Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa maalmihii ugu danbeeysay soo baxaayay cabashooyin kadhan ah Wasaarada Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha ee Xukuumadda Federalka Somalia iyo Wasiirka Wasaarada Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Xukuumada ayaa lagu eedeynayaa habdhaqan ka duwan Wasiiradii hore, kadib markii uu dhaqaale xoogan ku xiray Ganacsatada qaar. Ganacsade Maxamed Cumar Maxamed oo kamid ah ganacsatada magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay inaanu tagis laheyn Wasaarada Ganacsiga. Waxa uu tilmaamay in xiliyada ay howlaha uga baahdaan Wasaarada la hordhigo isbaarooyin lagu kala qaato dhaqaale kala duwan, waxa uuna tusaale usoo qaatay in shaqsiyaad ka hoos shaqeeya Wasiirka ay kala kulmaan Jeeb baarasho. Isaga oo arrinkaan ka hadlaayay ayuu yiri ‘’Wasiirka ay howsha nagala dhexeyso marka hore aragtidiisa ayaa waxaa ka sokeysa inad dhaqaale ku bixiso shaqsiyaad isaga ka sokeeya, kadib aragtidiisa ayaa waxaa caqabado kala kulmeysaa Wasiirka’’ ‘’Wasaarada dhaqaalaha sharciga ah oo ay naga rabto waxaa ka culus tan nooga baxeysa isbaarooyinka dadban ka hor inta aan la kulmin Wasiirka taasi waxa ay nagu khasabtay inaan wajiga ka dadbano Wasaarada oo aanan bixin dhaqaalaha nalaga rabo, waayo waxa meesha ka socdaa caadi maaha’’ Ganacsade Maxamed Cumar Maxamed, waxa uu sheegay in Xukuumada Somalia laga doonaayo inay xal u hesho waxyaabaha ka dhex socda Wasaaradaha qaar, waxa uuna cadeeyay inay dhibaato ku qabaan Wasaarada Ganacsiga. Waxa uu tilmaamay inaanu jirin sharci dhigaaya bixinta dhaqaalo sharci daro ah, haddii uu jiro sharcigaasina aanu garaneynin goorta lasoo saaray. ‘’Wey na dhibeysaa inaan dhaqaale sharci daro ah ku bixino shaqsiyaad ka shaqeeya Wasaarada Ganacsiga, waxaanu diyaar u nahay inaan bixino wax waliba oo sharci nagu ah, balse wey na dhibeysaa inaan shaqsiyaad ku bixino lacago bir qaad ah’’ Sidoo kale, Ganacsade Maxamed Cumar Maxamed, ayaa tilmaamay in Xukuumada Somalia ay mar waliba ku celceliso u hogaansamida sharciyada, hase ahaatee dadku ay yihiin kuwo dhibaato ku qaba shaqsiyaadka howlahaasi loo xil saaray. Sharciyada Wasaarada ayuu sheegay inay badan yihiin sidaa aawgeed ay diyaar u yihiin ka qeybqaadashada dadaal waliba oo lagu dhaqan galinaayo sharciyada, waa haddii xal loo helo isbaarooyinka dhexyaal Wasaaradaha. Dhinaca kale, waxa uu cod dheer ku sheegay xitaa in Wasiirka Ganacsiga ay far ku godan tahay, hase ahaatee waxa uu Ganacsade Maxamed Cumar Maxamed ka gaabsaday inuu ka hadlo dhibta ay kala kulmaan Wasiirka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Ra’isul wasaaraha Xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in Umadda Soomaaliyeed ay aad uga sii gudbayaan dhaqanadii lagu dhaliili jiray. Kheyre waxa uu tilmaamay inay u muuqaneyso in Umadda Soomaaliyeed ay yeelanayaan Himilooyin mideysan oo looga fogaanaayo waxyaabaha caqabada ku ah Qaranka iyo dib u dhaca heysta Somalia. Waxa uu Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre sheegay inuu dareemaayo in Soomaalida xiligaan ay ka gudbeen laba arrin oo uu tilmaamay inay uga duwanaan jireen adduunka, waxa ayna kala yihiin Mooraal jab daashaday Shacabka iyo in dadka lagu kala sooco qabiilka, balse iminka laga sii gudbaayo. Waxa uu cadeeyay in labada Sano ee fooda nagu soo heysa ay Somalia ka talaabi doonto dhammaan waxyaabihii sababta u ahaa burburka, isagoo cod dheer ku sheegay in Soomaali cusub ay u muuqato. ‘’Adduunka waxaan uga duwanaan jirnay is faquuqa iyo niyad jabka, waxaa hadda ii muuqda guul laga gaaray ka gudubka waxyaabahaasi, inta dhiman waxaan rajeynayaa inaan ka gudbeyno wakhtiga dhow’’ Sidoo kale, Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay in bisha barakeysan fadligeeda ay alle ka baryaan inuu ka dhexsaaro dhibta haraadiga ah ee ka jirta dalka. Docda kale, Kheyre ayaa ballanqaaday inay xooga saari doonaan wax waliba oo midnimo u noqon doona Umadda Soomaaliyeed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Burco (Caasimada Online) – Ciidamada booliska maamulka