Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. An opposition alliance led by Malaysia's former ruler Mahathir Mohamad has won a majority in parliament - a shock victory that ends the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition's 60-year grip on power. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. The Ethiopian government through the sector ministry has suspended the mining license of top gold mining firm, Mohammed International Development Research and Organization Cos., MICROC. The state affiliated FANA Broadcasting Corporate reported that the Ministry of Mines, Petroleum and Natural Gas had suspended MIDROC’s Lega Dembi gold-mining license. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Worried about increasingly aggressive tactics, civil liberties groups in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont sued the federal government Tuesday for records of immigration enforcement actions to get a clearer picture of what’s happened since Republican President Donald Trump took office. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. (Nairobi) – A string of recent prosecutions in Somaliland targeting people who spoke out on controversial issues is a dangerous attack of free expression, Human Rights Watch said today. In the latest such case, a prominent traditional elder was charged, tried, and sentenced to five years in prison on April 26, 2018, in proceedings that lasted less than an hour. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Nairobi has been put on high alert following the discovery of a new strain of polio. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Electronics equipment firm Sollatek is riding the wave of increased power connectivity and consumption to expand its business and introduce green energy products in the East African market. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Jeddah, May 9 (BNA): The OIC General Secretariat calls upon the Member States and their humanitarian organisations to urgently extend immediate assistance to Somalia, which is currently facing devastating floods in the southern parts of the country affected by the heavy rains on the Ethiopian highlands. Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. Many regard the invasion of Iraq as the worst foreign policy move in the history of the American republic. Now we arguably have a competitor. The decision to abandon the nuclear agreement with Iran isolates the United States, reneges on an American commitment, adds to the risk of a trade war with the United States' allies and a hot war with Iran, and diminishes the prospects of a durable and truly verifiable agreement to eliminate the North Korean nuclear and missile threat. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale has lashed out at flamboyant city lawyer Donald Kipkorir following his controversial post about the Somali Community. Source: Hiiraan Online
  10. Qatar has strongly condemned the bombing of a market in southern Somalia, causing deaths and injuries. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa maanta oo khamiis ah lagu wadaa in magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia lagu caleemasaaro Guddoomiyaha cusub ee baarlamaanka Somalia Maxamed Mursal Sheekh C/raxmaan. Caleemasaarka ayaa la filayaa inuu ka dhaco xarunta Booliska ee General Kaahiye, waxaana qeyb ka ahaan doona Madax kala duwan. Mas’uuliyiinta ka qeybgaleysa caleemasaarka ayaa waxaa kamid noqon doona Madaxweynaha, Ra’isul wasaaraha, Wasiiro, Xildhibaano iyo wufuud caalami ah oo dalka Dibaddiisa ka imaanaya iyo xubno kale. Caleemasaarka ayaa waxaa sidoo kale qeyb ka noqon doona oo lagu martigaliyay Xubno ka socda Baarlamaanada Maamul Goboleedyada iyo Wakiilada Beesha Caalamka ee jooga Somalia. Ciidamo farabadan iyo Gaadiidka gaashaman ayaa waxaa saaka lagu arkayaa waddooyinka iyo xaafadaha ku dhow dhow xarunta General Kaahiye kuwaa oo la sheegay inay xaqiijinayaan amniga goobta ay ka dhaceyso caleemasaarka. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Maxamed Mursal Sheekh C/raxmaan, Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Baarlamaanka Golaha shacabka Soomaaliya ayaa xilka Guddoomiyenimo la wareegay Khamiistii ina dhaaftay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  12. Iranian forces in Syria launched a rocket attack on Israeli army bases in the Golan Heights early on Thursday, Israel said, prompting one of the heaviest Israeli barrages in Syria since the conflict there began in 2011. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dowlada Imaaraadka carabta ayaa dib u habeeyn iyo qalabeyn ku sameysay Safaarad la sheegay in dhawaan ay magaalada Abu Dabai uga furtay maamulka Somaliland. Dowlada Imaaraadka carabta oo u muuqata mid siyaabo kala duwan uga jawaabeysa khilaafka kala dhexeeya dowlada Somalia, ayaa maamulka Somaliland garab kusiisay dib u habeynta Safaarada. Dowlada Imaaraadka ayaa la sheegay in Safaarada Somaliland ay ku dajiso qorshooyinka lagu carqaladeeyo arrimaha dowlada Federaalka, waxaana xusid mudan in Safaarada ay tahay mid iminka daha laga rogay. Dowlada Imaaraadka carabta oo aad uga soo horjeeda Hormarada Somalia, ayaa adeegsaneysa maamulka Somaliland oo ay u muuqato xal u helida gooni isku tag sanado badan lagu riyooday. Wasiiru dowlaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha dibada Imaaraadka Carabta Anwar Qarqaash ayaa dhawaan sheegay in Imaaraadka uusan xiriir la laheyn Somaliland. Qarqaash waxa uu dafiray in Imaaraadka carabta ay dhaqaale xoogan ku bixiso Somaliland si ay uga fushtaan danahooda, waxa uuna meesha ka saaray in Somaliland ay aqoonsan yihiin. Beeninta Qarqaash waxaa kamid aheyd inaanu Somaliland Safaarad ku laheyn Imaaraadka, halka iyaguna aanu jirin wax Xarun Qunsuliyad ay ku leeyihiin Somaliland. Tani waxa ay banaanka soo dhigeysaa in Dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta ay ku hadleyso laba af, waxaana xusid mudan in magaalada Abuu Dabai ay ku taallo Safaarad yar oo ay leedahay maamulka Somaliland, isla markaana ay fangareyso Imaaraadka.
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)- Dowlad Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa bilowday qorsho lagu doonaayo in looga itaal roonaado maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ee ka dagaalanta G/Sh/Hoose. Qorshaha dowlada gaar ahaan Taliska Difaaca dalka ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu yahay mid suuragalinkara ciribtirka al-Shabaab. Qorshaha ugu cad ee iminka miiska u saaran Taliska Difaaca ayaa ah in dhammaan ciidamada Xoogga la dajiyo Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose gaar ahaan Howdka ay ku dhex dhuumaaleystan Shabaabka. Mid kamid ah Saraakiisha Taliska Difaaca ayaa inoo xaqiijiyay in ciidamada ugu badan ee Taliska dhufeysyo rasmi ah looga sameyn doono Howdka si dowladu ay ula wareegto gacan ku heynta Gobolka. Waxa uu Sarkaalkan sheegay in qorshahaani uu yahay mid looga gol leeyahay gacan kusoo celinta Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose, waxa uuna intaa raaciyay in mudada ay ka saldhiganayaan ciidamada la adeegsan doono Diyaarado dagaal. Sidoo kale, waxa uu intaa raaciyay in qorshahaani uu yahay midka qura ee looga guuleysan karo maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab. Talaabadaani ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili Madaxweynaha dalka Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo uu dhawaan dib u habeyn ku sameeyay Saraakiisha iyo ciidamada Xoogga dalka, waxaana xusid mudan in weli uu dagan yahay Xarunta Wasaarada Gaashandhiga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. Muqdisho (CaasimadaOnline) – Hogaamiyaha dowlad goboleedka Hirshabelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare, ayaa wajahaaya caqabado Siyaasadeed oo kaga imaanaya baarlamaanka maamulka. Waare ayaa caqabadahaani ku muteystay xuquuq la’aan uu dhigay labada Gole ee maamulka iyo waxqabadkiisa oo aad loo dhaliilay. Xildhibaanada ugu badan ee maamulka ayaa ku goodinaaya in Hoggaamiye Waare ay si dhaqsi ah xilka uga qaadayaan, waxa ayna ku dhaliilayaan inuu dhaliilsaday aragtida Xildhibaanada iyo isla xisaabtanka oo uu diiday. Qaar kamid ah Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka HirShabella ayaa Waare ku tilmaamay mid caqabad ku ah Horumarka maamulka, waxa ayna farta ku godeen inuu isdaba mariyay dhaqaale loogu tallo galay shacabka. Mooshinka ka dhanka ah Waare ayaa waxaa gadaal ka riixaaya Xildhibaano iyo Siyaasiyiin ka tirsan dowlada Federaalka kuwaa oo deegaan ahaan kasoo jeeda Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe. Siyaasiyiinta gadaal ka riixeysa Mooshinka ayaa waxaa ku jira tirro u hanqal taageysa Kursiga uu iminka ku fadhiyo Maxamed Cabdi Waare oo buuq uu ku furan yahay. Docda kale, Waare qudhiisa ayaa isku uruursanaaya Xildhibaano ka difaaca kuwa Mooshinka kawada ee doonaaya inay ka tuuran xilka, wallow aanu cadeyn sida uu arrinku noqon doono. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  16. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha dalka Jabuuti, Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo booqasho seddex ku jooga dalka Kenya ayaa sheegay in dowladiisa ay ka go’an tahay sida Somalia looga qaadi lahaa halka ay iminka taagan tahay. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, oo kulan khaasa qasriga Kenya kula qaatay dhigiisa dalkaasi, Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa sheegay in Somalia ay xiligaani tagan tahay heerkii laga filaayay hase ahaatee uu muhiim u arko in la dhameystiro halaha u harsan. Waxa uu Geelle tilmaamay in amniga iyo xasiloonida Somalia ay tahay mid raali galineysa dhammaan dalalka deriska la ah Somalia, oo uu sheegay inay halis ugu jiraan firxadka xagjiriinta Somalia ee al-Shabaab. Si looga badbaado halista al-Shabaabka firxadka ayuu sheegay inay muhiim tahay in Somalia loola shaqeeyo si daacad ah, iyadoo qorshaha muuqanaayana uu noqon doono badbaadinta Africa. Madaxweyne Geelle waxa uu sidoo kale dhigiisa Uhurro u sheegay in xiligaan lagu jiro uu yahay mid ka halis badanxiliyadii hore, taa oo uu ula jeedo in adduunka ay kusii faafayaan Kooxaha xagjirka ah, sidaa aawgeed la doonaayo in la badbaadiyo qaarada Africa. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Geelle waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay inay Jabuuti iyo Kenya ku yaallaan Gobal aad u rabshadaysan, loona baahan yahay inay labada dal xoojiyaan dadaalkooda ku aadan sidii dalalka Gobalka loogu soo dabaali lahaa Nabad buuxda. Madaxweyne Geelle waxa uu farta ku fiiqay in waxa ka dhacayo Somalia ay si degdeg ah u wada baab’in karaan Gobalka, xuxuuna xusay in Jabuuti sida Kenya oo kale ay ka daacad tahay sidii Somalia loogu soo dabaali lahaa Nabad Buuxda. Madaxweyne Geelle waxa uu sidoo kale cadeeyay in dowlada Jabuuti ay dawo u aragto Somalia oo ka hana qaada halka ay maanta taal. Haddalka Madaxweyne Geelle ayaa u muuqanaaya mid dhiirigalin u ah dowlada Somalia oo hadda ku howlan xal u helida dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  17. Landlocked Ethiopia is set to build an office in Lamu, giving the clearest indication yet of its intention to shift some of its logistics undertakings to the Kenyan coast. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu weli kasoo baxayaa weerar ismiidaamin ah oo maanta ka dhacay degmada Wanlaweyn ee gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Weerarka ayaa waxaa fuliyay ruux naftii halige ahaa oo weerarkaasi ku dilay ilaa 16 Ruux. Maamulka gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose ayaa sheegay in qof ismiidaamiyey uu 14 ilaa 16 qof ku dilay ismiidaaminta, islamarkaana 15 kale ku dhaawacay suuq ku yaalla degmada Wanlaweyn ee gobolka. Tirada dhimatay ayaa waxaa ku jira Naftii haligaha, waxaana suuragal ah in khasaaraha dhimasho uu sii kordho maadaama dadka dhaawaca ah ay ku jiraan garaab. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose ee dhinaca ammaanka Cabdifataax Xaaji Cabdulle, ayaa sheegay in qofka weerarka fuliyey uu beegsaday suuq qaadka lagu iibiyo, abaare afartii galabnimo ee xilliga Geeska Afrika. Cabdifataax ayaa sheegay in qofka weerarka fuliyey uu kamid ahaa maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab, hase ahaatee ay wada baaritaano. Docda kale, Xarumo ciidan oo ay leeyihiin AMISOM iyo kuwa dowlada ayaa ku yaalla Degmada Wanlaweyn ee Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  19. Somali officials say a suicide bomber has killed at least 14 people and wounded more than 15 others in a market in the Lower Shabelle region, about 90 kilometers southwest of the capital Mogadishu. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. MOGADISHU (Reuters) - An explosion killed at least five people and wounded 10 on Wednesday in a market for the stimulant leaf khat in southern Somalia, police and residents said, and al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab said it was behind the blast. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. When Eritrea gained its independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Ethiopia became landlocked and therefore dependent on its neighbors—especially Djibouti—for access to international markets. This dependency has hampered Ethiopia’s aspiration to emerge as the uncontested regional power in the Horn of Africa. Recently, however, the ground has been shifting. As we point out in a recent article, Ethiopia has attempted to take advantage of the recent involvement of various Arab Gulf States in the Horn of Africa’s coastal zone to reduce its dependency on Djibouti’s port. The port currently accounts for 95% of Ethiopia’s imports and exports. It has done so by actively trying to interest partners in the refurbishment and development of other ports in the region: Port Sudan in Sudan, Berbera in the Somaliland region of Somalia, and Mombasa in Kenya. But it is Berbera, in particular, that will prove the most radical in terms of challenging regional power dynamics as well as international law. This is because a port deal involving Somaliland will challenge Djibouti’s virtual monopoly over maritime trade. In addition, it may entrench the de-facto Balkanization of Somalia and increase the prospects of Ethiopia becoming the regional hegemony. Ethiopia’s regional policy Ethiopia’s interest in Berbera certainly makes sense from a strategic perspective. It is closest to Ethiopia and will connect the eastern, primarily Somali region of Ethiopia to Addis Ababa. It will also provide a much needed outlet for trade, particularly the export of livestock and agriculture. The development and expansion of the port at Berbera supports two primary pillars of Ethiopia’s regional policy. The first is maintaining Eritrea’s isolation. The aim would be to weaken it to the point that it implodes and is formally reunited to Ethiopia. Or it becomes a pliant, client state. The second pillar rests on maintaining the status quo in post-civil war Somalia. Simply put, a weak and fractured Somalia enables Ethiopia to focus on quelling persistent internal security difficulties. It also keeps up pressure on Eritrea. Ethiopia’s ambitions for Berbera have been hampered by two problems. Firstly the Republic of Somaliland – a de-facto independent state since 1991 – still isn’t recognised internationally. This makes engagement a political and legal headache. Secondly, Ethiopia, doesn’t have the critical resources needed to invest and build a port. Ethiopia had been trying to get Abu Dhabi and Dubai interested in the Berbera Port for years. It’s latest push was assisted by a number of factors. These included a shift in the UAE’s military focus in Yemen and Ethiopian assurances of more trade and some financing to upgrade the port. Ethiopia’s diplomatic push – which coincided with developments across the Gulf of Aden – finally got it the result it craved. In May 2016, DP World, a global mega-ports operator, signed an agreement to develop and manage Berbera Port for 30 years. The Berbera Port deal It is unlikely that DP World would have signed the deal if it didn’t see some long-term commercial benefit. The deal also includes economic, military and political dimensions. Economically, for example, there will be investments in Somaliland’s fisheries, transportation and hospitality industry. The UAE will also establish a military installation in Berbera. The base is intended to help the UAE tighten its blockade against Yemen and stop weapons being smuggled from Iran. Politically, the Berbera Port deal has provoked mixed reactions in Somaliland. There has been some popular anger aimed at Somaliland’s former president, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud aka “Silanyo”, and his family who reportedly benefited personally from it. Anger also stems from inter-clan and sub-clan rivalry over land, particularly in the Berbera area. But the anger in Somaliland pales in comparison to the reaction in Mogadishu. This is because the Somaliland government has remained largely isolated internationally – until the port deal. Somalia Federal Government ministers have publicly challenged the right of Somaliland to enter into official agreements with any country. The Ethiopian-driven deal means that Mogadishu’s claims over the breakaway territory have weakened substantially. The deal means that Somaliland has partially broken the glass ceiling of international recognition by entering into substantive deals with viable business partners and states operating on the global stage. Mogadishu can no longer pretend it controls the government in Somaliland’s capital Hargeisa. Ethiopia’s wins The bottom line is that Ethiopia has engineered access to another port and enhanced its security and strategic economic interests. With the growth in annual volumes of transit cargo, Ethiopia has, for a long time, needed alternative routes from Djibouti. In addition, Ethiopia has ensured its