Deeq A.

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  1. Wafdi uu hoggaaminayay Wasiirka Boostada, Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknoolojiyada, Md. Eng Cabdi Cashuur Xasan, ayaa soo gabagabeeyay safar shaqo oo uu ku tegay magaalooyin ka tirsan Puntland. Wasiirka, oo ay safarka ku wehliyeen Wasiiru-dawlaha, Mudane C/laahi Bile Nuur iyo hawl-wadeenno ka tirsan Wasaaradda, ayaa socdaalkiisa ka billaabay caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe, waxayna ujeeddadiisu ahayd sidii loo sii xoojin lahaa wada-shaqeynta, loona soo kormeeri lahaa mashaariicda ay Wasaaraddu ku lug leedahay ee ka socda Puntland iyo xarigga internetka ee shirkadda Golis. Wasiirka iyo wafdigiisa ayaa ugu horreyntii kulan kula yeeshay magaalada Garoowe Madaxweynaha Puntland, Dr. C/weli Maxamed Cali (Gaas), wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta Puntland, Cabdi Xersi Cali (Qarjab), iyo mas’uuliyiin kale, waxayna ka wada hadleen sidii loo xoojin lahaa wada-shaqeynta ka dhexeysa wasaaradda heer federal iyo dawlad-goboleed, iyagoo isku afgartay dhammaan qodobadii ay ka wada hadleen. Wasiirku wuxuu sidoo kale booqday xarunta uu ka soo dago xarigga badda hoosteeda mara ee internetka (fiber optic cable) ee ay dhowaan magaalada Boosaaso ka hirgelisay shirkadda Golis. Wasiirka oo kulan gaar ah la yeeshay mas’uuliyiinta Golis ayaa uga mahad celiyay sida ay uga soo jawaabeen baaqii uu hore u jeediyay ee uu ku dhiirri-gelinayay shirkadaha inay dalka keenaan xargo kale. Ugu dambeyntii wasiirka ayaa ka mahad celiyay soo-dhoweyntii loo sameeyay isaga iyo wafdigiisa. “Waxaan uga mahad celinayaa madaxweynaha Puntland, wasiirka isgaarsiinta iyo ku-xigeennadiisa iyo madaxda Golis sida sharafta leh ee ay noo soo dhoweeyeen, waxaan rajeyneynaa inaan sii kordhin doonno wada-shaqeynteena,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo gabagabeeyay wasiirku. DHAMMAAD PUNTLAND POST The post Wasiirka Boostada & Isgaarsiinta oo soo gabagabeeyay socdaal uu ku tegay Puntland appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir, ahna Duqa Muqdisho, Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cusmaan (Eng. Yarisow) ayaa maanta dhagax-dhigay xarunta degmada Wadajir oo ku burburtay qaraxii ka dhacay bishii Juun ee sanadkii hore. Waxana munaasabaddda dhagax-dhigga ka soo qeyb galay Xildhibaano ka tirsan labada aqal, maamulka degmada, siyaasiyiin iyo qeybaha bulshada. Guddoomiyaha degmada Wadajir Cumar Cabdullaahi Xasan (Qaanso) oo ka hadlay goobta ayaa ka sheekeeyey dhibaatadii degmada ka dhacday bishii Juun ee 2017, taasi oo tiiraanyo gaar ah ku reebtay dadka deegaanka. Waxana uu sheegay in dib-u-howlgelinta xarunta degmada ay qeyb muhiim ah ka qaadan doonto gaar siinta adeegyadii kala duwanaa ee shacabka ku nool Wadajir. Xildhibaan C/qaadir Carabow iyo Sen Samsam Daahir Maxamuud ayaa uga mahadceliyey shacabka degmada Wadajir in ay u istaageen dhismaha xarunta degmadooda, taas oo kaalin mugleh ka qaadan doonta isku xirka dawladda iyo shacabka. Iyagoo balan-qaaday in maamulka ay kala shaqeyn doonaan wax walba oo horseedi kara horumarka degmada. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Benaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Mudane C/raxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Eng. Yarisow) ayaa tilmaamay ahmiyadda ay degmada ku leedahay gobolka, gaar ahaa xaruntan oo fal argagixiso ku burburtay. waxuuna sheegey in maamulka gobolka Benaadir uu awooddiisa galinayo in Wadajir ay ahaato mid xasiloon oo hormarka la qaybsata degmooyinka kale, dadka degana looga baahan yahay inay kaalintooda qaataan. “Xarunta degmada Wadajir ee maanta aan dhagax-dhigayno waxaa burburiyey koox cadow ku ah horumarka iyo jiritaankiina, waa inaan meel iska taagnaa wax walba oo dib-u-dhac keeni kara, maamulka gobolka Benaadir wuxuu diyaar u yahay idinkoo isku duuban inuu gacan idinku siiyo horumarinta degmada Wadajir”.Ayuu yiri Guddoomiyaha gobolka Benaadir. Ugu dambeyn, Eng. Yariisow ayaa ka codsaday bulshada degmada Wadajir in lala shaqeeyo maamulka degmada iyo kan gobolka Benaadir islamarkaasna loo midoobo sidii looga hortagi lahaa cidkasta oo cadow ku ah nabadda Caasimadda. PUNTLAND POST The post Guddoomiye Yariisoow oo dhagax dhigay xarunta Degmada Wadajir oo muddo burbur-saneyd appeared first on Puntland Post.
