Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha xukuumadda Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdi Xayir maareeye ayaa shaqadii ka joojyey agaasimihii guud ee wasaaraddaasi agaasimaha Waaxda Ganacsiga. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye ayaa shaqadii ka joojiyay Agaasimihii Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Wasiir Maareeye oo dhowaan xilka loo magacaabay ayaa Wareegto uu soo saaray shaqadii uga joojiyey Agaasimihii Guud ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga & Warshadaha Cabdillahi Xiyir Ducaale isagoo sabab uga dhigay maamul xumo iyo wax is-daba marin ka socotay Wasaaraddiisa. Qoraal kasoobaxay xafiiska wasiir maareeye ayaa lagu amray in agaasimaha guud uu 48 saacadood gudahood xilka ku wareejiyo Agaasimamha cusub oo lagu magacaabo C/kariin Maxamuud Axmed oo hore u hayey xilka agaasimaha mashaariicda Wasaarada Ganacsiga kaas oo dhawaan uu magacaabay maareeye. maareeye ayaa soo saaray labo wareegto tan iyo markii uu xilka qabtay waxa uuna horey shaqada uga joojiyay wakiiladii Ganacsiga safaaradihii Soomaaliya ay ku lahayd in ka badan 10 dal. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Wasiirka Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye Oo Xaalufis Kuhaya Shaqaalaha Wasaaradiisa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Mogadishu (HOL) - In a bid to cut off the flow of funds to ISIS, the United States has announced fresh sanctions against three individuals and three companies, including a Somali national, for allegedly providing material support to the militant group. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. A 35-year-old man who pleaded guilty to being a member of Al-Shabaab terror group six years ago, will now serve 15 years in jail after the Court of Appeal quashed a life sentence imposed on him. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Mogadishu (HOL) - Two people were reported killed and another one injured following a grenade attack on former Howl-wadag district commissioner's house in Mogadishu on Friday night. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Many would shrug and say the Arab is criticizing the blessed land again. They will defend their foolishness by arguing that Somaliland is a poor and young country that has a long way to go before it reaches maturity. They will make excuses for the police, the government and the wadaad mafia. They’ll boast of the recent democratic elections. But what’s the point of democracy if it’s not applied. What’s democratic about being humiliated in the street by your own police? Where are all those women (and they’re mostly women) who arranged the casho sharafs, organised parties and collected hundreds of thousands for the ruling party only to see their sons, brothers or cousins forcibly having their hair cut in the street? The minister of religious affairs supports and encourages such things. This is a man who is supposedly knowledgeable about the history of his faith. Does he then not know that most descriptions of the companions of the prophet portray them as men with long flowing hair? In fact, I challenge him to go back over the history and mention five with short hair (natural baldness not withstanding). He mentions a hadeeth about following a lizard into its hole, as an analogy of Muslims copying non Muslims when he’s already comfortably ensconced in the hole. Why give TV interviews, sit in an office and face cameras when you could have easily kept your “dhaqan” by doing all of this under a tree? Why accept that the Georgian calendar was forced on you for practical reasons but not extend the benefit of the doubt to the young kids and accept that, in same cases, the long hair is forced on them due to poverty. The man is FAT and well fed. He’s well paid and I doubt he actually does any work. This leaves him with the only thing left to his type of mafia Salafis, grandstanding and pointless virtue. It’s not as if the country is not suffering from poverty and droughts. It’s not as if the young are not jobless and hopeless. It’s not as if thousands of them (men, and that most precious of creatures to the heart of a Mullah, women) have not taken their lives in their hands and thrown it in the sea. It’s not as if their parents and relatives in the diaspora have not been complaining about it. It’s not as if the vast majority of the population are made of young people. What exactly does this crazy wadaad and his ilk want? What do they think the consequences of their actions will be? Fadhomooy, you sold your gold in support of Kulmiye. To what end? Caashaay, you set up a WhatsApp group to help Wadani. To what purpose? Suubanaay what does your UCID FB group discuss? What did your efforts give you? Mujaahid Maqas is what you got. Picking on kids and humiliating them in the streets. Talking about a great future for Somaliland when it’s that future that’s getting assaulted and having its rights abused. It’s all good and well to arrest people but you then have to put them in front of a judge who must rule on their guilt. This attack by Mujaahid Maqas and his Mullah Mafia must by condemned in the strongest terms. Written by: Ahmed H. M – London, UK
  6. The title above is a familiar cry one hears when people lament some shortcoming or problem that befalls Somaliland. It’s one we heard when the droughts hit or when political disagreements threatened to unravel the whole place. Yet, it is actually a pertinent question. It implies that there are people out there busy working on behalf of Somaliland (for its peace, security, progress and recognition). But who are they and maxay ku maqanyhiin? At this point, in most articles containing the word Somaliland, there usually comes the breathless speech about five days of independence, 18th May, elections and the strive for recognition. I will not bother with that, as this is really aimed at Somalilanders who already know all the details off by heart. Let Mr Mikael Torstensson sing it to Swedes. I will not deny the massive strides Somaliland made in the last twenty-seven years. It indeed made great progress and it’s my strong belief, that one day, it will achieve that elusive international recognition (not from Sheffield, Cardiff or Tower Hamlets, mind). But before I ululate or applaud the progress, I think my point would be better made if we go back right to the point of having a country named Somaliland. The idea of a nation (at least to my simple mind) is one that has a collection of people aiming for the same purpose and working towards a goal of collective prosperity and progress. The two manifest themselves in the presence of peace, education/employment and health. Today, Somaliland is relatively peaceful and more prosperous than it was twenty-years ago. It has a countless number of universities and the government has dedicated a sizeable chunk of its budget to education. Businesses are springing up every day, lavish structures are being built and the country even has a national broadcasting arm. For all intents and purposes, the place looks like an organised country, smells like one