presence in the running of the port by acquiring a 19% share in the deal.And by wangling a legally binding agreement between Somaliland and another state, Ethiopia has potentially paved the way for eventual international recognition of Hargeisa. Ethiopia has also further cemented its hold over Somaliland through a combination of pressure and material incentives. By bringing significant outside investment and recognition, Ethiopia can also increasingly meddle in its internal affairs. This is a conundrum for Hargeisa. It finds itself increasingly emboldened to act independently. Yet it remains constrained by the need to get Addis Ababa’s approval. As Ethiopia begins to move increasing amounts of goods and services on Somaliland’s new highway to the refurbished port of Berbera, Hargeisa may begin to question key aspects of the port deal. But one aspect will not be in question: Ethiopia’s rising power and influence over the entire region. Source: – Quartz
  22. Kenya and Djibouti have signed four agreements aimed at boosting trade and deepening bilateral links. The agreements were signed at State House, Nairobi, where President Uhuru Kenyatta hosted Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh, who is on a three State Visit to Kenya. The agreements signed included Trade Agreement, MoU on Bilateral Cooperation in the Livestock Sector, Agreement on Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments and an agreement on visa exemption for holders of diplomatic passports. The agreements were signed shortly after President Kenyatta and President Guelleh held bilateral talks focusing on trade and security. President Kenyatta said the partnership that has existed between Kenya and Djibouti has been strong and efforts were being made to make the cooperation more fruitful. The Head of State, who spoke after holding a private meeting with his guest, said the two nations face the same kind of challenges since they are in a region that has for decades been ravaged by conflicts and modern forms of organised crime like terrorism. “We have talked about how to strengthen our cooperation and to secure our nations. Both our nations are in a very troubled region and we talked on how to secure the safety and prosperity of our people,” said President Kenyatta. President Guelleh said Djibouti desires to strengthen its partnership with Kenya in developing the region and making it peaceful. He said Djibouti and Kenya are working together to make Somalia peaceful to ensure that the security risk that its continued instability poses to the region is eliminated. “We are in a troubled region where we are confronted by extremism and violence. That is why our militaries are in Somalia to help it regain stability because what happens in Somalia has an immediate impact on all of us,” said President Guelleh. He said Djibouti, like Kenya, is sincere in its desire to make Somalia peaceful. After the talks, President Kenyatta and President Guelleh, who arrived in the country on Tuesday, witnessed the signing of the agreements. In their desire to promote greater economic cooperation, the two leaders also oversaw the signing of an agreement which binds both nations to protect private or public investment in each country originating from the other. Cabinet Secretaries Monica Juma (Foreign Affairs) and Fred Matiangi (Interior and Coordination of National Government) signed the other two agreements. Deputy President William Ruto and Cabinet Secretaries attended the bilateral meeting with President Guelleh and his delegation. President Guelleh’s visit comes hot on the heels of the two day State Visit by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali. The trade agreement will open the door for more business between Kenya and Djibouti as it will act as a facilitation mechanism. “The Parties, for enhancing and facilitating trade between the two countries, shall grant each other the Most Favored Nation Treatment in all matters relating to trade,” says part of the agreement signed on Kenya’s behalf by Industry, Trade and Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Adan Mohamed. In the bilateral cooperation in the livestock sector, Kenya will work together with Djibouti in expanding the livestock business sector. Kenya will tap the experience of Djibouti in unlocking the potential in business in the livestock sector especially in exports to the Middle East. The two nations will increase trade in livestock and livestock products. The agreement was signed on Kenya’s behalf by Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture Mwangi Kiunjuri. Source: – KBC
