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Kulankii 1-aad ee kalfadhiga 5-aad ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo lagu waday in maanta u qabsoomo ayaa markale dib u dhacay ku yimid. Fadhigaan ayaa loo balansanaa in uu dhaco maanta oo Isniin ayaa lagu waday in warbixino looga dhageeysto guddiga dib u eegista dastuurka dalka. Fariimo loo diray xildhibaanada ayaa lagu sheegay in kooram la’aan uu u baaqday kulankaasi. Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa wajahaya jahwareeer siyaasadeed kadib markii sabtidii uu kooram la’aan u baaqday. Xildhibaano katirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in ajandaha amniga loo baahanyahay in Baarlamaanka looga hadlo. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post Muqdisho The post Kulankii BFS ee maanta oo markale baaqday appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaan Axmed Macalin Fiqi oo kamid ah xubnaha ugu horeeya mucaaradka ayaa si cajiib ah ugu dhaliilay madaxda dalka inay yihiin kuwo ku caan baxay kala talisnimo. Wuxuu Bartiisa Facebook soo dhigay isbitaalka ugu wanaagsan ee Soomaaliya looga baahan yahay, wuxuuna ku sheegay isbitaalka Soomaaliya looga baahan yahay inuu yahay Isbitaalka Guud ee Dawaynta Kalitalisnimada. Xildhibaanka oo Muddooyinkii u dambeeyay qoraalo uu ku dhaliilayo dowladda soo dhigayay Bartiisa FACEBOOK ayaa markaan wuxuu raaciyay sawir muujinaya isaga oo aqrinaya BUUG ka hadlaya Kalitalisnimada iyo Dimuqraadiyadda. Xildhibaan Fiqi ayaa Yiri:- “Haddii la i weydiin lahaa nooca isbitaalka ugu fiican ee Soomaaliya maanta loogu baahi badan yahay waxaan dhihi lahaa waa “Isbitaalka Guud ee Dawaynta Kalitalisnimada”. “Waxaana dhakhaatiirta ugu weyn ee ka hawlgasha halkaas laga dhigi lahaa: Dr. Xorriyada hadalka, Dr. Eex & Qabyaalad-diid, Drs. Faan-yarayso, Dr. Xisbiyada badan, Dr. Cadaalad, Drs. Sarraynta Sharciga, waardiyana isbitaalkaas waxaa madax looga dhigi lahaa Mr. Dimoqraadi. Xildhibaan Axmed Fiqi, ayaa qoraalkiisa kusoo gabo gabeeyay su’aal ay dadweynaha ku xiran siyaabooyin kala duwan kaga jawaabeen oo aheyd:- “Yaad is leedihiin Buuggan “From Dictatorship to Democracy” markaan aqriskiisa dhammeeye ha loo haddiyeeyo? Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimad@live.com
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dad gaaraya 5 qof ayaa xalay fiidkii la dhigay Isbitaalka Banaadir ee Magaalada Muqdisho, sida ay inoo sheegeen saraakiil ka tirsan Dowladda Soomaaliya. Dadkan ayaa ku sumoobay Boorash laga kariyay Jikooyin ku yaalla Degmooyinka Kaxda iyo Waaberi ee Gobolka Banaadir oo ay cuneen. Dadkan oo isugu jira Haween iyo Caruur oo u badan Barakacayaal ayaa la sheegay inay qaarkood ku jiraan Koomo ama xaalad halis ah, waxaana la tacaalaya Dhaqaatiirta Caafimaadka. Guddoomiye kuxigeenka dhanka arrimaha bulshada Gobolka Banaadir Basmo Caamir Shakeeti ayaa dadka uga digtay inay isticmaalaan Baarashkaasi, si aysan dhibaato kale u imaan. “Waxaan tagnay Isbitaalka Banaadir oo ay ku jiraan dad ku sumoobay Boorash ay cuneen, dadka waxaan uga digeynaa inay isticmaalaan Boorashka, baaris dhab ah ayaan sameyn doonaa”. ayay tiri Basmo Caamir. Hay’adaha gargaarka ee dalka ka hawlgala qaarkood ayaa mararka qaar bixiya Cunto waqtigeeda la dhaafay, taasi oo dhibaato u keenta dadka danta yar ee ay siiyaan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
Qaran News
Qaraxyada iyo xirnaanshaha waddooyinku marwalba waa dhibaatooyinka aad maqasho iyaga oo laga soo werinayo magaalada Muqdisho. Waxaase jirta halis kale oo dadka caasimadda ku nool ay waaya’arag ku noqdeen taas oo kaga timaada ciidamada dowladda ee isugu jira boolis iyo milatari intaba. Hayeeshe, maadaama aan laga baahin warfaafinta – gudaha iyo dibadda – in badan bulshada xittaa kuwa jidadka kula kulma ama ay dani ka gasho adeegga xarumaha dowladda, dhib weyn kuma tilmaami karaan sheeko si maalinle ah qisooyin xanuun leh ku reebta qoysas Soomaaliyeed oo marnaba aan fileyn in carruurtooda aanay shar uga imaaneyn kuwa xiran shaarka dowladda. Sidaas darteed, Muqdisho marka aad ku sugan tahay waa inaad ka fikirtaa in – adiga iyo askariga – aad u siman tihiin hal halis – qarax sababa dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Waxaase shibilka usii dheer in mar kale si foojigan aysan ugu deymo la’aan isla askari sita qoriga ee jeer walba kugu soo furi kara rasaasta. Waayo waxaa si xilkasnimo xumo ah kuu waxyeeli kara gaadiidka ciidanka dowladda oo xawaarahay doonaan ku mara waddo walba oo kahor timaada. Micno malahan ciriiriga muuqda oo baabuurta rayidka u diidaya inay u kala gooshaan si nabdooni leh. Qolada kaliya ee sharciga ka sarreysa waa kuwa sharciga loogu tala-galay inay ilaaliyaan. Baad lagula dhaco ama liif laguugu nabareeyo ama jug kale oo feer iyo lugba isugu jirta oo laguugu halgaado waa nasiib wali aad ka mahdin karto. Waxaaba ay awoodi karaan inay si aan ka fiirsi lahayn kugu dhiftaan xabad. Darawallada gaadiidka dadweynaha siiba bajaajleyda waxay og yihiin in maalin walba ay ilbiriqsi u jirsadaan xabad la iskaga waabiyo si ay waddada ugu banneeyaan ciidamada hubeysan ee ku xiimaya gaariga Cabdi-bilaha. Geeridu waa mid ay dheer yihiin darawallada kale ee gaadiidka rayidka ah adeegsada, marka la fiiriyo dhacdooyinkii ugu danbeeyey ee keensaday dilka bajaajleyda badan oo ku baxay gacmaha ciidamada dowladda. Runtii dhibta ugu weyn ee heysata shacabkeenna ma ahan oo kaliya tirada dadka uga dhinta qaraxyada, waa sugnaan la’aanta amniga dadweynaha la nool xusuusta dadkooda sida joogtada ah ugu le’da qaraxyada kuwaas oo si aan ixtiraam lahayn ugu nugul amarrada sandullaha ku dhisan oo ciidamadu kula kacaan. Waagii Kacaanka waxaa jirtay in shacabku u kala ordi jiray ciidanka XDS gaar ahaan militariga – siiba waqtigii uu socday dagaalkii 77 – halka ay kasoo carari jireen booliska sharcigiisu adag yahay. Maanta labaduba waxaa looga didaa aragooda si isku mid ah. Goor hore inta aanay dhicin inay kusoo gaaraan ayuu – cabsi awgeed – wadnuhu kusii caddaanayaa. Mana ahan inaad neceb tahay. Waa inaad og tahay inaysan si miirqab leh kaaga dhaadhicin Karin amarka ay fulinayaan. Inaad wax ka dhaadhici is tiraahdana, waxay yeelan kartaa dhammaad aan farxad kusoo idlaanin. Thomas Sankara, oo ahaa Madaxweynihii Burkina Faso ayaa wuxuu leeyahay ‘Askari aan laheyn tababbar siyaasadeed iyo mid aydhiyoolojiyadeed waa danbiile soo kobcaya.’ Askarteennu waxaa si aan lagu kadsoomeyn loogu tilmaami karaa maleeshiyo loo huwiyay magac dowladeed kuwaas oo qoriga ay sitaan uu kala weyn yahay nolosha qofka muwaadinka ah ee ilaalintiisa loogu xiray dharka ciidanka. Wax caadi ah ayay iska tahay inuu qorigu kasoo horreeyo marwalba oo ay rabaan inay fuliyaan amar ku dhisan tooda gaarka ah iyo tan dadweynaha. Runta qaraari waxay tahay in askarteennu aanay u diyaarsaneyn soo dhaweyntii iyo ixtiraamkii looga fadhiyay shaqaale dowladeed inay siiyaan muwaadiniinta ay u shaqeeyaan. Waa maxay dulucda ku jirta sugidda amniga haddii aan mudnaantii ugu sarreysay la siineyn ixtiraamka muwaadinka iyo qaddarintiisa?! Kahor inta aan loo diyaargaroobin wax ka qabashada amniga iyo kala-danbeynta, waa muhiim in micno walba oo ku bixi kara ilaalinta sharafka qofka Soomaaliga ah laga horumariyo sugidda nabad-galyadiisa. Haddii aan fiiro loo yeelan ka feejignaanta wax walba oo sumcad-dilaya heybadda ciidanka, farqiga qura ee u dhaxeeya iyaga iyo maleeshiyo beeleedyada waa inay xiran yihiin dareys dowladeed oo mar un milgaduu lahaa ku lumin doona asluub la’aanta askartiisa. Qore: Zakariya Xasan Maxamed. Kala xiriir: farriin-danabeedka; hiraal86@gmail.com Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada caasimada@live.com Mahadsanid
Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) ― Siyaasi Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale ayaa mar uu ka hadlayay Doorashooyinka Somaliland, ka dhawaajiyey in nabad-gelyada Somaliland ay ku naaloneyso ay soo af-jarmi doonto haddii doorashooyinka aysan ku qabsoomin wakhtigooga. “Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahda Naas la nuugo Nabad baa leh, Naaskan nabada leh hadaaney daaqino oo la gunaynino wax la gashanin, dee Naaska wax kasoo dhiiqaya ma jiraan, maalin dhow wax nooga soo dhacaya ma jiraan, Waxaynu u baahnahay inaynu guneyno, oo ay Naaska wax nooga soo dhiiqan, saynu taa usameyno, Howshii aynu usoo galnay in horumarkan gaadhno, ayeynu u baahanahay inaynu iyadana ku ilaalino, maxay ku ilaalinaynaa, doorashada ayeynu qabaneyna, hadeynu qaban weynana Nabadu wey gilgilmeysaa”. Geesta kale Boobe Yuusuf, ayaa ku baaqay Masuuliyiinta kuraasta ku fadhiya ee muddo xileedkoodi dhamaaday inay baneeyan xilalkaas oo doorashada la qabto, isagoo sheegay haddii ay baneyn waayan inay Nabadu khal-khal galeyso oo cid noolanaysana aysan jiri doonin. “Kuraasidaa la bariisaday baa laga kacayaa, haddii laga kici waayo nabadu khal-khal bey galaysaa, cid noolaneysaana majirto”. Ugu dambeyntii Siyaasi Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale ayaa sidoo kale ku baaqay in Nabad-gelyada ay Somaliland muddada badan ku naaloneysay ay ilaashato oo howlaha qabyada ah wakhtigooga lagu dhameystiro. Caasimada Online Xafiiska HargeysaCaasimada@live.com
Since 2013 and the signing of the infamous Soma Oil deal with the Somali Government, British interests in the country have been consumed by the relentless pursuit of petroleum resources both off the Somali shore and inland. This has entailed the full commitment of British political, security, humanitarian and development assets to a natural resource interest. This has necessitated, therefore, the expenditure of hundreds of millions of British taxpayer funds—not for the benefit of the Somali people, as claimed—but to secure control of the important oil deposits in southern Somalia. The use of public monies to protect a private interest is usually the charge against Somali authorities, yet here it is on a larger scale—the stuff of Parliamentary inquiries to come. A map of British financial outlays in Somalia corresponds to the location of now proven petroleum deposits. Specifically, in recent years there has been a disproportionate expenditure of British aid of all kinds in the area of the South West State, a Federal Member State established in 2014. Like all Federal Member States established since then, they have a border with Ethiopia and a seaport. Unlike other States, it is more oil rich. In order to secure its natural resource venture, since 2013 Britain sought to control the international architecture in and around Somalia, including appointments of subjects loyal to a small network in London that threaded through the World Bank, the United Nations and the European Union funding system for African Union troops in the country. This included infiltration at higher and lower levels in the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). However, British dominance in South West State and in UNSOM was shattered in late 2018, when in local elections Britain and by then its faithful UN mission backed the wrong horse. Former Al-Shabaab commander Muktar Robow stood for President. As an individual who remained sanctioned in the United States, Robow’s candidacy was opposed by Ethiopia, the US and the Federal Government in Somalia. Robow was arrested and another candidate was elected. In the wake of a series of incalculable political missteps by both Britain and UNSOM, the head of the UN mission, Nicholas Haysom was expelled from the country by the Somali Government. The Security Council issued a luke warm response and the SecretaryGeneral had no choice but to acquiesce in the Somali Government’s decision. He committed thereafter to a process of “consultation” with the Somali Government to avoid another embarrassment. Britain’s influence continued to slip away, with no real access to South West State and a breakdown in communication with the Somali Government in Mogadishu. It supported a diplomatic camp that believed in punishing the Somali Government for the expulsion, not “consulting” with it. To this end, when the Security Council resolution for renewing UNSOM’s mandate at the end of March was drafted by the United Kingdom, as the “pen holder” in New York, the language of the resolution had a punitive tone towards both the Federal Government and South West State. Last week, the language was opposed and changed by China, Russia and others, marking another political defeat for Britain. In response, Britain has maneuvered the appointment of a temporary Acting Deputy of UNSOM, George Conway of the United Nations Development Programme. Conway has had a longstanding and intimate relationship with Britain, providing a vehicle to facilitate the translation of British public funds into the protection of a private interest. He is one of the team and is meant to serve as a bulwark for protecting British interests inside a mission currently headless and afloat. Following the announcement of his appointment on Saturday, a media blitz in Somalia news outlets has followed, purposefully misrepresenting the terms of the appointment. Broadcast has been an image of an appointment that is somehow less temporary than “Acting” and more authoritative than a Deputy, to project that Britain’s man is in charge. But he is not. The publicity gambit is unlikely to payoff as the game is too well known to Somalis and the international community alike. Britain would do well to stop playing the mirror image of its cynical former colonial games. Like the bully who becomes more brutish as it loses more and more friends, Britain would be more successful and less isolated if it offered an olive branch, overcame its bruised ego and petty animosities, and reached out to those it misperceives as enemies. Whether today’s British representatives and agents can overcome a pathology of manipulation to more readily achieve more sound objectives is a question yet to be answered. Hussein Salah Kassim Nairobi, Kenya
