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The course of action of the newly elected Ethiopian MP, Mr. Abe Ahmed since he took office illustrates that the new PM intends to rectify and rewind the diplomatic flaws of his two processors. First, the new government has announced its acceptance of the ruling of international mediators regarding the disputed borderline with Eritrea which was rejected by the late Ethiopian MP Mangesto Haylamarium. The Ethiopian rejection of this international arbitration which gave the town of Dadme to Eritrea was and continues to be the rootcause of the ongoing conflict between the two neighboring countries. The new Ethiopian MP decided to bring this dispute to end. Secondly, the communique released at the end of Mr. Abe Ahmed’s visit to Mogadishu on 16 June 2018 indicates that Ethiopians will no longer deal directly with the various federal states of the Federal Republic of Somalia. It appears the new MP wants to adopt the norms of orthodox diplomatic doctrine. Whether the new Ethiopian Modust Operandi of no interference in the internal affairs of Somalia will be applied be the De Facto independent Somaliland has yet to be seen. After all, Ethiopia has vital interests in maintaining the independence of Somaliland, and we expect the new Ethiopian leader would appreciate the strategic importance that an independent Somalia has for the national security of Ethiopia. Nonetheless, Somaliland political leadership should consider all options and should not be taken by surprise vs any shift in the mindset of the new Ethiopian leadership. The situation could be similar, and indeed, reminds me of the state of affairs way back in April 1988 when Siyad Barreh and Mangesto agreed to end their decades old hostilities and the dire repercussions that this shift in strategy had on the operations and the existence of then Somali National Movement – SNM. If the new Ethiopian diplomacy dictates that Ethiopian should deal with Hargeisa via Mogadishu, we should be prepared for worst case scenario. In 1988 our response to Siyad Barreh and Mangesto rapprochement was what some western journalists dubbed “Classical Somali Warfare Style”. The SNM fighters, after losing their Ethiopian bases, have decided to take the warfare inside the Somaliland territories. However, this time we have multitude of options but this is provided that we have the ability to play our cards right. In this context I would urge His Excellency President Musa Bihi Abdi to setup a nation-wide Think-tank as part of national strategy aimed at sailing through these unchartered waters. Our first goal should be how to shoreup Somaliland unity and nation security (including food security),economic and financial viability, and of course gaining international recognition. We need to raise funds to finance food production and job creation. It is no longer acceptable to sit back and claim “we don’t have the cash to finance development projects”. The resources are there but we should have the right tools to generate say 50 to 100 million dollars a year to change the way we do government business vs. development projects. One possible option in this regard is the issuance of government bonds (Islamic Sukuk). This means, since we cannot borrow from the international financial institutions, we can borrow from our people and the international donors that are willing buy Somaliland government bonds. In another front, we need to be vigilant of the impact that the new Ethiopian geopolitical and maritime strategy could have on Somaliland strategic interests. In particular, I have the feeling that the long awaited international recognition could face unnecessary delay. Somaliland should leave no stone unturned in search of alternative ways of dealing with the potentially worst scenario. The most radical of these options envisions going back to the negotiations between UK and late Emperor Hale Selase way back to 1948 regarding the swap of land territories between British Somaliland and Ethiopia. This strategy is indeed the only practical option that will deliver the recognition of Somaliland as an independent and sovereign nation. Even if we are not applying this policy, we should at last use it as part of our negotiation tactics. During 1948 and following various exchange of ideas, the Ethiopians agreed to cede Haud & Reserve Area and parts of Ogaden inexchange corridor on the western Somaliland including the seaport town of Zayla. The negotiations of 1948 have failed as result of two reasons: Firstly, the Ethiopians demanded larger portion of Somaliland coastline up to the town of Eel Sheikh which the British rejected categorially. Secondly, an American oil Company by the name “Sanclar” declared having discovered large oil field in Haud region of Somali Ethiopian territories which was to be given to Somaliland. As a result of this oil development, the emperor of Ethiopia has reconsidered the territorial swap. Today and after exactly 70 years since these negotiations were underway, the prospectus of land swap between Somaliland and Ethiopia is more compelling and quite strong. A typical deal could stimulate the following A)Recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign and independent country. B) Somaliland should be given back Haud andReserve Territory which was under the British Somaliland administration until 1954. C) Ethiopia should be given land corridor on extreme western border of Somaliland including the seaport town of Zayla. If this land for seaport swap transaction is implemented, Somaliland will gain international recognition (less Zayla but plus the rangelands of Haud &Reserve). Ethiopia will cease to be landlocked country and can build their maritime trade and their navy in Zayla. Djibouti will be sold out, but it is a question of Live & Let Die – either Djibouti or Somaliland will survive as independent Nation -only one of the two could remain on the map – it is checkmate. In this context our Djibouti brothers have the first call; they have option to save their skin. Hassan Abdi Yousuf Political analyst Hargeisa Somaliland
Kismaayo (Caasimadda Online) – Markabka laga leeyahay dalka isu taga Imaaraadka Carabta, islamarkAana sidA shixnad gargaar Raashin ah ayaa maanta ku soo xirtay Dekadda magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hooe. Markabkani oo ka soo shiraacday magaalada Abu Dubai ee xarunta dalkaasi ayaa la sheegay in uu sido 824 Raashin gargaar ah, kaas oo ay dolwadda Imaaraadku ugu deeqday maamulka Jubbaland. Ilo rasmi ah oo ka tirsan Hay’adda Samafalka ee Khalifa Bin Zayid Al-nahyan Fondation ayaa sheegtay in Kaalmadda cuntada loo qeybin doono dadka aadka u baahan ee ay saamaysay Abaaraha ku dhuftay qeybo ka mid ah Goballadda Jubbooyinka Markabkan ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horreeyay oo ay dowladda Imaaraadka u soo dirto Soomaaliya, tan iyo markii uu xumaaday xiriirka labada dal, kaas oo ka dhashay go’aankii dhex dhexaadnimada ahaa oo ay DFS ka qaadatay khilaafka wadamada Khaliijka. Balse tallaabadani ayaa u muuqata mid Imaaraadka uu doonayo in uu ku sii kala fogeeyo xiriirka u dhaxeeya dowladad dhexe iyo kuwa dowlad goboleedyada dalka, kaas oo hada caga buuran aan ku taagneyn. Caasimada Online Xafiiska KIsmaayo Caasimada@live.com
HARGEISA–Somaliland authority has said that it will take the right thing to do when it comes to Somalia’s Federal Govt unilateral takeover of the airspace management from ICAO just a couple of days ago. Somaliland’s transport and road development minister, Hon. Abdilahi Abokor has said that Somaliland will take an action which will have a negative impact in the region once Somalia authority is turning a blind eye to the airspace accord signed in Istabul which stipulated that Somalia and Somaliland must jointly administer the air space from Hargeisa and Mogadishu once a commission from both sides are appointed and the revenue will be equally shared. The minister has asserted if Somalia sticks to its unilateral takeover of the airspace without the consultation of Somaliland then the decision will pose a serious peril to the safety airlines traveling in Somaliland’s airspace. Hon. Abdilahi has said that in the last meeting between Somalia and Somaliland which was held in Nairobi that Somalia agreed to respect the previous Turkey accords on airspace management. The current transport minister has defended the notion saying that the incumbent predecessor, Mr. Silanyo is blamed for the handover of the airspace to the Somalia authority and the minister responded by saying that Mr. Silanyo took arms against former Somalia leader Said Bare to seek the rights of Somalilanders which is not now possible to allow the South to assume the airspace unilaterally.
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Aqalka sare ee Soomaaliya Cabdi Xaashi Cabdullaahi oo maalmihii dambe ku jiray xaalad Caafimaad oo aan wanaagsaneyn ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inuu hadda sidii hore ka fiican yahay. Gudodomiye Cabdi Xaashi ayaa dhawr jeer oo xiriir ah debadda ugu baxay arrimo caafimaad kadib markii ay lasoo daristay caafimaad darro iyo xanuun joogto ah. Xaaladda Caafimaad ee Cabdi Xaashi Cabdullaahi ayaa soo hagaageysa sida ay sheegeen xildhibaano ka tirsan Aqalka Sare oo la hadlay Shabakadda Caasimadda Online. Xildhibaanadaas ayaa xaqiijiyey in Xaaladdiisa Caafimaad ay hadda wanaagsan tahay,islamarkaana dhawaan uu dalka dib ugu soo laaban doono. Ciidamada AMISOM ayaa dhawaan Guddoomiyaha aqalka sare u diideen inuu ciidamadiisa iyo gawaarida la galo gudaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Aadan Cadde, waxaana arrintaas ka dhashay muran aad u weyn kaasoo ugu dambeyn keenay inay soo kala dhex galaan ciidamada Booliska ee saldhigga ku leh garoonka diyaaradaha. Ciidamada AMISOM ayaa ku dooday inaysan heysan fasax ku aadan in Guddoomiyaha aqalka sare uu garoonka la geli karo ilaalo, waxayna sheegeen inay kaliya fasax u heystaan Madaxweynaha, Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaalya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
A group of Fishermen who had been detained on charges of illegally entering Somalia’s territorial waters in late 2017 were released and returned home on Thursday. Source: Hiiraan Online
Waxaa saaka xarunta baarlamaanka Puntland ee Garowe ka furmay kalfadhigii 41-aad ee golaha wakiilada Puntland oo ah kii ugu danbeeyay ee muddo xiliyeedkoodii shanta sano. Furitaanka kalfadhiga 41-aad ee baarlamaanka Puntland waxaa ka qeyb galay madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas, madaxweyne ku xigeenka Cabdixakiin Cabdulaahi Xaji Cumar Camey, gudoonka barlamaanka, xildhibaano, wasiiro, madaxda hay’adaha dowladda iyo kuwa caalamiga ah, Isimo, nabadoono waxgarad, siyaasiyiin iyo marti sharaf kale. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas, madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa furitaanka kalfadhiga ka jeediyey khudbad dheer oo uu kaga hadlay waxqabadka xukuumadiisa intii u dhaxeysay labadii kalfadhi, dagaalka Puntland iyo Somaliland iyo xaaladda guud ee Puntland. Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa ku dheeraaday xaalada colaadeed ee gobolka Sool, wuxuuna sheegay in dagaalkan yahay mid saameyn ku leh diinta, jiritaanka iyo dawladnimada Puntland. “Maanta waxaan ku jirnaa dagaal mana aha dagaalkaan la ina kusoo qaaday mid la mid ah kuwii aan horey ku geli-jirnay, waa mid saameyn ku leh diinteena, dalkeena, jiritaankeena iyo dawladnimadeena, waa dagaal dhaafay Anshaxa suuban, Soomaalinimada iyo jaarnimadii Soomaalida lagu yiqiin, waa dagaal salka ku haya been,argagixiso iyo isir-nacayb” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Gaas. Madaxweyne Gaas oo hadalkiisa siiwata ayaa yiri “Gobolka Sool maaha meel kawada dhaxaysa Somaliland iyo Puntland, gobolka Sool maaha gobol maaha meel aan la garanayn cida iska leh oo qolo walba markeeda sheegato, gobolka Sool maaha weel lagu dawarsado oo Hargeyso mushaar looga raadsado, gobolka Sool maaha shandad inta diyaarad lala raaco lagu raadsado ictiraaf, gobolka Sool dhul iyo dad-ba waa reer Puntland”. Sidoo kale madaxweyne Gaas ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay aqoonsan tahay xuduudii ay dawladii Soomaaliya u kala sameysay gobolada Togdheer iyo Sool, haddii wax ka qaldan yihiina ay kala hadlayaan cidkasta oo samadoon ah. Hoos ka daawo khudbadii madaxweyne Gaas kaga hadlay colaada Sool iyo sawirro Kalfadhiga 41-aad ee baarlamaanka Puntland ee hadda furmay ayaa ah kalfadhigoodii ugu danbeeyay ee baarlamaanka hadda jira, sida uu qabo dastuurku. PUNTLAND POST GAROOWE The post Madaxweyne Gaas oo furay kalfadhigii ugu danbeeyay ee baarlamaanka Puntland appeared first on Puntland Post.
Ugu yaraan 4 qof oo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa ku dhimatay, halka tiro kalana ay ku dhaawacmeen ka dib qarax lala eegtay dibad bax uu ka Khudbeynayay Ra’iisulwasaaraha Itoobiya ee caasimadda Adis. Wararka Qaraxa kasoo baxayo ayaa ah kuwa is khilaafsan, Ra’iisal wasaaraha Abiy Ahmed ayaa TV-ga dalkaasi ka sheegay qaraxa kadib in dhowr qof ay ku dhinteen, laakiin madaxa xafiiska Ra’iisal wasaaraha Fitsum Arega ayaa sheegay inaysan jirin cid ku dhimatay qaraxa balse ay jiraan dhaawacyo gaaraya 83 oo 6 ka mida ay xaaladoodu liidato. Warbaahinta kale ee Itoobiya ayaa hore u shaaciyey in 4 qof ay ku dhimatay qaraxa dad ku dhow 100 ay ku dhaawacmeen, iyadoo 16 ka mida ay xaaladoodu halis tahay, waxaana weli taagan jahawareer ka taagan qasaaraha dhabta ah ee ka dhashay weerarka. Wararka is-khilaafsan ee Ra’iisal wasaaraha Itoobiya iyo xafiiskiisa ayaa muujinaya inay xaaladu ay tahay mid isku qasan, kadib weerar uu Abiy Ahmed ku tilmaamay mid si weyn loo soo qorsheeyay. Abiy Waxaa uu cambaareeyay dhacdadaan isagoo ku tilmaamay mid Fulinnimo ah oo lagu waxyeeleynayo nabadda iyo midnimada dalka Itoobiya. Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaan sheegay in qaraxa ay ka dambeeyeen “Dad kasoo horjeeda midnimada daka Ethiopia” Hadalkiisa ayaa loo fasirtay in qarax ay ku lug leeyihiin dad dhowaanahan kacdoon ka waday dalka Ethiopia, taasi oo magacaabistiisa sabab u ahayd. “Jaceylka ayaa mar walba guuleysta, dilka dadka kale waa guul-darro. Kuwa isku dayaya inay na kala qeybiyaan, waxaan doonayaa inaan u sheego, ma guuleysan doontaan” ayuu yiri Abiy Ahmed. Qaraxa ayaa dhacay xilli Abiy uu u Khudbeynayay taageereyaashiisa waxaana goobta kala cararay ciidamada ammaanka.
Garoowe (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Dowlad goboleedka Puntland Cabduweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Maanta oo Sabti ah waxa uu furay kal-fadhiga 41aad ee baarlamaanka Maamulkaas,kulankaas oo ahaa kii ugu dambeeyey sida uu qabo Dastuurka Maamulkaas. Madaxweyne Gaas oo Khudbad dheer kajeediyay ayaa hadlay Waxqabadka Maamulkiisa xiisadaha Siyaasadeed ee ka jira waqtigaan deegaanada maamulka Puntland iyo Arrimo kale. Madaxweyne Gaas waxaa uu sheegay in Puntland ay diyaar u tahay in ay dib u celiso degaanada ka maqan ee ku yaalla gobolka Sool. Gaas ayaa sidoo kale tilmaamay in ay u diyaar garoobeen dagaal ka dhan ah Somaliland,maadaama uu sheegay in degaanada Puntland lagu soo xadgudbay. Waxaa uu ku eedeeyay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi in uu waddo dood ah in dowladda Ingariiska ay siisay gobolka Sool, taasina aysan aheyn wax soconkara. “Muuse Biixi waxaan leeyahay haddii Ingiriis dhul ku siinayo Laascaanood London ma ahan, Taleex ma ahan Birmingham, Xudunna ma ahan Cardiff” ayuu yiri Gaas Gaas ayaa sidoo kale tilmaamay in Xildhibaanada looga baahan yahay in ay ka qeyb qaataan doorkooda ku aadan sidii gacanta Puntland loogu soo celin lahaaa Magaalada Laascaanood. Isaga oo siiwata khudbadiisa ayuu sheegay in Puntland xilligaan ay wajaheyso dagaalo dhinacyo badan sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “Walaalayaal waxaan ku jirnaa dagaal ka duwan dagaaladii hore,waa mid saameyn ku leh diinteena,dalkeena,jiritaankeena iyo dowladnimadena,waa dagaal dhaafahy anshaxa suuban ee soomalida lagu yaqaanay waa mid salka ku haya been iyo isir naceyb,Sool ma ahan meel la aqoon waayey cida iska leh,mana ahan mid inta shandad lagu qaatao ictiraaf lagu raadado ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Cabduweli Gaas. Maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa bilihii lasoo dhaafay dagaal culus waxaa uu ku dhexmaray degaano ka tirsan gobolka Sool sidda degaanka Tukaraq. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
The President of Puntland, Mr. Abdiweli Gaas is due to address to the parliament of the regional state in its capital Garowe today. Mr. Gaas will open the 41st session of Somalia’s regional state parliament where he is expected to make a long speech touching thorny issues the likes of Tuka Raq war which Puntland is waging under the pretext of clan affiliation. Mr. Gaas will also talk about his government priories and the parliament is expected to return from a recess today. It is said that the president will ask the parliament to rally behind the soldiers fighting against Somaliland army in Tuka Raq. In addition, Mr. Gaas will stick to the decision as the right one to go to war with Somaliland as it is said that the move is all about aggrandizement. The mission of Puntland militia fighting with Somaliland is for the emancipation of Sool region which under the control of Somaliland.
Qardho[Puntland Post]-Haya’adda Kaalo ayaa Qaxootiga ku sugan Magaalada Qardho ee gobalka Karkaar u qabatay Tababar Socondoona mudo sadex bari kaas oo looga hadlayo sida Qaxootiga dhexdooda Khilaafaadka soo kala dhexgala ay u xalinkaran. Furitaankii tobabarkan ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay masuuliyiin ka socotay Hay’adda Kaalo kuwaas oo u mahadceliyey ka qaybgalayaasha, waxayna uu kula dardaarmatay in ay ka faa’iidaystaan casharada lagu bixinayo tababarkan. Fulinta tababarkan ayaa waxaa iska kaashaday Hay’ada Qoxootiga u qaabilsan qaramada Midoobe UNHCR iyo hay’adda Kaalo waxaana tababarkan lagu qabtay Magaalooyinka kale ee Puntland wxuuna u qayb ka yahay mashaariic ay Kaalo ka fulinayso deegaanada Puntland. Tababarkan oo socon doona mudo sadex cisho ah ayaa ka soo qeyb galayaasha waxa lagu bari doona xalinta khilaafadka iyo dhaqanka wanagsan. Mahan markii ugu horeysay oo ay hay,adda Kaalo ay tababar ku qabato magaalada qardho ee xarunta gobalka Karkaar. The post Haya,adda Kaalo oo Qardho Ku qabatay Tababar ku saabsan Xalinta Khilaafadka Qoxootiga appeared first on Puntland Post.
Addis-Ababa (Caasimada Online) – Ra’iisul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed ayaa ka hadlay qarax xooggan oo maanta ka dhacay goob ay shacabka isugu soo baxeen oo uu hadal ka jeedinayey. Abiy Ahmed ayaa sheegay in qaraxa oo ahaa mid xooggan, si xirfadeysanna loo soo abaabulay lagu dilay dhowr qof islamarkaana kuwa kale lagu dhaawacay. Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaan sheegay in qaraxa ay ka dambeeyeen “Dad kasoo horjeeda midnimada daka Ethiopia” Abiy Ahmed, ma magacaabin koox gaar ah oo qaraxa fulisay, hase yeeshee waxa uu ku macneeyey mid “raqiis ahaa, oo aan aqbali karin”, isaga oo intaas ku daray in booliska ay baarayaan. Hadalkiisa ayaa loo fasirtay in qarax ay ku lug leeyihiin dad dhowaanahan kacdoon ka waday dalka Ethiopia, taasi oo magacaabistiisa sabab u ahayd. “Jaceylka ayaa mar walba guuleysta, dilka dadka kale waa guul-darro. Kuwa isku dayaya inay na kala qeybiyaan, waxaan doonayaa inaan u sheego, ma guuleysan doontaan” ayuu yiri Abiy Ahmed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Addis-Aababa caasimada@live.com
Qarax aad culus ayaa goor dhawayd ka dhacay magaalada Addis-ababa ee caasimada Dalka Itoobiya xili uu socday isu-soobax balaaran oo lagu taageeraayo ra’iiisul wasaaraha cusub ee Dalkaas Abiy Ahmed. Qaraxa ayaa ka dhacay fagaaraha Meskel Square ee magaalada Addis-Ababa waxaana goobtaas ku sugnaa ra’iisul wasaare Abiy Ahmed, hase wuu ka bad-baaday qaaxaas sida uu xaqiijiyey Telefishinka Dawlada Itoobiya. Warbaahinta Itoobiya waxay xaqiijisay inuu qaraxaasi sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac mase sheegin tirda dadka ku dhintay ama ku dhaawacmay. Ra’iisul Wasaare Abiy Ahmed ayaa dhawaan talada Dalkaas la wareegay kadib mudo uu dalkaasi la daala dhacaayey mudaharaadyo lagu diidan yahay xukunka kaligii taliska ah ee dalkaas ka jirey, wuxuuna masuulkan cusub uu mudadanba wadey sidii uu u fur-furi lahaa siyaasada Wadanka uuna wax badan uga badeli lahaa siyaasadii ay ku socotay Addis-Ababa. PUNTLAND POST The post Qarax weyn oo ruxay Addis-Ababa goob uu ku sugnaa ra’iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya appeared first on Puntland Post.
The unresponsive attitude of International Community and Human Right Groups towards the violations and genocide in Somaliland during 1979 – 1991, has led the criminals to return the politics in Somalia. Today, the former henchmen of Siyad Barre regime control majority of the critical posts in the government of Somalia. General Mohamed Saeed Hirsi Morgan aka The Butcher of Hargeisa due to his crimes against unarmed civilians in Somaliland is free and running for important position in Somalia including Head of Somalia’s semiautonomous region of Puntland. Although he was found guilty of killing and torturing unarmed civilians but still the man enjoys the immunity of the Somalia government. The current President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi aka Farmajo was a senior diplomatic for Siyad Barre regime in Washington during the peak of the genocide in Somaliland (1989 – 1991) where he described the crimes as killing an armed militia, and defended the regime by misleading the international media and community over the mass-killing. Farmajo has an objective to take revenge against the tribes who overturned his mentor and uncle (Siyad Barre aka Afweyne). Such lack of accountability in Somalia against the human rights violators is leading the country into endless chaos and civil war, because having the same criminal who killed your people as president is not acceptable to anybody. There are many criminals enjoying full freedom and state protection in Mogadishu, Somalia who don’t want functioning regime. Farmajo invited Morgan along with former military generals of Siyad Barre regime to his inauguration as ‘Guest of Honor’. Morgan was nominated as the Defense Advisor to the president. As part of Karmajo’s revenge strategy, Morgan was asked to be commander-in-chief of an army who invaded Somaliland through its border with Somalia. Morgan expressed his willingness to attack Somaliland as part of strategy with old folks. In order to implement the strategy, Farmajo encouraged Morgan to run for the upcoming presidential nomination in Puntland, Somalia. Somaila’s region of Puntland has border with Somaliland and claimed parts Somaliland based on tribe lines. On 15th May 2018, an armed militia attacked Somaliland Forces in Tuko-Raq, a village on the border with Somalia. The Armed Forces of Somaliland dismissed the militia who later entered Somalia through Puntland. Suddenly, Morgan expressed his willingness to lead the attack against Somaliland, and promised to people of the region of Puntland that he will destroy Somaliland by utilizing his experience in killing Somalilanders. Puntland, Somalia claims parts of Somaliland based on tribe lines and by overlooking the colonial border between Somaliland and Somalia. African Union approved the colonial border to be official line of control between African states. Somaliland is based on colonial border that was demarcated by the European colonial powers of Britain and Italy. Farmajo and Morgan via Puntland planned to attack Somaliland during the celebrations of Somaliland’s National Day, believing that Somaliland Armed Forces will be busy with the celebrations. That was wrong assumption and Somaliland Forces captured large number of militia and armed vehicles. The remaining of the militia seek hostage in Somalia’s Puntland. Now, Farmajo and Morgan are busy of building tribal militia from Cadaado – Kismayo – Dhagax Buur to Garoowe, in order to take part of the planned retaliation attack on Somaliland soil. Farmajo team are using the government soldiers against Somaliland, as the authorities in Somaliland discovered IDs that belong to the government of Somalia from the captured militia, who invaded Somaliland by the name of tribe. The international community must ensure that funding and training to Somalia’s military not to be used against other states other than terrorists like Al-Shabab. The first-hand reports from Mogadishu highlighted that China sent containers filled with light arms to Somalia and it was offloaded at the Mogadishu Port on 18th May 2018. These could be used against Somaliland. By\ Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi Email: az.almutairi@yahoo.com
Jabuuti (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaaa Dalka Jabuuti Bisha July 3-7 ee Sannadka 2018 ka Furmi doona Shir Balaaran oo ay wada yeelan doonaan Wadamada Afrika iyo Shiinaha, waxaana Shirkaas ka qayb gali doona Madax ka tirsan Dowladaha Afrika iyo Shiinaha. Madashaan ayaa waxaa Diiradda lagu saari doonaa sidii loo sii Xoojin lahaa ma loo joogteyn lahaa Xiriirka Iskaashi ee Wadamada Afrika iyo Shiinaha gaar ahaan Dhinaca Dhaqaalaha maadaama Dowlada Shiinaha waayadaan dambe aya galangal dhinaca Maaligelinta iyo Dhaqaalaha ay ku yeelaneysa Wadamada Afrika, Shirkaan ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ka qayb geli doon Ganacsato ka socda Dallka Afrika iyi Shiinaha , waxayna Labada Dhinac uga hadli doonaa sidii Dalka Shiinaha uu Maalgelin Balaaran ugu sameyn lahaa Kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha ee Qaarada Afrika Sidoo kale waxaa Shirkaas lagu marti qaadey Shirkado waaweyn oo ka socdo Wadamada Yurub , Mareykanka,, Afrika, Carabta iyo Aasiya, si ay wax badan ugu ogaadaan habka Shiinaha uu u Maalgelinyo Qaaradda Afrika iyo Xiriirka sii Xoogeysanaya ee Afrika iyo Shiinaha Ma aha markii ugu horeysey oo Kulan u dhexmaro Shiinaha iyo Afrika waxaana Sanadahaan dambe Dowladda Shiinaha hore u dhaqaajisey sidii Qaarada afrika ugu yeelan lahayd Saldhig Dhinaca dhaqaalaha waxayna Dowladda Shiinaha ka hormareen Wadamada kale ka dib markii Bulshada Qaarada afrika ay aamineen sida ShIinaha ay uga go’an tahay Horumarka Qaarada Afrika THE BEGINNING OF JULY DJIBOUTI SHOULD HOST CHINA-AFRICAN CONFERENCE FOR COOPERATION The 3rd to 7th July 2018 should open big conference CHINA-AFRICAN CONFERENCE FOR SUSTANTAINABLE COOPERATION ON ECONOMIC COOPERATION STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION should participate officials from China and Africa. .This conference should focus the mechanism to reinforce and sustainable cooperation between china and Africa especially economic though china government lastly engaging investment and cooperation to Africa countries. . It is not first time to convene China and Africa and these last year’s Chinese government boost how African continent should have economic base and china become more engaged than others while African people trust the Chinese strategy that to develop African continent.. This meeting also would attend business personal from Africa and china and the two sides would discuss how the Chinese government should invest largely infrastructure of African continent.. As well as this meeting invited big companies from Europe, USA Africa Arab Countries and Asia in order to aware more the system of Chinese investment African continent and strong cooperation between China and Africa
Addis-Ababa (Caasimada Online) – Qarax ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in uu ka dhacay meel u dhow goob uu ku sugnaa Ra’isul wasaaraha cusub ee Itoobiya Abiy Axmed, halkaas oo uu kula hadlayay dadweyne aad u farobadan oo isugu soo baxay si ay u taageeraan qorshayaashii isbadalka. Warbaahinta Itoobiya iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha laftiisa ayaa xaqiijiyay qaraxa, waxaana la xaqiijiyay dhimashada iyo dhaawaca dad kala duwan. Dadka inta badan waxa ay ku dhaawacmeen isbuurasho dadka ay sameeyeen. Ra’isul wasaare Abiy Axmed ayaa markiiba meesha lagala cararay, wuxuuna markii dambe hadal ka jeediyay xafiiskiisa, hadalkaas oo toos looga baahiyay taleefishinka qaranka Itoobiya. Ra’iisul Wasaare Abiy Ahmed waxa uu sheegay in dhowr qof ay ku dhinteen qaraxa kuwa kalena ay ku dhinteen. Faahfaahin lagama bixin cidda ka dambeysay qaraxa, balse walwalka laga qabo amniga horey ayay usii muuqatay, waxaana la arkayay Ra’isulwasaare Abiy oo ka hadlayay meel lagu xeendaabay difaac qaruurad ka samaysan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
FILE PHOTO Rally in support of Abiy Ahmed ©iksa Negeri / Reuters An explosion has shaken a rally for Ethiopia’s new PM Abiy Ahmed which was being attended by thousands of people in Addis Ababa. Mr Ahmed was taken away by security personnel immediately after his speech, which he gave in the Ethiopian capital’s Meskel Square. Local media reports said several people had been hurt. Mr Ahmed became prime minister after his predecessor Hailemariam Desalegn unexpectedly resigned in February. The Addis Standard news website quoted a police officer as saying it was a “minor explosion” and “only a few were hurt”. Mr Abiy is the country’s first leader from the ethnic Oromo group, which has been at the centre of nearly three years of anti-government protests that have left hundreds of people dead. Many of the protesters have complained of marginalisation. The Ethiopian government has been accused of human rights violations including torture and extrajudicial killing of political dissidents. BBC
By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur Siyad Barre tried different tactics to pacify his political impasse and weaken the SNM and oppositions. To defuse tension, Barre ordered the release of numerous civil servants, top officials and businessmen incarcerated in the jails, lifted the state emergency and curfews in the North and announced an amnesty for all Somali exiles and whoever wanted to return home. In fact, numerous SSDF exiled from the Northeast region (today’s Puntland) took the offer as a golden opportunity. But nevertheless, the tactics did not work with the SNM opposition supporters. That put the SNM on the defensive side politically. That never worked for him. Historically the relations between the two countries were always rocky and were on the freeze for some time since the Ethiopian-Somali war of 1977/78. However, out of the blue, on 3rd April 1988 relations thawed when an unexpected peace accord was agreed between Barre and Mengistu. A peace treaty was an alternative for both. That was an opportunity of a mutual benefit for both of them. Mengistu was eager to use and release his tied-up resources and troops at the Somali border for the debilitating war in the North with Eritrean and Tigrayan opposition liberation forces. Barre also saw that as an opportunity that he would extract benefits from the deal in the sense that he would deprive sanctuary to the SNM and discourage its forays into Somalia. But there was another bonus point for Mengistu in signing the agreement – that Barre would no longer be able to lay claim to the long-disputed Somali-inhabited region and the Haud and Reserve Area. Meanwhile, in return Mengistu showed the will to deprive the SNM sanctuary, stop giving assistance and spell them out of Ethiopian territories for good. Ethiopian politics was in bad shape and the years of the 1980s were difficult for Colonel Mengistu’s leadership. Those were turbulent times for him. His forces were engaged in fierce struggles with the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) and Eritrean Peoples’ Liberation Front (EPLF) in the northern fronts of the country. As such Mengistu needed additional troops to reinforce his troops in the north. Consequently, he desperately needed to relocate his troops stationed along the southern border with Somalia and deploy them to contribute to war fronts with the Eritrean and Tigrinya liberation fighters. On the other hand, Barre’s troops were weak and demoralized after their defeat in the 1977/78 war with Ethiopia. Following unaccountable defections to the SNM, the government forces thinned and faced an increased resistance from the SNM freedom fighters. Barre was left with no option but to sign an agreement with his arch-rival, Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam of Ethiopia merely to isolate the SNM which proved to be a major threat. The agreement had its impacts of varying degrees and consequences for Bare and for the SNM. On 3rd April 1988, an unexpected peace accord was agreed between Barre and Mengistu. A peace treaty was a common alternative for both of the leaders, the opportunity presented as it was mutually beneficial for both. Barre and Mengistu took the opportunity to meet face to face during the IGADD Summit at Djibouti. Barre on his way back from the IGAD Summit after he signed the peace agreement with Mengistu stopped in the North en route to Mogadishu. On 27 March 1988, after a brief stop at Gabiley, Barre flipped in Hargeisa. At Gabiley before arrival in Hargeisa, he met an unexpected public disapproval and rejection. Verily Barre and his delegation were not welcomed at Gabiley at all and the delegation proceeded to Hargeisa where at the Hargeisa Football Stadium, Barre addressed a huge crowd including students, the elders, and the public. In a patronizing but a scornful speech, he started ordering local chiefs to convince and encourage their youth who joined the SNM to return home. In addition to that, he also made sarcastic and derogatory remarks and jokes about the people of Gabiley region by saying, “People of Gabiley used to be nice before but now Satan has farted on them and made whispers into their ears”. The chiefs and elders who were present courageously and bluntly retorted to him by responding “It was you who farted on Gabiley and the North as a whole. It was you who is the ‘Satan’”. They (chiefs and sultans) boldly and unequivocally expressed their opinions one after the other expressing the people’s feelings. They told him it was his government that neglected the north, oppressed and unfairly treated its population. Immediately, the youth in the stadium who were mostly school students started throwing stones in the Palestinian ‘intifada style’. Barre’s bodyguards and soldiers responded with live bullets killing dozens and arresting hundreds including elders, sultans, and chiefs. Barre flew to Mogadishu. In brief, the major highlights of the agreement were as follows as they were read by the Ethiopian Foreign Minister (Berhane Banyeh). The main points included: The withdrawal of forces from the disputed territory inhabited by Somalis; the creation of a demilitarized buffer zone and both countries to withdraw 10-15 km from the border (the formation of the buffer zone was actually a renewal of a previous agreement in 1964); that the two sides to refrain from use of political force against the territorial integrity or political independence of each other and to settle disputes between them exclusively by peaceful means; that the two sides convene to appoint a ministerial committee to consider the boundary question at a time to agree upon by both sides; that both refrain from hostile propaganda or acts of subversion or destabilization against each other; that the countries exchange prisoners within four months of the accord; that both countries debase and stop supporting opposition guerrilla forces in each other’s country, i.e., Somalia to dismantle bases, and stop support and use of each country as their bases, i.e., the WSLF, ONLF, EPLF and TPLF and Ethiopia to expel the SNM and SSDF. At that point, the SNM politicians and commanders reached an overwhelming decision. The agenda was made secret and the resolution was hidden. A meeting was held ‘Dhoobo guduud’ and they agreed to proceed and continue the fighting with Barre’s regime even though the terms of the agreement directed to the contrary. According to the Chairman, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Sillanyo (BBC interview) afterwards when he left the scene, noted “Instead of backing off the 15km buffer zone directed by the agreement between Barre and Mengistu, our focus was to prepare our forces after both Mengistu and Barre completely withdrew from the 15 km zone alongside the border on both sides”. The SNM made an assault. (continued).
Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Abiy Axmed oo kulamo khaasa la qaatay Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan labada Gole ee dalkiisa ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Ethiopia ay ku talaabtay isbedel bilow ah. Abiy Axmed, oo sharaxaad ka bixinaayay Heshiiska uu la galay Somalia ayaa waxa uu sheegay inuu u garabsaday dowlado kale oo kaga faradhuuban Somalia. Waxa uu sheegay in Heshiiska ka hor ay adeegsadeen Diplumaasiyiin aad ugu dhow Madaxweynaha Somalia, kadibna ay sidaa ku marti galiyeen Ra’isul wasaaraha Somalia iyo madax kale oo ay usoo bandhigeen qorshaha maalgashiga oo muddo taagnaa. Abiy Axmed, waxa uu Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaanada u sheegay inay muhiim tahay in mar waliba la isticmaalo maskax degan oo dhaqan galinkarta riyada, waxa uuna kulankaasi ka sheegay inay ka mirro dhaliyeen qorshahooda sanadaha badan qaatay. ‘’Waa in la muujiyaa dulqaad maalin qurax waxba kuma hagaagi karaan, sidaa aawgeed guusha waxa ayn ku timid isbedelka aan ku doonaayo inaan ka dhaqan galiyo Ethiopia’’ Abiy Axmed, waxa uu kalanka ka cadeeyay in Heshiiska uu la galay Madaxweyne Farmaajo lagu gaaray 3 arrimood oo kala ah: 1-In ka Abiy Axmed ahaan uu Madaxweynaha Somalia ka dhaadhiciyay qorshaha uu ka leeyahay wada noolaanshaha Somalia iyo Ethiopia. 2-In Madaxweynaha Somalia uu sharaxaad kooban ka siiyay in la joogo wakhtiga ay Africa isku soo dhawaan laheyd, isla markaana Somalia ay guusha ku gaari laheyd ganacsi iyo maalgashi furan. 3-Kala qorashada Heshiis ku saleysan xaqiiqda iyo tixgalinta midnimada labada dhan, iska caawinta amniga iyo in Somalia la geeyo halka ay mudan tahay. Sidoo kale, Abiy Axmed, waxa uu kulanka ka balanqaaday inuu ka dhabeyn doono riyada Ethiopia oo uu sheegay dhaqaale ka abuurista Dekadaha Somalia iyo in Ethiopia ay ka baxdo faqriga. Dhinaca kale, Abiy Axmed, ayaa sheegay inuu diyaar u yahay in labada Gole uu kala tashto wixii talaabo ah oo horay loo qaadayo, isagoo meesha ka saaray dib u dhac. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in dowlada Ethiopia ay dhawaan iibsaneyso Markab ganacsi oo ka howlgali doona Dekadaha Somalia. Ethiopia ayaa dhawaan Heshiis dhanka maalgashiga Dekadaha la gashay Somalia waxaana lagu wadaa in iibinta Markabka ay ka caawineyso Dowlada Imaaraadka carabta. Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa sheegtay in Markabka loo iibinayo uu saldhig u noqon doono Dekadaha Muqdisho iyo Berbera oo amni ahaan ka wanaagsan Dekadaha kale. Dhaxal sugaha Imaaraadka Carabta ahna ku- xigeenkaTaliyaha ciidamada dalkaasi Sheekh Maxamed Bin Zayed, ayaa Heshiiska 16-kii Bishan ay Muqdisho ku kala saxiixdeen dowladaha Somalia iyo Ethiopia kadib sheegay in Imaaraadka carabta ay gacan ka geysan doonto sida Ethiopia ay ku maalgashan laheyd Dekadaha Somalia. Sheekh Maxamed Bin Zayed, waxa uu qiray in garabka koowaad oo ay siinayaan Ethiopia uu noqon doono u iibinta Markab Ganacsi, si ay ugu sahlanaato ka mirro dhalinta maalgashiga Afarta Dekadood. Dowlada Imaaraadka carabta ayaa la rumeysan yahay in dhibaato dhan amni iyo mid dhaqaale ay ku heyso Somalia, sababo la xiriira in Somalia ay kasii kabaneyso burburka. Sidoo kale, Sababta ugu weyn ee uu Imaaraadka u garab istaagayo Ethiopia ayaa ah ka macaashida Kheyraadka Somalia, iyadoo ay rajadaasi u rumeysay dowlada Somalia oo 16-kii Bishan u saxiixday maalgashiga afar Dekadood. Docda kale, Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Axmed ayaa sheegay in xooga ay saari doonaan iibsashada Doonyaha Ganacsiga ah ee dheereeya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Hargeysa (PP) ─ Maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegay in go’aankii kasoo baxay Dowladda Soomaaliya ee caalamka looga codsaday in la joojiyo deeqaha ay siiso Somailland, iyagoo sheegay in taasi ay tahay mid aanay waxba ka qaban karin oo culeys lagu saarayo. (Halkan ka akhriso warbixin ay PUNTLAND POST horey uga qortay ga’aan Dowladda Soomaaliya) Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Somaliland, Sacad Cali Shire oo la hadlayay BBC-da ayaa sheegay in Somaliland aysan ahan maamul ka mid ah Somalia inteeda kale, isagoo nasiib-darro ku tilmaamay in Somalia ay doonayso inay cunno-qabteyso Somaliland. “Somaliland maaha gobol ka mid ah Somalia. Balse Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya waa laba dal oo kala jaad ah. Somaliland way 100-jirsatay, taariikhdana 30-sanno oo kaliya ayay labada dal isku soo gaareen. Soomaaliya waxba ma siiso Somaliland, cidda wax bixisa waa Alle oo keliya, Dalalka caalamka ee wax ka bixiya canshuuraha ay dadkooda kasoo ururiyaan, iyagaana go’aanka iska leh cidda ay wax siinayaan iyo cidda kale,” ayuu yiri Sacad Cali Shire. Isagoo sii hadlaya ayuu intaas ku daray. “Iyadoo aanay waxba ku xirnayn Soomaaliya waxa nasiib-darro ah inay kasoo baxaan hadallo ay doonayso inay ku cunno-qabteyso Somaliland, taasoo ka hor-imanaysa heshiiskii ay labada dhinac galeen sannadkii 2014-kii ee ahaa inaan la siyaasadayn wixii horumar iyo mucaawimo ah.” Sidoo kale, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland ayaa sheegay in Beesha Caalamku ay Somaliland siiso wixii ay ugu talo-gashay, taasoo lagu saleynayo qorshaha Qaranka, deeqahaasna ma u soo mari jirin Somalia iyo cid kale toona. “Marka hore anigu ma qabo Somaliland lama citiraafsana; Xubin kama nihin Midowga Afrika iyo Qaramada Midooba, balse Somaliland caalamku wuu yaqaannaa inay tahay Waddan taariikh leh oo Dowlad leh, Dowladda Somalia looma dooran Somaliland, waxayna Somaliland si gooni ah ula dhaqantaa caalamka haddii ay yihiin; Dowlado, hay’addo iyo shirkado intaba,” ayuu ku daray hadalkiisa wasiir Shire. Dhanka kale, Wasiir shire wuxuu xusay in Somaliland ay ka maarmi karto qaaraan Beesha Caalamku siiso, isagoo yiri. “Cidda wax na-siisa haddii ay waxeeda iska haysato waxaanu ku samayn karno ayaanba jirin. Somaliland way soconaysaa oo wax iska beddelayaa ma jiraan haddii la joojiyo gabi ahaan deeqaha la siiyo. Cidda deeqda bixisa iyada go’aamisa cidda ay wax siinayso iyadoo aanay waxba ku xirnayn Somalia, waana Nasiib-darro inay Somalia cadaadis saarto Somaliland.” Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland, Dr. Sacad Cali Shir ayaa wax laga weydiiyay sida ay u arkaan in lagu wareejiyay maamulkii hawada Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, ayuu ku jawaabay. “Horta Hawadeenna ciddi miyay qaadan kartaa? Somaliland dhul, bad iyo hawo ayay leedahay cid hawadayada qaadan kartaana ma jirto. Somaliland wadahadal ayay kala leedahay arrinta hawada Qaramada Midoobay, waayo horay ayaa loogu heshiiyay in Hargeysa iyo Muqdisho laga maamulo hawada loona qaybsan lahaa dhaqaalaha kasoo xarooda, innaguna taas ayaanu weli ku taagannahay.” Ugu dambeyn, Hadalka Wasiir Shire ayaa imaanaya iyadoo dhawaan ay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay beesha caalamka weydiisatay in la joojiyo gabi ahaan dhaqaalaha sida gaar ah loo siiyo Somaliland, lanagana soo xiriiro Dowladda Soomaaliya wax walba oo la siinayo iyo heshiis walba oo lala galayo. PUNTLAND POST The post Somaliland oo si taxaddar leh uga Jawaabtay go’aankii dhawaan kasoo baxay DF Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
Addis Ababa (PP) ─ Kumannaan qof oo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa saakay oo dhan ku qul-qulayay fagaaraha magaalada Addis Ababa, mudaaharaadkaas oo la doonayo in lagu soo dhaweeyo isbedellada uu hormuudka ka yahay RW-ha dalka Itoobiya, Abiy Ahmed Cali oo horraantii sannadkan loo doortay inuu noqdo hoggaamiyaha xukuumadda dalkaas. Dibad-baxayaaha ayaa waxay ku qaylinayeen erayo ay ku taageerayaan RW Abiy iyo xukuumaddiisa, iyadoo bannaanbaxan uu qayb ka yahay dibadbaxyo maalmihii u dambeeyay socday, kuwaasoo lagu taageerayay xukuumadda Itoobiya. Xukuumadda Itoobiya ayaa billowday inay isbedello muuqda ku dhaqaaqdo tan iyo markii xilka uu la wareegay RW Abiy Ahmed, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin heshiiska ay la gashay Somalia, ka tanaasulidda murankii xuduudda ee kala dhexeeya Eritrea, sii-daynta maxaabiista siyaasadeed ee muddada fog ku xirnaa xabsiyada dalkaas iyo kuwo kale. Sidoo kale, Xukuumadda Itoobiya ayaa daboolka ka rogtay inay xayiraadda ka qaadday in ka badan 250 TV iyo shabakado Internet oo hore u xayiraad loo saaray, si ay shacabka Itoobiya uga faa’iideystaan. Agaasimaha Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiya, Fistum Arega ayaa wuxuu ku qoray Twitter-ka hadallo ay ka mid ahaayeen; “Xorriyadda xogta ayaa aas-aas u ah in la helo muwaadiniin lahaansho iyo mas’uuliyadba leh. Meel ay aragti xor ah taallo oo kali ah ayaa runta laga salgaaraa.” Dhanka kale, Arrintan ayaa astaan u ah is-beddello xoog leh oo dalka uu ka wado Ra’iisul Wasaaraha cusub, Abiy Ahmed, maadaama Itoobiya ay tilmaan u ahayd xukuumadaha ku xad-gudba xorriyadda hadalka iyo warbaahinta. Ugu dambeyn, In ka badan toban sano ayaa maamulayaasha Itoobiya waxay aad u xannibeen in la booqdo Internet-ka, Waxayna xireen Maxaddado TV, kuwaasoo loo arkay in ay af-dheer yihiin. Waxaana Dibad-baxayadan ay beddeli doonaan dibadbaxyo rabsho wadatay oo dhawrkii sano ee lasoo dhaafay ka socday dalkaas. PUNTLAND POST The post Dibadbaxyo lagu taageerayo Ra’iisul Wasaare Abiy oo Maanta ka dhacaya Addis Ababa appeared first on Puntland Post.
Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland,Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali(Gaas) ayaa sabtida maanta ah khudbad dheer ka jeedinaya furitaanka kal-fadhiga 41 aad ee Golaha Wakiilada Puntland. Khudbadda madaxweynuhu u jeedinayo Golaha Wakiilada oo ku soo beegantay wakhti xasaasi ah ayaa lagu wadaa in uu diiradda ku saaro waxqabadkii xukuumaddiisa ee mudadii afarta bilood ee u dhexaysay kal-fadhiga saaka furmaya iyo kii ka horreeyay. Arrimaha Amniga Puntland,gaar ahaanna colaadda ka aloosan gobolka Sool ee u dhexaysa Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa la filaya in madaxweyne Gaas uu si gaar ah khudbaddiisa uga hadlo,islamarkaana Baarlamanka taageero uga raadsado dagaalka ay xukuumaddiisu iclaamisay ee la sheegay in lagu soo celinayo degaannada ka maqan Puntland. Sidoo kale madaxweynaha ayaa laga sugayaa in uu jawaab cad ka bixiyo warar maalmahan dambe soo baxay oo sheegaya in uu mudda-kororsi raadinayo,iyadoo maalintii shalay siyaasiyiin ku bahoobay Puntland Focus Group ay arrintaasi ka digeen. PUNTLAND POST The post Khudbadda Madaxweyne Gaas ee furitaanka kal-fadhiga Baarlamanka? appeared first on Puntland Post.