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Bosaso[Puntland Post]-Musharax Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni oo kamid ah musharaxiinta ugu cad-cad ee u taagan Xilka Madaxweyne-nimada Puntland Doorashada 2019 ayaa maanta lagu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Boosaaso, waxana soo dhaweyntiisa ka qeybgalay Siyaasiyiin,Ganacsato, Aqoonyahano, Isimadda Dhaqanka, Ururada Haweenka, Dhalinyarada iyo Taageerayaasha Musharax Deni oo aan u kala harin soo dhaweyntiisa. Musharaxa ayaa ugu horeyn ka hadlay arrimaha Ammaanka ee magaalada Boosaaso iyo waxyaabaha ka taagan, wuxuuna ku eedeeyey Xukuumadda waqtigeedu dhamaaday in ay ku guuldareystay maareynta howlaha Ammaanka. Musharaxa ayaa sheegay in Xukuumadda hadda jirtaa ay gabi ahaanba ku fashilantay u shaqeynta Shacabka iyo ka shaqeynta in ay Amni ku seexdaan. “Amniga Airporka Bosaso in la sugo maaheyne, Amniga magaalada in la sugo ayay ahayd, In maanta la yiraahdo amnigii ayaa xumaaday maahan wax ay sugayeen Reer Puntland, magaalada Boosaaso wax ka dhacayana sax maahan, waxaan rabaa Amniga in laga wada qeyb qaato, Maamulkuna uu hormuud ugu noqdo Xiliyada doorashada iyo madaxda doorashada u socota kaliya maahane, Dadka Muwaadinka ah amnigooda in laga shaqeeyo weeye’’ ayuu yiri. Musharaxa wuxuu bogaadiyay shacabka reer Puntland dadaalkii ay ku bixiyeen Dowladnimada Soomaaliya, wuxuu ballan qaaday in uu Hormuud u noqon doono Puntland cusub taas oo aysan koox gaar ahi laheyn ee Shacabku wada leeyahay. “Xariirka ka dhaxeeya Dawladda Faderaalka iyo dawladda hadda jirtaa oo ayaamahan la leeyahay dib baa loo fiirinayaa waa riwaayad dadka loo dhigayo, Faderaalka Puntland ayaa dhistay cidna marti ugama ah, ilaalintiisa waajib ayaa ka saaran Madaxweynaha Puntland ee hadda jooga Raysalwasaare ayuu kasoo noqday Faderaalka dhibta jirtana wuu la socdaa’’ayuu yiri musharaxu. Mudane Siciid Deni wuxuu sheegay, in aan la aqbali karin in kaabayaasha dhaqaale ee magaaladii isha dhaqaalaha Puntland, ee Bosaso oo ay kamid yihiin Dekedda iyo waddooyinka, aan waxba lagu celin, wuxuuna ballan qaaday haddii la doorto in xukuumaddiisu ay canshuurta shacabka laga qaado dib ugu celin doonto magaalada Bosaso. “Waxaa wax lays weydiinayo ah xaggee ku baxay dhaqaalihii Puntland,hadii uusan ku bixin ciidamadii, Dibu heshiisiintii, Amnigii iyo maamulkii, waa su’aal lays weydiinayo, waxaan u baahnahay in la xisaabtamo, waxaa xaqiiqo ah in dakhligii soo xaroonayay in shirkado gaar ah jeebkooda ay galeen, waxaad ka war qabtaan in Dakhliga kasoo xarooda Dekeda Boosaaso ay 3% qaataan niman shirkado ah, wax sax ahna maahan, Waxaad og tihiin dhaqaalihii shirkaddii dekeda la wareegaysa soo gudbisay ee ahayd 20 Malyan in aan waxba laga siinin magaalada Boosaaso, dhaqaalihii meesha uu aaday waa lays kala xisaabtamayaa, dalkaan intuu aamusnaan karay wuu aamusnaaday, codka Shacabka ayaan rabnaa in uu kor u kaco, magaaladan waa magaaladii Soomaali oo dhan soo dhaweysay, waana meesha kaliya ee Qaxooti Ajnabi ah joogaan, Dhaqaalaha Puntland iyo Soomaaliyaba halkan ayuu ka bilowday, haddana waad arkaysaa in laga guurayo magaalada Boosaaso” ayuu yiri Musharax Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni. Musharraxu wuxuu ku dheeraaday Musuqmaasuqa baahsan ee ka dhex jira Xukuumadda hadda talisa, wuxuu ballan qaaday in isla xisaabtan dhab ah uu iman doono. “Waxaad og tihiin in dalkaan dhaqaalihiisii in la lunsaday oo uu galay jeebabka dad gaar ah, waxaan ogahay in dhaqaalihii dadka laga qaaday uu camiray magaalooyin kale oo ka baxsan Soomaaliya oo lagu maalgaliyey saxna maahan” ayuu yiri. Musharax Siciid Deni ayaa Duullaan qaawan ku tilmaamay daan-daansiga ay Somaliland ka waddo Gobalka Sool, wuxuu sheegay inay tahay arrin Dastuuri ah oo aan wada xaajood laga geli karin, wuxuuna qiray in Dowladda hadda jirta ku guuldarreysatay Howl galinta Ciidamada Tukarraq ee isaga yimid daafaha Puntland.. “Waxaad markhaati ka tihiin markii Tukaraq la qabsaday hadda oo gardaradda duulaanka qaawan lagu soo qaaday, dadkii min Raascaseyr, Saaxo ilaa Towfiiq dadku iyagoo aan la xisaabtamin dawladooda ayay ciidamado iyo calaf iskugu geeyeen, dawladda hadda joogtaa waxay ku guuldareystay in ay howlgaliso ciidamadaas, Sharaftii Puntland soo celiso, xaduudihii Puntland ay sugto, arrintaas waa arrin Dastuuri ah, maahan arrin ku aadan rabitaanka qofka madaxda ah, Waa arrin la rabo in qof walba oo Puntland ah u istaago” ayuu yiri. Siciid Deni wuxuu ka hadlay arrimaha doorashada iyo guddiyada khilaafaadka wuxuuna ka digay inaan qabaa’ilka iyo Isimada lagu mashquulin khilaaf sidoo kale aysan xukuumadda hadda jirta soo faragalin guddiyadaas. Ugu dambeyn Musharrax Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni wuxuu ballan qaaday haddii la doorto in xukuumaddiisu la imaan doonto Dowladnimo hufan, dowladnimo loo dhan yahay oo aysan koox yar talada la wareegin, codka shacabkana ku shaqeysa. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post-Bosaso The post Musharax Siciid Deni oo Bosaso lagu soo dhaweeyey, appeared first on Puntland Post.
Guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaridka Somaliland ee Ucid Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa maanta ka hadlay hadal uu horey u yiri Muuse Bixii iyo arrimo kale. Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa sheegay in Muuse Biixi uusan joojin karin wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, balse uu iska cadiifad hadlay, isagoo ugu janjabay in hadii uusan dadka la tashan laga tashan doono. “Wadanka lagu wadimaayo caadifad ,haddaad dadka la tashan weydo waa lagaa tashanayaa Madaxweyne, wada hadaladuna go’aan qaran ayuu ahaaye mu ahayn mid qofeed, wuxuuna ku bilaabmay talo qaran oo golayaasha sharci dajintu ay ogolaadeen” ayuu yiri Faysal Cali Waraabe. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa maalmo ka hor magaalada Burco ka sheegay in uusan hor fariisanayn madaxda Soomaaliya. PUNTLAND POST The post Faysal Cali Waraabe: Muuse ma joojin karo wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
Marka ( Sh. M. Network )-Faah faahinno dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya dagaal u dhexeeyay Al Shabaab iyo Ciidamada dowladda oo saaka ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ee Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Dagaalka oo ahaa mid xoogan ayaa waxa uu yimid, kadib markii Ciidamada Milatariga Soomaaliya ay weerar ku qaadeen fariisimo Al Shabaab ay ku leeyihiin nawaaxiga deegaanka Gandarshe ee gobolkaasi. Waxaana la sheegay in halkaasi ku dhacay dagaal foolka fool ah o u dhexeeyay labada dhinac. Maxamed Ibraahim Barre guddoomiyaha maamulka gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa ka warbixiyay dagaalkaasi. Guddoomiye Barre ayaa sheegay in halkaasi lagu dilay 19 ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab, sidoo kalena lagu dhaawacay tiro intaasi ka badan, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka. http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/nuuradiin-.mp3 The post Ku dhawaad 20 ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab Oo lagu dilay Sh/ Hoose appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug waxaa maanta lagu qabtay kulan ballaaran oo looga hadlayey ammaanka guud ee gobolka Mudug. Waxaa kulankaan ka qeybgalay mas’uuliyiin ka socotey maamullada Puntland, Galmudug, saraakiil ciidan, waxgarad iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada. Dhinacyadii kulankaasi ka hadlay waxay ku dheeraadeen ahmiyadda ay leedahay nabadda iyo sidoo kale waajibaadka arrintaasi ka saaran shacabka gobolkaasi. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso: https://goobjoog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/War-Gaalkacyo.mp3 Goobjoog News Source: goobjoog.com
Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Qaramada Midoobay ayaa abaal marinta sanadlaha ah ee dhanka Haweenka Booliska oo ay bixiso guddoonsiisay Phyllis Ama Tebuah Osei oo ka tirsan xafiiska QM Soomaaliya ee UNSOM. Haweeneydan oo ka soo jeeda dalka Ghana, kana howlgaleysay Soomaaliya muddo sanad ah ayaa ku guuleysatay abaal marinta 2018-ka. Ms Osei ayaa lagu bogaadiyay howlaha tababarada dhanka Haweenka oo ay ka soo qabatay maamulka Jubbaland ee Soomaaliya, iyadoona la sheegay intii ay ka howlgaleysay maamulkaasi tababar dhanka Booliska ah ay siisay ku dhawaad 50 Haween ah, kuwaasi oo ka tirsan Booliska Jubbaland. Sidoo kale waxa ay Haweenka Booliska ah ka taageertay arrimaha ilaalinta Xuquuqul Insaanka iyo Cadaaladda. Howlgalka QM ee Soomaaliya ayaa ah deeq bixiyaha ugu weyn ee Ciidamada AMISOM, kuwaas oo tababara Ciidamada DFS a iyo kuwa maamul lada dalka. The post QM Oo abaal marisay sarkaal ka tirsan howlgalka UNSOM appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
Dib u dhac ayaa mar kale ku yimid doorashada madaxweynaha maamulka K/galbeed, iyadoo ay doorashadu ka baaqatay 28-ka bishan. Guddiga doorashada madaxweynaha K/galbeed ayaa sheegay in 5-ta bisha December ay doorashada dhici doonto. Waxaa qoraalka guddiga doorashada K/galbeed soo saaray ku cad in howlaha doorashada si rasmi ah u bilaaban doonaan wixii ka dambeeya maalinta Sabtida ah. Halkaan hoose ka Akhriso: Goobjoog News Source: goobjoog.com
(SLT-Ceel-afweyn)-Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa sheegtay in weerarkii xalay magaalada Ceel-Afweyn ay ku soo qaadeen Jabhadda uu hoggaamiyo Kornayl Siciid Cawil Caarre, aanu sababin wax khasaare ah. Boos Mire Maxamed, wasiirka dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Somaliland oo Ceel-Afweyn ugu warramay Wariye Maxamuud Mas’uul ayaa sheegay in weerarkaasi socday 10 daqiiqo islamarkaana ujeedka Caarre ahaa Carqaladaynta Nabadda Beelaha halkaasi wada dega. Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in Kornayl Caarre, ay maalgelinayaan dalal shisheeye oo nabadda Somaliland Carqaladaynaya, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
Dagaallo xooggan oo u dhaxeeya ciidamada dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Al-shabaab ayaa waxay ka socdaan deegaanno ka mid ah gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Wararka ay heshay Goobjoog News, ayaa waxay sheegayaan in dagaalladan ay bilowdeen kadib markii ay ciidanka xoogga dalka weerar ku qaadeen fariisimo ay Al-shabaab ku lahaayeen deegaannada Gandershe iyo Jilib Marka. Ciidamada weerarkan qaaday ayaa ka baxay dhanka magaalada Marka iyadoo weli lasoo sheegayo in dagaalka yahay mid socdo. Waxaa jira khasaare kala duwan oo ka dhashay dagaalladan, balse lama hayo inta khasaarahan uu la egyahay. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source: goobjoog.com
Baladweyne ( Sh. M. Network )-Ciidamada Xoogga dalka, gaar ahaan guutada 5-aad ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa barqanimadii maanta isku geedaamay nawaaxiga Buundada Liiqliiqato oo ku taalla xaafadda Howlwadaag magaalada Baladweyne ee xarunta gobolkaasi. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamadani oo aad u fara badan ay ka Gadoodsan yihyiin Mushaar la’aan heysata muddo dhowr bilood ah. Ciidamada ayaa hakad galiyay dhaq dhaqaaqa Buundada Liiqliiqato oo isku xirta xaafadaha Howlwadaag iyo Kooshin ee magaaladaasi. Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidanka Xoogga dalka oo aan la xariirnay ayaa sheegay in markii dambe la xaliyay tabashada Ciidamadaasi, islamarkaana qeyb ka mid ah ay dib ugu laabteen Xeryahooda. Sidoo kale waxa ay saraakiishu intaasi ay ku dareen in ay socdaan dadaallo lagu doonayo, sidii ay xaquuqdooda u heli lahaayeen Ciidamada Xoogga dalka ee ka howlgala gobolka Hiiraan ee bartamaha Soomaaliya. Indhawaanahan ayaa waxaa taagnaa cabashooyin la xariira dhinaca Mushaaraadka oo ay ka cabanayeen Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda Soomaaliya e, gaar ahaan kuwa ku sugan furumaha dagaalka. The post Ciidamo Gadoodsan Oo xiray isku socodka Baladweyne appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
Muqdisho ( Sh. M. Network )-Kooxo ku hubeysan Bastoolado ayaa barqanimadii maanta dil ka geystay gudaha Suuqa Bakaaraha ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Dilka ayaa ka dhacay qeybta Bakaashka ee Suuqaasi, iyadoona la sheegay in loo geystay Ganacsade ku sugnaa halkaasi. Sida ay Shabelle u xaqiijiyeen Goobjoogayaal Ganacsadaha ayaa laga dhex toogtay goobtiisa Ganacsiga. Sidoo kale wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in Raggii ka dambeeyay dilkaasi ay goobta isaga baxsadeen. Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa ammaanka ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in dilka kadib ay gaareen halkaasi, kana sameeyeen baaritaano kooban. Welina ma jiro wax hadal oo ay saraakiisha laamaha amnigu ay ka soo saareen dilkaasi. Muddooyinkii dambe ayaa waxaa gudaha Suuqa Bakaraaha ka dhacayAY dilal qorsheysan oo qaarkood loo geystay Askar ka tirsanaa Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya. The post Dabley hubeysan Oo dil ka geystay Suuqa Bakaaraha appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
By Prof. Hassan Keynan One of the most prominent and most visible members of Prime Minister Khaire’s cabinet is the Minister of Finance. The webpage of the Federal Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Minister’s Twitter account are filled with the images and stories of a man in a hurry. High-level partnerships, conferences, workshops, expert meetings, consultations, technical missions, steering committees, specialized working groups, briefing sessions, press conferences, and interviews abound. The narrative pushed, in unison and with singular determination, by the entire FGS, celebrates remarkable milestones already reached; and confidently predicts the imminent breaking of a new promise-laden dawn. In fact, The Finance Minister’s ubiquitous presence, abundant promises, and enchanting projections seem to have acquired magical qualities. The top leadership of the Federal Government, including the President, Prime Minister, and senior ministers, routinely repeat the Finance Minister’s statements ad infinitum like mantra; and at times top them up with their own spin. Many Somalis, out of desperation, seem to imbibe his optimism wholesale, even at times coming close to believing that the promised future is already here. The unveiling of the National Economic Council (NEC) on 11 August 2018 is the latest episode of this captivating drama. So, what is Somalia’s finance guru up to? Are the prospects of solid and sustainable fiscal reforms and rapid economic turnaround predicted and promised by the Finance Minister and company real, credible, and realistically deliverable? Is the project informed by and reconcilable with the country- and context-specific realities on the ground? What exactly has been achieved to date vis-à-vis stated goals, expected outcomes, and target areas and beneficiaries? Is something big, unprecedented, and transformative in the works for Somalia? Or is the good Doctor a juju medicine man selling snake oil? The good news The Ministry of Finance’s project is not completely devoid of positive elements. For starters, the Finance