Deeq A.

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  1. Mogadishu (HOL) - President Farmajo will be among the 22 heads of states who will attend Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's inauguration ceremony at the Presidential Complex on Monday, according to Turkish state-owned media. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dagaalyahanno ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ayaa waxay shalay weerar ku bilowday is-qarxin ku qaadeen dhismaha gurmadka isgaarsiinta boliska ee Otto Ottooo kaabiga ku haya isgoyska sayidka ee magaalladda Muqdisho. Xog aan helnay ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyey qaabka uu u dhacay dagaalkaasi iyo sida ay Al-Shabaab gudaha ugu galeen xarunta 88 oo ay wasaaradaha arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaranka wada deggan yihiin. Askari ka tirsan bolisii ku sugnaa dhismahaasi oo la hadlay idaacadda Dalsan ee Muqdisho ku taalla ayaa sharaxaad ka bixiyey qaabka uu weerarkii ka dhacay dhismahaasi. Waxa uu tilmaamay in rag la socday 2 gaari oo nooca saarif (Surv), oo watay waraaqaha aqoonsiga ee ciiddamadda iyo kuwa shaqaalaha wasaaradaha amniga qaranka iyo arrimaha gudaha ay teesarayaashaasi kaga soo gudbeen baraha kontoroolka ilaa albaabka weyn ee laga galo dhismaha Otto-Otto Waxaa la sheegay inay dagaalamayaasha Al-Shabaab iska dhigeen inay ka tirsan yihiin mas’uuliyiinta, shaqaalaha wasaaradahaasi iyo ciiddan ka tirsan kuwa dfs, iyagoo ilaaladda tusinayey kaararkooda aqoonsiga. Xogta waxay muujinaysaa in ilaa 5 dagaalame oo la socday gaadiidkaasi ay gudaha u galeen dhismaha otto-otto, ka hor inta uusan gaari kale oo la socday isku qarxin barta ciiddanka wax ku baara ee isgoyska sayidka. Xogta waxaa kaloo lagu sheegay in dagaalamayaashii Al-Shabaab ee gudaha u galay dhismaha ay tacshiirad iyo qaraxyo la beegsadeen ilaaladdii dhismaha iyo qaar ka mid ah shaqaalihii ku sugnaa xafiisyadda wasaaradaha arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaranka. Iska-horimaad iyo qaraxyo ayaana laga maqlay dhismahaasi, iyadoo xog aan helnay muujisay in 3 ka mid ah Al-Shabaabla dilay, halka 2 kalena la sheegay in goor dhow lagu dilay iska-horimaadkaasi. Warar ayaa sheegaya in mas’uuliyiin iyo ilaalo ku sugnaa dhismahaasi la dilay, halka kuwa kalena la dhaawacay, inkastoo aynaan helin tirada rasmiga ee dadkii lagu dilay iska-horimaadkaasi. Haddaba, waa maxay istaraatijiyadda dhismaha xarunta Otto-Otto? Dhismaha isgaarsiinta boliska ee Otto-Otto oo ku yaalla degmadda waaberi ee magaalladda Muqdisho waxay ku taallaa goob istaraatiji ah oo laga ilaalayn karo qeybo ka mid ah magaalladda Muqdisho, gaar ahaan nawaaxiga xarunta golaha shacbiga qaranka ilaa madaxtooyadda villa Somalia. Xarunta dhexe ee wasaaradda amniga qaranka ayaa hal sanno ka hor waxaa loo soo raray dhismaha isgaarsiinta bolisks ee otto-otto ee weliyow cadde. Waa goob aad loo ilaaliyo, waxaa ka ag dhow koontaroolka isgoyska Sayidka oo laga sugo ammaanka madaxtooyada iyo baarlamaanka. Aad baa loo adkeeyey ammaanka isgoyska Sayidka ee ku dhow xarunta dhismaha 88, iyadoo ilaalo xooggaan baaraan dhamaan gaadiidka isticmaala wadadda dheer ee isku xirta madaxtooyadda Villa Somalia iyo maka al-mukarama Waddada isgoyska sayidka iyo tan u dhexeysa masjidka isbahaysiga iyo dhismaha otto-otto waxaa la dhigay jid-gooyo xooggan iyo dhagxaan , weyna adag tahay in sahal lagu soo gudbo kontoroolka yaalla isgoyska sayidka. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, weerarkii Al-Shabaab shalay kaga soo gudbeen kontoroolkaasi iyo weerarkii ay ka geysteen dhismaha Otto-Otto ayaa waxa ka dhalan kaerta is-weydiin ballaaran oo ku aadan arrimo badan oo haatan mugdi ku jira. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. A high level Somaliland delegation led by the assistant minister in charge of home affairs returns from three day working visit to Kenya on Friday. The minister, Hon. Mohamed Muse Dirie was flanked by the director general of foreign affairs ministry, Hon. Abdinasir Ahmed Hirsi and the head of coastal guards, Brigadier General Abdi Hirsi Duale. The Somaliland delegates met with international organizations that provide assistance to Somaliland on wide range of development projects. The Director General of the foreign ministry has said that the international community supports the Special arrangement which means that Somaliland should receive aid via its channels.
  4. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuummadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa maanta shir gudoomiyay kulanka Todobaadlaha ah ee guddiga dhaqaalaha dalka oo looga hadlay sidii loo horumarin lahaa dhaqaalaha dalka, dhismaha golaha dhaqaalaha, Sharciga iibka, sharciga canshuuraha, qaadista canshuurta berriga iyo maaraynta maaliyadda. Ugu horeyn Wasiirka maaliyadda Xukuummadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle ayaa ka war bixiyay halka uu marayo qorshaha dayn cafinta dalka, SMP3 iyo waxyaabaha la doonayo in lagu guulaysto si Soomaaliya deynta looga cafiyo dibna ay ula fal gasho hey’adaha dhaqaalaha aduunka. Wasiirka qorsheynta xukuummadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa isna ka war bixiyay dhismaha qolaha dhaqaalaha oo maraya heer gebagebo ah kaas oo dawladda ka taageeraya ka shaqeynaya kobcinta dhaqaalaha. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha xukuummadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in dhaqaalahu uu yahay laf-dhabarta dawladnimada Soomaaliya, dhibaatooyinka hor taagan horumarka dalkana ay ugu horeyso dhaqaala yarida, sidaas darteed muhiimadda 1-aad ee xukuummaddu ay tahay in Soomaaliya deynta laga cafiyo si caqabadaha hor-taagan looga gudbo oo dawladdu ay awood ugu yeelato in adeegyada muhiimka u ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed wax ka qabato sida horumarinta amniga, waxbarashada, caafimaadka, shaqo abuurka iyo dhismaha wadooyinka. Kulanka ayaa sidoo kale looga hadlay dhamaystirka tubta horumarinta dhaqaalaha iyo qorshaha lala tegayo shirka Brussels oo dhawaan uu ka qeyb gelayo wafdi uu hogaaminayo Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed (Farmaajo). PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre Oo Shir Gudoomiyay Kulan Ay Yeesheen Guddiga Dhaqaalaha Dalka appeared first on Puntland Post.
  5. The Problem: The cost of living has been going up steadily in Somaliland for the last few months due to depreciation of Somaliland Shillings against the U.S. Dollar since most of the goods are services, especially the imported goods, are priced in Dollars. In addition, local producers and service providers are pricing their goods and services in dollars since Somaliland Shilling fluctuates erratically and is therefore considered unreliable. Even private schools, universities, health centers, residential rentals (landlords) are pricing their goods and services in dollar instead of the local currency. Therefore, whenever the value of Dollar appreciates, the value of the Somaliland Shilling depreciates which hits, especially hard, on laborers, daily wagers and government employees including civil servants, police, correctional officers, coast guard and the military because their salaries are paid in Somaliland Shillings. If not addressed immediately and without further delay, this problem could have devastating negative effect on peace and social stability. The political leaders in Somaliland can no longer ignore this problem without putting Somaliland’s stability in greater risk. Evidence that the Problem Exists: The exchange rate of the Somaliland Shilling against the U.S. Dollar has increased from $1= SL Sh. 6,500 to over 1$ = SL Sh. 9,000, an increase of 40% from 2010 to 2017. Since there is no economic boom in the country which can cause inflation, there is a clear indication that there is an excess supply of Somaliland Shilling relative to the amount the market demands for. Current Policy: In order to address the problem, the former Minister of the Presidency, Mahamoud Hashi, has issued two policy directives. First, he artificially fixed the exchange rate of U.S. Dollar against Somaliland Shilling to $1 = 7,000 SL. Sh. This directive has resulted the opposite effect: the local money exchangers immediately hoarded their U.S. Dollar holdings which eroded the supply of dollar in the market and further depreciated the value of Somaliland Shilling bringing the bad memory of Kadare (the one who made the situation worse)—-the failed economic policies of the then Somalia’s Finance Minister, Abdirahman Jama Barre, who miserably failed when he tried to artificially fix the prices of goods and services in the market thirty years ago. Second, he has ordered Telesom and Dahabshil, which operate mobile money transfer/e-payment systems of Zaad and E-Dahab services, respectively, to restrict the ability of their customers to electronically send or buy goods and services in excess of $49. The logic goes that if this restriction is imposed, customers would buy goods and services that are less than $50 value in Somaliland Shilling which in turn would increase demand for the local currency and thereby result appreciation of its value. The Telesom Company has argued and has since convinced the government that it could not technically implement this policy without a major programming revamp of its IT systems which, they argued, could not happen right away. As of today, this directive has not been implemented. However, even if it is implemented, it would have little or no effect in the money market. Factors Contributing to the Problem: There are several factors contributing to this problems some of which are listed below: The inability of the Central Bank to conduct Open Market Operations due to shortage of its reserved U.S. Dollars which is mainly the result of: Closure of Central Bank branches in the main airports where travelers used to pay immigration entry/exit fees in U.S. Dollars as well as mandatorily buy some local currency in exchange of their U.S. Dollars. This was a good source of U.S. Dollars currency for the Central Bank The drastic reduction of government dollar revenue source from the export of livestock to Gulf States due to the drought and the health related ban imposed on Somali livestock by the Saudi Arabian health authorities. This reduction of this revenue stream again negatively impacted Dollar reserves of the Central Bank The reckless policy of the government to pay some of its well-connected contractors/suppliers in U.S. Dollars instead of Somaliland Shillings which subsequently depletes Dollar reserves in the bank. The new decision of Ethiopian Qat traders to sale their “drug” in U.S. Dollars instead of their local currency, the Birr. This increased the demand for Dollar in the money market because of the buying spree of Qat importers from Somaliland who normally buy U.S. Dollars from the local market in exchange of Somaliland Shillings thereby reducing Dollar supply in the market and causing the appreciation of its value against the local currency, the Somaliland Shilling. The demand of the Ministry of Finance to collect some of taxes/fees in the form of U.S. Dollars. For instance, anyone applying a vehicle title transfer has to pay taxes/fees in Dollars. This increases the demand for dollar in the market and the appreciation of its value against the Somaliland Shilling. The inability of the government to recognize that this is an Economics problem and it needs an Economics solution. The government has to convene a council of economists to advise her on economic issues. Possible Solutions (Policy Alternatives): There are several policies that, if implemented, can address the problem. Below are some of those policy choices: Increase the U.S. Dollar reserves of the Central Bank of Somaliland to conduct Open Market Operation–a Monetary Policy tool whereby Central Bank buys local currency in exchange with dollars–whenever the market conditions demand in order to maintain the value of the Somaliland Shilling. This will require the government to take the following steps: Re-open Central Bank branches in main airports and restore its monopoly to collect government immigration entry/exit fees in Dollars. Pay all government contractors/suppliers in local currency, the Somaliland Shilling. This will stop the depletion of Dollar reserves in the bank. Negotiate with Government of Ethiopia to stop the demand of its Qat importers to sell their “drug” in Dollars. This will greatly reduce the demand for Dollar in the local market and subsequently result the depreciation of its value against the Somaliland Shilling. Put the blame on Telesom’s Zaad and Dahabshil’s E-Dahab, Somaliland’s e-commerce and money transfer brands, for the depreciation of Somaliland Shilling. Theoretically, restricting the use of electronic e-commerce in Dollars may increase the demand for Somaliland Shilling but it will not offset its excess supply in the market. Preferred Policy (Recommended Policy): I recommend that the government adopt policy alternative (1) listed above. The government should not re-invent the wheel since Open Market Operation was the most effective tool that previous governments have used with success to regulate the value of the Somaliland Shilling. By: By Abdillahi Hussein .
