Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. S/Gaas daahir Aadan Cilmi Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliya S/gaas Daahir Aadan Cilmi Indhaqarshe oo Maanta Shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay howlgallada ka dhanka ah Al-Shabaab. General Daahir Aadan Cilmi Indhaqarshe ayaa sheegay in uu dar dar ku socdo howlgalka Dalka looga saarayo malayshiyaadka Al-shabaab. Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed Gen; Indhaqarshe ayaa la wadaagay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Awoodda Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka in ay yihiin kuwa Dalka ka saari kara Kooxda Al-shabaab. Dhallinyarada ay qaldeen malayshiyaadka Al-shabaab ayuu Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka ugu baaqay in ay kasoo laabtaan Fikirka qaldan ee kooxdaasi. Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliya S/gaas ; Daahir Aadan Cilmi, waxa uu sheegay in ka badan 30 Malleeyshiyaadka Al-shabaab ay isku soo dhiibeen Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka. Taliyaha ayaa isa soo dhiibista xubnaha ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ku macneeyay, howl gallada is daba joogga ah ee ay Ciidamadu ka sameeyaan goobaha ay Cadawga ku dhuumaaleysanayaan. S/gaas; Daahir Aadan, ayaa sidoo kale beeniyay wararka sheegaya in la jabsaday keydkii Hubka Wasaarada gaashaandhigga, isagoo arrintaasi ku tilmaamay mid been abuur ah. PUNTLAND POST The post Dowladda Soomaaliya oo sheegtay in ay isu soo dhiibeen in ka badan 30 xubnood oo ka tirsanaa Al-Shabaab appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Cabdilaahi Siciid jaamac guddoomiyaha deegaanka Sin-jiif ayaa waxa uu uga waramay qorshaha dowladda Puntland iyo xiliga labilaabi doono dhismaha Buundada oo ay jareen roobabkii [...] Source
  3. Beledweyne (SMN) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegaya in maanta dagaal xoogan uu ka dhacay duleedka M/Beledweyne ee xarunta gobolkaasi. Ciidamo taabacsan guddoomiyihii xilka laga qaaday ee Yuusuf Dabageed iyo kuwa maamulka HirShabelle ayaa lagu soo warramayaa inuu u dhexeeyay dagaalka. Dagaalkani ayaa la sheegay in uu yimid, kadib markii la’isku qabtay cida qaadeyso canshuurta kastam ku yaalla deegaanka Kala-bayr ee gobolka Hiiraan. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in lagu dilay dagaalkaasi taliyihii Booliska gobolka Hiiraan G/Dhexe Maxamed Mocow, sidoo kalena lagu dhaawacay 2 ka tirsanaa ilaaladiisa. Ma jiro illaa iyo hadda wax hadal ah oo ka soo baxay labada dhinac oo ku aadan dagaalkaasi. Xaaladda ayaa weli kacan, waxaana dhaq dhaqaaqyo iska soo horjeeda laga dareemayaa halkaasi. View the full article
  4. Duqa degmada Garoowe Axmed Siciid Muuse ayaa maanta waxa uu xariga ka jaray suuq cusub oo si casri ah loo dhisay,kaas oo loogu talagaay barakacayaasha [...] Source
  5. Magaalada Buuhoodle ee gobolka Cayn waxaa maanta ka ambabaxay wafdi Isimo ah kuwaas oo gaaray deegaanka Wardheer ee ismaamulka Itoobiya. wafdigan ayaa ujeedada ay utageen [...] Source
  6. The Government of Kenya ordered the closure of its border with Somalia in Lamu indefinitely on Tuesday. Reports maintained that the border was closed because of security operations aimed at flushing out Al Shabaab militants suspected to be operating in the area. Lamu County Police Commander (CPC), Muchangi Kioi, declared that the border would henceforth be accessed by security personnel only. Any form of cross-border trade was also banned with Kioi reiterating that no one was exempted from the new directive. “Those who contravene the new orders will lose their business permits as well as face arrest,” the police boss affirmed. He further declared that any goods confiscated on their way to or from Somalia would be destroyed on the spot. “Those smuggling contraband items from Kenya into Somalia and vice versa will have themselves to blame. We will destroy those items and close your shop. We will also arrest and prosecute you,” he declared. Kenya’s