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The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said on Thursday that its police component has offered a specialized training to regional police forces on crime prevention. Source: Hiiraan Online
No U.S. president has paid a visit to the British city of Sheffield in at least a century. The municipality of 570,000, tucked in the Yorkshire countryside, is not exactly a hot spot for heads of state. Source: Hiiraan Online
Asia is bracing for the opening salvo in a tit-for-tat trade battle, with the US due to impose 25% tariffs on $34bn of Chinese goods on Friday. Source: Hiiraan Online
Djibouti on Thursday launched the first phase of Africa's biggest free-trade zone, seeking to capitalise on its strategic position on one of the world's busiest trade routes. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo aanu ka helnay Madaxtooyada Villa Somalia ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo uu isbedel ku sameeyay qaar ka mid ah safiirada Soomaaliya u fadhiyay dalalka caalamka. Arintani ayaa la sheegay in ay ka dambeyso isbedel balaaran oo madaxweynuhu uu ku sameynayo xiriirka diblomaasiyadeed Soomaaaliya kala dhexeeya caalamka waxaana safiirada ilaa haatan la badalay kamid noqday Safiirkii Soomaaliya u fadhiyey Ethiopia Mohamed Cali Nuur Hagi oo sidaan xogta ku helnay loo bedelay safaarada Soomaaliya dalka Djibouti, halka safiirkii Soomaaliya u fadhiyay dalka Faransiiska Cali Shariif isna loo weeciyay Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Addis ababa. Sidoo Safiirada uu isbedelku ku dhacay ayaa la sheegay in uu kamid noqday safiirkii Soomaaliya u fadhiyay dalka Cumaan danjire Abdirizak Tano kaasoo isna la sheegay in loo magacaabay safiirka Soomaaliya ee dalka Qatar, Iyadoo aan safiirkii isaga kaga horeeyay safaaradan ee xilka laga qaaday an loo dhiibin wax xil safaaradeed ah. Xogta ayaa intaas kusii dartay in Safiirkii Soomaaliya u fadhiyey dalka Sweden iyo dalalka Scandinavian-ka Cawaale Kulane isna loo magacaabay safiirka Soomaaliya ee dalka China, Balse Safaaradaha ay baneeyeen safiiradan la badalay ee dalalka Faransiiska, Sweden, Cummaan iyo safiiradii dalal kale loo wareejiyey ayaan la sheegin iney banaan yihiin oo suurta gal ka dhigaysa in safiiro kale loo magacaabay. Isbedelkan kooban ee dowlada Soomaaliya ay ku sameysay safiiradii qaar ee caalamka u fadhiyay ayaa imaanaya xili dowlada uu hogaamiyo madaxweyne Farmaajo ay inabadan ku celcelisay in ay wanaajiso xiriirka diblumaasiyadeed ee caalamka kala dhexeeya Soomaaliya, balse waxaa xusid mudan in muddo ka badan sanad ay safiiro la’aan yihiin safaaradaha qaar ee Soomaalida ay ku leedahay caalamka. Isbeddeladan ayaa la filayaa in si rasmi ah dhowaan loogu shaaciyo warbaahinta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Inta aanan imaan dalkiisa, waxaan dhowr jeer ka daawaday TV-yada caalamiga ah is beddelka dhaqaale ee uu doortay. RW Erdogan ayaa meel walba ka sheegaya, “waa inaan ciribtirnaa ceebtan dhowr jiil galaafatay ee dalkaan sharafta leh heysata”. Waa November, 2005, maalintii iigu horeysay ee aan Turkey tago. Aniga iyo daraawalkii taksiga ayaa is fahmi la’. Wuxuu iga soo qaaday boosteejada weyn ee Ankara, ina keennay xaafadda Ulus. Waa meeqa marka aan iri, wuxuu igu yiri, “ konton iyo shan milyan oo Lira”, oo u dhigantay $50 xilligaas. Lacagta waraaqaha Turkey ka shaqaynaysay waxaa ugu yaraa 1,000,000 Lira, oo muddo ay Guinness World Records u diiwaan gelinaysay “lacagta adduunka ugu qiimaha liidata”. Waa ceebta soo jireenka ahayd ee uu ka hadlayo Erdogan in laga takhaluso. Waxaa wasiirka maaliyadda u ahaa Erdogan, wiil dhalinyaro ah, oo la yiraahdo, Ali Babacan, oo Jan 20th, 2005, wargayska caanka ah ee The Economist ka qoray maqaal guushiisa dhaqaale u hagar baxaya , “Babacan’s Miracle = Mucjisadii Babacan”. Asagoo aqoonta iyo geesinimada wasiirkiisa da’da yar kaashanaya, Erdogan wuxuu tirtiray “lixdii eber”, wuxuuna ku bedelay “1 Lira”, sidaas darteedna u yeelay Turkey lacag markaan la qiimo ahayd doollarka Maraykanka. Erdogan wuxuu tallaabdaasi qaaday ayadoo ay IMF diidan tahay. Turkey, oo ka mid ah 6 waddan oo keliya ee IMF inta ka faa’ideystay, haddana ka badbaaday dabinteeda, waxay wax ka barteen taariikhdii fogeyd ee ay IMF iyo World Bank isla soo mareen, ayadoo ay IMF ahayd tan ku kaliftay xukuumadihii Erdogan ka horeeyay in ay qiima ridaan Liiraha, ayagoo ka keennay meel hal Dollar ahaa 9 Lira, 1966, illaa 2001 la gaarsiiyay hal Dollar in lagu sarifo milyan lix boqol iyo konton kun oo Lira. IMF waxay waddamada u doontaan kaalmo, marka ay ciriiri dhaqaale dareemaan (sida hadda Masar). Haddii waddanka deyn lagu yeesho, waa inuu bixiyaa, si uu ammaah kale u helo, haddii uusan bixin Karin oo ay cafin u baahdaan ” Heavily Indebted Poor Countries” sida Soomaaliya, waxay dalbadaan cafis. Ka hor inta aysan amaah bixin, ama deyn cafin, IMF waxay shuruudo culus, ku soo rogtaa dalalka, kuwaas oo curyaamin kara dhaqaalaha, sida ku dhacday Turkey, Erdogan ka hor, ama Soomaaliyaba xiliggii maamulkii Siyad Barre. IMF waxay dalbataa shuruudahaan si ay lacagteeda dib ugu hesho, waddankana la hayste uga dhigto ama qalqal u geliso: 1- In ay dowladda aad u yarayso kharashka kaga baxa adeegga dadweynaha (waxbarashada, mushaharka shaqaalaha, ciidanka). Sida ku cad dikumintiga CIA, Siyaad Barre markii uu xiriirka u jaray Ruushka, dhaqaale daranna soo wajahday, IMF-na kaalmo ka doontay, waxyaabaha lagu xiray ee uu ka dhiidhiyay waxaa ka mid ahaa in uu ciidamada kala diro, shaqaalaha dowladda mushaharaadkooda yareeyo, sidoo kale Masar hadda ayay socotaa howshaas oo sicirka korontada shacabka lagu qaaliyeeyay. 2- In dowladda ay sharciyo adag ku soo rogto ilaha dhaqaalaha, canshuuro dheeraad ahna lagu soo rogo meelaha dhaqaalaha ugu badan ka soo xaroodo. 3- In la soo daabaco lacag cusub, si qiimaha lacagta dalka ay hoos ugu dhacdo sicir barar awgiis, kaddibna taasi ay keento sida ay ku andacoodaan, in wax soo saarka dalka dhoofintiisa ay u sahlanaanto (shuruud uu diiday Erdogan, dowladihii ka horeeyay yeeleen, sicir barar kalifay, hadda waxaa shuruuddaasi aqbalay Madaxweyne Siisii, Geniga Masar wuxuu joogaa heerka ugu hooseeya”. Marka laga tago waxa ay IMF ku andacooto, ujeedada qiima dhimista lacagta laga leeyahay waa in si dadban loo fuliyo shardiga koowaad ee kharash yarenta. (Tusaale ahaa marka uu shaqaale qaato 4,000,000 Som Shillin ah bishii, oo u dhiganta $200 oo dollar, marka uu sarifka laba jibaarmo, isla qofkii la siiyo 4,000,000 oo shilin, waxaa doolar ahaan ugu soo aadaysa $100 oo keliya). 