Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. The Inaugural Uganda Somali Community Futsal League has climaxed at the International Futsal Courts in Kisenyi Kampala, with Galmudug Futsal club emerging the overall winners. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. By: M. A. Egge The President of the Republic who is also the Commander-in-Chief H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi of the National Armed Forces yesterday paid a glowing tribute to the department of defense for their diligence, accountability and management in his speech the Armed Forces Headquarters. The Head of State, who gave a fantastic round-up of over a whole century’s history of the multiple transitions of the path taken by the forces, was the guest of honour at the 24thCommemoration Day of the modern Somaliland National Armed Forces. H.E. Musa Bihi at the same time paid tribute to the leaders of both official opposition parties Messrs Abdirahamn Abdillahi Irro of Wadani and Feisal Ali Waraabe of UCID terming the vibrant democratic culture taking root in the country as a hallmark of developmental progress. He noted that the government would prioritize the welfare and the advancement of the institution of the forces at his behest hence pointed out that it was the best managed institution in the country. “It should be noted that both Abdirahman Irro and Feisal Ali are heroes who want the all the best for their country”, said the President. He cautioned way-warders not to be wary or jittery so as to fear polarization politics when diverse opinions are expressed. “We bask in the glory of having the opposition, the private media and both houses of parliament trying to put the government upright by way of check and balances”, said the President while adding that it was a healthy democratic scenario that nurtures development hence blended with the cherishing of a judicial system that can put the President in the dock. The Head of State taught the audience the history of the armed forces starting from the Kenya African Rifles in the early 19th Century to the custodial corps at the end of the second world war to the Somali scouts. He noted justifiably, “By the 1960 independence time the modern Somaliland forces had over two decades of experience”. The President noted that the doomed Somali Union was overly caused by the injection of a handful of inferior policemen from the south (13 individuals) who were made generals “with Abdillahi Congo made a second left tenant (two pipped) being the highest officer from Somaliland hence bringing a crisis (Somaliland-Somalia) which is still there up to today”. The President happens to be the most notable Somaliland leader to expound on the history of the country’s forces in such depth at such a podium to date. The President had earlier on cut the ribbon in a function inaugurating Guest Hostels at the military compounds hence visited several departments in the barracks such as the military hospitals, academies and the officer’s mess. The Defence Minister Hon. Isse Ahmed Yusuf praised the forces for their steadfastness on their auspicious occasion. The commander of the Armed forces major General Ismael Nouh Tani gave a recap of the forces history for the past 24 years. He noted that they have since established three major recruitment schools and two academies for officers and commanders. He said that of 200 students they sent abroad 189 were already back and the remaining 11 were pursuing masters courses; in the meantime, he says, some 125 were sent for health associated courses. General Tani revealed that ample military supplies and kits were received a weak ago. The occasion was graced by immediate past President Ahmed Silanyo, past vice Presidents Hassan Issa Jama, Abdirahman Aw Ali Farah and Ahmed Yusuf Yasin, both leaders of the official opposition parties and several eminent personalities, all service commanders etc. This is the first time that past leaders wholly attended such a function, an act that the President described as one of expression of unity and stability
  3. HARGEISA–A conference which will be discussed measures aimed to crack down overloaded trucks opens in Somaliland. The gathering is funded by German Development Agency (GIZ) and saw the attendance of Somaliland Y-PEER, truck drivers, experts and Road Authority. The Transport Minister, Hon. Abdilahi Abokor Osman has said that the rule is to deal with overloaded trucks which pose threat to safe driving on roads and reduce road accidents which is on the increase in Somaliland according to the country’s department of traffic police which release the accidents that transpire on yearly basis. As Somaliland spends a large amount of money on the construction of its roads then the rule to crack down overloaded trucks will be prevent from wear and tear of Somaliland roads. The overloading will have huge negative impact on the roads unless there is a law in place which administers once truck drivers violate its compliance. The Somaliland road authority has said that the rule is the first to be introduced in Somali inhabiting regions and would curb road traveling and safety. The move which is spearheaded by the transport ministry is to curb the menace in Somaliland as far as driving safely in the country is concerned.
