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Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Somalia ayaa soo bandhigtay nashqada la doonaayo in lagu soo saaro lacagta cusub oo ay dhawaan isticmaali doonto Somalia. Xukuumada ayaa sheegtay in lacagta cusub ee shilin Soomaaliga ah ay noqon doonto mid ka shaqeysa dhammaan dalka taas oo la filayo in dhawaan dowladdu soo daabacdo. Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle, oo ah Wasiirka Maaliyadda Soomaaliya, oo maalinimadii shalay ka hadlay lacagtaan ayaa sheegay inay tahay nooc Cusub oo la doonayo in lagu badalo lacagta Kunka Shillin ee hadda la isticmaalo. Beyle waxa uu sheegay in lacagtaan sidoo kale ay ka koobnaan doonto 10,00 , 50,000 iyada oo sidoo kale qeybo kale yeelan doonto. ‘’Lacagtaan waxaa ugu tallo galnay inaan warshad kale aysan daabicin, waxa uu qorshuhu yahay inay ka dhaqan gasho dalka oo dhan’’ Waxa uu sheegay in suuqyada dalka oo idil laga saari doono lacagta Sh/So ee hadda la isticmaalo.
A suicide car bomb explosion at a military base in Somalia injured seven soldiers late Saturday, a military official said, and Islamist group al Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Somalia ayaa bilowday qorsho lagu doonaayo in lagu adkeeyo dhoofka Soomaalida ku sugan gudaha dalka. Dowlada ayaa sheegtay in dhoofka ay ka adkeyn doonto dhanka Garoomada iyo Dekkada kuwooda ay gacanta ku heyso Dowlada Somalia. Dowlada ayaa waxaa adkeynta dhoofka kala shaqeyn doona hay’adda socdaalka caalamiga ee IOM, taa oo bixineysa qalabka lagu koontarooli lahaa dadka dhoofka ah. Mas’uul u hadlay hay’adad ayaa sheegay inay bilaawen hirgalinta qalabka dijitalka ee akhriya faraha dhoofayaasha. Waxa uu mas’uulkaani sheegay inay hadda wadaan sida ay Garoonka Aadan Cadde ugu rakibi lahaayen qalabka, waxa uuna intaa raaciyay in Garoonka kadib ay ku xirayaan Dekkada Muqdisho. Sidoo kale, waxa uu sheegay in qalabka ay gaarsiin doonaan dhammaan Garoomada iyo Dekadaha ay gacanta ku heyso dowlada Somalia, si loola socdo dhaqdhaqaaqa dadka dhoofka ah. Hay’adda IOM waxay kaloo sheegtay in qalabkaasi muhiim u yahay kontoroolka si looga hortago kiisaska Tahriibka iyo fal kasta oo isku day oo la isticmaali karo. Dhinaca akle, hay’adda IOM ayaa cadeysay inay is garab taagi doonto Dowlada Somalia oo iminka kasoo kabaneysa burburka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Kenya ayaa shacabkeeda ugu baaqday inay ka feejignaadan weeraro argagixiso oo kaga imaada dhanka maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab. Dowlada ayaa sheegtay inay jiraan maleeshiyaad ka tirsan al-Shabaab oo gudaha u galay deegaano ka tirsan Gobolada Kenya, sidaa aawgeed la doonayo in lala shaqeeyo ciidamada amaanka. Charles Owino, oo ah Afhayeen u hadlay Boliiska Kenya ayaa sheegay in al-Shabaab ay si gaar ah u beegsanayaan xarumaha maamulka iyo Saraakiisha muhiimka ah. Waxa uu afhayeenka sheegay inay ka war hayaan damac al-Shabaab iyaguna ay sii wadi doonaan dhaqdhaqaaqyada ay kaga hor tagayaan falalka argagixisada. Sidoo kale, dowladda Kenya ayaa marar badan ka digtay weerarrada al-Shabaab gaar ahaan Bisha barakaysan ee Ramadaan, markaas oo ay kordheen weerarrada iyo dilalka qorsheysan. Dhinaca akle, dhawaan ayay ahayd markii Shan Sarkaal oo ka tirsanayd Ciidanka la dagaallanka argagixisada ee GSU loo yaqaan ay u dhinteen Miino kula qaraxday Gaadiidkii ay wateen degaanka Xaar-xaar oo ka tirsan Libooya Kenya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi Caasimada@live.com
Madaxwaynaha dalka Mareykanka Donold Trump ayaa ku sii jeeda dalka Singapore halkaasi oo lagu wado in uu ka dhaco kulanka isaga iyo hogaamiyaha Kuuriyada Waqooyi, Kim Jong-un. Kulanka ayaa lagu wadaa in uu qabsoomo maalinta Talaadada ee soo socota. Mr Trump ayaa sheegay in ay tahay hal fursad oo la siinayo heshiis nabadeed oo labada dhinac ay gaaraan. Waxa uu intaa ku daray in muddo daqiiqad gudaheed ah uu ku ogaan doono in natiijo ay ka soo baxayso kulanka iyo in kale. Kuuriyada Waqooyi ayaa dhankeeda diiday fikirka ku saabsan in ay ka talabaxdo hubkeeda niyukleerka iyo gantaalada. Mr Trump ayaa balanqaaday In uusan doonayn in uu waqtiga iska lumiyo ama uu ka lumiyo Mr Kim balse uu wadaxaajoodka rajo wanaagsan ka qabo. Madaxwayne Trump ayaa marar badan shaki galiyay qabsoomida kulanka isaga iyo hogaamiyaha Kuuryada Waqooyi Kim Jong-un. ISHA BBC
