Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Dear reader, I don’t know who is me yet, I have to discover myself again. A hole needs filling in my wisdom tooth. Yesterday was a painful memory, today is dark and there is no a promising tomorrow. But anyhow, as a Somalilanders, we have no other choice, either we live and learn together as brothers, or perish together as fools. Dear reader, I am not a member of any organized political party but I am a Somalilander and a democrat. Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before. As Somalilanders, our mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive ; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style. The purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our soul. But we are not willing to die several times. I have great bad memories and scary nightmares of the late vampire that will stay with me long my life. Time and memory are true artists; they remold reality to the heart’s desire. Mr. President, democracy must be build through open societies that share information. When there is information sharing, there is enlightenment. When there is debate, there are solutions. When there is no sharing of power, no rule of law, no accountability, there is abuse of power, there is corruption, there is subjugation and indignation. During the Silanyo Regime the Government was so bloated and infested with fraud, deceit, corruption and abuse of power. Uninterrupted history of thievery, bigotry and crooked politicians have betrayed the working class. Pocketing the profit and every penny of the national budget and have treated us like sheep. Sir, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, nations do not fail due to external threats but because of internal weakness. Corruption and failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse were the main causes. Mr. President, corruption is worse than prostitution. The later may endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariable endangers the morals of the entire country. The cancer that demands our urgent attention is corruption and the Mother – In – Law from Hell ( Tribalism ). Anyone in a position of power is either corrupt or assumed to be corrupt. If we want to survive we must weed out corruption by building strong system of justice that the people can trust. There are also three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the healthy father, the healthy mother and the healthy teacher. So fighting corruption is not just good Governance, but it is Jihad, Self – Defense and Patriotism. The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. Leaders who empower others. A successful leader is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. Mr. President, Bill Gates said, when stop chasing the wrong things; you give the right things to catch you. The universe does not give you what you ask for with your thoughts; it gives what you demand with your actions. Imam Ghazali said, declare your Jihad on thirteen enemies that you can’t see. They are, egoism, arrogance, conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. Remember ! Selfish – desires make slaves out of kings and patience and Self – Satisfaction makes kings out of slaves. Do not allow your heart to take pleasure with the praise of people, nor be saddened by their condemnation. To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate. Close the prison doors and open the school doors. Because one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change Somaliland. Mr. President, Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them. You treat them as valuable learning experiences. In life there is always failure, and there is always disappointments and loss. But the secret behind it is to learn something from those mistakes, and somebody must held responsible and punishable for the mistakes that has been done. So that none of those holes and vacuums happen again. It is not fun if you always bang your head against a Brick – Wall all the time, as we do always. Simply because, in youth we learn; and in old – age we understand. We must prepare for the unknown and expect the unexpected, by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable. Our own False Doctor, Mr. Sacad Ali Shire, you are a Plant – Weed that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows. You did more harm than good to Somaliland. I think your education background is from the Evil – Empire in Mogadishu where patriotism and nationalism are dirty fellow which should be thrown out of doors. I assume you and the previous Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland Mr. Maqaam Sare, who is nowadays stationed in Mogadishu are from the same school. You both have loaded the country with debt and doubts. Dear reader, if you listen to the press – conference related to their fake and deceptive company that bears his name and the name of that Spoiled – Child called Basha Morgan. You will continue laughing up to death, until milk comes out of your nose. The tongue is small but few can hold it. The function of education is to teach us to think intensively and critically. Education plus strong personality and amiable character can be fruitful combination; and can be the wick in which liquid fuel is drawn to flame and ignite the candle of education. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. But education without personality is totally useless and end up in vain. Dear reader, Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. An investment in knowledge to a person with strong personality pays the best interest. Dr. False, you and your shadow Mr. Maqaam Sare are cheap brokers that are betraying the whole nation. Dear reader, the best Jihad is to say the word of justice in front of an oppressor and corrupt ruler, and say it on his face. During my life span I made decisions that I regret, but I keep it up to now in my memory as a reference. When you are an infant, you don’t learn walking by following rules. You learn walking by doing and by falling over. That is why I hate studying but I love learning. Learning is more beautiful. That is why I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. I told my thirteen years old son, Ismail; not to worry about his grades at school, but to enjoy learning. Because Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg didn’t finish college. Dear reader, Sheikh Google is my best friend as well as my worst enemy. It is fabulous for research, but then it makes you addictive. It teaches you, to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age and all the regrets into old age. Then at last, the Tombstone will be your Diploma. Also I have learned a lot from listening. A single conversation across the table with a wise man like Mr. M. White is better than ten years mere study of books. I learned long ago, never to wrestle with the pigs. Especially African ones. Because you get dirty, and besides that, the pigs likes it, likes you to end in that way. Dr. False, you and your Gang Mafia shouldn’t go through life with a Catcher’s Mitt on both hands. For the love of God, you were supposed to throw something back to those poor peasants that have placed their destiny in your hands. Dear reader, Jerks are not heartbreakers only; they are fools with good taste. Mr. False Doctor, Feel ashamed . You are not a Billiard – Table. You made the dish angry. Dear reader, the hardest job assignment for Somalilanders today, is learning nationalism without seeing a nationalist politician; to learn honesty without seeing an honest leader. Dr.False, the lay man on the street whom you consider him as ignorant and insignificant is the one who had learned bliss from your grief and knowledge from your gloom. Because of his Evil – Eye, that