  4. Students at Tabantabo school sit down for Breakfast feeding Two schools funded by the business community and from diaspora remittances are giving free education opportunities to some of the growing numbers of orphaned and vulnerable children in the city of Burao in Somaliland. In the last four months, 110 children aged six to 14 have been enrolled and another 270 have registered and are on the waiting list for places at the primary schools, one for boys and the other for girls. Afifa Hasan Nur, the head teacher of Tabantaabo girls’ school, said they are providing school meals after witnessing the conditions that displaced children and others from poverty-stricken families are living in. She said most do not get regular meals and parents or guardians are unable to cope, especially if they are displaced. The surrounding Toghdeer region has suffered heavily from the prolonged drought and huge numbers of pastoralist families have lost their livelihoods and migrated to urban areas in search of assistance. The Commissioner of Burao district, Mohamed Diiriye Hayd, told Radio Ergo there are around 3,500 children in four large IDP camps around the town who have no access to education. Some are orphaned, whilst others have parents with minimal income. Local government schools charge fees of $10 and private schools in the area charge $30. Saado Dhuux Hawd, 35, a single mother displaced from Duruqsi village, along the Ethiopian border, where she lost all her 180 goats, said her eldest daughter, aged nine, had been enrolled at Tabantaabo school. Her younger son and daughter were waiting for places. “The children used to graze the animals and take care of the livestock, but now we don’t have any animals so they just play around and have nothing to do,” Saado said. Tabantaabo’s first batch of 20 girls graduated last September. The school opened in 2010 and now has 220 students. The head said they will be taking in more new girls once the next grade eight students have graduated. The head of Abubakar Sadiq boys’ school, Mohamud Mohamed Hersi, told Radio Ergo they have been talking to the Somaliland government and local business people to help expand the schools. The school has 10 classrooms and 12 teachers. There are 170 students, including 50 recently displaced by the drought, who are accommodated in dormitories with food and stationery. Some orphaned children who completed primary are now being supported through secondary school by benefactors.
  5. Feysal Abshir, 25, a former camel keeper, has been earning his living as an electrician for the last few months after his family lost all their livestock in the prolonged drought. Working in Lasanod, Sool region, Feysal is able to earn around $15 a day doing electrical repairs and wiring jobs. He takes calls from customers in Lasanod, and places like Tukaraq, Yagori, and Hudun, between 50 and 100 km away. He is also on call for work from two local electrical companies. Feysal, the eldest son, sends a portion of his earnings to his family living in IDP camps in Awrbogeys, 160 km away. His family lost 180 goats and 15 camels in the drought. He told Radio Ergo his new skill had created fresh hope for his family, who were fed up relying on aid handouts. “I send them a decent amount to cover food, clothing and health needs for the family. I am also trying to save money to buy new livestock so the family can reclaim our proud heritage of pastoralism in the rural area,” Feysal told Radio Ergo. As the prolonged drought has hit pastoralist families so hard, finding alternative livelihoods and learning new skills has become an increasing priority. Feysal learnt his skill at the school run by a distant relative, Ali Hersi Jama, who offers vocational training courses in Lasanod. The school charges $25 to students but does not charge drought-hit pastoralists who lost their livestock. Courses include electronics, construction and house painting. Ali Hersi, an electrical engineer, told Radio Ergo 90 drought-hit students have benefited from the school that he opened a year ago. Sixty are working in electronics and construction jobs in the city. He currently has 400 students enrolled and more arrive every day. This month the school took 23 more students and had to turn others away until it can add more capacity. Numerous other drought-affected people, men and women, have turned to work in hotels and restaurants in Lasanod as waiters and cleaners. Some attend part-time classes at night to improve their skills, in the hope of finding new livelihoods.
  6. Keyd/Geel ruqo ah oo ku sugan deegaanada abaartu ka jirto ee Togdheer/Sidiiq/Ergo The Somaliland drought response committee has reported a severe water shortage and food scarcity critically affecting Lughaya and spreading across all districts of Awdal region in the country’s northwest. The committee carried out a survey in 12 districts, where rain has not fallen for two years. They recorded the displacement of almost 2,500 families after losing all their livestock. Some families are moving towards Lughaya to access water wells in the hope of saving their last few animals. Feysal Ali Sheikh, director of the drought response committee, said he and the survey team visited IDP camps in Lughaya, Gargaara, Abdi Geedi and Jidhi, where scores of drought-hit pastoralists were arriving every day. The director said aid supplies were needed in the IDP camps to avert a humanitarian crisis. He said they saw rotting animal carcasses along the road indicating large scale livestock deaths. Abshir Obsiye Egal, a pastoralist, migrated to Lughaya with his seven children and remaining livestock in December. He brought 18 goats and eight camels to the camp, but 11 goats and four camels died whilst they were in the camp. He told Radio Ergo he joined the camps to get assistance but they had only received small handouts from locals. He said their plight was worsening by the day and he was worried his children might starve to death, as he got not get enough food for them all. Abshir lost 80 goats and seven camels back in his village, about 15 km from Lughaya. When he came to the IDP camp he tried to sell off his last animals to feed his family but no buyer was interested in his skinny livestock. There is no access to grazing or animal fodder in the camps. Local people cannot support this influx of people. The animals are continuing to die and the people fear it will be the children next. Amina Hassan Obsiiye told Radio Ergo she woke up on 22 January to find five of her animals had died overnight. “Only God knows if my remaining livestock will survive till the end of this month,” Amina said. Her last 10 goats have had no water or pasture for the past three days. Amina and her four children trekked for three hours from the rural outskirts of Lughaya district to the town on 9 November. She said the family lost 80 goats during the last months of drought. The drought response committee reported that the worst affected parts of Somaliland are Togdheer region and the coastal areas of Awdal, Sanaag and North West region.
  7. Waasarada Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare ee dowladda Puntland ayaa Qabtay tababar ku saabasan Tayeynya Kormeerka , Tababarka ayaa Lagu Tabarayey dhamaan Sagaalka Gobol ee Kormeeryasahada Waxbarashada Gobolada Puntland. Tababarka ayaa waxaa soo qaban qaabisay Wasaarada Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinata sare waxaa daah furay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare Abshir Yuusuf Aw Ciise iyo Madaxa Kormeerka Cabadala Xuuxule. Ujeeddda Tababarka guud ayaa ah in kor looqaado Tayada Kormeerka heer Gobol iyo heer Degmo . Madaxa Kormeer waaxda tayo dhowrka Waxbarashada ee Wasaarada Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare Mudane Cabdala Xuuxuule ayaa sheegay in tayada Kormeerku uu yahay muhiimadda koowaad ee Wasaradda Waxbarashada, maadama madaxda ugu saraysa ee Wasaaradda ay balan qaadeen in kor loo qaadayo aqoonta waxbrasho ee kormeraayasha Waxbarashada . Madaxa kormeera Waaxda tayeynta Wasaaradda Waxbarashadda iyo Tacliintsa sare ee Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegay in sanadkaab dardar cusub la galin doono Kormeerkiisa iyo Maamulkiisa isla markaana uu sii socon doono Tababaro noocan oo kala ah oo kor loogu Qaadayo Tayayda kormeerka iyo shaqooyinka kale. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarshada iyo Tacliinta sare Abshir Yuusuf Ciise oo daahfuray Tababarka kormeerayaasha Gobolada waxuu kula dardar may kormeerayasha Gobolada inay cashar fiican ka barteen iyagoo aqoon ku filan ka qadan doona shaqadaa loo igmaday u soo qabtaan Wasaaradda iyo heer Gobol iyo heer Degmo. Ujeeddda Tababarka guud ayaa ah in kor looqaado tayada kormeerka Waxbarasho Maamulka dugsiga iyo Ardayga iyo mida deegaaneed. Ujeedooyinka kale waxaa ka mid ah, in Dugsiyada laga caawiyo Tex book, iyadoo kor loogu Qaadayo Waxbarashada Ardayga. In la abuuro Jawi iyo dhaqan is la xisaabtan iyo is qiimayn ka dhaxeysa Daneeyayaasha Waxbarashada, In la helo kormeer, saxid iyo Toosin. Muhiimada Tababarka kormeera ayaa ah, 1. In la helo Tex books u dhaxeeya Maclinka iyo Ardayga 2. Siyaasad Hagaajinta Maamulka Dugsiga. 3. Cashar eegista Fasalka 4. siyaasada isku xirka Waxbarashada Tooska ah iyo mida waawayn. 5. Siyaasada buugaagta luuqada wax lagu dhigo ee ardayga Wax laga baro.
  8. LAUNCH EVENT: The final report by the international observation mission to the Somaliland presidential election November 13 2017 (mission led by the Development Planning Unit at UCL and Somaliland Focus, and funded by the UK government) will be launched at a free public event with panel discussion, Q&A and refreshments afterward on 15 March 2018 6pm, UCL Elvin Hall, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL. The launch will also feature a photographic exhibition by Kate Stanworth in conjunction with Saferworld. This is a free public event, and all are welcome.
  9. Taliyaha Militariga Somaliland,Gen. Nuux Ismaaciil Taani ayaa sheegay in militariga Somaliland inta badan uu qabsaday degaannada Sool iyo Sanaag,balse weli ay u hartay in ay soo taabtaan Xadkii ay ku taamiyeen ee Yoocada. Gen. Taani oo maanta hadal ka jeediyey Xuska Sannad-guurada 24 aad ee Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa sheegay in sannadkii 1997-dii ay aanu jirin ciidan Somalilan oo dhaafsan magaalada Burco ee gobolka Togdheer,halka maanta militariga Somaliland ku suganyahay degaanka Tukaraq oo u dhexeeya Garoowe iyo Laascaanood. Taliyaha ayaa sheegay in ay haatan ay u sii gudbayaan dhinaca Yoocada ee ay Somaliland sheegato in Xadkeedu ku egyahay,wuxuuna ku hanjabay in ay yoocada imaan doonaan ,iyagoo gudanaya waajib Dastuuri ah oo saaran,sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Halkaan ka daawo Gen.Taani PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Militariga Somaliland oo ku dhawaaqay in ay soo gudbayan Yoocada. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. By: Ahmed Abdi HARGEISA–(Somaliland Informer)–As Somaliland aimed at to rein in inflation, an opposition party warned on Saturday that the government’s steps to restrict the Mobile Money Transfer service will hurt the low-income families that live in remote areas and the cities. The government wants people to use Somaliland shilling instead of digital currency and says less than $100 cannot be transferred via mobile. “Communities of low-income families use mobile money transactions to pay their bills and services will cause serious damage to Somaliland’s financial situation, Ismael M. Hurreh a senior member of the Wadani Party and Somaliland’s Former Minister of Finance. “People in cities and villages adopted the digital payments and any rules restricting mobile payment will impact both their lives and the economy,” he said. Hurreh said the people could transfer an amount of money between five to 30 U.S dollars to their families in rural areas and may not afford to transfer $100 at once and the move will only help the rich ones. President Muse Bihi Abdi vowed that he will do everything to make sure Somaliland’s currency-stability amid Somaliland’s shilling against the rising dollar. Somaliland is not an internationally recognized state and its Central Bank relies on money transfer companies, such as Dahabshiil that help families to receive in remittances from Somaliland’s expats around the World.
  11. Agriculture Minister Hon. Ahmed Mumin Seed embarked on working visit to Garbo Dadar and Lughaya farming areas. The objective behind the visit of a delegation led by the minister is to hear first-hand about the issues which impact upon farmers and the rural community. The minister was on a tour to farming regions in the west of Somaliland to see the challenges faced with the farming communities and ways that the govt can offer help in boosting local production. The visit is also aimed at raising awareness to farmers so that they must do their best to increase farming and production locally. Agriculture ministry officials the likes of director general was accompanying the ministers trip to the farming areas as part of project which is aimed at encouraging farmers to grow more. Somaliland, is an unrecognized state in the Horn of Africa which unilaterally seceded from Somalia in 1991 after Somalia’s central government was overthrown in a popular revolt.
  12. Gaborone (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Dalka Botswana Ian Khama,ayaa sheegay in marka la gaaro 1da April ee sanadkan wixii ka dambeeya uu raadsanayo xaas qurxoon isaga oo la kaashanaya xubno ka mid ah qoyskiisa oo la raadiya dooqiisa. Madaxweynuhu waxaa uu sheegay in ay isu qaban weysay maamulka Dalkiisa iyo raadinta gabar qurxoon sidaas darteedna uu doortay in mudda ah in uu xaas la’aan ahaado. Kgosi Maruje III iyo Tati, ayuu sheegay in uu aad u dhegeysanayo islamarkaana uu u dhiibtay dooqiisa in ay la raadiyaan. Sanadkii 1992dii ayuu alkuntay Gabar lagu magacaabo Nomsa Mbere,muddo dheer kaddib waxaa geeriyootay hooyadiis,waxaana kaddib uu sheegay in uu ka kabaxay alkumashadii sidaas darteedna uusan diyaar u ahayn guur. Tan iyo xilligaas Madaxqweyne Khama lalama xiriirinin wax guur ah,waxaana uu ahaa Doob,hadda waxaa uu xilka ka degayaa 31ka March 2018,waxaana kaddib uu doonayaa Gabar qurux badan oo uu guursado. Mar ayuu jeclaaday Gabar lagu magacaabo Yarona Sharp,hayeeshee ma dhicin in uu guursado,mar la weydiiyay dooqiisa waxaa uu yiri “waxaan doonayaa Gabar qurux badan,dheer, dhexyar,oo aan buurneyn”. Warbaahinta iyo Dadweynaha dalkaas ayaa waxaa ay six an ah u sheegaan in Madaxweynuhu yahay Khaniis,hayeeshee ma jirto caddeyn lo ohayo. Madaxweyne Khama waxaa uu heystaa darajada 1aad ee heerka Jaamacadeed,waxaase lagu amaanay in uu yahay Madaxweyne dalkiisa u horseeday musuq maasuq la’aan iyo siyaasad deggan. Khama oo xilka ka degaya 31ka March 2018,waxaa uu madaxweyne ka ahaa dalkaas tan iyo 2008dii,waxaana beddelaya ku xigeenkiisa Mokgweetsi Masisi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Madaxweynaha Botswana : “marka aan xilka ka dego,waxaan raadsanayaa xaas qurxoon!”. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Nadaafadda waxay ka mid tahay adeegyada asaasiga ah ee ka qeyb qaata caafimaadka iyo faya-dhowrka, waxaana muddo dheer maareynta qashinka magaalada Muqdisho uu ahaa shaqooyinka ugu waaweyn ee Dowladda Hoose ee Muqdisho. Waaxda Nadaafadda ee Dowladda hoose ayaa iyaduna ahayd hay’adaha ugu shaqaalaha badan, waxayse taasi isbedeshay markii ay dhacday dowladii Soomaaliya, waxayna qeybtan ka mid noqotay qeybaha soo kaban waayey oo maamuladii G/Banaadir isaga danbeeyay ay ku guuldarreysteen in si buuxda loo soo celiyo adeegii ay dadka u heysay. Dowladii Xasan Sheekh ayaa aakhirkii xilligiisa Disember 2016 gacanta u geliyay shirkadda ECCO howlaha nadaafadda Gobolka Banadir, taasoo lala galay heshiis qarsoodi ah oo aan ilaa iminka shacabka loo soo bandhigin, waxaana heshiiskaasi lagu amray gobolka Banadir iyo saxiixo xilligii uu madaxda ka ahaa Yuusuf Xuseen Jimcaale. Shirkadda ECCO waxay la timid Qalab fara badan, iyadoo qoratay shaqaale isla markaana ka howlgashay degmooyinka G/Banaadir oo dhan, waxaana maamulka G/Banaadir uu baabi’iyey shirkado yaryar oo qashinka ka qaadi jiray xaafadaha iyo degmooyinka Muqdisho. Shirkadda ECCO waxaa leh ganacsato Soomaaliyeed iyadoo saamigeeda ugu badan leedahay shirkadda HASS Petroleum ee Bariga ka howlgasha, iyadoo dadka Muqdisho lacago uga qaada ururinta Qashinka guryaha iyo Goobaha Ganacsiga. Inkastoo aan la ogeyn qasaare iyo faa’iido waxay ku sugan tahay shirkadda ECCO, haddana waxaa muuqata inay howl fiican ka qabatay xaaladii wasakhda magaalada, laakiin waxaa xusid mudan in waaxdii nadaafadda G/Banaadir iyo shaqaalaheedii ay mushaar ka qaataan G/Banaadir iyagoo aan wax shaqo ah haynin. Shirkadda ECCO waxay lacagteeda si toos uga soo saarataa dadweynaha Muqdisho oo lacag ay uga qaadato qashinka, iyadoo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir oo ay ahayd inuu adeegan qabto uu isna canshuur ka qaado dadka, taasoo isugu tageysa in dadka Muqdisho ay laba jeer dhibanayaal yihiin laakiin ay raali ku yihiin. ECCO waxay hadda dadaal ugu jirtaa inay la wareegto xarumihii dowladda Hoose iyo dhulkii danta guud ahaa oo ay ugu dambeysay Barxadda Ceelgaab ee Biyaaso Liibaro oo hadda la isku hayo kadib markii la siiyey si ay ugu shaqeysato. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Sidee Shirkadda ECCO ula wareegtay mid ka mida shaqadii Dowladda Hoose ee Muqdisho.? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. HARGEISA–February 2nd marks the 24th anniversary of the establishment of Somaliland’s Armed Forces. Somaliland President, Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi accompanied by the minister for defense and the army chief, Brigadier Major General Nuh Tani attended a commemoration held by the Ministry of National Defense to celebrate the armed forces establishment.Somaliland has created the army in 1994 just three years after the country proclaimed its independence from Somalia in 1991. The country established its own armed forces were needed to protect the achievements of the young republic. The armed forces consisting of Police, military, army correction facility, Special Police Unit were formed to deter both external and internal threats. Somaliland is located in a hostile region which has seen the rise of piracy, terrorism and other threats from extremist organizations in the Horn of Africa. Somaliland which has deployed thousands of its armed forces in the border with Puntland which locked horns over territorial dispute. The Head of State, Musa Bihi has toured and inspected Bir Jeh army barrack which has been rejuvenated. The President took the salute at the guard of honor given to him at the barrack during the inspection. The barrack has been fenced and the president visited how the hospital operates as the army chief has briefed him. In addition, the president also visited army officers premise which has been revamped. Hon. Musa inspected the building of sleeping and learning rooms which have been built The Head of State has officially opened two story building constricted within Bir Jeh central command of armed forces. The building will host visiting army delegations that Somaliland has a military cooperation. Somaliland, a broke away state has celebrated its armed forces 24th anniversary since its inception in 1994. The country’s main opposition leader, Hon. Abdirahman Abdilahi Irro sent his congratulatory message to the men and women in boots on the occasion of its 24th anniversary which coincided on the 2nd of Feb. He hopes for the families of armed forces to live in peace and prosperity for the year to come.
  15. Saacadihii lasoo dhaafay waxaa xoogeystay hadaladda ka imaanaya Taliyihii hore ee Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka Cabdulaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe, Dad badan ayaa ku tilmaamay inuu isu rogay mucaarad ,laakiin taas dood ka duwan ayaa muuqata. Ilaa 4 wareysi oo kulul ayuu bixiyay ,wareysiyadda qaar wuxuu Dowladda ku dhaliilay gaar ahaan madaxtooyadda iney dagaal xoogan la gashay oo ay dhaafisay kursigiisii, wuxuu yiri madaxweynaha waxaa uggu jira faraanti jin ah, wuxuu diiday inuu si toos ah ugga hadlo arinta dhiibista Qalbi Dhagax inkastoo uu sheegay inuu isagu ahaa qof ku shaqeynayay amar madaxda kore ka yimid, wuxuu u muuqday nin wax badan og ,wuxuu mar walba isku dayaayay inuusan madaxweynaha dhaliisha saarin, , hadaba muxuu u hadlaya Sanbaloolshe?. Dalka waxaa ka dhacday dhowr kiis oo aaney madaxdu ilaa hadda toos ugga hadal, Sanbaloolshe wuxuu hayaa sirta Qaranka gaar ahaan Dowladda hadda jirta, arinta Qalbi Dhagax waa u tun ku taagan madaxda hadda joogta, ma jiro qof ku dhiiran kara inuu sheegto inuu amarkaas bixiyay, wararka sheegaya in madaxtooyaddu lacag ku bixisay musharaxii la tartamaayay waxey u badan yihiin kuwa saxan. Sanbaloolshe oo xilkii lagga qaaday ,midkii kalana lagga riixday waxaa u muuqata fursad uu xil kale ku raadsan karo oo ah inuu hadlo isagoo cabsi galinaya madaxdda sare, hadii uu Sanbaloolshe sheego cidii bixisay amarkii laggu dhiibay Qalbi Dhagax uuna cadeymo la yimaado waxaa dhici karta dhiiqo siyaasadeed, wareysiyadda nuucaan ah waxaa la yiraahdaa “i aamusi” oo la micno ah boos ii raadi . Villa Somalia waxa ay ku qasban tahay in aamusiddo Cabdulaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe oo uggu yaraan loo raadiyo safaarad waliba waa inuu noqdaa safiir aan la badalin waqtiga u haray madaxweyne Farmaajo sida ay qabaan dadka siyaasadda faaqidda, wareysiyadiisu waxey u muuqdaan fariin , hadii aan si deg deg ah loola hadal Sanbaloolshe wareysiyadda xigga ee uu dhiibi doonno waxey noqon karaan dacar siyaasadeed. Sanbaloolshe waxaa laggu tilmaamaa nin aan gamban inta badan, Is bad baadintu waa qeyb ka mid ah fahamka siyaasadda fiyoow. Waxaa Qoray: Abdullahi Osman Farah The post Sanbaloolshe in la aamusiyo ayuu rabaa (Faalo Xasaasi ah) appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Waaxda Faya-dhowrka ee Gobolka Benaadir u qaabilsan ka hor-tagga waxyaabaha dhacay iyo qiimaynta tayada Badeecadaha kana ka hawl-gasha Dekedda weyn ee Xamar ,ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay raashin iyo waadooyin uu waqtigeedu dhamaaday,taasoo ay ku wareejiyeen laamaha ammaanka si loo gubo. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Arrimaha Bulshada iyo Wacyigelinta gobolka Benaadir, Marwo Basmo Caamir Shakeeti oo kormeer ku tagtay goobaha laga helay agabka dhacay ayaa sheegtay in dawladda hoose oo kaashanaysa hay’adaha ku shaqada leh iyo laamaha amniga ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonaan cid walba oo magaalada soo gelinaysa alaabooyin dhacay. “Waxaan kormeer ku tagnay Dekedda magaalada Muqdisho, si aan u baarno cabashooyin maalmahan halkaas naga soo gaarayay, baaritaan kadib, waxaan halkaas ka helnay hal kontaynar oo daawo dhacday ah kuna taariikhaysan, 2014-2016-2017. Sidoo kale, waxaan bakhaarka no.3 ku soo aragnay jawaano bur dhacay ku jiro kaas oo biyo ay soo gaareen, cid walba oo arrimahaas ku lug leh oo doonaysa in magaalada la galiyo badeeco dhacdayna tallaabo ayaan ka qaadaynaa”. Ayay tiri Marwo Basmo Caaimir. Ugu dambeyn, Guddoomiye Basmo Caamir ayaa ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed fartay in eysan dib dambe u keenin dalka wax ayan naftooda u quurin, iyadoo xustay in laga baxay waqtigii fawdada uu dalku ku jiray, lana joogo xiligii isla xisaabtanka iyo dabagalka wax yaabaha dalka soo galaya. PUNTLAND POST The post Maamulka Banaadir oo sheegay in Muqdisho aan la keeni karin Dawo iyo Raashin dhacay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Somaliland government should immediately release jailed poet Naema Ahmed Ibrahim, Human Rights Centre said in a statement. On 27th January 2018, Naema Ahmed Ibrahim, a poet, was arrested by the National Intelligence Agency from Hargeisa Egal International Airport while she was traveling to Mogadishu, according to Ahmed Ibrahim, Naema’s father who spoke to HRC. Naema was first held in a facility run by the National Intelligence Agency. On 28th January, she was transferred to the Central Police Station where she is now detained, sources confirmed to HRC. She was brought to Hargeisa Regional Court on 29th January 2018 and 1st February 2018. The court remanded her into custody. No official charges are filed by the prosecution. But she is held for Facebook posts allegedly related to the unity of Somalia, according to her lawyer, Mubarik Abdi. The police denied her family to meet Naema after the father spoke to the media, according to family members. Naema was arrested without a court warrant, lawyer Mubarik told HRC. According to article 25 of Somaliland Constitution, “no person may be arrested, searched, or detained, except when caught in flagrante delicto, or on the issue of a reasoned arrest warrant by a competent judge.” “The arrest of Naema without a court warrant for expressing her opinion is contrary to the Constitution. Both the Constitution of Somaliland and the international human rights instruments guarantee freedom of expression,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre. “We are very concerned about the detention of Naema who is held for her political opinion. The government should respect its Constitution,” Guleid added. Human Rights Centre requests the government of Somaliland to allow family members to visit her, and to immediately release Naema. Guleid Ahmed Jama Director of Human Rights Centre, Hargeisa Somaliland Email:
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha Shirkada isgaarsiinta ee Hormuud Koox hubeysan oo wadata gaari nuuca raaxada ah ayaa gudaha shirkada Hormuud qeybta xaafada buun-dooyinka ee degmada Waabari ku dilay shaqaale shirkadaas ka tirsanay oo loogu galay xafiiskiisa halkaasina lagu dilay. Shaqsiga la dilay ee ka tirsan shaqaalaha shirkada Hormuud ayaa waxaa magaciisa lagu soo gaabiyay Suleyman. Kooxdii dilka geysatay ayaa ka baxsatay goobta, lamana oga sababta ka danbeysa dilka loo geystay shaqaalahaan ka tirsanay shirkada Hormuud. Waa markii labaad maalmo gudahood la dilo shaqaale ka tirsan shirkada Hormuud ee Muqdisho, khamiistii ayey aheed markii shaqaale ka tirsan shirkada Isgaarsiinta Hormuud Qarax miino lagula eegtay deegaanka tareedisho ee duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Deg deg :- Shaqaale Hormuud ka tirsan oo Muqdisho lagu dilay iyo faahfaahin ku saabsan appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Senator Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid) ayaa afka furtay isagoo shir jaraa’id oo uu goor dhoweyd qabtay ku faahfaahiyey weerarkii lagu qaaday gurigiisa iyo ciddii ka dambeysay. Cabdi Qeybdiid ayaa sheegay inuu Alle amarkiis uga badbaaday weerar loo qorsheeyay in lagu khaarijiyo, taasoo ay ku reebtay argagaxa iyo murugo, qoyskiisana dhibaato loogu geystay, iyadoo mid ka mida ilaaladiisa lagu dhaawacay oo uu weli isbitaal ku jira. “Weerarkii lagu soo qaaday gurigeyga 30 bishii December 2017 waxaa la rabay in la igu khaarijiyo, Ciidamo laga soo diray Dugsiga Tababarka Jen. Gordon oo uu Imaaraadka maamulo iyo ciidanka Nabadsugida ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa ka dambeeyay” ayuu yiri Cabdi Qeybdiid oo sheegay inuu ka hortegay falcelin weerarkaasi ka dambeyn lahayd. Cabdi Qeybdiid ayaa caddeeyay inuu muddo 33 maalmood ah kadib weerarkaasi aan wax tallaabo ah laga qaadin saraakiishii Imaaraadka iyo kuwii nabadsugidda ee gurigiisa weeraray, iyadoo kaashanaya ciidamada NISA ee Gobolka Banaadir. “Weli waxaan dareensanahay inay jiri karo khatar ku wajhan nafteyda iyo qoyskeyga, cid kastana ay ku imaan karto… waxaan ka codsanayaa xubnaha labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka inay guddi u saaraan arrintan oo horseedi karta khatar ku wajahan Qaranimada Soomaaliya..” ayuu yiri Cabdi Qeybdii oo baaq u diray labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka.  Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Cabdi Qeybdiid: “Weerarkii lagu qaaday Guriyeyga waxaa la rabay in lagu khaarijiyo, waxaana ka dabeeyay…” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Kismaayo, Feb, 3 2018- Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Jubbaland ee Soomaaliya Mudane Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay Danjiraha Dowlada Ingiriiska u fadhiya Soomaaliya Mr David Concar. Kulankan waxaa Madaxweynaha ku weheliyay Madaxweyne ku xigeenka koobad Mudane Maxamuud Sayid Aadan iyo qaar kamid ah xubnaha golaha Wasiirada. Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Islaam wuxuu Dowlada UK uga mahad celiyay tageerada ay siiso Soomaaliya isagoo ku booriyay in dadaalka ay Ingiriisku ku bixinayaan dib usoo kabashada Soomaaliya ay sii dardar galiyaan. Madaxweynahu wuxuu sheegay in adeegyada ay Uk ka fuliso deeganada Jubbaland ay yihiin kuwo natiijooyin fiican ay kasoo baxayaan balse loo baahan yahay in mar walba lagu saleeyo baahiyaha jira. Adeegyada Waxbarashada Caafimaadka dib u habaynta qoxootiga kasoo noqonaya dibadaha iyo arimo kale oo ay kamid tahay tayaynta Ciidamada Booliska ayuu Madaxweynahu sheegay in Jubbaland ay siinayso mudnaanta koobad taageerada Saxiibada Soomaaliyana ay mar walba muhiim u tahay. Danjire David Concar ayaa sheegay in kaalmada ay ku bixiyaan Soomaaliya ay sii laban laabayaan isagoo sheegay in si gaar ah ay diirada u saarayaan deeganada Jubbaland si baahiyaha jira wax looga qabto. —DHAMMAAD— XAFIISKA WARFAAFINTA, IYO WAR IS GAARSIINTA, EE MADAXTOOYADA DOWLAD GOBOLEEDKA JUBBALAND, EE SOOMAALIYA. The post Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo la kulmay Danjire Mr David Concar appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Kismaayo, Feb, 3 2018- Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay Danjiraha Dowlada Ingiriiska u fadhiya Soomaaliya Mr David Concar. Kulankan waxaa Madaxweynaha ku weheliyay Madaxweyne ku xigeenka koobad Mudane Maxamuud Sayid Aadan iyo qaar kamid ah xubnaha golaha Wasiirada. Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe wuxuu Dowlada UK uga mahad celiyay tageerada ay siiso Soomaaliya isagoo ku booriyay in dadaalka ay Ingiriisku ku bixinayaan dib usoo kabashada Soomaaliya ay sii dardar galiyaan. Madaxweynahu wuxuu sheegay in adeegyada ay Uk ka fuliso deeganada Jubbaland ay yihiin kuwo natiijooyin fiican ay kasoo baxayaan balse loo baahan yahay in mar walba lagu saleeyo baahiyaha jira. Adeegyada Waxbarashada Caafimaadka dib u habaynta qoxootiga kasoo noqonaya dibadaha iyo arimo kale oo ay kamid tahay tayaynta Ciidamada Booliska ayuu Madaxweynahu sheegay in Jubbaland ay siinayso mudnaanta koobad taageerada Saxiibada Soomaaliyana ay mar walba muhiim u tahay. Danjire David Concar ayaa sheegay in kaalmada ay ku bixiyaan Soomaaliya ay sii laban laabayaan isagoo sheegay in si gaar ah ay diirada u saarayaan deeganada Jubbaland si baahiyaha jira wax looga qabto.
  22. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr, Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Tacsi u udiray dhammaan Shacabka Puntland, Qoyska iyo Eheladii Allaha u naxariistee Marxuum Garaad Cali Buraale Xasan oo ku geeriyooday Laascaano saaka aroortii oo uu in muddo ah ku xanuunsanaa, Marxuun Garaad Cali Buraale Xasan ayaa ka mid ahaa Isamada Puntland. Halkaan hoose ka akhriso tacsida.
  23. Taliyihii hore ee hay’adda nabad sugida iyo sirdoonka Soomaaliya, Cabdulaahi Sambaloolshe, ayaa ku eedeeyay Villa Soomaaliya inay ula dhaqantay si aan hoboonayn. Sambaloolshe wuxuu sheegay madaxweyne Farmaajo inuu ugaga baxay balamo ku saabsanaa inuu la dhameysandoono afarta sano ee uu madaxweynaha ka yahay Soomaaliya, haddii xilka laga qaadano ay dowladdu ku taageeridoonto inuu xubintiisii xildhibaanimo dib u helo. Wuxuu sheegay inuu yahay nin sirta dalka gacanta ku haya, loona baahnayn in daaqada laga tuuro waa sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “Madaxweynuhu sidii Malaay badda ku jira ayuu bannaanka iigasoo saaray.” ayu yidhi Sambaloolshe. Halkaan ka dhegayso codka Sambaloolshe. SANBALOOLSHE
  24. WASHINGTON — The United States banned the export of weapons and defense services to South Sudan on Friday in a reflection of the Trump administration’s growing frustration over that nation’s grinding civil war. Source: Hiiraan Online