In 2017, at a public panel in Riyadh, the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, issued a warning about Islamists in Europe. “There will come a day that we will see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of lack of decision-making, trying to be politically correct, or assuming that they know the Middle East, and they know Islam, and they know the others far better than we do,” Zayed said. “I’m sorry, but that’s pure ignorance.” The message was clear: European leaders would face a future endemic of Islamic extremism if they continued to tolerate the presence of what he described as radical extremists and terrorists in the name of human rights, freedom of expression, and democracy. Although the statement is two years old, a clip was recently circulated by a prominent Emirati on social media, Hassan Sajwani, in an entirely different context: in the wake of the terrorist attack allegedly carried out by an Australian white supremacist against Muslim worshipers in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that led to 50 deaths. Sajwani, who has family links to both the Emirati government and the Trump family (his uncle is the founder and chairman of Damac Properties, which developed the Trump International Golf Club in Dubai), then posted tweets that echo the type of fear-mongering and dog-whistle attacks on Muslims that have been widely credited with inspiring the Christchurch attacks. It’s just one example of an often-overlooked trend: the culpability of Arab and Muslim governments in fueling anti-Muslim hate as part of their campaigns to fight dissent at home and abroad. By trying to justify repression and appease Western audiences, some of these regimes and their supporters have forged an informal alliance with conservative and right-wing groups and figures in the West dedicated to advancing anti-Islamic bigotry. Arab regimes spend millions of dollars on think tanks, academic institutions, and lobbying firms in part to shape the thinking in Western capitals about domestic political activists opposed to their rule, many of whom happen to be religious. The field of counterextremism has been the ideal front for the regional governments’ preferred narrative: They elicit sympathy from the West by claiming to also suffer from the perfidies of radical jihadis and offer to work together to stem the ideological roots of the Islamist threat. Based on dozens of conversations conducted over several years, we found that autocratic regimes in the region carefully cultivate conservative and far-right circles in the West that they believe lean toward their own anti-Islamist agendas. The two sides’ political goals don’t completely overlap: Western Islamophobia can be far more vehement and sweeping than the variety supported by Arab governments. Nevertheless, both sides find the partnership beneficial. Arab propagandists claim there is an inherent connection between so-called political correctness and a tendency to downplay ideologies that lead to terrorism—claims that are seized on by Western conservatives to legitimize their own arguments. “Our threshold is quite low when we talk about extremism,” the Emirati foreign minister told Fox News a month after the 2017 panel discussion in Riyadh. “We cannot accept incitement or funding. For many countries, the definition of terror is that you have to carry a weapon or terrorize people. For us, it’s far beyond that.” Such campaigns by Arab governments go beyond an effort to simply explain the precise threats posed by Islamists—which do indeed exist. Instead, they often involve scare tactics to play up the threat and create an atmosphere in which an alternative to these regimes becomes unthinkable from a Western policy standpoint. Such an environment also enables these regimes to clamp down on dissent at home with impunity. Terrorism becomes a catchall term to justify repression. In Saudi Arabia, even atheists are defined as anti-terrorism laws. These patterns played out for more than a decade but intensified in recent years, and they proved to be effective instruments to win friends and influence enemies. David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan leader who visited Damascus in 2005 to show solidarity with the Syrian regime against Zionism and imperialism, frequently expressed support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad despite the dictator’s vicious campaign against his own people. In a 2017 tweet, he wrote, “Assad is a modern day hero standing up to demonic forces seeking to destroy his people and nation – GOD BLESS ASSAD!” Similar Assad-friendly sentiments have been expressed by far-right figures in Europe. In August 2015, the prominent and influential Dubai businessman Mohammed al-Habtoor published an eyebrow-raising opinion piece in The National, an English-language daily in the UAE, explaining his support for the then controversial presidential candidate Donald Trump, describing him as a “a strategist with a shrewd business mind” despite his incendiary remarks about Muslims. The support from Habtoor, who is close to the Emirati government, suggested that these governments, or figures close to them, were happy to strike alliances with anti-Islam activists in the West—not in spite of their rhetoric, but because of it. In an answer to a question about Trump’s anti-Muslim remarks, he later told Bloomberg that those were “political talk,” and “talk is cheap.” As these regimes face more pressure, they deploy fears of extremism and terrorism to garner support. For example, as European countries increasingly became critical of Saudi Arabia last year after the growing casualties in the Yemen war, the imprisonment of women activists, and the murder of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, Riyadh turned to the right wing for support. Among other efforts, a delegation of Saudi women was dispatched to meet with the far-right bloc of the European Parliament. According to Eldar Mamedov, an advisor to the European Parliament’s social democrats, Saudi Arabia subsequently became a divisive issue in Brussels, as left-of-center forces pushed for resolutions against the kingdom while right-wing forces opposed them. After the military coup in Egypt in 2013, the regime in Cairo and its regional backers were in full gear to exaggerate the risks of extremism and promote Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the strongman who was willing to take on not just the extremists but also Islamic thought. A statement he made in 2015 about the need for an Islamic reformation to review, and presumably discard, centuries-old Islamic traditions became heavily cited by his defenders in Washington and other capitals as evidence of his anti-Islamist credentials. The rise of Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, was framed by regional governments in similar terms. In leaked emails published in 2017, the Emirati ambassador to the United States summed up this propaganda in response to complaints about the continued emergence of jihadis from the region: “Look, I’ll be the first to admit that this ideology is a problem and its problem that needs to be dealt with. But we’re finally seeing someone in saudi willing to address it. Thats a first for us.” The Qatar crisis in 2017 was similarly depicted as part of an Emirati and Saudi effort to uproot extremists and their funders, which was briefly endorsed by Trump, who had just concluded a historic visit to Riyadh. These regimes intentionally push propaganda about political and religious activists from their countries now living in the West to marginalize and silence them in their new homes. Many of these individuals fled repression and sought protection in democracies; labeling them as religious or stealth jihadis makes it easier to discredit their anti-regime activism. The rise of powerful Western Muslim activists and politicians adds to these regime’s anxiety about its own domestic stability. The role of foreign countries in fueling the cycle of prejudice and xenophobia deserves to be an urgent area of focus. Contrary to what Habtoor said about Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, talk is not cheap. As events in New Zealand have shown, talk can cost innocent lives. Source: Foreign Policy