Somaliland, qeybta gobalka Togdheer ayaa xabsiga u taxaabay Suldaan Maxamed Muuse Cune oo ka mid ah salaadiinta caanka ah ee Somaliland. Suldaanka ayaa ku xiran xabsiga magaalada Burco, waxaana la xiray xili uu kasoo baxay masaajid uu ku tukanayay salaadii Maqrib, kaasoo ku yaal xaafada Kenya ee magaalada Burco. Suldaan Maxamed Muuse Cune ayaa ka mid ah saladiinta inta badan dhaliisha xukumada talada Somaliland haysa waxaanu suldaanku inta badan ka hadlaa hadba xaalada iyo marxalada taagan. Sababta xariga suldaanka ayaa si rasmi ah Somaliland u shaacin, hase ahaatee wuxuu xarigiisa kusoo beegmayaa afar cisho kadib hadal dhaliil ah oo uu u jeediay xukuumadda Somaliland iyo wasiirkeeda arrimaha gudaha uu ku dhaliilay inay ka gaabiyeen wax ka qabashada coladada ka taagan deegaanka Ceel-Afweyn ee gobolka Sanaag. Maamulka Somaliland ayaa xabsiga dhigta waxgaradka goboladeeda ee siyaasadaheeda dhaliila iyo ciddii soo hadal qaata Soomaaliweyn, iyadoo dhawaan ay xabsiga dhigeen Boqor Buur Madow oo magaalada Carmo ee gobolka Bari Puntland xaflad u yimid iyo abwaanada dhalinta yar ee Naciimo Qorane oo ku caanbaxday inaysan la gamban Soomaalinimada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Burco
  4. Zainab Hashi welled up with anger at a Senate committee hearing last week as she watched speaker after speaker accuse Somali-owned child-care centers of defrauding the state, and even worse, diverting money meant for poor families to fund terrorist groups overseas. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. LONDON - In a move likely to further strain relations in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani hosted Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed less than a month after the United Arab Emirates’ diplomatic row with Somalia over port leasing deals in various states. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. MOGADISHU-- A powerful tropical cyclone which formed in the Gulf of Aden has caused heavy rains in northern Somalia in the past two days, destroying houses and leaving about 2,000 livestock dead, the UN said on Saturday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. The aim of this article is to analyse the how European Union has established their enlargement, and Turkish negotiation with Europe Union, does Turkey meet the requirements of European Union negotiations, why Turkey is still a candidate country? I will attempt to answer the question what keeps Turkey staying as a candidate country? European Union was established after the Second World War. The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the bloody war which was between European countries. European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite all European countries politically and economically in order to secure lasting peace in the continent. Six founding countries are France, Italy, Luxemburg, Germany, Netherland, and Belgium. In 1957 the Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic Community or known as “common market” The 1960s was a good period for the European economy, it helped by the fact that EU countries stop charging customs duties when they trade with each other. European countries also agree to joint control over food production, so that everybody now has enough to eat and soon there is even surplus agricultural produce. On 1 January 1973 was the first enlargement of the EU, Ireland Denmark, and United Kingdom joined, the number of the member states raised from six to nine. At same period in 1973, the Arab and Israeli war resulted in economic problems and energy crisis in the EU countries. Greece joined the community in 1981, Portugal and Spain joined in 1986, East and West united as the Republic of Germany and joined the community in 1990 at the same time the wall of Berlin was destroyed, Austria, Sweden, Finland joined the community in 1995. The largest enlargement was in 2004 Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Cyprus, and Czech joined European Union, in 2007 Romania Bulgaria and joined them. In 