Deeq A.

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  1. Waa dhacdo ugub ah oo aan gayiga Soomaaliyeed inta badan lagu aqooni jirin, sida uu kusoo waramayo wariyaha BBC-da ee Hargaysa. Maxkamadda rafcaanka Hargaysa, ee Jamhuuriyadda Iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbanaannida ee Somaliland ayaa labo qof oo lagu kala magacaabo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdullaahi Xasan iyo Khadra Cabdullaahi Maxamed midkiiba ku xukuntay labo sano iyo lix bilood oo xabsi ah, kadib markii lagu heley in ay ilmo ka xadeen qoys. Waxaa la sheegay in qof ka mid ah dadka la xukumay uu ilmo ka kaxaystay magaalada Hargeysa, ilmaha waxaa dhalay reer ay qaraabo ahaayeen qofkan, wuxuuna geeyay magaalada Abaarso, kadibna waxaa la qabtay iyaga oo ilmaha yar dalka dibedda uga dhoofinaya. Lama oga ujeedka rasmiga ah ee ku kaliftay in ay ilmaha wataan, balse waxaa la qabaa tuhun ah in uu jiro suuq madoow oo carruurta looga ganacsado, waxaana arrintan sii xoojinaya Guuleed Dafac oo ah madaxa hay’adda xuquuqda aadanaha oo yiri “Marka laga qiyaas qaato cabashooyinka dadka ka imanaya, dhoofinta carruurta waa ay badatay, waxayna ku dhacdaa dadka ciyaalka ah ee ka yar 15 jirka, dhibta jirtaa waxaa weeye sharcina noogama dagsana, wacyiga dadkana aad ayuu u liitaa”. Balse taliyaha booliiska Somaliland Cabdullaahi Fadal Iimaan ayaa BBC-da u sheegay in aysan ka warhaynin wax suuq madoow ah oo jira oo carruur looga ganacsado. Hooyadii dhashay ilmahan yar ee la xaday ayaa iyadu lafteeda ku baraarugsan suurtogalnimada in ilmaha dalka dibediisa loo dhoofiyo, waxayna muddo bil ah ka raadinaysay meelaha dadka laga tahriibiyo sida Boosaaso oo kale. “Garowe ayaan maray, Boosaaso ayaan tagay, 18 cisho ayaan meel buuro ah ku sugnaa oo aan wiilka ka raadinayay meelaha dadka laga tahriibiyo” ayay tiri hooyada ilmaha dhashay. Sida uu sheegayo Aadan Salaad Seed oo ah xeer illaaliyaha dacwadan gacanta ku hayay , ma jiraan xeerar u gaar ah dambigan oo kale oo loo cuskado xukunka, sidaasi darteed ayaa laga yaabaa in ay ugu wacantahay xukunka dbacsan ee ku dhacay dadkan. Hooyada dhashay ilmaha ayaanan ku qanacsanayn xukunka, waxayna sheegtay in aysan suurtogal ahayn in 2 sano iyo 6 bilood oo kaliya lagu xukumo dad ay sheegtay in ay doonayeen in ay ka ganacsadaan xubnaha jirka wiilkeeda. Ma jiraan wax tirakoob ah oo laga hayo carruuraha la xaday, waxaana ugu wacan “waalidiinta oo marka ay ilmaha waayaan, raadiya, kadibna ka quusta, dowladana aanan u sheegin” sida uu sheegay Guuleed Dafac. Dhawaan gobolada Somaliland waxaa laga mamnuucay ugaarsiga iyo dhoofinta diinka, kaas oo loo dhoofinayay dalal ku yaala Aasiya oo dadka ay aaminsanyihiin in uu dawo yahay. Balse lama oga xiriirka Ka dhaxayn kara dhoofinta xayawaanka iyo tan carruurta oo hadda soo shaac baxaysa. Hase yeeshee ka ganacsiga xubnaha carruurta waa arrin adduunka meelo badan ka jirta, waana mid ka mid ah ganacsiyada sharci darrada ee ugu halista badan. Xigasho: BBC The post Suuq madow oo carruurta lagu iibiyo miyaa ka jira Somaliland? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. ABU DHABI, 28th February, 2018 — Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Ali Khayre, has visited Abu Dhabi’s Wahat Al Karama, the national landmark built to immortalise the sacrifices of the UAE’s brave heroes. Khayre was received by Sheikh Khalifa bin Tahnoun bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, Director of The Martyrs’ Families’ Affairs Office at the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Court. The visit began with the Honor Guard performing a ceremony, after which the Somali Prime Minister laid a wreath before the Memorial, the monument made up of 31 massive aluminum panels leaning on one another to symbolise solidarity between the people, the leadership of the UAE and the brave soldiers. Accompanied by Sheikh Khalifa bin Tahnoun, the Prime Minister of Somalia toured the site’s prominent areas. He concluded his visit by signing the visitors’ log and lauded the UAE’s heroes for their noble sacrifices and inspiring bravery in the face of adversity. WAM
