Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Iran says it has executed eight people convicted over the 2017 Islamic State group attack on parliament and the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in Tehran. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Nairobi (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa wali magaalada Asmara ee xarunta dalka Eritrea ka socda shirweynaha ururka mucaaradka ONLF. Shirka oo la filayo in dhowaan lasoo geba gebeeyo, ayaa waxaa mar kale guddoomiyaha ururka loogu doortay Mohamed Omar Osman, oo xilkaasi hore u hayay. Shirweynaha ayaa sidoo kale wax looga baddalay qaab dhismeedka Jabhada, waxaana la sameeyay nidaamyo cusub oo jiheyn doona ururka. Guddoomiyaha ururka Mohamed Omar Osman, ayaa sheegay in ONLF ay qaadi doonto talaabo waliba oo horseedi kara isbedel dhanka Horumarka iyo Siyaasada. Waxa uu sheegay in waxbadan ay ka bedeli doonaan Siyaasadii ay horay ugu dhaqmi jireen si loola jaanqaado maamulka Ethiopia ee hadda jira. Geesta kale, Hoggaanka Jabhada ee ku kala sugan magaalooyinka Nairobi iyo Asmara ayaa qaadi doona dadaalo lagula kulmaayo Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Axmed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  3. Etihad Airlines, one of the largest carriers in the Gulf region, has lost $3.4 billion in the last two years. And among the casualties of the airline’s inevitable retrenchment may well be the bottom lines of both Boeing and Airbus, as the airline is threatening to cancel existing orders for new jets. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. IMF staff commends the Somali authorities for implementing important reforms in challenging conditions .IMF staff encourages the Somali authorities to stay the course of reform implementation under the SMP, particularly on public financial management, revenue administration and policy, and monetary and financial sector. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Three people were killed in inter-clan clashes in Lagdera, Garissa, on Thursday. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed says Ethiopia needs $7.5 billion to finish infrastructure projects such as a massive dam and roads that the government hopes will drive industrialization. Source: Hiiraan Online
  7. More than 30 participants from the Somali national security forces have concluded a five-day course on gender equality and human rights. Source: Hiiraan Online
  8. Wajir County government has lifted ban on consumption of meat and milk imposed because of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) outbreak. Source: Hiiraan Online
  9. Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa xalay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya kula kulmay Cabdikariin Muuse Qalbi-Dhagax, oo horey ay dowladda ugu gacan gelisay Kenya, sida ay ogaatay Caasimada Online. Xog ay heshay Caasimada Online, ayaa sheegeysa in xubnaha ka socday dowladda uu hogaaminayey wasiirka gaadiidka cirka iyo dhulka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Salaad, oo kasoo jeeda beesha Qalbi-Dhagax ee Ogaadeen. Waxaa ku wehliyey xildhibaano iyo wasiiro ku xigeeno. Xubnaha dowladda ayaa waxaa sidoo kale wehliyey siyaasi Farax Macalin oo horey Barlamanka Kenya Afhayeen uga soo noqdey, islamarkaana ka mid ah taageerayaasha dowladsa Soomaaliya. Faarax Macallin, oo aad ugu dhow Villa Somalia, ayaa la rumeysan yahay inuu kasoo shaqeeyey kulanka, islamarkaana ka dhaadhiciyey in Qalbi Dhagax aqbalo la kulanka mas’uuliyiinta ka socotey dowlada Federalka. Illaa iyo hadda ma cadda waxa kulanka looga hadlay iyo wixii kasoo baxay midna. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa wadda dadaal xooggan oo ay ku yaraneyso dhaawaca kasoo gaaray sii daynta Qalbi-Dhagax, waxaana suurtagal ah in labada dhinac ay gaaraan heshiis. Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa waxay kala kulantey Culeys siyasadeed soo daynta Qalbi Dhagax iyadoo hadal dhowaan uu jeediyey safiirka dalka Ethiopia u fadhiya Muqdisho ku sheegey in sii daynta sarkaalkaan ka tirsanaa ururka ONLF timid kadib markii codsi kaga yimid wadankiisa Villa Somalia. Cabdikarim Shiikh Muuse ayaan weli cadeyn dadkii ka dambeeyey dhiibistiisa isagoo hadal kooban uu ka jeediyey Addis Ababa aan si faahfaahsan u sheegin qabashadiisa iyo shaqsiyaadkii ka shaqeeyey. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  10. Jabuuti (Caasimada Online) – Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa walaac xoogan ka muujisay in shirkada DP World ee laga leeyahay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta weyso saamiga ay ku laheyd Dekadda Doorale ee dalka Djibouti. Mareykanka ayaa sheegay in dhabar jab iyo qorsho xumo ay u horseedi doonto, haddii Jabouti ay dekadaheeda u gacan galiso dowlada Shiinaha oo awoodeeda ganacsi kusii baahineysa Africa. Mareykanka ayaa aad uga soo horjeeda in dowlada Shiinaha ay la wareegto dhismooyinka iyo Dekadaha qarada madow ee Africa, waxa ayna Jabouti ku dhaliishay inay ku tacadisay shirkada DP World. Bradley Byrne oo ah Xildhibaan ka tirsan Congress-ka Mareykanka, ayaa sheegay in arrin aad u fool-xun ay tahay in DP World laga faramaroojiyo maamulka Dekadda Doorale ee dalka Jabouti. Bradley Byrne waxa uu sheegay in dhibaato kusoo fool leh ay tahay dadaalka uu Shiinaha ugu jiro la wareegida Africa, waxa uuna ku baaqay in laga fogaado la midoobida Shiinaha. Bradley Byrne ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in hoos u dhac uu ku imaanayo saameynta uu Mareykanka ku leeyahay qaarada Africa, waxa uuna ku baaqay in Jabouti ay u dhago furto DP World. Sidoo kale, waxa uu Xildhibaan Bradley Byrne cadeeyay inay qaadi doonaan ololo kadhan ah dowlada Shiinaha, si looga xakameeyo Africa. Shirkada DP World oo laga soo eryay Dekadda Doorale ee dalka Djibouti, ayaa ku dadaaleysa sida ay dib ula wareegi laheyd Dekadaha kale ee Jabouti. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Jabuuti
  11. Asmara (Caasimada Online) – Ururka ONLF ayaa ka hadlay qorshaha Cabdikariin Muuse Qalbi-Dhagax, oo hadda Nairobi ku sugan iyo haddiii laga yaabo inuu tago dalka Soomaaliya, oo ah halkii dowladda Ethiopia looga dhiibay sanad ka hor. Afhayeenka ONLF Caddaani Hirmooge oo wareysi siiyey VOA, ayaa sheegay in Qalbi-Dhagax uusan Soomaaliya ku laaban doonin inta dowladda iminka jirta ee madaxweyne Farmaajo ay dalka maamuleyso. “Dowladda hadda jirta waa tii gacanta u gelisay Qalbi-Dhagax, mana tagayo dalka illaa ay meesha ka baxaan” ayuu Hirmooge ku yiri wareysigiisa. Hirmooge ayaa sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya ay tahay mid amarada ka qaadata, oo casharada looga meeriyo safaaradda Ethiopia ay ku leedahay magaalada Muqdisho. Dhinaca kale, Hirmooge waxa uu soo dhoweeyey go’aanka dowladda Ethiopia ay ONLF uga saartay liiska argagixisada, wuxuuna wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay in golaha wasiirada Soomaaliya ay ONLF horey ugu sheegeen urur argagixiso. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaan weli ka hadal sii daynta Qalbi-Dhagax, waxaana jira warar sheegaya inay waddo dadaallo ay kula xiriireyso Qalbi-Dhagax, si wixii horey u dhacay ay uga qanciso. Hoos ka dhageyso wareysiga Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Iyadoo uu jiro khilaaf dhinaca duulimaadka oo u dhexeeya diyaaradaha sanadkan Xujeyda Soomaaliyeed u qaadaya dalka Sacuudiga, ayaa waxaa soo baxaaya digniin laga muujinaayo khilaafkaasi. Xildhibaan Maxamed Cumar Dalxa oo ka mid ah mudanayaasha Golaha Shacabka ee BFS ayaa sheegay inuu aad uga cabsi qabo in khilaafkaasi uu saameyn xoogan ku yeesho Soomaalida. Waxa uu tilmaamay in murankaasi uu sababi karo in gabi ahaan dowladda Sucuudigu ay mamnuucdo diyaaradaha ka imaanaya Soomaaliya, maadaama qaarkood aysan ka diwaangashaneyn dalkaasi. Xildhibaan Dalxa ayaa ka digay in sanadkan Xujeyda Soomaaliyeed ay ka baaqdaan gudashada Acmaasha Xajka, waxa uuna dowlada Somalia ugu baaqay inay yareysato khilaafka jira. “Dowlada waxaan u sheegayaa inta ay wakhti xun oran laheyd sidaa ma fileynin waxaa hada u furan inay xal u raadiso khilaafka jira oo sabab u noqon kara in sanadkaan aan Somalia laga aadin xajka”. Sidoo kale, Dalxa ayaa tilmaamay inuu aad u dhaliilsan yahay sida jilicsanaanta leh oo dowlada Somalia ay ku dooneyso inay ku xoojiso wada shaqeynta Sacuudiga, xili ay dhibaatooyin xad dhaaf ah Soomaalida u cibaada doonta Sacuudiga la kulmaan. Haddalka Dalxa ayaa u muuqanaaya mid wakhti hore lagu sii baraarujinaayo dowlada Somalia oo caajis uu ka heysto xalinta khilaafka duulimaadyada Somalia ee Sacuudiga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  13. Tukaraq (Caasimada Online) – Ciidamo oo hor leh oo ka tirsan dowlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa gelinkii dambe ee shalay waxa ay gaareen deegaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool, halkaasi oo xiisad colaadeed ay ka taagan tahay. Ciidamadaan ayaa waxaa Puntland ku wareejiyey mid ka mid ah beelaha dega deegaanada Puntland, waxaana kala wareegay guddiga difaaca Puntland, kuwaas oo maalmahaan ku sugnaa deegaanka Tukaraq. Qaar ka mid ah golaha wasiirada Puntland oo ka mid ah guddiga difaaca Puntland oo munaasabada wareejinta ka hadlay ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ciidamadaas ay ka qeyb qaadan doonaan xoreynta gobolka Sool. Xildhibaano iyo waxgaradkii ciidamada wareejiyey ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay go’aansadeen in ciidamadaas ay ka mid noqdaan ciidamada difaaca Puntland, isla markaana ay diyaar u yihiin ka qeyb qaadashada dagaalka Puntland ay kula jirto Somaliland.
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Somaliland ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay dadaalka uu maamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia kusoo saartay shidaalka. Somaliland ayaa sheegtay inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin dadaalka ay DDSI kusoo saarteen shidaalka, waxa uuna maamulku tilmaamay in rajo ay ka qabaan in dhankoodana ay kasoo saartan shidaal lamid ah kan DDSI. Wasiirka wasaarada macdanta iyo tamarta Somaliland Jaamac Maxamuud Cigaal, ayaa sheegay in waxbadan ay ka faa’iidi doonaan shidaalka laga soo saaray dhulka Soomaalida. “Shidaalka laga helay dhulka Soomaalida waxaan ka faa’iideysan doonaa in anaguna aan ku dayano misna soo saarano shidaalka ku jira dhulkeena”. “Waxa ay soo saaristaasi noo muujineysaa in dhulkeena Somaliland isna laga helaayo shidaal maadaama dhul aan sidaa nooga fogeyn laga helay shidaalka Soomaalida Ethiopia” “Waxaan si dhow uga faa’iideysan doonaa ka iibsashada maadaama aanu dhibaato badan u mareynin soo gurista fuustooyinka shidaalka” Sidoo kale, Wasiir Jaamac Maxamuud Cigaal ayaa cadeeyay in maamulka DDSI uu talaabada soo saarashada shidaalka ku dhiiri galiyay Somaliland, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay kusoo saran doonaan shidaal. Somaliland ayaa sheegtay inay horay usii heysteen sahmin ku aadan dhanka dhulalka laga heli karo shidaalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. Waxaa ila haboonaataya in dhinaca sharciga laga fiiriyo amarka bur burinta dhul lagu tilmaamay in sharci daro lagu bixiyay. Si loo ilaaliyo sharciga Waa waajib dastuuri ah in masuul kastaa uu ilaaliyo sharciga, lagana hortago wixii sharci daro ah. Fiiri: (Dastuurka ku meelgaaraka. Qodobka 26aad faqradiisa 1aad iyo 2aad ayaa sheegeeysa in magdhaw la siiyo, haddii dhinacyadu isku raacaan ama maxkamadu Gu’aamiso. Dhinaca kale fiiri Qodobka 43aad faqrada 3faqradda 3aad, xarafka( B) iyo “Civil code” dhulka aan Beer la tacbo aheeyn- qodobada :723 & 683 milkiyeeyn Hanti) iyo Qodobada kale ee sharciga somalida iyo Diinta Islaamku waxa ay ka qabaan dhowrida Hantida si gaar ah loo leeyahay. Waxaa is weydiin mudan, dhulka la amaray in la bur buriyo Muwaadinku dhulkaa ma iska dhistay – obosiiba miyaa? Mise waa dhul loo siiyay milkiyad ama isticmaalo muddo?. Haddii uu obosiiba yahay – iyadoo la tixgalinaayo nidaamka naqashadda Magaalada , bilicsamida , suuqeynta , biyo galinta ,caafimaadka iyo amaanka , waxaa la amari karaa in la jabiyo dhismaha islmarkaana waa in Muwaadinka la siiyo dhul uu dego , taana wax xaq dastuuri ah. Haddii muwaadinka dhulka uu dhistay uu masuul Dowladeed oo sharci u lihi siiyay Dokumentiga dhulka, Muwaadinkuna sifadaas ku dhisatay Deegaan ama Ganacsi, Dowladda hoose sharciyan awood uma laha in ay amarto in dhulkaa dhismasan la bur buriyo. Balse dowladda dhexe iyo dowladda hoose waxay xaq u yeelanayaan in ay bixiyaan amar ka noqoshada dhul heshiis isticmaal muddo lagu bixiyay, haddii ay dib ka soo cadaato, waa haddii markii hore sifo sharci daro ah lagu bixiyay dhulkaa. Marka ay cadaato in sifo sharcidaro lagu bixiyay , waxaa dowladda dhexe la gudboon talabada sharci ah in ay qaado taa oo ah : 1. Ka Noqoshada heshiiska lagu siiyay muwaadinka in uu dhulkaa isticmaalo. 2. “Atadii” hore sharciyadeeda , lana cadeeyo in documentiga lagu bixiyay sharci daro. 3. In talaabo cad laga qaado masuulka bixiyay dhulka, laguna maxkamadeyo. 4. In la qiimeeyo dhulka, Faa’dada uu leeyahay & Dhibaatada dhaqaale, iyadaoo la fiirinayo: a. Haddii dhismo bilicada magaalada u wanaagasan laga dhisay. b. Haddii dhaqaale dowladda ka soo galeyso. c. Haddii shaqaale ka shaqeeysanayaan faa’iidina ka helayaan . Haddii sifooyinkaan laga helo waxaa dowladda dhexe laga doonayaa in ay u daneyso dakhliga dhaqaale ee ka imaanayo , lacagata lagu dhisay iyo shaqaalaha ka shaqeeynayo ( oo ay aheyd in dowladu shaqa u abuurto). Iyadoo la raacayo tilmaamaha hore waxaa dowladda dhexe ku waajib ah in ay cilad bixiso documentiga, cilad bixintaa oo noqonkarto : d. Dhanka heshiiska lagu bixiyay dhulka , ka soo qaad waxaa lagu siiyay dhulka qiimo jaban , waqtigguna uu dheeryahay , Kirada raqiis-tahay iwm. waxaa u furan dowlada dhexe in ay talabada toos ah ay qaado ama dowlada hoose ku talo siiso. 1- in dib loo qiimeeyo heshiiska dhul bixinta, kadibna qiimeyntaa dambe la sharciyeeyo laguna saleeyo documenti bixinta dambe. 2- Haddii ay muuqato in dowladda Lacag yar looga kireeyay markii hore waxa ay dalban kartaa Farqiga lacagta ee ka maqan oo kaliya. 3- Markaana Muwaadinkana waxaa u furan Cabasho Maxakamadda awooda u leh uu Abiil ka qaadanaayo go’aankaa, haddii uu ku qanci waayo go’aanada maxakamada waxaa u furan in uu qorto cabasho Madaxweyne. waxaa dowladda dhexe waxaa u furan in heshiis cusub la gasho muwaadinka iyadoo gobtaa ganacsi ay noqoneyso shirko taa oo ah Hanti ay dowladda dhinac ka ledahay, dhinacana Hantigaar oo muwaadin leeyahay. Sharcigu ma qabo in la burburiyo dhul sharci ahaan hore loogu bixiyay oo hanti badani gashay. Sharcigga waa in uu si siman wax uga wada qaban-karo kuwa falka sharci darada ah sameeyay- waxaa dhulkaan si sharci daro ah ku bixiyay dowladda hoose ama dowladda dhexe : 1. Masuulkii bixiyay waa in xabsiga la dhigo iyo intii kala shaqeeyasay. 