Minister himself is its biggest asset and attraction. The principal task of the Finance Ministry, maintaining both micro and macro-economic stability in the country, is more like a distant dream than a realistic prospect. However, the Minister seems remarkably at ease and undeterred in his self-contained and hermetically sealed enclave in Mogadishu. At times, he appears quite candid in a cabinet steeped in regimentation, secrecy, and strict pecking orders. The Finance Minister has a modicum of support from his bosses in the Capital, and more importantly, the ringing endorsement of his international backers. Regarding demonstrable progress and tangible results achieved to date, it is too early to make a definitive assessment. Nevertheless, there is evidence that some improvements have been recorded. There has been a slow but steady progress in the implementation of agreed fiscal and policy reforms. Domestic revenue mobilization has registered modest increase, partially contributing to the 24% increase in the 2019 budget reported by the Ministry of Finance. In addition, a positive economic outlook has been projected in 2018, including 3.1% growth and 1.8% reduction in inflation. This has, according to Dr Beileh, enabled the Federal Government to pay the salaries of public sector employees and members of armed forces and security agencies regularly and predictably. The FGS has also singled out the completion of the Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) as a great achievement, although the target date for the completion of the 3rd 12-month SMP is April 2019. The FGS has also claimed that the $80 million pre-arrears financing grant provided by the World Bank and the 100 million Euros contributed by the European Union (EU) are not only an irrefutable evidence of its successful fiscal and economic reform, but also a clear indication that the international community has confidence in the FGS’s ability and commitment to stay on course. Furthermore, Dr Beileh and company point to the relentless campaign and critical preparatory work by the Federal Government towards efforts aimed obtaining debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC). Finally, the FGS underscores the time and resources it has devoted to launch a new national currency. Challenges Sovereign void Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) claims to have complete juridical sovereignty over a territory it cannot defend, strategic assets it cannot control, citizens it cannot serve and protect, and laws it cannot enforce. It is not even capable of securing the streets of the Capital, Mogadishu. Its economic project is neither informed by nor reconcilable with the country- and context-specific political, economic, demographic, and governance realities on the ground. As a state, Somalia has no coherent basis in reality, politically, territorially, and in terms of governance, legitimate authority, and rule of law. There is a multiplicity of mini-states and political groupings that are steeped in a protracted and seemingly endless squabbling and conflict. The Somalia-Somaliland divide is the clearest and most persistent factor that debunks the monumental deception peddled by the Mogadishu-based FGS with the help of the international community. Somaliland has been granted a separate agreement in both the 2013 Compact Deal and its successor, the New Deal. It has its own Central Bank and currency. The Mogadishu-based FGS and its Finance Minister have no authority and institutional leverage over the territory and economy of Somaliland. In fact, Somaliland does not feature in the business of the FGS except when Somaliland authorities seek or secure promising investment deals and development opportunities. A similar disconnect is evident in the relations between Mogadishu and the Federal Member States (FMS). In fact, the relationship between the FGS and FMS has become increasingly rambunctious, at times even toxic. In their 4th conference held in Garowe 20– 24th October 2018, the Presidents of the Federal Member States issued a blistering communiqué, accusing the FGS of a litany of serious offenses and gross transgressions ranging from deliberate, even treasonous, acts to undermine the constitution and rollback the infant federal system of government, to efforts aimed at tampering with the legislative and judiciary branches, to massive and unbridled corruption, including use of donated funds for political and personal gains. The FMS have basically declared the Federal Government a rogue entity. The FGS ‘cannot be trusted with the security of the country’ the Communiqué stated. The FMS halted all contacts and cooperation with the authorities and institutions of the FGS. The picture that clearly emerges is that the economy that the Finance Minister talks about is for all intent and purpose the economy of Mogadishu. The figures the FGS peddles from its enclave in Villa Somalia relate more to a Mogadishu Income Account (MIA) than to a National Income Account (NIA). Mogadishu port and airport and the estimated 1.6 million inhabitants in the Capital form the core of the Finance Minister’s economic strategy. The rest of the country, accounting for 87% of the population and about 80% of the national economy, remains beyond the FGS’s authority and far beyond the reach and institutional control of the Ministry of Finance. Debilitating data gaps: ‘for so it is, oh Lord my God, I measure it; but what it is that I measure I do not know.’ The Finance Minister has some of the best experts in the field at his disposal made available through a variety of technical missions and consultancies paid for by the World Bank, IMF, African Development Bank, UN and myriad bilateral donors. However, none of these could fix the perennial conundrum that has bedeviled efforts aimed at getting Somalia’s macroeconomic foundations and fiscal planning right: huge and debilitating data-gaps. This is particularly evident in the livestock sector, the biggest sector in the economy. According to the National Development Plan 2017 – 2019, the Livestock sector accounts for an estimated 67% of the population, 60% of GDP and at least 60% of foreign exchange earnings. Although the dominance of the livestock sector in the national economic is well known, establishing an accurate statistical database has eluded successive Somali governments, even at the best of times. This has made the conceptualisation and measurement of the Somali economy an immensely difficult task. The ILO expert, V. Jamal, provided unique insights on this conundrum in the Economics for an Unconventional Economy (1987). No one could quite figure out the exact number of the country’s population. About half a dozen conflicting estimates, ranging from four to eight million existed at that time. Accurate assessment of the economy and its performance had also been very difficult, because experts did not agree on the country’s GDP and the details of its growth or decline. In 1978, for example, there were five different GNP per capita estimates ranging from USD110 to USD342. During the same year three conflicting negative growth rates were recorded: Somali government (‑10%), World Bank (‑13%), and IMF (‑1%). The confusion was so great that Somalia was, in one dramatic statistical stroke, transformed from the eighth poorest country in the world with a per capita income as low as U$110 to a middle-income country with an average per capita of U$406. The problem with aggregate indicators is that ‘arbitrary changes {were} made to important magnitudes in the GDP without any explanation,’ resulting in the production of a series of conflicting and bizarre estimates with no practical link to the realities of the economy they were intended to measure. The measurement of the Somali economy has become a mathematical enigma comprehensible only to those exceptionally skilled in ‘figure fetishism’ as I would like to describe it. The unique nature of Somalia’s economy calls for an unconventional means and tools for analyzing its manifestations and measuring its performance. In the absence of relevant and reliable data, a straightforward application of conventional techniques can only operate on the strength of a prayer like this: ‘for so it is, oh Lord my God, I measure it; but what it is that I measure I do not know.’ The FGS and its finance guru seem to be engaged in ‘figure fetishism’, cooking and peddling numbers completely divorced from the real economy of the country. Deception, corruption, fraud and incompetence The Federal Parliament’s Committee on Budget, Finance and Planning has just released a scathing report, accusing the Ministry of Finance and the FGS of a raft of serious allegations including gross negligence, deception, corruption, and fraudulent practices. In fact, from its very beginning the FGS led by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Prime Minister Hassan Khaire has been dogged by such allegations. However, the report by the parliamentary committee constitutes the first time a statutory body presented credible evidence concerning high levels of mismanagement and embezzlement of public resources at the federal level. The report, among other things, documents in minute details: a)Millions of dollars that are missing or unaccounted for including $20 million received from Saudi Arabia, b)Millions of dollars withdrawn from the Central Bank in a manner inconsistent with existing rules and procedures, c)Large-scale financial corruption and mismanagement regarding the budget allocated to the Banadir Regional Administration, including $6 million withdrawn from the account of the Banadir Administration at the Central Bank, d)Considerable amounts of funds collected on the orders of the Minister of Finance from money transfer agencies and private banks and deposited in a account controlled by the Ministry of Finance in clear violation of established financial rules, e)Contracts awarded in violation of existing procurement rules. The powerful Minister of Finance himself has not been immune to the perennial afflictions of human fallibility. The magnetic temptations of power, ambition, habit, partisanship, and arrogance occasionally surface and get in the way. These reveal themselves in a variety of manifestations, including a flair for exaggeration, even overkill; and a tendency to ignore, gloss over, or omit core and heavily consequential matters in his portfolio or in the broader affairs of the FGS and the nation at large. For example, The Finance Minister has never talked about the issue of Somaliland with its own Central Bank and currency and the deepening conflict between the FGS and FMS. These issues have serious and far-reaching economic implications that cannot be simply and routinely dismissed. The Finance Minister’s habit to dwell on the Mogadishu Income Account and ignore or dismiss the rest of the country amounts to a deliberate and duplicitous attempt to mislead both Somalis and the international community. Data pertaining to 13% of the Somali population and an estimated 20% of the national economy cannot be peddled as an accurate assessment of the wealth of the entire nation. In addition, the Finance Minister often finds himself in the awkward position of seeing his efforts and work frustrated, undermined, and even sabotaged by prominent and powerful officials in the FGS, including some of his colleagues in the Council of Ministers. Take the case of the dubious contract between the Federal Ministry of Defence and the UAE-based SKA international. This was a secret deal brokered by the former Federal Minister of Defence, Mohamed Mursal, in clear violation of the national procurement rules and procedures, according to a detailed and well-researched report by the Voice of America’s Investigative Dossier aired on Voice of American Somali Service on 24 April 2018. This shocking news broke while Minister Beileh was in Washington for a high-level meeting with key international donors and lenders led by the IMF and World Bank. What followed was even more perplexing. The Senior Minister who was behind the SKA scandal was in a matter of days elected as the Speaker of the Federal Parliament and country’s chief legislator. What is more, the Finance Minister, who is also a Member of Parliament, was actively involved in this dubious scheme. Other senior officials of the FGS have also assumed the role of brokers hell-bent on engaging in shady deals aimed at liquidating the country’s strategic assets or colluding with foreign vultures with total impunity. Some have been implicated in several dubious, even illegal, deals either as brokers, lobbyists, shareholders, or facilitators. Concerns have also been expressed regarding attempts by powerful forces in the FGS to bend, pervert, or flaunt existing laws or tamper with new legislative endeavors in the service of greed and corruption. Conclusion: A cabal on the throne in Mogadishu In April 2018 J. Peter Pham from the Atlantic Council wrote a piece on Somalia in which he mentioned the existence of ‘a cabal’ within President Farmaajo’s ‘fragile regime.’ Three months later, the reputable Foreign Policy Magazine published, on 7 August 2018, a blistering commentary, accusing the FGS’s international patrons of financing ‘a criminal patronage network.’ More and more evidence seem to be piling up, pointing to a secretive inner circle that captured the fragile Somali state and its weak institutions in the service of power, which is then ruthlessly deployed to draw more people into the patronage network. A cabal with extensive international connections seems to be on the throne in Mogadishu. And the Minister of Finance is its most lethal weapon. Prof. Hassan Keynan is a former Professor at the Somali National University and a retired Senior UN Official DISCLAIMER! The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Caasimada Online.
Muqdisho ( Sh.M.Network):-Halkaan ka Dhageyso Warka Duhur ee Idaacadda Shabelle. Hoos riix si aad u Dhageysato:- http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Warka-Duhur-22112018-ok.mp3 The post Dhageyso:-Warka Duhur Ee Idaacadda Shabelle appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
United Nations Police Officer Phyllis Osei has been awarded the 2018 UN Female Police Officer Award, in recognition for her outstanding work with the UN Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), at a ceremony in New York on Monday. Since joining UNSOM in February, Ms. Osei – who holds the rank of Superintendent with the Ghanaian police force – has swiftly made a direct and positive impact on the community and host state police in Jubaland. Superintendent Osei has played an important role in enhancing the protection of women and girls, sparking initiatives to promote women’s rights in the Jubaland state police force, and successfully initiating adult literacy training for 49 female police officers: Ms. Osei also formed a Female Peacekeeper Network to support female peacekeepers working with the UNSOM and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). UN Police Adviser, Commissioner Luis Carrilho, praised Superintendent Osei for her exemplary conduct. “Ms. Osei was deployed to Somalia earlier this year in February 2018”, he said. “By April, she had already identified and trained two [staff to tackle gender issues] in AMISOM who went on to mentor and advise police officers in the host state police. Soon after, Ms. Osei established four gender desks in the host state police, facilitated a training on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and initiated a proposal that called for the establishment of a police post near the community thus ensuring access for SGBV survivors”. Nominations for the Award are requested annually from all peacekeeping and special political missions where UN police are deployed. Based on criteria for high performance, a selection committee, comprising policing and peacekeeping experts, evaluate the conduct and achievements of the nominees with an emphasis on impact of policing service delivery. The Award aims to establish a role model for women police peacekeepers and to promote the UN Secretary General’s Gender Parity Strategy and DPKO’s Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy, through encouraging Member States to deploy more female police officers to peacekeeping and special political missions. The post UN police officer recognized for protecting vulnerable Somali women from abuse appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
(SLT-Hargeysa)-Guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay hadal shalay ka soo yeedhay Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo ahaa inay Somaliland jiijinayso wada-hadalladii ay kula jirtay Soomaaliya, waxaanu dhaliilo culus u jeediyay xukuumadda tallada haysa, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
States in the horn of Africa is changing, in Ethiopia full democracy is unveiling, Eritrea is coming back to the world stage and in Somalia shifts of power to the federal government is hoping. Djibouti looks like they are left for reasons unknown to us all. After Ethiopia’s prime minister come to power many changes took place internally and externally. A dream of regional cooperation between horn of African countries emerge from Dr. Aby Ahmed. Let’s welcome any efforts to create good relations, promote good neighborhoods, enhance peace and stability and advance regional integration. but good understanding of how such cooperation benefits every state needs to be carefully researched or foretell. Many questions must be answered by each state policy makers, in every cooperation between states or non-state actors there are losers and winners, who will be the winners or losers of this cooperation? Many on both sides of the aisle has different questions about the advantages and disadvantages of such cooperation especially the Somalian people whose government is under establishment, whose borders, military, money and foreign policy is not yet fully operational. while Ethiopia has functional government, great military and strong foreign policy but landlocked state. Eritrea just coming from the shadows and joining the world back after long time of sanctions. Let’s learn from the international relations expert’s argument about balance of power between states. These three states have different powers and stakes, can regional cooperation balance their power? Is balance of power needed before any cooperation? If such cooperation becomes successful, then history will only tell the answers to these questions. Different school of thoughts in international relations and security theorists examine what a balance of power means A “balance of power” system is one in which the power held and exercised by states within the system is checked and balanced by the power of others. The minimum requirements for a balance of power system include the existence of at least two or more actors of roughly equal strength, states seeking to survive and preserve their autonomy, alliance flexibility, and the ability to resort to war if need be. No one can question Ethiopia’s hegemony in this region, in today’s world economic cooperation comes with security, Somalia and Eritrea are not equal strength to Ethiopia not only military might but even by population. Somalia has its own internal subdivisions and competition for power between its federal and its states. Ethiopia’s superior power vs Somali and Eritrea’s weak powers creates a vacuum that needs to be debated and rechecked. But what is the end goal of Somalia’s policymaker’s perspective on this cooperation? Is it to get short term goals to win or get help from internal rivalries like the federal member states powers or win the fight against Al-Shabaab. Because deciding such a big policy needs strategic intelligence assessment without this may carry considerable political costs and uncertain policy risks. For Ethiopia, although internal pressures still exist but this cooperation