  3. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA SOS Children’s Villages helps hundreds of at-risk families weather a region-wide emergency When Halimo and her family arrived at Hargeisa, Somaliland’s capital, she sold their last goat for $US10. The rest of the family goats, sheep and camels died in the drought that, for the fourth year, is ravaging the region. Like hundreds of other internally displaced families in Somaliland, the family has been helped through of the emergency relief they receive from SOS Children’s Villages. “When our livestock died because of the drought, we decided to travel to the city to find work,” says Halimo Dahir. Halimo, her husband and their six children – who range in age from two to 14 – now live in a small shelter in a displacement camp two hours away outside the city. The door of the little home is a curtain made of old relief bags that have previously been used to store sugar and rice. The home is just big enough for the family’s only piece of furniture, a mattress where they all sleep. The air is full of sand and dust. Halimo’s two-year-old daughter Aisha coughs constantly. “I miss our old home,” Halimo says. “It was beautiful. We had built it ourselves and we owned it. The house we live in now is one we borrow from another family and I’m afraid we’ll be thrown out at some point.” “We travelled to Hargeisa to find work. My husband now earns $US50 a month, but it’s far from enough for us to buy food for the whole family,” adds Halimo. The family once owned livestock and lived close to the Ethiopian border, where their home was a traditional cottage made of braided grass and large pieces of colourful fabric. They would move about so their camels, goats and sheep could graze. Then came drought. The animals gradually died and there was no milk and meat for the family to eat or trade. Help from SOS Children’s Villages SOS Children’s Villages has provided support through an emergency relief programme so the family can purchase food. “Before we received help from the SOS Children’s Villages emergency programme, we did not eat every day and we never had more than one meal a day,” says Halimo. Authorities in the Somaliland region estimate that one million people, in a territory of more than 3.5 million, are affected by the drought. Some 59% of the inhabitants in the worst-affected areas have lost all domestic animals and have had to leave their homes in search of work in urban areas. Large stocks of livestock have died, while others have been sold in a hurry to get money for food and water, which have become increasingly expensive because of the drought conditions. Many people rely solely on the community and international relief. Halimo and her family have lived in their temporary shelter for just over a year. Halimo spends her days taking care of her children and cooking. The days are so similar that they melt together. On Friday, the family goes to mosque. Halimo prays for a better life. Halimo [top] and her family have supplemented their food supplies with vouchers provided by SOS Children’s Villages. One of her six children [above] stands outside the family’s shelter near the capital Hargeisa. Photos by Cana Buttenschoen / SOS Children’s Villages Denmark. More about our work in Somaliland SOS Children’s Villages began working in Somaliland in the 1990s, and today works to strengthen families, care for children, and provide educational support. Our emergency response programme began in mid-2017 with an immediate goal of providing food vouchers to families in Somaliland facing severe nutritional needs because of a prolonged drought. Nearly 900 households in the Hargeisa, Gabilay, Sheikh and Berbera districts have received food vouchers. SOS Children’s Villages also provided nutritional screening for more than 270 children under the age of five and for 70 pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers, launched a nutrition education campaign, and provided training to 160 caregivers in how to improve hygiene during the food preparation process.
