Deeq A.

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  1. Somaliland oo Soomaaliya inteeda kale ka go’day ku dhawaad 30 sano waxaa jiray wada hadalo kala duwan oo Dowladda Soomaaliya ay wada galeen kuwaa oo ku soo dhamaaday fashil. Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya ee uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo waxa ay dhowr jeer sheegtay in wada hadal toos ah maamulkiisa uu la geli doono Maamulka Somaliland, halka Madaxwenaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi uu sheegay in Midowga Soomaaliya ay muhiim tahay balse la joojiyo hadalada xanafta leh sida uu ka sheegay Munaasabii 26-ka Juun oo ku beegneyd markii gobalada Waqooyi ay ka xuroobeen gumeystaha. Waa in laga fogaadaa wax walba oo keeni kara horin colaadeed gaar ahaan hadalada xanafta leh ee ka soo yeera mas’uuliyiinta iyo maamulalada labada dhinac. Soomaalida oo wax walba wadaagta sida Diin, dhaqan, Af iyo luuqad waa in ay wax kabarataa dalalka deriska la ah Soomaaliya oo soo afjaray khilaaf muddo ragaadiyay dowladnimadooda, sida Kenya oo waxaa heshiiyay Raila Oding iyo Uhuru Kenyatta oo muddo khilaaf ka dhextaagnaa , waxaa sidoo kale colaadoodii soo afjaray Mucaaradka Iyo Madaxda Koofurta Sudan, sidoo kale dalka Itoobiya. Waa in Madxaweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo uu ka dagaa Magaalada Haregysa ee Maamulka Somaliland isaga oo si hoose u dhageysanaya tabashada iyo waxyaabaha ay tirsanayaan Maamulka Somaliland si loo midoowo. Soomaaliya oo dib u heshiisa waxa ay soo ceshan kartaa sharaftii iyo karaamadii ay ku laheyd caalamka intiisa kale. W/Q: Cabdicaziz Xasan Ibraahim
  2. Somaliland’s Ministry of Health Development has launched its own website to serve as the first point of reference on ministry’s activities on the internet. The Ministry’s new website is aesthetically designed using trends and technologies of international standards to enable easy dissemination of a large amount of information and enhance health ministry’s information sharing with public through internet based systems such as websites and social media. The website (, divided into many sections, discloses that the ministry has 6 directorates. The website also enables key documents accessible to the public while providing news and updates on the work of the ministry and its delivered health development programmes. The ministry’s new ultra-modern website has the following Key features. User-Friendly Design: The website is aesthetically designed to enable easy dissemination of a large amount of information. Content Rich: The website comprises all the required content about the health development ministry such as key documents, news updates, photos and videos. Responsive Design: The website has a responsive design which enables the website to render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes Interactive Search: The website has many useful features to make it more interactive and to provide a deeper engagement to the visitors. The website was designed and developed by Somaliland-based experienced web developer; Eng. Abdirisak Ismail Qalinle better known as Itaqile who has a vast track record of developing websites and previously developed Hargeisa Water Agency’s website and many other private and public institutions websites.
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur oo ka mid ah mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Somalia ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay wareegto maanta kasoo baxday Xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir taa oo lagu mamnuucay Heshiiskii darjiinada iyo Beeraha ku yaalla Muqdisho. Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur, waxa uu sheegay in talaabada Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Yariisow ay horseedi karto sharci darro iyo inaan la aqoonsan warqadaha maamulba maamulka ka danbeeya. Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur, waxa uu tilmaamay inaanu suuragal aheyn warqadaha isdaba jooga ah ee kasoo baxaaya maamulka Gobolka, kaa oo lagu caburinaayo dadka deegaanka ah. Xildhibaanka ayaa qoraal kooban oo uu kusoo daabacay baraha bulshada ku sheegay in wax laga xumaado ay tahay in guddoomiye Yariisow uu shaaciyo in laga laabto dhul markii hore lasiiyey dad Shacab ah. Xildhibaanka waxa uu sheegay inay muhiim tahay in mar waliba la aqoonsado warqadaha maamuladii hore, waxa uuna arrin aad u fool-xun ku sheegay in si sahlan lagu mamnuuco amar hore oo kasoo baxay dowladii lasoo dhaafay. Waxa uu Xildhibaanku carab ***** inay u muuqato in shacabka Muqdisho aan lagu maamuli karin in hantidooda lagu boobo sifo aan sharci aheyn sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Nuqul kamid ah haddalka Xildhibaanka ayaa ahaa “Waxaa kale oo runti wax aad looga xumaada ah waxa kasoo yeeray Gud. Yariisow ee ahaa in uu kala noqoday dhul ku yaala Magaalada muqdisho dad shacab ah oo hore loosiiyay waxaana u sheegayaa gudoomiyaha goabalka in aan marna shacabka Soomaaliyeed lagu maamuli karin hantidoodana lagu boobi karin laguna baabi’in karin sifooyinka nuucaan ah oo sharci darada ah”. Waxa uu qoraalkiisa intaa ku daray Xildhibaanka “Gobalka Banaadir waxa ka socda ma ahan bilic soo celin ee waa baab’in bulsho iyo mid dhaqaale mana ahan wax la aqbali karo, waxaana si dhow ula socday habdhaqanka dowlada dhexe iyo kan maamulka Gobalka banaadir ee uu hormuudka ka yahay Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng Yariisow) ee ku aadan bulshada Gobalka Banaadir waxayna muujinayaan ficiladani fashilka hogaanka dalka oo gadaal kariixaya cuuryaaminta bulshada Degan Gobalka iyo Guddoonka ay usoo Magacaabeen oo kaliya in ay Danhooda gaarka ah oo kaliya u fuliyaan”, Sidoo kale, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka ayuu ku sheegay mid aan aqoon fiican ka heysan nidaamka dowladeed, waxa uuna ku taliyay in wax laga bedelo warqadaha leyska soo daba saarayo. Xildhibaanka ayaa wax kama jiraan ku sheegay warqadaha manta kasoo baxay Xafiiska Guddoomiye Yariisow, waxa uuna ku baaqay in shuruud la’aan laga laabto qoraalkaasi. Dhinaca kale, waxa uu amarkaasi ku sheegay mid aan waxba dhaamin in muqdisho aysan ka socon wax la yiraahdo bilic soo celin balse ay ka socoto sidii loo baabi’in lahaa dadka Shacabka ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  4. BORAMA–Practicing journalists in Borama, the provincial capital of Awdal have condemned with the strongest possible terms to the arrest of a reporter by the name of Mr. Hoori. Mr. Hoori was arrested on Tuesday and his detention has been ordered by Awdal regional governor. The reporter is Horn Cable TV Awdal regional correspondent. Mr. Hoori spoke via the phone before he was detained. It is said that the regional governor was furious over a question that the reporter has asked on Sultan Wabar.