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia ayaa bishii January ee 2018, marti galisay dilal kala duwan oo inta badan loo geystay Saraakiil, Ciidamo iyo dad shacab ah. Dilalka ugu badan ayaa ka dhacay Degmooyinka Xamarweyne, Hodan, Dharkiinley iyo Waaberi, oo ay ku badan yihiin maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab. Dilalka dhacay bishaan January oo aad u badan ayaa waxaa dhankeena nooga diiwaan gashan 8 dil oo taariikheysan, kuwaa oo loo geystay dad macquul ah. HOOS KA AKHRISO DILALKA KA DHACAY MUQDISHO BISHII JANUARY EE 2018 1-January 1, 2018, Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan al-Shabaab ayaa toogasho ku dilay Sarkaal la sheegay inuu ka tirsanaa Booliska Somalia kaa oo xiliga dilkiisa ku sugnaa Degmada Waabari, gaar ahaan meel ku dhow Xarunta Degmada. 2- January 1, 2018, Maleeshiyaad ku hubeysnaa bastoolado ayaa Xaafada Black Sea ee Degmada Hodan, ku dilay askari ka tirsan ciidamada Militariga oo magaciisa lagu soo koobay Maxamed Xasan. 3-January 2, 2018, Kooxo ku hubeysnaa bastoolado ayaa xaafadda Suuq Boocle ee Degmada Dharkiinley,ku dilay Cali Nuur oo ahaa Aabaha dhalay Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Darajada 1-aad ee Ciidamada Qalabka Sida, Korneyl Xasan Cali Nuur (Shuute). 4-January 5, 2018, Maleeshiyaad ku hubeysnaa bastoolado ayaa xaafada Koodka ee degmada Xamar-weyne ee gobolka Banaadir ku dilay ruux la sheegay inuu kamid ahaa dhalinyarada Xamar weyne oo shacab ahaa. 5- January 5, 2018, Laba ruux oo ku hubeysneyd bastoolado ayaa nin macalin ahaa ku toogtay degmada Xamar-weyne ee gobolka Banaadir. 6-January 18,2018, Waxaa gudaha Dekadda magaalada Muqdisho lagu dilay Sarkaal ka tirsanaa Ciidanka Badda Somalia oo lagu magacaabi jiray Saciid Mariin, waxaana dilay nin ku xigeenkiisa ahaa. 7- January 19,2018, Kooxo bastoolado ku hubeysnaa ayaa Askari ka tirsanaa Militeriga dowlada ku dilay Waaxda October ee degmada Waabari xili uu hoyaad u ahaa gurigiisa oo ku yaala isla degmada. 8- January 26,2018, Mid kamid ah Shaqaalaha Ajaaniibta u shaqeeya UNICEF ayaa lagu dilay xarunta ay Hay’adda ku leedahay Degmada Wadajir, waxaana dilka geystay askari Soomaali ah oo ilaalo ka ahaa xarunta. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dilalka dhacay bishaan ayaa aad u yaraanaaya markii loo eego dilalka dhacay bishii kasii horeysay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Akhriso: Tirada dilalka foosha xun ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho Bishii January ee 2018 appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Gollaha wasiirada Puntland oo maanta shirkoodii todobaadlaha ahaa yeelanaya ayaa ka doodidoonaa qaraar ku saabsan sidii xal loogu heli lahaa ama wax looga qaban lahaa halista ay leeyihiin kaalimaha shidaalka ee kuyaala meelaha aan haboonayn. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland, eng,Camey ayaa sheegay inuu qaraarkaan isagu horgayndoona gollaha wasiirada Puntland oo maanta yeelanaya shirkoodii khamiislaha ahaa. Camey ayaa sheegay dowladdu inay diyaarinayso qorshe ku saabsan in la kala raro xarumaha shidaalka iyo goobaha ganacsiga ee hoosta isaga jira, taasoo mar walba leh qatarteeda. Waxaa kale oo uu sheegay inay dowladdu sameyndoonto Dam damisyaal badan oo laga hirgalindoono dhammaan gobolada Puntland, si hadda kadib looga feejignaado qatarta ka imaan karta kaalimaha shidaaalka, sidii labo maalin kahor ka dhacday Garowe. Shilkii Dabka ahaa ee ka dhacay magaalada Garowe ayaa waxaa kundhintay illaa qof oo shacab ah.
  5. An iron collar that kept slaves in bondage. A branding iron that marked human beings as someone’s property. A photograph of black babies captioned as “alligator bait.” A fine china plate with gold lettering that says, “KKK ‘God Give Us Men.’” They’re among the artifacts of slavery and segregation collected by NFL Hall of Famer and retired Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page and his wife, Diane Sims Page. They went on display this month in time for Super Bowl visitors and the thousands of other people expected to flock to downtown Minneapolis for the festivities. The exhibit, “TESTIFY: Americana from Slavery to Today,” runs through Feb. 6 at the Minneapolis Central Library. While a sign at the entrance warns that some items inside might be disturbing, there are also messages of hope and promise. There’s a banner that was held by a mourner in 1865, when a funeral train took President Abraham Lincoln’s body home to Illinois. The banner reads, “Our Country