Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Jen. C/weli Jaamac Gorod oo ah Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliya ayaa soo saaray go’aan culus oo ka dhan ah Ciidamada Dowladda Soomaaliya. Taliyaha ayaa si cad ugu sheegay ciidamada in laga mamnuucay isticmaalka waxyaabaha maanka dooriyo taasoo ay isticmaalaan inta ugu badan ciidamada dowladda. Taliyaha ayaa ciidamada dowladda si gaar ah uga mamnuucay qaadka xilliyada lagu guda jiro waabijaadka qaranka. “Dhamaan Ciidamada waa ka mamnuuc Qaadka, wixii Qaadka cuna ee Villa Somalia ku jira albaabka ayay ka baxayaan, Tuutaha iyo Qoriga ayaa laga reebayaa”ayuu yiri Taliye Gorod. Taliyaha ayaa wax aan la aqbali doonin ku tilmaamay inay Askara isticmaalaan qaadka waqtiyada ay shaqada ku jiraan, isagoo arrintaas ku sheegay inay tahay Mas’uuliyad darro iyo mid ka baxsan nidaamka ciidamada dowladda. Hadalka uu taliyaha kaga mamnuucay ciidamada inay isticmaalaan qaadka ayuu ka jeediyay tababar loo furay illaa 100 askari oo ka mid noqonaya Ciidamada Ilaalada Madaxtooyada ee loo yaqaano Koofiyo gaduudda. Inta ugu badan ciidamada dowladda ayaa isticmaalo qaadka, waana aaladda kaliya ay aaminsan yihiin inay ciidan ku ahaan karaan, waxaana la arkaa iyagoo jidadka iyo meelaha koontaroolada ah ku cunayo qaadka taasoo ah mid aan waafaqsaneyn shuruucda ciidamada iyo Anshaxa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Ra`iisul Wasaaraha xukumadda fedraalka Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre oo maanta ka qeyb galay munaasabad loogu dabaal dagayay la soo wareegitaanka Hawada Soomaaliya oo muddo badan laga maamulayay dalka dibadiisa ayaa sheegay in ay ka midtahay horomarada socda ee dowlada ay ku talaabsaneyso, la soo wareegitaan Hawada. R/W Kheyre oo khudbad ka jeediyay munaasabada ayaa ka hadlay arimo badan wuxuuna RW Kheyre carabka uu ku dhuftay in dowlada Soomaaliya ay ka go`antay in ay dib ay usoo ciliso waxyaabaha ay leeyihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ka maqan. Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa amaanay Wasiirka Wasaarada Gaadiidka iyo Duulista hawada ee Soomaaliya Maxamed C/laahi Oomaar, kaas oo uu sheegay in uu ka qeyb qaatay dadaaladaan la gaaray. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa sheegay in waqtiagan dalka Soomaaliya uu dhinac walba ka gaaray horumar,isla markaana taasi ay sabab u tahay shaqa adag oo ay sameeyeen madaxda dalka. Waxa uu sheegay in dalkeena guulaha uu gaarey ay ka mid yihiin dhinacyada dhaqaalaha,Amniga,Siyaasada loo dhan yahay,dhinaca xiriirka Caalamiga ah iyo la-dagaalanka musuq maasuqa,isla markaana cid allaala cidii isku-dayda in dalka dib ay u celiso aan loo dul qaadan doonin. Ra’isulwasaare Kheyre ayaa yiri “Guul walba oo dalkeena uu gaaro waxay ku timaadaa dadaal badan oo la sameeyey,laakin waxaa jira kuwa ay dhibeyso mar walba in kobac dhaqaale iyo in horumar la gaaro laakin waxan leeyahay wuu dhamaaday waqtigii la’idiin dulqaadan jiray” “Inkasta oo ay tahay in loo dabbaal dego horumar walba oo aan gaarno waxa aan aaminsanahay in aysan dhameyn wax loo dabaal dego hase yeeshee in magaalada Muqdisho laga maamulo hawada Soomaaliyeed ay tahay tilaabo bilaaw ah oo ku aadan dariiqa saxda ah oo aan u socono”, ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Xassan Cali Khayre. “Hadafkiinnu haka weynaado guusha aad gaarteen oo ha ahaado Soomaali Airlines aduunyada la tartami karta sidee loo helaa? Sharafta iyo karaamada ummada Soomaaliyeed sidee loo adkeyn karaa? inta yar ee aad qabateen ha idiin noqoto tusaala ah inta leydinka rabo in aad qabataan iyo inta aad qaban kartaan hase yeeshee marnba haku qancina sabata oo ah hadii aad ku qanacdaan waad is dhiganeysaan”, ayuu raaciyay Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed (Farmaajo) ayaa December 28, 2017 daah-furay maamulka hawada oo dib ugu soo laabtay gacanta Soomaaliya, March 28, 2018 shaqaalihii maamulka hawda Soomaaliya ee saldhiggoodu ahaa Nairobi ayaa Muqdisho la keenay si ay ugu shaqeeyaan, iyada oo 18-kii Bishaan June si dhameestiran maamulku ugu soo wareegay Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Kismaayo (Caasimadda Online) – Markab weyn oo sida gargaar loogu talagalay dadka ku nool deegaanada Jubbaland ee daadadku saameeyeen ayaa ku xaniban dekadda Magaaladda Kismaayo ee Xarunta Gobolka Jubbada hoose. Sida ay xaqiijiyeen saraakiil ka tirsan maamulka Jubaland waxaa dekadda Kismaayo ka socda daabulidda dhuxushii ugu badneed ee dhawaan laga dhoofiyo Jubbaland, waxaana taagan ilaa iyo 24 doomood oo u diyaar ah in ay dhuxusha qaadaan. Ilaa iyo hadda ku dhawaad 10 doon ayaa la raray iyada oo wali shaqadu kusocoto in kabadan 10 kale oo la doonayo in dhuxul la saaro, howshaan ayaana habeenadii ugu dambeeyay si dardar leh uga socotay dekadda Kismaayo. Maamulka dekadda ayaa ku amray shaqaalaha Markabka in sugaan inta ay ka dhammaaneyso shaqada dhuxul dhoofinta, iyada oo xittaa loo diiday in ay dhulka yimaadaan, markabka iyo shaqaalaha saaran ayaana wali ku xayiran meel dhawr mayl u jirta dekadda. 100 baabuur oo ah kuwa Soomaalidu u taqaani indha-tareega oo sida dhuxul ayaana habeen walba gala dekadda kuwaas oo laga soo raro keydka dhuxusha ee maamulka jubaland uu ka sameeya Baar-caleen iyo Via Afmadow oo ku yaala duleedka Kisaayo. Madaxweynaha Maamulka Jubbaland iyo Ganacsato ayaana iska kaashanaya mashruuca dhoofinta dhuxusha iyada oo dadka degaankuna ay cabasho ka muujiyeen xaalufinta dhirta. Degmooyinka Jilib, Jamaame, Bu’aale, Saakow iyo Salagle oo katirsan jubbooyinka oo intaba ay Alshabaab gacanta ku hayaan ayaa laga jaray geedaha ugu badan ee dhuxusha, waxaana taas fududeeyay xiriir dhexmaray Maamulka Jubbaland iyo Alshabaab sida odaaysha dhaqanka ee degaanku xaqiijiyeen. Degaanada Jubbaland ayaa horey Alshabaab uga dhoofi jireen dhuxusha iyada oo waayihihii dambe arrintaas ay istaagtay kadib markii dowladda Soomaaliya iyo dalal Maraykanku ka mid yahay ay faragaliyeen laakiin hadda waxa ay u muuqataa in Jubbaland ay dib u bilaawday xaalufinta dhirta, taas oo keentay in nolosha dadku ay sii adkaato. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo
  4. Muqdishxo (Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibaan Axmed Macalin Fiqi oo ka mid ah Xildhibaanada mucaaradka ku ah dowladda dhexe isla markaasna aan ku qanacsaneyn siyaasadda dalka lagu maamulayo ayaa weerar culus ku qaaday dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada. Axmed Macalin Fiqi ayaa ugu horeyn sheegay inuusan la yaabaneyn go’aanka ay qaateen madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada isagoo ku tilmaamay inay yihiin xoolo doono. Balse wuxuu sheegay inuu la yaaban yahay dowladda dhexe taasoo uu ku sheegay inay ku shaqeeneyso caqli fooraro oo aan Saliim aheyn. Wuxuu wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay inay dowladda Soomaaliya heshiis la gasho dalka Itoobiya isla markaasna ay is hor istaag ku sameyso deeqo ay dowlado shisheeye siiyaan Maamulka Somaliland taasoo uu ku sheegay inay tahay tallaabo sii fogeeneyso inay midoobaan Somalia iyo Somailand. Hadda halkaan hoose ka akhriso qoraalka uu Axmed Macalin Fiqi soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook: Somaliland waa tan Dawladii dhexe iyo dawlad goboleedyadii ay halka mawqif ka wada istaageen in qorshe gaar ah beesha caalamku u samayso sidii Somaliland qeybteeda uga heli lahayd deeqaha beesha caalamku bixiso. Dawlad goboleedyada lama yaabani, oo laftoodu waa wax doon, laakin dawladda dhexe oo maalmo ka hor dekedahii Soomaaliya ugu deeqaysay dal kale, sababta ku qabsaysa in deeqo Dalal kale ka imaanaya in loo diido walaalaha Somaliland. Mise walaalnimadii Soomaaliyeed tan Itoobiya ayaa noo bedeshay! Arrintani waxay sii fogaynaysaa Somaliland, mana mudna in deeqo Dalal kale ay bixinayaan laga hor istaago dadkaas Soomaaliyeed, waxayna muujinaysaa mas’uuliyad darrada madaxda Villa Somalia iyo qeyb ka qaadashada sii kala fogaanshaha umadda. Itoobiya walalaayso oo Somaliland colaadi waa caqli foorara oo ka fog garashada saliimka ah, waa in go’aankaas wax laga bedelaa, oo caqli kaas ka duwan lala yimaadaa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  5. Ankara (Caasimadda Online) – Saxaafadda Reer Galbeedka ayaa weerar culus ku qaaday madaxweynaha Turkiga Recep Tayyip Erdogan ee ku jira ololaha uu doonayo in dib loogu doorto, waxaana wargeysyada caanka ah ee dalalkaasi ay dadka Turkiga ugu baaqeen inay ridaan Erdogan. Faragelinta qaawan ee gaartay saxaafadda lagu tilmaamo inay xor tahay ee dalalka Ingiriiska, Jarmalka, Faransiiska iyo kuwo kale waxay caddeyn u tahay in reer Galbeedku aysan ogoleyn hoggaamiye islaami ah oo horumar gaarsiiyey dalkiisa, isla markaana la tartamaya dalalka reer Galbeedka xitaa haddii uu doorasho ku soo baxayo. Jariirada TIMES ayaa qoraal ay doorashada Turkiga ka qortay ugu baaqday dadka Turkiga inay heystaan fursad ay xukunka uga ridi karaan hoggaamiyaha kelitaliska ah ee ay ugu yeertay SULDAAN si dalkaasi loogu soo celiyo dimoqraadiyad. Wargeyska caanka ah ee Economist oo isna ingiriiska laga leayahay wuxuuna gaaray heer uu dadka codeynaya ee Turkiga u sheego inay Erdogan tusaan albaabkii uu ka bixi lahaa, si aysan awoodda ugu ururin hal shaqsi, dalkaasina looga badbaadiyo kelitalis. Wargeyska Guardian wuxuu qoray maqaal cinwaan looga dhigay: Erdogan wuxuu halis ku yahay Turkiga iyo Caalamka; waxaana qoraha maqaalkan uu ku doodayaa in hadda la gaaray xilligii Erdogan gurigiisa loo diri lahaa. Wargeyska Le point ee Faransiiska ayaa hore madaxweyne Erdogan ugu tilmaamay inuu yahay keligii taliye isku koobay awoodda daka Turkiga, una socdo inuu wada qabsado awoodda dalkaasi. Wargeyska caanka ah ee Jarmalka Der speigel ayaa isna raacay jidkaaasi isagoo Madaxweyanha Turkiga ku tilmaamaya keligii taliye dhibaato ku haya shacabka dalkiisa oo dadka Turkiga laga doonayo inay codkooda ku ridaan. Arrimahan oo dhan waxay caddeynayaan in reer Galbeedku caddow ku yahay cid kasta oo aan iyaga kaba-qaad u ahayn inay kasoo baxdo dalalka Islaamka, haba ku timaado si dimoqraadi ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska aNKARA
  6. Ankara (Caasimadda Online) – Cod bixiyayaasha dalka Turkiga ayaa maanta u dareeray goobaha codbixinta ee lagu dooranayo madaxwaynaha iyo gudoonka baarlamaanka oo waqtigeedii laga soo hormariyay, waxaana loo arkaa in ay tahay doorashadii ugu adkeed ee soo marta dalkaasi Turkiga. Haddii uusan ku guulaysan codad ku filan waxa uu wareeg labaad la gaali doonaa Muharrem Ince, oo ah musharaxa midigta dhexe. Dowladda xisbiga talada haya ee AK ayaa sidoo kale lumen karta aqlabiyadii ay baarlamaanka ku lahaayeen. Waa doorashadii ugu horeysay ee Turkiga ka dhacda tan iyo intii uu dalkaasi ka dhacay afgombigii dhicisoobay. Marnaba taariikhdiisa casriga ah waddanka Turkigu sidaan oo kale doorasho uguma kala qaybsamin. Recep Dayip Erdogan-na weligii dagaal doorasho oo sidan u adag lama aanu kulmin. Hoggaamiyihii taariikhda waddanka Turkiga ugu awoodda badnaa wixii ka dambeeyay aabbihii aasaasay Turkiga ee Ataturk, waxaa uu noqon lahaa mid weli ka awood badan haddii uu doorashada ku guulaysto, isagoo baabi’inaya jagada Ra’iisal Wasaaraha, awoodda baarlamaankana ka dhigaya mid daciif ah. Laakiin haddii uu gaari waayo 50% codadka doorashada madaxweynaha, waxaa uu wajahayaa wareeg 2aad in la galo oo ay isku noqdaan isaga iyo Muxarram Inje, oo ah musharrax xoog leh ee siyaasadda bidix-dhexe, oo isagu ololaha doorasha mid kulul ka dhigay. Codbixinta baarlamaanka, mucaarad mideysan ayaa rajeynaya inay Mr Erdogan kala wareegaan aqlabiyadda baarlamaanka. Madaxweyne Erdogan waxaa uu haatan isu-haystaa nin ay taageerayaashiisu aad u jecel yihiin, mucaaradkiisuna ay aad u neceb yihiin. Cidina ma sheegi karto dhinaca ay doorashadani u dhici doonto. xigasho: BBC Somali Caasimada Online Xafiiska Ankara
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Iyadoo ay weli taagan tahay doodad ku aadan heshiiskii ay kala saxiixdeen dowladaha Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa arrintaas ka hadlay Siyaasi Xuseen Maxamed Faarax Ceydiid oo mar soo noqday Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya ahna Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha xilligii dowladdii Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf. Xuseen Caydiid ayaa tilmaamay inay tahay wax aan ku cusbeyn Soomaalida inay Itoobiya dooneyso sidii ay ula wareegi laheyd Dekadaha Soomaaliya isla markaasna ay arrintaas isku dayday dhawr jeer sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Sidoo kale Xuseen Caydiid ayaa tilmaamay in hadalkii uu waqti hore sheegay ee ahaa inay Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya hal dal noqonayaan uu ahaa farriin uu u dirayey Shacabka Soomaaliya isla markaasna uu tusinayey in la qasbaday lana doonayo in dalka iyo Dekadaha lala wareegayo. “Hadalka aan iri ee Itoobiya iyo anaga haldal ayaan noqonaynaa Waxaan soomali ku Tusinayay in nala Qabsaday islamarkiina Waan is casilay, Waxaana kad agay Casmara, balse Soomaalidii Shalay joogtay Markaan la hadlay way garowsadeen wayna difaacdeen dalkooda, kuwaanse Maanta iyagaa laga rabaa in dalkooda difaacdaan”. Mar uu ka hadlayey qorshaha dowladda Itoobiya ku dooneyso inay kula wareegto Dekado kamid ah Soomaaliya ayuu Xuseen Caydiid sheegay inay Itoobiya ka go’an tahay isla markaasna ay u qoran tahay sidii ay ula wareegi laheyd Dekadaha Soomaaliya maadaama aysan laheyn wax dekad ah. “ Itoobiya way u qoran tahay sidii ay ula wareegi laheyd Dekadaha Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri. Xuseen Caydiid ayaa dhawr sano ka hor sheegay in Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya la isku dari doono hadalkaas oo xilligaas guux badan ka dhex dhaliyey Shacabka Soomaaliyeed balse Siyaasigaan ayaa tilmaamay inuu hadalkaas ahaa farriin uu shacabka ugu baaqayey inay is difaacaan oo ay ka hor tagaan Itoobiya. Hadalka Xuseen Caydiid ayaa imaanayo xilli uu dhawaan Magaalada Muqdisho imaaday Ra’isulwasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed kaasoo heshiis ka koobnaa 16 qodob la galay Madaxweyne Farmaajo , waxaana heshiiskaas qeyb ka ahaa inay Itoobiya maalgashi ku sameysato ilaa 4 Dekadood oo ku yaal Soomaaliya. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso hadalka Xuseen Caydiid Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedyada Soomaaliya ayaa ka hor yimid hab-macaamilka gaarka ah ee deeqaha lagu siiyo maamulka Somaliland, iyagoo si buuxda ula saftay dowladda Federaalka Somalia oo dhowaan diiday in la cusbooneysiiyo habkii “Special arrangments” ee deeqadaha lagu siin jiray Somaliland. Qoraal ay soo saareen Golaha Iskaashiga maamul Goboleedyada oo ay ku saxiixan yihiin shanta madaxweyne ee maamullada Puntland, Hirshabelle, Jubbaland, K/Galbeed iyo Galmudug ayaa loo diray beesha caalamka iyadoo lagu caddeeyay in nidaamka gaarka ah ee Somaliland loogu qoondeeyo deeqaha Soomaaliya ka dhaxeeya uu yahay mid halis ku ah qaranimada Somalia, isla markaana looga eexanayo maamullada kale ee dalka ka jira. Qoraalka ayaa lagu cambaareeyay deeq bixiyayaasha qaarkood oo u ololeynayo inuu sii jiro nidaamka gaarka ahaa ee Somaliland u sed burinaya, waxaana looga digay in ka fiirsan doonaan ka sii mid ahaanshaha nidaamka deeq bixiyeyaasha. Haddaba halkaan hoose ka akhriso go’aanka maamul Goboleedyada kasoo baxay Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  9. Wasaaradda shaqada shaqalaha dhallinyarada iyo ciyaaraha dawladda Puntland oo kaa shanaysa mashruuca tayaynta hay’adaha dawladda ayaa maanta Garoowe ku qabatay tababar socon doono muddo labo toddobaad ah kaas oo shaqaalaha lagu tababari doono hannaanka kaydinta iyo ilaalinta xogta dawladda (Record and Archive management) Tababarka ayaa waxaa si gaar ah diirradda loogu saari doonaa shaqaalahana loogu fahamsiin doonaa habka isticmaalka iyo fulinta siyaasadda kaydinta xogta dawladda taas oo dhowaan la diyaariyey isla markaana iyadu noqon doonta habraaca rasmiga ah ee hannaanka kaydinta xogta dawladda. Munaasabadda ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay Wasiir kuxigeenka Wasaaradda shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha Cabdishire Ismaaciil, guddoomiye kuxigeenka hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah Jaamac Xirsi Faarax, Agaasimaha waaxda kaydka Madaxtooyada Yuusuf Cabdi Soome , Agaasimaha Waaxda Maamulka Wasaaradda Shaqada ahna kusimaha Agaasimaha guud iyo Mrs Rosa oo ah khabiir dhanka Arkiifiyada ah oo tababarkaan bixin doonta. Agaasimaha waaxda Arkiifiyada Madaxtooyada Yuusuf Cabdi Soome oo ahaa hal abuurihii hindisey barnaamijkaan baahida loo qabo oo shirk ka hadlay ayaa ku dheeraaday muhiimadda uu barnaamijkaani u leeyahay guud ahaan dawladda Puntland isagoona ku boorriyey shaqaalaha dawladda inay maskaxda ku hayaan in akiifiyada dawaladdu ay kamid tahay hantida ma guurtada ah ee dawladda. Sidoo kale guddoomiye kuxigeenka hay’adda shaqaalaha rayidka ah Jaamac Xirsi Faarax oo isagu shirka hadal ka jeediyey ayaa ku dheeraaday muhiimadda uu barnaaminkaani leeyahay isagoona xusay in shaqalahaan la tababarayo ay yihiin shaqaale la soo xulay oo kasoo bixi kara shaqadaan loo tababarayo isagoona kula dardaarmay in loo baahan yahay in ay masuuliyad dheeraad ah isasaaraan. Ugu dambayn Wasiir kuxigeenka Wasaaradda shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha Cabdishire Ismaaciil oo shirka furay ayaa shaqaalaha ku baraarujiyey sida ay dawladda uga go’antahay in la sameey o kayd weyn oo mideysan oo ay dawladdu leedahay sidaa awgeedna ay shaqaalahaan tababarka qaadanayaa ay yihiin cidda rasmiga ah ee wakiillada uga ahaan doona dawladda. The post Tababar looga hadlayo hannaanka kaydinta Arkiidiyada dawladda Puntland oo Garoowe lagu qabtay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development has adopted a regional policy framework on a cross-border trade that promises to be a lifeline for the region’s small-scale traders. Source: Hiiraan Online
  11. The minister of information, culture and national guidance Mr.Abdirahman Abdillahi Farah Diriye (Guri-Barwaqo) has condemned the president of Puntland Mr.Abdiweli Gaas who has openly called for an all out war against the Republic of Somaliland. This is according to news distributed by Somaliland News Agency ( The Puntland president was speaking on the floor of the provincial parliament in Garowe town. Minister Guri-Barwaqo press release read. “The provincial administration of Puntland based at Garowe led by warlord Abdiweli Gaas have announced to break international law by attacking the Somaliland province of Sool. The Puntland administration claim to the region is based on tribal connection which goes against the 1964 declaration by the AU in Cairo, Egypt. These naked provocations to expand territory through tribal alliance go against international norms and seek to open a Pandora box of more land cases in the Horn of Africa region. If not nipped in the bud the Puntland scenario will seek to grow tentacles and disturb international boundaries erected by colonial governments. The Puntland president went further to insult the good standing of the people of Sool as people who have sold their future for salary from the Somaliland government. Minister Guri-Barwaqo stated that the people of Sool were at the fore front of fighting for Somaliland independence from the repressive regime of Somalia and at no time will they want anything to do with Somalia. The minister told Mr.Abdiweli Gaas that Lasanod town can never become north Galka’ayo and Buuhoodle can never become Qardo. In this respect the Puntland president needs to stop lying to his people to further his cling to power through anti Somaliland propaganda. Warmonger Abdiweli Gaas while addressing the provincial parliament called on war against Somaliland. The wishful thinking of Abdiweli Gaas is a day dreaming fantasy to try to win support from his countrymen so that they can extend his tenure of office, a stupid ploy to remain in power call it. The government of Somaliland will always promote peace with her neighbors and particularly Somalia which has talks ongoing, following the deliberation of the 2012 London conference. “The talks will only include the former boundaries erected by the two colonial masters to have colonized Somaliland and Somalia the British and Italians respectively.” Solna
  12. HARGEISA– A young man who is a Somalilander by birth has married two women on the 22nd of June in the same night in Ahmed Dhagah district particularly in Sinia village. The groom, Bashir Mohamed and and the prides Iqra and Nimo had wedding attended by a large crowd who were surprised by this rare wedding. Although Polygamy is uncommon in Somali culture women oppose men to marry two ladies.
  13. Laascaanood (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Puntland ayaa faah-faahin ka bixiyey dagaal xalay saqdhii dhexe billowday oo u dhaxeeyey ciidamada maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland. Dagaalka ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay magalada Laascaanood, halkaasi oo ay ciidamada Puntland weerareen, sida uu sheegay guddoomiyaha gobolka Sool ee Puntland Abuubakar Cabdi Geelle. Guddoomiyaha waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in Ciidamada Puntland ay qabsadeen laba Saldhig oo fariisin u aheyd Ciidamada Somaliland, isla markaana ay xoog kusoo furteen maxaabiis u xirneyd Somaliland, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Maamulka Somaliland dhankooda wax jawaab ah weli kama bixin hadalka ka soo yeeray Maamulka Puntland ee ku aadan in Puntland ay xoog kusii deysay dad u xirnaa Somaliland. Sidoo kale si madax banaan looma xaqiijin karo sheegashada Puntland. Arrintan ayaa imaneysan ayada oo Somaliland ay maanta ka jawaabtay hadal shalay kasoo yeeray Cabdi Weli Gaas oo uu ku hanjabayn in Laascaanood aysan sii haysan doonin Somaliland. Labada maamul ayaa waxaa dhowaanahan ka dhex-oogan nxiisad dagaal, ayaga oo dhowr mar ku dagaalamay tuulada Tukaraq, ee gobolka Sool, oo labada dhinacba ay ku baratamayaan gacan ku haynteed. Hoos ka dhageyso codka guddoomiyaha gobolka Sool ee Puntland. Caasimada Onlione Xafiiska Garoowe
  14. Istanbul (Caasimada Online) – Cod-bixiyeyaasha dalka Turkiga ayaa saaka oo axad ah u dareeray goobaha cod-bixinta si ay u doortaan golaha shacabka iyo madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadda Turkiga. Dadka codkooda dhiibanaya waxaa lagu qiyaasay 56,322, 632, halka sanaadiiqda codka lagu shubayo ay gaarayaan 180,64 sanduuq. 5 Arrin Oo Ay Tahay Inaad Ka Ogaato Doorashada Turkiga: 1. Nidaam Madaxweyne: Dalka waxaa uu nidaamkiisa maamul u wareegayaa gebi ahaanba mid awoodda ay gacanta ugu jiro madaxweynaha kadib markii sidaas lagu ogolaaday afti-dadweyne oo dhacday April 2017. 2. Xulufeysi: In kasta oo doorashada lagu galayo nidaamka xulufeysiga waxaa ka qeyb galaya 10 xisbi, 2bada xulufo ee ugu muhiimsan waa (1) Shacabka oo ay ku jiraan xisbiga xuriyadda iyo horumarinta, dhaq-dhaqaada Qowmiga ah iyo midnimada weyn (2) Isbaheysiga umadda waa ku jira: Shacabka Jamhuuriga, xisbiga iyi, Sacaada iyo Dimoqoraadiga. Waxaa kale oo jira 3 xisbi oo kale sida: dalka, Huda iyo Shucuubta Dimoqoraadiga ah. 3. Baarlamaanka: Axsaabta yar yar waxaa ay kuraas ku yeelan-doonaan baarlamaanka haddii uu ku guuleysto isbaheysiga ay ku jiraan wax ka badan 10% codadka guud ee doorashada. 4. Tartanka Madaxtinnimada: Madaxtinnimada dalkaasi Turkiga waxaa ku tartamaya 6 murashax oo kala ah: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan oo ah murshaxa isbaheysiga shacabka, Muxaram Ince oo ah xisbiga shacabka jamhuuriga ah, Meral Aksener oo ah xisbiga iyi,Selahattin Dimitas oo ka socda xisbiga shucuubka Dimoqoraadiga ah, Tamel Karamollaglu oo ah xisbiga Farxadda iyo Dogu Princek isna matalaya xisbiga dalka. 5. Nidaamka labada Wareeg: Qofka doorashada ku soo baxaya waa inuu helaa 50%+1 oo ah codadka guud ee la dhiibto, haddii taasi dhici-weyso waxaa la aadayaa wareegga 2aad.
  15. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dowladiisa ay xiligaan ka maarmi karto ciidamo shisheeye oo qeyb ka noqda amniga dalka. Farmaajo waxa uu sheegay in dowladiisu ay leedahay ciidamo u diyaarsan in ay dalka ka xoreeyaan cid kasta oo cadaw ku ah Qaranimada Somalia. Waxa uu tilmaamay Farmaajo in ciidamada Somalia ay ka duwan yihiin kuwa kale ee Afrika waxa uuna meesha ka saaray in si buuxda ay usoo kabteen ciidanka. ‘’Cidii rumeysneyd Somalia ciidamadeedu wey burbureen waxaan hadda u sheegayaa in Somalia ay dhisatay ciidankeeda’’ ‘’Waxaanu heysanaa ciidamo aad looga amaanay africa waa inaanu ka faa’iideysanaa si aan u gaarno amni iyo xasilooni’’ Farmaajo waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada qalabka sida ay kaalin weyn ka qaateen sugida amniga dalka,iyaga oo weli ay heystaan duruufo adag. Farmaajo waxa uu ugu baaqay ciidamada meel kasta oo ay dalka ka joogaan in ay u diyaar garoobaan howlgallo qorsheysan oo lagu doonayo in lagula wareego deegaanada ka maqan Gacanta dowladda. Sidoo kale, waxa uu Madaxweynuhu qiray in dowladaha Afrika qaarkood ay ka ciidan fiican yihiin, balse ay iska jirto duruufooyin ku xeeran dowlada. Hadalkaan ayaa madaxweyne Farmaajo waxa uu sheegay xilli uu boqolaal askari kula hadlayey Dugsiga tababarka Janeraal golden oo ay ku jiraan Guutada loogu magic daray 14-ka Octoober. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  16. Somaliland President, HE Musa Bihi Abdi has condemned the attack in Addis Ababa on Saturday which left one dead and scores wounded. The President has sent his sincere condolences to the families who lost loved ones and those wounded in the attack which was conducted cowardly. Somaliland Head of State has said that his country stands with Ethiopia during this time. Ethiopia, Somaliland share friendly and brotherly ties.
  17. Addis ababa (Caasimada Online)-Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn, ayaa sheegay in Seddexdii sano ee ugu danbeysay ay Ethiopia lasoo baxeysay muuqaalo argagixiso. Hailemariam Desalegn, waxa uu sheegay inaanu suuragal aheyn in Ethiopia ay marti galiso Qaraxyo aan dhaqan u aheyn dadka waxa uuna si caro leh u sheegay in dadka shacabka ah laga doonayo inay kala furan dhahooda. ‘’Maaha in dhaqanka Ethiopia ee nabadda ahaa loo bedelo mid argagixiso, dhibaatadu waa dhexdeena yaanan lagu marmarsiyoonin dad banaanka nooga imaaday’’ ‘’Ethiopia looma adeegsanaayo cadow banaanka ka imaaday waa inaanu garanaa xaqiiqda oo aan beegsanaa kuwa lacagta ku qaadanaaya burburka dalkooda’’ Hailemariam Desalegn, waxa uu sheegay in Ethiopia iyada leysu adeegsanaayo, taasina ay dhabaha wanaagsan ka weecineyso Ethiopia. Hailemariam Desalegn, waxa uu carab ***** in dhibaatooyinka amni daro ay horboodayaan kuwo uu ku sheegay inay ka luntay diirada Nabadda, waxa uuna tilmaamay in dhibaatooyinkaas aan laga soo maleegin banaanka. Sidoo kale, Jihooyinka qaar ayuu ku dhaliilay inay kasoo horjeedan isbedelada ay ku talaabeyso Ethiopia, hase yeeshee waxa uu ka digay in Ethiopia lala meel dhigo Somalia, Liibya, Syria iyo wadamo kale oo ay ka jirto amni darro. Haddalka Hailemariam Desalegn ayaa muujinaaya tuhun la xiriira in Qaraxyada dhifka ah ee kadhaca Addis ababa ay geystaan qowmiyadaha Ethiopia ee kasoo horjeeda Nabadda. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Addis ababa
  18. The pompous locution of Somali Pride is a bizarre thought leaped into our minds I would argue. In other words, echoing arrogance and repeating the same phrases (Somali Pride) is an amusement to keep dying Somali men and women from knowing they are dying. The true meaning of pride is to ‘’feel satisfied and pleasure because you have done something marvellous’’. I do not think that one could argue that the people of the Somali Republic and their subsequent governments (the civil and the military) did something marvellous when it comes to governing system and social contract of the state. I am not repudiating the individual pride of the Somali men and the brave Somali women ‘’feeling your own worth and respecting yourself’’, but as a nation Somali Pride is a collective state of euphoria that produces a lot of empty meaningless rhetoric ‘’we used to be the best once’’. Were we? In what comparison and in which way? I am sorry if I hurt the feelings of some of you and went bit to far into this claim ‘’Somali Pride’’ – and I know a lie told often enough becomes the truth – we all need to realise that success doesn’t count unless earn it fair and square. The widely fêted argument of ‘’No Somali is better off today ‘in political/ pride/ world respect/etc’ in respect of how the world viewed us before the collapse’’. This view is not as strong as one would have thought because of the acquisition of the huge amount of empirical sources on the ground, hence such an implicit approach cannot suit how heavily the Somali Republic depended on foreign aid since its formation in 1960. There are evidences of all sorts of aid to the Somali Republic from 1960 – 2018. Wealthy donor states and international humanitarian organisations used to send food, medicine, and tents to the starving, diseased, and displaced millions of underprivileged Somalis same as the other least developed states. It also became difficult for the Somalis to move away from the high level of dependence on foreign aid. The central government in Mogadishu relied too heavily on the support of the international community when it comes to security (Russia training and military equipment supply), humanitarian emergencies (World Bank and International NGOs), development assistance (Europe, America and Russia) and the full cover of the huge national budgetary shortfalls (see the national debt of Somalia). If that is the case, arguing the collation of ‘’Somali Pride’’ and claiming ‘’No Somali is better off today’’ is baseless and I don’t think that is the case. I will rather argue that Somaliland’s overall peaceful nature, state-building, grassroots democracy, traditional reconciliatory, its hybridity of political order with least indirect foreign aid is praiseworthy. I will also argue that Somaliland is better off now than before. If one would ask how and why – empirically the sources are ready to elaborate elaborate bit further. Mohamed Hagi Mohamoud
  19. ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – The deputy commissioner of the Addis Ababa Police Commission has been arrested and is being investigated for shortcomings in security after a grenade attack in the Ethiopian capital killed one person and left scores wounded, according to state-run TV. “Nine individuals, including the Deputy Commissioner of the Addis Ababa Police Commission, are in custody and under investigation over shortcomings” in security, the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation said on Saturday. (Reporting by Aaron Maasho; Writing by Omar Mohammed; Editing by Mark Potter) Source: – Reuters
  20. Two women accused of being members of Al-Shabaab have told a Mombasa court how they ended up in police cells before being charged with terrorism. Ummulkheir Sadri Abdalla said she left Tanzania to seek internship at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) after breaking for a four-month vacation. She said that at the time of arrest, she was a third year student of medicine at the International University of Africa in Sudan but was in Kenya for a brief internship programme. LANDED AT JKIA She said she left the university aboard an Ethiopian Airlines flight and landed at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) on March 23, 2015. “Upon landing at the JKIA, I was taken to the Immigration department for clearance. I then boarded a taxi to River Road where I spent the night in a lodge,” she said. Ms Abdalla, Ms Khadija Abubakar Abdulkadir and Ms Halima Adan have denied organising a meeting in Nairobi to plan on how to cross into Somalia to join the Shabaab militants and conspiracy with their accomplices abroad to carry out terrorist acts in the country. 20 TERROR CHARGES They have also denied 20 terror-related charges including being in possession of videos and pictures of former and current Al-Qaeda leaders Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri who were known for organising and committing terror activities. The prosecution said the suspects committed the offence in El-Wak, on the Kenya-Somalia boarder. In her unsworn testimony, Ms Abdalla said she had in her possession an advanced Sumsang mobile phone, a laptop, passport, student ID and university documents which she was going to present to the hospital for the internship consideration. She said after arriving at the lodge, she stayed indoors and left for KNH the following day. VISITED KNH “When I want back to KNH, I waited for the chief executive officer for hours but she didn’t come. I was told to come back the following day so I decided to return to my residence,” she said. The suspect told the court that as she prepared to board a vehicle back to her hotel, she was approached by people in plain clothes who later identified themselves as police officers. “They demanded that I produce my identification documents while threatening me. I was reluctant to produce what they had demanded since I didn’t know them, I was cautious because I knew Nairobi was full of gangsters,” she said. Ms Abdalla said as she was still thinking of what to do, she was arrested and bundled into a vehicle and when she inquired reason for her arrest, she was told that she would be informed later. She said the vehicle was driven off at high speed and since she was not familiar with Nairobi, she couldn’t tell where she was being taken. “It was a long ride. I [later] found myself in a police cell. I was told that I was planning to join terror groups. It was then that I was grilled and informed that I will be charged with being a terrorist,” she told the court. ARRESTED IN THIKA Another suspect, Ms Abubakar, said she was picked from her hostel in Thika Town by officers from the Anti-Terror Police Unit and driven to Mombasa where she was later charged with being a member of a terror group. She said she had a loud bang at her door at 10 pm in the night that was followed by threats of breaking in should she hesitate to open the door. “When I opened the door, I saw people armed with guns. They identified themselves as police officers. I was told I am under arrest but would be informed the reason later,” she said. The suspect who hails from Malindi in Kilifi County said at the time of arrest, she was studying pharmacy at Mount Kenya University’s Thika campus. She had been there for two years. TOOK BELONGINGS Ms Abubakar said detectives took all her belongings including her phone, laptop, student and national ID, bank slips and other school documents. “They covered my face so I couldn’t figure out where I was. I can only remember being driven for a long time. When they finally took off the hood from my face, I realised I was at a police station in Mombasa. I was forced to sign an inventory that they had prepared,” she told Chief Magistrate Evans Makori. She said the detectives demanded to know the whereabouts of her farther and threatened her with unspecified punishment should she refuse to comply. “They ordered me to reveal where my father was and warned that I would suffer on his behalf if I declined to answer them,” she said, adding that while in police custody, she was not allowed to communicate with anyone including her parents. NAME STRUCK OFF She said she cannot continue with her education since her name has been struck off the university’s student portal because of the terror case against her. The suspects asked the court to set them free, saying they are suffering and yet none of the eight witnesses have linked them to the charges against them. They have also told the court that some of the items listed in the inventory were not recovered from them. The suspects, through their lawyers Hamisi Mwadzogo and Chacha Mwita, have also asked the court to conclude their cases soon enough so that, even if they are will be jailed, they will have opportunity to spend some of their hey days with their families at home after serving their sentences. Ms Adan did not give her evidence as she said she was not mentally stable to defend herself following her arrest and detention shortly after the court ruled that they had a case to answer. The case comes up for defence hearing on July 2, 2018. Source: – Daily Nation
  21. At least one person was killed and 165 injured when an explosion rocked a rally in Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, as Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed completed his address. “Building an independent nation is not the same as building a free society. What good is a free country, if we don’t enjoy freedom? If we are not free from fear?” Abiy asked, just moments before the blast. Authorities in Ethiopia say they are treating the incident as an assassination attempt, and have arrested nine people in connection with it, according to the Addis Standard. Among them is Girma Kassa, the deputy police commissioner for the city, who was fired earlier in the day. Abiy later visited attack victims in the hospital, praising their courage and saying they represent the true spirit of love, forgiveness and togetherness that were major themes of his speech. There were 54 people admitted for treatment, nine of them in critical condition, according to the Ethiopian health minister. Some estimates put the unconfirmed death toll at four. The attack was swiftly condemned by the African Union, which is headquartered in Addis Ababa. “The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Moussa Faki Mahamat, has learned with shock and dismay of the attack that took place today during a peaceful rally in Addis Ababa in support of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s reform agenda,” the AU statement said. “He strongly condemns this cowardly attack against civilians at a peaceful rally under the banner of peace and reconciliation.” African leaders including President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and President Mohamed Farmaajo of Somalia, also expressed their condolences. Source: Africa Times
  22. Abdirahman Ibrahim Warsame ‘Qawdhan’, a long-serving, former Assistant Minister of successive Puntland State of Somalia administrations decried unfounded criticism which a Puntland member of parliament fired at the African remittance giant, Dahabshiil, last week, calling the MP to apologize. Mr. Qawdhan described Dahabshiil as a high-achiever and a source of pride for all Somalis all over the world. Abdirahman Qawdhan oo Dahabshiil ka Xaalmariyey Deelqaafkii Saadiq Garaad Abshir kula Dul kufay Wasiir ku xigeenki Hore Ee Wasaarada Maaliyada Puntland, mudane Cabdirahman Warsame Qawdhan, oo warbaahinta kula hadlay hoyga uu ka deggan yahay magaalada Ga… “Dahabshiil serves all Somalis well and on equal terms. It is a company that symbolizes all that is good in a Somalia counter-balancing all the negative stereotyping associated with a Somali in these last troubled times,” he said. Mr. Qawdhan stated that not only the company had a global network that served Somalis and Africa well, but it was, too, an example of a conscientious business. “More than a million and a half Somalis either work directly for the different companies of Dhabshiil Group or indirectly benefit from employment generated through financial access provided or services rendered by the companies,” he stated. Dahabshiil, he pointed out, was an icon of social responsibility schemes and an exemplary leader in giving back to communities it served in times of need. The ex-Vice Minister was responding to MP Saddiq Garad Abshir, Chairperson of the House Sub-Committee for Defense, who, without providing much evidence, accused Dahabshiil Group and its owner of providing financial and material support to the Somali army stationed in the Tukkraq area. Puntland and Somaliland armies clashed in the area on several occasions since January 2018 resulting in large casualties. Garad Suleiman Garad Mohamed, the oldest and longest reigning traditional leader of Sool clans, also, defended Dahabshiil from the MP’s verbal attack. “We have no evidence that Dahabshiil owner is involved in what is accused of him,” he said, adding that he was ‘convinced that Dahabshiil could not be associated with Tukkaraq army support in any way’. MP Saddiq Garad Abshir is a nephew of Garad Suleiman – son of the Garad’s brother, and the Crown Garad after his uncle. Attachments area Preview YouTube video Abdirahman Qawdhan oo Dahabshiil ka Xaalmariyey Deelqaafkii Saadiq Garaad Abshir kula Dul kufay Abdirahman Qawdhan oo Dahabshiil ka Xaalmariyey Deelqaafkii Saadiq Garaad Abshir kula Dul kufay
  23. By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur This part is about the dynamics of SNM’s ‘operation liberation’ effort of the North from occupied troops of Siyad Barre’s the dictatorial regime. Having signed the truce discussed previously, the SNM found itself in a desperate situation. Nevertheless, the SNM political and military leadership were never distressed of the frantic situation. The SNM had only two options with no third one to choose from: The SNM had to choose either to go for the option of buckling down and reducing itself to a toothless tiger or otherwise to go for broke. They went for the latter. It was immediately after the agreement, that the SNM chairman (Ahmed Mohamed Sillanyo), the Central Committee members and the SNM command and military leaders met at a place called ‘Dhoobo-guduud’. A decisive and final decision was reached there as an alternative left which was to wage war and take on a frontal headlock with the government troops stationed and spread along the border but in the agreed and specified demilitarized buffer zone, about 13 kilometers inside and from the border with Ethiopia, according to the peace accord. For the SNM chairman, the politicians, and the commanders there was no retreat for them but only to go forward to meet the enemy either to achieve victory or to perish in total annihilation. The chairman urgently left the scene (the meeting place) and within few days departed for London for safety and security purposes and, therefore, to avoid retribution by the government of Ethiopia since the decision of the SNM was a breach of the terms of the agreement. A full attack by the SNM forces became imminent. The SNM consumed not much time to regroup its forces dividing them into two main divisional command fronts, i.e, the Madina and the Makka and prepared to march forward towards the border to fulfill targets. Each front had its military targets and objectives. The Makka front forces had to take its military target objectives in the eastern parts of the country initially attacking and capturing Burao. The division was by Colonel Ahmed Mirre Mohamed as the commander and Colonel Adan Suleiman as deputy commander. Countless number of other officers took part and include: Colonels Handulle, Mohamed Kahin, Jama Ali Elmi, Hassan Kayd, Abdirahman Ahmed Hersi ‘Hunsho’, Ismail Aden, Abulhakim Sumuli, Muse Hassan Dhunkal (Muse Bidar), Hassan Abokor, Bidhiid, Ibrahim Jama Dhiif, Jama Digaale Duale, Omar Dhaka Finish, Hassan Kayd and many others. Rebels of Somali National Movement (SNM) sit on their beds -30 November 1989 in Zeila northern Somalia The Western divisional front (Madina) was further divided into two sub-divisions with divergent targets. A sub-divisional command (the Central front – Sayid Ali) with its targets to attack the Adadley garrison. It was led by a dynamic Colonel, Hussein Dheere, as the Commander with Ahmed Hassan Waysa Ade (who is alive today) as the Deputy Commander. The other commanding officers who led the attack on the Adadley military garrison included Mohamed Ali (leading an own unit fighting together with the Sayid Ali forces), Colonels Ahmed Janan Oogo, Mohamed Ismail, Ali Mohamed Yusuf (Ali Gurey), who was originally a civilian intellectual but promoted to a commander and many others. The main western divisional front forces were led by colonel Ibrahim Husssein Dhegaweyne as the commander (who is alive today) and Dayib Gurey (vice commander) together with many other officer commanders such as many other Colonels (Abdillahi Askar, Mahdi Ali, Adan Shine, Aden Abdi Abyan – Adan Ade who led the Sanaani unit, Mohamed Elmi Samatar (aka Mohamed Elmi Galan leading the Sayid Omer unit), Colonel Gamadheere, Hussein Dheere, Abdirahman Aw Ali Farah, Ahmed Dhagah, Mohamoud Haybe Omer, captain Weerar, and many others. The command control of SNM forces was held by Hassan Yonis Habane, Hassan Gurre and Muse Bihi Abdi. The target was to attack Hargeisa starting the onslaught first on the 26thSector HQ and Birjeex Centre and Hargeisa the airport. The Madina front started moving from its base but days later after the Makka front. There was a problem in the procurement of fuel which proved difficult especially for the western command (Madina) front battalions. There was petrol rationing situation at the time. The Eastern front (Makka) had its share of fuel before the western front which was all what was in hand in the hope to get petrol from Ethiopians for the Madina division. But that never came. In fact, the plan to get fuel from Jigjiga but the Ethiopians turned that hope downland left Madina front forces without petrol. Nevertheless, the Makka forces went according to the plan. But the Eastern divisional front (Makka) had petrol just enough to reach the destination (Burao). The forces started moving days earlier than the Madina divisional front forces. On 26 May 1988, at dusk, the Makka front left Samatar Ahmed village. The forces consisted of 1,200 fighters altogether with minimum rounds of ammunition, vehicles etc. By sunset, they reached the town of Dhoqoshay. In the early morning of the next day, they were at a popular place just outside Burao known as the Barta/Badhka (a place where the Barre’s regime’s army used for shooting and execution of the people). Passing the Barta, the SNM forces went straight to Burao with no resistance. At ‘Bar Siigo’ restaurant, the forces were divided into two part forces. One front headed towards the bridge, the other to the Burao military HQ. There was not much resistance as the government forces literally ran off without fighting leaving behind huge ammunitions, weaponry, and tanks which were taken and used by the SNM forces. The SNM forces commander (Colonel Ahmed Mirre) was wounded in the head. Colonel Handulle, also wounded in the arm, had to replace him and took the command. In sum, Burao was liberated within few days of the fighting though later on the SNM met a strong counter-attack from the enemy and counter-attacks from forces dumped at Burao airport straight from South Somalia. The Madina division finally secured fuel through with difficulty but the wittiness and patience of Mohamed Hashi Elmi who raised fuel donations to fill a tanker hidden in the bush. The western divisions front (Madina) eventually moved a couple of days behind than the Eastern front which started the March on 27 May, i.e., on 30 May 1988 and started marching to cross the border from a place named the Masajidka. A noteworthy to mention that Colonel Ga’amadheere, Yousuf Gadhle, and Mohamed Abdi Ali were already secretly in Hargeisa few days before the move for reconnaissance purposes and for intelligence gathering. On departure, the Madina front forces were about 1,500 fighters with a modest amount of transport vehicles. They started the march from ‘Masajidka’ at 12:00 p.m. While on mobility or move the SNM forces were spotted by a surveillance MIG Hunter plane of government Air Force piloted by a South-African mercenary pilot. Continuous reinforcements and replenishment of weapons for the government forces steadily poured for the government from their western battalions and from Berbera port. The SNM forces had scuffles in the late evening before they reached the Command of the 26th Sector. The processions marched to Sheikh Mowdhle at around 5:00pm. From thereon they continued to ‘Sheikh Omer camp’ outside Hargeisa. From thereon they took a rough path made by Sheikh Omer himself years ago called the Halgan path (Waddo Halgan) then down to ‘Adrosh’ village, and then to ‘Hagal’. At about 7:30 pm the SNM forces camped just about 300 meters away from the Command and Control HQ ‘Taliska Fooqa’ (now the Ministry of Defense) of the government forces in the North (the 26th sector). The SNM were ready in defense manner but equally in attack mood to attack too. At the 26 Sector Military HQ and command Centre of the ‘Faqash’, before the SNM started assault they were attacked, according to the plan, the SNM forces were prepared for fighting and they wanted the fighting to happen in the night as they knew by experience that they the SNM forces were stronger in fighting during the night. In that same night, the 26 Command and Birjeex Military Base were captured and most of Hargeisa was in the SNM hands. However, on the morning of 31 may 1988, the fighting proved difficult. The government troops regrouped themselves with an entire brigade from the West. The fighting was taking place inside the city. The strong defenses of Hargeisa had fallen within that same night and in the first few days of fighting. The defeated government forces withdrew to the outskirts of Hargeisa and started to fight from the second echelon of defensive positions,, i.e., from the Airport and from the hills in the East of the city. Ruthless artillery shelling by the government’s inventory troops was coupled by relentless aerial bombardment by the Air Force destroying the city (detailed in elsewhere by the author ‘Rebirth of Somaliland’). The government army was shelling the residential areas and public buildings and centers (schools, mosques, markets etc.) indiscriminately. The SNM sustained heavy human casualty. According to Muse Bihi Abdi (the current president of Somaliland), the SNM lost 60% of its original trained force though young men were joining in hundreds. On 28 May 1988, Colonel Mohamed Ali (leader of Sayid Ali unit) crossed the border to assist SNM’s other central command forces attack on Adadley. These operations were followed by attacks on the coastal areas. However, there was a great resistance at Hargeisa. On 29 May the SNM forces led by Colonel Hussein Ahmed (Hussein Dheere) captured Adadley military garrison with ease and with less resistance. On 30 May 1988, Mohamed Ali Captured Madera prison and Colonel Ibrahim Hussein (Dhegaweyne), commander of the Makka Division (western battalions) and other commanders such as Colonel Aden Adde, Musa Bihi, Mohamed Elmi Samatar, Hussein Dhere, Abdirahman Huunsho, Aden Shine and many other officers of the western front division entered Hargeisa with some resistance. Colonels Ga’amadhere, Mohamoud Haybe Goodaad, Abdillahi Uddo were already in Hargeisa before the forces’ incursion for surveillance and secret mission. From May to September 1988 Hargeisa was under evil forces of destruction of Siyad Barre. After having significant casualties, the SNM’s remaining fighters were forced to retreat to the outskirts of the city. By then Berbera and Hargeisa airports were open for the enemy as the lifeline for the government’s troops which were holding on to areas captured and determined to fight to gain control of Hargeisa. The battle of Hargeisa was severe. Hargeisa was seen strategically meaningless for the SNM since the lifeline of the enemy was still operational. The SNM’s military commanders and strategists made that tactical judgment and a calculated decision to attack Berbera. SNM forces attacked Berbera. Continuous reinforcements and replenishment of weapons for the government forces were steadily streaming and pouring from the Berbera port and their west army battalions. But Berbera was the lifeline for the enemy. But to hold on to the captured areas and fight to gain control of Hargeisa was seen meaningless so long as the lifeline of the enemy was alive and operational. The SNM military commanders and strategists eventually made a tactical judgment and a calculated decision to attack Berbera. The SNM organized a strong force to launch the attack. The SNM force was led by Arab Duale and Abdillahi Hussein (Dhegaweyne) under the operation code named ‘Adan Suleiman’. Both of them were some of the top and brave SNM commanders. Berbera eventually fell into the hands of the SNM. The SNM’s surprise attacks resulted in the capture of the main towns and villages that fell into the hands of the SNM liberation fighters. In general analysis, the SNM forces which crossed the border met no resistance on the way and the all-out offensive they took on the government forces on major towns was surprising and paid dividends. The attacks were lightening and carefully planned. The decision of the SNM was suicidal in nature it was extremely a bold one. It was a matter of life and death and a choice between hope and despair. It was either the decimation or the end of SNM and the end cause of the struggle or a victory and success. But it was the best option for a committed SNM liberator to take. It was characteristics of a real terminator. In the process of the liberation struggle, civilians turned military leaders and many of them became part of the best commanders and leaders. The SNM operations ended with major successes. Barre had a kick in the teeth. The opportunity for the SNM proved that the strong-armed force of Somalia (one of the strongest in Africa) which was weakened by the 1977/78 and defeated with the help and assistance by the Soviet Union and Cuba and other Socialist countries had no chance or morale to fight with the SNM liberators. The SNM easily defeated and humiliated the Somali government forces affected by low morale. The SNM’s weaponry or arsenal was insufficient due financial constraints. The SNM faced the strength and might of the Government’s regular government force which was then considered as one of the largest and strongest in black Africa. Yet most often than not the SNM forces had the upper hand. The peace agreement was beneficial for the Somali troops in getting relived from the SNM pressure. But it ended to be, in a way, a blessing in disguise for the SNM forces. It was a wake-up call for the SNM as there were some standing differences between groups during the time of the truce signing. But nevertheless, when the news was heard, all of a sudden hatches were buried, differences were forgotten buried and the groups became united as if sharing a single soul. With sheer determination, emotion and patriotism the government forces were easily defeated. In desperation the government forces resorted to killing and massacring innocent civilians, bombarding and shelling public places, schools, hospitals, mosques, markets, and made efforts to erase building to the ground and reduce the city to rubble. Water and electricity supplies were cut off. More than 50,000 civilians of men, women, and children were killed. Torture of civilians and massive arrests of people became routine, which existed even well before the eruption of the fighting as reported by international human rights organizations. The surprise attacks and the SNM invasion caused a difficult period for the people of Somaliland origin inside the South (Somalia), particularly in Mogadishu. Many high ranking officers from the North who originally contributed to the formation of the SNM military wing were still trapped inside the country. The politicians, civil servants and intellectuals such as Jama Mohamed Ghalib, Ahmed Hassan Musa, Omer Mohamed Handulle (Omer Bobe), Mohamed Hawadleh Madar (Jiir), Mohamed H Hassan Salah, Osman Ali Jama (Osman Kaluun) who were behind the formation of the SNM and facilitation of the departure missions of military officers to join the SNM in Ethiopia were still in Mogadishu. Women were the backbone and the machinery at the back of the forces by helping the wounded as paramilitary, medical staff and also. Apart from their significant auxiliary roles many of them fought alongside men. Details of SNM’s attacks on the Hargeisa have been provided officers, commanders as well as the SNM liberators. Before SNM entered the country, SNM attacks were only sporadic. The SNM, during its struggle, lost important commanders such as Colonel Mohamed Hashi ‘Lixle’ and others as well fighters in some attacks such as those on Ballay Gubadle and Buroa-Duuray in 1984. By December 1988 the entire of Hargeisa fell into the hands of the SNM forces. However, in September 1988 the SNM forces withdrew purely for the safety of the population and for tactical reasons. Some argue that was because of differences within the SNM commanders and politicians. That was exactly a military tactic and nothing with politics. After all, politicians were not on the ground. However, Hargeisa was not liberated for a quite along until around the time Bare regime fell. The SNM lost thousands of fighters and many of our cream, trained and talented soldiers and commanders while many lost their lives or wounded (like myself) in the fierce fighting and battles. Thousands of government soldiers and commanders were killed or wounded in the battle with the SNM forces. The commanders of the government troops (some of them were killed) included: Generals such as Mohamed said Hersi (Morgan), Ahmed Warsame, Osman Gaab, Ali Kediye, Kahiye, Cadceed, Hirane, Siyad Daud, Abdulaziz Ali Barre, Yousuf Tallan, Anaboodhe and colonels such as Ina Ma’allin, Codweyn, Fardojan, ina Kora Jan, Awes Gedow, Munye Aby Munye and others. The SNM had the upper hand and defeated the government forces but the SNM chose to consider the human aspect of the war with the defeated soldiers and their Commanders. Instead of taking prisoners of war (POW) and resorting to inhumane treatments, the SNM gave a special treatment to the war prisoners of the defeated armed troops and associated militia groups in the hands of the SNM. Over 10,000 soldiers and the militias fighting alongside the government forces were given safe passages by the SNM to cross the border with Ethiopia safely to find their own routes back to the South. That took place without torture or carrying revenge contrary to the regime’s atrocities to civilians in the north. Until now there no monuments erected for the SNM war heroes with the exception of two erected by Mohamoud Wadad, an ex-SNM fighter for two brave fallen heroes (Mohamed Haji Muse ‘Haragwafi’ at Aw Barkahdle and for Hamud Ibrahim Yasin at Dhibato which stands right on where he died on 25 May 1988 while fighting with the government forces and Dubato village. As a matter of fact, Hamud died in 1984 at Burao-Duray with Lixle. The fierce and surprise attacks of the SNM and the successful consequent achievements the SNM forces made in which thousands of SNM fighters lost their lives has been described by the following lines (in communication with the SNM leaders and fighters who died during the entire period of struggle): Sargaal iyo Midah Siyaasi (whether an officer or a politician) Barbaar sooc ahoo aqoon lihi (selected young and educated) Suldaan iyo caaqilkiisa (A sultan and his chief) Raggii surmiga cadceediyo (the men who suffered in scorched sun) Saraaraha noo maraayay (for us those who were went inside the gulleys and gorges) Soomalilaand way xorowdoo (Know that Somaliland is free). (Composed by Ali Rabi Seenyo). The enlightening success of the SNM’s invasion was described as a successfully accomplished mission as described by the following poetic line in Jamal Ali Hussein’s 2009 poem ‘Abaal Gud’: [“Halgankii Gobanimo Doonkii SNM, Guul ku soo Khatimye”) which means “The SNM Struggle Ended with Success”]. For an account of the atrocities and government reprisal practices by the government forces on the civilian population as a result of the SNM’s surprise attacks and invasion until the last moments of fighting and defeat read next part. (Continued).
  24. Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Laascaanood ayaa sheegaya in xalay dableey hubaysan ay weerar ku qaadeen ciidamada Somaliland ee ku sugan degmadaasi oo uu ka jiro kacdoon lagu diiddanyahay joogitaanka maamulka Somaliland ee gobolka Sool. Qaar kamid ah shacabka magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool ayaa soo sheegay in xalay rasaas xooggan laga maqlay ilaa saddex saldhig oo ay ciidamada Somaliland ku leeyihiin bartamaha magaalada,taasoo sii socotay tan iyo salaaddii subax ee saaka,balse faahfaahin dheeri ah lagama hayo khasaaraha ka dhashay weerarka iyo cidda soo qaadday midna. Dhinaca kale ma jiro ilaa iyo haatan wax war ah oo ka soo baxay mas’uuliyiinta Somaliland ugu magacaaban gobolka Sool iyo saraakiisha ciidamada ee jooga degmada Laascaanood. Degmooyinka gobolka Sool oo ay ku jirto magaalada xarunta ah ee Laascaanood ayaa waxaa todobaadyadii la soo dhaafay ka dhacay bannaan-baxyo waaweyn oo lagu diiddanyahay joogitaanka maamulka Somaliland ee gobolka. Bannaan-baxyada oo shacabku u bixiyeen”duufaanta buluugga ah” ayaa ka dhashay xiisadda colaadeed ee u dhexaysa Puntland iyo Somaliland taasoo markii hore ka bilaabatay qabsashadii ciidamada Somaliland ee degaanka Tukaraq,haye yeeshee isu rogtay kacdoon ballaaran oo shacabka gobolkaasi kala soo horjeesteen maamulka Muuse Biixi,islamarkaana ay taageero ugu muujiyeen ciidamada Puntland ee ku sugan jiidda Tukaraq. Wixii ka soo kordha kala soco:Puntlandpost The post Weerar lagu qaaday ciidamda Somaliland ee ku sugan Laascaanood appeared first on Puntland Post.
  25. Addis abab (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa shaqada ka erisay Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Taliska Booliska dalkeeda kadib markii lagu eedeeyay Qaraxii lagu weeraray Ra’isul wasaare Abiy Axmed. Sarkaalka xilka laga qaaday ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa Taliye ku-xigeenkii ciidanka booliska Ethiopia Girma Kaasa. Girma Kaasa, oo xiliga Qaraxa loo xushay amniga guud ee goobta uu ka qudbeynaayay Ra’isul wasaare Abiy ayaa lagu eedeeyay inuu dayacay amniga. Girma Kaasa, ayaa xil ka qaadista kadib saacadihii ugu danbeeyay lagala baxay hooyga uu degan yahay waxaana la xaqiijiyay in Xabsi la dhigay. Dowladu waxa ay sidoo kale jeelka dhigtay 9 ka mid ah Saraakiisha ciidamada amaanka kuwaa oo loo heysto inay ka hortagi waayen weerarkan qaraxa ka hor intuusan dhicin. Goobta qaraxa waxa joogay Ra’isul wasaare Abiyi Axmad oo la hadlayay dad ku dhow 4 milyan oo ku nool Addis Ababa iyo agagaarka u dhow. Waxaa hawada laga saaray dhowr TV oo gudaha ah waxaana dhacay howlgalo sugid amni ah. Dhinaca kale Ra’isul wasaaraha dalkaasi Abiy Ahmed ayaa booqdey Isbitaalada la geeyey tobonaan dad ah oo dhaawacyo kala duwan qabo oo 15 ka mid ah ay liitaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Addis abab