is why your Instant – Cash – Machine did not recognize your Pin – Code. That is why your personal account is in red ink. Dear reader, anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or at eighty. And anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. I am most proud of the blessings Allah has bestowed upon me, in my life. He has given me the patience and the vision to see truly that you can fall down, but you still could get back up again and stand up on your feet. Hopefully, I will benefit from my previous mistakes and have the opportunity to strengthen and improve the next thing I do. Dr. False, as a lettered man and a believer in Islam, the second life in heaven can be glorious; if you practice now, how to live in total harmony with Allah. Only arrogant fools like you who adorn money and gold, Continued on next Week only thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. Continued on next Week Mr. President, in life there is always failure and there is always loss and disappointments. But the secret behind it is to learn something from the loss, and somebody must held responsible and punishable for the crime. So that none of those holes and vacuums happen again. Otherwise, we are a counterpart and we are all sailing on the same boat with those corrupt jerks. Mr. President, it is very sad to hear that some Mafia Gangs were hoarding and wasting millions of dollars, of the donor’s and Tax – Payer’s money for more than thirteen years. At the same time they were intentionally feeding us with the wrong assumption and false information concerning the Water – Project of Xunbo Weyne. Until Honorable Suleiman Yusuf Ali Gore announced the Bombshell. This is an eye witness that the Shia of the East and the Wahabist in the West are more patriot and more honest to their country, than the Sunni in the Centre. Dear reader, History repeats itself; and that is what the deceased Cali Garad Jamac and Xaji Ibrahim Noor did in 1960. It is more disgrace and disgusting that up to now, no one is accountable for this horrible mischief and jeopardy. That is shame and a question crying for an answer. Mr. President, it is good to remind you that in your campaign – Trailer speech, you have promised that in the future, you won’t imprison a delinquent boy for years; for stealing a mobile phone. While big politicians run away with stealing millions of dollars that this poor and helpless country is badly in need of. Life is not fun when you always are banging your head against a Brick – Wall, from now and then. Remember ! In youth we learn; and in old age we understand. Mr. President, prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past, have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable. Dr. False, you are a Plant – Weed that has mastered every survival skills; except for learning how to grow in rows. But we are aware that you are smart enough to make the trees pregnant. Dear reader, Somaliland is full of men of educated derelicts who shamefully failed to fulfill their duty obligations, like our own False Doctor, the Minister Of Foreign Affairs. Our False Doctor, please note that who has studied but does not think, is lost. Who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. Remember ! Learning and innovation go hand in hand. But the arrogance of success’s disadvantage is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow. But that would be at ones peril of his life and career. Mr. False Doctor, hell with your Fluid Intelligence. Mr. President, if you can’t let the bully jerks see the light, let them feel the heat. Because they have no hearts and their conscious is dead. Mr. President, in the past, leadership meant muscles; but today means getting along with people. When you stop chasing the wrong things, like muzzling the freedom of speech; you give the right things a chance to catch you. Good leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. It is not about the next election, it is about the next generation. Dr.False, you are assigned to better the lives of others; not an opportunity to satisfy your personal greed and lust. My Poor Doctor, if you use your mind to study reality, you won’t understand either your mind or reality. If you study reality without using your mind, you will understand both easily. Dr. False, don’t limit your child to your own learning; because he was born in another different time. Self Claimed Presidents: My personal view is that your action is a high treason, an insult to Somaliland and it is a collaboration with the enemy. Simply because you can oppose the political agenda of Musa Bihi but you can’t oppose the will and the determination of the whole nation. You are acting like the International Community who advocate the freedom of a sixteen years old girl against the custody of her parent; while ignoring the Self – Determination and will of a whole nation, called Somaliland. It is an insult to the whole Nation. They are showing their selfishness and dictatorship image. Simply they love themselves more than anything else. They are building castles on the air. Anyhow we are all born mad. And some remain so. Guys, Somaliland needs no editing. Thank you in advance. Mr. False Doctor, thank you for being totally ugly. Yusuf Deyr, Hargeisa, Somaliland.
  2. Somalia’s Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire has ordered police and intelligence agents to immediately intensify security “a hundred percent” in the capital of Mogadishu after attacks by Al-Shabab killed nearly 40 people on Friday. Friday’s attacks were the first by Al-Shabab in the capital since October when a truck bomb killed more than 500, and an attack on a hotel two weeks later claimed the lives of at another 30 people. “Security is the utmost priority,” Khaire said. “We will not tolerate the killing of our people. We will not be demoralized by one or two explosions. It’s important you end insecurity in Mogadishu.” Internal fighting Last year, the government formed the Mogadishu Security and Stabilization Forces, who were instructed to raid homes suspected of being hiding places for militants and to erect checkpoints without warning. But the effort had several setbacks, including the deadly truck bombing and the firing of two security chiefs in the aftermath of the bombing. There were also incidents where security forces working with the stabilization force clashed after mistaking each other for Al-Shabab. Khaire warned the security forces to avoid such mistakes. “You must avoid every step that could lead to internal fights between yourselves,” he said. “We do not have any more time for an enemy among us who is dressed to take the lives of Somali people. You must be watchful every night.” Incident under investigation In another setback, African Union Mission in Somalia peacekeepers were involved in a shooting that led to the death of at least one Somali soldier Friday evening. Six other people were wounded, including two soldiers and a senior legal adviser to the Somali justice ministry. The shooting happened after an AU military convoy approached a checkpoint near the airport that was manned by Somali troops. But Somali forces on orders to check all vehicles entering the airport stopped the convoy, according to an incident report. An argument ensued, and shooting erupted. Dahir Amin Jesow, a member of the Somali parliamentary committee on security and internal affairs, discussed the issue on Sunday. He told VOA Somali that AMISOM troops fired on Somali forces. He said the Somali forces were expected to stop vehicles approaching the airport, including AMISOM, because of the security lockdown. “We suspect that Al-Shabab is capable of obtaining vehicles similar to AMISOM’s, which they may have seized during attacks on peacekeepers, like