Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xajku waa rukniga shanaad oo ay diinta Islaamku ku dhisan tahay waxaana uu waajib ku yahay qof walba oo Muslim ah ee awooda, sidaan wada ognahay boqlaal qof oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa sanad walba u diyaar garowday iney xajiyaan waxaana waqtigoodii sii dhaafinaya muran iyo isjiid jiid ay hormuud u tahay xukuumadda Ra’isul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre. Waligeed kama dhicin Soomaaliya oo dowlad ka dhisantahay in Xujeyda Soomaaliyeed waqtigan oo kale aan loo soo saarin dal ku galka ama fiisaha Xajka, waxaana sabab u ah saddex shirkadood oo si aan sharci aheyn loogu daray nidaamkii xujeyda Soomaaliyeed loogu fududeyn jiray iney ka dhoofaan Soomaaliya si ay u xajiyaan, waana shirkado la ogaaday iney xukuumadda ka dambeyso. Shirkadaha lagu kala magacaabo Ocean, Freedom iyo African Expreess ayaa lagu soo biiriyay shirkadaha Jubba iyo Daallo oo howlaha Xujeyda ku guda jiray in muddo ah, waxaana ka hor yimid dowladda Sacuudiga oo sheegtay in aysan hadda qaabili karin shirkadahan cusub maadama la joogo waqtigii ay dhoofi lahaayeen xujeyda. Dowladda Soomaaliya wali go’aan cad kama aysan qaadan arimaha xajka ee taagan oo looga fadhiyay in ay maareyso maadaama boqolaal qof oo Soomaaliyeed sanad waliba xajiyaan, waxeyna u muuqataa in Xukuumadda ganacsi gaar ah ka leedahay saddexdan shirkadood ee la soo kordhiyay ee sababay dib u dhaca iyo tuhunka ah in aan Soomaaliya xaj laga aadin sanadkan. Marka la eego danaha gaarka ah ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya waxa uu ujeedkeedu yahay in sanadkan in shirkadaha ay wadato lagu daro ama xajka la baajiyo, maadama laga rabay in shirkadaha cusub ay ku wargeliso in sacuudiga uu diiday heshiiska shirkado cusub oo Soomaaliya ka imanaya, waxaana si dar dar leh u socon lahaa howlaha xajka hadii loo dhaafi lahaa Jubba iyo Daallo oo shirkadaha cusub lagu soo biiriyay. Guddiga Garsoorka, Awqaafta Iyo Arrimaha Diinta ee golaha shacabka baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa qoraal ay soo saareen waxa ay ku sheegeen in shirkado aan awood u lahayn in xajka ay u qaadaan dadka sidoo kalena ogolaansho ka haysan dowladda Sacuudiga in qeyb laga siiyey daabulista dadka aadaya xajka, taas oo u guddigu sheegay in xukuumadda ka dambeyso iyadoo aan eegin nidaamka iyo habmaamulka u dagsan dowladda Sacuudiga. Eex, qaraabakiil iyo musuq maasuq ayey guddigu sheegeen in shirkadahan loogu soo daray liiska oo laga rabay xukuumadda in shirkadaha duulimaadyada ay u qabato tartan furan kuwooda daneenaya arimaha xajka iney ka shaqeeyaan. Xildhibaan Cabdullahi Maxmaed Nuur oo katirsan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in wax lala yaabo ay tahay in acmaashii waajibka ahayd ee xajka loo qal-qal geliyo raali gelinta shaqsiyaad iyo shirkado gaar ah, waxaana la ogyahay in Wasiirki labaad arrimahani dartood shaqada looga ceyriyay, sidoo kale saarkiil kale shaqada looga fadhiisiyay, taa oo banaanka keentay fadeexada musuq maasuq ee Ra’isul Wasaare Kheyre. Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ku sugan Muwaadiniin Soomaaliyeed oo isu soo diyaariyay gudashada Acmaasha Xajka ee sanadkan, waxayna ka kala yimaadeen goballada dalka, balse waxaa nasiib darro ah inay Xukuumadda uu hoggaamiyo Xasan Cali Kheyre ummaddii gelisay jahawareer ah inay garan waayeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed meel ay u doontaan Visihi Xajka iyo cid ay kala macaamilaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  2. Isku daygii fashilinta xisbiga wadaniga/islaamiga ah ee xisbu nahdaha Tunis, taageeradii Xariiri, iskudaygii fashilinta Erdogan iyo Mahater kadib imaaraatka iyo Sucuudigu waxaa diiradda usaaran doorashada Soomaaliya ee 2020-ka. Dalalka Malaysia, Lubnaan, Turkiga, iyo Tunis doorooshooyinkii ugu danbeeyay ee ka dhacay waxaa jiray faragalin ay malaayiin doolar Ku baxday oo ay wadeen Imaaraatka iyo Sucuudiga, inkastoo uu fashilmay isku daygooda. hadana wuxuu ahaa iskudayo khatartooda leh oo ayba qaarkood Ku dhawaadeen in ay suurta galaan. Sida qorshuhu yahay doorashada 2020-ka ee soo socota, Imaaraatka iyo Sucuudigu waxay damacsanyihiin abuurista xisbi ay Ku midaysanyihiin madaxda maamul goboleedyada, xisbiyada daljir&damuljadiid, iyo siyaasiyiinta taageersan aragtidooda, ayadoo lagu maalgalinayo dhaqaale xaddhaaf ah. Inksatoo Imaaraatka iyo Sucuudigu damacoodu uu aad khattar uyahay hadana wada shaqaynta MD farmaajo iyo RW kheyre iyo taageerada ay shacabka ka haystaan markii la isku daro waxay uegtahay in uu fashilmi doono damaca Imaaraatka iyo xulufadooda Sucuudiga. sida ay ugu fashilmeen doorashooyinkii Lubnaan, Tuunis, Turkiga iyo Malaysia. Dardargalinta iyo dajinta istiraatiijiyada uu Ku fuli lahaa mashruucaas ayaa baryahaanba si xawli ah uga Socday magaalada Nairobi ayyadoo halkaas ay isugu tageen Siyaasiyiin farabadan oo kakala socda garabyo siyaadeed ookala duwan. W/Q: Sacad Cabduqadir Awmagan.
  3. Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Dalka Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa si cad u sheegay halka ay ka quransan tahay Soomaaliya, waxaana uu tilmaamay in is aaminaad la’aan ka dhex jirta ay meesha ka saartay in nabad ay helaan dadka Soomaaliyeed, taa oo sahli kartay in la soo afjaro dhibaatada ragaadisay dalka. Waxa uu hadalkan la wadaagay Thomas Waldhauser oo ah taliyaha howlgalka Mareykanka u qaabilsan qaaradda Africa (AFRICOM), isagoo xusay in uu sii xumaanayo xeriirka u dhaxeeya dowladda Federalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo maamul goboleedyada dalka, waxaana u muujiyay walaac xoogan oo arintani uu ka qabo, taa oo god dheer ku tuureysa rajada ah in Soomaaliya nabad iyo xasilooni hesho, isagoo xusay in colaada iyo kala qeybsanaanta Soomaalida iney ugu wacan tahay is aaminaad la’aan ka dhex jirta dadka iyo Madaxda Soomaaliyeed. Sidoo kale Mr Waldhauser oo ah Taliyaha ciidamada Mareykanka ee Qaaradda Africa ayaa sheegay in xasilooni darrada Soomaaliya ay sii hurinayaan dalaka carbeed oo iyago xeriiro kala duwan la leh, dowladda Federalka Iyo Madaxda Maamulada kale ee dalka ka jira. Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa Soomaaliya ka dalbaday in ay joogto booskeeda dhex dhexaadnimada ee arimaha khalej-ka carabta oo saameyn dhan walbo ah ku yeelan kara Soomaaliya. Thomas Waldhauser iyo Uhuru Kenyatta oo Ciidamadoodu ka joogaan Soomaaliya waxa ay sheegeen in ay sii wadi doonaan taageerada ay siiyaan, laakiin waxa farta ku fiiqeen in arintu adagtahay hadii Soomaalidu dhexdeeda wadajir aheyn. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  4. Abu Dhabi (Caasimada Online) – Wasiiru dawlaha arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta, Dr. Anwar Bin Muxammed Qarqaash ayaa caddeeyey in Imaaraadka Carabta xidhiidhadiisa Geeska Afrika ay yihiin kuwo togan oo uu maamuus iyo ixtiraam ku kasbaday. Xidhiidhada uu wasiir Anwar Qarqaash sheegay in uu dalkiisu ku noqday jaal la xurmeeyo, ayaa waxaa ka mid ah maalgashiga ay dawladda Imaaraadka Carabtu ka samaysay dekedda Berbera. Waxa uu wasiirku sheegay in la macaamilka gobalka Geeska Afrika ay tahay arrin khatarteeda iyo fursadaheedu isbarbar yaallaan, laakiin muhiimadda uu gobalkani u leeyahay dunida Carabtu ay qasab ka dhigayso in ay xidhiidh fiican iyo la macaamil togan la yeelato. Waxa kale oo uu wasiirku si dadban u iftiimiyey kaalinta ay dawladdiisu ku lahayd isu soo dhowaanshiyaha dalalka Ereteriya iyo Itoobiya oo muddo labaatan sano ah colaad dhiig badani ku daatay u dhexeysay. Wasiirka oo hadalladan ku faafiyey barta uu ku leeyahay shabakadda bulshadu ku xidhiidho ee Twitter ka oo uu si aad ah wararkiisa ugu faafiyo, ayaa waxa uu ugu horreyn ka hadlaya arrinta khatarta iyo fursadaha is-barbar yaalla uu ku sheegay ee gobalka Geeska Afrika, isaga oo qoray, “Dabcan, xidhiidh siyaasi ah oo lala yeesho Geeska Afrika waxaa ku ladhan khataro iyo fursado is barkan. Laakiin ku xidhnaanta gobalkani waxa ay lagama maarmaan u tahay amniga iyo horumarka dunideenna carabta” Wasiir Qarqaash waxa uu intaas ku sii daray, “Siyaasadda Imaaraadka ee ku dhisan macaamil waqti dheer ah oo xaqiiqada ku fadhiya ayaa maamuus iyo ixtiraam ka kasbaday gobalka Geeska iyo dunidaba” Wasiir Qarqaash oo weli soo wada qoraalladiisa uu arrimahan kaga hadlayo ayaa mar kale qoray, “Shaqo adag oo aan sannado badan ku taageeraynay xasiloonida, la dagaalanka argagaxisada, iyo budhcad badeedda Soomaaliya, iyo dadaallo horumarineed oo aanu ka geysannay Jabbuuti iyo Somaliland, iyo sida oo kale xidhiidhka siyaasiga ah ee aanu ka dhex samaynay Itoobiya iyo Ereteriya, waxa uu imaaraadku ku kasbaday in uu noqdo saaxiib laga qaddariyo Geeska Afrika, hormuudna ka ah, joogitaanka Carbeed ee gobalkan muhiimka ah” Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  5. Washington DC (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa sheegtay inay jari doonto Kaalmadda la siiyo dalalka Afrikaanka ee dagaalka kula jira Kooxaha ay Reer Galbeedka ugu yeeraan Argagixisadda. Tallaabadaasi ayaa la sheegay inay qeyb ka tahay Istaraatijiyadda Difaaca Maraykanka ee cabsida badan uga imaanaya Dowladaha Raashiya iyo Shiinaha. Milliteriga Maraykanka ee ka jooga Qaaradda Afrika ayaa la kordhiyey, kadib, markii Askartooda joogta dalalka Somalia iyo Nayjar la kulmeen weeraro lagu dilay 6 Askar tan iyo bilowgii sannadkii hore ee 2017-kii. Maamulka Madaxweyne Donald Trump waxa la filayaa inuu ibedel lagu sameeyo Istaraatijiyadda cusub ee Difaaca Maraykanka, iyadoo la dhimayo Taageeradda Dhaqaale ee Hawlgalladda Maraykanka ee dagaalka ka dhanka ah Kooxaha ay ugu yeeraan Argagixisadda ee ku sugan dalal ku yaalla Qaaradda Afrika. Miisaaniyadda Hawlgalladda Milliteriga Maraykanka ka wadaan dalalka ka hooseeya Lama-degaanka Afrika ayuuna saamaynayaa Dhimistaasi, iyadoo miisaaniyad-sannadeedkii 2015-kii ilaa 2018-ka ay Dowladda Maraykanka ku kharaj gareynayso 954 million oo Dollar Hawlgalladda ay ka wadaan dalka Somalia iyo dalalka ka hosoeeya Lama-degaanka Afrika. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Minneapolis
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha dalka Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki ayaa lagu wadaa in maalinta sabtida ah uu booqdo magaalada Addis ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia. Isaias Afwerki, oo muddo dheer heysta xilka ayaa booqashadii ugu danbeysay ee uu ku tago dalka Ethiopia aheyd sannadkii1996-kii. Sida ay qortay wakaalada AP booqashada Madaxweyne Isaias Afwerki uu ku tagi doono dalka Ethiopia ayaa noqoneysa tallaabadii ugu dambeysay ee dadaalka Diplomaasiyadeed ee lagu hagaajinayo Xiriirka labadaasi dal. Yemane Gebremeskel oo ah Wasiirka Warfaafinta dalka Eritrea, ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka ku qoray in Madaxweyne Isaias Afwerki uu booqasho ku tegayo dalka Ethiopia. Asbuucii tagay ayey aheyd markii Ra’isul wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Axmed uu booqasho maalmo qaatay ku tagay Caasimadda dalka Eritrea ee Asmara. Dhinaca kale, Booqashooyinka ay is dhaafsanayaan labada dal ayaa albaabada u furtay Xiriirka Diplomasiyadeed oo labadaasi dal oo uu horey u dhex maray dagaal socday muddo 2 sanno, kuna geeriyoodeen 80,000 oo qof . Source: AP Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Puntland waxa oogu horeeya oo dadku isweydiyaa waa: Maxaa Tukaraq ka Cusub? Doorashada Baarlamanka waa goorma? Wey kudarsanayaan baan maqlay? Dakada Bossaso goormaa dhismaheedu bilaabmi? Hadaba qormadani waxaan jeclahay inaan mid mid udul istaago, sualahan reer Puntland maskaxdooda mashquuliyay, kuna abuurtay dareen aan xasilneen iyo mustaqbal mad madow leh. Maxaa Tukaraq ka Cusub? Walow mudo degaankani ay kuwada sugnayeen Somaliland iyo Puntland ciidamadooda, balse xasarada cusubi waxay timi markii ciidamada Somaliland ay kasoo durqeen masafo yar halkii horey ay ujoogeen. Iyadoo taas ay jirto ayaa madaxweynaha cusub ee Somaliland uu dhaar, hanjabaad iyo aflagaato kula kacay dadka dagaanka iyo Puntland, taas oo abuurtay caro aanan lamaleysaneyn heerkeedu halkii uu gaaray. Waxa xigay dagalo is xigay oo labo mar kudhexmaray labada ciidan isla aaga taas oo ay kadhalatay geeri iyo xamaasad dagaal oo sii laba kacleysay. Intaa wixii kadanbeeyay hub urursi, calaf iyo ciidan lagu daabuleeyo aagaga dagaalka ayeey labada garaba wadeen. Xagga Puntland waji cusub ayuu yeeshay abaabulka dagaalka. Dagaalka ayaa noqday mid beelo beelo loogu biiro, beel walbana hub, ciidan iyo calaf ayeey keeysay jiida dagaalka. Dowlada Puntland oo markii hore fursado badan ka arkeysay dagaalkan ayaa hada umuuqata mid taladiisa iyo abaabulkiisa lala yeeshay. Puntland ma aysan yeelay ciidan habeysan tan iyo markii la aas aasay. Marka laga tago guutooyin ay ajaanib tababartay oo taladooda ka go’da qolada kacanta kuheysa. Ciidamada Puntland ee darawiish loogu yeero, waxay udhisan yihiin qaab beeleedyo, inta badan guuto kasta iyo horjoogahoda waa iskubeel. Walow 70% miisaniyada Puntland ay kuqoran tahay in ay kubaxdo ciidamada iyo amniga balse xaqiiqdii lama yaqaan tirada rasmiga ee cidanka daraawiishta. Labadii maamul ee Puntland oogu danbeyay wey isku dayeen in lasameeyo ciidamo sumad ciidan leh oo layaqaan tiradooda iyo tayadooda balse waxaa ka horyimi taliyaasha ciidamada oo qandaraas ku heysta; qorida, rusqeynta iyo mushaharka ciidamada iyaga udiwaan gashay. Waxaan is leeyahay ababulka dagaal ee iminka Puntland kasocda wuxuu noqonkaraa fursad ciidamada lagu mideeyo, laguna diwaan galiyo. Doorashada