  5. Flag carrier Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s largest and fastest-growing commercial airline, has taken delivery of the first of 30 Boeing 737 MAX jets. With the MAX, Ethiopian will be able to achieve a double-digit improvement in fuel efficiency and provide passengers with a more comfortable experience, Boeing said in a statement. “We are glad to include the Boeing 737 MAX 8, the latest in Boeing’s single-aisle series, in our young and modern fleet of over 100 aircraft with an average age of less than five years,” said Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde GebreMariam. “The Boeing 737 MAX 8 features the new Boeing sky interior, highlighted by modern sculpted sidewalls and window reveals, LED lighting that enhance the sense of spaciousness ultimately boosting our customers’ experience. Since it is more fuel efficient than the current 737-NG, it has less carbon emission to the environment. “As a customer-centric airline with a high adaptability to emerging technologies, Ethiopian has been pioneering latest-technology aircraft into Africa throughout its 72-year history. In line with the airline’s growth targets under Vision 2025, we will keep on investing in further expansion of our fleet in acquiring the latest aircraft the industry has to offer,” he added. The 737 MAX is the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing history, accumulating more than 4,500 orders to date from 99 customers worldwide. The 737 MAX families incorporates the latest technology CFM International LEAP-1B engines, Advanced Technology winglets, the Boeing Sky Interior, large flight deck displays, and other improvements to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market. In Ethiopian’s configuration, its 737 MAX 8 will seat 160 passengers. “Ethiopian Airlines continues to fly at the forefront of Africa’s commercial aviation industry by operating the most advanced airplanes,” said Marty Bentrott, Boeing Sales vice president for Middle East, Turkey, Russia, Central Asia & Africa. “We are honoured by Ethiopian’s continuing confidence in Boeing airplanes and we look forward to growing our five-decade long partnership.” With this delivery, Ethiopian’s fleet of Boeing airplanes grows to 73 jets, including the 787 Dreamliner, 777, 737 MAX, and the 757 and 767. – TradeArabia News Service Source: – Trade Arabia
  6. Imagine working in an office at age 24 and wanting to become a journalist, but instead of going the traditional route of a formal education, you book yourself a ticket to Somalia to interview pirates… as they’re actively hijacking cargo ships. In 2011, that’s exactly what writer Jay Bahadur did, and his book The Pirates Of Somalia is one of the best travel books I’ve ever read. Earlier this year a movie by the same name was released and despite good acting, the original story gets muddled with what is clearly Hollywood executive meddling. It’s often the case that the book a movie is based on is better but Bahadur’s story is so compelling, the movie should have stuck much closer to the true story. Adventure In Journalism I’m not going to compare The Pirates Of Somalia movie with the book as much as tell you to read the book, despite what you may have thought of the film. In both cases, The Pirates Of Somalia starts with Bahadur’s wild idea to get a story others can’t by going to its troublesome source. The book though covers in depth the scattershot planning it took to make this trip to Somalia, plus interview pirates leaders, possible. No journalist prior had gotten such interviews and I’m sure more than a few intelligence agencies wish they had such access. Ultimately, the planning is fascinating because it starts with Bahadur making calls and pulling connections on his own – you can imagine yourself reading this right now – following the same steps; next thing you know you’re on a 1970s Soviet-era Atonov plane headed for Puntland. (Puntland, the center of Somali piracy, is an unrecognized autonomous region in Somalia.) The movie doesn’t go into this section enough but travel enthusiasts would especially enjoy seeing the calculated chaos Bahadur’s route to Somalia took, dramatized on-screen. Nerves Across The Pages Bahadur does a really good job of transmitting his cool but logically anxious mind after he arrives in Somalia. There’s a naivety in the writing without straying far from the reality that things could go horribly wrong. Insulting a pirate, running into the wrong group of armed criminals, jihadists, other pirates, or a hundred other ways to get killed at worse, kidnapped at best. In the movie, the most captivating parts (aside from anytime Al Pacino is on-screen) are the moments of complete unpredictability in what’s to come for Bahadur. Where the movie doesn’t make time to go in-depth enough into each character’s arch, the book’s writing is very personal. The Pirates Of Somalia is written almost like a journal, but structured to give you a deeper look at the people who are pirates, at all levels in the organization. Pirates are humanized, criminal motivations dissected, and a love of Land Rovers plus addiction to khat, exposed. No To Romance The story of piracy in Somalia has been romanticized. Although there is a very tragic element to it, the widely circulated narrative of fisherman looking for justice isn’t the reality. I won’t spoil the book but Bahadur’s adventure leads to a deep insights about Somalia any reader will benefit from. (Bahadur is now an investigator for the United Nations in Somalia.) In the film, there’s a weak subplot about an old girlfriend that could have been discarded in favor of more scenes with the pirates, demonstrating the exploitation and modern mythos within the gangs. But The Pirates Of Somalia movie, like these 8 motorcycle books, should give you an anxious enough glimpse of the full story you’ll really want to read on your next flight. Source:- FoxnoMad
  7. A row has broken out over the cache of weapons that the Somali Federal Govt received on the 22nd of last month. The weapons arrived at Aden Ade airport. According to reports the weapons included 300 of AK 47 guns, 300 pistols, ammunition and other military equipment. It is reported that Somali Federal govt did not aware the arrival of weapons in the airport. The United Nations Security Council was not informed about the arrival of a cache of weapons as stipulated by the arms embargo imposed on Somalia. The weapons were intercepted in the Red Sea by Djibouti Marines and were bound to the Houthi insurgents in war torn country of Yemen. Contacts that Voice of America particularly the Somali services to Djibouti ministry of interior, ministry of interior of Somalia, head of security to Banadir regional and the office of Somalia Prime Minister all ended in vain.
  8. American special operations teams are playing a more direct role in military actions against suspected terrorists in Africa than the Pentagon has publicly acknowledged, planning and participating in combat raids by African troops in multiple countries including Somalia, Kenya, Tunisia and Niger, under a set of classified programs. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. How Abiy handles his relationship with Abdi Iley, the powerful leader of Ethiopia’s Somali Region, has implications for the country’s fragile system of ethnic federalism Somali Regional State (SRS), Ethiopia’s second-largest region and home to its third most populous ethnic group, is at a crossroads. The secessionist Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) had been almost entirely defeated, but SRS is still, in the eyes of many Ethiopians, a byword for violence and lawlessness. “From the centre, Somali Region is seen as a wilderness,” says Fekadu Adugna, an academic at Addis Ababa University (AAU). Last year, SRS’s long-standing tensions with the neighbouring region of Oromia, home to Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, the Oromo, erupted on an unprecedented scale. Amidst fighting between regional security forces, hundreds lost their lives and approximately one million civilians fled their homes. In the SRS capital of Jijiga, thousands of Oromos were herded into trucks by police and removed from the city. Many have not returned. Somalis, meanwhile, flooded back the other way. Dealing with the legacy of the violence will be one of the most sensitive – and urgent – tasks for Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, who was sworn in on 2 April and is the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)’s first Oromo leader in its 30-year history. At the heart of this task is his relationship with SRS president Abdi Mohamed Omar – known as Abdi Iley, ‘the one-eyed’. Abdi is one of the most powerful Somali leaders in the Horn of Africa. Over the past decade, he has acquired an authority unprecedented in the region’s recent history. Hot-footing it to Jijiga Both men hail from traditionally marginalised regions with secessionist histories, and both represent constituencies eyeing greater power at the centre. But last year’s violence fuelled mutual mistrust, especially a suspicion among Oromos that Abdi is too close to the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which dominated Ethiopian politics, as well as the security apparatus, for much of the past three decades. Some in Oromia and elsewhere hope that the decline of the TPLF heralded by Abiy’s appointment might spell the end of Abdi, too. Prime Minister Abiy’s decision to visit the SRS capital, Jijiga, on 7 April, as his first official trip, was thus symbolic. It was a bid to calm nerves in a region anxious once again about its fate in the hands of distant authorities in Addis Ababa, and fearful of what an Oromo prime minister might mean for Somalis. On a stage in Jijiga, Abiy and Abdi, who is said to have been deeply unhappy about the latter’s appointment, shook hands and promised peace between the two regions. Bringing change to SRS will be Abiy’s “litmus test”, says Abdifatah Mohamud Hassan, former vice-president of the region, now in exile in Addis Ababa. “It is the epicentre of all the problems in the country”. The region is unique but in some respects it is Ethiopia in miniature: a Gordian knot of poverty, authoritarianism, corruption, and ethnic and clan rivalries. Understanding SRS’s future means taking a look at its past. For this, the central statue in Jijiga offers some clues. Unveiled in 2013 by Abdi, it depicts Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, a turn-of-the-century warlord, poet and cleric known to the British as the ‘Mad Mullah’ and to Somalis as the father of Somali nationalism. Hassan resisted not only the invading British and Italians but also the then Ethiopian empire. The monument is a reminder that, more than a century later, SRS remains a land of conflicting loyalties. Successive regimes in Addis Ababa have sought to incorporate SRS, or ‘the Ogaden’ as it is still widely known, into the Ethiopian state, with mixed fortunes. Before the neighbouring country of Somalia’s government collapsed in 1991, Mogadishu had claimed the region as part of ‘Greater Somalia’, and a bloody war was fought between the two neighbours between 1977 and 1978. The separatist ONLF insurgency emerged from the ashes of Somalia’s defeat. By the late 1990s, it was waging all-out-war against the EPRDF, a multiethnic coalition that seized power in Addis Ababa in 1991. But a counterinsurgency campaign launched after a deadly ONLF attack on a Chinese oil exploration camp in 2007 brought a measure of stability. “People used not to be able to travel because of war,” says Mohammed Ali, a 24 year-old school administrator. “But now you can go anywhere.” Ermias Gebreselassie, a lecturer in journalism at Jijiga University, which opened in 2007, says that when he arrived in the region 10 years ago it was “almost a war zone”. He recalls “bombings everywhere” and an environment that was “very, very hostile. You couldn’t move around at night without being harassed by the police.” Diaspora returnees Today locals also point to belated signs of economic development. Between 1994 and 2007, SRS had the country’s lowest economic outcomes and experienced the fewest improvements. Even today, its school enrolment rates are the lowest in the country. But now members of the Somali diaspora, such as Hafsa Mohamed, a US-Canadian who runs a local non-governmental organisation (NGO), are beginning to return home. There are now three airports, better hospitals and paved roads. A better-­educated, younger generation is increasingly taking up posts in regional offices. Until relatively recently, the region had almost no government. Clan ­rivalries and endless meddling by the authorities in Addis Ababa ensured the region churned through nine presidents from three different political parties in the two decades after its creation. Such was the political paralysis that, in the early 2000s, a chain was drawn across the entrance to the administration compound in Jijiga to keep vagrants from squatting in the buildings. Now the administration is centred on an imposing palace overlooking the city, surrounded by freshly manicured gardens. “There’s been an improvement in the past five or six years,” says Hallelujah Lulie, a political analyst in Addis Ababa. “They’ve started building a state structure modelled on highland Ethiopia.” Abdi Iley has been key to this. A member of the Ogadeni clan, the largest in SRS, Abdi was regional security chief from 2005, and, unlike many of his predecessors, was prepared to work with the Ethiopian state while at the same time championing Somali nationalism. This had the effect of neutralising the ONLF while winning him a following among his fellow Ogadenis. “After Abdi came to power, he removed the bandits from the region,” says Abdo Hilow Hassan, a lecturer in journalism at Jijiga University. “And it has been at peace.” But it is an uneasy sort of peace. The counterinsurgency campaign of the late 2000s was effective but also brutal. A June 2008 report by the NGO Human Rights Watch found that the Ethiopian National Defence Force and the ONLF committed war crimes in the Somali Region between mid-2007 and early 2008. Abdi, aided by the federal authorities, established a special police force known as the Liyu, who continued to report to him directly even after he became president in 2010. Members of the 40,000-strong outfit have been implicated in extrajudicial killings, torture, rape and violence against civilians. “It’s a state within a state,” says Abdiwasa Bade, an academic at AAU. “They [the Liyu] will only listen to Abdi Iley.” The Ethiopian government’s approach has been likened, by government officials and outside observers alike, to Vladimir Putin’s counterinsurgency strategy in Chechnya: handing a local strongman resources, state power and unprecedented autonomy in exchange for stability. Abdi’s fiefdom The price of stability is extreme authoritarianism. When, in 2015, anti-­government protests erupted across Oromia and Amhara, SRS was quiet. Locals in Jijiga laugh at the idea of protests against Abdi’s rule – though there have been sporadic demonstrations in parts of the region dominated by non-­Ogadeni clans since April. Abdi’s critics refer to the region as a ‘fiefdom’ in which all power is concentrated in the hands of the president and his family. “For the last 10 years, people have not been safe,” says a local teacher, who claims he was arrested and beaten twice, and who asked not to be named. “There is collective punishment. If one person speaks out, the whole family will be arrested and punished.” He continues: “Why is the federal government quiet about these things? […] I feel like it’s two different countries: you can be safe in Addis Ababa, but you are not safe here.” Many of these dynamics coalesced in last year’s conflict with Oromia. The border between the two regions has been contested– often bloodily – since the introduction of ethnic federalism in 1995. Members of both regions have a history of seizing land and resources from each other, often with the backing of local politicians. Last year, violence took on a worrying new dimension, as regional security forces engaged in open warfare. Each side blamed the other for the dramatic upsurge in bloodshed. Oromos pinned the blame squarely on Abdi and the Liyu. Many pointed to the SRS president’s close links with generals in the federal military, and argued that the failure of the federal authorities to intervene was evidence of political involvement at the upper-echelons of government. Even outside Oromia, many argue the conflict was deliberately engineered to weaken the region’s new leaders, notably Abiy and Oromia president Lemma Megersa, who were then clamouring for more power. As for Abdi, his economic clout is underpinned by the flows of contraband commerce that run through his region. Some people say he acted in order to halt efforts by Oromo authorities to disrupt the smuggling routes he and his allies rely on. When violence escalated and Addis Ababa stayed mostly silent, it seemed a blind eye had been turned once again to Abdi’s excesses. But leaders in Oromia also share part of the blame, not least since atrocities went unpunished on both sides. Indeed, for many ordinary Somalis, the little attention paid to victims on their side, of whom there were also many thousands, merely highlights their relative invisibility in Ethiopian public life. “I feel like the Oromo narrative is quite dominant,” says Hafsa, the returnee who last year met with Somali women who had been brutally attacked and sexually assaulted by Oromo men. “Somalis are often criminalised in this particular conflict. It seemed like only Oromos were victims, even though both sides had victims.” Abiy’s subsequent election and the rise of his Oromo faction to pre-eminence within the multiethnic EPRDF sparked fears of a backlash against Somalis. “People worried he would punish us,” says Abdo, the Jijiga University lecturer, though he adds that such anxieties have been largely quelled since the prime minister’s visit to the region. But how long will the truce last? Federal conundrum Abiy’s room for manoeuvre is limited. Any attempt to tame Abdi’s autonomy will likely be met with stiff resistance. His power to remove elected regional officials is limited. Efforts to reform or even disband the Liyu security force would face similar constitutional hurdles, and in any case would be politically difficult without tackling the special police that operate in other regions at the same time. Moreover, reforming the federal security apparatus in SRS will depend largely on the extent to which the new prime minister manages to assert his control over the entire military hierarchy. Even more vexing, though, is the age-old challenge of turning SRS into a fully paid-up member of the Ethiopian federal state. On one level, this may mean doing away with the ­second-tier ­status of the Somali People’s Democratic Party within the EPRDF. Unlike the coalition’s four main constituent parties, the Somali faction is merely an ‘affiliated’ grouping, a legacy of deep-­seated ­prejudices against Ethiopia’s nomadic populations. One consequence of this is that Somalis remain woefully under­represented in the federal government: Abiy’s cabinet has only two Somali ministers. That might change as Ethiopian Somalis slowly become more assertive. “If we continue like this, one day we will lead Ethiopia,” says Abdo, the Jijiga University lecturer. “We’ve had a Tigrayan, a Southerner and an Oromo prime minister. Why can’t we have a Somali prime minister one day?” This article first appeared in the June 2018 print edition of The Africa Report magazine Source: – The Africa Report
  10. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Muran ayaa ka dhashay hub ay dawladda Soomaaliya 22-kii bishii hore kasoo dejisay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Hubkaan ayaa ka kooban qoryaha AK-47 oo la sheegay in ay dhan yihiin 300 oo qori iyo bastoolado iyaguna gaadhaya 300, rasaas iyo qalab kale oo millateri. Warar xog-ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in hubkan la geeyey kayd hub oo aan ahayn kii dawladda, isla markaana aysan keenistiisa ka wada warqabin laamaha dawladda. Dhinaca kale warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa VOA u sheegay in hubkan keenistiisa aan lagu wargelin Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay sida uu dhigayo qaraarka cunqabataynta Soomaaliya. Waxaa kale oo su’aali ka taagan tahay sharcinnimada hubkan oo la sheegay in laga qabtay badda cas ayna qabteen ciidamada xeebaha ee Jabuuti, waxaana la aaminsan yahay inuu u socday mucaaradka Xuutiyiinta ee ka dagaalama Yemen. Idaacadda VOA waxay la xidhiidhay wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha ee Jabuuti, wasaaradda amniga ee Soomaaliya, madaxa nabadsugidda gobolka Banaadir iyo xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo dhammaantood ay ii suurtogeli weyday inaan ku qanciyo inay ka hadlaan arrintan. Dhanka kale, Qaybta dambe ee barnaamijkan waxay ku saabsan tahay waraysiyo aan la yeelanay qaar ka mid ah askartii joogtay Jigjiga xilliga uu ddhacay dilkii ugu weynaa ee loo gaysto askar Soomaaliyeed sannadkii 1978-kii. Haddaba, DHAGEYSO: Warbixinta oo ay diyaarisay Idaacadda VOA-da; PUNTLAND POST The post Hub Shaki Dhaliyay oo u soo Dagay Dowladda Somalia iyo Goob Qarsoodi ah oo la dhigay appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. The Somali terror group al-Shabaab, known for deadly attacks on thousands of people across east Africa, has banned plastic bags because of the threat they pose to the environment. Al-Shabaab’s radio station, Radio Andalus, broadcast news of the ban was announced on Sunday, saying discarded plastic bags “pose a serious threat to the wellbeing of humans and animals alike.” The jihadist group also issued an immediate ban on the logging of native trees, according to a Somali website that has voiced support for the group. Mohamed Abu Abdalla, the group’s governor for southern Somalia’s Shabelle regions, said details of how the plan would be implemented would be announced later. Raffaello Pantucci, counter-terror expert at the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), said the move was designed to show the world that the group could govern. “Other East African governments have banned plastic bags and this ban is al-Shabaab’s attempt to show their people that they too can implement laws and govern like any legitimate ruler. – ADVERTISEMENT – “It’s quite ironic though that the same group has been involved in the banned ivory trade to fund its terror activities across the Horn of Africa.” Plastic bags join a long list of outlawed items in al-Shabaab controlled areas, including western music, cinemas, satellite dishes, smartphones/fibre optic services and humanitarian agencies. The group has been accused of orchestrating a campaign of brutal attacks across east Africa in recent years. In October 2017 it perpetrated one of the most deadly attacks ever seen in Somalia, when more than 500 people were killed after a truck packed with explosives detonated in the capital, Mogadishu. But this is not the first time that al-Qaeda and its allies have promoted environmental policies. In November 2016, a special issue of Inspire, published by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, criticised the Obama administration for being “all talk and no action” on climate change and protecting the environment. “The environment has suffered from America’s policies. In latest official statistics of International Health Organisation, it mentions that 92% of the world population are breathing polluted air. “Moreover, 6.5 million people are dying annually because of air pollution,” the article in the magazine read. It continued: “It is astonishing and deceptive to hear Obama talk about the necessity of acting boldly in combating the danger of greenhouse gases, yet his own state has not responded and dealt adequately in reducing these deadly emissions.” Earlier this year the Taliban’s Department of Agriculture and Agronomics in Afghanistan directed its supporters to start planting trees. The Taliban noted that a “key component of public welfare works for the prosperity of our people and homeland is agriculture and tree plantation.” Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada called on mujahideen fighters to “plant one or several fruit or non-fruit trees for the beautification of Earth and the benefit of almighty Allah’s creations.”
  12. (ABC 6 News) -- Independence Day is only a few days away, and celebrations are already underway with parades, fireworks and picnics. However, for some, the holiday has a deeper meaning. Source: Hiiraan Online
  13. Halima Aden is smashing barriers as the first model to wear a hijab while gracing the covers of magazines, walking the runaways of New York and Milan and competing in a beauty pageant. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said it has intensified training and mentoring of the Somali police officers to take over security responsibilities during the transition process. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. How Abiy handles his relationship with Abdi Iley, the powerful leader of Ethiopia’s Somali Region, has implications for the country’s fragile system of ethnic federalism Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. The 31st African Union summit ended in Nouakchott, Mauritania on Monday with advisory decisions on Libya, Somalia and South Sudan. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. Nairobi (HOL) - Somalia’s Digital ID Team met with senior World Bank officials on Tuesday in Nairobi to go over plans on the government-led initiative to provide ID’s to all Somalis. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Nairobi (PP) ─ Madaxa is-tiraatiijiyada xafiiska Madaxweynaha DF, ahna u qayb-sanaha Barnaamijka Kaarar Aqoonsiga ee Digital-ka, Nuur Diiriye Xirsi (Fuursade) ayaa magaalada Nairobi kula kulmay saraakiil sare oo ka tirsan Bangiga Adduunka iyo bahwadaag kale oo dhanka horumarinta ka socday kuwaas oo ay ka wada hadleen barnaamijkan cusub ee ay hormuudka u tahay Dowladda Soomaaliya, ujeedkiisuna yahay sidii kaarar aqoonsi oo elektarooniga ah loogu sameyn lahaa dhammaan dadka Soomaaliyeed. Barnaamijka qaran ee aqoonsi u sameynta muwadiniinta Soomaaliyeed oo noqonaya kii ugu horeeyay ee nuuciisa ah ayuu ujeedku yahay hirgelinta barnaamij aas-aas u noqonaya sameynta kaarar aqoonsi oo laga heli karo xogta shaqsiga. “Dowladda Soomaaliya waxay si dardar leh ugu howlantahay hirgelinta dhismaha nidaam u qaabeysan fulinta baahiyaha muwaadiniinteeda ee dhanka aqoonsiga,” ayuu yiri Nuur Diiriye oo intaas ku daray. “Si la mid ah taabbogelinta horumarkaas, waxaan u baahannahay inaan hubinno in muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed iyo dadka xaqa u leh la siiyo aqoonsi awood u siin doona helitaanka adeegyada muhiimka ah oo ay ku jiraan adeegyada kaalmooyinka gargaar iyo adeegga xawilaadda. Hirgelinta habkani cusub ee aqoonsi u sameynta muwadiniinta Soomaaliyeed wuxuu ka dhigan yahay wax ka qabashada aragtiyada caalamiga ah ee ka hortaga khataraha iyo fal dambiyeedka”. Soomaaliya waligeed ma yeelanin nidaam lagu sameynayno aqoonsi digital ah oo ay helaan dhammaan muwaadiniinta iyo dadka kale ee degaanka ku ah Soomaaliya, inkasta oo nidaamyada aqoonsi ee aan elektrooniga ahayn ka shaqeynayn jiray Dowladdaha Hoose ka hor 1991-kii. Nidaamkan aqoonsiga cusubi wuxuu ujeedkiisu yahay in uu kor loo qaado xiriirka bulsho iyo qeybaha adeegayada bixiya iyadoo la adeegsanayo nidaamka elektarooniga ah ee lagu aqoonsan karo macaamiisha ee ay adeegsadaan shirkadaha maaliyadda. Waxay sidoo kale tani qeyb weyn ka qaadan doontaa fududeynta adeegyadda bulsho sida xawilaadaha oo si aan shuruud lahayn ugu ogolaan doona muwadiniinta isticmaalka aqoonsigooda, middaas oo wax weyn ka tari doonta ammaanka iyo dimuqraadiyeynta. Fuursade wuxuu u sharraxay qaabka farsamo ee bahwadaagta dhanka horumarinta ay gacan uga geysan karaan nidaamkan, isagoo faahfaahiyay hannaanka loo hirgelin karo qorshahani sida kaabayaasha lagama marmaanka u ah sameynta aqoonsiga, sida qorshe sharci iyo nidaam, jadwalka fulinta iyo qiyaasaha miisaaniyadda ku baxaya hirgalinta nidaamkan. Waxa uu carabka ku adkeeyay in Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu ku talagalayo hirgalinta hay’ad cusub oo heer federaal ah midaas oo maareeyn doonta nidaamka aqoonsiga. Nuur ayaa sidoo faahfaahiyay heshiiskii Isfahamka ahaa (MoU) ee dhawaan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya la gashay hay’adda Diiwaan-gelinta Qaranka (NADRA) ee Pakistan. NADRA waxay soo bandhigtay khibrad ku aadan abuurista iyo hirgelinta barnaamijadda aqoonsiga ee waddamadda jilicsan ama kuwa ka soo baxaya dagaaladda, oo ay ku jiraan meelaha miyiga oo ay adagtahay si ay u gaaraan adeegyadda bulsho ee ay u baahan yihiin. Sidoo kale, In ka badan 1.1 bilyan oo qof oo adduunka ku nool ayaan awoodin in ay caddeeyaan aqoonsigooda, ayna sidaa darteedna ku waayaan adeegyo muhiim ah oo ay ka mid yihiin daryeelka caafimaadka, xaquudooda daryeelka bulsho, waxbarashada iyo tageero maaliyadeed. Dadka intooda badan waxay ku noolyihiin Afrika iyo Aasiya. In ka badan saddex dalool waa carruurta aan diiwaangashaneyn. Maamulka sare ee Bangiga Adduunka ayaa ahmiyad gaar ah oo istaraatijiyadeed saaray Horumarinta Aqoonsiga (ID4D) iyada oo Bangiga Adduunku uu ka tageero dhanka maaliyadda hay’adaha ku howlan sameynta aqoonsiyadda si loo xoojiyo afkaaraha caalamiga ah ee aqoonsi u sameynta muwadiniinta. “Bangiga adduunka isagoo matalaya caalamka, kaalinta kaga aaddan tageeridda horumarinta aqoonsiga waxay lagama maarmaan u tahay hirgelinta qorshahani aas-aasiga ah dowlad dhisidda Soomaaliya, iyada oo duruufaha gaarka ee Soomaaliya la eegayo taageerada nidaamkan uu caalamku u hayo ayaa lagama marnaam ah in la hirgeliyo si loola jaan qaado adduunka intiisa kale” sidaasi waxaa yiri Fuursade. Dhanka kale, Fuursade iyo kooxdiisu waxay soo jeediyeen doorka Bangiga Adduunka ee hirgelinta Barnaamijka Aqoonsiga Qaran ee Soomaaliya, oo ay ka mid tahay in Bangiga uu ka taageero Dowlad Fedaraalka Soomaaliya sidii la iskugu keeni lahaa bah wadaagta iyo daneeyeyaasha kale, iyo sidii tageero farsamo ay u heli lahayeen waaxda ku howlan mashruucan ee habeynta iyo fulinta nidaamka aqoonsiga ee NADRA. Ugu dambeyn, Shirkan waxaa ka Qayb-galay Dowladda Federaalka Somalia, Bangiga Adduunka, DFID, EU, Norway, Denmark iyo USAID. PUNTLAND POST The post Somalia iyo Bangiga Adduunka oo ka Hadlay Barnaamijka Cusub ee Kaararka Aqoonsiga appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Mass livestock herd immunity campaigns have been conducted in parts of Somaliland over the last two months, aiming to vaccinate 3.1 million goats and camels. The vaccinations are to prevent the spread of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) and other respiratory diseases that are prevalent during the dry season. Awdal, Sahil, Maroodi-Jeh, Togdher, Sanaag, and Sool regions all received vaccination teams. According to the deputy director of Somaliland’s livestock ministry, Mustafe Omar Jibriil, 60 groups of four vaccinators were fielded, targeting the camps and water sources where the livestock come to drink. The exercise finished on 28 June. Seynab Ali Ahmed, a pastoralist in Odanle village, 190 km south of Burao, told Radio Ergo she took 33 of her goats that survived the drought to a nearby well to be vaccinated. She left the younger ones behind thinking they would be fine, but she later regretted the choice as they now appear to be weak and have developed runny noses as the dry season begins. The last time Seynab’s herd received any vaccination or treatment was in 2016. The livestock provide an important lifeline for Seynab and her six children. Abshir Omar Mohamed took his livestock to a vaccination centre in Gumur village, in North-West region. He told Radio Ergo that 21 of his goats had previously died of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP), so now he never skips vaccination opportunities. Ashir, a father of 13, supports his family with the income he gets from his 30 camels and 243 goats. This is the second consecutive year that his livestock are being vaccinated. In March, 153,000 drought-hit animals in the coastal areas of Somaliland were treated by the ministry of livestock supported by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation. Livestock treatment for malnutrition and vaccination for measles and CCPP were last conducted in all regions by the ministry in August 2017. Radio Ergo
  20. Somali militants al-Shabab – a jihadi group behind numerous devastating terror attacks in East Africa – have unironically banned the use of single-use plastic bags “to protect humans and animals”. The announcement was made in a broadcast by Radio Andalus, an official mouthpiece of the militant group. Mohammed Abu Abdullah, the group’s governor for southern Somalia’s Shabelle regions, said discarded plastic bags “pose a serious threat to the well-being of humans and animals alike”. Details of how the plan would be implemented would be announced soon, the broadcast said. Al-Shabab also imposed an immediate ban on the logging of native trees, reported Huffpost, quoting a Somali website aligned with the group. Al-Shabab, which is often referred to as “the deadliest” Islamist extremist group in Africa, is fighting to impose its hardline interpretation of Islamic law across Somalia. A truck bombing by the group in October killed 512 people, the country’s deadliest ever terror attack. Only a few attacks since 9/11 have killed more people. The Horn of Africa nation continues to struggle to counter the militants. Concerns have been high over plans to hand over the country’s security to Somalia’s own forces, as a 21,000-strong African Union force begins a withdrawal that is expected to be complete in 2020. The US military, which has bolstered its efforts against the militant group in the past year with dozens of drone strikes, has said Somali forces are not yet ready to take on the task themselves. Experts say the move to join a global trend towards reducing the use of plastic products – which often make their way to oceans with devastating effects for marine life – is to show the group can govern. Jihadi groups such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban have previously citedenvironmental issues in their View image on Twitter Source: Al Araby
  21. The deputy mayor of Islington suburb of North London Mrs.Ruqiya Mohammed Ismael has toured Hargeisa. The mayor who is also a Somaliland citizen was received at Egal International Airport by the minister of information culture and national guidance Mr.Abdirahman Abdillahi Farah Diriye (Guri-Barwaqo), the Hargeisa City Council deputy mayor Mr.Abdiaziz Mohammed Hashi, ruling party Kulmiye chairlady for women affairs Mrs.Dalays Shire Farah and councilor from Hargeisa city. Minister Guri-Barwaqo said that the president H.E Musa Bihi Abdi has allocated quotas for women in elective posts, hence becoming the first president in the history of Somaliland to address the plight of women. He added that this comes following promises made by the head of state to women during the 2017 presidential campaigns. “I’m very pleased to welcome Mrs.Ruqiya to her homeland; I met her in London during her campaign to represent the people of Islington, today I welcome her as the mayor of Islington, North London.” Minister Guri-Barwaqo stated. The information minister went on to say that Mrs.Ruqiya is an inspiration to the women of Somaliland and shows the milestone women have reached in politics. “You’ve heard families losing their children to social services officials abroad; but today you have seen for yourselves, a woman who has brought up her children, and has won the mayoral seat. God willing Mrs.Ruqiya will be an inspiration to women in Somaliland who have been given quotas in parliamentary and council elections.” Solna
  22. Madaxa istaraatiijiyadda Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, ahna u qeybsanaha Barnaamijka Kaarar Aqoonsiga ee digitaalka ah Mudane Dr. Nuur Diiriye Xirsi (Fuursade) ayaa magaalada Nayroobi kula kulmay saraakiil sare oo ka tirsan Bangiga Adduunka iyo bahwadaag kale oo dhanka horumarinta ka socday kuwaas oo ay ka wada hadleen barnaamijkan cusub ee ay hormuudka u tahay Dowladda Soomaaliya, ujeedkiisuna yahay sidii kaarar aqoonsi oo elektarooniga ah loogu sameyn lahaa dhammaan dadka Soomaaliyeed. Barnaamijka qaran ee aqoonsi u sameynta muwadiniinta Soomaaliyeed oo noqonaya kii ugu horeeyay ee nuuciisa ah ayuu ujeedku yahay hirgelinta barnaamij aas-aas u noqonaya sameynta kaarar aqoonsi oo laga heli karo xogta shaqsiga. “Dowladda Soomaaliya waxay si dardar leh ugu howlantahay hirgelinta dhismaha nidaam u qaabeysan fulinta baahiyaha muwaadiniinteeda ee dhanka aqoonsiga”, ayuu yiri Dr. Nuur Diiriye Xirsi. “Si la mid ah taabbogelinta horumarkaas, waxaan u baahannahay inaan hubinno in muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed iyo dadka xaqa u leh la siiyo aqoonsi awood u siin doona helitaanka adeegyada muhiimka ah oo ay ku jiraan adeegyada kaalmooyinka gargaar iyo adeegga xawilaadda. Hirgelinta habkani cusub ee aqoonsi u sameynta muwadiniinta Soomaaliyeed wuxuu ka dhigan yahay wax ka qabashada aragtiyada caalamiga ah ee ka hortaga khataraha iyo fal dambiyeedka”. Soomaaliya waligeed ma yeelanin nidaam lagu sameynayno aqoonsi digital ah oo ay helaan dhammaan muwaadiniinta iyo dadka kale ee degaanka ku ah Soomaaliya, inkasta oo nidaamyada aqoonsi ee aan elektrooniga ahayn ka shaqeynayn jiray Dowladdaha Hoose ka hor 1991. Nidaamkan aqoonsiga cusubi wuxuu ujeedkiisu yahay in uu kor loo qaado xiriirka bulsho iyo qeybaha adeegayada bixiya iyadoo la adeegsanayo nidaamka elektarooniga ah ee lagu aqoonsan karo macaamiisha ee ay adeegsadaan shirkadaha maaliyadda. Waxay sidoo kale tani qeyb weyn ka qaadan doontaa fududeynta adeegyadda bulsho sida xawilaadaha oo si aan shuruud lahayn ugu ogolaan doona muwadiniinta isticmaalka aqoonsigooda, middaas oo wax weyn ka tari doonta ammaanka iyo dimuqraadiyeynta. Dr. Fuursade wuxuu u sharraxay qaabka farsamo ee bahwadaagta dhanka horumarinta ay gacan uga geysan karaan nidaamkan, isagoo faahfaahiyay hannaanka loo hirgelin karo qorshahani sida kaabayaasha lagama marmaanka u ah sameynta aqoonsiga, sida qorshe sharci iyo nidaam, jadwalka fulinta iyo qiyaasaha miisaaniyadda ku baxaya hirgalinta nidaamkan. Waxa uu carabka ku adkeeyay in Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu ku talagalayo hirgalinta hay’ad cusub oo heer federaal ah midaas oo maareeyn doonta nidaamka aqoonsiga. Dr Nuur ayaa sidoo faahfaahiyay heshiiskii Isfahamka ahaa (MoU) ee dhawaan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya la gashay hay’adda Diiwaangelinta Qaranka (NADRA) ee Pakistan. NADRA waxay soo bandhigtay khibrad ku aadan abuurista iyo hirgelinta barnaamijadda aqoonsiga ee waddamadda jilicsan ama kuwa ka soo baxaya dagaaladda, oo ay ku jiraan meelaha miyiga oo ay adagtahay si ay u gaaraan adeegyadda bulsho ee ay u baahan yihiin. In kabadan 1.1 bilyan oo qof oo adduunka ku nool ayaan awoodin in ay caddeeyaan aqoonsigooda, ayna sidaa darteedna ku waayaan adeegyo muhiim ah oo ay ka mid yihiin daryeelka caafimaadka, xaquudooda daryeelka bulsho, waxbarashada iyo tageero maaliyadeed. Dadka intooda badan waxay ku noolyihiin Afrika iyo Aasiya. In ka badan saddex dalool waa carruurta aan diiwaangashaneyn. Maamulka sare ee Bangiga Adduunka ayaa ahmiyad gaar ah oo istaraatijiyadeed saaray Horumarinta Aqoonsiga (ID4D) iyada oo Bangiga Adduunku uu ka tageero dhanka maaliyadda hay’adaha ku howlan sameynta aqoonsiyadda si loo xoojiyo afkaaraha caalamiga ah ee aqoonsi u sameynta muwadiniinta. “Bangiga adduunka isagoo matalaya caalamka, kaalinta kaga aaddan tageeridda horumarinta aqoonsiga waxay lagama maarmaan u tahay hirgelinta qorshahani aas-aasiga ah dowlad dhisidda Soomaaliya, iyada oo duruufaha gaarka ee Soomaaliya la eegayo taageerada nidaamkan uu caalamku u hayo ayaa lagama marnaam ah in la hirgeliyo si loola jaan qaado adduunka intiisa kale” sidaasi waxaa yiri Dr. Fuursade. Ugu dambeyntii, Dr. Fuursade iyo kooxdiisu waxay soo jeediyeen dowrka Bangiga Adduunka ee hirgelinta Barnaamijka Aqoonsiga Qaran ee Soomaaliya, oo ay ka mid tahay in Bangiga uu ka taageero Dowlad Fedaraalka Soomaaliya sidii la iskugu keeni lahaa bah wadaagta iyo daneeyeyaasha kale, iyo sidii tageero farsamo ay u heli lahayeen waaxda ku howlan mashruucan ee habeynta iyo fulinta nidaamka aqoonsiga ee NADRA. Shirkan waxaa ka qeybgalay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Bangiga Adduunka, DFID, EU, Norway, Denmark iyo USAID.
  23. HARGEISA– The President of Somaliland His Excellency Musa Bihi Abdi has appointed today members of National Human Rights Commission and the deputy Auditor General according to a press release issued from the presidential palace. The President, Bihi has named Mr. Sa’ad Abdi Abdilahi Riraash as the deputy auditor general with immediate effect according to a presidential decree # JSL/XM/WM/222-157/072018. in a presidential decree # JSL/XM/WM/222-156/072018, the Head of State named 7 members of Somaliland’s National Human Rights Commission. No Name Posts 1. Mohamed Barud Ali Member 2. Roda Ahmed Yasin Member 3. Muue Osmaan Warsame Member 4. Sulieman Warsame Gulied Member 5. Waris Abshir Haji Dirie Member 6. Omar Mohamud Husien Member 7. Abdirashid Said Indi Member
  24. HARGEISA– The President of the republic of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi has received students who graduated from Abaarso Tech School, instructors and school parent committee. The Head of State met with students at the presidential mansion on Tuesday. The President was accompanied by the minister of education, Prof. Yasin Mohamoud Hiray alias Faraton, presidential affairs on technology affairs, Mr. Ibrahim Dahir Dubad, Ms. Amal Ahmed Yasin, presidential affairs on women’s affairs, parliamentarians, and school parent committee. His Excellency, President Musa has been briefed on the stages that the school went thorough since its inception and the achievements that the students made in attending foreign universities particularly the United States. Majority of Abaarso Tech School students who went abroad to pursue their tertiary studies have returned home after graduation. Senior Abaarso tech school management who spoke all stressed that the students who went overseas for studies have achieved to secure the first position in the exams. Mr. Hamse Faisal Aabi and Ms. Ubah Abdi Ali have both of them underscored that they learnt knowledge from the school which had a tremendous impact on their life. The duo have urged all Somaliland student citizens who leave abroad for studies should return back home to provide their knowledge back home. Mr. Bihi speaking at the event has extended thanks to the school management, teachers, students and parent committee and further pledged to rally behind Abaarso Tech school. He congratulated on the graduates for the positions that they have secured in the universities that they have attended. The president has not hesitated that the students have done well in the prestigious foreign universities. He also said that they students have endured the difficulties that they faced with during their studies. Abaarso Tech is located in Abaarso town which lies in the outskirts of Hargeisa, Somaliland capital particularly in the west. The school send students to universities including the likes of YALE, Connecticut Massachusetts( MA), Harvard, Columbia, New York(NY), BROWN, Rhode Island and Amherst. The president received students who completed their studies, those who are still pursuing and those that are getting ready to be sent to overseas for their higher studies.
  25. Imagine working in an office at age 24 and wanting to become a journalist, but instead of going the traditional route of a formal education, you book yourself a ticket to Somalia to interview pirates… as they’re actively hijacking cargo ships. In 2011, that’s exactly what writer Jay Bahadur did, and his book The Pirates Of Somalia is one of the best travel books I’ve ever read. Source: Hiiraan Online