the attack in El-Adde,” Jesow said. “Therefore, it was a matter of caution by the Somali troops to stop them since the convoy was headed for the airport.” AMISOM officials could not be reached for comment. In a press release, Ambassador Francisco Caetano Madeira, head of AMISOM, confirmed that the peacekeepers were involved in an incident at the checkpoint. He said the troops involved in the incident were transporting civilians injured in the Al-Shabab attack to an AMISOM hospital. Madeira said the incident was now under investigation by the Somali government and AMISOM. Hearts and minds Officials say Somali troops and AU forces will have to improve security in Mogadishu if they are to earn the support of the public who doubt the two groups can stop Al-Shabab attacks. Khaire echoed the need to win public support and has urged the soldiers to show compassion. “When you enter their homes, be courteous,” he said. “When you speak to them in the streets, show good conduct and discipline. Don’t be kind to the enemy, but be compassionate to the people.” The new commander of the police, Gen. Bashir Abdi Mohamed, told Khaire that new operations started effective Sunday night. He said operations will be carried out every night. Source: VOA The post Somali PM demands intensified security appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. 2018 opens a new cycle in Somaliland’s foreign policy. The result of the 2017 presidential election showed that hardliners won the election. By hardliners, it means that a senior leader from the military wing of SNM won the election by a majority of 55%. Many analysts agree that the election result implies that there will be changes in the foreign policy, although the foreign minister retained his position, changes in the presidency demonstrates a new desire to shift the policy, while the foreign ministry executes the policies that are initiated by the president. However, analysts are looking to the extent it will be shifted and its effect on the dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia. Despite the fact that the dialogue was a proposal from the ruling party, Bihi seems to oppose the policy of opening a dialogue with Somalia as his stated positions were during the election campaign. His main argument was that until Somalia recognizes the ‘independence’ of Somaliland, Somaliland is not ready to negotiate with Somalia. Dialogue with Somalia was not an option before the Bihi’s predecessor Silanyo came to office in 2010. The fundamental test that Bihi would face is setting up a policy towards Somalia that includes the official dialogue, while in fact there was an absence of approach to negotiating with Somalia since the talk commenced, due to various reasons. In fact, a dialogue with Somalia was not on the table when Somaliland participated in an international conference hosted by the United Kingdom back in 2012, but it suddenly appeared in the communiqué. Four months after the conference, representatives from both sides met in London to establish ‘a framework for future talks,’ without a prepared strategy. This first round of talks was facilitated by the United Kingdom, in the presence of representatives from the European Union and Norway. After seven official meetings between representatives from the two countries, the dialogue failed and Somaliland suspended any formal talks with Somalia. New reports suggested that several European countries are interested in playing a mediatory role in the talks. Somaliland welcomes this new initiative and Foreign Minister Shire made public that Switzerland will host official talks between the two countries, as Turkey, which facilitated four out of the seven official meetings, had huge political, economic, security and strategic interests in Somalia, and Somaliland accused Turkey of lacking neutrality among the two sides. Ankara’s involvement in the dialogue played a role in the failure of a productive dialogue. During a phone call between Bihi and Farmajo with the initiative of the Center of Humanitarian Dialogue, the two presidents agreed to restart the talks between Hargeisa and Mogadishu for a meeting between the two leaders at the earliest opportunity and new reports suggest that Djibouti is hosting the first official meeting between the two presidents in early March. Foreign ministers of both countries had a sideline meeting during the African Union summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to discuss the prospects of a meeting between the two presidents. While the foreign ministers were meeting, Somalia was on the other hand campaigning for Abdisalam Hadliye from Somaliland to become the new Secretary General of IGAD, the Horn of Africa regional bloc. Although this effort ended unsuccessfully, it can undermine the trust needed for both sides before the negotiation officially starts. Although President Bihi has not publicly announced his plan for the negotiation, he met with the opposition parties leaders last week in an attempt to discuss the upcoming meetings. Statements from the presidency and from the opposition party leaders reiterated that they discussed how to prepare the negotiations, but they do not offer a clear plan for the dialogue. President Bihi needs to clearly study the significant issues that caused the negotiation to collapse in 2015, while the two governments have not reached an agreement. He also has to recognize to negotiate from a position of strength, due to the facts on the ground in Somalia. One of the important things to mention was that Somaliland has not had a clear strategy to come to the negotiation table. Two things that are supporting this argument are that the government has not clearly decided to create a framework for the dialogue, and its members who participate in the meetings usually change from one meeting to another. Although the foreign minister was assigned to lead the negotiation team, others from various agencies that are not in charge of foreign affairs usually attend the meetings, while the agenda on the table usually does not relate to their responsibilities. Members from the parliament and opposition parties also attend the meetings, which can be a challenge to the checks and balances of the system. Another thing to mention is that there were new faces in every meeting, and maybe these members are not briefed before coming to the negotiation table. Evidence of this is that in every meeting, both sides have a talk about new issues, while not focusing on implementing those that have been agreed in the previous meeting. In order to have a successful dialogue with Somalia, President Bihi needs to appoint a special envoy who leads the negotiation who works independently and reports back to the president. A timeline is another important thing that President Bihi has to make. Facilitators from the international community should be countries who do not have a significant interest in the two countries which can help to build trust, which is essential for the dialogue. Another thing to have in mind is Djibouti’s involvement as a mediatory role, which was raised by Foreign Minister Shire this week. Analysts and some politicians have a suspicion that Djibouti is biased in favor of Somalia when it comes to the future of the Horn of Africa, especially in the Somali Peninsula, due to its economic and security interests. Source: International Policy digest The post Somaliland Needs a New Approach with Somalia appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Somaliland National Electoral Commission (NEC) traveled to Nairobi in order to meet with donor countries that assist the country on elections. They are due to submit their plan on holding the upcoming parliament and municipal elections slated to take place in 2019.
  5. Kampala (PP) ─ Dowladda Uganda ayaa difaacday rasaastii ay ciidamada ka tirsan AMISOM ku fureen ciidammo Somali ah habeenkii Jimcaha ahaa ee lasoo dhaafay xilli ay marayeen isgoyska KM-4 ee Muqdisho, rasaastaas oo ay ku dhinteen laba askari oo Soomaali ah. Taliyaha ciidanka Uganda ee qaybta ka ah AMISOM, Jen. Paul Lokech ayaa la sheegay inuu la socday kolonyada gaadiidka ah, isla markaana uu bixiyay amarka lagu furay rasaasta dhimashada sababtay. Afhayeenka Ciidanka Uganda, Jen. Richard Karemire ayaa arrintaan si kulul uga hadlay, isgaoo sheegay inay ciidamadooda iska difaaceen rasaas lagu soo furay, xilli ay kusii jeedeen saldhigooda Xalane. “Rasaas ayaad nagu fureysaa, markaa waxaad noqoneysaa bartimaameed sharci ah oo aanu beegsanayno. Ciidamadeeda way is difaacayeen xilliga ay rasaasta furayeen,” ayuu yiri Jen. Richard Karemire oo raaciyay hadalkiisa inaan Soomaaliya la kala garaneyn cida ku tooganayso iyo cida kale. Gaadiid ciidan oo ka koobnaa sagaal gaari oo AMISOM ah oo uu hor-kacayay taliyaha ciidamada Uganda ee Soomaaliya jooga, ayaa u gurmaday xarunta madaxtooyada Villa Somalia kaddib markii ay weerareen ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa Al-shabaab, iyagoo xilligii uu shilku dhacayayna waday dhaawacyo ay kasoo qaadeen agagaarka madaxtooyada Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale, Afhayeenka Ciidamada Uganda ee AMISOM ka tirsan ayaa wax la yaab leh ku tilmaamay in la hor joogsado kolonyo ciidamada AMISOM ah oo aanay suuragal ahayn in cid kale lagu khaldo. “Ma jirto cid kale oo nagula qaldi karo ama nalagu kahi karo, xilligaa waxaan gurmad u aaday madaxtooyada oo weerarku uu ku socday, waxaana sidnay dhaawacyo aan isbitaal u wadnay,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray Jen. Karemire. Ugu dambeyn, Iyadoo is-rasaaseynta dhex-maray askarta AMISOM iyo NISA la baarayo ayuu afhayeenka ciidamada Uganda ku adkeystay in sharciga u yaalla AMISOM uu yahay inay rasaas ku jawaabaan mar kasta oo lasoo weerarro. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Uganda oo si adag uga hadashay shil ay ciidankeedu ku dileen Askar Somali ah appeared first on Puntland Post.
  6. Ra’isal wasaaraha Xukuumadda Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa ugu baaqay Taliyeyaasha cusub ee Ciidamada iyo Wasiirada iney ahmiyadda Koowaad siiyaan Arrimaha Amniga, isagoona sheegay ineysan u dul qaadan doonin in dadkeenna la laayo,niyad jabna ku keeni doonin hal ama labo Qarax oo dhaca. Ra’isal wasaaraha Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre, ayaa sidoo kale faray Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir, Ku-xigeenadiisa iyo dhamaan Guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir iney si waafi ah ula shaqeeyaan Taliyeyaasha cusub ee Ciidamada,wuxuuna hoosta ka xariiqay iney muhiim tahay in gacmaha la is qabsado oo la soo afjaro amnidarada magaalada Muqdisho ka jirta. Nuqul kamid ah haddalkiisa ayaa ahaa “Taliyeyaasha cusub,Wasiirada iyo Anaguba waxaan isku ognahay iney Arrimaha Amniga ay yihiin ahmiyada koowaad,inaan u dul qaadan doonin in dadkeenna la laayo,inaanay na niyadjabin doonin hal ama labo Qarax oo dhaco,waxaan leeyahay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir,Guddoomiye ku-xigeenadiisa iyo dhammaan Guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir waa iney si waafi ah ula shaqeeyaan Taliyeyaasha ciidamada,” Ra’isal wasaaraha Somalia ayaa ku amaanay maamulka Gobolka, Shacabka iyo Ciidamada oo iskaashanaya iney dadaaleen waxyana uga dhiman tahay guusha,islamarkaana horay u sii socdaan si looga mira dhaliyo himilooyinka la hiigsanayo. Ugu danbeyntii, Ra’isal wasaaraha Somalia oo hadalkaan shalay ka jeediyay xarunta Ciidamada xasilinta caasimadda Muqdisho oo uu booqday ayaa kula dardaarmay taliyeyaasha Ciidamada iney ka foojignaadaan isku dhac dhexmara Ciidamada sugaya amaanka Muqdisho,islamarkaana hubka iyo qalabka ee ciidan loogu dhiibay iney shacabka ku difaacaan cadowgana kula diriraan,balse aan iyagu isku dhac ku keenin. Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa ahmiyadda koowaad siineysa sugida amniga,si meesha looga saaro kooxaha Argagxisada ee nabadda u diidan Ummadda Soomaaliyeed. The post Kheyre oo inta uusan ka dhoofin Muqdisho cadeeyay waxa ay ku heshiiyeen isaga & Taliyayaasha appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  7. The post Sawirro: Marwada koowaad ee dalka oo casuumaad ugu fidisay Villa Somalia xaaskii madaxweynihii hore C/llaahi Yuusuf appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. HARGEISA– The Justice minister, Hon. Abdikani Mohamud Ateye received a donation from The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) at his office today. The ministry has recently put in place a data base which will be used to monitor every inmate in prisons all across the country. The first pilot project will be applied to Hargeisa main prison and this will be a major step taken in the right direction. The new justice minister has promised to establish a system that will create a network to all justice and judiciary during a brief to Somaliland house of elders. UNODC assists the ministry of justice in projects related to prisoners arrested on crimes such piracy and terrorism in Somaliland.