Baarlamanka waa goorma? Wey kudarsanayaan baan maqlay? Waxaa dhow wakhtigii Puntland doorasho kadhici laheyd. Sida caadada noqotay wakhti kasta oo ay Puntland doorasho soo dhowaato waxaa cagaha lala galaa qalalaase siyasadeed. Wadanku malaha maxkamad dastuuri, madaxweyne kasta oo soo mara wuxuu doorashada ku galaa inuu dhisi doono maxkamad dasduuri, doorashada tan kuxigtana noqon doonto mid hal qof iyo hal cod ah. Balse waxoogaa markuu joogo waxaa usoo baxa in sida hada xaalku yahay ay ubadiso isaga (status of quo), markuu wakhtigiisu dhamaad yahayna oogu yaraan halsano ayuu isku dayaa inuu kudarsado. Inkastoo hada 5 sano lamarayo oo ah wakhti aad udheer marka laga hadlayo aduunka oo xawli iyo isbadal badani kasocdo, dadbadani waxayba qabaan in 4 sano lagu noqdo. Baarlamnka hada Jira ee Puntland, in badan waxay rajeynayaan in ay soo noqdaan, sidoo kalena madaxda wadanka oogu sareysa. Waxa jira tiro badan oo musharaxiin baarlamaan iyo madaxweyne oo raba iyagana in ay tartamaan. Qolo walba xisabteeda iyadaa jeebka kuwadata, qolo udhaxeysa kooxahan tartanku kadhaxeeyo majirto oo sharci ku kala saari karta oo aanan aheyn sidii dhaqanku ahaa in la iskula noqodo odey dhaqameydyada. Dadka siyaasiinta kasokow waxaa jira dad daaha ku qarsoon oo iyaguna marwalba masalaxadooda ay ka weyntahay daganaanshaha iyo horumarka Puntland. Madax kasto oo soo marta Puntland waxa jira koox lagu kuunyo in iyagu ay awooda iyo dhaqalaha wadanka iska maamushaan. Alaha unaxariistee wakhtigii Cade iyo Cabdullahi, kooxdaasi waxaa loo yiqiinay CAYAAL BUTAANO. Waxay iskugu jireen rag waxoogaa waaya arag ah oo xukumadii militariga iyo jabhadii SSDF jagooyin kasoo qabtay iyo kuwo qoos ama qaraabo hoose la ahaa labada marxuun. Waxay gacanta kuhayeen dhamaan qandarasyada dowlada iyo hay adahaba. Sida magacoodaba kamuuqata waxa lagu xaman jiray in ay ahayeen rag aad ubalwad badan oo aanan waxba deeqin. Waxaa kuxigay Madaxweyne Faroole wakhtiigiisii kuwa loogu yeeri jiray AARAN JAAN, oo qoys hoose la ahayeen madaxweyne Faroole. Wax khibrad maamul, mid dhaqaale iyo mid aqoon fog ma aysan laheen. Niman handaad iyo cagajugleen badan ayeey ahayeen, oo aad looga cabsan jiray, aadna loo necbaa. Wakhtiigii doorashadii udanbeysay ay soo dhoweyd waxa ay odayga ku cadadiyeen doorasho dhicis noqotay inuu sameeyo oo marna ma aysan rabin inuu xukunka baneeyo. Kuwa hada jooga waxaa loo yaqaan CAYAAL SOCIAL MEDIA. Xaga aqoon xumida, waaayo aragnimo la’aanta, damaca waalan, boobka iyo hanti urursiga waxay kala siman yihiin AARAN JAAN, balse waa dad aad ooga dabacsan xaga dabeecada oonan laheyn cagajugleen iyo cabsigalintii AARAN JAAN lagu yiqiin. Hada waxay usuxul duubayaan sidii madaxweyne GAAS oogu darsan lahaa ama markale usoo noqon lahaa wado kasta ha umaree. Meelkasta madaxweyne GAAS ka khudbeynayo waxa ay kudiyaariyaan rag iyo dumar ay soo xusheen oo meesha kasheega madaxweynaha in dadku ladhacsanyahay hogaankiisa ayna rajeynayaan in uu sii joogo iyagoo aad ufahamsan sida madaxweyne GAAS uu amaanta uugu nugul yahay. Dakada Bossaso goormaa dhismaheedu bilaabmi? Dadka qaarkii waxay aamin sanyihiin laga soo bilaabo markuu dagaal sokeeye qarxay ilaa 2008 in 60% dhaqalaha Somalida uu yiilay Bossaso halka iminka lagu qiyaaso 15% oo kaliya. Juquraafi ahaan Somalia, khusuusan Puntland waa dhulka oogu istiraajisan marka laga hadlayo isu gooshka alaabaha kayimaada ama kusocda Asia,Africa iyo Europe. Puntland waa Cost Rica in Africa. Cost Rica waa wadan yar oo South America kuyaal. Sanadkii 1996 ayaa nin wasiir dhaqale kanoqday fahmay in wadankiisu meeshuu kuyaalo awgeed uu noqonkaro (logistic hup) xudunta qeybisa alaabta US and South America ukala socota, riyadas oo rumowday 10 sano kadib. Bossaso waa meel daris la ah wadamo wax soo saarkoodu uu korayo iyo suuqyada oogu waa weyn ee Africa iyo Carabta. Waa mida Raysal Wasaraha Pakistan uu Farmajo kala hadlay kulankoodii Istambul. Xagga duulimaadyada, diyaaradaha Asia kasoo duula kuna socda Africa inta badani waxay kor maraan Bossaso. Magalooyinka ganacsiga somalida kuxiran yahay sida: Dubai waa 2-saac, Jeddah -3-saac, Khartoom -3-saac, Heyderabad 1-saac, Kaula Lumpur -4-saac. Taas waxay tusale fiican utahay in diyaradaha xamuulka ahi ay aad oogu baahan yhihiin isticmaalka Bossaso airport hadii lahabeeyo loona qalabeeyo hab calami ah. Hada Caqabadaha Heysta iminka iyo kuwa kusoo foodle leh Bossaso maxay yihiin? Bada-Cas waxaa ka hanaqaaday dakado waaweyn oo mid walba dooneyso in ay noqoto xaruunta ganacsiga xorta ah ee Bariga Africa. Dakadahani waxaa kamid ah; tan Jabuuti, Casmara iyo Barbera. Sidookale wadanka Oman ayaa balaarinaya dakada magalada Duqm, oo uu donayo in ay noqoto meesha oogu weyn ee kaluunka bada cas iyo India mara laga qabto laguna warshadeeyo. Hadii ay taas hirgasho waxaa yaraan doona kaluunka laga helo Puntland. Waxaa dhici doonta in badweynta ay iman doonaan shirkado waa weyn oo ka kaluumeysta kuwaas oo ku xiran dakada Duqm. Intii ay P&O la wareegtay Dakada Bossaaso mudo hada sanad laga joogo waxaa jiray oraahyo sheegayay in dakad caalami oo leh xaruun canshuurta ka caagan la dhisi doono i.w.m. Ilaa iyo iminka wax horumar ah oo dakada laga hirgaliyay majiraan. Hadii dowlada Puntland laweydiiyo waxay kuu shegayaan in qandaraaska dhismaha dakada mar dhow lagu dhawaaqi doono, hadaad P&O weydiiso waxay kuu sheegayaan in dowlada Puntland loo xayiran yahay oo aysan fulin balamo ay lagashay. Waxaa cad, in amuuraha jira ee P&O iyo dowlada Puntland udhaxeeya ay kaweyn yihiin waxa dadka loo sheegayo. Dowlada Puntland ee wakhtigeedu gabaabsiga yahay waxaa kumaqan lacago badan oo aysan kufulin wixii ay balan qaaday in ay kusameyneyso. Xagga shirkada, waxaa jira shaki ay qabto oo ah in hadii maamul cusub yimaado, sidii wax ay urabtay lagayaabo ineysan noqon, iyadoo og in hab mugdi kujiro heshiiskan ay ku gashay. Gunaanad Arinta Tukaraq hadaan oogu horeeyo. Mareykanka ayaa aad u isticmaala oraah ah guusha dagaalka waxaa ka adag guusha nabada (wining the peace is harder than winning the war). In Laascano laxoreeyo waa lagaari karaa, balse waxaa in la isweydiiyo mudan, damacyada isdaba yaaca ah ee iminka jira sidee laga yeeli doonaa? Siyaasiinta mid xil haya mid xil doona, qabaa’ilada meesha dagan, iyo in badan oo hada aamusanba baa mid walba si wax oogu muuqdaan, dan iyo damac khaasna wata. Waxaan kutalin lahaa in marka hore meel la isla dhigo mustaqbalka dhow ee Sool iyo Sanaag, inta aanan Laascano latagin. Xaga Doorashada. Isimadu waa in ay xaqiijiyaan wadanka in ay doorasho xalaala kadhacdo oo waliba dad aad ooga duwan kuwii hore loo soo xulo golaha baarlamanka cusub. Waxaan kaloo kutalin lahaa in baarlamanka cusub lagu cadaadiyo in ay wakhtiga hogaaminta wadanka wax kabadalaan oo kadhigaan 4 sano si federalka waafaqsan. Sidookale inta aanan la dooran Madaxweyne, in lasoo xulo gudiga maxkamada sare oo ay doortaan hogaanka maxkamada sare, si aan mardanbe loogu haleyn in madaxweyne yimaada soo magacaabo xaakimka maxkamada sare. Dekada Bossaso. Isimada waa iyagii horey ugalay arinta dakada, wakhtigii dowlada ay cadeen laheyd mustaqbalka dakada waa lasoo dhaafay. Waxaa loo bahan yahay in Isimadu markale ay arkaan Shirkada dakada haysa iyo dowlada si loo helo xal dan u ah dalka iyo dadka. Wabillaahi Towfiiq W/Q: Axmed Xaaji
  8. El Afwein– The chairman of Somaliland’s Justice and Welfare party (UCID) Hon. Faisal Ali Warabe on Wednesday reached El Afwein in Sanaag region. The chairman is going to part of the delegates tasked to end the protracted hostility between the two brotherly clans. Mr. Faisal has said that the animosity between the two clans will taken advantage by Somaliland’s adversaries. He urged that all warring clans must come to table without a condition and must honor the peace accord.