GENEVA — The U.N. children's fund warns that heavy rains and flooding in Somalia are putting hundreds of thousands of children at high risk of disease and death. Source: Hiiraan Online
Salaadiin ka tirsan Issimadda Gobolladda Waqooyi Galbeed oo galabta shir jaraa,iid ku qabtay magaalada Boorame waxay raali galin u direen shacabka iyo dowladda Puntland, ka dib jawaab culus oo ay ka bixiyeen hadal maalmo ka hor kasoo yeeray Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Ucid Somaliland Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe. Salaadiinta la hadlay warbaahinta waxaa ka mid ah Suldaan Ibraahim Jaamac Samatar,Suldaan Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Dhawal iyo Suldaan Cabdi Ibraahim Riiraash waxay si wada jir ah raali galin uga siiyeen Ardeyda iyo Maamulka Jaamacadda Camuud hadalo kasoo yeerey Faysal Cali Waraabe Hogaamiyaha Xisbiga Saaxiibka dhaw la ah Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi. Odoyaasha ayaa sheegay inay magan u yihiin ardeyda iyo qof kasta oo jooga magaalada Boorame,waxaana ka mid ahaa hadalkooda” Hargeysa ninka ka hadlay hadalkiisu maaha mid idin quseeya,maaha mid aad dhagta u taagtaan,waa saad u deganaydeen weeye,waa saad u doorateen weeye ama Boorame deganaada ama Hargeysa deganaada,hadalkaas uu ku hadleyna wuxuu ahaa mid ka baxsan nidaamka” Ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah Issimadda saxaafadda kula hadlay magaalada Boorame. Salaadiinta ayaa fariin u direy shacabka iyo dowladda Puntland waxayna u sheegeen inaysan wax dhibaato ah la kulmi doonin cid kasta oo kaga sugan magaalada Boorame iyo Deegaanada kale ee Somaliland. Ugu dambeyntii Odoyaashu waxay hadalo dhaliil iyo cambaareyn isugu jirta u jeediyeen Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Ucid Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe oo ay ku tilmaameen hadalkiisu inuu ahaa mid wax u dhimaya nidaamka guud ee ka jira mandiqada Somaliland. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Issimo Somaliland oo xaal ka siiyay Shacabka Puntland hadalkii Faysal Cali Waraabe appeared first on Puntland Post.
Wararka ka imaanaya Boorame ayaa sheegaya maalinta beri ah inay kusoo wajahan yihiin Caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe ku dhawaad 20 qoys oo kasoo guuray deegaano ka tirsan Somaliland, ka dib hanjabaad iyo cabsi kasoo wajahdey hadalo ay warbaahinta ka jeediyeen masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland. Guddiga Difaaca Puntland oo maanta Garoowe kula hadlay saxaafadda ayaa uga digey shacabku inay isticmaalaan garoomadda diyaaradaha Somaliland maamusho iyo 824 Ardey oo ay sheegeen inay jaamacaddo ka dhigtaan magaalooyinka Boorame iyo Hargeysa inay si deg deg ah uga soo baxaan goobahaas, ka dib jawaab ay ka bixiyeen guddigu hadal maalmo ka hor kasoo yeerey Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Ucid Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe. Wariye madax banaan oo jooga Degmadda Dhahar ee xarunta Gobolka Haylaan ayaa u xaqiijiyay Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST inay maanta halkaas soo gaareen tiradda ilaa 5 qoys oo uu sheegay inay kasoo guureen magaalooyinka Burco iyo Hargeysa. Sidoo kale waxaa jira hadalo hanjabaad ah oo ay isdhaafsanayaan in badan oo ka mid ah bulshada labada dhinac iyo taakulo ay la garab taagan yihiin ciidamada weli isku horfadhiya deegaanka Tuko-raq oo dagaaladii ka dhacay ay ku dhinteen tiro ka badan 60 askari oo ka kala tirsan labada dhinac. Colaadda Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa iminka u muuqaal ekaatay mid saameysay isdhexgalka bulshada labada dhinac sida arrimaha ganacsiga,waxbarashada iyo deegaanka. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Colaada u dhaxeysa Puntland iyo Somaliland oo saameysay bulshada labada dhinac. appeared first on Puntland Post.
Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Xogo dheeraad ah ayaa waxa uu kasoo baxayaa weerar Ismiidaamin ahaa oo galinkii danbe ee maanta ka dhacay Deegaanka Baar Sanguune ee duleedka Magaalada Kismaayo gaar ahaan Xerada ay halkaa ka degan yihiin ciidamada Mareykanka iyo kuwa Kumaandooska. Weerarkaan oo loo adeegsaday Gaari Caasi ah ayaa waxaa fuliyay ruux isa soo miidaamiyay oo ka tirsanaa al-Shabaab kaa oo ka dhacay meel Qiyaastii 50 Km ujirta Xarunta Gobolka Jubada Hoose. Qaraxa kadib ayaa waxaa la maqlaayay rasaas xoogan oo aan la ogeyn hadii ay jirto Khasaare ka dhashay. Gaariga ayaa inta uusan Qarxin ka hor waxaa ka shakiyay ciidamada Kumaandooska ee ilaalada ka ahaa xerada kuwaa oo ooda kaga qaaday rasaas badan, waxaana xigay Qaraxa ismiidaaminta ah. Warar madaxbanaan ayaa sheegaya in ku dhawaad 5 Askari uu waxyeelo kasoo gaaray Qaraxa, waxaana suuragal ah in Khasaaraha uu intaa kasii bato, sida laga soo xigtay mid kamid ah Saraakiisha ciidamada dowlada ee ka howlgala Jubbooyinka. Wararkii u dambeeyey ee haatan nasoo gaaraya ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Ciidamada Dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland ay wadaan dhaq dhaqaaqyo ciidan,waxana xusid mudan in saldhigaas uu yahay kii shalay lagu dilay askar ka tirsaneyd Ciidamo Mareykan ah o Sldhigaasi ku sugan.
MOGADISHU, June 9 — One U. S. special forces soldier was killed and five others, including one partner force member, were injured in an al-Shabab attack in southwest Somalia on Friday, the U.S. military said. The U.S. Africa Command (Africom) said the incident took place during a joint operation in Jubaland in southern Somalia conducted by combined Somali National Security Forces (SNSF), Kenyan Defense Force (KDF) and the U.S. special forces. “One of the wounded U.S. service members received sufficient medical care in the field. Three U.S. service members and the one partner force wounded were medically evacuated to receive additional treatment,” Africom said in a statement issued on Friday night. Africom said a large force comprising of about 800 forces from Somali and allied forces came under mortar and small-arms fire while conducting a multi-day operation on Friday afternoon, about 350 kms southwest of Mogadishu. “The mission’s objectives were to clear al-Shabab from contested areas, liberate villages from al-Shabab control, and establish a permanent combat outpost designed to increase the span of Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) security and governance,” said Africom. The U.S. military said its special forces provided advice, assistance and aerial surveillance during the mission. Washington has stepped up operations in the Horn of African nation in the past one year, killing a number of members of the militant group. Xinhua
According to Puntland media outlets, both the Minister for Interior, Abdullahi Ali Hersi, and the official government Spokesperson, Abdullahi Quranjecel, today, ordered students and residents originally hailing from the Somalia Federal State but currently living in Somaliland to immediately go back to Puntland. The Puntland officials, heating up an already simmering situation between the Somalia federal state and the Republic of Somaliland told their subjects that their lives was in danger – a fact that mosr Somalilanders were not aware of. “Intelligence reaching us reveal that the Somaliland authorities planned retaliatory steps against Puntland-born residents and students,” Mr. Quranjecel asserted. The call, it is said, follows a reference Somaliland opposition leader, Faisal Ali Warabe, made on the hundreds of students currently studying in Somaliland to highlight that ethnic affinities do not work in real life. The leader was criticizing Puntland leaders for basing their territorial claims on large regions of Somaliland on a purely ethnic affiliation basis. The two sides engaged in military confrontation on several occasions in the Sool, Somaliland, area