Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Muqdisho (SMN) – Gudoomiyaha Gollaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada Beelaha Mogadishu Clan, Xaaji Maxamed Xasan Xaad, ayaa beeniyay warar saacadihii lasoo dhaafay la isla dhex-marayay oo ku saabsan inuu dhaliilay dowlada. Nabadoonka ayaa sheegay in wararkaasi ay baahiyeen dad dano gaar ah leh, kuwaasi oo uu ku tartarsiiyay in ay ka waan-toobaan, isla markaana ay ka qayb-qaataan dib u dhiska wadanka. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso wareysi uu siiyay Nabadoon Xaaji Maxamed Xasan Xaad siiyey Shabelle oo uu kaga hadlayo arrintaan. View the full article
  2. New York (Caasimada Online) – Xogahayaha guud ee QM António Guterres ayaa shalay ergey cusub usoo magacaabay Geeska Afrika, kaasi oo ah Parfait Onanga-Anyanga oo u dhashay dalka Gabon. Hase yeeshee magacaabistan ayaa abuurtay shaki weyn iyo su’aalo ku saabsan xiisadda Soomaaliya iyo QM kadib markii dowladda federaalka ay cayrisay wakiilkii QM ee Soomaaliya, Nicholas Haysom. Dhowr qodob oo is-biirsaday ayaa tallabadan u mujineysa mid ay QM uga aargudaneyso dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya, oo weli xiriirkooda uusan wanaagsaneyn. 1 – QM ma sheegin shaqada ergeyga cusub Parfait Onanga-Anyanga iyo waxa uu qaban doono, iyo dalalka uu qaabilsanaan doono, hase yeeshee marka laga soo tago Soomaaliya, inta kale dalalka Geeska Afrika waa kuwo dowlado dhisan ay ka jiraan oo QM aysan ergey usoo magacaabin. 2 – Qodobka labaad ee shakiga badan abuuraya ayaa ah in QM aysan hadda ka hore u lahayn ergey gaar ah oo qaabilsan Geeska Afrika, oo tani ay tahay markii koowaad ee ay dhacdo. 3 – Sidoo kale QM weli ergey uma soo magacaabin Soomaaliya, saddex bil kadib markii Soomaaliya ay cayrisay Nicholas Haysom. Way adag tahay in si rasmi ah loo ogaado qorshaha QM, hase yeeshee ergeyga cusub ayay u badan tahay in QM ay u magacowday laba arrin oo labaduba ka dhan ah dowladda Soomaaliya. 1 – QM oo dowladda Soomaaliya u muujineysa in go’aankeeda ciqaabtiisa la marsiinayo, ergeyga cusubna uu yahay mid qaabilsan Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland, oo markii hore uu wada qaabilsanaa ergeyga Soomaaliya, haddana loo muujinayo in si gaar ah loola macaamilayo Somaliland. 2 – QM oo ka hortageysa in dowladda Soomaaliya mar kale ay cayriso ergey ay soo dirsatay. Maadaama ergeygan uusan wadan magaca “Ergeyga Soomaaliya”, dowladda Soomaaliya awood uma lahan inay cayriso ama codsato in laga beddelo. Dowladda Soomaaliya, oo arrintan aan wax ka weydiinay way ka gaabstaay inay ka jawaabto. Hase yeeshee waxa ay dhowaanahan QM wadday tallaabooyin ay ku ciqaabeyso dowladda Soomaaliya. Halkan ka aqri tallaabooyinkaas. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Garowe (Caasimada Online) – Maamulka Puntland ayaa dalbaday in laga qeyb galiyo gorgorka iyo heshiis walba oo saameynaya dowladdaha xubnaha ka ah dowladda fedraalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Puntland waxey dalbanaysaa iney qeyb ka noqoto Wadahadalada u dhaxeeyada Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland, sidaas waxa lagu sheegay warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay shirka jiheynta siyaasada Puntland oo garoowe lagu soo gabagabeeyay. Sidda ku cad war-murtiyadeedka, Puntland ayaa adkeynaysa midnimada Soomaaliya, nidaamka federaalka, hirgelinta hanaanka xisbiyada badan oo uu wadanku hiigsanayo iyo dhameystirka dastuurka. Xubnaha shirka maanta lagu soo xiray Garowe ka qaybgalay waxay hoosta ka xariiqeen ahmiyada ay leedahay in dowlada iyo maamulada ay xiriir dhow yeeshaan, ayna iska talageliyaan heshiisyada saameynaya degaanadooda. “Sidaasi awgeeda, Puntland waa in ay qayb ka tahay wadahadal walba oo saameynaya degaanadeeda, gaar ahaan wadahadalada u dhaxeeya dowlada federaalka iyo Somaliland,” ayaa lagu yiri bayaanka. Somaliland iyo Puntland oo wadaaga xuduud ayaa waxaa ka dhaxeysa colaad taariikhi ah oo ku saabsan gacan ku haynta gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn, halkaasoo ciidamo ay ka kala joogaan.
  4. Muqdisho (SMN) – Warar dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya qarax miino oo caawa ka dhacay isgoyska suuqa bakaaraha ee magaaladda Muqdisho. Qaraxa ayaa la sheegay in uu ka dhacay fariisin ay leeyihiin ciidamo ka tirsan booliska Soomaaliya, balse ma aysan ku sugneed xiliga uu qaraxu dhacayey. Ma jiro wax khasaaro ah oo illaa iyo haatan lasoo wariyay oo uu geystay qaraxaasi oo jugtiisa laga maqlay qaar kamid ah degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir. Laamaha amaanka oo meesha ay wax ka dhaceen tegay ayaa nan illaa iyo haatan fahfaahin ka bixin dhacdadaasi. View the full article
  5. Hordhac/Gogol-Dhig Allaah ayey mahad oo idili usugnaatay. Nabadgalyo iyo naxariisina nabigeena Muxammad ah korkiisa Allaha yeelo. Intaa kabacdi, Xil.Sadiiq Warfaa wuxuu ka mid ahaa dadkii gobolka Minnesota, ee cariga Mareeykanka katagay, iyagoo xil-doon ah. Waxeey qaraabo ahaayeen marxuum ex-wasiir Cabdiraxmaan Xoosh Jibriil, oo loo yaqaanay: Cabdi Xoosh, balse waxeey ku kala duwanaayeen dhanka aqoonta, khibrada, iyo waliba aftahannimo. Xilligii MD Xasan Sheekh waqtigiisa sii dhamaanayey, ee kuraaska xubnaha baarlamaanka lootartamayey, ayaa madaxweeynaha, oo ay aad isugu kacsanaayeen Cabdi Xoosh (AUN), ayaa wuxuu dhaqaale iyo awood siyaasadeedba kubixiyey, inuusan kursiga xildhibaannimo kusoo noqon Cabdi Xoosh, si arintaasi uhirgashana, wuxuu Sadiiq Warfaa faraqa ugu wadashubay, lacag lagu sheegay: $250,000, si uu Xildhibaan ugu noqdo, lacagtaa oo aheyd hantidii ummada, ee shaqaalihii doowlada iyo ciidankaba 8-bilood ka gaajeeysnaayeen. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa sidoo kale wuxuu, kala hadlay Dr.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas, oo markaa hogaaminayey maamulka Puntland, si uu wax ugu farsameeyo, una soosaaro Sadiiq.Warfaa. Dabcan waxaa la ogaa miisaanka iyo magaca Cabdi Xoosh (AUN). Sida uu Cabdi Xoosh Facebook-giisa kusooqoray xilligaa, maalintii natiijada doorashada, booskaa xildhibaannimo looga dhawaaqay Puntland inuu Sadiiq Warfaa kusoobaxay, ayaa Cabdi Xoosh (AUN), wuxuu Facebook-giisa kusooqoray, in loosheegay in doorashada dib loodhigay, maalin heblaayana dhicidoonto, nasiibdarose doorashadii xilligii lagu ballamay, xilli aan aheyn ayaa laqabtay, qaab kushubasho ahna loogu dhawaaqay In Sadiiq Warfaa kusoobaxay.(Fiiri qoraalkiisii Facebook-ga). Cabdi Xoosh wuxuu ka dharagsanaaa, in Madaxweeynaha dalka awoodii dhaqaale, iyo tii siyaasadeedba isugu geeyey inuusan soobixin. Nasiibdaro! Waxaaa kasii hiiliyey Dr.Cabdiweli Gaas. Ugu dambeyn wuxuu yiri xalaal-Caleyk, wuuna isaga sabray kursigaa laga bililiqeystay. Waxaa taa mid la mid ah lagu sameeyey Xil. Cabdullaahi Goodax Barre, oo eey sidaa si la mid ah MD Xasan Sheekh isku kacsanaayeen, balse wuxuu taageero ka heeystey Ugaaskiisa, madaxweynihii horee Hirshabeellana: Cali Cabdullaahi Cosoble, wuu iska diiday inuu ka hiiliyo. Akhristoow waxaa lagaaray xilligii doorashada Madaxweeynenimada. Sadiiq Warfaa wuxuu kamid ahaa xildhibaannadii MD Xasan Sheekh kuraaska xildhibaannimo ugu boobay hantidii ummada, sidaa daraadeed wuu ka hiiliyey mudane Farmaajo, wuxuuna sida lasheegay codkiisii siiyey MD Xasan Sheekh. Nasiibwanaag! Waxaa madaxtinimadii dalka kusoobaxay mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed (Farmaajo). Islamarkii uu Sadiiq Warfaa xaqiiqsaday in Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh laga guuleestay, wuxuu go’aansaday inuu sugto, raysalwasaaraha uu madaxweeyne Farmaajo soomagacaabi doono, maadaama raysalwasaaruhu soo dhisidoono golaha wasiirada, badanaana xildhibaanada kuraas badan ka helaan. Markii raysalwasaare mudane Xasan Cali Kheeyre lamagacaabay, sikasta iyo waxkasta wuu usameeyey Sadiiq Warfaa, si golaha wasiirada loogudaro,oo xitaa looga dhigo Wasiir-kuxigeen. Raysalwasaaraha oo tixgalinayey aqoonta sare, khibrada, kartida iyo hoowshii uu kasooqabtay arimaha dastuurka dalka, ayaa Cabdi Xoosh (AUN), oo eey qaraabo ahaayeen, umagacaabay wasiirkii dastuurka. Sadiiq Warfaa maalintaa waxeey u aheyd, maalin naxdin weyn, oo murugo badan. Wuuna ogaa inta Cabdi Xoosh noolyahay, siyaasadana kujiro, inuu xilka reerka kusoo aada markasta ka mudnaanayo, oo uu qaadanayo. Wuxuu markale dagay qorshe ah bal inuu aado dhanka Nabad iyo Nolol, gaar ahaan raysalwasaare Kheeyre, markuu fursad uhelana idaacadaha iyo TV-yadana ka amaano, si lacalla hadii xilka lagaqaado Cabdi Xoosh (AUN), uu xilka wasiirnimee tolka isaga uhelo. Siduu raysalwasaare Kheeyre isugu sahayey, wuxuu uguyaraan kuguuleystay, in dhowr safar uu raysalwaasaaraha hore usiiraaco, laakiin dhanka xilka wasiirnimo waxaa wali noolaa wasiir Cabdi Xoosh, wadashaqeyn wacanina kala dhaxeeysey raysalwasaare Kheyre, golaha wasiirada, iyo guud ahaan dhamaan xubnaha dowlada. GABAGABO IYO GUNAAD Su’aashu waxeey tahay raysalwasaare Kheeyre ma wxuu umagacaabidoonaa wasaaradaa uusan laheyn aqoonteeda, khibradeeda, iyo waliba kartideeda intaba? Mise shaqsi uqalma ayuu kubadalidoonaa booskii uu ka dhintay marxuum Cabdi Xoosh Allaha unaxariistee? Mahadsanidiin. Qoraa: C/Qaadir Maxamed Cismaan (Cabdiboqor) Dhaqaaleyahan, qoraa, iyo falanqeeye siyaasadeed. Minnesota-USA. Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid
  6. Muqdisho (SMN) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo Wafdigiisa ayaa galabta dalka dib ugu soo laabtay, kadib markii ay ka soo qeyb-galeen Shir Madaxeedka Africa Now ee shalay lagu soo gaba-gabeeyay magaalada Kampala ee caasimada Uganda. Shirka Afrika Now ayaa diiradda lagu saaray arrimaha nabadgelyada, isdhexgalka iyo koboca dhaqaalaha ee Qaaradda Afrika,iyadoo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda uu ka jeediyay shirkaas Khudabad. Mudane Farmaajo ayaa inta uu joogay Magaalada Kampala waxa uu kormaaray askar ka tirsan Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed oo tababar Layli Sarkaal ah ku qaadanaya Dugsiga Tababarka Militariga. Kabamba ee dalka Uganda. View the full article
  7. Muqdisho (SMN) – Milkiilayaasha dhul ku yaalla duleedka magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Soomaaliya ayaa ka cabanay dhul boob lagu hayo dhul ay leeyihiin. Waxay shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga digeen in ay hanti ay iska geliyaan dhulkaasi oo ay tibaaxeen in ay iyagu u haystaan sharciyad. Hoos ka dhageyso warka oo cod ah View the full article
