Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. In what looks like a bid to take up the prime minister’s position, the Oromo People’s Democratic Organisation (OPDO) — one of the four members of the ruling coalition in Ethiopia — on Thursday announced Dr Abiy Ahmed as its new leader. The party said the move was meant to strengthen it and the cause of the Oromo people, but observers say that was the clearest indication that it was going to nominate Dr Abiy for the premier’s position, left vacant by the recent resignation of Hailemariam Desalegn. To be nominated, one has to be the party leader and a member of the national parliament. Dr Abiy, who was the acting chairman, replaced Lemma Megerssa, who is not an MP. Two other parties in the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front ( EPRDF) are expected to nominate candidates for the premiership and seek parliament’s approval. Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the party of the late premier Meles Zenawi, is not expected to nominate a candidate, leaving OPDO, the Southern Ethiopian Peoples’ Democratic Front (SEPDF) of Hailemariam, which is expected to find a new chairman, and the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM) to fight it out.Media reports say the current SEPDF deputy chairman Shiferaw Shigute, who is an MP, is eyeing the position, as is Redwan Hussein, who once served as federal government communications minister. While SEPDF could be supported by the TPLF, which is the dominant partner in the coalition, it is unlikely that Redwan or Shiferaw will get the votes of the other two parties, which together have about 58 per cent of the seats in the national parliament. ANDM has held meetings in the past week, seen as a search for a leader, with the current chairman, Gedu Andargachew, who is not an MP, likely to be replaced by Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen. Observers say the nomination of Demeke, would be a winning stroke, as he could garner 50 plus one votes, even without the support of the OPDO, which has the highest number of seats — 178 of 547 — in parliament. But that could further isolate the Oromo and prolong the political impasse. Already, a state of emergency has been announced as the leaders strive to find a solution to the political crisis in the country ahead of elections slated for May 2020. But will TPLF give up the premier’s position to someone it does not or will not control? This would also mean ceding control of the military, intelligence and generally the economy. Source: – The East African The post All eyes on Ethiopia PM post as Oromo party picks new leader appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Their houses are often made of plastic sheets. Much of their food comes from aid agencies. Jobs are few, and there is painfully little to do. The nightmares are relentless. But six months after their horrors began, the Rohingya Muslims who fled army attacks in Myanmar for refuge in Bangladesh feel one immense consolation. “Nobody is coming to kill us, that’s for sure,” said Mohammed Amanullah, whose village was destroyed last year just before he left for Bangladesh with his wife and three children. They now live in the Kutupalong refugee camp outside the coastal city of Cox’s Bazar. “We have peace here.” On Aug. 25, Rohingya insurgents attacked several security posts in Myanmar, killing at least 14 people. Within hours, waves of revenge attacks broke out, with the military and Buddhist mobs marauding through Rohingya villages in bloody pogroms, killing thousands, raping women and girls, and burning houses and whole villages. The aid group Doctors Without Borders has estimated at least 6,700 Rohingya were killed in Myanmar in the first month of the violence, including at least 730 children younger than 5. The survivors flooded into Bangladesh. Six months later, there are few signs Rohingya are going home anytime soon. Myanmar and Bangladesh have signed an agreement to gradually repatriate Rohingya in “safety, security and dignity,” but the process has been opaque and the dangers remain. New satellite images have shown empty villages and hamlets leveled, erasing evidence of the Rohingyas’ former lives. And with 700,000 having fled Myanmar since August, more Rohingya continue to flee. So for now, the refugees wait. “If they agree to send us back that’s fine, but is it that easy?” asked Amanullah. “Myanmar must give us citizenship. That is our home. Without citizenship they will torture us again. They will kill us again.” He said he would only return under the protection of U.N. peacekeepers: “They must take care of us there. Otherwise it will not work. ” Buddhist-majority Myanmar doesn’t recognize the Rohingya as an official ethnic group and they face intense discrimination and persecution. The children in the camps face a particularly difficult time. The U.N. estimates children are the heads of 5,600 refugee families. A survey of children’s lives inside the camps showed they faced an array of terrors, from girls reporting concerns of harassments