from January 2018 following a rumored visit of the Somalia Federal President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, on Tukkaraq – some 70-plus kilometres on the Somaliland side of the borders both Somalia and Somaliland inherited from, respectively, the Italian and British colonial masters at time of independence in 1960. The United Nations and the United States have, of recent, been on shuttle diplomacy in an attempt to douse down the escalating hostilities between the two sides. The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Musa Bihi Abdi, has repeatedly called for dialogue the absence of which he said Puntland leaves them no option but to defend Somaliland from what he called “naked, blind aggression”. Women driving speaker-mounted vehicles have been openly driving around GRowe, the capital seat of Puntland, shouting war, drumming up ethnic-based support for what they called “colonized regions”. In contrast, responding to the diplomatic shuttle of the UN and the US, Abdihakim Ammey, the Vice President of the Puntland State, vowed that neither he nor his troops will rest until they reached Oog district near Burao of Togdheer. His point was that he recognized only tribal boundaries and nothing more. The VP was just back from a blitz tour he made to his clan areas inside Somaliland to exhort clansmen of fighters to bolster his militias and for vehicles and material support. “Where is Sanaag? Where is Sool? Where is Las Anod?” They kept shouting from the blaring speakers. On the contrary, Somaliland stands behind its state army and does not encourage the kind of clan-based hue and cry taking momentum in Puntland. Neither is there any animosity against non-Somalilanders in Somaliland cities. If not checked, only more bloodshed and a protracted hostility between the de facto Republic of Somaliland and Somalia cannot be ruled out. Somtribune
Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Wararka ka imaanaya Gobolka Jubada Hoose ayaa sheegaya in galabnimadii maanta uu weerar Ismiidaamin ahaa ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Kismaayo. Weerarka oo uu fuliyay dhagarqabe naftii halige ah ayaa waxaa lagu qaaday xero duleedka Kismaayo ay ku leeyihiin Ciidanka Mareykanka iyo kuwa Danab ee Xooga dalka. Dhagarqabaha weerarka fuliyay ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu kaxeynaayay Gaari Caasi ah oo laga soo buuxiyay walxaha Qarxa kaa oo uu ku dhuftayxerada. Wadaha aya markii hore la sheegay inuu isku dayay inuu gudaha u galo xerada oo ay ku sugnaayen Saraakiil iyo ciidamo Mareykan ah, waxaana xusid mudan in ciidamada ku dhamaaday weerarka ay yihiin kuwa Kumaandooska Soomaalida oo ilaalo ka ahaa goobta uu gaariga ku Qarxay. Gaariga ayaa inta uusan Qarxin ka hor waxaa ka shakiyay ciidamada Kumaandooska ee ilaalada ka ahaa xerada kuwaa oo ooda kaga qaaday rasaas badan, waxaana xigay Qaraxa ismiidaaminta ah. Warar madaxbanaan ayaa sheegaya in ku dhawaad 5 Askari uu waxyeelo kasoo gaaray Qaraxa, waxaana suuragal ah in Khasaaraha uu intaa kasii bato, sida laga soo xigtay mid kamid ah Saraakiisha ciidamada dowlada ee ka howlgala Jubbooyinka. Saraakiisha waxa ay sheegen in Jugta Qaraxa laga maqlay qeybo badan oo kamid ah Gobolka Jubada Hoose, waxaana jira warar sheegaya in duleedyada Kismaayo laga arkayay uurada uu sameeyay Qaraxa oo markaliya Qiiq hawada isku shareertay. Dhinaca kale, halka weerarka ismiidaaminta ah uu ka dhacay ayaa aheyd meeshii shalay Dowladda Mareykanka looga dilay halka askari iyo dhaawaca Afarta kale. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo Caasimada@live.com
HARGEISA— Somaliland Journalist Association (SOLJA) has sent stern warning to local reporters not to cover stories from individuals who are instigating the war between clans in Eil Afwein in Sanaag region. SOLJA sent a text message via local phones appealing practising journalists to do their utmost not to fuel the raging war between the brotherly clans that had skirmishes.
Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa Hay’adaha Amniga faray inay shacabka u sahlaan isku socodka magaalada oo maalmihii dambe ay shacabku dhib ku qabeen, kaddib markii ciidamadu xireen jidad muhiim ah. Wadooyinka xiran ayaa intooda badan ahaa kuwo muhiim u ah isku socodka guud ee shacabka Muqdisho, waxaana dadweynuhu ay dhibaatooyin kala duwan ku qabeen sidii ay ku gaari lahaayeen xaafadahooda iyo goobahooda shaqada. “Hay’adaha Amniga waxaan farayaa inay shacabka u sahlaan isku socodka magaalada, waddooyinka xiranna loo furo. Nabaddu waxay ku Timaaddaa wada-shaqeyn dhex-marta shacabka iyo ciidamada Amniga. Shacabkana waxaan ka codsanayaa inay la shaqeeyaan wiilasha iyo gabdhaha u taagan inay ka difaacaan kooxaha argagixisada,” ayuu Farmaajo iyo ku yiri qoraal kooban oo uu soo dhigay bartiisa Twitter-ka. Sidoo kale, Baraha bulshada ayaa waxaa maalmihii u dambeeyay hareeyay doodo ku aaddan Xirnaanshaha Waddooyinka oo dadka meelaha qaar laga celinayo, Gaadiidkana lagu amrayo inay kala wareegaan, waxaana cabashada shacabka ay timid iyadoo loo diyaar-garoobayo maalmaha Ciidul Fidriga ee foodda nagu soo haya. Madaxweyne Soomaaliya, Farmaajo ayaa la xusuustaa in markii uu ku jiray oloihiisii doorashada in khudbaddi uu ka jeediyay baarlamaanka Somalia uu ku ballan-qaaday inaan Waddooyinka la xiri doonin, Awoodda Dowladduna aysan shacabka ku caburin doonin awood, laakiinse waxaa la is-weydiinayaa waxa ka dhaqan-galay ballan-qaadkaas. Dhanka kale, Waxaa muuqata inay sii kordheen caburinta shacabka iyo in la xirayo jidadka markii la doono, iyadoo la xiray min jid cadde illaa Laami, waxaana dadka reer Muqdisho ku noqday magaalada xabsi kor ka xiran. Ugu dambeyn, Ciidamada Amniga Dowladda Somalia ayaa xiray dhammaan Waddooyinka soo gala Waddada Maka Al-Mukarama iyo Isgoysyada Wadada Wadnaha, waxaana dadka ay lugeynayeen meelaha qaar ee loo diido in lagu maro gaadiid. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweynaha Somalia oo amar ku bixiyay in la furo waddooyinka xiran ee Muqdisho appeared first on Puntland Post.
Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta Gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaasi goordhow uu ka dhacay qarax imiidaamin ah. Weerarkaan ayaa waxaa lagu fuliyay Gaariga soomaalida ay u taqaano Hoomeey ama caasi. Qaraxa ayaa ka dhacay saldhig ciidamada amaanka Jubbaland ay ku leeyihiin magaalada Kismaayo. Lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxaasi hayeeshee dadka deegaanka ayaa inoo sheegay in uu jiro qasaare. Faah faahinta dib kala soco Insha allah Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post The post Qarax Ismiidaamin ah oo ka dhacay Magaalada Kismaayo appeared first on Puntland Post.
Somalia’s al Shabaab claims attack in which US soldier died
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Somalia’s Islamist group al Shabaab has claimed responsibility for an attack in which a U.S. commando was killed and four others were wounded when they came under fire in the country. The U.S. special operations forces were fighting alongside about 800 troops from the Somali National Security Forces and Kenyan Defence Forces when they were attacked late on Friday by mortars and small arms fire. “We attacked a military base … killed one U.S. soldier, two Kenyan soldiers and nine Somali soldiers from Jubbaland state. We also injured four U.S. soldiers,” Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaabs military operations spokesman, told Reuters on late Friday. He said the attack was in the southern town of Kismayo. President Trump addressed the situation in a Saturday morning tweet, calling the U.S. soldiers heroes. In a separate statement, the U.S. military said on Friday one local soldier was also wounded in the attack that also involved Somali and Kenyan forces. The troops had been on a mission to clear al Shabaab from contested areas as well as villages the militants controlled, “and establish a permanent combat outpost” to expand the reach of the Somali state, according to the U.S. statement. Kenyan military spokesman David Obonyo told Reuters that its forces were not involved in any operations in Somalia on Friday About 500 U.S. troops are deployed in Somalia. Al Shabaab is fighting to overthrow Somalia’s central government and establish its own rule based on its interpretation of Islamic law. Source: Reuters -
Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo Ayaa hay’adaha maanka faray in la furo wadooyinka xiran ee Muqdisho. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa qoraal uu soo dhigay Twitterkiisa ku sheegay in la furo wadooyinka xiran. “Waxaan farayaa hay’adaha amniga inay shacabka u sahlaan isu socodka magaalada, jidadka xiranna loo furo. Nabadgelyadu waxay ku timaadaa wadashaqeyn dhexmarta labada dhinac. Shacabku waa inay la shaqeeyaan wiilasha iyo gabdhaha u taagan inay ka difaacaan kooxaha argagixisada”.ayuu yiri Farmaajo oo qoraal soo dhigay bartiisa Bulshadda. Waxaa xiran wadooyinka Muhiimka ah ee Magaalada Muqdisho iyada oo ay soo dhowadahay munaasabada ciidul Fidriga. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa la xusuustaa in xilligii ololaha uu ku jiray iyo khudbadiisa Musharaxnimada ee uu ka hor-jeediyay Baarlamaanka ku balan-qaaday in aan jidadka la xiri doonin, awoodda dowladdana aanay shacabka ku caburin doonin. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo Amray in la Furo Wadooyinka Xiran appeared first on Puntland Post.
HARGEISA–The University Of Hargeisa constantly maintains cooperation and collaboration with regional, national and international universities and partners for the sake of advancing academia. On the 12th of May 2018 a team of delegates from Mekelle University paid the University Of Hargeisa an official visit. Mekelle University is the second biggest university in Ethiopia, the team of delegates from Mekelle University was headed by Prof.Kindeya Gebrehiwot the President of Mekelle University. The delegation was received by the University Of Hargeisa Administration. The delegation spent five days in the Republic Of Somaliland in which time they’ve been a part of a series of meetings and togethers with the university of Hargeisa administration, both universities came to the understanding of Mekelle University to grant scholarships and various training regarding health and medicine, agriculture, veterinary and law to parties from the University Of Hargeisa. The delegation also went on a field trip to the port of Berbera where they where given a tour of the port and the livestock conservatory, they’ve also spent time in Sheikh city where they visited the Veterinary School of Sheik.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha JFS Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa ka jawaabay qeyla dhaan kasoo yeertay dadka shacabka ah ee ku nool magaalada Muqdisho. Dadka shacabka ayaa qeyla dhaan ka muujiyay waddooyinka magaalada Muqdisho oo u xiran ciidamada amaanka, kadib markii dhagxaan iyo carro tuur lagu jaray waddooyinka. Madaxweynaha oo qeyla dhaanta ka duulaya ayaa amray in shacabka loo Sahlo isu Socodka Maagaaladda ,loona furo wadooyinka xiran. Madaxweynaha waxaa uu sheegay in ay muhiim tahay wada shaqeyn dhexmarta ciidamada iyo Shacabka, sidaa aawgeed uusan ka raali aheyn in shacabka lagu dhibaateeyo waddooyinka xili lagu guda jiro maalmaha ciida. Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ka jawaabayaa cabashada shacabka ayaa amar ku bixiyay in la furo wadooyinka waxa uuna bartiisa kusoo qoray:-
Welcoming security, economic and political reforms in Somalia — including the peaceful election of a new Speaker of the House of People and resumed Parliament activity — the Security Council today noted with concern recent fighting in the northern Sool region, urging parties to cease hostilities, pull back their forces and engage in dialogue. In presidential statement S/PRST/2018/13 read out by Dmitry A. Polyanskiy (Russian Federation), Council President for June, the 15‑member organ called on all parties to allow and facilitate full, safe, rapid and unhindered humanitarian access. More broadly, the Council expressed serious concern over the threat posed by Al‑Shabaab, reaffirming its support for a comprehensive approach to security. It also expressed concern about abduction and use of child soldiers, as well as sexual and gender‑based violence. Against that backdrop, the Council welcomed progress on developing a conditions‑based transition plan with target dates for the transfer of security responsibilities from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to Somali security institutions. To provide the basis for that transition, it recalled the critical importance of accelerating implementation of the national security architecture agreement, urging the federal Government and federal member states to prioritize those efforts. The Council also looked forward to recommendations from the fourth African Union‑United Nations joint review of AMISOM on how the Mission should be configured to support the transition. It expressed deep concern about the continued risk of famine and the impact of recent flooding, underlining the importance of continued international support to build long‑term resilience. On the political front, the Council welcomed the resumption of high‑level dialogue between the federal Government of Somalia and the federal member states to make progress on the priorities of: power- and resource‑sharing, the constitutional review, fiscal federalism, preparations for one‑person, one‑vote elections in 2020/2021, support for regional security forces and finalizing the justice and corrections federal model — all of which required political agreements that could form the basis for legislation in the federal Parliament. The meeting began at 10:06 a.m. and ended at 10:17 a.m. Presidential Statement The full text of presidential statement S/PRST/2018/13 reads as follows: “The Security Council welcomes the progress made to date by the federal Government of Somalia on security sector, economic and political reforms. The Security Council welcomes the peaceful election of a new Speaker of the House of the People and the resumption of the federal Parliament’s activity. The Security Council underscores the need for the federal Government of Somalia, the Somali federal Parliament and the federal member states to work together in the interests of all Somalis. “The Security Council notes with concern recent fighting in the Sool region of northern Somalia. The Security Council urges parties to implement, without delay, their commitment to international partners to an immediate cessation of hostilities, including refraining from statements or actions that may raise tensions, and further urges parties to pull back their forces and engage in dialogue. The Security Council notes with concern that the fighting has exacerbated the humanitarian situation and calls on all parties to allow and facilitate full, safe, rapid and unhindered humanitarian access. “The Security Council welcomes the resumption of high‑level dialogue between the federal Government of Somalia and the federal member states to make further progress on key priorities. These include power- and resource‑sharing, the constitutional review, fiscal federalism, preparations for one‑person, one‑vote elections in 2020/2021, support for regional security forces and finalizing the justice and corrections federal model, all of which require political agreements that can form the basis for legislation in the federal Parliament. “The Security Council reaffirms its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia. The Security Council notes with concern that internal and external pressures risk undermining Somalia’s political unity. The Security Council underscores the importance of working to prevent destabilizing effects of regional crises and disputes from spilling over into Somalia, and the need for all stakeholders