Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. North Korea’s top three military officials have been removed from their posts, a senior U.S. official said on Sunday, as U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un prepare to meet on June 12 in Singapore. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Baydhabo (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa maanta lagu wadaa in magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta KMG Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed uu ka furmo shirka Golaha amniga Qaranka. Shirkaan oo ka duwan kuwii hore ayaa maalmihii ugu danbeysay waxa uu qaban qaabadiisa ka socday Madaxtooyada Baydhabo. Shirka ayaa waxaa maanta furaaya Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed (Farmaajo), waxaana halkaa ku sugan Ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka Xasan Cali Khayre. Waxaa sidoo kale magaalada Baydhabo ku sugan Hogaamiyayaasha maamul Goboleedyada ka jira dalka sida Puntland, Jubbaland, Galmudug, Hirshabeelle iyo kan Koonfur Galbeed. Mas’uuliyiintaan ayaa khudbado ka jeedin doona shirka, waxaana sidoo kale qeyb ka noqon doona Wakiilada Beesha caalamka ka jooga Somalia Wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Somalia. Sidoo kale, waxaa si wayn loo adkeeyay ammaanka Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta KMG ee Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed, kadib markii ciidan badan oo xerooyinkooda ku jiray banaanka loo soo saaray, si ay ammaanka u xaqiijiyaan. Shirka Golaha Amniga Qaranka oo magaalada Baydhabo uu ku shir guddoomin doono Madaxweynaha Somaliya ayaa waxaa horyaalla arrimo muhiim ah oo la xiriira ammaanka dalka. Shirka goloha amniga qaranka ayaa looga hadlayaa qorshaha lagu soo badhigi doono kulan ka qabsoomaya magaladda Brussles ee dalka Belguim, kaas oo la doonayo in lagu dajiyo qorshaha siyasadeed iyo amni ee dalka. Shirka ayaa waxaa laga soo saari doonaa natiijooyin wanaagsan oo sii dardar gelinaya arrimaha amniga, federaaleynta dalka, khayraad wadaagga iyo in dalka lagu soo dabaalo siyaasad degan oo ku dhisan wadatashi. Docda kale, Shirkii midkan ka horeeyay ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa looga hadlay arrimo dhawr ah oo ay ku jiraan dhismaha ciidanka iyo amniga, taasi oo qeyb weyn ka noqon doonto shirkan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Baydhabo
  3. Mulki Hagi traveled a long way – from Somalia, to Egypt, to Dubai, to Ohio – before her family settled in Portland. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. The world should stand up to Washington’s bullying behavior, Iran’s foreign minister was quoted as saying on Sunday by state media in a letter to counterparts, as the top diplomat intensifies efforts to save a nuclear deal after a U.S. exit. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Relatives of people who have disappeared mysteriously in the border town of Liboi, Garissa, have asked the government to locate their whereabouts. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Tunisia's Defense Ministry says at least 46 migrants have died after their boat sank off the country's southern coast and 67 others were rescued by the coast guard on Sunday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. Addis-Ababa (Caasimada Online) – Ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed ayaa shalay sheegay in dalkiisa uu dhisanayo ciidamada badda iyo maraakiib dagaal, inkasta oo ay jirto in Ethiopia aysan lahayn wax bad ah, oo ciidamadaas ay ka howl-galaan. Dad badan oo Soomaali ah ayaa durba billaabay inay is-weydiiyaan sida dal aan bad lahayn uu ciidan bad ku yeelan karo. Is-weydiin kaliya maahee, qaarkood ayaa billaabay inay ka wallaacaan hadalka Abiy Ahmed iyo saameynta uu ku yeelan karo Soomaaliya. Baraha bulshada ee Soomaalida ku sheekeystaan sida facebook, ayaa walaaca ugu weyn ee ka taagan, waxa uu yahay in Ethiopia ay isku haleeneyso badda Soomaaliya, oo ciidankeeda halkaas ay fariisin u noqon doonto. Sanadihii dhowaa Ethiopia waxa ay si muuqata u maamuleysay maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya, waxaana dadka qaar walaaciyey in qorshahoodu yahay in ay Soomaaliya kusii hayso marxaladdan ah maamulo badan oo is-garab ordaya, si ay taas uga faa’iideysato, una maamusho xeebaha Soomaaliya. Heshiiska dhowaan ay shirkadda DP World la gashay Somaliland ee dekedda Berbera, oo Ethiopia laga siiyey 19%, inkasta oo aysan wax shaqo ah ku lahayn, ayaa dadka qaar tusaale usoo qaateen inuu muujinayo heerka uu gaarsiisan yahay damaca Ethiopia ee xeebaha Soomaaliya. Marka laga soo tago Somalia, afarta dal ee kale ee Ethiopia xuduudda la leh ee xeebaha leh, dhammaantood waa dalal leh dowladi dhisan oo shaqeynaya oo awood leh, waana Kenya, Sudan, Jabuuti iyo Eritrea. Sidaa darteed Ethiopia kuma gardarroon karto, waxaana dal kaliya ee baylahan uu u muuqdaa Soomaaliya. Waa wax laga dhursugayo, halka ay ciidamada badda Ethiopia ee la dhisayo ka howl-galaan, hase yeeshee Soomaalida xaq ayey u leeyihiin inay ka walaacaan qorshahan. Bal inoo sheeg, sida ay adiga kula tahay, adiga oo fikirkaaga kusoo diraya:
  8. Berbera (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Shirkadda DP world ee dhawaan la wareegay dekedda Berbera, ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay isbedelka laga dareemayo Dekkada Berbera. Maamulka oo isbedelka Dekadda la wadaagay Wargeyska World street journal, ayaa sheegay in dhaqdhaqaaqa dekedda uu iminka kordhay 20%, markii la barbar dhigo shaqooyinkii hore ee ka socday Dekadda. Maamulka Shirkada ayaa Wargeyska u sheegay in Dekadda Berbera ay ka howlgaliyeen Qalab casri ah oo laga keenay dalka Imaaraadka kuwaa oo qaabilsan dajinta iyo rarista Maraakiibta kusoo xirta Berbera. Agaasimaha fulinta ee dekedda Berbera ee shirkadda DP world Mr. Supachai Wattanaveerachai oo u waramaayay Wargeyska ayaa yiri ‘’Xaqiiqdii waxaan shaki noogu jirin inuu sii kordhaayo isbedelka ka socda Dekadda Berbera, qorshaheenu waa inaan la imaanaa isbedel cusub’’ Mr Supachai Wattanaveerachai ayaa intaa raaciyay in balaarinta iyo casriyaynta dekedda Berbera ay qayb ka tahay istaraatajiyad la doonayo in lagu hanto gobalka Geeska Afrika iyo meelo kaleba. Qorshaha ugu weyn ayuu sheegay inuu yahay si gacan looga geysan lahaa ganacsiga iyo kor u kaca dhaqaalaha dalalka deriska sida Ethiopia iyo guud ahaan wadamada kale ee bariga Afrika. Sidoo kale, Agaasimaha shirkada u qaabilsan Dekadda Berbera ayaa Wargeyska World street journal u sheegay in howlgalinta Dekadda laga dareemayo xitaa hoos u dhac ku imaaday qiimaha la kala iibsan jiray maciishada iyo Ganacsiyada kale. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Shirkadda DP world ayaan u joojin digniinada iyo Khilaafka Imaaraadka kala dhexeeya Somalia kaa oo ka dhashay Heshiiska Dekadda Berbera oo lagu tilmaamay mid aan xalaal aheyn. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  9. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) – Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka Somaliland ee UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa si kulul uga hadlay Hanjabaad uu sheegay inay kaga imaaday Xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka Puntland. Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxa uu sheegay in Xildhibaankaasi uu ugu soo hanjabay inuu dilaayo meel waliba oo uu ku arko, hase ahaatee waxa uu dhankiisa ka sheegay inaanu u geysan Karin “Cijo foodeed”. Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxa uu tilmaamay in Xildhibaankaasi xitaa uu shacabka Puntland faray inay Khaarijiyaan halka ay ku arkaan, balse waxa uu Guddoomiye Faysal arrinkaasi ku tilmaamay mid aan laga fiirsan. Waxa uu yiri “Inankaas yari wuu iska hadlay, muxuu I yeeli karaa, waxba ima yeeli karo, waxbana igama qaadi karo, wuu iska hadlay, waxaanu muujiyey garadkiisa, ee aniga alle ayaa qoray wakhtiga aan dhimanayo, wakhtigaygana kama horeeynayo, kama dambaynayo,ee inankan yar ee aniga ii soo hanjabaya waxaan leeyahay adeer waxba ima yeeli kartid, ee naxliga iyo xumaanta iska daa” Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayuu intaa raaciyay “Waxa uu isku khalday Somaliland iyo Puntland, waxaanu u sheegayaa inuu ka fiirsado hadalada khatarta u keeni kara ee uu ka sheegayo warbaahinta” “Adeer waxaa ku leeyahay halka aad dadka ku disho ayaa kaa luntay, anigu waxaan filayaa inaad igu khaldantay ee yuusan hadal kaa tagin’’ ayuu yiri Sidoo kale, Faysal Cali Waraabe, ayaa maamulka Puntland uga digay inay ku dhiiradaan ku nagaanshiyaha deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool. Dhinaca kale, hanjabaada loo jeediyay Faysal Cali Waraabe,ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland ay hawada isu marinayaan Hanjabaado ka dhashay dagaalka ka taagan deegaanka Tukaraq. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  10. Berbera (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Shirkadda DP world qeybta Dekadda Berbera ayaa shaaciyay inay sii kordhayaan shaqalaha ka howlgala Dekadda Berbera ee Somalia. Maamulka ayaa sheegay in shaqaalaha hadda ka howlgala Dekadda uu mid waliba ku qoran yahay qeyb aqoontiisa khuseysa, hase ahaatee la rajeynaayo inay sii kordhaan. Supachai Wattanaveerachai oo ah Agaasimaha fulinta dekedda Berbera ee shirkadda DP world, ayaa sheegay in shaqaalaha hadda u diiwaan gashan ay yihiin 2,200 Laba kun iyo laba boqol. Supachai oo u waramaayay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in shaqaalaha uu cadadkooda ku kordhay muddo kooban iminkana ay isku diyaarinayaan qaadashada shaqaale cusub. Agaasimaha fulinta dekedda Berbera, ayaa intaa raaciyay in shirkadooda ay tahay tan ugu shaqaalaysiinta badan dhalinyarada kasoo jeeda Somaliland. Sidoo kale, DP world ayuu sheegay inay ka faa’iideysaneyso fursadeeda isla markaana ay diyaar u tahay inay u faa’iideyso Somaliland oo ay wada galeen heshiis. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, howlgalinta shaqaalaha aadka u badan ayaa cagsi ku ah amar ay dhawaan Dowlada Somalia ku mamnuucday shirkada DP world oo aan sifo sharci ah ku joogin Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  11. Geedka Bardaha ah ee Taleex ku yaal, 2011 ayaa waxaa isugu yimid, 13 Isim, 64 cuqaal, Qurba jog, Guuto kobaad ( Haweenka) iyo Siyaasiyiinta (Group 6) ama G6 oo fakarka ama abaabulka shirkaan lahaa. Muddo dabadeed, ayaa waxaa lagu dhawaaqay Khatumo oo lagu heshiiyey inay yeelato sadex madaxweyne oo midkiiba lix bilood xukunka hayo. Labadii madaxweyne ee ugu horreeyey, mudane Biindhe iyo Axmed Cilmi Cismaan ( Karaash) ayaa kasoo muuqday Garoowe ayagoo sheegay inay socon-weydey balantii ahayd xoraynta dhulka maqan iyo isku duubnida dadka, taasna ay ka doorbideen inay dib ula midoobaan Puntland, Khatumana aysan socon Karin waqtigaan, waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene. Waqtigii loo balansanaa shirkii labaad ee Bardihii taleex, waxaa shir isugu yimid isimo, magaalada Boocame, kuwaas oo qaadacay Shirkii labaad ee Taleex, mid kalana iclaamiyey, taasoo tafaraaruqa meel dheer gaarsiisay, laakiin siyaasiyiintii G6 ayaa ku balamay mar labaad xuruntii Taleex inay madaxweyne cusub ku doortaan, waxaana u caleemo saarnaa Cali khaliif Galaydh;Siyaasiyiin kale oo badanna waa la dhacsanaayeen siyaasaddaan, waana taageersanayeen in Cali Khaliif Hogaanka qabto. Qalcaddii Taleex Nasiib darro dhiig sokeeye baa ku daatay Taleex, markay Somaliland weerar kusoo qaaday oo qabsatay qalcadda quruxda badan ee taariikhda dheerna leh ee Taleex, Cali Khaliif iyo raggiisiina waxay u carareen Saaxdheer, muddo yar dabadeedna Somaliland baa ka daba-tagtay, laakiin nasiib-wanaag waxaa u suura-gashay inay u gudbaan Baligii gabayga u ka tiriyey Sayid Maxamed ee EERAGOO, dabadeedna, waxay xorun ka samaysteen Bali-cad, muddana fariisin u noqotay, oo uu nasiino yar ka helay. Cali Khaliif Galeydh, oo siyaasadda ku cirraystay, waxa uu wasiir ka noqday dowladdii kacaanka 1980kii ilaa 1982, wasiirkii warshadaha; Waxaa loo magacaabay wassiirka kowaad dowladdii u hogaaminaayey Cabdi/qasim Salaad, 2012kiina wuxuu ka mid noqday Baarlamaankii dowladdii Xasan Shiikh madaxweynaha ka ahaa, 2014 kiina wuxuu kusoo biiray madaxweynayaashii Khaatumo soo maray. Hadda, cid walba arke meesha uu hayaanka u ahaa iyo halka uu rabo inuu reerka ku furo, oo ahayd inuu hoos geeyo Somaliland! Cali Khaliif Galaydh wuxuu maanta la mid yahay siyaasiyiinta faraha badan oo kasoo jeeda SSC oo caada-qaatayaalka noqday, culuq yar oo cunno gumeed ahna loo tuuray; wuxuuna noqday inan gumeed asagoo cimri ku jira, dadkiisana ku caasiyey, cadowgoodana hoos geeyey, waxuuna ku badashay magaciisii iyo taariikhdiisii wax yar oo qiima lahayn, una dhigma dhowr majood oo qaad ah oo uusan qaadan qof gob ah. Maanta, Caade-qaate Cali Khaliif waxuu ka mid yahay hogaamiyayaasha ama horgalada dagaalka kusoo qaaday dhulkii inuu xoreeyo laga sugaayey, caqligii miyuu ka lumay, mise waligiisba sidaas buu ahaa?. Dadka Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, maanta waa midaysan yihiin, waana xoraynayaan dhulka ka maqan, magacooda iyo sharaftoodana waa difaacanayaan, cidn u baahan Galaydhna ma jidho maanta ee cimrigiisii buu ceeb ku sogootiyey. Mahamud J. Farah Fort McMurray, AB Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid
  12. “Death is certain. Life is uncertain.” Dhawaanahan waxa sida dhibcaha roobka oo kale ugu soo daadanayay marinka fariimaha khaaska ah la isugu diro Facebook ee Maseenjarka fariin muuqaaleed cinwaan looga dhigay “Xamar ma saanaa u dambeysay.” Fariintu ayaa muujineysay dilal qiyaastii toboneeyo ka yar oo laga fuliyay Muqdisho iyo nawaaxigeeda. Muuqaalkan, kaliya ula jeedada ugu weyn ee laga lahaa waxay u muuqaneysay cabsi-gelin iyo barabogaan loo sameynayo qolyaha kasoo horjeeda nolosha iyo jiritaanka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Lama yaabin cidda muuqaalkaas sameysay iyo ula jeedka ay ka lahayd, balse weli waxaaan la fajac sanahay qaar badan oo dadkeena kamid ah oo muuqaal ahaan u eg akhyaar waxbartay (Diini & Maaddi), markay fariimaha noocaasa oo kale luuqa kuugu soo diraan mar iyo labo jeer ka badan si ay adigoo isgoyska Carwa’idka, Cali kamiin Bakaaraha lugeynaya kuu cabsi geliyaan, si toosana ay uga qeyb qaataan dacaayadda iyo cabsi-gelinta ka dhanka ah nolosha shacbiga Muqdisho. Xikmad baa oraneysa “Death is certain. Life is uncertain” oo micnaheedu yahay “Geeridu waa mid la hubo. Noloshuse wa mid aan la hubin” waa meesha aynu ka niraahno geeridu waa lama huraan. Waxaa hubaal ah in caalamka uusan ka jirin dal aan lagu dhiman ama aan dad lagu khaarajin. Tusaale ahaan, Mareykanka oo lagu sheego quwadda 1-aad ee caalamka milateri ahaan, dhaqaale ahaan iyo wax soo saar ahaanba, bal aynu hoos ka eegno waxa sanad walba ka dhaca: Sida ku cad “Gun Violence Archive” oo ah jamciyad madaxbanaan oo diiwaan-gelisa qalalaasaha ka dhasha hubka gudaha Mareykanka waxa uu tibaaxayaa in cel-celis ahaan bil walba Mareykanka lagu toogto 1,200-1,500 ruux. 2017 waxa lagu dilay 15,619; 2016 waxa lagu dilay 15,098, halka sanadkan 2018 ee shanta bilood kaliya ayna dhaaftay dhimashadu ay caga-cageynayso 13,532 ruux. Labo sano iyo shanti bilood ee na dhaaftay waxa Mareykanka toogasho lagu khaarajiyay dad gaaraya 44,300 ruux (Afartan iyo Afar kun iyo saddex boqol oo ruux). Sidoo kale, arinta uurku taalada weyn leh ayaa ah in dadka la laayo tiro badan oo kamid ah ay caruur ama dhalinyaro yihiin. Sanadkan 2018 kaliya waxa toogasho lagu dilay 695 caruur ah oo da’doodu u dhaxeyso (0-11) iyo sidoo kale dhalinyaro gaaraysa 2,695 oo ay da’doodu u dhaxeyso (12-17) sano. Dhinaca kale, Gobolka Minnesota oo ah gobolka ay nool yihiin Soomaalida ugu badan ee joogta Mareykanka waxaa intii u dhaxeysay 2014-2018 ka dhacay ku dhawaad 3,000 oo dhacdo oo lagu khaarajiyay dad gaaraya 2,782 ruux oo ay 19 kamida yihiin caruur, halka 92 kalena ay ahaayeen dhalinyaro da’doodu u dhaxeyso (12-17) sano. Dabcan dadka ugu badan ee fariimahan ii soo diray aniga khaasatan waxay u badnaayeen qurba-joog dalka dibadda uga maqan ama joogta oo cabsi ku nool. Inkastoo aan aamminsanahay in taxaddarka iyo ilaalinta naftu ay tahay masuuliyad weyn oo ruuxa muslimka ah saaran, haddana waa in qof walba oo inaga mid ah uu qalbigiisa ku qoraa in naftan uu Allaah ina geliyay, wakhtiga u naga qaadayo iyo qaabka uu nooga qaadayana Ilaahay kaliya unbaa og; “Naf waliba wey dhadhamin geerida, Quraan 3:185.” Inaad ka cabsato geerida waxay ka dhigan tahay dabacsanaanta Iimaanka. Haka cabsan geerida ee ka cabso inuusan Allaah kulmin gefkaaga iyo geeridaada. Ugu dambeyntii Soomaaliya waa halka uu ilaahay caalamkan nooga beeray, waana dhulka ay 85-90% weli dadkeenu ay ku nool yihiin ama ay xiriir nololeed oo toosa la leeyihiin, intaad faafin lahayd xummaanta dalkaaga ama aad far ku godi lahayd amnigiisa, noloshiisa, horumarkiisa iyo mustaqbalkiisa, fadlan wanaagiisa iyo quruxdiisa ka shaqee. Xasuusnoow in Xamar 30kii sano ee lasoo dhaafay dagaal fool-ka-fool ah, qarax, dilal-qorsheysan, iyo shirqoollo kaleba loogu dhimanayay ama loogu barakacayay welina khatartii iyo cabsidii soo jireenka ahayd shacbigu wey la nool yihiin. Siyaasiyiinta iyo madaxda wey yimaadaan, weyna baxaan, balse Soomaaliya wey jiraysaa oo iyadaa na hurran. W/Q Abdiqafaar Shire
  13. Warbixin kasoo baxdey taliska Bosaso Ciidamada Amaanka Puntland (PSF) ayaa lagu soo bandhigay muuqaalka iyo sawirada meydadka 41 ka mid ah maleeshiyo ka tirsan kooxda Alshabab oo habeen ka hor weerar gaadmo ah ay kusoo qaadeen mid ka mid ah saldhigyadda ciidanka PMPF Puntland ku leeyihiin deegaanka Bali Khadar. Saraakiisha ciidanka PSF ayaa shalay warbaahinta u sheegay inay dilleen 41 ka mid ah koox ka tirsan Alshabab oo habeen hore soo weerartay mid ka mid ah saldhigyadda ciidanka Puntland ay ku leeyihiin buuraha Galgala ka dib markey sheegeen inay uga daba tageen togga Majare oo ay sheegeen inay dagaal kula galeen galinkii dambe ee shalay. Dagaalka dhexmarey cutubyo ka tirsan ciidanka Puntland iyo Maleeshiyadda shabab ee ku dhuumalaysta buuraha Galgala ayaa imaanaya xilli maalintii shalay si weyn looga hadal hayay deegaanada Puntland iska hor imaadkii habeen ka hor ka dhacay deegaanka Bali Khadar oo ay saldhig ku lahaayeen ciidanka badda Puntland. Ciidamada Puntland ayaa muddo ku dhaw 9 sano dagaal kula jira deegaano ka tirsan buuraha Silsiladda Golis kooxo ku dhuumalaysta oo ah maleeshiyo ah ka kala tirsan ururada islaamiga ee Daacish iyo Alshabab. Daawo muuqaalladda. Bosaso PUNTLAND POST The post Puntland oo soo bandhigtay meydadka tiro ka mid ah Alshababta buuraha Galgala. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. Baydhabo (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaali Farmaajo iyo Wafdi uu haggaaminayo ayaa maanta gaaray magaalada Baydhabo, halkaas oo lagu wado in uu ka furmo shirka Golaha Amniga. Farmaajo waxaa garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Baydhabo ku soo dhaweeyay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Md. Xasan Cali kheyre ,Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan, Mas’uuliyiin kale iyo Shacabka Magaaladaasi. Shirka Golaha Amniga oo uu shir guddiimin doono Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa Waxaana looga hadli doonaa xaaladda guud ee dalka, gaar ahaan arrimaha Amniga iyo Siyaasadda. Sidoo kale shirka goloha amniga qaranka ayaa looga hadlayaa qorshaha lagu soo badhigi doono kulan ka qabsoomaya magaladda Brussles ee dalka Belguim, kaas oo la doonayo in lagu dajiyo qorshaha siyasadeed iyo amni ee dalka. Waxaana qayb ka ah shirkan madaxda maamul goboleedyadda dalka iyo guddoomiyha gobolka Benaadir. Socdaalka Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya maanta uu ku tagay Magaalada Baydhabo waxaa ku wehliyay Wasiirada Gaashaandhigga, Amniga, Qorsheynta iyo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho. Sidoo kale waxaa Baydhabo ku sugan dhammaan Madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada Soomaaliya, waxaana la filayaa in meesha laga saaro mugdiga soo kala dhex galay dowladda dhexe iyo Maamulada dalka ka jiro. Shirkan Golaha Amniga kii kahoreeyay ee bishii Febaraayo 2018-ka ka dhacay Muqdisho waxaa la isla meel-dhigay Arrimo dhor ah oo ay ku jireen dhismaha Ciidanka iyo Amniga taasoo qeyb weyna ka noqon doonto shirakan ka furmaya Baydhaba. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. Cabo Delgado province, which is expected to become the center of the country's nascent natural gas industry after several promising discoveries, has seen a number of deadly attacks by suspected radical Islamists since October. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. Saad Ali Shire (PhD) was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somaliland in October 2015. Prior to his appointment he was the Minister of National Planning and Development for five years from 2012 to 2015. During his tenure as minister of national planning, he served in many committees including the National Planning Commission, the Somaliland Development Fund Joint Steering Committee, Somaliland Business Fund Grant Advisory Panel, Civil Service Reform Committee, Public Finance Reform Committee, Budget Policy Committee, Private Sector Reform Committee, Land Policy Reform Committee, Berbera Port/Corridor Development Committee. Prior to joining the public sector, Shire was the Managing Director of UK and Europe Dahabshiil Transfer Services Limited, a money transfer service company. Before that, he held senior positions in the community development sector, lectured at the college of Agriculture of Somali National University and worked for the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Bank. Shire is an economist and an agronomist. He studied agriculture at both Havana University, Cuba, and Somali National University where he earned his bachelor’s degree. He subsequently went to Pennsylvania State University in the US, where he did his master’s and PhD degrees in Agricultural Economics. He also has a post graduate diploma in Islamic Banking, and is an IMC member of the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) Society of UK. On the 27th anniversary of Somaliland’s reclaimed independence from Somalia, Birhanu Fikade of The Reporter sat down with Shire for a brief interview in Hargeisa. Excerpts: The Reporter: On Somaliland’s 27th year Independence Day celebrations, what are the milestones that you can say were achieved since reclaiming your autonomy? Saad Ali Shire (PhD): It feels great to celebrate the 27th anniversary of Somaliland’s independence from Somalia. By the way, Somalia and Somaliland were two different sovereign countries [even before the British and Italians]. Somaliland was under the British protectorate while Somalia was under the Italian trusteeship. In 1960, at the time when there were a lot of anti-colonial sentiment and movements across Africa, the dream of bringing the Somali inhabited regions in the Horn of Africa together was born. By the time, we wanted to unite the French Somaliland, now Djibouti, the Ogaden Region in Ethiopia and part of the North Distance Frontier (NFD) in Kenya. In that emotion, we rushed into realizing a unity with Somalia. Unfortunately, right from the start, the union didn’t work as expected. So was it a voluntary union? Yes, it was a voluntary unity. We had our people votes on the matter and drafted a union constitution in 1961. The process was organized by then young military officers of Somaliland. But, it was not successful either; and hence a movement or a process of reclaiming our independence was started. Early in the 1980s, there was a resistance movement to liberate Somaliland from the tyranny of the Siad Barre and his regime. That went on for ten years, from 1981 to 1991, during which time Somaliland has faced great destructions. The capital Hargeisa was destroyed and leveled to the ground. So since 1991, we have been rebuilding; and everything you could see in Hargeisa today is an outcome of this reconstruction. Over the years, we were not only able to rebuild the physical assets of our country but also developed our social services. For instance, in 1991, there were no schools in Somaliland but today we have 1000 schools across the country. We hardly have any clinic 27 years ago, but today we have health posts almost in every district. We also have 10 universities at moment but we didn’t have one at that time. Every year, we have close to 6000 students graduating from universities. I think we came a long way since 1991 and it feels great to celebrate our independence day with such outcomes. Apart from democracy, stability and peace what most people talk about in Somaliland is international recognition. But why did the international community fail to recognize your country for 27 years? I think we have historical, legal, political and humanitarian rights to be recognized. Somaliland is not the first country that dissolved a union. Many African countries have done it before. For instance, Senegal and Gambia were together at one point. The Fresh Sudan and Senegal were in union before. You have Ethiopia and Eretria, Egypt and Syria, the Sudan and South Sudan were also together as one country. There are so many examples that we could cite which dissolved their unities voluntarily. It’s nothing new what Somaliland is trying to do. We