  8. (SLT-Nairobi)-Wasaaradda Gaadiidka ee dalkaasi ayaa shaacisay in aanu Wasiirka Duulista Hawada ee Soomaaliya, Maxamed C/llaahi Salaad “Oomaar” wax door ah ku lahayn Qandaraaska loogu tartamayey Wakiilka Guud ee Iibinta ee Xafiiska Shirkadda Diyaaradaha Kenya Aiweys u jooga dalka Soomaaliya. Shirkadda Kenya Airways waxay bishii November ee sannadkii hore soo bandhigtay Qandaraas ay kaga codsatay ciddii danaynaysa inay u tartami karaan jagada Wakiilka Guud ee Iibinta ee Shirkadda ee gudaha Xuduudka Soomaaliya. Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Wasaaradda Gaadiidka ee Kenya ayaa sheegay inay Kenya Airways iyo Saraakiisha iyo Wasaaradiisa ahaayeen kuwii go’aanka ka gaadhay xulashadda qofka Madaxda ka noqon doona Xafiiska Iibinta Kenya Airways ee suuqa cusub ee Soomaaliya. Codsiga Ogeysiiska ee Qandaraaskaasi ayaa ku beegnayd isla bishii ay Shirkadda Kenya Airways bilowday Duullimaadka Tooska ee Garoonka Caalamiga ee Jomo Kenyatta ee Nairobi iyo Garoonka Caalamiga ee Aadan Cadde ee Muqdisho. Agaasimaha Fulinta ee Kenya Airways, Sebastayn Mikoz ayaa sheegay in Khadka cusub ee Muqdisho qeyb ka yahay qorshaha ay ku doonayaan inay ku kordhiyaan Duullimaadyadda Kenya Airways, wuxuuna hoosta ka xariiqay in muhiimadda la siinayo Macaamiisha Shirkadda ee isugu jira Maalgashadayaasha, Ganacsatadda iyo Dalxiisayaasha ee ka shaqeysta ama maalgashada Soomaaliya. Source
  9. Somaliland lacks Good Quality Education focused to the Knowledge and skills that matter its needs. We-the elders in Somaliland know that the type of education existed before 50 years (before the Military Coup) was different from the education system existed within the period of the Military rule of Somalia; and the education existed in Somalia before it felt apart (before 28 years) was different from the education of today. The same is true, as technology progresses at a rapid rate, the shape of the education in the future will look very different to the one that we are now practicing and educating our children. Schools around the world that are effectively educating for the future were focused to things that matter the wellbeing of their country. Our country now needs a good quality education which is an education that provides all learners with capabilities they require to become economically productive, develop sustainable livelihoods, contribute to peaceful and democratic societies and enhance individual well-being; it also needs future oriented education system which is an education focused to the knowledge and skills that matter the needs of our country. Many students across Somaliland cannot say very few correct sentences in English language; despite of having graduations from what they call universities; because they lacked Good Quality Education that can provide positive outcomes needed for individuals as graduates and positive outcomes for our society to prosper. Abdurrahman Ibrahim Abdillahi in his article titled (what are the agricultural skills this country needs) published by Oodweynenews on 2nd March 2019 said “the key constraints faced the Ministry of Agriculture is inadequate skilled man power or lack of qualified technical personnel to provide expertise in aspects of agricultural development”; yes it is true that all our Ministries in the economic development sector like fisheries, Livestock, Minerals, Industries, Investment etc, face the same constraints. This unavailability of expertise is because of our education system; which is not focused to the knowledge and skills that matter the needs of our country. The countries who practiced the strategy of future-oriented education system over came the obstacles of the future and developed the livelihoods of their people; because the students in their schools were not just being taught only to deal with the facts on the ground, but were educated to be the technical instruments of that country’s future development programs relevant with the international operating systems in the world. They also taught their students to think and thrive in the complex interconnected world, and explore what it means to be contributing as global citizens.. Currently, there are three kinds of educational systems existing in Somaliland, which are the Madrassa system that teaches Qur’an, the private schools and the public schools. Unfortunately each Qur’an Madrasa operates with its own different system; with no common standard set to comply with and to be monitored with. Then it is true that we don’t know what type of religious ideologies our young children were taught besides reciting Qur’an. Likewise, the other two types of schools mentioned above have different ways of teaching, different school dresses, different syllabuses, different teaching languages, different periods per subject per week per class, different periods per teacher per week, different School term starting dates, different School term closing dates, different salaries for the teachers, different number of students per class (40 or less to 80 or 90 students in a class), different educational knowledge and qualifications of the teachers, different rates of student fees (limit less teaching fee of the private schools) and different education quality between public schools and private schools. There is no conditions and basic criteria for who is being a teacher; no criteria and requirements for establishing private schools and universities; no control of the appropriateness of the academic structure of the private schools; no assessment of the suitability of the sites for establishing private education institutions; no national education system uniformity aiming to bring equal opportunity among the nation’s children (existence of rich and poor classes based education); no government interventions of the greedy profit seeking business like private schools; no teachers training centers in all over the country; no government initiative to provide free and compulsory education to the children in