  9. Gaalkacyo (Puntlandi) Guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Xasan Maxamed khaliiif oo ay weheliyaan dhaakhatiir, Odayaal iyo iyo masuuliyiin kale, ayaa maanta xariga ka jaray xarunta caafimaadka hooyada iyo dhallaanka ee degaanka Godod ee gobolka Mudug. Xaruntaan cafimaad ayaa waxaa hirgaliyay Gabdhaha Jaaliyadda Puntland ee dalka UK, kadib markii ay arkeen baahida loo qabo in xarun caafimaad laga hirgaliyo degaankaas, si kor loogu qaado caafimaadka bulshada gaar ahaan hooyada iyo dhallaanka. Guddoomiyaha Godad iyo odayaasha degaankaas oo ka hadlayay munaasabadii xariga looga jarayay xaruntaan, ayaa mahad celin balaaran u jeediyay Gabdhaha jaaliyadda Puntland ee UK, ee udhisay xaruntaan oo degaanku baahi weyn u qabay. Waxaa kale oo ay maamulka gobolka Mudug iyo wasaaradda caafimaadka ugu baaqeen in adeeggii caafimaad xaruntaan usoo dhameystiraan. Agaasimaha isbitaalka guud ee Gaalkacyo, Dr, Maxamed Xuseen, wakiilna ka ahaa wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland, ayaa sheegay xaruntaan caafimaad ee laga hirgaliyay Godad inay qeyb ka tahay barnaamijka isku tashiga shacabka Puntland ku caan baxay. Agaasimuhu wuxuu ballanqaaday inay kaalin weyn ka qaadandoonaan horumarinta xaruntaan. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Mudug, Xasan Maxamed Khaliif, ayaa bogaadiyay dhismaha xaruntaan caafimaad, isagoo gabdhaha jaaliyadda Puntland ee UK ku ammaanay inay kaalin lama ilaawaan ah kaga jiraan taageerada shacabkooda, Guddomiyuhu waxaa uu ballanqaaday inay shaqaale u tababaridoonaan xaruntaan islamarkaana la qalabayndoono. Godado oo dhinaca Bari uga beegan Gaalkacyo waxay kamid tahay degaanadda laamiga ka durugsan fog ee uusan adeegga caafimaadku si fiican usoo gaarin. Shacabka degaankaas ayaa adeegga caafimaadka usoo aadi jireen Gaalkacyo, waxaase ugu daran hooyooyinka Uurka leh oo marka ay dhalayaan Gaalkacyo loosoo qaado iyagoo dhibaato la kulma inta jidka lasoo marsiinayo.
  10. The Ugandan army said Monday its troops shot dead three Somali soldiers in Mogadishu after a military convoy carrying Uganda’s commander came under friendly fire over the weekend. Friday’s incident involving the convoy of Brigadier Paul Lokech, who heads the Ugandan contingent of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), happened when Somali soldiers established roadblocks to lock down the capital after two bomb blasts that killed dozens of people. Uganda’s military spokesman Brigadier Richard Karemire said Somali troops fired at the convoy and its soldiers retaliated in self-defense. “There is absolutely no reason why the AMISOM forces in their designated sector of responsibility should have been blocked and fired at en route back to the base after providing critical support and with some victims of the attack being quickly evacuated for urgent medical attention,” he said. “As the incident is being investigated, let it be clear that AMISOM rules of engagement provide for self-defense and anyone who fires at these forces becomes a target,” he added. AMISOM on Saturday had said some of its troops “transporting injured civilians… were involved in an incident” at a National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) checkpoint near Kilometre-4, the city’s main junction. “The incident is under investigation by both the federal government of Somalia and AMISOM,” it said in a statement. This is not the first incident of deadly friendly fire between AU and Somali security forces in Mogadishu. Friday’s first bombing was at an entrance to the hilltop presidential palace complex while a second explosion hit a hotel close to the NISA headquarters, the presumed target. The bombings were claimed by the al-Qaeda linked Shabaab militants who are fighting to overthrow the internationally-backed government in Mogadishu, which is defended by 22,000 AMISOM troops, including 6,000 Ugandans.
  11. Hargeysa (PP) ─ Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Somaliland UCID, Inj. Faysal Cali Waraabe sheegay in Dowladda Jabuuti aysan raalli ka ahayn hormarka Somaliland, kana soo horjeedo horumarinta Imaaraadku ku sameynayo Dekadda Berbera. “Waan ka naxay ninkaas ka hadlayay Jabuuti inuu yiraahdo horumarka Boosaaso iyo Berbera ayaa horumarkeennii waxyeelleysa oo aanu DP World kala wareegnay dekeddii Dooraale, naxdin ayaan ka qaaday, dal kasta xaq ayuu u leeyahay inuu horumar gaaro, balse in la yiraahdo horumarka dal kale – kaayaga ayuu waxyeelleynayaa waa waxaan adduunka lagu arag, dal aanu jaar nahay oo walaalo nahay oo waliba Madaxweynahooda aanu si aad ah u ammaano inuu warkaas kasoo yeero aa guul-darro aad u weyn” ayuu yiri Faysal Cali Waraabe oo u waramay Telefishanka HCTV. Sidoo kale, Inj. Faysal ayaa ku eedeeyay Dowladda Jabuuti inay caddow ku tahay horumarka Somaliland, wuxuuna nasiib-darro ku tilmaamay in Jabuuti ay ka xumaato heshiisyada shirkadda DP World ay ku hormarinayso dekedaha Boosaaso iyo Berbera. “Wax kale ma ahane innaga ayaa la inaga arkay, waxayna shacabka Reer Somaliland ay ku noqonaysaa anfariir, Waxaana inoo cad in heshiisyadii ay xukuumadda Somaliland horay u gashay ay cadaawad badan noo abuureen. Haddaad Xamar tagto carruurta yar-yar ayaa lagu diray Imaaraadka oo la leeyahay Imaaraadka ayaa ina khiyaameeyay oo ina in-qilaabaya. Waxaas oo dhana waxaa loogu sheeganayaa maxaad Somaliland ula macaamishay,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray hoggaamiyaha mucaaradka Somaliland. Ugu dabmeyn, Inj. Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa difaacay heshiiska Somaliland iyo shirkadda DP World oo illaa hadda aan la ogeyn Qodobbadiisa iyo Waxa lagu heshiiyay, isla markaana isugu jira mid milateri iyo maamulka Dekadda Berbera. PUNTLAND POST The post DAAWO: Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID oo eedeyn kulul u jeediyay Dowladda Jabuuti appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. Muqdisho-(Caasimadda Online)-Ra’iisal wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa galabta ka duulay Garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho, isagoo ku sii jeeda Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta. R/iisul wasaaraha iyo wafdigiisa oo ay kamid yihiin xubno ka tirsan Golihiisa Wasiirada ayaa u amba baxay magaalada Dubai ee Xarunta Iustgga Imaaraadka Carabta,kadib casuumaad uu ka heley madaxda Dalkaasi. Waxaa lagu wadaa in wafdiga Ra’iisal Wasaare Kheyre kulamo la yeeshaan madaxda dalka Imaaraadka oo ay kala hadli doonaan xoojinta xiriira u dhexeeya labada Dal Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka Carabta iyo xalinta khilaaf dhex yaallay labada dhinac. Dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa kamid ah wadamada daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya ee sida weyn loogu eedeeyo inuu faraglein ku hayo arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya. Ra’’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo wafdigiisa inta ay joogaan wadanka Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa waxaa ay madaxda dalkaasi kala hadli doonaan,arrimo ay kamid yihiin xoojinta xiriira u dhexeeya labada Dal Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka Carabta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Raiisal Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre Iyo Wafdi La Socda Oo U Duulay Dalka Imaaraadka Carabta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  13. Thousands of displaced pastoralist families have been struggling with a severe lack of water over the past few weeks in villages in southern parts of Sool region. These areas received good rainfall in the previous Deyr season, which attracted an influx of many families from neighbouring regions. The water resources were therefore depleted rapidly. The destitute families are now forced to buy water, if they can. “I have been to six water catchments, I haven’t seen any with water,” said Ibrahim Mohamud, whose 50 remaining goats have not had any water for 12 days. He has been living in Anda-Lule village, 55 km from Lasanod, for three months. He told Radio Ergo by phone that his livestock and family of seven have been hit hard by the water crisis. The families who migrated to the area are from Nugal, Bari, Sanag, Sool and Mudug regions, where the drought has been extremely severe. Abdalla Hersi Jama, coordinator of the drought response committee in Sool, estimates there are around 15,000 displaced families in the region. He said the severe water scarcity is having devastating effects but they lack the capacity to deal with its impact. The worst affected areas, where large number of families from other places have settled, are Dhumay, Kalabeyd, Dabataag, Andhalule and Gurmurka. The families can still find fodder for their livestock, encouraging them to stay in the area, despite the lack of water. Ibrahim was displaced from the rural areas of Badan, which was ravaged by four years of drought. He lost 400 goats. His family and three others hired a vehicle for $1,300, which they borrowed, to transport their feeble animals in search of water and fodder. They travelled 270 km to this part of Sool, thinking it would lead to the survival of their herds and families. Now, however, they are buying water from businessmen who bring water from Lasanod, 70 km away. They sell a barrel of water for $6. The pastoralist families, whose only source of income is from the sale of livestock, have had their income earning ability crushed. “There is no market for the livestock. There is no one who even looks at our livestock because they are so skinny,” said Asha Jama Mohamed, a pastoralist mother of eight. Asha said she begged businessmen to give her 20 litres of water for three days. She shared the water with three other families. “Tonight, I don’t have any water to give to my children or even to use for cooking,” she said. She has 40 remaining goats and brings them out to feed at night, because she is worried they might die of thirst in the scorching sun. Asha lost 360 goats in the drought before she migrated to this area from Hingalool.
  14. Abdikarim Mohamed Ahmed, 47, has been under medication for four months and is set to be sent home soon. His six children have been living with their mother and grandmother. He has not seen them since he was admitted at Manhal private mental health hospital in Burao, the second largest city in Somaliland. Abdikarim used to be the proud owner of 300 goats and three camels in Oowdayne, 75 km west of Burao, but only 18 of his goats survived the terrible drought. “When I saw my livestock perish, and my children looking at me and I didn’t have food for them, that was when I lost my mind,” Abdikarim told Radio Ergo’s local reporter. Around 150 people suffering from mental illness are receiving treatment in two small private hospitals in Burao – Manhal and Mandaye. Dr Feysal Abdi, a psychiatrist at Manhal, told Radio Ergo that mental disorders are now very prevalent among this community. He said most of the patients were pastoralists from rural parts of Togdheer region, who have experienced the desperation of watching their herds and livelihoods withering in the drought. They have been unable to provide for their families and diminished as a result. Manhal and Mandaye hospitals, both of which opened in the last two years to treat mental health cases, are full to capacity. Abdirahman Ahmed Hassan, manager of Manhal, said there are many more people whose conditions are not being treated. They opened the hospital because of the increasing number of people sleeping on the streets, especially people who lost their livestock and received no help. “We receive four to five people every day, and we cannot accept them. As soon as one patients recovers, we send them home and take in another. The numbers we keep are according to our financial resources and medical capacities,” Abdirahman said. Manhal hospital collects around $2,000 a month in donations from private businessmen in the area. They use the money to pay the costs of treating patients from destitute pastoralist families. Other families from the city pay their own bills. Whilst more than 160 patients have been treated in these two hospitals recently, many families simply do not know what to do with relatives who are suffering apparent mental illness. Jama Yusuf has a shackle on his right ankle chaining him to a tree in the yard of his brother Abdullahi’s house. Abdullahi said they keep Jama there because they fear he could cause harm in the neighbourhood. Four months ago, Jama attempted to hang himself using a piece of cloth. He was saved and taken to hospital, where he spent the last month being treated for severe neck injuries. His relatives buy him drugs from local pharmacies that help to calm his anxiety. He spends most of his time sitting under the tree. Jama, his wife and four children were displaced from War-Ibran, 155 km south of Burao, last October. Only seven of his 157 goats survived the dreadful drought.