near the camp toilets to fears that elephants and snakes could attack them as they collect firewood. “We cannot expect Rohingya children to overcome the traumatic experiences they’ve suffered when exposed to further insecurity and fears of violence in the camps,” Mark Pierce, country director for Save the Children in Bangladesh, said in a statement. The study was prepared jointly by Save the Children, World Vision and Plan International. “The overwhelming message from these children is that they are afraid,” Pierce said. “This is no way for a child to live.” The situation will worsen soon. Seasonal monsoon rains will begin pounding the refugees’ plastic-and-bamboo city in April. Source: AP The post 6 months after attacks began, Rohingya see no end in sight appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. The streets start emptying at dusk. “As soon as the sun goes down, the kids come out and take over,” said Abdi Ali. He gestured towards the western end of Queens Crescent, the entrance of Weedington Road, prime turf for the gang that controls this corner of Camden, north London. There was, until quite recently, a police station nearby that functioned as a community hub. Officers would routinely patrol the neighbourhood, offering reassurance and a reliable stream of intelligence. But the station closed 18 months ago according to locals and since then the surrounding streets have been commandeered by gangs. Violence, said Ali, had spiralled during the ensuing period. “Now they are killing each other – it’s been made worse because they’ve started supplying heroin. They don’t even bother with cannabis any more,” said the 32-year-old, who works at his uncle’s grocery store, Banadir Gate. Ali belongs to the area’s sizeable Somali community, still traumatised by the violent scenes last week that saw two of its younger members killed on Camden’s streets. Sadiq Adan Mohamed, 20, was stabbed to death on Tuesday evening, 300 metres from Banadir Gate. Less than two hours earlier, Abdikarim Hassan, 17, was found fatally wounded in a nearby street. That followed the stabbing of a 16-year-old, who remains in hospital. Although an 18-year-old man has been arrested in Camden on suspicion of two counts of murder, a section 60 order remains in place across the borough, allowing officers to stop and search people “with good reason”. Already police have intercepted a number of young men carrying weapons. The police measure, under continual review, remains in place amid fear of reprisal attacks. Weedington Road had recently become bitterly contested “turf”, according to Ali, with youngsters from Queens Crescent clashing with those from nearby Agar Grove, Chalk Farm and Camden. Congolese teenagers had, he said, teamed up with Irish youngsters to take on the Somalis. “But the police just drive down here, look around and drive on. Since the police left us it’s been terrible,” said Ali, whose family fled Mogadishu and the country’s civil war in 2003. Other Somalis describe a “security vacuum” that has left them effectively abandoned by the police and, more broadly, the state. “Kids around here don’t feel safe, the police aren’t doing enough,” said Abshir Mohamed, whose parents also fled the Somali civil war for London in 1988. “There’s lots of money for Prevent [the government’s counter-radicalisation strategy] and for counter-terrorism which can target the Somali community, but then you have younger members of our community being targeted by knife crime. There’s a sense that Somalis are not being protected.” Mohamed, who is a youth volunteer for the Kentish Town Community Centre, and meets many of the area’s young Somalis, said trust in the police among youngsters had ebbed away. “If a young man gets threatened and he’s told: ‘The next time I see you I’ll stab you’, they don’t tell the police. They just carry a knife. They are not safe.” Mohamed said that Camden borough’s police commander had held a meeting in the community centre in the aftermath of Tuesday’s stabbings to address security concerns. “He said they had collected a lot of knives in the area through section 60, but when we asked them why didn’t they do more, he just said [there had been] funding cuts. Every time we ask why they don’t do more patrols around here, they just respond by saying cutbacks [were to blame].” Ismail Einashe, a journalist born in Somalia who used to live in Camden, said that such distrust was compounded by the sense that not only had the state failed to protect them, but that many felt the justice system too easily criminalised them. “And then you add austerity – cuts in youth services and police numbers – to the mix and you create a really toxic environment.” Mohamed, who also works as a primary school teacher in the area, said when he was growing up he looked forward to five-a-side football and adventure trips that were arranged to occupy them. “They were the good old days, now they’ve got nothing. There’s nothing for them to do anymore,” he said. A fear of being stabbed had also prevented many of the neighbourhood’s