Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Deegaanka meegaagle waxaa ka furmay maanta shir wayne lagu heshiisiinayo Beelaha Cumar Maxamuud iyo Baharasame oo mudo dhowr sano ku dagaalamayay deegaankaasi. Gogosha shirkan ayaa waxaa dhigtay beesha Cumar Maxamuud oo uu hogaaminayo Islaan guud Islaan Bashiir Islaan Cabdule Islaan Faarax. shirkan ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay Ergooyin farabadan oo ka kala yimid gobolada Puntland , waxaana fududeenaysa qabsoomida shirkan dowllada Puntland. colaadan labadan beelood ka dhax taagneed mudo kusima 12 sano ayaa sababtay dhimashada 102 qof oo labada dhinac ah iyo xoolo Geel iyo Ari isugujira oo lakala dhacay . ciidamada maamulka dowllad deegaanka Itoobiya ayaa sugaya amniga goobta uu shirku ka dhacayo. Hoos ka dhagayso codka Caaqil C/raxmaan Cabdilaahi . Caaqilka
  2. Last Tuesday, the day of Minnesota's political party caucuses, anti-Islamic fliers signed by “your neighborhood infidel" appeared throughout Minneapolis’s Cedar-Riverside Neighborhood, which has a high concentration of Somali-Americans. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. Kismaayo (PP) ─ Iyadoo maalmihii u dambeeyay ay soo baxayeen warar sheegya in Dekedda Kismaayo laga dhoofiyo dhuxul, ayay ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan Kismaayo waxay iska fogeeyeen in ay wax ka ogyihiin dhoofinta dhuxusha ee dekedda Kismaayo. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in ka badan 20 Doomood ay Kismaayo ka Qaadeen dhuxul ay u qaadeen dhinaca Dekedo ku yaalla Cuman, Iran iyo Imaaraadka Carabta. Sidoo kale, Mas’uuliyiin millaterig Kenya ayaa beeniyay in Ciidamadoodu ay ku lugleeyihiin tallaabooyin lagu dhoofinayo dhuxusha oo xayiraad ay ugu soo rogtay Qaramada Midoobay. Afhayeenka ciidamada Kenya, Col. David Obonyo ayaa Wargeyska Business Daily u sheegay in ciidamada Kenya ay si toos ah ugu lug lahaayeen ilaalada Dekedda Kismaayo, sidaa awgeedna aysan ku lug yeelan Karin dhoofinta dhuxusha. “Waan arkay Sawirrada muujinayay dhuxusha laga dhoofinayo Dekeda weyn ee Magaalada Kismaayo, ciidamadeenuna wax lug ah kuma lahan dhuxusha la dhoofinayo,” ayuu Col. David Obonyo ku sheegay Wargeysigiisa. Dhank kale, Afhayeenku wuxuu intaas ku daray inaysan ciidankooda Somalia ku sugan aysan sinnaba ugu lug yeelan doonin dhuxusha la dhoofinayo, isla markaana aysan wax shaqo ah ku lahayn joojinteeda. Ugu dambeyn, Col. Obonyo ayaa sheegay in Somalia ay u joogaan sidii ay u caawin lahaayeen dowladda iyo maamullada jira, si looga adkaado ururka Al-shabaab oo uu sheegay inay dhibaato ka wadaan Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST
  4. A would-be jihadist funded his travel plans to join extremists in Syria by taking out a £10,000 loan from Barclays Bank, a court has heard. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Two Kenyans have been executed by al Shabaab fighters for allegedly spying for Somalia and Kenyan intelligence services in Qunyo Barrow town, Lower Shabelle region. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. President Musa Bihi Abdi has sent a message of condolence to Danish Queen Margrethe II after the passing away of her husband, Prince Henrik, who died at the age of 83. According to a presidential press statement, it was stated that Denmark has close bilateral ties with Somaliland where it provides aid through the Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) where Norway, the UK also supports via this channel. Denmark also supports Somaliland projects through Danish International Development Agency (Danida).
  7. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia, Xasan Cali Khayre oo ay waheliyaan Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenkiisa iyo wasiir-ku-xigeenka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya, ayaa maanta kulan la yeeshay Safiirka dalka Faransa u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, Antoine SIVAN iyo wafti uu hogaaminiyo. Kulankan oo ka qabsoomay xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, ayay mas’uuliyiintu ka wada hadlayn xoojinta iyo wadashaqaynta labada dawladood iyo sidii uu wadanka Faranse uga qayb qaadan lahaa xasilinta amanigga, kobcinta dhaqaalaha dalka iyo horumarka guud ee wadanka. Safiirka Faranse u qaabsilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya Antoine SIVAN ayaa dawladda ku bogaadiyay horumarka ay samaysay mudadii ay jirtay iyo sida ay ugu dadalayso in laga cafiyo daymaha mudada dheer lagu leeyahay Soomaaliya, taas oo u sahlaysa in ay la jaanqaado wadamada horumaray hadii laga cafiyo daymaha. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa tilmaamay in xukumadiisu ay si wayn uga shaqaysay xoojinta iyo dardargalinta arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yhiin Maaliyadda, Amnigg,a la dagaalanka musuq-maasuqa iyo ciribtirka argagaxisada. “Soomaaliya uma baahana oo kaliya in lagu taageero lacag, balse waxay doonaysaa in lagala shaqayo sidii looga dhaafi lahaa daymaha. Sidoo kalena shacabkeeda loogu abuuri lahaa adeegyo Caafimaad, Waxbarasho iyo jidad casriya”. Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre. Ugu dambeyn, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia ayaa sheegay in dawladda ay ku dadaalayso habkii looga cafin lahaa daymaha lagu leeyahay dalka,waxuuna u soo jeediyay in dalka Faransa uu qayb muhiim ah ka qaato sidii dunidda loo tusi lahaa soo kabashada iyo amniga ka jirta Soomaaliya, si uu caalamku uu maalgashi uga samaysto Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre oo la Kulmay Safiirka Dalka Faransiiska u Qaabilsan Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. TRIPOLI (Reuters) - A truck packed with African migrants crashed near the Libyan town of Bani Walid on Wednesday, leaving at least 19 dead and nearly 80 injured, officials said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Ururka isxil qaamayaasha ee Uhiili hor-umarka ee degmada Eyl Ayaa maanta doortay gudoomiye cusub oo uu yeesho Ururkan . Dhalinyarada ku midaysan Ururkan ayaa gudoomiye udoortay C/qaadir Maxamuud Yuusuf . Ururkan ayaa wax yaabaha ay qabteen waxaa kamid ah dhiraynta Magaalada Eyl, bilicda nadaafada ,wacyigalinta bulshada iyo ka qaybqadashada dhismaha goobaha danta guud ah. Ururkan ayaa waxaa la aasaasay bishii 12aad 2017kii . Degmada Eyl ayaa ka mid ah meelaha Taariikhiga ah ee Soomaaliya ugu caan san loona dalxiis tago. Hoos ka dhagayso. UHIILI
  10. Lodon (Caasimadda Online) – Muwaadin soomaaliyeed oo laxiray isagoo doonaya in uu ku Biiro ururka Daacish ayaa la ogaaday in uu Bangi ka deeynsaday lacag dhan 10,000 oo Euro oo u dhiganta 12,362 Dolar ka Mareeykanka ah, Sida uu daabacay Wargeyska telegraph ee ingiriiska kasoo baxa. Muwaadinkaan oo magaciisa lagu sheegay Aweeys Shiikheey ayaa Bangiga u sheegay in uu Lacagta ugu Baahanyahay si uu ugu guursado, laakiin waxaa la ogaaday in uu ku talo galay in uu ugu safro Siiriya si uu Daacish ugu Biiro. Wuxuu ahaa 38 jir Darawal ka ah Gaari Badeecooyinka daabula wuxuuna inkiray in uu diyaarinayay weerarro Argagixiso iyo in uu Dad kale kala dooday Dilka Boqoradda UK iyo ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee ingiriiska David Camiroon. Xeer ilaalinta eedeeymaha Aweeys Shiikhoow Gacanta ku haya ayaa sheegay in uu ka hadlay in laweeraro Yahuud Dagan Degmadda Stamford Hill ee ku taalla Waqooyi bari Magaaladda London ee Caasimadda Ingriiska iyo in Qori AK47 ah lagu Beegsado marka taagerasyaasha kubadda Cagtu kasoo Baxaan Garoonka Tottenham Hotspur. Aweeys Shiikheey wuxuu heeytaa Dhalashadda Netherland wuxuuna leeyahay Labo xaas oo kala Dagan Netherland iyo Kenya iyo Caruur, waxaa 23 kii may ee Sanadkii tagay laga qabtay Garoon Caalami ah oo kuyaala London. Dacwad ooge lagu magacaabo Barnaby Jameson ayaa sheegay in ujoodo kasta oo uu lahaa Aweeys ay ka dhexmuuqatay Xagjirnimo. Muwaadin Soomaaliyeed oo ku noolaa wadanka Kenya magaciisana lagu sheegay Abdirahman Idris Hassan ayaa la sheegay in uu Xagjirnimaddda ku dhiiri galiyay Aweys shiikhoow sida laga ogaaday Qoraal ay isku dhaaafsadeen Alaadaha lagu sheegkeeysto. Dacwad oogaha kasoo horjeeda Muwaadinka Soomaaliyed ayaa Maxkamad ka hor aqriyay Qoraal uu soo qoray Abdirahman Idris Hassan oo u Qornaa “ ilaaheey hakugu darajeejo Dilka David camiroon iyo Haweeneeyda Duqda ah ee Elizabeth. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Muwaadin Somaliyeed oo deyn u qaatay sidii weeraro ugu geysan lahaa dalka Ingiriiska. appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) _ Wasiirka Howlaha Guud ee xukuumadda Soomaaliya Saadaq C/llaahi Cabdi ayaa laga reebay tartanka Kursiga Beesha Hubeer ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka oo ahaa kursigii uu ka dhintay wasiir Cabaas C/llaahi Siraaje. Wasiirka ayaa ka mid ahaa musharixiinta kursigan waxaana la sheegay inuu cadaadis uga yimid xafiisyada Madaxtooyada iyo Ra’iisal wasaaraha, taasoo keentay inuu ka haro doorashada kursiga uu musharax u ahaa oo lagu wado inay Berri ka dhacdo magaalada Kismaayo. Waxaa socda olole Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ugu jirto in kursigaasi loo doorto wiil la dhashay Cabaas Siraaji oo dhowaan soo gaaray magaalada Kismayo, kaasoo lagu magacabo Maxamuud C/llaahi Siraaji. Wararka ayaa intaa ku Maxamuud C/llaahi Siraaji oo maalmo ka hor gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ay u badan tahay inuu kursigaas ku guuleysto, oo uu bedelo booska walaalkii, iyadoo uu la tartami doono musharax malxiis ah. Dood badan ayaa ka jiray qaabka kursigan loogu tartamayo, iyadoo Madaxtooyada iyo Maamulka Jubbaland ay isku hayeen, inkastoo markii dambe la xaliyay. Maxamuud Cabdi Beekoos oo ahaa Musharaxii laga guuleystay Tartanka kursigan ayaa sheegay inay jirto faragelin, isla markaana la baal maray shuruucdii doorashada, maadaama qofkii laga guuleystay ay aheyd inuu buuxiyo kursigan. Taageerayaasha musharaxa Maxamuud C/llaahi Siraaje ayaa ku dhawaaqay inuu ku guuleystay xildhibaanni kursiga beesha Hubeer, iyadoo uu tanaasulay musharicii la tartamayey, waxaase go’aanka laga sugayaa Guddiga Doorashada, iyado ay jirto musharax haweeney ah oo tartanka ku jirta inkastoo aysan miisaan lahayn. Musharaxa kale ee kursiga u taagan Maxamuud Cabdi Beekoos oo horeba uu uga qaaday Marxuum Cabbaas Siraaje ayaa ku dodaya inay doorahsda lagu hayo jirto faragelin, isagoo dacwad geystay Maxkamadda sare. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Wasiirka Howlaha Guud ee Somalia oo laga reebay tartanka Kursiga Xildhibaan ee Beeshiisa appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud iyo Guryeynta Dowladda Puntland ayaa shir wada tashiya oo ku saabsan xeerka maareynta dhulka magaalooyinka Puntland ku qabatay magaalada Bosaso, waxaana shirkaas kasoo qeybgalay gollaha deegaanka Bosaso, Waaxyaha maamulka Dowladda Hoose, Masuuliyiin ka socda Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud heer Gobol, Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha,Maamulka Gobolka Bari, Odoyaasha dhaqanka, Culimo udiin,Saraakiil ka socota Maxkamadaha, Aqoonyahano, Dalaaliinta dhulka iyo Ganacsatada. Shirkaan oo daba socda kulamo wada tashi oo horey loogu soo qabtey magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Gaalkacyo ayaa looga hadlay qaabeynta mustaqbalka dhaw ee magaalada iyo Xeerarka maareynta dhulka. Wuxuuna qeyb ka yahay barnaamijkan mashruuca horumarinta dowladdaha hoose ee JPLG , Waxaana gacan ku siinaya Wasaaradda Hay,adda UNHABITAT. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud oo Bosaso ku qabatay shir ku saabsan xeerka maareynta dhulka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  13. Wadahadalka uga socda ONLF iyo Itoobiya Magaalada Nairobi ayaa meel wanaagsan maraya hada, Qodobada ugu xasaasisan in miiska saaran waxaa ka mid ah in Cabdikariin Qalbi dhagax xabsiga laga sii daayo. Wadahadalka oo dhowr maalmood hada socda ayaa wuxuu u muuqdaa mid dhowaan la isla meel dhigi doono Go’aanka rasmiga ah ee Kulanka kasoo bixi doona,?Sargaal ka agdhow Wadahadalka oo si hoose ugu waramay Warbaahinta Puntlandi ayaa wuxuu sheegay in maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ay labada dhinacba muujiyeen Masuuliyad nimo iyo horu socodba, Qodobo dhowrana la isla meel dhigay. Wuxuu kaloo Sargaalku noo sheegay in Qodobada ugu muhiimsan dhanka ONLF ayna ku gorgortamayaan uu ka mid yahay in Sharuud la’aan Xabsiga looga sii daayo Cabdikariin Qalbidhagax, oo Sanadkii hore ay Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ay xabsiga dhigeen kadibna u gudbiyeen Adis ababa. Qodobkaan wali si fiican la isuguma afgarad laakiin waxaa loo badinayaa in dhanka Itoobiya ay aqbalaan sii deynta Qalbi dhagax. Puntlandi Nairobi
  14. She has made a gradual return to the social scene, after taking some time away from the limelight, following the January 2016 death of her husband David Bowie. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. Dabley hubaysan ayaa abaaro duhurnimadii maanta afduub ugu geystay magaalada Baran ee Gobolka Sanaag mid ka mid ah hawlwadeenadda Shirkadda Biyaha NUWACO sida uu u xaqiijiyay warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST maamulka shirkaddaas. Cabdinuur Siciid Faraxsane oo la hadlay Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST ayaa sheegay Maxamed Siciid Taako oo ka mid ah shaqaale ka shaqeynayay biyo galinta magaalada Baran inay kooxo hubaysan ka afduubteen goobta shaqada. Cabdinuur ayaa intaas ku darey inay socdaan dadaalo ay wadaan maamulka Gobolka Sanaag iyo Degmada Baran islamarkaana la aqoonsadey dableyda afduubka u geystay mid ka mid ah shaqaalaha shirkadda, wallow uusan sheegin sababta ka dambeysa afduubka ka dhacay Baran. Dhageyso wareysiga Cabdinuur Siciid Faraxsane. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Sarkaal ka tirsan shirkadda biyaha NUWACO oo lagu afduubay magaalada Baran. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur “History is past politics, and politics is present history” (E.A.Freeman, 1886). This is a brief account of the history of Somaliland from a historical perspective. The history of Somaliland is peculiarly different from the history of Somalia. Those who argue against the present state of independence and sovereignty outrightly ignore how Somaliland is historically differentiated from other Somali inhabited territories. Somaliland has an ancient history and civilization. For a long period in the past, Somaliland had well-established trade links with the rest of the world particularly ancient Egypt (the Pharaohs), the Romans, the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian sub-continent. Commodities like hides and skins, frankincense and myrrh, ivory, gums, feathers were traded in exchange for consumer products such as sugar, tea, dates, clothes etc. It was uniquely the hub of spices trade (Frankincense and Myrrh). The trade links to the Middle East and East Asia existed via the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean routes. With the introduction of Islam, and later on during the spread of the Ottoman Empire, trade firmly set foot along the coasts of Somaliland. For instance, between the 10th and 14th centuries Chinese merchants frequented the coast of Somaliland and Egyptians had a long historical relationship with Somaliland. In the 16th century, Zeila was occupied and annexed by the Ottoman Empire as a port town. In the 1880s Europeans (Britain, Italy and France) began disputing with each other for control for spheres of political influence in Africa. At the turn of the 19th century, when the Ottoman Empire weakened was on the brink of collapse, Egypt which was a vassal of the Ottoman, Empire occupied the western parts of Somaliland. Following the British occupation of Aden in 1839 and after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, the expansion of the British Empire was brought to the doorsteps of Somaliland. To safeguard its trade interests in the Indian Ocean, during the scramble and partition for Africa between the Europeans, in 1884 Britain proclaimed Somaliland as a protectorate ‘British Somaliland Protectorate’ and appointed its first agent in 1885. British of Somaliland was the result of series of agreements with the local traditional elders and chiefs. Britain accepted to occupy Somaliland to act as fiduciary. The raison d’etre for the occupation was largely for the protection of the colony. For administrative purposes, Somaliland was divided into five administrative districts in the protectorate (Berbera, Hargeisa, Burao, Erigavo and Zeila). Italian Invasion of British Somaliland, August, 1940: During the East African Campaign in WWII, British Somaliland was occupied by Italy for six months, when British forces recaptured the protectorate. From the British point of view the occupation the purpose of occupation was utilitarian: a) to use it to play a key role of the increasing Empire’s control of vital Bab-el Mandab strait for the security of the Suez Canal and the safety of the Empire’s naval route through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden to East Asia, and b) to provide meat especially mutton to the British garrison based at Aden. However, from the Somali traditional chiefs and elders point of view, the occupation was for the safeguard of the security of Somaliland. Military activities in the Somaliland Protectorate from 1905 to 1913 For centuries, people of Somali ethnic origin in the East or Horn of Africa region have been practicing nomadic pastoralism wandering in transhumance mode moving within the entire region in search of grazing pastures for their stock to exploit the production system of pure nomadism. That led to the spread of Somalis region ending in different parts of the region (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland and Djibouti). But nevertheless, Somali people, wherever they live, share a common identity in terms of the language (Somali), religion (Muslim) and socio-cultural matters. There never has been a common or single nation within a defined territory at any one time and Somali nationalism only began with colonialism which eventually steered to the rise and emergence of the concept of bringing all Somalis in the region under one unit or nation. Somali people had always relationships with neighboring communities. The relationship between Somalis and Ethiopians existed since the 13th century. On arrival of European colonialists in Africa, Menelik, the Emperor of Ethiopia, showed his interest that he had to have a share in the partisanship of Africa as an imperial power in the region. The Emperor voiced that he would not be watching the European powers dividing and having shares of the African continent for themselves and that as a ruling kingdom, Abyssinia should also have its share of the cake. The Europeans allowed that. As a matter of fact, the Empire had always an eye on the neighboring territories including the Somalis. Earlier in 1889, Emperor Menelik together with Ras Mekenon (his Governor of Harar region), annexed the Somali-inhabited parts. 1912 Scott 58 8a light blue & black “George V” Before the British formally occupied Somaliland, a series of agreements and treaties with the local chiefs and clan leaders preceded. Britain first made treaties with the different Somali local tribes in 1827, followed by others in 1840. Between 1884 and 1886 alone, at least six treaties and three supplementary agreements were signed with the elders of different clans. In all of them, Majesty’s protection was guaranteed. It is noteworthy to mention that a number of agreements were held on board of ships off the coast as the local people did not allow the British to land before signing any agreement. A system of indirect rule of Somaliland was first established. Somaliland was initially ruled from India and later on through the colonial office after it transformed the regions into a protectorate. In 1894 Britain and Emperor of Ethiopia (Menelik) made an agreement the instrumental aspect of which was that the Emperor would, in return, not support the Mahdi of The Sudan who was fighting the British. Emperor Menelik always had a project to extend full authority on Somali-inhabited lands known as the Ogaden. His successor Tefari Mekenon, later renamed as Haile Selassie as popularly known took the thrown in 1928 had full control of Somalis in the region and insisted to consolidate his ambition. But during the Dervishes movements led by the Sayed Mohamed Abdulle Hassan, there was a hindrance to freely invade the entire Somali region. After the end of the Dervishes struggle, another part of Somali-inhabited areas (Haud and Reserved Area), a vast area of grazing lands of Somaliland and its Somali population, were handed to Ethiopia by the British. Flag of British Somaliland 1950-1960 As Somaliland became part of the British Empire there was the necessity for the defining and delimiting the borders of the protectorate with the neighboring territories of Ethiopia, the French territory of Djibouti and Italian Somalia. Since different parts of Somali-inhabited regions were colonized by different European colonial powers (British, Italian and French) the borders and contours of the British Somaliland protectorate needed to be determined. Britain made legal agreements and international treaties with the French, Italy and Ethiopian Emperor through the Anglo-French treaty of 1888; the Anglo-Italian treaty in 1894 and Anglo-Ethiopian treaty 1897 respectively. Therefore, Somaliland as a British Protectorate had established borders as enshrined by those treaties delimiting its international boundaries with the neighboring territories (the Ethiopian Empire, Italian Somalia in the South and the French Somali territory of Djibouti (presently the Republic of Djibouti). The borders of Somaliland at the present are the same as they were during its protectorate years, the same during its independence years from the British Crown in 1960 and same as they are today as the independent Republic of Somaliland. Somaliland troops on parade, 1910 The British established a protectorate over Somaliland in 1884 and garrisoned it from Aden. The protectorate was administered from British India until 1898, then by the Foreign Office, and after 1905 the Colonial Office. As in all their colonies, the British recruited indigenous peoples into their armed forces to maintain security. When this photograph was taken the British were engaged against the forces of the so-called ‘Mad Mullah, Sayid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, who had led a revolt against British rule since 1899. Historically, the Ethiopian emperors were always in pursuit to control the Somali-inhabited area as well as other nationalities in the area. The ‘mythical kingdom’ at Axum had always an interest to bring all nationalities such as the Somalis, the Arusans, the Oromo, the Herari, the Guraje, etc. under its control. For a brief period, In 1935/36, Italy took control of Ethiopia until the British re-occupied it again after the Second World War when the alliance of Italy and Germany were defeated by the allies. However, Britain withdrew as Ethiopia reasserted rule over the Somali population when Britain withdrew. In 1954 Britain handed over the ‘Haud and Reserved area’ to Ethiopia in 1954. Somaliland was declared a British colony in 1884, however, technically it was not so until 1920 when the Sayid, Mohamed Abdulle Hassan, the leader of the Dervish Movement who fought with the British colonial administration was defeated when a combined land forces (the Somaliland Camel Corps, the Somaliland Police, together with the 2nd and 6th Kings African Rifle (KAR) and contingents of Indian Battalions and air offensive. It was then it became a full-flexed protectorate. 1949 Scott 110 1a scarlet Silver Wedding Issue In due course and over the time, Somaliland identity began to take a formal shape. The beginning of a sense of nationalism and Somaliland’s national identity is very much rooted in the colonial experience. Nevertheless, Somali people share common cultural and political identities. The British always allowed the tribal leaders and chiefs to run local affairs in their traditional ways and the colonial authority left the traditional structures and culture of the society in place. The other colonial regimes (the Italians and the French) had interventionist policies into the Somali societies they colonized that showed tendencies in interfering with the lives of the Somali societies. During the colonial period, the protectorate was administered by colonial political agents, commissioners, administrators, and Governors during the colonial period (about 21 in total) between 1884 and 1960. The last British Governor, Sir Douglas Hall (a military Governor) was in Hargeisa from 11 July 1959 and handed over to a native Somali Governor, Osman Ahmed Hassan on 26 June 1960. Somalia was put under 10-years UN Trusteeship in December 1950 with Italy as the administrator power to prepare them for independence. Italian Somalia saw different Italian administrators or Governors. The last was Mario Di Stefani (1958 to 1960). The Trust Territory of Somalia had its first general elections in March 1959 in which 83 out of the 90 seats in the Legislative Assembly were scooped by a single party, the SYL. Decolonization process From London’s Public Record Office: Somaliland and British leaders agree to Somaliland independence In the late 1920s, the first political organization (the Somali Islamic Association) was established in Aden by members of Somaliland origin in the diaspora for the purpose of promoting the discussion of the Somali community issues in Aden and question of the British rule in Somaliland. Later on, in the early 1930s, as a spillover from this organization, clubs were organized in Somaliland in Berbera and Hargeisa. Hadiyatul Rahman’ (God’s gift) Association was opened in Berbera and ‘Al-Khairiya’ (the blessed) Association in Hargeisa. Members of those clubs dared to wage critics to the colonial administration. Further politicization of the clubs led to the formation of the Somali National Society (SNS). At the end of the Second World War, four of the Somali-inhabited territories with the exception of Djibouti which was a French colony), i.e., the British Somaliland Protectorate; Somalia, the Northern Frontier District (NFD) ruled together with Kenya as British colony and the Somali region in Ethiopia together with Haud and Reserved Area all fell under the British rule. As nationalism grew, a wholehearted popular vision, converging aspirations and a strong wish of the people in the intention developed. The union between Somaliland and Somalia was considered as pursuit of the ‘Greater Somalia’ dream and the rise of Somali irredentism in bringing all five territories inhabited by ethnic Somalis in East Africa (the Ogaden and Haud and Reserve Area under Ethiopian Empire, the Northern Frontier District – NFD – part of the British colony with Kenya, the French colony of Djibouti, the British Protectorate of Somaliland and South Somalia under Italy). The idea of unifying Somalis or the Greater Somalia concept was politically advocated by British. At the end of the Second World War, Ernest Bevin (a British Foreign Secretary, a post-war British politician and statesman) suggested that all Somali-inhabited territories, with the exception of Djibouti which was under the French, became under the British rule. Britain replaced Italy to rule Ethiopia after its defeat in WWII. In fact, the entire East Africa region was under the British colonial rule or Empire. It was on April 1961 that Bevin made the proposal and argued that all Somalis be united as one “The best way for the wandering Somali pastoral nomads to survive in the marginal environment was to let them united all under the British Administration”. But on the international level, the British plan was rejected the other big powers (France, USSR and USA) as they were suspicious about the British intentions that it would undermine their interests and influences in Somalia. The Ethiopian Emperor also protested. In relation to the unity of Somalis, Britain organized the formation of Somali Youth Club (SYC) represented by all Somali clans to convince Somalis. Meanwhile two prominent political figures from Somaliland protectorate, Michael Mariano and Adan??, were then also transferred to Mogadishu to write up the SYC (later changed to the Somali Youth League, SYL). The SYL had in its constitution the mandate of uniting all five Somali territories under one banner. In the end, a Somali Conference was organized in Mogadishu which was chaired by Sultan Abdillahi Suldan Deria from Hargeisa. But the idea of British administration (under the UN Trusteeship) was rejected by the politicians of Somalia as they wanted the Italians to implement the UN administration and not the British. Thus, the UN Security Council then transferred the trusteeship of Somalia to Italy to prepare them for independence after 10 years. The Somali region in Ethiopia, the Ogaden and the Haud and Reserve area remained with Ethiopia and in 1963, the NFD became part of independent Kenya. Bevin’s idea became an important catalytic precursor for the strengthening the concept of Somali nationalism and the Greater Somalia notion. The SNS underwent through development transformations and it finally changed to Somali National League (SNL) party. A combination of factors contributed to raising the consciousness and awareness of people of the idea of unifying all Somali territories: (i) from 1945 political campaigns spearheaded by the SYL party in the South; (ii) the suggestion of the British Foreign Secretary in 1946 to put Somalis together under a trustee in view to gain independence for all Somali territories and (iii) the issue of the Somali area known as ‘Ogaden’ which was ceded in 1897 to Ethiopia which temporarily became under British jurisdiction in 1947 but handed back to Ethiopia in 1948 (against the Somalis wish). These factors formed a cocktail of ingredients that sparked the Greater Somalia or Pan-Somalia concept or dream, so to speak, among all Somali speaking populations in the region. The ambition to struggle to achieve the unity of all five Somali-inhabited parts was clearly stated by the Somali poets and literature experts such as the late popular and famous poets such as Ali Sugulle Egal, Abdillahi Sultan ‘Timacade’, Ahmed Ismail Deria ‘Qasim’ and others. “Haddaanan NFDii la hingala dhigin (The NFD issue must be settled), Oon huurkiyo laga qaadin heeryada (And cover of the oppression must be unveiled); Haddaanan Jabuuti way hakatee, (Djibouti lags behind), Oo hilinka kuwa kale hayaan marin (Should take similar path as the other two), Haddaanan shantu waa isku hiddee (And the five should have the same identity), Is-raacin sida hubka is-wada (They must be united as one like an automatic weapon).” (Ali Sugulle Egal). On February 17 1960, the very first Somaliland elections for parliament were held. Four major political parties – the SNL, NUF, USP and SYL – and a few independent runners contested for 33 national seats. In 1957 a Legislative Council consisting of 8 official and 2 ex-officio (British) members, 6 unofficial (Somali) members was formed in Somaliland though the Council was established two years earlier (on 10 February 1955) because the Somaliland Constitutional Order came in force two years later (in 1957). In 15 February 1960, Somaliland’s first democratically elected parliament. The Council consisted of 33 natives (Somalis) and 12 non-natives of English and Indian and Arab origins. The names of the 33 Somali MPs elected were: 1) Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal (Berbera); 2) Ali Garad Jama (Las Anod);3) Osman Garad Mohamoud (Teleh); 4) Abdalla H Farah (Widhwidh); 5) Mohamoud Yasin Sh. Muse (Odweyne); 6) Mohamed Bihi Shuuriye (Hargeisa); 7) Mohamed Yusuf Geedeeye (Ainabo); 8) Abdillahi Hussein (Ina Doobikoole) (Hargeisa); 9) Ali Mohamed Haji Abokor (Faraweyne); 10) Sh. Barkhad Awale (Gabiley); 11) Jama Abdillahi Galib (Ina Diirqadhaadh) (Salahley); 12) Ahmed-Keyse Haji Duale (Buroa); 13) Michael Mariano (Eil Afweyn); 14) Mohamed Ali Farah (Hiis); 15) Abdillahi Qablan Mohamed (Las Korey); 16) Sh Ahmed Mohamoud Dalmar (Erigavo); 17) Ibrahim Eid (Hudun); 18) Mohamoud Ahmed Salah (Jidali); 19) Haji Ibrahim Nur (Dila); 20) Yusuf Ismail Samatar (Hargeisa); 21) Abokor Haji Farah (Buroa); 22) Yusuf Kahin Ahmed (Las Dhure); 23) Sh Ali Ismail Yaqub (Duruqsi); 24) Isse Jama Mohamed (Qoryaley); 25) Haji Yusuf Iman Guleid (Berbera); 26) Haji Abdillahi Deria (Sheikh); 27) Haji Ibrahim Osman Food (Adadley); 28) Haji Aden Yusuf (Bulahar); 29) Ali Qowdan (Mandhera); 30) Sh Abibakar sh Omer (Borama); 31) Jama Ghelle Isse (Zeila); 32) Haji Muse Ahmed Shirwa (Abdulqadir); 33) Abdi Hassan Buni (Boon). Towards the final years of the colonial period and in preparations for independence, legislative elections were held on February 1960. A number of political parties took part. The Somali National League (SNL) which originated from the Somali National Society (SNS); the National United Front (NUF aka NAFTA); and the United Somali Party (USP) participated in the elections. SNL won the elections with a sliding majority (20 out a total of the 33 seats contested); the USP party (12 seats) and the NUF party (1 seat). The first elected Legislative Council (Cabinet) were: Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal (First Minister); Garad Ali Garad Jama (member); Haji Ibrahim Nur (member); Ahmed Haji Duale (Ahmed Kayse) (member) and Haji Yusuf Iman (member). Mohamed H. Ibrahim Egal (right), the leader of the political leadership of British Somaliland welcomed in Mogadishu by the Premier of UN Trusteeship of Somalia Mr. Abdullahi Issa on April 16, 1960. The officer seen in the middle is Mohamed Siyad Barre who later lead the revolution that toppled the government of Prime minister Egal on October 21st 1969. On 6 April 1960 the Somaliland Legislative Council had a meeting (chaired by the Governor Sir Douglas Hall) in Hargeisa to discuss two items as agenda: 1) to discuss the independence of Somaliland and 2) the union with Italian Somalia. The two items were merged and discussed as a single item as they were closely related and because the concept of uniting all Somalis which was the main concern of the people. The two items were inseparable. Most of the constituent representatives especially the SNL members such as Mohamed Abdi Shuriye and Haji Ibrahim Osman Food (Basbaas) among others voiced strongly the union of Somaliland with Somalia. However, Philip Carl, a member of the council, despite understanding the emotions involved warned that there were other really important issues that needed to be discussed. Nonetheless, every other matter was overlooked in the session. The conclusion was the agreement to proceed to the union with Somalia. The Somaliland Council delegate members discussed whether or not to unite with Italian Somalia which was a UN trusteeship. Some members such as Garaad Ali Garaad Jama and Mohamed Ibrahim Egal openly suggested that should remain independent and wait for a while before joining with the South. Similar suggestions were reported to have been made by most politicians from the Italian Somalia council members. They found that the idea was a bit hasty and premature and even suggested for the northerners to buy more time. A Somaliland Council delegation consisting of 3 members (Mohamed I Egal, Garaad Ali Garaad Jama and Haji Ibrahim Nur with Lieutenant Abdillahi Aden ‘Congo’ as an overall security observer and advisor left for Mogadishu for discussion with the Government of Abdillahi Essa Mohamoud in the South which was the last government in the trusteeship period of 1956-1960). Matters developed in rapidity. The public anxiety pushed the leaders more to forge the union with the Somalis in the South. The Somaliland delegation was under extreme pressures from the public. They were instructed to bring a positive response (the union) back on their return from the South. Therefore, the overwhelming emotionally charged population in the Protectorate was the force behind that dictated the union deal with no strings attached to it. The main agenda was the union without the attachment of conditions or strings. On 2 May 1960, the Somaliland cabinet led by Mohamed Ibrahim Egal left for a ten-day constitutional conference in London to meet their British counterparts. The members of the delegation composed of the following members: Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, Minister of Local Government and leader of Government Business; Ali Garad Jama, Minister of Communications and Works; Haji Ibrahim Nur, Minister of Social Services; and Ahmed Haji Duale, Minister of Natural Resources. The delegation was accompanied by a legal Advisor, Mr. Neil Lawson, and the Governor of the Protectorate, Sir Douglas Hall (K.C.M.G) and Mohamoud Abdi Arraleh (Secretary to the delegation). The Colonial Office was represented by Ian Macleod; D.B. Hall; and H.C.F Wilks (Secretary). The Somaliland delegation requested for independence. On 12 May 1960, a date was agreed and set for the independence of Somaliland protectorate to be on 26 June 1960. An agreement was signed on the day as an acceptable proposal. This date marks a historical time and a characteristic landmark for the people of Somaliland. In 1947 the SNL party of the North was campaigning for the amalgamation of all Somalis in the region to be united. That was mainly due to the fact that most of the Somali politicians feared of the negativity of ‘clannism’ as divisive in such a way that it would be exploited by foreign powers in the United Nations who were, at the time, in debates of the political destiny of the Somali people. Anything less than the wholehearted support for unity and ‘Greater Somalia’ would weaken the case of non-unification by the politicians was the dream. The overall intention of the unification of the two Somali territories was taken as a model step to the ultimate Greater Somalia ambition that became the byword amongst the Somalis. The politicians, had no other choice but to play that as a political card. The SNL’s campaigns before the election were mostly based on this fact in line with the popular political view. That also existed in Somalia. It was being pushed by the Somali Youth League (SYL). As the campaigns for independence of the British protectorate gathered momentum, the first Legislative Council, consisting of 6 Somalis and 8 British which was established in 1957, was increased to 33 elected official members in 1959. Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, as First Minister or the leader of the Council and led Somaliland to independence from Britain on 26 June 1960 as an independent state, with its own constitution and a government headed by Egal was formed. At independence, the last British Governor of British Somaliland Protectorate, Sir Douglas Hall, handed over the governorship to Osman Ahmed Hassan as the first native Somali administrator. British Somaliland Protectorate was granted as an independent country on 26 June 1960. That year was famous for the phrase “the winds of change” within the British Empire as it was used in a speech by the then British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan. Of the British colonies in the African continent, Somaliland became an independent state after Sudan (which became independent in 1956) and Ghana in 1957, while Ethiopia was never colonized. It was an imperial state. In its first session, the government of Somaliland voted for union with brothers in the South with an overwhelming majority. (To be continued)
  17. Waxaa meel gabo gabo ah maraya howl galkii lagu samata bixinayay Doonidii Xafiis ee ku soo caariday 4tii bishan meel ku dhaw dekeda magaalada Bosaaso. Hantida saaran doontan oo lagu qiyaasay ku dhawaad 10 milyan oo doolar ayaa waxaa iska kaashaday bad baadinteeda Shacabka Ganacsatada, Dowllada ,Culimada, iyo bulshada qaybaheeda kala duwan. Sawirro laga soo qaaday halka ay taalo doonidan iyo sida ay shaqada usocoto ayaa muujinaya in howshu ay tahay mid gabo gabo ah oo u muuqata in lagu guulaystay. Gudoomiyaha gudiga bad baadinta doontan Sheekh Fu,aad Xaaji ayaa warsidaha usheegay in maalinta Qamiista ah lasoo gaba gabayn doono howsha doonidan . Xuquuqda sawirrada Bulshaawi.