have fulfilled all the conditions of a sovereign state; we fit all the criteria. But, it is a valid question to ask why the international community is not recognizing Somaliland. That is in fact a question for the international community. I think there are two reasons for not recognizing us as a nation. One is fear and the other one is ignorance. When we say fear, I think there are a lot people who fear that this process might create what they call a Pandora’s Box. It is a fear that other countries in the region or beyond might emulate and this might lead to more countries spliting. I think that has been proven not to be the case. The AU Commission which came to Somalia in 2005, said in its reports that the case of Somaliland is unique and that “there is nothing like it”. Hence, there is no reason to fear that this will create a Pandora’s Box. There is no country with the same history as ours. The other reason that hindered our recognition is ignorance to the situation we are in and our historical background. Many people try to mix-up Somaliland and Somalia. They just think that Somaliland is a relegated region that wants to secede from a country: Somalia. That is not the case. Is it because Somalia is claiming Somaliland to be part of its territory? Are they saying that? At any rate, it is a misleading claim because we were two nations that had voluntarily joined and now trying to voluntarily dissolve the union on equal settings. There is no reason they should claim that. The people of Somaliland have made up their minds. They have said enough is enough. We don’t want to be part of Somalia because we had suffered a lot. Hence, why do we want to tolerate and prolong our suffering anymore when we can have our own independence? It is feared that your bid to be recognized as an independent nation might be at stake following the recent Berbera Port development project to which the UAE and Ethiopia are stakeholders. We have heard objections from Somalia. They called for the annulment of the port agreement. What is the reaction of your government to that position? Is that going to put Somaliland in a more precarious situation? I think, this claim is wrong in two ways. Back in 2014, at a meeting held in Djibouti, between then Presidents of Somaliland and Somalia, the two nations has agreed not to politicize development projects in the two countries. The port development project is a development project. It’s also wrong because Somalia has no business in Somaliland; just as we have no business running in Somalia. We are two different separate countries. By the way, this is not the first economic accord that the two nations have signed. We have signed many business deals in the past. We have entered into treaties. We have agreed and signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with many countries and companies before. There’s really nothing new. They have never made a fuse about agreements we made with any other country before. We understand why they are making such claims regarding the deal we have sealed with Ethiopia and the UAE. We believe they are making such claims because of Ethiopia. They might not be comfortable with the inclusion of Ethiopia in the project. That is the same reason why Somaliland wants to be recognized because it is the guarantor of peace. We don’t want to go back to the crisis we had in 1964 or in 1977. The government of Somalia might still be clinging to the idea of creating the Greater Somalia. So, we say, the only guarantor of peace and stability in the region is the recognition of Somaliland. Was there any discussion among Somaliland, Somalia, UAE and Ethiopia following the statements made by Somalia regarding the port development project? The agreement among UAE, Ethiopia and Somaliland remains intact. It is not affected by the position taken by the government of Somalia. They can say whatever they wanted to say; but we remain committed and make progress on our agreement. It is unlikely to remain at peace and stability for 27 years in a region that is hostile and fragile. But, you have done that; so how did you manage to be at peace when other neighbors aren’t? The difference between Somaliland and Somalia begins with the routes we took soon after the collapse of the government of Somalia. We have taken two divergent routes. Our route started with reconciliation. We had a serious of seven meetings on reconciliation process. After we had the reconciliation we started building a transitional government which then transformed into a democratic state through inclusive democratic systems of governance which is in place today. We had demobilized the militias. I think these are the main differences between Somalia and Somaliland. They haven’t had any reconciliation yet. There are a lot of people who are aggrieved and they still feel that justice hasn’t been done there. They haven’t demobilized the militia. They don’t have an inclusive government yet. We have conducted six elections all monitored by the international community. We have been able to stage “free and fair elections” as observers have declared. But, Somalia didn’t have one like that. I think Somaliland is a product of the people of Somaliland. There are no foreign troops here. We don’t have AMISOM and the reconciliation process was successfully held without the interventions of foreign parties. The UN was not involved. It was in indigenous process. As a matter of fact, I think that has saved us. It is said that the UN has offered to help. But, the elders had refused to accept. They said once you have accepted some sort of help or money, then someone will start to dictate your destiny. Hence, to be free and do what you wish to do right, you don’t have to be bound by someone else’s favor. That’s the philosophy they have back then; and that is how it worked to build democracy in our country. The Reporter
  17. HARGEISA–The minister of education flanked by the minister of national planning and the director general of the planning ministry yesterday met with delegation from KfW Development Bank based in Germany. The German delegation was led by the Head of KfW Bank to the Horn of Africa, Hon. Andreas Holtkotte. The KFW Bank will assist Somaliland on the establishmemnt of Technical and Vocational Education int the country.
  18. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Taliyaha ciidamada xoogga dalka, ayaa uga digay ciidanka xasilinta Muqdisho inay si aan wanaagsanayn ula dhaqmaan ciidamada kale ee dowladda Somalia, gaar ahaa Millateriga, kaddib markii ay maalmahan soo laalaabteen iska-horimaadyo u dhexeeya ciidanka millateriga iyo kuwa xasilinta. Jen. C/weli Jaamac Gorod oo la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in haddii ay ciidamada xasilintu la kulmaan ciidamada kale ee dowladda oo hub wata inay weydiiyaan aqoonsiyadooda, laakiinse aan loo baahnayn inay si xun ula dhamaan. “Saraakiisha ciidamada xasilinta waxaa laga doonayaa inay aqoonsiyadooda weydiiyaan, ka hor inta uusan dhicin gacan-ka-hadal dhexmara, taasoo ah mid cawaaqib-xumo horseedaysa,” ayuu yiri Jen. Gorod. Taliyaha oo sii hadlayay ayaa sheegay inaan la aqbali doonin in Ciidamadan xasilinta ay si xun ula dhaqamaan saraakiisha ciidanka ee aqoonsigooda la soo baxa, haddii ay taas dhacdana dambi lagu qaadi doono askarigii falkaas ku kaca. “Ciidamada xasilinta caasimadda u xilsaaran waajibka laga rabo waxa weeye inay ixtiraamaan ciidanka kale ee Qaranka ee dhibaatada aan wadin oo aad si deggen oo aan xaqaan lahayn, xabad lahayn, canaan lahayn u weydiisaa aqoonsigooda iyo meesha uu ka tirsan yahay,” ayuu yiri Jen. C/weli Gorod. Sidoo kale, Taliyaha oo sii hadlaya ayaa mar kale yiri. “haddii aqoonsigiisa uu saxan yahay waad sii daynaysaan, waayo ciidanku saraakiil xukunta ayay leeyihiin. Haddii sarkaal uu teesarihiisa kula soo baxo inaad si xun ula dhaqanto mid suuro-gal ah ma ahan, ninkii galana dambi ayuu qaadanayaa.” Dhanka kale, Jen. C/weli Jaamac Gorod ayaa dhanka kale ciidamada xoogga dalka ugu baaqay inay ka digtoonaadaan inay fasax la’aan xeryahooda ka baxaan, isagoo xusay in askarigii fasax la’aan lagu qabto magaaalada inuu isagu qaadi doono mas’uuliyadda dhibaatadii ka timaadda. Ugu dambeyn, Hadalka Taliyaha ayaa imaanaya iyadoo dhawrkii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay ay Muqdisho dhawr jeer ku dagaallameen Muqdisho, sababo la xiriira khliaafyo soo dhex-galay, waxaana dagaalladaas ay sabab u noqdeen dhimasho iyo dhaawacyo kala duwan oo dhinacyada soo gaaray. PUNTLAND POST The post JENERAAL GOROD: Ciidamada Xasilintu waa in si Wanaagsan ay ula dhaqmaan Ciidanka kale appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. The Ethiopian government on Saturday approved a draft bill to lift the six-month state of emergency rule that was sanctioned in mid February. The Ethiopian Council of Ministers, in its meeting on Saturday, decided to lift the emergency rule ahead of its deadline, attributing the decision to the East African country’s current stability in political and security spheres. The six-month martial law, which had a possibility of extension period if security situation had not been improved, was initially sanctioned by the Council of Ministers on February 16, which was later approved by the Ethiopian parliament’s lower house within 15 days of the initial decision. The bill to lift the emergency rule is now expected to be approved by the Ethiopian House of People’s Representatives (HoPR), the parliament’s lower house. The HoPR is exclusively dominated by the ruling coalition, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front. The Ethiopian government stressed, while sanctioning the law, the necessity to protect the country’s constitution, and the safety of citizens and their property from the dangers that would arise from widespread violent demonstrations that erupted in different parts of the country since the second half of 2016. The emergency rule prohibited possession of armaments at public areas or transferring firearms to third party as well as providing support to activities which affect the peace and well-being of citizens. The decree, among other things, prohibited issuing statement on security matters without the permission of the Command Post (a special entity that was established to watch over the implementation of the emergency rule), distributing erroneous information that contradicts the law and the directives issued by the Command Post. It also forbids carrying weapons in unauthorized regions of the country. The state of emergency also outlined curfews prohibiting movement of individuals around infrastructures, investment areas and other related places. The Command Post, soon after the institution of the state of emergency rule, had also authorized Ethiopian security officers to take measures against individuals or groups that are found in breach of the curfew. The current 6-month state of emergency period was the second the East African country imposed since the second half of 2016 due to deteriorated security condition, which at times turned violent. Ethiopia had witnessed a 10-month long state of emergency period that was effective as of October 2016. The draft bill to lift the current six-month state of emergency rule on Saturday has been positively welcomed by Ethiopians. The move also followed recent decision by the Ethiopian government to release prominent opposition figures as well as former Ethiopian government officials who were arrested due to corruption cases from imprisonment. The amnesty program, which the Ethiopian government said is a means towards national reconciliation and unity, has seen the release of thousands of prisoners and others under investigation since the swearing in of Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, on April 2. Source: – Xinhua
  20. Baydhabo (Caasimadda Online)- Waxaa magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ka socdo shirar goono gooni ah oo u dhaxeeyo madaxda maamul goboleedyada iyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo. Madaxweynaha iyo madaxda maamul Goboleedyada ayaa si wadajir ah ugu afuray xarunta madaxtooyada Koonfur Galbeed. Sida qorshaha yahay madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa caawa illaa berri kulamo goono gooni ah la qaadan doono madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada si looga wada hadlo mugdiga soo kala dhex galay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey. Madaxweynaha ayaa madaxda Maamul goboleedyada ka dhageysan doono tabashada ay qabaan waxaana la filayaa in heshiis laga gaaro. Shirkii amniga oo uu shir guddoomin lahaa Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa maanta dib u dhacay waxaana la filayaa inuu Berri si rasmi ah u furmo. Waxaa magaalada Baydhabo ku sugan dhammaan madaxda maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya? Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir, Ra,Isulwasaaraha iyo madaxweyne Farmaajo. Wixii kusoo kordho shirarka socdo waan idiin soo gudbin doonaa Inshaa Allah
