Deeq A.

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  1. Isbitaalka Erdogan ee magaalada Muqdisho waxaa la gaarsiiyay afar qof oo ka mid ah dadkii shalay ku dhaawacmay dab qabsaday xarumo ganacsi oo ku yaalla magaalada Garoowe. Sida uu inoo xaqiijiyay guddoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Mudug, Maxamed Yusuf Tigey, waxaa isbitaalka ku geeriyooday Cawil Ismaaciil oo ka mid ah afarta qof ee dhaawacyadooda ay cuslaayeen ee la geeyay Muqdisho. Isbitaalka ayaa sidoo kale la tacaalaya saddexda qof ee kale, kuwaas oo haatan ku jira qeybta gargaarka deg deg ah halkaas oo lugu dabiibayo. Duqa magaalada caasimadda ah ee Garoowe, Xasan Maxamed Khaliif (Goodir) oo dhankiisa shir jaraa’id Garoowe ku qabtay wuxuu sheegay afar qof inay dabka ku geeryoodeen, wuxuuna baaq u diray bulshada reer Puntland oo uu ka dalbaday inay ka qeyb qaataan sidii aanu mar labaad usoo laaban musiibadii ka dhacday magaalada Garowe.
  2. A combination of family ties, the desire to avenge ill-treated loved ones and economic distress is driving some young Kenyan women into the arms of Somali terrorist group Al Shabaab. Once recruited, the women play various roles in the violent extremist group as recruiters, spies, cooks and cleaners, according to a report by the Institute for Security Studies in Africa. Researchers interviewed 108 women from communities in Nairobi, Mombasa, Garissa, Diani, Kwale and Kisumu, which have been affected by violent extremism. They also spoke to women who had returned from Al-Shabaab camps, civil society and community leaders and organisers, as well as government officials and donors. Responses from the study, “Violent Extremism in Kenya: Why women are a priority”, provide an expansive view of women beyond being mere victims of violent extremism. Even though the full extent of women’s involvement in violent extremism remains unknown, researchers Irene Ndung’u and Uyo Salifu found that women were more actively involved in non-combative or indirect roles than in direct ones. The indirect roles women play appear to be more prominent than direct participation as perpetrators of violent extremist acts. Globally, women are trapped into violent extremism and terrorism by strong relationship ties based on family, kinship and romance. They may also be driven by grievances regarding their economic and socio-political circumstances and a commitment to and/or the oppression of certain religious or ideological beliefs. The interplay between these drivers, which create the dynamics for women’s involvement in violent extremism, is also reflected in the study’s findings. However, the report had remained embargoed for a year because of the sensitivity about releasing information regarding terrorism. Intelligence wing Ms Salifu, a researcher in the ISS transnational threats and international crime programme, said: “The heightened sensitivity around terrorism in Kenya and the nature of the security situation at the time gave rise to the delay in the report’s release.” Women’s involvement in violent extremism remains deeply nuanced and defies generalisation, according to the report. Women have reportedly travelled to Somalia to join Al Shabaab, or have been recruiting for the group, masterminding terrorist attacks in Mombasa, forming terror cells, and channelling information and finances for terrorist organisations. Government officials in Garissa and Diani told researchers, however, that in their experience, perpetrators were often male, and aged between 16 and 25 years and that no women had been convicted on terror-related charges. So far only four women – three Kenyans and a Tanzanian – have been charged in connection with terrorism. Maryam Said Aboud and Khadija Abdulkadir Abubakar from Malindi, Ummul Khayr Sadir Abdalla from Tanzania and Halima Adan Ali of Mombasa were charged with 19 terror charges, including being members of Al-Shabaab and conspiracy to commit terrorism in Kenya. Another five have been charged with aiding terrorists or concealing information about them. Although none of the respondents for the study conducted in 2016 had first-hand knowledge of women who had carried out acts of terrorism, government officials told researchers that many girls had gone to Somalia, where some had been trained as suicide bombers and that one had been arrested on terror-related charges, while the others had some involvement in attacks. Extremist groupings are increasingly targeting women and children as these might not come under the scrutiny of security agencies as attackers. Secrecy around cultural and religious norms has likely made women fearful of speaking out even when attempts are made to recruit them. Some women are reluctant to speak publicly and prefer to have men speak for them. Also, those who take part in violent extremism fear exposure by government officials, reprisals from Al Shabaab or being stigmatised by their communities should they confess their involvement or speak about their experiences. Government officials claim that women play operational roles, gathering intelligence and spying for Al Shabaab. The women are reportedly ‘used to collect information [and for] surveillance because they are viewed with less suspicion’ and ‘pass this information on to others’. One official claimed that “women are part of Amniyat, the intelligence wing of Al-Shabaab”. Speaking in focus groups, women revealed that some of them used their positions as wives, sisters and mothers to recruit for violent extremist organisations. Kinship In Nairobi’s Majengo area, a female recruiter was reportedly well known for inducing young men in particular to join Al-Shabaab with the promise of jobs. “It may well be that women’s involvement as violent actors is kept hidden,” the researchers say, but they cite prevalent socio-cultural and religious norms that limit the roles women play in extremist organisations. Kenya and Somalia are male-dominated societies where women traditionally play the role of nurturers and peacemakers, preferably within a domestic context. Female recruiters continue to be viewed through the patriarchal lenses of two female stereotypes: mother and temptress. Those recruiting outside the home, such as in the refugee camps, were seen as temptresses ‘luring’ young men with false promises. Inside violent extremist groups, women play various supporting roles for the fighting men. They could provide shelter and hide terrorists or family members involved with the groups; or take food to family members arrested on terror-related charges. Others facilitate financial transactions to fund extremists, provide medical care in refugee camps for injured fighters, cook and clean in training camps, and radicalise their own children. Providing ‘company’ or ‘comfort’ to the terrorists, usually through marriage among the networks of extremists’ own relatives and friends, is another unremarked role women play. Invisibility The picture of women’s involvement in violent extremism as enablers and sympathisers is complex, as aptly summarised by an Anti-Terror Police Unit officer quoted in the report: “Some women are caught between a rock and a hard place. They are the caregivers to the terrorist and play a supportive role; they are facilitators because they are least suspected,” said a police officer. Also, fear [of security agencies] discourages women from disclosing information, especially where police are deemed to be corrupt and extortionist. Returnees interviewed for the ISS study did not appear to be inspired by ideological or religious factors in joining Al Shabaab. Aside from finding work, following partners and husbands to Somalia was a leading motivator for many women. One reported that her brother’s widow went to Somalia with their daughter to visit his grave a while back. They have not returned since. Women’s participation in extremism remains hidden from policy view, with official interventions targeting visible young males. Some of the women revealed in the focus group