Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. HARGEISA– The Vice-President of Somaliland Hon. Abdirahman Abdilahi Ismail alias “Sayli’i” has visited special needs school in Hargeisa on Wednesday where children with blindness, deafness and those with mental retardation go for studying. More than 200 students with physical disabilities are currently studying in the school. The mission behind the VP’s visit to the school was to assess the current needs of the school. Ms. Khadra, the school director has received the deputy president upon arriving at the school premises and has briefed him on the challenges that it faced and the the achievement it has made since its inception. School director has expressed thanks to the government of Somaliland for its support. Ms. Khadra has said that students with mental illness are in the school. The school director has called on the government to double its efforts in supporting the needs of the school. Somaliland’s vice president, Hon. Abdirahman has pledged to increase the support that the government provides to the special needs school.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-War goordhow nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in isku day dil uu ka badbaaday Wasiirkii Wasaaradda howlaha guud iyo dib u dhiska Eng. Saalax Sheekh Cismaan. Wasiirka ayaa la sheegay in gaari uu la socday isla markaana sii galaayay hooygiisa lagu dhuftay gaari kale oo markii hore ku diyaarsanaa agagaarka Wasaradii hore ee Amniga Gudaha. Gaariga lagu dhuftay kan Wasiirkii howlaha guud ayaa la sheegay inuu ahaa gaari raaxo, waxaana intaa kadib xigay rasaas ooda looga qaaday Wasiirkii howlaha guud. Idaacada Dalsan ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa baahisay in Wasiirka gaarigaasi loogu sii diyaariyay wadada dhinaceeda, iyadoo falka ku dhufashada iyo rasaastuba ay ku bilaabatay xili uu ku xaroonaayay Hooygiisa oo ku yaalla agagaarka Wasaaradii hore Amniga ee ku dhow taalada Daljirka daahsoon. Intaa kadib ilaalada la soctay gaariga Wasiirkii howlaha guud ayaa iska caabiyay Kooxda isku dayday inay khaarijiso Eng. Saalax Sheekh Cismaan. Ciidamo ka tirsan Booliska oo ku baxay falkaasi ayaa xaqiijiyay in iska hor imaadka uu ku dhintay hal qof, halka laba kale oo shacab ahaa uu soo gaaray dhawac. Sidoo kale, Wasiir Saalax ayaan weli ka hadal weerarka lagu doonaayay in lagu khaarijiyo, waxa ayna Saraakiisha iyo ciidamada Booliska ee halkaa gaaray sheegen in qorshaha uu ahaa mid lagu khaarijin lahaa Eng. Saalax Sheekh Cismaan. Dhinaca kale, waxaa xilkaani Wasiirnimo horay looga dishay Wasiir Siraaji, waxaana xusid mudan in dilka iyo weerarka ceynkaani ah uu yahay mid aysan turxan bixin dowlada Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. HARGEISA–Somaliland government has revoked the licenses of six local non-governmental organizations which have been completely banned from working in the country by the minister in charge of national planning and development. The organizations are namely the Somaliland Lifeline Organization, Juba Foundation, Active in Development Aid, Somali Relief and Development Action, Agency for Peace and Development, and Himilo organization for Development. According to the planning ministry circular stated that the above organizations have been suspended from working with in Somaliland after that they have been deviated from their missions. The press statement did not further illicit if the suspended NGO’s were operating in Somaliland in undercover. The Press Statement in Somali language:-
  4. Mogadishu (HOL) - President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has sent congratulations to his U.S. counterpart and the American people as they celebrate their Independence Day. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. At least 15 people were killed in central Somalia when villagers clashed with Al-Shabab militants trying to recruit their children as fighters. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. The Somali National Army (SNA) killed at least 20 al-Shabab militants in a fierce fighting in Somali's southern village of Muse Haji on Tuesday evening, army officials said Wednesday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. A town in southern Somalia has banned men and women dancing together at weddings, a local radio station is reporting. Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. Chinese state owned enterprise Poly Group is working with another Chinese company, Golden Concord Group, to develop oil and gas projects in Ethiopia. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Addis Ababa (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay waxaa goordhow garoonka Bole ee magaalada Addis ababa ka dhoofay Sarkaalka ONLF Cabdikariin Sheekh Muuse (Qalbi-Dhagax). Cabdikariin Sheekh Muuse (Qalbi-Dhagax), ayaa waxaa magaalada Addis ababa ee Xarunta dalka Ethiopia kala dhoofay qaar kamid ah Eheladiisa iyo xubno kaalin ku lahaan deysmadiisa. Qalbi-Dhagax,ayaa waxaa wehlinaayay ku dhawaad lix xubnoo oo Seddex kamid ah ay ahaayen Ganacsato gacan ka geystay deesmadiisa, waxa uuna kusii jeeda magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya. Markii Xabsiga laga siidaayey Qalbi Dhagax ayaa waxaa soo baxayay warar sheegayaa in uu magangalyo ka helay dowladda Kenya,waxaana haatan magaalada ay degan tahay Soomaalida ee Islii ka socda diyaar garoowgii u dambeeyey ee soo dhaweyntiisa. Gaari cod baahiye ku xiran yahay oo uu sawir Qalbi Dhagax ku dhegan yahay oo dhex wareegaya xaafada Islii ayaa dadweynaha ugu baaqaya inay isugu soo baxaan soo dhaweynta Qalbi Dhagax. Warar soo baxaya waxa ay sheegayaan in Qlabi Dhagax uu la ahdli doono dadka isu diyaarinaya soo dhaweyntiisa, isagoo faahfaahin doona qabashadiisii, sida loo sii daayay iyo waxa uqorsheysan maadaama dib uu uhelay Xoriyadiisa.
  10. A Nairobi court has found out that a Somali national accused by a Kenyan politician of assault has a case to answer. Magistrate Eunice Kimaiyo sitting at Makadara Law Court yesterday ruled that Jamal Mohammed has a case to answer in causing grievous harm. At the same time Kimaiyo acquitted Jamal of the charges of being illegally in the country on the grounds that the prosecution failed to table enough evidence in court. The prosecution called five key witnesses who testified before the closure of their case, both the prosecution and the defense tabled their oral submissions. Jamal had requested the court to withdraw the charges claiming that the complainant Hussein Mohammed had not produced an X-RAY report to court which would be used as evidence. The accused said that Hussein’s witnesses gave contradictory information to court regarding the incident. He said that the investigators did not conduct an identification parade after the arrest of Jamal Mohammed. Hussein Mohammed who testified in the case said that Jamal attempted to kill him on September 17 at Eastleigh 7th street in Kamukunji. He said that Jamal used his boots and stepped on him where he fell down. The accused later removed the knife and stabbed him on the neck. “Two days after the incident the accused called me and said that he wanted to apologise for what he did to me,” said Hussein. Hussein told the court that Jamal assaulted him because he wanted to be paid Sh337,000 the cost he incurred after they sold a machine they had bought together and subdivided the profit. He also told the court that he was introduced to Jamal by his brother and that he did not know him before. The court also heard that the accused surrendered himself to the police station two days after the incident where he was arrested immediately. He is said to have had assaulted Hussein outside a Mosque at Eastleigh 7th street in Kamukunji area. Jamal had told the court that the witnesses who testified in court did not identify the hood that they claim he was wearing at the time of the attack. He said that the case cannot stand because the P3 form at Pangani Police Station was very categorical because he did not sign. The complainant said that it was not in doubt that the witnesses identified the person who committed the offence since it was around 9pm and the street lights were on. Hussein also added that since the accused surrendered himself to the police there was no need for identification. He added that he needed to undergo physiotherapy because he was seriously injured by Jamal. The politician said the allegations by the defense that charges are defective cannot stand because Jamal did not show the court how it was defective. Jamal denied all the charges and was released on a Kenyan surety bond of Sh300, 000. Police said the accused after committing the offence disappeared from his hotel room and only surrendered before police after he knew he was wanted and could not travel out of the country. The matter will be heard on July 13, 2018. Source: – Standard Digital