  15. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia, Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa gellinkii dambe ee maanta ka dhoofay Muqdisho, iyagoo kusii jeeda waddanka isu-tagga Imaaraadka Carabta. Kheyre ayaa martiqaad ka helay Madaxda Imaaraadka Carabta, waxaana bil ka hor magaalada Davos ee Waddanka Switzerland isku arkeen Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee dalka Imaaraadka Carabta. Socdaalka RW Khayre ee Imaaraadka Carabta oo todobaadyadii aynu kasoo gudubnay la hadal-hayay ayaa labo jeer dib u dhacay arrimo lagu sheegay kuwo farsamo iyo culeys Madaxtooyada uga imaanayay. Warar Madaxtooyada Somalia ku dhaw ayaa sheegaya in safarka Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre ay ku wehliyeen wasiiro iyo saraakiil ka tirsan Xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya. Dhanka kale, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia ayaa la kulmi doona Madaxda ugu sarreysa dalka Imaaraadka Carabta, isagoo kala hadli doona xoojinta xiriirka labada dal, waxaana dhowaan Madaxweyne Farmaajo, La-taliyihiisa Amniga iyo Wasiirro ka tirsan Xukuumadda ay la kulmeen safiirka dalka Imaaraadka Carabta u fadhiya Muqdisho. Ugu dambeyn, Xiriirka Madaxtooyada Somalia iyo dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa mad-madow ku jiray tan iyo markii Dowladdu ka qaadatay khilaafka Khaliijka mowqif dhex-dhexaadnimo ah, balse waxaa loo arkayay mid u janjeerta dhanka Qatar. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia iyo Wafdi uu Hoggaaminayo oo u dhoofay Imaaraadka Carabta appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Djibouti’s ruling party has claimed a landslide victory in parliamentary elections, securing almost 90 percent of seats after the opposition largely boycotted the poll. Mohamed Abdallah Mahyoub, a senior member of President Ismael Omar Guelleh’s Union for a Presidential Majority (UMP) and campaign spokesman, told media late Sunday that the ruling party in the tiny Horn of Africa nation had won 58 out of 65 parliamentary seats, an increase of three since the last vote in 2013. The UMP claimed every seat outside of the capital and all but seven seats in Djibouti City with the remainder going to the Djibouti Union for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) Party. There was no immediate figure for turnout from 194,000 registered voters. Guelleh was first elected as Djibouti’s president in 1999. He was re-elected in 2005, 2011, and again in 2016 with no strong challenger. The incumbent won a fourth term of office with 87 percent of the vote. The UMP’s resounding victory came after opposition parties refused to put forward any candidates, saying the elections would neither be fair nor transparent, accusing the election commission of bias. The law stipulates that 25 percent of seats must go to women, an increase from just 10 percent in the outgoing parliament. According to Mahyoub, this threshold was nearly met as 15 women won parliamentary seats, 14 of them from the UMP. Djibouti’s strategic importance Lying on the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, Djibouti serves as a gateway to the Suez Canal and a chokepoint for oil tankers heading from the Persian Gulf to Europe. Djibouti’s geographical location has made it a favorable spot for foreign military bases. A former French colony until 1977, France maintains a significant military presence. The country is also hosting military bases of the United States, Italy, Spain, Japan and China. Press TV
  17. BERBERA– Government has suspended planned works for the UAE military facility at the port city of Bebera according to local reports. The workers at Berbera airport who were on duty to build the facility which was under construction were told to halt the building of the UAE military facility yesterday morning. Berbera mayor Hon. Abdishakur Idin accompanied by the head of Sahil regional police commander went to the airport and informed all workers to stop the building which was underway until further notice. Who gave the order of the suspension of UAE military facility in Berbera is still unclear as far as the situation is concerned. Former Somaliland administration led by Ahmed Silanyo inked a deal with UAE govt to build a military base in Berbera. It also paved the way for Dubai Ports World to takeover the management of Berbera port for at least 30 years. The UAE and Somaliland authority are locked horns over the terms of the agreement which the two sides signed in the UAE. Somaliland authority argues that the first thing first is repairing and refurbishing of the road linking Berbera to Wajale, known as the Berbera corridor but DPW is dragging its feet as reports indicate. Tog Wajale is a commercial hub which links Ethiopia to Somaliland as Ethiopia, a landlocked country has purchased a stake at Berbera investment to heavily bank on its import and export. The long term plan of DPW is to implement a dry port free zone in Wajale as part of the agreement reached between the two sides. The bone of contention is that the UAE sticks to the Memorandum of Understating signed with former president and calls on the incumbent president Bihi to honor the previous deal.