adults from confronting the youngsters who congregated in the area. Mohamed, 33, said many felt powerless. “If an adult tries to engage with a youth, they just pull out a knife. I’ve seen that with 10-year-olds. You can’t touch them,” said Mohamed. A young mother waiting at a local bus stop agreed. “We’ve ended up in a place where the kids have nowhere to go, they end up on the streets and that’s where the problems start,” she said, requesting anonymity as she gripped her young son’s hand. For Mohamed, a daily witness to the alienation facing many of London’s young British Somalis, there is, however, one silver lining. “Thank God we don’t have [many] guns in the UK.” Source: – The guardian The post Police abandoned us, say Somalis in wake of London knife killings appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Three international aid agencies on Saturday expressed concern over a recent ruling by the government of Somaliland in Somalia that encourages female genital mutilation (FGM). In a joint statement, Save the Children, CARE International, and International Rescue Committee (IRC), said the Feb. 6 ruling goes against the commitment to abandon female cutting and eliminate all harmful practices. “Female genital mutilation is a harmful procedure regardless the level of mutilation. It must be discouraged at all levels,” said Timothy Bishop of Save the Children Somalia/Somaliland on behalf of the other organizations. However, the organizations welcomed the banning of extreme forms of FGM but insisted that the decision should apply to all forms of FGM. On Feb. 6, Somaliland announced a new fatwa, or religious edict, banning two of the three types of female cutting. The edict by the Ministry of Religious Affairs allows FGM victims to receive compensation but it does not say whether the compensation will be paid by the government or by violators of the ban. According to the organizations, the ruling made a certain type of FGM/C “mandatory” for every girl in Somaliland and at the same time banning the most extreme forms. The religious edict came barely a month after Somaliland’s parliament approved a bill criminalizing rape and requiring prison terms for those who are convicted. Female cutting, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is also often performed on girls under the age of 15, resulting in complications that range from bleeding and infection to problems with urination and complications with childbearing. Somalia is among countries in which FGM is most prevalent. An estimated 98 percent of Somali females ages 15 to 49 have undergone the procedure. The aid agencies said the decision to encourage FGM will erode decades of investments made in ending FGM in Somalia/Somaliland and undermines the mobilization, awareness-raising and prevention work undertaken by communities, national and international organizations and the government aiming at total abandonment of FGM/C in Somalia/Somaliland. The organizations said they will continue to engage with the government of Somaliland to explore ways in which decisions made will be for the best interest of a child in Somaliland. Source: Xinhuanet The post Aid agencies decry decision to encourage FGM in Somaliland appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Shir ku saabsan kor u qaadista maamul wanaagga iyo la-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa,ka sarraynta shirciga ee doorka dadweynaha oo ay soo qaban-qaabisay hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa Puntland ayaa maanta lagu qabtay magaalada Garoowe. Shirkaan ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay Wasiirka Warfaafinta Puntland,Cabdixirsi Cali Qarjab,Taliyaha ciidanka Booliiska Puntland,Sarreeye Guuto C/laahi Shire Dool,guddoomiyaha dallada ururrada aan dowliga ahayn ee PUNSAA, Faysal Axmed Warsame maamulka gobolka Nugaal kan degmada Garoowe iyo dadweyne kale. Agaasimaha hay’adda Astaynta Maamul wanaagga iyo La-dagaallanka Musuq maasuqa Puntland,Cabdiraxmaan Cali Guureeye oo ugu horrayn shirka ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in aan maamul wanaag la heli karin,haddii aan sharciga lagu dhaqmin,isagoo xusay in sarreynta sharcigu tahay dhidibada dowladnimada. Mudane.Cabdiraxmaan Cali Guureeye ayaa ku baaqay in shacabku ay dowladda ku gacan-siiyan sidii loo heli lahaa maamul wagaag,islamarkaana loo cirib-tiri lahaa musuq maasuqa,wuxuuna tilmaamay in shirar badan oo noocan ah ay horay ugu soo qabteen qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Puntland. Guddoomiyaha dallada ururrada aan dowliga ahayn ee PUNSA,Faysal Axmed Warsame oo shirkaan hadal ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in bulshada Puntland u baahantahay la-xisaabtan dhab ah iyo daah-furnaan,si loola socdo shaqada dowladdu u hayso shacabkeeda,isagoo mas’uuliyiinta ku booriyay in ay dulqaad u muujiyaan arrimahaasi. Taliyaha Booliiska Puntland,Sarreeyey Guuto Cabdullaahi Shire Dool oo ku hadlayey afka hay’adaha amniga ayaa sheegay in shaqadooduba tahay ilaalinta sharciga,si loo dhowro nidaamka iyo dowladnimada. Kusimaha duqa caasimadda ahna guddoomiye ku xigeenka golaha degaanka degmada Garoowe Cismaan Maxammed ayaa isaguna shirka ka sheegay in ay ka go’antahay ku dhaqanka sharciga iyo ilaalinta nidaamka,maadaama ay yihiin adeegayaasha bulshada Puntland. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Puntland,Cabdixirsi Cali Qarjab oo shirka soo xiray ayaa ballan qaaday in wasaaraddiisu ay wakhti badan gelinayso sidii bulshada looga wacyi-gelin lahaa dhibaatada musuq maasuqa,looguna baarujin lahaa muhiimadda maamul wanaagga iyo sarreynta sharciga. Halkaan ka daawo muuqaalka shirka Hoos ka eeg sawirrada. PUNTLAND POST The post Shir ku saabsan doorka dadweynaha sarrraynta sharciga iyo la-dagallanka musuq maasuqa oo Garoowe lagu qabtay. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Kulan looga hadlayay Amniga iyo Xasiloonida Caasimadda Somalia ee Muqdisho ayaa laga soo saaray go’aano la xiriira howl-gallo aad u ballaaran oo caawa ka bilaabanaya Muqdisho. Kulankan oo maanta lagu qabtay xarunta Gaadiidka Booliska ee Degmada C/casiis, ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia, Xasan Cali Kheyre, Wasiirka Amniga, Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir, Taliyeyaaha Booliska, NISA iyo Saraakiisha AMISOM. Wasiirka Amniga Gudaha Soomaliya Ducaale oo kulanka hadal ka jeediyay ayaa kula dar-daarmay Ciidamada amniga inay dardar geliyaan howl-galada amniga, lagana hor-tago weerarada cadawga. “Tallaabadan waa mid aan ku xoojinayno amniga guud ee Caasimadda oo ay habeen hore ka dhaceen qaraxyo dhibaato geystay, waxaana doonaynaa in aanay dib u soo laaban weerarro noocaas oo kale ah,” ayuu Wasiir Ducaale ku sheegay hadalkiisa. Sidoo kale, Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre oo isaguna la hadlay ciidamada Xasilinta Muqdisho oo todobaadyadii u dambeeyay warkooda la waayay ayaa wuxuu ku amray xoojinta amniga Caasimadda, waxaana uu uga digay in ciidamada dhexdooda isku dhacaan. Dhanka kale, Ciidamada Xasilinta Caasimadda Dalka ayaa lagu amray inay adeecaan Taliyeyaashooda, isla markaana u dhega nuglaadaan amarada la siinayo. Ugu dambeyn, Howl-gallada lagu dhawaaqay inay caawa ka bilaabanayaan Muqdisho ayaa kusoo beegmaya, iyadoo habeenkii Jimcaha ay Qaraxyo iyo weeraro toos ah Al-shabaab ka geysatay Muqdisho. PUNTLAND POST The post Ciidammo gaar ah oo caawa Hawlgallo ballaaran ka ka billabaanaya Magaalada Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha gudaha Somalia Cabdi Siciid Faarax ‘’Juxaa’’, ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in dowlada Somalia ay dayacday Amniga shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Cabdi Siciid Faarax ‘’Juxaa’’,waxa uu sheegay inuu dareemayo gaabis dhanka Amniga ah, waxa uuna qoraal kooban oo uu soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook ku sheegay in xitaa Siyaasad ahaan ay Soomaalidu dhiban yihiin. Juxa waxa uu tilmaamay in Soomaalidu ay yihiin kuwo daalan isla markaana u baahan yihiin inay helaan jawi Amni iyo mid Siyaasadeed. Waxa uu tilmaamay in dhibta ugu weyn ee iminka heysta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay tahay Amni xumo iyo Siyaasada uu ku socdo dalka oo aad u liidata, waxa uuna ku taliyay in la muujiyo isbedel dhab ah. ‘’Waxaa laga doonayaa dowlada inay samata bixiso Umadda Soomaaliyeed ee saaxiibka u ah amni darada iyo Siyaasad xumada jirta’’ Waxa uu intaa ku daray “Dalkani maanta sidiisaba waa nugul yahay, waana daalan yahay, dadkiisu siyaasad ahaan iyo amniba waa dacan yihiin, meel fogna waa laga yimid, dhaqaalo ahaana sabool baanu nahay, kalsoonida shacabkuna way kala daadsan tahay oo kalsooni xumo siyaasadeed ayaa jirta, dadkuna waxay u baahan yihiin isku wad iyo isu dulqaadasho oo furaha u ah in meesha la joogo horay looga sii socdo si taa loo gaaro, dalku waa in uu ahaadaa talo wadaag.” Sidoo kale, Juxa wuxuu sheegay Somalia dhibaatada ka jirta in looga samatabixin karo dood caafimaad qabta oo ka maran daneysi gaar ah. Nuqul kamid ah qoraalkiisa ayaa ahaa “Arrimahaas iyo kuwo kaleba si loo gaaro waxaa loo baahan yahay in dalkan uu yeesho dood, dood caafimaad oo dhab ah xasaasi ah, mararka qaarood xanuun badan, laakiin aan qofaysnayn, aan siyaasadaynayn, aan danaysanayn, balse Soomaaliyaysan, oo mustaqbalka ku wajahan, taa ayaa loo baahan yahay taas ayuu caafimaadka ku jiraa, labadaa doodood oo kala gadisan iyo afkaartaa kala gadisan dhexdooda ayaa xalka Soomaaliya ku jiraa.” Dhinaca kale, Juxa ayaa dowlada Somalia ku dhiiri galiyay inay la imaado Amni iyo maskax dagan oo hirgalin karta dhammaan baahiyaha ku xeeran Siyaasada iyo xasilinta dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Juxa ”Waxaa lagu guul dareystay Amniga iyo Siyaasada dadku qaatu ayey taagan yihiin” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. BURAO–A nine-year-old girl has died in a Burao Hospital on Saturday, after she was raped at her home in Galkayo just over a week ago, family and official confirmed. Halimo Abdirizak Salad was taken to Burao Hospital by her step-father – who stands accused of her rape – following urinary complications. Halimo’s mother, Fathiya Mohamed who said the doctors at the hospital confirmed the rape case after examining her daughter. ” The doctors told us that the girl was raped following the outcome of the examination done on my daughter’s case,” said Mohamed. Raped by step-father Ms. Mohamed noted that she was informed her daughter was raped by her husband who is also the victims. ” The doctors suspect Halimo was raped by her stepfather in Galkayo before he took her to the hospital,” said the victim’s mother. the Deputy Governor of Togdher, Mohamed Diriye Hayd termed the rape as an atrocious case. “We heard of this shocking case which is uncommon in this world, a young girl was raped by a man who was identified as a husband of her mother. The man who is from Galkayo had taken the girl, who was in critical condition, to a hospital here in Burao town. The doctors asked him to come with her (the girl’s ) parents after they had known the girl was raped. He went to a public notary and got forged parental document” said Hayd. Detained by CID Hayd confirmed that the man was detained at the CID centre where the officers currently investigating the case. “The doctors who were not certified by the parental document provided by the man phoned the Criminal Investment Department (CID) officers. He has since been detained by officers, ” he said. He added that the victim’s mother has been contacted and notified. ” The mother of the raped confirmed that the arrested man was not the biological father of the victim after we contacted her, ” Hayd explained. Twelve days in a mortuary The victim’s uncle who flew from Mogadishu after he was informed of the incident, said the girl succumbed to the injuries while she was undergoing treatment at the hospital. ” I travelled from Mogadishu after I was informed about the incident that took place on the 16th of this month,” he noted. The uncle highlighted that the body of deceased has been in mortuary since the day the girl passed away at the hospital. ” The body of girls has been in the hospital for twelve days and now the man who raped the girl is reportedly detained by authorities,” he said. He called on the authorities of the breakaway Somaliland to bring the perpetrator before a court. Both Puntland, where the crime was committed; and Somaliland, where the suspect has been detained, have passed rape laws. Rapists in Somaliland and Puntland can receive up to 30 years in prison if found guilty. In January 2017, a Galdogob court sentenced five teenagers to a combined sentence of 36 years imprisonment and 700 lashes and a fine of US$ 14,220. The ‘Galdogob’ five case should have been the first test for Puntland’s Sexual Offences Act – enacted November 29, 2016 – but meddling from local elders who refused to transfer the case to Galkayo hindered the implication of the law. Somaliland’s rape law was just passed on January 8th of this year, and thus, not yet tested in court. HOL
  9. By Ahmed Abdi HARGEISA, Somaliland— Australia and Germany will likely to invest in energy and water resources in Somaliland, local Officials and International reports say. “We thank the Senior Experten Service (SES) for investing in this project and hope the local people in Gabiley and their leadership will regard this dam as their own instead of a foreign company-owned one,” said the General Director of Ministry of Agriculture Development Mohamed Ilmi Aden. The Bonn-based company’s page reads, “The SES has been helping people to help themselves since 1983 – all around the world, in every industry and sector.” Meanwhile, Australia’s SALTERNAS PTY, The world’s largest solar-salt project to invest in $US110m up to 190 Million US Dollar for solar projects in Berbera, according to a report published by the company in its site. “We are hoping to find people like ourselves, people who have reached that part of their lives where they’ve done well and they want to put something back into Africa,” Colin Roberts, the chairman of Salternas told The Australian. Local officials say these projects will help tens of thousands of people to overcome the challenges brought by recurrent droughts in terms of watering both their livestock and agriculture and will create jobs for youngsters.
  10. The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) built 450 shelters to house of hundreds of Internally Displaced People in Saraar, Togder, Sanaag and Sool regions in Somaliland. The handover ceremony was attended by head of National Refugee Agency, Hon. Abdikarim Ahmed Mohamed and regional authorities. Most of the officials who spoke at the function called on agencies to assist families that have been impoverished by the recurrent droughts that impacted the nation. They said that the IDP’s are in dire situation and need urgent aid to alleviate their poverty. It is said that most of those people in the aforementioned regions particularly in the rural face shortage of water. International agencies are accused of appropriating much of the funds earmarked for implementing humanitarian projects to families affected by the droughts and famine in Somaliland.