2013 Croatia became a full member of EU. However, the European Union has created only by six countries in 1957, and its growth up to 28 member countries, the population of EU is over 500 million with more than more than 30 million Muslim population. The Republic of Turkey is one of the independent states in the Middle East. It’s located in southwestern Asia and south-eastern Europe, it’s surrounded on three sides by the Black Sea. The Mediterranean Sea, and the Aegean Sea, it’s known as the Republic of Turkey “Turkiye Cumhuriyeti”. Turkey share border with Iraq and Syria on the south, Georgia, Armenia, and Iran to the east Greece to the west, Bulgaria to the northwest; Georgia, Armenia, and Iran to the east, and close to Africa. Turkey was established as an independent state on October 1923 after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Since the creation of the Republic of Turkey, Turkey has been in a close relationship with Western countries, politically, economically, socially and culturally. Turkey is a bridge between West and East, North, and South. West, and Muslim world. Bottom of Form Turkey applied membership of European Economic Community in 1959 after Turkey has become a full member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In 1963 Ankara agreement was signed which provides for the framework for the Cooperation between European Union and Turkey. In 1987 Turkey’s first application for full EU membership was deferred until 1993 on the grounds that the European Commission was not considering new members at the time. In 1995, Turkey became full membership into the Customs Union. In 1999, Helsinki Summit EU recognized Turkey as a candidate country, but EU has asserted that Turkey still needed to comply sufficiently with the EU’s economic and political criteria before accession talks between Turkey and EU could begin. Turkish membership of the EU is one of the debated issue in the past and present in EU 97% of Turkish territory belongs to Asia, and only 3% of Turkish territory belong to the European continent. Turkey is only the Muslim country which is a member in NATO and has the largest army in NATO. After Justice and Development Party took over the power there was economic improvement political stability in the country. What are Main Reasons Limiting the Success of Negotiations between European Union and Turkey? Population European parliament is one of the largest institutions in the EU. European parliament contains 751 seats which share 28 member states. The seats are divided according to the country’s population. Germany has the largest population in the European Union which means that Germany has the largest seats in the European parliament. Turkey has a population of almost 80 million people. If Turkey becomes a member of the EU, Turkey will be the second largest population in the EU after Germany. However Turkish culture is different from Europe, Turkish has a different identity from Europe. European member states are not indifferent to the Turkish issue. Some leaders acknowledge that Turkey deserves to be a full member of the EU. Some leaders opposed Turkey to become a full member of the EU. 39 % of the EU member states accepted Turkey to be a member of the EU, while 48% rejected its member of the EU. Most of EU member states joined EU after Turkey applied membership of the EU but they are full membership of the EU. Religion As we are all aware, Turkey was trying to be a full membership of the EU, and there is negotiations going on between Turkey and EU. Turkey is a country whose population is almost entirely Muslim. EU member states keep in mind that the end result of these negotiations is by no means certain. There are very significant challenges ahead for Turkish accession. Some of the EU countries have Christian background while some have no religion. Non-religious countries worry that if Turkey joins EU it will bring large Muslim population into EU. Democracy To be a member of the EU candidate countries has to fulfill the requirements, such as democracy, human right individual right, the rule of law, and freedom of speech, for that reason EU countries argue that Turkey did not fulfill all requirements of the EU. Also, Kurds and Cyprus issue is another problem which keeps Turkey as a candidate country for so long. In addition, Turkey and EU need each other at the present time an in the future. Turkey has an economic dynamic, active foreign policy, young labour force, and also turkey has the second largest army in NATO which will be very beneficial for EU. Written by Shukri Nur Farah