simmering tension with its eastern neighbour has been escalating gradually, with the latest move coming a few weeks after Kenya threatened to use force if Somali citizens continued to obstruct or destroy the fence Kenya was building along the two countries’ border. In the letter, Kenya blatantly accused Somalia of obstructing the construction of the fence and using women and children to harm security personnel and construction teams. The tiff between the two nations is hinged on a narrow triangle, off the coast of Africa, in the Indian Ocean, about 100,000 square kilometres. Both countries have staked claim to the area because it supposedly has large oil & gas deposits. View the full article
  7. ku dhawaad 100 gaari oo ah kuwa xamuulka qaada isgana kala goosha gobolada Soomaaliya ayaa ku xaniban buudada Dureyra ee gobolka Bari oo go,an mudo [...] Source
  8. Beledweyne (Caasimada Online) – Faafaahinno dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya dagaal culus oo goor dhow ka qarxay deegaanka Kala-Bayrka ee gobolka Hiiraan. Dagaalka ayaa lagu soo warramaya in uu dhexeeyo Ciidamo taabacsan guddoomiyaha xilka laga qaaday Yuusuf Axmed Hagar (Dabageed) iyo kuwa maamulka HirShabelle. Sida ay ogaatay Caasimada Online dagaalka ayaa dhashay, kadib markii la’isku qabtay cida qaadeyso canshuurta kastam ku yaalla deegaankaasi. Ilo deegaanka ah ayaa sheegay in uu jiro khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac ka dhashay dagaalkaasi oo la’isku adeegsanayo hubka nuucyadiiska kala duwan. Sidoo kale wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamo gurmad ah ay ku sii qul qulayaan goobta uu ka socdo iska hor imaadka. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in taliyihii qeybta Booliska gobolka Hiiraan Gaashaanle Dhexe Maxamed Mocow uu ku dhintey dagaalka ka duleedka magaalada Beledweyne. Dagaalka ayaa waxaa uu u dhexeeyay ciidamada Booliska gobolka Hiiraan iyo ciidamo nabadsugid ah. Wararka ayaa sidoo kale waxa ay sheegayaan in dagaalkan ay sidoo kale ku dhaawacmeen saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Booliska. Saraakiil ka tirsan Maamulka Hirshabelle ayaa sheegay in dilka Taliyaha Qeybta Booliska gobolka Hiiraan uu ka dambeeyo taliye ku xigeenka Nabadsugida qaranka Fahad Yaasiin oo amray in ciidamada Nabadsugida ay la shaqeeyeen Maamulkii hore ee gobolka Hiiraan Yuusuf Dabageed. Wararka ayaa waxaa ay intasi ku darayaan in weli deegaanka Kalabeyr ee duleedka Baladweyne laga maqlayo rasaasta dagaalka u dhaxeeya Ciidamada Booliska Hir-Shabeelle iyo kuwa daacad u ah yuusuf Dabageed. Xaalada Magalada Baladweyne aya xilligaan kacsan, iyada oo laga dareemayo dagaala ka socda duleedka degmadaas. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Beledweyne
  9. Corneal Saciid Cawil Jaamac Caarre oo haatan shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar ayaa gebi ahaanba beeniyay war ka soo baxay [...] Source
  10. Taliyihii booliska qeybta Gobolka Hiiraan, Col. Maxamed Macoow ayaa goordhow lagu dilay goob canshuurta lagu qaado oo ku taalla deegaaanka Kalabeyr ee duleedka Baladweyn. Dhacdadan ayaa timid kadib markii ay canshuur isku qabsadeen ciidamo taabacnsan guddoomiyihii xilka laga qaaday ee gobolka Hiiraan Yuusuf Dabageed iyo ciidamada ka amar qaata guddoomiyaha cusub Caraale. Arrinta gobolka Hiiraan ayaa cakirneyd kadib markii uu Yuusuf Dabageed iska diiday xil ka qaadis uu sameeyey madaxweynaha Hirshabelle Maxamed Waare. Sida uu sheegayo, weriyaha Goobjoog News ee deegaanka, waxaa fashilmay wada hadallo ay galeen odoyaasha, iyada oo Yuusuf diiday inuu aqoonsanyahay maamulka Hirshabeelle, waxaa kale oo ciidamadiisa ay la wareegeen goobo badan oo canshuurta lagu qaado. Goobjoog News Source:
  11. Kenya has closed its border with Somalia in Lamu indefinitely as security operations against Al Shabaab militants intensify. Source: Hiiraan Online
  12. Nairobi (SMN) – Dowladda Kenya ayaa sheegtay inay xirtay xadka ay la wadaagto wadanka Soomaaliya xilli ay socdaan howlgallo ka dhan ah Al-Shabaab oo ciidamada dalkaasi ay ka fulinayaan gobolka waqooyi bari. Mudo aan la cayimin ayuu xirnaan doonaa xadka, ayaa lagu yiri warka kasoo baxay dowladda Kenya, iyadoo intaasi ku dartay inay u furnaan doonto oo kaliya ciidamada howlgalka wada. Taliyaha ciidamada Booliska gobolka Lamu, ee dalka Kenya Muchangi Kioi ayaa xusay in qofkii jebiya amarkan uu lumin doono ruqsadiisa ganacsi sidoo kalena uu muteysan doono xarig. Xeritaankan xadka ayaa yimid todobaad kadib markii dowladda Kenya ay joojisay howlihii kalluumeysiga ee xeebaha ku dhaw Soomaaliya, sababo la xiriira dhinac amaanka. Taliyaha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamada Kenya wadaan howlgallo roondo ah oo ay ku xaqiijinayaan inuu dhaqan galay amarka lagu xiray xuduuda Soomaaliya iyo Kenya. Booliska ayaa uga digay ganacsatada inay ku xad-gudbaan go’aanka lagau xiray xadka, iyo inay kala gudbiyaan alaabaha ganacsiga ee isaga kala gooshi jiray magaalooyinka dhaca labada dhinaca ee xadka. Kenya ayaa waxaa ka dhacay weeraro tan iyo markii ciidamadeeda u soo tallaabeen Soomaaliya sanadkii 2011-kii. View the full article
  13. Luanda (SMN) – Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare ee dalka, Baashe Yuusuf Axmed, ayaa magaalada Luanda ee dalka Angola uga qayb galaya shirkii 5-aad Golaha Sare ee Garsoorka Afrika oo ay Soomaaliya xubin buuxda ka tahay. Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Angola, H.E Joã Manuel Gonçalves Lourenceç, ayaa furay shirkaan oo ay kasoo qayb galeen mas’uuliyiin ka socota garsoorka wadamada qaaradda Afrika. Shirka oo shalay furmay maantana soo xirmaya ayaa looga hadlay dhawrista dastuurka iyo xuquuqda aasaasiga ah ee Aadamaha iyo kaalinta Garsoorka. Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada:- View the full article
  14. kooxda ciidan xooga dalka ee Horseed ayaa guul muhiim ka gaartay dhigeeda Muqdisho City Club,iyagoo labada dhinac ay wada ciyaareen kulamadoodii 12-aad horyaalka Somalia Premier League 2018-2019. Qeybta 1aad labada koox ayaa taageerayaashooda u soo bandhigay ciyaar ku dheehan weerar iyo weerar celis waxaana nasiida laga kala maray barbaro goolal la’aan ah ama (0-0). “Allah ayaa mahad iska leh kulankan waxa uu inoo ahaa mid muhiim ah waayo waxaan ku dhawaanaynay kaalinta 2aad iyo in yareeno farqiga xaga dhibcaha” waxaa Goobjoog Sports ugu swaramay Macallinka kooxda kubbadda cagta Horseed Cabdiwali Maxamed Maxamuud (Cabdi Joon). Markii laysku soo laabtay dheesha labada koox ayaa sameeyay fursado badan,basle daqiiqadii u danbeesay ciyaarta kooxda Horseed ayaa dhalisay gool cajiib ah oo madax ah waxaana u dhaliyay laacib Farxaan Maxamed Axmed (Farxaan Duqow),isagoo kulanka badal ku soo galay. “Waxaan soo bandhigay ciyaar cajiib ah,balse guusha waxa ay raacday dhigeena Horseed waan u hambalyaynaa waxaanse usoo diyaar garoobaynaa kulamada kale ee horyaalka”Waxaa Goobjoog Sports u sheegy tababaraha kooxda kubbadda cagta dowladda hoose ee Muqdisho City Club Xuseen Balangu. Kulanka waxaa dhex dhexaadiye ka ahaa Garsoore Xasan Maxamed Xaaji (Xasan Baari),Calanhayaha 1aad waxa uu ahaa Axmed Cabdullahi Faarax (Baroodo),Calanhayaha 2aad waxa uu ahaa garsoore Nuur Cabdi Maxamed,halka garsooraha keydka uu ahaa Najiib Cawil Ismaaciil,waxaase xer ilaaliyaha ciyaarta kulanka uu ahaa Guddoomiyaha garsoorka xiriirka kubbadda cagta Soomaaliya Xasan Aadan Xaaji Yabarow Wiish. Halkan Ka Daawo Warbixin ku saabsan kulankii dhaxmaray kooxaha Horseed & Muqdisho City Club Maxamed Xuseen Qalinle Source:
  15. Muqdisho (SMN) – Taliyaha Ciidamada Xoogda Soomaaliya Sarreeye Gaas Daahir Aadan Cilmi (Indho Qarshe) ayaa sheegay in ay isa soo tarayaan tirada xubnaha ka soo goosanaya Dagaalyahannada Xarakada Al Shabaab. Indho Qarshe ayaa xusay in ay gobolo kala duwan ay ku soo dhaweeyeen Rag ka tirsanaa Al Shabaab oo is iskood ah ugu soo biiray dowladda Soomaaliya. Dhinaca kale waxaa uu sheegay Taliyuhu in Ciidamada milatariga Soomaaliya ay guulo ka gaareen howlgalladii ugu dambeeyay ee la fuliyay. Sidoo kale waxa uu intaasi ku daray in dowladdu ay sii wadi doonto dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al Shabaab ee ka socda koonfurta iyo bartamaha dalka. Maalmihii la soo dhaafay Ciidamada DFS iyo kuwa AMISOM oo kordhiyay howlgalladooda ayaa la wareeegay deegaano ka tirsan gobollada Gedo iyo Sh/Hoose. View the full article
  16. Muqdisho (SMN):-Halkaan ka Dhageyso Warka Duhur ee Idaacadda Shabelle. Hoos riix si aad u dhageysato:- View the full article
  17. Lamu (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Kenya ayaa ku dhowaaqday inay xirtay xuduuddii Soomaaliya, islamarkaana joojisay gebi ahanba ganacsigii kaga iman jiray Soomaaliya. Goobta xuduudda ee sida gaaaka ah loo xiray ayaa ah dhanka Lamu, oo ah mid ka mid ah afarta marin xuduudeed ee Kenya kala dhaxeeya Soomaaliya, ayada oo saddexda kale ay yihiin Mandera, Wajir, iyo Gaarisa. Madaxa booliska Lamu, Mr Muchangi Kioi ayaa sheegay in hadda iyo wixii ka dambeeya ay xuduudda u furnaan doonto oo kaliya saraakiisha amniga. Dadka ku nool Lamu ayaa sidoo kale laga mamnuucay inay waxa ganacsi ah la sameeyaan Soomaaliya. Muchangi Kioi ayaa sheegay in cid kasta oo sidaas sameysay ay lumin doonto shatiyada ganacsiga, islamarkaana xabsiga loo taxaabi doono. Ciidamada ammaanka Kenya ayaa sheegay inay qabteen “10 jawaan oo sokor sharci-darro ah oo ka timid Soomaaliya iyo xirmooyin caano geel ah.” Dadka dukaamada ganacsi ku leh dhanka xuduudda ee Kenya ayaa lagu amray inaysan iibin karin wax badeeco ah oo ka timid Soomaaliya, islamarkaana ay badeecadaha Kenya ka iibin karin Soomaalida xadka degan. Xiriitaanka xuduudda ayaa ah cutubkii ugu dambeeyey muranka diblomaasiyadeed ee ka dhaxeeya labada dal ee salka ku haya badda Soomaaliya ee Kenya ay sheegtay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi
  18. Dowladda Puntlad ayaa beenisay warar lagu faafiyay saxaafada koonfurta Soomaaliya, wararkaas oo ku saabsan in Puntlan ay musaafurisay labo sarkaal oo madax ka ahaa hay’addo [...] Source
  19. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka dowladda Puntland, Axmed Karaash ayaa tagay deegaanka Af-urur ee gobolka Bari, halkaasi oo saakay sideedii subaxnimo ay ciidamada difaaca Puntland dib ula [...] Source
  20. Waxa la soo gabo gabeeyay oo heshiis sadex goosood ah lagu gaadhay in la hirgaliyo wado isku xidhi doonta magaalooyinka Lawyacado iyo Borama una sii gudbi doonta magaalada Jigjiga ee dalka Itoobiya. Heshiiskani waxa wada gaadhay dawlada Muqdisho, Djibouti iyo Itoobiya oo laga soo qayb galiyay, waxna mashruucani sidoo kale goob joog ka ahaa oo maal galin doona World Bank-ka, EU Commission iyo sdoo kale African Development Bank. Goobta heshiiskaasi ka dhacay wax aan waxba laga ogaysiin xukumadda Somaliland oo aan la’aanteed aanu mashruucani fuli karin sidoo kale ayna dawlada Somaliya ee heshiiskani ka dhex muuqataa ayaan haba yaraatee deegaanada Somaliland wax talo iyo saamayn ah ku lahayn. Ilaa hada mashruucaasi xukumadda Somaliland kama ay hadlin waxana ay u eegtahay marka la soo gaba gabeeyo in loola iman doono saxeexa ugu danbeeya. Dhanka kalena warar hoose oo aan helayno ayaa sheegaaya in maalgaliyayaashu ay arinkaasi walaac weyn ka muujiyeen dhaqaajintiisa iyada oo aanay Somaliland wax ka ogayn ama ayna qayb ka ahayn, waxase wararku sheegayaan in arintaasi ay dawlada Djibouti ku qancisay in ay gabo gabada mashruucani ka soo dhamayn doonto xukumadda Muuse Biixi, oo bilowgii mashruucani ay ka doorbiday xukumadda taagta daran ee Muqdisho lagu ilaaliyo Qaran News