  4. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Benaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho, C/raxmaan Cumar Cusmaan (Eng. Yarisow) ayaa Xarunta dawladda hoose kulan kula yeeshay Madaxa Hay’adda Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Qaxootiga (UNHCR), Ms.Caroline Van Buren. Duqa Muqdisho Inj. Yariisow iyo madaxa Hay’adda UNHCR ayaa ka wada hadlay xaaladda barakaceyaasha iyo dadka danyarta ah ee ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho. Waxaa uu Guddoomiye Yarisow si gaar ah ugala hadley wafdiga UNHCR qaabka ugu haboon ee shaqo abuur loogu sameyn karo dhallinyarada gobolka, si looga hor tago tahriibka iyo xag-jirnimada, isagoona u soo bandhigay Madax UNHCR in ay kaalintooda ka qaataan sidii nolol munaasab ah loogu yagleeli lahaa dadka barakacayaasha ah. “Waxaan u mahadcelinayaa Laanta Qaramada Midoobay ee Qaxootiga ee UNHCR shaqada wanaagsan ee dhinaca taakuleynta barakacayaasha. Waxaan UNHCR iyo beesha caalamka ka codsanayaa inay gacan weyn ka geystaan sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa Barakacayaasha ku nool magaalada Muqdisho,” ayuu yiri Inj. Yariisow. Sidoo kale, Caroline Van Buren ayaa sheegtay in UNCHR ay ka go’an tahay inay kaalmo dheeri ah u fidiso barakacayaasha ku sugan xeryaha ku yaalla Muqdisho, iyadoona sidoo kale ballan qaaday in ay kala shaqeeynayaan Gobolka kor u qaadista heerka nolashooda. Ugu dambeyn, Kulankan waxaa ku weheliyey Guddoomiyaha maamulka iyo Maaliyadda Mudane Xuseen Maxamed Nuur iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo labada dhinac ka socotay. PUNTLAND POST The post Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir oo la kulmay Madaxa Hay’adda UNCHR ee Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. Xsibiyada mucaaradka ee Jabuuti, gaar ahaan kuwii qaaddacay ka qeyb galka doorashaddii baarlamanka ee dalkaasi ka dhacdey 23-kii bishan Febraayo, ayaa maanta soo saaray qoraal ay kaga war-bixinayaan aragtidooda ku aaddan natiijada doorashada iyo hadalkii kor-joogayaasha Midowga Afrika ay ka soo saareen doorashada. Duqii hore magaalada Jabuuti oo ka mida ah madaxda mucaaridka siyaasadda ee ku suggan gudaha dalka Jabuuti, Cadiraxman Maxamed Geelle, ayaa warbixinta mucaaradka uga waramay Ramadan Muuse. Xigasho : Voasaomali
  6. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa waraaqaha Aqoonsiga ka guddoomay Danjiraha cusub ee dalka Isbeyn u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Mudane Javier Garcia De Viedma. Madaxwaynaha iyo Safiirka oo ay weheliyaan Wasiir Ku Xigeenka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Diblumaasiyiin ka tirsan labada dal ayaa ka wada hadlay xoojinta xiriirka labada dhinac iyo Arrimaha ay ka rajaynayso Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in dowladda Isbaanishku ay kala shaqayso. Madaxwayne Farmaajo ayaa tilmaamay in mudnaanta ay siineyso Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya xoojinta xiriirka caalamiga ah, kaas oo dhabaha u xaaraya sidii Soomaaliya ay u kasban lahayd saaxiibo caalami ah oo kala shaqeeya xaqiijinta hiigsiyada la xiriira dabar-goynta argagixisada, iskaashiga dhaqaalaha iyo dhisidda ciidan Qaran oo hanan kara amniga guud ee dalka. Danjire Javier Garcia De Viedma ayaa Madaxwaynaha u soo gudbiyey farriin uu uga siday Boqorka dalka Isbeyn Mudane Felipe Juan Pablo oo dhigeysa in ay garab taaganyihiin Shacabka iyo Dowladda Soomaaliyeed. Puntland Post The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo warqadaha aqoonsiga safiirnimo ka guddoomay Danjiraha dalka Isbaanishka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa waraaqaha Aqoonsiga ka guddoomay Danjiraha cusub ee dalka Isbeyn u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Mudane Javier Garcia De Viedma. Madaxwaynaha iyo Safiirka oo ay weheliyaan Wasiir Ku Xigeenka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Diblumaasiyiin ka tirsan labada dal ayaa ka wada hadlay xoojinta xiriirka labada dhinac iyo Arrimaha ay ka rajaynayso Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in dowladda Isbaanishku ay kala shaqayso. Madaxwayne Farmaajo ayaa tilmaamay in mudnaanta ay siineyso Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya xoojinta xiriirka caalamiga ah, kaas oo dhabaha u xaaraya sidii Soomaaliya ay u kasban lahayd saaxiibo caalami ah oo kala shaqeeya xaqiijinta hiigsiyada la xiriira dabar-goynta argagixisada, iskaashiga dhaqaalaha iyo dhisidda ciidan Qaran oo hanan kara amniga guud ee dalka. Danjire Javier Garcia De Viedma ayaa Madaxwaynaha u soo gudbiyey farriin uu uga siday Boqorka dalka Isbeyn Mudane Felipe Juan Pablo oo dhigeysa in ay garab taaganyihiin Shacabka iyo Dowladda Soomaaliyeed. -DHAMMAAD- The post Sawirro: Farmaajo oo warqadaha ka gudoomay Danjiraha cusub ee Isbaanishka appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Hoggaamiyaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe, ayaa maanta Madaxtooyada maamulkiisa ku qaabilay Safiirka Dowlada Talyaaniga u fadhiya Somalia Carlo Campanile. Hoggaamiyaha iyo Danjiraha ayaa ka wada hadlay xaalada guud ee Somalia, Dagaalada ay ciidamada maamulka kula jiraan al-Shabaab, Tababarada ciidamada iyo xoojinta amaanka deegaanada Jubbaland. Waxaa kulanka labada Mas’uul diirada lagu saaray maalgashiga Talyaaniga oo wakhtigii Dowladii Dhexe maalgalin xoog leh ku sameeyay dalka iyo suuragalnimada in dib loo soo celsho hanaankii hore. Hoggaamiye Axmed Madoobe, oo la hadlay saxaafada ayaa sheegay in ay ka wada hadleen Danjiraha sidii dib boorka looga jafi lahaa mashruucyo iyo ilo maalgashi oo Talyaanigu kal hore ka hirgaliyay deegaanka si gaar ahna in ganacsatada Talyaanigu ay u furan tahay in ay deegaanka maalgashadaan. Waxa uu Madoobe sheegay in Danjiraha uu ku booriyay inay xooga saran arrimaha nabadgalyada iyo inay laban laabto tageeradeeda dhinaca amaanka si xasiloonidu u noqoto mid adag oo aan liiq liiqan. Danjire Carlo Campanile ayaa amaanay dadaalka Jubbaland ee nabadgalyada iyo dib u dhiska isagoo sheegay in ay maalgalin ku samayn doonan deegaanka isla markana dhinaca amaanka ay Soomaaliya oo dhan wax weyn kala qabanayaan. Safiirka ayaa booqday Xarumo kala duwan oo ku yaala Magaalada Kismaayo oo ganacsato iyo shirkado Talyaani ah ay gacanta ku hayeen wakhtigii Dowlada dhexe ay talada haysay. The post Sawiro: Muxuu ku saabsanaa kulanka saacadaha badan qaatay ee dhexmaray Axmed Madoobe & Carlo Campanile appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  9. MOGADISHU, Somalia – The U.S. military says it has killed two extremists and wounded another in an airstrike against al-Shabab fighters in Somalia. A statement from U.S. Africa Command on Tuesday said the airstrike was carried out Monday near Jilib in Middle Juba region. The U.S. has carried out a growing number of drone strikes in the Horn of Africa nation in coordination with Somalia’s government. Most are against al-Shabab but a small number have targeted Islamic State group-affiliated fighters in the Puntland region in the north. Monday’s strike is the sixth air attack against Islamic extremist fighters so far this year. The U.S. military reported two strikes last week. The U.S. carried out more than 30 drone strikes last year in Somalia after President Donald Trump approved expanded military efforts. Source: AP The post US says 2 extremists killed in latest Somalia airstrike – AP appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  10. GREEN BAY, Va. — A set of identical twin sisters will fulfill their dream when they marry a set of identical twin brothers in a joint wedding this summer. The Lynchburg News & Advance reports Jeremy and Josh Salyers proposed to Briana and Brittany Deane on Feb. 2 at Virginia’s aptly named Twin Lakes State Park. The engagements came six months after the pairs met at the Twin Days Festival, which bills itself as the world’s largest annual gathering of twins and other multiples, in Twinsburg, Ohio. The 31-year-old Deanes had visited the festival, which Brittany calls “a magical place,” since their first year of law school, the first time they had been apart. The Salyers made their first festival visit in 2017 and “lucked out on (their) first attempt,” as Josh puts it. Source: AP The post These Identical Twin Sisters Are Marrying Identical Twin Brothers appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  11. A Russian call for a five-hour truce on Tuesday failed to halt one of the most devastating campaigns of the Syrian war, where residents said government warplanes resumed striking the eastern Ghouta region after a brief lull. Diplomatic sources meanwhile said the chemical weapons watchdog, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, opened an investigation into attacks in eastern Ghouta to determine whether banned munitions were used. Political leaders in France, the United States and Britain said last month they would back targeted military action against Damascus if there were proof chemical weapons had been used by forces under President Bashar Assad, Russia’s ally. newsinisdeMoscow and Damascus blamed rebels for the collapse of the truce, saying fighters had shelled a safe route intended for civilians to leave the enclave. The insurgents denied such shelling, and a senior U.S. general accused Moscow acting as “both arsonist and firefighter” by failing to rein in Assad. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow would press on with a plan to stage similar daily pauses in the fighting, allowing aid to be delivered to eastern Ghouta through what Russia describes as a humanitarian corridor. But the United Nations said it was proving impossible to aid civilians or evacuate wounded, and said all sides must instead abide by a 30-day truce sought by the U.N. Security Council. “We have reports this morning there is continuous fighting in eastern Ghouta,” U.N. humanitarian spokesman Jens Laerke said. “Clearly the situation on the ground is not such that convoys can go in or medical evacuations can go out.” Hundreds of people have died during 10 days of government bombardment of the eastern Ghouta, an area of towns and farms on the outskirts of Damascus. The assault has been among the most devastating air campaigns of a war now entering its eighth year. Intensifying bombardment of the besieged area has been coupled with probing ground assaults to test rebel defenses. With no sign of decisive international pressure to stop the attack, eastern Ghouta seems likely to meet the same fate as other areas won back by the government, where humanitarian corridors eventually became escape routes for defeated rebels. “A concrete humanitarian corridor has been set up that will be used to deliver humanitarian aid, and, in the other direction, a medical evacuation can take place and all civilians who want to leave can,” Lavrov told a joint news conference in Moscow. But the local branch of the opposition Syrian Interim Government’s Ministry of Health dismissed Russia’s truce call as a ploy to circumvent the U.N. month-long ceasefire resolution. Source: Reuters The post Truce plan fails to halt bombing of Ghouta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  12. I guess we should note, Mogadishu is in control of the government. But if U.S. diplomats are restricted to the airport, Mogadishu cannot be the most secure city. February 27, 20185:02 AM ET Heard on Morning Edition Steve Inskeep talks to Democratic Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island about the fight in Somalia against the terrorist network al-Shabab. Reed just visited East Africa. STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: When four members of the U.S. special forces were killed last year in Niger, many Americans, even lawmakers, responded with surprise – surprise that the U.S. military was quite so involved in Niger. Think of this next interview as an opportunity not to be surprised because the U.S. military is busy in multiple African nations, including Somalia. The U.S. works with local forces that control Mogadishu, the capital on the coast. An extremist group called al-Shabab controls parts of the countryside. Democratic Senator Jack Reed, a leading voice on foreign affairs, visited Mogadishu a few days ago. JACK REED: I left there feeling that we can keep al-Shabab off-base, off-kilter, if you will, but that, you know, they control so much territory. And there is a situation where the Somali government doesn’t have the confidence of its people. And ironically, al-Shabab is operating outside of Mogadishu, but they’re effectively collecting taxes. They’re adjudicating local disputes. They have a legitimacy in some places that the government doesn’t have. And until we reverse that – and that’s not just military action; that’s a lot of support for economic development, support for expanding government’s – the Somali government’s role – al-Shabab will still be there. And if they’re there, they have the capacity to plot against us not just there, but throughout the region and the world. INSKEEP: And I guess we should note, Mogadishu is in control of the government. But if U.S. diplomats are restricted to the airport, Mogadishu cannot be the most secure city. REED: It is not the most secure city. They had a terrible incident last October 14. Five hundred people were killed in a vehicle-borne explosive device. In fact, it was so shocking that I think al-Shabab basically didn’t want to claim responsibility. I was there 25 years ago in the 1990s when we had forces there, and to go back – the city itself has actually grown, expanded. Business is – seems to be improving. The Turks have invested in the airport and also a seaport. So there’s economic activity that didn’t exist before, but there’s a suspicion that that’s being tolerated, if you will, by al-Shabab because they’re getting some kickbacks. INSKEEP: We’re talking here about an area of foreign policy where President Trump has been very engaged. He’s been very vocal against terrorism. This is one thing he definitely wants to do overseas. Having traveled around the region a little bit, do you feel that you were looking at part of a coherent strategy on the part of the United States? REED: I was looking at a strategy from a military perspective that is focused. It’s also well-resourced. They’re also beginning to understand that the battle is not just kinetics – you know, shooting back and forth. It’s information warfare. It’s disrupting the websites. It’s getting into their – the whole social media message of these terrorist groups. But what’s lacking is the complimentary and sometimes more important domestic or diplomatic effort. That seems to be something that is being shunned by the administration – not just not resourced properly, but shunned. INSKEEP: Do you think it’s being shunned because that’s viewed as nation building? REED: Well, I think it’s being shunned for many reasons. I think it’s being shunned – the view is nation building, but I think it’s being shunned also with the notion that, you know, it’s like a business deal. You know, you go in, and you send in your top negotiator. He doesn’t need expert – or she doesn’t need experts. You know, that’s not, in many respects, the way to do it. You need experts. You need constant dialogue. You need to implement anything you agree to. And you need to sort of verify and check out all the different proposals you’re hearing from experts. INSKEEP: Senator Jack Reed, always a pleasure talking with you. Thank you very much. REED: Thanks, Steve. Copyright © 2018 NPR. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information.