  8. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa qaatay go’aan nabadeed oo aan laga fileyn, islarmarkaana sheegay in Somaliland ay tahay nabad doon islamarkaasna aysan wadin wax dagaal iyo colaad intaba ah. Muuse Biixi ayaa tilmaamay in ay Somalilanad leedahay xaduud uu sameeyay gumeystihii islamarkaasna looga baahanyahay dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya iyo Puntland in ay ixtiraamaan Sohdinta Somaliland. Biixi waxaa uu sheegay in Somaliland aysan u socon in ay dhibaateyso Puntland waxaa uuna ku baaqay in laqaato nabadda. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso codka Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi.
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa Qarax lagu xiray Gaari nooca raaxada ah, ayaa waxa uu galabta ka dhacay Degmada Wadajir ee Gobolka Banaadir. Qaraxa oo xoogiisa inta badan laga wada maqlay intabadan magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa waxa uu si gaara uga dhacay Xaafada loo yaqaano Tarabuush. Qaraxa ayaa waxaa gaariga loogu xiray Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada uu tababaray Mareykanka, kaa oo lagu magacaabi jiray Cali Maxamed Cadoow (Cali Raage). Sarkaalka gaarigiisa loogu xiray Qaraxa ayaa ugeeriyooday dhaawac daran oo ka soo gaaray Qaraxa loogu xiray Gaarigiisa, waxaana lasoo warinayaa inuu kamid ahaa Saraakiisha sida gaarka ah ula shaqeysa Mareykanka. Warar madax-banaan ayaa sheegaya in Marxuumka Qaraxa lagu dilay uu heystay qeybta Tababarada ee Ciidamada loo yaqaano Bangraft ee ku sugan Xerada Balidoogle ee Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Dhinaca kale, Hay’adaha amaanka iyo Maamulka Degmada Wadajir ayaan wali ka hadal Qaraxa ka dhacay Xaafad kamid ah Degmada Wadajir iyo Geerida Sarkaalkan lagu magacaabo Cali Maxamed Cadoow (Cali Raage). Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Jeneral Charles Tai Gituai oo ah ku-simaha xilka Taliyaha Guud ee Ciiddanka AMISOM dhalasho ahaana kasoo jeeda dalka Kenya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in AMISOM ay ka fiirsan doonto qorshaha lagu doonaayo in amniga Somalia loogu wareejiyo ciidamada Somalia. Jeneral Charles Tai Gituai, waxa uu sheegay inuu hadda socdo qorshaha ciidamada AMISOM looga saari lahaa Somalia, hase ahaatee ay muhiim tahay in Somalia ay kasoo baxdo shuruudaha. Jeneral Charles Tai Gituai , waxa uu tilmaamay in mudada loo qabtay ee la doonaayo inay kaga baxaan Somalia ay tahay sannadka 2020-ka, iyadoo inta aan la gaarin la doonaayo in xal loo helo shuruudaha ciidamada loogu wareejin lahaa amniga. Jeneral Charles Tai Gituai, waxa uu cadeeyay in Ciiddanka AMISOM ay diyaar u yihiin inay dhigooda Somalai ku wareejiyaan Sugidda Ammaanka Guud ee dalka, isla markaana mudada u harsan ay sii tusaan hanaanka amniga. Ku-simaha ciidamada Jeneral Charles Tai Gituai, waxa uu intaa ku daray inay aad ugu kalsoon yihiin shaqooyinka ciidamada Booliska Somalia, waxa uuna xusay inay Booliska haystaan Xabsiyo, Nidaam Garsoore oo shaqeynaya, Dugsiyo iyo Xarumo Caafimaadba leh. Jeneral Charles Tai Gituai, ayaa ku celcelshay in Somalia laga doonaayo fulinta shuruudaha lagu xiray, waxa uuna cadeeyay intaa kadib ay suuroobeyso inay wareejiyaan amniga Somalia. Si kastaba ha ahaatee,shuruudaha laga doonaayo Somalia ayaa waxaa kamid ah inay buuxiyaan Hanaanka ciidan, tababarada iyo inay ciidamadu heystaan khibrad ay ku maareynkaraan shaqooyinkooda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  11. NAIROBI, Kenya, May 19 – Police have announced a Sh 1 million cash reward for anyone that will offer information leading to the arrest of a major terrorist facilitator, Francis Macharia Kirashu. According to a statement issued by the National Police Service on Friday, Kirashu has been aiding terror suspects crossing into the country, mostly from Somalia, by printing fake identity cards for them. The suspect, who operates a business by the name Paste Printers at a building located along Nairobi’s Luthuli Avenue from where his accomplices were arrested, is also said to be engaged in printing of fake title deeds, birth certificates, and academic papers. “Kirashu’s accomplices in the fake document syndicate – Lydiah Nyawira Mburu and John Maina Kiarii have since been arrested and charged with forgery of official documents contrary to section 351 of the Penal Code and facilitating activities of terrorist groups contrary to section 9 (1) of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (20120),” NPS Director for Corporate and Communication Affairs, Charles Owino said on Friday. Kirashu, according to Owino, is said to have processed four fake Kenyan identity cards – two of which were used by terror suspects arrested in Meriti, Isiolo in February – while readying to stage a Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) attack in Nairobi. The two, Abdimajit Hassan Adana and Mohamed Nane, used the fake documents to cross into Kenya from neighbouring Somali. The hunt for Kirashu comes at a time when a heightened alert was issued regarding terror threats in the country since the start of the Holy month of Ramadhan. The NPS Inspector General, Joseph Boinnet, has however assured that security has been beefed up to preempt terror threats while further asking members of the public to remain vigilant and report suspicious activities. Source: – Capital FM
  12. ST. PAUL, Minn. (KMSP) – Leaders in Minnesota’s Somali business community are responding to questions about suitcases of cash leaving on flights out of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The community members gathered Friday morning to call out Minnesota politicians for bills that could impact how Somali immigrants send money to their families abroad. This all stems from Fox 9’s report of massive fraud in the state’s daycare subsidy program for low-income families. Multiple government sources believe as much as a $100 million of taxpayer money is being ripped off. They have tracked some of the money going overseas. Sources told Fox 9 suitcases stuffed with as much as a $1 million in cash are leaving on flights from MSP on a regular basis. It’s all legal, as long as the courier fills out government forms. Immigrant communities use these types of money transfers in order to help support relatives in countries with no official banking system. What got the attention of state and federal investigators was the increasing volume of cash leaving MSP: $14 million in 2015, $84 million in 2016, and more than $100 million last year. They believe some of that increase is coming from rampant fraud in the state’s childcare assistance program. Ten, mostly Somali-owned daycares, are currently under investigation. But some community leaders say there’s another reason for the increase in carry-on cash. “The fact is the Muslim community in Minnesota is growing in wealth, they’re growing in size, and that’s an easy way to explain that story,” said Jaylani Hussein, the executive director of CAIR-Minnesota. According to multiple government sources, some of the money transfers are going to parts of the Middle East where terrorist groups are active. These sources believe as the money passes through, some is being skimmed off by those organizations. The owner of a Minnesota money transfer business acknowledges this method of sending funds can be risky. “We don’t want them,” said Abdiaziz Sugule of the Somali American Money Services Association. “It’s dangerous for us, it’s risky, but we don’t have other solution to do this.” After 9/11, rules changed making it harder to wire money to places like Somalia. Local Somali leaders say they want to work with lawmakers to find a better solution than carry-on cash, but right now, it’s one of their only options. Source: – Fox9
