Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Tan iyo markii uu kusoo baxay Doorashada Madaxweyne Rajab Dayib Erdogan warbaahinta caalamka ayaa baahineysa sawirro muujinaaya Erdogan oo cayaaraya banooni. Warbaahinta ayaa sheegeysa in Erdogan uu ahaa cayaaryahan ka hor inta uusan kusoo biirin Siyaasada, isagoo u cayaari jiray ciyaartooy ka tirsan Naadiga K/cagta ee Kasımpaşa Spor Kulübü oo la asaasay sannadkii 1921-kii, kana mid ahayd Kooxaha Heerka Koowaad ee Turkiga. Kooxdan uu u cayaari jiray Erdogan ayaa ka dhisneyd Xaafadda Beyoğlu ee magaalladda labaad ee ugu weyn dalkaasi ee Istanbuul. Waxa ay warbaahintu Erdogan ku sifeysay inuu ahaa cayaaryahan caan ka ahaa dalka Turkiga, balse uu markii danbe kusoo biiray Siyaasada. Inta uusan kusoo biirin Siyaasada waxa uu Erdogan ahaa Xiddig khadka dhexe ka ciyaara, isla markaana shacbiyadda ku dhex lahaa Taageerayaasha K/Cagta ee dalka Turkiga.
  2. Kampala (Caasimadda Online) – Iyadoo dowladda Farmaajo uu hoggaamiyo ay wado dadaal dheer oo ku aadan sidii Ciidamada AMISOM looga maarmi lahaa isla markaasna loogu badali lahaa Ciidamo Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxaa dhanka kale socdo qorsho ay wadaan dowladaha ay ciidamadooda joogaan Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo raadinayo hab kasta oo ay kusii joogi karaan. Madaxda qorshahaas wado waxaa ugu horeeyo kuwa dowladda Uganda oo ah wadanka ugu badan oo ay ciidamo ka joogaan Somaaliya. Ra’isulwasaaraha dalka Uganda Ruhakana Rugunda oo kulanka la qaatay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Talada haya ee wadanka Shiinaha, waxayna labada Mas’uul ka wada hadleyn arrimo badan oo ay ugu muhiimsaneyd tan Soomaaliya. Ra’isulwasaaraha Uganda ayaa waxaa uu weydiistay Gudoomiye Wang Yang inay ka taageerto dowladiisa sidii ay baaqi ugu sii ahaan lahaayeen Soomaaliya, maadaama dalka Shiinaha uu kamid yahay wadamada taageera xukuumadda Soomaaliya. Gudoomiye Wang Yang ayaa u ballan qaaday Ra’isulwasaaraha dalka Uganda inuu ka caawin doono arrintaas isla markaasna ay iska kaashaan doonaan waxyaabo badan. “Maadaama aan kamid nahay dalalka ciidamada ku tabarucay howlgalka Nabad illaalinta Soomaaliya, waxaan ka dooneynaa in Shiinuhu nagu garab siiyo sidii Golaha Amaanka Qaramada Midoobay noogu sameyn lahaa Muddo kordhin,” ayuu yiri Rugunda. Talaabadaan ay qaadeyso dowladda Uganda ayaa imaaneyso iyadoo Dhawaan ahayd markii Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay uu isku raacay in ciidamada Soomaaliya iyo dowladooda loo ogolaado inay masuuliyadda amaanka dalkooda dib loogu noqodo, taasoo saraakiisha AMISOM walaac ay ka muujiyeen, maadaama ay Soomaaliya ka heleen lacag aad u badan. Dowladda Uganda ayaa waxaa howlgalka AMISOM ku wehliyo wadamada Djibouti, Burundi iyo Ethiopia waxaana muuqato inuusan howgalkaan kusoo dhamaan doonin waqtiga loo qabtay taasoo niyad jab ku noqon doonto ciidamada Soomaalida oo lahaa hami ah inay la wareegi karaan amniga Soomaaliya inkastoo aysan dhisneyn ciidamo awood leh. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa dhawr jeer ku celceliyey in laga maarmi doono AMISOM isla markaasna la dhisi doono ciidamo Soomaaliyeed oo booskaas buuxiyo balse weli arrintaas jidkeeda lama hayo oo waxaa socdo qorshooyin ay wadaan dowladaha ciidamadooda ay joogaan Soomaaliya kuwaas oo aan marnaba ku qanacsaneyn inuu soo dhamaado howgalkaas mashruuc ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Urur-goboleedka IGAD ayaa shaqo-joojin ku sameeyay Col. Gebregziabher Alemseged oo loo yaqaanno [Jen. Gabre], kana mid ahaa saraakiisha sare ee Ururka ay ku midoobeen Waddamada Bariga Afrika, kaddib qoraal kasoo baxay Xoghayaha guud ee IGAD, Maxbuub Macallin. Col. Gabre ayaa ahaa la-taliyaha dhinaca siyaasadda ee Xoghayaha guud ee IGAD, kaasoo xilkan loo magacaabay sannad ka hor, iyadoo lagu amaray in uu wareejiyo dhammaan agab-xafiiskeedka uu gacanta ku hayo. Sidoo kale, Qoraalka ayaa lagu caddeeyay in wixii maanta ka dambeeya Col. Gabre uusan shaqaale ka aheyn Urur-goboleedka IGAD, iyadoo aan weli la sheegin cidda lagu bedelay sarkaalka la shaqada laga eryay. Dhanka kale, Col. Gabre oo ah sarkaal Itoobiyaan ah ayaa lagu xusuustaa in uu ahaa taliyihii ciidamadii Itoobiya ee Somalia soo galay sannadkii 2007-kii, kuwaasoo ugu dambeyn ka baxay Somalia sannadkii 2009-kii markaasoo uu xilka la wareegay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Ugu dambeyn, Col. Gabre ayaa ahaa shaqsi galaan-gal badan ku dhex-lahaa xilliyadii u dambeeyay dowladihii dalka soo maray, waxaana inta badan lagu dhex-arki jiray goobaha ay doorashooyinku ka socdaan iyo shirarka kale ee dib u heshiisiinta ah ee dalka ka dhaca. PUNTLAND POST The post Mid ka mid ah Saraakiisha Sare ee IGAD oo lagu Sameeyay Shaqo ka fariisin Rasmi ah appeared first on Puntland Post.
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) –Urur goboleedka IGAD ayaa shaqada ka eryey kornayl Gabrezabher Alemsged oo Soomaalidu u taqaanno Jeneraal Gabre. Warqad ka soo baxday xafiiska xoghayaha fulinta ee IGAD, Eng Maxbuub Macallim ayaa si rasmi ah maanta looga joojiyey jeneraal Gabre shaqadiisii ahayd la-taliyaha sare ee arrimaha siyaasadda ee xoghayaha fulinta ee urur-goboleedka IGAD. Warqaddaas waxaa BBC soo gaarsiiyey xubno ka tirsan IGAD oo dalbaday in aan magacooda la soo xigan. Qoraalka shaqo ka joojinta oo isla maanta dhaqan galay ayaa looga dalbaday jeneraal Gabre inuu wareejiyo wixii qalab xafiiseed ah ee IGAD ay leedahay ee uu hayo ka hor 02:30 duhurnimo. Isla qoraalka ayaa looga dalbaday qaybta maamulka iyo maaliyadda ee IGAD inay fududeeyaan xil ka wareejinta, iyo inay shaqaale u xil saaraan sidii looga qaadi lahaa jeneraal gabre dukumentiga lagu safro ee IGAD, haddiiba hore loo siiyey. Siiqada ay u qornayd warqadda xil-ka-qaadista ee jeneraal Gabre ayaa ahayd mid aad u adag oo aan inta badan la adeegsan marka la eryayo mas’uul sare. Inkastoo aysan caddayn sababta shaqada looga eryey jeneraal Gabre, misna dadka wax indha-indheeya waxay u tirinayaan qodobbada soo socda inay ka dambeeyaan in xilka laga qaado. 1- Jeneral Gabre wuxuu ku maqnaa markii xilka laga qaadayey dalka South Sudan oo hawlo shaqo uu u aaday, hase yeeshee isagoo shaqadaas rasmiga ah haya ayuu misna, sida ay BBC-da u xaqiijijyeen ilo kala duwan, wuxuu faraha kula jiray arrimaha Soomaaliya isagoo faragelin ku hayey. 2- Xil ka qaadistiisa waxay ku soo beegantay iyadoo waddanka Itoobiya ay ka socoto dabayl siyaasadeed oo isbeddello wadata, waxaana loo badinayaa in raalli ahaanshaha Itoobiya ee ah in xilka laga qaado uusan meesha ka marnayn. Waxaa tan wehliya cadaadis ay DF Somalia ku saartay Abiy Ahmed in xilka laga qadao Gabre Jeneraal Gabre wuxuu dhowrkii iyo tobankii sano ee u dambeeyey si toos ah iyo si dadbanba ugu lug lahaa arrimaha Soomaaliya, isagoo waddankiisa Itoobiyana ka ahaa mid ka mid ah saraakiisha milateriga ee saamaynta weyn leh marka la soo qaado arrimaha Soomaaliya. Gabre wuxuu saaxiibo badan ku dhex leeyahay siyaasiyiinta iyo saraakiisha ciidamada ee Soomaalida. Sannadkii hore, bishii Juun ayey ahayd markii loo magacaabay xilkan ah la taliyaha arrimaha siyaasadda ee xoghayaha fulinta ee IGAD, oo ah xil siyaasadeed. Ka sokow IGAD, Gabre ayaa ahaa sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan sirdoonka Ethiopia, wuxuuna xiriir dhow la lahaa maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya iyo saraakiil ka tirsan milatariga Soomaaliya. Wuxuu aad ugu dhowaa Axmed Madoobe oo bil walba uu lacag ka qaadan jiray iyo kooxda Damu-Jadiid ee hogaanka dalka lagala wareegay, gaar ahaan Faarax Cabdulqaadir. Ceyrinta Gabre, oo ah nin ay aad u neceb yihiin Soomaalida, ayaa noqon doonta mid ka mid ah guulaha ugu weyn ee lagu xasuusan doono dowladda hadda jirta, oo ka dagaalameysa in dalal shisheeye ay faro-gelin ku sameeyaan arrimaha gudaha dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Onine) –Warar hoose oo aan helnay ayaa sheegaya in ku dhawaad 30 cisho ay magaalada Muqdisho xabsi ku yaala ay ku xiran yihiin masuuliyiin ka tirsanaa Maamulka Degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobalka Banaadir kuwaas oo dhawaan xilkii laga qaaday. Guddoomiye waaxeedyadan ayaa la sheegay in markii xilalka laga qaaday ay u hanjabeen xubno lagu bedelay boosaskooda, kadibna ay dhacday in mid ka mida xubnihii loo hanjabay toogasho lagu dilay intii lagu dhex jiray bishii Ramadaan, iyadoo weerarkaasi uu ahaa mid xoog leh kadib markii gaari uu la socday loo adeegsaday Qoriga RPG ee Baasuukaha. Xogta aan helnay ayaa sheegeysa in 5 Guddoomiye Waaxeedyo ay ku jiraan xabsiga Godka Jilacow oo ay maamusho Hay’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Soomaaliya la sheegay in loo xiray sababo amni sida ay xaqiijiyeen masuuliyiinta Gobalka Banaadir. Warbaahinta ayaa heshay Magacayada iyo Waaxyaha ay qaabilsanaayeen Masuuliyiinta ee ka tirsanaa Maamulka Degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobalka Banaadir kuwaas oo la xiray Intii lagu guda jiray Bishii Ramadaan, waxaana lagu kala magacaabaa. C/kariin Sii Cali Guddoomiyaha Waaxda 1-aad ee Heegan Cabdi Haajir Guddoomiyaha Waaxda Labaad ee Horseed. Saalax Cumar Xaayow Guddoomiyaha Waaxda Saddaxaad ee Juungal Cabdi Mahad Xasan Sangaab Guddoomiyaha Waaxda Shanaad ee ee 1-ada Luulyo iyo Faarax Caddaani Maxamed Guddoomiyaha Waaxda Lixaad ee Tawakal. Hal Guddoomiye waaxeed ayaa la sheegay inuusan xirneen kaas oo lagu magacaabo Siid Cali Xasan Cilmi waana Guddoomiyaha Waaxda Afaraad ee Towfiiq, masuuliyiinta la xiray ayaa la sheegay iney ku socoto Baaritaan kadib markii looga shakiyay iney u hanjabeen Guddoomiye Waaxeedyo kale oo dhawaan boosaskooda lagu badalay. Degmada Yaaqshiid oo ka mida degmooyinka ay sida weyn uga howglalaan kooxda Alshabaab, kana dhacaan falalka amni darro ayaa tuhunka uu soo galay madaxda waaxyaha degmada oo intooda badan uu baaritaan ku socdo. Mid ka mid ah raga loo hanjabay ee lagu Badalay Guddoomiye Waaxeedyadaan xiran ayaa bartamihii Bishii ramadaan waxaa lagu dilay degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobalka Banaadir, waxaana dilkiisa fulisay koox Gaari wadatay oo Gaarigiisa ku dhuftay hubka Culus ee Baasuukaha loo yaqaano. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  6. Ankaraca (Caasimadda Online) – Kadib guushii Recep Tayyip Erdogan oo mar kale loo doortay madaxweynaha Turkiga waxay ka dhigan tahay isbedel ka weyn kii hore inuu ka dhacay dalka Turkiga oo ah dalka ugu awoodda badan Bariga dhexe iyo mid ka mida dhaqaalaha soo koraya ee ugu horumarka sareeya ee dhaqaalaha adduunka. Recep Tayyip Erdogan wuxuu markii labaad noqonayaa madaxweynaha dalka Turkiga, laakiin markan waa madaxweyne leh awood ballaaran, halka uu markii hore ahaa madaxweyne haya xil sharafeed oo awoodda inta badan ay gacanta ugu jirtay Baarlamaanka iyo golaha wasiirada. Waxaa xusid muran ee afti dalka Tuykiga ka dhacday April 2017 in dalkaasi uu doortay nidaamka madaxweynaha iyadoo dastuur cusub loo codeeyay oo 51% dadka dalkaasi ay doorteen in Jamhuuriyadda Turkiga ay noqoto mid awoodda ugu sareysa uu leeyahay madaxweynaha. Haddaba awooddaha uu leeyahay madaxweyne Recep Tayyip Erdogan iyo isbedelka Turkiga ka dhacay doorashadii 24 June kadib waxaa ka mida: 1- Inuu madaxweynaha si toos ah u magacaabi karo madaxda sare ee dowladda oo ay ku jiraan wasiirada iyo madaxweyne ku xigeenada. 2- Inuu awood u leeyahay joojinta iyo faragelinta nidaamka Garsoorka ee dalkaasi. 3- Inuu dalka Turkiga ku soo rogi karo xaalad degdeg ah. 4- Inuu kala diri karo Baarlamaanka, kuna dhawaaqi karo doorashooyin hordhac ah 5- Inuu meesha ka baxayo xilka Ra’iisal wasaaraha. Mucaaradka Turkiga iyo dalalka Reer Galbeedka ayaa ku doodaya in Recep Tayyip Erdogan uu isu bedelayo keligii taliye, inkastoo uu doorasho ku yimid, waxaana loogu magac daray SULDAAN oo ah magac ay lahaayeen madaxdii Khilaafadii Cusmaaniyiinta.
  7. Kismaayo (Caasimadda Online) – Sanakaan 2018 ayaa waxaa kor u kacay dhaqaala Al-shabaab ay ka heli jireen Dekadda Kismaanyo kadib markii maamulka Jubbalan uu dib u bilaabay dhoofinta dhuxasha oo ay horey Al-shabaab iyo Jubbaland isla afgarten in ay kawada macaashaan. Al-shabaab oo intii ay gacantooda ka maqneed furdada Kismaayo dhaqaalihii ugu badnaa ka sameeyay Dekadda Kismaayo 2013 iyo 2014 ayaa haddana sanadkaan waxa dib ugu soo laabtay ishoodii dhaqaale, waxaana hadda ku xiran Dekadda Kismaayo 24 doomood oo u diyaarsan in ay dhuxul ka qaadaan halkaas, iyada oo loo iib geynayo waddamada carbeed sida Imaaraatka. Dadka degaanka ah oo ku sugan gudaha Jubbaland ayaa sheegay in degaanada Shabaab maamulaan ay u fasaxeen in dhuxusha la gubi karo, waxaana isbuucan gudihiisa ka baxay Magaaladda Kismaayo 100 baabuur oo kuwa xamuulka ah oo dhuxusha kasoo qaadaya degmooyinka ka maqan gacanta Jubbaland. degmooyinka Jilib, Jammaame, Bu’aale, Saakow, Salagle iyo kuwo kale oo ay Kooxda Shabaab ay gacanta ku heyso ayaa hadda waxaa ka socda xaalufin badan oo dhirta lagu hayo. 2013 iyo 2014 ayay Al-shabaab ka macaasheen dekadda Kismaayo $250 milyan oo doolar oo kasoo xarootay dhuxul Jubbaland, Kenya iyo Shabaab ay ka dhoofiyeen Kismaayo sida lagu sheegay warbixin kasoo baxday Qaramada midoobay. Markale 2018 ayay Alshabaab dhowr milyan oo kale ka faa’iidi doonaan dekadda Kismaayo, dadka shacabka ah ee ku nool Jubbaland gaar ahaan degaanada xaalufinta lagu hayo ayaa muujinaya cabasho badan. Qaramada midoobay ayaa qaraar ay soosaartay 2012 waxa ay ku joojisay in dhuxul dambe laga dhoofiyo Soomaaliya, balse maamulka Jubbaland ayaa u muuqda in wali uu ku sii adkeysanayo ka ganacsiga dhuxusha. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo
  8. Guushii Erdogan Recep Tayyip Erdogan ayaa markii labaad ku guuleystay madaxweynaha dalka Turkiga doorashadii ka dhacday Axadii dalkaas, kadib markii uu helay codad ka badan boqolkiiba 52, codadkii la tiriyay oo ahaa boqolkiiba 99. Madaxweyne Erdogan waxaa la tartamay Muharrem Ince oo hogaamiya xisbiga ugu weyn mucaaradka dalkaas ee CHP, wuxuuna helay codad gaaraya boqolkiiba 30.7, codadkii la tirayay, wuxuuna xisbigaas ku andacooday in ay doorarashada ka jirtay codad lagu shubtay iyo wax is badabarin. Erdogan oo khudbadii guusha ka jeediyay magaalada Ankara ayaa sheegay in uu talaabo adag ka qaadi doono wax uu ku sheegay argagaxisada, sidoo kale waxa uu balanqaaday ajandihiisa in uu fulin doono. Xisbiga uu hogaamiyo madaxweyne Erdogan ee AKP ayaa ku guulaystay Afti dastuurka wax looga badalayey oo ka dhacday dalkaas 16 April, 2017, iyagoo helay boqolkiiba 51.37 codadkii la dhiibtay. Dastuurka cusub Turkiga ee xiligaas la aftida loo qaaday ayaa madaxweyne Erdogan siinaya awoodo dheera oo ay kamid yihiin in uu magacaabo madaxweyne ku xigeenada, wasiirada iyo saraakiisha ciidamada, in uu faragalin ku samayn karo waaxda cadaalada dalka, xaalad deg deg ah oo uu dalka ku soo rogi karo iyo in meesha laga saaray xilka ra’iisal wasaaraha. Waa kuma madaxweyne Erdogan? Recep Tayyip Erdogan waxa uu ku dhashay magaalada Istanbul 26 February, 1954, waana madaxweynihii 13-aad ee Turkiga, intii u dhexeysay 1994 iyo 1998 waxa uu ahaa duqa magaalada Istanbul, 2003 ilaa 2014 waxa uu ahaa ra’iisul wasaarihii 36-aad ee Turkiga. Recep Tayyip Erdogan Erdogan waxa uu soo noqday ciyaartoy, isagoo u ciyaari jiray kooxda Kasimpasa ee dalkaas mudadii u dhexeysay 1969 ilaa 1982, kahor intii aan loo dooran duqa Istanbul. Mr. Erdogan sanadkii 2001 wuxuu aasaasay xisbiga cadaaladda iyo horumarinta AKP, kaas oo afar jeer oo is xigta ku guuleystay doorashooyinkii guud ee dalkaas ka dhacay sanadihii 2002, 2007, 2011 iyo 2018. Erdogan waxa uu ka qalin jabiyay jaamacadda Marmara oo uu ka bartay cilmiga dhaqaalaha, wuxuuna yaraantiisii ka soo jeeday qoys sabool ah. Sanadkii 2003 markii uu noqday ra’iisul wasaaraha Turkiga Mr. Erdogan waxa uu ka shaqeeyay in dalkaasi gaaro deganaansho siyaasadeed, dhaqaale iyo amni, wuxuuna la heshiiyay dalka Armenia kadib cadowtooyo sanado badan soo jirtay, sidoo kale wuxuu xiriir wanaagsan la yeeshay Greece (Giriigga), Azarbejan iyo jamhuuriyaadkii hore ee Soviet-ka, wuxuu kaloo soo celiyay xiriirkii Turkiga kala dhexeeyay dalalka Carabta. Racep Tayyip Erdogan waxa uu mowqif adag ka taagan yahay duulaanka ay Israel ku hayso dhulka reer Falastiin iyo magaalada barakeysan ee Qudus. July 16, 2016 waxaa fashilmay inqilaab Milateri oo la doonaayay in lagula wareega dalka Turki, iyagoo meesha ka saaraayo dawlada madaxweyne Erdogan, waxaana falkaas ka dhashay in Erdogan uu gacan bir ah ku qabto dalkaas . Guusha Erdogan maxay uga dhigan tahay Soomaaliya. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo madaxdooda ayaa il gaar ah ku hayay doorashada Tukiga, iyagoo kala socday shaashadaha tabinayay doorashada, waxayna taageero weyn u hayeen Racep Tayyip Erdogan oo taariikh lama ilaawaan ah ku leh Soomaaliya. Madaxda dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa markii uu guuleystay Erdogan u dirtay hambalyo ka duwan kuwo loo diro madaxda caalamka ee la doorto, halka shacabka Soomaaliyeedna ay baraha bulshada aad uga hambalyeynayeen Mr. Erdogan, iyagooba qaarkood ay si toos ah natiijada cod-tirinta u soo dhigayeen baraha bulshada ,kuwaas oo ku faraxsanaa hogaaminta codadka ee Erdogan, waxayna shacabka Soomaaliyeed qabaan in Erdogan uu yahay Madaxweynahooda labaad. August, 2011 Erdogan ayaa markii ugu horeysay isagoo ra’iisul waasaaraha Turkiga ah booqasho ku yimid Soomaaliya, markaas oo ay ku dhufatay macluushii ugu xumayd gobolka muddo 60 sano ah, isagoo indhaha caalamka ku soo jeediyay Soomaaliya oo sanado badan laga aaminsanaa khatar. August, 2011, booqashadii Erdogan ee Muqdsiho Erdogan waxa uu ballan qaaday in dowladiisu Soomaaliya ka fulin doonto mashaariic horumarineed, taas oo uu ka dhabeeyay, wuxuuna muddo yar Muqdisho ka hirgaliayay, jidad, isbitaallo, iskuullo, dib u habayn lagu sameeyay garoonka iyo dekadda Muqdisho iyo fulinta howlo dhanka bani’aadminimada ah oo aan marnaba joogsan. Mar labaad Erdogan oo madaxweynaha Turkiga ah ayaa Soomaaliya booqday January 25, 2015, isagoo xariga ka jray dhisme cusub oo lagu kordhiyay garoonka Aadan Cadde ee Muqdisho iyo Isbitaalkii Digfeer oo dhisme casri ah laga dhigay. January 25, 2015, Erdogan, xarig ka jarkii garoonka Muqdsiho Mar saddexaad Erdogan oo madaxweyne ah ayaa Muqdsho booqday June 3, 2016, wuxuuna furay dhimaha safaarada Turkiga iyo mashaariic kale oo hay’adaha Turkiga ka hirgelinayaan Soomaaliya, sidoo kale marar badan waxaa Soomaaliya booqday madax badan oo Turki ah. June 3, 2016, xarig ka jarkii safaarada Turkiga ee Muqdisho Turkiga ayaa Muqdisho ku leh safaaraaradiisa ugu weyn ee caalamka iyo saldhig ciidan oo ah kan ugu weyn oo dalkaas ka baxsan, wuxuuna Turkigu Soomaaliya ka taageeraa dhinacyada amniga, kabida miisaaniyada iyo arimaha bulshada. Saldhiga ciidan Turkiga ee Muqdsho ayaa loo adeegsanaa akadeemiyad ciidan, iyadoo ay joogaan in ka badan 200 oo sarkaal oo Turkish oo tabarbara ciidamada Soomaaliya, waxaana xukuumadda Ankara ay ka caawisaa Soomaaliya sidii loo dhisi lahaa ciidan Qaran oo awood u leh la dagaalanka Al-shabaab iyo hanashada amniga guud ee Soomaaiya. Dowladda iyo shacabka Turkiga ayaa taageero walaaltino oo ka duwan mida kale ee caalamka mar walba la garab taagan Soomaaliya, sidaas darteed shacabka Soomaliyeed waxay u arkaan Turkiga mid uga duwan dunida inteeda kale. Guusha madaxweyne Erdogan-na waxay uga dhigan tahay Soomaaliya, mid lamid ah tan uu gaaray xisbiga AKP ee Turkiga. Liban Yusuf PUNTLAND POST The post Guusha Erdogan maxay uga dhigan tahay Soomaaliya? appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Col. Gebregziabher Alemseged Abraha, oo ay Soomaalida ay u baqaan Jeneral Gabre ayaa maanta laga ceyriyey xilkii uu ka hayey urur goboleedka IGAD, ee ahaa la-taliyaha sare ee arrimaha siyaasadd ee xoghayaha fulinta IGAD. Warqad ay heshay Caasimada Online, islamarkaana uu ku saxiixan yahay xoghayah guud ee IGAD Maxbuub Macallin, ayaa lagu sheegay in maanta iyo wixii ka dambeeyey Gabre uusan u shaqeyn IGAD. Warqadda ayaa waxaa sidoo kale Gabre looga codsaday inuu wixii ka horeeya maanta 2:30 xilliga geeska afrika soo wareejiyo dhamaan wixii qalab iyo hanti ah ee IGAD ee leedahay ee uu gacanta ku hayo. Ceyrinta Gabre ayaa timid kadib dadaal socday sanad kadib oo dowladda Soomaaliya ay u gashay in Gabre laga saaro Soomaaliya, ayada oo ku eedeysay inuu faro-gelin xooggan ku hayo arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa ka codsaday ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Ethiopia Hailemarim Desalegn in Gabre uu xilka IGAD ka qaado, hase yeeshee qorshahaas ayaa waqti fog qaatay. Si kastaba Gabre ayaan iman magaalada Muqdisho wixii ka dambeeyey maalinkii la doortay madaxweyne Farmaajo, markaasi oo doorashada uu goobjoog u ahaa. Dowladda ayaa ku guuleysatay in ugu dambeyn xilka laga qaado Garbe, kadib markii ay sidaas ka dhaadhicisay uuna ka ogolaaday ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub ee Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed, oo danaynaya inay Soomaaliya aad isugu soo dhowaadaan. Ka sokow IGAD, Gabre ayaa ahaa sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan sirdoonka Ethiopia, wuxuuna xiriir dhow la lahaa maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya iyo saraakiil ka tirsan milatariga Soomaaliya. Wuxuu aad ugu dhowaa Axmed Madoobe oo bil walba uu lacag ka qaadan jiray iyo kooxda Damu-Jadiid ee hogaanka dalka lagala wareegay, gaar ahaan Faarax Cabdulqaadir. Ceyrinta Gabre, oo ah nin ay aad u neceb yihiin Soomaalida, ayaa noqon doonta mid ka mid ah guulaha ugu weyn ee lagu xasuusan doono dowladda hadda jirta, oo ka dagaalameysa in dalal shisheeye ay faro-gelin ku sameeyaan arrimaha gudaha dalka. Hoos ka aqriso warqadda lagu ceyriyey Gabre. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  10. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaanada ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka iyo Aqalka Sare ee ka soo jeeda maamulka Somaliland ayaa ka digay cawaaqib xumada ka dhalan karta hadii dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay hakiso deeqaha gargaarka ee Beesha Caalamka ay sida gaarka ah u siiso Somaliland. Senator Nuuro Faarax Jimcaale oo ka mid ah Baarlamaanka Aqalka Sare ayaa Idaacadda Risaala ee magaalada Muqdisho u sheegtay in wax laga xumaado ay tahay in maamul goboleedyada iyo dowladda dhexe ay isku raacaan in la jaro deeqaha la siiyo Somaliland. “In maamul goboleedyada ay yiraahdaan Somaliland waa in laga joojiyaa wax allaale wixii caawimaad ah ee la siinayay taasi waxay keeneysaa cawaaqib xumo oo horseedi kara in Soomaaliya ay kala tagto, waxaan aaminsanahay in taasi ay tahay in la sii fogeynayo arrinta Somaliland, waxaan maamulada ugu baaqeynaa in arrimaha Somaliland ay faraha kala baxaan.” Ayay tiri xildhibaan Nuuro. Xubnahanan ka kala tirsan Golaha Shacabka iyo Aqalka Sare ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay wadaan qorshe ay xukuumadda Soomaaliya wax kaga weydiinayaan arrintan, sida ay inoo sheegtay Senator Nuuro Cali Faarax. Qoraal ay shalay si wadajir ah u soo saareen Golaha iskaashiga Dowlad goboleedyada ayaa waxa ay ku taageereen go’aankii dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku hakisay deeqihii la siin jiray Somaliland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  11. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ugu yaraan saddex askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada DF ayaa dhintay, saddex kalena way dhaawacmeen, kaddib markii Qarax miino lagula eegtay maanta barqadii inta dhexeysa degmooyinka Balcad iyo Jowhar oo ka tirsan gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe. Qaraxan oo la sheegay inuu ahaa miino dhulka lagu sii aasay ayaa waxaa lala beegsaday gaari kuwa dagaalka ah oo ay wateen ciidamada dhintay iyo kuwa dhaawacmay, iyadoo kooxihii qaraxaas geystay ay baxsadeen. Goobjoogayaal deegaanka Golaley oo ahaa halkii uu qaraxa ka dhacay ayaa u sheegay warbaahinta in gaariga qaraxa lala beegsaday uu gabi ahaantiisa burburay, ayna goobta soo gaareen ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda. “Baabuurka la qariyay wuxuu ahaa kuwa ay Soomaalidu u taqaan Cabdi Bile oo ay wateen ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda, waxaan arkay dhimashada saddex askari iyo dhaawaca saddex kale, gaarigana burbur xooggan ayaa gaaray,” ayuu yiri goobjooge la hadlay warbaahinta. Sidoo kale, Gaariga qaraxa lala beegsaday ayaa la sheegay inuu ka tagay Muqdisho kuna socday degmada Jowhar, waxaana qaraxan khasaaraba u geystay askarta ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda ayaa qayb ka noqonaya dilal iyo qaraxyo dhawaanahan ay Al-shabaab ka geysanayaysa waddada isku xirta Jowhar iyo Muqdisho. Dhanka kale, Maamulka Hirshabelle iyo Taliska ciidamada xooggad dalka ayaan weli ka hadlin weerarkan lagu dilay askarta kuwa kalena dhaawaca loogu geystay, waxaana askartii dhaawaca ahaa lasoo gaarsiiyay Muqdisho si loogu daweeyo. Ugu dambeyn, Al-shabaab ayaa inta badan sheegata qaraxa loo geysto Ciidamada Dowladda Somalia ee ka dhaca Muqdisho iyo deegaannada kale ee dalka, kuwaasoo khasaare badan ay kasoo gaarto ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa caawinaya ee AMISOM. PUNTLAND POST The post Qarax lagu dilay Askar ka tisran ciidamada DF oo ka dhacay Gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. The U.S. government said it is sending FBI experts to investigate Saturday's bomb blast at a rally organized to support reform agendas of Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Madaxweyne Rajab Axmed Dayib Erdogan waxaa mar kale loo doortay Xilkaasi oo uu hayey tan iyo sannadkii 2014-kii. Rajab Dayib Erdogan oo dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda magaalladda RIZE oo caasimad u ah Gobalka RIZE ee Bariga Turkiga waxa uu ku dhasshay Xaafadda Kasimpasa ee magaalladda Istanbul 26-kii Feberaayo ee sannadkii 1954-kii. Waxa u carruurnimadiisa ku so oqaatay magaalladda RIZE, halkaasi oo uu Aabihiisa ka mid ahaa shaqaalaha Ilaaladda Xeebaha. 13-jirkiisa ayey Qoyskiisa dib ugu so olaabteen magaalladda Istanbuul. Maadaama uu ka soo jeeday Qoys Sabool waxa uu Rajab Erdogan bilaabay inuu Sharaabka Liinta iyo Sisinta ku iibin jirey Waddooyinka magaalladda Istanbuul. Waxa uu W/barashadiisa Dugsiga Hoose/Dhexe ku soo qaatay Dugsiga Kasimpasa Piyala Primary School sannadkii 1965-kii, wuxuuna Dugsigii Sare kaga qalin jebiyey Dugsiga Sare ee Imaam Hatip School sannadkii 1973-kii. Rajab Erdogan waxa uu Shahaadooyin ka helay Korsooyin Waxbarasho oo kale, wuxuuna Diploma ka qataay dugsiga Sare ee Ayuub Sannadkii 1981-kii ayuu ka qalin jebiyey Kulliyadda Dhaqaalaha iyo CilmigaMaamulka ee Jaamacadda Marmara University oo ku taalla magaalladda Istanbuul. Waxa uu xubin ka noqday Ururka Ardayda Turkiga (National Turkish Students’ Association). Rajab Dayib Erdogan oo muddo 15 sanno ku soo dhex jiray Siyaasadda Waxa uu xilka Ra’isul-wasaarenimadda hayey muddadii u dhexeysay sannadihii 2003-dii ilaa 2014-kii. Waxa uu mar soo noqday Duqa magaalladda Istanbuul sannadihii 1994-kii ilaa 1998-dii. Rajab Dayib Erdogan waxa uu sannadkii 2001-dii asaasay Xisbiga Caddaaladda iyo Horumarinta (AK Party), wuxuuna Xisbigaasi u horseeday guusha uu Xisbigaasi ka gaaray Doorashooyinkii ka dhacay dalkaasi sannadihii 2002-dii, 2007-dii iyo 2011-kii. Madaxweyne Rajab Dayib Erdogan inta uusan Siyaasadda soo dhex gelin waxa uu ahaa Ciyaartoy ka tirsan Naadiga K/cagta ee Kasımpaşa Spor Kulübü oo la asaasay sannadkii 1921-kii, kana mid ahayd Kooxaha Heerka Koowaad ee Turkiga. Nadaiga uu Erdogan ka tirsanaa waxay ka dhisan tahay Xaafadda Beyoğlu ee magaalladda 2-aad ee ugu weyn dalkaasi ee Istanbuul. Rajab Erdogan waxa uu Nasraxa Siyqaasadda ka soo muuqday markii ay isaga iyo Cabdalla Guul asaasaeen Xisbiga Islaamiga ee AK Party sannadkii 2001-dii. Xisbiga AK Party waxa uu ku guuleystay Doorashadii dhacday sanndkii 2002-dii, iyadoo Cabdalla Guul ku guuleystay Xilka Ra’isul-wasaaraha, wuxuuna markii dambe noqday Madaxweynaha Turkiga. Tallaabadaasi waxay u gogol xaartay inuu Rajab Dayib Erdogan qabto xilka Ra’isul-wasaaraha bishii Maarso ee sannadkii 2003-dii ilaa 2014-kii. Erdogan waxaa isla sannadkaasi loo doortay Madaxweynaha Turkiga, wuxuuna mar 2-aad xilkaasi ku guuleystay Doorashadii dhacday shalay oo ay taariikhdu ahayd (24-kii June ee sannadka 2018-ka). Waxa uu bishii July 15-dii ee sannadkii 2016-kii ka badbaaday Afgembi Dhicisoobay oo ay Sarkaal Milliteri ku doonayeen inay xilka ka tuuraan Madaxweyne Erdogan, balse, Shacabka Turkiga ayaa si xooggan u difaacay Madaxweyne Erdogan. Isku-dayga Afgembigaasi waxaa lagu dilay in ka badan 300 oo qof, iyadoo in ka badan 2,100 kalena lagu dhaawacay. Dhismooyin Dowladeed ayaa la burburiyey, waxaana hawdaa laga soo duqeeyey Qasrigii Madaxtooyadda iyo Dhismaha Barlamaanka dalkaasi. Waxa Afgembiga kadib la xiray ugu yaraan 40,000 oo qof oo ay ku jiraan ugu yaraan 10,000 oo Askari, 15 Shaqaale Caafimaad iyo 2,745 Garsoorayaal Maxkamadeed, iyadoo 160,000 oo shaqaale ah shaqada Dowladda laga wada cayriyey. Dowladda Turkiga waxay Shirqoolkaasi ku eedeysay Sheekh Fatxullaahi Guleen oo masaafuris ahaan ugu nool dalka Maraykanka, balse Guleen waxa uu beeniyey inuu ku lug lahaa Afgembigaas. Dowladda Turkiga waxay bilowday Hawlgal ilaa haatan socda, oo looga soo horjeeda Aragtida Shabakadda Fetxullahi Gulen, oo si aad ah ugu dhex milantay Milliteriga dalkaasi. Madaxweyne Erdogan oo 64-jir waxa mar kale uu shalay ku guuleystay Doorashaddii Madaxtinimadda, wuxuuna xilkaasi sii hayn doonaa 5-ta sanno ee soo socota. Doorashaddan waxay ka duwanayd Doorashooyinkii hore, waayo Doorashaddan waxaa markii ugu horreysay lagu doortay Madaxweyne Fulineed oo Awood leh, waxayna Turkiga ka guureen Nidaamkii hore ee uu Ra’isul-wasaaruhu ahaa Mas’uulka fulineed ee Dowladda. Madaxweyne Erdogan waa Xaasle, aabe u ah 4 Carruur (2 wiil iyo 2 gabar), wuxuuna Awoowe u yahay ilmaha ay Ubadkiisa sii dhaleen. AUN Aabihiisa, Axmed Erdogan waxa uu geeriyooday sannadkii 1988-dii, halka ay Hooyadiisana Tenzile Erdogan ku geeriyootay da’da 88-aadka sannadkii 2011-kii Waxaa qoray Ustaad Nuuradiin
  14. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) – Siyaasiga Faysal Cali Waraabe oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay idaacadda Goobjoog ee ku taalla magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa ka hadlay go’aanka dowladda federaalka ah ee la xiriira qoondada Somaliland. Feysal ayaa sheegay in aanay wax saameyn ah ku yeelan doonin hadalkii kasoo baxay dowladda federaalka iyo maamul goboleedyada ee ah in Somaliland aan si gaar ah loogala macaamilin deeqaha beesha caalamka. Waxa uu sheegay Faysal in dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad goboleedyada aanay iyagaba dalka maamulin, sidaasi darteedna aanay waxbo ka celinkarin. Beesha caalamka ayuu sheegay inuu kala dhaxeeyo xiriir aad u wanaagsan, islamarkaana aanu ku go’i karin hadalka DFS iyo maamul goboleedyada. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  15. Following up on the response which Aid Partners gave of a letter the FGS Minister for Planning sent off to donors on June 9, in which he argued that the Special Aid Arrangement accorded the Republic of Somaliland be not renewed and must be viewed, and accordingly treated, same as the Somalia federal states, Somalia’s Council of Inter-State Cooperation – an FGS body that brought together the five Somalia federal states outside Mogadishu, called the donors’ support ‘biased’ in favor of Somaliland. The CiC members, bringing together the heads of the federal states of Puntland, Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Southwest and Jubbaland, expressed ‘reservations on the interventions by some of the members of the Somalia Donor Group. “We disagree with the biased interventions, voiced through the nonstop lobbying for special arrangements to one state/region and not considering the unique situation of the neediest states/regions of Somalia”, they sai, again, placing Somaliland at par with themselves as if it was another member of the Somalia federal states, which it had never been since it restored its 1960 independence in 1991 from Italian Somalia with which it was United for a tumultuous 30 years. “We strongly support,” they continued to add ” the position of the Federal Government of Somalia as communicated by H.E. Amb. Gamal Hassan in the letter of 9th June, 2018, on the subject of an expired special arrangement, which at the 2013 New Deal Compact, was agreed for only a set period (2013-2016)”, they stated, meaning a separate arrangement the donors arrived at to make sure that Somaliland received its allotted fair share which ould not have been possible if it was left to Somalia leaders with whom it shared no government or partnership of any kind. The heads of the Somalia Federal States do not stop there but directly accuse members of the Somalia Development and Reconciliation Facility (SDRF) in an ill-concealed attempt to divide the SDRF and Somalia Donors Group, forgetting they were, in fact, at the receiving end of donors’ magnanimity and benevolence and not the other way around. It is noteworthy to mention that Somaliland accuses Somalia FG and its states of openly waging a military, political and economic war against a peaceful, democratic Republic of Somaliland, thus putting the stability and balance of an already vulnerable region in peril. Puntland, a member of the CiC and one of the signatories of this latest retort, is currently waging a military offensive against Somaliland on the pretext that it wishes to ‘liberate Sool, Sanaag and Buuhoodle regions because land and people belonged to Puntland’ meaning people in these regions were ethnically related to people in Puntland. Addressing the Puntland parliament which put him in power on 32-member vote, Abdiweli Gass, Head of that State, said on Saturday that he had no respect for colonial or international borders but only for clan-based ones. He vowed that he will not rest until he brought all clans ethnically related to him under the Puntland fold – however costly or protracted it proved to be. Puntland is a signatory of the Somalia Federal Constitution and a full member of the FGS, and as such, has the full backing and support of the central FGS, leadership as well as that of other members states – military, political or otherwise as part of a larger plan to diplomatically and economically isolate Somaliland which has no intention of reuniting with Somalia again. What the donors make of this latest Somalia diplomatic folly remains to be to be seen. The CiC response was signed by: Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali “Gaas”, Head of Puntland State Mohamed Abdi Waare, Head of Hirshabelle State Ahmed Mohamed Islaan, Head of Jubbaland State Sheriff Hassan Sheikh Adan, Head of Southwest State Ahmed Duale Gheelle – Haaf, Head of Galmudug State
  16. In May 2018, Somaliland celebrated its 27th anniversary since its secession from Somalia with its fifth president elected in November 2017. In this period, Somaliland has numerous accomplishments to show in peace-building, state-building, economic recovery and development, and social advancements. As far as state-building and political system of the country is concerned, traditional, homegrown, clan-based political system was initially established, followed by democratization and transition into a democratic political system. Although there is hybrid system and pure and mature democracy is yet to be achieved, this infant nation managed to hold six democratic elections: three presidential elections in 2003, 2010 and 2017; two local government elections in 2002 and 2012, and a parliamentary election in 2005. However, Somaliland, like every seceding territory, has one principal aim: to achieve official recognition and de jure statehood. Unfortunately, it did not acquire official recognition from a single nation in 27 years. It is then going to be fair for many Somalilanders to question what went wrong and if we are on the right track or have the right mechanism, including the foreign policy, to realize that goal. Both Egal and Rayale administrations made quite a few recognition seeking attempts and efforts and reached out to various nations, predominantly in Africa and Europe. On the contrary, the Silanyo administration shifted the recognition seeking efforts to Mogadishu all of a sudden. In 2012, Somaliland government accepted to hold talks on their future relations with Somalia, a move which was not an option for the two preceding administrations. After six successfully held rounds and one failed round, the dialogue process collapsed and the talks ended up in vain. Although many Somalis could foresee the non-fulfillment of the talks, others were hopeful. Whatever the odds were, we all know the outcome of the talks at this moment. Further information on the talks can be found in my upcoming book “Kala-Maan: Bilowgii iyo Burburkii Wadahadallada Soomaalilaand iyo Soomaaliya.” Given that previous foreign ministers have some achievements to demonstrate, Somaliland foreign policy standstill ensued in late 2015 when Sa’ad Ali Shire was appointed as the foreign minister. Minster Shire failed to come up with sound foreign policy – a properly planned, precise and explicit policy based on objectives. He neither abandoned nor renovated the unavailing policies and practices in place. Notwithstanding with his non-performance and failure in duty, Shire’s turning to cutting economic and military deals added insult to injury. For clarification, he was involved in both the Berbera port and Berbera military base shady deals with the UAE and Ethiopia. Personal-level failures aside, there is no clear national strategy of recognition seeking and promoting the Somaliland case. Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar once stated that there is no well-written case on Somaliland secession and recognition with a precise strategy defining who is promoting and selling it on behalf of the nation, how to promote it and where to target. One would agree with Samatar’s argument considering the last presidential election campaigns in Somaliland, in which, none of the three presidential candidates and their political manifestos presented a comprehensive and lucid foreign policy. On top of that, when the elected president – Muse Bihi Abdi from Kulmiye Party – announced his cabinet, the reappointment of Sa’ad Ali Shire as the foreign minister became appalling and far-fetched to many. This was simply a message that nothing new on the foreign policy should be expected from the new administration. There have been substantial developments in the Horn of Africa lately. In pursuit of national interests and power maximization, as classical realist theory of international relations would best explain, Turkey established a military base in Somalia; the UAE established military bases in Somaliland and Eritrea; France, China, and the United States all have military bases in Djibouti, not to mention Ethiopia’s emergence as a regional power politically, economically and militarily. Moreover, fueled by the uprising of the Oromo ethnic group which led to the resignation of the former prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn, radical political changes are currently underway in Ethiopia. The new prime minister of Ethiopia, who hails from the Oromo ethnic group, demonstrated his willingness to achieve further domination in the region through political and economic integration. Unfortunately, Somaliland foreign policy happens to be naïve about and fails to keep up with this new political order in Ethiopia. Despite that neither the president nor the foreign minister of Somaliland has met with the new prime minister of Ethiopia so far, his latest trip to Mogadishu may be a sign that he finds his best interest of achieving his regional goals by dealing with the Federal Government of Somalia, a political maneuver which may leave Somaliland in the dark. Taking all these points into account, necessary measures are to be taken as soon as possible. The first step is to reconsider the people who are currently involved in the foreign policy including the foreign minister who failed to come up with a refurbishment of existing policies and practices or instigation of new ones. In fact, they are the ones who failed us. Secondly, there must be a sound foreign policy with elements of protection, profits, principles, and pride. Somaliland’s foreign policy is unique as its immediate goal is to achieve official recognition from the rest of the world, a target which necessitates a clear strategy which many, including Prof. Samatar, doubt its existence. There must also be a definite target – whether to keep talking to Somalia or turn to other African, European or Middle Eastern countries, or to the intergovernmental organizations. As the old saying goes, “where there is a will there is a way.” Muhumed M. Muhumed (Khadar)
  17. The remittance wing of Dahabshiil has become a byword of trust, efficiency, and speed of delivery through a rigorous application of state-of-art digital technology, practicable solutions and visionary strategy. A leading international money transfer company and a global player in over 120 countries, Dahabshiil has an unparallel presence in East Africa and remains the biggest African remittance provider. Founded in 1970 as a small business, Dahabshiil has grown over the past 47 years into a multi-million dollar financial powerhouse with diversified business sectors including Banking, remittances, and telecommunications sector etc. Equally serving both individual customers and international organizations such as the United Nations, Oxfam, Save the children, and the American Refugee Committee, Dahabshiil has become a trusted partner with International organizations on projects that empower the communities and their businesses, creating jobs and reducing poverty. Talking to Africa Leads about the company’s phenomenal rise, Mr. Abdirashid Duale, CEO of Dahabshiil, attributes Dahabshiil’s capacity to building excellent customer relationships and providing reliable and trustworthy services to people as the company’s competitive edge. “We are all about accountability, reliability, and integrity created by customer loyalty. In each outlet of Dahabshiil, we hold our employees and agents to high ethical standards, and that is what gives us a competitive edge.” Focusing on underserved communities, Dahabshiil was the first in the private sector to introduce a Micro-finance initiative in the Somali region: “Our Micro-Finance Initiative Micro-Dahab has issued products and loans to thousands of women and youth in the region,” Mr. Duale says. Supporting start-ups in less advantaged communities is another successful Dahabshiil initiative: “We have also worked with other partners and sponsored business pitch competitions ‘Minbar’ where potential startups in less advantaged communities are connected to global networks of investors, incubators and accelerators, mentors, entrepreneurship programs and others who want to help. We have done this is in East Africa in particular Uganda and in Minneapolis in the US. There are plans to replicate these in other cities in Africa, Europe and the US.” Mr. Duale says. Unshakable Trust and Fast Service Dahabshiil has become the first choice for African immigrant population who send money back home: “African countries are experiencing growth and the cost of living is rising along. This has expanded the business opportunities available for investors and development in the region. A large number of African diaspora are also present in the west including in America, Europe, and the Middle East. “These immigrants have one tradition in common— to help people who they left behind in their home countries,” Mr. Duale says, underlining that “Dahabshiil developed a trustworthy network that allows people in the diaspora to help their families, friends and relatives back home. Money is sensitive, and people like to keep it in safe hands. From the beginning, Dahabshiil strengthened its consumer care system by providing fast, reliable, and efficient services.” He went to say: “We continue to consistently meet compliance of regulatory and anti-money laundering requirements within the countries in which we operate.” “The number of transactions going through our outlets continues to increase in certain regions and as a result, we have hired a substantial number of employees. Increased transactions and an increased workforce are the results of our excellent service and reputation for customer satisfaction.” On the company’s future plans, Mr. Duale explains that there is always room for improvement and expansion: “Africa consists of 57 countries with an estimated population of 1.2 billion people. The majority of the people of this continent are hardworking and are always seeking opportunities to better their lives,” he says. “A substantial population also depends on remittances from their relatives in the diaspora as well as on the aid provided by the international humanitarian organizations. Dahabshiil recognises this zeal and determination of the African people and our goal is to not only provide services to this growing population but also to contribute towards the improvement of their livelihood through community projects. “Dahabshiil’s plan for 2018 is, therefore, to reach many more individuals and corporations by opening new outlets globally and to partner with the international community and corporations to create more jobs and reduce poverty.” “The banking relationship between the UAE and many African countries is still being established and it is Dahabshiil outlets that enable African business people to transfer their funds to buy products and services in the UAE. Therefore, I am confident to say that Dahabshiil is one of the bridges that connects African traders to UAE markets.” Strong African Market and Technology On future prospects of the African market, Mr. Duale notes that Dahabshiil is gearing up for a strong market in Africa and continues to increase its outlets across the continent: “In the Somali region, we have already launched eDahab, mobile money transfer system that allows our customers to move money with ease. Very soon, we plan to expand further in the region. In short, we are committed to serving the African communities,” he says. On regulations, he adds: “African money transfer companies should enhance collaboration between themselves and with the regulators. They should also put into consideration the customers’ needs and good customer service. Innovation should also be put at the core of our businesses so that we can continue to offer efficient services while keeping abreast of technological development.” Describing technology and innovation as Dahabshiil’s mainstay, Mr. Duale says: “In today’s world, technology has become a powerful tool that companies use to deliver their services and products as well as to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.” “In Dahabshiil, we have a long tradition of using technology such as using an online system and mobile network that allows transactions to be sent in seconds. This system is supported by highly-secure, efficient, advanced technology that offers our customers to collect their funds in minutes. “We also engage with our customers on our social media platforms. We built an effective system that helps our customers, either individual or corporate accounts, to send funds in minutes while blocking criminals out. This system provides for security and for the protection of the integrity of our financial organization,” he said. A Leader in Community Development Apart from providing its services to both individual customers and international organizations, Dahabshiil is also a partner with International organizations on projects that empower the communities in supporting businesses, creating jobs and poverty reduction. “We have had a long-standing tradition of contributing to the communities in which we operate. We dedicate a substantial amount of our profit to humanitarian and community regeneration projects,” Mr. Duale says, adding that it is through these initiatives that the company provides funds to projects such as hospitals, schools and community facilities. “We have recently worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to transfer funds into individual beneficiaries’ mobile phones using Dahabshiil’s mobile payment platform eDahab. This was conducted live during the ‘Goalkeepers event’ which was attended by President Obama, Prime Minister Trudeau among other dignitaries.” On relief efforts, Dahabshiil plays a crucial role in helping vulnerable communities: “When drought hit many Somali regions in 2016, Dahabshiil donated nearly two million dollars to support internally displaced people and refugees, while contributing to relief efforts spearheaded by other international organizations such as the Emirates Red Crescent. We also waived all commissions on funds sent to alleviate the drought effects,” Mr. Duale says. According to Mr. Duale. the company’s other outreach projects include the support of vulnerable communities, particularly those affected by the civil conflict in the East African region: “I can confidently say that Dahabshiil has played a crucial role in improving the living conditions of many communities in the East Africa where many people experience hardship,” he underlines. Connecting African Businesses to UAE Markets On the trade prospects between Africa and the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC), Mr. Duale explains that there is historic trade between the two regions, particularly the UAE, noting that the geographical proximity of the two regions is one reason for the strong trade partnership that dates back centuries. According to him, such strong trade has influenced the regions to share not only common business interests but also the development of a reliable infrastructure. “For instance, DP World recently launched an infrastructure development project that includes the Port of Berbera in Somaliland. Expectations are that the improvement of the port and the highways that lead to the port will increase the movement of merchandise from the Horn of African to the UAE (or vice versa) by 50%.” He, however, cautions that although the trade between the two regions has improved, there are many things that still need to be done. “Dahabshiil, the largest African money transfer company, has already put in place a system that will allow traders to transfer funds in seconds and purchase goods they need while continuing to meet regulators’ expectations.” He adds: “The banking relationship between the UAE and many African countries is still being established and it is Dahabshiil outlets that enable African business people to transfer their funds to buy products and services in the UAE. Therefore, I am confident to say that Dahabshiil is one of the bridges that connects African traders to UAE markets.” He notes that because of the significant presence of African business in the UAE, it is in the interest of both to focus on their trade and investment opportunities: “The United Arab Emirates is a major hub for commerce and business in this part of the world, I believe there are now thousands of African companies present in the country. Any measure that simplifies business travel between Africa and the UAE and makes it easy to carry out transactions will contribute towards business growth and the opportunities.” On Africa’s participation in Dubai Expo 2020, Mr. Duale expresses his belief that many international companies including Dahabshiil will participate in this important milestone event. “This event will no doubt increase the level of trade, business transactions, partnerships and opportunities. We look forward to interacting with these like-minded companies during the Dubai Expo 2020,” he says.
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Agaasimihii hore ee hay’adda nabad-sugidda Somalia, Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe uu ku biiray garabka mucaaradka dowlada ee sida dhow ula shaqeeya dowlada Imaaraadka carabta. Wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in Sanbaloolshe ay kulamo kala duwan magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya ku qaaten Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Somalia Cumar C/rashiid iyo Diplumaasiyiin ka tirsan Wasaarada arrimaha Dibadda dalka Imaaraadka kaa oo ka dhacay Safaarada dalkaasi ay ku leedahay Kenya. Kulamada waxaa qeyb ka ahaa Xildhibaano iyo Siyaasiyiin uu kamid ahaa C/raxmaan Cabdishakuur kuwaa oo taabacsan garabka Cumar C/rashiid ee aadka uga soo horjeeda dhismaha dowladnimo ee Somalia. Xogtu waxa ay tibaaxeysaa in Cumar C/rashiid uu Sanbaloolshe usoo bandhigay inuu ku biiro garabka uu isaga hogaaminaayo si loo helo isbedel dhanka Siyaasada ah, waxa uuna sidoo kale u cadeeyay inay wada shaqeyn la sameyn doonaan Imaaraadka. Cumar C/rashiid iyo Dowlada Imaaraadka ayaa isla wada qorsho lagu kordhinaayo cadadka mucaaradka kasoo horjeeda dowlada Somalia. Cumar C/rashiid waxa uu Sanbaloolshe u sheegay in Somalia ay u baahan tahay isbedel ku xiran iskaashi si buu yiri meesha looga saaro maamulka iminka jira, hase yeeshee waxaa la xaqiijiyay in tashkiilin maalmo qaadatay kadib uu Sanbaloolshe aqbalay. Cumar C/rashiid ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu dhigay bohosha uu ku dhacay Sanbaloolshe oo ay isku dhacsan yihiin madaxda ugu sareysa Dowlada Somalia. Sanbaloolshe, ayaa xoojin doona garabka mucaaradka, waxaana xusid mudan in Siyaasad ahaan uu aad u adag yahay mowqifkiisa ku aadan ka hor imaanshiyaha dowlada hadda jirta. Sidoo kale, Sanbaloolshe ayaa horay u ahaa shaqsiga Cumar C/rashiid u qaabilsanaa ololaha doorashada, taa oo sabab u ah in labada mas’uul ay ku midooban garabsiinta Dowlada Imaaraadka oo caqabad ku ah amniga iyo xasiloonida Siyaasadeed ee xiligaan kajirta Somalia. Dhinaca kale, Sanbaloolshe, ayaa go’aankaani qaatay kadib xil ka qaadista uu kala kulmay Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo, xili uu ahaa Agaasimihii hay’adda nabad-sugidda Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  19. For the past few weeks, bellicose Puntland leaders held a press conference after a press conference and vowed to wage a bloody war against Somaliland security forces in Sool province of Somaliland. Also, Puntland officials spent considerable resources to mobilize women and children to take to the streets of Las Anod, the provincial capital of Sool region. Not a day goes by that the Puntland leaders don’t hold a press conference in Garowe, the Puntland capital, reiterating their commitment to violence and not to peace. And through their thick lenses, the most formidable battalion to pin against Somaliland troops is none other than the most vulnerable people in Sool population. And that is using women and children as the bulwark against the Somaliland troops. Yet, these defenseless people will suffer the most if violence flares up between Somaliland and Puntland. Moreover, the majority of the Puntland leaders or the war committee, who are poised to wage violence against Somaliland have their families in safe countries, in the hearts of Europe and North America. Most of these leaders have foreign passports. And in the heat of battle, they will flee. Having more faith in their feet than in their guns they will retreat to Europe and North America, far from the killing fields. From the president of Puntland to his deputy and his cabinet ministers as well as the parliamentarians, the call for a wider war, and sometimes a clan war between the Darod and Isaq clans, have been heard loudly and clearly. Similarly, the call for the “liberation” of Las Anod, the people to take up arms and upraise against Somaliland is one that is repeated over and over again by Puntland leaders. As the last resort, Puntland leaders even push for a Jihad war against Somaliland. No kidding! For instance, Puntland’s Information Minister, Abdi Hersi Qarjab, states: “If you die while fighting against Somaliland, you will go to heaven. And if you refuse to side with Puntland, you will go to hell.” Talk about recycling Al-Shabab’s regurgitated vomit-worth propaganda! More surprisingly, the current Puntland leader reinforces his minister’s Jihad war against Somaliland. On June 15, 2018, Abdiweli Ali Gas tells his supporters, “We know our Jihad [against Somaliland] is an act of righteousness…Puntland is ready for the liberation of Sool…and those who hail from Sool that support Somaliland will perish in hell, after their demise.” It is as if he took a leave from Al-Shabab’s terror manual. Land disputes and political disagreements are fine but spewing out this kind of hate-filled language remains unprecedented among the educated elite like Mr. Gas. Evidentially, describing him as a heartless Somali-American Jihadist fomenting violence against peaceful Somaliland is an understatement. The irony is Mr. Gas makes loud shrills about Somaliland supporting Al-Shabab, without the corroborating evidence, yet he dances to Al-Shabab’s tune: Jihad war, in a desperate attempt to defeat Somaliland troops. Yet, Puntland leaders boastfully talk about how they fight and defeat the Somaliland troops at every front, but Somaliland troops keep inching closer to the border between Puntland and Somaliland. Clearly, Puntland leaders get the bragging rights and the Somaliland troops get the job done. As history attests the former SSDF rebel group that hailed from what is known as Puntland today and fought against the former Somali dictator, General Mohammed Siad Barre in late 1980s was known for its exaggerated gains against the tyrant. As a result, the Somalis mistakenly assumed that SSDF stood for Siisocoo Soosocoo Dumarka u Faan, or go back and forth and brag about your military successes to gullible women. Three decades later, something has not changed: retaining the bragging rights. (SSDF stands for Somali Salvation Democratic Front.) Aside from joking, the reality is Puntland alone cannot face the Somaliland security forces in Sool province. So, what Puntland wants is to dislodge Somaliland army at the expense of the local population. This is a brutal and cowardice tactic. Of course, as Puntland orchestrated violence erupts in Las Anod, Somaliland’s security forces will restore peace immediately and inadvertently lives will be lost. What will follow? Shedding crocodile tears for Las Anod residents, Puntland leaders will beat the war drums for the “liberation” of Lasanod and demand the world to condemn Somaliland. Also, under the guise of fighting against the Al-Shabab terror group in Puntland, Puntland receives planeloads of weapons from Mogadishu. And some cabinet ministers and members of the Somali parliament are no longer in cahoots with Puntland’s obsession to wage war against Somaliland, as they openly support violence against Somaliland. The evidence speaks for itself. Recently, more than a dozen MPs and one cabinet minister declared their support for a wider war against Somaliland and implored the Mogadishu regime to provide resources and logistics. Although the U.N., IGAD and the International community echoed their opposition to violence in the region, they have yet to restrain Puntland’s warmongering tactics, proactive language, and its campaign to create mayhem in Sool region. They also fail to dissuade the Mogadishu regime to cease its clandestine operations against Somaliland. Somalia even makes futile efforts to block funding provided by the international community to support much-needed projects in Somaliland. Yet, the U.N. lectures Somaliland about “Peace-building and state-building”. Historically, Puntland made tireless efforts to vilify Somaliland and launched a smear campaign against it. Time and time again, Puntland leaders played the “Terror card” and accused Somaliland of supporting, without a tinge of evidence, the Al-Shabab terror group. As I detailed in my article entitled, “Somaliland: Puntland Leader’s Terror Accusations Crossed the Line”, Puntland leaders respect no bounds. And in their struggle against Somaliland, they either use the “Terror card” or the “Clan card” to get an international and local support. On the other hand, in Somaliland with the exception of the UCID opposition leader, Faysal Ali Warabe, a mentally challenged man, the rest of the Somaliland leaders chose to refrain from galvanizing the situation in Sool province. In fact, when Puntland’s top leader, Mr. Gas, called the Somaliland people, “Savage wild beasts” the Somaliland president, Muse Abdi Bihi, called the Puntland people a “Noble people” who have a lot in common with Somalilanders. Somaliland leaders also promised to restore peace in the region and agreed to have a dialogue with Puntland leaders. So, what does Puntland want? According to Puntland’s top leader, Mr. Gas, the colonial borders are “laughable”. Hence, he wants to abolish the colonial borders and replace them with clan boundaries. This backward mentality is not only dangerous but we may also surmise that had he been given enough power and resources, he would have disregarded Somalia’s borders with Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti as well. After all, in his words, “Colonial borders are laughable”. Doubtlessly, Mr. Gas who promised to “liberate” Las Anod four years ago during his presidential campaign, now sees another opportunity to remain in power. Because he rendered Puntland a terror-infested clan entity, he is certain that he will be voted out of office if another election takes place. So, he is adamant that he can delay the upcoming presidential election if he wages a war against Somaliland. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Gas’ war rhetoric is part of his presidential election campaign. Meanwhile, Mogadishu wants to use Puntland as the launch pad for its campaign to bring Somaliland into the fold, recommitting Somaliland into another gunshot marriage, peacefully or forcefully. In summary, if Somaliland’s colonial borders are “Laughable” so are the rest of the borders in the world. On the other hand, if countries were supposed to inherit their colonial borders, Somaliland is simply exercising its rights, and failure to restrain the belligerent Puntland leaders will bring war closer to Puntland’s doorsteps. Additionally, if the Mogadishu regime continues its unabated interference with Somaliland’s affairs and uses Puntland as the stepping stone, Puntland will be consumed in the process. Undoubtedly, U.N., IGAD, and the International community cannot see the ominous clouds hovering over the region, as they utterly fail to restrain Mr. Gas. Dalmar Kahin
  20. The Africa Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on Saturday dismissed media reports that its troops are not working closely with Somali forces to degrade extremist group al-Shabab. The AU mission said the reports claiming that AMISOM troops are not fully committed to work together with Somali Security Forces to defeat and downgrade the militants are not true. The AU mission said its peacekeeping force is collaborating with the Somali security forces to build capacity and bring stability in the Horn of Africa nation by setting up governance structures in areas AMISOM had liberate. “AMISOM reiterates its commitment to support the government eliminate al-Shabab and continue building capacity of the Somali Security Forces to ensure that all gains achieved so far are well secured and consolidated by the Federal Government of Somalia,” AMISOM said in a statement. The pan African troops are expected to relinquish the security of the key towns to the Somali forces, through a conditions based transition plan, to allow them to take the lead responsibility as part of the planned exit. Source: – Xinhua
  21. US President Donald Trump on Sunday said migrants who “invade” the US should be deprived of legal due process, reinforcing his hardline stand despite an about-face on family separations that has seen more than 500 children reunited with relatives. Trying to stanch the flow of tens of thousands of migrants from Central America and Mexico arriving at the southern border every month, Trump in early May had ordered that all adults crossing illegally would be arrested, and their children held separately as a result. CHILDREN After images of children in chain-link enclosures sparked domestic and global outrage, the president ended the separation practice but has continued his hardline talk on immigration. He sees the issue as crucial ahead of midterm congressional elections in November. “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country,” Trump said Sunday on Twitter. “When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came,” said Trump, suggesting they be handled without the due legal process guaranteed for “any person” by the US Constitution. Nearly all of the arriving families have officially requested asylum. “Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order,” said Trump, who has repeatedly tried to link immigrants with crime. His remarks came after the Department of Homeland Security released its first official data since Trump ended the family separations on Wednesday. It said 522 children separated as part of “zero tolerance” have been reunited with their families, but another 2,053 separated minors remained in the care of the US Department of Health and Human Services as of Wednesday. LOCKED UP “The United States government knows the location of all children in its custody and is working to reunite them with their families,” the department said in a statement late Saturday. Fleeing from impoverished Central America, the arrivals say they are seeking a better life and also a refuge from criminal gangs terrorizing their region, which has one of the world’s highest murder rates. Central American migrants deported from the US without their children have spoken of their anguish at seeing families split under the “zero tolerance” approach. Ever Sierra, deported after trying to enter the US, told AFP he planned to try again in a few days. He arrived back in Honduras with his eight-month-old daughter’s shoes hanging from his backpack. She was being held in a detention centre in McAllen, Texas, along with her mother. Benjamin Raymundo, a 33-year-old deported back to Guatemala, told AFP he left his home country in April with his son Roberto, aged five, but the pair were separated when immigration officers in California stopped them. The boy was eventually placed in a relative’s custody. “It’s a great sadness for me, as if I’ll never see my son again,” Raymondo lamented. HISPANIC GANGS Trump’s former deputy national security advisor, Tom Bossert, said the past week had provided “terrible optics” for the administration, and “almost from the outset we didn’t have the capacity to detain these parents and children, together or separately.” Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” Bossert predicted that Trump’s executive order ending the family separations will not stand up in court because a judge had ruled in 2015 that even detaining parents and children together is “inhumane.” US lawmakers on Sunday spoke of the need for a longer-term solution. But in a poisoned political climate, they have failed to advance either of two Republican immigration bills in the House of Representatives, which the Republicans control along with the Senate. A hardline proposal was defeated last week, as expected, and a vote on a “compromise” bill between the party’s hard-right and moderate factions has been pushed back, with signs it could not pass. Trump and other hardline Republicans accuse opposition Democrats of being soft on crime and immigration. On Saturday, former Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee posted a picture on Twitter of MS-13 gang members and joked that the heavily tattooed Latinos were the “campaign committee” for top Democrat Nancy Pelosi. Trump frequently brings up the Hispanic gang when he talks of immigration. Source: AFP
  22. Addis Ababa (Caasimada Online)-Sida ay baahiyeen wargeysyada mucaaradka dalka Ethiopia dowlada Imaaraadka carabta ayaa Saanad Huba ku yaboohday dowlada Ethiopia. Waxa ay qoreen in Saanadasi ay u badan tahay Hubka noocyada culus, kadib markii dowlada Ethiopia ay codsi saanad u dirtay Imaaraadka. Hubkan ayaa la sheegay in diyaarad Militery oo laga leeyahay dalka Imaaraadka ay maalmo un ka hor ka dajisay Garoonka ay leeyihiin Militeriga Ethiopia ee ku yaalla Nansereed. Hubka ayaa la xaqiijiyay inay la socdeen qalab casri ah oo ciidamada Militeriga ay ku isticmaalan duurka iyo goobaha godcurka ah. Yabooha sanada Militery ayaa waxaa lahaa Dhaxal-sugaha Boqortooyada Imaaraadka ahna Taliye xigeenka ciidamada wadankaasi Maxamed bin zayed. Dowlada Imaaraadka carabta ayaa labadii sano ee ugu danbeysay xiriir wanaagsan la leh dowlada Ethiopia oo siyaasad ahaa ku dhow Somalia. Dhinaca kale, Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa saanadaasi ciidan u adeegsan doonta Kooxaha nabadiidka ee dagaalka kula jira, iyadoo ay suuragal tahay in loo soo daadgureeyo ciidamada Ethiopia ka jooga Baydhabo, Galgaduud iyo Kismaayo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Addis Ababa
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Maamulka Hoggaamiye Muuse Biixi ee Somaliland ayaa lasoo sheegayaa in xirri aad u hooseeya uu kala kulmaayo dowlada Ethiopia. Hoggaamiyaha maamulka ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu ku hingoobay xiriir toosa uu la sameeyay Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Axmed oo tan iyo markii la doortay aysan is arag. Xiriirka tooska ah ee Muuse Biixi uu la sameeyay Ra’isul wasaare Abiy ayaa yimid kadib markii uu jawaab ka waayay warqado dhowra uu ku dirtay xafiiska Abiy. Xogtu waxa ay tibaaxeysaa in Muuse Biixi uu Seddex warqad oo aan Jawaab celin laheen ku diray xafiiska Ra’isul wasaare Abiy, hase yeeshee warqad gaara oo kaga timid Wasaarada arrimaha dibadda Ethiopia looga dalbaday in qoraaladiisa uu soo mariyo wasaarada. Qoraalka Wasaarada ee ku wajahnaa Muuse Biixi ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in Abiy Axmed uu ku guda jiro xili mashaquul ah, sidaa aawgeed ay munaasib tahay in laga dhowr sugo xiliyada uu ka gudbo mashquulka uu hadda ku jiro. Ra’isul wasaare Abiy Axmed ayaa la rumeysan yahay inuu ka meermeerayo qaabilaada Madaxda Somaliland, kadib heshiiskii uu la galay Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo oo Abiy Axmed ka dalbaday in Ethiopia ay ka shaqeyso midnimada Somalia. Sidoo kale, maamulka Somaliland qudhiisa ayaan weli ku degdegin Siyaasada Ra’isul wasaaraha cusub ee Ethiopia waxaana jiray xiriir hore oo ay la lahaayen Ra’isul wasaarayaashii hore ee dalkaasi soo maray. Geesta kale, Ra’usul wasaarihii hore ee Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn ayaa wada qorsho xiriir wanaag looga dhex abuurayo Abiy Axmed iyo Somaliland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  24. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasaarada Gaashandhiga dalka Mareykanka ayaa wada dadaal aas Militery loogu sameynaayo askarigii Maraykanka ahaa ee lagu dilay iska horimaadkii ay CXD iyo kuwa Maraykanka Al-shabaab kula galeen duleedka magaalladda Kismaayo. Saraakiil ka tirsan Mareykanka ayaa sheegay in meydka askarigaasi uu weli yahay mid ku jira qaboojiyaha meydadka, balse iminka uu socdo qabanqaabada aaska. Maydka Saddex Alifle Alexander W. Conrad ayaa la sheegay in la aasi doono bishan June 30-da. Askariga aan wali loo sameyn aaska ee ku baxay gacanta Al-Shabaab ayaa la oran jirey saddex Alifle Alexander W. Conrad oo 26-jir ah waxa uu u geeriyooday dhaawac ka soo gaaray weerarkii Alshabaab ee bishan June 8-dii ka dhacay deegaanka Baar Sanguuni ee duleedka Kismaayo. Sarkaalkan ayaa iminka xaqiijiyay in Askarta kale ee lagu dhaawacay iska hor imaadka laga soo qaaday Kenya isla markaana lagu dabiibaayo isbitaalka taliska guud ee AFRICOM ku leeyihiin dalka Jarmalka. Dhinaca kale, taliyaha taliska guud ee AFRICOM, ayaa sheegay in aaska Saddex Alifle Alexander W. Conrad uu dhici doono kadib aar gudista dilkiisa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  25. US President Donald Trump on Sunday said migrants who "invade" the US should be deprived of legal due process, reinforcing his hardline stand despite an about-face on family separations that has seen more than 500 children reunited with relatives. Source: Hiiraan Online