and, more importantly, acts like one. Yet, Somaliland yaa u maqan? Hundreds of thousands of diasporas send remittances every month. In addition, many of them have taken up the cause of Somaliland in their adoptive countries and are actively trying to sell the idea of recognition to whomever would listen. The goal is clear, the plan is set and all it seemly requires is to never give up, never let up and never stop. The diaspora is also involved in a side business of supporting the various Somaliland political parties. Kulmiye, Ucid and Wadani have representatives in most countries. They meet, they collect money for the party and organise big events every time a big fish visits from Somaliland. The activism is vibrant, it’s alive and it keeps on whirring on behalf of Muse, Faysal or Abdirahman. The dedication is genuine and the belief is blind. These same people also run their own familial projects. When a tribal member is ill, a murder takes place or a mosque in their native village requires funds, they band together and run around amongst the clan to collect the tributes. As you can see, at least superficially, Somaliland clearly ‘dad baa u maqan’. Alas, is that really what they’re there for? Distance has its advantages and disadvantages and I feel that the disadvantages seem to play a bigger part in the case of Somaliland. For in the rush to achieve the recognition or help build the country, many have taken their eyes off the ball and forgot the simple steps of creating a nation. Side issues became more important than the most essential objectives. For example, Somaliland suffers from chronic poverty and serious institutional problems yet people are busy collecting money to build a mosque in areas where great big mosques already exist. Some school and government buildings are in dire state of repair yet Somaliland TV has a branch in the UK. Many roads are a danger to drive on yet the country has embassies and ambassadors in a number of major countries. I choose not to talk about the transient problem of inflation here. That’s due to government policy and the diaspora is not likely to affect it one way or the other. The question then is, again, Somaliland yaa u maqan? Do the diaspora operate only as cheerleaders and endless pots of money that keeps propping up Somaliland? Does their expertise and “waayo argnimo” limit itself to finding ways to achieve recognition or advising a political party on how to win an election? Is their patriotism confined to singing the praises of Somaliland without pointing out the obvious wastage and mismanagement? A case in point here is the Burco hospital. Burco is considered the second most populous city in Somaliland. Therefore, one would expect that such a large city would boast a half decent hospital. However, should anyone decide to visit the place, they would be shocked by the lack of equipment, the filthy conditions and mismanagement. Some diaspora is in the process of collecting donations for this hospital. But would that really solve the problem? I mean a hospital can be underfunded yet still remain a sterilised and clean place (or at least show that some attempt was made to keep it clean). This does not happen in Burco hospital. For I have seen pictures of the place taken in the 1990s and I have seen further pictures taken in late 2017. The place didn’t look clean in the 90s and, if anything, it seems to have deteriorated in 2017. Remember, this is a major hospital in one of the biggest cities of a country that has embassies in London, Dubai and Sweden. A country that has radio stations and a national TV. It seems that every place that would show the world that Somaliland is a healthy, independent and upcoming country has been renovated, supported and sustained. The airport (where diaspora and foreigners come) looks great. Embassies where diaspora can boast about the progress of their nation and the outside world can begin to take Somaliland seriously have been allocated a budget. The national TV Station (and probably one or two government news websites) have been adequately financed. All in order to magnify and amplify the idea that Somaliland is a country on the up. People cheered when Zack Goldsmith talked about the results of the Somaliland elections in the British House of Commons. Others donned the humanitarian garb and went on fighting FGM; “it kills women” they shouted. And, of course, it does. But one assumes that these same one-eyed FGM warriors have visited the Burco hospital in their quest to fight the FGM menace. Have they not seen the conditions of the place? Did it not occur to them to raise a fuss about it? Surely a by-product of doing so would have aided their mission. Again, one assumes a woman or a girl that suffers complications from a botched FGM procedure would need to visit some hospital. What hospital? THAT hospital? Somaliland dad baa u maqan. Politically it is somewhat a healthy country. But dadka u maqan really need to work on raising awareness on its administrative shortcomings alongside the sterling work they’re already doing on advertising the country. The discussion of the place needs to be turned on its head. Leave the trips of the president to the locals, pay no attention to the wails of the Suldans and don’t worry yourself too much about the arguments with Somalia. Share your waayo aragnimo and tell someone to clean that damn toilet (picture on top). Ahmed H London, UK
  7. The President of Somaliland, Muse Behi Abdi, signed a Police Act on 26th December 2017 after the House of Representatives passed in a two-thirds majority. The Police Act was first passed by the Parliament in 2014. The presidency vetoed the Bill and returned to the House of Representatives which required 2/3 majority to override the veto of the president. The House of Representatives secured the required majority on 3rd December 2017. The Police Act creates an accountability framework including an independent complaint body and procedure to lodge complaints against the police members. It also gives the civilian courts a jurisdiction to hear cases against the police. The Act expressly prohibits the use of live ammunition against unarmed civilians. To increase the awareness of the public on the law, HRC held on 9th February 2018 an event at Hargeisa. Lawyers explained the law to the participants who were able to ask questions. At the event, the people discussed how to implement the law. Summarised copies of the law were also distributed by HRC. “The approval of the Law is a milestone for accountability and protection of Human Rights,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the Director of Human Rights Centre. “The main challenge now is how to implement the Law. There are examples of many good laws that are not enforced. The fact that powerful people want this law not to work further complicates the situation. That is why we call on the civil society to play an active role in advocating for the implementation of the law,” he added. The event is part of series of activities HRC will do to increase the awareness of the public and authorities on the law.