Shall Be One Country!” Page said it moved him to tears when he first saw it. “For me it transports me back to that time and that place,” Alan Page said. Signs that once enforced segregation in the South hang from a wall down the center of the gallery. They designated restrooms as “white” or “colored,” and marked the “colored waiting room” at train and bus stations. Just across from it is an assembly of vibrant pictures by black artists, showing how African-Americans reclaimed control over their own narrative. Diane Page said the contrast between the “oppressive and expressive” is deliberate. Alan Page, a feared member of the Vikings’ Purple People Eaters defensive line in the 1970s, played in all four of their Super Bowl appearances. He’s one of only two defensive players ever voted the NFL MVP. He also became the first black justice on the Minnesota Supreme Court, serving 22 years until he hit the mandatory retirement age of 70 in 2015. The Pages timed the exhibit to coincide with the Super Bowl on Feb. 4 in Minneapolis, but he noted that it also comes “at this time when white supremacy is raising its ugly head” in ways that he thought he would never see again. “We hope the exhibit will challenge people by seeing what took place in the past, and challenge them in ways that will cause them to think about taking action, not only to prevent them from happening again, but to end the effects of that past, the effects that still linger today,” he said. It’s one thing to see a picture of an artifact from that era; it’s another to actually stand in front of it, said Lois Langer Thompson, director of the Hennepin County Library system. She said the library’s location on the Nicollet Mall pedestrian zone, the site of a 10-day fan festival with free concerts and other attractions, makes it convenient for visitors to stop by and see the exhibit — and warm up. Diane Page started the collection about 30 years ago after a friend pointed out that missing amid the sleek decor and a couple of Andy Warhols on the walls of their home were any pieces of African-American art or cultural items to educate the four Page children about their heritage. Eventually, the couple would visit antique stores and work with dealers to fill their home, and his Supreme Court chambers, with artifacts from slavery and the Jim Crow era. “These items represent facts,” he said. “Not somebody’s opinion about what happened. Not somebody’s view about what did or didn’t occur, but actual facts. … They help me understand where we are today. The disparities in education, our criminal justice system. For me the message I get is that we haven’t come to grips with the discrimination that comes, that came with those facts. We haven’t addressed the present effects of that past history, the present effects of that past discrimination.” Daughter Georgi Page-Smith took the lead in assembling the more than 100 items on display in the exhibit, which includes a “testification station,” made from her father’s stand-up desk from his chambers, where visitors are invited to write their impressions in a leather-bound book. “We knew it would be very emotional,” she said. “So we wanted to create an area where people could just stop for a minute, and do a little processing, and then reflect back to us.” As part of the exhibit, Alan Page will give a talk Wednesday called “TESTIFY: It’s Not About the Flag or the Anthem, It’s About Justice.” He said the controversy over players kneeling during the national anthem misses the point. “That debate about the anthem and the flag is the reddest of red herrings. The point is that we have injustice. And the question is: what are we going to do about that? Protesting draws attention to that injustice, but it’s a tactic. It’s not a program to end injustice. And so one of the things I also hope to do is encourage those who would be inclined to protest to take the next step, and take some concrete actions beyond merely drawing attention to the problem, and being involved in steps to eliminate it.” Source: – AP The post Alan Page exhibits slavery artifacts in time for Super Bow appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  6. Somalia and the United Nations on Wednesday launched a major innovation challenge to seek ideas from young Somalis on improving the living conditions of people in internally displaced persons (IDPs) communities. Both Somali