  18. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 26 February 2018 xafiiskiisa kasoo saaray wareegtu lagu magacaabay Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaarada Shaqada Iyo Shaqaalaha Iyo Dhalinyarada Puntland. Xeer Madaxweyne Lr. 27. February 26, 2018, kuna saabsan magacaabid Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Shaqada, shaqaalaha, Dhalinyarada iyo Cayaaraha Dawladda Puntland. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland. Markuu arkay: Dastuurka dawladda Puntland. Markuu Qiimeeyey: Aqoontiisa iyo Khibradiisa Shaqo. Markuu Tixgeliyey: Tala soo Jeedinta Wasiirka Wasaaradda Shaqada, Shaqaalaha, Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Dawladda Puntland. Waxaa Axmed Maxamuud Cabdalle (Tigaana) loo magacaabay Agaasimaha Guud Ee Wasaaradda Shaqada, shaqaalaha, Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Dawladda Puntland. Xeerkani wuxuu dhaqan gelayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxiixo, wuuna saxiixay Madaxweynuhu. =DHAMMAAD=
  19. The post Uganda to host AMISOM troop contributing countries leaders in key Somalia summit appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  20. Garowe (Puntlandi) Warsidaha Puntlandi ayaa raadiyay macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan in 10 kamid ah Maxaabiistii Shabaabka ahaa ee ku xirnaa Garowe ay baxsadaan. Maxaabiistaan oo ahaa kuwo loo sameynayay dhaqan celin, da’doouna ay udhexeysay 17,18, iyo 19 jir, kuna xaraysnaa guri kuyaala Garowe, ayaa qeyb ka ahaa maxaabiistii lagu qabtay dagaalkii Suuj iyo Garacad ee sannadkii 2016 ku dhexmaray Puntland iyo kooxda Alshabab. Weriyaha Puntlandi ee Garowe ayaa xidhiidh qadka taleefonka la sameeyay taliyaha saldhiga dhexe ee Garowe Dhamme Maxamuud Muuse Bille, wuxuuuna u xaqiijiyay arrintaan inay jirto, balse ay ciidanka iyo saraakiishu wadaan baariraan xoogan oo lagu ogaanayo sababta ka dambeysa arrintan. Taliyuhu wuxuu sheegay inuusan kala cadayn karin in carruurtaas Shabaabka ahaa si ula kac ah ooda looga qaaday ama inay iyagu ka baxsadeen, waxaase uu cadeeay inay hayaan hal qof oo looga shakisan yahay inuu kamid ahaa iyaga oo ay saakay ciidamadu soo qabteen. Hay’adda Unicef ayaa Carruurtaan Shabaabka ah oo tiradooda guud ahayd 60 horey loogu wareejiyay masuuliyadooda, kadib markii ay dowladda Puntland, si ay dhaqan celin ugu sameyso.
  21. Wasaaradda Duulista Hawada iyo Garoomada Puntland ayaa sheegtay in 10 arday ay ku soo baxeen darajooyinkii la rabay ee imtixaanka,islamarkaana ay ku guulaysteen in tababar loogu qaado dalka Turkiga. Wasaaradda ayaa sidoo kale sheegtay in ay jiraan 20 arday oo ku soo xiga,kuwaasoo loo tixgelin doono haddii uu soo baxo tababar kale. Sawirro.
  22. WASHINGTON — Somalia's Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire has ordered police and intelligence agents to immediately intensify security "a hundred percent" in the capital of Mogadishu after attacks by Al-Shabab killed nearly 40 people on Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Weerarkii Habeenkii Jimcaha todobaadkii la soo dhaafay Al Shabaab ay ku qaadeen nawaaxiga Madaxtooyada iyo agagaarka Xarunta Nabad Suggida ee Habar Khadiijo, ayaa raggii fuliyay waxa ay wateen dareeska ciidamada Booliska Somaliya, hadaba Su’aasha mudan in la isweydiiyo waxa ay tahay Sidee Shabaab ugu suuragashay inay helaan dareeska ciidamada Booliska kuwii ugu dambeeyay? Saraakiil ciidamada Booliska ka tirsan ayaa xaqiijiyay ragga weerarka fuliyay dareeska ciidan ee ay wateen inay ahaayeen kuwii ugu dambeeyay ee ciidamada Booliska la siiyay, ayna ku mareen Dabaaldegii ciidamada ee la qabtay 20-kii December sanadkii 2017-kii. Haddaba iyadoo ciidamada Booliska nin kasta oo ka mid ah la siiyo hal joog oo darees ciidan ah, ayaa dadka waxa ay isweydiinayaan halka ay ka keeneen ciidamada Al Shabaab dareeska ciidamada Booliska. Xoogaga Shabaab ayaa dhaqaalo iyo juhdi badan ku bixiya helida dareeska ciidamada, waxayna adeegsadaan hadba dareeska u fudud ee ay heli karaan, kuna fulin karaan weeraro argagixisinimo. Shabaab waxa ay og yihiin in ciidamada Militariga loo diiday inay hub ku dhex qaataan Magaalada Muqdisho gudaheeda, sidoo kalena aysan heli Karin dareeska ciidamada NISA iyo ciidamada Imaaraadka ay tababareen, taasi bedelkeeda waxa ay xoogga saareen sidii ay ku heli lahaayeen dareeska ciidamada Booliska, waana ay u suuragashay sida ay doonaan haku helaan, ugu dambeyna waa ay ku fuliyeen weerar. Waxaanan jirin isla xisaabtan dhab ah oo ku aadan dabagalka la xiriira halka Shabaab ay ka keeneen dareeska ciidamada Booliska, inkastoo suuragal ay tahay inay tosheen naqshada dareeska sidaasina ay ku heleen. Saraakiisha ciidamada Booliska illaa hadda ma hayaan jawaabta ah sida Shabaab ay ku heleen dareeska ciidamada, laakiin ma jirto cid isweydiisay iyo dabagal dheeri ah oo arrintaasi lagu sameeyay, laakiin Madaxda dowladda ayaa la soo shir tagay inay fashiliyeen weerarkaasi, sidii in furin dagaal ay tahay Magaalada Muqdisho. Dhacdooyinka lidiga ku ah dhanka ammaanka ee Al Shabaab ay ka gaystaan Muqdisho oo ah kuwa hadba naqshado kala duwan u addeegsadaan, ayaanan jirin tixraac iyo dabagal badan oo ku aadan baarista weerarada dhaca iyo xogta laga heli karo, kadib marka weerarka uu dhaco. Caasimada Online
  24. In the world’s only country that hosts both an American and a Chinese naval base, a Dubai firm is engaged in “crisis talks” with Djibouti after the East African state nationalized port facilities less than 10 miles from the Pentagon’s key outpost in the troubled Horn of Africa, amid widespread local media reports that a Chinese firm is in line to take over the contract. Source: Hiiraan Online