, the largest port. The measures have choked off supplies of fuel, food and medicine to Yemen, where millions face starvation and disease. Yet coalition forces appear to have turned a blind eye to the dhows that regularly carry cars from Port Khaled in the emirate of Sharjah to a small dock at As Shihr, a port in Yemen’s Hadramawt province controlled by UAE-backed forces. “I make this journey around 30 times a year,” Mahry said, surrounded by 180 cars taking up every corner of a dhow he has chartered for the voyage. “I sometimes also ship food and other items, but they require different permits.” The cars have become a nice earner for traders in both the UAE and Yemen. Yemeni dealers gather daily at Dubai’s Al-Aweer Auto Market to bid as a big screen flashes prices for Japanese cars, with as many as 80 sold in a day at one auction house. Once sold, the automobiles are taken to Port Khaled, where up to 200 vehicles are stacked onto each dhow. The vessels are searched at Port Khaled and on arrival at As Shihr but have not been required to obtain permits or pay customs duties for the past three years, in contrast to the obstacles faced by ships delivering other supplies to Yemeni ports. “The coalition would ask us for the cars’ papers and clear them here,” said Saleh al-Ali, head of the port at As Shihr. “For the past three years there has been no need to apply for a permit from Riyadh.” In March, however, the coalition changed the rules, requiring permits to be obtained from Saudi Arabia, according to Ali. He said he was told the new measures were introduced for security reasons. A coalition spokesman did not reply to requests for comment on why the car-laden dhows have been exempted for so long. Port officials said the dhows may have been simply an exception to the rule and in any case it had taken time to put the car trade on a more formal footing. Car importers have been able to avoid the wartime restrictions imposed on Yemen. REUTERS/Satish Kumar GOOD BUSINESS Mustafa al-Jaffrey, who used to send cars to Yemen overland through Oman before the war, said he had doubled his profits by using the sea route. “It is much cheaper for me to buy and ship,” he said, adding that Japanese cars in particular were a good business for him. “The Japanese drive their cars only for about 50,000 km before they sell them and buy new ones. That’s way less than the 150,000 km or more that people in the Gulf drive before they put a car up for sale, so the quality is better as well.” In Japan, strict safety and pollution regulations force many drivers to sell their cars after a few years, so there are plenty of good quality vehicles available. Such cars can sell for as little as $1,000 at online auctions in Japan. A Toyota can be bought by traders for around $1,900 in Dubai and sell in Yemen for more than twice that. “I buy a Japanese used car from an auction in Japan, sometimes an online auction, and then ship it here,” said Hammad Ali, marketing manager at Jan Japan (Cars 4 U), the top re-exporter at Al-Aweer in Dubai. Ali has long imported such cars for re-export to places like Somalia and Afghanistan as many other countries that drive on the right, including the UAE, do not allow cars from Japan, where people drive on the left, on safety concerns. “It is a safety thing … so most of them were going to Afghanistan and Somalia. Then three years ago, Yemen opened up,” he said. Prior to 2015 in Yemen, where people drive on the right, cars with their steering wheel on the “wrong” side were banned for safety reasons, but road safety has been another casualty of a war that has killed more than 10,000 people. As fighting continues, the Houthis control the north of Yemen, while coalition forces have seized the southern port of Aden and made gains along the southwest coast along the Red Sea. “Yemen is a big country and people need to move around. The cars are going into the south, where it is relatively safe, and from there onward to the rest of the country,” Mahdy al-Mahry, another dhow operator and car dealer, said. “People can buy one of these cars and use them to earn money for their families. Others just buy them as a cheap and safe means of transport.” Not everyone has profited from the trade. The Yemeni government, which has a presence in Aden while the president is in exile in Saudi Arabia, has missed out on customs dues, although it now plans to regulate the car trade. “While it has largely been unregulated for the past three years, we are slowly coming to it and we will organize the trade as the government prepares to impose a fee,” said Salem Ali Busamir, head of the Arabian Sea Ports Corporation of Yemen. He did not say when this would happen or how much the fee would be. Traders however seem confident the new measures will not disrupt their business unduly. “This trade employs hundreds at the port now. They can’t ruin that, even if they impose a small tax,” said Ghaleb al-Mahry, who has a car showroom in As Shihr. Source: – Reuters
  23. The export of charcoal from Somalia has been banned, both by a 2012 United Nations Security Council resolution and by the Somali Government, due to its destructive effect on the environment and its exacerbation of conflict and humanitarian crises. Source: Hiiraan Online
  24. Both Washington’s European allies and Tehran pledged on Tuesday to uphold the 2015 Iran nuclear deal despite President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out and reimpose sanctions. European leaders decried Trump’s decision to withdraw from the deal, which had lifted sanctions against Iran in return for curbs on its nuclear program. They called on Washington not to take steps that would prevent other countries from upholding it. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran aimed to continue to comply with the deal’s terms, and would swiftly reach out to the its other signatories – Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China – to keep it in place. “Together, we emphasize our continuing commitment to the JCPoA,” the leaders of Britain, France and Germany said in a joint statement, referring to the deal by an acronym. “This agreement remains important for our shared security.” “We urge the U.S. to ensure that the structures of the JCPoA can remain intact, and to avoid taking action which obstructs its full implementation by all other parties to the deal,” said the statement, provided by British Prime Minister Theresa May’s office after she spoke by phone to France’s President Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel. Macron said he regretted Trump’s decision. Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said: “We will try to keep alive this important agreement, which ensures the Middle East and the world as a whole are safer.” Moscow said it too would focus its efforts on maintaining the accord. It called Trump’s decision “deeply disappointing”. “There are no – and can be no – grounds for breaking” the deal, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, adding the pact had shown its “full efficiency”. “The United States is undermining international trust in the International Atomic Energy Agency.” EU leaders are concerned that Washington could use its influence over the world’s financial system to prevent businesses in other countries that have not reimposed sanctions on Iran from doing business there. As if to hammer home that concern, Trump’s new ambassador to Germany, who presented his credentials in Berlin earlier on Tuesday, tweeted that German businesses should halt their activities in Iran immediately. DECISION COULD HELP IRAN HARDLINERS In Tehran, Rouhani, a relative moderate who faced down hardliners at home to reach the agreement with world powers as part of a policy to open up the country and its economy to the outside world, decried Trump’s decision, but said Iran would stick to the deal for now, provided it still works. “If we achieve the deal’s goals in cooperation with other members of the deal, it will remain in place,” Rouhani said in a televised speech. “I have ordered the foreign ministry to negotiate with the European countries, China and Russia in coming weeks. If at the end of this short period we conclude that we can fully benefit from the JCPoA with the cooperation of all countries, the deal would remain.” Iranian officials told Reuters that Trump’s decision would set the stage for a resurgence of political infighting within Iran’s complex power structure. The U.S. exit from the deal, so closely associated in Iran with Rouhani, could tip the balance of power in favor of his hardline opponents, some Iran experts said. “They will blame Rouhani … They will continue their shenanigans at home and abroad. And they will have the U.S. to blame for the failure of the economy,” said Abbas Milani, director of the Iranian Studies program at Stanford University. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has been in power since 1989 and outranks the elected president, had said Iran would “shred” the deal if the United States pulled out. While most U.S. allies decried the Trump administration’s decision to unravel the principal foreign policy achievement of his predecessor Barack Obama, the decision was hailed by Washington’s two main Middle East allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, both of which long opposed the deal. The deal was “a recipe for disaster, a disaster for our region, a disaster for the peace of the world,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in praising Trump’s decision. Saudi Arabia, a Sunni Muslim power that considers Shi’ite Iran to be its main regional foe, also hailed Trump’s move. “Iran used economic gains from the lifting of sanctions to continue its activities to destabilize the region, particularly by developing ballistic missiles and supporting terrorist groups in the region,” said a Saudi Foreign Ministry statement. But for major European allies, also at odds with Trump over a host of other issues from trade to efforts to tackle global warming, the decision represents a decisive setback. Britain, France and Germany had lobbied the Trump administration hard in recent weeks to keep the deal in place, arguing that it had succeeded in preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons and that to renege on it would damage the credibility of Western countries in future negotiations. EU countries believe it was their decision to stand with the Obama administration and impose firm sanctions against Iran’s oil and gas industry in 2011 that pushed Tehran to the negotiating table in the first place. “The European Union is determined to preserve it,” EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said of the agreement with Tehran, which she helped negotiate as coordinator for the Western countries. “Together with the rest of the international community, we will preserve this nuclear deal.” Since the deal was signed, the EU has effectively lifted all sanctions on Iran, but Washington has kept some in place over Iran’s missile program, which was not covered by the deal. That has slowed down a promised boon for the Iranian economy, scaring off foreign investors and making it difficult for Iranian banks to forge links with the outside world. Source: Reuters
  25. Barely eight months after setting up its first overseas military base in Djibouti, next door to the United States’ Camp Lemonnier, Washington says China has started playing dirty, aiming military grade lasers at cockpits of US military aircraft, resulting in “minor eye injuries” to two US pilots. Source: Hiiraan Online