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8 Parliamentarians mark today’s 58th anniversary since the former British protectorate of Somaliland attained independence from the United Kingdom. They call on the UK government to begin the process of bringing Somaliland into the international community, as distinct from neighbouring Somalia. “As the UK continues to confront the global threat of terrorism, Somaliland acts as a trusted local partner to the international community in one of the world’s most unstable regions” Credit: Kate Stanworth Today marks 58 years since the former British protectorate of Somaliland attained independence from the United Kingdom. For most African nations previously under British rule, such an anniversary is cause to celebrate the beginning of the country’s life as an independent sovereign state – and also as a strategic partner to the UK through membership of the Commonwealth. For the Republic of Somaliland, the situation is somewhat different. Having entered into a political union with neighbouring Somalia shortly after attaining independence, Somaliland resumed its position as an independent state in 1991 and for all intents and purposes has functioned as one ever since. However, over 27 years later, neither the UK nor the wider international community has recognised Somaliland as a sovereign nation. This excludes the country from membership of the Commonwealth and other vital international institutions that facilitate economic growth and development. Despite this, and as unfamiliar as Somaliland’s situation may be to many in the UK, the ties between the two countries are far from being merely historic. A large number of Somalilanders currently live, work, and study in the UK, including thousands in our constituencies alone. This diaspora community has played a crucial role in pushing for the impending passage of new bills in Somaliland that will bring the laws governing sexual offences and FGM into line with international human rights standards, setting Somaliland apart from its East African neighbours. The UK is the biggest contributor of international aid to Somaliland. It was also a leading member of the 27-country coalition that independently observed Somaliland’s presidential election last November. That election, which employed cutting-edge iris-recognition technology to combat voter fraud and represented the sixth consecutive occasion since 2003 on which Somalilanders have participated in multi-party elections internationally certified as free and fair, underlined Somaliland’s commitment to those most British principles of democracy and the rule of law. Furthermore, as the UK continues to confront the global threat of terrorism, Somaliland acts as a trusted local partner to the international community in one of the world’s most unstable regions. Successive Somaliland governments have made security, both domestically and across the Horn of Africa, a top priority, preventing the terrorist insurgencies that exist beyond Somaliland’s southern border from taking root in the country. If these ties of history, culture, economics, and security beg the question as to why the UK has been so slow to formalise its relationship with Somaliland, Britain’s changing position on the international stage provides the ideal incentive for doing so. This is a moment of potentially profound transformation for Britain’s external relationships, in areas such as trade and security. There is a clear cross-party consensus on the benefits of developing closer ties with the Commonwealth’s member-states. Many of these nations, like Somaliland, are emerging economies with young populations and high economic growth potential, with whom we already variously share a language, history, political traditions, and citizens. The UK began its two-year term as Chair-in-Office of the Commonwealth in April, providing us with the platform to drive greater collaboration and inclusion. On this 58th anniversary of Somaliland’s independence from the UK, the day that makes its Commonwealth credentials quite explicit, we call on the UK government to begin the process of bringing Somaliland into the international community, with all the opportunities, benefits, and added prosperity that will provide for the country, its citizens, and its allies. Authors and co-signatories: Clive Betts MP Stephen Doughty MP Zac Goldsmith MP Lord Luce Kerry McCarthy MP Liz McInnes MP Matthew Offord MP Stephen Timms MP
Garoowe (Caasimadda Online) – Wararka ka imaanayo deegaanka Takuraq ee Gobolka Sool ayaa sheegaya inay halkaas gaareen ciidamo badan oo ka tirsan kuwa Maamulka Puntland. Deegaanka Takuraq oo ay isku hor fadhiyaan maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland ayaa ku jirto xaalad aad halis u ah iyadoo daqiiqad kasta u nugloon inuu halkaas dagaal ka bilowdo. Ciidamada ka socdo Puntland ee halkaas gaaray ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inay ka imaadeen Magaalada Qardho ee Gobolka Bari. Ciidamadaan oo watay gawaarida dagaalka iyo kuwa ciidamada lagu daabulo ayaa ku biiray ciidamada Puntland ee ku sugan difaaca hore ee dagaalka. Ciidamadaan gaaray halkaas ayaa Takuraq kusii abuuray cabsi iyo inuu mar kale qarxo dagaal aad u adag oo dhexmaro labada Maamul. Ciidamadaan halkaas gaaray ayaa kusoo aadayo xilli laba maalin ka hor uu Cabdiweli Gaas ku baaqay dagaal cusub oo lala galo Maamulka Somaliland kadib khudbad uu ka jeediyey furitaanka kala fadhiga Baarlamaanka Puntland. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha Maamulka Somaliland Muuse Biixi ayaa isna sheegay dhankiisa inay ka go’an tahay sidii maamulka Somaliland loo gaarsiin lahaa xuduudiihii uu calaameeyey gumeystihii Ingiriiska. Haddaba hallkaan hoose ka daawo sawirada
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online )_ Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in sanad iyo bar ka hor aanay jirin cid ka hadleysay Wadaniyad, isla markaana laga baqayay, kaddib khudbad uu ka jeediyay Munaasabadda 26-ka June oo ku beegan 58-guuradii ka soo wareegatay markii Xoriyadda ay qaateen Gobollada Waqooyi. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmajo ayaa sheegay in manta la joogo xilligii la qadan lahaa Mabda’a dhabta ah ee Wadaniyada. “Maanta waxay taagan tahay in sidhab ah looga Shaqeeyo Wadaniyadda,waayo dalkan ayaa ku hormarayo,waxaa hubaal ah in Halsano iyo bar ka hor dalkan in aysan jirin cid ka hadleysay Wadaniyad,waayo dadku wey baqi jireyn ayuu yiri madaxweynaha. Madaxweyen Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in Wadaniyadda aanay aheyn kaliya in Soomaali la yahay, balse waddaniyada ay tahay wax intaas ka weyn, isla markaana ay muhiim tahay in wax laga barto dadkii ka horeeyay sida ay ugu guuleysteen in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay mideeyaan. “Xorriyadda aan maanta ku naalooneyno waa mid lagu soo bixiyay dhiig iyo dhaqaale. Maanta waxaan joognaa guul taasoo kasoo bilaabatay 1960kii markii ay waqooyi iyo koonfur isku darsameen. Guushaas waxay ahayd mid ummadda u horseeday Soomaalinimo iyo midnimo”ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Hadalka madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa Saacadihii la soo dhaafay waxa uu ahaa mid qabsaday Baraha Bulshada,isla markaana ay jawaabo kala duwan Shacabku ka bixinayeen. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso hadalka Madaxweyne Farmaajo https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Madaxweyne-Farmaajo-Wadaniyad.mp3 Caasimada Online Xafiisk Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Sida illo wareedyo lagu kalsoonaan karo ay u xaqiijiyeen Shabakadda Caasimadda Online waxaa Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Soomaaliya ku wada sugan dhammaan madaxda ugu sareyso Maamulka Galmudug sida Madaxweyne Xaaf, Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka. Madaxdaan oo maalmihii dambe ku jiray xaalad khilaaf aad u adag ayaa waxaa Magaalada Muqdisho isugu keentay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo dadaal dheer ku bixineyso sidii meesha looga saari lahaa Khilaafkaan fadhiisay shaqadii looga fadhiyey Maamulka Galmudug. Dadaalka lagu doonayo in Khilaafkaan lagu xaliyo ayaa waxaa iska kaashanayo dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Beesha Caalamka iyo qaar ka tirsan waxgaradka kasoo jeedo deegaanada Galmudug Saacadihii lasoo dhaafay ayey madaxdaan Muqdisho ku yeesheen kulamo kala goono gooni ah iyadoo ka wada hadlay sidii looga gudbi lahaa Khilaafa ka dhex taagan loona fiirin lahaa danta Shacabka Galmudug oo maamulkaan uga fadhiyo waxqabad. Waxa ugu badan ee laga doodayo ayaa ah heshiiskii Jabuuti lagu gaaray kaasoo Garabka ay hogaaminayaan Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka u arkaan inuu yahay mid garab marsan Hanaanka awood-qeybsiga. Arrinta ugu kulul ee dooda ugu badan ay ka taagan tahay ayaa ah Dastuurka oo Garabka Cadaado ku sugan uu ku doodayo in wax ka bedalay lagu sameeyay, islamarkaana Madaxweyne Xaaf uu mudo kororsi ku sameystay mudada Xil-hayntiisa maadaama lagu qoray dastuurka cusub inuu xilka sii hayn doono afarta sano ee soo socota, iyadoo laga soo billaabayo markii ay midoobeen Galmudug iyo Ahlu Sunna bishii January ee sanadkan. Sidoo kale waxaa taagan muran ku aadan Caasimadda Maamulkaas, iyadoo garabka Xaaf kasoo horjeedo ay rabaan inay Cadaado noqoto Caasimadda Baarlamaanka Galmudug sida uu horey ugu dhawaaqay Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Madaxweynaha Galmudug Xaaf ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inay ka go’an tahay sidii loo dhameyn lahaa Khilaafkaan isla markaasna loo arki lahaa Maamulka Galmudug oo mideysan. Marka ay soo dhammaadaan kulamada goono goonida ah ayaa waxaa la filayaa inuu dhaco kulan ay soo diyaarineyso wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha kaasoo lagu dhameystiri doono heshiiska. Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha kala soco Caasimadda Online Caasimada Online Xafiisk Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Qatar Charity (QC) has distributed dry food supplies to 1,000 Somali refugee families living in the Dadaab camp in Kenya to help them cope with the acute food shortage. Source: Hiiraan Online
A high-level delegation from Eritrea is heading to neighboring Ethiopia Tuesday for historic talks that could bring an end to one of Africa's longest-running conflicts. Source: Hiiraan Online
As the United Nations and member states undertake the sixth review of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy this week, one of the many critical questions related to recovering from the effects of violent extremism and terrorism is: what is to be done with offenders when they return to local communities? In Iraq and Syria, for example, an estimated 40,000 foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) from over 110 countries joined the so-called Islamic State in the years it was active, and now about 5,600 from 33 countries have returned home, with many more to follow and others who will relocate elsewhere. Additionally, groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria and al-Shabaab in Somalia have attracted their share of fighters, both locally and regionally. Source: Hiiraan Online
By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur Who were the culprits? Crimes against humanity are deliberate acts taken as part of a systematic campaign that accuses human suffering or death on a large scale. Crimes against humanity are any specific acts deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian or against an identifiable part of a civilian population. For the first time between 20 November 1945 and 1 October 1946, the Nuremberg trials were held for prosecutions of war criminals (the prosecutions of prominent Nazi Germany politicians, political, judicial and economic leadership). However, recently the International Court of Justice (ICJ) made prosecutions through the International Criminal Tribunal and International Court of Justice for the former Yugoslavia. The law of crimes against humanity has primarily developed through the evolution of customary international law. Unlike war crimes and genocide, crimes against humanity are not codified in an international convention as yet. But there is currently an on-going international effort to establish a treaty. This is led by an initiative on crimes against humanity. The crimes against humanity include torture, extermination, prosecution, ethnic cleansing against identified groups on political, racial, ethnic, national grounds etc. In the 1980s crimes against humanity, acts were committed in a widespread manner and systematic attacks against the civilian population in Somaliland. The acts took place before and during the eruption of the war in the North (Somaliland). As many as 50,000 (though other estimates show that about 200,000 civilians – men, women, elderly and children) were killed indiscriminately. “Almost everybody is missing a relative”, as remarked by the Chairman of the Somaliland Investigation of War Crimes Commission (WCIC), Kadar Ahmed ‘Like’. The conflict in the North formally ended when Somaliland withdrew from its union with Somalia. But the perpetrators and culprits (war criminals) who committed the heinous crimes against humanity are still at large at the present. Though many of the officers of the previous dictatorial regime were killed in fighting in the North, others are alive either in exile as refugees like the brutal Colonel Awes Geddow (who shelled Hargeisa mercilessly) ‘the destroyer of Hargeisa’ and General Mohamed Said Hersi ‘Morgan’, ‘the butcher of Hargeisa,. General Mohamed Ali Samatar, the ‘architect and destructor’ of the North, passed away recently in the USA (buried in Mogadishu’s Defence Headquarters). Colonel Mohamed Ali Barre ‘Canjeex’, the executioner of more than 50 young professionals and students at the Gezira beach (previous part), is still changing domiciliary homes and residential countries in the diaspora (Kenya, Syria, lately Saudi Arabia etc.). Colonel Yusuf Ali ‘Tuke’, ‘the butcher of Gabiley and Arabsiyo’ in the 1980s, resides in the USA and waiting for prosecution the same pattern as General Samatar. Many others are known to have been involved in massacres and directing genocidal acts of civilians well before and during the conflict in the north. They are now being haunted by the nightmares of their past inhumane crimes and genocidal histories. General Mohamed Ali Samatar was finally brought to justice solely with the sheer determinations, commitments, efforts and hard work of individuals of Somaliland origin who filed a lawsuit against him. As a matter of fact, the General was the major perpetrator of crimes against Somaliland people. Since the collapse of the Somali government until after his conviction and death, the General was living in Fairfax, State of Virginia, United States. The process of the court proceedings and the outcome of the case are recorded (in author’s forthcoming book ‘the Rebirth of Somaliland’). The case sets a precedent for catching up with all other criminals against humanity in Somaliland. General Mohamed Ali Samatar, a long time fugitive war-criminal, was identified by US citizens, the plaintiffs, of Somaliland origin who managed to bring him to the law and successfully prosecuted him in the US Court of Justice, the case of (Yousuf v Samatar) which had a long-term history in the US courts having went through battles in all the courts of the US, i.e., District Court, the court of Appeals and finally through to the Supreme Court. The case was initiated in 2010, in accordance with the Federal Law. The Court of Justice informed the defendant that he could only appeal to the General Defence Law of the country. After fighting the case for a considerable length of time, Samatar finally buckled and gave up accepting liability before Judge Leonie Brinkema, a US Federal Judge, for torture, extra-judicial killing, war crimes, and other human rights abuses committed against the civilian population during the regime of Siyad Barre. The lawsuit was finally concluded in the US Courts. Senator Patrick Leahy, the lead Democratic sponsor of the Torture Victims Protection Act (TVPA) spoke in support of upholding the importance of the human rights law and, therefore, to bring any other suspect with regards to this issue to court. Apart from Bashe Abdi Yusuf (Bashe Abdi yare) and his colleagues, there still are other surviving culprits of the widespread and systematic campaign of human rights violations carried out under the General’s tenure in office. (The article continues below) Resources: Yousuf v. Samantar Case Yousuf v. Samantar Goes Before the Supreme Court CJA Files Respondents’ Brief with U.S. Supreme Court in Samantar v. Yousuf Supporters of Somali Torture Survivors File Amici Curiae Briefs with the Supreme Court in Samantar v. Yousuf Samantar v. Yousuf: Victory at the Supreme Court Samantar v. Yousuf: Historic Victory at the Supreme Court Yousuf v. Samantar: Ex-Somali Defense Minister is Denied Common Law Immunity for Torture and Killings Update in Yousuf v. Samantar: Court Orders Questioning of Former Somali Defense Minister for Abuses Somali General And Commander Of The Armed Forces Liable For War Crimes Samantar Case: $21 Million Judgment in Favor of CJA Clients Samantar Admits to Ordering Hargeisa Attacks on BBC Radio Senator Patrick Leahy’s Comment on Samantar v. Yousuf As mentioned before, the success of the case owed much to the plaintiffs’ efforts to amass and bringing essential information and corroborating a huge amount of evidence which included the General’s previous confession in a BBC interview in London in 1988 in which he clearly admitted that, since he was the highest commander, it was himself who gave the orders to his commanders to launch the bombardment and shelling of Hargeisa and, hence, by implication the execution of its civilian population. Interestingly, though the defendant ignored that he admitted that in the BBC interview the journalist provided the tape and confirmed, by image photography, that it was him (Samatar) who gave that interview. https://www.voanews.com/embed/player/0/3757684.html?type=video Historically, the lower court of the US refused the General twice before to deliberate the case against his requests. After appeals the US District Court Judge, Leonie Brinkema ruled in favor of the Centre for Justice and Accountability (CJA’s) clients as the Attorneys from CJA and Pro Bono Co-Counsel Akim Gumb Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP convinced the higher court about the grievous injuries and the malicious intent with which Samatar committed the crimes. At the time Samatar continued to assert immunity and for a third time petitioned the US Supreme Court to hear the case as the last resort. He claimed immunity in his official capacity. The case was then brought to the US High Court after he (Samatar) made an appeal which was heard. Finally, the Supreme Court let the previous court rulings and convicted the defendant. The court awarded the Centre for Justice and Accountability (CJA) clients of Somaliland origin namely Bashe Abdi Yussuf ; Abdulaziz Deria; Buraleh Mohamoud and Ahmed Guleid US $21 million as compensation and punitive damages for torture, war crimes against humanity and human rights abuses committed by the former Somali Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, General Mohamed Ali Samatar. The US Supreme court’s decision sends a strong message for all perpetrators of atrocities carried out crimes against humanity in foreign countries. Some of those who committed the heinous crimes of atrocities against humanity in the North today live in North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa. So they should not be cloaked with immunity against their crimes. Unfortunately, there are many other Somali war criminals out there and on the run living freely in exile or otherwise in the diaspora and in Somalia today. But nonetheless, at least in the USA the successful bringing of the case and subsequent success in the case of one of the major culprits, General Samatar’s case opens a ‘Pandora box’ for other cases with same trends to follow suit in the future. It is an encouragement to face the prosecution of other potential candidates of war crimes and brutality against humanity in the future in courts. The CJA’s case marks the first one of a Somali government official to be accountable for atrocities and crimes against humanity. This is a welcoming decision for lawyers, human rights groups and the all those who suffered violation and abuses of the civil and human rights. One member of member of the group, Abdulaziz Mohamed Deria Ali or Eid, who lodged the case, expressed jubilantly his feeling of elation after the court decision. The details provided by one of the victims, Bashe Abdi Yusuf, send gruesome pictures and personal ordeals and historical background of the case who was interviewed by the media (HCTV, Kalsan TV and others and elaborated in the forthcoming book ‘The Rebirth of Somaliland). Warfaa v. Ali (Col. Tukeh) Colonel Yusuf Ali Tuke burning a victim in Gabiley There are other cases in the US courts whose legal courses are still looming in courts. They were dependent on the determination of Samatar’s case. CJA’s other cases include the CJA filed on 10th November 2004 on behalf of Farhan Mohamoud Tani (Warfaa) against a high ranking ex-Somali military commander, Colonel Yusuf Abdi Ali (Tuke) for torture, extra-judicial killing, war crimes, and crimes against humanity at a US District Court, the Eastern District of Virginia. Warfaa, the plaintiff was 17 years old when he was accused of being a member of the SNM and was subjected to brutal torture. He abused by Ali and his subordinates. Warfaa informs that, under the command of the Colonel, he had five close shots by Ali (Tuke) himself. Colonel Ali (Tuke) was first exposed by the fifth Estate in 1992 in the US with allegations that he executed, tortured and maimed a countless number of people in the North (Somaliland) before the collapse of the Barre regime in Somalia. However, as Tuke found himself in a major landmark and human rights lawsuit, he sneaked secretly to Canada. After working several years in Toronto, Canada as a security officer, Ali was exposed by the CBC and deported back to the US, his original port of entry country, for the above mentioned allegations of crimes committed in Gabiley region where he was a military commander during the brutal strife as a henchman for the late dictator, Siyad Barre against the people of Somaliland. The case was re-opened in October 2011 but stayed twice pending the Supreme Court’s decision in Samatar’s case. The case was specifically brought by Farhan Warfaa with allegations of brutal interrogation by Ali himself in December 1987. “During his torture, Ali himself was directly questioning him”, Tara Lee, Warfaa’s legal representative, argued and added, ”At the conclusion of the torture and beating [Ali] shot Warfaa five times at point blank range while the victim was still chained”. Ali was reported by eyewitnesses that he conducted gruesome tortures and killings in Gabiley region. Ali used to tie victims to trees and burn them alive himself by dosing petrol on them. He also used to tie and drag victims behind a military vehicle until their bodies shred into pieces and used to order the remains to remain in the streets for days. The civil action was brought under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) and the Torture Victim Protection Act (TVPA). The case was filed jointly CJA Attorneys and pro bono Partner Cooley LLP, working on pro bono basis. The case was referred by the District Judge to the US State Department with regards to their input to which extent the foreign officials are entitled to immunity acts. Therefore, the case was stalled. The Court administratively closed in 2007 pending determination of Yusuf V Samatar case. Attorneys from CJA and pro bono Partner Akin Strauss Hauer and Feld LLP successfully moved to re-open the case in October 2011. However, the case was delayed again in April 2012, this time pending of another Supreme Court case, Kiobel V Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., regarding the extra-territorial reach of the ATS. In April 2013, the case made to stay after the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Kiobel case holding that the ATS is subject to a presumption against extra-territoriality. On 28 July 2013, the Court solicited the US State Department’s opinion regarding the adverse impact on US Foreign Relations. The State Department gave the court a “functional green” light to proceed. Again, the Court stayed the case for some time in anticipation of whether the Supreme Court would grant ‘certiorari’ to hear the Yousuf V Samatar case which was pending at the time on ruling on the immunity issue. The case is still going despite a series of legal circuits. The fate of this case is expected to follow a similar pattern as the Yousuf V Samatar case which is now closed. The case is now with the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia and a decision is expected. On 2 June 2016, the CNN provided a report on Ali for his atrocities in the North in the 1980s. After his deportation from Canada despite his known accusations, Ali was then found work as a security officer at Dulles Airport, Washington D.C. Surprisingly Ali escaped vetting by the Master Security employer which had contracted from the Metropolitan Airports Authority (MAA). Interestingly, Ali passed a full federally mandating process too. That again included FBI background check and a TSA assessment in the US. Subsequent to his exposure and based on the seriousness of the nature of the allegations, Master Security immediately put Ali on first on administrative leave withdrawing Ali’s airport access and later sacked him. Ali is now being sued in the US Civil Court, a lawsuit earlier filed by the CTJ, a human rights group in 2006 before he sneaked into Canada. According to Kathy Roberts, an Attorney at CTJ, Ali oversaw the most incredibly violent crimes that one can imagine. Ali is well by the local people in Gabiley and Arabsiyo. In Arabsiyo, a group of Peruvian anthropologists dug shallow bits and found battered bones, remains of civilians slaughtered upon Ali’s supervision and orders as the local people (relatives of the victims) confirm that. Ali was well known as a terrorizer and torturer and for his brutal methods of killing such tying victims behind trucks and burring live people. Over the years the case had numerous twists and turns. However, on February 2016, the US Fourth Court of Appeals ruled that part of the case can be moved forward – the lawsuit claiming that Ali tortured and attempted to murder Farhan, the plaintiff. The other part will be dealt by the war crimes courts. The lawsuit is now headed to the US Supreme Court and CTJ expects it is potential to be a landmark precedent for other cases that foreign criminals in the US where thousands of suspected perpetrators are known to be residing such as the murders in El-Salvador, Tortures in Chile, ethnic cleansing in Somalia in the 1980s. In line with a former decision of a case (Yusuf VS Samatar as above) by the Fourth Court of Appeals, final ruling by the Supreme Court in Virginia opened a path for an individual lawsuit for torture and attempted murder against Ali committed when he was the head of the Fifth Brigade of the Somali National Army in the north in the 1980s. The Centre for Justice and Accountability (CJA) confirms that this is a landmark decision to pursue justice in this case. Without a doubt, the credit is to the Media, the Fifth Estate Press that exposed and stripped Ali naked from hiding as a war criminal. The case involving Ali is currently with the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia, the USA and a decision are expected in the near future. This is a clear indication of crimes against humanity, violation of human rights and civil liberty. Though the administrators claimed to be Muslims, such an inhumane act which was commonly practiced attracted condemnation for being unethical and un-Islamic (Quran 85:4-7). Ahmed V Magan: This case was lodged by a former Constitutional Law professor, Somali National University, Abukar Ahmed who resides at Columbus, Ohio, USA against Colonel Abdi Aden Magan, who was the Chief investigator of the notorious National Security Services (NSS) during Barre’s regime in Somalia. The plaintiff is a CJA client who filed the case on 21 April 2010. On 20 November 2012, the US District Court of Ohio found the Colonel guilty but held the case waiting for the determination of General Samatar’s lawsuit. The following case is similarly identical to above case cases in terms of circumstantial pieces of evidence and probably more likely to end up in a similar verdict as Samatar’s case. In Somaliland the War Crimes Investigation Commission (WCIC) directed by Khadar Abdi Mohamed ‘Like’ collaborates with the Peruvian team gathering evidence and necessary testimonies. As a result of a grisly crackdown on SNM rebels between 50,000 and 60,000 civilian people were killed. By 2012, according to WCIC there, a total of 226 mass graves (Berber 12, Burao 8, Sheikh 1, Erigavo 2, Gabiley 2 and Arabsiyo 1) are thus far known. “Everybody is missing a relative. Fathers, mothers, brothers, cousins” says Khadar Like, the Director of WCIC. The commission has a list of 33 suspects as perpetrators of those killings. Many of them are living in exile in North America, Europe, and Africa and Somalia including the butcher of Hargeisa, Mohamed said Morgan. A Peruvian group is currently working on behalf of the Somaliland Crimes against Humanity and Genocide Commission. They have dug two mass graves so far in the vicinity of the towns of Gabiley and Arabsiyo. On March 1988 it was Colonel Ali who led the massacre of 18 civilians near Gabiley at Lag Barako hill. The victims were tied in pairs and later buried in a makeshift mass grave that has recently been discovered. In all mass graves, the bones and remains of partly worn clothes (shirts, pants etc.) with colors were found still distinguishable, small possessions, ropes and other distinctive marks (golden teeth) were found as being crucial for identification and confirmation by the relatives of the people massacred victims. Most of the war criminals who committed such heinous crimes against humanity during the conflict in the Northern regions of Somali Republic (now Somaliland) are at large and on the loose living abroad (North America, Europe, Africa, Middle East etc.). Among those presently identified in Canada include Abdi Ali Nur Mohamed, a former Judge at Hargeisa in the 1980s and Mohamed Hassan Ismail Farah, a former Police Lieutenant in Hargeisa too. The victims reside in the same parts of Canada. The cases are not filed yet for one reason or other. There are other alleged war criminals of cases of crimes against humanity against perpetrators are at large and on the run living in Canada, Somalia, Kenya, Syria, USA etc. A case against a former judge, Mohamed Ali Nur, and a former Police lieutenant in Hargeisa are not active yet. To be continued
HARGEISA– The President of Somaliland Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi has announced that Dubai Ports World will start the expansion and modernization of Berbera Port and the realization of Berbera- Wajale Corridor. DPW will start implementing the development projects by January 2019. The Head of State has made the remarks during a speech delivered on the 58th Independence anniversary which Somaliland gained its freedom from Britain. The president said that Berbera Port Free Zone will also be officially opened which will attract foreign traders to Somaliland. Mr. Bihi has said that Somaliland is welcoming to foreign business communities who are willing to come and seek invest opportunities to Somaliland. The Head of State has sent a cable of congratulation to the Djibouti populace and its government for the Independence anniversary which gained its Independence from the French republic in 1977.
Hargeysa (Caasimadda Online) – Muuse Biixi Cabdi Madaxweynaha Soomaaliland oo khudbad ka jeedinayey munaasibadda xuska sanad guurada 58-aad ee ka soo wareegatay markii ay madax banaanida qaateen Gobollada Waqooyi ayaa ka hadlay Go’aankii dowladda ay kaga hortimid deeqaha lasiiyo Maamulkaas. Waxa uu sheegay in dowladda dhexe iyo dowlad Goboleedyada ay duullaan ku yihiin Somaliland,taasina ay daliil u tahay dagaalka ka socda Tukarraq, go’aanka dowladda Federaalka ah iyo dowlad Goboleedyada ee deeqaha beesha Caalamka sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “Waxaa nagu socda weerar colaadeed oo aan kala har laheyn, maalin hore Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa waraaq soo saaray oo caalamka ku oranayo Somaliland yaa la caawin, waxaa kaloo soo baxay warqad kale oo ay soo saareen maamul goboleedyada oo ay leeyihiin Somaliland yaa la caawin”ayuu yiri Muuse Biixi. Muuse Biixi ayaa sheegay in aysan isku qaban karin in la dhaho Soomaali ha midowdo iyo Midnimada waa muqadas iyo in la cunaqabateeyo oo kaalmadii Somaliland ay ka helayeen caalamka la dhaho in la hakiyo. “Midnimo la raadiyo iyo in lagana go’doomiyo deeqaha Caalamka ma ahan kuwo isqabta,iyaga oo iska kaashanaya dowladda Federaalka ah iyo dowlad Goboleedyada” ayuu sii raaciye. Mar uu ka hadlaayay Shaqada Hay’adda DP World ee dekadda Berbera ayuu sheegay in Bisha December ee soo socota ay billaabaneyso hawlaha rasmiga ah ee dekadda islamarkaana dhismaha wadda ka baxda Berbera illaa Wajaale tagtana la diyraarinayo. Caasimada Online Xafiisk Hargeysa Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dhacdadaani ayaa ka dhacday magalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia, gaar ahaan agagaarka dhismaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Somalia kadib markii Haweeneydan oo la soctay Mooto Bajaaj loo diiday inay u gudubto Isbitaalka ay ku dhali laheyd. Haweeneydan oo markii hore fool aheyd ayey ciidamada Dowlada eek u sugnaa Isgooska Banaadir u diideen inay la gudubto Bajaajka, xili ay u sheegtay inay ku jirto daqiiqadihii ugu danbeeyay ee foosha, hase ahaatee ciidamada halkaa ku sugnaa ayaa u diiday inay marto wadada. Ciidamada ayaa darawalkii waday Bajaajka si bareera ugu diiday inuu Haweeneyda gaarsiiyo Isbitaalka Hooyadda iyo Carruurta ee Banaadir oo aan ka fogeyn halka ay askarta ka xireen Jidka. Ciidamada halkaa ku sugnaa oo u muuqday kuwo aan lagu ababin la dhaqanka shacabka iyo qiimeynta duruufta dadka xanuunsan ayaa dhegaha ka fureystay inay Haweeneyda Foosha haysay u maciinaan iyo inay Bajaajkii gurmad ahaanta iyada u waday u fududeeyaan marista Jidka. Mid kamid ah dadkii ku sugnaa goobta ayaa yiri ‘’Waxaan ku leexday ashahaatanka iyo qeyla dhaanka Haweeneyda, ciidamadu waxa ay dadka gurmadka ku baacinayeen qori waxa ayna ku goodinayeen inay dilayaan qofkii kasoo gudba goobta’’ ‘’Runtii aniga aad ayey isku bedeshay shucuurteyda waayo askarta aan la shaqeyn laheenay ayaa nooga daran kuwa baneestay nafteena’’ ‘’Ciidamada Haweeneydii aan arkay xanuunka saarnaa u arxami waayay dabcan anigu kama sugaayo wanaag balse taasi waxa ay diiwaanka u gali doontaa Dowlada, weyna adkaan doontaa inay wada shaqeyn dhexmarto ciidanka iyo dadka shacabka ah’’ Muranka iyo mowqifka ciidamada oo adkaa kadib Haweeneyda ayaa ku umushay dhinaca wadada xili jawiga magaalada Muqdisho uu ahaa mid qabow saacaduna ay aheyd xiliga Maqribka kadib. Sidoo kale, dhacdadan ayaa ka mid ah Dhacdooyinka naxdinta leh ee ay dadweynuhu la kulmaan xilliyadda ay Ciiddanka DFS xiraan Waddooyinka muhiimka u ah isku-socodka magaalladda Muqdisho. Dhinaca kale, Ciidamada dowlada ayaa lagu eedeeyaa in xiliyada ay xiran yihiin waddooyin si ay ku jirto cadaawad ula dhaqmaan dadka shacabka, taa oo la sheego inay sabab u tahay wada shaqeyn la’aanta shacabka iyo ciidanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
The Somaliland Diaspora Agency (SLDA) congratulates all the esteemed Somaliland Diaspora communities living abroad for the celebration of the 58th Somaliland Anniversary, 26th June, 2018 and urges them to uphold commemorating the Independence Day each year along with 18 May, the Independence Reassertion Day. The Republic of Somaliland is the British Protectorate that won its independence from United Kingdom on 26th June 1960, five days before entering the failed unity with Somalia on 1st July. We annually commemorate 18 May and heighten its festivity because it is the history we reasserted independence from Somalia after grievous decades of suffering and tyranny that botched unity existed. We accentuate the May Day as for the many lives sacrificed and the massive loss to bring back this independence which then brought us the peace, brotherhood, justice, the freedom of speech and the equality enjoyed in Somaliland today. However, June 26 is another momentous history for the people of Somaliland. It is the day we received independence after 76 years under British Rule (1884-1960). As every other country celebrates such event, it is not only essential for Somalilanders as history but also as evidence and support for the Legal Case for obtaining international recognition. It is exclusive history belonging to Somaliland and does not belong to Somalia at all. We need our young generations particularly those Diaspora-born children to learn and know the difference and the importance of both anniversaries and the related histories; June 26, 1960, and May 18, 1991: as the day of Somaliland’s Independence receiving from Britain and the later for declaring independence reclamation respectively and thus espousing celebrations of both events every year. By celebrating June 26, we are taking the opportunity to inform those who may not be aware that Somaliland was a separate country from Somalia and with its historic independence in 1960. Finally, may we again congratulate you on the Somaliland 58th Anniversary Celebration in June 2018 and wish you all the best, well-being and prosperity, your more collective action, your strengthened unity and stronger cooperation, as well as your increased contribution to the nation building and backing Somaliland recognition movement. Hassan Ahmed Yusuf Executive Director and Acting Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland 26th June, 2018
Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Urur goboleedka IGAD ayaa maanta sharafta ka qaaday Col. Gebregziabher Alemseged Abraha, oo ay Soomaalida ay u yaaqaanaan Jeneral Gabre kadib markii shalay laga qaaday xilkii uu ka hayey IGAD. IGAD ayaa maanta Gabre kusoo daabacday qeybta ogeysiiska wargeyska Daily Nation ee ah kan afka dheer dalka Kenya, ayada oo laga digayo in la iska ilaaliyo ninkan, oo ah nin Soomaalida ay aad u nacday. Qoraalka lagu daabacay Daily Nation, oo IGAD ay lacag ku bixisay ayaa lagu yiri “Waxaa la idinku war-gelinayaa in ninka kor ku xusan uusan hadda iyo wixii ka dambeeya u shaqeyn IGAD, sidaas darteed uusan sharciyad u haysan inuu IGAD ku matalo wax ganacsi ah. Wixii uu geysto IGAD mas’uul kama noqon doonto” In xilka laga qaado Gabre, haddana sida tuugada laga digo inaan lala macamaalin waxay ku tuseysaa heerka aadka u hooseyaa ee uu gaaray. Ceyrinta Gabre ee IGAD ee shalay ayaa timid kadib dadaal socday sanad oo dowladda Soomaaliya ay u gashay in Gabre laga saaro Soomaaliya, ayada oo ku eedeysay inuu faro-gelin xooggan ku hayo arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya. Dowladda ayaa ku guuleysatay in xilka laga qaado Garbe, kadib markii ay sidaas ka dhaadhicisay uuna ka ogolaaday ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub ee Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed, oo danaynaya inay Soomaaliya aad isugu soo dhowaadaan. Ka sokow IGAD, Gabre ayaa ahaa sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan sirdoonka Ethiopia, wuxuuna xiriir dhow la lahaa maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya iyo saraakiil ka tirsan milatariga Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi Caasimada@live.com
Maanta waxaa ay umadda Soomaaliyeed u dabaal-dageysaa 58 sano guuradii ka soo wareegtay 26ka June iyo xuriyaddii gobollada waqooyi. Dabaaldegga 26-ka June waa astaan qaran, waa maalinta ay xuriyadda qaateen gobollada waqooyi isla markaana ay dowlad noqdeen. British Somaliland, Waxaa gacanta ku hayey gumeystaha Ingiriiska in ka badan 70-sano, lakin arintaan waxaa lasoo afjaray maanta oo kale 26- June, 1960-kii. Ka hor xuriyadda gobolada waqooyi ee 26-ka June 1960kii, waxaa jiray dhacdooyin iyo tilaabooyin ku tusniya wadinayd iyo isjaceyl dhexmaray bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan waqooyi iyo koofur. 6 April 1960, Golaha Tashriica British Somaliland ayaa meel mariyay Qaraar ama go’aan ku saabsan Madaxbanaanida Somaliland iyo Midnimada Soomaaliya. Gobollada waqooyiga ama Somaliland si ka duwan maanta la joogo ayey go’aanka madaxbanaanida iyo midnimada ugu farxeen. Maalmo kadib, 22-kii April 1960kii, waxaa Muqdishu lagu soo gabagabeeyay shir 6 Maalmood u socday Waftigii Waqooyi ee kan Koofur, Labada dhinac waxaa ay isku afgarteen in 1 July 1960-ka la midoobo oo Waqooyi iyo Koofur ku midoobaan Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya. Kulanka ka dhacay Muqdisho waxaa uu ahaa mid miro dhalay, waxaana la kala tagay iyaddoo labada dhinac ay ka muuqato farxad. Dad badan ayaa qaba in kulankaas uu ahaa mid caadifad iyo walaaltinnimo ay hareysay waayo lagama hadlin sida ay labada urur ee SNL oo waqooyi ahaa iyo SYL oo ka jiray koofurta ay wax u qeybsanayaan. Bishii May 2, 1960-kii, waxaa Yurub tagay wafti ka socda Somaliland, safarkaas waxaa kasoo baxay in 26-ka June 1960 la gaarsiiyo British Somailand madax banaani. Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal oo waftiga horkacayey oo la hadlay umadda Soomaaliyeed isagoo London jooga waxaa uu ku celiyay in Somaliland la midoobi doonto koofurta, sidaana ay labada dhinac ku faraxsan yihiin. 25-26 June, 1960kii lagama seexan gobollada waqooyi ee Soomaaliya, madaxdii Ingiriiska iyo Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal waxaa ay ku mashquulsanaayeen kala wareejinta maamaulka iyo sagootinta gumeystaha. Shacabka waxaa ay isku diyaarinayeen in ay noqdaan dowlad, waxaa intaa dheer fanaaniinta oo qoray heeso iyo sugaan lagu cabirayo maalintaas qiimaha badan. Waxaan filaayaa marka aad xuriyad soo xasuusataan, Waxaa dhagihiina kusoo dhacaya” goormaan Ladnaaney Lixdankii, Lugooyadii na deysay 26-kii June, goormaan Lulanay, 6-dii saacc goormaa Libaaney, 1-dii Luulyo labo midowday. Erayadaas waxaa ay soo koobayaan dareen jiray 26-kii ilaa 1 July 1960-kii, Maalmahaas oo kale Soomaaliya horay uma soo marin. June 26, 1960-kii, Waxaa xoroobey qeybta Waqooyi ee dalka Soomaaliya, Soomaalida ayaa la wareegtay maamulka dhulkooda, isla maalintaas waxaa calanka laga taagay Bartamaha magaalada Hargeisa(Beerta Xuriyadda), iyadoo la qaadayo “Kaana Siib Kanna Saar”. Halgamaaga Soomaaliyeed abwaan C/laahi Suldaan Timacadde ayaa Gabaygaas codkiisa ku qaaday, waxaa uuna noqday gabay ka tarjumaya rabitaanka bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee Waqooyi iyo koofur. Waa jirtay Hees leh, Waa 26-kii, ee labada geesood midi ladnaatay, lurtii gumeysiga geed dheer ku laalay, waa 26-kii lugta waqooyi Libintii keentay, Cadawgii Legdeen, leydhii xurnimo, liibaan ku gaareen. Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal oo la hadlay shacabka kadib bixitaankii gumeysiga ingiriiska, waxaa uu sheegay in dalka ka baxeen ajaanibtii, inaga ayaa naloo kala tagay ayuu intaa raaciyay isagoo hadalkiisa kusoo gabagabeeyay in 1 July ay raacayaan Walaalahooda Soomaaliya. 4 Maalmood 26-kii June, waxaa xuriayddii qaatay gobolada Koofureed ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxaa halkaas ka baxay dalka Talyaaniga uu maamulayey muddo toban sano ah. Allaha u naxariistee Maxamed Ibraahim Cigaal, Waxaa uu soo hor kacay Wafti reer Somaliland ah oo Muqishu u yimid arin taariikhi ah, taas oo aheyd in la mideeyo labada gobo lee dalka, tiiyoo run noqotay 1-dii July 1960-kii. Heestan ayaa ka mid ahaa heesihii loo qaaday xuriyadda June 26keeda“Waa Mahad Alle, Maantaba dunida ka midbeynu nahoo, Waa Mahad Alle, Maantaba dunida ka midbeynu nahoo, majo iyo madaxeen banana…waa Mahad Alle Madaxeen Banaan, waa Mahad Alle Madaxeen Banaan ” Midnimadii labadii gobol ee jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya ka dib waxaa dowladdii madaxweyne Aaden Cabdulle Cusmaan, dhanka waqooyiga Soomaaliya waftigii ka yimid waxaa hogaaminayey Max’ed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal xilal kala duwan ka qabtay dalka Wasiirka difaaca 1960kii-1962dii Wasiirkii Waxbarashada 1962dii-1963 Ra’iisul wasaarihii dowladdii C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke ee 1967dii-1969kii. Aden Cabdulle Cusmaan oo ka soo jeeda gobollada koofurta ayaa dalka madax ka noqday xuriyadda kadib, waxaa ra’isul wasaare u magacaabay Cabdirashid Sharma arke oo isna koofurta ah. July 11, 1961, Waxaa uu Aden Cadde mar kale doortay Cabdirashid Cali Sharma’arke, waxaa jirta arin xusid mudan Labadii xukuumad ee Cabdirashid Cali Sharma’arke uu dhisay, reer Waqooyi ama British Somaliland waxaa la siiyay Afar Wasiir halka Koofurta ay heleen 10 Wasiir, Waxaa intaa sii dheeraa Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’aisul Wasaaraha oo dhamaan ka soo jeeday Koofura Soomaaliya ee uu maamuli jiray gumeystaha Talyaaniga taasi oo keentay in Wasiiro badan is casilaan markii dambe uu ku jiro Wasiirka Waxbarashada Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Igal iyo Sheekh Cali Ismacil wasiirka gaashaadhiga. Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal oo xuriyadda ka hor waqooyiga dalka ka ahaa Xogheyaha guud ahaa xisbiga SNL iyo Ra’isul wasaarihii ugu horeeyay ee Somaliland ayaa Soomaaliya ka noqday dhowr wasiir iyo ra’isul wasaare laakin waxaa xiray Maxamed Siyaad Barre kadib inqilaabkii October 1969kii isagoo xabsiga ku jiray ilaa 1981dii, marka laga reebo hal sano oo India uu safiir ka ahaa. Bishii May 1988, Waxaa ay ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya dilal ka geysteen magaalada Hargeisa, taas oo keentay in dad badan ku dhintaan, ilaa iyo hadda waxaa taagan dhibaatadii maalintaas, Muqdisho kama bixin raali galin iyo Magdhaw toona. Hargeisa wixii 1981dii ka dambeeyay qalbiga ayey ka goosatay Muqdisho, waxaa ay bilaabeen halgan ka dhan ah dowladda Soomaaliya tiiyoo keentay markii dambe in May 18, 1991dii ay ku dhawaaqday gooni isu taag iyo Madaxbanaani. Maxamed Xaaji Ibrajim Cigaal oo wareysi bixiyay 1991-kii kadib, kana hadlay gooni isu taaggii Somaliland, waxaa uu sheegay in Midnimada labada gobol ay ku timid caadifad iyo qorshe la’aan. Aqoonyahanno badan uu ka mid yahay Maxamed Faarax oo ah qoraa ku nool magaalada Hargeisa, wax bandanna ka qoray Taariikhda Madaxdii Somaliland sida Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal iyo goonni isu taagga Somaliland waxaa uu qabaa in Somaliland ay maalintaas dowlad noqotay isla markaana midowga iyo ka go’idda go’aanleeda labadaba ay tahay mid u taallo shacabka iyo hogaanka Somaliland. Hadda waxaa socdo wada hadal labada gobol ah, sheekada waxaa ay taagan tahay halkii 1960kii ay joogtay, weli waa ka sii adag tahay, Soomaalida, beesha caalamka iyo cid walba oo daneysa arrimaha Soomaaliya waxaa ay isha ku wada hayaan waxa ka soo bixi doona wada hadalka Somaaliya iyo Somaliland iyo halka ay natiijada noqon doonto. Ugu dambeyntii, waxaa xaqiiq ah in 26ka June ay Maalin go’aankeeda lagu wada farxay laakin miraheed ay koox guratay?! Haddii midnimo la rabo waa in ay dhacdaa tanaasul ka yimaada koofurta, lana siiyo gobolkaas xuquuqdooda oo dhameystiran.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida ay qoreen wargeysyada kasoo baxa dalka Jarmalka, ciidamada Booliska dalkaasi ayaa maalinimadii shalay gacanta ku dhigay mid kamid ah Ilaalada khaaska ee Usaama Bin Laadin. Wargeysyada ayaa qoray in eedeysanaha la qabtay uu ahaa mid si gaara uu u daneyn jiray Usaama, kaa oo xiliga la qabanaayay ku sugna magaalladda bojum ee waqooyi Galbeed ee Jarmalka. Eedeysanaha la qabtay ee la soo shaqeeyey Hoggaamiyihii geeriyooday ee Alqaacida, Usaama Bin Laadin ayaa magaciisa lagu sheegay Saami A. waxa uuna toboneeyo jeer kasoo qeybqatay dagaalo argagixiso oo siyaabo kala duwan uga kala dhacay caalamka. Booliska waxa ay sheegen in xiliga ay qabanayeen Saami A. aysan kala kulmin wax iska caabin ah, hase ahaatee uu si sahlan ku aqbalay inuu isku soo dhiibo. Saami A. ayaa lagu daba jiray muddo kabadan sanad, waxaana iminka suurowday in si sahlan uu ku galo gacanta Booliska. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee dalka Jarmalka Horst Seehofer waxa uu ku amray Madaxda Socdaalka inay dedejiyaan sidii Eedeysanahaasi loo masaafurin lahaa. Waxa uu Wasiirku sheegay in Saami A. uu yahay mid weli leh halistiisa, sidaa aawgeed la doonaayo in lasoo afjaro joogitaankiisa Jarmalka. Docda kale, Eedeysane Saami A. oo u dhashay dalka Tunisia, ayuu Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee dalka Jarmalka Horst Seehofer amar ku bixiyay in lagu wareejiyo dalkiisa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
“It’s a petty decision,” Solana told Spanish television, explaining he had gone to Iran in 2013 to attend President Hassan Rohani’s swearing-in ceremony Former NATO chief Javier Solana said Monday his online application to enter the United States was turned down for having travelled to Iran where he took part in negotiations on a nuclear deal. “It’s a petty decision,” he told Spanish television, explaining he had gone to Iran in 2013 to attend President Hassan Rohani’s swearing-in ceremony. “I went as a representative for all those who negotiated” a deal later reached in 2015 aimed at ensuring Tehran would not develop a nuclear bomb, from which the United States withdrew in May. “People must go to the most complicated countries to keep going with negotiations. “What seems most shocking to me is that these people be treated the same way as others” in terms of being allowed or denied entry. The online entry application has to be filled in by EU residents before a trip to the United States of three months or less. But since 2015, people having previously travelled to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen can no longer get this fast-track authorisation and have to apply for a visa. The restriction doesn’t normally apply to government employees, but Solana was not in such a post in 2013. “What they have (in the United States) is a computer with an algorithm, and if it knows that you went to Iran recently, it takes you off the system,” he said. “I’m going to try and make sure they let me go over, I need to go as I work there, I’m a professor in several universities.” The Spaniard headed up the NATO military alliance from 1995 to 1999 and subsequently became EU foreign policy chief until 2009. Source: – AFP
Somalia’s capital city of Mogadishu is defined by a complex mix of challenges and opportunities. Despite political and economic struggles, Somalis are innovating to break the chronic cycle of vulnerability. Supported in many cases by the international Somali diaspora, people in Mogadishu are using technology to solve problems and tap into new markets. One initiative poised to accelerate this is the iRise Tech Hub, Mogadishu’s first innovation hub, co-founded by Awil Osman. iRise connects entrepreneurs, innovators, and startups to share ideas and collaborate on a variety of issues ranging from developing an online food delivery startup, to creating an open space for Somalis to incubate ideas. The Somali concept of Ilawadaag—roughly translated as ‘share with me’—is put into practice at iRise to help entrepreneurs get feedback and network with other innovators. iRise co-facilitated an innovation camp with UNDP last September, and will be launching its first incubation program for local entrepreneurs this week, challenging the idea that technology and incubation hubs are limited to high-income countries. With the right support, there is huge potential for home-grown digital solutions. Existing examples include the high prevalence and use mobile money, which allows rural and inaccessible communities to receive remittances and humanitarian support. The Aamin Ambulance service, which is a 24-hour ambulance service in Mogadishu, is the only first responder agency. Abaaraha crisis mapping platform provides relief responders with timely geospatial information. These cases demonstrate the breadth of innovation, which is not isolated from the contextual challenges in Mogadishu. During the devastating bombing in October 2017, iRise was busy coordinating efforts and established an ad hoc national emergency call center and information support team, collaborating with mobile operators, the government, and civil society. These initiatives could not have been possible without the internet. The internet brings local skills to an international market, and solutions to challenges in Somalia readily find applications elsewhere. However, one area that has lagged in Somalia is the availability of reliable and relevant data to support the implementation of businesses and social projects. Open tools like OpenStreetMap have the potential to help innovators overcome this hurdle by creating new solutions for accessing and producing extremely useful data. While this has not yet taken off in the private sector in Africa, projects like Missing Maps and the Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team have shown the potential for humanitarian and development work. Yet, the limitations to developing digital skills are significant. Although more and more residents are gaining access to high-speed internet, there are limited opportunities to acquire the skills that are needed to succeed in the digital economy. Moreover, as the Somali government mobilizes more revenue from its traditional sectors, it has become important for the country to diversify its economy through digital innovations. Supported by a small grant from the World Bank’s Youth Innovation Fund and a contribution from the Digital Development team, we are working with iRise to develop these skills and allow young people in Mogadishu to work on life-improving innovations. The Bank is also supporting the Mogadishu Watt Innovation Challenge, which aims to unearth and support energy innovators across Somalia who may have solutions that deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy through new sources, and use creative business models to improve access to clean energy. Source: – World Bank
A young Somali man who married two women on the same night has told the BBC that he will encourage other men to do it. Bashir Mohamed said he courted both women for about eight months, and convinced them to marry him. “I used to bring them together to socialise with me at my home,” he told BBC Somali. “I used to say openly to both of them that I love them. They were satisfied,” he added. The advantage of marrying both at the same time was that they would not get “jealous” later, and would know from the beginning that they were in a polygamous marriage, Mr Mohamed said. He had taken two wives because he wanted “many children”. “I will encourage other men to do it, if they can afford it,” Mr Mohamed said. Polygamy is allowed in Somali culture, but it is unusual to marry two women at the same time, BBC Somali’s Mohamed Mohamed says. It has happened a few times in the last few years, suggesting that a new trend may be starting, he adds. Mr Mohamed married the two women, Iqra and Nimo, in Sinai village in the breakaway state of Somaliland on 22 June, the private Somaliland Informer news site reported soon after their Source: BBC
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa inta badan magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia ku yaalla xarumaha ugu badan dowlad Federaalka kuwaa oo ay u shaqo tagaan Kumanaan shaqaale. Xarumaha qaar ayaan ku shaqeyn amarada Wasaarada shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in xarun waliba ay u shaqeyso iskeeda. Amarka Wasaarada shaqada iyo shaqaalaha ayaan ka dhaqan galin dhammaan xarumaha dowlada markii laga reebo dhowr xarun oo aan sidaa usii badneyn. Amarada ugu badan ee aan dhaqan galin ayaa ah sida ‘’xiliga fasaxa 26 June’’ oo ah maalin muqadas ah. Shaqaalaha qaar ayaa saaka u shaqo tagay xarumahooda xili ay Wasaarada shaqada iyo shaqaalaha ku dhawaaqday inay fasaxan yihiin dhammaan shaqaalaha dowlada. Inta bada amarka dowlada federaalka Somalia ayaan si buuxda uga dhex shaqeyn Xarumaha dowlada taa oo muujineysa inaanu jirin xarun dhexe oo laga bixiyo amarada maadaama wax kama jiraan laga dhigay tan Wasaarada shaqada iyo shaqaalaha. Sidoo kale, Madaxda qaar ee ka tirsan dowlada ayaa xiliyada fasaxa sida 26 June shaqaalaha ku cadaadiya inay usoo shaqo tagaan Xafiisyadooda. Sida caadaduba aheyd shaqaalaha dowlada qaarkood ayaa saaka oo ku began 26 June u shaqo tagay xarumahooda iyadoo aan khiimo gaara lasiin maalinta qiimaha leh ee 26 June. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dowlada Somalia ayaan looga fadhiyaa inay dhaqan galiso amaradeeda si aan meesha uga muuqan dowlado kala duwan oo ka shaqeeya Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Hargeysa (Caasimada Online)-Hoggaamiyaha maamulka Somaliland Muuse Biix Cabdi ayaa mar kale ka hadlay dagaalka dhiiga ku daadanaaya oo ciidamada Cabdiweli Gaas ay kawadan Gobolka Sool. Muuse Biix Cabdi, ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Cabdiweli Gaas ay diyaar u yihiin inay khilaafka jira uga dhex faa’iideystan daadinta dhiiga shacabka ku nool Gobolka Sool. Muuse Biix Cabdi, waxa uu tilmaamay in xilligaan Somaliland aysan diyaar u aheyn dagaallo ka dhaca Sool, islamarkaana dhankooda ay doonayaan nabad. Muuse Biixi waxa uu sheegay in dagaal aanu faa’ido lahayn, Somaliland-na ay diyaar u tahay nabad iyo wadahadal ay la gasho Puntland. Biixi oo ka hadlaayay colaada ka jirta Gobolka Sool iyo sida ay ugu faraxsan tahay Puntland ayuu yiri “Waxaan u sheegayaa dhammaan dadka Afsoomaaliga ku hadlay, Somaliland waxay dooneysaa Nabad, Soomaaliya waxaan leenahay 27-sano oo silac, rafaad, dhimasho iyo waxbarasho la’aan ah baan ku jirnaa uma sii baahnin colaado kale, uma baahnin dagaal, wax hadal lagu dhameyn karo anigu garan maayo waxa loogu dagaallamayo” Biixi waxa uu intaa raaciyay ‘’Micnuhu maaha inaan iska celin weysanahay Puntland ee waxaa na dhibeysa dhiiga 27sano kadib kusii qubanaaya maalayacniga. Biixi ayaa hadalkaan ka sheegay Munaasabad xalay lagu qabtay Madaxtooyada Somaliland ee magaalada Hargeysa, laguna xusayay 26-ka Juun waxa uuna khudbadiisa xooga ku saaray colaada Gobolka Sool. Sidoo kale, Hoaggaamiyaha Puntland C/weli Gaas oo dhowaan ka hadlay magaalada Garoowe ayaa sheegay in ay ka go’an tahay sidii ay gobolka Sool dagaal ugu qabsan lahaayeen. Dhinaca kale, Hogaamiye Muuse Biixi ayaa u muuqanaaya mid doonaaya in laga gudbo colaada deegaanka Tukaraq, halka C/weli Gaas uu mindiyaha u sifeysanaayo Somaliland iyo shacabka ku nool Gobolka Sool. Caasimada Online Xafiisk Hargeysa Caasimada@live.com
Somalia’s capital city of Mogadishu is defined by a complex mix of challenges and opportunities. Despite political and economic struggles, Somalis are innovating to break the chronic cycle of vulnerability. Supported in many cases by the international Somali diaspora, people in Mogadishu are using technology to solve problems and tap into new markets. Source: Hiiraan Online
Somali National Army (SNA) on Monday killed seven al-Shabab militants including a foreign fighter in a military operation in Lower Juba in southern Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online
The Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation has distributed 824 tonnes of food items to 6,000 families — around 30,000 people — in the drought-stricken area of Jubaland in Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online