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Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Munaasabad kooban oo maanta lagu qabtay xarunta Villa Hargeysa ayaa waxaa xilalkoodii kula wareegay Wasiiraddii dhawaan uu magaacabay ra’iisal wasaare Xassan Cali Kheyre. Munaasabaddan ayaa Maanta ka dhacday Xarunta Villa Hargeysa, waxaana goobjoog ka ahaa gudoomiyaha ku xigeenka Koobaad ee Golaha Shacabka C/wali Sheekh Ibraahim Muuddeey, Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Labaad Mahad Cabdalla Cawed iyo kusimaha Ra’iisul wasaaraha ahna Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Dalka, Mahdi Maxamed Guueed Khadar. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda sare ee dalka, Ibraahim Iidle Saleebaan, ayaa dhaariay wasiirada cusub si ay u bilaabaan la wareegidda xafiisyadooda si dhaqsa ahana u guda galaan shaqooyinka laga sugaayo in ay qabtaan. Xubnaha Maanta la dhaariyay oo isugu jira Wasiirro, wasiir ku xigeenno iyo Wasiiru Dowlayaal ayaa masuuliyiinta hortooda lagu dhaariyay, marka laga reebo Wasiirka Warfaafinta Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska Daahir Maxamuud Geelle oo safar dibedda ugu maqan. Ku-simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa kula dardaarmay wasiirada cusub in ay dadaal dheeraad ah sameeyaan si ay ugu guuleestaan howlaga qaran ee Hor-yaalla. Sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka, Maxamed Mursal Shekh Cabdiraxman ayaa kula dardaarmay Wasiirada in ay u dhega nuglaadaan la xisaabtanka guddiyadda Baarlamanka ay ku sameynayaan xubnaha golaha Wasiirrada. 24-kii Bishan ayay ahayd markii uu Ra’iisul wasaaraha Dalka Mudane; Xasan Cali Kheyre soo Magacaabay 13 xubnood oo isugu jira Wasiirro, Wasiir ku xigeenno iyo Wasiiru Dowlayaal, kuwaas oo buuxiyay boosas u bannaanaaday siyaabo kala duwan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Ra’iisul wasaare ku-xigeenka ahna kusimaha Ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Mahdi Maxamed Guuleed (Khadar), ayaa ka qeyb galay munaasabad lagu dhaarinayay wasiirada cusub ee xukuumadda, taas oo lagu qabtay xarunta Villa Hargeysa. Munaasabadda lagu dhaarinayay wasiirrada cusub waxaa goob joog ahaa gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Mursal Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan, labadiisa ku-xigeen iyo masuulyiin kale. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda sare ee dalka, Ibraahim Iidle Saleebaan, ayaa dhaariay wasiirada cusub si ay u bilaabaan la wareegidda xafiisyadooda si dhaqsa ahana u guda galaan shaqooyinka laga sugaayo in ay qabtaan. Ku-simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa gababadii munaasabadda kula dardaarmay wasiirada cusub in ay dadaal dheeraad ah sameeyaan si ay ugu guuleestaan howlaga qaran ee Hor-yaalla. Puntland Post The post Wasiirada Cusub ee Xukuumada Soomaaliya oo La Dhaariyay Maanta appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibaan C/llaahi Maxamed Nuur oo ah Guddoomiyaha Kutlada Baarlamaaniga Horusocod ee mucaaradka ah ayaa dalbaday baaritaan madax banaan oo lagu sameeyo dhacdadii 23-kii bishan ka dhacday Koontarool ay leeyihiin Ciidanka NISA oo ku yaalla agagaarka KM-0 oo rasaas lagu riday gaari uu saarnaa. Qoraal uu Xildhibaanka u diray Guddoomiyaha Golaha shacabka, kuna ogeysiiyay Guddiyada Baarlamaanka iyo Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayuu kaga qaabkii wax u dhaceen, isagoo dalbaday in la sameeyo baaritaan ka madax banaan kan Laanta Fulinta. Xildhibaanka ayaa codsaday in baaritaan madax banaan oo lagu sameeyo dhacdadaas oo uu horay u sheegay in ay aheyd mid lagu doonayey in isaga lagu dilo balse uu ka badbaaday. Qoraalka ayaa waxa uu u diray Guddiyada Baarlamaanka iyo Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha,isaga oo uga warbixiyey qaabkii uu falkaasi u dhacay iyo in uu doonayo in uu cadaalad helo,isla markana si dhab ah loo baaro. Wasaaradda Amniga ayaa war saxaafadeed ay soo saartay ku sheegtay in baaritaan ku sameyneyso falkii dhacay, isla markaana askari ka tirsan NISA uu hal Xabad ku riday gaari hor gudbay Koontaroolka agagaarka KM-0 Haddaba halkaan hoose ka akhriso qoraalka uu xildhibaanka qoray Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
The 20th Comesa heads of state summit, which was scheduled to take place from June 1- 10 in Bujumbura, has been postponed, catching government officials by surprise as they were putting final touches on preparations for the meeting. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Sida ay Caasimadda Online xogta ku heshay Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa ku dhaqaaqay tallaabo si weyn looga hadal hayo xarunta madaxtooyada Villa Somalia. Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa hal Unug oo ciidan ka tirsan beeshiisa Murusade gaar ahaan Habarceyne ku dursaday ciidamada Ilaaliya amaanka Madaxtooyada iyo agagaaraheeda ee la yiraahdo 60-aad. Ra’isulwasaaraha ayaa keensaday ilaa 11 Askari oo u dhashay Beeshiisa, waxaana arrintaas ka dhalatay muran farabadan oo ku aadan inuu Kheyre keensado Madaxtooyada ciidamo isaga ku heyb ah. Ra’isulwasaaraha ayaa ciidankaas ka dhigtay istaafkiisa gaarka ah, waxaana muuqato inuu Ra’isulwasaaraha garab maray habka loo qaadan jiray ciidamada ka tirsan qeybta 60-aad ee ilaaliyo Madaxtooyada iyo Madaxda qaranka. Maalmihii ugu dambeeyey arrintaan ayaa noqotay hadal heynta ugu badan, waxayna keentay inay taliyaasha ciidamada Madaxtooyada ka hor imaadaan arrintaas, inkastoo aysan wax saameyn ah ku yeelan go’aanka Ra’isulwasaaraha maadaama ciidamadii uu keensaday loo diiwaan geliyey inay kamid ah noqdaan Qeybta 60-aad. Lama ogo haddii uu arrintaan wax ka ogyahay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo. Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha waan idinla socodsiin doonaa Inshaa Allah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Shirar kala duwan oo muddo hal toddobaad ah u soconayey Wasaaradaha iyo hay’adaha dawladda Puntland ee ka faa’iideysanaya mashruuca tayaynta hay’adaha dawladda ee Capacity Injection Project isla markaana looga arrinsanayey qorshe hawleedka hay’adahaas ee afarta sanno ee soo socota ayaa maanta lasoo afmeeray. Wasaaradaha iyo hay’adaha kala duwna ee shirarkaanu u socdeen ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Wasaaradda Qorshaynta, Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo shaqaalaha, Wasaaradda Beeraha, Wasaaradda Xannaanada Xoolaha, Wasaaradda Maaliyadda, Bangiga dawladda, Xafiiska Xisaabiyaha guud ee dawladda iyo Hay’adda Shaqaalaha rayidka ah. Ujeedada shirarka ayaa ahaa sidii loosoo gunaanadi lahaa buuggaagta qorshe-hawleedada dhammaan xarumahaasi oo diyaarintooda iyo la tashiyo laga sameeyey oo kala duwani ay muddo socdeen iyadoona ay dijinta qaabka farsamo ee qorshe hawleeddadaas uu Baanka adduunku ka caawinayey dawladda. Ugu dambayn shirarkaan ayaa dawladda ugu soo dhammaaday natiijo wanaagsan iyadoona laga soo saaray qorsheyaal dhaxgal u ah hay’adahaasi dawladda kuwaas oo la qorshaynayo inay si wanaagsan u shaqayn doonaan afarta sano ee soo socta. The post Shirar looga hadlayey qorshe hawleedka afarta sano ee Wasaaradaha oo Garoowe kusoo xirmay appeared first on Puntland Post.
Caadaado-(Caasimadda Online)-Wararka laga helayo magaalada Cadaado ayaa sheegaya in maamulka Galmudug uu mar kale khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay, iyadoo laba qeybood u kala baxeen madaxda sare ee maamulkaasi. Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Galmudug Maxamed Xaashi Carabey iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Cali Gacal Casir ayaa saaka gaaray magaalada Cadaado oo horay u aheyd xaruntii KMG Galmudug, iyadoo dib mar kale u soo cusboonaaday khilaafkii horay u ragaadiyay maamulkaas. Xubnahaan waxaa Garoonka Cadaado,kusoo dhaweeyay Xildhibaano ka tirsan baarlamaanka Galmudug, masuuliyiin iyo qeybaha Bulshada. labadan Mas’uul ayaa dhowaan shaaciyay inuu jiro khilaaf u dhaxeysa Madaxda Galmudug oo salka ku heysa isku darkii Baarlamaanka, awoodda oo hal dhinac noqotay iyo is bedel lagu sameeyay Dastuurka, kaddib markii Madaxweyne Xaaf uu muddo kororsaday. Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf ayaa isna shalay dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Dhuusmareeb Caasimadda Galmudug, iyadoo la filayo inuu ku dhawaaqo Golaha Wasiirro cusub. Xaaladda ayaa mareysa heerkii ugu sareeyay, waxaana fashilmay dadaalkii loogu jiray in khilaafka madaxda Galmudug xal loo helo oo ka socday magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo laga cabsi qabo in magaalooyinka Cadaado iyo Dhuusamareeb ay laba dowladood ka sameysmaan oo mid waliba Galmudug sheeganeysa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has urged troops from two rival provinces to halt their fire after heavy clashes in a disputed northern border region left several dead. Source: Hiiraan Online
Tukaraq-(caasimadda Online)-Xaalad degenaasho oo aan cago badan ku taagneyn ayaa ka jirta deegaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool oo maalin ka hor dagaal culus uu ku dhaxmaray ciidamo ka kala tirsan maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland. Saacadaha soo socda ayaa lagu wadaa in ay deegaanka gaaraan wafdi ka socda maamulka Somaliland oo la sheegay in ay u kuurgali doonaan xaalada deegaanka, iyaga oo dhinaca kalana la kulmi doona saraakiisha ciidamada halkaa ku sugan. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in wafdiga ka socda dhanka Somaliland ay booqan doonaan goobaha ay ku sugan yihiin ciidankooda, isla markaana ay u kuur galayaan xaalada. Sidoo kale warar kale ayaa sheegaya in Wafdi ka socda Qaramada Midoobay, Midowga Africa, Dowladda Itoobiya iyo xubno ka tirsan Midowga Yurub ayaa maanta lagu wadaa iney gaaraan deegaanka Tukeraq ee gobalka Sool. Wafdigaan ayaa xal u raadinaya dagaalka dhiigga badan ku daatay ee tan iyo Bilaawgii sanadkaan ka socday deegaanka Tukeraq kaas oo u dhaxeeya Ciidamo kala Taabacsan maamuladda Puntland iyo Soomaaliland. Beesha caalamka ayaa horey ugu baaqday in la joojiyo dagaalka Tukaraq, waxaana ay ka dalbadeen dhinacyada dagaalamaya inay gaaraan heshiis xabad joojin shuruud la’aan ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Cyclone Mekunu blew into the Arabian Peninsula early Saturday, drenching arid Oman and Yemen with rain, cutting off power lines and leaving at least one dead and 40 missing, officials said. Source: Hiiraan Online
Mandheera-(caasimadda Online)-Warbaahinta dalka keyna ayaa baahisay Dagaalamayaal ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab oo aad u hubeysan in ay Khudbad Diini ah ka jeediyeen Masjidka ku yaalla Degmadda Mandhera oo u dhow Xuduudka Kenya la wadaagto Somalia masjidkaas oo lagu magacaabo Komor Xayle . Dagaalamyaasha ayaa la sheegay inay Masjidka taageen 10-kii Fiidnimo ee Habeenkii Khamiista, waxaynahalkaasi joogeen dhowr saacadood, iyadoo Masjidka isaga tegay 2-dii habeenimo ee Jimcihii shalay. Dhinaca kale, Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Boliska Kenya oo ku sugan Deegaankaasi ayaa xaqiijiyey in 10 dagaalyahano Alshabaab oo aad u hubeysan ka soo gudbeen Xuduudka Somalia, kadibna ay galeen Masjid ku yaalla Bartamaha Deegaanka Faafi Khudbado Diini ah ka jeediyeen muddo 3-sacadood. Waxa uu tilmamaay inay dadka weydiiyeen halka ay ku yaallaan Xarunta Maamulka, Xarumaha Ciiddanka Ammaanka iyo kuwa Ciiddanka Kaydka ee ku sugan Deegaankaasi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay Xukuumada Somalia, gaar ahaan Wasaarada arrimaha dibadda Somalia ayaa horay sharci daro ugu tilmaantay heshiisyada ay Hogaamiyayaasha maamul Goboleedyada dalka la galayaan Dowladaha Shisheeye ee daneeya arrimaha Somalia. Xukuumadu waxa ay horay u sheegtay in heshiisyadaasi inta badan ay ka dhacaan dalka dibadiisa, xili dowlada Somalia ay dhowr jeer ka digtay heshiisyo dhexmara maamul Goboleedyada iyo Dowladaha Shisheeye. Xukuumada Somalia oo dhinacyo badan ka eegeysa Heshiisyad qarsoodiga ah, ayaa iminka wada qorsho lagu hakinaayo xiriirka maamul Goboleedyada kala dhexeeya dowladaha shisheeye sida Kenya, Ethiopia iyo Imaaraadka carabta. Qorshahaani ay wado Xukuumada Somalia ayaa waxaa kaalin weyn ka qaadanaaya oo la marin doonaa Danjirayaasha Beesha Caalamka ka jooga Somalia, oo inta badan fududeeya is araga Hogaamiyayaasha iyo dowladaha Shisheeye. Sida uu Qorshuhu yahay Xiriirka maamul Goboleedyada kala dhexeeya Dowladaha Shisheeye ayaa hakat gali doona Bilaha fooda nagu soo haya, iyadoo heshiisyada loo mari doono dowlada Somalia oo qura. Xukuumada Somalia, gaar ahaan Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibadda ayaa horay u sheegtay in waxyaabaha ay ku dhaqaaqayaan Hogaamiyayaasha maamul Goboleedyada qaar ay dhaawac ku tahay qarannimada Somalia. Sidoo kale, Qorshaha Xukuumada Federaalka ayaa ah in la xadido safarada Hogaamiyayaasha Maamul Goboleedyada oo la rumeysan yahay inay ka safar badan yihiin Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha dalka. Ma cadda sida uu ku dhaqan gali doono qorshaha ay wado Xukuumada Somalia, ee lagu hakin doono xiriir Siyaasadeedka ka dhexeeya maamul Goboleedyada iyo Dowladaha shisheeye. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
The Irish government has begun the Humanitarian Admission Programme II, an initiative to promote family reunification for refugees in the country. Applications will have to be submitted by June 30. Source: Hiiraan Online
ANKARA - Unity among African countries will help build a peaceful, prosperous and integrated continent, a top African Union official said in Turkey’s capital Ankara on Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
With cyclones bearing down on Somalia, causing flooding and upheaval throughout various parts of the country this past week, it seemed natural for much of daily life to come to a halt. Source: Hiiraan Online
The events of recent weeks show that the announcement of the final victory over ISIS in Syria and Iraq was somewhat premature. The “caliphate” continues to resist, even as it is seriously weakened and deprived of a significant part of its supreme command. ISIS adapts to the situation, urging its supporters to seize new territories, writes Evgenia Gvozdeva, Director of Production at the Brussels-based European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center. ISIS now passes to the “guerrilla warfare”. Having lost more than 90 percent of the territories, the Islamists today carry out terrorist attacks against civilian population and the Syrian armed forces. As the previous decades’ experience in Afghanistan and Iraq shows, a terrorist organization can exist for decades in this mode, hiding in mountainous and desert areas, recruiting and training new fighters in special camps. At the end of 2017, European intelligence agencies reported that the ISIS command transferred a significant number of its militants, primarily the European jihadists, to Afghanistan, and warned of the possible organization of training camps by the “caliphate” in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The result of strengthening of ISIS positions in Afghanistan was the recent series of deadly terrorist attacks, coinciding with the traditional announcement of the “spring offensive” by the Taliban. The “caliphate” leadership, foreseeing imminent losses in Syria and Iraq from the beginning of 2017, changed its propaganda campaign, announcing to its supporters the beginning of the “ordeal period”, which was sent by Allah in order to separate the true “caliphate” supporters from those who joined the organization with disingenuous motives. To what extent does the “ISIS reanimation” postpone the settlement of the Syrian crisis and generate new hot spots? The intensification of propaganda aimed at explaining the “temporary defeats” and seizing new lands for the “caliphate”, the transfer of a part of the ISIS command to Libya, Afghanistan, and the Sinai Peninsula shows that the terrorist organization has developed alternative scenarios in advance in case of a final defeat in Syria and Iraq . At the same time, the existence of a “territory of international jihad” is of fundamental importance for ISIS today. This allows the terrorist group to organize training camps, recruit radical Islam supporters around the world and form cells which can later be transferred to other countries. The most fertile ground for the “caliphate” are the Muslim regions, where there are already hotbeds of instability and local Islamic groups. In recent years ISIS has already made a number of attempts to consolidate its positions in the Egyptian Sinai, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya and the Philippines. Today ISIS devotes special attention to Asia: the evidence of this was a series of terrorist attacks carried out by ISIS supporters in Indonesia. Since the beginning of the year, the “caliphate” for the first time took the responsibility for the terrorist attack in Indian Kashmir. Although ISIS does not control territories in any of the aforementioned countries, several years ago a significant part of local terrorist organizations swore allegiance to the “caliphate”, receiving the official status of Wilayats, i.e. provinces of the Islamic State. In the current situation, the “caliphate’s” propaganda agencies declare any terrorist act carried out by local extremist groups a “new combat operation of ISIS” and actively promote it online, creating the illusion of the Islamic State’s presence in different parts of the world. Source: – Valdai
The UAE has been a busy little theocratic monarchy with regional ambitions. It has established a military foothold in northern Somalia, where Emirati firms have set up commercial ports. It has establisehed a web of bases and armed allies in Yemen and Somalia as a wedge against alleged Islamist and Iranian influence, but quietly, Emirati schemes have greater foresight. It may promote itself as a stable, open, and somewhat tolerant Muslim country, but what does the security web the UAE is weaving really indicate? Equally so, Emirati media has been trumpeting the altruistic acts of its leadership in Yemen with articles in the UAE’s The National stating, “The UAE aspires to achieve peace and stability in the region; it is neither an occupier nor a troublemaker.” A closer examination can repudiate the performative, magnanimous image; really it’s not philanthropy but empire building. UAE weaves a string of pearls from the Gulf to the Horn From the war-torn Yemeni mainland to the failed state of Somalia, both are suffering from Salafists militias, US droning and Emirati interference under the pretext of security against such Salafist militants. In Yemen, the UAE sponsors the secessionist al-Hirak/Southern Movement, now unified and labeled the Southern Transitional Council by the UAE, and has distanced itself from the Hadi government. The aligned interests between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) and Emirati Crown Prince Mohammad bin Zayed (MBZ) in reshaping the Middle East offer the UAE an opportunity to re-enter a polarized and fragmented Yemen. . As I wrote about the ideological and imperial objectives in Yemen, I mentioned that state-owned Dubai Ports World lost its considerable investments in Yemeni ports, and reportedly, gold mines in southern Yemen and pipelines, when the Saudi-sponsored Hadi government took power. Abu Dhabi has made concerted efforts to fissure Yemen through supporting secessionist movements and local but loyal militias in southern and eastern Yemen, from Aden to Hadramawt Province. Its own military are deployed at specific ports or “pearls” such as Mocha Port on the Red Sea to Mukalla in the east, which Emirati-trained southern Yemeni forces captured from al-Qaeda. It hosts Emirati helicopters, a training center, detention facility and also a small contingent of US Special Forces. In Africa the UAE’s more subtle work is ongoing. Raids by Somali pirates on trade routes along the Horn of Africa helped draw the UAE, home to the Middle East’s busiest port, into the tangled politics of Somalia. The UAE decided on exploitative and divisive diplomacy by deepening ties with the unrecognized breakaway state of Somaliland and the semi-autonomous Puntland, which seeks a federalized Somali state, by having state-owned Emirati firms Dubai Port World and P&O Ports sign deals with both in 2016 and 2017. Dubai Ports World has been building a controversial $422 million regeneration project, which is home to Emirati soldiers and a military base, in the Port of Berbera in Somaliland. An unrecognized self-declared state in Somalia, Somaliland agreed in a tripartite contract with Ethiopia for this project in a derisive act towards Somalia’s central government in Mogadishu. The port would be a free trade zone, making it a hub for UAE activities in the Gulf of Aden and would bolster the Emirati military presence in Assab Port in Eritrea, already used to support military activities in Yemen. Each port is being used to further expand Emirati presence, and even regional dominance. However, in March this year, 168 Somalian lawmakers outlawed the deal and banned Dubai Port World from Somalia as the deal was “null and void” because Somalia had not given its sovereign consent and undermined its unity. The Emirati presence still exists in Berbera though. Abu Dhabi has also lost a battle to manage the Doraleh Container Terminal in Djibouti in February, after accusations by the Djibouti government that Dubai Port World bribed officials to extend the monopoly agreement for 50 years. The London Court of International Arbitration sided with the company, the terminal and its rail connection that links the Indian Ocean through the Gulf with Ethiopia and the African heartland is lost to Abu Dhabi for the moment. The Emirati interference in a polarized and divided Somalia has seen infrastructure such as a highway to Ethiopia and airport being built in Somaliland, and has garnered consternation from Mogadishu, ending a UAE training mission there in April and causing the seizure of $9.6 million from a private plane with 47 Emirati officers on board, which had landed at Mogadishu International Airport from Abu Dhabi, by Somali soldiers. Mogadishu believed the money was to buy influence inside Somalia, while the UAE said it was for Somali soldiers’ salaries. Causing further conflagration by hiring 8,000 Ugandan soldiers to be dispatched into Yemen, and 2,000 to Somalia, further infuriating Mogadishu. The president of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, as told Reutersin Dubai that UAE personnel were training local forces to combat piracy as well as Islamist groups in Yemen or Somalia. Again, did the UAE consult with Mogadishu before doing this? Abu Dhabi is doggedly cultivating influence over the Horn of Africa and Gulf of Aden to expand its naval presence by using Assab in Eritrea, Mukalla in Yemen, as well as Djibouti, Berbera Port in Somaliland and Bosasa in Puntland, along with the Port Sudan. All of these ports stretch from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean, and are erecting a “String of Pearls” for an Emirati commercial and energy empire under the sole auspicious of deterring Iran, and the jewel in this string is Socotra. Commandeering an Eden in the Aden Gulf The UAE seems to have commandeered a haven lying in the laneway between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Yemeni island of Socotra, a UNESCO paradise, along with Abd al-Kuri Island were reportedly (but there’s no clear source) leased for 99 years in 2016 from Saudi-sponsored former Yemeni president Mansur Abd Rabbuh Hadi, who sought to gain Abu Dhabi’s support amid the conflict gripping the impoverished state. Hadi seems to have been myopic and desperate as the UAE has occupied Socotra Island, despite the Yemeni government’s presence there and without informing the Hadi government. This led to a meeting between the Saudis, Emiratis, and Hadi governmental representatives on Socotra after Saudi-based Hadi accused UAE officials of behaving like occupiers in Yemen. In what may be a mediatory effort or a total loss of power for Hadi, Saudi troops now occupy Socotra. And it is an occupation, with Britain’s The Independent reporting its writers on Socotra “found the UAE has all but annexed this sovereign piece of Yemen, building a military base, setting up communications networks, conducting its own census and inviting Socotra residents to Abu Dhabi by the planeload for free healthcare.” In fact, the UAE is going heavy on the militaristic side, constructing an anchorage for warships, a gigantic air base, and facilities for air defense and shore-to-sea missile batteries to defend the island. Healthcare may be a charitable act and considering that Yemenis are suffering it’s hard to look beyond the contrived humanitarian efforts, but by encroaching onto, and occupying, sovereign territory in a unilateral way, the UAE’s expansionist agenda is apparent. From the perspective of UAE supporters, the country is carrying out important security work in Socotra and aiding the island’s inhabitants who have been neglected by Yemen’s failed government. The neglected rhetoric may be convincing but the security pretext isn’t, especially considering the island was spared the violence that has ravaged mainland Yemen to justify such a deployment. The Emirati foreign ministry blames the Muslim Brotherhood for drumming up anti-Emirati sentiment over Socotra, but British press investigations cite Socotra residents in protest against the effective Crimea-style annexation of their island. We’re not hearing CNN scream annexation though are we? The lucrative financial gain of commandeering these islands is noteworthy: fish-rich waters can be exploited by the UAE, and catches can be transported to the Emirates’ markets. The addition of Socotra for UAE tourism operators, through weekly commercial flights and package vacations, also adds to the Emirati domestic economy. The strategic significance of Socotra can’t be dismissed either as it sits in the Gulf of Aden, between the shipping traffic lanes on the way to the Bab al-Mandab Strait, and beyond, the Suez Canal of Egypt. The island boasts a 3,000-metre-long runway, ideal for fighter jets and large military aircraft to command kinetic dominance over the energy shipping lanes and southern coast of the Middle East and Horn of Africa. Furthermore, the UAE’s major maritime facility is in Jebel Ali in Dubai, lies inside the Gulf, and is vulnerable to conditions in the Strait of Hormuz, controlled by Oman and Iran. To negate this vulnerability, the UAE’s “lease” or “occupation” of Socotra allows it to establish a pivotal maritime base that would augment its regional naval designs and capabilities. Such a naval base would also complement its port at Khor Fakkan on the Gulf of Oman, or its ports in Berbera in Somaliland, Bosasa in Puntland, or Assab in Eritrea, and Mukalla if Yemen is partitioned. Partitioning Yemen would gift the entire southern coast of South Yemen to a favoured UAE, which sponsored actors like Aidarous al-Zubaidi, and Hani bin Breik in establishing the Southern Transitional Council. Equally, establishing such ports allows the UAE to safeguard its commercial ports against Pakistan and Iran’s development of their port facilities on the Indian Ocean. The fork in the road From Emirati-backed separatists wrenching much of Aden from other pro-Hadi government factions and thus pro-Saudi forces in January, UAE proxies in Yemen are breaking somewhat from the Saudi agenda. Now, even though MBS and MBZ are cohorts, meaning the on-the-ground events could be completely coordinated, a fork in the road could yet come. While the Saudi’s have primarily been fighting the Houthis to prevent an ideological change in Yemen, as it had done historically, and carve out a new historical trade route, Abu Dhabi has been promoting the fragmentation of Yemen and establishing a “String of Pearls” in acquiring pivotal ports by occupation, exploiting the “Balkanized” Somalia, and exerting influence over Djibouti and thus landlocked Ethiopia. It’s this ambition that could ignite the animus of MBS and sour this comradery, just as it has raised the ire of Qatar, which is aligned with Turkey, coincidently, which Abu Dhabi is competing with for good relations with Somalia and Sudan. Just as the “petrocracy” trifecta’ (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE) worked together until Saudi and Qatari interests diverged, and Qatar was labeled a pariah and ostracized from the trio. Its great rival the UAE seized on Qatar’s containment. Riyadh may be in for an envious awakening as Emirati ambitions diversify and gain, while the Saudis expend blood and fortunes in combating the Houthis and slaughtering innocent Yemenis. Source: – Asia Times
ISIS now passes to the "guerrilla warfare". Having lost more than 90 percent of the territories, the Islamists today carry out terrorist attacks against civilian population and the Syrian armed forces. As the previous decades' experience in Afghanistan and Iraq shows, a terrorist organization can exist for decades in this mode, hiding in mountainous and desert areas, recruiting and training new fighters in special camps. Source: Hiiraan Online
The UAE has been a busy little theocratic monarchy with regional ambitions. It has established a military foothold in northern Somalia, where Emirati firms have set up commercial ports. It has establisehed a web of bases and armed allies in Yemen and Somalia as a wedge against alleged Islamist and Iranian influence, but quietly, Emirati schemes have greater foresight. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xukuumada Nabad & Nolol oo laba-sana jirsatay kana badbaaday cuduradii dili jiray kuwii ka horeeyay ayaa ku dhawaaqday isku shaandhayn Golaha oo muda dheer laga sugayay, waana is bedelkii ugu badnaa ee lagu sameeyo Xukuumad dhisan ee soo martay dalka ilaa sanadkii 2000, in 13 Wasiir lagu daro Xukuumad dhisan ama la kala bedelo. Waxaana lagu aqriyay ama lagu soo dhaweeyay aragtiyo kala duwan: A- Dad taageeray una arkay horumar iyo talaabo loo qaaday dhanka dawladnimada, joogtaynta shaqada, isla xisaabtanka iyo xasiloonida siyaasadeed ee dalka. B-Dad dhaliilay una arkay culays lagu daray culays iyo tiro aan tayo lahayn oo lasii kordhiyay. Dooda oo mid kasta u heli karo xujo ama cadayn hadana waxaa muuqda qodobadaan: 1-13 ka Wasiir waxa ay ka tirsanyihiin Barlamaanka markii laga reebo Safiir Geelle, taas oo tusaale u ah sida Xukuumadda iyo Barlamaanku isugu dhawaanayaan; Negative ama Posative midii loo arko! 2-Wasiirada oo dhalin yaro ah kuna cusub Wasiirnimada iyo Barlamaanka markii laga reebo Safiir Geelle, Lafta-gareen iyo Wasiir ku xigeenka Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta; Negative ama Posative kii loo qaato! 3-Waxaa la khilaafay 4.5 oo lagu dhaqmi jiray markii wax la magacaabayo ama la casilayo, lkn hadda waxaa la maray wada cusub oo ah: 9 Wasiir oo hal beel ah iyo 4 ta kale oo 3 beel kala ah iyo beel laga tegay oo aan dood qabin, taas oo ka dhalatay is bedelkii Gudoomiyaha Barlamaanka iyo tartankii loo galay Gudoomiyaha cusub; Negative ama Posative kii laga dhigto. 4-Ragii Qamaaray ee isu casilay tartankii Gudoomiyaha oo daadka siyaasadu qaaday markii laga reebo Wasiir Lafta-gareen oo is badbaadiyay wareegii labaad ee ciyaartii doorashada Gudoomiyaha; Negative ama Posative midkii loo arko! 5-Mucaaradkii Nabad & Nolol oo laga waayay liiska cusub ee Wasiirada; Negative iyo Posative tii loo akhriyo! 6-Faragelinta iyo Talada Barlamaanka iyo Madaxda Gobalada oo ku yareed Liiska cusub, taas oo horay uga muuqa jirtay talaab kasta oo la qaadayo; Negative iyo Posative middii lagu fasiro! 7-Xildhibaano taageeray Xukuumadda oo rajo ka qabay Wasiirnimo oo laga yaabo in ay biiriyaan safka Mucaaradka, halka qaarna ku daaleen Mucaaradka oo laga yaabo in ay biiriyaan safka Xukuumadda; Negative ama Posative middii loo fahmo! Qodobadaas iyo kuwa kale waa sida “Sararta labadeeda dhinac oo qof kasta dhinac ka arko” siyaasadana is bedel kasta waxa uu leeyahay Macaan iyo Qaraar. Wasiirada cusub iyo kuwii hore waxaan u rajaynayaa in xilkooda Alle la garab galo xilligaan adag ee dalku marayo. W/Q. Mohamed Gacal (Dr Gacal) Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com