  23. Al-Shabab militants in Somalia have stoned a mother of eight to death for Polyandry on Wednesday. Hundreds of residents gathered at a public square in the town of Sablale in Lower Shabelle region to watch the execution. In a statement posted on a pro-Alshabab website, the group’s judge said the woman, identified as Shukri Abdullahi Warsame, married 10 men husband while already married to another man, and as a result, was convicted for adultery. ” Shukri Abdullahi Warsame was found guilty of marrying 11 men. Out the eleven two (among one passed away) deforced her, Therefore now she has been a wife of nine men,” reads the statement by the militants. The Al-Shabab judge said his court acted after receiving a complaint from one of the nine men. The terror group said Warsame have eight children fathered by these men. “One of her husbands told the court that another man claims to be the husband of Warsame thus decided to lodge a case. When he asked her she confessed to marrying the man,” the judge said. “Later during the hearings of the case, seven men claiming to be the spouses of Warsame turned up.” The judge asked the woman if the man’s account was true, and says she admitted marrying these men at once. militants buried Warsame up to her neck and threw rocks at her head until she was pronounced dead. This is the second female stoned to death by the militants in less than a year. In late October, the group stoned a 35-year-old woman to death in the town of Saakow for alleged adultery. Habiba Ali Ishaq, married a second husband while already married to another man. Al-Shabab runs its own court system as part of its effort to impose a strict form of Islamic law on Somalia. By, Ahmed Mohamed Adan
  24. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare dowladda Puntland,Maxammed Cali Faarax(Farmayeeri) oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaaalada Garoowe ayaa sheegay, in maalinta sabtida ah ee soo socota si rasmi ah loo daah-furayo, Imtixaanka Shahaadiga ah guud ahaan degaannada Puntland. Agaasime Farmayeeri ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in maalinta sabtida la shaacin doono, warbixin faahfaahsan oo ka hadlaysa, dhammaan arrimaha ku saabsan imtixaanka,sida tirada ardayda gelaysa,meelaha ay kala joogan,iyo xarumaha loo qorsheeyay in lagu galo. Maxammed Cali Faarax ayaa ugu dambeyntii farriin u diray,dhammaan dugsiyada waxbarashada,mas’uuliyiinta degmooyinka iyo hay’adaha amniga oo uu ka codsaday in ay la shaqeeyaan macallimiinta loo igmaday socod-siinta hawlaha imtixaanka. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Puntland oo farriin u dirtay dugsiyada Waxbrashada iyo mas’uuliyiinta degmooyinka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  25. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)- Waxaa isa soo taraaya dilalka ay maleeshiyaadka Daacishta Somalia ka geysanayaan magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia. Maleeshiyaadka oo xiligaani tartan kula jira Al-shabaab ayaa ilaa iyo hadda magaalada Muqdisho ka geysata dilalka 18 Ruux muddo ku dhow 3-bil. Dilalka ugu badan ayaa ka kala dhacay Suuqa-Bakaaraha, Wada jir,Yaaqshiid, waxaana inta badan sheegtay al-Shabaab oo saaxafada u diidan Daacish. Dilalka ay ilaa iyo hadda fuliyeen maleeshiyaadka ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa dilka Guddoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Galgaduud Maxamed Daahir Cali Cilmi oo lagu dilay Yaaqshiid. Dilalka ugu badan ayaa loo geystay Saraakiil ka tirsan dowlada Federaalka gaar ahaan NISA iyo Booliska, waxaana xusid mudan in dilkii ugu danbeeyay oo Daacish ay ka geysato magaalada Muqdisho uu ahaa mid muuqaal leh oo Sarkaal ka tirsan NISA (Dharcad) ah loogu geystay Suuqa Bakaaraha, gaar ahaan qeybta dawada. Al-Shabaab ayaa dilalka ugu badan horay ka sheegta maadaama ay maleeshiyaadka Daacish yihiin kuwo weli a heysan itaal, isla markaana ay saaxada u diidan tahay al-Shabaab. Dowlada Somalia ayaa u muuqaneysa mid aan weli ku baraarugin in Somalia ay ku dhex sugan yihiin Xagjiriin ka tirsan Daacishta ay taariikhdooda sii dhaceyso, waana arrin mudan in lagu sii darsado xisaabta argagixisada. Geesta kale, Al-shabaab qudheeda ayaa ugaarsi ku heysa Daacishta Somalia, waxaana xusid mudan inay isku khilaafs yihiin awoodaha dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho