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Ankara (Caasimada Online) – Turkey ayaa sheegtay in canshuur dhan 1.8 bilyan oo dollar ay saari doonto badeecadaha lagu soo sameeyo Mareykanka, ayada oo ka aargudaneysa canshuur madaxweyne Trump uu saaray biraha iyo alumuuniyaamta dalkaas. Ururka ganacsiga adduunka ee WTO ayaa sheegay in canshuuraha cusub ay 266.5 milyan oo dollar kasoo xareyn doonaan alaabo ay ka mid yihiin baabuurta, dhuxusha, waraaqaha, bariiska iyo tubakaada. Wasiirka dhaqaalaha Turkiga Nihat Zeybekci ayaa bayaan uu soo saaray ku sheegay in Turkiga uusan ogolaan doonin in “si qaldan loogu eedeeyo caqabadaha dhaqaale ee Mareykanka.” “Anaga waxaan qeyb ka nahay xalka ee ka mid nihin dhibaatada” ayuu yiri. Arbacadii, Midowga Yurub ayaa ku dhawaaqay inuu diyaariyey liiska badeecadaha Mareykanka ah oo ay billaabi doonaan inay kusoo rogaan canshuur 25% ah marka dalalka ururkaas ay yimaadaan. Tallaabadan ayaa horseedi karta dagaal ganacsi oo buuxa, hadii Trump uu ka dhabeeyo hanjabaadiisa ah inuu canshuur dheeri ah saarayo baabuurta Yurub. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Istanbul Caasimada@live.com
saddex asakri oo la toogtay Maxkamada ciidamada qalabka sida ee dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland ayaa maanta xukun dil ah ku fulisay saddex askari oo ku eedaysanaa fal-dambiyeedyo dil ah. Saddexdan askari ayaa horey u dilay dad shacab ah, waxaana kamid ah Cabdullaahi Asad Ismaacil oo dilay xaaskiisii marxuumad Muxubo Maxamed Guure, C/rashiid Axmed Xasan oo dilay Marxuum Maxamed Cabdullaahi Xirsi iyo Aadan Cabdi Muumin oo dilay Marxuum Cawil Colow Xasan. Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda darajada koowaad ee ciidamada qalabka sida ee Jubbaland Bashiir Maxamuud Xareed ayaa sheegay in Maxkamadda ciidamada ay horay u dhageysatay kiisaska askartan, ugu dambeyna ay maanta fulisay dilka toogashada ah. Toogashada askartan ayaa ka dhacday garoonkii hore ee diyaaradaha ee Akadeemi oo ku yaal waqooyiga magaalada Kismaayo. PUNTLAND POST The post Jubbaland oo dil toogasho ku fulisay askar appeared first on Puntland Post.
Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa ka qeybgalay Shirka 32-aad ee Madaxda Urur Goboleedka IGAD kaasoo lagu dhexdhexaadinayo dhinacyada isku haya South Sudan. Shirkan aan caadiga ahayn oo dib loogu soo nooleynayo wada hadallada Madaxweynaha South Sudan Mudane Salva Kiir Mayardit iyo Madaxweyne K/Xigeenkiisa hore Mudane Riek Machar ayaa Madaxda IGAD waxa ay dadaal dheeri ku bixinayaan sidii looga mira dhalin lahaa. Madaxweynaha oo shirka keddib kulan gaar ah la yeeshay dhiggiisa South Sudan Mudane Salva Kiir Mayardit ayaa ku bogaadiyay labada dhinac sida ay u aqbaleen in ay soo fariistaan miiska wada hadallada. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa adkeeyay in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay garab taagantahay walaalaha South Sudan sidii ay uga bixi lahaayeen kala qeybsanaanta iyo dagaallada, wuxuuna kula dardaarmay in ay labada dhinac fursaddan uga faa’iideeystaan sidii dalkooda uu uga bixi lahaa dagaallada sokeeye. “Waxaan idin kula dardaarmayaa inaad ka fa’iideysataan khibradda aan ka barannay Soomaaliya oo dowlad la’aantii iyo colaadihii aan uga gudubnay isu tanaasul, wada hadal iyo is qancin. Waxaan rajaynayaa inaad idinkana jidkaas oo kale qaadaan oo aad dib ugu soo celisaan South Sudan xasillooni, wadajir iyo horumar.” Ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Madaxweyne Kiir ayaa dhankiisa bogaadiyay horumarka muuqda ee ay Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ku tallaabsatay iyo xasilloonida siyaasadeed ee haatan ka jirta Soomaaliya, wuxuuna hoosta ka xarriiqay in ay dowladdiisu xoojineyso xiriirka ay la leedahay Soomaaliya. Dhanke kale, Madaxweyneyaasha Suudaan iyo Kenya Cumar Xasan Al Bashiir iyo Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa loo xil saaray in ay sii dardargeliyaan wada hadallada, waxaana dhammaadka bishan kulan kale oo loogu kala dab qaadayo dhinacyadan lagu qabanayaa magaalada Khartuum ee dalka Sudan. PUNTLAND POST The post Shirkii IGAD ee deg dega ahaa oo la soo gabogabeeyay appeared first on Puntland Post.
A three-day workshop organized by African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to foster strong working relationship between police officers and community members has concluded in Baidoa, the administrative capital of South West state. Source: Hiiraan Online
Authorities in the breakaway state of Somaliland should immediately lift a ban on the operations of Waaberi newspaper, a privately owned daily, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Source: Hiiraan Online
The number of people who faced forced displacement around the world hit a new record — up 2.9 million in 2017 from the previous year. The amount reached 68.5 million people displaced, over half of whom (52%) are underage. Source: Hiiraan Online
Three women accused of being members of al-Shabaab militants were arrested Thursday by Anti-Terrorism Police Unit (ATPU) officers shortly after leaving court in Mombasa. Source: Hiiraan Online
Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Beesha caalamka ayaa ka jawaabtay qoraal ay usoo gudbisay dowladda Soomaaliya oo ay ku dalbaneysay in la joojiyo la-macaamilka gaarka ah ee maamulka Somaliland. Qoraalkaas ayaa waxa ay dowladda federaalka ku dalbaneysay in dhaqaalaha beesha caalamka ay siiso Somaliland lasoo marsiiyo dowladda Soomaaliya, si la mid ah maamullada kale ee dalka jira. Si kastaba, qoraalka jawaabta ah ee beesha caalamka ayaa lagu xasuusiyey dowladda Soomaaliya in heshiis ay gashay 2013 ay ku ogolaatay in Somaliland si gaar ah loo siiyo deeqaha. Beesha caalamka waxa ay sidoo kale sheegtay inaysan suurta-gal ahayn in Somaliland loola macaamilo sida Puntland oo kale. Sidaas darteed ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka, waxaa beesha caalamka ay codsaneysaa in dowladda ogolaato in sida ay hadda wax yihiin ay ku socdaan. Hoos ka aqriso qoraalka.
Kismaayo (Caasimada Online) – Maxkamada Ciidamada qalabka sida ee maamulka Jubbaland ayaa maanta xukun toogasho ah ku fulisay gacan ku dhiiglayaal horay u geystay dilal bareer ah. Seddexda ruux ee maanta dilka lagu fuliyay ayaa kamid ahaa ciidamada maamulka, waxaana ku jira gacan ku dhiigle dilay xaaskiisa oo uur laheyd. Gacan ku dhiiglayaasha dilka lagu fuliyay oo muddo u xirnaa cafis dalbasho ayaa dilkooda soo degdegay kadib markii qoyska dhalay dadka la dilay ay dalbadeen in la dilo. Saddexda Askari ee Xukunka dilka ah lagu fuliyey ayaa waxa ay kala yihiin. 1-C/rashiid Axmed Xasan oo horay u dilay Marxuum Maxamed Cabdullaahi Xirsi. 2-Aadan Cabdi Muumin oo horay u dilay Marxuum Cawil Colow Xasan. 3-Cabdullaahi Asad Ismaacil oo horay u dilay xaaskiisi marxuumad Muxubo Maxamed Guure Mas’uuliyiinta iyo Saraakiisha goobta ku sugnaa ayaa sheegay in xukunka ceynkaani ah uu sii socon doono inta laga weynaayo askari dil geysta.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Puntland ayaa magaalada Garoowe kusoo dhaweeyay Siyaasi sheegtay in uu yahay Madaxweynaha rasmiga ah ee maamulka Somaliland kaas oo lagu Magacaabo Mustafe Martin. Siyaasigan oo maalmo ku sugnaan doona magaalada Garoowe, ayaa lagu wadaa in halkaa uu kulamo kula yeesho Madaxda maamulka iyo Siyaasiyiin kale oo ka tirsan mucaaradka Somaliland. Siyaasigan sheegtay inuu yahay Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo magaalada Garoowe kula hadlay saxaafada ayaa sheegay inuu la imaan doono isbedel ka duwan kan uu sameeyay Muusi Biixi oo uu tilmaamay inuu horay u ahaa Siyaasi ku fashilmay Siyaasadiisa. Mustafe Martin, waxa uu sheegay in qorshayaasha u dagan uu kamid yahay mideynta Somalia, waxa uuna arrin lala yaabo ku sheegay in mashruuc laga dhigo kala goynta Somalia. ‘’Ma dhaceyso in la kala ququbo Soomaalida cidna ugama heybeysan doono inaan ka shaqeyno rabitaanka Soomaaliweyn’’ Waxa uu intaa raaciyay “Hadii ay jirtay dad kas oo horjeeda soomaaliya oo mid ah,waxana u sheegayaa in manta ay dadka soomaaliyed yihiin walaalo aan meelna u kala hareyn,waxana midnimada Soomaaliya ka bilaabeynaa Garoowe,Puntland ayaana hosreed u noqon doonto’’ ayuu yiri Siyaasiga. Sidoo kale, Siyaasigan sheegtay inuu yahay Madaxweynaha Somaliland, ayaa socdaal ku mari doona qeybo kamida deegaanada Puntland iyo Somaliland, waxa uuna sidoo kale qaban doonaa banaanbaxyo lagu taageerayo. Dhinaca kale, Puntland ayaa dagaalka ay kula jirto Somaliland kusoo kordhisay mid lagu carqaladeynaayo siyaasada iyo kursiga Muuse Biixi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
A delegation from the Addis Ababa based African Union Peace Support Operations Division (AUPSOD), is in Somalia to assess the nature of logistical support given to the AU Mission by its partners. The team will hold deliberations in the capital Mogadishu, to flesh out issues regarding logistics support to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and propose recommendations, that will boost the Mission’s activities in the Horn of Africa country. “We want to look into key challenges and key issues and clearly indicate what stakeholders need to do to help enhance the support package to AMISOM,” Col. (Rtd) Mor Mbow, the Chief of Mission Support at the African Union Commission, and leader of the AU delegation said in his opening remarks earlier today. Mbor emphasized that the aim of the deliberations was to come up with ways of enhancing logistical support to AMISOM, to enable the Mission better secure Somalia. “This support to AMISOM is not only an UNSOS responsibility. Troop Contributing Countries have responsibilities; the contingents that have been deployed have responsibilities. AU as strategic headquarters have responsibilities and UN of course, being a major partner has responsibilities,” Col. Mbow stated. The two-day high-level consultative talks is expected to come up with detailed recommendations that will address critical logistical support issues in the short, medium and long term. “The primary objective of this workshop is to identify AMISOM mission support challenges across the strategic, operational and tactical levels,” explained Ambassador Francisco Caetano Jose Madeira, the AU Special Representative for Somalia and Head of AMISOM. The meeting, Madeira noted, will also come up with recommendations on how the AU and UN can harmonize and enhance joint planning, improve on provision and delivery of logistics and generate service support to AMISOM. In her remarks, the Head of UNSOS, Ms. Lisa Filipetto reiterated UNSOS’ commitment to providing the required logistical support, to enable AMISOM fulfil its mandate effectively. UNSOS is mandated by the UN Security Council to provide logistical support to AMISOM and to the Somali security forces during joint operations with AMISOM. “UNSOS welcomes this review. We believe that this is such an important partnership that we need to get it right. We won’t get it perfect but continuous improvement is always very important,” she observed, while acknowledging the achievements AMISOM has made in Somalia’s stabilization. Representatives of Troop and Police Contributing Countries to AMISOM, senior AMISOM and UN officials, among them, the AMISOM Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Jim Beesigye Owoyesigire and the Acting AMISOM Police Commissioner, Christine Alalo, are attending the consultative meeting. Source: AMISOM
Dubai (Caasimada Online) – Ciidamada Imaaraadka Carabta waxay xad-gudub galmo kula kaceen maxaabiista xabsiyada dalka Yemen, waxaa sidaas shaaca ka qaaday wakaaladda wararka AP ee dalka Mareykanka. Maxaabiistan oo la hayo dacwo la’aan ayaa waxaa lagula kacay kufsi, galmo afka looga sameeyey iyo dharka oo laga bixiyey, sida ay sheegtay warbixinta AP. Mid ka mid ah dhacdooyinka oo ka dhacday xabsiga Beir Ahmed ee Cadan, bishii March, boqolaal maxaabiis ah ayaa waxaa lagu sameeyey xadgudub ayaga, oo dabadooda la baaray. “Dharka ayey kaa dhigayaan, gacmaha ayay kaa xirayaa, kadibna qasab ayay kuugu galmoonayaan” Waxaa sidaas u sheegay AP mid ka mid ah maxaabiista. Ilaalada maxaabiista ee Imaaraatka ah ayaa la sheegay inay maxaamiibsta u sheegay inay raadinayaan mobile ay ku qariyeen dabadooda, kadibna sidaas u qaawiyaan, oo ay galmo qasab ah ugu sameeyaan. Dowladda Mareykanka oo taageerta isbaheysiga Sacuudiga iyo Imaaraadka Carabta ee dalka Yemen dagaalka ka wada, ayaa sheegtay naysan ka war-hayn xadgudubyadan galmo ee ciidamada Imaaraatka lagu eedeeyey. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira Caasimada@live.com
Xarunta Cilmi-baarista Kontoroolka Khataraha ee (Control Risks) ee fadhigeedu yahay magaalladda London ee dalka UK waxay shalay soo saaartay Warbixin ay ku sheegtay inay Alshabaab 879 Weerar ka geysteen Somalia tan iyo bishii April ee sannadkii hore, waa sida ay Hay’addu qortay. Warbixinta waxaa lagu sheegay inay Xarakadda Alshabaab oo maamusha dhul ballaran ay dagaal kula jirtay Dowladda Somalia iyo Ciiddanka AMISOM tan iyo sannadkii 2007-dii. Xarunta Cilmi-baarista Kontoroolka Khataraha ee (Control Risks) waxaa kaloo lagu xusay inay sare u kaceen Weeraradda ay Alshabaab geysteen tan iyo sannadkii 2013-kii, isla markaana ay Alshabaab geysteen 60% weeraradda ay Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta ka geystaan dalalka Saxaraha ka hooseeya ee Qaaradda Afrika, waa sida hadalka loo dhigay. Warbixinta waxaa kaloo lagu muujiyey inay Alshabaab weeraro ka geysteen dhowr Waddan oo ka mid ah dalalka taageera DFS, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid yihiin Kenya, Uganda iyo Ethiopia. Warbixinta waxaa kaloo lagu shaaciyey inay Kenya dhibaato xooggan kala kulmaan weeraradda Alshabaab oo iyagu 79 weerar ka fuliyey gudaha dalkaasi. Bishii la soo dhafaay, Xarunta kale ee Cilmi-baarista Maraykanka ee Center for Strategic Studies waxay soo saartay Warbixin ay ku sheegtay inay Alshabaab ka mid tahay Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta ee dilalka badan ka geysta Qaaradda Afrika, waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeen. Xarakadda Alshabaab oo la asaasay sannadkii 2006-dii waxay qeyb ka ahaayeen Golihii Maxkamadaha Islaamka ee dagaalka ba’an la galay Ciiddankii Ethiopian-ka ee ugu horreeyey ee faragelinta Milliteri ku soo gaalay gudaha Somalia. Source: cajnewsafrica
Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur Throughout the 1980s a scorched earth policy was effectively in place in the whole of the Northern regions (Somaliland). One of the decisive factors that increased the tension and dissidence in the North and which accelerated the formation of an all-war open opposition, i.e the SNM, was the extreme and mounting political instability and government pressure on the local population coupled with the implementation of treacherous policies of obliteration of large sections of the population (in the North). Meanwhile, as the SNM finally became a real threat to the government troops, in retaliation (as ill-mannered responses to SNM’s activities) the government waged campaigns and a full-scale war against its citizens, the entire civilian population in the North. Civil liberties and human rights were eroded and abused. Policies and campaigns of eradication of the population in masses became the order of the day. Destruction of human settlements, towns, and villages was common and part and parcel of the government’s integral policy. That was sadly detailed by a secret letter which became popularly known as the ‘letter of death’ which was written by General Mohamed Said Hirsi ‘Morgan’, president’s son-in-law, the Commander the 26th sector of the national army stationed at Hargeisa. The letter was sent as a confidential document. It was a blueprint for social engineering and a deliberate ethnic cleansing report, so to speak, to the president of the country, Said Barre. The letter was compellingly undisputable evidence and a prime example of the devious policies of the government against innocent civilians. It carried vengeance, hatred and animosity showed by the Generals towards the people of the North. The ‘letter of death’ and its detailed contents are dealt with below. In the 1980s the government encouraged, organized and armed tribal militias of clans in alliance with the government to unashamedly ignite clan feuds and reanimate past differences just to keep the fire blowing merely for the survival of the regime and for Barre to buy more time to stay on the saddle of the power. Nevertheless, such activities eventually backfired and did not pay dividends. In fact, they turned out to be a blessing in disguise for local people in producing regrettable results for the regime. Some clans actually read Barre’s mental map and exactly understood his hidden tricks while others didn’t. However, by the late 1980s, political analysts began to relate Barre’s fate comparable to what happened before elsewhere by contemporary dictators like Idi Amin of Uganda, the Marcos of the Philippines and Baby Doc Duvalier of Haiti. With the increase of security-related incidents in the North, public demonstrations in particular by the students at high schools were rather a common denominator and a major activity particularly in Hargeisa, the capital of the North. Dusk-to-dawn curfews were drawn in Hargeisa and main towns (Buroa, Berbera, Gabiley, and others). At the same time, General Mohamed Said Morgan ordered the army commanders to proceed to the destruction of large swathes of rural settlements merely in an attempt to deprive SNM support. In rural areas, wells and boreholes were sealed, poisoned and destroyed. Crops in farms in agricultural areas were burnt and not spared and burnt to eliminate peasant farmers and settlements suspected of supporting the SNM opposition organization. The Letter of ‘Death’ It was in 1986 when the president appointed General Mohamed Said Hersi (Morgan) was appointed as the military ruler in the North. He was appointed to succeed his predecessor, General Mohamed Hashi Gani, who was a cousin of the president and the top commander of the north as he was unable to crush the opposition revolt in the North and failed to put down the SNM opposition struggle, its supporters, and its recruits. But nevertheless, General Gani was also a ruthless man in nature and vulgar expressionist in terms of a relationship with the citizens and alienated the majority of the population. He was still unable to gain the trust of the public and local elders in his determination to smite the jugular vein of the SNM, cut its head off and succeed in the putting an end to the uprising of the population. Soon after his arrival, General Morgan stepped up the repression of the civilian people and military operations, the only technique the clique in power knew. But he also did not succeed in his operations to stamp out the SNM, as he often boasted and vowed, and it’s guerrilla tactical operations which were continuously causing great havoc and humiliation to the government troops. Persistent frustrations and hatred led him to devise the most deceitful Machiavellian styled plan one could ever think of. In fact, the plans were already operational and in place by the militarily but Morgan decided to write a damning report (dated 21 January 1987) to his boss, the president, pretending to make a formal and official request or permission to launch a sinister programme of obliteration of the main clans from which the SNM draws and relies for support. He did so simply as a show off to his boss, the president. The plan confidently displayed its sinister operation at length (but remember that was already going on without seeking permission) included the destruction of towns and villages inhabited by those clans along the long border with Ethiopia and to substitute the local population with people of loyal close kinship clans (mostly refugees), controlling the trade, commerce and business. The plan was clearly specified in the letter which later leaked and popularly became known as the ‘letter of death’. The letter was simply a show off ‘this is what I am already doing’ kind of. Although the letter was strictly a top secret and a copy was filed in archives of the Ministry of the Interior in Mogadishu which was headed by General Ahmed Suleiman Abdalla, one of Barre’s son-in-law, it was leaked finally by an employee who was working at the Archives Department of the Ministry of the Interior who passed it to another employee at the Mogadishu Electricity Power Supply (Ahmed Mohamed Tukale known as ‘Berberawi’). Berberawi provided copies of the letter to a friend, Jama Ali Osman who successfully smuggled it to the SNM. By the end of 1988 General Morgan, the commander of 26th sector in the North, after receiving authority of the President ordered total war against the population in the North under the code name of ‘Operation North’ as revealed by the leaked confidential letter by General Morgan directly to the president on 23 January 1987 and copied to the Minister of Defense, a post held by late General Mohamed Ali Samatar who was then promoted to first Premier as well as to the Minister of Interior, Ahmed Suleiman Abdulla (Dafle), the son-in-law of the president and the third deputy prime Minister. The letter made a detailed account of horrendous proposals aimed at the eradication of large section of the population in the North. It specifically targeted major clans. As the letter leaked it became a hit and popular within the international press and media and was named as the ‘letter of death’ (Africa Now July 1987, Africa Confidential, 1987 etc.). The letter became the biggest scandal of the regime after it was translated in London by a well-known Somali lawyer, Mohamoud Sh. Ahmed Muse (a former High court and a Somali government prosecutor). The letter exposed the typical plan which was already underway. It was just one of the blueprints of many plans already in action as part of campaigns of obliteration of large sections or proportion of the population in the North. That showed the nature of the government and its extreme revulsion towards the people in the North. The General showed a bitter dislike and aversion against the people. At best General Morgan was only a representative master of ‘social engineering’. “…….and its (SNM) supporters are subjected to a campaign of obliteration, there will come a time when they will raise their heads again” was part of his own words clearly expressed in the letter. An outline of repressive measures proposed (albeit they were already effectively in place) included: a) Elimination of selected wealthy people suspected of supporting the SNM; b) Re-organization of the Local councils consisting of dilution of school population with an infusion of children from refugee camps; c) Rendering uninhabitable large swathe of land, i.e., the territorial area between the national army and the SNM forces, by destroying the water reservoirs and tanks and villages lying around and across the territory used by the local population and suspected for the SNM for infiltration; d) Removing and suspending those holding key posts in the army and civil service held by northerners especially from Isaaq clan f) Confiscating and reducing number of public transport buses, especially in Hargeisa, owned by people from specific clans and use those confiscated by the army; g) Detaining businessmen and well-to-do people of the Isaaq clan; h) Transferring chiefs, sultans, and headmen in Mandhera prison, North East of Hargeisa, to Laanta Buur prison in South Somalia. General Morgan was given the seal of approval and the authority by the president in a flick of time to proceed with the operation. The letter had unashamedly pointed out how to ‘lay waste’ and make vast areas in the North uninhabited. The destruction and razing of entire villages and towns, poisoning wells and cutting off electricity and water supplies, uprooting crops on farms and fruit trees, imprisonment of key entrepreneurs, confiscating money of wealthy traders and businessmen and their vehicles and transport, persecution of prominent intellectuals and students, arresting and detention of school children were amongst the activities proposed. In the schools, pupils were substituted by children from refugee camps in order to plant informers and spies within the students and teachers community. Some teachers were trusted than others because of clan affiliation and loyalty were given arms with pistols in the school classes. Raaqiya Omaar (1988) of the Africa Watch rightly referred to the actions of the regime as a ‘government at war with its own people’. In the north of the country deteriorated and escalated to an explosive point. Of course, the SNM stepped up its guerrilla operations along Ethiopian the border. On 17 March 1988, the SNM captured Tog-Wajale, Godka and Geed Baladh after skirmishes with the government troops inflicting heavy casualties. The SNM also attacked the road between Bali Gubadle and Gumuburaha. How Siad Barre regime mismanaged national resources and endowments; foreign financial aid; misused even the refugee food aid and arming militias from refugee camps are detailed elsewhere (in author’s forthcoming book ‘The Rebirth of Somaliland’). To be continued…
THERE is a sharp rise in the number of Islamist militant attacks in Sub-Saharan Africa. The number of incidents rose from 317 in 2013 to 1 549 as of April this year, according to a specialist global risk consultancy. Control Risks, the organisation, said most of the attacks were inspired by the so-called Islamic State (IS) that loses its grip in its Middle Eastern heartland. Somalia, which witnessed 879 incidents over the period, accounted for over half of the Islamist militant incidents recorded across sub-Saharan Africa. The only other East African country affected during the period was Kenya, with 79 incidents. In West Africa, where 36 percent of the incidents were reported, Nigeria suffered most (220 incidents), followed by Mali (194) and Cameroon (96). In Central Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) suffered 43 attacks. The total number of Islamist militant attacks in Southern Africa was relatively low with 12 attacks in Mozambique and one in South Africa. Jean Devlin, Partner and Head of African Analysis at Control Risks, said the surge in attacks particularly in Mozambique, where the first attack was recorded in October 2017, was concerning. At least 50 people have been killed in the northern parts of that country since then. Source: cajnewsafrica
HARGEISA– The Somaliland government is said to have boycotted the attendance of a high level conference which is due to open in Brussels on the 28th June where int’l donors are supposed to allocate aid to Somalia. According to reports confirm that Somaliland has received a formal invitation to the summit but it is reported that Somaliland has decided not to go to the gathering. The gathering has been delayed as it was scheduled to kick off on the 16th of July. The decision reached by Somaliland not to attend the high level gathering has not been fully explained but this move was also taken by the previous administration led by former Somaliland president Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo who refused to send a high level delegates from Somaliland to a conference held in Denmark in 2014 and the incumbent administration led by Hon. Musa Bihi is following the foot steps of his predecessor. Silanyo government also rejected the attendance of a conference held in Brussels in 2013 and the Somali government under the administration of Hasan Sheikh Mohamoud has made the invitation to Somaliland which it was furious. The Farmajo led government in Somalia has turned down the int’l community to renew the Special arrangement with Somaliland which has paved the way for IC to allocate aid to Somaliland through its channels.
Three men from a rural community in Illinois were indicted on Thursday and charged for the 2017 bombing of a mosque outside Minneapolis, U.S. prosecutors said. Source: Hiiraan Online
The European Union has announced Sh3.9 billion humanitarian aid for refugees in Kenya and Uganda. Source: Hiiraan Online
For years, residents of Mogadishu wanting to watch the World Cup on TV have done so at risk to life and limb. Islamist militant group al-Shabab — an opponent of both sports and entertainment in general — threatened violence against anyone watching the games. Source: Hiiraan Online