including Somalia’s international partners to work constructively to support the federal system and its institutions and to respect Somalia’s peace- and State‑building process. “The Security Council stresses the importance of the full, equal and effective participation of women in the political settlement process and in all efforts towards the maintenance and promotion of peace and security, and urges the federal Government of Somalia and the federal member states to continue to promote increased representation and participation of women at all decision‑making levels in Somali institutions. “The Security Council expresses serious concern at the ongoing threat posed by Al‑Shabaab, and reaffirms its support for a comprehensive approach to security in Somalia, consistent with international humanitarian law and international human rights law as applicable and with full respect for the rule of law. The Security Council welcomes recent progress on developing a conditions‑based transition plan with clear target dates for the progressive transfer of security responsibilities from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to the Somali security institutions, as endorsed by the African Union Peace and Security Council on 30 April 2018 and by international partners at the Somalia security high‑level meeting in Brussels on 2 May 2018. The Security Council commends the federal Government of Somalia, together with the federal member states, AMISOM, the police- and troop‑contributing countries, and international partners, for their collaborative approach to developing this plan, and calls for its effective implementation, starting with Phase One, with full participation from all relevant stakeholders. The Security Council underlines the need to ensure resourcing for the transition plan. “The Security Council further recalls the critical importance of accelerating the implementation of the national security architecture agreement to provide the foundation for a successful transition. The Security Council urges the federal Government and federal member states to prioritize efforts in this regard, including by integrating and providing federal support to regional forces, as agreed by Somalia’s National Security Council. The Security Council calls on international partners to support the transition and the implementation of the architecture, and to coordinate security assistance in line with the existing Comprehensive Approach to Security structures. “The Security Council notes that AMISOM’s role in enabling the transition to Somali‑led security will be critical. The Security Council pays tribute to the bravery and sacrifices of AMISOM and its police- and troop‑contributing countries to advance peace and stability in Somalia, and looks forward to the recommendations of the fourth African Union‑United Nations joint review of AMISOM on how AMISOM should be configured to support the transition. “The Security Council reiterates the need to enhance the predictability, sustainability and flexibility of financing for African Union‑led peace support operations authorized by the Security Council and under the Security Council’s authority consistent with Chapter VIII of the Charter. The Security Council further reiterates its call for new and existing donors to support AMISOM, and reiterates that regional organizations have the responsibility to secure human, financial, logistical and other resources for their organizations. The Security Council welcomes the efforts of the African Union and the United Nations to explore options for AMISOM funding. “The Security Council notes that accelerating Somalia’s economic recovery to support livelihoods and create jobs is an essential component of building peace and stability and supporting sustainable development. The Security Council welcomes the commitment shown by the federal Government of Somalia to the current International Monetary Fund staff‑monitored programme, and welcomes the outcomes of the Somalia Round Table at the Spring Meetings on 19 April. The Security Council urges Somalia to continue to demonstrate progress in order to build the fiscal and monetary track record needed to advance the process towards normalization with international financial institutions and debt relief. “The Security Council expresses deep concern about the humanitarian situation in Somalia, including the continued risk of famine and the impact of recent flooding. The Security Council welcomes the establishment of a National Flood Committee by the Somali authorities to help coordinate the response. The Security Council underlines the importance of continued international support to address humanitarian concerns and to build long‑term resilience. “The Security Council expresses concern about all violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights in Somalia, including the continued abduction and use of child soldiers and sexual and gender‑based violence. The Security Council stresses the importance of the protection of civilians, and calls on all parties to comply immediately with their obligations under international law, including under international humanitarian law and international human rights law. “The Security Council notes that the Somalia Partnership Forum will take place in Brussels on 25‑26 June 2018 and looks forward to further progress on political, security and economic reforms. The Security Council further notes that the Forum will provide an opportunity to advance discussions on resilience and responses to the humanitarian situation. The Security Council will continue to follow progress closely, and reaffirms its support for peace, stability and development in Somalia.” * The 8279th Meeting was closed. SOURCE:UN
HARGEISA– Somalia’s World Bank Representative, Hon. Hugh Riddell called on Mr. Sharmarke Ahmed Muhumed Gelle, chairman of Somaliland’s Civil Service Commission at the Civil Service Institute yesterday. Hon. Hugh Riddell is leading a a delegation from the World Bank and the mission of his visit to Hargeisa is to inspect the ongoing projects funded by the WB. The current Civil Service Commission Chairman breifed the visting delegation on the areas that the World Bank and CSC cooperate. It is obvious that a program aimed at getting rid of ghost workers was luanched under the auspaces of World Bank and the CSC. The CSC chairman said that Hon. Hugh Riddell commended the efforts embarked by the CSC to reform govt employees so that they will be productive.