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Iyadoo maanta Magaalada Muqdisho looga dabaaldegay munaasabadda sanadguuradii 53-aad ee aasaaska ciidamada Badda ee Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay inay ciidamada Badda waayeen goob ay ku xusaan maalintan. Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya oo la aas aasay sanadkii 1965 ayuu shaaciyey taliyaha ciidamada Badda Soomaaliyeed Madey Nuurow Sheekh Ufurow in xarumihii ciidamada Badda ay dowladda Soomaaliya siiyay dowlado shisheeye, taasoo ku qasabtay inay dekadda Muqdisho xuskooda ku dhigtaan. Dowladii hore ee Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa Xarun u dhow Dekadii hore ee Muqdisho iyo dhul balaaran oo halkaas ku yaalla siisay Imaaraadka carabta, iyadoo ay hore isugu dhaceen safiirka Imaaraadka iyo Taliye Ufurow. HOOS KA DAAWO Muuqaalka Taliyaha Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Muuqaal: Taliyaha Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya oo shaaciyey in Xarumihii ciidamadaasi la siiyey Dowlado Sisheeye appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. Press Release On the 8th of February, 2018, marks an immense joy for the Republic of Somaliland and its people in the accomplishment of Somaliland Investment Company’s official membership of Dubai International Financial Center. This membership yields with the United Arab Emirate’s Financial Act. This company will attract countless international investors to the Republic of Somaliland and, thus, eliminates all the barriers limiting the flow of such investments. It is a legal entity that facilitates international investment contracting; it will assist with obtaining foreign international banks’ banking services, private companies investments and stakeholders. Similarly, such membership will allow both Berbera Port and the Berbera Free Zone to access foreign international banks. The Republic of Somaliland is, finally, able to enter Foreign and international agreements with international investors and foreign governments whereby our lack of constitutional recognition by the UN would not allow before. Somaliland is proud to, finally, overcoming such challenges and, now, looks forward focus on its national development plan. Praise be Allah Bashe Awil Omar Somaliland Ambassador to UAE
  10. LUGHAYA– Dahabshiil Group has implemented relief project in Lughaya and distributed dry rations, benefiting hundreds of drought affected families in Riiga Kalowle district in Awdal region. The packs of dry rations consists flour, rice, sugar and cooking oil items are being distributed under the directive of Hon. Ismail Rirash, Dahabshiil Group chairman in charge of western regions in Somaliland. Mr. Ismail has said that the drought has hit hard to the district and has conducted the humanitarian relief project. He said that the firm is committed to deliver charity to the poor families that have been impacted by the severe drought perishing their livestock. Mr. Ismail urged all Somaliland people to extend a helping hand to those affected by the drought. Dahabshiil Group company has become the first to implement relief project.
  11. HARGEISA–Somalia’s President, HE Mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo & Somaliland’s new president, HE Musa Bihi Abdi have agreed to resume the stalled talks where both Heads of States are due to meet in Djibouti for the first face to face meeting. The two leaders have reached a common understanding that they would be in attendance the first meeting which is due to take place in March 2018. The president of Somaliland has initiated the concept that Turkey should not be the only country to have the mediation role as previous meeting held in Turkey did not bear fruit. According to confirmed reports from sources said that Somali president has dragged his feet to accept the notion that other countries should be included in the talks but did so finally and Djibouti’s role will be a mediation role. Somaliland populace and its politicians believe that Turkey has not stood a neutral position concerning Somalia and Somaliland talks and further think that Turkey has hidden agenda of lobbying for the unity of greater Somalia which is dead and buried. The President of Djibouti hosted a meeting between former Somaliland president Silanyo and former Somalia president Hasan Sheikh in talks. Mr. Ismail Omar reiterates that the future of Somalia lies in the hands of its citizens.The Somalia unity government collapsed after the military junta subjected brutal ethnic cleansing to northern citizens ( Somaliland) where thousands of people killed without clear motive. Somaliland broke away from Somalia in 1991 but Somalia federal govt says it is a secession. Many Somaliland politicians prefer the suspension of the talks and call on giving priority on domestic affairs rather wasting time on unfruitful talks.
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wararka laga heleyo xarunta Maxkamadda Ciidamada Qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya in xarunta Maxkada ay ka bilaabatay dhageysiga Kiis dil ah oo la xariira dilkii dhawaan Magaalada Muqdisho loogu geystay Taliye Ku xigeenkii hore ee ciidanka badda Soomaaliya Saciid Aadan Yuusuf (Siciid Mariino). Dilkaas ayaa waxaa geystay Gaashaale sare Cabdinaasir Xoosh oo ka tirsan ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya, islamarkaana Saciid Mariino ku dhex dilay Xafiiskisa bishii aan ka soo gudubnay ee sanadkaan. Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa ku sugan xarunta Maxkamadda kuwaa soo dhageysanaya sidda ay u socota Maxkamadeynta eedeysanaha. Dhageysiga dacwada ayaa ka socota Xarunta Maxkada Ciidamada Qalabka sida, waxaana maxkamadeentaan ku soo beegmeysaa xili maanta ay u dabaal dagayaan ciidamada Badda sanad guuradii 53 ee ka soo wareegatay xiligii la aas aasay 1965. Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa ku sugan xarunta Maxkamadda kuwaa soo dhageysanaya sidda ay u socota Maxkamadeynta eedeysanaha. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Gaashaanle dil u geystay taliye ku xigeenkii ciidamada Badda Somalia oo Maxkamad la soo taagay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Guddigii loo xilsaaray khasaarihii ka dhashay Dabkii Garowe ka kacay ayaa soo saaray go’aano ku saabsan baaritaanka kasoo baxay dabka iyo tilaabooyin looga feejignaandoono halista ka imaan karta xarumaha shidaalka ee kuyaala meelaha aan musaasibka ahayn. Hadaba halkaan ka akhriso go’aanada guddiga.
  14. Thiland (Puntlandi) Booliiska dalka Thailand ayaa qabtay doon kalluumaysi oo ay saarnaayeen 22 qof isugu jira Thailandese iyo combodian. Doontaan ayaa ka timid xeebaha Puntland halkaas oo la sheegay inay ka haysatay shati ogolaansho kalluumaysi. Balse baaritaankii booliiska Thailand waxaa lagu ogaaday in culayska kalluumaysi ee doontaan shatiga lagu siiyey uu ahaa inay qaadato kalluun dhan (270,000kg), laakiin doonta laga helay kalluun dhan (500,000 kilograms) taas oo khilaafsan wixii lagula heshiiyey ayna doontu samaysay xatooyo baahsan. Sidoo kale saraakiisha booliiska Thailand xiriir ay lasoo sameeyeen saraakiil Puntand ah ayey sheegeen in loogu soo jawaabay inaysan doontaas aysan u diiwaan gashanayn oo aysan siin wax sharci kalluumaysi ah. Waxaa kaloo la xaqiijiyey in doontu aysan lahayn qalabka lagu aqoonsado doomaha sharciga ee loo yaqaan (vessel-monitoring system) . Thailand waxay doontaan kuqaadaysaa dacwad ah inay kalluun sharcidarro ah dalka soo gelisay.