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Shir looga hadlayay ammaanka iyo howlgallada ka socda caasimada ayaa xalay lagu qabtay xarunta aqalka dowladda hoose ee Xamar, waxaana guddoomiyay guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir iyo Duqa magaalada Muqdisho, Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Eng Yariisow) . Shirka waxaa ka qeyb galay saraakiisha qaabilsan dhanka ammaanka, iyadoona diirada lagu saaray amniga iyo qiimeyn guud oo lagu sameeyay, sida ay u socdaan howlgallada Caasimada. Sidoo kale shirkani ayaa lagu go’aamiyay in dib u eegis lagu sameeyo qorshaha sugida amniga gobolka Banaadir. Guddoomiye Yariisow ayaa sheegay in muddo dheer ay wadeen dabagal xoogan, islamarkaana loo baahan yahay in la sameeyo is bedal dhab ah. “Shirka Amniga Caasimadda ayaan ku qiimeynay xaalada Guud ka dib kormeer iyo dabagal joogta ah oo aan wadnay muddo, isla markaasna go’aaminey dib u eegis in lagu sameeyo Qorshaha Sugida Amniga Caasimada”ayuu yiri Eng, Yariisow. Sidoo kale waxa uu ka dalbaday shacabka Muqdisho in ay si dhow ula shaqeeyaana Ciidanka ammaanka, si looga hortago falalka liddiga ku ah nabad galyada. Maamulka gobolka Banaadir iyo saraakiisha ammaanka ayaa muddooyinkii la soo dhaafay joogteeyay kulamada looga hadlayo amniga, iyaga oo soo saaray go’aanno wax looga qabanayo dhibaatooyinka weli ka jira magaalada Muqdisho. Heyeeshee waxaan weli is bedal dhab ah lagu sameynnin qorshaha sugida amniga oo dhibaato ay ku qabaan rayidka, waxaana haatan kala xiran degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir oo uu ka jiro wax loo yaqaano kala wareeg oo ah in aan la’isku gudbi karin. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  22. The troops of Somalia’s Puntland state were reported to have launched a large-scale of operation in Bari region after Al-Shabaab captured a key base this week. The local authorities say the state troops are hunting Al-Shabaab and the ISIL-linked militants in the mountainous areas, where the US military is carrying out drone strikes. The move came days after Al-Shabaab fighters retook Af-Urur base near Bosaso city after Puntland soldiers withdrew from the area over unknown reasons before the capture. For years, Puntland has been facing security threats from Al-Shabaab and Islamic State-affiliated faction based in Bari region. View the full article
  23. The US led International Community (IC) played an influential role for the adoption of 2012 democratic Provisional Federal Constitution that established the Federal Republic State of Somalia (FRSS). The 2012 federal government had the awesome responsibility of establishing State institutions able to administer the rule of law and to provide the public services and goods necessary for peace, freedom, development, and better standard of living for all Somali citizens. Immediately, the IC and the federal government entered into “new deal” later morphed into “partnership” agreement underpinned by collaborative and accountability principles to accelerate the pace for peace and state building in Somalia. In addition, the UN Security Council issued resolutions that supported the implementation of the partnership agreements in cooperation with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Somalia (UNSOM). The administration of President Hassan Sheikh bore the heavy burden of building federal member states (FMS) within the constraints of democratic system of governance. It is undeniable fact that the establishment of the federal member states was difficult, acrimonious, and time consuming for many reasons. The 2016/2017 federal parliamentary and presidential elections were also messy and contentious. Between 2012 and 2016, President Hassan has been under constant pressure by the IC that held series of international partnership conferences and enforced the establishment of National Leadership Council. The US, EU, and UN representatives continued to issue joint statements on any issues seen as threat to democratic norms, political reconciliation, construction of federalism, human rights protection, and FMS. There were approximately 24 Joint statements only in 2016. Nevertheless, President Hassan maintained certain level of tolerance and respect in the face of the international pressure and of the relentless criticisms and insults labelled against his government by opposition forces, and local and international media for security and political failures. The story is different for President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo. As soon as he accessed to power, President Farmajo thwarted all efforts critical for the establishment of democratic governance in Somalia like the completion of the federal constitution and judicial independence; he replaced the Federal Republic with political movement Peace and Life; he practically undercut the separation of powers between the three branches of federal government-legislative, executive, and judiciary – required for accountability and transparency; He curtailed the constitutional oversight responsibilities of both houses of the federal parliament and other federal independent institutions. He concocted plans to remove quickly all Presidents of the FMS from office by all means necessary for his political advantage; he demobilized and reformed the security forces contrary to 2017 London security agreement and to the National Security Architecture; he failed to act against the worst human rights violations against Somali citizens by security forces with impunity; he resisted to an investigation of the bloodbath of civilians committed by security forces in Baidoa for the installation of his ally as Southwest state President; he inspired distrust and conflict among communities; he marginalized the civil society and business community. He boldly practices favoritism, patronage, and unfair distribution of public plum jobs; He continues to ignore the public protest against the lockdowns and restriction of free public movement in Mogadishu; he sustains the year-long standoff between the federal government and FMS with no end in sight; he pays no attention to the pain and suffering of the Somali refugees and Internally displaced people for illegal evictions and other abuses and to the 2 million Somalis facing death and malnutrition by the end of this summer for severe drought ; he obstructed political inclusivity and neglected the timely preparation of 2020/2021 election; and finally he ignored all UNSC resolutions calling for the implementation of high priority political, security, human rights, humanitarian, and national reconciliation tasks. The Public euphoria and high hope for better governance and respect of the rule of law displayed on president Farmajo’s election evaporated and have been replaced by the preponderant consensus that Somalia is today close to the eruption of political violence unless a miracle event prevents such dreadful eventuality. The return to political violence is victory for Al Shabab. Researcher Brendon J. Cannon carried an analysis on Somalia’s 2017 Presidential Election and Foreign State Influence in which he exposed the foreign influence in Somali election and the lessons for free and fair election in 2020/2021. Brendon identified two factors that helped the election of President of Mohamed Farmajo. First, he noted that President Farmajo’s populist rhetoric (now rejected everywhere), sprinkled with anti-Ethiopian invectives and promises for jobs and peace in Somalia resonated with a number of Somali citizens. Second, he confirmed the infamous factor he described – structural factor less welcomed- which is foreign money that President Farmajo and his allies have been influenced by and were able to exploit. It is not secret that Qatar Government provided the funds for political campaign and parliamentary vote buying of President Farmajo through Fahad Yassin. Brendon underscores that the external financial support limits President Farmajo’s ability to chart a truly independent policy agenda for Somalia. The trimestral reports of the UN Secretary General on Somalia have been continuously updating the members of the UN Security Council about the deteriorating political, security, and humanitarian situation in Somalia as recapped for example in the UNSC Resolutions like S/RES/2431 of July 30, 2018. Nevertheless, for two years, the US, EU, and UN have been witnessing the autocratic and violent actions and failures of President Farmajo listed above and remained aloof, passive about the worsening situation of Somalia, abandoning the usual timely joint support to democratic governance in Somalia. That damaged the credibility of all IC, particularly the US, EU, and UN. It is also disappointing that IMF and World Bank have become enablers of misleading claims of economic progress, fiscal improvement, and debt relief that are far from truth. People in Benadir Region are suffering extortion, double taxation, and corruption with lack of accountability and transparency. Every new tax causes more extortion and corruption. The oil and gas banditry is a brewing crisis. The violent and abusive actions of President Farmajo hit home when President Farmajo ordered the expulsion of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Nicholas Haysom from the country as “Persona Non Grata.” That action shocked the IC, particularly the Secretary General and members of the UN Security Council, but it was too late to convince President Farmajo and his team to reverse their unwise decision. Followers of Somali politics expected that the US would express its highest indignation to force President Farmajo to back down, but it didn’t happen. Three explanations were put forward for the silence and indifference of the IC in the face of the relentless attack on the rule of law and democratic governance, and of the human rights violations and widespread corruption under President Farmajo leadership. First explanation is the political malaise that engulfed the global politics like the political tensions and confusions that undermined the global cooperation and global institutions and the US apathy for global and African democracy. The second explanation is that President Farmajo hired American lobbyists linked to the US Republican Administration of President Donald Trump for unconditional support in exchange for payment and complete loyalty. The third explanation is the substantial financial support of Qatar Government through dark channels that encouraged the disregard of the rule of law and democratic system of governance and use of Al Shabab governance tactics. No explanation justifies the disregard of the Somali constitution that mandates democratic governance in Somalia and the predominance of Somali interest. The appointment of the Special Representative of the UNSG James Swan and the new UN Security Council Resolution 2472 (2019) of May 31, 2019 restart the relation between the IC and the Federal Government of President Mohamed Farmajo. The UNSC speaks equally to FG, FMS, and International donors, but there are no encouraging signs for change. All indications are that President Farmajo will maintain his intransigent position and modus operandi as said by Brendon J. Cannon. The Somali political forces face the challenge of choosing between freedom and rule of law on one hand and oppression, corruption, and autocracy on the other. The choice is clear. The US, EU, and UN should ally with the democratic voices against autocracy and corruption in Somalia. By: Dr. Mohamud M Uluso Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Caasimada Online’s editorial stance.
  24. The president of Somalia’s Southwest State, Abdulaziz Hassan Mohamed who is known as [Lafta-Gareen] has warned his regional forces against harming the civilians in Bay, Lower Shabelle, and Bakool regions. The leader said that his administration will not tolerate the killing of the unarmed people or harassment against them, vowing tough punishment for any soldier found guilty of mistreatment. Lafta Gareen has, on the other hand, condemned the latest murder of a Rickshaw driver in the outskirts of Mogadishu over extortion money by a soldier who fled the scene following the shooting. Southwest state has been stable in the past few months as the regional troops, along with SNA and AMISOM increased routine operations against Al-Shabaab militants. View the full article