discussions that their partners are members of Al Shabaab in Somalia, and explained that girls entering unions with such men risk being radicalised. Interviewees spoke of women being blackmailed, intimidated or kidnapped by people known to them to join Al Shabaab. One returnee said her husband’s friends forced her to join him when he left six months after they married. Poor education A poor educational background may also play a factor as s senior counter-terrorism official noted that most of the girls recruited to join Al Shabaab through personal relationships have only have a primary school education. However, this does not exclude recruitment of the more educated. Others choose to join their loved ones in Somalia as testified by a woman from Kwale who said that her 34-year-old female cousin was radicalised by her husband and followed him to Somalia, where she has also joined Al-Shabaab. Extra-judicial killings Revenge for the ill-treatment of loved ones at the hands of security agents was noted as a key factor in influencing women to become involved in extremism. Interviewees cited experiences including the extra-judicial killing of their husbands and children, media profiling of Islam, police brutality and the disappearance of innocent people, allegedly at the hands of security agents, turning them away from formal state securitisation activities. One woman, who said she was not aware of the government amnesty programme for those returning from terrorist training in Somalia, is sceptical of state efforts to counter violent extremism: “I believe my religion is under threat because those who are guilty of terrorism and the innocent are treated in the same manner by the authorities.” High unemployment Another said that her 24-year-old daughter received $170 (Ksh17,000) to join the extremists, instead of the $260 (Ksh26,000) promised. She was ferried to Oman, where the her recruiters demanded $400 (Ksh40,000) ransom for her release. Al-Shabaab has capitalised on the high unemployment levels in the coastal region to lure youth with promises of jobs, money and other livelihood opportunities. “Poverty is pushing people into embracing Al-Shabaab. If one is earning $30 (Ksh3,000) but is promised $260 (Ksh26,000), that is a lot of money and the person will choose to join Al Shabaab,” one woman added. An informant — with the pseudonym Khadija — was interviewed over the telephone for this study. She was in hiding, fearing for her safety at the hands of the police and fellow returnees. Men who join Al-Shabaab often leave their homes and families without breadwinners. Women step in as heads of households, but the burden of providing for their immediate (and often extended) families is exacerbated by the lack of a regular income, and many find themselves trapped in a cycle of poverty. Citizenship rights The denial of citizenship rights was mentioned as a factor that could drive women to radicalisation. Two women in Lamu reported that their sons were denied national identity documents because they look Somali. The lack of this document has major implications for travel and access to higher education opportunities. Most of those interviewed for the ISS study had only a primary school education. They added that perceived injustices against Muslims, as well as media profiling, had created a feeling of being ‘under attack’ within the community, especially among husbands and sons. “Islam is not terrorism but a religion that has been misused to carry out terror attacks,” said an unnamed interviewee. Returnees speak out 22-YEAR-OLD FROM LIKONI: “I was married to my first husband for six months before he left for Somalia. I do not know if he is still alive. I was 18 years old when I went to Somalia. I remember finding myself in a forest after getting into a car with my husband’s friends, who harassed, intimidated and forced me to go and join him, although I never found my husband at the camp. The living conditions at the camp were terrible; we were treated like slaves and ate only once a day.” “We were verbally and physically abused. I did not get married to any of the group’s members but they would use us for sexual purposes. We were given contraception so that we did not conceive. I fled when I got the chance and to take advantage of the Kenya government’s amnesty.” 24-YEAR OLD INTERVIEWEE: “Poverty is pushing people into embracing Al-Shabaab. If one is earning $30 (Ksh3,000) but is promised $260 (Ksh26,000), that is a lot of money and the person will choose to join Al Shabaab…” “I was born in Garissa and became involved when I was 20 years old. I went to college and high school. I joined with Al Shabaab because I was jobless and needed a job. A friend took me to Mombasa where we stayed for some days before we hopped onto a bus and were given a drink (which must have been laced with a drug), after which I found myself in Burabe.” “We were about 40 girls in a camp and all of us were Kenyan,” she says. “I received religious, weapons and combat training, as well as suicide bombing. I was a virgin when I arrived and after receiving basic training, I declined sexual advances by a fighter. I stabbed him to death and because of this incident, I was made commander in charge of the women because they saw I could fight,” she adds. “I returned to Garissa through Doble where she sold the gun for money to buy passage back to Kenya because of the amnesty programme, but did not enroll in it fearing how the government would treat me. The reaction from my family was also disheartening and I currently live with friends. But it has been difficult because I am jobless.” Source: The EastAfrican The post Al-Shabaab: Inside the ranks of women fighters appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. A Somali woman carries a box of food distributed by the Turkish Red Crescent in a camp, Mogadishu, Somalia, May 23, 2017. Turkey’s unprecedented engagement in Somalia started in 2011 as a response to the catastrophic famine that ravaged the country at the time, while the most momentous event was the visit by then prime minister, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Since then, the Turkish-Somali relationship has been praised locally, regionally and has caught the attention of major global powers. In a short time, Turkey became one of the closest allies that Somalia has in the international political arena. The unparalleled success of Turkish assistance and aid projects in Somalia has yielded many responses and results. The most significant has been a direct review and renewed approach by other international donors that have been present in Somalia far longer than Turkey. Instinctively, the curiosity and inquisitiveness about the Turkish assistance model in Somalia has become a global subject, not only for Western donors, but even the Muslim ones. Most importantly, two questions every global donor has asked themselves are how has Turkey’s assistance model become more effective and valuable, and what are the factors helping Turkey to accomplish all these projects to accelerate Somalia’s state recovery. These questions and more had been presented in the international political arena, which led to discussions and research directives at global research centers and entered multi-national political discourse. I am of the opinion that Turkey’s ability to accomplish this unprecedented success is as a result of two intertwined reasons. History shapes the future History is more than a path left by the past – it influences the present and can shape the future. Perhaps, what is undeniable is that history vitally influences any relationship and nations structure their relationship with the historical connections alongside their mutual interests. Moreover, for the past two decades, the world has seen a global socio-political shift in which emerging powers are entering into the international political arena with a unique foreign policy as compared to the elite powers. Turkey encompasses this shift, and the