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1- Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranku waxay ka gaabiyeen dar-dar gelintii qodoban soo socda: A) Habraacii wadashaqeyneed ee ay la yeelan lahayeen Golaha Baarlamaanka si Baarlamaanku xeerarka saami qaybsiga u curiyaan B) Dar-dar gelintii iyo dib u furistii Diiwaan gelinta Codbixiyayaasha si howshu u kala socoto oo mudada qorshe hawleedku u soo gaabato C) Miisaaniyada Doorashooyinka iyo Diiwaan gelinta oo aanay ka soo wada xareyn badhkii Xukuumada si diiwaan gelinta Codbixiyayaasha loo sii bilaabo D) Waxay ka gaabiyeen Hab-raacii wada shaqeyneed ee Madaxweynaha iyo ogeysiintii Garsoorka si xukuumadu xil-isaga saarto miisaaniyada qaybta kaga aadan oo dhan E) Waxay ka gaabiyeen dhamaan wada shaqeyntii Waaxyaha qaranka waayo way arkaayeen saansaanta mudo kordhinta ee ay la sugeen waqtigan xeedho iyo fandhaal kala dhaceen ee ay ku dhawaaqeen in doorashadu dib u dhaceyso. waxay aheyd in ay 6 bilood ka hor sii iclaamiyaan liiska codbixiyayaasha iyo jidwalka habsami u socodka hawlaha Diiwaan gelinta codbixiyayaasha. 2- Golaha Baarlamaanku waxay iyana dhegaha ka fureysteen qodobadan hoose : A) in ay diyaariyaan shuruucdii Saami-qeybsiga Kuraasta Golaha Wakiilada Gobolada oo mudo aad u dheer soo cakirnaa oo ilaa Doorashadii hore hortaalay.. B) Waxay ku fashilmeen in ay xeerarka labada Doorasho ee isku sidkan ay is waafajiyaan oo aanay howsha isla wada sugin ee sii falkiyaan. C) Waxay ku fashilmeen ku dhaqankii waajibaadkii Dastuuriga ahaa ee ay Kuraasta Baarlamaanka ku baneyn lahaayeen maadaama mudo xileedkoodii uu dhamaaday. 3- Madaxtooyadu waxay ka gaabisay qodobadan hoose : A) in ay dabo galaan Xeerarka Baarlamaanku miiska hoostiisa uu dhigay ee ay diyaarin waayeen mudada dheer. B) Waxay ku fashilmeen Miisaaniyada Doorashooyinka ee komishanka qaranku u soo gudbiyey ee ay qaybtooda soo dhameystiri waayeen. C) Madaxweynuhu wuxuu ka gaabiyey Isfahan la’aantii ay is fahmi waayeen asxaabta qaranka ee mucaaridka ah. D) Madaxtooyadu waxay ka gaabisay dar-dar gelintii dhamaan qorsheyaashii lagu gaadhi lahaa in Doorashadu waqtigeeda ku qabsoonto. E) Madaxtooyadu waxay ku ribatay ku dhaqankii Dastuurka qaranka iyo waajibaadkii dastuuriga ahaa ee Hanaanka Geedi socodka Dimuqraadiyada JSL ku dhisneynd Maadaama Doorashooyinkii dib u dhaceen . Golaha Baarlamaanka waxaa mudo kordhin qayrul sharci ah loo sameeyey 3 Jeer oo hore, waxaanay kuraasta ku fadhiyaan mudo 3 term ah iyada oo aan marna la qiimeyn ku dhaqanka xeerarka Dastuurka qaranka ee sida cad u qeexaaya waajibaadka Dastuuriga ah ee saaran Sadexda Dhar-dhaar ee Qaranku ka kooban yahay. Shuruucda Dastuurka ee sida Badheedhka ah loo jebiyey waxaa ka mid ah dhamaan shuruucdii isla xisaabtanka qoleyaasha qaranka sida ay qeexayaan qodobada 37-aad oo qeexaya waajibaadka isla xisaabtanka, qodobada 56-aad iyo 97-aad oo qeexaaya awoodaha isla xisaabtanka waaxyaha qaranka. Waxaa la jebiyey Hanaankii Dimuqraadiga ahaa, maamul-wanaagii, milgihii iyo macnihii dawladnimo, Waxaa la jebiyey Xil-gudashadii I, is-xisaabintii iyo Xaliibnaantii sadexda hayadood ee qaranka JSL ugu sareeya oo kala ah Fulinta, Xeerdejinta iyo Garsoorka. Dhamaan waxaa xilkoodii gabay hayadihii isla Xisaabtami lahaa ee xilkooda Dastuuriga ah gudan lahaa kuwaa soo Waaxiba ay Waaxda kale xilkii u kordhinayso oo hada xaalkoodii uu iska noqday ” dhabarka ii xoq- aan kuu xogee” taas oo shacab weynihii doortay iyo musharaxiintii iyaga bedeli lahaa si badheedh ah loogu heshiiyey si kuraasta loogu sii fadhiyo mudo dheer. ” Bal waa taase shacabka reer Somaalilaan mar qudha ha loo sheego cida xilkeedii gudan wayday ee masuulka ka noqonaysa Doorashooyinkaa mudada dheer dib ugu sii dhacaya.? Waxaa la caayayaa waa caqligii shacab weynihii doortay ee dirtay ee maandheytka mudada kooban ee 5-ta sano ah siiyey. Doorashooyinka mar kasta dib u dhacaaya ee aan waqtigooda lagu qaban waxay Saameyn xoogan oo taban ku yeelanaysaa Sumcadii iyo karaamadii Somalilaan waxaana ay ka dhigaysaa Sawirkii guud ee Somalilaan qorax madow oo sii dhacaysa. Waxay aheyd in aanay ciida ku rafan ee Komishanka doorashooyinku 6 bilood ka hor ay is cadeeyaan oo ay sii sheegaan in doorashadu dib u dhacayso.. Waxaa ceeb iyo fadeexad qaawan inagu ah in Doorashada Baarlamaanku ay 5-jeer dib u dhacdo halka Dawlada Federaalka Somaaliya ay 3 doorasho baarlamaan qabsatay halka inaga ay hal baarlamaan ina hor fadhiyeen 13 sanadood. Maadaama Sababta ugu weyn ee Doorashooyinku dib ugu dhaceen ay tahay Xeerarka cakiran ee Saami qeybsiga kuraasta Baarlamaanka oo mudo dheer ay ansixin waayeen golaha baarlamaanku waa in uu madaxweynuhu arintaa soo fara geliyaa oo go’aan adag ka qaataa si doorashadu waqti dhow ugu qabsoonto. Waxaan ku soo garoocayaa qormadan : Shacaboow Tiraa Kaa Gedmane Wax isu geygeyso ” !! Allaa Mahada Leh Wa-Laahum-Aclam-Wa-Bilaahi-Tawfiiq Wehelkiin Waa-Alleh iyo Nebi (scs) Qalinkii : A/rahman Fidhinle Qoraa Madax banaan Intensive ED BD PA United Kingdom London inafidhinle@gmail.com Source