  13. Somali security forces have retaken control of Moqorki town in Central Somalia from Al-Shabaab on Wednesday morning. Driving out the militants who have controlled the town since 2016. Military officials confirmed to local media that the town was under government control after a ferocious firefight that lasted close to an hour. “As dawn broke, government forces moved into Moqorki district, they were met by Al-Shabaab and there was a heavy exchange of gunfire,” The number of casualties in the skirmish is still unclear. According to several high-placed sources, the Somali government and her allies have been preparing for a large-scale offensive against Al-Shabaab militants. Moqokori was captured by Al-Shabaab militants in 2016 during a land offensive that was spurred by a sudden pull out by Ethiopian troops. Source: Hol The post Somali forces recapture Moqorki town from Al-Shabaab appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Waxaa tacsi guud loo dirayaa dhamaan Qoysks Reer Xaaji xuseen geerida ku timid Marxuum Alla ha u naxariistee Bashiir Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen oo loo yaqaanay Bashiir Baafaan, Marxuumka oo ahaa Injineer dhismaha ayaa axsdii lagu diley Gaalkacyo. Waxaan illaahay Uga baryaynaa Marxuumka Jano waarta iyo dambi dhaaf Aamiiin Aaamiin. Jaaliyada Puntland ee Denmark ayaa sigaara ugu tacsiyeynaysa qoyska reer xaaji xuseen geeridaa ku timid marxuum Bashiir Bafaan Geerida ku timid Walaalkood, Illaahay samir haka siiyo dhamaan Ehelka iyo Asxaabta , Marxuumkana ilaahay haka waraabiyo Janatul Fardowsa. Aaaamiin Aaaamiin
  15. Reuters BEIRUT/GENEVA (Reuters) — A Russian call for a five-hour truce on Tuesday failed to halt one of the most devastating campaigns of the Syrian war, where residents said government warplanes resumed striking the eastern Ghouta region after a brief lull. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. MOI took action against 24 reporters. Information Minister Abdirahman Abdilahi Guri Barwako today has suspended and withholds the salaries of about 24 reporters at state run television in Somaliland. The minister announced the suspension in a circular which stipulates that their salaries will be witheld for three months and are ordered not to come to the ministry premises. In the letter Mr. Guri Barwako said the action was for administrative reasons. The minister’s move to suspend the reporters will add fuel to the situation. The new information minister reshuffled directors in the ministry which caused an uproar among the reporters in the ministry.
  17. Dowladda Netherlands,ayaa ku dhawaaqday in ay ka baxday howlgalka dhinaca amaanka ah ee uu Midowga Yurub ka wada Soomaaliya. Dowladdu waxaa ay sheegtay in 15 Askari oo u badan tababarayaal iyo la taliyayaal dhinaca amaanka ah ay ku lahayd howlgalka Midowga Yurub ee Dowladda Soomaaliya looga caawiyo amaanka iyo tababarka Ciidanka. Netherlands,waxaa ay sheegtay in Bisha April ee soo socota ay Ciidamadeeda kala bixi doonto Soomaaliya taas oo sida lagu sheegay warbixintan dib u dhac ku ah howlgalka Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya. Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee Dalka Netherlands,ayaa sheegay in Ciidan yari dalkiisa heysata ay ku qasabtay in ay Ciidankooda kala baxaan Soomaaliya,isaga oo intaas ku daray in madaxbanaanida Netherlands ay muhiimadda kowaad u tahay Dalkiisa. Wasiirku waxaa uu sheegay in Netherlands ay sii wadi doonto howlgallada kale ee dhinaca Bani’adamnimada ah ee Midowga Yurub uu ka wado Soomaaliya hayeeshee qeybta amaanka ay intaas uga egtahay.