2. Dowlad magaceeda ayaa muwaadinka lagu galayay falkaan waa in dowladda ay ogolaato in ay: b. Ka noqosho amrka bur burinta. c. Diyaariso in heshiis cusub lala galo Muwaadinka. d. in ay Cudur daar Ka bixiso, gafka laga galay muwaadinka Hantidiisii la burburiyay ama loogu hanjabay. Haddii ay dowladda hoose ku adkeysato amarka bixinta , dowladda dhaxena ku raacado , waxaa muwaadinka u furan in go’aanka amarka uu Cabasho ka qaato, kana dacwoodo Maxakmadda gobolaka oo awood qaanuun u leh galidda cabashada go’aanada maamul. Haddii Dowlada dhexe u aragto Burburinta in ay dan guudu ku jirto, Muwaadinka waxa uu xaq ugu yeelanayaa dowladda dhexe : a. in ay bixiso magdhaw , qiimaha dhulka lagu dhisay. b. in ay bixiso magdhow qimmha faa’iido uu heli lahaa, mudada u dhexeyso markii laga Burburiyay ilaa uu ka dhisayo mid kale. c. Dhulkaa lala wareegayna dib looma siin karo ,Shakhsi ama Shirkad gaar loo leeyahay. Gunaanad. Muwaadiniinta soomaaliyeed iyo masuuliyiintuba waa in ay xasuustaan in sharciga lawada dhowro , laguna dhaqamo waxa lagu heshiiyay. Muwaadinku kuma xadgudbi karo dowladda hoose iyo midda dhaxe, iyaguna kuma xad gudbi karaan. Haddii dhinac uu sharciga dhowri waayo, waxaa dheceysa in dhinicii kalena uu dhowri waayo. Qore: Yahya Amir
  16. Koobka adduunka Waxaa hubaal ah in dal kamid ah qaaradda Yurub uu ku guuleysan doono dhacdada ugu weyn kubbada cagta adduunka ee sanadkan 2018 oo ka socota dalka Russia. Lix dal oo Yurub ah ayaa haysta fursad ay ugu guuleysan karaan koobka adduunka ee sanadkan 2018, labo kamid ah ayaa caawa u soo baxay afar dhammaad (Semi-finals), halka afarta kalana ay habeen danbe ku balan san yihiin siddeed dhammaadka (Quarter-finals) tartankan. Xulka France ayaa 2-0 ugu awaad sheegtay xulka Uruguay, halka Belgium uu 2-1 ku reebay Brazil, waxaana sidaas ku haray labadii xul qaran ee matalay qaarada latin America, halka Frace iyo Belgium oo Yurub ah ay u soo baxeen afar dhammaadka (Semi-finals) koobka adduunka ee sanadkan 2018. Habeen danbe marti galiyaasha koobkan ee Russia oo si layaab leh ku soo reebay xulka Spain ayaa kulan xiiso badan la yeelan doona xulka Croatia oo kamid ah xulalka layaabka sameeyay, halka England oo riyo wayn ku jirtaa ay Sweden wada ciyaari doonaan. Xulka France ayaa afar dhammaadka (Semi-finals) la ciyaari doona xulka Belgium, halka labada xul ee habeen danbe soo baxaana ay isku dhici doonaan, waxaana ugu dambeyn koobkan isugu iman doona labo xul qaran oo Yurub ah midkoodna ku guuleysan doono. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo wadamo isku qaarad ah ay ku guuleystaan afar dhacdo oo xariir ah koobka adduunka oo kala ah Italy 2006, Spain 2010, Germany 2014 iyo 2018 oo Lixdan mid kamid ah ku guuleysan doono. PUNTLAND POST The post Dal Yurub ah oo ku guuleysan doona koobka adduunka 2018 appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa xariga ka jaray isbitaalka cusub ee CARAFAAT oo magaaladda Garowe laga hirgeliyey,isbitaalka oo ah mid ay u dhamaystiranyihiin waaxyaha caafimaadka ee isbitaal leeyahay ayaa waxaa maalgeliyey shakhsiyaad kala duwan oo ku kala sugan gudaha & dibadda dalka. Mareeyaha Isbitalka Carafaat Cabdirisaaq Jaamac Daraag ayaa ka warbixiyey isbitaalka waxaana uu sheegay in ay dhamaysiranyihiin qaybaha Caruurta,dhalmada,qaliinka,bukaan jiifka,dawada,waxaana ka howlgalidoona shaqaale isugu Jira soomaali iyo ajaanib. Cabdirisaaq waxaa uu sheegay in isbitaalkani u diyaarsanyahay inuu daboolo baahiyaha guud ee caafimaad,iyadoo loo qorsheeyey in uu furanyahay 24ka saac,ayna bukaanadu helidoonaan xili kasta dhakhtar,daawo . Mareeyaha Isbitalka Carafaat Cabdirisaaq Jaamac Daraag waxaa uu intaa ku daray in Isbitaalka Carafaad uu dabooli doono baahiyaha caafimaad ee dadka Puntland ay u aadijireen dalka dibadiisa islamarkaana ay adeegyo caafimad oo casri ah ka heli doonaan. Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed oo ka hadlay xafladda furitaanka isbitaalka ayaa maamulka ku booriyey in xarunta ay jiritankeeda joogteyaan ,iyadoo laga fakarayo sidii ilaalinta nadaafadda,hagaajinta macamiisha & helitaanka dhamaan adeegyadda caafimaad. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Puntland Dr.Cabdinaasir Cismaan Cuuke ayaa u mahadceliyey dhaqaatiirka iska kaashaday isbitaalkan waxaana uu sheegay in kobaca xarumaha caafimaadku kamidyhiin meelaha aan laga haqab beelin ee mar kasta loo bahanyahay in kuwo hor leh la furo,waxaana uu ganacsatada ugu baaqay in ay fikirada noocaani oo kale ah ay iska kashadaan. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas oo xariga ka jaray Isbitaalka Carafaad ayaa boogaadiyey masuuliyiinta Isbitaalka oo isku howlay in inay dhalinyarada isbitaalka casriga ah. Madaxweyne gaas ayaa sheegay in isbitaalkaan uu qiimo weyn ugu fadhiyo shacabka Puntland waxaana uu sheegay in dhalinyarada hirgalisay oo isugu jira dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisa wax kusoo bartay ay mudan yihiin in shahaado sharaf la siiyo. Sawirro. The post (SAWIRRO+COD)MADAXWEYNAHA PUNTLAND OO XARIGA KA JARAY ISBITAALKA CARAFAAD appeared first on Puntland Post.
  18. The Somaliland National Youth Organisation (SONYO Umbrella) has organized a gathering aimed at discussing ways and means to tackle the rampant unemployment in the country. Save the Children has funded the conference which was held at SONYO’s headquarters in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Assistant National Planning minister, Hussein Ibrahim Buni, trade & tourism director general, Osman Hussein Warsame and the chairperson of SONYO umbrella Omar Osman Migane, officials from the ministry of labor, Dahabshiil group and other local firms were in attendance.
  19. No one expected that President Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmaajo” would fall from grace this soon. Not even his ardent supporters. After all, he was the leader we—a desperate nation perpetually yearning for someone to love rather than lead—were romanticizing about after years of misrule. From the day he suddenly burst into the national scene in 2011, Farmaajo captivated the imagination of most Somalis with his fervent nationalism, uprightness and apparent moral fortitude. Our love affair with Farmaajo was heightened by the infamous “Kampala Accord”, which President Musaveni of Uganda brokered to oust Farmaajo as a PM, as part of a grand settlement between then President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a meek schoolteacher whose own meteoric rise to power startled the nation in 2006 before it, too, dissipated, and then Speaker of Parliament Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, arguably Somalia’s most crafty politician known for his double, triple and even quadruple deal-making skills. At the time, Farmaajo garnered tremendous sympathy for he was seen as the pawn in a game of thrones. When he returned to Mogadishu, the public took to the streets to express their outrage at his sudden dismissal, only eight months into his turbulent premiership. What the public didn’t know, however, was that Farmaajo not only accepted a bad deal on his own terms, but, in fact, also installed Abdiweli Gaas as his successor in the hopes of reaping the benefits of his neighbor and friend from Buffalo, New York. Not only did Gaas accuse Farmaajo of stealing millions of dollars in a 2012 UN Monitoring Group report, but he distanced himself from him, confiding to friends that Farmaajo was a “fake”. When Farmaajo returned to his lowly desk job as an “equal opportunity officer” at the Transportation Department of Buffalo, New York, he was deflated beyond imagination. The 8 months of premiership sounded like a surreal experience in his dreams. Unable to readjust to his cubicle job pushing papers in a heap of bureaucracy, he would return to Somalia a year later, in 2012, to run for president. When the votes were counted in the first round, Farmaajo was no longer using a pen a paper to count it, but his bare hands. The grand total was a dismal 14 votes. TV cameras showed him bursting out of the stage, looking rather startled by the mismatch between the huge public support and the miniscule votes—the exact size of the MPs from his clan in the Federal Parliament. What Farmaajo did next was a political invention of epic proportions: he bused hundreds of IDPs into the streets of Mogadishu, hoping that President Hassan Sheikh appoint him a Prime Minister. At one point, celebratory gunfire rang out across the city as rumor spread of the appointment of Farmaajo as PM. President Hassan Sheikh told friends that he never considered Farmaajo for the PM job, because he found his populism ‘nauseating’. History would prove him right. Instead, the President selected Saacid Shirdoon, a businessman known largely as the loving husband of an astute activist named Asha Haji Elmi. Demoralized and embarrassed, Farmaajo, once again, went back to his cubicle job. He would reappear few months later, launching a political party oddly named “TAYO”, as if he was selling used cars. And the people he selected as members all had, unsurprisingly, the quality of a used car. My encounter with Farmaajo I met Farmaajo in Amsterdam soon after he launched his party. He was ‘shopping’ for members. A friend asked me to join him at an event featuring the former PM as a keynote speaker. When the MC called him to the podium, he was sitting hunched and seemed dazed by the smallness of the crowd: 17-19 mostly unemployed recent immigrants. However, he immediately settled into what he’s known best for: populist rant. After listening to him for 30 minutes, I left the room underwhelmed by the lack of substance in his remarks. I told my friend that Farmaajo struck me as a hot air balloon. He could go aloft, rather quickly, but would soon deflate and fall in the ground. My friend was incensed and accused me of, among other things, elitism. He insisted that we meet with Farmaajo in a smaller setting which would facilitate a more substantive discourse. I reluctantly agreed. The next day, I was among few “intellectuals” (I hate the word!) who were given the privilege to meet him. After another lousy performance, I started to ask him probing questions. One simple question I had was: what he would do differently than Hassan Sheikh, in substantive terms? To my dismay, he said he would mobilize the public to defeat Al Shabab in two years, recruit 100,000 young people to what he ominously called “People’s Defense Forces”—a volunteer-based army, and would eradicate corruption. When I challenged him on how he would eradicate corruption, he claimed that he would offer prize money to whistleblowers! As an economist, this led me to ask him how he would raise that money in the first place, to which he responded, rather elementarily yet alarmingly, that “governments always find ways to do things.” His simplistic approach to complex policy and political matters was, on the one hand, naïve per excellence, and, on the other hand, criminal agnosticism. That encounter with Farmaajo stayed with me. I felt incredibly bad for my native country. It was a powerful reminder of what went wrong. For weeks and months, I kept thinking about how people like Farmaajo rise to power without any professional, academic or even political experience. No wonder he had never risen up in his own job in New York despite two decades. Farmaajo as a President I consider myself a distant observer of Somali politics. However, I took a keen interest in Farmaajo’s Administration, partly because he’s the only senior Somali politician I ever met. I carefully listened to his inauguration speech and was, frankly, pleasantly surprised for its substance, though his delivery was dismal. Then again, I watched his keynote speech at the London Conference in May 2017. There again, I was impressed by its specificity and actionable policy orientation. I have also been in touch with my friend who introduced me to him years ago, and who retains a contact within the inner circle of Farmaajo. What he was telling me was reassuring. However, the presidency of Farmaajo was proving to be disastrous. Specifically, I have keenly observed the following: First, the inner circle of the President is deeply troubling. Leaders are, to a large extent, shaped by their aides. Farmaajo is being advised by Fahad Yassin, a notoriously reclusive former journalist with Al Jazeera and current Chief of Staff. I first heard his name in 2009 when he prepared a report about President Sheikh Sharif’s meeting with then American Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Instead of focusing on the significance of the first formal meeting between a US Secretary of State and a Somali leader since 1991, Fahad emphasized the “controversy” around an Islamist Sheikh Sharif handshaking with the an infidel woman. When I inquired about him, it turned out that Fahad was a member of Al-Itihad militant group, and had been a fundraiser for Al-Shabaab for years. In addition to Fahad, the president is also advised by Abdirizaq Shole. A deputy of Fahad, Shole is, I’m told by people who know the network very well, an early founder of Takfir in Somalia, the software upon which Al-Shabaab operates. Add that to Ali Yare, Farmaajo’s chief propagandist. When Farmaajo was the PM, Ali Yare was responsible for image building. Before he immigrated to Sweden, Ali Yare was a hardworking day laborer in Dubai, helping Somali businessmen load their merchandize to their boats. His contribution to society is his capacity to ferry IDPs wielding Farmaajo posters to the streets of Mogadishu to produce the false of image of public support—a practice that continues to this day. Then there’s Abdishakur Ali Mire, an MP whose only professional job was a newsreader at one of the London-based Somali channels. None of these people, except Shole, has a formal education. Which leads me to wonder what kind of advice Farmaajo is receiving. People who know Farmaajo very well told me that he’s deeply uncomfortable with people of substance, because they can raise critical questions. They say he gravitates toward individuals who mirror his personality—shallow, timid and populist. Which explains why some of the capable people around him during the first few months of his presidency are no longer there. Second, Farmaajo’s choice for PM was a surprise to virtually everyone. Hassan Khaire was the campaign manager for former President Hassan Sheikh, to whom he was extremely close to. During the presidency of Hassan Sheikh, Khaire was widely known as the “chief troubleshooter”. Ministers, businessmen and virtually anyone who wanted anything from Hassan Sheikh would court Khaire for access. A week before the election, Khaire left Mogadishu for Nairobi, changed his numbers and got married secretly. Hassan Sheikh and his team were baffled by this move from one of their icons in the middle of the battle. Little did they know that Khaire, through his cousin Abdulkarim Gaambe, was double-dipping. (Gaambe is the manager of Jazeera Hotel, which is owned by the cousin of AhmedNur Ali Jimale, the majority shareholder of the largest company in Somalia, Hormuud). Reliable sources indicate that Khaire contributed over $1 million USD to the Farmaajo campaign as a deposit for the premiership job. Until then, he was formally the “Director for Africa” at SOMA OIL, a shady oil company founded in 2013 and financed by a Russian oligarch. The day he was appointed PM, SOMA OIL had conveniently issued a statement, claiming that Khaire had “given-up” his $2 million USD shares. Few people believed that, and most know that SOMA OIL continues to operate, this time under the full protection of the PM and stewardship of his cousin Gaambe. By all accounts, Khaire is following the footsteps of Sharif Hassan as a wheeler and dealer who wines and dines with people of power and resources. However, his performance strikes me as a rabble rouser with perfect showmanship skills. Thirdly, Farmaajo’s claim to moral fortitude was quickly decimated by his decision to hand over Abdulkarem Qalbi-Dhagax, an officer with ONLF—an armed group in Ethiopia. The administration of Farmaajo is the only in the world to recognize ONLF as a terrorist organization, in a desperate attempt to appease Ethiopia (a country he regularly railed against when he was not in office). Even Ethiopia recently rescinded its terrorist label of ONLF. When asked by a BBC journalist about Qalbi-Dhagax, Farmaajo said, shallowly, “the Parliament has decided on this issue”. Indeed, the parliamentary committee formed to investigate faulted the government on both counts: the handing over of a Somali national who fought against our army, and the designation of ONLF as a terrorist organization. Farmajo, of course, conveniently ignored that binding resolution. Now that PM Abiy Ahmed released Qalbi-Dhagax and accorded him a VIP status—a classical Ethiopian move to humiliate Somali leaders—Farmaajo and company are probably having a buyer’s remorse. Down the drain went his fake nationalist credentials, along with any claim to moral fortitude. Fourthly, Farmajao’s handling of the domestic political situation and foreign policy is nothing short of criminal. He attempted, but failed miserably, to dismantle all of the federal member states so that he could install puppets. His “Mogadishu stabilization force” killed five Somali security forces guarding Presidential candidate Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame. Admitting guilt, he has since paid $70,000 to each of the families of the murdered soldiers, and has released AA Warsame from detention after they failed to prove anything wrong. On foreign policy, the claim to neutrality between the warring Gulf nations has quickly buckled under the weight of the Qatari influence in Villa Somalia. Farmaajo receives several million dollars a month from Doha, a slash fund he routinely uses to remove political opponents (Jawaari, et al) and recruit a legion of social media warriors to brandish his appalling image. His recent appointment of a junior inventory officer with Mercy Corps as the country’s Chief Justice will be remembered in the annals of history as the greatest abuse of power in the country. Finally, the dramatic fall of Farmaajo from grace was no surprise to those of us who had an encounter with him. Not only does he lack an iota of leadership quality, but he embodies the most dangerous types of historical leaders. People often forget that Hitler, Mugabe, Netanyahu and Trump are all elected demagogues with a populist message. History will prove that Farmaajo is on his way to become the worst president that Somalia ever had, despite the illustrious image with which he came. His newfound dictatorial tendencies are reminiscent of our recent past, which led to the current state failure. No nation should accept to surrender its hard won gains to a demagogue like Farmaajo. Guled Hagi Hersi Email: ——– Guled is an economist by training and management consultant by trade.
  20. HARGEISA, Somaliland—Hyperinflation and economic isolation have pushed this poor, breakaway republic closer to a virtual milestone than most other countries in the world: a cashless economy. Mobile-money services have taken off over the past decade in Africa; 1 in 10 adults across the continent—about 100 million people—use them. In Kenya, Vodacom Group Ltd.’s groundbreaking service M-Pesa, broadly considered the first major and most successful mobile-money technology platform, counts 26 —- Read the article at the Wall Street Journal
  21. According to reports, the British government discussed Somaliland agenda on the floor of parliament. The Secretary for International Development Penny Mordaunt was quizzed about why Britain is not cooperating with Somaliland which has a historical friendship with Britain that dates back to centuries. The SOLNA report further stated that a British member of parliament whose name was given as Hon.Bob Sterwart who represent South East London Constituency of Beckenham from the Conservative Party. Mr. Stewart asked Secretary Penny Mordaunt why Britain has ignored Somaliland which was earlier known as British Somaliland. He added that has visited Somaliland in person and knows it very well. The British secretary for international development thanked the MP for asking about Somaliland. He revealed that her majesty government assists Somaliland in economic development and humanitarian aid. The British also help Somaliland to maintain her security and fight against terrorism in the region. The secretary revealed that the British government helps Somaliland Electoral Commission with funds for the elections. Hon.Bob Sterwart is a former colonel in the British army and has been in the British parliament since his election in 2010, his amongst the members of the British Parliament that support Somaliland Independence from the rogue Somalia regime. The British government sponsored the international observers that oversaw the November 2017 presidential election of Somaliland and were amongst the governments that confirmed that the elections in Somaliland were free and fair. Solna
  22. Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaano ka tirsan baarlamaanka Somalia iyo Siyaasiyiin aad u dhaliilsan Siyaasada dowlada ayaa maanta magaalada Nairobi kulan kula qaatay Sarkaalka ONLF Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse Qalbi Dhagax. Xildhibaanadan ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa Mahad Salaad iyo Carte oo waayadan saldhig ka dhigtay magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya. C/raxmaan C/shakuur ayaa kamid ahaa Siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka ah ee la kulmay Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse Qalbi Dhagax, waxa ayna dhamaantooda ka mideysan yihiin arbushaada iyo is hortaaga dowladnimada Somalia. Xildhibaanada iyo Siyaasiyiinta la kulmay Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse Qalbi Dhagax, ayaa dhamaantooda ka siman in Sarkaalka ONLF ay la wadaagan hanaan waliba oo lagu hagarsaaminkaro dowladnimada Somalia, waxa uuna mid waliba ka dhaadhicinayaa siyaasadiisa gaarka ah. Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse Qalbi Dhagax, waxaa horay ula kulmay Xildhibaan Axmed Fiqi oo Sarkaalka ka dalbaday inuu kusoo biiro mucaaradka maadaama, hase yeeshee waa uu ku fashilmay. Xildhibaanada iyo Siyaasiyiinta maciin biday adeegsiga Qalbi dhagax ayaa kasoo jeeda hal dhinac, halka Xildhibaanada kale ee labada Gole ay yihiin kuwo iska ilaaliyay in afkooda uu sabab u noqdo burbur ku imaada rajada Qaranka Somalia.