Marka wada shaqayni laba dawladood ka dhexayso, had iyo jeerna la xidhiidha iskaashi dhinacyo badan taabanaya, sida amaanka iyo nabad-gelyada,dal waliba wuxuu xooga saaraa In u dalka kale la wadaago xogaha sirdoonka wixii carqalad ku ah nabadgelyada wadanka kale. Somaliland iyo dawlad dhexe ee Federaalka Ethiopia waxa muddo dheer ka dhexeeyey xidhiidho kala duwan oo isugu jira ganacsi, is dhex galka bulshada, waxbarashada iyo amaanka. Waxaynu og nahay In isbedel balaadhani ka hir-galay Ethiopia dhinaca hogaanka nidaamka dawlada dhexe, oo wax weeyn ka bedelay ama ka qorshe duwan nidaamkii ka hanaqaaday burburkii nidaamkii keli taliska ahaa ee Mingistu. Hogaanka cusub ee Ethiopia wuxuu xooga saaray in uu si weeyn oo muuqata wax uga bedelo jihadii mamulkii ka horeeyey, maamulkii hore wuxuu saamayn badan ku laha isbedelo ka socday geeska Afrika In ku dhow sodon sanadood. Hogaanka cusubi wuxuu ka saaray talada hogaanka cusub, madaxdii hore (chief architect ee soo dhistay qorshaha hogaan qarran ee Ethiopia, kuwaas oo xidhiidh muuqda iyo mid qarsoonba la lahaa Somaliland iyo mandaqada guudba. Hogaanka nidaamkii hore waxa ku dulmanaa qoomiyado badan, waxa loo tiriyaa In uu gacan ku lahaa deganaansha darada mandaqada. Hadaba muxuu noqon doona xidhiidhka cusub ee ka dhexeeyn doona maamulka cusub ee Ethiopia iyo Somaliland? Arragtida hab dhaqanka siyaasadeed ee maamulka cusubi waxa ka muuqata, arragti aad uga duwan tii hore, waxa cad oo muuqatada arragtida siyaasadeed ee hogaamiye Abi Ahmed iyo qorshaha siyaasada federaalaka Ethiopia gudaheeda iyo siyaasada ka dhaqanka wadamada jaarkooda ah. Isku xidhka wadamada geeska iyo ilaalinata iyo ixtiraamka madax banaanida waddamada (sovereignty) jaarka Ethiopia la tahay, oo ah jid ka duwan qorshihii xukuumadihii ka horeeyey. Waxa arintana cadayn u ah xidhiidhka cusub ee sadex-geeska ah Ethiopia, Somalia iyo Eritrea oo aad la isugu soo dhoweeyey iyada oo waxna lagu wadda socdo, hadana wadana aanu wadan kale faragelin saamayn ku yeelata qaranimadooda ku yeelan wadan kale. Arintani laba siyoodba saamayn ayay Somaliland ugu yeelanaysaa, mida kowaad, weli maamulka siyaasadeed ee Somaliland, waxa jooga hogaankii wada shaqayntu ka dhexeysey maamulkii hore ee Ethiopia, ta labaad suura gelimayso in xidhiidhkii soo Jireenka ahaa ee u dhexeeyey labada dal si socdo, oo waxay ka hor imanaysa heshiisyada siyasadeed ee Ethiopia la gashay Somalia. Dabcan, waxa mar walba sii jiri doonta oo mar walba Ethiopia ku khasban tahay in xidhiidh dhinaca sirdoonka iyo amaanka ay la lahaato Somaliland madaama labada wadan leeyihiin xuduud, ganacsi iyo isu dhowaansho (close proximity), waana dan joogto ah oo mar walba baahideedu jiri doonto. Arintani waxay taagnaan doonta mudo kooban, sida aynu ognahay Somalia waxa ku soo food leh doorasho loogu magac daray (one man one vote 2020). Arintani waxay saamayn ku yeelan doontaa heshiiskii labada hogaamiye Abi Ahmed iyo Farmaajo ee ku qotomay in wadana wadanka kale arimihiisa gudaha faragelin muuqata iyo mid qarsoonba ku yeelan. Farmaajo shacabka Somaliyeed ogolaansho (mandate) buuxa kama haysto oo may dooran, waxa keli ah ee uu haystaa waa ogolaansho baarlamaan, oo ah halka laga soo doortay, arrinta koobaad ee loo doortay ayaa ah, in xukuumadiisu masuuliyada kowaad tahay, sidii nabad looga abuuri lahaa dhamaan gobolada Soomaaliya oo dhan, si loo gaadho oo loo qabto doorasho hal qof hal cod iyo hogaan ogolaansho ka haysta shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Arintani waxay ka marag furi doontaa in Somalia iyo Somaliland yihiin laba waddan oo aan shuqul isku lahayn, waxay reebi doontaa sheegashada Federaalka Soomaaliya sheegato Somaliland, halkaa waxa ka soo bixi doona in Ethiopia xidhiidh cad la yeelan doonto Somaliland, dabcan Ethiopia laftigeeda waxa wakhtigaa ku soo fool leh doorasho, balse la filayo In loo dooran doono Abi Ahmed hogaamiye. Xidhiidhka siyaasadeed ee Somaliland iyo Ethiopia wuxuu soo shaac bixi doona si cad oo (public) ah u soo bixi doona wixii ka danbeeya 2020. Arintani waxay kale oo iftiiminaysaa in wax dan siyaasadeed oo Somaliland ugu jirta in la sii wado wada hadalada Somaliland iyo Somalia aanay jirin, sababta kowaad oo ah, In xukuumada Farmaajo aanay ogolaansho ka haysan shacabka iyo nidaamka federaalka Soomaaliyeed maadaama aan madaxweeynaha lagu soo dooran rabitaan shacab, sidaa daraadeedna xukuumadiisu aanay awood dastuuri ah u lahayn In xukuumadiisu go’aan ka gaadhi karto arrimaha kala go’a labada dal. Source
(SLT-Ohio)Ciidamada Booliska Ohio ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa waddo Baadhitaano ku aadan geeridda Labo Gabdhood oo Soomaali ah oo la sheegay in ay ku dhinteen Shil gaadhi. Amaal Maxamed , Anisa Maxamed oo ahaa labo Gabadhood oo Soomaali ah ayaa la xaqiijiyay in ay ku geeriyoodeen Shil gaari oo ka dhacay dalka Mareykanka. Waxaa uu sidoo kale uu dhaawac soo gaadhay Amina Maxamed oo la dhalatay labadda Gabdhood ee geeriyooday. Saraakiisha Ciidanka Booliska ee goobta uu falku ka dhacay ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in Gabadhaha ay geeriyoodeen ka dib markii gaarigii ay saarnaayeen oo xowli ku socday uu ku dhacay Gaari kale, waxaana sidoo kale jira dad kale oo ay waxyeelo soo gaartay. Soomaalida kunool dalka Mareykanka ayaa aad uga naxay geeridda ku timid labada Gabdhood ee walaalaha ah oo la sheegay Markii ay shilka galaayeen in ay booqasho ka yimaadeen. Dhawaan ayay aheyd Markii Labo Gabdhood oo Soomaali ah ay ku geeriyoodeen Shil gaari oo ka dhacay Mareykanka, ka dib markii goob wabi ah ay kula dhaceen gaarigii ay wateen Source