  18. Waa dhacdo ugub ah oo aan gayiga Soomaaliyeed inta badan lagu aqooni jirin, sida uu kusoo waramayo wariyaha BBC-da ee Hargaysa. Maxkamadda rafcaanka Hargaysa, ee Jamhuuriyadda Iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbanaannida ee Somaliland ayaa labo qof oo lagu kala magacaabo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdullaahi Xasan iyo Khadra Cabdullaahi Maxamed midkiiba ku xukuntay labo sano iyo lix bilood oo xabsi ah, kadib markii lagu heley in ay ilmo ka xadeen qoys. Waxaa la sheegay in qof ka mid ah dadka la xukumay uu ilmo ka kaxaystay magaalada Hargeysa, ilmaha waxaa dhalay reer ay qaraabo ahaayeen qofkan, wuxuuna geeyay magaalada Abaarso, kadibna waxaa la qabtay iyaga oo ilmaha yar dalka dibedda uga dhoofinaya. Lama oga ujeedka rasmiga ah ee ku kaliftay in ay ilmaha wataan, balse waxaa la qabaa tuhun ah in uu jiro suuq madoow oo carruurta looga ganacsado, waxaana arrintan sii xoojinaya Guuleed Dafac oo ah madaxa hay’adda xuquuqda aadanaha oo yiri “Marka laga qiyaas qaato cabashooyinka dadka ka imanaya, dhoofinta carruurta waa ay badatay, waxayna ku dhacdaa dadka ciyaalka ah ee ka yar 15 jirka, dhibta jirtaa waxaa weeye sharcina noogama dagsana, wacyiga dadkana aad ayuu u liitaa”. Balse taliyaha booliiska Somaliland Cabdullaahi Fadal Iimaan ayaa BBC-da u sheegay in aysan ka warhaynin wax suuq madoow ah oo jira oo carruur looga ganacsado. Hooyadii dhashay ilmahan yar ee la xaday ayaa iyadu lafteeda ku baraarugsan suurtogalnimada in ilmaha dalka dibediisa loo dhoofiyo, waxayna muddo bil ah ka raadinaysay meelaha dadka laga tahriibiyo sida Boosaaso oo kale. “Garowe ayaan maray, Boosaaso ayaan tagay, 18 cisho ayaan meel buuro ah ku sugnaa oo aan wiilka ka raadinayay meelaha dadka laga tahriibiyo” ayay tiri hooyada ilmaha dhashay. Sida uu sheegayo Aadan Salaad Seed oo ah xeer illaaliyaha dacwadan gacanta ku hayay , ma jiraan xeerar u gaar ah dambigan oo kale oo loo cuskado xukunka, sidaasi darteed ayaa laga yaabaa in ay ugu wacantahay xukunka dbacsan ee ku dhacay dadkan. Hooyada dhashay ilmaha ayaanan ku qanacsanayn xukunka, waxayna sheegtay in aysan suurtogal ahayn in 2 sano iyo 6 bilood oo kaliya lagu xukumo dad ay sheegtay in ay doonayeen in ay ka ganacsadaan xubnaha jirka wiilkeeda. Ma jiraan wax tirakoob ah oo laga hayo carruuraha la xaday, waxaana ugu wacan “waalidiinta oo marka ay ilmaha waayaan, raadiya, kadibna ka quusta, dowladana aanan u sheegin” sida uu sheegay Guuleed Dafac. Dhawaan gobolada Somaliland waxaa laga mamnuucay ugaarsiga iyo dhoofinta diinka, kaas oo loo dhoofinayay dalal ku yaala Aasiya oo dadka ay aaminsanyihiin in uu dawo yahay. Balse lama oga xiriirka Ka dhaxayn kara dhoofinta xayawaanka iyo tan carruurta oo hadda soo shaac baxaysa. Hase yeeshee ka ganacsiga xubnaha carruurta waa arrin adduunka meelo badan ka jirta, waana mid ka mid ah ganacsiyada sharci darrada ee ugu halista badan.
  19. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Mudane Jack Reed oo ka mid ah Senator-rada dalka Mareykanka oo maalmo ka hor booqasho gaaban ku yimid Muqdisho, ayaa ka warbixiyay safarkiisa iyo kulan uu la qaatay Madaxweynaha Somalia oo ka dhacay garoonka diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Xildhibankan ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay in Mareykanka Taageero dheeraad ah siiyo Somalia, si kooxda mayalka adag ee Al-shabaab looga adkaado, inkastoo uu xusay in dowladda \somalia aysan haysan kalsoonida shacabkeeda. “Kooxda Al-shabaab dhul ballaaran ayay ka talisaa, waxayna si firfircoon uga qaataan dadka canshuur, meelaha qaarkood oo aysan Dowladda Soomaaliya heysan ayay sharciyad ku haystaan oo ay dadka ugu kala garsooraan,” ayuu yiri Jack Reed oo ka tirsan xisbiga Dimuquraadiga, Senator-ka ayaa intaas ku daray. “Haddaan taas wax laga qaban Al-shabaab way jirayaan, waxayna kari karaan inay na shir-qoolaan, mana aha oo keliya Somalia, laakiinse waa gobolka oo dhan.” Xidhibaanka ayaa la weydiiyay amniga Muqdisho iyo wuxuu kusoo arkay intii uu ku sugnaa, wuxuuna ku jawaabay. “Muqdisho amni waa ka jiraa, laakiin ma ahan agaalada ugu amniga badan gobolka, isla markaana dhacdooyin argagax leh ayaa ka dhaca, sida qaraxii 14-kii bishii Oktoobar ee 2017-kii oo lagu dilay 500 dad ka badan. Muddo 25 sano ka hor ah ayaa Muqdisho tagay waana ka bedelan tahay magaalada sidii ay markaas ahayd.” Ugu dambeyn, Xildhibaanka ayaa hadalkiisa ku daray. “Magaaladu aad ayay u ballaaratay, horumarro ganacsiyeed oo baaxad leh ayaa ka jira, Laakiinse anigu waxaan qabaa in baaritaanno ciidaan aan waxba laga qaban Karin Al-shabaab, balse loo baahan yahay horumar dhaqaale, si loo kobciyo howlaha iyo waxqabadka dowladda federaalka Somalia. PUNTLAND POST The post Senator Mareykan ah oo sheegay in Dowlada Somalia aysan haysan Kalsoonida Shacabka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Wasiirka warfaafinta maamulka Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Guri-barwaaqo ayaa shaqadii iyo mushaharkii ka joojiyay 24 weriye oo ka hawl-gala idaacadda Radio Hargeysa iyo SomailandTV. Weriyayaashaan ayaa dhawaan ku eedeeyay wasiirka inuu sameeyay cadaalad darro kadib markii uu isku shaandhayn ku sameeyay shaqaalihii warbaahinta maamulka Hargeysa.
