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Haregysa (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuxe Biixi Cabi oo xalay ka hadlayay munaasabad lagu weynaynayay maalinta xorriyadda gobollada waqooyi ee Somalia oo ku beegan 26-ka Juun – ayaa eedeyn u jeediyay Dowladda Federaalka Somalia iyo maamul-goboleeyadeeda. Biixi ayaa sheegay in DF iyo Maamullada dalka ka jira ay isku raaceen in la cunno-qabateeyo Somailland, isagoo xusay in taasi ay tahay dhibaateyn soo taagnayd tna iyo markii ay Somaliland ku dhawaaqday inay isaga baxday Somalia 1991-kii. “Tan iyo markii aan xorriyadeenna soo ceshanay 1991-kii oo haatna laga joogo 28-sao, waxay Dowladihii Somalia iyo maamulladoodu nagula jireen dagaal. Kuwaasoo ay ugu dambeyso midda maanta socota oo ah weerar aan kala har lahayn iyo inay caalamka ku yiraahdaan Somaliland lama caawin karo,” ayuu Muuse Biixi ku yiri khudbaddiisa. Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa khudbaddiisa ku sheegay dhawaan uu qoraal dhaqaalaha looga joojinayo Somalland qoray Ra’iisul wasaaraha Dowladda Somalia, Xasan Cali Khayre ayna dorraad ku raaceen maamullada Somalia ka jira. “Dowladda Federaalka iyo maamullada ka dhisan dalka, gaar ahaan Kismaayo, Garoowe, Baydhabo iyo kuwa kale waxay qoraalkooda ku xuseen in caalamka aanu wax dhaqaale ah siin karin Somalland,” ayuu khudbadiisa ku yiri Muuse Biixi. Dhanka kale, Muuse Biixi ayaa sheegay inaanay isku qaban karin hadalkaan iyo in Midnimada Somalia ay tahay muqadas lama taabtaan ah, caalamka in uu ku caawiyana kuuma ogoli. Ugu dambeyn, Hadalka Madaxweynaha Somailland ayaa kusoo beegmaya iyadoo ay jiraan xiisado colaadeed oo u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Somaliland oo ka taagan Tukaraq iyo Dowladda Somalia oo dalbatay inaan si gaar ah loo caawin karin Somaliland. PUNTLAND POST The post MUUSE BIIXI: Midnimada Somalia Waa Muqadas iyo Waxba Somaliland uma Ogolin ma ahan… appeared first on Puntland Post.
Nigeria will be looking to striker Ahmed Musa for goals when the Super Eagles line up against 2014 World Cup losing finalists Argentina in their third Group ‘D’ match tonight from 9pm at Krestovsky Stadium in St Petersburg. Source: Hiiraan Online
Former NATO chief Javier Solana said Monday his online application to enter the United States was turned down for having travelled to Iran where he took part in negotiations on a nuclear deal. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Somalia, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa hambalyo ku aaddan sannad guurada 58-aad ee ka soo wareegatay maalintii xorriyadda Gobollada Waqooyi ee dalka, islmarkaana dhul Soomaaliyeed oo xor ah laga taagay calan Soomaaliyeed, u diray guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Madaxweynaha ayaa tilmaamay in masuuliyad weyn ay ka saarantahay qof kasta oo Soomaali ah xaqiijinta hiigsiga soojireenka ah ee ku qotoma Soomaali xor ah oo mideeysan. Madaxweynaha oo caawa khudbad ka jeediyay munaasabad lagu qabtay Aqalka Dowladda Hoose ee Xamar ayaa yiri “Xorriyadda aan maanta ku naalooneyno waa mid lagu soo bixiyay dhiig iyo dhaqaale. Maanta waxaan joognaa guul taasoo kasoo bilaabatay 1960kii markii ay waqooyi iyo koonfur isku darsameen. Guushaas waxay ahayd mid ummadda u horseeday Soomaalinimo iyo midnimo.” Sidoo kale, Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sidoo kale ku ammaanay shacabka Gobollada Waqooyi kaalinta lama ilaawaanka ah ee ay ku lahaayeen gobonnimo doonkii iyo israacii Waqooyi iyo Koonfur. Ugu dambeyn, Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in dareenkaas midnimo iyo wada jireed uu ku dhex noolyahay guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed, inkastoo duruufo adag ay soo mareen, wuxuuna adkeeyay in qabyaaladda iyo daneysiga looga adkaan karo in la muujiyo waddaniyad iyo wadajir. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ka Hadlay Qiimaha ay ku Fadhido Xorriyadda ay Somalia Haysato appeared first on Puntland Post.
Kigali (PP) ─ Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia Xasan Cali Khayre iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo soo gebagebeeyay booqasho hal maalin qaadatay oo dalka Rwanda uu ku joogay, ayaa magaalada Kigali ee caasimadda dalkaas kulan kula qaatay madaxweynaha Rwanda ahna gudoomiyaha Midawga Afrika, Paul Kagame. Xasan Khayre iyo Paul Kigame ayaa ka wadahadlay adkeynta xariirka labada dawladood iyo sidii loo joogtayn lahaa taageerada baaxadda leh ee Midawga Afrika uu siiyo Soomaaliya. Ra’iisul Wasaare Xassan Cali Khayre iyo madaxweyne Paul Kagame ayaa sidoo kale ka wada hadlay arrimaha amniga gaar ahaan xilliga kala guurka oo ay Soomaaliya isku diyaarineyso in amniga dalka ay kala wareegto Ciidamada nabad ilaalinta ee Midawga Afrika (AMISOM). Ugu dambeyn, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha xukuummadda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo shalay galab gaaray Kigali ayaa xalay kulan casho ah la yeeshay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha dalkaas Edouard Ngirente iyo qaar kamid ah golihiisa wasiirada, isaga oo isla maanta dib ugu soo laabtay dalka. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Khayre oo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Dalka Rwanda Paul Kagame appeared first on Puntland Post.
