Deeq A.

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  1. Dhacdada ugu weyn kubadda cagta adduunka ee sanadka 2018 oo ka socota dalka Ruusha ayaa xalay lasoo gabagabeeyay waajigii hore group-yada. Waxaana ka soo gubdbay 16 xul qaran oo kamid ah 32-dii xul qaran ee ee tagey Ruushka, kuwaas oo kala ah dalalka Russia, Brazil, Uruguay, Spain, Portugal, France, Denmark, Croatia, Argentina, , Switzerland, Sweden, Mexico, Belgium, England, Colombia iyo Japan. Xulalkii ka socday qaarada Afrika oo ahaa 5 xul qaran ayaa dhamaantood ka haray tartankan, waxaana xulkii ugu danbeeyay oo ahaa Senegal uu ku haray sharci ay FIFA dejisay oo ah in lagu kala baxo dhanka ciyaar wanaagga iyadoo la xisaabinayo calaamadaha ay qaateen labada wadan ee isku dhibcaha noqda. Xulka Jaban oo ah xulka kaliya ee ka socda qaarada Aasiya oo u gudbay wareega bug baxda ayaa ku soo baxay sharcigakan, kadib markii ay dhibcaha iyo goolasha ka simeen xulka Senegal, Jaban ayaa la guddoonsiiyay afar kaar oo hurdi/jaallo ah, halka Senegal ay lix jaallo aruursatay, taasoo ka dhigan in Japan ay ciyaar wanaag kusoo gudubtay. Xulkii difaacanay koobkii adduunka ee sanadkii 2014-kii ee Germany ayaa kamid noqday 16-kii xul qaran ee ka haray tartankan. Xulal qaramada u soo baxay wareega bug baxda (16-ka) ayaa qaabkan isugu aaday France iyo Argentina Uruguay iyo Portugal Spain iyo Russia Croatia iyo Denmark Brazil iyo Mexico Sweden iyo Switzerland Belgium iyo Japan Colombia iyo England Kulamada wareega bug baxa (16-ka) ayaa la ciyaari doonaa 30 June ilaa 3 July 2018 Wareega sideed dhammaadka (Quarter Finals) Xulalka France iyo Argentina kii soo baxa wuxuu la ciyaari doonaa midkoood xulalka Uruguay iyo Portugal kii soo baxa. Xulalka Spain iyo Russia kii soo baxa wuxuu la ciyaari doonaa midkood xulalka Croatia iyo Denmark kii soo baxa. Xulalka Brazil iyo Mexico kii soo baxa wuxuu la ciyaari doonaa xulalka Sweden iyo Switzerland kii soo baxa. Xulalka Belgium iyo Japan kii soo baxa waxa uu la ciyaari doonaa xulalka Colombia iyo England kii soo baxa. Kulamada wareega sideed dhammaadka ayaa la ciyaari doonaa 6 July ilaa 7 July 2018. Wareega Afar dhammaadka ( Semifinals) Wadamada France iyo Argentina ama Uruguay iyo Portugal kii soo baxa wuxuu ku dhici doonaa Spain iyo Russia kii soo baxa ama Croatia iyo Denmark Xulalka Brazil iyo Mexico, iyo Sweden iyo Switzerland kii soo baxa wuxuu ku dhici doonaa Belgium iyo Japan ama Colombia iyo England. Kulamada wareega Afar dhammaadka ayaa la ciyaari doonaa 10 July ilaa 11 July 2018. Kama dambeysta (Final) Ciyaarta kama dambeysta (Final) ee koobka adduunka 2018-ka waxaa lagu ciyaari doonaa garoon ku yaal magaalada Moscow oo la yiraahdo Luzhniki, 15 July 2018. PUNTLAND POST The post 16 wadan oo u soo baxay wareega bug baxda koobka adduunka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Sida ay sheegeen odoyaal la hadlay Idaacado kale duwan, waxaa gacanta Itoobiya laga sii-daayey Cabdikarim Qalbi-dhagax kaas oo 10 bil ka hor ay dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya u gacan gelisay maamulka Itoobiya. Laakin sida uu afhayeenka Ururka ONLF Cabdiqaadir Xasan Hirmooge u sheegay VOA-da, C/kariin ma heysto xuriyad dhameystiran, waxaana weli jira arrimo u baahan in xal laga gaaro. Hiirmooge ayaa yiri “C/kariin wuxuu ahaa siyaasi u xirnaa dowladda Itoobiya, in odayaal uu magan u ahaado ma ahan, in sii deyn iyo heyn uu u dhaxeeyo arrimahaasi waa wax ka baxsan nidaamka maxaabiista, labaatan maallmood kahor ayaa laga sii daayay xabsiga oo lagu hayay xaafad, C/kariin waa inuu helaa xoriyadiisa siyaasiga ah.” Dhinaca kale, gabar uu adeer u yahay Qalbi-Dhagax, islamarkaana ah mas’uul ka tirsan dowladda federaalka ah, ayaa iyada oo codsatay in magaceeda la qariyo waxa ay qabtaa walaac la midka ah ONLF, iyada oo sheegtay in weli wada hadal uu soo socda sidii xuriyad dhameystiran u heli lahaa. Hoos ka dhageyso wareysiga Hiirmooge ee VOA. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax oo ahaa sarkaal ka tirsan ururka ONLF oo ay bishii August ee sannadkii hore dawladda Somalia u gacan gelisay dawladda Ethiopia ayaa shalay laga sii daayey xabsi ku yaalla magaalada Addis Ababa. Deysmada Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax oo noqoneysa hadal heynta ugu badan ayaa waxaa siyaabo kala duwan uga hadlay shaqsiyaad kala duwan oo qaarkood xilal kala duwan horay usoo qabtay. Wasiirkii hore ee Arrimaha Gudaha Somalia C/raxmaan Maxamed Xuseen (Odawaa), ayaa kamid ah shaqsiyaadka ka hadlay deysmada Sarkaalka ONLF Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax, waxa uuna sheegay inuu aad usoo dhaweynaayo go’aanka ay Ethiopia kusii deysay C/kariin Sheekh Muuse Qalbi-Dhagax. Odawaa ayaa sheegay inay aad u kala wanaagsan tahay Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax oo ku xiran Xabsi ku yaala Ethiopia iyo isagoo laga sii daayay Xabsiga oo xoriyadiisa dib u hantay. Nuqul kamid ah qoraal uu Odawaa soo dhigay bogiisa Faceboo ayuu ku yiri “Waxaan si farxad leh u soo dhawaynayaa inuu walaalkeen C/karin Qalbi-dhagax uu xorriyaddisa dib u helay isaga oo aan abaal uga hayn intii gacan ka geysatay dhiibidiisa sanad ka hor” Odawaa waxa uu intaa raaciyay qoraalkiisa “Madaxweyne Farmaajo wali fursad baa u furan oo uu shacabka Soomaliyeed iyo Qalbi-dhax ku waydiisto Cafis”. Odawaa oo kamid ah Mucaaradka dowlada ayaa xiligii dhiibista Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax kamid ahaa Xildhibaanada dowlada Somalia ku cadaadineysay in Qalbi dhagax lasii daayo. Odawaa waxa uu horay fadhigii Baarlamaanka uga sheegay in haddii dhiibidiisa aysan ogeyn Madaxda ay tahay musiibo, haddii ay ogaayeena tahay musiibo ka weyn. Sidoo kale, Odawaa ayaa sheegay in Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax uu kala garankaro cida u wanaagsan iyo cida ku dhibtay nolosha ee u gacan galisay dowlad uu ku tilmaamay cadow oo uu ula jeedo Ethiopia. Haddalka Odawaa ayaa u muuqda mid lagu duraayo dowlada Somalia oo iyadu lagu eedeeyo in si ku tallo gal ah ay Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax ugu gacan galisay Ethiopia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  4. Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) commander Abdikarim Muse Qalbi Dhagah has been freed by the Ethiopian government on Thursday. Voice of America journalist Harun Maruf said traditional leaders confirmed that Abdikarim Muse was released on Thursday morning at 8am local time. Abdikarim Muse’s arrest and subsequent repatriation from Somalia to Ethiopia in August last year sparked an international outcry as it was feared the government would torture and humiliate him, having described ONLFas a terrorist organization and by extension, its members as terrorists. ONLF describes itself as “a national liberation organisation that struggles for the rights of the Somali people in Ogaden and has no involvement whatsoever in Somalia’s multifaceted conflict at all.” Reformist Abiy calls out to ‘opponents’ Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, who has championed political and economic reforms since taking office in April, has called on all previously banned political movements to give up rebellion and engage with the current government peacefully. In a recent speech to legislators, Abiy said the country can only benefit from peace but not war, and called on Patriotic Ginbot 7 (PG7), the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) to give up arms. PG7 has since heeded the call and announced its intentions to return to Ethiopia and pursue a peaceful struggle. Ogaden region The Ogaden region a disputed territory between both countries was the subject of a war in February 1977. Ex-Cuban president Fidel Castro okayed the deployment of 1000s of soldiers under the leadership of one General Arnaldo Ochoa to help Ethiopia in a war. The troops went to support the regime under Mengistu Haile Mariam to annex the Ogaden region. Somalia at the time, albeit allies of Ethioipia believed they were winning the war but forcefully surrendered the Ogaden plateau to the 17,000 Cuban soldiers. The government of Ethiopia announced that extraction of oil would take off this week in the Ogaden region. Source: – Africa News
  5. Jabhadda ONLF ayaa dhaliishay go’aanka ay dawladda Itoobiya shidaalka uga soo saartay Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya. “Iyadoo aan la xallinin is afgaranwaaga muddada dheer soo taagnaa iyo arrinta siyaasiga ee dhextaalla Soomaalida Ogaadeenya ku nool iyo Itoobiya in hantidoodii loo gacan dhaafo oo lagu quudiyo dad kale oo Itoobiyaan ah waa gacan dhaaf waana diidannahay” ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Jabhadda ONLF Caddaani Hiirmooge. Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa Markii u horraysay shidaal tijaabo ah ka soo saartay deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya. Ra’iisulwasaare Abiy Axmed oo arrintaas ka hadlayana wuxuu sheegay in maalinkaste la soo saari doono 450 foosto oo shidaal cayriin ah, sannadka u horreeyana la filayo in ay ka faa’iidaan hal bilyan oo doolar. “Marka ay shaqadu dhamaato ee aan ka dhoofino dekedda Jabuuti waxaan qiyaasaynaa in aan sannadkii ka heli doono siddeed bilyan oo doolar” ayuu yiri Abiy. Caddaani oo waraysi gaar ah siiyay BBC ayaa la waydiiyay: haddii gobolku uu ka mid yahay Itoobiya kharashka lagu soo saarayna ay bixisay oo shirkad qandaraas ku siisay hantida Itoobiyoo dhan baa leh, marka soo kama haboona in aad dadka u ogolaataan nolol iyo hormarkooda? “Anagu Itoobi kama mid nihin, dhaqaalaheeda lama lihin, siyaasadda Itoobiya waxba kuma lihin, dad la haystaan nahay qoribaana lagu qabsaday walina waan diidanayn oo iska caabin baan wadnay waana sii wadi doonnaa, hantida shacbi Soomaaliyeed baa iska leh Itoobiyana ma laha” ayuu yiri caddaani. Ra’iisulwasaaraha cusub ee Itoobiya ayaa labadii bilood ee uu xilka hayay sameeyay isbadallo waawayn isaga oo cafiyay maxaabiistii siyaasadda, jacayl iyo wada jirna ugu baaqay dadka Itoobiya. Wadamada dariska ah ayuu durba u safray oo heshiisyo la galay, wuxuuna si aan la filaynin gogol nabadeed ugu fidiyay Eritrea isaga oo ballanqaaday in uu ku wareejin doono dhulka ay ku muransan yihiin. Haddaba BBC-da ayaa caddaani waydiisay sida diidmada jabhadda iyo Isbadalladaas Itoobiya ay isu waafajin karaan. “Dadaal nabadeed mab’da ayuu naga yahay waana soo dhawaynaynaa, arrinta Ogaadeenyana in si nabad ah lagu xalliyo barnaamij siyaasi ah bay naga tahay” ayuu yiri caddaani. Xigasho: BBC Somali
  6. In its 32nd regular session today, Ethiopian parliament has passed a proposed amnesty bill into law. The bill, which is now a law, was presented to the parliament for consideration by the Law, Justice and Administrative Affairs Standing Committee. The law establishes board members drawn from five federal ministries and two individuals to be assigned by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The federal ministries included in the board are: Federal Attorney Genera (chair), Ministry of women and Children Affairs, Federal Police Commission, Federal Supreme Court, Federal Prison Administration as well as two individuals to be assigned by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The board will be accountable to the Prime Minister’s office. Addis Standard learned that although Ministry of Defense was initially included in the board it was later on removed as the federal Police Commission was deemed more appropriate. The Amnesty law will pave ways for legal amnesty provisions for individuals facing criminal and/or terrorism charges or are convicted of alleged offenses such as outrage against the constitution and terrorism. It is also expected to provide legal provisions to lift designations of terrorism from organizations such as the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), Patriotic Ginbot 7 (PG7) and the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), which are all classified by Ethiopian parliament as terrorist organizations. Although Ethiopia has recently been freeing thousands of prisoners including those charged or convicted of terrorism offenses, the release was based on pardon provisions which makes it susceptible for re-institution under some circumstances. The Amnesty bill will clear ways and make the decision not based on pardon but based on the law, which in tern absolves individuals and organizations who/which are legitimate for amnesty of all charges labeled against them. It will also eliminate re-institutions pardons once an individual or an organization is granted amnesty. AS Source: – Addis Standard
  7. The African Union and Kenya are set to unveil a new camel drug to help increase productivity and improve livelihoods in the Horn of Africa market. Judith Chemuliti, Director of Kenya’s Biotechnology Research Institute (BioRI) said on Thursday that once the study is complete, the drug will replace the current drug, tryquin that has been in existence for the last 20 years. “We are set to look at an integrated control of camel diseases that threaten livelihood and food security in the Horn of Africa,” Chemuliti said during the project launch in Nairobi She blamed tryquin’s ineffectiveness for the spread of surra, a camel trypanosomiasis disease that is a constraint to camel production. Chemuliti, who is also the study’s Principal Investigator, said that the study will help contribute to development of pastoral communities through sustainable intensification of pastoral livelihoods. The scientist noted that the three-year study which will be funded by the African Union will be carried out in Somaliland in northern and northeastern Kenya. She observed that camel production has been a significant livelihood means and an integral part of socio-cultural practices of pastoralist communities in Somalia and ecosystem in the Horn of Africa yet the disease causes high mortality, reduction in milk production and loss in body condition. “Unlike other livestock species, camels are affected most by surra due to abundance of its unique vectors — biting flies that lead to infection rate of 20-70 percent in camel herds with high mortality rates in untreated herds,” she added. According to Chemuliti, despite surra’s socio economic significance in the Horn of Africa, the disease has previously received minimal and intermittent research and control attention by government and development agencies. She said that researchers will study and communicate control methods to ameliorate the complex problem of surra in the Somali ecosystem. “We plan to come up with evidence based integrated technologies and approaches that will optimize efficiency in camel production, minimize production losses and avoid geographical spreading of camel trypanosomiasis,” said the scientist. She said that the researchers will also build capacity of animal health workers in the region to better manage and control surra. Eluid Kireger, the Director General of Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) said the study will help benefit the regional countries by enhancing livestock production. Once the disease is managed in the region, Kireger said, camel products will find market internationally. “The study will help improve livelihoods and food security in the Horn of Africa by increasing trans-border trade in the region,” he added. Source: – Xinhua
  8. Garoowe (Caasimada Online) – Ciidamo xoogan oo ka kala tagaya magaalooyin kala duwan ayaa gaaray deegaanka Tukaraq oo ay ku dagaalamayaan ciidamada maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland. Ciidamadan oo watay gaadiid tirro badan ayaa waxaa la xaqiijiyay inay ka baxeen magaalada Qardho kuwaa oo saacado un ka hor gaaray deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool. Ciidamada oo gurmad u ahaa kuwa Puntland ayaa iminka ku biiray ciidamadii hore ee ku sugnaa Jiida, waxaana lasoo sheegayaa inay xoojin u yihiin kuwii hore. Gurmadka ciidamadan ayaa daba socda ciidamo muddo afar cisho laga joogo la geeyay deegaanka Tukaraq. Somaliland ayaa iyana ciidamo intaa kabadan saacadihii ugu danbeysay geysay jiida deegaanka Tukaraq kuwaa oo la xaqiijiyay inay caawinayaan kuwii hore. Dagaalada goosgooska ah ee ka dhaca deegaanka ayaa waxaa ka dhasha khasaaro badan oo isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac, waxaa sidoo kale labada ciidan kala qabsadeen gaadiid dagaal. Madaxweynaha Somalia ayaa goor sii horeysay ugu baaqay labada maamul in si deg deg ah u joojiyaan dagaalka, mana muuqato hada dadaalo badan oo lagu joojinayo dagaalka u dhaxeeya Somaliland iyo Puntland.
  9. Two people including a four-year old boy were killed and 15 people were injured in sudden heavy downpours and strong winds that wreaked havoc in Salahley and Aw-Barkhadle, south of Hargeisa. Feysal Ali Sheikh, the director of Somaliland’s disaster preparedness authority, NADFOR, told Radio Ergo the freak weather occurred without warning, leading to much damage. He reported that 51 houses made of iron-sheets, wood and clay were swept away in the storm. Among the destroyed houses, 31 were in Salahley, 80 km south of Hargeisa. The people living there have been moved to a local primary school as the students are on break until August. In Aw-Barkhadle, around 10 families were left homeless and moved to stay with relatives. The local primary school in the area also had its roof battered. Sallahley hospital, an orphanage, and 18 business stalls were damaged. The hospital’s perimeter wall was blown down but the hospital is still working. Around 5,000 families live in the Salahley area, while the Aw-barkhle village is inhabited by 500 families. These families are mostly pastoralists. Amina Mohamed Ise broke her right leg when her house collapsed around here and her three children. “The rain and wind came suddenly at dusk – it went on for 10 minutes. Our house fell down on us while I was inside with the children,” she said. Amina is being treated free of charge at the local hospital. Adan Osman Farah and his family of10 were among those displaced. Their house flooded and two of his children were injured. They are being treated free of charge in Salahley. Dr Omar Ali, director of Salahley hospital, which is run by Somaliland’s ministry of health, said they received 11 injured patients, some with broken limbs due to the collapse of houses. The local administration and NADFOR are planning to start reconstructing people’s homes in Salahley and Aw-Barkhadle from Sunday. The sudden storm comes soon after the tropical cyclone Sagar that caused at least 40 deaths and killed a large number of livestock in Somaliland’s Awdal region. Radio Ergo
  10. By Dr. Hussein Mohamed Nur INTRODUCTION The Horn of Africa region has always been a major cockpit for the world politics and a playground for the world powers and the geopolitical strategy of Somaliland is important for the security of the region. Since Somaliland’s withdrawal from union with Somalia in 1991, it has achieved a relative peace, security, and stability and embarked on the development of successful democratization and pluralism. The remarkable achievements Somaliland has made since then link it to the international agenda, i.e., in the prevention of international terrorism, sea piracy and extremists and the security of the region. Somaliland after having emerged from the ruins, the destruction of the civil conflict and liberation struggle by the SNM and a decade of oppression before that by the Barre regime, Somaliland has eventually produced a functional government complete with all the accoutrements of modern statehood and most of the international community show commitment to strengthen to support democracy, pluralism and good governance. The peace and stability that Somaliland relished reinforce its role of acting as a bulwark against extremist ideologies and terrorist violence in the region. It was exactly because of that that some American scholars even made the argument that it is important to encourage Somaliland through appropriate economic, political and security cooperation to anchor it within America’s orbit as an international society. In the international political arena, Somaliland is considered as an African success story and has become a model for the rest of the conflict-ridden parts of the world particularly Africa including Somalia which has so far not produced tangible results in terms of the peace, stability and not to mention democratization and pluralism. But Somaliland’s success lies within its expertise in peace, reconciliations and nation building and to overlook that is to undermine the international goals of poverty alleviation, achieving peace, stability and good governance in the region. In consensus, Somaliland’s outstanding features are attributes by a grassroots involvement of the people; a positive role of traditional authorities; an asset of a culture of negotiation and conflict resolution, as well as temperance of ethnicity and deployment of constructive purposes. Somaliland merits international recognition The recognition of Somaliland would surely boost prosperity in the Horn region and would be a credit to human rights and democracy in the region in general and in its neighbor, Somalia in particular. The last presidential election (2017) has further consolidated a successful pluralistic democracy in action. I retain that if the West is truly serious about democracy promotion, peace, stability, security, counter-terrorism, curtailment of the spread of religious fundamentalism (a comprehensive package that Somaliland possesses and committed to sustaining), they should officially recognize it. The Europeans pushed the issue of recognition to the African. But the African Union (AU) chose to be silent about the issue. Ironically, the AU’s overall mandate is to safeguard the wish of the African people and that, of course, includes the wish, motivation, and enthusiasm of the people of Somaliland who chose their destiny and self-determination and motivation. Within the social context, self-determination is understood to be a natural phenomenon of human motivation concerned with development and functioning of personality. The definitive goal of Somaliland is to stay out of a botched union to preserve its peoples’ interest who, by a wide majority (97%), voted to their fate in the 2001 constitutional referendum to revoke its union with Somalia and regain its sovereignty and independent status before unity with the south. It is, therefore, the peoples’ consecrated principle that needs to be respected by the African Union and the international community as that is concomitant with legality and a human rights. Comparatively, in Somalia, both earlier transitional governments (the TNG and TFG) failed and provided no beneficial impetus for the Somali society in the realization of peace, security, and stability. Both transitional administrations were classed as pretenders and predators. The present Federal government of Somalia, though a product of well-intentioned efforts of the international community to set up a proper democratic government, is technically and practically still indicates a failed state. It is merely ineffective and toothless and has no capacity or endurance to shed off the malaise of the tribal divisions it vows in theory. The government is dominated by the popular 4.5 clans coded system topped up with an utter lack of security and peace. Despite being an undemocratic entity, the federal government of Somalia has been recognized by the international community. In addition, it is being kept floating above the water by an injection of huge external finances and assistance from the international community. The security of Somalia is in the hands of foreign troops (AMISOM) consisting of six African nations with a huge budget that runs more than US$1.3 million a year (The Economist, 2016). Somaliland merits recognition. The case of Somaliland for international recognition is strong. The argument for recognition of Somaliland is firmly grounded on legality. A robust legal ground clearly puts it forward to achieve it’s independent statehood that it has lost to Somalia in 1960 as some British lawyers (members of the European Parliament in Brussels stress. Somaliland has the essential paraphernalia for recognition as an independent state. It is relatively peaceful and stable and developed visible engagement with the rest of the world with excellent relationships with independent states, governments and excellent relationship with the rest of the world (the international community, UN agencies, the Arab League, the EU, and the AU). The cooperation of Somaliland with the principal nations in the developed world (America, Europeans, and others) is irrefutable. “Somaliland has undoubtedly the most democratic political system in the entire Horn of Africa”. During the 2017 presidential elections, political pundits described Somaliland as the strongest democracy in East Africa ( ). But recognition is more to do with politics and is more dependent upon the prevailing world political game in play. In 2005 the African Union itself admitted that Somaliland’s claim for recognition is not much about legality but that it remains in political limbo despite that it ticks all the statehood boxes. Five years ago, in 2013, the international community set Somaliland and Somalia apart by setting mutually exclusive claims of both authorities in Mogadishu and Hargeisa. Hence, by endorsing a system named ‘the Somali Compact’ (SC). In fact, the SC indirectly settles Somaliland’s political destination. An entire section of the compact ‘Somaliland Special Arrangements (SSA)’ acknowledges Somaliland’s development efforts and circles the institutionalization of its on-going process and initiation with an overarching and equal partnership between the Somaliland government, its people, and the international community. The argument here is that Somaliland clearly moved from a non-existent object to an object of recognition in the international discourse. Arguments against Somaliland international recognition mainly focus on false presumptions – that the recognition of Somaliland will open a ‘Pandora’s Box’ in Africa and that would, therefore, encourage other African entities to follow suit which would lead to claims of secessionists and that would, in turn, lead to instabilities in the continent. This is purely a hypothetical and delusive theory. Somaliland’s case would not lead to redrawing of boundaries. In 1991 the Somaliland Protectorate borders during the colonial times were restored exactly as they were when it was granted independence on 26 June 1960, i.e., its same borders when it was granted independence by Britain and when at the same time it joined with Italian Somalia on its independence day (1 July 1960). For more than thirty years Somaliland and Somalia were in a loose and illegal union. The union process took place in haste with no ratified or agreed Act of Union by the two states uniting. There were two distinctly different versions of Acts of Union which made the union legally impossible and impractical. Nevertheless, that was overshadowed by the extreme public pressure and the highly charged emotion of the people who expected that would lead to Greater Somalia. There was no interest and no time in the consideration of the fine details of the Union Act and any legal flaws or mistakes of technicalities. Therefore, the Act of the union was an unequivocally illegal and invalid tool according to the international law. Thus, there was no legal binding contract that could hold the two together. The illegality of the union was clearly proven by the case of the aborted junior military officers (discussed in an earlier part of this series and in details in author’s forthcoming book ‘The Rebirth of Somaliland’). Somaliland is wrongly described as ‘secessionist’ by those against recognition of Somaliland or the unionists. However, Somaliland is not (and has never been) a region or a territory seceding from a country called ‘Somalia’. Somaliland is neither carving a region out of a country (Somalia) nor dismembering a sovereign state (Somalia). Somaliland is neither a territory incorporated into a sovereign state nor a territory seceding from a country called Somalia. After more than three decades, the union did not work and withdrawal of one (Somaliland) from the union is in full in accord with the international law. Rather Somaliland only restored its own sovereignty and territorial integrity. Somaliland is NOT a secessionist. The case of Somaliland is a case of ‘dissolution’ of a failed union between two distinct separate independent states and there are precedent cases. There are precedents for Somaliland’s dissolution of the union. A number of independent African independent states dissolved their unions before. For example, the union of the United Arab Republic between Egypt and Syria was dissolved in 1961; the union between French Sudan and Senegal (the Malian Federation) was dissolved in 1960; Senegambia (Gambia and Senegal) was dissolved in 1989. In other parts of the world, the chain of the breakdown of federations of the former USSR and Yugoslavia, East Timor among others are relevant examples. The concept of greater Somalia State which was a sacrosanct issue among all Somalis during the pre-independence period is nowadays twisted and equated the union of two Somali-inhabited territories (Somalia and Somaliland) as irreversible disguising the term ‘Somali Unity’. The Somali unity which is staunchly and persistently expressed by Somalia is actually a kind of a daydream though technically, practically and politically a dead and an obsolete term. Claims of Somali unity of two territories, instead of the five Somalis parts, has no bearings in the modern politics. What Somaliland should do compromise, and is fond of, is the Somali identity, the socio-cultural and societal ties, the relationships, cooperation and mutual support between Somaliland and Somalia as two separate independent states. This concept of Greater Somalia had faltered apart a long time ago. It is a surreal ambition and practically proven unachievable expectation. Each one of the five Somali-inhabited territories went on its own way one after the other. For instance, when Kenya achieved its independence from Britain in 1963, the Northeast province (NFD) Somali speaking province officially became part of the independent country of Kenya. In 1977, Djibouti, another Somali-speaking territory with a large section of population Somali which was under French control was declared independent as the Republic of Djibouti. A third Somali inhabited territory (aka the ‘Ogaden’) together with the grazing lands of ‘Haud and Reserved Area’) of Somaliland annexed to Ethiopia in 1954, presently forms part of Ethiopian Democratic Federal State ‘the fifth region’. In 1991 Somaliland (a fourth Somali speaking territory) withdrew from the union with the South (Somalia). That was the end of the Somali unity (Greater Somalia notion or perception or dream. That literally put the nail in the coffin of the unity notion though still being voiced by unionists of Somalia and their cohorts. Those successive historic events rendered the Pan Somalia notion obsolete and utopian. The union of the two does not mean the unity of Somalis. The unity of all Somalis does not mean the union of only two Somali entities (Somaliland and Somalia). The Montevideo Convention Somaliland perfectly complies with the international Montevideo Convention Test. It fulfills all of the Convention’s Rights and Duties of States. The Convention holds the conditions of statehood against specific criteria: a permanent population, a defined territory, a functioning government, and the capacity to enter relations with other states. The requirements of Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on rights, duties, and requirements of a State are fulfilled. Somaliland has a permanent population (about 3.5 million) with a distinct colonial experience; a defined territory (area of 246,000???m2; a fully functioning government with essential fundamental institutions and structures; and has the capacity to enter into relationships with other states. Somaliland has undoubtedly established the most democratic political system in the entire Horn of Africa. Somaliland withdrew from the union for a number of reasons: a) Somaliland people expectations of the union ended with failure and Somaliland experienced injustices in power-sharing with South Somalia and b) Somaliland people were oppressed, alienated and subjugated followed by systematic destruction by its government and c) the North did not have its share in development. Somaliland’s declared independence as a result of all Somaliland people’s wish and choice and its withdrawal does not contravene the principle of utti possidetis juris which should not be annulled or disregarded. Utti possidetis juris is a principle of customary international law that provides emerging independent states to retain the same borders that their preceding dependent areas had before independence. What makes Somaliland an exception to the rule is the pertinent question that needs to ask. Utti possidetis has been already applied to some South American countries, Africa, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union and others where centralized governments were broken up or where imperial rulers were replaced. The principle of inviolability of boundaries is rightly applicable in Somaliland. Somaliland does not claim any land beyond its legitimate borders boundaries. By reclaiming its territorial integrity and its sovereignty, Somaliland borders or boundaries are coterminous with the borders of British Somaliland protectorate during the colonial period. The Organization of African Union (OAU) Charter mentions the inviolability of colonial borders. This clause should be enforced and respected. In the 1970s the late president of Tanzania, Julius Nyrere strongly made this argument for African countries not to violate the colonial borders they inherited during independence. The same argument was used against the union of all Somali-inhabited territories that the Somali Republic in search for the unity under the popular notion of Greater Somalia. The colonial borders of Somaliland have been confirmed by an AU Fact-Finding mission to Somaliland in 2005 and concluded that Somaliland’s case is unique and self-justified in the African political history and, therefore, that should not be linked to the notion of ‘opening Pandora box’. Somaliland is not breaching the clause. It is not causing disintegration of the colonial borders of Somalia as expressed by the official report of the AU fact-finding mission to Somaliland in 2005 led by the Deputy Chairperson of the AU, Patrick Mazimbaka. Whilst the African Union acknowledges Somaliland’s unique circumstances in principle, yet it chose not to take Somaliland seriously. The mandate of the OAU (AU’s predecessor) is to support respect for the colonial borders. The borders of Somaliland are the colonial borders. The 1963 AU Charter recognizes the independent states of colonial territories and the borders they inherited from colonial regimes. In accordance with an OAU decision in 1964 that became operational in July of that year, article 16(1) of the OAU constitution clearly clarifies the colonial borders. Similarly, the AU Charter has its predecessor’s (OAU Charters II and III) in its original form and not even amended, setting the responsibility of the organization to respect borders left behind by colonial governments and the integrity of the independent states formed therewith after. The borders of Somaliland have been clearly demarcated according to the international law through international agreements made by Britain with France (The Anglo-French Treaty of 1888); Italy (The Anglo-Italian Treaty of 1894) and the Ethiopian Emperor (The Ethiopian Treaty of 1897). Without exception to other African independent states, Somaliland borders are also internationally established and supported by the principles of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) (AU’s parent organization). The borders drawn by the colonial powers are not based on lineage but on land like many other African countries. The division of people of Somali ethnic origin and their spread in different parts of the region was therefore not based ethnicity. Like Somalis, many Africans such as the Fulani (in Nigeria, Niger, Chad etc.) inhabit in lands within different neighboring countries. Somali people live in different territories in East Africa (Kenya, Djibouti, and Ethiopia). In fact, the people of Somaliland have a distinct identity. The North is inhabited by a diverse number of Somali clans or tribes sharing the same culture and tradition who were living together since time immemorial. As a result of that, they have developed a sense of deep political identity. The lack of international recognition of Somaliland is often used as a smokescreen to overshadow Somaliland’s achievements. One of the most common, but rather weak, arguments against the independence of Somaliland is that it cannot secede from Somalia because of the nativity of Somalis and that Somalis speak the same language, share a common culture and have the same religion (Islam) as the people of Somalia. A glimpse on the currently existing more than 50 separate Arab countries that are internationally recognized as independent states with different borders despite them having a common language (Arabic), same religion (Islam) and sharing common culture and traditions. After all, it was the Somaliland people who chose, in the first place, to unite with their brothers in Somalia with no strings attached to. It is equally the Somaliland peoples’ who wished to exercise their right to reclaim their independence back. Since its withdrawal, Somaliland proved to be a shining beacon of hope, peace and a model of democracy in the African continent. This was achieved through a carefully planned comprehensive process of reconciliations between rival clans. Somaliland is internationally ‘recognized’ as an oasis of peace in an otherwise turbulent region. Somaliland has taken full advantage of democratic principles for the formation of a pluralistic society in which four free and fair democratic elections (two presidential elections, a parliamentary and a municipality election) witnessed by international observers and covered by the world media took place. Four presidents, elected through the ballot have changed presidencies. The third presidential and Parliamentary elections are planned in 2017. In Somalia, the 2016 elections took place in a bidding war financially both for candidates amidst corruption and foreigners who have diverse interests. Somaliland has established successful democratic process and pluralism. It has a series of direct successful elections (six of them). The fact that a presidential candidate lost the vote by a mere 80 votes in public polls (2003) and conceded defeat is extraordinarily a miracle in the African politics. That shows how serious Somaliland is about the principles of democracy. Contrarily, Somalia’s feet are still stuck in the mud of the 4.5 clan code system that demeans and marginalizes minority clans. It has not yet stepped on the democracy ladder. 2016 despite the corruptions and sale of votes of its indirect elections, Somalia is as yet undemocratic even though it is being supported by the international community for political reasons. In conclusion, Somaliland asserts independence as a separate independent and holds a strong card, even stronger than the ones Bosnia-Herzegovina had, to qualify for an independent status. Since Somaliland complies with the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States that holds the conditions of statehood. This constitutes a compelling legal basis for international recognition, under the international law. Somaliland has a proven right to abrogate from the union because its people are not satisfied with the union. Somaliland is a model for other conflict-ridden states of Africa by virtue of its peculiar successful peace-building process and democratization. It is indisputably one of the most democratic political systems in the entire Horn of Africa. It is known to be a unique experiment and a miraculous example to the rest of the African continent in achieving a lasting peace and security by virtue of unsupported efforts and hard work. Without foreign aid money, Somaliland did not a debacle for nearly 26 years and did not disintegrate as many advocated and probably wished. The resilience and progress are mainly due to Somaliland’s entrepreneurial streak and bare bones of efficiency. A two-state approach is the only way forward to the solution of the political stalemate between Somaliland and Somalia as two independent Somali states will be working together in collaboration with each other and maintaining cooperation in the economic, socio-cultural and traditional aspects. Somalia’s newly-elected government led by the new president, Farmajo and his Prime Minister (Khayre) stand tough challenges in future negotiations with Somaliland. They have a mammoth task to bring Somalia out of the impasse. The government is not a product of directly conducted democratic elections. It came in the most corruptive manner where votes were marketed and sold openly with huge finances. The government is also a product of the corrupt duopoly system (between two major clans, Mogadishu Clan and Darod) as professor Samatar stresses. The recognition of Somaliland would definitely enhance the progress, development, and stability in Somalia and the region. Recognition of Somaliland would be the most cost-effective means to ensure security in an otherwise troubled and problematic region. In pursuit of international recognition, Somaliland should develop a stratagem for convincing the rest of the world. There is a need for a strategic thinking spearheaded by competent multi-disciplined with professionals including technocrats and politicians. The road to achieving recognition is still long, tortuous and winding. A comprehensive thinking, approach, and development of a strategic plan are imperative.
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Cabdikariim Muuse Qalbi Dhagax oo ahaa sarkaal ka tirsan ururka ONLF oo ay bishii August ee sannadkii hore dawladda Soomaaliya u gacan gelisay dawladda Ethiopia ayaa iminka laga sii daayey xabsi ku yaalla magaalada Addis Ababa. Deysmada Qalbi-dhagax kadib Ururka la magacbaxay xaq u dirirka ONLF ayaa war cad kasoo saaray sii deynta Sarkaalka C/kariin Sheekh Muuse (Qalbi-dhagax). Cabdiqaadir Xasan Hirmooge Caddaani oo ah Afhayeenka Ururka ONLF oo la hadlay Idaacada VOA-da ayaa wuxuu sheegay in C/kariin uu ahaa siyaasi u xirnaa Ethiopia. Afhayeenka waxa uu sheegay in Qalbi dhagax hada uusan u qalmin in kolba meel lagu qariyo, muhiimna ay tahay in xoriyad dhameystiran la siiyo marba haddii la sii daayay. Afhayeenka Ururka ONLF, waxa uu sheegay in xaalada Qalbi dhagax ay tahay mid iska caadi ah isla markaana deysmadiisa 20 maalin ka hor laga sii daayay xabsiga oo lagu hayay xaafad. Waxa uu tilmaamay in mudada uu ku jiray xaafada uu u dhexeeyay maxbuus iyo nin xoriyad heystay, hase yeeshee iminka uu helay xoriyad buuxda. Waxa uu carab ***** in deysmada Qalbi dhagax ay horseedi doonto isku soo dhawaanshi labada dhinac, maadaama Xukuumada hadda jirta ay dhab ka tahay isbedel muuqda. Nuqul kamid ah haddalka afhayeenka ayaa ahaa “C/kariin wuxuu ahaa siyaasi u xirnaa dowladda Itoobiya, in odayaal uu magan u ahaado ma ahan, in sii deyn iyo heyn uu u dhaxeeyo arrimahaasi waa wax ka baxsan nidaamka maxaabiista, labaatan maallmood kahor ayaa laga sii daayay xabsiga oo lagu hayay xaafad, C/kariin waa inuu helaa xoriyadiisa siyaasiga ah.” ‘’Sii deyntiisa aad ayaan usoo dhaweyneynaa waxa ay meesha ka saari kartaa culeusyo badan oo markii hore jiray’’ Afhayeenka waxa uu sheegay inay doonayaan in Qalbi dhagax la geeyo meel uu ammaan ku helayo oo reerkiisa uu waqti kula qaadan karo. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay inaanay markale dooneyn in Qalbi dhagax uu ku laabto Soomaaliya oo uu tilmaamay in markii horeba ay iibsatay dowladda. Sidoo kale, arrinta sii deynta Qalbi dhagax ayaa aad u saameeyay baraha bulshada kadib markii lasoo dhigay sawirada C/kariin oo ku labisnaa dhar cusub oo la taagan dad odayaal ah oo ehelkiisa ah. Dhinaca kale, Qalbi dhagax ayaa shacbiyad weyn ku dhex leh Soomaalida oo kaalin weyn ka qaadatay siideyntiisa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  12. On Somaliland, Inner City Press Asks UNSG Guterres Spox About Letter Critiquing Keating, No Real Response By Matthew Russell Lee, Video here UNITED NATIONS, June 28 — While UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says he is all about conflict prevention, when Inner City Press asked his spokesman Stephane Dujarric on June 28 about a recent letter to Guterres from the President of Somaliland that makes serious charges and requests, the only response from Dujarric is that Guterres fully backs (outgoing) envoy Michael ichaettel Keating. Why? From the UN transcript: Inner City Press: I wanted to ask you also about a letter that was sent by the President of Somaliland to the Secretary-General on 18 June, complaining about SRSG [Special Representative of the Secretary-General] [Michael] Keating, calling him biased and raising a number of issues about the conflicts that have been taking place between Somaliland and its neighbours. Has he resp… has… one, will you confirm getting the letter? And, two, has he responded…? What does he make of this? Spokesman: No, I’m not aware of the letter, but the Secretary-General has full confidence in Mr. Keating and the way he goes about his work.” And by the end of the day, no confirmation of the letter – but a Dujarric note to correspondents distancing the UN from yet another sexual abuse scandal. Back on April 18 when Ambassador Karen Pierce of the UK, the UN Security Council’s “penholder” on Somalia, took questions Inner City Press asked her about the United Arab Emirates suspending support to the Somali military, and the issue of the UAE’s port / base in Somaliland. Video here. Pierce said she wasn’t aware of the specifics but that the UK supports Somalia and that she’d met with the UN’s (British) envoy to Somalia, Michael Keating. Inner City Press, following up on Pierce’s literary back and forth with her Russian counterpart Vassily Nebenzia, noted that Keating has a book coming out. And he does – something that Somalis and even other UN envoys have raised to Inner City Press as questionable, given the amount of work a UN envoy to Somalia should be doing. We’ll have more on all this. The day after Somalia in the UN Security Council complained of Somaliland engagement with the United Arab Emirates, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Farhan Haq for the UN’s position. He said it is a bilateral matter between Somalia and… the UAE. From the UN transcript: Inner City Press: Yesterday, in the Council, Somalia made a point of saying that they believe that an agreement between the UAE and Somaliland to build a military base is illegal and I wanted to ask, since the UN has this Envoy, Mr. Michael Keating… What’s his position? It’s a pretty big standoff between a de facto autonomous region agreeing to a military base by another country, the UAE. Some people say this was permitted under an agreement [reached in Turkey, which Inner City Press put online here]. Some say they aren’t. What’s the UN’s position on the UAE building a military base in Somaliland? Deputy Spokesman: Ultimately, these are discussions that need to be resolved bilaterally between the Governments of Somalia and the United Arab Emirates.” Hmm. Note that Inner City Press has also asked the UN about the UAE moving in on Socotra Island of Yemen, here. Back in September 2016 after in Somaliland a petition was announced, with a million signatures, seeking recognition of independence, Inner City Press put the question on September 27 to UN envoy Michael Keating, video here. He said he’s been asked to get more involved – but what does that mean? He told Inner City Press he is unaware of the tariff / recognition issue with Kenya, and that he has not met with the UN’s new Resident Coordinator for Kenya, Ban Ki-moon’s son in law, during the ten days the latter has been in New York. Keating gave a useful explanation of the Somali president being in caretaker mode; it was the foreign minister who spoke in the General Assembly debate and meets Ban Ki-moon on September 28. Keating impk Earlier on September 27 Inner City Press asked UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN of the UK, Peter Wilson, video here. Wilson said Somaliland is “complex,” but that he expected it to be turned to in the Security Council consultations later that morning. From the UN transcript: Inner City Press: This is a Somaliland question – I’ve asked Ambassador Rycroft before – there is this petition of a million people in Somaliland who try to say that they should be recognized. It any or may not be realistic. But what does the UK government think of the place of Somaliland in the greater Somalia in the process that you’re dealing with here? Wilson: Well, I think for the process of the elections what we’re most keen to ensure is that there’s as much participation as possible. The issue of Somaliland is a very complex one, but it’s one that I’m expecting that we will turn to in consultations. The Free UN Coalition for Access seeks to open the UN and these processes – watch this site.
  13. A man armed with a shotgun and smoke grenades burst into a newspaper office in the US city of Annapolis on Thursday, killing five employees in what police described as a "targeted attack." Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. FIFA World Cup 2018 - Group 16 Knockout Phase Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. A week ago, Wengel Tessema Ayalew was getting ready to go to work in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia when the U.S. Embassy called her: she was to leave for Indianapolis the next day. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. The African Union and Kenya are set to unveil a new camel drug to help increase productivity and improve livelihoods in the Horn of Africa market. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. NO ONE seized by pirates can be considered lucky. But many of the seamen taken hostage by Somali pirates have at least been set free fast, once fat ransoms have been paid. At the height of the piracy scourge off the coast of Somalia almost a decade ago, the average ransom to free a crew and vessel was, by one tally, $3.5m. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Addis Abeba, June 28/2018 – In its 32nd regular session today, Ethiopian parliament has passed a proposed amnesty bill into law. The bill, which is now a law, was presented to the parliament for consideration by the Law, Justice and Administrative Affairs Standing Committee. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Police in Wajir yesterday killed a suspected al Shabaab militant between Mansa and Boji Qaraas and recovered loaded rifles as the crackdown on the terror group intensified. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) commander Abdikarim Muse Qalbi Dhagah has been freed by the Ethiopian government on Thursday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  21. HOW to sell cars when most people can’t afford to buy one? That is the conundrum for Volkswagen in Rwanda, where it is opening the country’s first car-assembly plant. A new Polo costs 33 times the average Rwandan income Source: Hiiraan Online
  22. Addis-Ababa (Caasimada Online) – Cabdi Kariin Muuse Qalbi-Dhagax oo ka mid ah saraakiisha Jabhada ONLF, islamarkaana mudo hal sano ku dhow ku xirnaa xabsi ku yaalla dalka Itoobiya kadib markii dowladda Soomaaliya ay u gacan gelisay, ayaa shalay la sii daayey. Warar aan helnay waxa ay sheegayaan in Cabdi Kariin Muuse Qalbi Dhagax uu dhawaan uu aadi doono dalka Kenya kadib markii ay magangelyo siisay dowladda Kenya, islamarkaana halkaas uu ku noolaan doono. Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Caasimada Online u sheegay in ujeedada ugu weyn ee Qalbi-Dhagax uu u tagayo Kenya ay tahay inuu soo arko qoyskiisa, ayada oo xaas iyo caruurr ay ka joogaan magaalada Nairobi. Wararka ayaa sidoo kale sheegaya in Qalbi-Dhagax uu warbaahinta la hadli doono, islamarkaana uu bixin doono xog badan oo ku saabsan xarigiisa iyo sii deysmadiisa. Arrinta sida aadka ah looga sugayo Qalbu-Dhagax ayaa ah inuu shaaca ka qaado qaabkii loogu gacan geliyey Ethiopia, iyo qaabka dowladda Ethiopia ay kusii daysay, iyo kaalimihii ay dowladda federaalka ah ku lahayd labada dhacdo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Suldaan Fowzi Maxamed Cali oo ah Suldaanka Qalbi-Dhagax, isla markaana gurigiisa uu ku sugan yahay Qalbi-Dhaga, ayaa wareysi uu siiyey idaacadda Dalsan ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxa uu ku sheegay in iyada oo aan wax shuruud ah lagu xirin xabsiga laga sii daayey Qalbi-Dhagax. Sidoo kale Cabdi Kariin Qalbi-Dhagax, ayaa xaqiijiyey in xabsiga laga siidaayey, islamarkaana uu ku sugan yahay guri ku yaalla magalada Addis-Ababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya. In kastoo xilligaan aan weli loo ogolaan in uu warbaahinta la hadlo Qalbi-Dhagax ayuu sheegay in maalmaha soo socda uu hadli doono, islamarkaana uu shaacin doono xarigiisa sababtii uu ku yimid iyo cida ka dambeysay siideyntiisa. Suldaan Fowzi Maxamed Cali oo la weydiinay su’aal aheyd ayaa sabab u ahaa in Qalbi-Dhagax la siidaayo? Ayaa sheegay in ra’iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Axmed uu ka dambeeyey sii deynta, waxa uuna intaas ku daray in dowladda Soomaaliya aysan wax lug ah ku laheyn sii dayntiisa. Hoos ka dhageyso wareysiga Suldaan Fowzi Maxamed Cali oo dhameystiran. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  24. Saddex bilood kahor xisbiga talada dalka Itoobiya haya ayaa soo magacaabay raisul wasaare cusub, kadib iscasilaaddii kadiska ahayd ee hoggaamiyihii hore. Arrintaan ayaa timid kadib dibadbaxyo ballaaran oo sanado badan socday oo gilgilay guud ahaan dalka ayadoo dawladda lagu eedaynayey musuqmaasuq iyo xad gudubyo kadhan ah xuquuqda aadanaha. Dawladda ayaa arrintan kaga falcelisay in ay xirxirto kumanaan mucaarad ah ayadoo soo rogtay xaalad dagdag ah. Hadda, Abiy Ahmed oo 41 jir ah ayaa la yimid isbaddallo loo arko in dalku uu iska baddalayo siduu ahaa waayadii hore. Waxa uu siidaayey boqolaal maxaabiis siyaasadeed ah, wuxuuna qaaday xaaladdii dagdagga ahayd ee dalka saarnayd. Maamulkiisa ayaa sidoo kale ballan qaaday xorriyadda hadalka ayadoo xayiraaddii laga qaaday boqolaal bogagga wax lagu qoro ee internet-ka. Balse arrinta ugu muhiimsan ee uu ku dhawaaqay ayaa ah in uu shuruud la’aan aqoonsaday uuna hilgalinayo heshiiskii nabadda ee dalka dariska ah ee Eritrea kaas oo la saxiixay sanadkii 2000. Sanadkii 1998 ilaa 2000 labada dal waxaa dhex maray dagaal ay ku dhinteen dad kor u dhaafaya 80’000 oo qof. Heshiiskii nabadda ee Qaramada midoobay ay garwadeenka ka ahayd ayaa Eritrea lagu siiyey magaalada Badme. Maamulkii hore ee Itoobiya ma aanu hirgalin xukunka ciidamadiisuna wali waxay ku sugan yihiin deegaankaas. Balse hadda, markii ugu horraysay 20 sano kadib, ayaa wafdi ka socda Eritrea waxay toos u yimaadeen magaalada Addis Ababa. Heshiiska nabadda ayaa horseedi kara in uu soo afjaro nidaamka askaraynta khasabka ah ee aan dhammaadka lahayn ee Eritrea. Nidaamkan askaraynta khasabka ah ee aan dhammaadka lahayn ayaa ah sababta ugu weyn ee dhalinyaro badan oo Eritrea u dhashay ay dalkooda uga carareen. Itoobiya gudaheeda, cid waliba raali kama wada ahan isbaddalladiisa cusub, arrintaas ayaa waxaa hoosta ka xariiqay bambo gacmeedkii lala beegsaday isusoobixii nabadeed ee ballaarnaa. Inkastoo haatan uu Raisul Wasaare Abiy uu haysto shacbiyad ballaaran oo ku aaddan qorshihiisa isbadalka. ISHA BBC