Ottoman Empire’s immaculate history has become a significant tool for Turkey’s foreign policy, an ultraclean civilization that was left by their ancestors in a wide range of former Ottoman territories without any record of colonization or exploitation. The strategic advantage is over and above the colonial history of their Western counterparts and the negative connotations associated with Western colonization. Of course, that allows Turkey to initiate close relationships with the majority of developing countries. Moreover, this is not only influenced by Ottoman history, but also by modern foreign policy decisions. Turkey’s leading party is deploying a unique foreign policy and strategy with key principles such as a non-political interference and, perhaps more significantly, provision of aid without special conditions, which in turn has inclusively shaped an era of aid diplomacy. This has assisted Turkey in engaging and establishing more responsible and realistic relationships with global partners and allies. Somalia remains a good example of this. Adopting an effective model Despite historic connections, an additional significant secret of Turkey’s success in Somalia is the assistance model that Turkey deploys there, and doing so at the right time while the opportunity of structuring a new relationship was there, and economic and political matters was settled internally. When Turkey arrived, Somalia was in the middle of multiple crises, the severe famine that was a result of around two decades of a failed state, terrorism and the recklessness of international donors or, in other words, the global powers who were involved in Somali issues at that time. In addition to the neglected support of the U.N. and other international organizations that were keeping an arm’s length, largely engaging by remote control from offices in neighboring Kenya with the occasional short trip to Mogadishu’s heavily fortified airport. Moreover, Turkey had convenient tactics to establish this relationship successfully. Then Erdoğan visited Mogadishu, which global leaders considered as the most dangerous place in the globe – a war zone. He was the first leader to visit Mogadishu since the state collapse. A smart move of regenerating a relationship and, most importantly, gaining credibility and trust from Somali society. It was an important key for the success of regenerating the Turkish-Somali relationship. Not only had his visit launched multidimensional projects of assistance inclusive of humanitarian aid and developmental projects to support the rebuilding process with a high-quality implementation strategy, the two assisting projects being implemented together. This was a totally opposite technique from the traditional donors that only deliver humanitarian aid occasionally. Furthermore, with the integration of local communities, delivering assistance to them quickly based on priority and visibility of their projects, putting all those pieces into context, we can come to comprehend why Turkey has been successful in helping Somalia. Lately, speculation that common identity, belief systems and values influence this relationship was brought to light after the remarkable success mentioned above. However, I am hesitant to believe that, as many countries share a similar Islamic identity and values with Somalia and have been involved as well, but are unable to cultivate a similar relationship to that which Turkey shares with Somalia, or their projects are not as effective and constructive as those of Turkey. The flourishing capitalization by Turkey on its opportunity, which Western donors and even some Muslim donors have created for them, made this relationship unique and productive. However, Turkey indicates clearly that its relationship with Somalia will go beyond assistance and support. The recent establishment of both Turkey’s biggest foreign embassy and foreign military base has categorically set a precedence as to how much Turkey is willing to develop its relationship with Somalia. Meanwhile, the new political developments in the region, particularly the Gulf crisis, have left behind significant questions of how Somalia will hold its allies together, especially the global and emerging powers, and the emerging Muslim donors that are again demonstrating their interest in the country. Source: – Daily Sabah The post Turkish-Somali partnership at its highest level appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Dr. Merera Gudina a leading opposition voice in Ethiopia continues his political engagements across the Oromia regional state. Thousands turned up to greet Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) leader over the weekend in the town of Ambo in the state. Exclusive materials shared by the Addis Standard portal showed how people from all over turned up at the Ambo national stadium to catch a glimpse of a political hero. On his part, Gudina is reported to have thanked the people for pouring out in their numbers to meet him and also for their unwavering support during his incarceration. The largely peaceful event lasted a few minuted the Addis Standard portal added. Key dates in Gudina’s political ups and downs December 1, 2016: Arrested after arriving from European visit December 30: Appears in court, denies terrorism links Feb 23, 2017: Charged with terrorism Later in the year, terrorism charge downgraded to multiple criminal charges January 17, 2018: Charges dropped, released from prison. Oromia erupts January 25: Meets German and U.S. embassy officials in Addis Ababa January 28: Returns to stronghold of Ambo to massive welcome #Ethiopia : A hero’s welcome to Dr. Merera in #Ambo — Addis Gazetta (@addisgazetta) January 28, 2018 Beside his party political engagements, Gudina has undertaken significant diplomatic discussions. Late last week, he met with German and United States embassy officials to discuss political developments in the country. The the over 400 days that he was held on multiple criminal charges, Gudina became the center piece of opposition defiance against the government. He was also a constant name in diplomatic calls for Addis Ababa to release political prisoners and to open the political space. The European Union Parliament, U.S. lawmakers and rights groups continued to drum the call for his release. Early this year, the ruling coalition announced a plan to release a certain category of politician prisonsers as a sign of fostering national unity. Of the over 500 detainees whose cases were dropped, Gudina was the center of attraction. He has since stated publicly that it was in the interest of the government to follow through with promised political reforms. According to him, refusal to heed the call for true national dialogue will slip the country back into state of protests. Source: – Africa News The post Ethiopia Oromia leader’s political capital shoots after release from detention appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Somalia was eliminated from the quarter finals of the 2018 Bandy World Championship. The team that consists of Somali refugees based in Sweden is the only non-Nordic country that takes part in this ice-hockey lookalike. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Garoowe (Caasimada Online)-War goordhow nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in la dhaawcay Wasiiru dowlihii wasaaradda dekaddaha maamulka Puntland, Axmed Saciid. Rag hubeysan ayaa la sheegay inay weerareen Wasiiru dowlihii wasaaradda dekaddaha Puntland, xili uuku sugnaa gudaha magaalada Boosaaso. Wasiiru dowlaha, ayaa xiliga la dhaawacaayay la socday gaari uu lahaa, waxaana iminka xaaladiisa caafimaad lagu dabiibayaa isbitaalka weyn ee magaalada Bosaso. Kooxihii weeraray Wasiiru dowladaha oo isku dayay inay goobta ka baxsadaan ayaa waxaa gacanta ku dhigay ciidamada ammaanka maamulka. Sidoo kale, Saraakiisha ciidamada ayaa sheegay in raga weerarka fuliyay ay qeybi la socdeen gaari, halka qeybna ay ahaayen kuwo ku sugnaa goobta lagu weeraray Wasiiru dowlaha. Dhacdadaani ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili ay dilal dhowr ah mas’uuliyiin xilal ka hayay maamulka Puntland loogu geystay magaalada Boosaaso. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garoowe The post Wasiiru dowle ka tirsan maamulka Puntland oo lagu dhaawacay weerar ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Benaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Eng. Yarisow), ku-xigeenka Maaliyadda iyo Xog-hayaha gobolka ayaa kulan la qaatay madaxa Bangiga Adduunka ee Soomaaliya Mr. Hugh Riddell. Waxana ay ka wada hadleen wada-shaqeynta iyo iskaashi ka dhexeeya hay’adda iyo maamulka gobolka sidii loo xoojin lahaa. Madaxa Bangiga Adduunka ee Soomaaliya Mr. Hugh Riddell ayaa boggaadiyey maamulka cusub, isagoona uga mahadceliyey maamulkii hore in si nabad ah oo dimoqoraadi ah ay xilka u wareejiyeen, tani oo cadeynaysa in dadka Soomaaliyeed u bislaadeen adkeynta dawladnimada. Mr Riddell ayaa balan-qaaday inuu sii xoojin doono taageerada uu bangigu siiyo maamulka gobolka Benaadir si loo hirgeliyo adeeg bulsho oo dhameystiran. “Waxaa naga go’an horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaale iyo dhismaha hay’adaha dawladda hoose ee Xamar. Bangiga Adduunku wuxuu mashaariic ka fulin doonaa magaalooyinka waaweyn ee dalka oo ugu horeyso Muqdisho, si ay dadku u helaan adeegyada bulsho ee ay u baahan yihiin, waxana ka wada shaqeynaynaa kobcinta ilaha dhaqaale, federaaleynta, yareynta saboolnimada iyo in la xaqiijiyo mashaariicdu iney gaareen meelihii loo qorsheeyey”. Ayuu yiri Madaxa Bangiga Adduunka oo intaas ku daray muhiimadda ay leedahay in dadka Muqdisho ay maamulka kala shaqeeyaan bixinta canshuuraha si loo gaaro horumar iyo isku filnaasho. Guddoomiyaha ayaa tilmaamay in maamulkiisu ay ka go’an tahay isla-xisaabtan iyo daah-furnaan, iyadoo wax walba lagu bixin doono nidaam cad oo la isla wada ogol-yahay, si meesha looga saaro wax walba oo keeni kara musuq-maasuq iyo in hantida ummadda ay ku dhacdo gacmo kale. “Maamulka gobolka Benaadir, waxaa ka go’an horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha ee meesha ka baxay. Shacabka ku dhaqanka magaalada Muqdisho waxaan ka filaynaa inay bixiyaan canshuuraha, anagana wax muuqda ugu qabano canshuurta ay bixiyaan, tani oo qeyb ka ah qorshaheena isla-xisaabtanka iyo daah-furnaanta”. Ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Eng. Yarisow. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Benaadir Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan, ayaa sheegay in maamulkiisa diyaar u yahay sii xoojinta xiriirka wada shaqayneed ee kala dhexeeya Bangiga adduunka, isla markaana waxa uu ku boorriyey in la dar-dar geliyo adkaynta xiriirkaasi wada shaqayneed ee ka dhexeeya, si loo gaaro yoolka la higsanaayo ee ah Soomaaliya horumarsan oo isku filan. -DHAMMAAD- The post Sawirro: Maxay kawada hadleen Maamulka cusub ee Gobolka Banadir & Madaxa Bangiga Adduunka ee Somalia appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. MOGADISHU, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- A new Force Commander of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) assumed office on Wednesday and pledged to enhance security across the Horn of Africa nation. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan ”Eng. Yarisow”, ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay Safiirka Turkiga u fadhiya Somalia H.E. Olgan Baker oo ay ka wada hadleen sidii loo xoojin lahaa taageerada ay siiyaan dadka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan horumarinta gobolka Benaadir . Eng. Yarisow ayaa marka hore uga mahadceliyey Safiirka doorka ay Turkiga ka cayaarto Soomaaliya oo uu sheegay in xiriirka labada dal ka dhexeeya uu tusaale cad u yahay taageerada aan shuruudu ku xirnayn. Waxuna tilmaamay in shacabka ku dhaqan Muqdisho ay si weyn uga dharagsan yihiin gacan siinta walaaltinimo ee Turkiya. “Xiriirka aan la wadaagno Turkiga waa mid ahmiyad gaar ah u leh Soomaaliya sidii ay dib ugu soo kaban lahayd oo ay xasilooni iyo horumar u heli lahayd , sidoo kale waxaa ay muhiim u tahay in labada dal ay iska kaashadaan dib-u-soo nooleynta adeegyadii guud”.Ayuu yiri Eng. Yarisow. Safiirka Turkiga u fadhiya Soomaaliya H.E. Olgan Baker ayaa dhankiisa balan-qaaday in ay sii wadi doonaan garab istaaggooda dadka Soomaaliyeed, isagoo xusay inuu kala shaqeynayo maamulka cusub ee gobolka Banaadir dib-u-dhiska iyo horumarinta Caasimadda. The post Sawirro: Sidee ayuu u qabsoomay kulanka Gudoomiyaha Gobolka, ku xigenadisa iyo Safiirka Turkiga ee Somalia appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. Ciidanka amniga gobolka Bari, ayaa gacanta ku dhigay dabley hubaysan oo magaalada Bosaso ku dhaawacay Wasiiru dowlihii wasaaradda dekaddaha Puntland, Axmed Saciid. Raggaan hubaysan ayaa rasaas ku furay gaari uu la socday wasiir udowlaha, kaasoo haatan xaaladiisa caafimaad lagu dabiibayo isbitaalka magaalada Bosaso. Saraakiisha amniga ayaa sheegay in la hayo raggii weeararkaan geystay, inkastoo aysan macluumaad dheeraad ah bixin. Wixi faahfaahin ah kala soco Puntlandi
  11. Waxaa maanta magaalada Muqdisho lagu qabtay kulan lagu qiimeynayo booqashadii madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu ku tagay Puntland iyo Galmudug iyo saamaynta ay ku leedahay siyaasadda dalka( Fursadaha iyo Taxadiyaadka). Madasha ay ka qeyb-galeen Xildhibaanno ay ka mid yihiin Axmed Macalin fiqi, Zakariye Maxamud Xaaji, Fowsiyo Xaaji iyo Caasho Koos ayaa si fiican loo falan-qeeyay booqashada madaxweyne Farmaajo. Kulanka waxaa sidoo kale goobjoog ka ahaa Maxamed Nuur Tarsan, Kamaal Guutaale, Cabdiqadir Barnaamij General Cabdirahman Tuuryare iyo mas’uuliyiin. Inta badan dadka doodayey waxaa ay soo dhoweeyeen booqashada madaxweyne Farmaajo ku tagay gobollada dalka iyo sida uu u dhageystay baahidooda, laakin waxaa jirtay in qaarkood shaki ka muujiiyeen hirgelinta iyo gacanta dowladda ku leedahay fulinta mashaariicda uu dhagac-dhigay madaxweynaha. La-taliyaha madaxweynaha ee dhanka siyaasadda mudane Maxamed Nuur Tarsan oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa difaacay mashaariicda uu dhagax-dhigay madaxweyne Farmaajo isaga oo intaasi raaciyay in dowladda ay qeyb bixin-doonto halka inta hartana ay bulshada deegaanka isku-xil-qaami-doonaan. The post Xildhibaanno iyo aqoon-yahano soo dhoweeyay booqashada madaxweyne Farmaajo ee… appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. The Republic of Somaliland is a sovereign state in the Horn of Africa sharing its borders with Republic of Djibouti, Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Somalia to the east. The country is known of its mountain ranges rising up to seven thousand feet. The country has one of the most thriving economies in Africa, agriculture being the back borne especially livestock, the production of cereals and horticulture. It also has a hugely diverse quantities of mineral deposits across the country. Somaliland promote and coordinate the development of green energy, to provide affordable, sustainable, reliable, safe and adequate supply of energy for its people, to support enhanced social and economic development. Through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID,) the United States government has joined the self-declared Somaliland Administration in presenting a wind energy facility project to power for Hargeisa Egal International Airport. The Somaliland Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has been charged with the responsibility of controlling and overseeing the new wind energy facility project, which will also be managed by the government via a public-private partnership. At over $1.25 per kilowatt, the cost of electricity in Somaliland is one of the highest rates in the world. The high energy rates in Somaliland are a result of a disorganized network of independent providers that use different grids and unreliable equipment. Somaliland this beautiful country, has great potential to exploit both solar, and wind Energy in the future.