Cadaado (Caasimadda Online) – Sida ay xaqiijinayaan wararka ka imaanayo Magaalada Cadaado Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Galmudug Maxamed Xaashi Carabey iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudug Cali Gacal Casir ayaa Ku guul Daraystay inay Kushaqeeyaan Madaxtooyadii hore ee Galmudug Ee magaalada Cadaado Labadaan Mas’uul oo 26 Bishii May Cadaado Imaadeen ayaa Wixii Waqtigaas Ka danbeeyay Doonayeen Inay Tagaan Madaxtooyada Waxaase U diidey Qaar Kamid Ah Waxgaradka Cadaado iyo qaar ka tirsan Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaanada Galmudug oo uu ugu horreeyo wasiirka Maaliyadda Galmudug oo ah Siyaasi kazoo jeedo Magaalada Cadaado. Madaxeyne ku xigenka iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudug ayaa si cad loogau sheegay inaysan ku shaqeyn Karin Xarunta Madaxtooyada kadib Kulamo Isdaba Jooga Oo Ay Layeesheen odoyaasha iyo Wax garadka. Sida aan xogta ku haleyno Madaxweyne ku xigeenka, Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo qaar yar oo ka tirsan Xildhibaanada Galmudug ayaa xarun ka dhigtay guri ku yaal Magaalada Cadaado halkaas oo ay ka wadaan olole ay ku doonayaan inay ku shaqeeyaan Xarunta Madaxtooyada inkastoo ay cadaadis xoog leh kala kulmayaan siyaasiyiinta iyo odayaasha ugu muhiimsan ee kasoo jeedo Magaalada Cadaado. Dhinaca Kale Odoyaasha Dhaqanka Cadaado Ayaa Kadigey Fidno Laga Dhex Huriyo Dadka Reer Cadaado Waxayna intaas Kudareen Inay Qaadayaan Wixii Cadaado Kadhacaa Masuuliyadeeda Cali Gacal Iyo Maxamed Xaashi Dadka reer cadaado ayaa aaminsan in madaxweyne ku xigeenka galmuduyg , iyo gudoomiyaha barlamanka galmudug in ay wadaan qorshooyin la isaga horkeenayo shacabka gobalada dhexe waxana cadaado ka dhcy banabaxyo xoogan oo loga soo horjedo carabey iyo gudomiyaha barlamanka galmdug kuwaasi oo shirar xasasi ah ku qanayay cadaado Madaxweyne ku xigeenka iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudug ayaa si cad ugu fashilmay inay ka qeyb galaan shirkii ka dhacay Magaalada Cadaado, iyadoo la ogyahay inuu ka qeyb galay Madaxda Wasiirada Galmudug Shiikh Maxamed Shaakir. Maamulka Galmudug ayaa noqday mid fadhiisad ah tan iyo markii maamulkaas la abuuray, wuxuuna mar kasta la kulmayaa khilaaf u dhaxeeyo madaxda ugu sarreeyo, ilaa haddana dadka Galmudug kasoo jeedo ma aysan helin wixii ay ka filiyeen maamulka. Waxaa fashilmay kulan ay dowladda Soomaaliya ku dooneysay inay ku wada hadashiiso madaxda Galmudug, waxaana muuqato inay Galmudug weli kala qeybsan tahay, waxaaa mugdi sii galay Mustqbalka Maamulkaas oo rajo laga yeeshay xilligii Ahlu Sunna lagu soo daray maamulkaas. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
The process of drafting a federal constitution for Somalia dates back to 2004 when a Federal Charter and a federal system of governance were adopted in Kenya. The Transitional Charter mandated the formation of an independent commission that would prepare a new federal constitution in two and half years. However, the commission was only formed two years later, in 2006, by the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) president, Abdullahi Yusuf. Source: Hiiraan Online