  13. Hirshabelle state plans to build a dam to avert floods from River Shabelle in Beledweyne town amid thousands were displaced by heavy floods. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. After forming a tripartite port development agreement with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Ethiopia, the Government of Somaliland, which is yearning to gain an international recognition, has made arrangements to commence the construction of new port facilities at the Port of Berbera. During a visit to the Port of Berbera – 154 kilometers out of the capital Hargeisa – Ali Ismail Mohamed, head of port operations with the UAE based DP World Group told Ethiopian journalists that the new tripartite port development project is set to take effect. “The construction of the first phase begins in September and bids will be awarded to potential developers,” the operations head said. As per the timeline, the port project is expected to be finalized by 2020. The port facility, which currently has the capacity to handle 150,000 container port traffic (TEU: 20-foot equivalent unit), is expected to expand into handling one million TEU of 20 and 40-foot mixed units. The Somaliland Port Authority has already consolidated port management operations and let DP World acquire positions in the management and operational activities at the existing port facilities. The USD 442 million port, according to Mohamed and his team, will be developed in two phases. During the first phase of development, both Mohamed and Allan Sanchez – project operations manager with DP World at the Berbera Port – said that a 430 meter berth is expected to be constructed which will accommodate two vessels at any given time. The overall expansion project will bring about a total of 800 meter wide berth that can dock five ships at a time. The existing port facility accommodates five major vessels on a 650 meter long berth. In case of Ethiopia’s involvement, it is hard to find out how the government is taking part in the development activities. Given its 19 percent stake at the port, Ethiopia looks at shipping some 30 percent of its import/export trades. Close to 10 percent of the total volume of shipment will be directed to Port Sudan. Some 95 percent of the country’s international trade currently passes through the Port of Djibouti. The expansion project as commentators argue not only provides port services but creates additional milestone in the struggle for recognition as an independent nation. However, the project is seen as a threat by the Somalia and Djiboutian authorities. Somalia opposed the project claiming it has violated its sovereignty while Djibouti didn’t like Berbera Port becoming a potential contender as it takes a considerable share of volume from what it currently enjoys. According to the tripartite agreement, DP World holds on to a 51 percent share and Somaliland remains with 30 percent stake. Back in 2016, the initial deal was signed between UAE and Somaliland; that the former agreed to develop and manage the port with its own financial coffers. Somaliland will not be required to contribute in financial terms as the land and the seaport it availed is considered as an investment in kind. When asked what it means to have a 19 percent stake at the Berbera Port? Mekonnen Abera, director general of the Ethiopian Maritime Authority said that such details will not be necessarily disclosed for the time being. It is unclear whether Ethiopia’s willingness to provide electricity to Somaliland is part of the port project deal. Mekonnen commented on a road project Ethiopia built that stretches to the border of Somaliland and this should not be mixed with the port project agreement. He stressed that the road projects are separately considered as parts of trade routes and corridors for development. As the expansion of the Berbera Port weighs in, the existing port has become instrumental in handling general and containerized cargos. Somaliland has already built a container strip close to the ship main yard named Wuchale. It was named after a historical place in Ethiopia. Some of the general cargos which the Berbera Port handles include 25,000 tons of food aids. According to port officials this volume is expected to climb to 40,000 tons this year. By Birhanu Fikade