1980s, Siyaad Barre wuu yeelay, wuxuuna daabacay lacagta 500, 1000 taas oo keentay sicir barar baaxad leh, oo markii dambe sababtay dhaqaale xumo iyo in ay ciidamadii loo waayo mushahar, kaddibna dowladdiisa laciifto illaa jabhado ay dalka ka qabsadaan. Sidoo kale in la diiday lacagtii yaryarayd ida shilin, 5 shilin, 20 shilin ilaa 100 ayadoo markii dambe 500 la diiday xiligii sicir bararka ee Cabdiqaasim ganacsato lacagta soo daabacay. Maamulka Farmaajo, ma laha si deynta $5.2 bilyan looga cafiyo, deymo kalena u helo, wuxuu aqbalay shuruudahaan curyaaminta dhaqaale keenni kara ee ay IMF ku xirtay: 1- In la kordhiyo canshuuraha soo xarooda, taas oo ay yeelleen markii ay canshuurta iibka ku soo rogeen Muqdisho ayadoo aan wax sharci ah loo raacin. 2- In la sharciyeeyo ilaha dhaqaalaha ugu badan uu ka jiro sida Isgaarsiinta, kunturaadyada iwm. Taasna waa la yeelay. 3- In la soo daabaco lacag cusub, oo sicir barar hor leh keennaysa, oo 10,000, 5,000 kun ah, taas oo waafaqsan shuruudaha qiimo ridista IMF ee adduunka, laakiin su’aasha ayaa ah Soomaaliya wax walba Dollar ayay ku salaysan yihiin, kharash dhimis kama imaan doonto, sidoo kale wax aan dhoofino ma jiraan, oo noo sahlanaanaya. Maxay tahay ujeeddada? Erdogan waxa uu diiday shuruudaha qaar ee IMF, asagoo markaas lagu lahaa $50 bilyan lacag ka badan. Wuxuu ka doorbiday soo celinta sharafta lacagtiisa, asagoo 1 Lira ka soo bilaabay, asagoo taas beddelkeeda beeciyay shirkadii qaranka, kana dhigay shirkado gaar loo leeyahay. Dowladda Soomaaliya inta deyn cafintani indha saabtay ay dib uga gurato, ayay samayn kartaa in ay si tartiib ah u soo celiso qiimaha lacagta shilinka ayadoo ka soo bilaabaysa shilin. Balse uma muuqato. Deyn baa la cafiyay waa guul ma laha, ka weyn aasaaska dhismaha dhaqaale. Haddii la soo daabaco lacag cusub oo 10,000, 5,000 ah, waxaa halis loogu jiraa in gebi ahaanba lacagta Soomaaliyeed laga diido suuqa, sidii dhacday 2001 markii lacag N20 ah la soo daabacay, oo gebigeedba suuqa ka baxday. Guddoomiyaha Bankiga Dhexe, Bashiir Ciise, oo ma laha Bankiga ka soo shaqeeyay xiligii Siyaad Barre oo dhaqaalaha aan xurta ahayn, wuxuu walaaca ka dhalan kara lacagta cusub, iyo is bedelka suuqa la filayo eedda dusha ka saaray, “sariflayaasha ku cayaara sicirka lacagta” asagoo ugu hanjabay in la xir xiri doonno. Guddoomiye, sarifle lacag ma beddelo, mana xaddido, waa suuq furan sida seyladaha dhaqaalaha New York Stock Exchange, waxaa wada matoorka dhaqaalaha ee aan cidina xukumin ee la yiraahdo, “Fear and Greed = Cabsi iyo Hunguri”. Adinka oo “deyn baa na laga cafiyay” guul u malaynaya, $5.2 bilyan oo berri la gudi karo, ha u waxyeeleynina aasaaska dhaqaalaha dalka. Ugu horeyn dhisa aasaaska dhaqaalaha sida sharciyada, la shaqeynta maamulada, hindiska iyo aqbalaadda siyaasad maaliyadeed oo wadajir ah iyo canshuuraadka, ee IMF iyo deynteeda naga hakiya. Ugu yaraan ka talo qaato Turkey, si aad IMF una adeegsataan ugana guuleysataan. W/Q: Hassan Adam Hosow
Madaxda sare ee maamul-goboleedka Amxaarada oo uu xitaa la joogey Raysal Wasaare xigeenka Itoobiya ee Demeke Mekonen oo qoowmiyaddaa kasoo jeeda ayaa diidey hannaanka federaalka Itoobiya, sida uu faafinayo web raacsan Tigreega. RW xigeenka Itoobiya Demeke Mekonen, oo uu wehliyo madaxwaynaha maamul-goboleedka Amxaarada Gedu Andargachew, iyo dadwaynaha gobolkaasi ayaa si cad ugu gacan sayray hannaanka federaalka ah iyo dastuurka dalkaasi, shir ay ku qabsadeen Bahir Dar. Warku wuxuu intaa ku daray in meesha lagu xumeeyay calanka haatan ay leedahay dowladda federaalka ah ee dalkaasi iyagoo soo qaatay calankii hore ee Itoobiya ee uu adeegsan jirey nidaamkii Mingistu Heile Mariam, iyadoo ay meesha joogaan ciidamada federaalka ah ee Itoobiya, kuwaasoo isir ahaan u badnaa qoowmiyadda Amxaarada, sida uu qorayo Tigrai Online. Webku wuu sii hadlayaa oo wuxuu RW Dr Abiy Ahmed ku eedeeyay inuu indhaha uun ka daawanayo waxa ay Amxaaradu samaynayso, iyagoo weliba ku tuhmaya inuu wax ka ogyahay arrintaas, waxayna qoraalka ku sheegayaan in haddii la diido federaalka Itoobiya aysan jiri doonin wax Itoobiya la yiraahdo oo dambe. Dadka gobollada Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambela, Afar, Somali, Quruumaha Koonfireed, Tigrai iyo xitaa Oromia waa inay iska jiraan waxa ka socda Itoobiya oo ah afgembi qaboow, waayo haddii federaalka la tuuro waxaa soo noqon doonta inuu Amxaarigu noqdo luuqadda rasmiga ah ee Itoobiya oo lagu khasbo qof kasta. Haddaba diyaar ma u tihiin inaad ka tanaasushaan wixii aad kororsateen 27 sano? ayuu qoraalku waydiinayaa? Qoraalka ayaa ka digaya in haddii ay 8-da gobol ee kale isku raaci waayaan inay joojiyaan hanqal-taagga Amxaarada ay Itoobiya geli doonto dagaal sokeeye. Qoowmiyadda Amxaarada ayaa caadiyan kasoo horjeedda nidaamka federaalka iyadoo aaminsan inay Itoobiya tahay hal dal, iyadoo sidoo kale aalaaba ku fikirta inay xukunka maroorsato. Marka aad eegto faallooyinka ay dadku ka bixinayaan warkan waxaa ka muuqanaysa in Itoobiya ay usii dhowdahay bartii karta, haddaan xaalku si kale u qaboobin. Xigasho: Hadalsame Media
Washington (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Donald Trump ayaa ugu hanjabay dalalka Khaliijka ee Sacuudiga uu ugu horreeyo inay kabaan shidaal-yarrida caalamka ee Iran ay sababeyso, haddii kalena Mareykanka uusan difaaci doonin. Mareykanka ayaa doonaya in cunaqabteynta uu saaray Iran ay keento in dalkaasi uusan wax shidaal ah dhoofin marka la gaaro bisha November. Haddii labada milyan ee barmiil ee Iran ay soo saarto maalinkii laga waayo, suuqayada caalamka ayaa laga dareemi doonaa kororka sicirka saliidda. Haddii taas ay dhacdo Trump ayaa wajihi kara carrada dadka Mareykanka oo aan u dulqaadan karin kororka qiimaha shidaalka. Qorshaha Trump ayaa ah in dalalka khaliijka ay sare u qaadaan wax soo saarkooda shidaalka, si meesha looga saaro shidaal yarida ka dhalaneysa cunaqabateynta Iran. Si kastaba, inkasta oo Sacuudiga uu Trump ku raacsan yahay in la dhimo qiimaha saliidda, haddana waxay weli ka caga jiidayaan inay kordhiyaan wax soo saarkooda, ayada oo aan la ogeyn sababta. Hanjabaadda Trump ayaa loo arkaa xushmad darro iyo liiditaan uu u muujiyey Sacuudiga, oo dunida Islaamka oo idil ka doorbiday Mareykanka iyo xulafadooda Yahuudda, oo ay hadda si buuxda ula safan yihiin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Minneapolis Caasimada@live.com
Miuqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Mucaaradka dowladda uu hogaamiye Madaxweyne Maxmamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo oo isugu jira Xildhibaano iyo siyaasiyiin ayaa waxaa looga bartay iney dowladda ku mucaaradaan dhacdooyin iyo qorshe dowladda ay wado. Dhiibistii Cabdikarim Sheekh Muuse Qalbi Dhagax waxa ay mucaaradka ay u hadal hayeen si weyn iyagoo iska horkeenaya shacabka iyo madaxda dalka kuna mucaaradaya dowladda, balse hadda Qalbi dhagax waa xor oo dowladda Itoobiya ayaa sii deysay todobaadkii aynu ka soo gudbunay. Sii deynta Qalbi dhagax kadib waxaa jirtay in Mucaaradka Dowladda qaarkood ay kula kulmeen Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya oo hadda uu ku suganyahay iyagoo ka dalbanaya in garabka Mucaaradka Dowladda Soomaaliya uu ku soo biiro. Mucaaradka Dowladda ayaa diyaarinaya qorsheyaal kala duwan oo ay u adeegsanayaan dagaalka ay kula jiraan dowladda si ay uga gudbaan xaaladda cakiran oo ay ku sugan yihiin. Waxaana qorshehaasi kamid ah in Dowladda ay ku mucaaradaan heshiiskii ay la gashay dowladda Itoobiya ee dhanka dekadaha iyo hadalkii muranka badan dhaliyay ee uu sheegay Ra’isul wasaaraha Itoobiya Abyi Ahmed oo ahaa in labada dal la mideynayo. Waxaa kaloo qorshaha mucaaradka Dowladda Madxweyne Farmaajo uu yahay iney aragti aan wanaagsaneyn shacabka ka siiyaan maalgashiga lagu sameynayo dekadaha dalka oo dowladda dhowr ah diyaar u yihiin iney maalgashaadaan sida Dowladda Qatar, Itoobiya iyo Imaaradka Carabta oo laga mamnuucay dekadii Berbera. Go’aankii Golaha wasiiradda xukuumadda Soomaaliya ay ugu dareen liiska Argagixisada ururka ONLF balse Itoobiya ay ka saartay ayaa kamid meelaha ay dowladda ka weerari doonaan. Shaqada gudoonka golaha shacabka oo dhowr jeer ay ka hadleen ayaa kamid ah meelaha ay sida aadka ah u daneynayaan iyagoo sheegay in Gudoomiye Mursal iyo xukuumadda Ra’isul wasaare Kheyre iney isku aragti iyo isku siyaasad yihiin waxaana ay tilmaameen in Baarlamaanka uu u gacan galay Xukuumadda Soomaaliya, ujeedka mucaaradka ayaana ah in dagaalkooda siyaasadeed ee Mucaaradnimada ay ku helaan taageero Shacab. Siyaasiyiinta iyo Xildhibaanada Mucaaradka ah ayaa aad ugu kalsoon iney ku meel maraan mucaaradnimadooda iyagoo marwalba raadinaya Qodob ay Dowladda kaga soo horjeestaan, waxaase dhif iyo nadir ah iney dowladda ku taageeraan howlaha wanaagsan oo ay qabato. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Baarlamaanka dalka Itoobiya waxa ay shalay meel mariyeen qaraar ay usoo gudbiyeen golaha Wasiirada Itoobiya oo ku aadanaa in liiska argagaxisada looga saaro Ururka ONLF iyo labao urur oo kale oo horey looga mamnuucay dalkaasi. Go’aankan Baarlamaanka Itoobiya ayaa dhiira gelinaya in kooxaha mucaaradka Itoobiya ay la soo baxana siyaasad degan oo nabdoon, waxaana dhabar jab uu ku yahay go’aankii xukuumadda Soomaaliya oo la sheegay iney ka dambeeyen Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Itoobiya iyo sarkaal Itobiyanka ah ee General Gabre oo dhawaan laga eryay xafiiskii IGAD sida uu horay u sheegay Afhayeenka Ururka ONLF Cabdulqaadir Xassan Hirmooge Caddaani oo la hadlay warbaahinta. Go’aankii ay qaateen golaha wasiiradda waxa uu ka hor imaanayay Ururka ONLF oo U dagaalama halganka gobonimo doonka dhulka Ogaadeeniya ee Soomaali Galbeed, waxaana 20-kii sano ee la soo dhaafay ay dagaal kula jiraan Nidaamka dowladda Itoobiya. Waa mid kamid ah go’aanada ay ku fududaatay xukuumadda Soomaaliya ee uu hogaamiyo Ra’iusl wasaare Kheyre in Liiska argagixisada lagu daro ONLF iyadoo aysan kamid aheyn liiska argagisada Caalamka sida USA, Canada, EU, U.E.A, Russia, China, I.WM. Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa wax ka baraneysa ineysan faragashan arimaha dalal shisheeye gaar ahaan kuwa deriska la ah Soomaaliya Maadamada ONLF iyo Itoobiya ay dhexdooda gashay. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed ayaa sii wada is bedelada siyaasadeed ee uu dalkiisa u horseeday tan iyo markii uu xilka qabtay, waxaana dhowaan xabsiga laga sii daayay boqolaal maxaabiis oo qaarkood dil ku xukunnaa. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sanadkii hore ku tilmaamtay ONLF inay yihiin Urur Argagixiso oo caqabad ku ah Amniga Gobolka, kaddib shir ay yeesheen Golaha Wasiirada ay ka soo saareen qaraar ay ku ogolaadeen dhiibidii C/kariin Qalbi Dhagax oo ahaa Sarkaal ka tirsanaa ONLF oo hadda xuriyadisa dib u helay islamarkaana ku sugan Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Sida caadiga ah hadeeysan suuragal aheyn oo aan la diyaarin habka doorasho ee hal cod iyo hal qof, looguna gudbin habka xisbiyadda badan oo ay ku xeeran yihiin waxyaabo aan suurtagal ka dhigeynin in la gaaro doorsho shacab waqtigaan. Waxaa markaas laga fursaneeyn in la raaco habkii hore ee lagu dooran jirey golaha Baarlamaanka, Madaxweynaha iyo Madaxwene kuxigeenkiisa (The background election of Puntland). Hadaba waxaa jira laba guddi oo muhiim u ah doorashadda Puntland sida ku cad habraaca doorasho ee Puntland waxayna kala yihiin; 1) GUDDIGA XALLINTA KHILAAFAADKA IYO ANSIXINTA BAARLAMAANKA Gudigaan waxaa la dhisaa inta aan la soo xuliin shaqsiyaadka ka mid noqon doona xubnaha baarlamaanka, ee ay soo saxiixi doonaanisimadda Puntland (Beel walba isimkeeda baa leh saxiixa uga mid noqoshadda xubinta baarlamaan ee beeshaas). Waxaana soo wada xula gudigaas Madaxweynaha markaas taladda haya iyo musharaxiinta u tartameeysa xilka madaxweyne, iyagoo ku keenaya ogol- talowadaag ah ayna isku afgarteen. Dabadeedna waxay u keenaan Isimadda soo jireenka ee Puntland,kuwaasoo siiya saxiixa ogolaanshaha gudigaas. Hadaba shaqadooda ugu muhiimsan waxay tahay in ay xaliyaan, hubiyaan wixii khilaaf ah ee markaas ka jira xubnaha lasoo xuley, sida hadeey isku qabsadaan laba xubnood hal boos, oo kale in ay hubiyaan qofka saxda ah ee isimka saxiixiisa dhabta ah wata, iyagoo ka hubinaya isimkoodii, si aan loo abuurin saxiix been ah. Tiradda ay gudigaasi noqonayaa labadaas qolo baa ku heshiineeysa inta badanse waa (7-11 xubnood oo leh gudoomiyahooda). 