  15. Baydhabo (Caasimadda Online) – Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay qorshe dagaal oo la sheegay in Mukhtaar Rooboow uu ka wado qeybo ka mid ah deegaannada Koonfur Galbeed. Wasiir ku xigeenka Amniga Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed C/risaaq Cabdi Aadan oo la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in maamulku ka war hayo qorshaha Rooboow, isaga oo intaa ku darray in uu isku diyaarinayo dagaal ka dhan ah Al-shabaab. Wuxuu sheegay Roobow in ay mas’uuliyad ka saaran tahay sidii uu Al-shabaab ula dagaalami lahaa, maadaama uu ka soo jeedo deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed, islamarkaana aqoon u leeyhaay sida uu hadalka u dhigay xeesha dagaal ee Ururka. “Abaabulka uu Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow ka wado Koofur Galbeed waa ka war he ynaa, wuxuu ku jiraa diyaar garow uu dagaal ka dhan ah Al-Shabaab ku qaadayo, runtii Roobow waa nin aqoon u leh istiraatiijiyada dagaalka”ayuu yiri C/risaaq Cabdi Aadan. Waxaa uu sheegay in Maamulka Koofur Galbeed uu soo dhoweynayo abaabulkaas, balse ay go’aanka uga dambeeya ee dagaalka lagu qaadayo Al-Shabaab ka sugayaan Madaxweyne Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan. Madaxweynaha Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayuu sheegay in ay ka sugayaan go’aanka ugu dambeeya ee dagaalka loogu qaadayo Shabaab. Sheekh Muqtaar Roobow ayaa tiro Saddex jeer ah waxaa uu tagay magaalada Baydhao ee xarunta KMG ah Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed, halkaasi oo uu kula kulmay saraakiil Ciidan, Maleeshiyaad daacad u ah Mukhtaar Roobow ayaa ku sugan qeybo ka mid ah Gobolka Bakool, waxaana todobaadyo ka hor jiray dagaal dhex maray iyaga iyo Al-Shabaab, kaasoo la sheegay inuu ku dhintay wiil uu dhalay Mukhtaar Roobow. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed oo war cad kasoo saaray abaabulada dagaal ee uu wado Mukhtaar Roobow appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Algiers (Caasimadda Online) – Dowladda Algeria ayaa shaacisay in ay ku daba jirto xog la xiriirta in hoggaamiyaha Ururka Daacish Abuu Bakar Al-Baqdaadi uu ku suganyahay Dalkaas. Taliyaha Guud ee Ciidanka Algeria sidoo kalena ah wasiir ku xigeenka Gaashaandhigga Dalkaas Ahmed Gaid Salah,ayaa booqasho ku maraya saldhigyada kala duwan ee Milatariga Dalkaas. Ahmed Gaid Salah,ayaa sheegay in dalkiisu uu diyaar u yahay in uu sohdimahiisa ka difaacdo waxa uu ugu yeero argagixisada iyo tuhunka la xiriira xoggaamiyaha Daacish ee dalkaas ku sugan. Ciidamada Algeria ayaa dhowr jeer sameeyay howlgallo ka dhan ah Daacish iyaga oo baaritaanno gaar ah ka sameeyay magaalooyinka la tuhmayo in Daacish ay ka degeyso Dalka Algeria. Abuu Bakar al Baqdaadi ayaa la xaqiijiyay in isaga oo qaxooti iska dhigaya uu maray Sohdimaha Dalalka Chad, Niger iyo Libya ilaa ii Dalka Algeria ka galo. Waddanka Algeria waxaa uu ka baxay colaaddii sokeeye ee 1990kii,waxaana dagaalkaas ku dhintay 200,00 Qof ,iyada oo dhamaadkiisii kaddib Algeria ka mid noqotay waddamada ugu awoodda badan Qaaradda Afrika. Isha:Middle East Monitor Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Hoggaamiya Daacish oo lagu arkay wadan ka mid ah Africa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Job Title: Branch Marketing Officer Location: Kismaayo, Laascaano and garowe Reporting to: Branch Manager Position Summary: Branch Marketing Officer is responsible for the development and implementation of the Bank’s Marketing Plan at the branch level. This position is responsible for initiating, developing, driving and overseeing the implementation of marketing and promotional plans including advertising, sales, research, website, events and brand strategy of the bank at the branch level. Major Duties: Work closely with Branch Business Development Manager to plan and oversee the organization’s advertising and promotion activities including print, electronic and direct mail outlets with approval from the Marketing & Strategy department. Coordinate the development and implementation of the Marketing Plan at branch level Coordinate marketing projects, sales initiatives and brand messaging as it relates to branch signage, website and social media. Work with corporate and local branches’ marketing and sales teams to develop and execute marketing campaign and deliver marketing materials Design and launch email and social media marketing campaigns at the branch level Research media coverage and industry trends at the local level Coordinate scheduling and logistics of marketing department Coordinate conferences, trade shows, and press interviews/releases Process requests/invoices and maintain archives of flyers, posters, signage and graphics & photo files Coordinate photography for/of events, activities, etc. for use in publications, media, etc. Provide ongoing local market evaluation through market survey, direct customer contact, follow ups, and monitoring of competition and industry trends Work with Branch Manager and Business Development Manager to determine event budget and manage expenses to that budget Assure consistent application of brand messaging throughout the bank Look for opportunities in the banks markets to promote the bank consistency with our strategic objectives, and solidify Amal Bank’s brand messaging Assist with creation of marketing and promotional materials such as print, digital and other forms of communication materials Volunteers and attends fundraisers and bank sponsored events as needed and other related duties Establish and maintain