  21. The International Organization for Migration says it has repatriated 150 Somali migrants stranded in Libya this past week. Most had been held in government-run detention centers for months under abysmal conditions. The returning Somali migrants account for only a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees living in precarious conditions in Libya. The International Organization for Migration believes as many as one million people, most from Arab and African countries, have made the dangerous journey to Libya as the gateway to Europe and a better life. But, the reality upon arrival is quite different. IOM says migrants in Libya are exposed to many risks, including smuggling, trafficking, kidnapping, abuse, detention and torture. IOM spokesman Joel Millman says the organization’s voluntary repatriation program has thousands of migrants of different nationalities from this dire fate. “We believe that these flights and other activities that IOM is doing in Libya is assisting in getting people home and that is reducing the risk and the actual fatalities of some of the world’s most vulnerable migrants from this route across the Mediterranean,” he said. Data show nearly 30,000 Somali migrants and refugees have left Libya by sea for Italy since 2014. Millman says this latest voluntary humanitarian return of migrants from Libya to Somalia was the fourth and the largest. He says it also was the first chartered, non-stop flight from the Libyan capital Tripoli to Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. He says IOM plans to return around 300 other vulnerable Somali migrants in Libya back to Mogadishu in the coming weeks. Upon return, he says the migrants are given psychological counseling and some assistance to help them reintegrate into their home communities. Source: – VOA
  22. Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire Hargeisa- The government of Somaliland has accepted the call by the international community concerning the war between Somaliland and Puntland in Tukaraq town. The international community had issued a stern warning to the Puntland militia to stop the constant attack on Somaliland. The minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation Mr.Sa’ad Ali Shire speaking to a local English daily newspaper the Horn Newspaper accused the Somalia sponsored Puntland administration for constant incursions into Somaliland territorial borders to initiate attack on Somaliland armed forces guarding her international borders. Addressing the international community Dr.Sa’ad stated “I urge the community of nations to exert pressure on Puntland and her sponsor Somalia to stop the naked interferences on Somaliland internal affairs. I call on the international community to urge Somalia to intervene so that Somalia quits her constant attacks and propagations of anarchy in Sool region of Somaliland.” Minister Sa’ad revealed that the people of Sool are thirsty and need development, hospitals, schools, jobs. Sool province is located in Somaliland and her people are Somalilanders. “Somalia should disengage from fueling fire in Somaliland. I send my congratulations to Somaliland armed forces for the spirited fight to defend their people and country from the invading Somalia/Puntland militias. This is an army that day a night loses sleep to defend their country and sovereignty. Speaking about the Tukaraq war Mr.Sa’ad “The war that has transpired is an insult to Somaliland because the country boundary is well known inherited from the British colonial masters. We did not create it. It was created by the British and the Italians; furthermore it is an international border just like the one Somalia has with Kenya and Ethiopia. “ In another development the minister of foreign affairs talked about the recent visit by the H.E president Musa Bihi Abdi in the western coastal plains regions of Somaliland that were hit by cyclone. “We toured four towns they are as follows Asha-ado, Gargaar Bari,Lughaya and Sayla’a. The people we met told us many livestock died, many farms were destroyed and upto 31 people lost their lives as a result of the cyclone disaster. These people need emergency relief aid; they need water, food stuff and humanitarian assistance. They lost their livelihood and now live in destitution. I call on the local people who have resources to help their brothers who have been afflicted by the cyclone disaster. International and local humanitarian organizations should come to the peoples’ rescue.” Dr.Sa’ad said. The foreign minister also revealed that the UAE sent two Chinook helicopters to reach the marooned people of the cyclone disaster. They distributed basic disaster relief aid to the western coastal plains. The government of Djibouti also helped with a aero plane that ferried the president of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi to tour the affected region.
  23. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Munsaabad ka dhacday Muqdisho, ayaa waxaa xilka kula wareegay guddoomiyaha cusub ee Maxkamadda sare ee Dalka, Avv. Baashe Yuusuf Axmed. Munaasabadan oo maanta dhacday ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa; wasiirka cadaaladda Somalia, xeer-ilaaliyaha Qaranka, Guddoomiyahii hore ee Maxkamadda sare iyo mas’uuliyiin kale. Guddoomiyahii hore ee maxkamada Sare ee daka, Ibraahim Iidle Suleymaan ayaa sheegay in muddadii uu joogay uu qabtay waxyaabo badan, isagoo ku dhaliilay hay’adaha fulinta ee Dowladda Federaalka Somalia inaysan kasoo dhalaalin hawlaha loo xil-saaray. “Muddadii aan xilka hayay waxaan la kulmay caqabado badan oo ay ugu horreyso fulin la’aanta go’aannada, xukummada, amniga garsoorka kasoo baxa, qofka muwaadinka ah oo wixii loo xukumay inta uu ku dacwoonayey waxaa ka dhib badan inta uu doonayo in loo fuliyo wixii loo xukumay,” ayuu yiri Avv. Iidle. Sidoo kae, Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Maxkamadda Sare, Avv. Baashe Yuusuf oo isna halkaas hadal ka jeediyay ayaa u mahadceliyey guddoomiyahii hore iyo shaqada uu qabto. Guddoomiye Baashe ayaa xusay in isaga iyo madaxweyne Farmaajo isla garteen sameynta dib u habeynta garsoorka oo ay ugu horreyso helista guddiga adeegga garsoorka. “Madaxweynaha waxaan ku ballanay inaan sameynno dib u habeyn ballaaran oo garsoorka ah, waxaana muhiim ah in la helo golihii adeegga garsoorka,” ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha cusub ee Maxkamadda sare ee dalka. Ugu dambeyn, Dhammaadkii bishii lasoo dhaafay ee May ayuu Madaxweyne Famaajo u magacaabay guddoomiyaha maxkmaadda sare ee dalka, Baashe Yuusuf Axmed isagoo xilkii ka qaaday gudoomiyahii hore Avv. Ibraahim Iidle Suleymaan. PUNTLAND POST The post Guddoomiyaha Cusub ee Maxkamadda Sare ee Somalia oo si Rasmi ah ula Wareegay Xilka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. Jowhar (Caasimada Online)-Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyada al-Shabaab ay halkaa kusoo bandhigeen Meydadka askar ay sheegeen inay ku dileen dagaal ka dhacay deegaanka Moqokori oo ka tirsan gobolka Hiiraan. Maleeshiyada ayaa Meydadka kusoo bandhigay fagaare ku yaalla degmada Aadan Yabaal ee gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe, waxaana u daawasho tagay Kontomeeyo qof oo kamid ah dadka deegaankaasi ku nool. Maleeshiyada ayaa fagaaraha kusoo bandhigtay Meydadka 47 askari oo ay sheegeen in ay ka mid ahaayeen 72 askari oo ay ku dileen dagaalkii Moqokori. Waxa ay Askartu dhammaantooda ahaayen kuwa Dowlada ee ka howlgala deegaanka Moqokori oo ka tirsan gobolka Hiiraan. Dagaalka lagu dilay ciidamada oo ay maleeshiyada kasoo qaaden laba JIho ayaa dhacay gelinkii dambe ee Jimcihii ina dhaaftay.
  25. Gender in Crisis: Women in Somaliland’s Informal Economy INTRODUCTION Throughout the Horn of Africa (HoA), war and the cross-border movement of peoples, alongside periodic drought and rapid rural to urban migration have all resulted in the massive expansion of women in the informal economy. While in some parts of the world this expansion has had positive effects on social and economic development, in many cases in the Horn, the proliferation of female populations in the informal sector over the past three decades has not led to any significant change in terms of their position in society. State collapse and the failure of nationbuilding projects across the HoA have provoked the emergence of new (and in some cases old) hurdles to women’s advancement. This includes the reversion to traditional structures and the rise of new, more militant forms of authority that have materialized to take advantage of the space provided by the breakdown of state. Consequently, women find themselves caught between the pressures of globalization and modernization on the one hand, and conservatism and tradition on the other. They are trapped somewhere between positive forms of role change produced by their swelling numbers in the informal economy and stagnation. As other research has pointed out, they are empowered and impoverishedii and lauded and castigated at once. The purpose of this report is to shed light onto the conditions of urban poor women and female informal laborers in Somailand’s capital, Hargeisa. As part of a three country study involving Somaliland, South Sudan and Uganda, the Strategic Initiative for the Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) wishes to highlight the contributions of Somali women to the local economy, their communities and their families, while at the same time calling attention to the risks and challenges that they face in trying to make a livelihood, as well as strategies and coping mechanisms that women engage in for their own economic and physical protection. More specifically, it attempts to grapple with the myriad ways in which Somaliland women try and navigate the incongruous landscape that has resulted from war, state collapse and globalization. The report shows how women’s increasing engagement in the public spaces of the informal sector is punctuated by violence, marginalization and censorship and reflects on their day-to-day experiences in the home, with their customers and with the “state” and its authorities, in order to identify entry points for supporting Somaliland’s urban poor women, specifically those working in the informal economy. Today, women continue working selling tea, khat (a mild amphetamine), jewelry, cosmetics, used clothes, textiles, household items and food stuffs on the street and in the market and in some instances have established small restaurants and shops in Somaliland cities like Hargeisa. However, they are being kept at the margins. They have battled their way into the public spaces of the markets and streets of urban areas and towns in Somaliland in order to meet their basic needs only to be kept there and denied opportunities and access to economic mobility and decision-making. The growing significance of political Islam and more conservative, radical currents of ‘Wahabism,’ or Salafismiii coupled with a weak state and the prominence of clan structures that have had difficulty adapting to an urban contextiv, have meant that women in the informal economy in Somaliland remain incredibly vulnerable to violence, extraction, coercion and abuse – unable to influence decisions at the household, community and national level. As observed elsewhere in the HoA, although there have been profound changes to women’s position in the economy, specifically in the informal sector, the gendered division of labor in women’s private life remains the same, as do the patriarchal attitudes and practices that keep women on the edges of socio-economic life.v Rapid change has created a crisis in gender relations where men are trying to hold onto a glorified past version of Somali masculinity with males as the sole decisionmakers and providers, which is often violently imposed on women. They are trying to retain their once elevated position and status in Somaliland society and fight against changes to the gendered hierarchy that have taken place in the As a result, women’s gains in Somaliland have been limited at best. Methodology SIHA realized that although there is a large body of academic and policy-related literature on women in the informal economy, there is a lack of information on the extent of urban poor women’s marginalization and exclusion in Somalilandvii – the understanding of which, as other research has highlighted, is necessary if interventions are to be able to actually promote inclusive growth and sustainability livelihoods for vulnerable groups.viii Indeed, across the HoA there are a number of non-governmental organization (NGO) programs that are said to not responsive to the socio-cultural and economic conditions of participants in project sites.ix In keeping with SIHA’s research tradition of primarily qualitative documentation for advocacy purposes the report focuses on chronicling the lived experiences of women and girls in the informal economy of Hargeisa. The main vehicle through which data collection occurred were questionnaire guided interviews and focus-group discussions (FGDs) with a broad range of participants, including government officials, civil society groups, including grassroots women’s activists, international NGOs, United Nations (UN) agencies, Somali academics and intellectuals, customary authorities, such as clan elders, internally displaced persons (IDPs), minority clan members, female informal laborers themselves, youth and men. SIHA worked with their local partners in Somaliland to identify participants in different areas of the city and help facilitate contact with informal laborers and those who interact with them. It was felt that this was the best strategy for providing a more nuanced and contextualized description of urban poor women’s coping mechanisms and vulnerabilities in a Somaliland context. Along these lines, the assessment concentrated on obtaining background information on informal sector women, their career aspirations, their opportunities for economic advancement, their responsibilities to the household and the community, their participation in different levels of decision-making, the circumstances that pushed them into this work, the challenges and risks they deal with on a day-to-day basis in trying to earn a livelihood, their interaction with state authorities like the police and their protection and coping mechanisms. The researcher also made space for participants, male and female alike, to narrate and discuss their experiences and perspectives on women’s participation in the economy and general socio-cultural and economic issues facing Hargeisa residents. CONTEXT The situation of urban poor women and female informal laborers in contemporary Somaliland cannot be understood without due consideration to the history of protracted conflict and state and economic collapse that have been cited as contributing to the generation and strengthening of the informal economy. In fact, the modern Somaliland “state” was the product of the insurgency by the Issaq clan dominated Somali National Movement (SNM) in the northwest of Somalia that battled the harsh, repressive policies of the Said Barre regime in the late 1980s before unilaterally declaring the independence in 1991. The war against the Barre government led to massive displacement and casualties amongst Somali populations in the area that is now known as Somaliland, with the number of estimated deaths to be between 50,000 and 100,000 people in Hargeisa alone.xi It also destroyed any existing economic infrastructure, including the closure of market centres and main ports, while at the same time disrupting traditional modes of pastoral life. Coupled with the entrance of men into war-related activities, women increasingly involved themselves in more visible forms of labor.xiii As one scholar pointed out: “…the burden of labour [for women] shifted to tasks such as queuing up for food rations, fetching water from distant sources and engaging in petty trade to supplement their incomes.” The war against Said Barre not only caused civilian destruction, it also created a space for the emergence of traditional forms of authority as clan structures stepped in to provide citizens with security and protection, which the Mogadishu government was unwilling and unable to provide. In Somaliland specifically, clans also played a critical role in the formation and maintenance of the SNM and helped to pave the way for peace in the northwest through local initiatives aimed at creating harmony between competing clans post-1991. The vacuum established by the collapse of the Somali state under Barre also meant the end of secularism as many people turned to political Islam as a way to vent their frustrations with “the failure of secular nationalist ideology to unite Somalis and overcome clannism.”xv During the war, religious militancy gained a footing as an alternative to both the failed attempt at nation-building, as well as patronage-based clannism. As stressed in other works on the Somaliland region, however, this process also entailed the reversal of the gains that women had made legislatively under Barre in terms of bettering their structurally subordinate position in Somali society… Read full paper Somaliland Revised Paper FINAL (3)_Received from Kafia(1)