2) GUDDIGA DOORASHADDA PUNTLAND Guddigaan waxaa la dhisaa marka lasoo doorto xubnahaa golaha ee baarlamanka(66 xubnood) ,marka hore guddiga baarlamaanka baa iska dhexdoorta gudoomiye baarlamaan iyo labo gudoomiy-kuxigeeno, ka bacdi ayaa gudoomiyaha iyo kuxigeenadiisu, golaha barlamaanka dhexdiisa ka magacaabaan guddiga doorashada Puntland (waana 5 xubnood oo leh gudoomiyahooda. Guddigaasi waa kan habraaca doorasho soo diyaariya ee ay ku shaqeeyaan ilaa ay ku dhawaaqaan madaxweeynaha la doortey,halkaas beeyna shaqadoodu ku egtahay oo ku dhamaataa wixii ka dambeeyana waa xubno baarlamaan oo keliya. (ogow xubin baarlamaan hadeey gasho golaha fullinta,waxay waayeysaa booskeedii xubunimo). Guddiga kumeelgaarka ah ee doorashadda Puntland (TPEC),ay dowladda Puntland dusha u saartey in ay yihiin kuwa qabanaya doorashada Puntland ee 2019-ka, waa guddi ka duwan hab doorasheedka hadda lagaga dhaqmo Puntland, shaqadiisuna waa mid ku qeexan habka xisbiyadda badan ee hal cod iyo hal qof, waxayna ku kala duwan yihiin; a) Waa guddi ku meelgaar ah oo aan rasmi ahayn, b) Shaqadooda ugu weeyni waa qabashada doorashooyinka dowladaha hoose/heer deegaan, oo ku qabsoomeeysa hab xisbiyeed, c) Waxay kala saarayaan ururadda noqon doona ee usoo gudbaya xisbiyo QARAN, ka dib qabsoomidda dowladdaha hoose , d) 3 xisbi qaran markeey helaan CERTIFICATE xisbinimo,wixii ka dambeeya gudiga kumeelgaarka ahi shaqadoodii waa dhamaatey, e) Ka dibna 3da xisbi qarameed ayaa dooranaya gudiga rasmiga ah ee doorashada,iyagoo ka keenaya mid tiro isle’eg. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garoowe Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar soo baxaaya ayaa sheegaya in magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya ay kuwada sugan yihiin Agaasimihii hore ee Hay’adda Sirdoonka iyo Nabad-sugida Somalia Cabdullahi Sanbaloolshe iyo Sarkaalka ONLF Cabdikariin Qalbi-Dhagax. Sanbaloolshe ayaa la xaqiijiyay in magaalada Nairobi uu uga sii horeeyay Qalbi-Dhagax, waxaana lasoo sheegayaa in labada mas’uul ay ku kala sugan yihiin laba Hoteel aan sidaa usii kala fogeyn. Warar madax-banaan ayaa sheegaya in labada mas’uul aysan wali is arag inkastoo Saraakiisha ONLF ay iska fogeynayaan Sanbaloolshe hadana waxaa jira dadaalo lagu doonaayo in labaduba lagu wada kulansiiyo maadaama Sanbaloolshe uu go’aanka dhiibista Qalbi-Dhagax dusha ka saaray madaxda ugu sareysa dalka. Sanbaloolshe oo dhawaan ku biiray garabka mucaaradka dowlada Somalia ayaa waxaa la kulanka Qalbi-Dhagax ku cadaadinaaya Siyaasiyiinta iyo Xildhibaanada ka tirsan garabka mucaaradka oo intooda badan xiligaani ku sugan Kenya. Sidoo kale, warar kaa ka duwan ayaa sheegaya in Sanbaloolshe uu safar ka yahay dalka Kenya si aysan u wada kulmin Sarkaalka ONLF oo xiligaani aad u niyad xun. Ma cadda sida uu xaalku noqon doono waxaana mar waliba suuragal ah in labada mas’uul lagu dhex dhexaadiyo magaalada Nairobi maadaama xiligaan ay ka mideysan yihiin mucaaradnimada dowlada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Hadii taariikhda soo jireenka ah ayannu dib u milicsan weyno mida inagu soo food leh (mustaqbalka) kama talin karno. Xasaradda Geeska Afrika waxay salka ku haysa damaca iyo isblaadhinta ay dawaladihii Xabashidu (Abassyinia) ku hayeen dhulka iyo xeebaha Soomaaliyeed. Ilaa qarnigii 15aad Source: Hiiraan Online
By Ahmed Abdi Brussels -MEP Ana Gomes called for an investigation into Liyuu Police abuse of Ogadeni prisoners after a new report by Human Rights Watch on Thursday and urged an inclusive dialogue between the government and Armed Opposition Groups. “Ethiopia’s new prime minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed should urgently order investigations into the horrific situation in Jail Ogaden,” Ms. Ana Gomes MEP wrote on Twitter. The Human Right Watch released Thursday a report titled, “Ethiopia: Torture in Somali Region Prison-Senior Officials Implicated in Nonstop Regimen of Abuse”.https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/07/04/ethiopia-torture-somali-region-prison. The Portuguese MEP has urged the Ethiopian Prime Minister to hold regional security forces and top officials accountable for their atrocities against the prisoners. In a separate tweet on Thursday, MEP Gomes lauded the democratization of Ethiopia and the government’s decision to remove the terrorist list from three armed groups: Oromo Liberation Front, Ogaden National Liberation Fron and Patriotic Ginbot 7. It is “really crucial to enable inclusive dialogue needed to lead to a truly inclusive democracy in Ethiopia!” She welcomed the current political reforms in Ethiopia and said it is a “great hope and joy for this historical and courageous step! Kudos PM Abiy Ahmed and Ethiopian Parliament!” Over the last couple of years, Members of the European Parliament spoke out against the Liyuu Police brutality. MEP Julie Ward (UK, S&D) questioned the Ethiopian Ambassador to the EU recently about the extra-judicial police killings of Ogaden. Hover, the Ogaden Commentators say the Ethiopian Prime Minster’s endeavors to make a positive change in Ethiopia does not apply to the people of Ogaden as the embattling Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) influences the region directly and indirectly by dictating to the region’s strongman, Abdi Iley.
MOGADISHU - The Ministry of Post, Telecom and Technology (MPTT) has re-launched the National Telecom Training Institute (NTTI), taking a new approach to the delivery of ICT training to promote technical capacity building in Somalia. Source: Hiiraan Online
The Somaliland Diaspora Agency holds one day meeting for members of the Somaliland Diaspora business community with SHURAAKO of the One Earth Future Foundation (OEF) who provides loans for investment to the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for expansion of businesses, and creating new employment opportunities for the youth and women, on the Wednesday, July 5th, 2018. About 30 members of Diaspora entrepreneurs, or representatives mostly from Diaspora-invested businesses in different sectors including constructions, agricultural farming, and poultry, fishing, gums and resins, manufacturing, consultancy and other services, and senior officials from SHURAABO as well attended the meeting which took place in the Meeting Hall of Somaliland Diaspora Agency Office in the Compound of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation of the Republic of Somaliland. Executive Director, and Acting Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency, Mr. Hassan Ahmed Yusuf, Ms. Sahra Hassan said the welcome remarks, and thanked participation of the invited Diaspora business community members, and the esteemed SHURAAKO Team for their cooperation on that meeting. Then Ms. Sahra Hassan, senior official from SHURAAKO Office in Somaliland profoundly explained historical background of the One Earth Future Foundation, specifically SHURAAKO Program, amount of the loans for investment provided which is not paid in cash but in the kind of machinery or other facilities the applicant business needs most, and which is between the value of $50,000 and $250,000, the duration of repayment as 1-5 years, and eligibility of the businesses that can apply which is