the IDP camps and poor residential areas of the cities; no quality and market oriented education plan; and no technical or skills development education. We want to genuinely catalyze a shift to our country’s future teaching needs. In other words, we need our students be experts in agriculture to support our farmers practice the best techniques and produce the most essential items; we need our students be experts in geology especially the mineral and energy resources available in our country; we need our students be experts in marine fishery management, to set the fishing international standards, the catching limits and the protection required for the sustainability of its national economic values; we need our students be doctors arranged to fill all key areas of specialization in public health and surgeries that our people suffer on their search of such treatments in a far away foreign countries; we need our students be experts in veterinary, to change the primitive livestock herding system to more valuable and advanced dairying system and develop other ways to commerce our only export commodity. We need our students be experts in the most advanced technology, which is progressing in a very swift rapid rate, to enable our country cope with the technologies practiced throughout the interconnected world; we need our students be experts in all military specialization fields, to build an advanced National Army Forces (NAF) capable of defending the country with vigilant watch, sharp and ready answers to any security threats; we need our students be qualified engineers who are experts in the constructions of all infrastructures (airports, seaports, bridges, roads, heavy industries etc); we need our students be capable of producing new inventions; we need our students be economists who can make essential and meaningful contributions to Somaliland economic development strategy, and can nurture the national monetary policy; we need our students be patriots who love their country and work for it not work from it; we need our students be good visionary leaders who can coup with those in the developed world in the future. I read from the African Exponent that Rwanda launched a satellite to provide internet that will help the rural schools learning system. But in Somaliland our governments are even not aware that the rural children need education. To educate the rural children is not in the short and long national education plan. Somaliland’s urban schools education also became out of the government control; they became businesses like to earn much profit in a short period of time resulting very poor education for our young children. In order to put education system back under the control and guidance of the government, in order to upgrade our education and establish Good Quality Education, in order to redirect our national agenda of educating our young generations in line with that of the future –oriented teaching system; we need to be ready to equip our national education policy with a complete educational reform that I can mention herewith some essential steps. Education experts should be assigned to assess and introduce the future –oriented teaching system and materials we need to educate our young generations; and the existing curriculum must be revised to give the answer of the types of educators we need to produce in the future. the profit –seeking-businesses-like-schools, operated by the private institutions should face strict and urgent interventions to correct their undesirable education systems; and must be imposed with restrictions, criteria and requirements to meet and procedures to follow when establishing a private school; in order to put education management back in to the government control and guidance. We need to redesign our national education plan in to a turn of introducing vocational schools or career schools that our country mostly in need. It is a fact that we can’t establish all in one time. But the government can assess and decide which is mostly in need to establish first; then which is second in need and so on. These vocational schools should be attended by the students who completed their grade eight education successfully (with certificate); and will be aimed to provide secondary level technical skills required to perform the tasks needed in the fields of Agriculture, Industries, mineral resources, veterinary, fisheries and marine science environment, polytechnic institutions, nursing institutions etc. If we Change our Mindset, we can change our life. The mind is the most powerful tool that humans possess, it can be used to see the good in every situation and help us attain success in our plans. instead of buying very expensive 4WD vehicles with prices between $80’000 up to $180’000 for every government title holding person ranging from Ministers down to Directors of Departments; and spending them with hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly; the government can buy vehicles with prices between $10’000 and $20’000; and can allocate the remaining 80% or 90% of the money to build one technical Vocational school yearly. On the other hand there are millions of dollars of “funds for education”, provided by some UN and International Agencies annually. But misappropriation and mismanagement of these funds is a major reason for the deteriorating quality and lack of improvement of the education. We need to prevent these funds from fraud, waste, abuse, and misuse activities. If these funds be allocated officially for some particular use within the education improvement programs. This is one option enabling to build technical vocational schools. The Ministry should arrange faculties related to the specializations of these vocational schools within the government managing universities in the regions with all their best standards. Uniform education management system should be imposed to all public and private schools (same syllabuses and curriculum, same language for teaching, one uniform for all elementary schools, one uniform for all intermediate schools, one uniform for all secondary schools, same number of students per class, same