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Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweyne Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta gaaray magaalada Addis Ababa ee caasimada dalka Itoobiya. Madaxweynaha ayaa magaalada Addis Ababa ugu qeybgalayo shir aan caadi aheyn oo madaxda urur goboleedka IGAD ka yeelanayaan Colaada dalka Koofurta Sudan. Shirka IGAD ayaa waxaa looga hadli doonaa arrimo dhowr ah oo ka taagan Africa, gaar ahaan colaadaha kasoo cusboonaanaya South Sudan oo loo arko qatar xoog leh. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Madaxda kale ayaa shirka ka jeedin doona khudbado ay ku cabirayaan dareenkooda ku aadan colaada South Sudan. Farmaajo inta uu joogo magaalada Addis Ababa waxa uu halkaa kula kulmi doonaa Madaxda kale ee qeybta ka ah Somalia, si ay uga wada hadlaan xaalada dalkiisa. Dhinaca kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa loo badinayaa inuu la kulmo Soomaalida ku nool magaalada Addis Ababa si uu ugu booriyo inay kusoo laabtan dalkooda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
HARGEISA— Somaliland’s ministry of Agricultural Development has officially launched Beer land earmarked for farming which is going to be a pilot project where different types of seeds will be grown. The mission which the ministry is spearheading a campaign across the country to reach self sufficiency in food production. Hon. Ahmed Ali Maah, the general director of the ministry of Agricultural Development has conducted the campaign of clearing Beer land which is located in Togder region where different types of seeds will be sown. This is part of an ongoing plan that the ministry is conducting and is aimed at planting seeds in Xaaxi, Togwajale, and Beer farm lands. The minister for agricultural development formally launched the clearing of 1500 Hectare of land in Tog Wajale where the ministry planted different types of seeds.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo wareysi dheer siiyey TV-ga qaranka Soomaaliya ayaa kaga hadlay guud ahaan xaaladaha ka taagan dalka Soomaaliya. Intiinii la socotay Shabakadda Caasimadda Online ayaa waday qoraalo kala duwan oo ay ka sameeneyso wareysigaan, waxaana markaan soo qaadaneynaa hadalkii uu Madaxweyne Farmaajo ka yiri Darbiga ay dowladda Kenya ka dhiseyso Xuduudda Magaalada Beled Weyne ee dalka Soomaaliya. Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo la waydiiyey haddii uu Madaxweynaha dalka Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta uu kala hadlay darbiga ay ka dhiseyso Xuduudda Beled Xaawo markii uu tagay dalka Kenya ayuu sheegay inuu safarkaas ahaa mid waqti kooban isla markaasna uu arrintaan kala hadlay Madxweyne Uhuru Kenyatta. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa tilmaamay in markii ay soo baxday arrintaas uu la xiriiray Madaxweynaha Kenya isla markaasna ay isku afgarteen in la joojiyo dhismaha darbigaas inta ay iska arkayaan labada madaxweyne. “ Markii ay bilaabatay dhimaha darbigaas waxaan la xiriiray Madaxweynaha Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, waxaana ku heshiinay in dhismahaas la joojiyo inta aan iska arkeyno, wuuna iga aqbalay” Madxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay inuu Uhuru arritaan kala hadlay markii uu dalkaas gaaray isla markaasna lagu heshiiyey in la sameeyo qiimeyn socon doonto muddo lix bilood si loo ogaado saameynta ay arrintaas yeelan karto. “ Markii aan is aragnay labadeena, waxaan ku heshiinay in arrintaas loo saaro guddi isla markaasna ay gudigaas ka shaqeeyaan daraasadna ay ka sameeyaan oo labada dhinac ah muddo 6 bilood ah ayna noo soo gudbiyaan sida aan ka yeeleeno shacabkeena Soomaaliyeed deegaanadaas dagan iyo wixii arrintaas aan ka qaban laheyn” Madaxweynaha oo la waydiiyey jawaabta uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka siinayo buuqa ka taagan Beled Xaawo oo la leeyahay waxaa la qaadanayaa dhulkii Soomaaliyeed ayuu yiri: “ Marka hore shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaa leeyahay aamina dowladiina, Dowlad ayaad doorateen oo idin mataleyso oo danihiina ka shaqeeneyso, anagana way naga go’aan tahay inta aan joogno inaan danaha umadda Soomaaliyeed ka hormarino wax walba, waa xaqiiq dad dano siyaasadeed leh iyo Shabaabka laftooda ayaa wax walba oo dhaca ka sameeyo dood waalan oo dadka lagu jahwareerinayo” . Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso hadalka uu madaxweynaha ka yiri arrintaan https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Darbiga-Kenya-iyo-Muranka-Badda.mp3 Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
HARGEISA– Somaliland’s Public Works and Housing, Hon. Abdirashid Du’ale Qambi has accused local municipalities of rampant looting of state owned land. The minister has further said that the local cities are conducting land plan which is illegal and added that there is no management in the municipalities. The Public works minister has blasted the municipalities of not only donating public lands for bribe or selling to particular individuals without the consent of Somaliland govt which is a big shame for mayors in major townships in Somaliland. Hon. Abdirashid, the minister in charge of housing has announced that the govt is about to start public land planning. The minister has blamed of local mayors in major townships in Somaliland of having failed to provide the master plan of districts that they administer. He said that they have failed to live up to their promises according to the minister. The minister has spoken of several meeting that he held with local mayors and has informed them about the interest of the nation and populace. The minister has admitted that there is widespread corruption in looting public lands where local Councillors are giving lands to individuals without the consent of Somaliland authority. The minister while on an inspection tour to public land in Hargeisa vicinity has confiscated a tractor which was illegally ploughing a land.
Tehran, June 21, IRNA – A number of imprisoned sailors who had been arrested in late 2017 on charges of trespassing into Iran’s waters were released and returned to Iran on Thursday. Following the efforts by the Iranian foreign ministry and the country’s embassy in Kenya, 17 sailors who had illegally entered Somalia’s territorial waters in October 2017 and were sentenced to two years jail by a local court and also fine were freed and handed over the the Iranian embassy in Nairobi. The freed sailors were later returned to Iran by airplane and were welcomed by Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Panahi Azar at Imam Khomeini International Airport. Irna
Kakuma (Caasimadda Online) – ‘‘Anigoo miyir daboolmay ayaa meel la iga qaaday, qaraxii Zoobe ayaan ku dhaawacmay, waxaa sidoo kale qaraxaasi aan ku waayay labo wiil oo aan dhalay kuwaasi oo ku dhintay qaraxa”, ayay tiri Madiina Jimcaale oo ah hooyo dhashay shan carruur ah. Madiina Jimcaale ayaa rajadii ay ka qabtay inay nolol cusub dalkeeda ka billaaban doonto ay meesha ka baxday, waxayna hadda dib ugu soo laabatay xerada qaxootiga ee Kaakuma oo ay 2 sano ka hor uun ka tagtay. Qarixii Soobe ayay sheegtay inuu burburiyay riyadii ay ka qabtay inay dalkeeda nolol cusub dib uga billaabi doonto. in ka badan 500 oo qof ayaa ku dhimatay qarxaasi oo dhacay 14kii bishii Oktoobar ee sanadkii hore. Sannadkii 2014-kii waxaa dowladda Kenya oo kaashaneysa hay’adda qaxootiga Qaramada Midoobay ee UNHCR ay ku dhawaaqday, inay bilaabayso dib u celinta qaxootiga Soomaalida ee ku jira xeryaha qaxootiga ee dalka Kenya. Wixii markaa ka dambeeyey waxay dad badan bilaabeen inay si iskood ah isu diiwaan geliyaan oo ay ku noqdaan Soomaaliya, taasoo nolol hor leh u horseeday qaxooti inta badan dalkooda ka maqnaa tobanaan sano ah. UNHCR waxay sheegtay in ilaa iyo hadda….. oo qof ay noqdeen. Inkastoo dad badan ay nolo cusub billowdeen haddana waxaa jiray boqolaal kale oo ib u laabtay sida hooyo Madiiana. Weriyaha BBC-da Bashir Maxamed Caato oo safar shaqo ku tegay xerada qaxootiga ee Kakuma ayaa Madina waxaa uu kula kulmay guri cooshado ka sameysan oo ay ku nool yihiin iyada iyo qoyskeeda, waxaana uu sheegay in Madiina ay u muuqatay qof argagaxsan, iyadoo dib ula soo laabatay caruurtii ay dhashay iyo kuwa ay sii dhaleen oo gaaraya labaatan qof. Nolol adag Noloshada adag ee qaxootiga oo dad badan ay aad uga sheegtaan ayaa Madina waxaa ay imika uu muuqataa mid doorbiday, oo waxaa ay rumaysan tahay in go’aankii ay qaadatay dhowr sano ka hor uu ahaa mid aanan waxba kusoo kordhinin qoyskeeda. ”Wax ii qorsheysan ma jiraan, wixii alle ii qoro ayaan qabaa” ayey tiri Madiina. U qaybsanaha hay’adda UNHCR ee arrimaha taakuleynta qaxootiga, Sedka Sujam, waxaa ay BBC u sheegtay in qaxootiga dib ugu laabta dalkooda ee haddana dib ugu soo gurya noqda xerooyinka qaxootiga loo qaabilo sida qaxooti cusub. Xilli qaxooti badan oo dib ugu laabtay soomaaliya ay la qabsadeen nolosha, horumarna ay ku tallaabsadeen ayaa waxaad mooddaa in taasi aysan u suurtagelin hooyo Madiina Jimcaale oo nolol ay sameysato iska daaye, ka shallaynaysa go’aankii ay ku noqotay. Xigasho: BBC Somali Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Somaliland has freed a king, Osman Aw Mahmud Burmadow, who was imprisoned in April for attending the inauguration of a monarch in neighbouring Puntland. Puntland and Somaliland are at loggerheads over disputed territory along their border in the Sool and Sanaag regions. Somaliland’s President Muse Bihi Abdi pardoned the monarch, who was sentenced to five years in prison. Human rights organisations have condemned the self-declared republic of Somaliland of suppressing free speech and arresting people critical of the administration. In April, a court sentenced female poet Nacima Qorane to three years in prison on “contempt of state” charges. She was also freed after receiving a presidential pardon. bbc
In the late 1980s, people of Somaliland origin living in the south (Somalia), especially in Mogadishu, were mostly civil servants, businessmen, traders, students etc. They were often subjected to subjugation, discrimination, and harassment as they were alleged to belong to the SNM or have a family member defected to the opposition organization. A historical date is the 17th of July 1987 when a massacre of a total of more than 50 people (others reported 48) of innocent civilians (civil servants, traders and students etc.) all of the northern origin took place at Gezira beach, nearby Mogadishu. The victims were rounded up in the late evening (the 11th hour) in-house to house search and under the bed/cupboard operation. They were swooped from their homes in Bulo-Huubey constituency, west of Mogadishu. All were picked up or snatched by virtue of being belonged to specific clans of the people of the North. It was purely an act of ethnic cleansing. From behind the scene, the operation was reportedly directed by Brigadier-General Maslah, a son of the president, but the operation was disguised as it was headed by one Colonel Ibrahim Ali Barre (Anjeeh). This was one of the worst atrocities committed by the regime. The names of the victims are: 1.Ibrahim Hussein Gelle; 2.Ibrahim H Abdillahi Dirie (Businessman); 3.Mohamed Ismail Ahmed; 4.Yussuf Mohamed Handulle (USAID employee); 5.Abdulwahab Farah Ahmed (student); 6.Mohamed Mohamoud Abdi (Businessman); 7. Hassan Aw Nur Barud (Businessman); 8. Abdi Osman Dubad (Trader); 10.Mohamoud Bacadle (Civil servant); 11.Daud Sh. Ibrahim; 12.Farah Ismail Awale (Student); 13.Dahir Mohamed Jama Warfa (Trader); 14.Dayib Abdi Burale (Trader); 15.Hussein Omer Hussein (Trader); 16.Saed Mohamed Mumin (assistant Professor, Somali National University); 17. Musa Abdi Gas (Businessman); 18. Abdi Barre Osman (University Graduate); 19. Barre Osman Abdi (Trade); 20. Ali Aw Muhumed Mohamed Burale (Trader); 21. Yusuf Abdillahi Roble (Doctor Graduate); 22. Ali Mohamed Abdi (Student); 23. Abdi Mohamed Abdi(Technician); 24.Ahmed Yassin Omer Jama (Businessman); 25. Mohamed Abdi Hassan (Businessman); 26. Ibrahim Hassan Egeh (Technician); 28.Abdi Muhumed Daud (Businessman); 29.Jama Mohamed Abdi (Trader); 30. Ahmed Hassan Elmi (Dheereeye) (Sportsman); 31.Rashid Mohamed Osman; 32. Mohamed Bashe Abdillahi Hebaan (Trader); 33.Abdirahman Ahmed Dhimbiil (Civil Servant); 34. Hussein Mohamed Farah (Civil servant); 35. Abdirahman Mohamed Osman (Beledi) (T; rader); 36.Abdirrizak Aideed Mohamed (student); 37. Hussein Osman Jama (Student); 38. Khadar Mohamed Ahmed (Student); 39. Bihi Ibrahim Ahmed (Student); 40. Hassan Nur Hersi (Student); 41. Abokor Mohamed Yussuf (Trader); 42. Hassan Guure Abdi (Trader); 43.Khadar Nur Jama (Trader); 44. Mohamed Osman Jama (Trader); 45.Hassan Abdi Muhumed (Businessman); 46. Mataan Abdi Habashi (Student); 47.Fuad Abdillahi Ibrahim; 48. Hussein Abdi Aden (Businessman); 49. Saed Nur Musa (Businessman); 50. Abdirahman Mohamed Bihi (Businessman); 51. Abdifatah Ahmed Jiir (Student); 52. Ali Mohamed Dirie (Civil Servant); 53. Jama Aden (Barosin) (civil Servant); 54. Hussein Kheyre Abdi (Civil Servant); 55. Warsame Dugsiye Raydal (Businessman); 56. Mohamed Abdillahi Warsame (Trader). Omer Muse Mire. This list is in accordance with Abdirizak Fadal (www.ramaasnews.com website) and Dr. Ahmed H Omer Askar’s book ‘Xeebta Dhiigga’ by (Haan Associates 1988). Dr. Ahmed is currently the director of the Hargeisa Hospital Group. Fadal’s report confirms in an interview with the only single survivor, Omer Muse Mire. Some other sources still report a total of 47 people. The survivor’s name does not appear in the list but he probably has changed the name when he went abroad. Other sources add the names like Ali Aw Muhumed Mohamed (Burale), Mohamed Muse Mohamed, Yusuf Abdillahi Roble, Muhidin Maa’allin Ahmed and Sadiq sh Ahmed. Many families lost loved ones. For instance, Sado Mohamoud Abdi (who now lives in Buroa) lost nine relatives altogether (4 brothers, 4 cousins and a nephew). Hussein (Jamal) Muhumed Abdi lost 7 relatives. In fact, Sado recalls how the soldiers forced into their home at around 11.00 pm on one Monday evening while family members were asleep. She vividly recalls that it was Colonel Anjeeh (Canheex) himself who was the commander. He was the one who was giving the orders to the soldiers yelling at them to beat the detainees with rifle butts and bayonets. She was beaten up. In the interview, she showed the permanent scars on her body. On another occasion she and 24 and other women went together in search of their missing family members after the operation the day after, they were threatened by soldiers guarding the site of the massacre. Colonel Anjeh gave the orders to take the detainees to the beach to be executed. The one survivor provided details of his ordeal as interviewed by (Abdirizak Fadal) of Ramaas News (Omar Muse Mire, the survivor’s, details is available elsewhere (the author’s forthcoming book Rebirth of Somaliland). On the evening of 17 July, 1989 military soldiers appeared all corners of the streets in Buulo Xuubay residential area. Around 1.00 am on 18 July 1989, violent knocks on front doors of families from the North were heard. According to the information provided by the survivor, soldiers began climbing the wall of his home and eventually broke searching the rooms of the house. Almost similar activities happened in other houses. People were then gathered in open space. They were made to sit in squatting posture whilst soldiers were continuously hitting them with rifle butts. Some were even receiving burns from cigarette butts by the soldiers. After a while, the mass of people were loaded on a big military truck, ‘Pegassu’ type, and driven westwards to the Gezira beach, about 13 miles south-west of Mogadishu. They were escorted by another military vehicle (Braun Type). They were off-loaded at the peach and ordered to sit in squat postures on top of a big sand dune in groups of 5’s with their hands on their heads. After a brief period and arguments between the perpetrators, the soldiers were given the order to open fire at them which continued for few minutes after which the soldiers came around finishing off with more shots on those who were still kicking from ‘rogor mortis’ and others alive or were struggling to die. The survivor was hit lightly and hid in the heap of falling bodies on top of him unknowingly spared of the shots. He was left for dead. At the crack of dawn, the survivor ran off the site to the beach, washed and jogged home informing relatives of what happened. These are some of the gruel robust and hard evidence that are clearly indicative of the government atrocities and commitment to clan cleansing and eradication of a large section of the society simply because they belonged to specific clans of the Somali people who were alleged to support and belong to the SNM. According to an interview with Colonel Ibrahim Anjeh by Ramas News, he claimed that he was neither at the scene nor funnily he claims that he did not know where Jazira was!!!. He claims the main culprits as General Deria Hersi and General Mohamed-Nur Hassan (Dhega Ba’ayr). Colonel Ibrahim Ali Bare (Anjeeh), currently lives outside Somalia. He is one of the culprits in the genocide and mass murder of the people of the north in the south whose offense was merely to belong to a specific clan. Colonel Bare (Anjeh) is now living abroad. He was reported to have resided in different countries (Kenya, Syria and Saudi Arabia). Most recently, however, he has been reported to be in the Netherlands. To be continued….
Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo u Amba baxay Goordhow Dalka Itoobiya
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa Goordhow u amba baxay Magaalada Adis Ababa ee xarunta Dalka Itoobiya. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa halkaasi uga qeeybgali doona shirka Madaxda wadamada Afrika oo galinka dambe ee maanta halkaasi ka furmi doono. Agaasimaha warfaafinta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa ka warbixiyay socdaalka Madaxweynaha ee Adis Ababa. Shirka madaxda ku bahoobay Midowga Afrika ayaa Galabta galinka dambe kulan ku yeelan doono Magaalada Adis Ababa ee caasimada Itoobiya waxaana ay ka hadli doonaan xaaladaha wadamada Afrika. Hoos ka Daawo http://puntlandpost.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Villa-Somalia-Madaxweynaha-JFS-Mudane-Maxamed....mp4 Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo u Amba baxay Goordhow Dalka Itoobiya appeared first on Puntland Post. -
Somalia’s most dangerous terror group is likely not getting any stronger despite a series of deadly attacks, including one that claimed the life of a U.S. special operations soldier earlier this month. The assessment, by U.S. military and counterintelligence officials, runs contrary to the conclusions of some analysts and comes as al-Shabab has been flexing its military might in recent weeks, highlighting attacks on both Somali and African Union forces. One of the most publicized of these was a brazen June 8 attack on an outpost under construction two kilometers north of the town of Sanguni, in the Lower Jubba region of Somalia. The al-Qaida-linked militants skirmished with a force of 800 Somali and Kenyan forces accompanied by U.S. special operations soldiers, one of whom was killed by mortar fire. US: June 8 attack was ‘lucky shot’ U.S. officials are still trying to determine the size of the al-Shabab force at the time of the attack but say there is no indication of any increased capability. “It was a lucky shot,” a U.S. military official told VOA on condition of anonymity. “I wouldn’t consider this a well-executed attack.” Another military official said, in many ways, the deadly attack was typical of al-Shabab operations. “Historically, al-Shabab has been willing to engage large forces, often using surprise and asymmetric tactics to improve their chances for success,” said Lt. Cmdr. Desiree Frame, a spokesperson for U.S. Africa Command. “We expect to see more conflict in southern Somalia as Somali Government Forces, AMISOM, and their partners make in-roads into al-Shabab-held territory.” Still, accounts from Somalia indicate the al-Shabab forces were not deterred by the presence of U.S. special operations forces using armored vehicles and armed drones, as the June 8 deadly mortar strike was part of a three-day long assault on the outpost that included a failed attack using a vehicle-borne bomb. “They know our movements,” an official with the Somali forces in Sanguni told VOA Somali. “It’s an open secret.” Another Somali commander said al-Shabab also took advantage of the terrain, striking after recent flooding forced the Somali, Kenyan and U.S. forces to build the outpost in the open. U.S. counterterrorism and military officials say there is no doubt the group remains the biggest threat to security in Somalia. But they have resisted attributing the increased pace of al-Shabab attacks to anything more than their annual Ramadan campaign. “We do not assess that al-Shabab has recently increased their capabilities or their willingness to engage their enemies,” according to Africa Command’s Frame. A senior U.S. counterterrorism official described al-Shabab’s activity as routine, noting its public statement “promote the virtue of waging jihad during Ramadan.” Differing assessment of al-Shabab’s strength Still, some analysts warn it is wrong to downplay the strides al-Shabab has made since being kicked out of its last urban stronghold, the port city of Kismayo, in 2012. “It’s clear that we’re not just seeing a spike in attacks related to the Ramadan campaign,” said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior analyst at the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “It’s clear that the organization has gotten stronger.” And while Gartenstein-Ross thinks it is unlikely al-Shabab is strong enough to consistently challenge U.S. forces in the region, it has shown it can be potent against both Somalia and African Union forces in the area. “They’ve been able to kill very high numbers and you didn’t see that five years ago. They’ve been able to actually overrun bases at times,” he said. “The danger is as African Union forces draw down, they may retake major urban areas. I think there’s a good chance of that.” Source: VOA
The involvement of Middle East actors in Somalia, namely the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar and Turkey, has reached fever pitch recently, underscored both by external and internal dynamics. Externally, the Gulf Cooperation Council dispute between the Saudi Arabia/UAE camp on one side, and Qatar on the other, has resulted in attempts to divide the Horn of Africa into two. Internally, the Federal Government of Somalia’s handling of recent affairs has exacerbated tensions. While these dynamics show how Somalia has been subject to external interests, they also highlight that if the country wants to avoid external interference in its affairs, it must unite internally first. Recent months have been busy for those monitoring Gulf influence in Somalia. When Parliament returned from recess in March, Somalia became embroiled in a dispute over an agreement between the self-declared independent state of Somaliland and DP World to manage the Port of Berbera, with Ethiopia receiving a 19% share. While the agreement and even Ethiopia’s role has been known for some time, the official announcement set off a new course of rhetoric and actions. The dispute peaked in mid-March when Somalia’s Parliament declared the deal ‘null and void’ and banned DP World from operating in the country (which in Parliament’s eyes includes breakaway Somaliland). This exacerbated divisions between Somalia and Somaliland, and extinguished hopes that new administrations elected in both entities in 2017 could resume a dialogue process that has been stagnant since 2015. Then in April, Somali authorities seized $9.6 million in cash from an inbound plane from the United Arab Emirates. Somalia claimed it hadn’t been informed about the money previously, while the UAE said it was designated for ongoing security training programmes in Mogadishu and Puntland. With the Lower House of Parliament embroiled in a no-confidence motion over its speaker, and the frequent doling out of cash during such episodes to secure votes, it’s understandable that authorities were on edge. Nonetheless, the result was another blow as the downturn in relations led to the disbandment of the UAE’s training centre in Mogadishu. This was worrying given the need to develop the Somali security sector before an eventual withdrawal of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). In May, five of Somalia’s federal member states gathered at their second Council of Interstate Cooperation meeting, a forum created last year for their better representation at a national level. The federal member states have been upset with Mogadishu’s foreign policy direction since last year, and this has been exacerbated by recent developments. For example, Puntland also benefited from UAE training programmes, while DP World’s sister company P&O Ports had signed an agreement to manage the Port of Bosaso. Thus Mogadishu’s handling of both the Berbera Port deal and the seized UAE money threaten federal member states’ interests, Puntland argues. The Council of Interstate Cooperation meeting highlighted tensions in the federalisation model. The federal member states complained about a lack of material support from Mogadishu, and being sidelined in the formulation of foreign policy, especially on aspects that affect them. To this effect the final communiqué noted that rather than remaining neutral in the Gulf Cooperation Council crisis, Somalia’s government had sided with Qatar, in opposition to federal member states’ interests. While this complaint isn’t new, one key change involved Sheikh Ahmed Madobe, the Interim Juba Administration leader, who lashed out against the government’s handling of the UAE-Qatar crisis. Madobe had previously served as a more neutral mediator between the federal member states and government in late 2017 when developments reached a tense stage. But the switch in his stance, preceded by a visit to the UAE, signalled a stronger dividing line. In short, recent developments have led to the suspension of prospective talks between Somalia and Somaliland, the disbandment of a UAE security training programme, and more entrenched divisions between the government in Mogadishu and the federal regions. Largely a result of the fallout from the divided loyalties between the UAE and Qatar, the Gulf Cooperation Council crisis hasn’t been kind to Somalia. While other Horn of Africa countries have been pressured to choose sides in this dispute, Somalia has suffered the worst consequences. This is largely a by-product of two related issues – that Somalia’s nascent state-building institutions are still in their infancy and thus struggle to accommodate such outside pressures, and that Somalia itself is inherently divided. The former relates to Somalia’s slow comeback from state collapse, and the lack of clarity in how roles and responsibilities are delineated within the federal system. Outside actors have contributed to this (like when the UAE hosts federal member states’ leaders who return to Somalia more critical of the government). But it is ultimately the divisions in Somalia that allow this to happen. Therein lies the predicament but also the solution for Somalia. To ensure external actors don’t cause internal instability, unity must be fostered. The federal member states and government need a common vision regarding Somalia’s future. Much of this has to do with compromises over access to power and resources, with actors jockeying to strengthen their position and preserve their interests. An agreement at a recent meeting between the federal member states and government to examine these power sharing issues is a start. But without genuine internal consensus on such aspects, Somalia will remain vulnerable to divisions. This has been recently heightened by external developments, but only because Somalia has allowed it to. A failure to address this now will result in more of the same.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha xukuumada Somalia Xasan Cali Kheyre oo weli ku sugan dalka Norwey ayaa ka hadlay warar ay isla dhexmarayaan dadka Soomaaliyeed oo ku saleysan Heshiiska ay dowlada Somalia la gashay Ethiopia. Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre ayaa sheegay in ay jiran dad wax walba siyaasadeeya oo baraha bulshada ku soo qora aragti ku saleysan rabitaankooda. Waxa uu yiri “Waxaa jira dad ka soo horjeeda dowladnimada oo weliba Facebook wax ku siyaasadeeya,dadkana xumaan uga dhiga,heshiiskii Ethiopia iyo Somalia ee lagu gaaray muqdisho’’ ‘’Warmurtiyeed ayaa lagu soo saarey in dhaqankii hore wax laga bedelo iyo in dekadaha Somalia loo furay ganacsi si loo isticamaalo’’. Kheyre, waxa uu sheegay in dhaliilaha la jaanrogay ay kamid tahay heshiiskii Somalia iyo Ethiopia oo uu cadeeyay in qaab khaldan loo dhigay. Kheyre ayaa hadalkaan ka sheegay kulan Magaalada Oslo uu kula qaatay Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Norway, waxa uuna tilmaamay in wararka xun ay baahiyaan kuwo ka soo horjeeda inay hormarto dowladnimada. Kheyre isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayuu sheegay inaanu jirin Dekad la siiyay Ethiopia, balse Dekedaha ay leeyihiin shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxa uu Kheyre qiray inay la kulmeen Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia oo ay wada hadal yeesheen, intaasi kadibna ay soo saareen war-murtiyeed khuseeya kulankooda, balse halkaasi uusan ka dhicin wax heshiis ah, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxa uu yiri ‘’Maalmahan waxaan maqlayay in heshiis lala galay dowladda Ethiopia, annaga wax heshiis ah lama gelin Ethiopia, Ra’iisul wasaaraha Ethiopia ayaa inoo yimid, waan soo dhaweynay, shirkii markuu idlaaday war-murtiyeed baa ka soo baxay oo aan ku cadeyn heshiis dhacay’’ ‘’Waxaan idiin cadeynayaa inaanu jirin Dekedo aan bixinay, Dekedaha shacabka Soomaaliyeed baa iska leh dowladuna awood uma laha in Dekad soomaaliyeed ay Heshiis ku bixiso.” Xildhibaano iyo Siyaasiyiin ayaa aad u dhaliilay heshiiskaas ay Muqdisho ku kala saxiixdeen Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia. Haddalka Khayre ayaa u muuqda mid lagu dafiraayo Heshiiska ay Dowlada Somalia iyo Ethiopia ay ku saxiixdeen Madaxtooyada Somalia, kaa oo ku xeeran maalgashiga afar Dekadood iyo baahiyo kale. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Ra’isilwasaaraha Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre oo Boqolaal Soomaaliyeed kula hadlayay Dalka Norway ayaa been abuur ku tilmaamay in Itoobiya heshiis la la gaaray. Waxa uu sheegay in aanay jirin in dowlada Soomaaliya ay heshiis la gaartay Dowlada Itoobiya isaga oo sheegay in bulshada Soomaaliyeed lamar habaabinayo. “Waxaa jira dad ka soo horjeeda dowladnimada oo weliba Facebook wax ku siyaasadeeya,dadkana xumaan uga dhiga,heshiiskii itoobiya iyo Somalia ee lagu gaaray muqdisho warmurtiyeed ayaa lagu soo saarey in dhaqankii hore wax laga bedelo iyo in dekedaha Somalia loo furi si ay u isticamalaan ayuu yiri Kheyre. Bulshada Soomaaliyeed qaarkood ayaa si aad ah uga soo horjeeystay heshiiskii Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ku dhexmaray Muqdisho ee ku aadanaa Dekadaha. Hoos ka Dhageyso Codka http://puntlandpost.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Cod-Kheyre-Cowke.mp3 Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Ra’isilwasaare Kheyre oo Beeniyay in heshiis la la galay Itoobiya appeared first on Puntland Post.
Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa ka hadlay dagaaladii Puntland iyo Soomaaliland ku dhexmaray Tuka Raq. Xasan Sheekh ayaa soo bandhigay qorshayaal dagaalkaasi lagu xalin karo dagaalkaasi. “Iyadoo Soomaalidu ay duruufo gaar la tacaaleyso billowga qarniga 21aad, ayaa haddane degaannadu xaalkoodu kala duwan yahay. Duruufaha dadka Soomaalida ay la tacaalayaan waxaa ka mid ah Abaaro, fatahaad iyo colaado, hase yeeshe gundhigga dhibaatooyinka oo dhan waxay ka soo butaacayaan hal il oo ah dowlad xooggan oo ralli laga wada yahay lana wada aqbalsan yahay oo meesha ka maqan. Si kastaba ha ahaate, dhibaatooyinkaas aan kore ku so xusay iyo kuwa kaleba waxay CAQABAD ku yihiin badbaadada shacabka ay daashadeen colaaduhu kuwa hore iyo kuwa dambaba haddaba hoggaamiyayaasha maanta ee heer kasta leh ha qaateen hana tixgeliyeen mabda’a ah “HA UGA DARIN HADDII AADAN DAWYN KARIN” Qormadaan kooban waxaan rabaa inaan uga hadlo arrinta XANUUNKA badan ee ka socota tuulada yar ee TUKARRAQ. In ka badan 30 sano waayo aragnimo ah ayaan u leenahay in khilaafyada lagu xalliyo CUDUB CIIDAN lagumana soo guuleysan mar qura. Haddaba, walaalaha isfaham waagu u dhaxeeyo waxaan ugu baaqayaa qodobada soo socda: 1. Xabbad joojin degdeg ah iney ku dhawaaqaan oo ay NABADDA ku dhiirradaan. 2. In ciidamada ay kala qaadaan si fursad lagu wada hadlo u abuuranto. 3. Ka dibne la billaabo wada hadal dhexdooda ah oo ay hoggaaminayaan dhexdhexaadiyaal iyo fududeeyaal Soomaali ah o oka dhaca TUKARRAQ lafteeda 4. Waxaan si gaar ah farta ugu fiiqayaa isimada, culumaa’uddiinka iyo ganacsatada iney si gaar ah ugu istaagaan arrinka isna doontaan iyagu oo waxaan leeyahay magaciin ha jiro e berri NABADDA YAAN DIBADDA LAGA JIRIN 5. Inta dadaalladu socdaan, dhinacyadu waa iney joojiyaan hadallada XANAFTA leh ee danqinayo boogihii hore laguna baddalo hadallo ka tarjumayo Soomaalinimada. Waxaan ku soo gabagabeynayaa qormadaan kooban: “WALAALAYAAL WAXA AAN ISKU NAHAY AYAA AAD UGA BADAN WAXA AAN KALA NAHAY EE CAQLIGU HA TALIYO”. — DHAMMAAD — PUNTLAND POST The post Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo ka hadlay Colaadaha Tukaraq appeared first on Puntland Post.
Garoowe (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa lagu wadaa in magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta maamulka Puntland uu gaaro Siyaasi sheegtay inuu yahay Hoggaamiyaha rasmiga ah ee maamulka Somaliland. Siyaasigan oo kasoo jeeda deegaanada maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegay inuu yahay Hoggaamiyaha Somaliland, waxa uuna Garoowe u aadi doona howlo shaqo, sida uu sheegay. Siyaasigan oo lagu magacaabo Mustafe Maartin ayaa kasoo safri doona dalka Mareykanka,waxana marti galiyay maamulka Puntland. Hoggaamiyaha Puntland Cabdiweli Gaas, ayaa marti galinta u sameeyay Mustafe Maartin, waxaana lagu wadaa inay kuwada kulmi doonaan Madaxtooyada Puntland. Sidoo kale, Mustafe Maartin, ayaa ku dhawaaqay in uu yahay Hoggaamiyaha rasmiga ah ee maamulka Somaliland, waxa uuna tilmaamay in Hoggaanka hadda ka jira Somaliland uu yahay mid ay hareereysay cadaalad darro, sida uu sheegay. Dhinaca kale, sheegashada Mustafe Maartin ee hoggaanka maamulka ayaa kusoo beegmeysa iyadoo Hoggaamiyaha saxda ee Somaliland Muuse Biixi uu la kulmaayo mowjado mucaarad oo ay u abuureyso Puntland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garoowe Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, Madaxweynihii hore ee Somalia, ayaa qoraal dheer uga hadlay colaada dhiiga badan ku daatay ee u dhexeeya maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland, taa oo ka taagan deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool. Madaxweynihii hore ee Somalia Xasan Sheekh ayaa qoraalkiisa diirada ku saaray colaada iyo dhibaatooyinka ka dhashay, waxa uuna baaq nabadeed u jeediyay labada maamul. Xasan Sheekh, ayaa qoraalkiisa oo uu soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook kusoo koobay 5 qodob oo uu culeyska ku saarayo dhibta dagaalka iyo dheefta ay leedahay nabadda. HOOS KA AKHRISO QORAALKA XASAN SHEEKH EE 5 QODOB KA KOOBAN Iyadoo Soomaalidu ay duruufo gaar la tacaaleyso billowga qarniga 21aad, ayaa haddane degaannadu xaalkoodu kala duwan yahay. Duruufaha dadka Soomaalida ay la tacaalayaan waxaa ka mid ah Abaaro, fatahaad iyo colaado, hase yeeshe gundhigga dhibaatooyinka oo dhan waxay ka soo butaacayaan hal il oo ah dowlad xooggan oo ralli laga wada yahay lana wada aqbalsan yahay oo meesha ka maqan. Si kastaba ha ahaate, dhibaatooyinkaas aan kore ku so xusay iyo kuwa kaleba waxay CAQABAD ku yihiin badbaadada shacabka ay daashadeen colaaduhu kuwa hore iyo kuwa dambaba haddaba hoggaamiyayaasha maanta ee heer kasta leh ha qaateen hana tixgeliyeen mabda’a ah “HA UGA DARIN HADDII AADAN DAWYN KARIN” Qormadaan kooban waxaan rabaa inaan uga hadlo arrinta XANUUNKA badan ee ka socota tuulada yar ee TUKARRAQ. In ka badan 30 sano waayo aragnimo ah ayaan u leenahay in khilaafyada lagu xalliyo CUDUB CIIDAN lagumana soo guuleysan mar qura. Haddaba, walaalaha isfaham waagu u dhaxeeyo waxaan ugu baaqayaa qodobada soo socda: 1-Xabbad joojin degdeg ah iney ku dhawaaqaan oo ay NABADDA ku dhiirradaan. 2-In ciidamada ay kala qaadaan si fursad lagu wada hadlo u abuuranto. 3-Ka dibne la billaabo wada hadal dhexdooda ah oo ay hoggaaminayaan dhexdhexaadiyaal iyo fududeeyaal Soomaali ah oo ka dhaca TUKARRAQ lafteeda 4-Waxaan si gaar ah farta ugu fiiqayaa isimada, culumaa’uddiinka iyo ganacsatada iney si gaar ah ugu istaagaan arrinka isna doontaan iyagu oo waxaan leeyahay magaciin ha jiro e berri NABADDA YAAN DIBADDA LAGA JIRIN 5-Inta dadaalladu socdaan, dhinacyadu waa iney joojiyaan hadallada XANAFTA leh ee danqinayo boogihii hore laguna baddalo hadallo ka tarjumayo Soomaalinimada. Waxaan ku soo gabagabeynayaa qormadaan kooban: “WALAALAYAAL WAXA AAN ISKU NAHAY AYAA AAD UGA BADAN WAXA AAN KALA NAHAY EE CAQLIGU HA TALIYO”. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa lagu wadaa in maanta uu u amba baxo magaalada Addis ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia. Madaxweynaha safarkan waxaa ku wehlin doona xubno ka kala tirsan labada Gole oo Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaanaba leh, kuwaa oo qeyb ka noqon doona shirka. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa magaalada Addis Ababa uga qeybgalayo shir aan caadi ahayn oo madaxda waddamada IGAD ay isugu imaanayaan. Shirka IGAD ayaa waxaa looga doodi doonaa arrimo dhowr ah oo ka taagan Africa, gaar ahaan colaadaha kasoo cusboonaanaya South Sudan oo loo arko qatar xoog leh. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Madaxda kale ayaa shirka ka jeedin doona khudbado ay ku cabirayaan dareenkooda ku aadan colaada South Sudan. Farmaajo inta uu joogo magaalada Addis ababa waxa uu halkaa kula kulmi doonaa Madaxda kale ee qeybta ka ah Somalia, si ay uga wada hadlaan xaalada dalkiisa. Dhinaca kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa loo badinayaa inuu la kulmo Soomaalida ku nool magaalada Addis ababa si uu ugu booriyo inay kusoo laabtan dalkooda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Ra’iisalwasaaraha Itoobiya Dr Abiy Axmad ayaa soo dhaweeyay uguna hambalyeeyay madaxweynaha Eritrea Isaias Afewerki aqbalaadda uu aqabalay baaqii Itoobiya ee ahaa in la dhammeeyo murankii dhanka xadka labada waddan ku saabsanaa ee mudada dher soo jiitamayay. Arrintan ayaa ka dambaysay markii madaxweynaha Eritrea Isaias Afewerki uu sheegay in uu wafdi u dirayo magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya si loo sii wado baaqii nabadda iyo Itoobiya oo ogolaatay go’aankii guddiga Qaramada Midoobey uu ka gaaray murankii xadka labada dal. Dagaal labadanmi dal dhex maray intii u dhaxeysay sanaddadii 1998 iyo 2000 ayaa la sheegayaa in Itoobiya ay uga dhinteen qiyaastii 50,000 oo qof halka Eritrea ay uga dhinteen qiyaastii 20,000 oo qof. Bishan horaanteedii ayaa isbahaysiga Itoobiya xukuma ee EPRDF wuxuu aqbalay go’aankii 2002 uu gaaray guddigii Qaramada Midoobey ay u saartay muranka xadka labadani dal oo siiyey Eritrea dhulkii la isku haystay. Madaxweynaha Eritrea Issaias Afwerki oo Tv dalkiisa ka hadlay oo ka jawaabaya baqii nabadda ethiopia wuxuu yiri. Madaxweyne Afawerki wuxuu ka hadlay wixii hore u kala qabsaday lada dal, wuxuuse yiri marka la eego sida xaalku yahay iyo wixii ay ka sheegeen baraha bulshadu ku wada xiriirto iyo warbaahinta waxaan wafdi u direynaa Addis Ababa si ay u soo fahmaan xaaladda. ISHA BBC
Kenya's Kakuma refugee camp is home to more than 185,000 people who've fled war in neighbouring countries like Sudan, and Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online
The involvement of Middle East actors in Somalia, namely the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar and Turkey, has reached fever pitch recently, underscored both by external and internal dynamics. Source: Hiiraan Online
At least 254,811 Somali refugees from Dadaab camp in Garissa have been voluntarily repatriated since 2013, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) has said. Source: Hiiraan Online