mainly functioning business existing at least one year with proven track record, their profit rate charged as 5%, and the process for application of the loan in general http://shuraako.org/. The participants appreciated this kind of investment, and thanked the Team from SHURAAKO. They on the other hand raised their concerns over that many of the SMEs cannot afford to apply fifty thousand dollars loans, but actually needs less amount for making improvement, and repaying within the five years. Entrepreneurs who are particularly involved in agricultural farming and related light manufacturing such as the sunflower farming and making its pure oil complained of marketing, exporting, and also lacking technical assistance, and applicable investments. They called for the Somaliland Government to consider importance of providing technical assistance and coaching on the investors endeavors particularly in the agricultural production, and the manufacturing processes. In addition, the Diaspora business community members who attended in the meeting had further concerns on the Somaliland Islamic banking system – the loans based on Murabaha and the highly expensive “Murabaha” charge or profit rates of the current Somaliland banks which is beyond the logic, and that the current banking laws of the country do not encourage provision of alternative solutions in the banking system. Some of the participants suggested public debating over this issue is very pertinent to the situation, and supported their proposal there are many similar countries of Muslims who apply both the conventional and the Murabaha banking systems. At the closure, Executive Director of Somaliland Diaspora Agency, Mr. Hassan Ahmed Yusuf appreciated the gradual increase of the Somalilanders from or in the Diaspora who are investing new businesses in Somaliland, and consequently contributing to the private sector labor industry, tax revenues of the Government, and the economic growth of the country in general despite the challenges many of them frequently undergoing. Finally, the Executive Director took the opportunity to inform the Somaliland Diaspora business community that SLDA’s priority interventions aligned with the Somaliland NDP II includes holding the first Somaliland Diaspora Awarding Event which is upcoming in this year which intends to recognize successful achievements of over 200 deserving Somaliland Diaspora members mostly consisting of varied business investors, but also include community development activists, humanitarian activists, voluntary lobbyists for Somaliland recognition and development – both in the form of individuals and in the form of businesses, organizations, and other social groups as listed by the Somaliland Diaspora Agency. The Meeting Participants included ASAD Construction, Nafaqo Poultry Farming, Flour Factory, Shampoo & Creams Factory, Carro-Yaanbo Farm, Tog Barwaaqo Farm, Pure Living Company, Som Fishing Company, Somaliland Vegetable Oil Company, Clothes Factory, Boodhari Mills, Fiqi Fishing Company, SUGAN General Corporation Company, Asma Style, Khadrina Style, Tawakal Carpets Washing Service, Water Research & Data collection, Air Arabia Agent, Ihsaan Consutancy Firm, I Dhamac Consultancy Firm, Somaliland Review Magazine, and guests. END Issued by Somaliland Diaspora Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland www.sldiaspora.org, sldiasporaagency@gmail.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-War qoraala oo kasoo baxay Baarlamaanka Midowga Yurub ayaa waxaa looga hadlay faragalinta qaawan oo dowladaha Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga ku hayaan Somalia. Qoraalka Baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa lagu muujiyay in dowladaha Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga ay ku xadgudbaan Qaranimada Somalia, iyagoo siyaasadooda u weeciyay maamulka Somaliland. Baarlamaanka ayaa dowladahaasi ugu baaqay inay xushmeeyan qaranimada iyo xuduudaha Somalia, si Somalia ay uga soo kabato dhibta kaga imaaneysa culeysyada dowladaha kale. Waxa uu baarlamaanka sheegay inay aad u cambaareynayaan faragalinta qaawan oo Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga ku hayaan Somalia, taa oo ay tilmaameen inay ka dhalankarto caqabado kala duwan. Sidoo kale, Baarlamaanka Midowga Yurub ayaa cod dheer ku sheegay in Dowladaha Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga ay joojiyeen dhaqaalihii ay siin jireen Somalia. Waxaa sidoo kale, lagu eedeeyay inay hakiyeen tayeynta ciidamada Somalia sida tababarada iyo qalabeynta Militeriga Somalia ee dagaalka kula jira Kooxaha xagjirka ah. “Hakinta dhaqaalaha iyo tababarada waxa ay ku saleeyen danahooda oo ay ka waayen Somalia, waxa ay ku andacoonayaan in Somalia ay kala safarat Qadar”, ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka. Sidoo kale, baarlamaanka ayaa dowladaha Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga uga digay inay dhaliilsadan faragalinta ay ku hayaan Qaranimada Somalia, waxa ayna ka digeen inay sii wadaan faragalinta. Dhinaca kale, Baarlamaanka Midowga Yurub ayaa cadeeyay in abtaladaani ay bilaawatay kadib markii Somaliland ay Imaaraadka ku wareejisay Saldhig iyo Dekadda Berbera. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Djibouti on Thursday launched the first phase of Africa’s biggest free trade zone, seeking to capitalize on its strategic position on one of the world’s busiest trade routes. At ceremonies in the capital, President Ismael Omar Guelleh hailed the scheme as the culmination of infrastructure projects “boosting Djibouti’s place in international trade and commerce”. The Horn of Africa nation, located at the mouth of the Red Sea and Suez Canal, unveiled three new ports and a railway linking it to landlocked Ethiopia in 2017, as part of its bid to become a global trade and logistics hub. Somalia’s president, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, hailed the free trade zone as a “victory for East Africa”, in comments echoed at the ceremony by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and presidents Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Omar al-Bashir of Sudan. The zone, which is connected to Djibouti’s main ports, aims at diversifying the economy, creating new jobs and luring foreign investment through tax-free incentives and full logistical support. The pilot phase launched Thursday comprises a 240-hectare (593-acre) site. On its scheduled completion 10 years from now, the $3.5-billion (three-billion-euro) initiative will span 4,800 hectares — the largest free-trade zone on the continent. The project hopes to see foreign companies setting up manufacturing plants within the zone, adding value to products instead of merely importing and exporting raw materials. “The volume of goods traveling to East Africa keeps increasing. Every time a product arrives in the continent without being transformed it is a missed opportunity for Africa,” said Aboubaker Omar Hadi, chairman of the Ports and Free Zones Authority. A row of Djiboutian and Chinese flags fluttered side by side above the freshly painted bright yellow walls surrounding the expansive project — a symbol of the tiny country’s close ties to the Asian giant whose loans have funded its lightning-fast infrastructure growth. Aboubaker Omar Hadi (C), chairman of Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority, Bai Jingtao (L), general manager of China Merchants and Xu Jian, executive vice president of China’s Dalian port, mix seawater from Djibouti and China during the inauguration of Djibouti International Free Trade Zone (DIFTZ) in Djibouti on July 5, 2018. (Photo by AFP) Djibouti — which is also the site of China’s only overseas military base — is a critical part of China’s “Belt and Road” global infrastructure initiative and in a prime position along what has been dubbed the “Maritime Silk Road”. The free trade zone is being run by Djibouti, the majority shareholder, along with three Chinese companies: the China Merchants Group, Dalian Port Authority and Chinese big data company IZP. (Source: AFP) From left; Chinese official, Presidents Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed of Somalia (second left), Omar al-Bashir (Sudan), Ismaïl Omar Guelleh (Djibouti), Paul Kagame (Rwanda) and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed cut a ribbon during the inauguration of Djibouti International Free Trade Zone on July 5, 2018. 2018. PHOTO | RWANDA PRESIDENCY
Press Statement The president of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi has welcomed a delegation from the international Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) in his office at presidential palace. The delegation was led by the head of ICRC Mr.Simon Brooks. The president discussed with the ICRC delegation pertaining the general situation of the country. They also touched on the proposal for the ICRC opening a new office in Hargeisa. The ICRC boss praised the government of Somaliland for treating the Tukaraq prisoners of war in a humane manner. ICRC delegation also talked with the president about the stoppage of war between Somaliland and Somalia following war that transpired between the two countries inside Somaliland’s territory of Tukaraq. The president stated that Somaliland always follows the Islamic Law of treating prisoners in a humane way. Furthermore the prisoners’ families are allowed unrestricted access to prisoners. President Bihi said that the government of Somaliland had implemented the cessation of hostilities in Tukaraq hamlet as per the agreement with the international community. He added president of Somalia call of cease fire a gimmick since Somaliland had already heeded the international community call. By: Mohammud Warsame Jama Presidential Spokesperson
US teen to meet Somali president after Quran recitation win
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
MINNEAPOLIS – A Minnesota teenager who became the first American to win a prestigious Quran recitation contest will travel to Somalia to meet the country’s president. Ahmed Burhan Mohamed has become a local celebrity since winning the Dubai International Holy Quran award last month. The 17-year-old beat out more than 100 other contestants from around the world. The Star Tribune reports Mohamed will travel to Somalia this week at the invitation of the East African country’s president, who wishes to meet and congratulate the teen. Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in the United States. Mohamed received a perfect score on his proper pronunciation, voice and style as he recited random verses of the Quran from memory. The Quran has more than 6,000 verses and spans more than 600 pages. He received a trophy and a cash prize worth about $68,000. AP -
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa gaaray magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Djibouti. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa waxaa socdaalkiisa ku wehlinaayay Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano ka tirsan dowlada oo halkaasi uu uga furmayo Shirka Madasha iskaashiga Afrika iyo Shiinaha. Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa waxaa Garoonka Diyaaradaha kusoo dhaweeyay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti Cabdiqaadir Kaamil Maxamed iyo Diblomaasiyiin ka tirsan Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee dalkaas. Shirkan oo soconaya inta u dhaxaysa 5-7 bishan Luuliyo ayaa looga wada xaajoonaya hirgelinta ganacsiga xorta ah ee Qaaradda Afrika, xoojinta maalgashiga, kobcinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha iyo xaqiijinta hiigsiga horumarineed ee 2030-ka ee ajendaha caalamiga ah. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sidoo kale ka qayb galay saaka furitaanka aaga Caalamiga ah ee Ganacsiga Xorta ah ee Jabuuti iyada oo ay munaasabaddaasi goobjoog ka ahaayeen Madaxweynaha martida loo yahay Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, Madaxweynaha Rwanda, Madaxweynaha Suudaan, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiya iyo Guddoomiyaha Midowga Afrika.