Addis Ababa (AFP) – In his first speech as Ethiopian prime minister last April, Abiy Ahmed called for an end to the repressive, exclusionary governance that had plunged the country into turmoil. It was a promise on which he is seen to have delivered dramatically, earning him both international acclaim and domestic popularity so great that his keenest supporters say he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. “Before Abiy came, our fear was that Ethiopia would descend into civil war,” said Hassen Hussein, a top official in the Oromo Democratic Front, one of the many banned groups welcomed back from exile.Yet the new prime minister’s first year in office has also been marked by a surge in ethnic violence that has forced 1.8 million people out of their homes. While Abiy has remade the public face of the ruling omnipotent Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), diplomats and politicians say politics remains very much as usual at the local level. “Many people, especially at the grassroots level, are asking, where is the change?” said Merera Gudina, a top opposition politician. “Both the depth and pace of change… people are really doubting.” As Abiy enters his second year in office, he faces a new challenge: keeping his promise to make 2020 elections free and fair despite rising political violence. Abiy, who was sworn into power on April 2, 2018, took office following the resignation of his predecessor Hailemariam Desalegn, after more than two years of anti-government protests and growing discord within the EPRDF. – Negotiating with opposition – A former science minister, Abiy comes from the Oromo people, Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group. He rose up through the military and intelligence services, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel. The 42-year-old won over Ethiopians with his rapid, dramatic reforms, often delivered with a personal touch. He met publicly with newly-freed political prisoners and held repeated meetings with old foe Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki to negotiate a July 2018 agreement re-establishing relations following a bloody 1998-2000 border war. “For the first time in the country’s history, he is negotiating with the opposition,” said Merera, who was jailed under Hailemariam, then released on the eve of his resignation. But Merera worries whether the four parties that make up the EPRDF — and especially the old guard from the Tigrayan minority that dominated the coalition until Abiy’s rise — really support him. “We are not sure the degree to which the EPRDF is committed,” he said. At the local level, politics has changed little. “The ruling party is the ruling party; the cadres are the same, the service delivery is the same,” Merera said. Those who have met the prime minister worry over his tendency to show off his accomplishments while revealing little about his plans to tackle the country’s challenges. – ‘One-man show’ – Abiy made headlines last October by appointing a cabinet in which half the ministers were women. But critics say he has taken power into his own hands and sidelined government ministries. “It’s a one-man show… it’s not a functional government,” one foreign diplomat told AFP, adding that among embassies, “a few eyebrows are now rising.” Shortly after Abiy took office, a long-running dispute over land in southern Ethiopia’s West Guji and Gedeo zones erupted into ethnic fighting that forced nearly a million people from their homes. Such violence continued through Abiy’s first year. Last September at least 58 people, mostly from minority ethnic groups, were killed on the outskirts of the capital Addis Ababa, while aid groups said in December that ethnic violence in western Ethiopia had displaced 250,000 people. Analysts have blamed rising violence on a slackening of the tight control the EPRDF once maintained on regional security forces and administration. Abiy has touted his moves to improve media freedom — following in the footsteps of Hailemariam, who released several prominent jailed journalists — but instability threatens this progress. Elias Kifle, who heads the online news outlet Mereja, believes Oromo police officers sanctioned the February mob beating two of his journalists in the town of Legetafo. “I considered it not only an attack on the media, but on the reform,” he said, adding that he does not blame the prime minister for the assault. In a sign of the country’s apparent precariousness, officials in March postponed a national census, which was seen as a precursor to next year’s vote. “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t,” Hassen said of the elections. “With the level of polarisation that exists now, I’m not sure an election would do any good for Ethiopia and Ethiopians.” Source: AFP
Isbitaalka Banaadir ee Muqdisho ayaa caawa waxaa la keenay dad ku sumoobay boorash ay cabeen. Dadkaas ayaa ahaa dad barakacayaal ah oo ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho. Dhibanayaasha oo tiradoodu ay gaareyso 35 ruux ayaa waxaa ku jira 27 caruur ah, raashin deeq ah oo loo qeybiyay qoysaskan oo ku nool degmada Kaxda iyo Waabari ayaa sababay in ay sumoobaan sida ay sheegeen ehelada dadkaasi. Dadkaaasi sumoobay ayaa caawa waxaa isbitaalla ku booqday masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobolka Banaadir. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Arrimaha Bulshada ee Goblka Banaadir Basmo Caamir Jakeeti, Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka Amniga iyo Siyaasadda Maxamed Cabdullaahi Tuulax iyo Guddoomiyaha Haweenka Gobolka Banaadir Jawaahir Baarqab ayaa caawa cisbitaalka Banaadir ku booqday dadkaaai iyaga ooocaafimaadna u rajeeyay. Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay in ay sameyn doonaan baaritaan ku aadan dhacdadan. Xasan Maxamed Samatar Cowke Puntland Post, Muqdisho The post Muqdisho: 35 qof oo ku sumoobay boorash ay cabeen appeared first on Puntland Post.
Muqdisho (SMN) – Akhristayaasheena ku xiran website-ka waxaan halkaan idin kugu soo gudbineynaa Barnaamijka Qubanaha Wararka Shabelle. Hoos riix si aad u dhageysato https://www.radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Bar___-Qubanaha-wararka-shabelle-31032019-Okay.mp3 View the full article
Muqdisho (SMN) – Ku dhowaad 30 qof oo ku sumoobay Boorash ay cabeen ayaa caawa la dhigay isbitaalka Banaadir ee Muqdisho. Dhacdadaan naxdinta leh ayaa la sheegay in ay ka dhacday degmooyinka Waaberi iyo Kaxda ee gobolka Banaadir. Dadka sumoobay oo qaarkood koomo ku jira ayaa isugu jira caruur iyo haween, sida ay xaqiijiyeen saraakiisha caafimaadka. Maamulka gobolka Banaadir oo ka hadlay arrintaan ayaa sheegay in dadkaan ay ku sumoobeen Boorash laga kariyay kajin ku yaala degmooyinkaasi. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Arrimaha Bulshada gobolka Benaadir, Basmo Caamir Shakeeti, ayaa sheegtay in ay baaris ku socoto arrintaan. Shacabka ayay uga digtay in ay cabaan Boorashka laga kariyo kajinada ku yaalla degmooyinkaasi, illaa iyo laga ogaanayo waxay keenay arrintaan. Hoos ka dhageyso codka https://www.radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/56428769_2152656105025276_765326.mp3 View the full article
Mohamoud Hashi Abdi is a Psychopath and Pathological Liar The ex-minister Mohamoud Hashi insulted the intelligence of the people or the people of somaliland have a sickness called cognitive impairment. Since Somalilanders have always been advocates of good governance they were shocked to witness the ex-minister openly lying to the UN Monitory Group Report. The UN Monitory as well as some members of the Legislative House confirmed the bribery. The members of both houses have never been denied the kick back that they received. According to psychologists, a pathological liar has multiple purposes for lying. For example, he lies to gain attention from the public. He likes to portray himself as either a hero or a victim of a particular situation, which he believes will make life more interesting. The ex-minister lied and contradicted himself in fort of the audiences, while the audience asked Somaliland’s standpoint of the gulf crisis, the DPW and military base. These kinds of liars have no remorse when lying, which is exactly what the ex-minister did. They do not see lying as bad. They do not worry about the consequences either. They simply lie and go on with life as if it were a normal thing to do. Let us go back to the day the House of Legislative debated the DPW. He explained the terms of the treaty between the Somaliland government and DPW. He said, “if the DPW does not start the construction within one year, the treaty would be null and void,” However, on this day, the extension of Berbera port does not have any significance. These people -Pathological lairs- do not value honesty and are known to relate events and incidents that they have been told in confidence to others. And when that happens, they may also exaggerate the facts as well. The whole purpose of the event seems to me as if it is an exaggeration of the facts that everyone already knows. Mohamoud Hashi Abdi has been the permanent minister of Siilaany’s cabinet. He was one of the most powerful people and was acting prime minister. The only reason that he got this position is because he has tribalism privilege and because he is President Siilaanyo’s distance nephew. Mohamoud Hashi Abdi has no qualifications and he did not even complete high education. He got that position because of nepotism. Every Somalilander witnessed the corruption, fraud, dishonest, nepotist that he had committed as the minister when he was in office. He purposely hides the truth and lies because of the five million dollars his government took from the United Arab Emirates during his time as presidential minister. The current Finance minister said that the amount was transferred to a previous government that Mohamoud Hashi Abdi acted as Prime Minister. As everyone knows, the current minister of finance Saad Ali Shire was a part of the previous government and he is most likely telling the truth. The ex-minister has characteristics of a psychopath. He has traits of a person who can be identified as a psychopath. This has to be acknowledged because his lack of regret, lack of remorse, lack of empathy and lack of responsibility is not acceptable. These kinds of behaviors were revealed when he was answering the questions asked by the audiences. For the Center for Policy analysis, let me give you a little token of my advice, please stop prompting for politically exposed person (PEP). Those who looted the people’s money, took the public properties and illegally constructed its own palaces in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Osman Awad waaba2003@yahoo.ca Qaran News
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasaaradda shaqada iyo shaqaalaha ayaa la weeraray Siddeed maalin ka hor (23 Maarso 2019), waxaana masuuliyadda weerarka sheegtay Al Shabaab, iyadoo wasaaradda dadka lagu dilay kamid ahaa wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Shaqada iyo shaqaalaha. Todobaad ka dib weerarkii wasaaradda lagu qaaday Al-Shabaab ayaa baahiyay wareysi ay sheegeen inay la yeesheen ruuxii ugu horeeyay ee fuliyay qaraxa koowaad ee lagu galay xarunta wasaaradda oo ku taala agagaarka xarunta taliska ciidamada Booliska gobolka Banaadir. Warbaahinta Al-Shabaab ayaa baahisay in ruux magaciisa lagu koobay Jimcaale Yare uu ahaa ruuxii ka dambeeyay qaraxii koowaad ee lagu weeraray xarunta wasaaradda Shaqada iyo shaqaalaha ee degmada Shangaani. Jimcaale Yare oo Al-Shabaab looga dhex yaqaan ABUU SUFYAAN, ayaa la sheegay inuu kasoo jeedo Beesha Ogaadeen, gaar ahaan jufada Geeddi Cali, waxaana uu ahaa ruux da’yar ah oo 17 sano jir ah, sida Al Shabaab ay baahiyeen. Ruuxaasi ayaa la sheegay inuu qaraxa koowaad ku dilay ilaalada Wasaaradda, isaga oo ku dhashay degmada Salagle, waxaana kadib xigtay in ciidamada daabacsan Al-Shabaab ay galaan gudaha wasaaradda iyagoo kadib toogasho kula dhaqaaqay shaqaalaha wasaaradda. Al-Shabaab ayaa sidoo kale sheegay inay soo bandhigi doonaan wareysiyo ay la yeesheen ragii toogashada ka geystay gudaha xarunta wasaaradda. Inta badan Al-Shabaab ayaa soo bandhiga codadka iyo wareysi ay sheegaan inay yihiin dadka ka dambeeya weerarada ay ka geystaan magaalada Muqdisho. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
in waxsoosaarkeena beeralayda dalku uu horumar balaadhan ku talabsado xag dhaqaale iyo waxsoosarka beeralayda dalka Cuntooyinka wadaniga oo waqtiyada la abqaalayo midhaha sida hadhuudhka digirta galayda heeda ooloo baahan yahay in beeralayda dalku jsl uga faa idaystaan waraabinta beerahooda Inkastoo mashruucan biyo xidheenku uu hada ka socdo bariga magaalada mashruuca oo hir galintiisa uu hormood u yahaymadaxwaynaha jsl mudane axmed maxamedmaxamoud siilanyo isagoo dhaqaale badan loo huray fulinta mashruucan looga faa idaysanayo sidii biyaha roobka dib looga fa idaysan lahaa taas oo ay bulshadeena Somali land ay ka maarmi doonan cuntooyinka dalka dibada uga imanaya oo uu ku baxo ganacsi lacag adagoo dalka dibada uga baxda Iyadoo aynu ognahay tayo darada cuntooyinka dalka dibada uga imanayaa Bulshada horumar fiican ku talaabsata waa bulshada wax soo saarka dhulkooda kalasoo baxa khayraadka jira manafacadsadaganacsi dibadana u iib geeyakhayraadka dhulkooda ay kala soo baxeen taas ayaa dalkooduna ku horumarayaa Ilaahayna ku garab galaya Biyaha oo aynu kaydsano ama dib uga faa idaysano biyaha roobka waxa noolasheenu marka hore ku xidhantay biyaha oo aynu ku daahirsano ku karsano cuntooyinka ku dhaqano maryaheena sidoo kale waxay biyaha aynudiyaarsanay biyo xidheenka waxa aynu kuga marmayna xiliyada waqtiga ee isku bad badalaya ku jilaal si waqtiyada jilaalka ama abaarta ay beeralayda iyo xoolo dhaqatadeenu ay ku nooladan waxa loo baahanyahay in aynu sii kordhino sidii aynu u samaysan lahayn biyo xidheeno kaleoo dib aynu uga fa idaysan lahayn biyaha roobka b Waxan halkan fariin ugu dirayaa wasaarada beeraha dalka in ay soo dhaweeyan beeralayda dalka ee doonaya in ay wax kala soo baxan dhulkeena waxii taakulo ee dawlad ahaan loo fidayo Mar labaad waxan halkan ugu diraya bahda bulshada Somali land in ay dhiri galiyaan cunista isticmaalka cuntooyinka wadaniga oo runtii ka faido badan cunista bariiska iyo baastada Waxan sidoo kale fariin halkan bogaadin ah ugu diraya madaxwaynaha jsl mudanemuse bixi abdi hirgalita mashruuca biyo xidheenka uu ka hirgaliyay bariga magaalada akhiro iyo aduunba mudane madaxwayne xasanadkasi waa mid kuu soconaya biyo xidheenka bariga caasimada Aqoon yahan Gudoomiyaha suuqa ganacsiga ee xero hadhuudha Mawliid xasdan muxumad buux0210@gmail.com Source
Waxa Guriggii Moorgan ee Hargaysa, hadana uu ku jiro askariga la yidhaaho ” Raggii ma adigaa ka hadhay”, ka googoostay Odayggii Saylici ahaa, isaga oo awel-ba magac u yaal ahaa ( Proper noun), uguna yeedhi jireen Madaxa-weyne ku xigeen, oo loo maqaar saari jirey Reer Awdal, gaar ahaana Awdal Clan, wax kaste oo uu ahaaba ama lagu sheego-ba, xaalku hadeer ” Alamtarana soo dhaaf” oo wuxu marayaa meel cidhiidh-yoon, kursiga ka deg iyo Saylici oo leh ” Mar baa la ina wadda doortay”, sidda aynu kursiga ku fuulay-na waan isla og-nahay, waynu wadda degaynaa. Mudo laba cisho ahba wuxu joogay Boorame, isaga oo ay xoog isugu xumaadeen labadda askari ee isu noqday ” Diiq iyo dhashii”. Akhristaw waxa is waydiin leh, Maxaa la isku haystaa ee dhex maray? Waa tii la wadda walaaqa-naayaye xaaraanta’e? Xagee bay boogtii milishay ee ay wadda qarina-yeen ka dilaacday? Waatan malaxddii soo fatah-daye.Yaan kugu dheerayne ku soo dhawaw halka la iska qamacay:- (a) Saylici dhawr jeer oo hore, buu hoos ugu sheegay askariga, dalkii bogaxa-ka-rogay ee maqluubka ku wadda, oo uu ku yidhi ” Geenyo Shaaximani ( Waa ina kaahinka’e), Maaha madax-weyne ku xigeen ee aniga baa ah” Waa in aad ila tashataa, hayeeshee dheg umuu dhigin askriga shimbir-cagta qabaa. (b) Laba jeer oo uu doonaayey, in uu Geenyo shaaximani soo gallo, guriga Moorgana ( oo uu debedda ku maqnaa Raggii ma adigaa ka hadhay), saylici wuu u diiday, oo wuxu ku yidhi, annaa ka taliye imika, inana xidhiidh ma lihin, sidaas awgeed ma iman karitid, haddii kale inta uu kuu imanaayo, askariggii kale shaqo ka fadhiisin baan kuu samaynayaa, hadhaw markuu yimaado kii kugu shaqaysan jirey, halkuu doono ha kuu dirtee. (c) Sababta ay arimahani u bilaabmeeni, waxay tahay, iyadda oo aanu hoodh ku qoysan askarigu saylici, hawshii-siina loo dirtey Geenyo Shaaximan. Saylici-na uu meesha iska joogo, mushaahaaradda uun uu ku qaato, wax kalena aanu qaban-ba, sidaas awgeed baa la isaga hor yimi. (d) Saylici wuxu ku doodayaa, Ninkani ( waa Geenyo Shaaximane) ha ku ekaado Wasiirka ku sheega Arimaha Gudaha, hana ogolaado in uu i hoos yimaado, wixii uu ka rabo halkana, uu aniga igala soo xidhiidho, (e) Askariga arimaha gudaha, ah lax dhukani abaar moog, oo laf-tiisu quudh-saday, kana dul talaabsaday Saylici, una haysta dhagax meesha iska yaala, baa iyana sii dheer, (f) Saylici wuxu dabeed gaadhay heer uu isaga iyo geenyo shaaximani, uu mid-koodu ku xigeen ka noqdo, waana ay ka go’an tahay, mudo badan buu xeeri-naayey in aan la maqlin, laakiin askarta dhegaha la’i, waxba way ka hoos qaadi waayeen, oo wuxu xaal-koodu noqday ” Habartu hayska haw-haw-laysee, helladda inoo tuma”. ( g) Waxa iyana jira, in shirkii Beesha Habar Muuse ( waa jifadda Sayliciye), ee bishii february ka dhacay Awdal, ay ka dalba-deen reerku Saylici, in ay xaqoodda si cadaalad ah u helaan, hayeeshee taa bedel-keeddii, waxa jawaab looga dhigay, in midh-midhkii ku sii hadhay laag safeeyo xilalka sidda sarkaal sare MR Xudhuun. (h) Askariga oo baabi’iyey, deegaankii gancasiga ahaa ee la odhan jirey Xamaam”, oo ay degaan-yihiin beesha hoose ee Saylici, hantiddii ummadana cagfa la mariyey. (i) Qofka Reer Awdal ah, ee raba in uu gallo Djabuuti, waxa laga qaadaa $34, markuu dib u soo gelaayana wuxu bixiyaa $31, halka ka Wajaale uga talaabaaya kiilka shanaad ee Itoobiya, aan haba yaraatee wax-ba laga qaadin, haduu tegaayo iyo haduu ka soo gelaayo-ba. Muwaadin, waxan ku soo dabray maqaalkan, horaa Somalidu ugu maah-maah-day ” Xadhig-maran iyo mara-booba waa la iska durki-yaaye”, Saylici wuxu taagan yahay, in isaga iyo askariga ka dul talaab-saday ” Waa Geenyo Shaaximane), mid-kood reerka u hadho. bahalka la yidhaaho Xidhig-maranka, sidda loo fur-furaa, ee loo hello daba-diisa iyo madaxiisa mid-koodna, way adag tahay, sidaas ageed, Saylici quus buu kaga jiraa, waan-waan ka dhex dhalata isaga iyo labadda askari, ku darso oo mara-boobtu halkay ku dhegto, sidda looga dhameeyaa aad bay u hawl badan tahay, Waxan ku soo koobay xaajadan dhex taal labadda askari iyo Saylici, xalka keliya ee ay leedahay-na uu yahay, in uu ka dhaqaaqo, oo aanu ku soo noqon, ha kala yaacdee, waayo markii hore-ba cago kuma taag-nayne, ama waa in uu dariiq iska mariyo labadda askari, sidani waa quudhsi xune, oo uu cad-kiisa dhacsado ama uu is baraxo, oo yidhaaho aniga laxddii la iguma haleeyo shicib-yahaw, Ilaahay baa xaqa jecele, uu ku dhinto sharaf ilayn laba jeer dhiman-maayee. * N.B Habartu Hayska Haw-Haw-Laysee, Heeladda Inoo Tuma! Qore:- Abdi-Shotaly ashotaly5@gmail.com Source
Maalintii dhawayd ee W/W/Biyuhu magacaabay Maareeyaha Wakaaladda biyaha ee Berbera xoog baa loo hanbalyeeyey , dadkaa wax hanbalyeynayeyna qaar kale ayaa qabsaday oo ku haystay hanbalyadda , maalintii dhawayd ee madax waynuhu wax magacaabayna qaarbaa wax hanbalyeeyey qaarna waa ku haysteen . Maantana magacaabistii u danbaysana sidaas oo kale , dad badan ayaa wax hanbalyeeyey kuwo kalena waa ku haysteenoo waxay lahaayeen maxaa u hanbalyeynaysaan , maalin walbana sidaas ayay u socotaa . Waxaase aad u cajiiba in odaygii Osman Omar Dool ka cabanayo in looga hiilayay nin dawlada ku jirra oo uu yidhi maxaa looga tegay ee loo raacin waayay Baska xil ka qaadista iyo inankii yaraa ee fariidka ahaa ee Mubaarik Kanadi oo isna lagga raacay hanbalyaddii . Waxaas oo dhamina waxay ka dhex socdaan Beeshii hogaanka u ahayd Mucaaridka Somaliland ee labadda Xisbi Mucaaridka mayalka u haysay ee lagga rabay in ay dariiq u jeexaan mucaaridada Somaliland si loogu soo hirto oo dadku usoo hiigsado . Hadiiba tallo , tusaale iyo toosin cidi u holato amaba soo jeediso waar sidaa ma yeelaa ama sidaa maka joognaana wuxuun baa ka kordhaya weerar iyo duulaan ,sidaa darteed anigu wuxuun baan leeyahay Sidii NebiMaxamed Naxariis iyo Nebed gelyo korkiisa ha ahaatee u yidhi ” Ilaahayoow dadkayga u denbi dhaaf waxba ma ogee ” .Ilaahayoow Tolkow u gargaar waad aragtaaye . W/Q: Ahmed Nuur Guruuje. Source
Dhiirashadeeduna Waxay Ku Dhigmi Doontaa Taariikhda. Qalainka: C/raxmaan Sayid Faarax (Jeesto). Umada reerSomaliland waxay inbadan naadiyeen Dawladnimonidaamkeeda la isagadaba-yimaado oo kusaleysan islaxisaabtanlagu kala soocayolahaanshaha shakhsi wax-u-gaarah iyo Lahaanshahawax umadi wadaleedahay, Taasi oo ahHantidaQaran uu yadahaan u leeyahaymasuuliyadeedana ay hayaanshakhsiyaad muwaadiniin ahoo loo igmadeyheerkaydoonaanba hanoqdaane, Hadaba jaan-goyntaDawladnimada dhabta ahiwaa sida looisticmaalo Hantidaa Qaranka kadhaxeysa ama ayu maareeyaan hogaanadaloo igmadey, Waxaaneyku soo urureysaalaba qodob miduun ” DawladnimoxalaalaAma Dawladnimo xatooyadalagu heshiiyey”. In xatooyolagu heshiiyo aduunkawaxa looga yaqaanaaMusuq-maasuq (Corruption), Ooah faysarka dilaama bahdilaDawladnimadaumadahana ka xumeeyadhaqanka suuban iyohiigsiga san, Sidaaawgeed dilaagan Dawladnimadacadawga ku ahaad baa layskaga ilaaliyaa Caaalamkawaxana loola dagaalamaasi xag-jir ah,Dawladii ku sifawdaanama taaba-gashohogaankaiyo hilaaduna wayka xumaadaan taasooaakhirka sababta bur-burDhaqan-dhaqaale amaba middamiir ahaaneedba,Duwelkaaduunka koonkiisa kataliyaa waxay kudadaalaan in aaneysifadaasi ku suuroobinoo ay noqdaankuwo waadixaoolays xisaabiyo Islamarkaana ku dhaqmanidaamka Dawlad wanaagaiyo Is-xisaabinta, (GoodGovernance AndTransparncyAccountibility), Qodobkani ooisna noqonaya bartalagu kala soocowaxa loo dadaalayo. Dariiqa dhisidaDawladnimada iyo islaxisaabtanka nidaamkan isagooka duulaya ayuuMadaxweynaha JamhuuriyadaSomalilandMudane: Muuse BiixiCabdi dhaqan-galiyey kashaqaysiinta Hay,adaha baadhidaiyo daba-galka hantidaqaranka siayu gutaan waajibaadkooda shaqoee ay umadau hayaan waamudadan uu xilkahayo Madaxweynuhuye, Kadib dar-darshaqoiyo u kuur-galidaay hay,adu kusameysay lunsiga hantidaqaranka waxay iba-furteyHay,ado Dawliya ooamuurahaalaga helay,Waxaaney u mareensiiqadii shuruucda dalkayagoo la beegsadeyhay,adaha ay khusaysoiney talaabo kaqaadaanlunsiga hantidaqaranka iyo WalibaMadaxweynihii igmadey ooisagu majaraha uhaya hogaanka dalkaugu sareeyashaqadaninaay tahay Siyaasadiisahagitaaneed. Kumay koobnaantalaabadii fal-celinta Hay,adahaHanti Dhawrku qarankuay xukuumada ugud-bisey balse waxasidii loogutala-galeymarinkeedii ku hubsadeyHogaamiyaha Qaranka Somaliland,Isagoo ku dhiiradeyinuu xilka kaxayuubiyo xubnihiituhunkabaadhitaanku gorfeeyey kuwaasooka tirsanaa golahawasiirada xukuumada islamarkaana ka midahaa masuuliyiintiiugutunka-waa-weynaa, Waa talaabogeesi looma habranlaguma daawan wixiihay,adu hanti-dhawrku kusoo eedaysay,Marnabalaguma ixtiraamin reernimo,sheeko-caanteyn, iyokhayaaligii hore eesuurada dawladnimo inagasadheeyey,Xukuumadu yadootix-raacaysa aragtida ayaaminsan tahay siqurux badan ayeyu suura-galisey sumad ay caanku yihiindawladahaaduunku oo sharafiyo milgo weynu yeela markayhir-galiyaan, Waa raadsaameyn ku yeelandoona dalkeenawaxbadana ka baddelidoona nidaam dawladeedkaqaladka laga fahmay. Inkastoo shacab-weynuhu carab-baabaan dalkuwuu handaraaban yahaywaxa halkaa kamuuqata in intaugu badanshacabkadhaqanka laga xumeeyey,Soomaalida ayaa tidhaahda(Waxay na badeenwaxa nagaga daranwaxay bareen),Markaaumada waxa loosamaynayaa dhaqan-celin walaway ka cawdeenhadana waxay qudhiyo maan udareemayaan inMusuquyahay waxa kaliyaee dalkeena riiqeydawladihii hore eeisaga kala danbeeyey,Marka laga reeboxukuumadan maantataladadalka haysa ooyadu soo af-jarteywax kasta oomarin-habaab iyo mugdiah oo umadanlagu haloosiyey, Yagoobulshaduamuurahaa is-barkanka turjumaya hadanawaxay ilaa haatangarwaaqsan yihiin inuumadaxweynuhu talaabo geesinimoah kutalaabsadeyoo ay walibataariikhdu ku xusidoonto, Waa jawiguuleed ama qodobniyaayir oo ayxukuumadani asiibtaywaanku mahadinaynaa waananku bar-bar taagannahay Sareynta sharcigunawaa qabashada ruuxkastoo lala xidhiidhiyoina-han. Dhaqanka dawladnimoee dalka maanta albaabcusub ayaa ufurmey oo ahin masuuliyiintu gartaanwixii loo igmadeyin aaneyaheynquudashada hantida umadabalse ay tahayin ay ushaqeeyaan bulshadooda, Sidookale baqdin masuulkuka istaagoinuuwax-is-daba-mariyo kaliyaatana uuku eekaado soonahashaqadiisu u qeexdayisagoo waliba sicadaalada oobilaakhayaamo ah ugudanaya waajibaadkiisa, Rukunkaasinawaa bilicda amahanaan-sanida dawladnimada aynuraadinaynobaadi-goobkeeda buq-cadeenanyadoo aan laictiraafsanayn wax badanqabsatey hadii ayhir-galisey qodobkii kadhinaa waahubaalin ay noqonaysoJawharada Geeska Afrika,Waxyaabaha kale shuruudoodiiwaan camirnay balsetii aynukaliigaynayna Madaxweyne Muuseayaa hir-galiyey IlaaheyCimriga haw barakeeyee. Waa mucjisoin maanta dawladyar oo sooyab-yabmeysaa hindisto libinintaa leeg ooaaney cidi kucaawin ama aanlagulatalin, Ooay garteen Siyaasiyiinteedii, axsaabteedii, hogaankeediiiyo cidii masuuliyadeeda haysay,Waayo Madaxweynahadalkuwaxa uu kayimidey xisbi marnawaa hogaankii wakhti-xaadirkan dalkaugu sareeyey, Waxkastoo la fuliyaanawaaaragtidiisii amahilaadiisii siyaasadeed waananu bognay sidala wada ugsoonyahayna doorkaasi kucamal-falkiisu waaraadlagu raysan doonomudo aan dheeraynala dhitaysan doonoraandhiiskiisa, Ku dhawaadlabaataneeyo sanadoodmaantaaDawladnimo san inookaw ah sidaaawgeed waan kudhiirinaynaa Madaxweynaha Dalkawaxaanan u sheegaynaainSooyaalku xusidoono sadaro qaaliyanaku yeelan doonosafxadaha taariikhda walibakuwa dheemana. Qalinka: C/raxmaanSayid Faarax (Jeesto). Diplomatic Analysts Gabiley /Somaliland Email: Abdiraxmaanjeesto111@gmail.com Source
The case of Somaliland and Somalia needs tough mind, strong stand and hard decisions. “I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of a government lies in knowing when to be the lion and when to be the fox” Napoleon Bonaparte. According to what we experienced from the past events and considering what is going on at present, it is clear to every person that it is unlikely that any Government in Somalia will accept to approve and recognize Somaliland as a sovereign and free state in the foreseeable future. As we are nearing the 28th anniversary of our independence, Somalia is still claiming Somaliland as part of Somalia; and working hard with much effort to isolate Somaliland and impose sanctions on it. Somalia believes that Somaliland can only exist in a temporary limbo with this stable de jure independence, expecting it to vanish soon through forceful reintegration into Somalia; like the way of Chechnya vanished through forceful reintegration into Russia. Somalia is also consequently expecting Somaliland to collapse on its own in a very short time, becoming a forgotten footnote in history. History showed that Somalia was always the enemy of Somaliland and its people. All Somali leaders beginning from the union of the two territories have considered the people of Somaliland an inferior minority who do not deserve to rule or even take their part of the rule as Adam Adde did and the others followed his path up to the end. They considered that Somalilanders do not deserve to have a decision for their future, as their vote against 1961 constitutional referendum was neglected. They considered that Somalilanders’ claims do not deserve to be listened and were punished when they protested for their rights in the 1980-s. They considered that Somaliland people are the slaves and they are the masters. The authority in Mogadishu is now roaming around the world to diplomatically undermine our statehood; to get more sophisticated weapons aimed to reintegrate the two territories forcefully; and to do again the same acts that their elders did to the people of Somaliland; The best policy of good leaders to face the country problems whether internal or beyond its borders is to be realistic and see situations on their factual and real status on the ground. We don’t know when someone will emerge from Somalia, who has a good grip on the reality of the situations and understands what can and cannot be done; who understands that neither Somalia nor Somaliland is vanishing from the map and either of them cannot substitute its neighborhood with the other. We don’t know when a good leader will emerge from Somalia who can understand that envisaged unification from one side would not be succeeded ever; and any meaningless conflicts and hatred created between the two countries will end up only with long lasting regretful results. With this attitude full of hate and enmity from Somalia and its leaders on the ground, why Somaliland is always in Somalia’s favour and supporting every effort aimed at achieving peace, security and stability in Somalia? Why Somaliland is considering Somalia as its brother and neighbor, while Somalia is a frenemy to our development, existence and statehood? Alice Walker said “A person who demands your silence, or denies your right to exist and grow is not your friend”. Somaliland government should not lose any more time roaming around talks with Somalia. Seven years without any positive outcome that Somaliland achieved is enough. It is time for Somaliland to reconsider its sympathetic feelings and respectful responses toward Somalia; it is time to end tolerating Somalia’s endless aggressive responses; it is time to face toward Somalia with a realistic, tough hearted and militant leadership; it is time to take political offensives and actions that will make Somalia realize Somaliland has already practiced the confidence of its longevity. Though lack of recognition caused many important doors remain closed from Somaliland; but this does not change its principle to exist in this world as an independent state by its own people, for its own people, to its own people and within its own territory. Somaliland has already existed more than a quarter of a century without any help from the entire world; and will exist regardless of how long its recognition will take; as same as many other de facto states in the world have existed. The current political failures of Somaliland are because of its lesser and slow political maneuverings towards the countries in the region and towards the international community. This idle policy of our government helped Farmaajo achieve some political gains in the last two years. The case of Somaliland and Somalia needs tough mind, strong stand and hard decisions. If the government doesn’t make reorientation with its slow and stagnant foreign policy; and does not prepare a defensive strategy against Somalia’s enlarging threats; it is sure Somalia will succeed its policy of sanctioning us sooner or later. Leadership requires both a tough mind and tender heart. This reminded me of a French philosopher who once said: “No leader is strong unless he bears within his character antitheses strongly marked”; which means that a strong leader has a balance of opposites; he is both idealistic and realistic or militant and passive. A good leader knows when a tough mind, strong stand and hard decisions are required; and when a tender heart, sympathetic responses and caring decisions are needed. Napoleon Bonaparte’s quote is a fact to refer as he said “I am sometimes a fox and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of a government lies in knowing when to be the lion and when to be the fox”. The government of Somaliland can decide between whether it let darkness control her or it has to overcome it and make light; that is it’s time to put aside the philosophy of Somaliland- Somalia talks using the policy of late president Egal and president Rayaale. We have to remember that Somaliland received the highest political consideration from the region, from the continent and from the international community when Egal then Rayaale used the policy which closed the door hard on the face of Somalia; and worked to develop the unity, peace, governing institutions, constitution, democracy byelaws; and conducted peaceful one-man-one-vote- elections . At that time we reached the highest point of the Mountain of Politics, that the world put our case under consideration. But now we fell from the peak of that political mountain in to a very deep political cave; that even the nearest neighbor or Ethiopia closed the door from us. The major cause of this political setback is nothing but the unproductive talks Siilaanyo’s government began with Somalia; because our actions and behaviors within those talks looked like as if Somaliland is retreating from its declaration as an independent state. And that is why all the compassionate sympathizers and intercessors of Somaliland who pleaded the cause of our statehood, who were advocating for our country be recognized stopped to offer their supports. Falling down is an accident; but staying down is a choice. Why the government preferred to lie down so long on the ground while the time is running out, with no moving forward political steps taken for so long. The government of Somaliland should seek better integration into the international system as a de facto existing state; dealing with and putting our case in front of countries, institutions and even influential personalities that feel compassion and sympathy to Somaliland; and in front of all International & regional organizations. The government should conduct the elections on their scheduled time. I hope if the government puts much effort to this direction; it will improve the status quo and strengthen Somaliland’s de facto independence in the short-to-medium term and possibly make future recognition more likely. it’s time our leaders should use tough NO with confidence instead of very weak yes and bowing their heads; it’s time to make Somalia a forgotten footnote in history; it is the time our leaders should turn the switch to doing their other responsibilities like saving our country from the violence in the neighbors—solving the problem of water scarcity—securing essential food for all—advancing health services—quality education for all children—reducing income in equality—lifting people out of poverty—advancing economic growth…and an urgent recognition for Somaliland. These problems are one and the same fight; we need someone who has the gut to ignore Somalia; who can connect the dots between our above mentioned problems and has one solution for all these problems—that is a leadership with values thinking on national success only. Adam. Ali. Younis Email:aayonis@hotmail.com Qaran News
(SLT-Hargeysa)-Xildhibaan Axmed Maxamed Diiriye (Nacnac) ayaa baraha bulshada ku baahiyay Sawirkani uu ku weheliyo madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo. Xidhibaan Nacnac oo sawirkan dadka kula wadaagey goordhaweyd bartiisa Facebook ayaa kusoo dul qorey sidan: “Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland ahna Mandellihii Somaliland H.E Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo, waxaa farxad ii ahayd in aan caawa kula caweeyo gurigiisa. Waxaan ilaah ka baryayaa in muddo noo kaa daayo. Axmed Siilaanyo hoggaamiyihii ruuxiga ee Somaliland” Source
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