Rageh Omaar is International Affairs Editor at ITV News ( Crescent Films ) Somaliland, an unrecognised former British colony in the Horn of Africa, has been described as the African miracle that nobody knows about. It lies in a region facing severe challenges: political instability, the rise of extremism and conflict. But Somaliland has, somehow, managed to avoid these threats. It remains severely poor and is still recovering from three consecutive years of drought. Yet tonight senior Somaliland ministers, British MPs and campaigners are meeting in the House of Commons to see how it can begin what seems an improbable journey: to join the fight against the illegal wildlife trade. You’d be forgiven for thinking protecting wildlife in a country facing so many human problems is unlikely. But as someone who has reported from the drought in the region and who has family living in the midst of it, I can tell you it isn’t. Political instability in fragile places such as east Africa is more linked to conservation, climate change and the illegal wildlife trade than you think. As a child I remember visiting the lush savannah bush outside the capital, Hargeisa, and the regions to the east that are still home to one of the last natural wild forests of trees producing frankincense and myrrh. These same areas saw a considerable abundance of wildlife, in particular cheetahs that were common, from the very south of Somalia near its border with Kenya, to the very north, in areas near the Red Sea. But hardly any of those creatures remain today. The civil war between Somalia and Somaliland in the Eighties saw the near-annihilation of wildlife. The few that survived soon saw their habitats destroyed as the shrub, trees and much of the savannah bush that they relied on was burned for charcoal — which almost every household uses to cook their food. Some of these creatures, however, do remain clinging to life in an ever-decreasing habitat where a perfect storm of degradation of soil and plants, deforestation, climate change and the effects of civil war have ravaged both rural communities and wildlife. But Somaliland’s ability to avoid political instability and terrorism — and hold four multi-party one-man, one-vote elections with peaceful transfers of power — have given it the chance to do something about this, and tonight the House of Commons is hosting its conference. Somaliland doesn’t have the resources to protect and rehabilitate the last few remaining cheetahs and other rare species but it is willing to do so if it gets the help. The reason is simple; and I’ve seen this for myself in nearly all those countries. The groups behind the illegal wildlife trade are the same groups involved in human trafficking and migration, violent extremism and terrorism, undermining the rule of law and governments. This conference really could lead to big things — for Somaliland and for us. Rageh Omaar is International Affairs Editor at ITV News Source Evening standard Qaran News
Gaas oo jawaab kulul ka bixiyey tallaabadii uu qaaday Camey
Deeq A. posted a topic in News - Wararka
Garoowe (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdi Weli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa jawaab ka bixiyey guddigii xalinta khilaafaadka iyo ansixinta xildhibaanada Puntland ee caawa uu magacaabay ku-xigeenkiisa Cabdixakiin Camey. Qoraalka caawo ka soo baxay xafiiska madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa lagu magacaabay guddiga oo ka kooban 8 xubnood. Arrintan ayaa daba socota khilaaf ka dhex abuurmay madaxweyne Gaas iyo ku xigeenkiisa oo ku saabsan magacaabista guddiga xallinta khilaafaarka ee golaha wakiilada. Si kastaba Gaas, ayaa sheegay in tallaabada uu qaaday Camey ay ka dambeyso dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, loogana gol-leeyahay in lagu carqaladeeyo Puntland. ” Waa waali, Shiddo Xamar looga soo dhiibay ayuu Puntland kula dhexjira, laakiin waxaan ku sheegaya taasi waxba kama bedelayso hanaanka doorashada, waxayna u dhacaysa doorashadu si nabad ah sidii Puntland ay hore uga dhici jirtay.” Ayuu yiri madaxweyne Gaas. Mudane Gaas ayaa goor hore oo maanta dikreeto uu soo saaray ku magacaabay 8 xubnood oo guddiga xallinta Khilaafaadka, hase yeeshee waxa magacaabista diiday Eng Camey oo sheegay im aan lagala tashan. Sidoo kale qaar kamid ah musharrixiinta ayaa shirar is-daba joog ah ka yeelanaya jawaabta ay ka bixinayan magacaabista oo ay saluugsan yihiin, inkastoo aysan weli fal-celin ka soo saarin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garoowe Caasimada@live.com -
