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Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Axmed Cabdulahi Yuusuf ayaa shalay sheegay in weerarkii degaanka Balli-Khadar ee saldhigga Ciidamada Badda Puntland lagu soo qaaday uu hoggaaminayey Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada Somaliland oo uu magaciisa ku sheegay Maxamed Cabdulllaahi (Bataar) kana tirsan guutada 8-aad ee ciidanka maamulka Somaliland. Si kastaba, sida la wada ogyahay ee aan akhbaaraadka saxda ah ku hayno, waxaa weerarkaas ka dambeeyey kooxd Al-Shabaab ee degaanada Puntland ka howl-gasha, gaar ahaan gobolka Bari, Somaliland-na wax shaqo ah kuma lahan. Sidoo kale kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa iyana si rasmi ah u sheegatay weerarka. Haddaba maxay Puntland ugu eedeysay Somaliland? Hadalka Puntland wuxuu u dhacayaa hal meel oo ah, in Al-Shabaab iyo Somaliland ay yihiin mid, sida ay dooneyso inay inoo sheegto, ama in Somaliland ay taageereyos kooxda Al-Shabaab, inkasta oo eedeynta noocaas ah aan loo hayn wax caddeyn ah oo lagu taageero. Waxaa xusid mudan in markan aysan ahayn markii ugu horreysay ee Puntland dagaal ay la gashay maamull kale ay ku eedeyso al-Shabaab. Markii ay Gaalkacyo ku dagaalameen Galmudug iyo Puntland, wuxuu maamulka Garoowe sheegay inay weerar kusoo qaadeen maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab, inkasta oo dadka dhan wada ogaayeen inay maleeshiyo beeleed reer Galmudug ah ay dagaalka kula jireen. Fuleynimo iyo Jahlinimo? Waxaan fahmi weynay waxa Puntland ku qasbaya in dadkii la dagaalamaba ay Al-Shabaab ka dhigto? Waxaa xusid mudan in Puntland ay dooneyso in beesha caalamka ay u muujiso inay la dagaalameyso argagixiso. Ma waxa ay caalamka ka dooneysaa in sidaas lagu taageero, maadaama reer galbeedku dagaal kula jiraan argagixisada, oo Puntland waxaa haysa cabsi ah in laga adkaado? Inkasta oo qeexista hore ay macquul tahay, waxaa sidoo kale macquul ah in Puntland uu hayo jahli siyaasadeed, oo aysan ka war-hayn in reer galbeedku aysan iska aamineyn hadal Puntland, oo ay leeyihiin sirdoon ayaga u shaqeeya, oo wararka ay ka qaataan. Puntland ha ogaato in wixii ayada la dagaalaba aysan ahayn Al-Shabaab, sidaasna aysan tagaeero ku haleyn. Soomaalida iyo caalamka oo idil waa ka dharagsan yihiin xaqiiqda dagaal kasta oo dhaca iyo cidda ku lugta leh. W/Q: Safiya Cabdullaahi Garaad Muqdisho, Soomaaliya Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada caasimada@live.com Mahadsanid
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Hoggaamiyaha maamulka Somaliland Muuse Biixi, ayaa la xaqiijiyay in Dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta ee Khilaaf Siyaasadeed kala dhexeeya Dowlada Somalia uu ku qanciyay inay taageerto Siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka Beelaha Mogadishu Clan ee aadka uga soo horjeeda Dowlada Somalia. Muuse Biixi, ayaa Dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta u sheegay in guusha Dowlada Somalia ay tahay mid hoos u dhigi karta in garab loo muujiyo Siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka Beelaha Mogadishu Clan. Sida uu qoray Wargeyska Geeska Africa ee kasoo baxa magaalada Hargeysa, Hoggaamiye Muuse Biixi, oo ka duulaaya caqabadaha maamulkiisa ka heysta dhanka Dowlada Somalia ayuu dhinacyo badan ka eegay sida looga hortagi lahaa caqabadahaasi iyadoo loo maraayo adeegsiga Siyaasiyiinta kasoo horjeeda dowlada uu Hoggaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Wargeyska Geeska oo xiganaaya Wargeyska caanka ah ee Indian Ocean, ayaa sheegay in Muuse Biixi uu go’aankaasi qaatay ka gadaal markii uu ka warhelay in Dowlada Somalia ay si toosa isku garabtaagtay maamulka Puntland oo dagaal kula jira Somaliland, sida uu qoray Wargeyska. Waxa uu qoray in Muuse Biixi uu magaalada Nairobi u diray mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulkiisa kuwaa oo todobaadkii hore Hoteel ku yaalla magaalada kulamo qarsoodi ah kula qaatay Siyaasiyiin kasoo jeeda Beelaha Mogadishu Clan oo kasoo horjeeda Dowlada Somalia, iyadoo halkaa lagu dajiyay qorshayaal ku aadan is hortaaga DFS. Muuse Biixi ayuu qoray Wargeeska in Dowlada Imaaraadka carabta uu ku cadaadiyay mar uu gaaray magaalada Abuu Dabai in si dhaba loo taageero Siyaasiyiinta Mogadishu Clan oo uu sheegay in xiligaan ay aad u dhaliilsan yihiin Dowlada Somalia, hase ahaatee ma cadda in Imaaraadka uu aqbalay iyo in kale. Qorshaha Biixi uu ka leeyahay in Imaaraadka uu dhaqaale ku bixiyo Mucaradka Dowlada ayaa lagu sheegay inuu ka hortago taageero la sheegay in Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu siiyo Maamulka Puntland iyo in Dowlada laga mashquuliyo howlaha ka socda Dekadda Berbera ee u dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Imaaraadka carabta. Sidoo kale, Wargeesyadu waxa ay qoreen in Dowlada Qadar ay Madaxweyne Farmaajo ku cadaadisay inuu helo taageerada Hoggaamiyaha Puntland Cabdiweli Gaas maadaama ay xuduud wadaagan Somaliland oo loo arko inay caqabad ku tahay Dowlada Somalia iyo Qadar. Ma cadda waxa ka hirgalay kulamada magaalada Nairobi ku dhexmaray Mucaaradka Dowlada Somalia iyo Mas’uuliyiinta ka socday Somaliland ee uu soo wakiishay Muuse Biixi iyo waxa la gudboon Dowlada Imaaraadka oo loo ifinaayo dhinacyada ay ka jilicsan tahay Dowlada Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Dagaalka muddada sanadka ah ka dhaxeeya Qatar iyo dalalka Sucuudiga iyo kuwa kale xulufada ah ayaa la’isu adeegsanayaa nooc cusub oo sawaariiq ah : kuwaas oo ah baraha bulshada ee been abuurka ah, wararka been abuurka ah iyo waliba in la jabsada xogaha ku kaydsan internetka. Waxa oo dhan waxa ay biloowdeen 24-tii bishii May, 2017-kii, xilligaas oo war la yaab leh lagu soo qoray bogga wakaaladda wararka rasmiga ee Qatar ee loo yaqaano QNA, warkaas oo ka hadlaya khudbad uu jeediyay Amiirka Qatar Sheekh Tamiin Binu Xamad Al-Thani, kaas oo amaanay ururka Xamaas, Ikhwaanka iyo waliba Iiran, sida qoraalka ka muuqatay. Balse wasaaradda arrimaha dibeda Qatar ayaa war ay soo saartay ku sheegtay in warkaas uu ahaa mid abuur ah, boggana la jabsaday , falkaas oo lagu eedeeyay xulufada Sucuudiga. Balse warbaahinta Sucuudiga iyo Imaaraatka, gaar ahaan Taleefishinka Al Carabiya iyo Sky News ayaa durbadiiba warka la booday, si weyna u buunbuuniyay, iyaga oo Qatar ku eedeeyay hawlo argagixiso. Waxaa jiray eedeymo kale oo ciwaano la jabsaday ah, markan waxa uu bartilmaameedka ahaa Imaaraatka. Safiirka UAE u fadhiya Maraykanka ciwaankiisa Emailka ayaa la jabsaday, waxaana lasoo bandhigay fariimo xasaasi ah oo noloshiisa gaarka ah iyo hawlaha uu qabtaba ku saabsan. 5tii bishii June, dalalka Sucuudiga, Imaaraatka, Baxreyn iyo Masar ayaa xiriirka u jaray dowladda Qatar oo ay ka wada tirsanaayeen dalalka gacanka ee xagga saliida hodanka ku ah. Waxa ay ku eedeeyeen in ay taageerto kooxaha argagixisada. Waxaa la xiray xuduudaha dhulka, badda iyo cirkaba, iyada oo xitaa lasoo eryay muwaadhiniintii reer Qatar ee dalalkan ku sugnaa. Waxa ay soo soo saareen 13 qodob oo ay ka doonayaan in ay Qatar waafaqdo muddo 10 maalmood ah haddii ay doonayso in laga qaado xayiraadda la saaray. Balse Qatar ayaa gaashaanka ku dhufatay, sheegtay in shuruudaha ay yihiin kuwa xad gudub ku ah jiritaankeeda qaranimo. Waxaase la yaab ahaa in madaxweynaha Maraykanka uu soo dhaweeyay tallaabooyinka laga qaaday Qatar, waxaana xusid mudan in markaas uun uu kasoo laabtay safar uu ku tagay Sucuudiga. Baraha Bulshada ee been abuurka ah Dhanka Qatar waxaa aad u caanbaxay halku dhegyada “Tamim The Glorious” and “Qatar Is Not Alone” kuwaas oo lagu taageerayo Qatar. Balse baaritaan ay samaysay laanta afka Carabiga ee BBC-da ayaa lagu ogaaday in inta badan fariimahan ay dirayeen ciwaano been abuur ah oo uu kumbuyuutar maamulo, laguna shubay barnaamij faraha in ay qoraaladan diraan si loo marin habaabiyo ra’yiga guud. Balse Qatar oo kaliya ma ahayn, waxaa jira ciwaano been abuur ah oo laga sameeyay Sucuudiga iyo meelaha kale, kuwaas oo dirayay fariimo lid ku ah Qatar. Wararka Been abuurka ah Waxaa jira labo ereybixin oo ay kala isticmaalaan labada dhinac ee is haya, hadba kan aad la hadasho, tusaale dhinac waxa ay haystaan ereyga ah “xayiraad’, dhinaca kale “mamnuucis”. Waxaa arrinta sii hurinaya warbaahinta la’iska argo ee labada dhinac, kuwaas oo si joogto ah hawada u marinaya eedeymo dhinacba dhinaca uu u jeedinayo. Sawirro aad u kala duwan ayay si joogto ah usoo bandhigaan, tusaale ahaan, taleefishinka Al Carabiya oo Sucuudiga laga leeyahay ayaa waxa uu soo bandhigay sawirro iskafaalooyin maran oo yaala dukaamada waaweyn ee wax laga iibsado, iyada oo la muujinayo sida Qatar ay u saamaysay xayiraadda. Balse Taleefishinka Al Jazeera oo dowladda Qatar leedahay ayaa isna soo bandhiga nolosha dadka oo caadi ah. Gabadha lagu magacaabo Dina Matar oo ah cilmi baare arrimaha gobolkaas ayaa sheegtay in wararka been abuurka ah ee labada dhinac ay iska faafinayaan ay yihiin kuwa halistooda leh. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dagaalka noocyada kala duwan ah, ma ahan mid u muuqda in uu mardhow dhamaanayo. ISHA BBC
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)- Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa xalay kulan Afur iyo soo dhaweyn ah la qaatay dhallinyaro Soomaaliyedd oo maxaabiis ku ahaa dalka Liibiya, kuwaas oo dib ugu soo laabtay dalkooda ka dib markii ay u fududaysay xukuumadda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Ergayga arrimaha qaxootiga u qaabilsan Xafiika Ra’iisul Wasaaraha iyo Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Tripoli. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo u mahed celiyay cid walboo ka shaqaysay in dib loo soo celiyo dhalinyaraddan ku dhibaatay sanayd dalka dibadiisa, ayaa cadeeyay in uu aad uga xun yahay dhibka ku dhacay dhalinyaradda Soomaaliyeed meel walba ay joogaan. Isgaoona tilmaamay in mas’uuliyinta dalka looga baahan yahay in ay ka foogaadaan musuq maasuqa, in ay dib-u-dhisaan dalka iyo in la iska ilaaliyo waxyaabihii awoodeena daciifyay, si looga shaqeeyo mustaqbalka jiilka soo koraya. “Haddii aad tahay Soomaali oo aad la baxday Magafe, Waa inaad ogaataa in dawladda Soomaaliyeed ay tahay Madaasho oo ay kaaga daba imanayso meel kasta, caddaaladana ku horgayn doonto. Waxa la rabaa hay’adaha amniga Qaranka inay ka shaqeeyaan sidii loo soo qab-qaban lahaa dadka dhibaateeyey dhillinyaradeena.” Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre. Ugu dambayntii, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa dhallinyaradda Soomaaliyeed kula dardaarmay in ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii ay dalkooda uga dhigi lahaayeen wadamadda ay u tahriib tageen, waxuuna u ballan-qaaday in Soomaaliya ay ku socoto dariiqii horumarka, qof walbana ay muhiim tahay in uu qaybtiis ka qaato dib u dhiska dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaan Axmed Macallin Fiqi, oo horey usoo noqday taliyaha hay’adda nabad-sugidda qaranka, ayaa bartiisa facebook soo dhigay qoraal uu kaga hadlayo muuqaalkii Al-Shabaab ay soo bandhigeen ee muujinayey sida ay dadka u dilaan. Haddaba hoos ka aqriso qoraalka. Axmed Macallin Fiqi Waxaan daawaday video argagax & arxan-darro ay ka muuqato oo ay kooxda argagixisada Alshabaab ka soo duubtay dilal ay u geysanayso saraakiil ciidamada ah, ergooyinkii ka soo qeybqaatay doorashooyinka xildhibaanada sanadkii 2016-ka & qaar ka mid madaxda degmooyinka Muqdisho . Marka laga soo tago ujeedka & fariinta video-gaas ay kooxda AS ka leedahay oo isugu jiri kara: xayaysiin, argagax gelin, muujinta awoodooda & in ay nidaamka dawladnimada dalka & ciddii la macaamishiba cadow u arkaan, waxaa uu video-gaas banaanka soo dhigay in amniga iyo ka ganacsiga amnigu ay sabab u noqonayso in dadku ay dhamaadaan, shabaabna ay dhoolatusyadooda iska sii wataan. 1. Haddii ciidamadii ay dadaalkoodii u danbeeyay bixinayaan, haddana mashruuca IGU SAWIR-ta Alshabaab uu sidaas dharaar cad u shaqaynayo, waxaa mudan in wax la iska weydiiyo halka wax ka qaldan yihiin & cidda mas’uuliyaddaas leh! 2. Dad qaar ayaa marka ay dhaliilayaan ciidamada AMISOM waxqabadkooda dhaha “ma rabaan in dalka Alshabaab laga dhammeeyo waayo shaqadooda ayaa dhamaanaysa markaas” haddaba, haddii amnigii dalku uu noqday mashruuc madaxda qaarkood u xilsaaran amniga ay qandaraasyadiisa qaateen, bishiina dhowr boqol oo kun oo doolar, ama mararka qaarkood malaayiin ay ka faa’idaan, laga soo bilaabo istaambada qoryaha lambarada ku qorta ee wasaaradda amniga taalla, raashinka iyo shidaalka ciidanka, illaa iyo booyadaha biyaha daadadku keeneen daabula, hoteelada & baabuurta marar qaar la kireeyo, marka wax ay dhacaan ay midabka tuutaha un soo bedelanayaan oo aan cidna wax laga weydiinayn, oo igu sawirta Alshabaab ay ka xoog badato tii kale, markaan waxaa waajib noqonaysa in isbedel degdeg ah la sameeyo, si umadda looga badbaadiyo bahalnimada kooxda aragagixisada. 3. Waxaa dhanka kale video-gaas uu kashifay tayada mas’uuliyiinta xilalka loogu dhiibo “ii raadiya qof aan waxba noo dhimayn (caana ma daadshe)” taasina ay keentay in dhibkii ay iska fogeeyeen madaxda dalku uu wax-ma-tirihii kala dul dhaco shacabkii iyo madaxda sumcadooda sida hadda video-gaas muujinayo. 4. In video-yada arxan-darrada ah ee noocaan ah ee argagixisadu xayaysiinta ku samaysanayso, marka ay soo baxaan la dalbado in youtube-ka laga saaro, sida ay dawladda Kenya horey u samaysay oo kale. 5. Ugu danbeyn, waxaa haboon in arrinta video-gaan aragagaxa leh, in si fiican loo dul istaago, waxna la iska weydiiyo, waayo haddii arrintani sii socoto waxey keenaysaa in la aamini waayo hadalka madaxdeenu ay ku celceliyaan ee amniga ku saabsan, waayo waxaa ku marqaati kici doona video-yada ay maalinta cad magaalada dhexdeeda isaga soo duubayaan Alshabaab ayagoo saraakiil iyo dad Soomaaliyeed si arxan darra u laynaya. Waxaan xanuunka la qaybsanayaa eheladii dadka Soomaaliyeed ee kala duwan ee qaranka u shaqaynayey ee magacyadooda iyo sawiradooda lagu soo bandhigay video-gaas, Allaha u wada naxariista, adinkana sabir & iimaan.
Baydhabo (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa aad loo adkeeyay amniga guud magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Bay, kadib markii ciidamo aan horay loo arag lagu daadiyay waddooyinka magaalada. Gudaha magaalada iyo daafaha ayaa waxaa lagu arkayaa ciidamo dhulka daadsan iyo kuwo dusha ka saaran gaadiidka dagaalka oo ka qeybqaadanaaya amniga. Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Bay ayaa maanta waxaa ku wajahan wafdi ka kala socda dowladda Federaalka, maamul goboleedyadda iyo Beesha caalamka. Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa in uu ka furmo Shirka Golaha Amniga Qaranka, oo ay ka qeybgalaayaan madaxda maamul goboleedyada, kuwa dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Beesha Caalamka. Ciidanka AMISOM ayaa la wareegay ammaanka halka shirka uu ka dhacayo, iyadoo fariisimo ka sameystay banaanka xarunta shirka. Shirka ayaa lagu waddaa in lagu soo bandhigo qorshaha Qaranka ee ku wahahan dhanka Ammaanka, waxaana laga soo saari doonaa qodobo lagu xoojin doono amniga dalka. Sidoo kale, Wasiirada amniga ayaa halkaa ka jeedin doona khudbado kooban oo lagu darsaayo sida loo wajahay amniga iyo waxyaabaha dheeriga ah ee la doonaayo. Dhinaca kale, Shirkaan ayaa daba socda shirar amni oo dhowr ah kuwaa oo intooda badan ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Baydhabo Caasimada@live.com
Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Somaliland ayaa markii ugu horeysay Beesha Caalamka ka dalbaday in awood Siyaasadeed ay u adeegsadaan Dagaalka ka taagan deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool ee u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Somaliland. Maamulka ayaa sheegay inuu sii xoogeysanaayo Khilaafka dhaliyay dagaalka labada dhan, sidaa aawgeed la doonaayo in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan Beesha Caalamka kusoo faragalisaa dagaalka. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland Dr Sacad Cali Shire oo la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay inay Beesha Caalamku xogogaal u tahay kana dharagsan tahay xaalada ka taagan Gobolka Sool, gaar ahaan dagaaladii dhexmaray Somaliland iyo Puntland. Dr Sacad Cali Shire, waxa uu Beesha Caalamka ugu baaqay inay si toos ah u soo gasho arinkan, oo awoodooda dhaqaale iyo awoodooda siyaasadeedba u isticmaasho, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Dr Sacad Cali Shire, waxa uu Beesha Caalamka u cadeeyay in Somaliland ay isku dayday in qaabab Siyaasadeed ay u xaliso dagaalka Tukaraq, hase ahaatee uu arrinku faraha kasii baxaayo, iyadoo aan la gaarin wax xal ah. ‘’Somaliland waxaa u cad Nabad iyo wada noolaansho waxaan ku celineynaa in dagaalka Tukaraq uusan ku xalismeynin si qaboow waa in Beesha Caalamka ay xalinta dagaalka u adeegsataa awoodooda dhaqaale iyo awoodooda siyaasadeedba’’ Wasiir Sacad mar uu baaq u diraayey dadka Gobolka Sool ayaa yidhi “Arinkani arin la reereeyo maaha, Somaliland xad caalamiya ayey leedahay, xadkaas caalamiga ah reero badan baa ku nool, waliigoodna wey ku noolan jireen, laakiin dad leh ujeedooyin siyaasadeed ayaa doonaya inay reernimada u soo maraan, Wasiir Sacad mar uu ka hadlaayey Puntland iyo Somaliya ayaa yidhi “Puntland iyo Somaliyaba waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa inay gardarada inaga joojiyaan, oo colaada iyo xumaanto wax aan kala fogaansho iyo xumaan ahayn ma keenayso, qof kasta oo dab huriya, dabku isaguun buu ku soo noqdaa, iyana uma baahna, inana uma baahnin, waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa Puntland iyo Somaliyaba inay joojiyaan abaabulka iyo muusanoowga ay wadaan, oo xabada joojiyaan, wixii tabasho ah ee jirina wada hadal ha ka bilaaban, ramadaantana xushmeeyaan, dadka soomana aanay bad galin”. Haddalka Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland Dr Sacad Cali Shire, ayaa kusoo beegmaaya iyadoo labada maamul ay hawada isku marinayaan Hanjabaado adag oo sii hurinaaya colaada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa Caasimada@live.com
Waxa aan halkii ka sii wadan doonaa qormooyinkii ku saabsana sidii aan Isbedel taban ugu sameyn lahayn Nolosheena. Intiinii hore u la socotay, waxa aan qormadii hore kaga hadalnay isbedelka qofku isku samayn karo. Qormadanna waxa aan kaga hadli doonaa isbedelka wada noolaanshuhu qoyska u leeyahay horrumarka bulshada. Sida aan ogsoon nahay qoysku waa halka laga soo unko bulshu fayow. Qoys kastaaba waxa uu ku nool yahay guri. Gurina waa in uu noqdaa hoy aad roobka, qoraxda, dabaysha, kulaylka, qabowga ka dugsan kartid kuna dheehan yihiin raxmad, maxaba iyo ixtiraam. Hadaba qormadan waxa aan kaga hadli doonaa Guriga Caarada. Waxa laga yaaba in akhristuhu is waydiiyo tolow muxuu u jeedaa ee uu u soo qaatay sheekadan uu kaga hadlayo guriga caarada. Illaahay Subxaana wa Tacaallaa, waxa uu Qur’aanka Kariimka ah inoogu sheegay qisaas iyo tusaalooyin ay tahay in aan ku cibro qaadano aadna u dhuguno si aan lababa u fahamno. Marka hore in aan cadamada Rabbi qirno gudanana Xaqqa Illahay inagu leeyahay. Marka xigta in la waanaajiyo wada-noolaashaha bulshada dhexdeeda oo is-qadarini ay ka dhaxayso. Aroor dhawayd aniga oo akhriyeya Suurat Al Cankabuut ayaa waxa i soo jiitay is-barbar dhigga Illaahay Subxaana wa Tacaala ku sameeyey Guriga Caarada iyo dadka Illaahay shariiga u yeela. Waxaanu Allah (Subxaana wa Tacaala) yidhi: {مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاء كَمَثَلِ الْعَنكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنكَبُوتِ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ} (29:41) (Kuwa Allah qayrkii caabuda waa sida Caarada dhisata guri, run ahaan guri oo dhan waxa ugu daciifsan kan caarada, waa haddii ay garanayaan). Waxa aan isla markiiba u dhaqaaqay dhinacaa iyo in aan daalacdo Tafsiirada kala duwan iyo qawlkii Culimada. Khayr Allah ha siiye Culimadii waaweynayd ee ina soo gaadhsiisay Diinta badankoodu sharaxa ay ka bixiyeen wuxu inta badan ka hadlayaa oo xoogga saareen fasiraadda dhinaca shirkiga kama ay hadal nooca uu yahay guriga caaradu. Maadaama aanay haysan iktishaaf ama badhista cilmi ee lagu sameeyey guriga caarada iyo nooca uu yahay iyo cilmigan oo soo if-baxay 100kii sano ee ugu dambeeyey, kadib markii ay boqolaal Saynisyahanno u kuurgaleen si ay wax uga ogaadaan. Waxa iyana cajiib ah, in Aayaddu tilmaamayso Caarada teeda dhidig. Ilaa iyo dhawaanahan ka hor lama ogaan in caarada dhedig tahay ta iyadu dhista guriga oo xuubka ay ku dhisto yahay shay ka soo baxa caloosheeda. Mukhluuqaadka oo dhan waxa ay gurigooda ka dhisaan walxo dhulka korkiisa laga helo caarada ma ahe. Xuubkan waa dun xariir ah weliba nooca xariirta ugu wanaagsan oo ay isku toshay ayey guriga ka dhisataa. Farsamada iyo dhismaha caaradu ku taagto gurigeeda waa handasada nooca ugu sareeysa. Waxay saynisyahannadu noo sheegeen haddii caaradu qof le’ekaan lahayd waxa ay dhisi lahayd xuub gaadhaya 150 meter. Marka la eego xoogga iyo quwadda duntaas waxa laga yaabi lahaa in diyaarad duulaysa ay qaban kari lahayd. Culimadu waxa ay inoo sheegeen, haddii guriga caarada loo ictibaaro dabin ay ku ugaadhsato, sida ay qolooyinka saynisku qabaan, Aayaddu sax ma noqoteen. Laakiin waxa dhab ah in aanu dabin ahyan ee uu maskan iyo hoy u yahay. Gurigeeduna ma laha khusuusiyaadkii guri lahaa oo waa guri dabaysha, qoraxda iyo wax kastaaba burburiyaan. Sidaas ayuu Illaahay ugu shabbahay kuwa asnaamta Illaahayo ka dhigta. Aniga oo runtii faham dheeraad ka helay aqwaashii kala duwanayd ee Culimadu ka bixiyeen sharaxa Aayaddan, ayaa waxa aan subax dhawayd daawaday inan yar oo Muslimad ah oo dalalkaa reer Galbeedka ah ku kortay kuna nool. Waxa aad ii soo jiidatay sida ay u macnaysay ee ay uga hadashay sharaxa Aayadan. Inantaa hadalkeedii wuxu dib ii soo xasuusiyey duruustii Zoology ee Sayniska, markii aan Dugsiga Sare ku jirnay ee la noo dhigi jiray xasharaadka oo Caaraduna ka mid ahayd. Weliba sida Caarada Madow (Black Spider) ay ninkeeda u cunto marka uu u tago kadib. Markii aan u sii kuurgalay ee aan raadiyey macluumaad kale oo dheeraad ah waxa ii soo baxay faham aan la tacajabay oo aan jeclaystay in aan idinkana idin la wadaago. Marka matal ama tusaale aan ku aragno Qur’aanka, wuxu Illaahay Subxaana wa Tacaalaa rabaa in uu wax inaga qarsoon inoo ifiyo, ama inaga daboolnaa inoo bayaamiyo ama hadal sarbeeb ah inoo kala caddeeyo. Matalkan ama is-barbardhiggan guriga caarada iyo kuwa asnaamta caabuda maxay iska shabbahaan? Guriga caaradu marka aad dusha ka aragtid waa guri xuub ka sameysan oo roob, qorax, dabayl, qabow, kulayl midna aanad ka dugsan karin. Waa guri ka caagan is-raaligelin iyo kalgacal oo aasaas u ah dhismaha qoys. Waa guri hooyadu cunto aabaha marka uu u tago kuna nasan karin oo uu naftiisa la baxsado si aan loo cunin. Waa guri hooyadu cunto caruurteeda, carurrtuna is cunaan. Inta ka badbaaddana ay ugu dambaynta hooyadood cunaan. Waa guri diiq ah oo aan masaaxad ku filan lahayn oo ay ku wada noolaan karaan oo aabo/hooyo/caruur iska wada takhlusayaan oo u wada baratamayaan masaaxadda yar. Waa guri ka caagan wada-noolashaha jinsiga, mana aha hoy lagu nasto ama lagu raaxaysto waana meel socotada iyo martidaba lagu cuno. Sidaa darteed dadka Illaah aan Allah ahayn Illaah ka dhigtaa waa kuwa sida gurigaa caarada aan helayn meel ay ku nastaan ama ku raaxaystaan if iyo aakhiraba. Culimadu markii ay sharxayeen Aayaddan, waxa ay sheegeen qofku marka uu wanaangsan yahay Illaahay matal wanaagsan ayuu ku soo qaata. Marka qofku Illaahii weynaa cibaadadiisii ka tago oo caabuda qayrkii wuxu Illaahay u soo qaataa matal xun sida kan guriga caarada oo ah guri lagu ba’ay ah. Tafsiiradii kala duwanaa iyo fahamkii guud waxa iiga soo baxay muhimadda qoysku u leeyahay nolosha iyo in aanay guryaheennu noqon sida guriga caarada, guri aan Tawxiidka laga aaminsanayn. Illaahay Subxaana wa Tacaala, wuxu inoo dooray Islam {الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلاَمَ دِينًا} (5:3) Waa in kalgacal iyo muxubo qoysku ku wada noolaado sida Illahay Aayddan hoose inoogu sheegay. {وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ} (30:21) Waxa la rabaa in abbuhu qaato doorkiisii in uu yahay taliyaha guud ee qoyska, hooyadu qaadato doorkeeda ah in ay tahay taliyaha arrimaha gudaha ah ee qoyska. Caruurtu baari u noqdaan waalidkood oo u arkaan adeega ay u adeegayaan waalidkood waajib diini ah. Waalidku caruurta u duceeyaan, caruurtu waalidka u duceeyso, jacayl iyo isu soo hiloow noqoto nolosha ay ku wada nool yihiin. Guriga wanaagsan waa aasaaska nolosha iyo horrumarka bulshada. Waxa aan rabnaa guri waalidku ku soo koriyaan curruurtooda kala-danbayn, is-tixgelin, is-karaamayn maxaba, raxmad iyo caddaalad oo aan loo kala eexan. Si marka uu qofku bulshada dhex-galo kula noolaadaa macaamil wanaagsan oo wax-tar u leh bulshada oo dhan. Wax-tarkaas oo saameyn ku yeelanaya sidii bulshadu u heli lahayd – Madax amaano iyo hoggaamin leh, Garsoor caddaalad wax ku xukuma, Macaalin ku-dayashada mudan, Dhakhtar daryeela bukaanka, Askari waddani ah, farsamayaqaan daacad ah, iyo ganacsade ka daacad ah ganacsigiisa. Haddii kale qofku wuxu noqonayaa mid ka yimid guri la mida ka caarada oo kale. Qofkaasi wuxu bulshada dhexdeeda kula noolaanayaa sidii qof dab iyo baansiin gacmaha ku sita oo cid kasta oo uu la macaamilana gubaya. Qof kaas waa qof Allah ka cabsigu ku yar yahay xataa haddi uu cibaadaadkii la yimaaddo haddana wax-is-daba-marinta iyo ku-jiqsiinta ayuu u arkaa in uu ku faa’idayo. Hadaba aan bishan Ramadan uga faa’daysanno sidii aan isbedel dhab ah ula iman lahayn oo guryaheenna ka ilaalino in ay noqdaan ka caarada oo kale. Kana dhigno guri Illaahay lagu weyneeyo oo lagu cibaadaysto lagagana dhaqmo camalka kiisa wanaagsan. Marka guryaheennu u bataan guryo wanaagsan waxa ay isbedel la taaban karo ku sameynaysaa bulshadeena. Allah ha inaga yeelo kuwa khayrka u shaqeeya kana hortaga wax kasta oo shar ah. Soom Maqbuul wa danban maqfuur. Allahuma Aamiin. Waxaa Qoray:- Xildhibaan Maxamed Cumar Carte, Ra’iisul Wasaare Ku-Xigeenkii Xukuumadii hore.
Sanca (Caasimada Online) – Afhayeen u hadlay Xuutiyiinta dalka Yemen ayaan ku hanjabay inay weerar gantaallo ah la beegsan doonaan dalka Isu-tagga Imaaraadka Carabta, sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan. Qoraal lagu baahiyey wakaaladda wararka Yemen ee Saba, ayaa Jeneral Sharaf Ghaleb Loqman wuxuu ku sheegauy “In Abu Dhabi aysan hadda iyo wixii ka dambeeya ammaan ahayn, laga billaabo maanta.” Loqman ayaa sidoo kale uga digay dadka maal-gashiga ku sameysta Abu Dhabi iyo Dubai inay si dhab ah u qaataan hadalkiisa. Hadalkiisa ayaa yimid ayada oo lagu warramay in ciidamo taageero ka helaya Imaaraadka Carabta ay kusii siqayaan magaalo xeebeedka muhiimka ah ee Xudeydah ee galbedka dalka Yemen. Haddii Xuutiyiintu ay lumiyaan maamulka Xudeydah, waxaa taas macnaheedu yahay in berriga, badda iyo hawadaba ay xannibaad ka saarnaan doonto. Dalka Yemen, oo ah kan ugu saboolsan dalalka Carbeed ayaa waxaa sanado badan ka taagan dagaal sokoeeye oo ay hurinayaan dalalka Sacuudiga, Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Iran. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira Caasimada@live.com
Iyadoo ay sii kordhayaan dilalka joogtada ah ee maalmahan ka jiray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa caawa magaalada ka dhacay dilalkii ugu badnaa ee habeen kaliya dhaca. Ugu yaraan lix qof oo ay ku jirto haweeney ayaa caawa siyaabo kala duwan loogu dilay magaalada, sida ay sheegayaan wararka naga soo gaaraya degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir qaarkood. Dilka hore ayaa ka dhacay isgoyska Bakaaraha caawa xiligii afurka ka dib markii rag bastoolado ku hubeysan ay halkaas ku toogteen labo wiil oo ka mid ah dhalinyarada rarta gaadiidka BL-ka ah, lamana oga illaa hadda sababta ka dambeysay dilkooda, kooxihii ka dambeeyeyna markiiba wey baxsadeen sida ay ku warameen dad goob joogayaal ah. rag bastoolado ku hubeysan ayaa sidoo kale xaafada suuq bacaad ee degmada Yaaqshiid waxay ku toogteen labo wiil oo dhalinyaro ah kuwaasoo isla goobtii ku geeriyooday. Ma cadda sababta loo dilay wiilashan iyo waxa ay ahaayeen, waxaana goobta ka baxsaday raggii ka dambeeyey. Sidoo kale, Wararka naga soo gaaraya degmada Kaaraan ayaa iyana sheegaya in nin darawal ka ahaa gaadiidka BL-ka halkaasi lagu dilay, waxaana sida dad goob joogayaal ahi sheegayaan ka dambeeyey dilkiisa askari ka tirsan ciidamada dowlada oo baxsaday. Haweeney ayaa sidoo kale caawa lagu dilay xaafada Siigaale oo ka tirsan degmada Hodan ee magaalada Muqdisho ka dib markii ay rasaas ku fureen rag bastoolado ku hubeysan, iyadoo wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in haweeneydan ay ka tirsaneyd shaqaalaha dowlada. Laamaha amaanka dowlada Somalia iyo maamulada degmooyinka ay dilalku ka dhaceen ayaan ka hadlin falalkan, iyadoo dowlada Somalia ay u muuqato iney xal u la’ dahay dilalka qorsheysan ee ku soo badanaya caasimada. Dilalka caawa ayaa ku soo aadaya xili maanta oo kaliya siyaabo kala duwan loogu dilay magaalada afar qof oo kale, waxaana labo ka mid ah oo ka tirsanaa askarta dowlada iyo qof shacab ah lagu dilay Suuqa Bakaaraha, halka qofka afaraad oo darawal ka ahaa mooto bajaaj uu ku dhintay rasaas ay isweydaarsadeen ciidamada dowlada dhexdooda, waxaana marka isu geeyo tirada maanta illaa caawa la dilay ay isku noqoneysaa toban qof.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dagaal u dhexeeyay ciidamada Dowlada ayaa waxa uu Maqribnimadii Caawa ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia. Dagaalka oo xooganaa ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay nawaaxiga koontorool ku dhow Kulliyada Jaale Siyaad, kaa oo u dhexeeyay ciidamada Xasilinta iyo kuwa Militeriga. Dagaalka ayaa waxaa ka dhashay Khasaaro dhimasho iyo dhaawac isugu jira, waxa uuna ka danbeeyay kadib markii ciidamo ka tirsan Militeriga ay rasaas ooda uga qaaden ciidamada Xasilinta oo howlo baaritaan kawaday nawaaxiga koontorool ku dhow Kulliyada Jaale Siyaad. Goobta uu dagaalka ka dhacay ayaa waxaa lagu arkaayay meydadka iyo dhaawacyada dad shacab iyo ciidamo ka kooban, inkastoo aan si rasmi ah loo xaqiijin heerka Khasaaro. Balse goobjoogayaal ayaa soo sheegaya in Khasaaraha dhimasho uu gaaray ilaa Seddex, halka dhaawacana uu ku dhow yahay ilaa afar oo ay ku jiraan Askar labada dhinac ah. Waxaa hadda degan xaalada goobta uu dagaalka ka dhacay, waxa uuna kusoo beegmayaa xili tan iyo shalay magaalada Muqdisho ay ka dhacayeen dagaalo u dhexeeya ciidamada Xasilinta iyo Militeriga.
Logistical problems and military deficiencies are handicapping the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom) in its decade-long fight against al-Shabaab, an AU official acknowledged in a wide-ranging and generally pessimistic assessment published Thursday. Source: Hiiraan Online
Let me start with the fact that Somaliland territory is inviolable, never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored, inalienable, absolute, untouchable, unalterable, unchallengeable, unbreakable, impregnable and, therefore, shall not be trespassed upon. The territory of Somaliland nation is inviolable, and shall not be trespassed and whoever tries to violate it will be dealt with severely. Many Somalilanders Including myself believe that Mr. Michael Keating, the United Nation special representative of Somalia/Somaliland is part of the Somaliland and Puntland conflict and we have many reasons to believe this, the first example is the fact that when he was in Garoowe recently, he had the guts to say that Somaliland army needs to move back from their god given boundary, On top of that he never expressed his objection against the attacks and the innocent people dying from both side of the border. We are extremely concerned about this. How on earth he can utter such words when he knows where the border lies. Keating, whom I believe is part of the conflict has never expressed his protest against the aggression that Somalia is threatening the peace and stability of the entire region. I strongly denounce the behavior of Keating for not being neutral in this situation and once again I try to recall him that the UN has failed to understand the complexity of the situation on the ground and the legal argument of Somaliland. We will not allow anyone to undermine or destabilize the hard worn peace and stability of Somaliland Problem number one is Farmaajo Farmaajo tried his luck when he presented an ultimatum condition to the Saudis who were trying to mediate between Somalia and UAE, those conditions were that UAE cancels all agreements with Somaliland, which he claimed was part of Somalia, meaning DP WORLD Berbera agreement and Berbera UAE military base agreement which was impossible to be cancelled by both UAE and Somaliland. That was Farmaajo plan A and now he is trying his plan B which is to attack and cause problems for Somaliland which he failed so far. Somaliland is a country that existed since 1960, Somaliland have every right to do whatever that suits the country, we will also sign other numerous investment agreements from UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and any other interested countries for wide cooperations and investments, therefore, Farmaajo, Keating and Gaas can explode. This is NOT a skirmish of a weak and failed state. Farmaajo and his hooligans with very deep tribal and expansionist tendencies are collecting an army and young children and steering a tribal conflict. Farmaajo should concentrate on abolishing these five or six regional states that he failed for their restraint. But NO…he is executing the dream of his uncle AFWEYNE. 1974 Afweyne in collaboration with his tribal uncles moved thousands of Somaliland clan out of their state, claiming there was a terrible drought there, but, ended up putting them in concentration camps with military guards, just like the Germans did in WWII. These camps were in an area infested with mosquitoes, poisonous snakes and scorpions. Thusly, if one doesn’t get them the other would. These camps were; Dujuma, Sablale, Kurtin Warey and Baraawe. The plan was to take over the whole Somaliland territories and move inward with his tribal uncles and brothers. But the people broke out and moved back home to start a new life. What came after was the bombing of Hargeisa and destroying life in BURCO and Berbera and Caynabo and even kill innocent nomads who did not know what was going on. For years, our people lived in camps in Ethiopia and the rest of us who could afford to flee started scattering all over the globe, unfortunately in 1988 few thousands of SNM men came and overcame the mighty Somali army who were classed as the strongest army in Africa And so our people came back and started building the country from the ashes. Today we have a democratic and a beautiful country and a better life which was made with blood and sweat. Now Farmaajo is making the same bloody mistake that his uncle AFWEYNE took, he is sending dozens of weapons and money to Puntland from Mogadishu and Jubaland. The strange part is that they have come out into the open and are getting together to try and complete their uncle’s dream. This guy in Jubaland even collected an army recently and wanted to send them to Puntland to help them attack to Somaliland but the Ethiopians found out and blocked them from traveling to Puntland. Just last week a full ship of ammunitions and heavy weapons came to Boosaaso port by Farmaajo. Last week I viewed a video from our Jigjiga neighbors insulting Somaliland and claiming that Jigjiga to Laasqoray belongs to them where Puntland is also claiming Sool and Sanaag regions of Somaliland To my understanding surrounding the above combined scenarios from Jubaland, Puntland and Jigjiga, this is an expansionist hidden agenda of the mentioned trio, but,thanks that we possess an excellent fifty thousand well trained strong armed forces and five million people who will not hesitate to support and defend this great nation once again as we did defend before with a few thousand men with little weaponry or ammunitions, We are fortunate enough to know and understand their agenda today and are ready for it. Also Abdiweli Gas is the problem number two for this conflict and the reason for this is the fact that his term in office is finishing or coming to an end soon and therefore seeks a second term in the office, the people of Somaliland and Puntland region of Somalia has always maintained a good relation together and the two people used to cross the borders with no fear and full of confidence The Republic of Somaliland is bordered by the Gulf of Aden to the north; Somalia to the east; the Federal Republic of Ethiopia to the south and the west; and the Republic of Djibouti to the north west. The territory of the nation is inviolable, and shall not be trespassed upon. SOMALILAND INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES The international boundaries of the Republic of Somaliland are set out in Article 2 of the Somaliland Constitution as follows: “Article 2: The Territory of the Republic of Somaliland 1. The territory of the Republic of Somaliland covers the same area as that of the former Somaliland Protectorate and is located between Latitude 8’ to 11’ 30’ north of the equator and Longitude 42’ 45 to 49’ East; and consists of the land, islands, and territorial water above and below the surface, the airspace and the continental shelf. 2. The Republic of Somaliland is bordered by the Gulf of Aden to the north; Somalia to the east; the Federal Republic of Ethiopia to the south and the west; and the Republic of Djibouti to the north west. 3. The territory of the nation is inviolable, and shall not be trespassed upon.” Since 1991, the REPUBLIC OF SOMALILAND sets out clearly the international boundaries which were delineated under a series of international agreements. Briefly, the international boundary between Somaliland and Ethiopia was based on the 1887 agreement between Britain & reached Ethiopia. The Treaty consisted of a formal convention of six Articles and annexures containing, among other things, an exchange of notes, which, according to Article 2 of the Treaty shall determine the frontiers of the “British Protectorate on the Somali Coast”. The exchange of notes took place during the same year and the final letters were annexed to the treaty by 8 December 1887. A boundary demarcation commission met in January 1932, and started the work on the ground setting up boundary lines, roads and bollards. but on its independence on 26 June 1960, the new Constitution of the independent STATE OF SOMALILAND defined the territory of Somaliland as “all that territory which, on the commencement of the Constitution, is comprised in Her Britannic Majesty’s Protectorate of Somaliland” (s. 2(1)). The Somaliland – Ethiopia boundary, runs for 463 miles from at the 8 N. 48 E. (the tripoint of Somaliland-Eithopia-Somalia) to Madaha Jalelo at the tripoint of Somaliland-Eithopia-Djibouti boundaries. The demarcation of the boundray and its marking with bollards was undertaken in the early 1930s. The boundary between the Somaliland and Djibouti was finalised in an agreement between Britain and France signed in February 1888 and the actual demarcation of the trijunction point of the British/French Somaliland and Ethiopia was delineated by the 1936 British Somaliland-Eithopia Boundary Commission. Finally, the boundary between Somaliland and Somalia was defined in the Anglo-Italian Protocol of May 1894. This boundary, which was demarcated by an Anglo-Italian commission in 1929 runs very simply along the 49th longitude (49E), from the Gulf of Aden to latitude 9 degrees north, and then diagonally across to the intersection of the 48th longitude (48E) and latitude 8 N. The Somaliland boundary then runs west along the latitude 8 N which is the start of the boundary between Somaliland and Ethiopia. Somaliland is of course addressing peacefully the issues relating to neighbouring clan based Puntland region of Somalia and its claim on swathes of Somaliland territory on the basis of clan kinship with Some of the Somaliland communities in the eastern regions of Sool and Sanag. The salient point though is that all the other Somaliland clans also live in areas that straddle the boundaries that Somaliland has with either Ethiopia or with Djibouti, and similarly members of the same sub clan Puntland bases its claim on also live in the far south of Somalia, as well as across the boundary in Northern Kenya, therefore Puntland needs to stop claiming part of Somaliland territory. Therefore we would like to inform The United Nations, African Union, European Union, Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, Ethiopia, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States and all the free world that we are extremely concerned by recent Farmaajo’s nasty political and security developments in the eastern part of Somaliland and that we will defend our god given and hard-earned political, economic, and security achievements in Somaliland that we enjoyed for the past 27 years. We will not tolerate anymore attacks from Somalia, any activities that increase tensions leading to possible violence should be avoided at all costs. Somaliland government is ready to engage a respectful discussions in the coming weeks and to use constitutional and peaceful means to resolve any differences. Farmaajo, Abdiweli gaas and Keating’s unbalanced policy and strategy against Somaliland will never discourage the Somaliland citizens who built this great nation. Your bad policy and sad strategy towards Somaliland will only make the already great Somaliland more greater. Somaliland is the only functioning constitutional democracy in this troubled region without any international input and assistance, therefore the three of you will take full responsibility for what will happen in the region and its consequences. Polite notice to Karmaajo, Be aware that your hatred policy and strategy against Somaliland will never discourage the Somaliland citizens who built this great nation which is the only functioning constitutional democracy in this troubled region without an international engagement and assistance. Therefore , you will take the responsibility for what is happening in the region and its consequences as well. Today’s commemorates, 27 May 1988, the Day of reckoning for the military dictatorship in the Somali Republic. Long live Somaliland Ahmed Yasin Mohamed Jama
My maiden academic and friendly visit to Somaliland was, to say the least, awesome. It was two weeks of learning for me. Learning the culture, values and history of a great people that the world is yet to discover. My main destination was the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), University of Hargeisa—the capital city. My host, Nasir M. Ali, had briefed me about the greatness of his country, but my experience on the ground was far more enriching than my expectations were. I learnt so many things in Somaliland, but let me mention just a few: a determined people, a hardworking people, a hospitable people, a peace-loving people and a God-loving people. A determined people: The rebuilding of Hargeisa in just 27 years (1991-2018) following its complete destruction by Somalia forces, tells the story of a people who are determined to develop their country by themselves. With no international recognition and support, I was marveled at how much Somalilanders have achieved in nation-building. They are determined to be recognized as an independent nation from Somalia and determined to modernize their country and its institutions. The IPCS is a classic example of this determination. From the motto “Knowledge is power” the Institute in particular and the University as a whole, are building minds which are effectively transforming the society. A hardworking people: I discovered with admiration that Somalilanders wake up very early in the morning to start working and close late at night from work. They have understood that the real secret to success is hard work. They are committed in everything they do: from the security agents, teachers in lecture rooms, farmers rearing cattle, to politicians in offices, all hands are on deck to build the country. The absence of distractions like alcohol and drugs in the entire nation, have helped to maintain the stability of the workers and the country. A hospitable people: I have travelled quite a bit and have met different kinds of people. But Somalilanders are different. Their hospitality knows no match. They live like a community, so there is hardly a difference between the rich and the poor. They love to share. For two weeks, they made sure I was well taken care of. They took turns in offering me lunch and dinner, taking me around to discover the richness and beauty of the country and ensuring my security. In brief—they are always willing to share. Peace-loving people: Despite the challenges Somalilanders have faced with Somalia, they constantly preach peace with their neigbours and strangers. They are arguably, the most stable country in a turbulent region (Horn of Africa) surrounded by terrorists-infested and war-stricken nations. Life is good there all the times and security, even in the middle of the night, is guaranteed. Their language is peace!!! A God-fearing people: They love their religion and they put it into practice. Allah is supreme and they don’t joke with that. Nothing can come in-between them and their God—nothing even education. During my three hours daily lectures, there was always a 15 minute break. Not a coffee break as we see in other parts of the world, but a prayer-break. When it is prayer time, every other thing MUST wait, because Allah is supreme and they don’t share His time with anything else. This is certainly the source of their strength, commitment, blessings and protection. I have said many things, but let me just summarize that my experience in Somaliland was simply FANTASTIC! And thanks to the Director of IPCS, Nasir M. Ali for making this happen. Today, I am a FRIEND AND GOOD WILL AMSSADOR of Somaliland to the world. And if there is one thing left to say, it is for the world to officially recognize this peace-loving country NOW! Insha Allah. Kingsley L. Ngange, Ph.D
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Iyadoo ay sii kordhayaan iska hor imaadyada magaalada Muqdisho ku dhexmara ciidamada Xasilinta iyo kuwa Militeriga ayaa waxaa arrintaasi digniin adag kasoo saaray Taliyaha Ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed Cabdiwali Jaamac Xuseen Gorod. Taliyaha Ciidamada xoogga ayaa ciidamada Militeriga uga digay in Hubka ay ku dhex isticmaalan gudaha magaalada Muqdisho, waxa uuna sidoo kale ku baaqay inaan waddooyinka lagu arki Karin Askar la lugeyneysa Hub iyaga oo aan heysan wax fasax ah. Taliyaha waxaa uu sheegay in maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ay Magaalada Muqdisho ka socdeen falal Amniga Khatar ku ah , Maadaama ay jireen Iska horimaadyo ka dhaxeeyay ciidamada xasilinta iyo kuwa xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed. Gorod ayaa uga digay Ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed in ay kasoo baxaan Saldhigyadooda Amar la’aan. Waxaa uu sheegay in ciidamada xasilinta sidoo kale laga doonaayo in ay tixgaliyaan ciidamada kale oo ay weydiiyaan aqoonsiyadda ay wataan. HOOS KA DAAWO MUUQAALKA IYO DIGNIINTA GOROD
The honor of Abaarso School, its Owners, its Foreign Teachers, its Muslim Students and their Parents Should not be Violated and Deserves Protection by the Somaliland Government and its People! A gentleman whose name I won’t bother to mention here, has been consistently spreading nasty rumors about the founder, the foreign teachers, and the students of Abaarso School. These accusations have been going on for some time now. They are made on the basis of some YouTube videos and pictures whereby some few girl graduates of the Abaarso School are seen not wearing proper hijab. The reason that I have felt it necessary for me to come out and speak against these nasty accusations is that I myself, because of being somehow indirectly associated with the “Abaarso” brand name, I’ve been having questions thrown at me concerning these accusations. My big disappointment is to see many of you Somalilanders not only accepting and believing these stories without bothering to check the facts, but also, not standing up against them! My guess is that the reason you believe these stories is that the person making them is using the name of Islam to make his accusations. And yet the accusations of this gentleman violate not only the honor of the founder and the foreign teachers of the school, but more so that of the Muslim students and their parents! In Islam the honor of a Muslim deserves protection and cannot be violated, especially so on the basis of what the eye sees or the ear hears through the media and electronic devices. The Shari’ah has the highest standards of verification when it comes to making accusations. Everyone, including this gentleman is subject to these Shari’ah obligations. Allah says: قُلْ هَاتُوا بُرْهَانَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ “Qul hatu burhanakum in kuntum sadiqeen.” “Say: Give us your proof and demonstration if you speak truth!” (Q. 2:111). A video or a photo does not constitute proof in the Shari’ah, you need to bring four eye-witnesses to prove your accusations. Otherwise, the person making accusations will be lashed or flogged for libel (qazf) and sent on his way and marked as a FASIQ. Spreading fitnah, character assassination and being a false witness (Shahadat az-zur) are part of the gravest sins (Kaba’ir) in Islam, next to shirk, murder and treachery. Therefore, from an Islamic perspective, this gentleman has the obligation to produce for us four groups of witnesses to prove his accusations against the school, as follows: Witnesses from the Somaliland Ministry of Education inspectors, who always do checks on the school, Witnesses from the hundreds of parents who have enrolled their kids in this school ever since it started, telling us if they have ever noticed abnormal behavior from their kids who attend the school, Witnesses from the real, bonafide students of the school and not some dropouts, and finally Witnesses from the local community where the school is based, – concerning its impact etc. Historical Perspective The owner and faculty of Abaarso School have moved thousands of kilometers from across the world to assist our Somali and Muslim children, and on top of that the owner had had to donate a half million dollars of his own money to start the school. One would think that Somalis would embrace them for all this effort and sacrifice or at least leave them alone to do their work. Unfortunately, some unethical individuals instead have been consistently trying to undermine their efforts since the inception of the school. All kinds of hideous things continue to be said and written about them and the school, often from people who’ve never even met them and have only heard false rumors. The students of the school often go home and have people who know nothing but rumors tell them that the school is training them to be Jewish and Christian missionaries! I’ve even heard that at one time it got so bad that on one website someone wrote, “If we kill a few of them then the rest will go home.” Notwithstanding all the above, we see the huge positive impact the school is making. At this point, and in a short span of less than 10 years, Abaarso students have earned scholarships to Harvard, MIT, Amherst, Georgetown, Carnegie Melon, and numerous other great universities. Harvard is perhaps the most famous university in the world, MIT is the top engineering school, Amherst is often ranked in the top few liberal arts colleges, Georgetown top for foreign service, and Carnegie Melon best in computers. Getting accepted to these schools is quite an achievement for Somali kids growing up in Somaliland without foreign citizenships. In total, the school now has approximately 100 students continuing their education internationally, the vast majority in the US. Other countries the school’s students are studying in include Japan, China, Germany, Qatar, S. Africa, Kenya, and Costa Rica. Somalilanders must understand that Abaarso is doing a great service to their society and that those spreading these rumors are doing so for their own selfish motivations. You also need to understand that that the owner donated a half million dollars of his personal wealth, and to establish that school and get it running he had to work 90 hours each week without any pay, for nothing more than the good of the school and its students. You also need to understand that Abaarso teachers work long days and they only receive volunteer salaries. Most of all, you need to understand that Somali children are getting a world-class education, not only academically, but also in how to be good human beings. The values that Abaarso teaches are consistent with the Islamic religion and culture. Abaarso students volunteer to teach at the Hargeisa Orphanage 3 days per week and operate a school for the local children in Abaarso Village 5 days per week. Around the world, for your child to get an education like the one at Abaarso you’d need to pay fees in the region of $20,000 or more per student per year. But Abaarso school offers this education at under 10% of that cost. This is because the teachers essentially donate their time and in a way, they are the largest donors to the school, because they bring in their donation not in form of money but rather in work. Finally, many Somalis don’t know this, but Abaarso has students from every region of Somaliland as well as a number of students from Somalia. Students from Mogadishu and Puntland have been welcomed into the school and are treated with the respect they deserve. So, instead of believing these kinds of stories, we should rather be asking those who spread them what is it of great impact have they contributed to Somali society and the Ummah so far? Written By: Mwalim Juma Imran
A new video released by Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, details one of the jihadist group’s hit squads. The unit, dubbed the Muhammad bin Maslamah Battalion, appears to mainly operate within Somalia’s capital Mogadishu and in the Lower Shabelle region. The video begins by showing the unit’s training camp, which is named after two former Shabaab leaders, Muhammad Ismail Yusuf and Hassan “Turki” Abdullahi Hersi. Yusuf was a former ideologue within the group, while Hersi, who was closely tied to al Qaeda, was a senior leader of Shabaab before his death. The latter reportedly had a falling out with Shabaab’s previous emir, Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, but at the time of his death in 2015, he was reportedly still a senior member of the group. The jihadists are shown practicing assassinating targets in urban environments, as well as drive by shootings in vehicles and on motorcycles. The video then cuts to a short statement from Abu Ramla Muhammad Ahmad Roble, a killed Somali jihadist, in which he decries Somali police and government as kuffar [infidels]. Some of the unit’s assassinations within Mogadishu are then shown. It is unclear when the footage was recorded. Most of the targets are reportedly members of local governance, Somali military personnel, Somali intelligence officers, and off-duty Somali policemen. The video also shows that the battalion is also responsible for many improvised explosive devices (IEDs) directed at African Union troops, or Somali government personnel in targeted killings. While Shabaab routinely claims assassinations within Mogadishu and elsewhere, this is one of the first times the jihadist group has detailed these types of operations. According to data compiled from six months of Shabaab strikes by FDD’s Long War Journal, targeted assassinations accounted for roughly 16% of all claimed operations. The data, accounting for all of Shabaab’s attacks from October 2017 to April 2018, recorded 419 total operational claims. 67 of these were assassinations, while of those, 49 took place inside Mogadishu. Many of Shabaab’s assassinations in the capital are covered by local media. Shabaab’s videos of the targeted killings are similar to the Islamic State’s sporadic videos of similar operations within Mogadishu. The latter group appears to focus more on targeted assassinations; however, these are likely more opportunistic due to the Islamic State’s small and fractured presence inside the country as well as pressure on the group from Shabaab. Source: – Long War Journal Screenshots from the video:
The widespread criticism of the United Nations’ organizations mainly focuses on the absence of the standard of conduct and mandatory integrity of their activities. Critics argue that the UN Organizations’ presences in volatile Africa, Asia and Latin America invent a new form of destabilization within the social structure of those societies. Another explanation explores that such misconduct results in an uncertainty of stock market failures, devaluation of currency rates and ruins the balances of economic trade between states. This is because the intergovernmental organisations’ standards of conduct and integrity are faultily managed. For example, the derived standard of conducts and manuals of the integrity of UN principles are not met, and the reason is a mystery of human error. Article 101, paragraph 3 of the UN Charter states the 5.1 of the UN Staff codes of conduct and organisational ethics of integrity. The values of the reassuring demeanours administer these codes set out in the United Nations Staff Member Regulations and other clerical issuances. The current UN and INGOs establishments disenfranchised and turned into a blind eye to the developments of Somaliland – regarding democracy, freedoms of speech, relative stability and the governance systems. I personally interpret this as the twofold phenomenon. Firstly, the lack of skills and educational shortages of Somaliland Civil Servants allowed the misconduct of the UN liaison office operations. Secondly, the failure of UN staff members to conform with onuses under the Charter of the United Nations as shown in the administrative issuances and articles of global civil servant administered by UNV Conditions of Service standard of conducts are in complete turmoil. The lack of proficiency, educational abilities and the shortage of skills of Somaliland bureaucrats will let the UN and other INGOs to manipulate the foreign policy of Somaliland. These organizations have never reported Somaliland’s proud tradition of engagement with the international community. As I have mentioned several times, United Nations Organizations singling out Somaliland by exaggerating minor incidents and/or creating fabrications for the sake of enlarging their interest oriented humanitarian projects. Currently, the UN reports prevent the global member states of the world to address both Somaliland’s problems and successes. For instance, the devastations of the Cyclone Sagar that killed more than 50 people, destroyed hundreds of shelters and displaced hundreds of thousands of people has not yet well reported. In a ways that is different from Cyclone Sagar the UN organizations politicized and exaggerated the four hours war of Tukaraq in their reports. The United Nations fact-finding missions inadequately investigated the aftermath of Sool regions. The UN reported that 150,000 people were displaced because of the four hours fighting with the 14km uninhabited land. On the contrary, the Population Estimation Survey in 2014 conducted by UNFPA stated that Sool’s total population estimate in urban areas is only 120, 993. Tukaraq is an urban area in the explanation of UNFPA Population Survey. This shows how contradictory UN reports are; while at the same time such stories lack logic shreds of evidence to support the accusations. And yet UN remains silent about atrocities in Galkayo, Kismayo, Mogadishu, Baidabo, Hiiraan and other war zone regions of Somalia. While, on the other hand, UN reports completely overlooked the democratic success of Somaliland – the peaceful power transfers, the certain freedoms of speech unlike other countries of Africa and the needs of economic development assistance. Nevertheless, my country, Somaliland informs the 193 member states of the United Nations that Somaliland is guided by the reality of self-determination of its people as an independent sovereign state. The people of Somaliland overwhelmingly decided to end the voluntary union with Somalia in 1991, which began in 1960 soon after when Somaliland gained its independence from Great Britain. Once again, the decision was endorsed enormously in a referendum by the people of Somaliland in 2001 in a percentage of 97.7%. Therefore, the governments and people of Somaliland are ready to make Somaliland the heart of regional peace, development and democracy. Again, the fundamental basis of Somaliland is peace, democracy, freedom, the rule of law and self-liberty, and we preach to all nations of the world that Somaliland will stand for those values and principles. Due to the dynamic nature of the international system and the foreign relations of the different countries of the world, we are welcoming a real newfangled collaboration between Somaliland and the international community to be further developed, bringing our higher priority of securing international recognition for Somaliland at the heart of our foreign policy. Mohamed Hagi Mohamoud Political Analyst and Socio-economic Researcher on International Development and Security Studies
On the dawn of May 15 and 24, 2018, the armed forces of Federal Somalia waged unexpected attacks on Somaliland Republic armed forces based at Tuka-raq, which is 65 Km within Somaliland border. Somalia’s forces attacked through the front of Puntland Administration of Federal Somalia whilst the Somaliland Republic was busy celebrating its 27th anniversary of regaining its independence from Somalia achieved on June 26, 1960. Somaliland forces repelled both attacks and inflicted heavy losses on the invading enemy forces. The land of Harti People in Sool and Eastern Sanaag is located within Somaliland British colonial borders. It is integral and inseparable part of independent Somaliland. Thus, there is no “disputed land or territories” in Somaliland as some may claim preposterously. Somaliland does not accept the idea of “disputed land in Somaliland” as any other African country would not accept to call part of its territory “disputed land”. Puntland Administration of Federal Somalia dreams to reunite Harti people, sub-clan of Darod, of Somaliland, Somalia, and Ethiopia to create Harti country in the Horn of Africa. Would the United Nations or Africa accept to create Fulani country by reuniting the Fulanis of Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon or Tuareg country by reuniting the Tuaregs of Senegal, Nigeria, Mali, and Niger? The answer is: No. likewise, Africa would never accept that the Puntland Administration of Federal Somalia reunites Hartis of Somaliland, Somalia, and Ethiopia to create a tribal crisis in the Horn of Africa. There is no country in Africa or in any other continent whose population is based on single clan or lineage as Puntland Administration of Somalia claims blindly. If the United Nations or Organization of African Union do not respect and recognize Somaliland borders, emerging from colonial borders as any other African country, then the territorial integrity of each African country would be questionable and would be at risk of dispute and continental disintegration through endless clan wars. The political map of Africa that shows its independent countries had not been made by United Nations, by African Union, or by African nations. It is the result of the European Colonial Occupation that invaded African Continent at the end of the 19th century and divided it up into territories with colonial borders for their own political sphere of influence. When leaving Africa, mainly in the 1960s, the Europeans based the independence and diplomatic recognition of all African emerging countries including Somaliland on their colonial borders inherited from the colonial powers. The borders of African independent states had been drawn by the colonial powers of Europe at the end of the 19th century, mainly during The Partition of Africa held in Berlin in 1884. Likewise, all the current borders of Asia and South America also emerged from colonial borders drawn mainly by Britain, France, and Spain and were all recognized too on their colonial borders. Somaliland is located in the Horn of Africa. It lies between the 08°00′ – 11°30′ parallel North of the Equator and between 42°30′ – 49°00′ Meridian East of Greenwich. It is bordered by the Red Sea to the North, Djibouti to the West, Ethiopia to the South, and Somalia to the East. Somaliland has a coastline with the majority lying along the Gulf of Aden (Red Sea). The country is slightly larger than England, with an area of 137, 600 km² (53,100 sq. miles) and with a population around 4 million. According to the unique history of the continent of Africa, an African country is recognized as an independent nation when it meets or fulfills the following four (4) requirements: That it is colonized separately 2. That it has its own colonial borders 3. That it had an official proclamation of independence granted by the colonizing power on specific date That it Fulfills the Montevideo Convention Requirements on the Rights and Duties of States held on December 26, 1933, which stated that the state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: . a permanent population. . a defined country . a government . a capacity to enter into relations with the other states. Somaliland has perfectly fulfilled the four required conditions to be recognized as an independent country and that is why it was recognized on June 26, 1960, by the United Nations and many countries of the international community The borders of Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti or any other Africa country have the same international status and legitimacy because they all had been drawn by European Colonial powers. Anyone who opposes the legitimacy of Somaliland borders, its statehood, its independence, and its diplomatic recognition is challenging the borders and sovereignty of all African independent states (54 states) whose borders also rose from their colonial borders. African borders are based on land only and not on lineage or clans. There are no clan borders or clan states in Africa or anywhere else in this world. There are only national land-based borders in Africa whose nations consist of many tribes or clans that share common borders and sovereignty. The following African clans clearly show of how same African clans are distributed over different countries. The inhabitance or residence of some African clans is as follows: Fulani Clan: This clan inhabits in Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon etc. Tuareg Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Senegal, Nigeria, Mali, Niger etc. Lunda Clan: This clan inhabits in Congo, Zambia, and Angola. Yoruba Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo. Maasai Clan: This clan resides in Kenya, and Tanzania. Afar Clan: This clan inhabits in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti Gabooye Clan: This clan inhabits in Somaliland, Somalia, Ethiopia Berber Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Morroco, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria. Isaaq Clan: This clan inhabits in Somaliland, Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti Awdal Clan Clan: This tribe inhabits in Somaliland, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Mogadishu Clan Clan: This clan inhabits in Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Darood Clan: This clan inhabits in Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Ethiopia Rahanwein Clan: This clan has inhabitance in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Essa Clan: This clan inhabits in Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Somaliland. The internal security, stability, and peace of Africa rest on respecting, recognizing, and implementing its current borders that rose from colonial borders. If an African country would claim the clan and its land located in another African country, the continent would fall to endless devastating, bloody clan wars, violence, and anarchy. The African continent would not exist as we know it today. The peace and stability of African states depend on respecting and recognizing colonial borders. United Nations and African Union should not allow any country like Somalia or any other country to redraw African colonial borders to avoid the danger of plunging the continent into endless clan wars and anarchy. African Union and African leaders claim that if Somaliland is recognized, it will shift or change the borders of current African independent states inherited from colonial powers leading to instability and political unrest in Africa. If that claim were true, why did not the recognition of South Sudan and Eritrea change the borders of Africa and cause instability and political unrest in African continent? Senegal and Gambia founded federation or union in February 1982 calling it Senegambia. That union was dissolved in September 1989 after a disagreement and each country regained its original independence and diplomatic recognition without changing the borders of Africa. So, why denying Somaliland of regaining that independence and recognition it had before the union with Somalia? Somaliland diplomatic recognition does not need any approval from Somalia as any other African country did not need the approval of its independence and diplomatic recognition from any other African country. Somaliland is not a secessionist or breakaway region from Somalia but Somaliland just withdrew from the union with Somalia after Somalia grossly violated the union and committed injustices and atrocities in Somaliland between 1960-1991. If Nyanza Province of Kenya, or Arusha Region of Tanzania, or Puntland province of Somalia break away from their own respective countries, that would be secessionists, separatists, or breakaways and that would change or shift the colonial borders of Africa inherited from colonial powers and that would create instability and political unrest in the continent of Africa because these provinces share a history and colonial borders with their own countries. The declaration of Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) in 1964 on African Borders was the formal acceptance of the existing colonial borders inherited from colonial powers on which independence and recognition of each African country were based including Somaliland. That declaration had nothing to do with unification, federations, and unions between two or more African countries like the failed union between Somaliland and Somalia formed unthoughtfully and hastily in 1960. A union or federation could be dissolved anytime if the sides disagree each restoring and retaining its original independence and borders. That declaration reinforces the rightful claim of Somaliland to be recognized as an independent nation based on its colonial borders. That declaration does not prevent Somaliland from withdrawing from the union with Somalia and restoring its independence and diplomatic recognition achieved on June 26, 1960. If Uganda and Kenya share union today and after some time they disagree and dissolve that union, each would still be independent, recognized nation on its own colonial borders Somaliland and Somalia are not the first two countries in this world whose union dissolved or ceased to exist. The Soviet Union that had 15 Socialist Republics created by the Bolshevik Revolution led by Lenin in 1917 broke up after social upheavals and political discontent ended its existence peacefully in 1989 with new countries emerging from it such as Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia etc. They are all recognized by the UN and the international community on the basis of their original borders existing before the union. The Federation of former Republic of Yugoslavia that had 8 countries broke up too after bloody civil wars between 1991-1995 and new countries such as Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo etc. emerged from its ashes. All these countries are also recognized diplomatically too for their original borders existing before the federation. This shows that the unity among countries that share a union is not sacred anymore if they have a disagreement. So, Somaliland Republic deserves international diplomatic recognition based on its British colonial borders. The United Nations and Africa Union must condemn the aggression of Federal Somalia against the Somaliland Republic on May 15, 2018, to assure the stability and peace of Africa. Federal Somalia is sternly warned that peace and good neighborly relations between the Somaliland Republic and Federal Somalia will only depend on respecting and recognizing the border between Somaliland and Somalia.
LONG-time campaigner for national self-determination, Kidderminster MEP James Carver took part in Somaliland’s 27th anniversary of independence this week. He travelled to the small African nation’s capital, Hargeisa, as a guest of vice president Abdirahman Saylici where he attended a celebratory parade and had informal talks with government leaders. Mr Carver, Kidderminster-based UKIP MEP for the West Midlands, who has visited Somaliland on three previous occasions, is a staunch supporter of its bid to be internationally recognised as an independent country again. He said: “All peoples have the right to self-determination. Given the historical injustices suffered by Somalilanders, the preservation of this right is all the more important. “I have long been a supporter of Somaliland re-recognition. The massive loss of life suffered during the civil war within Somalia means that no Somalilander could ever contemplate placing the lives of his family, friends and countrymen in the hands of a potentially hostile neighbour. “For Somaliland to prosper, both economically and politically, it is imperative that the international community recognise Somaliland’s sovereignty. “It is my hope that in turn, this would lead to even greater prosperity and freedom across the Horn of Africa.” Though not internationally recognised, Somaliland has a working political system, government institutions, a police force and its own currency. Source: kidderminstershuttle