might be more strategic and more power particularly for their navy. For Eritrea It’s a win, win situation as they have nothing to lose. When states draft their initial cooperation four things are needed to balance the power of such cooperation – psycho-cultural balancing, political-diplomatic balancing, strategic balancing and economic balancing. If any consideration is given by the state leaders before they undertake this `cooperation, then balance of power can be withdrawn from the above balancing. For example, if Somalia diplomats rigorously researched the strategic and economic balancing and conclude that it’s their best interest in the present and future time, then such cooperation is advantageous to them unless otherwise it has other failures. Do they have plans in place to counter incase a state throws its weight on one side of the scale? Mearsheimer claims that “status quo powers are rarely found in world politics, because the international system creates powerful incentives for states to look for opportunities to gain power at the expense of rivals, and to take advantage of those situations when the benefits outweigh the costs.” The British School’s discussion of balance of power depicts a “manually operated” system, wherein the process of equilibrium is a function of human contrivance, with emphasis on the skill of diplomats and statesmen, a sense of community of nations, of shared responsibility, and a desire and need to preserve the balance of power system. “balance” metaphor was conceived as a law of nature underlying most things we find appealing, whether order, peace, justice, fairness, moderation, symmetry, harmony, or beauty. The legitimacy will be the biggest obstacle to such horn of Africa’s cooperation. A) None of the three leaders were elected by their people by direct, independent vote. Dr. Aby Ahmed and Farmajo are elected by parliamentary vote, the people didn’t vote for them. B) both didn’t bring or share the details of the cooperation with their respective parliament. C) both have internal subdivisions and internal obstacles. anyone can still view this grand bargain voluntarily struck among the major actors as legitimate and beneficial, but to balance the argument, for cooperation between these states to settle in a peaceful and the will of the people, the negotiators should bring the details to their parliament and give out more detail. According to Hans Morgenthau, “The aspiration for power on the part of several nations, each trying either to maintain or overthrow the status quo, leads of necessity, to a configuration that is called the balance of power and to policies that aim at preserving it. Also, Arnold Wolfers invoke the “law of nature” metaphor to explain opportunistic expansion: “Since nations, like nature, are said to abhor a vacuum, one could predict that the powerful nation would feel compelled to fill the vacuum with its own power. Is it possible that other powerful nations felt to create such cooperation to fulfil other areas of interest? Who will be the balancer? a situation that exists when one state possesses the special role of holding the balance (called the balancer) and thereby maintains an even distribution of power between the sides. If Ethiopia becomes the balancer then what is the ultimate promise they gave that no power abuse could happen? In international politics some states may commit an act of deception by entering a cooperation and later defects. the purpose or goal of the cooperation should share publicly for the public to understand what was written between the lines. To convince the public well, the real cooperation, its beneficiaries and stake holders must be known for the citizens of these states to avoid any future danger. The danger is that a predatory great power might gain more than half of the total resources of the system and thereby be in position to subjugate all the rest. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “It does not make sense to adapt a 19th-century concert of powers or a 20th-century balance-of-power strategy. We cannot go back to Cold War containment or to unilateralism,” she said in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in July 2009. “We will lead by inducing greater cooperation among a greater number of actors and reducing competition, tilting the balance away from a multipolar world and toward a multiparter world. Djibouti which shares many characteristics with Somalia sees Eritrea as an adversary, Eritrea is believed to have a portion land and prisoners from Djibouti, this issue has not been solved yet. Although reports indicate that negotiations are in process, but no sign of result is seen yet, if the commitment or promise to finalize that issue and Djibouti get their land back then such cooperation can be initially trusted to begin. The capabilities and reliability of commitments of allies and possible allies must remain strong. The military and political consequences of the relationships between physical geography, state territories, and state power is another subject under discussion. power capability includes combinations of the following measures: land area (territorial size), total population, size of armed forces, defense expenditures, overall and per capita size of the economy (e.g., gross national product), technological development, per capita value of international trade, government revenue, and less easily measured capabilities such as political will and competence, combat efficiency, and the like. Ethiopia with a population of 108, 386, 391 compared to estimated 15 million somali population cannot be balanced in many aspects. In practice, however, various factors diminish the attractiveness of certain alliances that would otherwise be made in response to changes in ideologies, personal rivalries, national hatreds, ongoing territorial disputes and the like. Somalia and Ethiopia were not in good relations for the past centuries, Eritrea and Ethiopia had territorial disputes and hatred before, so new regional cooperation can create trust and long-term stability and development. if this cooperation is made purely strategic reasons to maximize relative gains, then the state with initial dream to form this cooperation in order to achieve their strategic goal benefits while other loss. For example, if the main agenda of Ethiopia is to get out of landlock, find a solution to maximize their profit goals whether its employment for their outnumbered population or find navy bases then the new horn of Africa cooperation is a deception. today’s friend may be tomorrow’s enemy. During the Second World War, for instance, the United States was allied with China and the Soviet Union against Italy, Germany, and Japan. After the war, the United States, victorious but wisely having chosen not to eliminate its vanquished enemies, allied with Japan, Italy, and West Germany against its erstwhile allies, the Soviet Union and Communist China. Of course, we are all east Africans all sorts of cooperation’s are needed and that’s the way forward, but things can change tomorrow. Ethiopia may join Sudan-Egypt cooperation leaving horn of Africa cooperation or Somalia may join east Africa community which includes Kenya-Uganda – Tanzania. President Farmajo’s quick explanation states that Ethiopia had been interfering internal Somali politics for the last 30 years, but he personally talked to former prime-minister to stop such acts, that the new economic cooperation will be advantageous to the people of Somalia, that Somalis are entrepreneurs, that having a close relationship with neighboring countries can bring prospects. For the part that Ethiopia has been spoiling local politics for long time and we are joining them will lessen their threat is bandwagoning behavior, that is, when states join the stronger or more threatening side. So, if Somalia’s intention to join this cooperation to align with stronger Ethiopia to stop the intervention then the following questions can be asked if it’s appropriate or inappropriate to align such a force? This can also be viewed as defensively minded state seeking only to enhance its security and avoid unwanted infiltration, intervention or stop save-heaven to the governments opposition. Former prime minister of Ethiopia brought such vision around 2002 named Sanaa forum, speaking at Khartoum, Zenawi said that “as the regional organization is established to expand overall cooperation among countries located south of the Red Sea, its door is open to countries, which support objectives of the forum. the forum aims to protect the coasts of the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea through the maintenance of peace, security and stability in the region”. Was Djibouti smart enough not to take part both Sanaa forum and this new cooperation? Consider Woodrow Wilson’s description of pre-World War I Europe: “The day we left behind us was a day of alliances. It was a day of balances of power. It was a day of ‘every nation take care of itself or make a partnership with some other nation or group of nations to hold the peace of the world steady or to dominate the weaker portions of the world’. As history moves forward in a progressive direction lets predict that the 21st century generation of east Africans hopes and joins together in the best interest and common good. The changes that took place in Eastern Africa particularly Ethiopia insights a dream of regional cooperation. History will tell whether positive development come from that dream, I’m more optimistic now than before to the future of east Africans. Sometimes regional cooperation can bring two adversaries together on the same boat but only if it comes directly from them. The balance of power between states cannot be underestimated hopefully this new horn of Africa cooperation brings peace, justice, prosperity, and freedom for all east Africans. Mahad Wayax Mahadhassan045@gmail.com DISCLAIMER! The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Caasimada Online.
Ceel-afweyn (Caasimada Online) – Dagaal culus ayaa ka dhacay agagaarka Saldhigga Degmada Ceel-afweyn ee gobalka Sanaag waxaana la soo sheegayaa inuu jiro khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Dagaalkaan ayaa dhaxmaray Ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland iyo Sarkaal dhawaan ka goostay Somaliland oo galay keymaha gobalka Sanaag. Goob joogayaal ayaa soo sheegaya in kooxdii weerarka qaaday ay qabsadeen Saldhigga ayna dhaawaceen Taliye ku xigeenkii Saldhigga Ceel-afweyn, sidoo kale Ciidamadii weeraray degmadaasi ayaa xabsiga ka sii daayay tiro dad ah oo ku xernaa Xabsiga degmada Ceel-Afweyn ee Gobalka Sanaag. Sarkaalkaan weerarka qaaday ayaa lagu magacaabaa Korneel Caarre waxa uuna dhawaan ka baxay Somaliland isaga iyo Ciidamo uu hogaamin jiray, dadka yaqaana ayaa sheegaya in midnimada Soomaaliya uu aaminsan yahay sababaha uu uga baxay Somalilandna ay tahay kala aragti duwanaansho arintaasi la xariirta. Sidoo kale Sarkaalkaan ayaa la sheegay in khilaaf culus oo kala dhaxeeyo taliyaha Ciidamada Somaliland ayna sababta ugu weyn ee soo dadajisay ka bixitaanka Somaliland ay tahay khilaafkaasi. Korneel Caarre ayaa u muuqda Jabhad cusub oo ka aas aasan tahay Somaliland waxaase laga baqayaa in dhibaato ay soo food saarto gobalka Sanaag. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa Caasimada@live.com
Boqortooyadii cismaaniyiintu wxay ahayd boqtooyo taariikh wayn kulahayd caalamka gaar ahaan islaamka ,waxayna islaamka gaadhsiisay dhamaan caalmka markaa intii layaqaanay , waxayna haysatay dhamaan dhulaalka manta ay degen yahiin dadka loogu yeedho carabtu, waxayna gacata ku haysay dekadahooda iyo siyaasadoodaba, dagaalkii kowaadna waxa uu ahaa dagaalkii boqortooyadii cismaaniyiinta runtii lagu mu aamaradeey Waxaayaabo badan badaa ka dhacay aduunka intii uu socday dagaalkii kowaad ee aduunku ,waxaana loogu magacaabay dagaalkii kowaad waxaa ka qayb galay dhamaan midabada dadka aduunka ku nool, waxaanu dagaalku u dhaxeeyey badankiisu xulafadii farnsiiska ,ingriiska ,iyo jarmalka ,iyo boqortooyaii cismaaniyiintu oo dhinac ahaa markaa Hadii aynu soo qaadano dagaalkaas iyo waxayaabahii uu la gu xasuusto ,gaar ahaan boqortooyadii cusmaaniyiinta iyo dagaalkii ku dhexmaray qabiiladii carabta oo uu kow ka aha sacuudigu , waxaana mandaqada jaziirada carabta isku raacraacay dagaalo dhowar waxaana ka soo qaadan karnaa dagaalkii dhexmaray carabta jaziirada deganayd iyo xulufadeedii ay is gaashan buuraysanayeen oo ahaa ingriiska iyo faransiiska , iyo ciidamadii boqortooyadii cismaaniyiinta oo dhinca ahaa, Waxayna ahayd ciraaq iyo jaziirada carabtuba xudunta halkii uu ku soo gabogaboobay jabiintii ciidamadii boqortooyadii cismaaniyiintu, gudo iyo dibadba , dunidan loo bixiyey dunida sadexaadna waxaa uu daagaalku u aha kacaan garahaan carabta kacaan wayn oo bilaabmay 1914kii socdayna ilaa 1918kii Sanadkii 1916kii waxaa lagu qaaday ciidamadii cismaaniyiinta ee joogay maka iyo madiinaba dagaalo qadhqadhaadh iyo weeraro kulkulul oo markaa deganaa maka iyo madiina , mudo yar kadibna quwadahii kacdoonku waxay gaadheen guulo ,waxaayna gadoomiyeen labdii qalcadood ee marka iyo madiina waqti sidaas udheerna kumay qaadan in ay isdhiibaan ciidamadii qalcadii maka ,in yar kadibna waxaa ciidamo xoojin aha oo kuwa madaafiicdaa usoo diray ingriiska si ay u taageeraan ciidamada carabta , Laakinn qalcadii madiina way adkaysatay waxaan xoojini uga timid dhinaca suuriya iyadoo loo soo marinayo wadada treenka ee xijaas ,taasina ay sababtay in turkigu adkeeystaan qalcadii madiina, intaas kadibna ciidamadii maka ee turkigu waxay bilaabeen in ay ka gurgurtaan maka iyagoo jabay awgeed kana baqaya in ay xoojini utimaado dagalaalyahanka carabta, waxayna ciidamada turkigu si aad aha uga sii baqo qabeen in ay soo gaadhaan ciidamo uu wato ,amiir faysal binu shariif xuseen bnu cali, Inbadan ciidamada turkigu waxay sii joogeen bada cas oo ay deganayeen dhamaan dekada bada cas, ,quwadahii carabtuna waxay halkaa ku sugayeen sadex jiilaal, ilaa si nidaamsan ay quwadahii turkigu uga baxeen halkaas, tiiyoo taasi jirtan hadan quwadahii caraabtu waxay dhabarka ka werareen jidkii ay taageeradu u soo maraysay ciidamada turkiga , taaso oo ahyad wadii tareenka ee xijaas oo dhererkeedu dhamaa 1300km oo u dhaxaysa dimishiq iyo madiina ,ciidamadii turkigana waxay is haleeleen ciidamadii uu watay faaysal ee maka iyo rabaaq waxayna u jihaysteen dhinac waqooyiga mandaqada, waxayna 1917kii horaantiisii ciidamadii qabiiladii carabtu weeraro joogta ku hayeen ciidamadii turkiga , mudana waxaa qalcadii madiina ku gadoonsanaa ciidamo turkiya oo uu hogaaminayo janaral cumar fakhru diin baasha, ,akhirkiina 1919kii ay gacanta u oo gashay dhamman mandaqadii xijaas, qabiiladii carabta ee halkaas deganaana kana mid noqdeen dulaankii waynaa ee uu hogaaminayey cabdi casiis al sacuud , Intaas kadib waxaa ay dowladhii ingriiska iyo farsiisku iyo hindiya oo la xulufo la ahayd waxay u soo direen masar iyo waqooyiga afrika ciidamo ladagaalama ciidamadii turkiga , ee deganaa dalalkaas Waxaana dagaaldaas badankooda gacanwayn ka gaysanayey ciidamada diyaardaha dagaalka ee ingiriiska . oo ay taageerayaan ciidamada lugta ee baxrayn , diyaaradahaas oo qaraacayey goobahii ay fadhiyeen ciidamadii turkigu ee k u teedsanaa bada cas, rushayntaas oo suuro galisay in quwadahii carabtu gacatnta ku dhigaan dekadahii bada cas dhamaantood , waxayna gacanta ku dhigeen kumanaan ka mid aha ciidamadii turkig, hogaamiyaashi dagaalkaa turkiga lagu hayey waxaa laga xusi karaa loraysa carab, waxaynna in badan dagaalamayeen quwadahii faysal, 1918kii waxaa sii sacday dagaalkii u dhaxeeyey ciidamadii qabaailkii carabta iyo kuwii turkiga waxayn akhrikii ciidankii qabiiladu gaadheen suuriya iyo dimishiq halkaas oo ahayd dhamaadkii daagaalka ,waxaana halkaa lagu gadhay heshiiskii ( mowdros ) oo udhaxeeyey xulafadii carabta iyo boqortooyadii cismaaniyiinta, taas oo lagu dhameeyey dagaalkii laba geesoodka ahaa, Gabogabdii Hadaba dagaalka dekadha ee ay wadaan imaaraadka iyo sacuudiga iyo waxa uu salka ku hayaa dagaalkii kowaad ,taas oo iminka uu isleeyahay sacuudigu qabso bada cas waxaanu khatar iyo baabiin gaadhsiiyeen dalkii yaman waxayna is khilaafeen djabuuti oo dakadaheeda waxayna ereteriya ka dalbadeen in ay maal gashadaan ,waxayna dekada berbera laga kirireeyey mudo 40sano aha ,waxayna reer boosaaso ka iibsadeen dekadoodii oo ilaa hada waxba laga qabanin ,markaa dagaalka dekadahu somalilya amaba mandaqada geesku ujedadiisu waa ka ishortaagid turkiga iyo shiinaha laga hor istaago dekadaha bada cas iyo maalgalinta uu africka aay gashanayaan markaa ha umalayn in maalagalin ee waa xaasidnimo ,mustaqabalkana maalingalinta ay sheegayaan way ku fashilmayaan By: Khadar Adam Aw Muuse mixile190@gmail.com Source
Guddiga doorashada maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaliya ayaa soo saaray jadwalka doorashada iyaga oo sheegay sida ay wax u dhacayaan. Guddiga ayaa sheegay is diiwaan gelinta Musharaxiinta ay socon-doonto 22-23-ka bishan, halka musharaxiinta Madaxweynaha ay khudbeyn-doonaan 25-26-ka bishan. Doorashada Madaxweynaha ayaa la qaban doonaa 28-ka bishan November, oo ku beegan Arbacada soo socota. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post The post Gudida doorashada Koonfur Galbeed oo soo saaray Jadwalka doorashada Madaxweyne appeared first on Puntland Post.
Ee Adiguna Abtigeela Maal Waliba Caanaha Xoorka Leh Cab . By Mire Cali Xasan Nuur Socdaalki madaxwaynaha ee gobolada Togdheer iyo dada madheedh wali ku jira oo mashaaric Badan ka furay Sida garoonki burco madaxwaynuhu Roog cagaaran dhigay , jeelki uku waynaa oo burco madaxwaynuhu xadhiga ka jaray Marshuuci beeraha ee dowlada kharashka bixisay oo markii you horeeysay ay H irgalisay xukuumada muuse biixi gadhwadeenka yahay oo dalagii uku badnaa ka so b axayo WAA guulaha Somaliland maanta gaadhay dalkuna helayo raashin dalkooda laka so saaray halkii markii hore debeda laka so waaridi jiray . Horimarka iyo wax Wada qabsiga inaka isku HAYNA ee wax beesha caalamku inoo hayso maaha Waxaynu nahay dal dhulki leh ,badi Leh, macadanti leh ,kaluunki leh Isku filaashahu gacmeheena ayey ku jiraan isku filaasho Waanu gaadhayna hadii sida maanta wax u socdaan ilahay inooko wado. SOO DHAWAYNTI SHACABKA OODWAYNE WE MADAXWAYHA. SHACABKA OODWAYNE oo madaxwaynaha SI maqaam sare ah u so dhaweeyey HMACAA MADAXWAYNU GEELI OODWAYNU AYUU MAALAYA . MADAXWAYNE GEEL YAQAAANA OO DHAQAN YAQAANA GUUL IYO GOBANIMO SOMAALILAND. mohamedhassan3867@gmail.com Source
(SLT-Hargaysa)Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland Prof.Yaasiin Xaaji Maxamuud Xiir (Faratoon), ayaa ka hadlay siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda, qadiyada madax banaanida Somaliland iyo wada hadalada Somaliya. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland Prof.Yaasiin Xaaji Maxamuud Xiir (Faratoon), oo u waramay Wargeyska Geeska Afrika ayaa ugu horeyn isagoo ka hadlaya wada hadalada Somaliya yidhi “Arintan wada hadalada Somaliya, Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Muddane Muuse Biixi Cabdi, meel fagaare ah ayuu kaga hadlay, xaqiiqooyin jirana uu sheegay, heerka aynu kala joogno Somaliyana wuu sheegay, waxaana xaqiiqo ah in Somaliya aynu kala nahay laba dal oo kala leh xad la yaqaano, markii horena waxaynu kala ahayn laba dal, oo isku biiray, haddana dib u kala noqday, Somaliland iyo Somaliya laba dal oo la isku khaldo oo isku mida maaha, Somaliland Xamar loogama taliyo ee Madaxweyne Shacabkiisu doorteen ayaa ka taliya, Dawladda Somaliya khalad bay ku tahay inay na sheegato, Somaliland waa dal leh Caasimad, waa dal gobolo, waa dal leh Ciidamo, waa dal leh Calan, waa dal leh wax kasta oo dal la aqoonsan yahay looga baahan yahay, markaas dawladda Somaliya is kasta oo ay iskugu daydo inay horumarka Somaliland wax yeesho ma yeeli karto”. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda isagoo ka hadlay Siyaasadda Arrimaha Dibadda,Aqoonsiga iyo Beesha Caalamka ayaa yidhi “Caalamku wuxuu inoola macaamila si fiican, waxaynu qabsanayna waa la inoo og yahay, laakiin cid kasta oo ina ogol iyo cid kasta oo ina diidanba inaynu qancino, kuna qancino jirtaankeena iyo qaranimadeena ayaanu diyaar u nahay, Wadamada aynu jaarka nahay, Wadamada Afrika, Qaramada Midoobay, Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta, Midawga Yurub iyo cid kastaba waxaynu diyaar u nahay, inaynu tusno oo aynu ka dhaadhicino qadiyadeena, madax banaanideena iyo jirtaankeena dal ahaan iyo dad ahaanba, waxaanu diyaar u nahay inaynu dal kasta ku qancino inaynu Somaliya kala madax banaan nahay, halgan, juhdi iyo dadaal baynu u gali doonaa sidii aynu aqoonsi u heli lahayn, waxaana looga baahan yahay shacabka reer Somaliland meel kasta oo ay joogaan inay muujiyaan qadiyada iyo madax banaanida dalkooda” Wasiirka arrimaha dibaddu mar uu ka hadlaayey warbaahinta ayaa yidhi “Qaybaha kala duwan ee warbaahinta wadanka, waxaan ku boorinayaa inay baahiyaan wararka qadiyada Somaliland sare u qaadaya, balse waxaan ka codsanayaa inay aad uga taxadiraan oo ay iska ilaaliyaan wararka Wadanka khatar ku ah” Source
(SLT-Hargaysa)Saxafiga caanka ah ee Idaacadda BBC, laanteeda Afka Soomaaliga wakiilka uga ahaa caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa Axmed Siciid Cige ayaa galay hawlgab shaqo. Sida ay Geeska Afrika u sheegeen ilo xogogaal ahi, weriye Cige oo Idaacadaas BBC u shaqaynayay 20 kii sannadood ee u dambeeyay, wuxuu hadda galay hawlgab rasmi ah, waxaanu ka fadhiiistay hawlihii shaqo ee laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee BBC-da. Weriye Cige, ayaa mudadii uu wakiilka u ahaa idaacadda BBC, wuxuu caan ku ahaa dhexdhexaadnimo saxafinimo oo dhinacyada uu waraysanayo ah. Axmed Cige ayaa sannadkii hore markii u horaysay wuxuu laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee BBC ka sii daayay dood dhex martay saddex murashax madaxweyne oo ku tartamayay doorashadii madaxtooyada ee kal hore Somaliland ka dhacday, taas oo noqotay markii u horaysay ee BBC, laanteeda afka Soomaaligu dood u qabato murashixiin madaxweyne. Weriye Cige, ayaa wuxuu goob-joog ka ahaa oo uu warbixino ka diyaariyay lixdii doorasho ee Somaliland ka qabsoomay oo isugu jiray kuwo madaxweyne, baarlamaanka iyo kuwo deegaan, sidoo kale saddex doorasho oo ka qabsoomay dalka Djibouti ayaa goob-joog u ahaa. Weriye Cige, ayaa wuxuu geesta kale laf-dhabar u ahaa xafiiska Media Action ee BBC-da oo Hargeysa laga furay sannadkii 2005 oo ay wax ka barteen shaqana ka heleen dad badani. Intii uu shaqada BBC joogay waxa magaalada Hargeysa ay noqotay magaaladii u horaysay ee laga furo idaacadda FM-ta oo ku shaqaysa cadceeda. Si kastaba ha ahaate, weriye Axmed Siciid Cie, wuxuu nabadgelyo ku yidhi laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee BBC, waxaanu si rasmi ah uga fadhiistay shaqadii uu BBC u hayay. Source
(SLT-Muqdisho)General Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib, ayaa markii u horaysay ka hadlay isbedelada ka socda Itoobiya iyo rajada xidhiidh isfaham oo dhex mari kara Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya. General Jaamac-yare, ayaa qoraal uu luuqada Ingiriisida ku qoray oo uu shalay baahiyay, wuxuu kaga hadlay isbedelada uu gudaha Itoobiya ka bilaabay Raysalwasaaraha Itoobiya Axmed. Qoraalka Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib oo uu Geeska Afrika soo turjumay wuxuu u dhignaa sidan. “Furfurida Abiy Axmed wadaa waxay casuumaysaa ama qasbaysaaba dareenka qofka ay khusayso arrintani, waa arrin aad iyo aad ugu qalanto in si xiiso badan loo eego, Itoobiya hadda waxay taagantahay isgoys, aad ugu eeg halkii uu istaagay Midowgio Soofiyeeti ee hore inyar ka hor burburkiisii, Hortaantii sagaashamaadkii. Gorbachove muu filayn mana uu jeclayn inuu kala firdhiyo nidaamkaas shabakada ahaa ee maamulkii Midowga Soofiyeeti, taas oo laga yaabo inuu ku tixgelinayay horumarkii dhaqan dhaqaale ee bulshadu ay samaynaysay muddo ka badan 70 sannadood, inkastoo uu gaabis ahaa. Laakiin waxa muuqata inuu qiimeyn hoose ku sameeyay inay tahay inaanu ilaabin in nidaamka shabakada ahi uu yahay ka keliya ee uu Midowga Soofiyeeti hayay. Gorbachove, wuxuu soo saaray qorshihiisii caanka noqday ee Prestroik and Glasnaut oo macnihiisu yahay dib u nidaaminta iyo furfurnaanta isagoo si han leh u rajaynayay inuu bedelo aragtidii dhaqan dhaqaale ee markaas ka jirtay midowgii soofiyeeti ee hore iyo in dhaqan gelinteedu ay noqonayso wax tar sii kordhay iyo inuu awoodi midowga soofiyeeti inuu dhaqaale ahaan u babac dhigo kuwa kuwa ka soo horjeeda; waa dadka reer galbeedka’e. Laakiin markii uu furfurmay nidaamkaas shabakada ah, waxa furmay sanduuq aan laga hortagi Karin lana joojin Karin kaas oo markiiba ku hoggaamiyay inuu furfurmo cimlaaqii awooda badnaa oo midwogii soofiyeeti ee hore ahaa. Haddaba hindisaha cusub ee hadda Abiy kuwado Itoobiya waxa uu warka oo kooban noqon doonaa laba midkood. Inuu ku hoggaamiyo xornimada Oromada iyo awood siintooda sharciyeed, ama waxay noqon kartaa xasilooni daro dalka ka dhacda, xataa haddii aanay la mid ahayn midwogii soofiyeeti ee hore, xasilooni darro noocaas ahina wuxuun bay hordhac u tahay burbur dhammaystiran oo dhaca. Oromadu waa bulshada ugu balaadhan qoomiyadaha itoobiya oo dhan, inkastoo ay ka yaryihiin aqlabiyada, qiyaastii waa 40%. Haddii uu hindsaha Abiy keeno dimuqraadiyad run ah oo ah inta badani inay dalka hoggaamoso, Oromadu waxay markasta noqon kartaa isbahaysi muhiim ah (Marka awood qaybsiga laga hadlayo) Haddii dhinaca kalena ay taasi kaahoristaagto dimuqraadiyad lagu dhaqami waayo, isbedelku wuxuu noqon doonaa rabshado iyo xasilooni darro. Marka la eego qadidyada Soomaalida, ku hoos jira xukunka Itoobiya, xaaladoodu wuxuun bay iska sii ahaanaysa sidii dad la gumaysanayo oo aanay muhiim u samaynayn isbedelada ka dhacaya Itoobiya. Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya waa dalal jaar ah, waxaanay u baahanyihiin inay nabad ku wada noolaadaan, laakiin iskaashi kasta oo macno samaynaya oo labada dal dhex maraa waa riyo inta ay tuumbada kusoo jirta dhimanaysa ilaa inta ay Itoobiya gumaysanayso dhul aad u balaadhan oo Soomaaliyeed iyo dad, (Ogaden). Source
(SLT-Moscow)Taliyihii sirdoonka milatariga Ruushka Jeneraal Igor Korobov ayaa geeriyooday isaga oo 62 jir ah, sida ay shaacisay wasaaradda gaashaan dhigga ee dalka Ruushka. Jeneraal Igor ayaa xilkan qabtay sannadkii 2016, waxaana la sheegay in uu Arbacadii u geeriyooday xannuun daran oo wakhti dheer soo hayay. Sirdoonka milatariga Ruushka oo magaciisa loo soo gaabiyo GRU ayaa lala xiriiriyay weerarkii kiimikada neerfaha waxyeesha loo adeegsaday ee ka dhacay Britain kaas oo lagu bartilmaameedsaday Sergei Skripal oo horay uga tirsanaan jiray sirdoonka Ruushka iyo gabadhiisa. Jeneraal Igor ayaa la fahamsan yahay in uu dhaleecayn kala kulmay masuuliyiinta Ruushka isagoo loo haystay in hawlgalkaasi uu fashilmay. Weerarka 4 bishii Maarso lagu qaaday Skripal oo 66 jir ah iyo gabadhiisa Yulia oo 33 jir ah ayaa horseeday in isbitaal lagu dabiibo toddobaadyo. Source