Ankara (Caasimadda Online) – Tan iyo markii xisbigiisa Cadaaladda iyo Horumarka (AKP) ay awoodda la wareegtay sanadkii 2002, madaxweynaha Turkiga Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wali doorasho kuma guuldarreysan, haddii ay ahaan lahayd mid baarlamaan, gobol, madaxweynenimo ama afti. Aragtiyo aan tiro lahayn, haddii ay ahaan lahaayeen kuwo cilmiyeysan ama kuwo kale, ayaa isku dayey in ay sharraxaad ka bixiyaan sababta uu isu bedeli waayey. Mucaaradka Erdoğan, Turki ha ahaadeen ama yeysan ahaan, waxa ay Erdoğan ku eedeeyaan xukunkiisa keli telisnimo ee Islaameenta dal mar ahaan jiray cilmaani. Aragtidooda, Erdoğan waxa uu xabsi geliyey qaran 80 milyan ah. Taas run ma aha Milicsi deg deg ah oo lagu sameeyo xaqiiqooyinka iyo tirada Turkiga ayaa taas sharraxaya sababteeda. Waxaa si cajiib ah isu barbar yaal siyaasadda bulsho ee Turkiga dhexdooda caadiga ah iyo aragtida caalamku ka qabo Islaamiyadda Erdoğan. Waxaa lagu murmi karaa, in Erdoğan dhinac, waxa uu Turkiga caadiga ah arkaan ay tahay marka uu isku arko muraayadda. Waa dhab in Erdoğan ugu guuleystay maalaayiin codad ah mashaariicdiisa waa weyn ee cajiibka ah oo ay ka mid tahay Masjidka weyn ee Istanbul hill; madaarkii saddexaad (oo ka mid ah kuwa ugu waa weyn dunida); waddooyin, jidadka waa weyn, iyo buundooyinka kale ee dhulka Anatolian-ka (Walow ay Turkiga u muuqato shirkadda dhaqaale oo dhismo). Laakiin qofka waa in uu tixgeliyaa muuqaalka bulshada coddeysa. Tirada qoysaska dowladda Erdoğan ka helay dhuxusha bilaashka ah waxa ay 1.1 million ka korortay 2003 iyada oo gaartay 2.15 million 2014. Tani ma war wacan baa mise mid xun? Sare u kaca xad xad dhaafka ahaa ee baahidda qoysaska saboolka ah taas oo muujineysay in malaayiin aysan ku faraxsaneyn dowladnimada Erdoğan. Hadda waa cagsigeeda: Turkidu wey faraxsan yihiin maxaa yeelay waxa ay qoysadkooda u helaan dhuxul bilaash ah. Turkidu waxa ay dhuxusha bilaashka ah iyo arimaha kale ee bulshada ka jecleyn in ay dalkooda ka hirgasho dimoqraadiyad. Turkiga waxa uu kaalinta 155-aad ka galay xoriyadda saxaafadda oo 180 dunida guud ahaan laga qiimeeyey. Ku dhawaad 200 oo wariye ayaa ku jira xabsiyada halka 120 kale ay dunida ka shaqeeyaan – laakiin boqolkiiba lixdan (60%) waxa ay aaminsan yihiin xadidaadda warbaahinta in ay xalaal tahay. Ma daneeyaan xassiloonida gudaha, sidoo kale Turkiga waxa ay 146 kaga jiraan nabadda aduunka. Cel celis ahaan waxaa maalintii lagu dilaa 5.6 dalka, tiradaas waxaa ku jira weeraro argagixiso. Cel celis ahaan waxaa dhaca 18 weerar jireed (Physical attack) oo loo geysto shaqsiyaadka maalintii. Sida laga soo xiganayo cilmi-baaris la sameeyey 2014, boqolleyda 11.3% dadka Turkida ISIS uma arkaan urur argagixiso. Laakiin waagii hore laba sano oo keliya, ISIS waxa ay 304 qof ku dishay 14 weerarro culus ahaa gudaha Turkiga. Dabcan, dhimasho mar walba kuma timaado adeegsiga qoryaha iyo qaraxyada. 10kii sano ee ka horreeyey 2016, 43 kun oo Turki ah waxa ay naftooda ku waayeen shilal baabuur oo halis ahaa. Turkida waxa ay ku noolaayeen xukun deg deg ah tan iyo Luulyo 2016, markaas oo koox ka mid ah saraakiisha Turkiga ay ku sameeyeen dowladda Erdoğan afgebi dhicisoobay. Wixii intaa ka dambeeyey waxaa gaalshiraha loo taxaabay in ka bada 50,000 oo qof, waxaa shaqadii laga eryey 150,000 00 shaqaale rayid ahaa. Wixii ka dambeeyey mashaqadii 12kii Sebteembar, afgembigii ciidamada qalabka sida ee 1980, dadka xarumaha aqoonta xoogga looga eryey waxa ay ku koobneyd 120 laakiin 5,000 aqoonyahanno ka badan ayaa xoog looga eryey kaddib isku daygii afbembi ee dhicisoobay 2016. Xaakimiin sare oo Turki ah ayaa daaha ka rogay in isku darka 6.9 milyan Turki ah, ama ku dhawaad boqolkiiba sagaal (9%) ee bulshada oo dhan in ay ku socoto baaritaan sharci. Aynu darisno waxbarashada. Turkiga, cel celiska dadka wax barta da’doodu waa 6.51 sano. Dadka da’doodu u dhexeyso 18-24, keliya 26% waa lab 18.9% waa deddig. Agoosto 2017-dii hay’adda OECD Regional Well-Being Index waxa ay soo bandhigtay in Turkiga hoos u dhac 362 ah dhinaca waxbarashada uga yimi, keliya 16% Turki da’doodu tahay da’da 18-ka ayaa ka qallin jebiyey jaamacadaha. Tirada Turkida ee raba in ay bartaan imam-nimada ayaa sare ugu kacday 60,000 2002 iyaga oo gaaray 1.2 milyan 2014. Laakiin waa kuma Turkigaaga caadiga ah, adiga oo bulsho ahaan u hadlaya? 74% Turkida waxa ay isu aqoonsan yihiin dad guta dhammaan waajibaadka Islaamka. 95% waxa ay dhahaan waligood fasax uma aadin dibedda, 70% waxa ay dhahaan waligood kama qeybgalin bandhigyo fanned ama dhaqan. 74% waxa ay isku arkaan in ay yihiin hiddo raac asal raac ama asal Islaamiyiin asal raac ah – taas oo ka mid ah sababaha caanka ka dhigtay Erdoğan, gaar ahaan gudaha Turkida asal raaca ah. Xisaab ahaan waxa ay macno u yeeleysaa Erdoğan oo aan qarsan sida uu u neceb yahay isticmaalka khamriga sababo diin awgeed, in uu caan ka yahay dalka halkaas oo 79% dhaha in aysan waligood cabbib khamri (Isticmaalka cabbiska khamriga qofkiiba dalka Turkiga waxa uu ka hooseeyaa 1.5 Litir, marka la bar bar dhigo , tusaale ahaan Australia oo uu qofkii ka cabbo 12 Litir. Hadana Turkidu waa sabool. Dhakhliga qofkii soo gala waa $10,000, dalka Turkiga dadkiisu waxaa dakhli ahaan qofkiiba u soo gala lacag u dhexeysa $180 iyo $1,280 bishii – 56% waxaa soo gala $180 iyo 510$ bishii. Laakiin marka laga yimaado hoos u dhaca dalka, farxaddu waxa ay u muuqata ereyga Turkida. Cilmi baaris la sameeyey 2015, 56.6% wey faraxsanaayeen. 2016, kaddib kumanaan ku waxyeeloobay weerar argagixisnimo, lagu sigtay dagaal sokeeye, xukun deg deg ah, saboolnimo, tobanaan kun oo maxaabiis cusub ah, dilal, weerarro, kumaan dhismo waddoyinka shilalka ka dhaca ah, tiradaas farxadda waxa ay sare ugu kacday 61.3%. Turkidu waxa ay aaminsanyihiin in ay haystaan hoggaamiye ashqaraar ah kaas oo dalkooda markasta mid wanaagsan ka dhigay. Ha dhibin nabadoodda asal raaca ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Ankara Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Urur goboleedka IGAD ayaa shaaciyey in xilkii uu Ururkaas ka haayey ay ka qaadeen Janeraal Gabre oo u qaabilsnaa Soomaliya dhanka la talinta Siyaasada, waxaana durba soo dhaweeyey Xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Xildhibaan Zakariye Xaaji Maxamuud oo ka mid ah Golaha Shacabka ayaa waa uu sheegay in Go’aanka xilka qaadista ah ee Gabre lala soodahay, isla markaana mar hore loo baahnaa. Waxa uu sheegay in Gabre uu ahaa Nin dhibateeyey dad Soomaaliyeed, isaga oo xiriir la lahaa Siyaasiyiin iyo qaar ka mid ah madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada. “Runtii mar hore ayay aheyd in la eryo, anaga 8-dii bishii Febraayo ayaan erinay, laakin dad uu u taliyo ayuu heystay isaga oo madaxweyne isku hesytay, wuxuu xukumayey laga soo billaabo :owya-cade, marka IGAD wey la daahday, laakin waxaan kuu sheegayaa in aan loo dhaafi doonin wixii dil iyo hanti bur burin ka dhacay Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri xildhibaan Zakariye. Isaga oo sii hadlayay ayuu sheegay xildhibaan Zakariye in dhibaatadaas uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed u geystay Janeraal Gabre in ay noqon doonto mid aan looga hari doonin,isla markaana uu rajeynayo in la soo taago Maxkamada Caalami ah, waxa uuna sheegay in uu sabab u ahaa in Boqolaal Ruux lagu dilo dalka,dad badana uu barakaciyo. Xildhibaan Zakariye Xaaji Maxamuud Cabdi oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada Golaha Shacabka ayaa ka mid ah Siyaasiyiinta aadka u neceb dowladda Itoobiya, waxana la xasuustaa in xilligii doorashada Madaxweynaha ee uu ku soo baxay Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu si dadban u sheegay in ay goobta fadhiyaan madax aan dooneyn Nabada Soomaaliya. Hoos ka dhageyso wareysiga Xildhibaan Zakariye Xaaji Maxamuud Cabdi https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Wareysi-Xildhibaan-Sakariye-Xaaji-Cabdi-Shaqa-ka-Cayrinta-General-Gabre-ee-IGAD.mp3 Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Nin dhallinyaro ah oo laba gabdhood isku mar la aqal galay ayaa BBC u sheegay inuu dhallinyarada kale ku dhiirri galinayo inay sidaa sameeyaan. Bashiir Maxamed wuxuu sheegay inuu labada hablood la haasaawi jiray muddo sideed bilood ah, uuna ku qanciyey inuu guursado. “Aqalkayga ayaan isugu keeni jiray si la isku sii barto” ayuu yiri. “Waxaan u sheegi jiray in aan labadoodaba wada jeclahay” ayuu sii raaciyey. In laba hablood isku mar la isla guursado ayuu ku tilmaamay Bashiir inay tahay mid keenaysa in aysan ‘kala masayrin’, oo billowgaba ay og yihiin in la isla qabo. Sababta uu u guursaday laba hablood isku mar ayuu ku sheegay inuu doonayo “carruur badan”. “Ragga kalena waxaan ku dhiiri galinayaa in ay sidaa oo kale sameeyaan, haddii ay awoodaan” ayuu yiri Bashiir. Isha BBC
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Turkiga ee dib loo doortay Turkiga Recep Tayyip Erdogan ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay jiraan dowlado badan oo aad uga xun guusha uu ka gaaray doorashada xorta ah ee kadhacday dalkiisa. Recep Tayyip Erdogan oo la hadlaayay warbaahinta gudaha ayaa sheegay in Guddiga Doorashooyinka ay ka feejignaayen faragalin dibadda uga timid, waxa uuna cadeeyay inay badan yihiin cadowga kasoo horjeeda guushiisa. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, waxa uu tusaale usoo qaatay guushiisa inay ka xumaayen dowladaha Mareykanka, Yurubta iyo tirro dowlado carbeed oo uu sheegay inay dugaashadan reer galbeedka. ‘’Reer galbeedku uma suuroobin inay la dagaalamaan guusheyda waayo waxa an ciribtirnay dhammaan qeybaha siyaasiyiinta ay ku xirnaayen reer galbeedka iyo dowladaha carabta ee aan rabin guusheyda’’ ‘’Reer galbeedku waxa ay noo dhigeen dabino badan oo dhaxalgal u noqonkaray guul darro igu dhacd, waxaan mar waliba ku kalsoonaa alle iyo dadka shacabka ah ee aadka u jecel guusheyda’’ Recep Tayyip Erdogan, waxa uu tilmaamay in mudada uu heyn doono xilka inuusan ka raali noqon doonin dowlad shisheeye oo faragalin ku sameysa dowlad islaam ah, waxa uuna cadeeyay inay badan tahay dhagarta reer galbeedka. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, waxa uu cod dheer ku sheegay in haddii lala tashan lahaa reer galbeedka iyo dowladaha carabta qaarkood ay burburi laheyd turkiga hase yeeshee aysan iminka dhici doonin. Sidoo kale, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, oo ka hadlaayay guushiisa ayaa sheegay in meel fagaaro ah uu kula farxi doono shacabkiisa maadaama uu yiri ay guushiisa sabab u ahaayen. Dhinaca kale, shacabka dalkiisa ayuu ugu baaqay in mar waliba ay ka fogaadan dugaashiga reer galbeedka oo uu sheegay inay tahay khatar iyo diin xumi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Addis-Ababa (Caasimada Online) – Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed ayaa ka badbaaay Qarax la doonaayay in lagu khaarijiyo xili uu khudbad u jeedinaayay kumanaan shacab Ethiopian ah. Ra’isul wasaare Abiy Axmed oo saacado kadib Qaraxa magacaabay guddi baaritaan ayaa sheegay in dowladiisu ay aqbali doonto natiijada kasoo baxda baaritaanka. Natiijo hordhac ah oo kasoo baxday baaritaan qaatay muddo laba cisho ayaa sheegaya in baaritaanka lagu ogaaday cida ka danbeysay Qaraxa lagu khaarijin lahaa Abiy Axmed. Guddiga baaritaabka oo ka koobna ilaa 12 Khubaro ku xeeldheer arimahaasi ayaa Ra’isul wasaare Abiy Axmed u gudbiyay in Qaraxaasi aysan ku lug laheyn Kooxo argagixiso. Guddiga ayaa warbixintooda ku sheegay in Qaraxa uu yahay mid looga soo horgeedo Siyaasada cusub oo ay qaadatay Ethiopia, taa oo lagu muujinaayo furfurnaanshi Siyaasadeed. Guddigu waxa ay baaritaanka ku ogaaden in Qaraxa ay geysteen Xubno ka tirsan Mucaaradka Ethiopia kana soo jeeda Qowmiyada Tigree. Guddigu waxa uu qoraalkiisa hordhaca ah intaa ku daray in Qaraxa loo hayo ilaa iyo afar xubnood oo ka tirsan garabka mucaaradka dowlada ee kasoo jeeda Qowmiyada Tigree. Qowmiyada Tigree oo uu ka dhashay Milazanaawi ayaa aad uga soo horjeeda Siyaasada Ra’isul wasaare Abiy uu ku doonaayo in wadahadal lagula galo Dowlada Eriterea. Tigree, waxa ay sidoo kale doonayaan in talada dalka laga saaro gacantooda waxa ayna rumeysan yihiin in Heshiiska lala galaayo Etiterea uu dhabar jab ku noqon karo Ethiopia, waana tan keentay inay qalqal amni galiyaan nolosha Ra’isul wasaare Abiy Axmed. Sidoo kale, Kiiska Qaraxa oo u muuqda mid sii fogaaday ayaa waxaa iminka ka qeybqaadanaaya Khubaro ka socta FBI-da Mareykanka sababo la xiriira in Qowmiyada Tigree aysan baaritaanka Dowlada u fahmin mid lagu faquuqayo. Dhinaca kale, Ra’isul wasaare Abiy Axmed ayaa iminka rumeysan in Qaraxa la doonaayay in lagu khaarijiyo aysan ku lug laheyn Ururo argagixiso balse uu yahay mid ay ku lug leeyiniin mucaaradka Tigree. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Addis-Ababa Caasimada@live.com
Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Fariida Karoney oo ah wasiirka arrimaha dhulka ee Kenya, ayaa sheegtay in la hakiyey hawlihii sahminta iyo dhismaha derbiga laga waday xuduudka Somalia, kadib, markii la waayey kharajkii lagu socodsiin lahaa. Waxay tilmaamtay in la dhisay 24 km oo ka mid ah 150 km ee uu ka koobnaan doono dhismaha derbigaasi, iyadoo sahminta iyo khariidaynta mashruucaasi la bilaabay sannadkii 2016-kii. Dowladda Kenya waxay u qoondeysay in ka badan 5.6 billion oo dollar, si loogu calaamadeeyo, looguna dhiso xuduudaha caalamiga ee ay Kenya la leedahay Somalia iyo dalalka kale ee deriska. Hadalka ka soo baxay dowladda Kenya waxa uu ku soo beegmay heshiiskii madaxweynayaasha Somalia iyo Kenya ay dabayaaqadii bishii Maarso ee sannadkan ku gaareen in gebbi ahaan la joojiyey dhismaha derbiga laga dhisayo xuduudka labada waddan, kaasi oo xiisad diplomaasiyadeed iyo mid amni-xumi ka dhex abuuri karta labada waddan, gaar ahaan deegaanadda ku teedsan xuduudka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi Caasimada@live.com
The duel between Somaliland and Puntland seems to be far from ending, with each asserting their ownership of the disputed Sool in the latest altercation. Somaliland Information minister Abdurahman Abdullahi Guri-Barwaqo has reacted strongly to Puntland’s claim to the disputed region. Briefing the Press in Hargeisa, about 1,600km northwest of the Somali capital Mogadishu, Mr Guri-Barwaqo stated that Puntland’s claim was a breach of Somaliland’s sovereignty. The president of Puntland, Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gas, on Saturday stated that Sool was part of his territory. Somaliland, which unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991, claims the former British Somaliland Protectorate, which joined with the former Italian Somalia to form the Republic of Somalia on July 1, 1960. Closely related President Gas, while addressing the semi-autonomous authority’s parliament in Garowe town, 1,000km northeast of Mogadishu, reiterated that Sool and Sanag were part and parcel of Puntland. He justified his statement insisting that the clans in the two regions were closely related to the others the in Puntland. “There is no such a thing as Somaliland borders. The inhabitants of Sool and Sanag regions belong to Puntland,” said President Gas. He said further that the British left the region a long time ago and their administrative units could not be allowed to divide the local clans. British colonialists The Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi, Dr Gas asserted, should wake up to the reality on the ground. “I want to tell Muse Bihi that his claims that Las Anod, Hudun and Taleh (in Sool and Sanag regions) were inherited from the British colonialists were wrong,” President Gas stated. “I tell him that Las Anod is not London, Hudun is not Birmingham and Taleh is not Cardiff.” However Mr Guri-Barwaqo retorted that in this age and time, people respected borders, not clan affiliations. Local inhabitants Somaliland in the northwest, declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991, but has since failed to win international recognition. Puntland was established as a semi-autonomous authority in 1998, but remains a member state of the Mogadishu-based federal government of Somalia. The two authorities bitterly dispute the ownership of Sool and Sanag in northern Somalia and their two armies have used all sorts of weapons since early May in repeated confrontations at Tukaraq District, about 1,100km northwest of Mogadishu. Hundreds of people are assumed to have died from both sides, while thousands of the local inhabitants have fled the area fearing for their lives. The East African
HARGEISA– A two day gathering aimed at discussing on refugee and Internally Displaced People (IDP’s) kicked off in Hargeisa yesterday. The mission of the meeting was to put in place a plan dealing with refugees in Somaliland for the five years to come. This was attended by head of IDP’s and Refugee Agency and local and international organization that are engaged on refugee matters. Hon. Abdikarim, the chairman of IDP’s and Refugee Agency in Somaliland who made an opening remarks at the meeting has said that the gist behind the conference is to come up with plans that will be implemented for the years to come pertaining to refugees. Mr. Xinif has said that the objective behind the gathering is to come up with the exact number of IDP’s and refugees currently living in Somaliland. He stated that the IDP’s include of Somaliland nationals that have been displaced by recurring wars in Somalia. The Head of IDP’s and Refugee Agency has announced that plans underway to get registered all IDP’s in Somaliland and refugees where the government will issue identification cards. The chairman said that the agency will vet the IDP’s and refugees in order to know who is eligible for getting the identification.
Nairobi (HOL) – A highly controversial Ethiopian Colonel who enjoyed a lengthy career as Addis Ababa’s point man in Mogadishu has been dismissed by IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development). Source: Hiiraan Online
Nairobi (HOL) – A highly controversial Ethiopian general who enjoyed a lengthy career as Addis Ababa’s point man in Mogadishu has been dismissed by IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development). Source: Hiiraan Online
The president of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi has congratulated the people of the country for marking the auspice occasion of independence from Britain of 26 day of June 1960. Speaking from his office the head of state said that Somaliland will commiserate the 58thanniversary of independence from Great Britain. “I sent my heartfelt greeting and congratulatory message to all Somaliland nationals wherever they may be for tomorrow God willing will be the 58th anniversary of Somaliland’s self governance from the British colonial government. The country before this day had for about eighty years been fighting to gain control of her affairs from the colonial government.” President Bihi stated that Somaliland gained self determination before Djibouti and Somalia, and had internationally demarcated borders like many African countries at the time. “Somaliland was the first country from Somali speaking countries to gain independence. W e also have some regions of Somali speaking people in Ethiopia and Kenya however Somaliland gained independence ahead of Somalia and Ethiopia. This was before the AU 1964 declaration on African countries boundaries.” President Musa said. The president sent a peace message to Somalia he has these to say “To all those people who speak the Somali language I declare that Somaliland is a country at peace with herself and want peace with all her neighbors. Somaliland has suffered as a result of ill fate union with Somalia and for the pas t 27 years has enjoyed peace and prosperity. It is not ready to start another conflict to return backward to many years of poor economical development and ignorance.” By: Solnanews.com
Your Excellency, we feel your energy, positive spirit and we clearly hear your message, the message of peace and prosperity; and we also share your vision of creating union of horn of African countries. But, we are asking what kind of union? 1) Is it win-lose union (Master-slave union) where the strong dictates his terms on the one less strong; or 2) Is it win-win union (master-master union) where all the countries are equal and all have equal voice on the table. We are visioning the latter. You Excellency, Somalia were a failed state for more than twenty years. For the past eight years, the international community and African Union thankfully have put a huge effort in Somalia to help it stand on its feet. It came a long way yet it still needs help to survive. It just started to gather its pieces and started building its institutions. Your Excellency, there are two options before the neighbors with respect to Somalia: 1) Exploit the situation of Somalia and take over the country gradually against the will of its people. Or 2) Play the role of good neighbor – help them stand on their feet; help them hold general election that will produce a representative government. This will be the legitimate government that could enter into agreements on behalf of its people. We recommend that the neighbors chose the latter option. Why? You will win the hearts and minds of Somalis and get lasting friendship. Friend in need friend indeed. Your Excellency, Somalis had a rough history with Ethiopia, history of conflicts and wars for past five centuries, induced by the colonial powers to my limited knowledge. In Islamic history we read that the Christian king of Habasha (Abyssinia), Najashi was a just king and treated people with fairness. Prophet Muhammad PBUH sent some of his companions to king Najashi to take refuge in his kingdom from aggressions of Quraish of Makkah, in the beginning of the 7th century. Since then, the relation between the Christians and Muslims of Horn of Africa was a relation of peace and coexistence. Your Excellency, your Oromo community was disadvantaged, oppressed and sidelined in Ethiopia for so many decades if not centuries. I believe you understand to your core the effect of bad treatment, oppression and unjust. Your excellency, there is an opportunity of great magnitude before us, and under your leadership we could take the necessary steps to change the course of the history and create shared prosperity and success for the people of horn of Africa, and restore the peace and coexistence that it once enjoyed in the past; in an atmosphere of mutual respect and focusing on the common interest. We are hopeful you will rise to the occasion. Your excellency, in Somaliland we have made the decision to withdrew from the union with Somalia 27 years ago and restored Somaliland independence, after the central government – lead by the late dictator Siyad Bare – waged a war – employing scorched-earth-policy – against our people which resulted in the death of tens of thousands and displacement of hundreds of thousands of our people and destruction of all major cities. Thanks to Ethiopia it provided a refuge for our people, we will never forget that favor. Indeed Ethiopia was and still a good neighbor and a friend, we really appreciate. Your Excellency, Somaliland willingly went through process of building its country starting with reconciliation, building government institutions, and democratization using its limited resources. Somaliland came long way but a lot remains to be done. Your Excellency, it is ironic and unfortunate that Mr. Farmajo, president of Somalia – who is also a close cousin of the late dictator Siyad Bare- and whose government can barely stand on its feet without the support of international community and African union forces – with your country carrying most of the weight. Mr. Farmajo is instigating war against Somaliland. He is sending arms and personnel to Puntland, but in reality using it for waging war against Somaliland to annex part of Eastern region of Somaliland. Your Excellency, you cannot believe his justification (as highlighted by Puntland Administration). They are waging war because members of president Farmajo clan inhabit part of this region of Somaliland!!! Your Excellency, can you imagine what will happen to our Horn of Africa region if such thinking and logic is allowed? The entire horn will turn into chaos. You cannot grab land by clan affiliation. Somaliland border reference is the one that was set by the colonial powers, and I believe is the reference of all African countries. Your Excellency, it is our responsibility as the citizens of this region that we shall not allow such thinking and logic to prevail. Your Excellency, it is a public knowledge both in Somaliland and Somalia that Mr. Farmajo is using the resources that was given to Somalia by the international community to instigate internal conflict in Somaliland, Your Excellency, we believe this is a deviation that should be noted, addressed, investigated and corrected. Your Excellency, you have before you an opportunity to do the right thing and set the history our region to a different direction, a direction that will lead to regional harmony and prosperity. We support union that is based on mutual interest; mutual respect and sovereignty of member countries are not undermined. Who I’m I? My name is Ahmed Omar. I admire your thinking, energy, positive spirit and share your vision of creating union of horn of Africa. Thank you. Ahmed Omar, Jeddah – KSA: email – ahmed.omarsom@gmail.com
The government of Somaliland has refused to attend a conference by donors for Somaliland and Somalia in Brussels, Belgium. The donors meeting which is expected to start on 26-28 July 2018 is expected to contribute money to the Somalia development agenda which many countries are suspicious of because of the endemic corruption in Mogadishu. According to confidential information the Horn Newspaper intercepted confirmed that the Somaliland government received official invitation however it decided not attend because the meeting serb=ves the interest of the Somalia regime and Somaliland has nothing to gain. There is no official statement from the Somaliland government as to why it rescinded to attend the meeting. The government of the former president Silanyo once in 2014 refused to attend another meeting of its kind held in Denmark whereby Somalia was the focus of attention. In another instance in 2013 the same Silanyo administration did not take part in a conference held in Belgium. This is the third international conference the Somaliland government has shown a cold shoulder attitude and refused to embrace the agenda which is to support the corrupt Mogadishu regime. Even though the current government of president Musa Bihi has not spoken about this meeting the former president Silanyo cited the invitation of Mr.Hassan Sheikh Mohammud as the reason of his stay. However information reaching us confirms that Somaliland will not receive any special treatment and the development aid by donors will go through the Mogadishu regime. Horn
HARGEISA—The president of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi has sent a letter of complaint to the UN Secretary General Mr.Antonio Gutteres about the unbecoming behavior of his ambassador to Somaliland/Somalia Mr.Michael Keating. The president letter dated 18/6/2018 stated that the UN special representative to Somaliland and Somalia sent him a letter on 10/6/2018 which was one sided in response, inaccurate as to the facts, disrespectful in tone and not helpful at all regarding the ongoing conflict in Tukaraq pitting Somaliland and Somalia.s President Bihi wrote that when he first met with ambassador Keating the government of Somaliland assured him that three points will be implemented to the latter the cessation of hostilities, full access to humanitarian assistance and establishment of communications between the military commanders on the ground. This the president’s letter to the UN secretary general. The letter that angered the president Here in we bring to you the letter that president Musa Bihi refers in his address to the UN secretary general written to him by Ambassador Michael Keating…..
The Head of State HE Musa Bihi Abdi has sent a cable of congratulations to Somaliland populace on the 58th anniversary of 26th June which Somaliland gained its Independence from the British Protectorate in the 1960’s. The President said that all Somalilanders at home and abroad now enjoy living in peace and a liberty after the long struggle for recapturing their independence. The President sent a message to Somali Federal Govt discouraging them not to instigate an animosity in the region. Hon. Musa Bihi has reiterated that Somaliland stands for peace and is not ready to engage warfare with its neighbors. The South (Italian Somalia) joined with Somaliland which was under the British protectorate to form the greater republic of Somalia in the 1960’s.
Deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool waxaa maanta gaarey ciidamo hor leh oo masuuliyiin ka tirsan Xukuumadda Puntland ay sheegeen inay yihiin ciidanka Kaydka Kumaandoosta ee Dowladda Puntland, Kuwaas oo la sheegay ujeedada ay halkaas u tageen inay la xidhiidho ka qeybgalka dagaalka Puntland kula jidho Somaliland. Taliyaha la dagaalanka Argagixisada Puntland General Muxuyadiin Awmuuse, Wasiirka Amniga iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Puntland ayaa kusoo dhaweeyay ciidanka maanta gaarey Aaga Tukaraq oo ay horey fariisimo ugu lahaayeen ciidamo farabadan oo ka tirsan Dowladda Puntland. Xiisada colaadeed ee u dhaxaysa Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa u muuqata mid sii xoogeysanaysa marba marka kasii dambeysa, wallow dhawr mar oo horre la sheegay in lagu guuldareystay jawi wada hadal qorshuhu ahaa in laga dhex abuuro labada dhinac. Dagaalo culus oo labo goor oo horre deegaanka Tukaraq ku dhexmarey Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa sababay dhimashada dad kor u dhaafaya boqol qof oo ah askarta labada dhinac. Daawo. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Puntland oo ciidamo kayd ah ku daabulaysa Deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool appeared first on Puntland Post.
Xubnaha Golaha Wakiilada dowladda Puntland ayaa isniinta maanta ah meel-mariyay ajandaha kal-fadhigooda 41 aad oo maalin ka hor furmay. Dhammaan mudanayaashii soo xaadiray kulanka saddexaad ee fadhiga Baarlamanka Puntland ayaa cod buuxa ku meel-mariyay ajandaha oo ka kooban 12 qodob,waxaana qodobada ugu waaweyn kamid ah; 1)warbixinno laga dhegaysan doono guddiyada Baarlamanka 2)xog-wareysiga madaxweynaha ee amniga iyo difaaca Puntland 3)dhaqan-gelinta xeerka Tahriibta 4)hab-raaca iibinta hantida ma’guurtada ah iyo 5)Xisaab-xirka maaliyadda Puntland ee sannadkii 2017. Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Puntland,Axmed Cali Xaashi oo ku dhawaaqay meel-marinta ajandaha fadhiga Baarlamanka ayaa sheegay ,in xildhibaannadu aysan waxba ka beddelin ajandihii la soo diyaariyay oo ay cod midaysan ku meel-mariyeen,islamarkaana loo gudbayo qodobada ku xusan ajandaha,sida uu qabo xeer-hoosaadka Baarlamanka. Dhinaca kale ajandaha horyaalla xubnaha Baarlamanka Puntland ee maanta la meel-mariyay, ayaan gebi ahaanba lagu soo qaadin,wararka la xiriira mudda-kororsi la sheegay in ay doonayaan Golayaasha Puntland(Baarlaamanka iyo Xukuumadda) oo ay maalmahan dambe ka digayeen siyaasiyiinta mucaaradsan xukuumadda haatan talada haysa. Siyaasiyiin la baxay Puntland Focus Group, ayaa todobaadkii tegay qoraal ay soo saareen ka digay, in mudda-kordhin loo sameeyo xukuumadda ay halis gelinayso midnimada iyo wadajirka shacabka,islamarkaana ay qiiqayso dagaalka lagu soo celinayo degaannada maqan ee Puntland,hayeeshe madaxweyne Gaas ayaa horay u sheegay in doorashada madaxtinimada Puntland ay ku qabsoomayso wakhtigeeda saxda ah ee ku beegan 8 Jen 2019. Halkaan ka akhriso qodobada ajandaha. PUNTLAND POST Cabdiraxmaan Ciise Cumar The post Maxaa ka jira in Baarlamanka Puntland uu mudda-kordhin samaynayo? appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Iyadoo dhawaan ay Wasaarada Maaliyada Xukuumada Somalia ay shaacisay in dalka loo sameynaayo lacago cusub, ayaa waxaa arrintaasi mar kale ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhexe ee DFS Bashiir Ciise Cali. Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhexe ayaa tilmaamay inay wanaagsan tahay isticmaalka lacagta cusub balse waxa uu sheegay inay jirto caqabad ah sare u kac ku yimid qiimaha sarifka Shilin Soomaaliga. Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhexe waxa uu sheegay in Sarifleyda ay caqabad ku yihiin lacagaha cusub ee imaan doona waxa uuna Hay’adaha amaanka faray in tallaabo sharci ah laga qaado shaqsiyadka abuuraya sicir barar. ‘’Waxaan Hay’adaha amniga farayaa inay talaabo sharciga waafaqsan ka qaadan shaqsiyaadka caqabada ku ah sharciga ee abuuraya sicir bararka’’ ‘’Waxa ay amar u qabaan inay la tiigsadaan sharciga Bankiga Dhexe ayaa ka jawaabi doona cidii is hortaag ku sameysaa waayo dhibka ay dadka ceynkaasi ah ku hayaan dalka inaga ayaa og’’ Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhexe ee DFS Bashiir Ciise Cali, waxa uu sheegay in sicir kororka ku yimid Shilin Soomaaliga ay ka dambeeyan shaqsiyaad dambiilayaal ah oo qalqal gelinaaya nolosha bulshada Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana ay muhiim tahay in laga qaado talaabo sharciga waafaqsan ciddi ka shaqeysa sare u kac ku yimaada lacagta shilin Soomaaliga ah. Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhexe ee DFS Bashiir Ciise Cali, wuxuu markale ku wargeliyay bulshada Soomaaliyeed in loo bedeli doono lacagahooda marka dalka laga dhaqangeliyo lacagaha cusub ee la qorsheeynayo in la soo daabaco, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Dhinaca kale, Guddoomiyaha ayaa cadeeyay in lacagaha cusub aan lasoo daabici doonin muddo hadda dhow, balse inta aan lasoo daabicin ay usii gogol xaari doonaan hanaanka lagu dhaqan galin laha lacagta cusub. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
The attack occurred in a packed public square in Addis Ababa as new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was wrapping up a speech before tens of thousands of people. “I’m so sorry to learn that we have lost another Ethiopian victim of yesterday’s attack,” Health Minister Amir Aman tweeted. Initially, one person was reported to have died, but Abiy himself emerged safe and sound. The chaos that erupted after the blast as panicked crowds moved towards the stage injured more than 150 people and marred an event meant to build public support for Abiy’s ambitious reform agenda. Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation reported 30 people have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the blast, along with a number of police officers. Police ‘showed weakness’ “Nine Addis Ababa police commission officials and members who showed weakness during the rally have been arrested, including the deputy Addis Ababa police commissioner,” the state-run broadcaster said on Facebook. Event organiser Seyoum Teshome on Saturday told AFP that police grappled with someone attempting to hurl a grenade at the prime minister as he concluded his speech. Abiy visited hospitals on Saturday where victims of the attack were being treated, his chief of staff said on Twitter. And on Sunday one of Addis Ababa’s largest football teams organised a blood drive for the injured. No group has publicly claimed responsibility for the attack, a rare instance of violence in the heavily policed capital. Grenade attacks were reported last year in the northern city of Gondar, but it was unclear if those incidents were connected to Saturday’s blast. Abiy took office in April after years of anti-government unrest that pushed his predecessor to resign and the government to declare a nationwide state of emergency. He has since announced plans to liberalise the economy and reconcile with neighbouring arch-enemy Eritrea. Abiy also lifted the state of emergency and released scores of jailed dissidents. Ethiopia is completely controlled by the secretive Ethiopia People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), and it is unclear how much support Abiy has within the party. The 42-year-old former government minister and army officer is the first prime minister in modern Ethiopia from the country’s largest ethnicity the Oromo, which spearheaded the anti-government protests. While Abiy is popular, anti-government fervour still remains. After the prime minister’s hasty departure following the blast, people swarmed the stage where he had spoken and chanted “down down Woyane,” an anti-government slogan aimed at the Tigrayan ethnic minority many Ethiopians believe dominates the EPRDF. Source: – Jacarandafm
The U.S. government said it is sending FBI experts to investigate Saturday’s bomb blast at a rally organized to support reform agendas of Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed. United States Under Secretary of Commerce, Gilbert Kaplan, made the remark today during his talks with Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Two people were killed and over 150 others wounded in the bomb blast at Meskel Square. Source: – FBC