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Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Hoggaamiyaha maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaalle Geelle Xaaf, ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu ka biyo diiday qorsho uu watay ku-xigeenkiisa Maxamed Xaashi Cabdi (Carabeey). Xaaf ayaa diiday qorsho ah in la joojiyo magacaabida Golaha Wasiirada maamulka oo ay kasoo muuqan doonaan Wasiiro ka imaan doona ahlusuna, kadib markii Carabeey uu sheegay in xalka Galmudug uu sidaa ku jiro. Xaaf, oo ka biya diidan qorshaha Carabeey, ayaa sheegay in Galmudug aysan dayici doonin fursada ay ka heshay Ahlusuna, sidaa aawgeed uusan aqbali doonin dalabka ku-xigeenkiisa. Carabeey, ayaa sheegay in Galmudug ay dib ugu laaban doonto halkii ay kasoo bilaabatay, haddii uu Hoggaamiye Xaaf kusii dhaga adeego inuu ku dhawaaqo Gole Wasiiro oo aan iyaga waxba laga ogeysiin. Waxa uu Carabeey, lama huraan ka dhigay in mudada uu socdo Khilaafka la hakiyo dhammaan wixii magacaabis ah, hase yeeshee waxaa arrintaasi diiday Xaaf oo isagu u janjeera Ahlusuna. Xaaf iyo Carabeey, ayaa kala heysta Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Galmudug kuwaa oo u kala dabqaadaya labada mas’uul. Xildhibaanada qaar ayaa aad uga soo horjeeda in Xukuumada maamulka ay Wasiiro badan ka hesho Ahlusuna, halka qaarna ay ku doodayaan in la qanciyo Ahlusuna si looga gudbo khilaafyada. Dowlada Somalia ayaa ku howlan xalinta Khilafka labada dhinac, inkastoo ay arrintu tahay mid cakiran. Ma cadda sida looga takhluusin doono khilaafka labada dhinac ee waayadaani sii xoogeysanaayay, waxaana aad looga cabsi qabaa in xal loo waayo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre oo ay wehliyeen Wasiirka Amniga Mudane Maxamed Abuukar Islow, Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska S/guuto Bashiir Cabdi Maxamed Ameeriko iyo Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta S/guud Bashiir Maxamed Jaamac Keynaan, ayaa Xilli dambe oo xalay ah waxay kormeer ku tageen qaar kamid ah Xarumaha Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed. Ra’iisul wasaare Kheyre oo u kuur galayey sida ay u shaqeeyaan Xilliga Habeenkii ah Ciidanka Booliska, ayaa kormeeray Xarunta Dembi baarista ee C.I.D, Dugsiga tababarka ee Gen. Kaahiye, Taliska Ciidanka ilaalada Nabad gelyada Wadooyinka, Xarunta Gaadiidka Ciidanka Booliska iyo meelo kale. Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed S/guuto Bashiir Cabdi Maxamed Ameeriko,ayaa R/wasaare Kheyre iyo Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka, waxuu warbixin ka siiyey Xaaladda Amni ee magaaladda Muqdisho, isaggoo u sharaxay sida ay u shaqeeyaan Habeenkii Xarumaha Caawa R/wasaaraha uu kormeeray. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xasan Cali Kheyre, ayaa sheegay in Ciidanka Booliska uu ku ammaanayo sida wacan ee shaqada amniga ay u hayaan, waxaana uu kula dardaarmay inay laba jabaaraan howlaha qaranka. Sidoo kale, waxa uu sheegay in xarumaha uu booqday uu kusoo arkay ciidamo aad udiyaarsan isla markaana si wanaagsan u gudanaaya shaqooyinkooda caadiga ah.
Maalin dhowoyto, Websiteka la yidhaa TANADEEM ayaa gogol u fidiyey gabadha uu dhalay kaligii taliyihiii Mengistu Xayle Mariyam, oo magaceeda la yidhaa Tigist Mengistu. Tigist oon ku soo laaban doono qaybahayga dambee ee qoraalkan waxay baaq u dirtay shacab-weynaha Itobiya iyo xoogaga mucaaridka ah (Itobiya andinet), waxaanay kula dardaarantay in ay dalka xoreeyaan. In ay ka xoreeyaan gumeystaha iyo “qaran diidka,” waa sida ay u dhigtee. Waa arinta igu dhalisay in aan qaato mawduucan ah Itoobiya halkay u socotaa, amse halkee loo wadaa? Balse mililicsi gaaban oo ku aadan tarrikhda gaaban ee itobiyada casriga ah iga hoo! Kadib markii Lij Ayaasu (Ilyaasiikii rer-Walo) uu inqilaabay Amir Xayle Selaasie isaga oo qabay Gabadhii Itiye Manon ooy Ilyaas walaalo ahaayeen, Itoobiya geedi ayey gashay (Ilayaas oo ah Boqorkii isku dayey in uu xidhiidh walaatinimo ah la yeesho Sayyid Maxamed C/Xasan iyo qoymiyada Soomaaliday, waxaa dhalay Maxamed Cali oo inta dagaal lagaga addkaaday diintiisii iyo qoomiyadiisiiba laga badalay). Waxaa uu u dhashay Islaamnimo iyo Waloo oo Oromo ah. Waxa uu se ku dhintay isaga oo masiixi isla markaana Amxaar laga dhigay. Amiir Mikaaeel yaa lo baxshay. Maxamed Cali waa laa qabsaday (waxaa isugu tagay Boqoradii Kiristanka ahaa ee Yuhanis (Tigree) iyo Menilik (Amxaar). Ilyaasna isaga oo xabis (god dhulka hoostiis ku jira) oo Xayle ciqaabay ayuu geeriyooday, walaashiisna caruur dhowr ah oo noqday dhaxaaltooyo sugayaal ayey u dhashay. Mar hadii mu’aamarad badne Xayle la boqray (1919-1930 waxaa uu ahaa amiir; 1930 – 1974 boqorka boqorada (emperor), waxay Itoobiya gashay geedi aan dhamaad lahayn. Geedigaas waxaa uu yahay geedi la rabo in lagu casriyeeyo nidaamka dawliga Itoobiya. Itobiya waxay tahay dal imberiyaaladi aasaastay oo hab dhanqan dhaqaaluhu yahay nadaamka hadhaaga ah ee fiyudal (feudal system). Fiyudalka waxaa astaan u ah beero qodasha ku dhisan nidaamka qaalaadka ah (Hacienda). Waa nidaam badariyiintu, generaaladu iyo inta bortooyada ka dhodhowi ay aad u manaafacsadaan quruska beeralaydu (peasants) ay tabcadaan. Tobenkii kuntaal ee ka go’a beerta, wax aan hal kuuntaal buuxin ayaa loo reebaa shaqsigii ku tabcay beerta, inta kalena waxaa ka la qaybsada boqortooyada, generaalada, iyo kuwa kiniisada kadhodhow. Itoobiya waxay ku soo dhaqantay xiligii boqortooyada nidaamka ugu ka kagan een naxariista lahayn ee fiyudaalka ah. Waxa uu nidaamkaasi aad u waxyeelay qoomiyada Oromooda, qowmiyadaha isutaga Koonfur Itoobiya, guraagta. Wax yeeladii xiligaas soo gadhay dakan Oromooda ugu badan weli ka mey bogsan nabar nafisigii (psychological scar) uu nidaamkaasi ku keennay. Boqor Xayle 1948 -1952 aya isyidhii isbadal nidaamkaas ku samee. Sedex arimood ayaa u ahaa sababo ama ilays: 1. Xayle xiliyadii dagaalkii aduunyada labadad (WWII) waakii mudo gaaban (1936-1941) ku noolaa Iglan, Newbirdge, gurigii Bath house. Waxaa uu aad ugu qushuucay fahmayna in boqortooyo casri noqon karto. Kadsmbi wakhtigaas waxaa uu qoray axdi-qarameed cusub (new constitution). 2. Waxa kale uu aad wax uga bartay shahii Iraan xiligaas haystay oo isna rabey in uu casriyeeyo boqortooyadiisa. Hahaha Iran iyo Xayle saaxiib ayay ahaayeen. 3. Waxa dabada ka waday Marykanka oo lahaa casriyeed axdi-qarameedka kana gudu nidaamka fiyudalka. Hase ahaatee laba xoog ayaa u fasixiwaayey: 1. Arinta qoomiyadaha aanu daacad ka ahayn. 2. Xoogag qowmiyaad islaweyni ku jirtay oo aad uga hor imaanayey geedi-socod kasta oo xaquuqada qoomiyadaha xoojinaya. 1960hii ilaa 1970hii waxaa boqorka nidaamkiisii saluugay Soomaali, Eriteria, Tigray, Canfar, iyo Oromo. Waxa kale oo saluugsanaa xoogaga horusocdka ah oo Iyana rabay isbedel coojiya xaquuqda beeralyda iyo qowmiyadaha. Aritaas ayaa u horseeday ciidamadii Dhargigu in ay awooda la wareegaan. Sibabtoo ah kacaan isbadel (revolution) ion Horaeed lahay (leadership) ayaa soo foodsaaray. Xilagaa ciidamada oo kaliya ayaa urusanaa (the army was the onlyborganized entity). Aakhirto ciidamada ayaa hogaankii haleelay. Bishii Ogasto 28, 1974 ayuu Mangistu dilay Xayle: Barkimo uu afka u saaray ayuu ku ciijiyey; si bilaa naxariis ahna wuu idilay. Halkaasna waxaa ku soo afjarmay nidaamkii fiyudaalka ahaa ee rer-boqor horseedka ka ahaayeen. Sidaan horay u sheegay, dad badan ayaa ku xaq laa nidaamkaas, haba ugu daraadaan Qowmiyadaha Oromo, Soomaali iyo Canfartu. La soco qaybta 2, 3, iyo 4aad. Nuxurkuna waxa uu yahay kuwa durbaanka u tuma kala saraynta qowmiyadaha Abiy iyo dawladiisa halkay ku wadaan? Sawiradu waa Megistu, Xayle, Ilyas, askar Xayle u sujuudaysa, iyo Sayyid Maxamed W/Q: Faysal Rooble
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Layrarka cadceeda ku shaqeeya ee laga hirgaliyey magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ah kuwo ay ku yimaadaan cilado joogta ah mana jirto cid si lixaad leh wax uga qabato. Qeybo badan oo ka mid ah magaalada sida waddooyinka halbowlaha u ah isku socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka ayaa ah kuwo habeenkii mugdi ah, mas’uuliyadda koowaad oo ah in la hagaajiyo Layrarka cadceeda ku shaqeeya ee gobolka Banaadir laga hirgaliyey waxay hoostagaan waaxyo kala duwan oo gobolka Banaadir uu leeyahay waxaana ka mid ah Waaxda Soolarada iyo Ifinta Muqdisho oo shaqadii loo baahnaa aysan qaban. Dadka Muqdisho oo meelo kala duwan aan kula kulannay ayaa sheegay in dhibaato xooggan ay ku qabaan adeegsiga waddooyinka xilliyada habeenkii maadaama waddooyinka ay yihiin kuwo Mugdi ah. Cabdiqani Maxamed Axmed oo ah agaasimaha Soolarka iyo Korontada gobolka Banaadir ayaa Goobjoog News u sheegay in ay wadaan qorshe lagu dayactirayo Layrark ku shaqeeya cadceeda ee halaysan . “Run ahaantii Ileynta magaalada Muqdisho waa arrin aad muhiim u ah marka la yiraahdo ifinta iyo qurxinta waa shaqooyinka aadka ay magaalada ugu baahantahay gobolka Banaadirna ay siinayaan muhiimadda ugu horreysa”. Mugdiga ka jira magaalada Muqdisho habeenkii ayaa sababay in qeybo ka mid ah magaalada dadka looga dhaco taleefoonnada gacanta iyo agabka kale ay wataan iyada oo loogalayo jidadka ay adeegsanayaan. Warbixin arrintan ku saabsan halkan ka dhageyso https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Mugdi.mp3
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa soo baxaaya warar sheegaya inay shaqada iska casishay Haweeneydii ugu horreeysay oo Somali ah ee ka mid noqota Waaxda Boliska ee magaalladda Portland ee Gobalka Maine ee dalka Maraykanka Sahra Muunye Abu. Sahra Muunye Abu, ayaa la sheegay in Waaxda Boliska magaalladda Portland ay kusoo oogtay danbiyo la xiriira inay khilaaftay amaro dhanka sharciga ciidanka ah. Warbixin uu qoray wargeyska Press Herald ayaa lagu sheegay in Sahra Muunye Abu, ay isaga tagtay shaqada ciidanka, kadib markii ay tirsatay khaladaad dhankeeda ah. Waxa uu intaa ku daray qoraalka in Sahra Muunye Abu la xiray bishii Janayao 13-dii ee sannadkan, kadib, markii lagu so oogay inay rabshad ka geysatay dhismo lagu caweeyo oo ku taalla magaalladda Worcester oo 64-KM galbeed kaga toosan magaalladda Boston. Sidoo kale, waxa uu qoraalka intaa raaciyay in sarkaalada ay horey u sheegtay inaysan gelin dacwadaha lagu soo oogay, waxaana lagu amray inay dibedda ka joogto shaqada, iyadoo xor ah. Jessica Grondin oo ku hadleysa magaca Booliska Portland ayaa sheegtay in Sahra Muunye Abu ay isku casishay rabitaankeeda iyadoo aan lagu cadaadin is casilaada. Jessica Grondin, ayaa intaa raacisay in Sahra Muunye Abu ay fursado u heysato inay kasoo fiirsato shaqadeeda oo ay iska casishay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Sahra Muunye Abu ayaa noqoneysa haweeney iminka faarujisay booska ay Soomaalida Mareykanka uga joogtay dhanka ciidanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Wararka hadda naga soo gaarayo Magaalada Cadaado ayaa sheegayo inuu dagaal culus ka socdo madaxtooyada. Ciidamo ka amar qaato madaxweyne ku xigeenka Galmudg iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ayaa weeraray madaxtooyada oo ay gacanta ku hayaan wasiiro iyo xildhibaano taageersan Madaxweyne Xaaf. Sida wararka sheegayaan ciidamadii soo weeraray madaxtooyada ayaa dib loo celiyey markii uu qarxay dagaal culus. Dagaalka oo la isku adeegsanayo hubka darandooriga u dhaco ayaa qalqal ku keenay Magaalada Cadaado. Dagaalka ayaa hadda dib uga durqay madaxtooyada waxaana muuqato in laga guuleystay Ciidamadii weerarka soo qaaday. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Galmudug Saciod Siyaad ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inuu ku jiro madaxtooyada dhexdeeda, mar aan la xiriirnayna wuxuu sheegay inay ciidamada madaxweyne ku xigeenka iyo guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ay weerarka soo qaadeen. Dagaalka ayaa weli socdo mana istaagin waxaana ciidamadii weerarka soo qaaday loo diiday inay galaan madaxtooyada. Khilaafka madaxda Galmudug ayaa gaaray meesha ugu sareyso, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa inuu dagaalka soo xoogeysto maadaama ay jiraan gurmad labada dhinac soo gaarayo. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka iyo guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudug ayaa dhawr asbuuc loo diidanaa inay ku shaqeeyan madaxtooyada iyagoo saldhig ka dhigtay guriga ku yaalo Cadaado Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha waan idinla socdsiin doonaa Inshaa Allah.
Waxaa lagu guulaystay in la damiyo dab ka kacay abaaro salaadii maqrib caawa xarunta Agoomaha ee ku taala magaalada Garoowe sidey u xaqiijiyeen warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST masuuliyiinta dowladda hoose ee Garoowe. Dhismaha xarunta agoomaha oo u qaabeysan qaab kala googo,an ayaa sahashay inaanu dabku ku faafin qeybaha kale ee xarunta islamarkaana aanu imaan alle ka sokow khasaare nafeed marka laga tago guri keyd u ahaa oo ay tiilay alaabta ay ku seexdaan caruurta Agoonta iyo mid ka mid ah guryahooda jiifka. Maamulka xarunta Agoomaha ayaa u sheegay PUNTLAND POST inay fasax ku maqan yihiin caruurtii lagu xanaanayn jiray xaruntaas, islamarkaana lama oga waxa uu ka kacay dabkani, waxayna sheegeen guryaha gubtey inay ahaayeen kuwo xiran, sida ay sheegeen maamulka xaruntaas. Gurmad ay sameeyeen dad shacab ah iyo qaar ka mid ah shirkaddaha magaalada Garoowe waxaa aakhirkii lagu guulaystey in la bakhtiiyo dabka ka kacay xarunta agoomaha ee magaalada Garoowe. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST. The post Dab ka kacay caawa xarunta Agoomaha ee magaalada Garoowe. appeared first on Puntland Post.
The decision by Ethiopia’s ruling coalition to resolver a border dispute with Eritrea has met stiff resistance from members of Badme town which was the epicenter of the war that killed tens of thousands on both sides. The 36 member executive committee of Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) announced on Tuesday that it would accept the December 2000 Algiers Agreement that was signed to restore peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea. But for many of Badme’s 15,000 residents, most of whom are veterans of the 1998-2000 conflict, the decision by premier Ahmed Abiy and the ruling coalition to cede the town to their bitter enemy, Eritrea is an insult to the living and the dead. “Why did we fight for it then to just give it away? All this sacrifice for nothing? For this?” said Dubale Getu, a wounded veteran who has lived in Badme since his deployment during the war. The local anger is in stark contrast to the international plaudits Abiy has won for appearing keen to defuse one of the most intractable diplomatic disputes in the Horn of Africa. The locals also argue that they were not consulted by the government before a decision that would ultimately affect their status was taken. They sat they first heard that Badme was to be ceded to Ethiopia’s bitter foe via state radio and television, and are threatening to resist implementation of such a move. “They should not expect peace here if they force us to leave,” said unemployed 35-year-old Habtom Shiferaw, whose family members fought in the war. “There will be violence.” More trouble in Tigray But the Badme residents are not the only people that Abiy will have to contend with as he pursues radical reforms on the issue of Ethiopia. Some Tigrayans in the northeastern region, who have long been the leading ethnic group in the EPRDF coalition which has run the nation of 100 million for more than two decades, are concerned their interests will be hurt if Badme is surrendered. Last week, protests were held in the Irob district in Tigray, as the people said the decision which was reached without their input risks separating communities into different countries and threatens the survival of the Irob people. The Irob who number about 30,000, mainly engage in agriculture and cattle rearing. While they speak Saho, a Cushitic language like Somali, Oromo and Afar, they also speak the semitic Tigrigna, and are culturally and socially close to Tigrayans. The protests in Tigray could pose the first real challenge to the new administration of 41 year old Abiy, a member of the Oromo ethnic group, Ethiopia’s largest. Abiy was appointed after three years of unrelated unrest in the Oromo area but he needs the support of all members of the ruling coalition to push through sweeping changes including partial privatisation of the national airline and telecoms firm. After his Badme bombshell, the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front, a regional political party that had dominated the EPRDF until Abiy took office in April, came out swinging against any concessions to Asmara. “The Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front will not take part in any process that harms the interests of the people of Tigray,” it said in a statement, demanding that any withdrawal be linked to additional concessions from Eritrea. Eritrea’s government has not responded publicly to Addis Ababa’s offer nearly a week ago. Eritrea has long said it wants Ethiopia to pull its troops out from Badme before normalising ties, citing a decision by a boundary commission at The Hague which awarded the town to Eritrea in 2002. There are no signs yet in Badme of withdrawal of the Ethiopian forces stationed there. Source: – Africanews
Muqdisho (PP) ─ C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame, oo ka tirsan madaxda Xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee WADAJIR oo ka mid ahaa tro xisbiyo ah oo Xamar lagu guddoonsiiyay shahaadooyinka aqoonsiga, ayaa markii ugu horreysay ka hadlay sabatka uu mucaaradka ugu yahay Dowladda Dhexe ee Somalia. Warsame oo ku sugan Dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa sheegay in Dowladda uu hoggaamiyo madaxweyne Farmaajo ay sameysay ballan-qaadyo fara badan oo aan la fulin illaa iyo hadda. Sidoo kale, CC Warsame ayaa soo qaatay tusaalooyin dhawr ah kuwaasoo uu ku cabirayay hab-dhaqanka dowladda, isagoo ka xusay in ballan-qaadkii ahaa in qofkii soo sheega Al-shabaab la siinayo 100-kun oo doollar iyo sidoo kale xiritaannada waddooyinka Muqdisho iyo dhismaha ciidamada. Mas’uulkan mucaaradka ah ayaa wuxuu kaloo xuay in marna aysan faham-saneyn mucaaradnimada waxay tahay, balse iyaga ujeeddadoodu ay tahay in shaqada ugu horreysa ee la qabto inay noqoto fulinta ballan-qaadyadii la sameeyey, taasna ay tahay la-xisaabtanka madaxda la doortay. Dhanka kale, Warsame ayaa tilmaamay in shacabka ay u furan tahay inay saxaan dwladda haddii ay jiraan khaladaadyo ay ku kacayso, si looga gudbo in qof walba uu ka baxo balan qaadka uu sameeyey marka uu guuleysto. Ugu dambeyn, C/raxmaan C/shakuur ayaa sheegay in Dowlad walba oo ka dhisan dunida ay leedahay mucaarad iyo muxaafad, balse dalka Somalia aad mooddo in mucaaradka loo arko cadow, halkii laga arki lahaa xubno doonaya in khaladaadka jira ay saxaan. Haddaba, DHAGEYSO: Hadalka C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame; http://puntlandpost.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/DHAGEYSO-CC-WARSAME.mp3 PUNTLAND POST The post CC WARSAME oo Sharaxay Sababta ku Kaliftay in uu mucaarado Dowladda Dhexe ee Somalia appeared first on Puntland Post.
US President Donald Trump (right) walks out with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un (L) after taking part in a signing ceremony at the end of their historic US-North Korea summit, at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore on June 12, 2018. PHOTO | POOL | ANTHONY WALLACE | AFP Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un hailed their historic summit Tuesday as a breakthrough in relations between Cold War foes, but the agreement they produced was short on details about the key issue of Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons. The extraordinary encounter saw the leader of the world’s most powerful democracy shake hands with the third generation scion of a ruling dynasty, standing as equals in front of their nations’ flags. CONCERNS Kim agreed to the “complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula”, a stock phrase favoured by Pyongyang that fell short of long-standing US demands for North Korea to give up its atomic arsenal. After a day filled with smiles and compliments in the sumptuous setting of a luxury Singapore hotel that was watched around the world, the US “committed to provide security guarantees” to North Korea. Ahead of the meeting, critics expressed concerns that it risked being more about media headlines than substantive progress. Asked about denuclearisation — the crux of the summit — Trump said, “we’re starting that process”, adding that it would begin “very, very quickly.” But the text of the two men’s agreement made no mention of previous US demands for “complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation” — jargon for scrapping weapons and committing to inspections. Melissa Hanham of the US-based Center for Nonproliferation Studies said on Twitter that North Korea had “already promised to do this many times,” adding the two sides “still don’t agree on what ‘denuclearisation’ means.” In neutral Singapore, the leaders, who had previously hurled insults like “mentally deranged” and “little rocket man”, showered compliments on each other. ‘SPECIAL BOND’ Trump said he had formed a “special bond” with Kim, whose regime has been accused of multiple human rights abuse and who is suspected of ordering the assassination of his brother at a Malaysian airport last year. “We’ll meet again,” Trump said after a signing ceremony, standing with Kim on the verandah where they first met. “We will meet many times.” Trump said he “absolutely” would be willing to invite Kim to the White House. For his part, Kim said the two Cold War foes had vowed to “leave the past behind”, pledging “the world will see a major change.” The extraordinary summit — unthinkable only months ago — comes after the Washington and Pyongyang appeared on the verge of conflict late last year as the leaders slung personal insults and Kim conducted nuclear and missile tests. At the start of the day, the pair shared warm words and shook hands for several seconds, Trump reaching out to touch the North Korean leader on his right shoulder. As they sat down for their tete-a-tete, the US leader — who had said he would know “within the first minute” if a deal would be possible — predicted a “terrific relationship” with Kim. In Seoul, South Korean President Moon Jae-in watched live on television, telling his ministers, he “could hardly sleep last night”. 40 MINUTES After huddling for around 40 minutes, Trump and Kim were joined by senior advisors before breaking for lunch, where prawn cocktail, short-rib confit, soy-braised cod, and vanilla ice-cream were among the options. The imagery for the high-stakes meeting was undoubtedly positive and Kim Yong-hyun, professor at Dongguk University in Seoul said: “The atmosphere of the summit looks very good.” “It will be hard for this meeting to agree on specific deals but it carries considerable significance as a starting point,” he said. Critics said the mere fact of the meeting meant Trump was legitimising Kim, who critics say runs a police state where human rights are routinely trampled. “It’s a huge win for Kim Jong-un, who now — if nothing else — has the prestige and propaganda coup of meeting one-on-one with the president, while armed with a nuclear deterrent,” said Michael Kovrig, Crisis Group Senior Adviser for North East Asia. The warm words and positive optics seemed a different era from when Trump was threatening to rain down “fire and fury” on Pyongyang and Kim attacked Trump as a “mentally deranged US dotard”, as he fired off a series of provocative weapons tests. The Singapore summit is a potentially legacy-defining meeting for both men — comparable to president Richard Nixon’s 1972 visit to China, or Ronald Reagan’s 1986 summit with Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik. But many agreements have been made in the past with North Korea that have later fallen apart. Source: – AFP
Somalia, UN launch new policing structure to boost security
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Somalia and the UN in collaboration with other international partners have unveiled a joint policing model to strengthen peace and security at national and regional levels. The UN-backed Joint Policing Program (JPP) supports the two-tier policing structure and sets future development of strong national and state-level police services, the UN mission in Somalia (UNSOM) said in a statement. Mohamed Duale, Somali Federal Minister of Internal Security, said the structure demonstrates the best way to coordinate policing aimed at forming an effective policing system in Somalia. “This investment in the Somali Police is an excellent opportunity for rebuilding Somalia and the development of peace and security,” Duale said. He said the policing programme will be introduced in five federal states, the Benadir region and the future Federal Police to support the implementation of priority police projects, as outlined in the country’s National Security Architecture. Duale said the program is also expected to expedite the ongoing transition of security responsibilities from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to Somalia’s security forces. The New Policing Model which was adopted in 2016 by Somalia’s political leadership is touted as a key pillar of the country’s National Security Architecture. “It is essential to have a police that is responsible for their actions, based on the core universal principles of legality, necessity, professionalism and responsibility,” said Gen. Bashir Mohamed, the Somali Police Force Commissioner. The new model will oversee the procurement of equipment, recruitment and in-service training; the payment of stipends for personnel and the development of a legal framework and accountability; and construction projects for federal and state-level police agencies. Source: – Business Daily -
African Union Mission to Somalia soldiers take cover after Shabab insurgents shot and blasted their way into the United Nations compound in Mogadishu in June 2013.CreditMohamed Abdiwahab/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images The blast wave thundered through the compound, ripping the expletive on my lips in two and cramming half of it back down my throat. The radio-room supervisor, Hassan Osman, and I stumbled to the balcony. In that cathedral-quiet moment between the detonation of the car bomb and the staccato barrage of gunfire, we knew they were coming. Shabab militants were storming the compound, squeezing off bursts from the Kalashnikovs at their hips, leaping the gate’s smoking wreckage. It was June 19, 2013. “Dewaine. Dewaine.” Hassan’s voice was steady, his hand on my shoulder. “Do the public announcement.” Over the P.A., I instructed the several dozen United Nations staff members to duck and cover and then tried to figure out what to do next. With every rifle crack, my world flashed in a monochrome of stark, tactical decisions, like life and death reduced to their lowest common denominators. Even in the moment, the irony of stumbling into my first firefight more than a decade after leaving the Marine Corps was not lost on me. Since leaving the military, I’d grown used to my buddies shaking their virtual heads, via social media, at the fundamental insanity of inserting yourself into war without having the good sense to engage in combat. Mogadishu was a study in violent coexistence, a brutal ecosystem where new conflicts sprouted up without ever quelling the old. The Somali capital’s recent history included warlords, the Islamic Courts Union, the Ethiopian military, the Shabab and a shaky Western-backed government. This attack on the United Nations Common Compound — 10,000 square meters split between offices and living quarters, just off Mogadishu’s airport road — felt like the city’s fiercest predator had finally decided to take our measure. After the initial blast, our Somali guards immediately returned fire, dropping the first two Shabab gunmen who came through the breach. Between clipped radio transmissions from the African Union Mission and the Somali government, four more militants unhesitatingly charged over the bodies of their companions. The guards’ gunfire funneled the attackers onto the accommodation side of the compound. Under cover of suppressive fire from the towers, several of the guards and I leapfrogged the buildings on the accommodation side to herd staff members to the safe rooms on the opposite end of the compound. Pulling back the bolt on the office Kalashnikov to reveal brass bolstered my courage before our mad dash through the compound, but it was the valor and tenacity of our Somali allies that actually saved lives. Mogadishu left a permanent scratch on my heart, but talking about the attack remains difficult. I’ve never wanted to risk implying that I’d done more than I did, or to say what I really feared: that I hadn’t done enough. The Shabab murdered 15 civilians, aid workers and contractors at the compound that day, including four of our Somali guards. In Mogadishu, I led a United Nations Department of Safety and Security office consisting of three other international field security coordination officers — a Russian, a Ugandan and a Bulgarian — and about 20 local advisers, drivers and radio operators. Save for an unauthorized Chinese-made Kalashnikov, purchased by one of my predecessors and handed down to every senior field security coordination officer since, we were armed with nothing more than our wits. For armed security, we depended on a Somali-owned private security company and the host government, with whom we carried out United Nations program delivery — agriculture and sanitation projects, polio monitoring, shelter programs — in and around the city. Armed security arrangements with private companies tend to unnerve humanitarians, who rightly worry about violating the principles of their profession. But my four postings with the United Nations taught me that in areas of conflict you could have a clean humanitarian conscience or deliver aid, but rarely both. Despite the inherent tension between United Nations agencies and the armed entities they relied on, our security system in Mogadishu worked. My team got aid personnel to some of the toughest locations in and around the capital. I fell right in with my Somali security counterparts. I chewed bitter khat, a leaf with effects similar to amphetamine, with these guys, screeched through Mogadishu’s 17 districts behind their escort vehicles, and kicked up red dust while waiting for them during prayer stops on the roads to towns so recently vacated by the Shabab that you might still find the militants’ dirty dishes in the sink. Colonized but never broken, the Somalis were a wiry, arrogant and daring people for whom friendship ran deep. For all of Somalia’s trouble, I met fewer dispirited men in Mogadishu than I did in Manhattan. After the attack, the personnel based at the compound, including me and the other foreign staff members on my team, relocated to the United Nations’ main compound in Somalia on the sprawling grounds of Mogadishu international airport. Protected by Ugandan and Burundian troops, displaced internationals could now join the mission staff, hacks, military officers and contractors who converged at the United Nations Mine Action Service’s “Little Kruger Bar” — foreigners with faces crimsoned by alcohol and the sun, many of whom could spend the weeks in country without ever leaving the airport or speaking to a Somali. The new mission in Somalia was officially established only two weeks before the attack and had barely started moving into the compound on the grounds of the Mogadishu airport. The United Nations’ only unified radio room in Mogadishu — which maintained contact with its humanitarian and development convoys throughout the area — remained at our now-abandoned compound. I knew I couldn’t ask Hassan and his fellow radio operators to return to work at the hollowed-out buildings of an organization that the Shabab claimed were thwarting “Allah’s Law on earth & must therefore be dislodged.” But when I conducted my morning radio check from within the airport grounds the next day, it was Hassan’s voice that responded. “Sierra 1, this is Mike Sierra Base, you’re five by five.” In “War Games: The Story of Aid and War in Modern Times,” the journalist Linda Polman says that “the job of humanitarian aid worker is No. 5 on the Top 10 list of dangerous occupations, after lumberjack, pilot, fisherman and structural iron- or steelworker. It’s the only job on the list where most of the fatalities are caused by intentional violence.” From Chechnya to Dadaab refugee camp to Mogadishu to Gaza, I consistently found that most of this risk is borne by local staff — the polio-vaccination monitors, the convoy drivers, the project officers, the guards and the radio operators — who make up the backbone of international aid organizations. Yes, the average international aid worker in Somalia is there to do good, but also (whether admittedly or not) for the buzz of life in a conflict zone. We decided to leave our own countries to be in Mog, were paid good money to be there and had our careers enhanced as a result. The risk for someone like Hassan — paid a fraction of our salaries in the town where all his family lived and the entire community knew he worked for the United Nations — differed on a galactic scale. Born and raised in Mogadishu, Hassan drew from the same wellsprings of hope and despair as the militants who rushed into certain death at the compound. But there are no Gettysburgs or Omaha Beaches for people like him — no heroic charge with his comrades by his side — nor even a decisive Alamo-style defeat. Nevertheless, men like Hassan resolve to endure. As weeks turned into months, Hassan never mentioned that he reported to work every day in the place the foreign staff had evacuated. Or how the United Nations field operations that couldn’t discontinue without people dying would cease if not for his crew’s tracking our convoys and keeping our communications running. They knew the risk of working in the highly exposed compound of an organization that the Shabab referred to as “a merchant of death & a satanic force of evil.” Hassan and his crew exhibited grace under the most dangerous of circumstances and never felt the need to bring it up. I guess danger ceases to be an interesting topic after you’ve committed to facing it. Occasionally, something — unexpected fireworks or the pressure wave from subwoofers at a concert — thrusts me back into that day, five years gone. When it happens, I crowd out the image of Shabab fighters storming our compound with those of Hassan and the other Somalis I worked with in Mogadishu, women and men who exemplified Plato’s definition of courage, “endurance of the soul.” Courage is more than the charge. Source: The New work times
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Guddoomiyaha Bangiga Dhexe ee Somalia Bashiir Ciise Cali, ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay lacagaha cusub oo DFS ay sheegtay in lasoo daabacaayo. Guddoomiyaha waxa uu sheegay in dowlada Somalia ay horay u qorsheysay daabacaada lacagta cusub, waxa uuna tilmaamay inay muhiim tahay in la sameeyo lacag cusub. Waxa uu sheegay in dalka uusan laheyn lacag sax ah sidaa aawgeed ay wanaagsan tahay in dalka uu helo lacag lagu aqoonsan karo. Guddoomiyaha Bangiga Dhexe, isagoo arrintaasi ka hadlaayay ayuu yiri ‘’Dowladu wey dadaaleysaa waana muhiim in looga danbeeyo howlaha ay gacanta kula jirto’’ Waxa uu intaa raaciyay ‘’Daabacaadda lacagta waxaa ku bixidoonta lacag dhan $41 milyan oo dollar, kharashkaas markii aan helno ayaan daabicidoonaa lacagteena’’ Bashiir Ciise Cali waxa uu intaa raaciyay “Aad iyo aad ayey u adagtahay in lacagtaan qaabab sharci darro loo daabaco. qofkii isku daya, waxaa uga bixidoona dhaqaalo baddan oo marna uusan faa’iido ka helidoonin” Guddoomiyaha Bangiga Dhexe ee Somalia Bashiir Ciise Cali, ayaa sheegay in dhaqan galinta lacagta cusub ay tahay mid horay looga wada heshiiyay isla markaana laga isticmaali doono dhammaan Gobolada dalka, sida uu yahay balanka. Sidoo kale, Guddoomiyaha ayaa cadeeyay in muddo kadib lacagaha cusub lagu soo biirin doono 20,000 iyo 50,000 shillin si ay u sahlanaato isticmaalka shillinka Soomaaliga, loogana maarmo isticmaalka $ doolarka. Haddalka Guddoomiyaha ayaa imaanaya iyadoo Wasiirka maaliyadda Federaalka uu Sabtidii shir jaraa’id ku soo bandhigay naqshadda lacagta cusub oo isugu jirta 10,000 iyo 5,000, lacagtan waxaa ay noqon karta midda ugu wanagsan ee ay Soomaaliya yeelato. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayaa warqadaha aqoonsiga danjiranimo ka guddoomay Safiirka cusub ee Dalka Belgiumka u fadhin doona Soomaliya Nicolas Nihon. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa war bixin kooban ka siiyay Safiirka cusub ee Belgeum-ka u fadhin doona Soomaaliya xaaladda Dalka iyo sida ay Soomaaliya ugu baahan tahay xilligan saaxiibbo caawiya, Danjire Nicolas Nihon ayaa isna dhinaciisa muujiyay sida ay Dowladdiisu ugu hanweyn tahay inay garab istaagto Soomaaliya. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Soomaaliya Mukhtaar Mahad Daa’uud, ayaa sheegay in Belgeum-ka iyo Soomaaliya uu u dhexeeya xiriir iyo isfaham aad u fiican.wuxuuna ku tilmaamay horumar weyn oo ay Soomaaliya ku tallaabsatay. “Safiirka Belgeum-ka Madaxweynaha wuu ka guddoomay warqadihiisii aqoonsiga ee Danjirenimo, taasina waxay muujinaysaa Dowladda Soomaaliya inay dib ula soo noqonayso Safaaradaheedii dhammaan Adduunka ka jiray,waxaan is leeyahay wax yar oo fara ku tiris ah ayaa ka harsan Yurub iyaga waddada ayay kusoo jiraan” ayuu yiri Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda. Dabayaaqada Bishan ayaa lagu wadaa in Dalka Belgeum-ka oo ay ku taalla xarunta Midowga Yurub uu marti geliyo shir Caalami ah oo looga hadlayo Arrimaha Soomaaliya.
New York (Caasimada Online) – Wargeyska The Daily Beast ee Maareykanka ayaa qoray in kooxda Al-Shabaab ay xeelad cajiib ah u adeegsatay weerarkii ka dhacay Jubbada Hoose ee lagu dilay askariga Mareykanka. Ciidmada gaarka ah ee Mareykanka ayaa xaqiijiyey in weerarkaas looga dilay Alexander Conrad, oo ahaa 26 jir kasoo jeedy gobolka Arizona, ayada oo 4 skari oo kalena lagu dhaawacay. Sida wargyeyka uu qoray, ciidamada sii kordhayey ee dhowaanahan lagu arkayey deegaanka ayaa heegan geliyey kooxda Al-Shabaab, oo kadibna billowday inay usii diyaar garowdo, una dejiso xeelad. Markii ciidamada Mareykanka, Soomaalida iyo Kenyan-ka ay soo galeen Sanguuni ee ay dhufeysyada sameysteen, waxay Al-Shabaab ku weeciyen webiga Jubba, taasi oo ciidamda ku qasabtay inay aaggooda ka baxaan, kadibna Al-Shabaab ay weerar ku ekeysay. Al-Shabaab ayaa sidoo kale laba toddobaad ka hor weerarka, waxay qaadeen tallaabooyin kale oo muhiim ah, sida inay dadkii shacabka ka saareen magaalada, iyaguna ay iska dhigeen dharkii ciidan, oo ay qaateen dhar shacab. Waxay sidoo kale wacdeen ciidamo gurmad ah. Weerarkan ayaa guul weyn oo boola-xoofto u noqday kooxda Al-Shabaab, oo awood u yeelatay inay jab gaar-siiso Mareykanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Minneapolis Caasimada@live.om
Muqdisho (PP) ─ Iyadoo dhawaan la diiwaan-geliyay, shahaadooyinkii ay ku shaqeyn lahaayeenna la siiyay 15 Xisbi Siyaasadeed, ayaa waxaa loogu hanjabay in shahaadooyinka lagala laaban doono haddii ay u muuqdaan kuwo aanu qaab-dhismoodkoodu dhameystirnayn. Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee doorashooyinka Dalka, Xaliimo Ismaaciil Ibraahim (Xaliimo Yarey) ayaa ugu baaqday xisbiyada siyaasadda ee is-diiwaan-geliyay inay dhameystiraan qaab-dhismeedkooda, iyadoo laga doonayo in xafiisyadooda ay noqdaan kuwo aragti iyo kala dambeyn leh. Sidoo kale, Xaliimo Yareey ayaa sheegtay in xisbigii loo arki in aanu xafiis lahayn lagala noqonayo shahaadadii horay loo guddoonsiiyay, Wuxuuna amarkan noqonayaa midkii ugu adkaa ee la hor-dhigo xisiiyada oo qaar ka mid ah ay leeyihiin shaqsiyaad aanay cidi wehlin. “Waxaa laga doonayaa xisbiyada inay noqdaan kuwo dhameystiran marka la eego qaab-dhismeedkooda. Haddaad xisbigaaga ku fashilanto oo aanu xafiis lahayn, kuraas lahayn, isla markaana aanay kala dambeyni jirin waxay noo caddaanaysa inuusan xisbigaasi ahayn mid mudan in shahaadada uu haysto, waana lagaa qaadi doonaa,” ayay tiri Xaliimo Yareey. Dhanka kale, Guddoomiyuhu waxay sheegtay in dhawaan baaritaanno ay ku sameyn doonaan xarumaha iyo xafiisyada Xisbiyada is-diiwaan-geliyay, isla markaana xisbigii ay u arkaan inaanu waxba u dhameystirneyn ay go’aan ka qaadan doonaan. Xisbiyo tiradoodu gaarayso 15 ayaa dhawaan iska diiwaan-geliyay Guddiga Doorashooyinka Madaxa-bannaan, waxaana xisbiyada qaar oo aan lahayn wax haykal ah, ay mudan doonaan in shahaadada lagala laabto. Ugu dambeyn, Doorashada lagu wado in Somalia ka dhacdo sanadka 2020-ka ayaa la filayaa inay noqoto mid ku dhisan nidaamka xisbiyada oo dadka ay dooranayaan, iyadoo la sheegay in doorashadu ay noqon doonto mid qof iyo cod ah. PUNTLAND POST The post Xisbiyadii shahaadooyinka la siiyay oo loo goodiyay appeared first on Puntland Post.
Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Danjire Nihon Madaxweynaha Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa maanta warqadaha aqoonsiga ka guddoomay danjiraha Dowladda Belgium usoo magacowday Soomaaliya Nicolas Nihon. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa war bixin kooban ka siiyay danjiraha cusub Dowladda Belgium usoo magacowday Soomaaliya xaaladda Dalka iyo sida ay Soomaaliya ugu baahan tahay xilligan saaxiibbo caawiya, wuxuuna u rajeeyay Danjire Nihon in uu kaalin mug leh ka qaato adkeynta xiriirka labada dal. Sidoo kale Danjire Nicolas Nihon ayaa isna dhankiisa muujiyay sida ay dowladdiisu ugu hanweyn tahay inay garab istaagto Dowladda Soomaaliya. Dhanka kale Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Soomaaliya Mukhtaar Mahad Daa’uud ayaa sheegay in Belgeum iyo Soomaaliya uu u dhexeeya xiriir iyo isfaham aad u fiican, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay horumar weyn oo ay Soomaaliya ku tallaabsatay. Dalka Belgeum oo ay ku taalla xarunta Midowga Yurub ayaa bishan June dhamaadkeeda marti gelin doona shir caalami ah oo looga hadlayo arrimaha Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Framaajo oo warqadaha aqoonsiga ka guddoomay danjiraha Belgium appeared first on Puntland Post.