  15. The Minnesota legislative auditor is launching an investigation into allegations that some child care providers are defrauding the state’s publicly funded child-subsidy program with excess billings. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. NAIROBI, Kenya, May 19 – Police have announced a Sh 1 million cash reward for anyone that will offer information leading to the arrest of a major terrorist facilitator, Francis Macharia Kirashu. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. Perhaps nothing personifies the global refugee crisis more than the life jacket: a poignant symbol of floating to hope and a painful reminder of what’s been left behind. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. A powerful tropical cyclone which formed in the Gulf of Aden has caused heavy rains in northern Somalia in the past two days, destroying houses and leaving about 2,000 livestock dead, the UN said on Saturday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa lagu soo kordhiyey xilal la sheegay inay noqonayaan agaasimeyaal kuwaasoo u shaqeynaya sida gacan-yareyaal ay leyihiin Guddoomiye ku xigeenada G/Banaadir. Waxaa wareegto lagu magacaabay 4 Agaasimayaal Guud oo ka hoos shaqeyn doona Guddoomiye kuxigeenada G/Banaadir. Waxayna agaasimayaasha Guud ee la magacaabay waxaa ka mida: Agaasimaha Guud ee Amniga iyo Siyaasadda oo loo magacaabay C/fataax Cali Xasan, kasoo ka hoos shaqeyn doona Guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee Amniga iyo Siyaasadda Maxamed Tuulah. Waxaa kaloo Agaasimaha Howlaha Guud loo magacaabay C/fataax Cumar Xalane oo hore u ahaa afhayeenka Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, waxaana laga qaaday xilka Afhayeen ee G/Banaadir, wuxuuna ka hoos ka shaqeyn doonaa Guddoomiye kuxigeenka ee howlaha guud Aadan Sheikh Cali Fidow oo muddooyinkan danbe go’doon ahaa, shaqooyinkiisiina lagala wareegay. Waxaa la filayaa in la magacaabo Agaasimayaasha Guud ee Maamulka iyo Maamuliyadda iyo Agaasimaha Guud ee Arrimaha Bulshada. Agaasimayaasha Guud ee afarta ah ayaa waxaa hoostagi doona Agaasimayaasha waaxyaha dowladda hoose ee horay u hoos-tagi jiray Guddoomiye kuxigeenada Gobolka Banaadir. Agaasimeyaashan oo sida xogheyn u shaqeyn doona ayaan la ogeyn in guddoomiye ku xigeennada loo magacaabay ay raali ka yihiin ama lagala tashaday, waxayna u muuqdaan kuwo sii kordhinaya jahawareerkii ka jiray maamulka G/Banaadir. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  20. Garoowe (Caasimadda Online) – Kulan deg deg ah oo Maanta ka ey ku yeeshay Golaha Wasiirada ee Puntland Xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Garoowe ayaa waxaa laga soo saaray War Saxaafadeed siweyn loogu dhaliilay Somaliland. War Saxaafadeed ka soo Baxay Madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay in Somaliland ay Gabaad iyo Agab siiso Kooxaha Daacish iyo Al-Shabaab oo dagaal adag ay kula Jirto Puntland. Puntland ayaa sidoo kale been abuur ku tilmaamtay Warqaad shalay lagu faafiyay baraha Bulshada taasoo la xiriirtay in Madaxweyne Gaas uu warbixin ku saabsan Dagaalka Tukaraq siiyay Madaxweynaha Dalka Maxamed C/llaahi Maxamed Farmaajo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  21. Nairobi (Caasimadda Online) – Booliiska Kenya ayaa ku dhawaaqay 1 Million oo shilin oo la siinayo ciddii keenta War bixin horseedi karta in la soo xiro Xybin muhiim ah oo Al-shabaab ka tirsan kaasi oo booliiskua ay Magaciisa ku sheegeen Francis Macharia Kirashu. Sida ku xusar war uu saray Booliiska Kenya Jimcihii oo Warbaahinta Dalkaasi ay daabacday, Ninka la