positive relationships with local media including print, radio, and television Assumes additional responsibilities as assigned such as covering for a cashier, investment officer, or customer relationship officer. Qualifications Bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience 3 – 5 plus years of experience and/or training; preferred emphasis in Marketing, with specific experience in bank or financial services marketing preferred IT degree or certificate is plus Knowledge and awareness of Islamic bank products and services is plus Knowledge and awareness of local market and community preferred Strong communication and interpersonal skills with strong customer service skills Solid written and oral communications skills (Somali and English) Knowledge of social media and its use in reaching customers Knowledge of sales and relationship building skills knowledge of a wide range of marketing techniques and concepts Strong internet and digital/social media skills and experience Able to think creatively and respond well to pressure Team player with ability to multi-task Must be able to travel independently between multiple work sites Effective time management/organization skills Ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines Amal Bank is an equal opportunity employer and offers a competitive compensation package commensurate with qualifications and experience. Please submit a detailed cover letter and résumé no later than December 17, 02, 2018 to:
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyaadka Xagjirka ah ee Shabaab ay xiriir dhow la sameeyen dowlada Iran oo ay wada galeen Heshiis aan nuxurkiisa sidaa loo sii baahin. Xiriirka dowlada Iran iyo Maleeshiyada Shabaab ayaa la sheegay inuu bilowday wixii ka danbeeyay markii uu maamulka Somaliland ogolaaday in dowlada Imaaraadka Saldhig Millitery ka furato magaalada Berbera. Dowlada Iran ayaa Heshiiskaasi ula gol leh in Maleeshiyada ay ku jabiso maamulka Somaliland iyo dowlada Imaaraadka, waxa uuna qorshuhu yahay in Maleeshiyadu ay is hortaagto howlgalinta Saldhiga. Dowlada Iran ayaa Maleeshiyada Shabaab u adeegsaneysa ka hortaga duulaanka uu Imaaraadka ku yahay Xuutiyiinta Yemen, waxa ayna ilo dhanka Amaanka ka tirsan Somaliland sheegayaan in Maleeshiyaadka Xuutiyiinta ay ku adag tahay inay carqaladeeyan Amniga deegaanada Somaliland, gaar ahaan magaalada laga dhisaayo Saldhiga Imaaraadka. Sargaal ka tirsan Booliska maamulka Somaliland oo lagu magacaabo Suleyman Muuse ayaa shaki galiyay in Saldhiga Imaaraadka uu sii shaqeyn doono, waxa uuna bidhaamiyay in Somaliland ay yeelan doonto laba cadow oo kala ah Shabaab iyo Xuutiyiinta Yemen oo isaga kala gooshi doona Xeebaha. Sargaalkaani ayaa sheegay in dowlada Iran ay xooga saareyso wado waliba oo ay ku fashilin karto dhismaha Saldhiga Imaaraadka Carabta ee magaalada Berbera. Dowlada Iran ayaa la rumeysan yahay inay ka faa’iideysan doonto dhaqaale yarida iminka soo foodsaartay Maleeshiyaadka Shabaab oo aan helin dhaqaalihii kaga imaan jiray Al-qacida. Iran ayaa dhaqaale xoogan ku bixin doonta Shabaab si loo carqaladeeyo howlaha ay dowladaha Imaaraadka dooneyso inay ka hirgaliso magaalada Berbera. Sidoo kale, dowlada Iran waxa ay qorsheyneysaa in magaalada Dahran ay kulan qarsoodi ah ugu qabato Xubno kala matalaaya Maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab iyo Xuutiyiinta kuwaa oo isla daadihin doona Hanaanka lagu wada shaqeynaayo mudada uu shaqeyn doono Saldhiga Imaaraadka ee magaalada Berbera. Dhawaan ayay aheyd markii dowlada Iran ay digniin kasoo saartay Saldhiga Millitery uu Imaaraadka ka furan doono magaalada Berbera, waxa ayna dowladu Hanjabaad iyo digniinba hawada u marisay maamulka Somaliland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Xog: Iran & Al-shabaab oo u midoobay dowlada Imaaraadka iyo maamulka Somaliland appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Maxamed Mire Maxamed oo Dowladda Mareykanka shalay oo jimco aheyd ay ku dartay Liiska shaqsiyaad taageero siiya Ururka Daacish ayaa arintaas beeniyay. Mr Mire oo ah milkiilaha sharikadda Al-Mutawafaq oo ka shaqeeysa deegaanada Puntland ayaa sheegay in eedeeyntaasi ay tahay mid aan waxba ka jirin isaga oo la hadlayay VOA ayuu sheegay in eedeeymahaasi isaga iyo shirkadiisa loo jeediyay ay tahay been abuur aan raadlaheyn isaga oo beeniyay in xitaa uu yaqaano Cabdiqaadir Cali Muumin oo ah Madaxa Daacishta Soomaaliya. Waxa uu sheegay in uu diyaar u yahay in sharciga hortaga islamarkaasina uu iska bari yeelo eedeeyntaasi loo jeediyay. Maxamed Mire Maxamed oo ah muwaadin Soomaaliyeed oo ganacsade ah ayaa waxa uu daganyahay Magaalada Abuu Dubai ee dalka Imaaraadka Carabta. Hoos ka Dhageyso Wareeysiga Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Maxamed Mire Maxamed oo Beeniyay in uu xiriir la leeyahay Daacish appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Wafti balaadhan oo isku jira Isimo, Cuqaal iyo Odayaal uuna hogaaminayo Garaadka Jaamac Garaad Cali oo ka ambabaxnay tuulada Karin dabayweyn ayaa gaaray Magaaladda Maygaagle, halkaasna waxaa kusoo dhaweeyey beesha Cumar maxamuud oo gogasha dhigtay. Degaanka Maygaagle oo hoos taga degmada Buuhoodle ee gobolka Cayn, ayaa waxaa furmaya shirka nabadaynta beelaha Cumar Maxamud iyo Baharsame oo mudo dheer ka dhex jirtay colaad soo noqnoqanasay, waxaana dowladda Puntland ay diyaarisay agabkii shirkaasi fududayn lahaa. Ciidanka dowlad degaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia ayaa sugaya nabad galyada shirka nabadaynta, maadaama ay maamulaan madagaaladu gogoshu taal.
  21. Garowe (Puntlandi) Wasaaradda caafimaadka dowladda Puntland ayaa Garowe kusoo dhoweysay wasiirka caafimaadka maamulka Jubbaland, Cali Xaaji Nuur, kaasoo qibrad iyo aqoon kororsi ugu yimid dowladda Puntland oo horey gacan uga geysatay dhismihii nidaamka dowliga ah ee Jubbaland. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland, Dr, Cabdirisaaq Xirsi Xasan, oo warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay inay wasiirka caafimaadka Jubbaland siiyeen wixii macluumaad ah oo ku saabsan horumarinta caafimaadka iyo sida ay u shaqeeyaan waaxyaha kala duwan ee wasaaradda caafimaadka. Dr. Cabdirisaaq Xirsi Xasan ayaa wasiirka caafimaadka Jubbaland u sheegay in wasaaradda caafimaadka dowladda Puntland ay hoos yimaadaan in ka badan 350 xarumo caafimaad ah oo ku kala yaala dhammaan sagaalka gobol ee Puntland iyo 3500 shaqaale caafimaad ah. Wasiirka caafimaadka Jubbaland Cali Xaaji Nuur, ayaa qiray inuu wax badan oo qibrad ah iyo aqoon ah uu ka faa’iday nidaamka dowliga ah ee ka jira Puntland isagoo masuuliyiinta iyo shaqaalaha wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland uga mahad celiyay waqtiga iyo juhdiga ay ku bixiyeen inay ku caawiyaan waayo aragnimadooda shaqo. Wasiirka caafimaadka Jubbaland ayaa sidoo kale, saaka booqanaya isbitaalka guud ee Garowe iyo xarumaha kale ee caafimaadka.
  22. President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has spoken out for the first time about the rendition of former ONLF commander, Colonel Abdikarim Musa Qalbi-Dhagah. Qalbi Dhagah was handed over to Ethiopia on August 28, 2017, following a raid by Somali force on his hotel in Galkayo, central Somalia. In an interview with BBC to commemorate his first anniversary in office, President Farmajo said that he decision reached by the Somali parliament is final. “As you know, the parliament which is the top legislative body had a debate on the issue (the extradition of Qalbi-Dhagah) and eventually reached a decision after voting, therefore I think is the final one,” said President Farmajo. A 15 member parliamentary committee formed in September found the extradition to be illegal and accused Somalia’s intelligence apparatus of acting unilaterally and providing misinformation to facilitate the illegal transfer. “Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency had provided the government leaders with wrong information and subsequently hid the case of Qalbi Dhagah from the justice department,” reads the report submitted to the House. However, last week, the former intelligence chief Abdullahi Mohamed Ali ‘Sanbaloolshe’distanced himself from the controversial extradition. According to Sanbaloolshe’s version of events, the decision to extradite Qalbi-Dhagax was made by the federal government exclusively. “I don’t want to mention names, but the decision to extradite Qalbi-dhagah was made and reached by the government and the Cabinet endorsed the decision,” he said during the interview with VOA Somali. Prime Minister Khayre’s cabinet had previously supported the extradition saying that the Qalbi-Dhagax was a terrorist and his continued presence in Somalia was a threat to national security. Despite mounting public pressure of President Farmajo to comment on the Qalbi-Dhagax case, it his first time he is making remarks publicly. Source: Hol The post President Farmaajo speaks out on Qalbi-dhagah extradition for the first time appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  23. Waxaa aan wada ognahay in Dhalinyada Soomaaliyeed ay yihiin kuwa saameyta ugu badan ay ku reebtey deganaansho la’aanta siyaasadda, dagaalada, abaaraha iyo dhibaatooyinka kale oo horseedey dhaqaale burbur muddo dheer ah taas oo saameyn daran ku yeelatey suuqa shaqada. Bulshada Soomaaliya 73% waa faqiir halka 43% oo ka mid ah ay ku adag tahay nolosha. Waxaa intaas sii dheer in ka badan 70% da’ ahaan ka yer yihiin 30 jir oo macnaheedu tahay in dhalinyarada ay ka badan tahay dadka waaweyn. Warbixinta xagga Horumarka ee Aadanaha ee Soomaalia (Somalia Human Development Report) ee 2012 waxay leedahay in ka badan 54% dadka shaqeyn kara Soomaliya (Active Population) waa shaqo la’aan! Waxay kaloo cadeynaysaa warbixinta in da’ yarta u dhaxaysa 14-29 ay 67% ay yihiin shaqo la’aan. Sidoo kale in ka badan 40% dhalinta shaqo la’aanta ah waa shaqo doon! Shan sano ka dib war-bixinta oo ay xasilooni daro siyaasadeed iyo amni xumo sii jirto islamarkaana dhowr kun oo arday ay jaamacadaha sanad walba ka qalin jebiyaan maxaa la filan karaa? Jawaabtu waxaa ay tahay in tobanaan kun oo dhalinyaro ah ay shaqo la’aan yihiin. Bilowgii sanadka 2017 oo ku asteysanaa ololihii doorashada madaxweynaha oo uu ku guuleystey Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo waxaan aniga iyo xildhibaanada kaleba dhageysaney khubadaha murashixiin ka badan 20 waxayna ku beegnayd 4-5 Febraayo. Musharax kasta waxaa uu khubadiisa iyo qorshayaasiisa ku darey waxa uu ka damacsan yahay shaqo abuurka dhalinyarada. Musharaxiintaas waxaa ku jirey Mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo oo ay xildhibaanda 229 intooda badan u garteen inuu oofin karo balan qaadyadaas oo aniga ahaan shaqo abuurka u arkayey inay muhiim gaar ah leedahay maadaama aan si gaar ah uga warqabey dhibaatada dhalinyarada ay ku hayso shaqo la’aanta. Madaxweyne Farmaajo waxaa uu Barnaamijkiisa u dhiibey xukuumad uu madax uga dhigay Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre asagoo soo diyaariyey qorshe oo ugu magac-darey “Nabad iyo Nolol” lehna 10 Yool oo aan ka xusi karo Kobcinta Dhaqaalaha oo ay ka mid tahay shaqo abuurka. Waxaa ka soo wareegatey sanad doorashadii madaxweynaha balse ma aragno wax weyn in laga qabtey arrimaha dhalinyarada gaar ahaan shaqo abuurka. Hase-yeeshee anagoo aan weli ku deg-degin dhaliil arinkaas ku saabsan maadaama ay hal sano un jirto Xukuumadda ayaa waxaa aad u tiro batey sheegashada Xukuumadda Kheyre ee ku aadan inay wax weyn ka qabteen arrimaha Shaqo abuurka. Waxaa uu Raysul-wasaaraha dhowr jeer sheegey in Xukuumadiisu ay abuurtey in ka badan 5,000 oo shaqo. Qaar kale oo taageerayaashiisa ahna waxayba ka dhigeen ilaa 15,000 oo shaqo in la abuurey! Aniga ka shaqsi ahaan waxaan waayey wax la taaban karo oo horumar ah inay Xukuumadda ka sameysey arinkan. Waxaan baarey in Xukuumadda ay qoratey wax shaqaale ah, balse waxaan ogaadey in hal qof oo shaqaale cusub ah oo galey liiska shaqaalaha dawladda Soomaaliya aaney jirin. Waxaana daliil fudud u ah miisaaniyadda la meel mariyey sanadkan 2018 in aaney ku jirin wax shaqaale cusub ah. Basle waxaa jira Barnaamijka loo yaqaan “Capacity Injection” oo uu maalgeliyo Bankiga Adduunka oo ay Xukuumaddii Xasan Sheekh heshiis la gashey inuu shaqaaleysiiyey ilaa 100 qof oo nidaam tartan ah loo marey. Sidoo kale ma haayo war-bixin la isku halayn karo oo ka hadlaysa tirada shaqooyinka ay abuureen shirdaha gaarka loo leeyahay iyo hay’adaha gargaarka. Marka aan dib u milicsano sanadihii hore, sanad kasta shaqaalaha dawlada koror ayay sameynayeen marka laga reebo sanadkii 2017. Wadarta guud oo ay dawladu mushaarka siiso waa 5,406 oo la shaqaaleysiiyey Xukuumaddii Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh iyo kuwii ka horeeyey. Tusaale, sanadkii 2016 waxaa la shaqaaleysiiyey 834 oo 658 ay rag yihiin halka 176 ay gabdho yihiin sida lagu sheegey warbixinta Guddiga Shaqaalaha Rayidka ah ee Dawladda. Gabo-gabadii waxaa aan qormadan u qorey in aan muujiyo in Xukuumadda ay ka gaabisey dhanka shaqo abuurka iyo arrimaha dhalinyarada waxaanse rajeynayaa in sanadkan bilowdey ay wax badan bedelo doonto inkastoo aaneyba ku xisaabtamin maadaama aaney Miisaaniyadda 2018 ku jirin wax shaqo abuur ah. Waxaa qorey: Senator Hussein Sheikh Mohamud The post Xog & Gorfeyn: Maxaa ka run ah horumarka ay Xukuumada ka sheeganeyso dhanka Shaqo Abuurka? appeared first on Caasimada Online.