number of periods per class per subject per week, same number of periods per primary teacher per week, same number of periods per secondary teacher per week, same qualifications required from both primary and secondary school teachers, same wages for the primary teachers, same wages for the secondary teachers, same schedule of the dates that schools take their leaves as well as the dates to be opened). The Ministry of Education has to empower its inspectorate system by assigning well qualified inspect ors for all the regions of the country working with written responsibilities of school inspection; allocating enough budget with the purpose to ensure that high standards of teaching are maintained and that there is continuing development of the educational system. Teachers training centers for the teachers of the primary schools must be established; to enable our teachers to practice and promote internationally accepted teaching formats on a daily basis. All primary education teachers in general should be trained in the Teachers Training Center/s with all the knowledge of the educational psychology, which is the study of how humans learn and retain emotional, social, and cognitive learning knowledge, primarily in educational settings and classroom presentations; Teacher’s training should be one that refer to the policies, procedures, and provision designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider community. Besides giving lessons, teachers are the ones we need to build human beings; so they must have the knowledge that they can psychologically explain and direct their students the ways to overcome the challenges ahead of them and become successful persons in life; teaching them how to better their future life and their responsibilities towards their country as educated citizens, Faculties of education for the Secondary school teachers should be arranged with in the government managing universities; and if they exist should be improved to meet the needed standards. Then only a teacher graduated from a faculty of education, specialized with one of the subjects taught in the secondary schools with the required GPA should be a secondary school teacher (now teachers with only secondary education teach in some secondary schools which is out of rule and is a true negligence). Another inspiring step to get quality education is to increase the wages of both primary education teachers and secondary education teachers; private and public school teachers getting the same wages; in order to avoid “good teachers for the rich children in the private schools and low level in quality teachers for the poor children in the public schools” which now exists. They should earn wages enabling them to cover their monthly essential living. This would be a basic crucial improvement step that our children can get quality education for all not for the rich only. Because low quality education in the public schools and very high school fee prices of the private schools discourage so many poor students to continue their education. Adam Ali Younis E-mail: Qaran News
  10. Galdogob (SMN) – Ugu yaraan labo ruux ayaa ku dhaawacantay markii qarax Miino uu ka dhacay tuulada Taloole oo ku dhow degmada Galdogob ee gobolka Mudug, waqoyga Soomaaliya. Qaraxa oo la sheegay in uu ka dhashay Miino ayaa waxaa la tilmaamay in ay la kacday gaari xamuul ah oo halkaasi marayay, sida ay idaacadda Shabelle u xaqiijiyeen dadka degaanka. Dadka dhaawacmay ayaa loola cararay isbitaal ku yaalla gudaha degmadaasi si halkaasi baxbaano caafimaad loogu sameeyo. Wali ma jiro wax war ah oo ku saabsan dhacdadaan oo kasoo baxay mas’uuliyiinta degmada iyo gobolka, oo hoosta maamul goboleedka Puntland. View the full article
  11. Kismaayo (Caasimadda Online) – Kulan xasaasi ah oo alabaabada u xirnaa ayaa xalay wuxuu magaalada Kismaayo ee Xarunta Maamulka Jubbaland ku dhex maray Axmed Madoobe, Fahad Yaasiin iyo Ra’isul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre. Kulanka oo ahaa mid aad u kulul ayaa sida aan xogta ku helnay waxaa markii hore si gaar ah u bilaabay Axmed Madoobe iyo Fahad Yaasiin, inkastoo markii dambe lagama maarmaan ay noqotay in lagu soo daro Xasan Cali Kheyre. Sida ay Caasimadda Online u xaqiijiyeen illo wareedyo ka tirsan Jubbaland , labada dhinac ayaa qodobada ay ka wada hadleyn isku fahmay dhammaan marka laga reebo sida ay noqon doonto doorashada soo socoto taasoo la filayo inay noqoto mid qof iyo cod ah. Haddaba halkaan hoose ka akhriso liiska Qodobada hordhaca ah oo ay heshay Caasimadda Online: 1) In Axmed Madoobe laga tala-geliyo magaacbista dowladda ee xilalka, islamarkaana uu xusho qeybta uga soo aadeyso Jubbaland. 2) Axmed Madoobe ayaa Dowladda Soomaaliya ka codsaday inay faragelinta ka deyso maamulka Galmudug, si heshiis buuxa looga gaaro khilaafka dowladda iyo maamul goboleedyada, waxayna labada mas’uul sheegeen inay arrintaas aqbaleyn. 3) Labada dhinac ayaa saacado badan isla lafa gurayey ajandaha shirweynaha la filayo inuu dhammaadka bishaan ka dhaco magaalada Garoowe, labada dhinac ayaa isku soo qaaday in wada tashiyo arrintaas lagala sameeyo madaxda kale ee maamulada maadaama qaar ka tirsan maamulada ay gacanta ku heyso dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya. 4) Axmed Madoobe ayaa ku adkeystay inuusan marnaba ka tanaasuli doonin difaaca kursigiisa, wuxuuna dalbaday inaysan dowladda Federaalka faragelin la mid ah middii Koonfur Galbeed ku sameynin tan la filayo inay ka dhacdo Kismaayo. 5) Qodobada laga wada hadlay waxaa ku jiray sida ay noqoneyso Doorashada ka dhici doonto dalka oo la doonayo inay ahaato qof iyo cod, wuxuuna qodobkaas noqday mid aan gebi ahaanba la isku fahmin maadaama uu yahay mid ay adag tahay in go’aan deg deg ah laga qaato. 6) Waxaa jiro qodobo kale oo loo ballamay in wada xaajood kale laga yeesho maadaama aan hal kulan lagu soo wada dhameyn karin qodobada ay isku hayeen dowladda iyo maamul goboleedyada, waxaana suurta-gal ah in Axmed Madoobe uu yimaado Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo
  12. Garowe (SMN) – Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa soo xirey Shirka Jihaynta Siyaasadda Xukuumadda Cusub ee Dowladda Puntland oo sadexdii maalmood ee ugu dambeysey ka socdey xarunta Wasaardda Qorsheynta, Horumarinta Dhaqaalaha iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga Ah ee Magaalada Garoowe. Shirka Jihaynta Siyaasadda Xukuumadda Cusub ee Dowladda Puntland waxaa ku wehelinayey Madaxweynaha Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland Mudane Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash iyo dhammaan Golaha Xukuumadda. Madaxweyne Deni oo soo xiray shirka ayaa ka jeediyey khudbad taariikhi ah, waxa uu Madaxweynuhu Mahad ballaadhan u jeediyey masuul walba oo ka qayb qaatay hirgelinta shirka. “Dhammaantiin waa mahadsantihiin qof walba oo ka qayb galay barnaamijkii quruxda badnaa ee sadexdii maalmood ee ugu dambeysey socdey oo ay ugu muhiimsaneed in la joogteeyo hawlihii halkaan ka socdey, qof walibana ka qayb qaato runtii, waxay noo tahay guul in maalmihii aan ugu tala galnay ay ku dhammaadaan, “Waxaan Alle ka sokow guulihii aan gaarnay uga mahadnaqaynaa ciidamada qalabka sida ee Puntland oo maalmaha aan halkan joogney ammaanka si habsami leh u sugayey, wan ku faraxsannahay runtii shirkaan agaasinkiisii, socod siintiisii iyo natiijadii ka dhalatay intaba ay ahaayeen kuwo ay taariikhdu xusi doonto” Ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland. Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka dawladda Puntland ayaa dhankiisa bogaadiyey qaabka wanaagsan ee uu usoo dhammaaday shirku, waxaana uu xoojiyey qorshaha Madaxweynaha Puntland ku hirgeliyey yoolaalkii uu ku galay doorashada, taasi oo bud-dhig u ah dhammaystirka Jihaynta siyaasadda Xukuumadda Cusub ee dawladda Puntland. Ugu dambeyn, Madaxweyanaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa shaahaado sharaf guddoonsiiyey qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha iyo masuuliyiinta Wasaaradda Qorsheynta, Horumarinta Dhaqaalaha iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga Ah oo marti galisey shirkan iyo hay’adda Sidra oo shirka qayb muhiim ah ka qaadatay. View the full article
  13. Muqdisho (SMN) – Akhristayaasheena ku xiran website-ka waxaan halkaan idin kugu soo gudineynaa warka Habeen. Hoos riix si aad u dhageysato View the full article
  14. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Ciidanka Millatariga Somaliland Oo Gaadhay Deegaanka Yubbe Ee Gobolka Sanaah Oo Kornayl Caarre Fad-qalalo Ka Sameeyay Iyo Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Oo Digniin Diray, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  15. Laascaanood (Caasimada Online) – Arrin aad loo hadal hayo ayaa ka dhacday Laas-caanood ee Xarunta Gobolka sool, kadib markii Xaawa Cabdi Aadan oo 14 jir ah ay Maxkamada degmadaasi ka dacweysay Nin Aabaheed si qasab ah ugu guuriyey. Ninka ayaa xilliga uu Aabaheed u guurinayay waxa ay aheyd sanadkii 2015kii xilligaas oo ay jirtay Da’da 11 halka Ninka loo guuriyey uu isana jiray da’da 30 sano taas oo keentay in Gabadha ay ka cararto Hoygii loo geeyey ee Magalada laas-Caanood,is lamarkaana ay aaday Magalada Hargeysa. Xaawa Cabdi Aadan oo 14 jir ah ayaa 23kii Bishii la soo dhaafay waxaa ay dacwad u gudbisay Maxkamada Magalada laas-caanood, iyada oo kasoo horjeeda Ninka ka da’da weyn ee uu Aabaheed ku guuriyey,waxaana Maxkamada Maanta oo Khamiis ah ay go’aamisay in uu furo Ninka lagu daray oo lagu Magacaabo Iftin Cabdi Aadan. Xaawa Cabdi Aadan oo la hadashay Warbaahinta ayaa waxaa ay sheegtay in dacwada ay u gudbin naceyb ay u qabto Ninka loo guuriyey balse aysan gaarin da’da guurka, ugu dambeyna ay cadaalada ka heshay Maxkamada laas-caanood. Guddoomiyaha Maxkamada degmada laas-Caanood Cumar Sheekh Maxamed Aadan ayaa sheegay in kiiska dacwadaas ay soo gaarsiisay Xaawa Cabdi Aadan oo ah Gabar yar kana dacwooneysay Ninka qasabka loogu guuriyey,waxana uu sheegay in Gabadha la mehriyey, iyada oo aan qaan gaarin,sidoo kalena aan lala socod siin. Dad badan oo ku nool Gobolka sool ayaa aad hadal haya dhacdadaas tan iyo markii ay soo bilaabatay dacwada ay Xaawa Cabdi Aadan u gudbisay Maxkamada, hayeeshee ugu dambeyn Maanta go’aan laga gaaray. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  16. H.E. President Yoweri Museveni H.E. Deputy President of Kenya Her E. Vice President of Tanzania Right Honorable Minister of Trade of Egypt 

Excellences, Ladies and Gentleman, distinguished guests, It is great privilege to be here in Kampala at the Africa Now Conference with my fellow colleagues and leaders of Africa, influential business actors and important academics and experts on development. I am grateful to President Yoweri Museveni and the Government of Uganda for the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to me and my delegation. I also congratulate the organizers of this conference – the Africa Strategic Leadership Center for making it very successful event. 
The title of this conference “Africa Now” is unique because most analysis tends to focus on what Africa was and can be. While these are important, it is the present efforts, successes and lessons that inform the future and from which we can build on from the past. We must move forward with not just hope for the future but confidence in our present endeavors. This is what President Yoweri Museveni was referring to when he spoke of the need for transformation in our continent. I fully agree with his analysis that we should move from quantitative production to qualitative production. My sister Samia Suluhu, the Vice President of Tanzania also referred to the need for inclusive development and leadership where women and youth play a key role in continent progress. 
It is now that we need the leadership to catalyze Africa’s socio-economic transformation; It is Now that we need to Forge a future that works for African youth and women; It is now that we need to understand and mitigate the cost of Climate Change on Sustainable Economic Growth; It is Now that we need to find local, national and global solutions to common challenges such as trade and security and, finally, it is Now that we need to connect our economic future through digital and physical infrastructure to achieve an integrated, Secure and Growing Africa. 
Excellences, Ladies and Gentleman, 
I have had the privilege of attending different sessions in the conference and listening to many ideas, policies and proposed actions and I can sincerely say that I am hopeful that we can achieve our continental aspirations if we strengthen our partnership. No challenge is insurmountable, no mountain too high and no distance too far, if there is common purpose and the determination to cement this on our part. African solidarity has always been based on meaningful collaboration and, I belief that we have the necessary institutions, people, vision and leadership to achieve the Integrated, Secure and Growing Africa that we can accelerate to achieve our development. In his invitation letter to me, H.E. President Museveni stated that he was “An eternal Afro-Optimist” and I want to let him know that we all share his love of, commitment to, and pride in our beautiful continent. However, we must also be realistic and accept that for Africa and its diverse people to fulfill their great potential and escape from the poverty trap and underdevelopment, we must collectively have very serious discussions and a continental strategy regarding economic transformation, investment, growth as well as employment for the Youth. Our continental experience informs us that our greatest economic assets and advantages, like our youth and natural resources, can often become a detrimental issue if we do not investment in them and manage them well. We can no longer afford this in a globalized world where every other continent is pulling together and getting ahead and we are already working to just catch up. 
Leadership and common responsibility are the key pillars of reform, change and progress. The Integration, Security and Economic Growth of Africa are the responsibility of each and every political and business leaders as well as citizen. In other words, we all need to be proactive in moving this beautiful, rich, but often challenged, continent forward. The era of “waiting for the State to do everything” is thankfully over. Governments, business leaders and citizens must work together closely to create a new social contract based on a forging a future that works for all the people. We must become more engaged and innovative in the way we do business, politics and benefit from continental and global partnerships. We must impartially measure the impact of our policies and think together because together we are stronger in every way.
Africa’s opportunities are boundless. We have among the youngest population in the world, valuable land and sea resources and a historical tradition of partnership and solidarity. Moreover, because of technology and improving basic public services such as education and health, Africa has an opportunity to leapfrog in many areas key to our common development including manufacturing, Transportation, Logistics, and the Digital Economy alongside traditional areas of strength like agriculture.
Intra-African Trade is simply a must if we are to prosper as a continent. We need to be able to make, market and sell African made goods and services to ourselves first and foremost. The reality is that Africa is our main market and where our producers and entrepreneurs have the most advantage and where we can maximize opportunities through supply chain activities and impact investing. More importantly, the initiation and development of Continental Free Trade will transform the socio-economic future of Africa and its people with new opportunities, jobs, skills and reverse the damaging brain drain. I am proud to announce that Somalia was one of the first signatories of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement. However, to succeed in this objective, Africa must be better connected by road, rail, air and sea. We need enormous investment in infrastructure to connect our people to future continental and global opportunities. Alongside infrastructure, we must invest in key enablers and sustainers of economic growth. The Enablers are competitive economic policies and the creation of a continental wide conducive investment environment which benefits all stakeholders, most importantly, the countries and their people. The questions we must ask ourselves are: Are African goods and services able to move freely across borders? Is our financial sector interconnected? Do we have the policies and effective governance to mitigate their potential risks? Do we have the skills and Energy to produce on a large scale? Do we have the education and skills to ensure we sustain and benefit from economic growth? Do we have the mechanisms of cooperation to strengthen our continental partnership for progress? 
Alongside these important questions, we must also seriously consider how to mitigate risks and mobilize institutional investors’ capital for development as well as how best we can use the International Financial Institutions in joint cross border projects. These valuable and well-resourced organizations must think innovatively and, in the case of the Least Developed Countries many of which are on the African Continent, be fragile sensitive. The Sustainers, on the other hand, are investment and cooperation in all forms and the protection of our valuable environment which provides us all with life and opportunities. 
Excellences, Ladies and Gentleman, Let me conclude my remarks by saying, of course Somalia has gone through tough times for the last 30 years. As result, a lot of our people ended up in refugee camps in different parts of the world. One of the areas they came is here in Kampala, Uganda as well as in many parts of Africa. However, I will tell you one for sure, when you are poor or homeless that does not prevent you from becoming self-sufficient and that is a lesson that everyone can learn from the Somali people. I would like to give you one example; we have about 50 Somali refugees here in Uganda. Many of them are self-sufficient even though they came here as refugees slowly they end up as to be entrepreneurs. They started their own business with the help of the people and the government of Uganda under the leadership of President Museveni for his Pan-Africanism ideology. Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests It is a must we achieve a Secure, Integrated and Growing Africa for our people. It is their right and our duty. However, it is clear to me from our continental experience that we can achieve zero tensions and no conflicts to silence the guns, to more create jobs while growing our economies. As Africans, we must finally turn potential into reality and transform our collective future. 
I thank you. View the full article
  17. (SLT-Garoowe)-Maamulka Puntland ayaa codsaday inay qeyb ka noqdaan wada-hadalada dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya iyo dawladda Somaliland u dhaxeeya. Puntland waxay ku sheegtay in wada hadalkaasi saameyn ku leeyahay maamulkooda islamarkaana ay muhiim tahay in laga qeyb galiyo oo aanay ku koobnaa dowlada federaalka. Wadahadalka Somaliland iyo u dhaxeeya Soomaaliya ayaa la filayaa in dib loo bilaabo dhamaadka bishan, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  18. Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Wasaaradda gaadiidka kenya ayaa shaacisay inuusan wasiirka duulista hawada ee Somalia, Maxamed C/llaahi Salaad “Oomaar” uusan wax door ah ku lahayn qandaraaska loogu tartamayey wakiilka guud ee iibinta ee xafiiska shirkadda diyaaradaha Kenya Aiweys u jooga dalka Somalia. Shirkadda Kenya Airways waxay bishii November ee sannadkii hore soo bandhigtay qandaraas ay kaga codsatay ciddii danaynaysa inay u tartami karaan jagada wakiilka guud ee iibinta ee shirkadda ee gudaha xuduudka Somalia. Si kastaba, waxaa dhowaan soo baxay warar lagu sheegay in Oomaar uu kaalin ku lahaa islamarkaana qandaraaska uu siiyey dad ku dhow. Hase yeeshee, sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan wasaaradda gaadiidka ee Kenya ayaa sheegay inay Kenya Airways iyo saraakiisha iyo wasaaradiisa ahaayeen kuwii go’aanka ka gaaray xulashadda qofka madaxda ka noqonaya xafiiska iibinta Kenya Airways ee suuqa cusub ee Somalia. Codsiga ogeysiiska ee qandaraaskaasi ayaa ku beegnayd isla bishii ay shirkadda Kenya Airways bilowday duullimaadka tooska ee garoonka caalamiga ee Jomo Kenyatta ee Nairobi iyo garoonka caalamiga ee Aadan Cadde ee Muqdisho. Agaasimaha fulinta ee Kenya Airways, Sebastayn Mikoz ayaa sheegay in khadka cusub ee Muqdisho qeyb ka yahay qorshaha ay ku doonayaan inay ku kordhiyaan duullimaadyadda Kenya Airways, wuxuuna hoosta ka xariiqay in muhiimadda la siinayo macaamiisha shirkadda ee isugu jira maalgashadayaasha, ganacsatadda iyo dalxiisayaasha ee ka shaqeysta ama maalgashada Somalia. Diyaaradaha shirkadda Kenya Airways waxay maalin kasta duullimaad aan joogsi lahayn isaga kala gooshtaa garoomkadda calaamiga ee magaallooyinka Nairobi iyo Muqdisho Si kastaba ha ahaatee, duullimaadkaasi waxa uu ballaariyey ganacsigii Kenya ee Somalia oo haatan gaaray 974.5 million oo dollar, iyadoo badeecaddaha Kenya u soo dhoofiyaan Somalia uu kordhay 33.5% tan iyo bilowgii sannadkan 2019-ka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  19. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa soo xirey Shirka Jihaynta Siyaasadda Xukuumadda Cusub ee Dowladda Puntland oo sadexdii maalmood ee ugu dambeysey ka [...] Source
  20. Dowladda Fadaraalka Soomaaliya ayaa diiday baaqa ka soo yeeray madaxweynaha maamulka Hargaisa Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo ku sugan dalka Imaardka Carabta. Baaqa Muuse Biixi ayaa [...] Source
  21. Addis Ababa (Caasimada Online) – Dawladda Faransiiska iyo Itoobiya ayaa shalay gaaray heshiis dhanka Militariga ah, gaar ahaan taageeridda ciidamada Badda ee Itoobiya samaysanayso kadib bookhasho laba maalmood ah oo Madaxweynaha Faransiiska Emmanuel Macron uu ku tagay dalka Itoobiya. Su’aalo badan ayaa dhowaanahan ka taagna halka saldhig u noqoneysa ciidamada badda Itoobiya, ayada oo Soomaali badan ay qabeen tuhun ku saabsan inay usoo socdaan badda iyo dekadaha Soomaaliya, maadaama Itoobiya aysan bad lahayn. Raadiyaha caalamiga ah ee Faransiiska ee Radio France International (RFI) ee dowladda Faransiiska ayaa baahiyey qoraal muujinaya in dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ay waxyaabo badan ka qarineyso shacabka. RFI waxay shaaca ka qaaday in dalalka la filayo in Saldhigga Militari ee Itoobiya noqon doona yihiin Eritrea, Jabuuti, iyo Soomaaliya oo Somaliland ay qeyb ka tahay. Markii uu Abiy Ahmed boqoasho ku yimid Muqdisho 16-kii June 2018, waxa uu madaxweyne Farmaajo la saxiixday heshiis ay labada dal ku wada maalgashanayaan afar dekad. Hase yeeshee labada dowladba ma aysna bixin wax faah-faahin oo ku saabsan heshiiska. Waxyar un kadib heshiiskaas, Itoobiya waxay ku dhowaaqday inay dhisaneyso ciidankeeda badda, taasi oo ay xigtay warbixinta warbaahinta RFI ay shaacisay maanta ee ah in Soomaaliya ay qeyb ka tahay dalalka marti-gelin doona ciidamada badda Itoobiya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  22. Xiisad dagaal oo u dhexaysa Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa ka aloosan degaanno ka tirsan gobolka Sanaag. Somaliland ayaa ciidamo badan soo dhoobtay degmada Yubbe oo dhinaca bariga ka xigta magaalada Ceerigaabo halkaasoo ay saldhig ciidan ka samaysteen. Puntland ayaa dhankeeda ciidamo dheeraad ah u dirtay degmada Badhan iyo degaanno kale oo ka tirsan bariga gobolka Sanaag. Sidoo kale waxaa degmooyinka Dhahar Xiingalool iyo Badhan gaaray mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Puntland. Ciidamada Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa haatan la sheegayaa in ay labada dhinac kaga soo wajahan yihiin degmada Hadaaftimo oo aan wakhtigan midkoodna joogin waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in dagaal halkaasi ka qarxo. PUNTLAND POST The post Puntland iyo Somaliland oo dagaal qarka u saaran appeared first on Puntland Post.
  23. Korneel Caare oo Garoowe shir jaraaid ku qabtay ayaa waxa uu wacad ku maray in lixda in Fasal Cabdi Bootaan oo ah gudoomiyaha degmada Ceerigaabo [...] Source
  24. Maxkamada racfaanka ee degmada Laascaanood ee gobolka Sool ayaa maanta u fariisatay dacwada kiis la xiriiray gabar 11 jir ahayd oo si qasab ah Nin [...] Source