  13. The political map of Africa that shows its independent countries had not been made by United Nations, by African Union, or by African nations. It is the result of the European Colonial Occupation that invaded African Continent at the end of the 19th century and divided it up into territories with colonial borders for their own political sphere of influence. When leaving Africa, mainly in the 1960s, the Europeans based the independence and diplomatic recognition of all African emerging countries including Somaliland on their colonial borders inherited from the colonial powers. Thus, The United Nations, African Union, or African States did not draw the current borders of African States. All the borders of African independent states had been drawn by the colonial powers of Europe at the end of the 19th century, mainly during The Partition of Africa held in Berlin in 1884. The statehood, independence, and diplomatic recognition of each African State are based on its own colonial borders. Similarly, the statehood, independence, and the expected diplomatic recognition of Somaliland Republic will be based on its own colonial borders drawn during British Somaliland Protectorate era. Likewise, all the current borders of the Arab World [and the rest of Asia], as well as South America also emerged from colonial borders drawn mainly by Britain, France, and Spain and were all recognized too on their colonial borders. Somaliland is located in the Horn of Africa. It lies between the 08°00′ – 11°30′ parallel North of the Equator and between 42°30′ – 49°00′ Meridian East of Greenwich. It is bordered by the Red Sea to the North, Djibouti to the West, Ethiopia to the South, and Somalia to the East. Somaliland has a coastline with the majority lying along the Gulf of Aden (Red Sea). The country is slightly larger than England, with an area of 137, 600 km² (53,100 sq miles) and with population around 3.5 millions. According to the unique history of the continent of Africa, an African country is recognized as an independent nation when it meets or fulfills the following three requirements: 1. That it is colonized separately 2. That it has its own colonial borders 3. And that it has official proclamation of independence granted by the colonizing power on specific date Somaliland has perfectly fulfilled the three required conditions to be recognized as independent country and that is why it was recognized on June 26, 1960 by the United Nations and many countries of the international community. The borders of Somalia, Somaliland, and Djibouti have the same international status and legitimacy because they were all drawn by European Colonial powers. Anyone who opposes the legitimacy of Somaliland borders, its statehood, its independence, and its diplomatic recognition is challenging the borders and sovereignty of all African independent states (54 states) whose borders also rose from their colonial borders. African borders are based on land only and not on lineage or clans. There are no clan borders or clan states in Africa or anywhere else in this world. There are only national land-based borders in Africa whose nations consist of many tribes or clans that share common borders and sovereignty. The following African clans clearly show of how same African clans are distributed over different countries. The inhabitance or residence of some African clans is as follows: 1. Fulani Clan: This clan inhabits in Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon etc. 2. Tuareg Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Senegal, Nigeria, Mali, Niger etc. 3. Lunda Clan: This clan inhabits in Congo, Zambia, and Angola. 4. Yoruba Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo. 5. Maasai Clan: This clan resides in Kenya, and Tanzania. 6. Afar Clan: This clan inhabits in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti 7. Gabooye Clan: This clan inhabits in Somaliland, Somalia, Ethiopia 8. Berber Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Morroco, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria. 9. Isaaq Clan: This clan inhabits in Somaliland, Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti 10. Awdal Clan Clan: This tribe inhabits in Somaliland, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. 11. Mogadishu Clan Clan: This clan inhabits in Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. 12. Darood Clan: This clan inhabits in Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Ethiopia 13. Rahanwein Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya. 14. Essa Clan: This clan inhabits in Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Somaliland. The land of Harti People in Sool and Eastern Sanaag is located within Somaliland colonial borders. It is integral and inseparable part of independent Somaliland. Thus, there is no “disputed land or territories” in Somaliland. Somaliland does not accept the idea of “disputed land in Somaliland” as any other African country would not accept to call part of its territory “disputed land”. There is no country in Africa or in any other continent whose population is based on single clan or lineage as Puntland Administration of Somalia claims falsely. If the Organization of African Union does not respect and recognize Somaliland borders, emerging from colonial borders as any other African country, then the territorial integrity of each African country will be questionable and at risk of dispute and disintegration. The internal security and peace of Africa rest on respecting, recognizing, and implementing its current borders that rose from colonial borders. If an African country would claim the clan and its land located in another African country, the continent would fall to endless devastating, bloody clan wars, violence and anarchy. The African continent would not exist as we know it today. The peace and stability of African states (or Asia and South America) depend on respecting and recognizing colonial borders. African Union and African leaders claim that if Somaliland is recognized, it will shift or change the borders of current African independent states inherited from colonial powers leading to instability and political unrest in Africa. If that claim were true, why did not the recognition of South Sudan and Eritrea change the borders of Africa and cause instability and political unrest in African continent? Unlike Somaliland, South Sudan did share history and colonial borders with Sudan but, at the same time, was recognized. Senegal and Gambia founded federation or union in February 1982 calling it Senegambia. That union was dissolved in September 1989 after disagreement and each country retained its original independence and diplomatic recognition without changing the borders of Africa. So, why denying Somaliland of retaining that independence and recognition it had before the union with Somalia? Somaliland diplomatic recognition does not need any approval from Somalia as any other African country did not need approval of its independence and diplomatic recognition from any other African country. Somaliland is not a secessionist or breakaway region from Somalia but Somaliland just withdrew from the union with Somalia after Somalia grossly violated the union and committed atrocities and crimes against humanity in Somaliland in 1980s? If Nyanza Province of Kenya, or Arusha Region of Tanzania, or Puntland province of Somalia break away from their own respective countries, that would be secessionists, separatists, or breakaways and that would change or shift the colonial borders of Africa inherited from colonial powers and that would create instability and political unrest in the continent of Africa because these provinces share history and colonial borders with their own countries. The declaration of Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) in 1964 on African Borders was the formal acceptance of the existing colonial borders inherited from colonial powers on which independence and recognition of each African country were based including Somaliland. That declaration had nothing to do with unifications, federations, and unions between two or more African countries like the failed union between Somaliland and Somalia formed unthoughtfully and hastily in 1960. A union or federation could be dissolved anytime if the sides disagree each restoring and retaining its original independence and borders. That declaration reinforces the rightful claim of Somaliland to be recognized as independent nation based on its colonial borders. That declaration does not prevent Somaliland from withdrawing from the union with Somalia and restoring its independence and diplomatic recognition achieved on June 26, 1960. If Uganda and Kenya share union today and after some time they disagree and dissolve that union, each would still be independent, recognized nation on its own colonial borders Some people confuse Somaliland Republic with Puntland Region of Somalia for either not knowing the history of Somalis or for irrational political reasons. Puntland is an integral, inseparable part of Somalia because it is located within Somalia’s historical colonial borders with which Somalia achieved independence on July 1st, 1960 from Italy while Somaliland Republic emerged from British Somaliland Protectorate borders and achieved separately its independence from Britain on June 26, 1960. Somaliland Republic has undeniable rights to claim independence, statehood, and diplomatic recognition based on its own unique colonial borders like any other African country while Puntland cannot have such rights because it is part of Somalia and shares colonial borders and nationhood with it. Somaliland and Somalia are not the first two countries in this world whose union dissolved or ceased to exist. The Soviet Union that had 15 Socialist Republics created by the Bolshevik Revolution led by Lenin in 1917 broke up after social upheavals and political discontent ended its existence peacefully in 1989 with new countries emerging from it such as Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia etc. They are all recognized by the UN and international community on the basis of their original borders existing before the union. The federation of former Republic of Yugoslavia that had 8 countries broke up too after bloody civil wars between 1991-1995 and new countries such as Serbia, Croatia , Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo etc. emerged from its ashes. All these countries are also recognized diplomatically too for their original borders existing before the federation. This shows that the unity among countries that share a union is not sacred anymore if they have disagreement. Some Somalis believe that Somaliland cannot withdraw from the union with Somalia or even be recognized claiming that Somalis share same language, religion, color, and culture. If this claim were true for achieving union, the Arab World which has nearly 17 independent countries such as Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and Sudan, and that also share same language, religion, culture, and color would not have separate independent states. They do not have any federal or union for disagreeing to share one. Independent Republic of Somaliland was the first to pioneer the unification between Somaliland and Somalia on July 1, 1960 in quest for Greater Somalia in the Horn of Africa. The union was doomed after Somalia hijacked the governments for the thirty years of its existence (1960-1990) and then committed atrocities against Somaliland people when they rebelled against injustices and humiliation perpetrated against them. Only justice and fair power-sharing are the most important factors for a union to survive and that is what Somalia failed to understand in the years of the union. The idea of “Greater Somalia” emerged in the middle of the Second World War [1939-1945] and the main objective was to liberate the five Somali Territories and bring them together under the same banner and government in the Horn of Africa. That idea of “Greater Somalia” (Somaliweyn) is as elusive as “Greater Arab” today and no one knows when it will come true. Only Somaliland and Somalia do not constitute “Greater Somalia” while excluding the other three ( 3 ) Somali territories. The dictatorial regime of Siyad Barre buried the hope for “Greater Somalia” for committing unforeseen atrocities and human rights abuses in Somaliland and turning its native tribes against one another. Siyad’s brutal military regime is solely responsible for the pains and disasters that Somalis face in the Horn of Africa and around the world today. The Puntland administration of Federal Somalia is strongly advised that peace and good neighborly relations between Somaliland Republic and Somalia will only depend on respecting, recognizing, and implementing the border between Somaliland and Somalia. Somaliland will stay independent of Somalia, and Somaliland people will not throw their destiny away again but will defend it. Somaliland borders are unalterable as any other African borders are unalterable, and not based on clan lineage but on land. Ibrahim Hassan Gagale
  14. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online) – Wasiirka Maaliyadda Xukuumadda Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Ducaale Beyle ayaa maanta xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Ismaaciil Axmed Maxamuud, kaasoo ka mid ahaa arday shalay ka qalin jebisay Jaamacadda SIMAD. Shalay ilaa Maanta ayaa Ismaaciil waxaa si aad ah u qabsaday Baraha ay Bulshadu isticmaasho sawiro laga soo qaaday xili uu ka qalin jebinayay Jaamacadda SIMAD ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle Wasiirka Maaliyada Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay qaabilaada Ismaaciil Raage oo ah qof qaba baahiyo gaar ah hadana shalay ka qalin jebiyay Jaamacadda SIMAD. Wasiir Beyle ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay inuu xafiiskiisa ku qaabilo Ismaaciil Axmed oo ka qalin jebiyay Kuliyadda Bankigga iyo Dhaqaalaha ee Jaamacadda SIMAD. “Waaxan ku faraxsanahay in aan maanta Xafiiskeyga ku qaabilay Ismael_Raage oo ah arday ka qalin jabiyay Kuliyadda Banking & Finance ee Jaamacadda SIMAD_University..Guusha Ismael iyo ardayda kale ee Soomaaliyeed waxay tilmaam u tahay mustaqbalka fiican ee naga horeeya. Guul, Horumar iyo farxad. madax siyaasiyiin iyo dhamaan bulshada soomaaliyeed ayaa ugu soo hambalyeeyay Ismaaciil Axmed Maxamuud oo kaqalin badashay jaamacadda simad. Ismaaciil Axmed Maxamuud ayaa tusaale u noqday dhammaan dadka baahiyda gaarka ah qaba ee Soomalaiyeed, isla markaana muujiyay dhabar adeeg ah in aysan baahiyada gaarka aheyn jirka ee ay tahay doonista iyo Go’aanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Sawirro: Wasiirka maaliyadda oo dhiira gelin u sameeyey wiilkii naafada ahaa ee…. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Xisbiyada Daljir, Wadajir, Kulan iyo Madasha Horusocod waxay si wadajir ah u soo saarayaan War Saxaafadeedkan oo ka soo baxay kulamo wadatashi ah oo ay isugu yimaadeen, kuna saabsan Garsoorida iyo Cadaalad u sameynta dadkii lagu dilay weerarkii Xarunta Xisbiga Wadajir 17 Decembe 2017, islamarkaasna lagu xadgudbay karaamadoodii bini’aadannimo kadib markii lagu aasay xabaal wadareed iyaga oo aan la tusin ehelkooda la marsiin habraaca aaska shareecada Islaamka. Xisbiyadu waxay adkeynayaan ahmiyadda ay leedahay ku dhaqanka sareynta sharciga taas oo u adeegeysa xasiloonida iyo nabadgelyada Dalka islamarkaana qeyb ka ah hannaanka dimoqraadiyeenta Dalka iyadoo aysan jirin cid ka sareysa sharciga. Xisbiyadu waxa ay ugu baaqayaan dhamaan hay’adaha ay arintani quseyso in si sharciga waafaqsan loogu xaqsooro dadkii lagu xasuuqay weerarkii lagu qaaday xarunta xisbiga WADAJIR, cadaaladana la horkeeno cidii geystay falkaasi gurracan ee ka soo horjeeda Diinteena, Dastuurkeena iyo Dhaqankeena. Hadaba, Xisbiyadu waxay dalbanayaan in shaqada laga joojiyo saraakiishii falka geysatay si toos ahna ugu lug lahaa weerarka xarunta xisbiga 17 Diseembar 2017 si loo socodsiiyo dacwad ku eedaysanayaasha gaboodfal ka dhan Qoddobada 250, 434, 460, 461, 463 ee Xeer Ciqaabta Soomaaliyeed. Eedeysanayashaas oo ka tirsan Hey’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay kala yihiin: Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Nuur “Jaamac”, Ku Simaha Taliyaha Hay’adda “NISA” Saadiq Cumar Xasan “JOHN” Taliyaha Goblka Banadir ee Hay’adda “NISA”, Cabdixakiin Nuur Axmed Ciise, Sarkaal ka tirsan sirdoonka dibadda ee “NISA” Yaasiin Ganeey, Taliye Koox oo ka tirsan Hay’adda “NISA” Farxaan Maxamuud Qaroole, Taliye Koox ka tirsan Hay’adda “NISA” Xisbayadu waxey sidoo kale dalbanayaan in lagu sameeyo shaqo ka joojin iyo xasaanad ka qaadis Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka Mudane. Axmed Cali Daahir iyo Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada Mudane Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji Daahir oo ku eedeysan soo abaabulida weerarkii 17 Diseembar 2017 ee lagu shirqoolay la doonayeyna in lagu khaarijiyo madaxda xisbiga WADAJIR si loo socodsiiyo dacwada laga geeyay eedeysanayaashaas maadaama aysan jirin cid sharcigu u ogolyahay in ay ku takrifasho awoodda Xafiisyada ay u hayaan dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed. Xisbiyadu waxa ay walaac wayn ka muujinayaa natiijada ka dhalan karta ishortaag lagu sameeyo cadaalad u sameynta dadkii la xasuuqay iyo eheladooda taasoo waxyeeleeneysa kalsoonida lagu qabo Hay’adda Garsoorka islamarkaasna caddeyneysa in aysan jirin sarayn sharci, maadaama madaxda sare ee Dalka sidii ay doonaan ugu gabood fali karaan awooda dawladeed ee lagu aaminay, iyagoon dhowraynin dastuurka iyo saraynta sharciga. Sidoo kale, Xisbiyadu waxay baaq u dirayaan labada gole ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya in ay baaritaan madax banaan ku sameeyaan dhacdadii 17 December , dedejiyaanna sameynta Guddiga Adeegga Garsoorka si looga shaqeeyo horumarinta Garsoorka iyo Cadaalada iyo in si degdeg ah loo sameeyo Sharciga hay’adda NISA taas oo hada u shaqaysa sidii ay ahaan jirtay xiligii taliska melateriga uu dalka xukumayey. = DHAMMAAD The post Xisbiyada mucaaradka oo soo saaray dalab adag oo ka dhan ah shan sarkaal appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho, C/raxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Eng. Yarisow) ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay Safiirka Turkiga u fadhiya Soomaaliya H.E. Olgan Baker oo ay ka wada hadleen sidii loo xoojin lahaa taageerada ay siiyaan dadka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan horumarinta gobolka Benaadir. Eng. Yarisow ayaa marka hore uga mahadceliyey Safiirka doorka ay Turkiga ka cayaarto Soomaaliya oo uu sheegay in xiriirka labada dal ka dhexeeya uu tusaale cad u yahay taageerada aan shuruudu ku xirnayn. Wuxuuna xusay in shacabka ku dhaqan Muqdisho ay si weyn uga dharagsan yihiin gacan siinta walaaltinimo ee Turkiya. “Xiriirka aan la wadaagno Turkiga waa mid ahmiyad gaar ah u leh Soomaaliya sidii ay dib ugu soo kaban lahayd oo ay xasilooni iyo horumar u heli lahayd , sidoo kale waxaa ay muhiim u tahay in labada dal ay iska kaashadaan dib-u-soo nooleynta adeegyadii guud”.Ayuu yiri Eng. Yarisow. Ugu dambeyn, Safiirka Turkiga u fadhiya Soomaaliya H.E. Olgan Baker ayaa dhankiisa balan-qaaday in ay sii wadi doonaan garab istaaggooda dadka Soomaaliyeed, isagoo xusay inuu kala shaqeynayo maamulka cusub ee gobolka Benaadir dib-u-dhiska iyo horumarinta Caasimadda. PUNTLAND POST The post Duqa Muqdisho oo Danjiraha Turkiga kala hadlay Xoojinta Taageerada G. Banaadir appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online) – Kooxda mayalka adag ee Al-Shabaab ayaa gacanta ku dhigtay diyaarad nooca wax basaasa ee loo yaqaan Drone. Diyaaraddaan ayaa kusoo dhacday deegaanka Beerxaani ee duleedka magaalada Kismaayo, waxaana la sheegay in kahor intii aysan soo dhicin ay dul heehaabeysay mudo daqiiqado ah inta u dhaxaysa Kismaayo iyo Beerxaani. Saraakiil ka tirsan Al-Shabaab oo ku sugan duleedka magaalada Kismaayo ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in diyaaraddu ay kusoo dhacday deegaanka Beerxaani xilli halkaas ay muddo saacada ah dul heehaabaysay. Diyaaraddan ayaa loo maleynayaa in ay ka mid ah diyaaradaha wax basaasa ee dowladda Mareykanka. Waa diyaaraddii labaad ee Drone oo mudo labo todobaad ah ay kooxda Al-Shabaab gacanta ku dhigaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo The post Al-Shabaab oo mar kale gacanta ku dhigtay diyaarad nooca Drone-ka ah appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  18. Jowhar-(Caasimadda Online)-Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dastuurka ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Gudigga Baarlamaanka Federaalka ee La-sacodka dib-u-eegista Dastuurka iyo Gudigga Madaxbanaan ee Dib-u-eegista iyo Hirgelinta Dastuurka ayaa kulan wadatshi ah la yeeshay Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ee magaalada Jowhar ee caasimadda Dawlad Goboleedka Hirshabeelle. Kulanka oo ujeeddadiisu ahayd in bulshada Jowhar ay talooyinkooda ka dhiibtaan geedi-socodka dib-u-eegista dastuurka ayaa waxaa ka soo qaybgalay xubno badan oo ka mid ah Ururada Bulshada rayidka ee Hirshabeelle. Sen Cabdiqaybdiid iyo Avv Maxamed Caballa oo kala ah labada Gudoomiye ee Guddiyada Baarlamaanka iyo Gudigga Madaxabanaan ayaa sheegeen in kulankan uu bilow u yahay kulmo kale oo ka dhici doona dhamaan degmooyinka dalka, sidoo kale waxa ay sheegeen in ay cadeeyneyso wadashaqeynta wanaagsan ee ka dhaxeeysa Wasaaradda iyo labada Guddi. “Markii hore ee aan sameeyneynay Dastuurkan Qabyo-qoraalka ah ee sanadkii 2011kii lama imaan karin oo wadatashi laguma qaban karin magaalooyin badan oo dalka kamid ahaa maadaama ay arggagixisadu heysteen, sidaa awgeed hadda waxaa inaga go’an in Geedi-socodka Dib-u-eegista Dastuurka la gaarsiiyo dhaamaan gobolada oo waqti xaadirkan arggagixisada laga sii dabargoynayo” ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Dastuurka ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Ugu dambayntii dadkii ka soo qaybgalay kulanka ayaa ra’ygooda la wadaagay Wasaaradda iyo labada Guddi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Kulamo looga hadlayo dib u eegista dastuurka oo ka socda Jowhar appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Dr. Merera Gudina a leading opposition voice in Ethiopia continues his political engagements across the Oromia regional state. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Somaliland National Youth day is on the 20th of February it commemorates the resilience and self-determination of our youth. On 20th of February 1982, students began protesting about the death sentences handed out to the young professional mainly teachers that volunteered for Hargeisa group hospital. This year marks the 36th anniversary of the Dhagaxtuur. We are celebrating the major contributions made in the past and showcasing the Somaliland Youth Movement and their intention to help shape the development of our country. This year we will be raising funds for our young medical students that are graduating from universities across Somaliland, this in partnership with King’s College London’s Somaliland Partnership programme. The graduate doctors will be receiving starter medical kits, which will help kickstart their careers. On the day there will be a panel discussion enlightening us on how we can all contribute to Somaliland, an award show, a quiz hosted by Osob and Elmi, a viewing of Mo Ali’s documentary with the director himself, who will be there. Motivational speakers such as Abdi Jamac who plays for team GB at the Paralympics, Social media personality E’to, music by Nuur Dalacay and much more… Any Queries don’t hesitate to contact 07388119130 Ayan 07508579909 Sagal 07947615859 Faysal 07944800134 Abdi-Rahman
  21. The UN expressed concern on Wednesday for more than 40,000 displaced Yemenis who had sought refuge in second city Aden, only to find themselves caught in deadly fighting between troops and separatist militia. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. One year after Somalia declared drought as a national emergency, famine has so far been averted due to collective and unprecedented humanitarian action, and on Tuesday, the country marked a turning point towards ending the cycle of recurring crises, with the launch of a Government-led, United Nations-supported humanitarian response plan. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee dawladda Puntland ayaa maanta Tababar soconayey muddo toban beri ahi ugu soo xirmay Xarunta Jaamacadda Puntland State waxaana Tababarkaasi qabanayey Mac-hadka Tababarka shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee Dawladda Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) iyo Jaamacadda PSU oo iyadu martigelinaysa Mac-hadka (IPAM) maadaama aanu weli dhammay tirmin dhismaha Mac-hadku. Tababarkaan ayaa isugu jirey labo qaybood oo kala ah ToT’s oo shaqaalaha dawladda qayb kamid ah loo diyaarinayey inay iyagu noqdaan tababareyaal, kuwaas oo dawladda ka caawin doona tababarka shaqaalah, halka qaybta labaadna ahayd Tababar heer sare ah oo lasiinayey shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee dawladda (Advanced Level Traininig). Muddadii uu tababarkaani soconayey ayaa shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee dawladda waxaa lagu tababarayey koorsooyinka kala duwan oo muhim u ah shaqada ay dawladda u hayaan (short Courses) kuwaas oo lagu salaynayey qof walba cilmigii uu markii hore soo bartay isla markaana uu dawladda ugu shaqeeyo. Shaqaalahaan tababarka loo qabtay ayaa waxay ka koobnaayeen boosaska kala ah Madaxqaybeedada Human Resource, Finance, Procurement, Monitoring & Evaluation, Information and Communication Technology iyo Policy Planning and Research ee dhammaan xarumaha kala duwan ee dawladda. Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Puntland State Mudane Maxamuud Shiikh Xaamud oo ugu horrayn munaasabadda hadal ka jeediyey ayaa diiradda ku saaray hadalkiisa qiimaha ay leedahay aqoontu iyo sida ay muhiimka ugu tahay shaqaalaha dawladda Inay ka faa’iideystaan cilmigii ay halkaan ku qaateen. Agaasimaha guud ee Mac-hadka tababarka shaqaalaha dawladda Mudane Warsame Maxamud Xasan oo isaguna munaasabadda hadal ka jeediyey ayaa ku dheeraaday muhiimadda uu tababarkaani u leeyahay shqaalaha dawladda isagoona xusay inay ku dabo geli doonaan shaqaalaha dawladda cilmigii la baray siday ugu faa’iideeyaan shaqaalaha kale ee ay uga yimaadeen xafiisyada dawladda. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee Puntland Mudane Jaamac Xirsi Faarax ayaa kula dar-daarmay shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee dawladda inay ka dhabeeyaan taabba-gelinta cilmigii ay barteen, taas oo la doonayo in si dhaqso ah looga dareemo xafiisyada dawladda marka ay ku laabtaan. Agaasimaha guud ee Madaxtooyada Mudane Cabdinaasir Biixi Soofe ayaa isaguna ku dheeraaday muhiimadda ay leedahay in shaqaalaha dawladdu ay helaan tababarro dheeraad ah isagoo tusaale u soo qaatay waddamada hore-umaray dhammaantood inay laf dhabar ka dhigteen tayanta iyo tababaridda shaqaalahooda, taasina ay dhaxalsiisay guulaha waaweyn ee ay gaareen. Ugu dambayn Wasiirka Shaqada, Shaqaalaha Dhallinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha dawaladda Puntland Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Axmed oo soo xiray Munaasabadda ayaa ku dheeraaday dedaalkii ay xukuumaddu u gashay barnaamijka tayaynta shaqalaaha, kaas oo kamid ahaa ballan qaadkii Madaxweynaha isla markaana maanta noqday mid si weyn loogu guuleystey. Ugu dambayn Wasiirka ayaa kula dardaarmay shaqaalaha inay si daacadnimo iyo waddaniyadi ku jirto ugu adeegaan bulshada isagoona u ballan qaaday in ay heli doonaan dallacsiin ay ku mutaysteen hawl-karnimadooda, isagoona ugu dambayn guddoonsiiyey shahaadooyin caddaynaya cilmiga ay barteen. The post Shaqaalaha rayidka ah ee Puntland oo tababar heer sare ahi ugu soo xirmay Garoowe appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Xarunta wasaaradda caafimaadka ee Garowe waxaa saakay ka furmay shir ay soo qaban qaabisay wasaaradda caafimaadka dowladda federalka Soomaaliya ayna ka qeyb galayaan dowlad goboleedyada Soomaaliya iyo deeq bixiyaaasha. Shirkaan oo socondoona labo maalin, ahna heer agaasimayaal, ayaa si gaar ah waxaa looga hadlayaa mashruuc ku saabsan isku xirka caafimaadka Soomaaliya, kaasoo ka socda ka socda Jubbada hoose, (Jubbaland) Cadaado (Galmudug) iyo gobolka Bari, (Puntland) kaasoo muddo sannad ah socday. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland, Dr. Cabdirisaaq Xirsi Xasan, ayaa weriyaasha u sheegay in shirkaan lagu falanqayndoono qaabka ay shaqadu u socoto iyo sidii loogu midoobi lahaa horumarinta caafimaadka Soomaaliya. Agaasimaha guud wasaaradda caafimaadka ee Dowladda Fedraalka Soomaaliya Dr Cabdulalhi Xaashi Cali, ayaa wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland uga mahad celiyay inay fududaysay shirkaan muhiimka ah, isagoo sheegay inay dowladda federalka iyo dowlad goboleedyadu ka doodayaan in la qiimeeyo baahiyaha caafimaad ee mudnaanta leh ee ka jira gobolada uu mashruucaan ka socda. ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????
  25. A combination of family ties, the desire to avenge ill-treated loved ones and economic distress is driving some young Kenyan women into the arms of Somali terrorist group Al Shabaab. Source: Hiiraan Online