  23. Ethiopia’s Somali regional government has forcefully denied allegations of systemic torture at Jijiga Central Prison, setting the stage for a potential showdown with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The denial comes on the heels of an in-depth report from Human Rights Watchdocumenting the scope of torture at Jijiga, also known as Jail Ogaden, in the Somali regional capital. “I have seen the report. It’s not true; it’s not based on facts,” Idris Ismail Abdi, the information minister for the Somali Region, told VOA’s Somali Service this week. “It’s not like they [HRW] came here and spoke to people. This is far from the truth, and it’s fabricated,” Abdi said. The HRW report, based on interviews with 70 former prisoners, along with government officials, paints one of the most detailed pictures to date of the pervasive, and often depraved, use of torture in Ethiopian prisons. Hours before HRW published its findings, Ethiopia’s attorney general, Berhanu Tsegaye, announced that all prison heads in the country had been fired “for failing to discharge their responsibilities and respect prisoners’ human rights,” according to state-owned broadcaster Fana Television. That move, and a historic admission last month by Ahmed that the government sanctioned torture in violation of its constitution, could lead to a political confrontation between the federal government and the powerful Somali regional leaders. A Human Rights Watch drawing of a prisoner in Ethiopia’s Jail Ogaden in the country’s Somali region. ‘Absolutely no rule of law’ According to HRW, officials have detained thousands of prisoners at Jail Ogaden, most of whom experience routine abuse and neglect. Many of the prisoners have never been convicted of or even charged with a crime, HRW said. Officials believe that the prisoners either belong to or sympathize with the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), a prominent opposition group. ONLF has, in years past, fought the Ethiopian Defense Forces, and both groups committed war crimes in 2007 and 2008, according to HRW. On Thursday, the Ethiopian parliament removed ONLF and two other opposition groups from a list of terrorist organizations. Felix Horne is a senior researcher in HRW’s Africa division and wrote the report on Jail Ogaden. He told VOA that, although government torture has been widespread in Ethiopia, the Somali region is unique in its lawlessness. “There is absolutely no rule of law,” Horne said. “Of 70 former detainees we interviewed, only four had ever been to court. And the individuals who are responsible for abuse in Jail Ogaden, and responsible for bigger and broader abuses in the Somali region, are all the way to the highest level.” Horne said that the only way forward is for the prime minister to step in with a federal commission to provide oversight and investigate abuses. That’s within Ahmed’s authority, Horne said, and a necessary step to create lasting change. But it would likely put Ahmed at odds with Abdi Mohamoud Omar, the Somali regional president. Omar, also known as Abdi Illey, oversees the Liyu police, a special force responsible for a range of abuses against Ethiopians, particularly in the Somali region, according to human rights groups. Regional ‘warlord’ Hallelujah Lulie is a security researcher and political analyst at Amani Africa. The Liyu police function as a regional army, Lulie told VOA, and they were established to contain the ONLF, which has posed a longstanding political threat to Abdi Illey’s party. Lulie said that HRW’s findings are not surprising, but the extent of abuses exposed by the report is noteworthy. Dislodging Abdi Illey from power, however, might not be so easy. “His power in unchecked,” Lulie said. “He’s been running the region as a warlord, that I can say for sure,” Lulie added. “He has total control over … the security institutions, the legislative units, all orders of regional government.” Lulie recalled one instance in which six or seven members of Abdi Illey’s cabinet rebelled against him and traveled to Addis Ababa, the capital. Abdi Illey followed them there and hijacked them back to Jijiga, Lulie said. But Horne sees limits to Abdi Illey’s authority. Upcoming elections in 2020 would provide one way to remove him from power, and his authority ultimately stems from the federal government. “Abdi Illey has overseen various abuses. He’s responsible for the Liyu Police, who engaged in many massacres, some of which have been documented by human rights groups. And he can be prosecuted under Ethiopian law for that,” Horne said. In the short term, Horne said, accountability must improve. “One thing that was pretty evident from this this research is that there is grossly inadequate oversight of regional detention facilities. And that needs to change,”
  24. ERIGAVO– 27 people have have been admitted at clinic in Xin Galol district after reportedly drinking contaminated milk during a wedding ceremony. Speaking on phone after visiting the victims, Sanaag regional governor Hon. Mohamed Ahmed Alin alias “Timbaro” has confirmed the report. Mr. Timbaro said that on last Wednesday night that they heard about the 27 people who got ill after drinking poisoned milk while attending a wedding ceremony. Sanaag’s provincial commissioner has said that an emergency medical team dispatched to the district to provide medical attention to the victims. He said that once they drank the milk at the ceremony then they started complaining of diarrhea, and further stated that they drank while they did not know a snake fell in. Mr. Timbaro, Sanaag’s regional governor went on to say that all 27 people have been cured and are in good health at the moment as far as their condition is concerned. He stated that there are no individuals who are either in a critical condition or has been pronounced dead.In addition, the governor has asserted that they distributed food rations families impacted by the recent drought that hit the region. More than 800 families in Gar Adag have received the food aid while 1000 families in El Afwein also benefited the food aid donated by Al Khar Foundation which is a humanitarian organization based in the UAE.
  25. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – War goordhow nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Xasilinta Muqdisho ay gacanta ku dhigeen nin watay Indha-shareer. Ciidamada ayaa ninkaasi kala dagay gaari raaxo oo uu la socday xili ay marayeen wadada Makka Al-Mukarama ee magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidamada Xasilinta ayaa sidoo kale la wareegay gaariga iyo dad kale oo la socday, waxa ayna arrintaani dhacday xili gaariga uu ku jiray safka barista gaadiidka raaxada. Ciidamada ayaa markii hore si gaara uga shakiyay gaariga iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in ninka indha-shareerka watay uu lahaa gar aad u weyn. Mid kamid ah dadkii goobjoogayaasha ahaa ayaa yiri “Ciidamada ayaa baaritaan kawaday wadada waxa ay wadaha gaariga ku amreen inuu joojiyo gaariga kadib ninka indha-shareerka watay ayey fareen inuu kor u qaado indha-shareerka waxa uuna noqday nin garweyn lahaa oo watay Indha-shareerka” “Ciidamada waxa ay sidoo kale wateen dad kale oo la socday gaariga balse aan indha-shareer wada waxa ayna wateen gaariga iyo dadkii la socday” Dhacdadaani ayaa ka dhacday Isgooska Xaaji baasto ee wadada Makka Al-Mukarama, waxa ayna cabsi galisay dadka ku sugnaa goobta. Dhinaca kale, maleeshiyaadka Al-Shabaab kuwooda ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa inta badan isku muuqaal ekeysiiya haweenka daboolan, sababo la xiriira cabsida ay ka qabaan ciidamada amaanka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho