Deeq A.

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  1. Madaxweynaha Wadanka Koonfur Afrika Jacob Zuma ayaa goordhow iska casilay xilka madaxweynaha dalkaasi Koonfur Afrika. Madaxweyne Zuma ayaa Goordhow si rasmi ah warbaahinta ugu sheegay in uu baneeyay xafiiska looga arimiyo dalkaasi Koonfur Afrika. Jacob Zuma oo hadda ku jira da’da 75-aad ayaa loo doortay xilka dalkaasi South Afrika 9-kii May Sanadkii 2009. Zuma oo ah Madaxweynaha Afaraad ee dalka South Afrika ayaa wajahay fadeexad musuq maasuq ah. Xisbiga ANC oo ah xisbi mucaarad ah ayaa sheegay in haddii Jacob Zuma uu san is casilan xafiiska si qasab ah looga saari doono. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Madaxweyne Koonfur Afrika Jacob Zuma oo is Casilay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. (CNN) Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe's longtime opposition leader and former Prime Minister, has died in a South African hospital at the age of 65, according to MDC party spokesman Nelson Chamisa. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. While we tend to focus on the ugly side of social media - the hate speech, bullying, fake news – a silent but exciting revolution has happened in it. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Warar soo baxay ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiweli Maxammed Cali(Gaas) ay Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ku qancisay in xiisadda ka taagan Tukaraq lagu xalliyo wada-xaajood dhex mara madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Muuse Biixi,kaasoo lagu ballansanyahay dalka Jabuuti. Inkastoo aanay jirin cid wararkaasi xaqiijisay,haddana tan iyo markii la maqlay shacabka reer Puntland ayaa si weyn u hadal haya,waxaana ka dhashay caro xooggan oo dadweynuhu ka muujinayan in duudsiga intaasi le’eg lagu sameeyo umadda reer Puntland,islamarkaana loo bahdilo gobol kale. Si lamid ah xubno ka tirsan Golaha Wakiilada Baarlamanka Puntland aya soo jeediyay in kulan deg deg ah loogu yeero madaxweyne Gaas,si arrintaasi wax looga weydiiyo. Xildhibaannada ku baaqay kulankan deg degga ah ayaa badankoodu ka soo jeeda gobolka Sool ee haatan ay ka jirto xiisadda Colaadeed. Dhinaca kale madaxweynaha Puntland cabdiweli Maxammed cali(Gaas) oo Galabta dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Garoowe ayaa mar wax laga weydiiyay carada shacabka Puntland ee ku aaddan dayaca Xukuumadda Gaas ee difaaca dalka? Wuxuu ku jawaabay” Hadde annagu Shacabka warkiisa kuma shaqeynnu,dowladduna kuma shaqeyso”. Halkaan ka daawo shirka jaraa’id ee Gaas. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Gaas oo sheegay in Xukuumaddiisu aanay ku shaqeyn warka Shacabka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. President Jacob Zuma resigned as leader of South Africa on Wednesday evening during a televised address to the nation. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Macy’s announced that it will be launching a clothing line targeted specifically to Muslim women, and hijabs will be a part of it, Fortune reported Wednesday. With the arrival of this line, Macy’s will become the first major department store in the U.S. to sell hijabs. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Warbaahinta Kenya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta maamulka Jubbaland ay si xooli ah uga socoto dhoofinta Dhuxusha. Dhoofinta Dhuxusha ayaa xooligeeda socota labadii asbuuc ee ugu danbeysay, waxaana dhoofinta la sheegay inay iska kaashanayaan maamulka Jubbaland, Kenya iyo Ganacsato ka kala socta labada jiho. Dhoofinta Dhuxusha ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu yahay mashruux ay kala saxiixdeen Jubbaland iyo dowlada Kenya, waxaana qaab Ganacsi ah loogu iibgeeyaa dhulka Kenya. Saxaafada Online-ka ayaa si is xigxiga u baahineysa Muuqaalo iyo sawiro muujinaya dhoofinta dhuxusha oo siweyn uga socta dekedda magaalada Kismaayo. Dekada magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa sidoo kale lagu arkayaa dhuxul sidii buuraha u sameysan iyo Doomo u dhoofinaya dhinaca Bariga dhexe. Waxa ay wararku sheegayaan in dhuxushan inteeda badan loo kala dirayo ama loo dhoofinayo dalal kale oo ay ka mid yihiin Oman, Iran iyo Imaaraadka Carabta. Dhoofinta xooligeeda ayaa socota xiliyadii habeenkii oo si qarsoodi ah looga dhoofiyo dhuxusha dekedda sida ay xaqiijinayaan ilo wareedyo kala duwan. Talaabadaan ayaa u muuqata mid lagu baalmaraayo go’aankii kasoo baxay Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobey oo sanado ka hor mamnuucay in Somalia laga dhoofiyo dhuxusha, si loo ilaaliyo nabaad guurka dhirta. Dhinaca kale, DFS ayaa horay u mamnuucday dhoofinta dhuxusha iyo jarista Dhirta ayaa wali ka hadlin arintan. HOOS KA DAAWO DHOOFINTA DHUXUSHA The post Sawirro: Dhoofinta Dhuxusha oo si xooli ah xiliyada habeenkii uga socota Dekadda Kismaayo appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. “Millions” in United Nations funds intended to help Africans displaced by conflict and famine are being diverted to support jihadists from al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab, fighting against U.S.-backed troops in Somalia, a CNN investigation has found. Michael Keating, the U.N. chief in Somalia, acknowledged that al-Shabaab jihadists fighting U.S. troops are siphoning off U.N. funds likely subsidized by American taxpayers, telling CNN: Unfortunately, those in need, and those who are going to be targeted by humanitarian organizations to receive assistance, do become attractive for those trying to make money, and there will be all sorts of scams going on. To deny it is happening would be wrong, but I think to take examples of it happening, and to say the whole response is like this, would be a gross misrepresentation of what is going on. Currently, “more than 500” American troops are fighting al-Shabaab in Somalia, notes CNN. Of the 193 members of the United Nations, the U.S. is the most prominent donor, contributing more than $10 billion in 2016 alone, which amounted to “roughly one-fifth of its collective budget,” according to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). CNN reports: A CNN investigation has revealed how money given directly by the United Nations to people displaced by conflict and famine is ending up in the hands of Africa’s oldest terrorist organization. Former members of al-Shabaab and Somali intelligence agents said the terror group is extorting thousands of dollars per day through road blocks and taxes on merchants attempting to transport food and supplies to sell to internally displaced people in towns where they are concentrated. CNN learned from a former al-Shabaab tax collector who spoke on condition of anonymity after he was captured by Somalian authorities that “the extraction of tolls at roadblocks was one of the biggest sources of money” for the jihadist group. Individuals who refuse to pay the transportation tax to the terrorists are “captured and killed,” a former al-Shabaab fighter who collected extortion proceeds for nearly a decade, told CNN. Currently, an estimated 22,000 U.S.-backed African Union (AU) troops are fighting the al-Qaeda affiliate in Somalia. However, the force is expected to withdraw by 2020, leaving behind a “growing number” of U.S. troops to shoulder the burden of taking on the terrorist group, points out CNN. Under U.S. President Donald Trump, the American military has intensified operations against al-Shabaab. Breirbart
  9. Israeli police said Tuesday there is “sufficient evidence” to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on criminal charges in two corruption cases. According to a police statement published late Tuesday, authorities found evidence of “accepting bribes, fraud, and breach of trust.” In a televised statement, Netanyahu said that the allegations against him would be dismissed, repeating what has become his catchphrase, “There will be nothing because there is nothing.” In a statement given moments before police issued their official findings, he said: “I think about the good of the country not for personal reasons of the press, but only for the country, and nothing will stop me from doing this, not even the attacks against me, and believe me they’re never ending. “And, therefore, today isn’t different from any other days which I’ve been through in past 20 years.” When asked whether the US had any reaction to the police statement, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said, “The only thing I have to say about that is that the United States has a very strong relationship, not only with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but also the Israeli government. We’re certainly aware of it, but we consider it to be an internal Israeli matter.” Netanyahu is a suspect in two separate criminal investigations, known as Case 1000 and Case 2000. In Case 1000, Netanyahu is suspected of having received gifts from businessmen overseas totaling 1 million shekels (approximately $280,000), including cigars, champagne, jewelry and more, from 2007 through 2016. The case has focused primarily on Netanyahu’s relationship with Israeli billionaire and Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan. In exchange for the gifts, police say, Netanyahu tried to advance a tax break that would have benefited Milchan, though he was blocked by the Finance Ministry. “According to suspicions, the Prime Minister worked to advance the extension of the tax waiver for returning citizens over 10 years, a benefit that has a considerable economic value for Mr. Milchan,” the police statement said. MK Yair Lapid, one of Netanyahu’s chief rivals who served as finance minister during this period and was called to testify during the investigation, called on Netanyahu to step down. “Even if the law does not require the Prime Minister to resign, someone who has such serious accusations against them, many of which he does not deny, cannot continue to serve as Prime Minister with responsibility for the security and well-being of Israel’s citizens,” Lapid said. Police say they have enough evidence to indict Milchan on charges of bribery. Milchan fired back at police, insisting he and Netanyahu have been friends since long before the period under investigation. “The recommendation disregards indisputable basic facts including — the ties between Mr. Milchan and Mr. Netanyahu started in the early years of 2000, when Netanyahu had no government role. This connection was characterized by friendship between the two and their families. In this framework, gifts were given from time to time by Mr. Milchan to the Netanyahu family with no business interest,” said Milchan’s lawyer. In Case 2000, police say Netanyahu discussed “bartering” with Arnon “Noni” Mozes, the owner of one of Israel’s leading newspapers, Yedioth Ahronoth, which is regularly critical of the Prime Minister. In exchange for more favorable coverage, Netanyahu promised to hamper the circulation of a rival newspaper, in recordings obtained by police. “In his framework, what was discussed was the assistance of Mr. Mozes to Netanyahu in establishing his stature as Prime Minister through positive coverage in Yedioth Ahronoth that, in return for the Prime Minister assisting Mr. Mozes in advancing economic interests of Yedioth Ahronoth by an initiative to block the strengthening of Israel Hayom,” the police statement said. Both Netanyahu and Mozes have said these were not serious discussions; rather, they each claim they were trying to expose the other’s lack of trustworthiness. Police say there is enough evidence to indict Mozes on charges of offering bribes. In a statement to Israeli media, the lawyer for Mozes said, “The cases against him will be closed.” Netanyahu has repeatedly proclaimed his innocence, insisting that investigators will find he did nothing wrong. ATTORNEY GENERAL Police will now pass the evidence to the attorney general, who will make a decision on whether or not to indict the Prime Minister. That decision is not expected imminently. By Israeli law, he is only required to step down if he is convicted and that conviction is upheld through the appeals process to the High Court, a process that could take years. However, he could face public and political pressure to step down much earlier. His coalition partners, so far, have backed him, saying they will not take down the government over a police conclusion. Earlier this week, Education Minister and head of the right-wing Jewish Home party, Naftali Bennett, said, “I wish from the depths of my heart that the PM will come out clean and will continue leading the State of Israel. An indictment sheet seems far away, and certainly one does not go for elections over [police] recommendations.” Echoing his position, Finance Minister and head of the center-right Kulanu party Moshe Kahlon said, “Let the [police] recommendations be published. We will not avoid a decision, but I’m telling you right now, by law, the law says until the stage of the attorney general, there is no need to deal with it at all.” Both parties have enough seats in Netanyahu’s 66-seat coalition to take down the government and force new elections. In an effort to deflect blame, Netanyahu has lashed out, attacking the police, the media, the opposition and the left in rallies and on social media. He has often called the investigations against him “fake news,” echoing the language of President Donald Trump. Last week, Israeli Police Chief Roni Alsheich, in an interview with Israel’s Keshet news channel, said “powerful elements” were “sniffing” around investigators working on the Netanyahu cases. Firing back, Netanyahu said he was “shocked by the insinuations” that he had sent private detectives to tail police, arguing that it casts doubt over the impartiality of the investigations. In a strike against the police chief after the interview, Likud MK Yoav Kisch, a hardline supporter of Netanyahu from within the Prime Minister’s party, summoned Alsheich to a meeting of the Interior Committee at the Knesset for Wednesday morning. CNN’s Oren Liebermann reported from Jerusalem. James Masters wrote from London. Amir Tal in Jerusalem contributed to this report. Source: CNN The post Israeli police find ‘sufficient evidence’ to indict Benjamin Netanyahu – CNN appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. Two Kenyans have been executed by al Shabaab fighters for allegedly spying for Somalia and Kenyan intelligence services in Qunyo Barrow town, Lower Shabelle region. Hassan Yussuf and Mohamed Hassan from Marsabit county were executed by dagger-wielding militants on February 12. Security sources said the militia forcefully gathered locals to witness the killings which they had announced earlier on Saturday using vehicle-mounted loudspeakers. The locals in the area have witnessed regular executions carried out by the al Qaeda-linked terror group. The terrorists kill those found guilty mainly by firing squad, throat slitting and stoning. The foreign al Shabaab fighters, mainly from Kenya, have witnessed rampant executions by the group who accuse them of being moles. So far, more than 20 Kenyans have been executed. They include Jared Mokaya, Faraj Abdulmajid, Ahmed Yusuf, Ahmed Nur, Abdi Osoble, Abdullah Talal and Hashim Othman. Last year, the militants publicly beheaded four men accused of spying. The group confirmed the executions which took place after the men were found guilty by an al Shabaab court in Jamame district of Lower Jubba region, some 70 km (43 miles) north of Kismayu. Al Shabaab fighters have carried out many attacks in Kenya in retaliation to the contribution of Kenya Defence Forces soldiers to the African Union Mission in Somalia. Source: – The Star The post Two Kenyan Al-Shabaab fighters executed for spying for KDF appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. Somalia’s port city of Kismayu is on the spot again over suspected illegal exports after a string of photos emerged on the social media showing truckloads of charcoal being loaded onto boats. Since Saturday, Somalia’s online media have been reporting that the port which was liberated by the Kenya Defence Forces in 2012 has now fallen among illegal exporters of charcoal, targeting the estimated $40 million (Sh4 billion) business. RTN Somali TV, for example, published on its Twitter page photos of mountains of charcoal sacks, boats and trucks it said were being loaded for transport to the Middle East. “The 20 boats of charcoal loaded today at the Port of Kismayu to Oman, Iran and UAE…shocking pillage and pilfering of Somalia’s natural resources,” it said on Saturday. The authenticity of the images could not be immediately determined, but the Kenya Defence Forces has distanced its soldiers from any illegal activity at the port. KDF Spokesman Col David Obonyo told the Business Daily the Kenyan troops are not directly involved in guarding the port and therefore cannot be a part of the export cartel. “I have seen the photos before and it looks like somebody is trying to dig up old things for local political gains. We can confirm that no Kenyan soldier is involved in it. KDF is not at Kismayu Port. Our people are at the new Kismayu Airport where we provide security,” Col Obonyo said. “KDF will have nothing to do with these photos. They could either be photoshoped or somebody is trying to bring up old photos.” In the pictures, some soldiers are seen patrolling the port yard as porters load the sacks brought in by white trucks. The soldiers’ identity is difficult to determine from the photos. KDF has previously fought similar allegations contained in a UN report which accused its soldiers of aiding the illegal export of charcoal and smuggling of sugar. Then as now, Kenya soldiers maintained they follow a strict code of conduct and international law in Somalia. But according to the arrangements by the Somali government, Kisimayu is under the Jubbaland administration which is headed by then Ras Kamboni leader Sheikh Ahmed Madobe who assumed office in May 2013, several months after KDF liberated the town from the al- Shabaab. Source: – Business Daily The post Kismayo on the spot over charcoal trade appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi-dhagax waxa uu ahaa sargaal ka tirsan ururka ONLF ee ka dagaalama waddanka Itoobiya, waxa uu ku taami jiray, sida la sheegay, in ciidamada Itoobiya uu ka xoreeyo dhulka Soomaaliya. Balse ma uusan noqon hamigiisii mid suuro-galay, waxa uu safar ku tegay magaalada Gaalkacyo 23 Agoosto ee sannadkii la soo dhaafay, halkaasi oo ay ka qabteen ciidamada Nabad-sugidda Qaranka, ka dibna waxa ay u soo gudbiyeen magaalada Muqdisho. Maalmo yar ka dib, 27 Agoosto ayey mugdi gashay rajadii Cabdikariim Muuse Qalb-dhax iyo qoysaskiisa, waxaana ka gilgishay dhiibistiisa shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Xukuumadda Soomaaliya oo mar danbe ka hadashay arrintan ayaa ku tilmaantay in dhiibista Qalbi-dhagax ay ahayd sifo sharci ah, uuna ka tirsanaa urur argagaxiso ah, arrintaasi waxa ay mar kale gilgishey dareenka shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo ka hadlay dhiibista Qalbi-dhagax ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay qalad aheyd dhiibistiisa, dhinacyo kala duwan ayaana lagu eedeeyay dhiibista Qalbi-dhagax waxaana arrintan aan isku mowqif ka ahayn madaxda sare ee dowladda. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uu taageersan yahay go’aanka baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay ka qaateen arrinta Qalbi-dhagax. Kala aragti duwanaashaha xafiisyada dowladda ayaa mar kale mugdi galin kara arinkani, Carafaad Cali Axmed ayaa ka warramay waxa uu arrintan sharcigu ka qabo “Sharcigu waa cad yahay, qof muwaadin ah ma bannaana in lagu wareejiyo gacan shisheeye, waa qofku marka uu yahay muwaadin”. Marka dhinaca kale laga eego shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaa sii kiciyey waddanka Itoobiya oo aan xiriir wanaagsan kala dhexayn Soomaaliya dagaallo bandanna ay soo dhex mareen. Itoobiya waxa lagu sheegaa in ay tahay wadamo badan oo aan jecleysan horumarka Soomaaliya sida uu sharaxayo Sakariye Xaaji Maxamuud oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. “Dhibaatooyin badan oo shan boqol oo sano soo socday oo mar walba lagu sameynayay dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaa jira, waa nasiib darro in aynan aqrin taariikhda, Itoobiya qarannimada Soomaaliya marna raali kama aheyn” Xildhibaan Sakariye ayaa sheegay in madaxweyne Farmaajo uu ku mahadsan yahay in uu taageero go’aankii baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo ay ku sheegeen in dhiibistiisu aheyd mid aan sharci aheyn. The post Kiiska Qalbi-Dhagax: Xildhibaan jawaab ka bixiyey go’aankii Farmaajo ku taageeray… appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo ay waheliyaan Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka dalka iyo Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya, ayaa maanta kulan la yeeshay Safiirka dalka Faransa u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, Antoine SIVAN iyo wafti uu hogaaminiyo. Kulankan oo ka qabsoomay xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, ayay mas’uuliyiintu ka wada hadlayn xoojinta iyo wadashaqaynta labada dawladood iyo sidii uu wadanka Faranse uga qayb qaadan lahaa xasilinta amanigga, kobcinta dhaqaalaha dalka iyo horumarka guud ee wadanka. Safiirka Faranse u qaabsilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya Antoine SIVAN ayaa dawladda ku bogaadiyay horumarka ay samaysay mudadii ay jirtay iyo sida ay ugu dadalayso in laga cafiyo daymaha mudada dheer lagu leeyahay Soomaaliya, taas oo u sahlaysa in ay la jaanqaado wadamada horumaray hadii laga cafiyo daymaha. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa tilmaamay in xukumadiisu ay si wayn uga shaqaysay xoojinta iyo dardargalinta arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yhiin Maaliyadda, Amnigg,a la dagaalanka musuq-maasuqa iyo ciribtirka argagaxisada. “Soomaaliya uma baahana oo kaliya in lagu taageero lacag, balse waxay doonaysaa in lagala shaqayo sidii looga dhaafi lahaa daymaha. Sidoo kalena shacabkeeda loogu abuuri lahaa adeegyo Caafimaad, Waxbarasho iyo jidad casriya”. Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa sheegay in dawladda ay ku dadaalayso habkii looga cafin lahaa daymaha lagu leeyahay dalka,waxuuna u soo jeediyay in dalka Faransa uu qayb muhiim ah ka qaato sidii dunidda loo tusi lahaa soo kabashada iyo amniga ka jirta Soomaaliya, si uu caalamku uu maalgashi uga samaysto Soomaaliya. -DHAMMAAD- The post Sawirro: Maxaa looga hadlay kulanka R/W Kheyre iyo safiirka Faransa ee Somalia? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. HARGEISA— Khat prices have skyrocketed for the second day running in Hargeisa, Somaliland capital. Reports of Khat being taken by the consumers led to police intervention to maintain the order. It is said that the price of the khat has hiked from the usual price of Sh 200,000 per kilogram to Sh600,000, Consumers have gathered outside the market posts where Khat is sold have showed their anger against the price hike. Reports of clashes between Oromo and Somali ethnics in Ethiopia have halted the Khat trade which is brisking business in Somaliland. The Somaliland authority also recently increased taxes levied against Khat imported from Ethiopia which is transported by vehicles that cross the border town of Wajale, linking Somaliland to Ethiopia. Millions of dollars are spent on daily day basis for the Khat imported from Ethiopia and is consumed in Somaliland which is a strain and a drain to Somaliland economy. According to one Khat consumer who spoke to local television has said that the Khat price has gone up from 5 dollars to 15 dollars and added that the city will remain standstill if Khat is not available. One resident who hails from Mogadishu and has showed his anger against the Khat price which has risen said that he moved from Mogadishu due to high Khat price but added that if Khat in Hargeisa hikes then he would return to his hometown, Mogadishu, the war torn capital of Somalia. Another Hargeisa resident who expressed the growing anger against the Khat price which has risen said that the govt has to intervene and come up with fixed price. Somalis across the Horn of Africa is addicted to the widespread of the narcotic plant which has impacted in terms of health and economy. Once tension arises between Oromo-Somali communities, the Khat business trade which used to happen smoothly is disrupted.
  15. Maamulka shirkada biyaha ee Nuwaco ayaa cambaareyay afduub maanta loo geystay mid kamid ah howlwadeenadooda oo la yiraahdo Maxamed Siciid Taako, xilli uu ku sugnaa magaalada Badhan oo ay NUWACO ku guulaysatey inay u saldhigto biyo galintii ugu horeysay. Maamulka Shirkaddu waxay bogaadiyeee dadaalka ay ugu jiraan maamulka Gobolka Sanaag iyo Odoyaasha Deegaanku sidii xoriyadiisa loogu soo celin lahaa Muwaadin Maxamed Saciid. War qoraal ah oo kasoo baxay shirkada ayaa lagu sheegay in marxalad kasta oo shirkada lasoo gudboonaata aysan marnaba u hakin doonin adeegga ay shacabka u hayaan. Ma cadayn shirkada Nuwaco sababta loo qafaashay mid kamid ah shaqaalaheeda, sidoo kale xiriiro aan la sameynay maamulka gobolka Sanaag ayaan inoo suurto galin inaan helno, si aan arrintaan afduubka ah wax uga weydiino. Shirkadda NUWACO oo la aas aasay sanadkii 2006-dii ayaa sheegtay inay shaqooyin biyo galin iyo qodista ceelasha dhaadheer kasoo fulisay Deegaano badan oo ka tirsan Soomaaliya Sida Togdheer, Buuhoodle, Nugaal, Mudug, Bari, Sanaag, Sool iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya.
  16. Shir ku saabsan doorka haweenka ee sare u qaaddidda Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa oo ay soo agaasintay hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Garoowe. Shirka ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Horumarinta Arrimaha Qoyska dowladda Puntland Marwo. Maryan Axmed Cali,Sii hayaha Wasiirka Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka Xukuumadda Puntland Marwo. Siciido Xuseen Cali, Guddoomiyaha Ururweynaha Haweenka sagaalka gobol ee Puntland Marwo. Khadro Warsame Jaamac, gabdhaha aqoonyahannada ah ee Wax ka barta Jaamacadaha gudaha iyo marti sharaf kale oo haween u badan. Agaasimaha hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa dowladda Puntland Mudane. Cabdiraxmaan Cali Guureeye oo ugu horrayn hadal ka jeediyay shirkaan ayaa faahfaahiyay ujeedka ay shirkaan ka leeyihiin,isagoo sheegay in haweenku yihiin udub dhexaadka bulshada,sidaasi darteedna ay kaalinta kowaad kaga jiraan la-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa iyo sare u qaadidda Maamul wanaagga. Mr.Guureeye ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dhowaan madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland magacaabay guddi loo xil saaray cabashooyinka dadweynaha ee ku aaddan shaqaaleysiinta,guddigaasi oo wax ka qabanaya musuq maasuqa iyo nin jeclaysiga ay dadweynuhu ka soo cawdaan,gaar ahaanna shaqooyinka laga raadsado hay’adaha dowladda. Agaasimaha ayaa rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay in guddigaan uu madaxda u yahay ee loo xilsaaray cabashooyinka dadweynaha in shaqadoodu noqoto mid taabba-gesha. Dhinaca kale Sii hayaha Wasiirka Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka Xukuumadda Puntland Marwo. Siciido Xuseen Cali iyo Guddoomiyaha Ururweynaha Haweenka sagaalka gobol ee Puntland Marwo. Khadro Warsame Jaamac oo shirkaan ka hadlay ayaa qiray in haweenku ay yihiin kuwa ugu Musuq maasuqa yar kolkii mas’uuliyad loo dhiibo,waxayna haweenka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqeen in ay u kacaan sidii aafada Musuq maasuqa dalka looga cirib-tiri lahaa,islamarkaana sare loogu qaadi lahaa Maamul wanaagga. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Horumarinta Arrimaha Qoyska dowladda Puntland Marwo. Maryan Axmed Cali oo shirka soo xirtay ayaa sheegtay in haweenku ay aad uga Musuq maasuq yar yihiin ragga,maadaama ay ka beer jilicsan yihiin,laakii aan gebi ahaanba la oron karin waa ka maran yihiin. Marwo. Maryan Axmed Cali ayaa haweenka reer Puntland ku boorrisay in ay dadaal dheer ku bixiyaan sidii looga takhalusi lahaa cudurka halista ah ee Musuq maasuqa,maadaama ay hooyadu tahay as-aaska bulshada. Halkaan ka daawo Muuqaalka. Hoos ka eeg sawirro. PUNTLAND POST The post Daawo: Shir ku saabsan doorka haweenka ee Maamul wanaagga iyo la-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Twenty-Four Soldiers from 426th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) were deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia from June through August 2017. Nine of the 24 Soldiers were logisticians of various occupational skills and the remainder comprised the security platoon. This deployment marked the first time conventional forces were sent to Somalia since 1993 – and logisticians commanded it. Being the first in Somalia often meant being on our own and it would later be likened to Romans sent to the “edge of the empire.” Our primary mission set was to train the Somali National Army (SNA) on basic logistics tasks such as driving heavy vehicles, preventative maintenance checks and services and the safe operation of fuel and water trucks. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Berbera, Somaliland, February 2018 – Annisa Ahmed Mohamed Huseen, a Grade 8 pupil at Omar bin Khataab Primary School says she appreciates the high quality of teaching at her school and aspires to be a doctor. “I like coming to school because I am getting a quality education and the teachers are good,” she says.”I want to make a better future for myself and be a doctor.” What she doesn’t realize is the way several UN agencies have come together under the UN Joint Programme on Local Governance (JPLG), to enable the local government to offer increased support to her school and 41 others. Through contributions from JPLG, the Education Ministry and local resources – Berbera district is paying salaries for 112 guards and cleaners at school along with incensitves for 223 teachers in rural areas. Annisa’s school now has six cleaners and two watchmen. “We take pride in keeping our school clean,” says head teacher Foozi Bashe Abdilahi. “We have created a child-friendly space in our school compound that is conducive to learning,” Berbera’s local government is also overseeing the rehabilitation and extension of classrooms, and routine school maintenance such as painting and ensuring water points and toilets are functioning. The Berbera education budget has quadrupled since 2014. The improvements have led to a 30 percent increase in enrolments since 2014 and now stands at nearly 6,500 with a focus on bringing in girls. © JPLG/2017 Asia Mohamed Osman, Head of Education Section, October 2017. The Berbera Mayor Abdishakur Mohamoud Hassan says decentralization has improved accountability. JPLG has helped to clarify the functions, roles and responsibilities of the various tiers of government in line with the Somaliland decentralization policy making it easy for the authorities to work together on education.“Most of the classrooms use to be full of boys. Girls were left at home to do the housework and help their mothers,” says Berbera District Council’s Director of Social Affairs, Jimcale Abdilahi Jama. “We have been carrying out community awareness raising and more girls are enrolling in school. We have also reached out to children from very poor families and orphans.” “Through the provision of local services, communities are getting better education and health services. They are also getting to know their local councillors and understand what local councils do. As the Mayor I encourage local communities to talk to me and ask questions.” JPLG is comprised of five UN agencies (ILO, UNCDF, UNDP, UN-HABITAT and UNICEF) and together with partners, the Government of Somaliland and donors, it works to strengthen the role and capacity of local governments to deliver services to citizens in Somaliland. For more information contact: Visit: and follow us om Twitter: Contact: Alex Williams, Joint Programme on Local Governance, mobile: +254 (0) 733 801 886, email:
  19. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo ay waheliyaan Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka dalka iyo Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya, ayaa maanta kulan la yeeshay Safiirka dalka Faransa u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, Antoine SIVAN iyo wafti uu hogaaminiyo. Kulankan oo ka qabsoomay xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, ayay mas’uuliyiintu ka wada hadlayn xoojinta iyo wadashaqaynta labada dawladood iyo sidii uu wadanka Faranse uga qayb qaadan lahaa xasilinta amanigga, kobcinta dhaqaalaha dalka iyo horumarka guud ee wadanka. Safiirka Faranse u qaabsilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya Antoine SIVAN ayaa dawladda ku bogaadiyay horumarka ay samaysay mudadii ay jirtay iyo sida ay ugu dadalayso in laga cafiyo daymaha mudada dheer lagu leeyahay Soomaaliya, taas oo u sahlaysa in ay la jaanqaado wadamada horumaray hadii laga cafiyo daymaha. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa tilmaamay in xukumadiisu ay si wayn uga shaqaysay xoojinta iyo dardargalinta arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yhiin Maaliyadda, Amnigg,a la dagaalanka musuq-maasuqa iyo ciribtirka argagaxisada. “Soomaaliya uma baahana oo kaliya in lagu taageero lacag, balse waxay doonaysaa in lagala shaqayo sidii looga dhaafi lahaa daymaha. Sidoo kalena shacabkeeda loogu abuuri lahaa adeegyo Caafimaad, Waxbarasho iyo jidad casriya”. Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre. Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ayaa sheegay in dawladda ay ku dadaalayso habkii looga cafin lahaa daymaha lagu leeyahay dalka,waxuuna u soo jeediyay in dalka Faransa uu qayb muhiim ah ka qaato sidii dunidda loo tusi lahaa soo kabashada iyo amniga ka jirta Soomaaliya, si uu caalamku uu maalgashi uga samaysto Soomaaliya. DHAMMAAD
  20. Gudiga gurmadka qaraxii Zoobe ayaa maanta lacago kaas ah uqaybiyay 81 qof oo kamid ahaa Waalidiinta dadkii ku dhintay kuna hanti beelay qaraxii Zobe , Gudiga ayaa qoyskiiba waxa ay siiyeen lacag dhan 700 oo doorlar. Gudiga ayaa tan iyo mudadii lamagacaabay waxa ay sheegeen in ay gacantooda soo gashay aduun dhan 4 malyan iyo 4 boqo oo doolar. Gudoomiyaha gudigan C/laahi Maxamuud Shirwac ayaa Warbaahinta kulahadlay halkii lagu bixinayay deeqdan lacageed Halkan kadhagayso. 120101_003 - My Recording
  21. Somalia’s port city of Kismayu is on the spot again over suspected illegal exports after a string of photos emerged on the social media showing truckloads of charcoal being loaded onto boats. Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta maamulka la magac baxay Soomaaliland ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in xiisad ay halkaasi ka taagantahay. Arintaan ayaa ka dambeeysay kadib markii Wasaarada maaliyada ee maamulka Soomaaliland ay lacago dheeraad ah oo canshuur ah ay ku rogeen Ganacsatada qaadka. Ganacsatada ayaa iyana bilaabay in ay kordhiyaan qiimaha qaadka taasi oo ay cabasho ka keeneen dadka isticmaala. Dadweyne aad u farabadan ayaa ku soo xoomay goobaha ganacsiga qaadka ee Magaalada Hargeysa. Ciidamada Booliska maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa rasaas ku kala eryay dadkaasi oo isku dayay in ay boobeen qaadka. Durba waxaa arintaasi ka hadlay wasaarada Maaliyada ee maamulkaasi oo sheegtay in la kordhiyay canshuurta qaadka si loo yareero dadka cuna qaadka. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Xiisad ka dhalatay Kordhinta Canshuurta qaadka oo ka taagan Hargeysa appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Wasiirka Wasaaaradda Arrimaha debadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Mudane. Axmed Ciise Cawad ayaa beeniyay hadal ka soo yeeray Wasiir ka tirsan Somaliland oo sheegay in uu kulan Siyaasadeed la qaatay. Mudane. Axmed Ciise Cawad ayaa sheegay in uusan jirin kulan rasmi ah oo uu la yeeshay Wasiirka lagu magacaabo Sacad Cali Shire oo ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland,balse uu Hoteel ku salaamay isagoo la socda dad kale dabadeedna ay si caadi ah wada-sheekaysteen,taasoo aan la xiriirin wax siyaasad ah. Wasiir ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland oo magaciisa lagu sheegay Sacad Cali Shire ayaa dhowaan Saxaafadda ugu warramay in uu dalka Ethiopia kulan kula qaatay Wasiirka Wasaaaradda Arrimaha debadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Mudane. Axmed Ciise ,islamarkaana ay ka wada-hadleen arrimo khuseeya labada dhinac. Halkaan ka daawo PUNTLAND POST The post Wasiir Cawad oo beeniyay hadal ka soo yeeray Somaliland. appeared first on Puntland Post.