The blast wave thundered through the compound, ripping the expletive on my lips in two and cramming half of it back down my throat. The radio-room supervisor, Hassan Osman, and I stumbled to the balcony. In that cathedral-quiet moment between the detonation of the car bomb and the staccato barrage of gunfire, we knew they were coming. Shabab militants were storming the compound, squeezing off bursts from the Kalashnikovs at their hips, leaping the gate’s smoking wreckage. It was June 19, 2013. Source: Hiiraan Online
Somalia, UN launch new policing structure to boost security
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Somalia and the UN in collaboration with other international partners have unveiled a joint policing model to strengthen peace and security at national and regional levels. Source: Hiiraan Online -
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Siyaasiga Cabdirxmaan Cabdi Shakuur Warsame, oo ah siyaasigii ku caan baxay inuu badda Soomaaliya u saxiixay dalka Kenya, ayaa caddeeyey sabatka dambeysay mucaaradnimadiisa dowladda federaalka.. Siyaasiga oo ku sugan dalka Koonfur Afrika ayaa sheegay in dowlada uu hoggaamiyo madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ay sameysay balanqaadyo farabadan, oo aan la fulin illaa iyo hadda. Siyaasiga ayaa soo qaatay tusaalooyin dhowr ah haba ugu badnaatee arrimaha yareynta safarada, balan qaadkii ahaa in qofkii soo sheega Al-Shabaab la siinayo (Boqol Kun) oo Dollar iyo sidoo kale xeritaanada mararka qaar ee waddooyinka Muqdisho iyo dhismaha ciidamada. Shacabka ayuu sheegay in marnaba aysan fahansaneyn mucaaradnimada waxa ay tahay, balsen iyaga u jeedadoodu ay tahay in shaqada ugu horeysa ee la qabto in ay noqoto fulinta balan qaadyadii la sameeyey, taasna ay tahay la-xisaabtanka madaxda la doortay. Wareysi uu siiyey mid ka mid ah Tv-yada ku hadla afka Soomaaliga ayuu ku sheegay in dadka aan markaas dowladda dhalata aan xilka heyn ay u furan tahay in ay saxaan qalalaadka dhaca, si looga gudbo in qof walba uu ka baxo balan qaadka uu sameeyey marka uu guuleysto Hoos ka dhageyso codka C/raxmaan Cabdi Shakuur. https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Siyaasi-Cabdiraxmaan-Cabdi-Shakuur.mp3
Abiy Ahmed pulls off an astonishing turnaround for Ethiopia
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
SIX MONTHS ago, Ethiopia appeared trapped in a cycle of unrest, repression and more unrest. Stability in East Africa’s largest country, with a population of more than 100 million, appeared to be crumbling, while the once-booming economy was facing a debt crisis. All of this was bad news for the United States, for which Ethiopia has been a key ally in combating terrorism in nearby Somalia. So it’s more than worth cheering the rush of developments in Addis Ababa during the past few weeks, which signal an astonishing turnaround under a new and dynamic young leader. Source: Hiiraan Online -
Wasaaradda shaqada, shaqaalaha, dhallinyarada iyo ciyaaraha dawladda Puntland oo kaashanaysa Baanka adduunka ayaa qabatay shir lagu soo gunaanadayo siyaasado gaaraya 14 siyaasadood kuwaas oo loogu talo galay tayaynta hay’adaha dawladda iyo horumarinta shaqaalaha. Siyaasadahaan oo ay soo diyaariyeen xeeldheereyaal isugu jira Soomaali iyo Ajaanib isla markaana ay in muddo ah laga samaynayey latashiyo kala duwan ayaa lasoo gaarsiiyey heer gebagebo ah iyadoona maanta loo diyaarinayo in lagu sameeyey indho indhayn guud kadibna loogu gudbiyo goleyaasha dawladda si ay u meel-mariyaan. Siyaasadaan ayaa waxaa kamid ah siyaasadda maamulka shaqaalaha, siyaasadda hawl-gabka, siyaasaddaa tayaynta iyo tababarka shaqaalaha, siyaasadda axshaxa iyo la sosocdka shaqaalaha, siyaasadda qiimaynta iyo kor u qaadista aqoonta shaqaalaha iyo siyaasado kale oo dhowr ah. Kulanka ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Wasiirka Wasaaradda Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Axmed, Wasiir kuxigeenka Cabdi Ismaaciil, iyo Agaasimaha hay’adda Astaynta Maamul Wanaagga iyo la dagaallanka musuqmaasuqa iyagoona dhammaantood kelimada bogaadin dhiirrigelin iyo dardaaran ah ka jeediyey goobta. The post Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo shaqaalaha Puntland oo soo bandhigtay Siyaasado loo diyaariyey shaqaalaha dawladda appeared first on Puntland Post.
Fifteen leading human rights organisations that seek to promote freedom of expression rights in Africa have called on the President to Somaliland, a self-declared state in Somalia to put an end to the recent crackdown on press freedom rights in the country. Over the past three months, a total of five journalists were arrested and two privately-owned TV stations were closed down for covering ongoing territorial disputes between Somaliland and Puntland, an autonomous state in Somalia. In a petition sent to President Muse Bihi Abdi, on June 6, 2018, the petitioners called on the head of state to safeguard the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly rights of journalists and individuals in the country. Several activists and individuals have also been arrested and detained or even sentenced to prison terms of up to three years for criticising the government on social media platforms. The petitioners expressed deep concern about the recent attacks against journalists and individuals by Somaliland authorities, which they believed are aimed at silencing criticism, public protests and to suppress dissemination of information about the territorial conflict. The groups also urged the President to intervene to ensure that citizens’ rights to freedom of expression and human rights are respected by authorities in the country. Kindly read the full petition delivered to the President of Somaliland below or click here to download: June 6, 2018 H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi President of the Federal Republic of Somaliland Office of the President Hargeisa, Somaliland. CC : Abdurrahman Abdullahi Farah, Information Minister Your Excellency, Petition We the undersigned organisations write to express deep concerns about the recent crackdown on freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly rights in Somaliland. We write to denounce the increasing attacks and harassment on media organisations, journalists, activists and individuals within the last three months. On June 4, 2018, police arrested Mukhtar Abdi Jama, journalist working with Somnews TV in Las Anod district, Sool region, upon the orders of the regional governor of Somaliland, Abdi Khayre Dirir. Although no official reason was given for Jama’s arrest, our investigations show that his incarceration is as a result of the airing of a press conference held by local leaders in the Taleh district about the conflict in Tukaraq, a disputed area between Puntland and Somaliland. On May 29, 2018, Somaliland Ministry of Information and Public Awareness banned two privately owned stations, SBS TV and SOM News TV in the Sool region for covering the conflict between Puntland and Somaliland. Authorities accused the two stations of promoting political campaign against Somaliland and breaching journalistic ethics. A day before the closure of the stations, a journalist working with SBS TV, Mohamed Ahmed Jama Bidhanshe was arrested by security forces. Another reporter, Abdirahman Keyse Tungub, from Bulsho TV covering similar protests was previously arrested on May 27, 2018 by police in the same town (Las Anod). The two journalists were covering territorial dispute between Somalialnd and Puntland, a semi-autonomous region in north-eastern Somalia. Both Bidhanshe and Tungub were released on May 31, 2018 without any charges following the intervention of the Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA). In addition to the above-mentioned attacks, Somaliland police in a related development arrested over 40 protesters during demonstrations in Las Anod. The protesters were demanding the reunification of Somaliland with the Federal government based in Mogadishu. Sadly, according to media reports, Abdirisak Mohamed Farah, police commander for Somaliland’s Sool region justified the arrests and further threatened to arrest more persons. “We arrested 47 demonstrators including women and youth who were misled,” Farah said at a news conference in Las Anod. “There are two reporters in jail for creating chaos. We are looking for others and shall arrest them.” AFEX finds the police commander’s remarks as a clear attempt by authorities to repress freedom of expression rights of citizens. According to our sources, four journalists who have been living and working in Las Anod have already fled to Garowe city, capital of Puntland, after they were threatened by Somaliland authorities for “fomenting violence” and “misinforming the public”. These attacks have serious repercussions on the enjoyment of free speech as this could force journalists and individuals into self-censorship to avoid being harassed. Other violations we will like to bring to your attention were recorded within April and May this year: On May 14, 2018 police upon the orders of the regional governor of Sool, Abdi Hayre Dirir, arrested freelance journalist, Adam Jama Oogle aka Habeb following comments he made on Facebook in which he called for the reunification of Somaliland and Somalia. He was released after being held for over a week without charge. Oogle is not the only person that has suffered attacks from the country’s authorities for exercising his fundamental right to freedom of expression online. In two separate incidents that happened in April 2018, a provincial court in Hargeisa sentenced Naima Ahmed, an activist and poet and Mohamed Kayse, a civilian to three years and 18 months in jail respectively for Facebook comments deemed libelous by the authorities. The prosecutions were carried out under Somalia’s very old penal code. Naima Ahmed was however granted presidential pardon and released on May 7, 2018 after her family petitioned you, your Excellency. Mr President, we find it very worrying that citizens risk being sentenced to jail for exercising their fundamental rights to free expression and assembly which is enshrined in the Somaliland’s constitution as well as African and international frameworks We do note with satisfaction and gratitude that some of the arrested journalists and activists in Somaliland have been freed. Nonetheless, we believe that no one should go behind bars for exercising their fundamental rights to expression and assembly. We do recognise their release as proof of your commitment to upholding press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights in Somaliland. We are therefore calling on you to extend a similar gesture of compassion to all journalists, activists and individuals who are being held by security agents in Somaliland for exercising their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and assembly. We call upon you to also order the reopening of SBS TV and SOM News TV stations. The closure of the two stations and arbitrary arrest of journalists is an affront to free expression and will deprive citizens of their fundamental rights to access information. We are confident that your office will take note of our concerns and recommendations towards improving the freedom of expression and human rights environment both online and offline in Somaliland. Yours Sincerely, Signed, Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) , Uganda Association for Media Development in South Sudan (AMDISS), South Sudan Center for Media Studies & Peace Building (CEMESP) , Liberia Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) , South Africa Human Rights Network for Journalists – Uganda (HRNJ-Uganda) www.humanrightsjournalists.org, Somalia Institute for Media and Society, Nigeria International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Belgium International Press Centre (IPC), Nigeria Journaliste en danger (JED), Democratic Republic of Congo Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), Ghana Media Rights Agenda (MRA), Nigeria Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), Zimbabwe National Union of Somali Journalists, Somalia West African Journalists Association (WAJA), Senegal This campaign is led by the African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX), a continental network of the most prominent freedom of expression and media rights organisations in Africa that are also members of the Toronto-based, IFEX, the global network of free expression organisations. The network is currently made up of 13 member organisations based in West, East, Central and Southern Africa. Prominent Rights Groups Call on Somaliland President to Intervene in Deteriorating Freedom of Expression Situation
HARGEISA– A large gathering aimed at bolstering the country’s national security kicked off in Hargeisa a couple of days ago. The ministry of interior which is in charge of homeland security in Somaliland organized the gathering which saw the attendance of planning ministry, Good Governance and Anti Corruption Agency, and Denmark’s Developmental Agency (Danida). Somaliland Police, the immigration department, fire fighters and both int’l agencies and local organizations including EUCAP,MONPD, EU,OXFOM, UN, IOM,CPC, NAGAD,SONYO, SONSAF and HRC attended. The gist of the meeting was to put in place a robust security system that will protect country’s homeland security and the well being of its citizens from any security threat be it terrorism, domestic crimes and any danger that the country may face. The conference set up a plan to develop the country’s national security in collaboration with security agencies under the banner of the interior ministry. Somaliland lies in a region where terrorism and piracy are rampant due to the collapse of Somalia’s central govt in the 1990’s.
Illaa hadda, guddiga madaxabannaan ee doorashooyinka qaranka waxaa uu si KMG ah u diiwaan-geliyey 15 xisbi siyaasadeed, kuwaas oo qeyb ka ah nidaamka xisbiyada badan ee dalka. Haddaba, waxaan idiin soo gudbineynaa magacyada 15-ka xisbi siyaasadeed iyo guddoomiyeyaashooda 1. Xisbiga Garsoor, Waxaa guddoomiye u ah Zakariye Maxamud Xaaji oo ah xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha shacabka. 2. Xisbiga Midnimada iyo Qaranka Soomaaliyeed waxaa guddoomiye u ah Salaad Cali Jeelle, oo horay usoo noqday wasiir ku-xigeenka gashaandhigga ee Soomaaliya, Xaruntiisa waa Muqdisho. 3. Xisbiga Qaranka iyo Dimoqoraadiyadda, Waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Fowsiyo Xaaji Aaden, oo horay usoo noqotay ra’isul wasaare ku-xigeen iyo wasiirka arrimaha dibadda, xarunta xisbiga waa Muqdisho. 4. Xisbiga Midnimada iyo Jamhuuriga, Waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Cali Maxamed Tima-jilic, Xarunta Muqdisho. 5. Xisbiga Umadda Soomaaliyeed , waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Cabdirashid Maxamed Cali, Xaruntiisa Garoowe 6. Xisbiga Midnimada Bulshada Soomaaliyeed , Waxaa guddoomiye ka ah Yaasin Maxamed Macalin (Yaasin Maaxi), xaruntiisa waa Sweden 7. Xisbiga Horumarinta; Waxaa guddoomiye u ah Suleymaan 8. Wadajir: Waxaa Guddoomiye u ah Kamaal Guutaale. Waa xisbi Mucaarad ah, xaruntiisa waa Muqdisho. 9. Samu– Waxaa guddoomiye u ah Aweys Xaaji Xuseen Honero, waxaa uu matalaa Jareer-weyne, 10. Tiir– Xisbiga waxaa guddoomiye u ah Eng. Saalax Sheekh Cusmaan, horay waxaa uu usoo noqday wasiirka Howlaha Guud iyo Dib-U-Dhiska, xaruntiisa waa Muqdisho. 11. Xisbiga Damiirka Soomaalinimada iyo Horumarka, Waxaa guddoomiye u ah Dr. Maxamed Macalin Xasan. 12. Xibiga Cadaaladda iyo Badbaadada, Waxaa guddoomiye u ah Maxamud Macalin Nuur. 13. Xibiga Shaqsiyadda iyo Wadaniyadda Soomaaliyeed, Waxaa G/k u ah Maxamud Maxamed Muuse. 14. Xisbiga Dadka Soomaaliyeed, Waxaa Hogheyaha guud ka ah: Cabdiqadir Amin Axmed. 15. Xisbiga Xal-qaran,Waxaa Guddoomiye u ah Maxamed Macalin Cali. Axsaabtan siyaasadeed waxaa loo diiwaan-geliyay si KMG ah, waxaana la filayaa in ay tirada intan ka soo badato bilaha soo socota.