  6. 1. ZERO DOLLAR IN CIRCULATION VS EXCESSIVE SoL SHILLING SHILLING SUPPLY. Firstly, the quantity of US Dollar in Somaliland’s FX market has become very low while SoL Shilling is being pumped into the local market. This had significantly devalued local currency against the US dollar. The exchange rate for $1 hit 8,800 last week. This is record low for the local currency. Secondly, Unstability of exchange rate eroded the confidence of both businesses and Consumers. Some folks threatened stop using the national currency. Thirdly and finally, mobile money replaced both the US dollars and SoLSH (in local markets).Almost all purchases from school fees, house rent, Khat to food, TELESOM’S ZAAD is the number one currency. Conveinance, secuirity and portability of mobiles money are widely preferred. 2. WHAT ARE THE MAIN REASONS FOR THE ABOVE PROBLEM (1) 2.1 Why the quantity US DOLLAR is is low: a) Supply side factor: Livestock ban, drought, limited aid flow in Somaliland, election delays which halted investment, Remmittance recieved through ZAAD, Yemen crisis etc. b)ZAAD Factor: this service became an intermediary which exhausts US dollar from the fx market by replacing it with digital numbers. US Dollar notes accumulated in the hand of ZAAD operator. There is the possibility of capital flight here – Foreing currency earnings of Somaliland might be invested in opportunities in Djibouti and elsewhere. C)Despite decreased supply, US Dollar demand increased due to Khat farmers in ethoipia demanding US DOLLAR from khat importers. They do not require ETB but USD. The political sitaution in ethoipia and the related economic slow down, like Somaliland, undermined investment and hence their foriegn currency earnings. 2.2 Why is SL shilling is so excessive: a) Supply side factors: Kulmiye Goverment money printing, Some goverment taxes, fees and fines are received in Dollar, official exchange rate way below the market rate, 100% increased of civil servants’ salaries and their number, National budget expenditures increased ettc. b) Dahabshiil Tremitance Co, Factor: Becouse Dahabshil’s close relationship with the Kulmiye goverment, the SoL Shilling goes to their FX department and they became the biggest Shilling accumulater of local currency (Shilling). They, however, are unable to trade their shilling in the market becouse no body is using the Shilling. People had deposited their dollars in ZAAD MEans Mobile E-wallet and making transcting with this electronic money. Dahabshil is dedperate for US dollar which is in the hands of its rival, Telesom Telecomunication company Owns Zaad dervises. The EDahab services of Dahabshil Remetance e-wallet mobile, like eCash and SOMTEL for under Dahabshil group of Companies , is a total failure. The market share of EDahab is negligible… 3. WHO Is AFFECTED BY SHILLING DEPRECIATION. Victims of this depreciation are Goverment workers (around 50, 000), Dahabshiil which is unable to maintain enough US dollars for its remmittance customers. While no increased inflation has yet been reported due to major Wholesale/Import traders who had been using USD only for several years, the limited dollar in circulation has the potential to heighten the already inflationary local economy. Such an inflation will affect millions in Somaliland who depend on food imports. Telesom The leader of Telecomunication in Somaliland and The Owner of the Zaad service e wallet mobile many and largest reserve of the dollar in Somaliland Ex- Albarakat group that US Freeced theire accounts in September 11 is the net benefitor of this sitaution becouse the acquired the ability to “Print” their DOLLAR and SHILLING. By using their ZAAD, they pay their staff salaries and use the DOLLAR for overseas purchases of machinery or they may invest the deposits in neighboring countries. 4. INSTITUTIONAL FAILURE Central bank of Somaliland grossly failed to stabilise exchanges rates. Since 2010, the incumbent governer is the fourth nominated by Silanyo. Compare this to UDUB Party whose Central Bank Governer, the late Dualle, served both under Ex Somaliland presidents Egal and Riyal and set an excellent record of monetary management. For 15+ the exchange remained stable at an average rate of 6200 for 1 USD. Other contributing factors include leadership crisis at the top, corruption and bad governance. Somaliland Needed Stronger Rules for Central Bank and Stronger Government to solve this un knowledgeable leadership corpt ethics. Mohamed Awcali Founder & CEO Awcali Group . membered by Smart Trading, Sea Freight Shipping & AASOMA International
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa goordhow magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia lagu dilay nin la sheegay in uu ahaa Ganacsade ajnabi ah. Ganacsadahan ajnabiga ahaa ayaa la sheegay inuu kasoo jeedo dalka Yemen, kaa oo lagu toogtay meel aan sidaa uga sii fogeyn Isgooska Debka ee wadada Makka Al-Mukkarama. Goobjoogayaal ayaa xaqiijiyay in dilka ay geysteen maleeshiyaad ku hubeysnaa bastoolado waxa uuna dilka dhacay xili ninkaasi uu ku sugnaa goob uu ku iibiyo waxyaabaha farshaxanka oo ku taalla dhabarka dambe ee Colow Taawar. Ciidamada xasilinta ayaa goobta ku qabtay dhowr qof oo looga shakisan yahay inay ku lug lahaayen dilka Ganacsadaha. Ma jirto cid ilaa iyo hadda sheegatay mas’uuliyada dilka Ganacsadaha ajnabiga ah, waxa uuna dilkaani qeyb ka noqonayaa dilal maalmahaani ka dhacaayay Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. Turkish authorities ordered the dismissal of more than 18,500 state employees including police officers, soldiers and academics, in a decree published on Sunday. The Official Gazette said 18,632 people had been sacked including 8,998 police officers in the emergency decree over suspected links to terror organisations and groups that “act against national security”. Some 3,077 army soldiers were also dismissed as well as 1,949 air force personnel and 1,126 from the naval forces. Another 1,052 civil servants from the justice ministry and linked institutions have been fired as well as 649 from the gendarmerie and 192 from the coast guard. Authorities also sacked 199 academics, according to the new decree, while 148 state employees from the military and ministries were reinstated. Turkey has been under a state of emergency since the July 2016 attempted overthrow of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkish media dubbed the decree as the “last” with officials indicating the state of emergency could end as early as Monday. The emergency has been renewed seven times and the latest period is officially due to end on July 19. Over 110,000 public sector employees have been removed previously from their jobs via emergency decrees since July 2016 while tens of thousands more have been suspended in a crackdown criticised by Ankara’s Western allies. Turkey accuses US-based Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen of orchestrating the attempted coup. The majority of those fired under the emergency are accused of links to Gulen. The government refers to the movement as the “Fethullah Terrorist Organisation”. Gulen strongly denies any coup links and insists his movement is a peaceful organisation. Sunday’s decree shut down 12 associations across the country as well as three newspapers and a television channel. Human rights defenders including Amnesty International have lambasted the purges as arbitrary but Turkey says they are necessary to remove the Gulen movement’s infiltration of state bodies. Earlier this year, the government said more than 77,000 people had been arrested over alleged links to Gulen. Source: – AFP
  9. HARGEISA– Justice Minister, Hon. Abdiqani Mohamud Ateye on Friday received delegates from US based organization by the name of “The center for justice & accountability” which is engaged in discovering mass graves in Somaliland and else where in the globe. The forensic investigators from the center will conduct investigation into the genocide where thousands of people were killed with no clear motive in Somaliland by the military junta lead by the deceased General Mohamed Siad Bare who was toppled from power in the 1990’s in a revolt carried out by the Somali people. The experts will tour many places in Somaliland during their visit.
  10. A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly. Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mother’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes. Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations. American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children. When that failed, they turned to threats, according to diplomats and government officials who took part in the discussions. Ecuador, which had planned to introduce the measure, was the first to find itself in the cross hairs. The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced. The showdown over the issue was recounted by more than a dozen participants from several countries, many of whom requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from the United States. Health advocates scrambled to find another sponsor for the resolution, but at least a dozen countries, most of them poor nations in Africa and Latin America, backed off, citing fears of retaliation, according to officials from Uruguay, Mexico and the United States. “We were astonished, appalled and also saddened,” said Patti Rundall, the policy director of the British advocacy group Baby Milk Action, who has attended meetings of the assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization, since the late 1980s. “What happened was tantamount to blackmail, with the U.S. holding the world hostage and trying to overturn nearly 40 years of consensus on best way to protect infant and young child health,” she said. In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them. The State Department declined to respond to questions, saying it could not discuss private diplomatic conversations. The Department of Health and Human Services, the lead agency in the effort to modify the resolution, explained the decision to contest the resolution’s wording but said H.H.S. was not involved in threatening Ecuador. “The resolution as originally drafted placed unnecessary hurdles for mothers seeking to provide nutrition to their children,” an H.H.S. spokesman said in an email. “We recognize not all women are able to breast-feed for a variety of reasons. These women should have the choice and access to alternatives for the health of their babies, and not be stigmatized for the ways in which they are able to do so.” The spokesman asked to remain anonymous in order to speak more freely. Although lobbyists from the baby food industry attended the meetings in Geneva, health advocates said they saw no direct evidence that they played a role in Washington’s strong-arm tactics. The $70 billion industry, which is dominated by a handful of American and European companies, has seen sales flatten in wealthy countries in recent years, as more women embrace breast-feeding. Overall, global sales are expected to rise by 4 percent in 2018, according to Euromonitor, with most of that growth occurring in developing nations. The intensity of the administration’s opposition to the breast-feeding resolution stunned public health officials and foreign diplomats, who described it as a marked contrast to the Obama administration, which largely supported W.H.O.’s longstanding policy of encouraging breast-feeding. During the deliberations, some American delegates even suggested the United States might cut its contribution the W.H.O., several negotiators said. Washington is the single largest contributor to the health organization, providing $845 million, or roughly 15 percent of its budget, last year. The confrontation was the latest example of the Trump administration siding with corporate interests on numerous public health and environmental issues. In talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Americans have been pushing for language that would limit the ability of Canada, Mexico and the United States to put warning labels on junk food and sugary beverages, according to a draft of the proposal reviewed by The New York Times. During the same Geneva meeting where the breast-feeding resolution was debated, the United States succeeded in removing statements supporting soda taxes from a document that advises countries grappling with soaring rates of obesity. The Americans also sought, unsuccessfully, to thwart a W.H.O. effort aimed at helping poor countries obtain access to lifesaving medicines. Washington, supporting the pharmaceutical industry, has long resisted calls to modify patent laws as a way of increasing drug availability in the developing world, but health advocates say the Trump administration has ratcheted up its opposition to such efforts. The delegation’s actions in Geneva are in keeping with the tactics of an administration that has been upending alliances and long-established practices across a range of multilateral organizations, from the Paris climate accord to the Iran nuclear deal to Nafta. Ilona Kickbusch, director of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, said there was a growing fear that the Trump administration could cause lasting damage to international health institutions like the W.H.O. that have been vital in containing epidemics like Ebola and the rising death toll from diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the developing world. “It’s making everyone very nervous, because if you can’t agree on health multilateralism, what kind of multilateralism can you agree on?” Ms. Kickbusch asked. A Russian delegate said the decision to introduce the breast-feeding resolution was a matter of principle. “We’re not trying to be a hero here, but we feel that it is wrong when a big country tries to push around some very small countries, especially on an issue that is really important for the rest of the world,” said the delegate, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media. He said the United States did not directly pressure Moscow to back away from the measure. Nevertheless, the American delegation sought to wear down the other participants through procedural maneuvers in a series of meetings that stretched on for two days, an unexpectedly long period. In the end, the United States was largely unsuccessful. The final resolution preserved most of the original wording, though American negotiators did get language removed that called on the W.H.O. to provide technical support to member states seeking to halt “inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children.” The United States also insisted that the words “evidence-based” accompany references to long-established initiatives that promote breast-feeding, which critics described as a ploy that could be used to undermine programs that provide parents with feeding advice and support. Elisabeth Sterken, director of the Infant Feeding Action Coalition in Canada, said four decades of research have established the importance of breast milk, which provides essential nutrients as well as hormones and antibodies that protect newborns against infectious disease. A 2016 Lancet study found that universal breast-feeding would prevent 800,000 child deaths a year across the globe and yield $300 billion in savings from reduced health care costs and improved economic outcomes for those reared on breast milk. Scientists are loath to carry out double-blind studies that would provide one group with breast milk and another with breast milk substitutes. “This kind of ‘evidence-based’ research would be ethically and morally unacceptable,” Ms. Sterken said. Abbott Laboratories, the Chicago-based company that is one of the biggest players in the $70 billion baby food market, declined to comment. Nestlé, the Switzerland-based food giant with significant operations in the United States, sought to distance itself from the threats against Ecuador and said the company would continue to support the international code on the marketing of breast milk substitutes, which calls on governments to regulate the inappropriate promotion of such products and to encourage breast-feeding. In addition to the trade threats, Todd C. Chapman, the United States ambassador to Ecuador, suggested in meetings with officials in Quito, the Ecuadorean capital, that the Trump administration might also retaliate by withdrawing the military assistance it has been providing in northern Ecuador, a region wracked by violence spilling across the border from Colombia, according to an Ecuadorean government official who took part in the meeting. The United States embassy in Quito declined to make Mr. Chapman available for an interview. “We were shocked because we didn’t understand how such a small matter like breast-feeding could provoke such a dramatic response,” said the Ecuadorean official, who asked not to be identified because she was afraid of losing her job. Source: – The New York Timte
  11. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethio­pian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed traveled Sunday to Eritrea, once a bitter rival, for an unprecedented summit with its longtime leader, Isaias Afwerki. State Eritrean television showed an Ethio­pian Airlines plane landing at the sparse airport in the Eritrean capital of Asmara, where a brass band was drawn up to greet the prime minister for the first such visit in two decades. The two Horn of Africa neighbors have been sworn enemies for the past 20 years since fighting a brutal ground war from 1998 to 2000 that saw at least 70,000 killed. In the intervening years, the two sides have clashed repeatedly and supported rival rebel movements. Abiy was greeted by Isaias himself at the airport and they strode past the uniformed band and honor guard, occasionally smiling and laughing together — a marked contrast to the Eritrean president’s normally stone faced public appearances. The two men were welcomed by women in traditional dress waving palm fronds as well as rows of officials before they retired to the airport VIP lounge and sat beneath portraits of themselves sipping juice. Before departing from the airport, Abiy waded into the crowd of welcoming women and exchanged hugs. As the convoy of vehicles carrying Abiy passed through downtown Asmara, crowds lined the street and cheered loudly, spilling into the road and slowing the cars to a crawl. The change in relations between the two countries has stunned observers. For the first time in decades, Ethio­pian flags adorned the streets of Asmara and other cities in preparation for Abiy’s visit, according to photos tweeted by Natalie Brown, the U.S. chief of mission in Asmara. The rumored visit was confirmed by Abiy’s chief of staff, Fitsum Arega, on Sunday morning. “Abiy Ahmed has left to Eritrea, Asmara today to further deepen efforts to bring about lasting peace between the people of Ethiopia & Eritrea,” he tweeted. “Our two nations share a history & bond like no other. We can now overcome two decades of mistrust and move in a new direction.” Nearly 30 years ago, the future leaders of the two countries were comrades in the struggle against Ethiopia’s communist dictatorship. But after its overthrow and Eritrea’s declaration of independence, relations soured despite close cultural and linguistic ties. Ethi­o­pia’s new reformist prime minister, Abiy, broke the deadlock between the two countries on June 5 by accepting the 2000 peace agreement that ended the war, which would involve ceding territory still held by Ethi­o­pia. Events moved quickly after that, with Isaias accepting the overtures as a “positive” move and sending a delegation led by his foreign minister to Addis Ababa a week later. Now there has been talk of reopening long-closed air links between the two countries this year. The summit will probably involve negotiations on how to begin the complex process of returning territories to each other and separating populations as well as restoring ties. Under Abiy, Ethi­o­pia appears to be embarking on a new path of reform, but Eritrea has been characterized as one of the most authoritarian states in Africa. For much of the last 20 years, Eritrea has been focused on its conflict with Ethi­o­pia with substantial spending on its military and indefinite mandtory military service that has sent hundreds of thousands Eritreans seeking to immigrate to Europe. The meeting “heralds a new era of peace & cooperation,” Eritrean Information Minister Yemane Meskel tweeted Sunday. In interviews broadcast live on Eritrean state television interviewed, people praised the visit and welcomed peace between the two countries. “Peace is everything,” said an elderly man wearing a turban and sunglasses. Source: – Washington Post
  12. The United Kingdom has come to the rescue of African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom), donating 49 pieces of heavy equipment worth $7.4 million to help in clearing the main supply routes in the war-torn country. Amisom Force Commander Lt Gen Jim Owoyesigire received the equipment which includes tractor trucks, bulldozers, backhoe and front end loaders, forklifts and module dump tippers, to be used by the contingents from Uganda, Kenya and Burundi. The machinery will also be deployed in the mission enabling unit, which is based in Mogadishu. While handing over the equipment, the United Kingdom ambassador to Somalia, David Concar, said his government is committed to supporting Amisom in its efforts to stabilise Somalia. “What we are doing today, transferring 5.6 millions pounds worth of equipment is, we hope, going to make a difference to the ability of Amisom to clear roads and supply routes and to press ahead with stabilising Somalia,” said Mr Concar. The mission, which is implementing the transition plan to hand over the full security mandate to local security agencies, however, remains starved of equipment to deploy in airborne combat. The Force Commander said the equipment will come in handy as the 21,000 strong Amisom force tries to push Al Shabaab from the key areas that the Somali terrorist group still occupies. Air assets However, Amisom commanders and leaders of the five combat troop contributing countries – Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti – have long decried the mission’s lack of airborne force multipliers – military jargon for equipment like combat helicopters. “Amisom doesn’t have air assets and it’s one of the biggest challenges for the mission,” said a source who spoke to The EastAfrican off the record. Moreover, even for the recently donated ground-based non-combat equipment, the Ethiopian, Djiboutian and a multinational force of Amisom did not receive any, despite operating in areas like Jubbaland, which officials and intelligence reports reveal has the biggest Al Shabaab presence. Despite being over run by Al Shabaab, it is not clear why the multinational force deployed in parts of Jubbaland — and indeed the Ethiopian and Djiboutian contingents — did not receive any equipment to enable them to clear supply routes. But sources at the mission said that the donations by different countries that support the mission are made to all sector commanders dependent on their needs as assessed by the commanders. Due to bad roads and floods cutting off some supply routes, delivery of reinforcement troops and supplies to these areas often attracts attacks by ambush and improvised explosive devices mounted by Al Shabaab. In May, the Commander of the Ugandan contingent Brig Gen Paul Lokech told journalists in Mogadishu that the mission was keen to overcome this challenge, and was exploring water and air transport as options to deliver supplies to distant bases. But the reality is that Amisom remains starved of air assets both for combat and delivery of troops and supplies. UN’s contributions The United Nations-backed peacekeeping force uses equipment — ammunition and other military hardware — that is owned by each of the contingents, and replaced by the UN when it is destroyed on mission. But this is not always straightforward; Uganda, for instance, burnt its fingers in 2012 when three of its four helicopters crashed on Mount Kenya enroute to Somalia as force multipliers to support the mission. They have never been replaced. Uganda contingent commander Brig Gen Lokech received 14 of the machines donated by the UK and pledged to use the equipment to make the transition process a success. “We know with this equipment, we can improve our operations capability and it will also help us, jointly with the Somalis to meet the requirement of phase one of our transition,” Brig Lokech said. The Kenyan and Burundian contingents of Amisom received 12 machines each, while the Mogadishu-based mission enabling unit got 11. At the beginning of last month, the UK government — which supports Amisom in training in logistics, medical and heavy engineering capabilities, among other things —also donated 30 night vision goggles and 600 protective glasses to the peacekeeping force, to support night activities on the front line. Last year, the UN Security Council approved the gradual reduction of Amisom troops and transfer of security responsibilities to the Somali National Army and other security forces. Amisom landed the first boots on Somali land in 2007, and the force currently controls over 80 per cent of the country, but still faces a resilient from the fighters. Source: The EastAfrican
  13. The recent reports that Amhara regional state leaders and people have “the rejected the federal system” must be a wake-up call for Ethiopians. The response of the Ethiopian Federal Government to this trend is laudable, not a weak response to forces bent on reviving feudalism or ethnic supremacy in Ethiopia. When EPRD came to power in May 1991 it had persuaded its alliance of opposition groups to pragmatically adopt ethnic federalism for Ethiopia. This choice was partly based on bitter political experience under Emperor Haile Selassie and Mengistu Haile Mariam — one was a feudal monarch who justified his reign scripturally; the other was a brutal dictatorship, who in his last year in power described the opposition as “fundamentalists”. Both regimes had one thing in common: their policies caused famines in Ethiopia several times. Contrary to the accusation that EPRDF honed ethnic identities at the expense of the national identity of Ethiopians, Ethiopia adopted a developmental state not on a whim but by fusing national political experience under successive regimes, and theoretical postulations based on the experience of other nations that embarked on developmental state journey before the phrase became fashionable in the academia. The phenomenal economic growth in Ethiopia enabled many citizens to improve their living standards. Economic policies of Ethiopia under EPRD are not perfect; they can be improved on the basis of empirical studies, not knee-jerk reaction. Paying attention to the country’s recent economic history will serve EPRDF under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed well. In Globalization and Its Discontents, the Nobel Laureate, Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz of Columbia University, shares the story about the challenge the late Meles Zenawi faced as a result of IMF pressure to open up “financial markets to Western competition but also to divide its largest bank into several pieces.” . There may be wealth creation opportunities in privatisation but for a country recovering from break-up ( Eritrea seceded from Ethiopia in 1993) and a long civil war, development agenda for a multi-ethnic society demands of leaders to tread carefully without resorting to failed statist policies. The economic growth Ethiopia has registered since 1991 is viewed by many analysts as a vindication of the ruling party’s economic deliberations. When Professor Stiglitz visited Ethiopia in 1997 per capita income of the country was US$ 110. According to the World Bank Ethiopia’s per capita income is $783. “Ethiopia’s government aims to reach lower-middle-income status by 2025.” Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed faces two challenges: economic and political. The economic challenge is less about changing EPRDF economic policies but more about the urge to dilute the developmental state. There is no a guarantee that diluting developmental state policies will yield any positive results without bringing into existence rent-seeking elites Meles Zenawi feared might hijack the State for personal enrichment. Abiy Ahmed in pensive mood Ethnic violence poses more of a threat to the Ethiopian polity than economic challenges do. Through ethnic federalism EPRDF introduced elections that made it win more than 90% of votes. Pronounced ethnic identities of Amharas and Oromos will test the resolve of Abiy Ahmed. Their campaigning for reform risk being viewed as a plot to reap the benefit of demographic advantage to rule Ethiopia, particularly when demonstrators target Ethiopians from other ethnic groups . Politics based on ethnic identities cannot be a foundation for state-building in a country with a history political oppression and ethnic supremacy of one group over others. Politicised ethnic identities trump citizenship rights. How Abiy Ahmed handles those contradictions will determine the direction Ethiopia will take in the coming months and years. Abiy Ahmed should not break with the EPRDF tradition of discussing policies. Ensuring harmony of ethnicities and promoting equality are corner-stones of a modern state. More than anything else Abiy Ahmed should keep in mind that the onus to propose changes also lies with the forces advocating change. Advocating abolition of the federal system or waving Derg flag shows that pro-reform camp lacks the vision to move Ethiopia forward. Ethiopia needs a national conversation about deepening citizen rights and preventing ethnicity-driven civil war. The release of prisoners and the lilting of terrorist designation on OLF, ONLF and Ginbot 7 presents with Ethiopia’s pro-reform elites with an opportunity to craft policies that will build on positive aspects of EPRDF government and address shortcomings of the party that has been ruling Ethiopia since 1991. Liban Ahmad The post Ethnic Hostilities Test Abiy Ahmed’s Resolve and Vision appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. Four of 12 Thai schoolboys were rescued from a flooded cave on Sunday as divers launched a daring and dangerous mission to free the children and their soccer coach who have been trapped underground for more than two weeks, officials said. Source: Hiiraan Online
  15. A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. At least four boys have been brought above ground, rescuers say, although local media have put it at six. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. The United Kingdom has come to the rescue of African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom), donating 49 pieces of heavy equipment worth $7.4 million to help in clearing the main supply routes in the war-torn country. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wasiirkii hore ee Amniga ee Xukuumaddii hore C/risaaq Cumar Maxamed ahna Xildhibaan ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay in isla xisaabtan uu yimaado, sida ay ku suura gashay weerarkii shalay lagu qaaday xarunta Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga ee Otto Otto. Xildhibaan C/risaaq Cumar ayaa su’aal ka keenay in iyadoo magaalada jidadkeeda la soo xiray, isla markaana ciidamo badan la dhigay waddooyinka sida ay ku soo mareen baabuur qarax iyo rag hubeysan oo ay ku tageen meelihii amniga halbowlaha u aheyd. “Tani waxay cadeyneysa inaysan wax macno ah lahayn jid la xiro iyo in dadka isu socodkooda la xayiro” ayuu yiri Wasiirkii hore ee Amniga oo soo jeediyay in baaritaan lagu sameeyo wixii shalay ka dhacay Muqdisho oo aan laga aamusin, isla markaana ay cid mas’uuliyadeeda qaadato. “Dhibaatada Soomaalida heysata waxba dhacaya lama baarayo, lagamana daba tagayo, qof kasta in Mas’uuliyadiisa in la saaro loo baahan yahay, intaas meel ayay soo mareen in meesha amniga halbowlaha aheyd in la weeraro waa in cid mas’uuliyadeeda qaadataa..” ayuu yiri C/risaaq Cumar Maxamed oo ka mida xildhibaannada ku kacsan dowladda ay hoggaamiyaan madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Ra’iisal wasaare Kheyre. Wuxuu sharci darro ku tilmaamay jiritaanka ciidamada Xasilinta, isagoo sheegay inay dhibaatooyin ay u geysteen dadka shacabka ah, wuxuuna si cad u sheegay in ciidamada xasilinta aan la ogeyn cidda u taliso iyo cid looga dacwoodo, wax sharci ahna aysan ku dhisneyn. Xildhibaan C/rasaaq Cumar Maxamed ayaa ku dooday in maalmihii lasoo dhaafay Muqdisho ay qaraxyadu ka yaraadeen taasina aysan ku imaan waddooyin la xiray iyo ciidamo la keenay magaalada balse ay ku timid taliska Mareykanka ee ARFICOM oo kordhiyey duqeymaha dhinaca cirka ah ee talisku ka geysanayo saldhigyada Shabaabka. Weerarkii shalay ka dhacay xarunta Otto Otto ayaa waxaa isugu jiray qaraxyo iyo mid toos ah, kaasoo ay ku dhinteen dad ka badan 10 ruux, halka tiro intaas ka badan ku dhaawacmeen, waxaana mas’uuliyadda weerarkaas sheegatay Al-Shabaab. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  19. Deegaanka Tukaraq ee Gobolka Sool waxaa maanta soo gaarey wafti uu hogaaminayo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka Somaliland, waxaana ka mid ahaa waftigiisa Prof Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo ka mid ah aqoonyahanada caanka ee dalka Soomaaliya Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo warbaahinta kula hadlay Aaga difaaca ciidanka Somaliland ayaa ku baaqay nabad, wallow uu sheegay inay labo qaran ama dal yihiin Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya,iyadoona hadalkiisu tilmaam cad ka bixinayo isbedel mowqif oo ku yimid Prof Samatar oo 2012-kii ka mid ahaa musharaxiintii ku tartamay madaxtinimada dalka gaar ahaan kursiga Madaxweynaha doorashadii uu ku guulaystey Madaxweynihii horre ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud. Deegaanka Tukaraq weli waxaa isku horfadhiya ciidamo farabadan oo kala taabacsan Puntland iyo Somaliland,waxaana xilli kasta laga dhex filan karaa labada dhinac dagaal ka dhexqarxa madaama aysan muuqan waanwaan xoog leh oo loogu jiro heshiisiinta Somaliland iyo Puntland. Daawo. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Prof Samatar “Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland waa labo dal labo qaran” appeared first on Puntland Post.
  20. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka, C/casiis Ibraahim Cali [Xildhibaan] ayaa weerar afka ku Qaaday Madaxda Dowladda iyo Xukuumadda Federaalka Somalia, isagoo su’aal ka keenay sababta ay ku suura gashay in gaari qarax ah uu soo gudbo goob qad cagaaran ah. Mudane Xildhibaan ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay in isla xisaabtan dhab uu yimaado, balse isla xisaabtanka aanu noqon mid afka ah. “Sidee suuro-gal ku noqotay in shalay Qarax uu dhaco, sidee Baabuurka uu ku yimid meeshaiyadoo magaalada qad-cagaaran uu ka jiro, ma arkin hoggaamiye fuliya balan-qaadka shacabka, hadana maalin kasta aad u sacbisaan,” ayuu yiri C/casiis Xildhibaan. Afhayeenka ayaa hadalkiisa ku daray in mar walba la doorto Madax tuugo ah oo boorso wadata oo ka adeeganeysa shacabka, isla markaana aanay jirin qof isku casilaya xil uu gudan waayay. Dhanka kale, Afhayeenka ayaa sheegay in kooxda Al-shabaab ay dhibaato ku hayso shacabka Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana ay mar magaalada ka fuliyaan weerarro ay dhiig badan ku daadiiyaan. Ugu dambeyn, Weerarkii ismiidaaminta iyo tooska isugu jiray ee ay Kooxda Al-shabaab shalay ka geysteen Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ku dhintay in ku dhaw 20-qof, iyadoo ay ku dhaawacmeen tiro kale oo aad u fara badan. Haddaba, halkan hoose ka DAAWO hadalka Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka DF; PUNTLAND POST The post Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka oo Weerar afka ku qaaday Madaxda Dowladda appeared first on Puntland Post.
  21. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuummadda Somaila, Xasan Cali Khayre oo maanta kormeer hawleed ku tegay wasaaradda Maaliyadda ayaa kulan la qaatay wasiir Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Bayle oo uu kala hadlay dar-dar gelinta shaqada wasaaradda iyo qorshaha kobcinta dhaqaalaha dalka. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Somalia, Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale Beyle ayaa intii kulanku socday waxa uu Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre uga warbixiyay horumarka ballaaran ee dhanka maaliyadda laga gaaray iyo meesha ay marayaan arrimaha cafinta deymaha lagu leeyahay Soomaaliya. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa wasiirka faray in uu laba jibbaaro dadaalka ay wado ee qorshaha cafinta deymaha lagu leeyahay dalka si loo xaqiijiyo hadafka guud ee ah Soomaaliya in ay dhaqaalaha ka gaarto horumar la taaban karo. Kormeerka ayaa qeyb ka ahaa howlaha kor-joogteynta ee Ra’iisul wasaaruhu kula socdo shaqooyinka wasaaradaha xukuumadda iyo hey’adaha kale ee dawladda, qorshahaas oo ku salaysan isla xisaabtan, hufnaan iyo daah-furnaan, si mar walba loola socdo hadba horumarrada la gaaray iyo dar-dar gelinta howlaha hor-tebinta leh ee wasaaradaha iyo hay’adaha dawladda u yaalla. Ugu dambeyn, Cafinta deynta waxa ay Soomaaliya u horseedaysaa horumar dhan walba ah iyo maal-gelin ay dalka ku samaystaan dalalka adduunka taas oo soo kordhinaysa shaqo abuur iyo in laga dhabeeyo himilada ummadda Soomaaliyeed. PUNTLAND POST The post Kulan Xasaasi ah oo Muqdisho ku dhex-maray RW Khayre iyo Wasiirka Maaliyadda Somalia appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. Somaliland’s retired and well known professor, Hon. Ahmed Ismail Samatar visits defense forces stationed in the front lines in Tuka Raq today. The professor is accompanied by government officials handed over to Somaliland defense forces 50 livestock. This is the first visit that the professor embarked to defense forces in the front lines and is also expected to pay visit to other parts of Sool region. Tuka Raq is the is point of contention between Somaliland and Puntland. The two armies are stationed in their bases and there is a high possibility that a fight may erupt any time.
  23. HARGEISA–A high level delegation mainly from Somaliland’s religious leaders have left today for El Afweyn in order to bring an end to the protracted inter-clan fighting that has been raging in the town for quite some time where many people were killed with no clear motive. More than 100 intellectuals from Somaliland and from all walks of life are in the delegation. Prominent local imams in Somaliland including the Sheikh Mohamed Omar Dirir, Sheikh Mohamed Ali Gadhle Sheikh Mohamud Sufu Mohamud and Sheikh Abdilahi Sheikh Ali Jawhar are part of the high powered delegates. Somaliland government officials are also in the delegation headed by the home affairs minister, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed. The incumbent president Hon. Musa Bihi Abdi announced recently that a delegation from all Somaliland sects are tasked to resolve the ethnic clashes and said that they will leave for the town of El Afweyn in a bid to end the hostilities between the two brotherly clans that are fighting in the town. Somaliland VP His Excellency Abdirahman Sayli’i is off to El Afweyn in order to be part and parcel of the delegation tasked to find the long standing animosity to an end once and for all.
  24. Poets, writers and bloggers have recently been on the receiving end of political crackdowns in the self-declared independent state of Somaliland. Surges often occur around elections, and most recently due to assertive nationalist rhetoric ramped up by Somaliland and Somalia and regional insecurity. Source: Hiiraan Online
  25. There is empirical evidence which indicates that the few tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic machines that have been installed in Somaliland, particularly the Genexpert Machines, are not operating to their full capacity. The average ratio of GeneXpert machine to the population is one machine serving a population of over 700,000 people and in some areas it is one machine serving a population of over 800,000 people. Findings of an empirical study indicate that GeneXpert machines in Somaliland do not operate to full capacity due to long periods of downtime which are occasioned by machine breakdowns because of erratic service and maintenance schedules; and or due to the absence of the necessary utilities, such as electricity, and supplies, such as cartridges, that are required in order for the machines to function. A major reason why erratic service and maintenance of machines occurs and why the insufficient provision of supplies has to do with insufficient funding provided for TB healthcare services. According to the Ministry of Health (MOH): Although 72% of households in Somaliland live within thirty kilometres from a health facility, utilisation is limited due to poor infrastructure, inadequate medicines and other health supplies, the shortage and low motivation of human resources. Somalilands travel long distances seeking TB /HIV diagnostic services because most of the lower level health facilities – health centre Is, health centre IIs and health centre IIIs – are equipped, if at all, with obsolete light microscopes used to diagnose TB by the smear microscopy technique. The first national TB Survey that was conducted by MOH in 2015, moreover, found that: Smear microscopy, the main TB diagnostic test in the country, misses about 60% of the cases. A finding which led the MOH to conclude that: There is a need to update the country’s TB /HIV screening and diagnostic algorithms. It is doubtful that the MOH in 2017, two years after the national TB Survey was conducted, has achieved significant change in upgrading TB diagnostic machines at lower level health facilities. It is highly likely that TB/HIV machines in Somaliland are not fully utilised and worse still they remain too few for a country with such a high TB burden. By Hussein Abdi Rageh Email: Husseinrageh0@gmail/ Phone NO: 252 63 4757880