By Juweria Ali Addis Abeba — On June 28th Ethiopian government representatives, Somali Regional President Abdi Mohamoud Omar alongside Senior Executives of Poly-GCL Petroleum Group attended an inaugural ceremony of the first ever crude oil extraction tests in the Ogaden Basin sparking outrage and concern among Somali communities globally. On June 28, 2018 Chinese owned Poly-GCL petroleum group officially started crude oil production tests in the Hilala oil fields in the resource rich Ogaden Basin. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed declared that fossil fuel production would bring employment and an economic boom to the entire country as the celebratory unveiling proceeded in the Hilala Oil fields. The reaction against the extraction of resources in the Ogaden from Somali communities however, has been far from celebratory. Instead, the new venture has been increasingly described in terms of an ‘exploitation’ and ‘plundering’ resources. Following the inaugural ceremony at the Hilala Oil fields, local citizens in Shilaabo have begun protesting peacefully against the exploitation of their resources where at least one man named Kaafi Mohamed Abdullahi was killed by the military. Between 1950 and 1995, 43 wells have been drilled in the Ogaden region and even more between 1995 and 2018. Corporations that have drilled include Tenneco Oil Exploration, Sinclair Oil Corporation and Soviet Petroleum Exploration Expedition (SPEE) among others. In the 1980’s, Soviet Petroleum Exploration Expedition confirmed the extensive gas reserves in Calub and Hilala estimated at 118 billion cubic meters. At Present, POLY-GCL Petroleum Group, a Chinese state-owned company has been awarded oil & gas exploration rights of some of the most promising blocks in Ogaden. They have estimated the gas reserves in Calub, approximately 1,200km south-east of Addis Abeba and Hilala alone to be four trillion cubic feet. Petronas too, confirmed a 0.6 Trillion Cubic Feet gas reserve in Genale. Throughout these discoveries, the Ogaden region has remained a site of past and present resistance against oil and gas exploitation. Somali people living in the region have consistently demonstrated their opposition to the extraction of natural resources deeming these resources to be the very cause behind their continued oppression and marginalization. In 1945, when Haile Selassie embarked upon Oil exploration in the Ogaden – the citizens of Wardheer organised a mass demonstration against Sinclair Oil Corporation to drive them out. The same spirit of protest is found among popular songs and literature recited in the region criticising the numerous roads paved by major corporations throughout the Ogaden to facilitate their travels. One such song sung by Somalis contains the following lyrics: ‘waxuu uga jeedayba mooye, wallee Jarmalkii jid noo jeex’ roughly translating to ‘whatever their evil intentions, the Germans paved roads for us’ signifying the earliest forms of resistance against the 1959 roads built by Gewerkschaft Elwerath and the wider presence and practices of large oil corporations. The lyrics also shed light on the fact that the roads that have been paved were not intended to bring any gain to the Somali people belonging to the region. These major roads include lixirdoodka, afaridoodka and Quman between Qorahay and Doolo and others in Qabridahare, Wardheer Zone and around the Calub area Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has represented both a physical and symbolic defense against the exploitation of the region’s natural resources. The organization’s June 28 press release touched upon the implications of future extraction particularly considering the long-standing conflict in the Ogaden region. It firmly stated that ‘ONLF will not allow the exploitation of Ogaden Natural Resources without a comprehensive just political settlement of the Ogaden conflict’. The statement further criticized the structural barriers impeding the Somali region from attaining fundamental rights and meaningful political participation despite the recent election of Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed which demonstrated a sense of hope for future reforms. Unilateral decisions administered from the center continue to shape policies and systems of governance in the Somali region. The question of whether the extraction of natural resources in the Ogaden will bring prosperity to the region depends upon the political conditions under which it occurs and on whether the will of the Somali people is represented. The question of who represents the will of the Somali people and why there have not been any processes of consultation with those indigenous to the land are critical issues which the Office of the Prime Minister has not yet addressed. Moreover, other considerations include the environmental implications and consequences for oil extraction especially in a region ravaged by war and instability for decades. Until a truly representative governing system is established and a peaceful political resolution to the Ogaden conflict which has engulfed the Horn of Africa for almost a century is found, embarking upon Oil and Gas extraction without addressing the fundamental grievances of the Somali people sets a very dangerous precedent for future stability. Local implications and Human Rights A state of emergency and blockade has been imposed on the Ogaden region since 2007, and the areas most impacted have been those surrounding oil exploration sites. Those living in remote villages have been entirely displaced under the guise of fighting the ONLF. The state of Shilaabo where the Calub reserves are located, remains one of the most severely impacted regions where civilians have been displaced en masse particularly those living in the towns of Higloole, Dawacaale, Laasoole, Salalmaale, Lixirdood, Qamuudaa, Qarsoodi and Saraysagole. Those who previously lived in the villages between Qabridahar and Shilaabo all the way to Wardheer have all fled. After significant reserves of crude oil and natural gas were found in the 350,000 square kilometres Ogaden Basin, areas around potential oil and gas reserves have been closed-off exacerbating the existing trade embargo imposed upon the region since 2007. In April 2007, ONLF launched an offensive against an oil exploration facility within the basin near Abole and Obala destroying the facility and killing approximately 65 Ethiopians and 9 Chinese nationals in Abole. This resulted in a subsequent scorched-earth campaign policy against the region, the banning of international organizations and a record number of human rights violations committed by the Liyu Police and the Ethiopian military following that period. Locations of Dameerey, Laasoole, Wamuuda and Labiga Civilians living around potential gas or oil reserves are routinely displaced or evicted by confiscation of livestock, imprisonment, sexual violence and murder. At other times, entire villages are burnt to the ground as detailed in Human Rights Watch’s 2008 report. Military officers guarding restricted drilling zones have committed mass killings and displaced the inhabitants of nearby towns such as Carmaale, Harawayn and Garbaguduud; many have lost their livelihoods whilst others have fled. As displayed in the images below, the eradicated village of Labiga is in very close proximity to Abole where the 2007 ONLF attack against Oil extraction took place. Similarly, both Lasoole and Qamuuda are located nearby current exploration sites. At present, the Well of Hilaala in the town of Elele is situated in a closed 30 km zone guarded by military personnel where anyone found near the arbitrary zone is shot on-site; similarly, the Ethiopian military have blocked-off the surrounding area of up to 60 km around Jeexdin. Future considerations Since Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced plans to start crude oil extraction, Somalis have been voicing their outrage against this decision across social media which marked a stark contrast against the aura of hope which his presidency first brought. The new Prime Minister will either represent a beacon of hope through delivering fundamental change, or an extension of the previous leaders of oppressive governing systems that forcefully explored for Oil and Gas in the Ogaden. Consecutive Ethiopian administrations have demonstrated their willingness to embark upon the extraction of resources from the Ogaden without consulting local people. Yet high hopes remain for the New Prime Minister who emerged upon a platform of change and reform to administer tangible changes in the government’s policy towards the Ogaden region. Yet, although the state of emergency has been lifted from the country, the Somali region is still under military control. Similarly, despite the release of Bashiir Makhtal and Abdikarin Sheikh Muse (Qalbidhagax), prisons in the Somali region are still filled to the brim with political prisoners unlawfully imprisoned. Moreover, Somali communities do not hold that the administration of Abdi Mohamoud Omar, the Somali Regional President can represent the affairs of Somalis at this critical time as he is widely considered to be part of the repressive TPLF and the notorious TPLF officials who have forcefully subjugated the Ogaden region. Importantly, his administration is responsible for committing grave human rights violations including torture, extrajudicial killings, imprisonment and forceful displacements exacerbated by oil and gas exploration projects. The decision of the Prime Minister to embark upon oil and gas extraction without representing the will of the people or addressing the fundamental causes of conflict in the Ogaden may constitute a hindrance to any peaceful resolution to the conflict in the region. Without Addressing deep-rooted grievances, the state may be forsaking any hope of potentially fostering positive relations with local stakeholders who are part of Ethiopia but treated as inherent second-class citizens in terms of the denial of their fundamental rights. Having stirred genuine uproar and outrage among the Somali community globally, the federal government ought to be cautious of fueling existing grievances and hindering a peaceful settlement to the long-standing Ogaden conflict. If the government intends to begin extracting oil and gas from the Somali region, not only must a peaceful political settlement be achieved and a genuine respect for human rights, but also a truly representative governing system where local people will have a say in the terms and conditions around extraction. The drive to extract resources should not outweigh the significance of protecting the livelihoods, lives, and environment of local people as well as considerations for the current fragile peace process. A political solution to the Ogaden region which has been a constant war-zone for over a century would represent a decisive stride towards peace and prosperity for the Horn of Africa. AS
A food distribution center for displaced people in Mogadishu, Somalia. This week, the leaders of the Shabab, a terrorist group, announced that they would ban the use of plastic bags in areas the group controls in Somalia.CreditMohamed Abdiwahab/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Over the years, the Shabab, a terrorist group in East Africa that has pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda, has banned music, cinemas, satellite dishes and humanitarian organizations. This week, they added a new item to the prohibited list: plastic bags. Residents of areas controlled by the terrorist group, which operates out of Somalia, will no longer be able to use plastic bags, out of respect for the environment. The announcement — by a group better known for suicide attacks that have killed and maimed thousands — prompted a flurry of mocking memes on the internet, some calling the Shabab the first eco-friendly terrorist organization. The statement banning the use of plastic bags was published on Somalimemo.net, a pro-Shabab website that is believed to be run by the terrorist group’s media office. The website aired an audio recording from Mohammed Abu Abdullah, the Shabab’s governor in the Jubaland region, who said that plastic bags “pose a serious threat to the well-being of humans and animals alike,” a statement that was repeated in a Twitter message posted on a Shabab-associated account. Al-Shabab bans single-use plastic bags in the areas it controls in #Somalia, According to #RadioAndalus interview with #AlShabaab governor for Jubba regions In which Mohammed Abu Abdullah said that plastic bags “pose a serious threat to the well-being of humans and animals alike” The announcement was also broadcast on Radio Andalus, the group’s radio station. Harun Maruf, the founder of the Investigative Dossier radio show in Somalia and the co-author of “Inside Al-Shabaab,” explained in a Twitter post: “The militant group has reportedly issued a general directive banning plastic bags, and gave environmental and health risks to the livestock as reasons for taking the move.” Al-Shabab has banned plastic bags from areas under its control, according to pro-Shabab media. The militant group has reportedly issued a general directive banning plastic bags, and gave environmental and health risks to the livestock as reasons for taking the move. #Somalia He added, “Things that Shabab has NOT banned: Bombings, assassinations, targeting civilians.” Mohammed Abdullaahi Ali, a medical student who lives in Mogadishu, the capital, was one of several Somalis who found the decision bizarre. “I heard they banned plastic bags via social media,” Mr. Ali said in an interview. “I see it as a good decision, but they must ask themselves: Why do they also ban humanitarian workers from operating in Shabab-controlled areas?” He added, “I don’t know why sanitation, and the health of the environment, is important but not the health workers.” Hussein Mohamed contributed reporting from Mogadishu, Somalia.