Muqdisho (Sh.M.Network) – Dhageystayaasha idaacada Shabelle ee ku taxan website-keena waxaan halkaan hoose idin kugu soo gudbineynaa Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle. Hoos riix si aad udhageysato http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Bar__Qubanaha-031218.mp3 The post Dhageyso: Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
Qatar to quit OPEC after more than 57 years, denies decision related to Saudi-led boycott Qatar’s Energy Minister Saad al-Kaabi told a news conference Monday that the country would withdraw from OPEC on January 1, 2019. The country’s energy minister said the move represents a “technical and strategic” change, Reuters reported, and was not politically motivated. Qatar announced plans to pull out of OPEC on Monday, just days before a crucial meeting between the influential oil cartel and its allies. Speaking at a news conference, Qatar’s Energy Minister Saad al-Kaabi said the country would withdraw from OPEC on January 1, 2019, ending a membership which has stood for more than half-a-century. The decision comes after Qatar reviewed ways in which it could improve its global standing and plan its long-term strategy. While Qatar is one of OPEC’s smallest oil producers, especially when compared to the likes of de facto leader Saudi Arabia, it is one of the world’s largest producers of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The country’s energy minister said Monday that the move represents a “technical and strategic” change, Reuters reported, and was not politically motivated. Qatar’s Al-Kaabi also said the decision was not linked to the 18-month political and economic boycott of Doha. Since June 2017, OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia — along with three other Arab states — has cut trade and transport ties with Qatar, accusing the country of supporting terrorism and their regional rival, Iran. Qatar denies the claims, saying the boycott hampers its national sovereignty. The Middle East-dominated group’s final meeting of the calendar year is now expected to be Qatar’s last. It has been an official OPEC member since 1961. WATCH: What drives the price of oil? “The decision by Qatar to withdraw from OPEC does come as a surprise, but is unlikely to have a significant impact on the oil market,” Peter Kiernan, lead energy analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, told CNBC via email Monday. “The Gulf state is one of the smaller producers in the group, with crude oil output of around 600,000 barrels per day, much smaller than its neighbors in the region.” December meeting OPEC and non-OPEC members are due to meet in Vienna, Austria on Thursday, with the aim of reaching an accord over possible output cuts. Oil prices have fallen more than 25 percent since climbing to a four-year peak in early October, amid intensifying concerns of oversupply and worries over slowing economic growth. However, growing expectations of a fresh round of production cuts later this week and a temporary trade truce between the U.S. and China helped crude futures pare some of their recent losses on Monday. International benchmark Brent crude was trading at $62.25 a barrel at around 6:40 a.m. London time, up around 4.7 percent, while West Texas Intermediate (WTI) stood at $53.53, more than 5 percent higher CNBC Qaran News
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo ka hadlay maalinta caalamiga ah ee Naafada Adduunka ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay xoogga saareyso u adeegidda dadka naafada ah. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa xusay masuuliyadda gaarka ah iyo midda wadareed ee ku aaddan dadka naafada ah sidii ay u heli lahaayeen adeegyada asaasiga u ah iyo xuquuq dhammeystiran. Madaxweynaha ayaa Aqalka Sare ugu baaqay in ay dadejiyaan ansixinta Sharciga dhismaha Hey’adda Naafada Qaranka, taas oo aasaas u ah mideynta iyo dardargelinta dadaallada iyo qorsheyaasha lagu kaabayo nolasha dadkeenna naafada ah. “Aqalka Sare waxaan ugu baaqayaa inay dedejiyaan Hindise Sharciyeedka Dhismaha Hey’adda Naafada Qaranka, taasi oo fududayn doonta in dadka naafada ah ay helaan adeegyada ay u baahan yihiin” Goobjoog News Source: goobjoog.com
Madaxweyne ku xigeenka dowladda Puntland Cabdixakiin Cabdullaahi Xaaji Cumar(Camey) ayaa isna magacaabay guddiga xallinta khilaafaadka iyo ansixinta ee Baarlamanka. Qoraalka caawo ka soo baxay xafiiska madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa lagu magacaabay guddga oo ka kooban 8 xubnood. Arrintan ayaa daba socota khilaaf ka dhex abuurmay madaxweyne Gaas iyo ku xigeenkiisa oo ku saabsan magacaabista guddiga xallinta khilaafaarka ee Golaha waliilada. Mudane Gaas ayaa magacaabay maanta dikreeto uu soo saaray ku magacaabay 8 xubnood oo guddiga xallinta Khilaafaadka,hase yeeshee waxa magacaabista diiday Eng Camey oo sheegay im aan lagala tashan. Sidoo kale qaar kamid ah musharrixiinta ayaa shirar is-daba joog ah ka yeelanaya jawaabta ay ka bixinayan magacaabista oo ay saluugsan yihiin,inkastoo aysan weli fal-celin ka soo saarin. PUNTLAND POST The post Camay oo isna magacaabay guddiga khilaafaadka appeared first on Puntland Post.
Garoowe (Caasimada Online) – Warar dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya tallaabo lama filaan ah oo uu qaaday madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Cabdixakiin Camey, taasi oo uu kulan magaalada Garoowe kula yeeshay qaar kamid ah musharixiinta Puntland. Kulanka uu madaxweyne ku xigeenka la yeeshay musharixiinta ayaa ka dambeeyay kadib markii uu ku qanci waayay guddiga xalinta Khilaafaadka ee uu magacaabay madaxweyne C/Welli Maxamed Cali Gaas. Qaar kamid ah musharixiinta Puntland ayaa dhankooda ku qanacsaneyn guddiga uu magacaabay madaxweyne Gaas, waana tan keentay inay kulankooda deg degaa ka dhacaa magaalada Garowe. Warar aan ka heleyno magaalada Garowe ayaa sheegaya in madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland uu ku dhawaaqay guddi cusub oo ka hor imaanaya guddiga uu magacaabay madaxweyne Gaas. Arrintaan ayaa kasii careysiin karta madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland oo dhankiisa maanta guddiga ku dhawaaqay, waxayna sii kordhineysaa Khilaafka u dhaxeeya labada dhinac. Madaxweyne Gaas iyo ku xigeenkiisa ayaa muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyay waxaa ka dhaxeeyay khilaaf kasoo bilowday xiriir u jaristii maamulada dalka ay ku sameeyeen dowladda Soomaaliya. Muddo bil ah ayaa ka harsan doorashada madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland, waxaana durba musharixiin badan ay hadda wadaan diyaar garow. Hoos ka akhriso guddiga uu ku dhawaaqay Mr Cameey. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garoowe Caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (Sh.M.Network) – Kooxo hubaysan ayaa xaafada Tawfiiq ee degmada Yaqshiid ku dishay marxuum Cabdirashiid Sheekh Cabdi [Iidle], kaasi oo ahaa madaxii wacyigelinta ee ururka ka hortaga cudurka HIV Aids-ka. Dilka ayaa dhacay gaalabnimadii Isniinta maanta ahayd, sida ay idaacada Shabelle u xaqiijiyeen illo wareedyo dadka degaanka ah. Dableyda ayaa goobta ka baxsatay falka kadib, sida aan wararka ku helayno, mana jirto ilaa iyo iminka cid dhabarka saaratay masuuliyada. Dilka loo gaystay marxuum Iidle ayaa imaanaya xili dadka la nool cudurkan ay dhowaan cabasho ku muujiyeen munaasabad lagu xusayay maalinta HIV Aids-ka oo ku beegan 1-da bisha December. Dad la nool cudurkaasi ayaa ku doodaya in laga xirtay xarun ku taala degmada Yaqshid ay ka heli jireen dawooyin kaalmaati u ah xanuunka haya. The post Toogasho ka dhacay degmada Yaqshiid appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
Muqdisho (Sh.M.Network) – Warar dheeri ah ayaa kasoo baxaya duqayn diyaaradeed oo ka dhacday tuuladda Ganuribad oo ku taala nawaaxiga degmada Maxaas ee gobolka Hiiraan. Weerarkaan cirka ah oo aanan la ogayn halka laga leeyahay diyaaradaha fuliyay ayaa beegsaday goobo lagu tuhmayo inay joogeen xubno AlShabaab ka tirsan. Masuuliyiinta gobolka ayaa xaqiijiyay jiritaanka duqaynta, iyaga oo ka gaabsaday inay shaaciyeen khasaaraha. Dadka degaanka ayaa dhinacooda soo tabiyay inay maqleen daryenka Gantaalo, kuwaasi oo ay ku sheegeen inay dhowr xabo. Duqayntaan ayaa waxay kusoo aadaysaa xili maalmihii lasoo dhaafay uu Mareykanka kordhiyay howlgalada uu ka fuliyo koonfurta iyo bartamaha dalka. The post Fahfaahino laga helayo duqayn ka dhacay G/Hiiran appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
Baydhabo (Sh.M.Network) – Ugu yaraan afar ruux ayaa ku dhaawacantay kadib markii qarax Miino uu ka dhacay guri ay xaafada Wadajir ee magaalada Baydhabo kaga sugnaayeen Xilldhibaano ka tirsanaa Baarlamaankii 9aad iyo 8aad ee dalka. Xilldhibaanada ku dhaawacmay qaraxa ayaa magacyadooda waxaa lagu kala sheegay Madkeer iyo Yuusuf Sheekh. Sidoo kale, askar ilaalo u ahayd Xilldhibaanada ayay wararku intaasi ku darayaan inay waxyeelo kasoo gaartay qaraxa. Ma jirto koox sheegatay masuuliyadda qaraxyadani oo kusoo aadaya xili magaalada Baydhabo lagu wado inay ka dhacdo doorashada Madaxwaynaha maamul goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed. Ciidamada nabad-gelyadda ee dowlad goboleedka oo meesha ay wax ka dhaceen tagay ayaa sheegay inay ku dabajiraan kooxihii ka dambeeyay. The post Qarax khasaaro geystay oo ka dhacay Baydhabo appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
WhatsApps to a fellow exile criticising Mohammed bin Salman were allegedly hacked by the Saudis two months before his death. Jamal Khashoggi was killed after going into the consulate on 2 October Image: Jamal Khashoggi was killed after going into Istanbul’s Saudi consulate on 2 October Journalist Jamal Khashoggi feared Saudi’s crown prince would target him two months before he was killed, texts to a fellow exile have revealed. WhatsApp messages to Omar Abdulaziz, who was granted political asylum in Canada in 2014, show the extent of Mr Khashoggi’s fear of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, not just for himself but for all Saudis. The texts, which Mr Abdulaziz believes were seen by the Saudi government when it hacked their phones in August, show the private angst and worry Mr Khashoggi, who was also living in exile, kept relatively under wraps in his public criticism of the kingdom and its ruler. Mr Khashoggi was killed in Istanbul’s Saudi consulate on 2 October this year, after entering to get documents to marry his Turkish fiancee, with many pointing the finger at the crown prince – something he denies. In more than 400 messages between October 2017 and August 2018, seen by CNN, the Washington Post journalist talks about the Mr bin Salman being a “beast” and a “‘pac man’… the more victims he eats, the more he wants”. “I will not be surprised that the oppression will reach even those who are cheering him, then others and others and so on. God knows,” he wrote after a group of female Saudi activists were arrested for campaigning for the right to drive. Hundreds of people turned out to say prayers to the slain journalist at his funeral He also texted: “He loves force, oppression and needs to show them off, but tyranny has no logic.” Calling the crown prince a tyrant could be considered treason in Saudi, a crime that can be punishable with beheading by sword in public. The messages show how the two dissidents went from talking about their concerns over MBS to planning a youth digital rebellion to hold the Saudi state to account. They called it the “cyber bees” and the pair believed using the internet was the only way to rise up against the government. Mohammed bin Salman: Reformer or tyrant? Mr Abdulaziz, 27, told CNN: “We have no parliament, we just have Twitter. “Twitter is the only tool they’re using to fight and to spread their rumours. “We’ve been attacked, we’ve been insulted, we’d been threatened so many times, and we decided to do something.” But in August they believed their conversations were intercepted by the Saudi authorities, with Mr Abdulaziz filing a lawsuit on Sunday against an Israeli software company he believes was used to hack his phone with military-grade software. When the alleged hack happened, Mr Khashoggi wrote to Mr Abdulaziz: “God help us.” Two months later the journalist was dead. “The hacking of my phone played a major role in what happened to Jamal, I am really sorry to say. The guilt is killing me,” Mr Abdulaziz told CNN Sky News Qaran News
Muqdisho (Sh.M.Network) – Dhageystayaasha idaacada Shabelle ee ku taxan website-keena waxaan halkaan hoose idin kugu soo gudbineynaa warka Habeen. Hoos riix si aad udhageysato http://radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Warka-Habeen-031218.mp3 The post Dhageyso: Warka Habeen ee Idaacadda Shabelle appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
“We commend African countries for the significant progress they have made to improve the reliability of data and the quality of research on the continent,” Dr. Hanan Morsy The African Development Bank’s research director, Dr. Hanan Morsy, reacts to the charge that “there is no reliable research” on the continent. Speaking on the sidelines of the African Economic Conference (AEC) taking place in Kigali, Rwanda, 3-5 December 2018, Morsy agrees that the role of research in regional integration has not in the past been given the importance it deserves. She emphasises the critical role African researchers will be playing in the next few years, and in particular how the Bank will help its regional member countries to translate research results into concrete actions for improved economic integration. She also notes that African researchers have increasingly had their work published in top-tier international journals on topics related to Africa’s development. “With some very talented researchers, the Bank has worked on some significant and compelling research themes,” Morsy told the Bank’s Communication Department. Question: The continent’s integration agenda has been discussed for far too long. Do you think there is reliable research on the continent today? Hanan Morsy: Given the importance of the topic for Africa’s development, I honestly think that we have not given the theme of regional integration the attention it truly deserves. This year’s Conference is only the second to discuss the issue of regional integration in Africa. In general, Africa has not been best served when it comes to economic research, either by the global knowledge community, or by African researchers due to many constraints, but especially the availability of reliable and timely data on national economic and social statistics. But there have been rapid improvements in recent years. Africa’s national statistic agencies are becoming better organised and equipped, and have started to collect reliable data on various aspects of the regional member countries’ economies, with the technical and financial support of partners such as the African Development Bank. In addition, African researchers are also increasingly publishing their work in top-tier international journals on various topics related to Africa’s development, including regional integration. Although there is still a long way to go, we can commend African countries for the significant progress they have made so far to improve the reliability of data and the quality of research on the continent. African countries just need to keep the momentum going and improve their efforts to produce more reliable research. Question: Everybody has a role to play, to support the integration process – policy makers, civil society organizations and the private sector. Would you agree with those who feel the Bank Group’s research department has not done much in this area? What is your take as the Bank’s research director? Hanan Morsy: I can’t agree with the assertion that the Bank Group’s Research Department hasn’t done much to support Africa’s integration process. The Department has enhanced the Bank’s policy advice to regional member countries on regional integration issues and in supporting the Bank’s Integrate Africa priority. Almost each year since its inception, the department has produced numerous high-quality publications and reports to inform the Bank and Africa’s policymakers on regional integration. For instance in 2014, one of the department’s flagship publications, the African Development Report, analysed the issues of Africa’s regional integration, demonstrating that regional integration was not an end in itself but an important means for enhancing growth and fostering inclusive policies. The following year, another publication, the African Economic Outlook, featured regional development and spatial inclusion in Africa, reviewing Africa’s progress towards regional integration. These are just two examples of the department’s committed work in knowledge provision that have analysed different aspects of Africa’s regional integration issues. This year’s African Economic Conference on regional and continental integration in Africa was organised under the leadership of the research department, together with the regional integration complex of the Bank. This is a good example of the active role and the leadership of the research department in supporting Africa’s integration process. Question: To what extent would the Bank help African governments translate results of research into concrete actions for the continent’s transformation, given that national laws and administrative procedures continue to impose unnecessary restrictions, costs and delays to regional trade? Hanan Morsy: One of the key constraints on Africa’s economic development and prosperity is the limited capacity of African governments to leverage knowledge to improve their policies. In line with its Ten-Year Strategy (2016-2025) and its High 5s, the Bank has implemented its new Development Business Delivery Model to enable, among others, the research department to deliver market-driven, higher quality policy-oriented research that reflects economic realities in the regional member countries. This means that the research department is now working more closely not only with the Bank’s operational complexes but also with African governments to produce research from the regional member countries. The Bank has produced regional economic outlooks for each of its five regions, tailoring policy recommendations relevant to the realities of these regions. This collaborative spirit between the research department, African governments, and the Bank’s operational complexes will guide other flagship publications of the department such as the African Development Report and the African Competitiveness Report. Question: Africa needs to move towards regional and continental integration for its development. What practical role can researchers play in the next couple of years to achieve this goal? Hanan Morsy: With the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in March 2018 in Kigali, the continent has reached an important milestone on the road to the economic integration of the continent. However, the implementation of the AfCFTA will not be easy for various reasons, including the lack of evidence-based knowledge of real benefits, costs, and the practical challenges of such an important trade agreement. This is where evidence-based policy advice comes in. We have already witnessed the concerns of some African countries about signing the agreements, fearing the loss of national sovereignty. Additional challenges should be addressed such as important discrepancies in national laws and regulatory frameworks among signatory countries, questions of environmental depletion, and protection of intellectual property and the promotion of national enterprises. Evidence-based research will help shed light on these issues and contribute to ensuring a smooth transition from a continent of fragmented trade areas to a single and common market. Researchers will inform policymakers on the best ways to harmonise their legislation with the AfCFTA agreements and support their firms – in particular the small and medium sized enterprises. As part of the Bank’s Integrate Africa priority, the research department has set regional integration among its core research pillars and plans to arrange several high-level policy dialogues on different issues related to Africa’s regional integration over the next few years. These dialogues will help to maintain the dynamic momentum of Africa’s continental integration. Question: How would you describe the cooperation between the African Development Bank’s research department and African researchers as a whole? Hanan Morsy: One of the core mandates of the department is to promote close collaboration, networking and partnerships with Africa’s research institutions. I am proud that the Bank’s research department cooperates regularly and well with African researchers and research institutions. For example, we have a long track record of collaborations with the African Research Consortium, the Economic Research Forum and several universities, think tanks and economic associations from all over Africa. Between 2016 and early 2018, as part of an agreement between the African Development Bank and the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), the research department hosted more than 30 young talented African researchers who spent three months in Abidjan conducting high-quality research under the mentorship of the department’s staff. The objectives of this programme were to showcase the research activities done by the department and to improve the analytical skills of these young researchers in order to help them acquire state-of-the-art methodological expertise. The department also regularly uses the expertise of African universities and think tanks to draft chapters for its flagship publications such as the African Economic Outlook, the African Development Report, or the Bank’s Annual Report. Bank staff have also co-authored many publications with African researchers, including articles in peer-review journals, working papers, and policy briefs on Africa’s development. Finally, the department often collaborates with African research institutions to conduct policy-relevant research on specific topics such as agriculture under the Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces project. Qaran News
Baydhabo (Caasimada Online)-Seddex ruux ayaa ku dhaawacmay weerar ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo ee gobolka Baay, sida ay xaqiijiyeen saraakiisha amaanka ee magaalada. Guriga Weerarka uu ka dhacay ayaa ku yaala xaafadda Wadajir ee magaalada Baydhabo, Waxaana deganaa Xildhibaan Hore Maxamed Khayr Hiiraale oo kamid ahaa baarlamaankii KMG ahaa. Wararka aan heleyno ayaa sheegaya in xubnaha Dhaawacmay ay kala yihiin Xildhibaan Hore Macalin Nuur Xasan Ibraahim, Xildhibaan hore Maxamed Khayr Hiiraale iyo Nabadoon Maxamed Aadan Nuurow. Labada Xildhibaan ayaa kamid ahaa baarlamaankii KMG ahaa ee xiligii Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed, waxaana maanta lagu weeraray guri ay ku sugnaayeen oo ku yaala xaafadda Wadajir ee magaalada Baydhabo. Dhaawacyada Xildhibaanada iyo nabadoonka ayaa lagu daweynayaa isbitaalka weyn ee magaalada Baydhabo, waxaana kooxaha weerarka fuliyay ay ka carareen goobta sida saraakiisha ay sheegeen. Magaalada Baydhabo waxaa ka socda diyaar garowga doorashada Madaxtinimo oo dhaceysa 19-ka bishan December, waxaana amniga magaalada door ka qaadanaya Ciidamo Boolis ah oo dowladda geysay magaalada Baydhabo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Baydhabo Caasimada@live.com
Jowhar (Caasimada Online) – Wararka aan ka heleyno gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe aya sheegaya in kooxda Macaawiisleey oo ah koox ka dhisan Shabeelaha Dhexe ay weerar ku qaadeen saldhig Al Shabaab ku leeyihiin Shabeelaha Dhexe. Weerarka ayaa kooxda Macaawiisleey waxay ka geysateen deegaanka Guulane oo hoostaga degmada Aadan Yabaal ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe, waxaana halkaasi ka dhacay dagaal saacado qaatay. Xubno ka tirsan kooxdaan oo saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegay in iyaga ay qaadeen weerarka oo saacado socday, waxaana dagaalka uu geystay khasaaro dhimasho iyo dhaawac leh oo labada dhinac kala gaaray. Wuxuu sheegay in weerarka gaadmada ay ku dileen labo sarkaal oo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab kuwaasi oo u qaabilsanaa ururinta Zakawaadka iyo maaliyadda, sida uu hadalka u dhigay sarkaalka u hadlay kooxda Macaawiisley. Ma uusan sheegin magacyada saraakiisha ay ku dileen deegaanka Guulane ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe, balse dhankooda ayuu sheegay inay askar kaga dhaawacmeen dagaalka. Bilooyin ka hor kooxdan ayaa si iskood ugu dhawaaqay inay la dagaalamayaan Al Shabaab, waxaana taageero ay ka helayaan maamulka Hirshabeelle iyo xildhibaanada deegaanka ee dowladda ku jira. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Jowhar Caasimada@live.com
The President of the Puntland regional state of Somalia has released a list of eight persons who are expected to be part of a regional dispute resolution committee. All male members main task will be verification and dispute resolution of the ongoing selection of Puntland assembly members by various tribes in the semi-autonomous Somali regional state. Aqil Osman Ismail will chair the important committee whereas Mohamed Abdukadir was designated as the secretary. Feminist have already disapproved the committee saying no female respective in the significant resolution committee. Meanwhile, opposition politicians from the regional state have also criticized the move by the President saying the appointment is political. They argued that President Ali Gas is paving the way to mismanage the upcoming regional Presidential elections on 8th January next year by using such committee. More than Sven candidates are campaigning to unseat the incumbent professor Abdiweli Gas who was first elected to the office in January 2014. His administration relations with the federal government in Mogadishu has soured after regional states declared to sever ties with the central government earlier this year during a meeting in Kismayo. The post Puntland president appoints electoral dispute resolution commission appeared first on Shabelle. View the full article
ISTANBUL Somalia must be better addressed by media representatives, said a senior official of Turkey’s leading news agency on Sunday. “We need to better address Somalia which has stood up on its feet again,” said Metin Mutanoglu, deputy director general and editor-in-chief of Anadolu Agency. Speaking at the first annual East African Development Forum in Istanbul, Mutanoglu focused on the role of media in rebuilding nations. The forum was organized by the East Africa Association for Development and Research under the theme “Turkish-Somali partnership: Stepping forward”. He said that Somalia has dozens of television channels, newspapers, radio stations and web portals but they are enough to tell the world about the nation. Ads By Google Mutanoglu expressed his happiness on the “rebirth” of Somalia, noting that the country is shifting from a static economy to a self-developing one. “The contribution of Turkey in this [development] makes us happy,” he said. Based on his research on how Somalia was represented in Turkish media, he said the most highlighted news were about explosions, armed conflicts and Al-Shabaab’s terror attacks, as well as Turkey’s support to Somalia. Stating that Turkey runs its largest foreign military training base in Somalia, Mutanoglu said that the benefits of this military base will be seen much better in the coming years. He noted that the creation of a strong Somali army will give the country the ability to eliminate threats on its own. Turkey has been the biggest supporter of Somalia for years and has its biggest embassy in Africa in Mogadishu. Mutanoglu also provided brief information about Anadolu Agency underlining that it is the biggest news source of Turkey. Founded in 1920, Anadolu Agency is a well-established global news agency with operations in most major regions around the globe, including the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Asia-Pacific, and serves subscribers in more than 100 countries. For its subscribers, the agency produces news stories in 13 languages: Turkish, English, Arabic, BHS (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian), Russian, Kurmanji, Sorani, Persian, French, Albanian, Macedonian, Indonesian, and Spanish. Source: Anadolu