  11. CADAAWADA JABUUTI Dawlada Jabuuti oo sheegtay in ay sababta ay xiriirka ugu jareen Shirkada Emaaradka ee DP WORLD ay tahay iyagoo maalgalin iyo horumar u sameynaya Dekado tartan ka dhaxeeyo oo ku yaal gobolka geeska Africa oo ah Dekada Bosaaso iyo Berbera
  12. The newly appointed deputy chairwoman of Somaliland’s Quality Control Agency, Ms. Khadra Haji Gaydh tenders resignation on Sunday after transferred the presidential palace director to her successor. Ms. Khadra has said that she has personally submitted her resignation to the incumbent president, H.E Musa Bihi Abdi. The former Somaliland’s presidential palace director general has declined to serve for the new post and further added that she will focus on her life. Ms. Khadra has argued that she has been in Somaliland local politics since the inception of multi party politics and served as Gebiley Mayor but added that she does not deserve to hold this low position in the new govt. She is the first person to have resigned in president Bihi’s new administration.
  13. Vice President Abdirahman Abbilahi Ismail aka Sayli’i met with Webjorn Heines, the Norwegian special envoy to Somalia during a courtesy call at the Presidential palace here on Sunday, February 25. During the more than an hour meeting, the Norwegian delegation and the VP discussed wide range of issues of mutual concern ranging from Norway’s commitment to seek investment opportunities, support the successful holding of the upcoming parliament and local council elections and to further increase aid that Norway contributes to Somaliland Development Fund (SDF). The two sides have discussed the accomplishment of programmer on Local Governance and Decentralized Service Delivery (JPLG), the improvement of the economy, and ways to strengthen justice and judiciary. They also talked about the Somalia-Somaliland talks that are about to recommence in March this year. For her part, Webjorn Heines conveyed the commitment of the Norwegian Government to live up its promises in accomplishing the issues raised during the high level talks with the country’s vice president.
  14. CADAAWADA JABUUTI Dawlada Jabuuti oo sheegtay in ay sababta ay xiriirka ugu jareen Shirkada Emaaradka ee DP WORLD ay tahay iyagoo maalgalin iyo horumar u sameynaya Dekado tartan ka dhaxeeyo oo ku yaal gobolka geeska Africa oo ah Dekada Bosaaso iyo Berbera
  15. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Xildhibaan Maxamed Cumar Dalxa oo ka mid ah Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliya ayaa shaaciyey arrin ay ku xiran tahay amniga caasimadda Muqdisho oo weerarro iyo qaraxyo joogto ah ay ku hayaan Alsahbaab. Xildhibanka ayaa sheegay in amniga caasimada Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho oo la sugo ay ku xiran yahay in marka hore la xaqiijiyo amniga Gobolada Shabeellooyinka oo ah halka laga soo galo Muqdisho, lagana soo abaabulo weerarrada Alsahbaab. Wuxuu sheegay inay muhiim tahay in wax laga qabto ammaanka Gobolada Shabeelooyinka, haddii la doonayo in laga hortago ami darrada ka jirta caasimadda. Hadalka xilibaanka ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili dhawaan ay magaaladda muqdisho ay kadhaceen qaraxyo sababay qasaaro dhimasho iyo dhaawac ay fuliyeen kooxda al shabaab. DHAGEYSO Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Dhageyso -:Xildhibaan Dalxa”Oo tilmaamay waxa sabta u ah Amnixumada ka jirta Caasimadda Soomaaliya appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. DUBAI: From Somali-American star Halima Aden to lesser known beauty Amina Adan, hijab-wearing models and beauties of Muslim descent are taking Milan Fashion Week by storm. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. Galkayo (HOL) - A nine-year-old girl has died in a Burao Hospital on Saturday, after she was raped at her home in Galkayo just over a week ago, family and official confirmed. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Muqdisho-(Caasomadda Online)-Waxaa maanta garoonka Diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho ka dhoofay Saraakiil katirsan Hay’ada Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadaha Soomaaliya ,kuwaa oo tababar loogu qaaday dalka Tanzaaniya. Tababarkan oo socon doona 26 February _ 02 March 2018 ayaa waxa lagu baran doona hubinta dukumintiyada been abuurka ah iyo kala saarida dadka wata basaboorada isku e-kaanshaha ah (imposter). Ku xigeynka agaasimaha Guud ee Hay’adda Ibrahim Xuseen oo sii sagootiyay saraakiishan ayaa waxa uu kula dardaarmay in ay si wanagsan u soo bartaan tababarka loo diiray oo ah mid muhiim ah oo looga hortagaayo in dad wata dukumintiyo sharci daro ah ay ka dhoofaan dalkeena. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Dowladda federaalka ah Oo Diyaarineysa Saraakiil Baareysa Dadka Isticmaalaya Dukumintiyada Been Abuurka Ah-:Sawiro appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  19. Munaasabadaan ay xilalka kula wareegayeen gudoomiyihii hore ee waxbarashada Gobalka Nugaal iyo Gudoomiyaha Cusub ayaa waxaa ay maantay ka dhacday xarunta gudoonka waxbarashada gobalka Nugaal ee Magaalada Garoowe. Munaasabadaan ayaa waxaa goob ka agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta sare ee Puntland Maxamed Cali Faarax,Gudoonka waxbarashada ee gobalka Macalimiin,Maamulayaal iyo Arday. Xaashi Xuseen Faarax Gudoomiyihii hore ee Waxbarashada Gobalka Nugaal ayaa ka warbixiyey waxyaabihuu u qabsoomay mudadii uu xafiiska joogay,isagoona si rasmi ah xilka ugu wareejiyey gudoomiyaha cusub. Gudoomiyaha Cusub ee Waxbarashada Gobalka Nugaal Cabdisamad shiikh Xaamud oo isna munaasabadda ka hadlay ayaa ka codsaday bahda waxbarashada gobalku inay la shaqeeyaan waxaana uu balan qaaday in waxbarashada gobalka uu gaarsiin doono heer caalami ah. Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare ee Puntland Maxamed Cali Faarax ayaa bogaadiyey waxqabadka uu soo bandhigay gudoomiyihii hore isagoona gudoomiyaha cusub kula dardaaramay inuu xilka loo igmaday uu si daacad ah u guto. Daawo Sawirro.
  20. Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka mudug maalmihi la soo dhaafay waxaa ka socday kulamo looga halayay Amniga maagaalada ee labada dhinac. kulamadan ayaa waxaa isugu yimid Maamulada labada dhinac ee Puntland iyo Galmudug ,waxaana ka soo qayb galay xubno ka socday Beesha caalamka ,dowladda Fadaraalka Soomaaliya iyo Bulshada Rayidka ah. Wax yaabhii ka soo baxay kulamadaasi ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa sidii Amniga Gaalkacyo labada dhinac ay u adkeen lahaayeen iyo in laga wada tashado sidii uu gobolka mudug uu u heli laahaa Amni buuxa oo laysku halayn karo . Hadaba markii uu kulankan soo idlaaday waxaa Warbaahinta lawadaagay wax yaabihii looga hadlay Guddoomiye ku xigeenka amniga iyo siyaasadda gobolka Mudug ee maamulka Galmudug Cabdi Xuseen. Hoos ka dhagayso . Z0000180 - My Recording
  21. Gudiga dhismaha wadada Ceeldaahir iyo Ceerigaabo ayaa maanta lagu wareejiyay Xoolo nool oo isgu jira Geel iyo Ari. Shacabka ku dhaqan deegaanada Carawayn iyo Tiicaanyo ayaa Gudiga dhismaha Wadada Ceeldaahir ku wareejiyay 4 Neef oo Geel ah iyo 50 Ari ah oo ay uga qayb qaadanayaan dhismaha Wadadan. Waxgaradka deegaanka ayaa sheegay in ay sii wadi doonaan taageerada iyo garab istaaga gudiga ku howlan dhismaha Wadadan ayna kubixin doonaan muruq iyo maal wax kasta oo ay awoodaan. Gudiga ayaa dhankooda uga mahad celiyay shacabka deegaankaasi taageerada ay markasta lagarab taaganyihiin . Dhismaha Wadada Ceel daahir iyo Ceerigaabo ayaa meel gabo gabo ah maraysa , waxaana dhismaha wadadan iska kaashanaya dowladda Puntland iyo Shacabkeeda, taas oo lagu dhisay halku dhigii Madaxweyne Cabdiwali Gaas ee ahaa Puntland ha isku tashato.
  22. MOGADISHU, Feb. 24 — Three international aid agencies on Saturday expressed concern over a recent ruling by the government of Somaliland in Somalia that encourages female genital mutilation (FGM). In a joint statement, Save the Children, CARE International, and International Rescue Committee (IRC), said the Feb. 6 ruling goes against the commitment to abandon female cutting and eliminate all harmful practices. “Female genital mutilation is a harmful procedure regardless the level of mutilation. It must be discouraged at all levels,” said Timothy Bishop of Save the Children Somalia/Somaliland on behalf of the other organizations. However, the organizations welcomed the banning of extreme forms of FGM but insisted that the decision should apply to all forms of FGM. On Feb. 6, Somaliland announced a new fatwa, or religious edict, banning two of the three types of female cutting. The edict by the Ministry of Religious Affairs allows FGM victims to receive compensation but it does not say whether the compensation will be paid by the government or by violators of the ban. According to the organizations, the ruling made a certain type of FGM/C “mandatory” for every girl in Somaliland and at the same time banning the most extreme forms. The religious edict came barely a month after Somaliland’s parliament approved a bill criminalizing rape and requiring prison terms for those who are convicted. Female cutting, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is also often performed on girls under the age of 15, resulting in complications that range from bleeding and infection to problems with urination and complications with childbearing. Somalia is among countries in which FGM is most prevalent. An estimated 98 percent of Somali females ages 15 to 49 have undergone the procedure. The aid agencies said the decision to encourage FGM will erode decades of investments made in ending FGM in Somalia/Somaliland and undermines the mobilization, awareness-raising and prevention work undertaken by communities, national and international organizations and the government aiming at total abandonment of FGM/C in Somalia/Somaliland. The organizations said they will continue to engage with the government of Somaliland to explore ways in which decisions made will be for the best interest of a child in Somaliland. Xinhua
  23. Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa wareegto maanta kasoo baxday xafiiskiia waxaa lagu magacaabay Agaasimaha Guud iyo Agaasime Waaxeed ee Wasaaradda Amniga iyo DDR Dawladda Puntland. Waxaa agaasimaha guud loo magacabay, Xaaji Cabdulle loo Magcaabay Agaasimaha Guud Ee Wasaaradda Amniga iyo DDR Sidoo kale, Maxamed Iimaan Cabdulaahi ayaa loo Magcaabay Agaasimaha Waaxda Miinno Saarka Wasaaradda Amniga iyo DDR.
  24. Muqdisho (Puntlandi) In ka badan sideed gabdhood oo da’doodu u dhaxayso 9- ila 12-jir, ayaa lagu afduubtay labdii biilood ee u danbeeyay koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya, qaarkoodna waxaa loo gaystay kufsi iyo jirdil xoog leh. Falalkaan isugu jira afduubka iyo kufsiga oo dhacay waqtiyo isu dhow, ayaa la ogayn sababta ka dambeysa, waxayna arrintaan cabsi weyn ku abuurtay waalidiinta oo hadda ka joojiyay carruurteeda inay bannaanka udiraan , si ay uga badbaadiyaan halista ku foogan. Sahro Isaaq oo 10 sano jir ah ayaa kamid ah carruurta laga afduubtay gobolka Shabellada dhexe gaar ahaan tuulada Qalimow oo ku dhow Balacad. Afar Nin ayaa xoog ku afduubtay, laakiin markii ku dhow yihiin jawhar ayay qaylisay kadibna gaariga ayay ka tuureen. Dad wadada marayay oo maqlay qayladeeda ayaa Jowhar usoo qaaday halkaas oo haatan lagu hayo, iyadoo lagu raadinayo qoyskeeda. Koonfurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya oo uusan ka jirin maamulo awood leh ayay caadi ka yihiin wax kasta oo sharci darro ah inay ka dhacaan.
  25. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ergayga Midowga Afrika ee Somalia, Danjire Francisco Madeira ayaa si adag u cambaareeyay weerarradii ay dadka badani ku naf-waayeen ee habeen hore ka dhacay Muqdisho, kuwaasoo ay sheegatay Al-shabaab. Danjire Madeira ayaa sheegay in dadkii lagu dilay weerarkaa ay ahaayeen kuwo aan waxba galabsan, isagoo xusay in weerrarada noocan oo kale ah ay dhibaato weyn ku yihiin shacabka Muqdisho iyo guud ahaan dalka. “Waxaan tacsi tiiraanyo leh u dirayaan ehellada kuwii lagu dilay weerradaas aan macnaha ku fadhin. Weerraradan waxay ahaayeen kuwo la doonayo in lagu cabsi-geliyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed, balse waxaa naga go’an inaan ka hortagno kuwa doonaya inay dadka iyo dadka dhibaateeyaan,” ayuu danjire Madeira ku yiri hadal uu soo saaray maanta. Sidoo kale, Ergayga ayaa ammaanay geesinimada cidiamada dowladda oo ka hortagay weerarka, isagoo xusay in weerarradan ay ahaayeen kuwo laga lahaa ujeeddooyin gaar ah, balse aan lagu guuleysan. Al-shabaab ayaa weerarro toos ah oo ay barbar-socdeen qaraxyo waxay la beegsadeen habeen hore xarunta madaxtooyada Somalia iyo agagaarka dhismaha FIAT ee KM-0, kuwaasoo geystay dhimashada 35-qof iyo tiro ka badan 50-qof dhaawacyo ah. Ugu dambeyn, Ergayga Midowga Afrika ayaa sheegay inuu soo gaaray war ku saabsan in askari ka tirsan ciidamada AMISOM ay dileen askari Somali ah oo sugayay amniga Isgoyska KM-4, falkaasna ay baarayaan. PUNTLAND POST The post Danjire Madiera oo Cambaareeyay Weeraradii argagaxiso ee Gilgilay Magaalada Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.