government and UN officials who attended the launch in Mogadishu urged the Somali youth to develop solutions for tackling the many problems facing IDPs in their country. Achim Steiner, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator advised the youth to develop professional networks to promote their innovations. “We do a lot of emergency support. But what we love the most is to work with people like you because if we can succeed with you, to help you to the next level, you will take Somalia to its next level,” he said in a statement issued by the UN mission in Somalia (UNSOM). The challenge is part of an ongoing “Innovate for Somalia” project led by UNDP, in collaboration with Somali government which has conducted two previous innovation challenges to improve the dairy industry and on coding development focused apps. The third of its kind, the new innovation project is open to young Somali IDPs, returnees and young people from host communities. Mark Lowcock, Emergency Relief Coordinator and head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said no country wants to be reliant on emergency assistance. “And the only way I can achieve my dream of not being needed anymore (as UN Emergency Relief Coordinator) is if Achim (Steiner) is fantastically successful in helping all of you to be fantastically successful. As far as I am concerned, you are the solution, and good luck,” Lowcock said. The officials welcomed innovative ideas developed by young Somalis that can address the various social and economic difficulties facing their country. World Bank Senior Vice-President Mahmoud Mohieldin called on young Somalis to maximize the opportunities provided by the government, civil society and Somalia’s development partners under the innovation challenge. “As the World Bank, we do business with governments directly. But we have a very strong private sector arm, and I am pleased to know from my colleague today that we have a fund of around 10 million U.S. dollars dedicated for Somalia to help the start-ups, small and micro enterprises,” noted Mohieldin. The inaugural “Innovate for Somalia” camp was held in October 2017, where young people were given the opportunity to pitch their business ideas in order to raise start-up funding. The most viable solutions for improving the living conditions and livelihoods of IDPs will be supported through entrepreneurship trainings, incubation and access to finance. Source: Xinhua The post Somalia, UN launch initiative to improve lives of IDPs – Xinhua appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. As immigration remains a hot-button issue in American politics, more Somali media outlets have spread across Minnesota in recent years — often to amplify the community’s positive contributions — even as the businesses face steep financial challenges. In 2017 alone, Somali American, a monthly 10,000-circulation newspaper in Minneapolis; GTN News, a bilingual television channel in St. Cloud; and Somali Link Radio, a weekly show at KFAI Radio, joined an already crowded Somali-language print and broadcast landscape in Minnesota. In 2015, the Minneapolis-based KALY Somali-American Radio, a low-power FM station, joined the airwaves to provide Somali-Americans with around-the-clock news and music programming. And in 2014, the online news operation Tusmo Timesadded a 5,000-circulation newspaper that is now distributed in Somali-owned businesses and community centers throughout the Twin Cities metro area. While the owners of these news sources may have different niches, what motivated them to enter the media business, they say, is the desire to focus attention on community stories that other news outlets often only give a passing glance. “One of the reasons I started this work is to promote the success stories of the African community,” said Haji Yusuf, owner and host of GTN News. “I wanted to show their success stories and the success of their businesses; the success of individuals who are doctors and nurses.” A tough business Covering those kinds of stories was also the reason Warsame Guled founded the monthly Somali American last year. But that wasn’t the only one. Guled, who also owns a home care business in Minneapolis, thought of the idea to establish a newspaper when he and other entrepreneurs realized they couldn’t find a platform to promote their businesses. “We were looking for ways to reach the Somali community,” Guled said. “I found out that there were no direct channels to reach Somali people.” Today, the paper distributes 10,000 free copies of the paper, which — like other ethnic newspapers — are available in coffee shops, restaurants, community centers, libraries and other public spaces that Somali-Americans frequent. The paper often focuses on Somali-related events in Minneapolis. Stories are written by freelance reporters or volunteers, or reprinted from other news organizations. Its competitor, Tusmo Times, tends to cover local, national and international Somali-related stories. Originally called Ciyaartoy and established in 2012 to give the Somali community online coverage of sports, the organization eventually changed its name and expanded its coverage to include hard news and created a monthly newspaper printed in both Somali and English. “My main goal is to document and archive the stories of the Somali-American community in Minnesota,” said Abdirahman Mukhtar, founder of Tusmo Times. “That way, if my kids want to read about their own Minnesota history tomorrow, they can find it in both Somali and English languages.” Yet whatever the intended goal, most local Somali-owned media outlets — including those that have been around for more than 20 years — struggle to generate revenue. Many rely on volunteers and the people who run them often have other jobs to pay the bills. “I sometimes put in my own money to print the newspaper,” said Mukhtar. “That’s why I haven’t printed in the last two years.” As with the mainstream media, Somali media entrepreneurs are trying new models to try to build sustainable businesses. GTN, for example, has partnered with Xidig African TV, a system that lets users watch African television stations via the internet, to air its programs — and to make money. GTN’s Yusuf noted that the station now reaches more than 800 homes in St. Cloud and its surrounding cities. Customers buy a custom streaming media device for $119 or pay a monthly fee of $20. The equipment gives users access to GTN’s on-air programs and more than 300 other channels through Xidig African TV. Giving ‘a full picture of who we are’ GTN provides its programs in both Somali and English, and focuses on local, state and national issues that affect the Somali-American community. “I want to give this community an alternative voice so that they can see how we’re making contributions in this part of Minnesota,” Yusuf said. Mahamed Cali, the head of KALY radio, echoed that sentiment in describing why he established the radio station, which also covers local, state, national and international issues that affect the community. Since its launch in 2015, the station has become a popular source of news for Somalis in the Twin Cities, who listen to the radio through 101.7-FM, online and via an app. “This radio,” Cali said, “is helping, protecting and empowering the voiceless people in the East African community.” Abdirizak Bihi, longtime Minneapolis activist and host of the weekly Somali Link Radio, also thinks he can change the negative image people have of immigrants and refugees through storytelling. Although KFAI isn’t Somali-owned, it provides airtime to several East African community members, who host bilingual programs. Since his hourlong show was launched a year ago, Bihi has invited Somali activists, entrepreneurs, artists and elected officials to talk about issues facing the Somali-Americans and accentuate their contributions to Minnesota. “I wanted to give them the full picture of who we are,” Bihi said. “That we have doctors; that we have a culture; that we have music; that we have a museum; that we care about success and the American dream, like everybody else.” Source: Minnpost The post Growing number of Somali media outlets in Minnesota aim to shed positive light on community appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. The European Union has announced a new funding package of 42.5 million euros (nearly $53m) to help the Palestinians build their new state. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Magaalada Garowe oo ah xarunta gobalka Nugaal ahna caasimada Dawlada Puntland tan iyo 1998 ayaa horumar baaxad leh samaynaysay tan iyo burburkii Dawladii dhexe ee Soomaaliya oo ay usoo qaxeen kumanaan qof oo markoodii hore uga haajiray gobalada kale ee Soomaaliya. Garowe waxaa lagu tilmaamaa magaalooyinka ugu nidaamsan, ugu wadooyinka wanaagsan, ugu amaanka badan, uguna koboca wanaagsan guud ahaan magaalooyinka Soomaaliyeed, waxayna magaaladani samaysay horumar iyo fiditaan baaxad leh sanadihii u danbeeyey. Caasimada Puntland waxay noqotay magaalo soo jiidatay dad aad u fara badan oo Soomaaliyeed waxaana la arkaayey sanadihii u danbeeyey dadyow fara badan oo ka kala yimi guud ahaan dhulka Soomaalida oo si baaxadleh magaalada u dhisanaaya, una maal gashanaaya sababtoo ah waa magaalo caan ku ah nabad galyo la isku halayn karo, cimilo wanaagsan ayna ka jirto waxbarasho tayo leh, sidoo kale waa fadhiga Dawlada Puntland iyo hay’adaha caalamiga ee degaanadan ka hawlgala. Maxaa u diiday Garowe adeegyada asaasiga u ah arimaha bulshada? Inkastoo dadweynuhu ay dadaal fara badan muujiyeen ayna caasimadan ka dhigeen magaalo soo jiidata Soomaalida iyo aduunkaba, hadana nasiib daro Garowe waa caasimad aan lahayn adeegyadii asaasiga ahaa sida caafimaad,biyo macaan iyo xitaa dab-damis. anagoo mid mid u kala qaadi doonaa taya xumada adeegyada arimaha bulshada ee caasimada balse marka hore waxaan is-waydiin doonaa halka la geeyo dhaqaalaha xoogan ee magaaladan soo gala. Dakhliga usoo xarooda Caasimada iyo curaarta 1% ee uga xaroota dhamaan gobalada Puntland Magaalada Garowe waxay kamid tahay magaalooyinka ugu dakhliga wanaagsan guud ahaan Puntland, waana magaalada labaad hadaysanba ahayn tan kowaad, bil walba Dawlada hoose ee Garowe waxaa u xarooda boqolaal kun oo dollar oo ah casnhuur ay ka qaado dadweynaha magaaladan degan. Sidoo kale Garowe waxay kaga duwan tahay magaalooyinka kale waxaa canshuurta guud ee Dawlada Puntland uga xarooda curaarta 1% oo ah dakhliga guud ee Dawlada dhexe dhamaan gobalada Puntland, taas oo bil walba dhan ugu yaraan sideetan kun oo doolar, lama oga halka ay aado lacagtaasi maadama magaaladu ka aradan tahay wax yaabihii ugu muhiimsanaa ee ay ahayd inay Dawlada hoose ku qabato dhaqaalahan xoogan, waxaana dakhliga uga xarooda gobalada Puntland lagu magacaabaa(Horumarinta caasimada Puntland) Dabkii khasaaraha dhaliyey oo banaanka soo dhigay fadeexada dul-hoganaysa maamulka degmada Garowe Sida aan lawada socono magaalada Garowe waxaa labba maalmood kahor ka dhacay dab khasaare nafeed iyo mid maalba geystay, kaas oo ay ku dhinteen inta la hubo 6 qof uuna dhaawac culus kasoo gaaray ugu yaraan 7 qof oo kale, markii dabku kacay waxaa magaalada laga waayey dab-damis bakhtiiya dabkan khasaaraha geystay, waana tan sababtay inuu dabkani geysto khasaare baaxadleh. Shirkadda gaarka loo leeyahay ee iibisa biyaha sifaysan ee Al-naciim ayaa ku guulaysata iyadoo kaashanaysa dadweyne soo gurmaday inay dabkan bakhtiiso, sidoo kale waxaa jirey shaqsiyaad naftooda ku biimeeyey dabkan oo ka hortagey khasaare tan ka baaxad weyn oo uu dabkani geysan karay maadama ay meesha taagnayd booyad weyn oo shidaal sidey, waxaa xusid mudan in shaqsiyaadkan qaarkood ay u geeriyoodeen dhawaacii soo gaaray. Mar arimahan dabka wax laga weydiiyey duqa caasimada Xassan Maxamed Ciise(Goodir) wuxuu qiray inaysan magaaladu lahayn wax dab-damisa, sidoo kale uusan ka jirin magaalada adeeg caafimaad oo kaafin kara dadkii dhaawacyada culus ay soo gaareen sidaa darteedna wuxuu sheegay duqu in dadkaas diyaarad khaasa ay u qaaday magaalada Muqdisho. Isbitaalka guud ee Garowe Nasiib daradii ugu weynayd ayaa dhacday markii mashaqada dabku dhacday in Isbitaalkii guud ee caasimada oo kamida xarumaha caafimaad ee ugu waaweyn Soomaaliya uu awoodii waayey inuu qaabilo dadkii ay wax yeeladu kasoo gaartay dabkan daryeel xumo qudhiisa haysata awgeed, Isbitaalkan kama jiraan adeegyadii muhiimka ahaa ee ay ahayd inuu qabto, wuxuuna mararka qaar u shaqeeyaa sida xarumaha gaarka loo leeyahay. Waxaa nasiib daro ah in dhibanayaashii dabka ku dhaawacmay loo qaado Muqdisho oo Garowe u jirta ku dhawaad kun kiilo-mitir markii loo waayey daryeel caafimaad oo ku filan ayna qaarkood diyaarada dusheeda ku dhintaan. Gaba-gabadii:- Waxaa is weydiin mudan tolow maxaa lagu qabtaa dakhliga xoogan ee magaaladan soo gala hadiiba hooyadii hilibka iyo khudaarta gadaysay ee laga soo qaaday aysanba haysan Cafimaad, biyo macaan ama aysanba jirin dab-damis ay gurmad ka helayso hadii gurigeeda uu dab qabsado? waxaa xusid mudan inaan dhaqaalahan xoogan lagu dhisin wadooyin, iskuulo iyo xarumo kale toona ayna wadooyinka magaalada laga dhisay sanadihii u danbeeyey ay dhamaantood ku deeqeen hay’adaha caalamiga ee ku midaysan mashruuca loo yaqaan JPLG marka laga reebo 10% ay bixiso Dawlada dhexe ee Puntland. PUNTLAND POST The post Faalo: Garowe magaalo ka aradan adeegyada asaasiga hadana soo xaraysa dakhli xoogan appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. The European Union has announced a new funding package of 42.5 million euros (nearly $53m) to help the Palestinians build their new state. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Agaasimihii hore ee Hay’adda Nabad-sugidda Somalia Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali ‘’Sanabloolshe’’ ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay guul daradii ka raacday doorashadii dhowaan ka dhacay magaalada Jawhar ee Gobolka Shabeellda Dhexe ee looga guulaystay kursigiisii hore ee baarlamaanka. Sanbloolshe, ayaa sheegay inuu aad u dhaliilsan yahay doorashada looga guuleystay, waxa uuna tilmaamay in lagu sameeyay faragalin dadban iyo mid toosa. Sanbloolshe, oo u waramaayay Idaacada VOA laanteeda afka Soomaaliga ayaa sheegay in guul daradiisa ay tahay mid ka danbeysay isdabamarin iyo xadgudubyo ka dhex dhacay Hoolka doorashada oo indhaha laga qabsaday. Sanbloolshe waxa uu dowlada ku eedeeyey inay faragelin ku samaysay doorashadaasi isla markaana ay dhaqaale ku taageertay musharraxa ku guulaystay doorashadaasi Nuur Iidow Bayle. Sanbloolshe, waxa uu sheegay in eediisa ay tahay mid ku saleysan Guddiga Doorashooyinka oo hab aan wanaagsaneyn howsha u waday, Faragelin toos ah oo Dowladda Doorashada ay ku heysay iyo Ergada oo lacag garka loo geliyay, si ay ugu codeeyaan qofka ay Dowladda wadato. Sanbloolshe, waxa uu cod dheer ku sheegay inuusan ku faraxsaneyn qaabka ay u dhacday doorashada, balse uu isaga qancay, wuxuuna tilmaamay in dowladda Federaalka ay maalgelineysay Nuur Iidow Beyle oo xildhibaanimada kaga guuleystay isaga. Waxa uu tilmaamay Sanbloolshe in isaga iyo Madaxda dalka ay ahaayen dad isku dhow oo saaxiibo ah, balse sheekada ay xumeeyen dad uu sheegay in ay u dhaxeeyan. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay hadii uu ku soo bixi lahaa kursiga shaqsi ahaantiisa inuusan noqon laheyn sida laga filyey ee ah inuu Mucaarad noqdo, balse kursigan uu shacabka ugu adeegi lahaa. Sidoo kale, Sanbloolshe ayaa yiri ‘’waxaan la tartamay dowlad ee lama aan tartamin shaqsi caadi ah, waxaan hubaa in danta laga lahaa faragalin ay aheyd in leyga guuleysto’’ Haddalka Sanbaloolshe ayaa kusoo beegmaaya xili dowlada Somalia la sheegay inay wakhti iyo dhaqaale badan ku bixisay Nuur Iidow Beyle oo xildhibaanimada kaga guuleystay Sanbaloolshe. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Sanbaloolshe oo kashifay kaalinta ay DFS ka qaadatay guul daradii ka raacday doorashada Jowhar appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. Facebook is putting its short-term money where its mouth is, reducing the presence of viral videos in an effort to boost well-being of users of its site. In Facebook’s Q4 2017 earnings report today CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that “Already last quarter, we made changes to show fewer viral videos to make sure people’s time is well spent. In total, we made changes that reduced time spent on Facebook by roughly 50 million hours every day.” Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-La-taliyaha dhinaca siyaasada xafiiska Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamuud Axmed Nuur ‘’Tarsan’’, ayaa ka hadlay wararka sheegaya in caburin lagu hayo Siyaasiyiinta ku dhaqan dalka, gaar ahaan kuwa magaalada Muqdisho. Tarsan ayaa sheegay in shaqsi ahaantiisa aanu u muuqan caburin lagu hayo Siyaasiyiinta, waxa uuna tilmaamay in la doonaayo keliya ilaalinta xadka hadalka. Waxa uu sheegay Tarsan in Siyaasiga ka tabankara caburinta keliya uu yahay mid ka weecda xadka loogu talo galay xoriyada hadalka, waxa uuna tilmaamay in la doonaayo in hadalka lagu saleeyo waaqica jira. Tarsan oo u waramaayay Idaacada Risaala ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa carab ***** in xiliga lagu jiro Siyaasiyiinta ku nool magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwo heysta xoriyad hadal, markii laga soo tago dowladihii hore. ‘’Anigu waxaan qabaa inaanu jirin caburin lagu hayo Siyaasiyiinta, midka dareemikara caburinta waa kan doonaayo inuu ku hadlo waxa uu rabo, dabcan taa macquul manoqoneyso’’ ‘’Siyaasigu maaha inuu sheego wax ummadda iska horkeenaya, oo ka dhalan kara burbur iyo xasilooni daro siyaasadeed, haddii uu hadalkiisa xadka ka baxo waa laga hortagayaa inta uusan dhibaato abuurin hadalkiisa taa lama orankaro caburin’’ Tarsan ayaa sheegay in xoriyadu ay tahay in qofka la xadido hadalkiisa, waxa uuna cadeeyay in xitaa dalalka qaar aysan ka jirin xoriyad lamid ah tan ay heystaan Siyaasiyiinta. Haddalka Tarsan ayaa imaanaya xili Siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka ay dowlada Somalia ku eedeeyan inay ku heyso dhibaato iyo caburin dhanka hadalka ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Tarsan oo ka Jawaabay wararka sheegaya in Caburin lagu hayo Siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Smartphones helped terror organizations grow and communicate. Now the devices are contributing to their downfall. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. During President Trump’s first State of the Union address Tuesday night, he repeatedly tried to conflate immigrants, including DREAMers, with terrorists and gang members—the latest in a string of racist or xenophobic statements Trump has made throughout his time in office. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. A Kenyan member of parliament, TJ Kajwang, who presided over the symbolic inauguration of Raila Odinga has been arrested. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. More than a year after United Nations peacekeepers were condemned by their own auditors for heedlessly dumping sewage, untreated waste water, garbage, medical waste and other dangerous materials in a wide array of war-torn countries, the same horrific health practices have surfaced again, in battered Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Zimbabwe has announced that white farmers still in business after controversial land reforms will be able to obtain 99-year leases, signalling a new government approach to the key agricultural sector. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Somalia and the United Nations on Wednesday launched a major innovation challenge to seek ideas from young Somalis on improving the living conditions of people in internally displaced persons (IDPs) communities. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. As immigration remains a hot-button issue in American politics, more Somali media outlets have spread across Minnesota in recent years — often to amplify the community’s positive contributions — even as the businesses face steep financial challenges. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — An iron collar that kept slaves in bondage. A branding iron that marked human beings as someone’s property. A photograph of black babies captioned as “alligator bait.” A fine china plate with gold lettering that says, “KKK ‘God Give Us Men.’” Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. DJIBOUTI — “World War III will start here.” We had been driving around the streets of this African city for more than an hour, and my companion — an agent from the national intelligence service whom I will call Mohammed — was excited by the implications of what he had been showing me Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. The President of Somalia, Hon. Mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo has lost the confidence of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) which the Head of State held discussions in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital. Mr. Farmajo lobbied IGAD members to vote for his candidate who was running for the Secretariat. Somalia Minister of Foreign Affairs Amb. Ahmed Isse Awad held series of meeting in the sidelines with IGAD officials to rally behind their candidate to clinch the regional bloc top position. Mr. Abdusalam Hadiye Omer, a Somaliland by birth was Somalia’s hopes were dashed o head the eight member regional bloc since its establishment in 1996. Somalia was later defeated in its bid by Uganda which succeeded in convincing the Bloc members to rally behind their candidature. The biggest challenge that impeded the chances of Somalia was that the debt of Somalia reached around 1 million. Uganda has recently paid the IGAD debt which has boosted its chances to defeat Somalia in leading the regional bloc.
  24. WICHITA, Kan. — Federal prosecutors are dropping one of the charges against a man accused of plotting to bomb an apartment complex housing Somali immigrants in western Kansas. Source: Hiiraan Online