baadi goobayo ee Kirishu waxa uu taageeraayay Dagaalamayaasha Al-shabaab si ay Xuduudda uga gooshaan, isagoo u daabacay warqado aan sax ahayn. Ninkaan Booliisku ay tuhunsanyihiin waxa uu Ganacsi ku lahaa Magaalada Nairobi , waxaana la xiray caawiye yaashiisii oo daabacaya warqado been abuur ah. Boliska waxay xuseen inuu Macharia Karishu been abuuray 4 Aqoonsiga Kenya oo ay isticmaaleen 2 xubnood oo ay Bolisku ku qabteen Degmadda MERITI bishii Feberaayo ee sannadkii 2018-kii, waa sida hadalka loo dhigay. Rag booliisku magacooda uu ku sheegay Cabdi Majid Xasan Aadan iyo Maxamed nane ayaa isticmaay warqado uu daabacay ninka la baadi goobayo si ay Xuduuda Kenya uga gudbaan iyagoo Soomaaliya ka tagay. Dhinaca kale, Ninka Kenyanka ee la baadi-goobayo ee Francis Macharia Karishu.ayaa la sheegay inuu Xafiis Daabacaad oo lagu magacaabo PASTE PRINTER oo uu ku lahaa magaalladda Nairobi, inkasto ola sheegay inuu iska xiray Xafiiskaasi oo uu haatan dhuumaalaysi ju jir, waa aida hadalka loo dhigay.. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  22. Shir deg deg ah oo ay maanta yeesheen Golaha Xukuumadda Puntland uuna shir guddoominayay Madaxweyne Cabdiwali Gaas ayaa looga hadlay dagaalka Puntland iyo Somaliland iyo shirkii dowlad goboleedyada ee Baydhabo. War-murtiyeed ka soo baxay shirkaas ayaa lagu sheegay in Puntland u diyaar garoobeyso dagaal waqti dheer qaadan doona oo lagu difaaci doono dadka iyo dalka. Sidoo kale War-murtiyeedka ayaa lagu sheegay in shacabka Puntland ay garab istaagaan ciidamadooda iyo dowladooda, maadaama lagu soo duulay dalkooda iyo sharaftooda, sidoo kale shacabka Sool ayaa loogu baaqay in ay garab istaagaan ciidankooda una istaagaan xoreynta dhulka maqan. Dhanka kale Golaha Xukuumadda Puntland ayaa ka hadlay shirkii dowlad goboleedyada ee Baydhabo, waxaana warbixin ka siiyay Madaxweyne Gaas oo sheegay in shirkaas ahaa xoojinta xiriirka dowlad goboleedyada, uuna ku soo dhamaaday guul iyo sidii loo xoojin lahaa hanaanka Federaalka. Shirkan deg deg ah ee ay yeesheen Golaha Xukuumadda Puntland ayaa ku soo aadaya, iyadoo Jawiga Gobolka Sool u muuqdo mid ku jira xaalad dagaal oo xilli kasta la filan karo dagaal ka dhex qarxa Putland iyo Somaliland oo ciidankoodu is-horfadhiyo. Hooska ka akhriso War-murtiyeedka shirka PUNTLAND POST The post Golaha Xukuumadda Puntland oo yeeshay shir deg deg ah, maxaa ka soo baxay? appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa daah-furay maanta Imtixaanaadka mideysan ee Shahaadiga ah Dugsiga Sare oo maanta ay u fariisteen arday gaarasa 27,600. Dugsiga 15-ka May oo uu ka dhacayay imtixaanaadkaasi oo si weyn loo adkeeyey Amnigiisa – ayaa waxaa gaaray Ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka oo ay wehliyaan Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir iyo Wasiirka Wxbarashada Soomaaliya. Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre oo ka hadlay daah furka Imtixaanaadkaasi ayaa sheegay in waxbarashadu ay tahay qeybta ugu muhiimsan ee horumarka daka, in wax la bartana ay astaan u tahay dib u dhiska dalka. “Waxaan u mahad celinayaa Aabayaashii iyo Hooyooyinkii ka soo shaqeeyey in caruurtooda ay soo gaarsiiyaan halkaan, Innagana ka dowlad ahaan waxaan ku dadaali doonaa insha allh si arday walbo uu fursad u heli lahaa,” ayuu yiri Kheyre. Sidoo kale, Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa u mahad-celiyey cid waliba oo howshaan kasoo shaqeysay, gaar ahaana wasaaradda waxbarashada dalka. “Waa Iftiin qaranimo Soomaaliyeed ay ka muuqato, Waa Horumar uu wadankeenu ku tilaabsanayo, waxeyna ahaan doontaa howlaha saldhiga u ah xukuumaddu iney ka shaqeyso,” ayuu hadalkiisa daba-dhigay. Ugu dambeyn, Muqdisho iyo Gobolada Dalka Qaarkood ayaa waxaa maanta ka bilowday Imtixaanka mideysan ee shahaadiga ah, kaasoo ah markii saddexaad ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Soomaaliya ay qabato, tan iyo burburkii Dowladdii Dhexe. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul wasaare Khayre oo daah-furay Imtixaanada shahaadiga ah ee Dalka appeared first on Puntland Post.