  9. On 13th July, ActionAid will be joining the Bring The Noise protest in London to highlight the importance of women’s rights. Here, our Somaliland Country Director explains why she’ll be amongst those leading the march. Women marching as part of ActionAid Somaliland’s Safe Cities Campaign on May 20, 2015 Women refuse to be silenced – so let’s make a noise This Friday’s Women’s March is termed ‘Bring The Noise’ – women will speak loudly to say that they will no longer accept mistreatment, scornfully abusive comments, discrimination and physical violence. Women have suffered enough. Women around the globe continue to be subjected to systematic discrimination, exclusion and violence in all spheres of social, economic and political life. Patriarchal and cultural practice persist, depriving women and girls of their basic rights and opportunities. It isn’t just about Donald Trump Violence against women is such a shameful act of cowardice and we should be brave enough to stop it now and for good. The effects of violence against women are often devastating and long term, affecting the physical health and mental wellbeing of women and girls. Every day women struggle to access justice. It does not end there. The ripple effects often test women’s financial ability to access justice. In my own country, Somaliland, I witness how patriarchal views dominate society, and gender disparities result in women being subjected to physical, psychological and sexual violence. Every day, women struggle to access justice. Sadia, country director, ActionAid Somaliland Although there is a constitutional law in the country, the customary law is the dominant legal system and the majority of cases are ruled by the elders where women are often pressured to marry the perpetrators who have abused them. It is an unimaginable horror to have to sleep with the enemy and have children with him. This is the kind of pain women go through as a result of violence – and simply because they are a woman. Owning your own body is the most basic human right There is nothing as basic a right as owning your own body. Female genital mutilation is the most extreme manifestation of violence against women. 98% of girls in Somaliland are cut and at least 200 million worldwide women and girls alive today have undergone this practice, like Hamdah, pictured below, now an ActionAid campaigner. Hamda, 30, had FGM when she was nine, which led to serious health problems throughout her life. Now she is an anti-FGM campaigner for ActionAid. FGM violates girls’ basic human rights and bodily integrity. It also perpetuates inequality, male control and can have serious and life-long implications on a woman’s health, mental well-being and quality of life. On Friday, I will be joining ActionAid to march under a banner proclaiming that ‘My Body Is Mine’ – since women should be the ones to decide what happens to their own bodies. Change is possible ActionAid has been working on integrated programming in Somaliland. Working with national, regional and grassroots communities, we tackle the root causes of gender inequality. Change is possible if we all have the courage to challenge it, and our women’s rights work has proved successful in decreasing violence among communities and raising awareness of gender equality. We promote women’s rights through interlinked programming, which tackles multi-dimensional issues including ending violence, access to justice, economic empowerment, literacy and political representation. So on Friday, we say enough is enough – women have suffered enough. ActionAid supporters at the Women’s March London 2017, in solidarity with colleagues in Washington DC and around the world We will tell Trump and other leaders if you condone, commit or remain silent, that silence is a crime – and one that you will be held accountable for. Sadia Abdi Alin ActionAid Somaliland Country Director
  10. I WAS a promdi from Pasig when I first entered San Beda in 1955. Certain Bedans wore very pink low-waist pants, with Manileño swagger, and some with wit, accent and diction I could only envy. I am today nearing 79 and entering my second childhood (were you my stude, you’d be well advised to say, “Sir, you are into your second adolescence, the way you look tonight”). My folks were not riding shotgun on me at all on how I was doing (just weeks in Grade I in Makati Elementary, accelerated); I played hooky often in Rizal High and in San Beda. They just let me be. Not beyond easy recall was Benedictine Fr. Casares booming “what a great blasphemy!” — characterizing a sacrilegious statement. We may need such booming denunciation today. Respect for religious feelings we find in the Penal Code, on offending such feelings. It also imposes public censure on one offending against decency or good customs by highly scandalous conduct. All of us may have violated these articles penalizing insensitivity to people’s feelings. But, we could simply apologize, say sorry, repent of it, and move on. No childish my-god-is-superior-to-your-stupid-God! Brother Manny Lucera, in John Grisham’s Associate, said: “I needed forgiveness, because there were lots of sins in the past. I needed peace, because I’d been at war my entire life. I needed love, because I hated everybody. I needed strength, because deep inside I knew how weak I was. I needed happiness, because I’d been miserable for so long. . . .” (2009, paperback). Our astig Warrior President, proud and profane, spends/wastes his time on trivial non-presidential matters, such as theology, naming-and-shaming, etc. I pray for him to succeed, as his success is yours and mine. Failure, ditto. We should return to the core values inculcated in our youth. Hail then to the Bedan Commander in Chief. Hail also to Bedan Sen. Leila de Lima, who will be honored on July 28, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. by Liberal International with its Freedom Prize, in Novotel, Cubao. It will be sponsored by the Liberal Party, to be attended by Bedan Veep Leni Robredo and other LP stalwarts and Leila’s kith and kin. (I’ll have a class on Human Rights in Dean Ulan Sarmiento’s San Beda Alabang Republic and there’s the traffic situation to factor in. Problematic. Traffic, which has worsened since June 30, 2016, when Digong said, “so help me God,” is the new tyrant.) Last Sunday, I was in Wack Wack, for Alex Padilla’s 62nd birthday bash. I saw his showbiz gifts, singing, dancing, ad libbing, etc. His soulful rendition of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” brought me back to my freshman Rizal High year and Roy Hamilton. But, he should be in the Senate. His pop, Senator Ambo, was Veep of the 1986 Constitutional Commission (headed by Prez Ka Celing Muñoz Palma). Fruit does not fall or roll far from the tree. The following day, Monday, the Prez received a draft constitution from a respectable body not mentioned in the Constitution as part of the Charter change process. He may only suggest of course but we cannot forget who is making the suggestion. I am curious as to how federalism, as proposed, can give our people a better life. I have gone around a bit and have not found a single tree with money growing on it, datong to meet the first law of mankind — survival. Whatever new Constitution we may have, we need to bring back our country to pre-martial law shape; those in government were then paid above the level of corruption. I was closest to the judiciary, first as a messenger, and then, as lawyer. In Manila, there was tsismis only as to one Court of First Instance judge. The rest we worshipped, including court personnel. True pros. Court of Appeals and Supreme Court Justices were even more elevated in the people’s esteem. Marcos, whom Digong idolizes, destroyed our institutions, values and processes; we have not recovered. Digong now seems to work for the restoration of the kleptocratic family, tainted by established human rights violations. On July 15, 2003, they were ordered by the Supreme Court to return billions of ill-gotten wealth; mysteriously, it did not order their prosecution as ill-gotteners. There oughta be a law that established humongous ill-gotteners should not qualify to run even as barangay dogcatcher. More so, judicially validated human rights violators. Bongbong as new Prez or Prime Minister scares the bejesus out of me; again, fruit never falls far from the tree. Of course, we are not to underrate anyone’s capacity for change and growth. Still, President or Premier Bongbong? Susmariano! Alexander Pope intoned: “For forms of government, let fools contest, whate’er is best administered is best.” Digong cites Murphy’s Law in regard to the unfortunate misencounter between cops and soldiers — if anything can go wrong, it will. Federal can yet fragment and balkanize us. Somalia and Venezuela, now basket cases, are federal. The change must be thought through. The Prez should not waste his time quarreling with everyone and his mother. He flies down to Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to watch Manny Pacquiao, in the “manly art of modified murder” —McGeehan. Two top officials with their entourages spending/wasting time and money, given our 24/7 problems. Anyway, Muhammad Ali was holding court on TV before the Ali-Foreman fight and gave a memorable answer when host David Frost asked how he’d like to be remembered. His reply, which fell trippingly from the tongue: “I’d like for them to say, he took a few cups of love. He took one tablespoon of patience. One teaspoon of generosity. One pint of kindness. He took one quart of laughter, one piece of concern, and then he mixed willingness with happiness. He added lots of faith, and he stirred it up well. Then he spread it over a span of a lifetime and he served it to each and every deserving person he met.” No one questions how tough the Prez is, having been at war his entire life. Compassionate? Mr. Prez, be kind, to all, including a possible successor. Is Leni incompetent? TWA — Talagang Walang Alam si candidate Cory, per Macoy in the 1985-1986 snap polls. She retorted: “TWA, talaga, talagang walang alam sa pagnanakaw, pagpatay, atbp.” Leni, incompetent — to cuss, name and shame, to waste money on trips, with an entourage, such as the presidential whim to fly to KL, to ignore gridlocks and price rise, etc. What Prez Cory did was to have a competent star-studded Cabinet, where exchanges were marked by creative tension. Today’s Cabinet? A chuwari-wari choir, with all due respect, from where I sit, leery of being rendered jobless by our most bastos and talkative Prez ever. BY RENE SAGUISAG
  11. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-War goordhow nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Eng,Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Yariisow) uu magacaabay Guddoomiyaha Degmada Hodan ee Gobolka Banaadir. Wareegto kasoo baxday xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Gobolka ayaa waxaa Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Degmada Hodan loogu magacaabey Cabdixakiin C/raxmaan Ciise (Dhagajuun) kaas oo la filayo in uu dhawaan xilka la wareego. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka ayaa sheegay in magacaabida Guddoomiyaha cusub ay ku imaaday latashiyo uu la sameeyay dhinacyada waxgaradka. Guddoomiyaha degmada Hodan ayaa waxaa horay u ahaa Maxamed Axmed Cantoobo,balse waxaa xilkaasi laga qaaday ka dib markii loo magacaabay Agaasimaha Arrimaha Bulshada ee Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir. Dhawaan ayaa lagu wadaa in isku shaandheyn iyo xil ka qaadis lagu sameeyo dhammaan Guddoomiyayaasha Degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  12. One-hundred and twelve Djiboutian soldiers joined the ranks of the Djiboutian Army’s Rapid Intervention Battalion (RIB) following a graduation ceremony on 28 June. During the ceremony, top performing soldiers were recognized, traditional Afar and Somali dances were performed, and the US Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) and RIB leaders spoke to the men. U.S. Navy Cmdr. Robert Yovich, CJTF-HOA Director of Future Operations, congratulated the graduates during his remarks. “This training and collaborative effort only make our bonds stronger; I appreciate your hard work and dedication and I applaud you for this accomplishment,” said Yovich. Soldiers from Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division assigned to CJTF-HOA provided training in U.S. Army basic warrior tasks, U.S. Army combatives, and combat life-saving. Army Staff Sgt. Travis Fort spoke to the RIB soldiers he trained following their culminating exercise. “Where you are now, are leaps and bounds from where you began.” said Fort, “I encourage you to train on your own and I am proud of every one of you.” CJTF-HOA’s continued commitment to training and equipping the RIB enables Djibouti’s effectiveness in developing security and stability within its’ borders and East Africa, according to Marine Corps Capt. Aaron Baker, CJTF-HOA Officer in Charge of RIB Operations. “The development of the Rapid Intervention Battalion (RIB) holds significant strategic value in the long lasting partnership between the U.S. forces and the Djiboutian military.” said Baker. Set apart from the first training cycle of the RIB, this group included previous graduates instructing alongside U.S. Soldiers. “The RIB Soldiers are extremely motivated to learn U.S. tactics and techniques.” said Baker, “I have witnessed their Non-Commissioned Officers blossom since the initiation of the RIB and take on additional teaching and instructional procedures.” The RIB’s mission is to serve as a reactionary force to accomplish specified tasks directed by their higher command in the Djiboutian army. Djiboutian Army Cpt. Omar Ali Hassan, Commanding Officer of the RIB, spoke of his men’s enhanced understanding of that mission. “The battalion has a better idea of why they are here and through that are more cohesive.” said Hassan, “They are very motivated and looking forward to the rest of their training.” Source: – Defence Web
  13. President Uhuru Kenyatta sees mistrust among leaders in South Sudan and Somalia as the biggest hurdle to a lasting peace in warring Somalia and South Sudan. He said Somalia, where Kenya has maintained peacekeeping mission since October 2011 military operation, faces further challenge of internal politics between the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and regional governments. Speaking when he met US-Africa Command Commander Thomas Waldhauser at State House in Nairobi yesterday, Mr Kenyatta blamed the elusive peace deal between President Salva Kiir and opposition chief Riek Machar on “unwarranted fear and mistrust” among their hardline supporters. “We shall give it everything we can. But it is not going to be easy,” he said in a statement. “The deteriorating relationships between the TFG and the regional governments are of major concern to us.” Mr Waldhauser, the top US military official for Africa, blamed undisclosed Gulf states for fuelling instability in Somalia. “We’re ready to continue assisting the country so long as the federal government is willing to accept our support,” said Mr Waldhauser in the statement. “The differences and clashes in these Arabian countries are playing out in Somalia. We call for their neutrality.” Source: – Business Daily
  14. President Trump on Wednesday announced his ambassador picks for Somalia and Nicaragua, aiming to reduce the number of vacant ambassador positions. Trump nominated Donald Yamamoto to be the ambassador to Somalia and Kevin Sullivan to be the ambassador to Nicaragua. Yamamoto heads the Bureau of African Affairs within the State Department. He served as the U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia from 2006-2009 and Djibouti from 2000-2003. Sullivan represents the U.S. in the Organization of American States (OAS), the body that promotes solidarity among the 35 independent states of the Americas. Both countries have seen recent U.S. political action. The Trump administration this year stepped up ongoing American military intervention in Somalia. The move follows violent clashes between the government and Al Shabaab, an Al Qaeda-aligned Islamist group. Meanwhile, the State Department last week sanctioned three Nicaraguan individuals whom officials accused of human rights abuses. State Department officials threatened to take further action as long as government-sanctioned violence against protesters continues in the region. Trump has left a notable number of ambassador positions open since taking office. More than half of foreign posts remain vacant. Source: The hill
  15. Jidah (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Sacuudiga ayaa xukun dil ah ku fulisay Muwaadin Soomaaliyeed, kadib markii uu dilay gabar Soomaali ah. Wargeyska alriyadh oo kasoo baxa dalka Sacuudiga ayaa qoray in Muwaadinkan la qisaasay lagu magacaabi jiray Axmed Maxamed Xasan Cabdi, isagoo si ku tallo gal ah u dilay marxuumada Fatxiya Buule Xasan. Gacan ku dhiiglaha la qisaasay ayaa dilka haweeneyda u adeegsaday toorey kadib markii uu uga dhacay Hooyga ay ka daganeed magaalada Jidah ee dalka Sacuudiga. Dilka danbiilaha ayaa yimid kadib markii qoyska marxuumada ay boqortooyada Sacuudiga ka dalbadeen in loo qisaaso gacan ku dhiiglaha la qisaasay. Dowlada Sacuudiga ayaa sheegtay iyadoo la tixgalinaayo rabitaanka qoyska marxuumada la go’aansaday in xukun dil ah uu ku dhaco dilaaga. Dhinaca kale,qisaasta oo ka dhacday meel fagaaro ah ayaa waxaa goobta ku sugnaa qoyska marxuumada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Jidah
  16. Start-up offers a financial lifeline for millions who do not have a bank account, allowing users to send money to loved ones via their mobile phones. Founder and chief executive of WorldRemit Ismail Ahmed: “We’ve made a great start, but we want to bring our service to millions more customers across the globe.” Photograph: Getty Images With most of the world’s poorest people not having a bank account, those in most desperate need of money can face the greatest challenges in actually getting access to it even when it is sent from relatives and friends in other countries. With a huge worldwide surge in migration, it’s no surprise the remittances market, covering all the ways people send and receive money, is skyrocketing. While remittances serve as a lifeline for millions, the way cash is transferred is often expensive, slow and unsafe. Recent figures from the World Bank show remittances to developing countries rose to a record level in 2017, growing 8.5 per cent to $466 billion (€398bn). Moreover, total remittances – which also includes money sent to high-income countries – were up 7 per cent to $613 billion (€524bn). While technology has gone some way towards providing more reliable money transfer services, there is significant room for improvement. One man busy trying to make life easier for those who rely on remittances to survive is Ismail Ahmed, founder and chief executive of WorldRemit, one of the fastest growing fintech companies globally. “Many people in the world might not have bank accounts, but they do have mobile phones, and these can be used to provide similar services,” he told The Irish Times on a recent visit to Dublin for MoneyConf. The entrepreneur who was recently ranked as the third most important black person in the UK, and also named one of the world’s leading entrepreneurs by British chancellor of the exchequer Philip Hammond. is no ordinary businessman. Born and brought up in Somaliland, a self-declared war-torn state that declared independence from Somalia in 1991, his family was one of many with first-hand experience of the pros and cons of remittances, having relied on them for their survival. Problems “Remittances account for about 40 per cent of GDP in Somaliland, and this has probably been the case for the last 30 to 40 years. My brother used to send money home, so I knew how difficult it could be to get remittances, with a lot of travel often involved. “Later when I ended up studying in London I became a sender, and saw the problems on that side as well for myself. It could cost Africans as much as 30 per cent of the sum they were hoping to send home in fees and it might be months before the money was received, if it made it at all.” WorldRemit is a digital money transfer service that allows users to send money to loved ones via their mobile phones from over 50 countries to more than 145 receiving destinations. It also enables them to receive mobile top-ups that often serve as a form of credit, and to pick up money in person or via bank transfers. Founded in 2010, the London-headquartered company has secured almost $220 million in funding since it was established, with backers including AccelPartners and TCV, who have both previously been early investors in well-known companies such as Airbnb, Facebook, Dropbox, Spotify, Netflix and Slack. Ahmed’s knowledge of the difficulties people face sending and receiving money led him to create a disruptive digital service that focuses primarily on the great unbanked. While we in Ireland might be busy debating whether Apple Pay is better than Google Pay, it is easy to forget that close to 40 per cent of the world’s population do not have bank accounts, meaning they can’t use these services at all. WorldRemit, a service anyone can use, has brought millions into the financial system while providing customers with a safer, secure and cost-effective way to transfer money to friends and loved ones around the world. Transformed “People may talk about mobile payment services such as Apple Pay being revolutionary but we are having considerably more impact in terms of making a difference to people’s lives on a day-to-day basis,” said Ahmed. “Our customers’ lives have been transformed by what we provide because we are talking about people who do not have bank accounts and who have previously hidden any money they have under their mattresses.” That’s not all though, according to the businessman. “There was a major drought in Somaliland recently and historically these have usually led to famine, but for the first time mobile money has helped the region avert this because family members in big cities could share money instantly with those affected by the drought,” he said. WorldRemit’s competitors are not just traditional money transfer providers like Western Union and Moneygram, but also the many unregulated bit players. “Until recently as much as 50 to 60 per cent of remittances were done through informal networks. We have played a major role in helping to move remittances away from underground unlicensed players to a formal regulated entity,” said Ahmed. Having been smuggled out of Somaliland to Djibouti while still a youngster, Ahmed eventually made his way to Britain, where he attended the University of London on a World Bank scholarship. After earning his PhD, he became an advisor to the United Nations, where he helped companies comply with tough new money-transfer regulations introduced after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. While working for the UN, however, Ahmed uncovered widespread corruption within the remittance project and became a whistleblower. This resulted in him losing his job, although he eventually received £200,000 (€226,000) in compensation for the way he was treated. He used the money to establish WorldRemit. Transactions The company now processes more than 1.1 million transactions a month, and employs about 500 people globally. It recorded revenues of about £60 million (€68m) last year, up from £41.1 million in 2016, and it is looking to grow customer accounts fivefold to 10 million in 2020, with about half of them in Africa. The company has about 130 million active mobile money accounts, about 20 per cent of the global figure, and claims the largest market share. Nonetheless, Ahmed added that some of the mobile data put about does not tell the whole story. “The World Bank keeps highlighting meaningless stats about how many people globally have mobile phones, but we’ve seen situations where there might well be between 7,000 and 8,000 people in a village or town sharing two or three mobile phones. There are often massive communities sharing maybe just one WorldRemit account.” The company launched its services in Ireland a year after it was established, and it has proven to be a highly successful market. The service is growing at over 50 per cent year-on-year here, with the largest receiving countries being Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya and the Philippines. Ahmed has been vocal in his wish for WorldRemit to IPO within the next few years. Ahead of that the company is making a major push in the US, where it sees huge potential. The company is licensed across all 50 states, and it expects the US to become its largest send market by the end of 2018, and will account for 40 per cent of global revenue over the next few years. “We’ve made a great start, but we want to bring our service to millions more customers across the globe,” said Ahmed. Irish Times
  17. Somaliland minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Saad A. Shire, who is on an official tour of Africa arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dr. Saad met his Ethiopian counterpart Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu. Somaliland representative in Ethiopia Ambassador Ahmed Egal was in attendance as well. The meeting was specifically focused on the security in the region, trade, education and to bolster the bilateral relations. Latest developments of tripartite port deal agreement between Somaliland, Ethiopia and DP World was discussed as well. Dr. Shire’s visit in Ethiopia is part of his Four- nation tour; Ghana, Senegal, and Mauritania in which he attended AU summit. MOFA, Somaliland
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Maxamed Nuur oo ka tirsan baarlamanka Soomaaliya ayaa weerar ku qaaday xukuumadda ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Kheyre oo hortaagan in sanadkan xajka la aado, sababo al xiriira dowladda Sacuudiga oo soo diiday shirkado diyaaradeed oo ay wataan shaqsiyaad ka tirsan dowladda. Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay in wax lala yaabo ay tahay in acmaashii waajibka ahayd ee xajka loo qal-qal geliyo raali gelinta shaqsiyaad iyo shirkado gaar ah. Hoos ka aqriso qoraal uu xildhibaanka soo dhigay facebook: Gudashada Acmaasha Xajka ee sanadkan oo u xiran sidii waddooyinka Xamar oo kale. Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ku sugan Muwaadiniin Soomaaliyeed oo isu soo diyaariyay gudashada Acmaasha Xajka ee sanadkan, waxayna ka kala yimaadeen goballada dalka, balse waxaa nasiib darro ah inay Xukuumadda uu hoggaamiyo Xasan Cali Kheyre ummaddii gelisay jahawareer ah inay garan waayeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed meel ay u doontaan Visihi Xajka iyo cid ay kala macaamilaan, kaddib markii lagu dhex milay howlaha xajka dano shakhsiyaad/shirkado gaar ah howlihii Xajkana waxaa loo xanibay dano ganacsi iyo kuwa siyaasadeed, lamana siin wax tixgelin ah shacabka duruufaysan ee doonaya in ay soo gutaan acmaasha xajka sanadkan 2018/1439 Hijriyadda. Haddaba waxaan Madaxda Qaranka ugu baaqayaa inay ka tanaasulaan tixgelinta masaaliixda shakhsiyaadka gaarka ah lana tixgeliyo maslaxadda Xujayda Soomaaliyeed loona fududeeyo oo loo fasaxo shirkadaha ruqsada ka haysta labada dal in ay daabulaan xujayda maadaama waqtigi Visaha la dablbi jiray uu sii idlaanayo mudadii xajkana ay ka harsan tahay 1 bil oo kaliya, halka aan weli wax Visa ah la soo saarin, iyadooa Sanadkaan Soomaaliya loo qoondeeyay tiro ka badan 9 kun oo ruux inay soo xajiso, mana harin muddo lagu soo saaro 9 kun oo Viso, isla markaana lagu daabulo 9 kun oo ruux waxaan mar kale xusuusinayaa in ay madaxdu mas’uuliyad gaar ah iska saarto arrimaha xajka, halka ay ku mashquuleen in ay shaqada ka ceyriyaan kolba Wasiirka ama sarkaalka kale ee wax yar ka xishooda in ummadda la dhibo una fikira sidi loogu dhimri lahaa, waxaa kale oo aan mar walba aragnaa warqado is burinaya, kana soo baxaya xafiisyada laanta fulinta ee dalka oo aan ahayn kuwa ka turjumaya maslaxada dalka, welibana meel ka dhac ku ah sharafta iyo karaamada dowladnimo, loogna gol leeyahay dano gaar ah. Waxaan sidoo kale la soconnaa in Wasiirki labaad arrimahan dartood shaqada looga ceyriyay, sidoo kale saarkiil kale shaqada looga fadhiisiyay, waxaana layaab ah in markii u horeysay in Acmaashii Xajka ee sanadlaha ahaa uu qalqal u galo dano shakhsiyadeed iyo mid siyaasadeed oo laga wado Xafiisyada ugu sareeya dalkasa.
  19. NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 12 – The Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) is seeking an expanded mandate to tackle piracy-linked crimes such as terrorism. According to the Chairman of the Indian Ocean Commission, the existential threat posed by piracy could only be tackled effectively with a wider mandate. “We are making a formal proposal that the CGPCS becomes a permanent organization that would deal with piracy and many issues linked either directly or indirectly,” said Seetanah Lutchmeenaraidoo, the Chairman of the Indian Ocean Commission, who is also the Mauritious Foreign Affairs Minister. Speaking during a media briefing on the sidelines of the 21st Plenary Session of the CGPCS at the United Nations Complex in Gigiri, Nairobi, he singled out terrorism and cross-border crime as key drivers of piracy. “You cannot fight piracy if you forget the other connected issues. We’re going to suggest that we work on how to expand the piracy mission so that we integrate other connected issues,” Lutchmeenaraidoo said. The sentiments were backed by Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma and her Defence counterpart Raychelle Omamo. Omamo reiterated Kenya’s commitment to peace and stability in Somalia which she said was critical in the ongoing campaign to reduce the vulnerability of populations to being enlisted to terror cells. “It is our duty to reduce the vulnerabilities of our people, to empower them to take charge of their lives, to increase economic prosperity, and that can only come when there’s peace and stability,” she said. Omamo noted efforts being made by the Kenya Defence Forces in the war against piracy at the Indian Ocean saying the war on terrorism will be sustained. “We must fight these ills – piracy and terrorism – in tandem because in many ways terrorism extends into the waters through piracy and piracy extends to land through terrorism,” she observed. In her comments CS Juma emphasized the importance of enhanced maritime security saying piracy was a threat to Kenya’s ambition of harnessing the potential of the blue economy. “Maritime security becomes very important to foundation the blue economy discussions and strategies that will improve the prosperity of coastal communities, improving their livelihoods, growing our prosperity and improving humanity in general,” the Foreign Affairs CS stated. She said maritime security and blue economy were intertwined hence the government’s commitment to the war against piracy. According to Oceans Beyond Piracy’s (OBP) State of Maritime Piracy Report (2017), incidents of sea robbery in the East African coast alone doubled from 27 in 2016 to 54 in the year under review. OBP reported a similar trend for seafarers exposed to piracy threats from 545 in 2016, to 1,102 in 2017. Along the West African coast, there were 97 incidents in 2017 compared to 95 in 2016 according to OBP. The study reported a total of 21 kidnappings, thrice the number reported in 2016. According to the report, 100 seafarers were taken hostage among whom 90 were held for more than a day compared to only 56 in 2016. Two killings were reported. The ongoing session CGPCS has attracted delegates from 68 nations numbering over 200 is set to conclude on Friday with a common declaration on deterrence of piracy threats off the coast of Somalia. Mauritius currently chairs the CGPCS which was established by the United Nations on January 14, 2009 to facilitate the discussion of actions and policies among States working to suppress piracy on the Somali coast. The establishment of the Working Group was in response to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1851 of 2008 which was later replaced with resolution 1918 of 2010. The Working Group comprises among others a virtual legal forum, Law Enforcement Task Force, and the United Nations Trust Fund. Capital FM
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Oline) – Iyadoo Maalmo laga joogo Qaraxii ka dhacya Xarunta Oto Oto Kooxda Alshabaab ayaa shaacisay Magaca mid ka mia raggi fuliyey weerarkii qaraxyada ku bilwoday ee lagu qaaday xaruntaas7-dii bishan oo ah xarun ay degan yihiin Wasaaradaha arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga. Waxaa lasoo badhigay Wareysi ay baahisay Warbaahinta Al-shabaab oo lala yeeshay ninkan ayuu ku sheegay intii aanu gelin howlgalka inuu falkaasi yahay mid jihaad ah, waxaana lagu magacaabaa Cali Ibraahim Macalim Aadan (Cali Dheere) oo da’diisu ahayd 31 sano jir muddo ka tirsanaa ururka Al Shabaab. Cali Dheere oo la sheegay inuu ahaa raggii galay xarunta Otto Otto ayaa ka soo jeeday Beesha Hadame, ee degta degaanada Koonfur Galbeed, wuxuuna farriiin u diray waalidiintii dhalay, isagoo u sheegay inuu doortay fulnta howlgalkaasi. “Waa in gaalada dagaalka lagu laba jibaaro, haddii ay gaaladu ay dareemaan kala go’ ku yimaada dagaalka waxay dareemayaan kibir sidaas darteed maadama ay joogaan rag markasta diyaar u ah nafhurka waxaa la doonayaa in ragga la diyaariyo oo aysan gaaladu nasan” ayuu yiri. Kooxda Alshabaab ayaa dardaaran ka duubta dadka u diyaarsan inay fuliyaan is-miidaaminta, waxaana markaas kadib laga sii daayaa warbaahintooda.
  21. The UK government wants to see the ending in Tuke Raq hostilities in Sool region between Puntland and Somaliland to come to an end through negotiations. This was said by UK’s minister for Commonwealth Lord Ahmad who was questioned this week at the parliament of the efforts of UK govt to diffuse the growing tension in Tuke Raq and also to facilitate UN to find lasting peace in the region. Mr. Ahmed, UK Minister in charge of commonwealth said that his government is worried about the recent fighting between Somaliland and Puntland. He stated that the UK ambassador to Somalia Mr. David Concar is engaging with the leaders of Somaliland, Puntland and Somalia in order to encourage all sides to start fruitful dialogue and also urged them to refrain from any acts that will fuel the skirmishes. The minister said that they are in close contact with the UN to find a lasting solution to the recurring war in the region.
  22. The President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency Musa BIhi Abdi on Thursday presided over in Hargeisa a meeting of the Council of Ministers, with several items on the agenda. The ministers along with the president and vice president discussed various issues on the agenda of the government. The council of ministers stressed the importance of improving the quality of Somaliland education. They discussed that teaching training, educational kits, and encouraging vocational education are vital for the improvement in Somaliland education. The council of ministers have underscored that all private schools must use Somaliland syllabus for their schools. The creation of technical schools in Somaliland will spur job creation for the youth. Somaliland is said to be one of the nations on earth where unemployment is rampant.
  23. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuummadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa shir guddoomiyay kulanka golaha wasiirrada oo looga hadlay arrimo ay kamid yihiin amniga dalka, hiigsiga dhaqaalaha 2040-ka, Sharciga hanti-dhawrka, siyaasadda kormeerka iyo qiimaynta iyo Soo noolaynta barnaamijka waciyi-gelinta qaranka. Wasiiru dowlaha wasaaradda amniga gudaha Maxamuud Maxamed Boonow ayaa golohu ka dhagaystay warbixin la xariirta amniga dalka, meesha uu marayo baaritaanka weerarkii xarunta wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha, federaalka iyo dib-u-heshisiinta iyo wasaaradda amniga, horumarrada la sameeyay, hawl-gallada ciidamada xoogga dalku ay ku xaqiijinayaan amniga iyo qorshaha lagu sii laba jibbaarayo dadaallada sugidda amniga caasimadda iyo guud ahaan dalka. Wasiirka warfaafinta xukuummadda federaalka Soomaaliya Amb. Daahir Maxamuud Geelle ayaa golaha wasiirrada uga war bixiyay qorshaha soo nooleynta barnaamijka wacyi-gelinta qaranka, wuxuuna faah-faahiyay habka ugu haboon oo barnaamijkaas uu ku guulaysan karo, si Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay uga faa’iideestaan. Tubta horumarinta dhaqaalaha ayaa golaha u soo bandhigtay qorshaha dhaqaalaha dalka ee 20-ka sano ee soo socda iyo heerka la doonayo in dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya uu gaaro sannadka 2040-ka, sidoo kale tubta siyaasadda loo dhanyahay ayaa golaha wasiirrada usoo bandhigtay hal-beegyada la dhameestiray iyo hal-beegyada la doonayo in lagu guuleesto kahor 2020-ka si loo fuliyo ballan-qaadyadii xukuummadda federaalka Soomaaliya. Tubta horumarinta arrimaha bulshada ayaa dhankeeda golaha wasiirrada usoo bandhigtay hal-beegyada hor-tebinta leh ee ay ka midyihiin horumarinta waxbarashada, hir-gelinta cisbitaallo dawladdu maamusho oo bulshada loogu adeego iyo hirgelinta hey’ad ka jawaabta xaaladaha deg-degga ah. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda warfaafinta, dhaqanka iyo dalxiiska Aadan Isaaq Cali oo ka war bixiyay kulanka ayaa sheegay in golaha wasiirradu xukuummadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay ansixiyeen siyaasadda qaran ee Siyaasadda kormeerka iyo qiimaynta oo lagula xisaabtamayo hey’adaha ka hawl gala Soomaaliya, laguna ogaanayo hawlaha ay qabtaan oo wasaaradda qorshaynta, maalgashiga iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha ay horay ugu soo gudbisay golaha wasiirrada. Puntland Post The post Golaha Wasiirrada Oo Ansixiyay Siyaasadda Kormeerka Iyo Qiimaynta appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. On 7 July 2018, an amended electoral law that allocates 20 percent of parliamentary seats to women is expected to be presented and discussed at the Somaliland Parliament. This ceiling is short of the 30 percent female political participation rate advised by the Beijing Platform for Action. However, if approved, it would be a reasonably good starting point considering the Somaliland context. The proposed women’s quota is a contentious issue in the Parliament and other public circles but it is expected to be secondary to other agendas such as the debate on regional representation between regions in the center on the one hand, and the eastern and western regions on the other. Somaliland has separate parliamentary, presidential and local council election laws and some representatives from the eastern and western regions believe they need to be updated. It is not clear if only a revised parliamentary or a consolidated national electoral law incorporating the women’s quota will be presented. It is also not clear if a draft for discussion or finalized amendment will be presented to Parliament, however, it is important to ensure adequate participation and consultation of all stakeholders. Women’s groups were not specifically involved in the amendement process and since the implementation of electoral quota laws are tricky due to the existence of loopholes that can be exploited by political parties, it is advisable to involve experienced women in the process. If it comes up for discussion, the women’s quota clause will likely face significant opposition. In 2010 President Ahmed Mohamoud Silanyo campaigned on a platform of greater women’s political participation, assuring the female electorate that he would sign into law political quotas for women. He did not fulfil this pledge after his election, citing Parliament as the bottleneck. Moreover, it is a lost opportunity that the educated women around him, be it in his family or cabinet did not pursue the issue any further. In 2017, President Muse Bihi also campaigned on a similar platform and he is to be commended for initiating tomorrow’s motion which proposes to establish women’s quota on the electoral lists at the political party level. Women expect that he will succeed in passing and enforcing the law since his party has a majority in Parliament, though it is unlikely the issue will be subject to the usual political party divisions. Quite the contrary the women’s political quota may unite men across party lines and their arguments will be on different levels. While the women’s empowerment discussion has evolved in Somaliland over the past two decades, there still remain poweful groups opposed to having more women in decision- making. They continue to cite religious and cultural factors as barriers, and are either unaware of or ignoring the sea-change in other conservative Muslim countries amending their legislation to ensure women’s greater participation in public life. More than any other factor, such changes are necessitated by economic pressures that are beginning to be felt or expected to be felt in the near future. No country will achieve sustainable human development without educating and involving women who represent half the population, in the economy. Countries that have realized this are amending their legislation. We can also expect opposition from men who believe that allocating a share of the seats will reduce their chances of becoming MPs by allocating 18 out of 82 seats to women. But rather than stating their unwillingness to share the pie, this group will likely cite opposition on religious and cultural barriers. It would be difficult for women to win any debate with this group of men. Other men have recently advanced arguments that question women’s quotas on technical grounds but Somaliland should learn from the experiences of other countries. Affirmative action and quotas have played a signficant role in increasing women’s political participation in countries where women face discrimination in elections. Deqa Musa
  25. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Guddiga Garsoorka, Awqaafta Iyo Arrimaha Diinta ee golaha shacabka baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa qoraal dheer oo ay u gudbiyeen guddoomiyaha golahan waxay kusoo bandhigeen baaritaan dheer oo ay ku sameeyeen muranka ka jira aadista Xajka sanadkan 2018 ee dhanka Soomaaliya. Qoraalkan ayaa lagu sheegay in halis weyn ay Xujeyda Soomaaliyeed ugu jiraan in sanadkaan aanay bixin sababo la xiriira muranno jira. Qoraalka ayaa waxaa si aad ah loogu ceebeeyey xukuumadda Kheyre oo goluhu sheegay in shirkado aan awood u lahayn inay xajka u qaadaan dadka, oo aan ogolaansho ka haysan dowladda Sacuudiga qeyb laga siiyey daabulista dadka aadaya xajka. Shirkadaha cusub, ee raba xajka waxaa ka mid ah Freedom, African iyo Ocean, waxaana wata oo lacag ka qaata xildhibaano uu ka mid yahay Cabdishakuur Cali Mire iyo agaasime ku xigeenka madaxtooyada Cabdirisaaq Shoole, oo sidoo kale qabiil aanu ka marneyn Gudiga ayaa sheegay in shirkadaha Jubba iyo Daalo kaliya laga ogolyahay Sacuudiga, sidaas darteedna ay qasab tahay in dowladdu fasaxdo, oo aan xayirin haddii shirkadihii kale la diiday. Guddiga ayaa ku eedeeyey xukuumadda musuq maasuq iyo in ayada oo aan qaban wax tartan ah ay shirkado cusub siisay awood ay dadka xajka ugu qaadaan. Hoos ka aqri warbixinta guddiga