  11. Sensitivities on both sides may prolong or delay peace talks between Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders, pundits say. The leaders are poised to meet soon following recent diplomatic rapprochement aimed at ending Africa’s longest running conflict. The 1998-2000 war fought between the two countries killed an estimated 80,000 and displaced hundreds of thousands of people from both sides. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and militias had been facing each other along the heavily militarized 1,000 kilometers of common border over the last two-decades. Newly-elected Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced his administration’s unconditional acceptance of the 2000 Algiers peace agreement and the decision of the Ethiopia-Eritrea Border Commission (EEBC) which awarded Eritrea a small town Badme, a flashpoint of the conflict. A few days later Ahmed offered an olive branch to Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki, who has been in power since his country gained independence from Ethiopia in 1991. Afewerki agreed to peace talks and dispatched a delegation led by Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Sale who held talks with Ethiopian officials in capital Addis Ababa. The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that both sides had agreed to continue the peace talks which will begin with a resumption of flights and opening up of borders for business. ‘’The Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki will meet soon and the venue will be decided,’’ the statement added. Underlying causes Yacob Haile-Mariam, a law professor at Addis Ababa University and a lead UN advisor to the Nigeria-Cameroon border dispute negotiation, told Anadolu Agency that multiple factors made the peace initiative possible. ‘’The diplomatic rapprochement was due to largely the current political orientation in Ethiopia and the bold first initative taken by new Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, that triggered a prompt response by President Isaias,’’ he said. Moreover, he said, the “no war, no peace” situation had exhausted itself and both nations could no longer shoulder the burdens of keeping themselves on war footing. “Over the past decade there had been an enormous demand by the international community, intellectuals and citizens in both countries to end the stalemate that had separated the culturally, and historically bonded people.’’ Also, Haile-Mariam said, Eritrea which had suffered from UN sanctions for years had realized that the Ethiopian peace offer could help lifting sanctions which had crippled the economy and alienated it from the global community of nations. Tigstu Awelu, chairperson of the Ethiopian Unity Party, who also specializes in international relations told Anadolu Agency, that even though the peace initiative was offered by Ahmed, the decision was made by the ruling coalition Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party. ‘’They wanted to make peace with Eritrea and end attacks from Eritrean-based Ethiopian armed groups,’’ he said. Also, Awelu said, the coalition government perceives the presence of naval and air forces of UAE and Saudi Arabia in the Eritrean port of Assab as a threat. ‘’It is imperative to fend off the unpredictable consequences of the Gulf nations positioned very close to Ethiopia by making peace with Eritrea,’’ he said. Mixed reactions Over the last couple of weeks, millions of Ethiopians who had staged mass rallies in the capital and different parts of the country expressed support for a peace dialogue with Eritrea. Abiyot Charente, 27, a civil servant, told Anadolu Agency that the peace deal would end years of animosity between the two countries. “I hope that in the end Eritrea will be reunited with Ethiopia, and [Ethiopian Prime Minister] Abiy will make this happen,’’ he said. Ashenafi Abrham, 54, said the Eritrean government was the sworn enemy of Ethiopia and their acceptance of peace could not be trusted. “They want to divide the ruling party which has differences on many issues,” he said. The border communities including the residents of the contested town Badme had also voiced their opposition to the peace plan. Source: – Anadolu Agency
  12. Muuse Biixi iyo wafdi ICRC Wafdi ka socda beesha caalamka ayaa Puntland iyo Somaliland kala hadlay xaalada colaadeed ee Tukaraq iyo maxaabiistii dhawaan lagu kala qabsaday dagaaladii halkaas ka dhacay. Wafdi ballaaran oo ka socday gudiga Laanqeyrta Cas (ICRC) oo uu hoggaaminayey madaxa Soomaaliya Mr. Simon Brooks ayaa maanta magaalada Hargeysa kula kulmay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, iyagoo ka wada hadlay sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa dagaalka Somaliland iyo Puntland ku dhexmaray deegaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool iyo xaalada maxaabiistii lagu kala qabsaday dagaaladii dhacay, sidaas waxaa lagu sheegay war-saxaafadeed ka soo baxay madaxtooyada Somaliland. Sidoo kale war-saxaafadeedka ka soo baxay madaxtooyada Somaliland ayaa lagu sheegay in Madaxweynaha Somaliland mar uu ka jawaabayey qodob ay ka hadleen wafdigu oo ahaa in xabad joojin laga sameeyo Tukaraq, uu sheegay in uu soo dhaweynayo xabbad joojin la sameeyo,uuna kamid yahay qodobadii Qaramada Midoobay iyo beesha Caalamkuba ay soo jeediyeen in la fuliyo, Somaliland-na ay aqbashay Dhanka kale wafdiga uu hogaaminyo madaxa Laanqeyrta Cas ee Soomaaliya ayaa shalay magaalada Garowe kula kulmay Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiwali Gaas, iyagoo ka wada hadlay sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa xaalada colaadeed ee Tukaraq iyo maxaabiistii lagu kala qabsaday dagaaladii halkaas ka dhacay ee dhexmaray Puntland iyo Somaliland, inkastoo war-saxaafadeed ka soo baxay madaxtooyada Puntland lagu sheegay in kulankaas looga hadlay arrimo bini’aadanimo. Deegaanka Tukaraq ayaa hadda laga cabsi qabaa dagaal mar kale ku dhexmara Puntland iyo Somaliland oo isku haya gacan ku haynta gobolka Sool, iyadoo labada dhinacba ay maalmihii u danbeeyay ciidamo hor leh ku daabulayeen deegaankaas. Dhanka kale waxaa baaqday safar Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi 1-dii bishan July ku tagi lahaa meelo kamid ah gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag, gaar ahaan degmada Ceel-afweyn iyo Tukaraq oo la sheegay in uu booqan lahaa ciidamada halkaas ka jooga, lamana oga sababaha baajiyay safarka Biixi. Hay’adda xasaradaha adduunka ayaa dhawaan warbixin ay soo saartay kaga digtay dagaal dhexmara Puntland iyo somaliland, iyadoo hogaamiyaasha Afriga, kuwa reer galbeedka, hawlgalka AMISOM, Itoobiya, Imaaraadka iyo deeq bixiyayaasha caalamka ka codsatay in ay qaadaan talaabooyin deg deg ah oo wax looga qabanayo iska hor imaadka labada dhinac. PUNTLAND POST The post Beesha caalamka oo Puntland iyo Somaliland kala hadashay xaalada Tukaraq appeared first on Puntland Post.
  13. Tens of thousands of survivors of Kenya’s worst floods in recent years are living on the brink with barely enough food to eat two months after the disaster, aid workers warned on Wednesday, calling on authorities to provide increased funding and support. Incessant heavy rainfall in March and April caused dams and rivers in parts of the East African nation to overflow, submerging crops and washing away homes. At least 186 people died and more than 300,000 others were forced to flee. While water levels have receded and many people have returned home, aid workers in the worst affected coastal region of Tana River county said most of those displaced were still living in camps with little means of survival. “The majority of the 150,000 people displaced in Tana River are still in the camps as they have not received any information from authorities on whether it is safe to return or not,” said Matthew Cousins, humanitarian director for Oxfam Kenya. “They also have nothing to go back to. Their homes and crops have been destroyed and they have not been given any help to rebuild their lives.” After a severe drought last year, East Africa was hit by two months of heavy rains, disrupting the lives of millions of people in Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Uganda. Kenya experiences two rainy seasons – from March to May and then from October to November – but seasonal rainfall recorded this year has been the highest in 50 years, according to the country’s meteorological department. In Tana River county, the floods not only damaged infrastructure such as roads, bridges and schools, it also submerged swathes of farmland and killed thousands of livestock. A lack of clean drinking water and poor sanitation in the camps has also resulted in a cholera outbreak with around 300 people contracting the potentially fatal disease, although aid workers said there had been no new cases for over 7 days. “People need food. They do not have enough to eat. We are registering people in the camps and many children, women and elderly are looking weak and malnourished,” said Ahmed Ibrahim, head of the charity Arid Lands Development Focus. “Some said the last good meal they ate was a chapatti and a cup of tea, that too was two or three days ago. It’s a very bad situation and the county appears not to have enough the funds required to support these people.” The Tana River county government said in May it needed around $70 million to help flood survivors rebuild their homes and livelihoods, but aid workers said funds promised by the federal government had not come through. County officials confirmed there had been a delay in funding from the central government, but said that funds would be provided, adding that people should return home soon. “I do not know how much of the $70 million we have received, but we haven’t received all of it,” Salim Bagana, secretary of the Tana River country government, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “There were some delays but now the money is coming and people should be going home. We will help them to restart their lives and we ask our humanitarian partners to also help.” Source: – aid agencies
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wareegto shalay kasoo baxday Xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Eng. Yariisow ayaa waxaa lagu baabi’iyay heshiisyadii lagu bixiyey Jardiinooyinka iyo beeraha ku yaalla gobolka Banaadir. Amarka Guddoomiyaha oo ahaa mid xadidan maalmaha lagu dhaqan galinaayo ayaa waxa uu saameyn doonaa goobo caan ka ah magaalada Muqdisho. Goobaha uu saameyn doono amarka Guddoomiye Yariisow ayaa waxaa kamid ah Hoteel caan ka ah magaalada Muqdisho iyo Goobo dhowr ah oo ay isku arkaan dadka shacabka ah. Haddaba goobaha muhiimka ah ee ilaa iyo hadda la xusi karo in amarkaasi uu saameynaayo ayaa waxaa kamid ah:- 1)- XAAFADA AFASIYOONI, waxaa ku yaalla dhul Danguud oo ay ka mid yihiin Darjiino laga kireeyey Ganacsato,Goobaha Ganacsi ee ku yaalla waxaa ka mid ah Kaalin Shidaal oo weyn iyo Bakhaaro lagu xareeyo Qalabka dhismaha, kuwaa oo dhamaantooda ku yaala dhabarka dambe Suuqa Beerta ee degmada Waaberi. 2)- MALL-KA SANCA, waxaa ka dhisan Suuq weyn oo ka kooban dhismooyin guryo 5 dabaq ah, waxaana wehlinaaya baakinka la dhigto gaadiidka iyo maqaayado, waxaana xusid mudan in lagu maalgaliyay malaayiin doolar. 3)-HOTEL AFRIK, waxa uu ku yaala hoteelkan isgooska KM4,waxa uuna ahaa Jardiin lagu nasto oo laga dhigay hotelka,isla markaana uu ka mid ah yahay hotelada waaweyn ee Muqdisho laguna maalgaliyey lacag Malaayiin Dollar ah. 4)-AFARTA DARJIINO, oo kamid ah isgoysyada ugu waaweyn Muqdisho,ayaa ahaa darjiino lagu nasto,waxaana dadka ay ku sugi jireyn gaadiidka dadweynaha,balse hadda waxaa ka dhisan Maqaayad Weyn. Darjiinada aan kor kusoo xusnay iyo kuwo kale oo dhowr ah ayaa waxaa xalaaleeyay Dowladii dhacday iyo maamulkii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir. Haddaba burburinta goobahaani ayaa dhulka galin doonta Ganacsato badan oo dhaqaale xoogan ku dhistay dhulka danta guud. Dhinaca kale, Ganacsatada oo amarka Gobolka u arka mid kasoo horjeeda danahooda gaarka ah ayaa qaabab khaldan u dhigaaya amarka iyaga oo adeegsanaaya Xildhibaano dhaqan iyo caado u leh qeyla dhaanta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. Prof. Ahmed I Samatar: “Decolonisation in Somaliland on 26 June 1960 in historical perspective” 29 Jun 2018 On 26 June 2018, the 58th anniversary of Somaliland’s independence, Professor Ahmed I Samatar placed that event in historical context and considered its relevance today. The meeting was convened at SOAS by Ayan Mahamoud MBE, head of the Somaliland Mission to the UK, and was chaired by Edward Paice, ARI’s director.
  16. Adis Ababa ( Caasimadda Online)- Cabdikariin Shiikh Muuse Qalbi Dhagax oo dhawaan laga soo daayey xabsi ku yaal Dalka Itoobiya ayaa isaga dhoofay Magaalada Adis Ababa. Qalbi Dhagax oo shalay la siiyey waraaqda fasaxa ee uu dalka kaga bixi karo ayaa lagu arkay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Adis ababa. Sida wararka sheegayaan Qalbi Dhagax ayaa ka dagi doono Magaalada Nairobi ee Caasimadda dalka Kenya halkaas oo ay dagan yihiin qoyskiisa. Qalbi Dhagax ayaa dhawr bil u xirnaa dowladda Itoobiya kadib markii dowladda Somalia ay kasoo qabatay Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Caasimadda Mudug. Dhiisbista Qalbi Dhagad ayaa waxaa ka dhashay muran badan iyadoo baarlamaanka Somalia uu ku tilmaamay inay aheyd Qalad. Sida uu sheegay Qalbi Dhagax soo deyntiisa ayaa ka timid ra,sulwasaaraha cusub ee dalkaas Abiy Ahmed oo dalka ku maamulayo siyaasad cusub. Qalbi Dhagax ayaa si gaar ah ugu eedeyey taliyihii hore ee nabadsugidda Sanbaloolshe inuu ka dambeeyey xarigiisa isla markaasna la kala qariyey isaga iyo madaxda dalka ugu sareyso.
  17. Twenty-year-old Halima Aden is making her mark as a Somali-American model who has made it a point of keeping true to her roots in her work as a cover girl and now ambassador for humanitarian organisation UNICEF. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Tens of thousands of survivors of Kenya's worst floods in recent years are living on the brink with barely enough food to eat two months after the disaster, aid workers warned on Wednesday, calling on authorities to provide increased funding and support. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. More than 800,000 people have been forced from their homes due to a new wave of inter-ethnic violence that has been in place in southern Ethiopia since June, according to a joint report by the United Nations and the Ethiopian government. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. The IFJ backed calls by its affiliate NUSOJ for the authorities in Somaliland to stop the persecution of independent journalists following the arrest of TV reporter in Borame (Somaliland), on Tuesday, 3 July. The arrest of Ahmed Horri a reporter for privately owned Horn Cable TV was ordered by the Governor of Awdil region Mr. Abdirahman Ahmed Ali. According to local journalists, he was infuriated by a question posed by Horri in a press conference on 30 June. The journalist had questioned the governor about the activities of a secessionist armed movement in the Awdal region. Consistent with the information given by the same sources, the governor rang the journalist on the night of 30 June and threatened him with arrest. He was arrested three days later when he was returning home. The journalist is still detained at Borama police station and has not been officially charged with any crime. “The detention of Horri Ahmed Horri reveals the mounting intolerance of Somaliland officials to the work of independent journalists and private media. It is abysmal for a journalist to spend a night in a police cell for asking an uncomfortable question,” said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. The IFJ strongly condemned the arbitrary detention and urges the Somaliland authorities to unconditionally release Horri. The IFJ is deeply concerned about recent attacks against journalists by Somaliland authorities which have the effect of silencing criticism, public protests and suppressing the dissemination of information on the territorial conflict. IFJ
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) _ Waxaa Soomaaliya ku sugan wafdi caalami ah oo ka scoda Dowladda Qatar kuwaa oo sahminaya dekadaha dalka iyagoo ujeedkoodu yahay iney maalgashi ku sameeyaan qaar kamid ah dekadaha Soomaaliya. Waxaa Dekadda Hubyo oo hoos timaado Maamulka Galmudug gaaray wafdi ka socda Dowladda Qatar oo sahminaya si ay u maalgashtaan waxana halkan hoose idinkugu soo gudbinayaa 5 Qodobo oo u saamaxeynin dowladda Qatar iney hesho maalgashiga dekadda Hobyo. Madaxweynaha Maamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geele Xaaf wuxuu xeriir dhaw la’ leeyahay dowladda Imaaradka Carabta waxaana Maamulka Galmudug uu kamid yahay maamuladii ka hor yimid Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya go’aankii ay ka qaadatay khilaafka Khalej-ka Carabta. Dowladda Itoobiya oo dhawan heshiis dhanka dekadaha ah la gashay Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa la saadaalinayaa iney muhiim u tahay Maalgashiga dekadda Hobyo oo dhacdo goob Strategic ah. Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta oo iyadana dooneyso inay maalgeshi ku sameysato Dekadaha Soomaaliya iyadoo la ogyahay inuu dagaal siyaasadeed ka dhaxeeyo dowladda Qatar iyo Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta, wuxuuna khilaafkaas gaaray in dowladda Qatar la saaro cunaqabateyn, arrintaana waxay saameyn ku yeelan doontaa inay Qatar si fudud u hesho Dekadda Hobyo iyo Dekadaha kale ee Soomaaliya maadaama ay cadaadis kala kulmeyso dowladaha Khaliijka oo ay hormuud u yihiin Sacuudiga iyo Imaaraadka… Siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka ku ah dowladda uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo taageersan Imaaradka Carabta islamarkaana intooda badan ka soo jeeda deegaanada Galmudug. Khilaafka ka dhex taagan Madaxda Galmudug oo saameyn ku yeelanaya maalgashiga ay Qatar la rabto dekadda Hobyo maadama isku siyaasad iyo isku aragti aaneyn aheyn. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  22. Somaliland’s Assistant Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation, Hon. Liban Yusuf Osman is attending a conference in Brussels, which is being organized by crans montan forum. The conference is attended by African leaders and is aimed at discussing ways to boost international cooperation in the areas of Ports and Sea security for the African continent. It is also discussed on ways to consolidate the working ties in the areas of immigration departments in Africa. The high level conference is now in attendance by ministers, Prime ministers, and former African leaders. Sudan’s minister for presidential affairs, Gabon presidential affairs minister, defense minister for Macedonia, ambassadors from Russia, the United State of America, Belgium and the former Malian president are in attendance. The current deputy FM of Somaliland, speaking at the summit has reiterated that 27 years that Somaliland has reclaimed its independence from Somalia and is playing a huge role in boosting maritime security and cross border movement compared to Somalia which has descended into chaos and anarchy after the collapse of its central govt in the 1990’s. Mr. Lisan has said that Somaliland is enjoying a period a peace, stability and security with its neighbors despite insecurity marred by the Horn of Africa. He said that Somaliland has maintained its law and order and is carrying out development projects for its populace. He further stressed that there is multi party politics and has called the int’l community ad the UN to have a consideration into Somaliland’s calls for a re recognition after years of ignorance for its quest for statehood. He said Somaliland has fulfilled all criteria for a statehood. The deputy Somaliland FM met with his Abkhasian foreign minister and the mayor of Abkhasia at the sidelines of the conference. It is agreed that Somaliland & Abkhasia must establish bilateral ties and an invitation was extended to Somaliland where a delegation will pay visit to Abkhasia in August this year. Mr. Liban met with Taiwan head of mission to Brussels at the sidelines of the conference where they pledged to raise Somaliland calls for recognition to the EU parliament.
  23. HARGEISA– President Bihi on Wednesday met with delegates from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) headed by its chief Mr. Simon Brooks. The two sides concentrated on boosting strengthening ties and to open an office in Somaliland. The Head of State and Mr. Simon Brooks, ICRC chief raised in the discussion on the recent prisoners of war (POW) which had been captured during the recent clashes in Tuka Raq between Somaliland defense forces and Puntland militia. Somaliland is praised for the treating with the POW’s as far as Tuka Raq war is concerned and is cooperating with the efforts of the int’l community to cease the hostilities between Somalia and Somaliland. Somaliland is obliged to abide by the Geneva convention which stipulates that POW’s have the right to be allowed that their family members should visit them at detention centers.
  24. Some 300,000 Kenyans who depend on Turkana, the world's biggest desert lake, could run short of drinking water and fish if Ethiopia moves ahead with plans to construct two more dams on a river upstream, activists said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  25. Weeraryahanada 8-da xul Waxaa la soo gabagabeeyay wareegii 16-ka ee koobka adduunka sanadkan ee ka socda dalka Russia, waxaana wareega xiga ee siddeed dhamaaadka (Quarter-finals) u baxay siddeed xul qaran. Siddeeda xul qaran ee u baxay siddeed dhammaad (Quarter-finals) koobka adduunka ayaa 6 kamid ah ay yihiin qaarada Yurub (Europe), halka 2-da kalana ay ka socdaan Latin America (South America), waxayna kala yihiin France (Europe), England (Europe), Belgium (Europe), Croatia (Europe), Russia (Europe), Sweden (Europe), Brazil (South America) iyo Uruguay (South America). Kulamada ugu xiisaha badan siddeed dhamaadka (Quarter-finals) koobka adduunka ayaa ah kulamada isku dhinaca ah ee Uruguay iyo France iyo Brazil iyo Belgium oo labadii xul ee ka soo baxaa markale afar dhammaadka (Semi-finals) isku arki doonaan. Sidoo kale marti galiyaasha koobka adduunka sanadkan ee Russia oo si layaab leh ku soo reebay xulka Spain ayaa kulan xiiso badan la yeelan doona xulka Croatia oo kamid ah xulalka layaabka sanadkan koobka aduunka ka sameeyay, halka England oo riyo wayn ku jirtaa ay Sweden wada ciyaari doonaan. Ciyaarta kama dambeysta (Final) ee koobka adduunka 2018-ka waxaa la ciyaari doonaa 15 July 2018, waxayna ka dhici doontaa garoonka Luzhniki magaalada Moscow ee dalka Russia. Koobka adduunka ee 2018 ayaa waxaa ka haray xulal badan oo kamid ahaa xulalkii loo saadaalinayay in ay qaadi karaan koobkan, waxaana kamid Germany, Spain iyo Argentina. PUNTLAND POST The post 8 Xul qaran oo u soo baxay koobka adduunka appeared first on Puntland Post.