  18. Wasaaradda Kalluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka badda dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta ka jawaabtay warar soo baxay oo tibaaxay in wasaaraddu ay si sharci-darro ah rukhsad u siisay maraakiib iyo doomo jariif ah,kuwaasoo Xeebaha Puntland ka xaday kheyraad fara-badan. Agaasimaha guud iyo Wasiirka Wasaaradda Kalluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka badda Puntland oo duhurnimadii maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garoowe ayaa faahfaahiyay sida ay wasaaraddu u bixiso shatiyada Kalluumeysiga ee maraakiibta iyo doomaha ka jillaabanaya xeebaha Puntland. Agaasimaha guud Kalluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka badda dowladda Puntland, Cali Xirsi ayaa shir jaraa’id ku soo bandhigay qoraallo ku saabsan rukhsadaha ay bixiso Wasaaraddu ee maraakiibta la siiyo,isagoo gebi ahaamba beeniyay in la sharciyeeyay jariif iyo xatooyo lagu hayo xeebaha Puntland. Dhinaca kale Wasiirka Kalluumeysiga Puntland,Cabdirashiid Maxammed Xirsi oo shirkaasi jaraa’id ka hadlay ayaa difaacay shatiyada ay Wasaaraddiisu bixiso ee la siiyo maraakiibta iyo doomaha ka jillaabta xeebaha Puntland. Halkaan ka daawo shirka jaraa’id oo dhammaystiran. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo:Maxaa ka jira in Wasaaradda Kalluumeysiga Puntland rukhsado siiso maraakiib iyo doomo jariif ah. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. MOGADISHU (HOL) - Delegation from African Union has arrived in Somali capital, Mogadishu to assess peace keeping activities. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Wasaaradda kalluumaysiga iyo kheyraadka badda ee dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta beenisay in Doon kalluumaysi oo dhowaan lagu qabtay Thailand uu xeebaha Soomaaliya si sharci darro ah uga qaatay 500.000 oo tan oo khayraadka Badda ah. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaraddu wuxuu sheegay in arrintan xaqiiqadeedu ahayd sanadkii hore ee 2017, isla markaasna la mariyay nidaamka rasmiga ah ee kalluumaysiga ee ay shatigiisa bixiso wasaaraddu, markii ay soo codsadeen iyagoo ku gooshaya calanka Djibuuti. “Wuxuu kalluumaystay hal tiriib oo keliya, waxaa laga qaaday canshuur iyo kharashaad kale oo sharci ah oo dhan ilaa 900.000 oo dollar,” ayuu yiri Agaasime Cali Xirsi Salad, wuxuu intaas ku daray in kalluumaysiga ay sameeyeen uu ahaa 1,400 oo tan. Cadaymaha wasaaraddu soo bandhigtay oo ahaa ilaa toban Dikumenti ayaa waxaa ku jiray warqado ay is dhaafsadeen Puntland, shirkadda Markabka leh, Dowladda Jibuuti iyo dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Booliiska dalka Thailand ayaa dhawaan qabtay doontaan kalluumaysi oo ay saarnaayeen 22 qof isugu jira Thailandese iyo combodian. Doontaan ayaa ka timid xeebaha Puntland halkaas oo la sheegay inay ka haysatay shati ogolaansho kalluumaysi. Waxay booliiska Thailand sheegeen in culayska kalluumaysi ee doontaan shatiga lagu siiyey uu ahaa inay qaadato kalluun dhan (270,000kg), laakiin doonta laga helay kalluun dhan (500,000 kilograms) taas oo khilaafsan wixii lagula heshiiyey ayna doontu samaysay xatooyo baahsan.
  21. Degmada Ufayn ee gobolka bari waxaa ka furmi doona maalinta bari ah shir looga hadlayo dar dargalinta dhismaha wadada kala beer iyo Caluula. Wadada Caluula iyo kala beer ayaa dhaxmari doonta ilaa iyo 11 degmo oo ay Boosaaso kamid tahay. Gobolada bari ee loo yaqaan gaari waaga ayaan lahayn wadoonyin fiican oo ay soo mariyaan dhaqaalaha ka soo baxa gobolka garda fuu ee ubadan fooxa iyo beeyada. Shirkan ayaa waxaa ka soo qaybgali doona Gudoomiye yaasha 11 ka degmo ee wadadan ka faaiidaysan doona ,waxayna ku bixindoonan dhismaha wadadan muruq iyo maalba. Gudoomiyaha degmada Ufayn ee gobolka bari Cali jaamac Jariil ayaa kawaramay ujeedada shirakan iyo xiliga uu furmi doono. Halkan hoose ka dhagayso. Codka degmada ufeen