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Iyado dhawan uu boqasho ku yimid Magaalada Muqdisho Senator Jack Reed oo ka mid aqalka Senetka Mareykanka ayu ka warbixiyay waxyaabihi uu ka bartay booqashadiisa muqdisho. Jack Reed aya shegay in dowlada soomaaliya aysan heysan kalsoonida Shacabka oo ah haldoorka dowlad nimo iyo suurtagalnimada in amanka la xaqiijiyo waxa uu shegay in dagaalka al shabaab ee dowlada uusan dhaman karin iyado dowladu aysan heysan kalsoonida shacabkeda. “Al-Shabaab dhul baaxad leh ayay ka taliyaan, waxay si firfircoon leh uga qaataan dadka canshuurta, meelaha qaarkood oo aysan dowladda heysan ayay sharciyad ku heystaan oo ay dadka ugu kala garsooraan”ayuu yiri oo wareysi siiyay Idaacad lagu magacaabo National Public Radio. Isago ka hadlayay amanka magaalada Muqdisho ayu shegay in Muqdisho aanay aheyn magaalada ugu ammaanka badan, isla markaana dhacdooyin argagax leh ay ka dhacaan dowladana aysan wax ka qaban arimahasi. Isagoo wareysi lala yeeshay ayuu si cad u sheegay senatorka kasoo jeeda xisbiga dimoqraadiga, kana tirsan guddiga ciidamada qalabka sida in Alshabab ay canshuur urursadaan, ay dadka u kala garsooraan dadka, ayna sharciyad ku heystaan degaanada aanay joogin dowladda. Wuxuu intaas ku daray in si wax looga bedelo xaaladaasi aan kaliya loo baahney awood milateri ee la doonayo taageero dhaqaale, horumarin iyo taageerada is balaarinta dowladda, sida uu yiri. Dhinaca kale Senator Jack Reed ayaa beeniyey inuu socdaalkiisa Muqdisho ee dhacay 20-kii bishan aanu ahayn qarsoodi ee hore loo shaaciyey, isla markaana uu raacay xeerka u yaalla amniga oo garoonka Muqdisho uu kula kulmay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Senator Jack Reed”Dowlada Farmaajo Ma Heysato Kalsonida Shacabkeeda oo Wey Ku Guldareysatay” appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  22. A woman participates in a discussion about FGM in Somalia (Photo: Nichole Sobecki/AFP/Getty Images) The government in Somaliland is expected to pass legislation addressing the rampant problem of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the region. Somaliland is an autonomous area inside Somalia, a country where 98 percent of women and girls have been cut, the highest rate of FGM in the world. The government recently issued a fatwa (religious edict) banning the two most extreme forms of the practice (see below). However, the fatwa has no legal authority. Moreover, the fatwa failed to ban the practice altogether, leaving open the possibility of Type I FGM, which involves the partial or complete removal of the clitoris. Now activists fear that when subsequent legislation is passed, it will not go far enough. Initial reports on the fatwa stated that the government had made Type I FGM mandatory for all girls in Somaliland. Meanwhile in Switzerland, the Islamic Central Council of Switzerland recently issued a legal opinion saying Islamic law justifies the practice of FGM and that it is not harmful to girls. FGM is illegal in Switzerland and any type of cutting is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. FGM refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia and/or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-medical reasons. The practice has serious and permanent negative impacts on the heath and sexuality of women and girls, including, in the short term, severe pain and bleeding, infection and urinary disturbances. Long-term effects include complications during childbirth, anemia, the formation of cysts and abscesses, keloid scar formation, damage to the urethra resulting in urinary incontinence, painful sexual intercourse and sexual dysfunction, hypersensitivity, increased risk of HIV transmission, as well as serious psychological effects. Watch a clip from Clarion Project’s film Honor Diaries about FGM: