Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Officials say social media users trying to tarnish t names of county officials and county's reputation Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Abdalla Ahamed Ibrahim has largely lived as freelance journalist in Dhobley, Somalia. Now, the 44-year-old man is plunging into politics, vying for the presidency of the federal state of Jubaland. Source: Hiiraan Online
  3. The Toronto Raptors have made NBA history by winning Game 6 of the Finals Thursday night, marking the first time a Canadian team has won the championship. Source: Hiiraan Online
  4. Somalia said Thursday it is tackling environmental degradation which is closely linked to desertification, drought and unsustainable livestock and agricultural practice. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. Wajir East MP Rashid Amin was arrested on Thursday night for allegedly assaulting Wajir Woman Representative Fatuma Gedi at Parliament buildings. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Soomaaliya Xildhibaan Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye ayaa kordhiyay cadaadiska uu ku haayo Shaqaalaha Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Soomaaliya iyadoo qaarkood si gaar ah loola kulmay laguna wargeliyay dalabka Wasaaradda. Waxaa muuqda in dagaal aan qarsooneen uu ka dhax bilaawday Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Soomaaliya iyo warbaahinta madaxa banaan. Waxa uu ku dhisan yahay loolan iyadoo ay Wasaaradda isku dayeyso in ay ka joojiso Warbaahinta kale Shaqaalaha Dowladda ee ula shaqeeya sida aan joogtada ahayn (Part time). Wasiir Maareeye ayaa la kumay Abwaan Maki Xaaji Banaadir iyo Majaajilistaha Caanka Oday Cabdulle waxa uuna kala hadlay in ay joojiyaan shaqada ay ka haayaan Radio Kulmiye iyo Telefishinka Universal. Labadaan mas’uul ayaa kaalin weyn ku lahaa Barnaamijyo wacyo gelin ah oo ka baxa Radio KNN iyo Universal TV. Dad badan ayaa u arka in arintaan aysan waddo saxan maadaama wacyi gelinta dadweynaha kaliya looga baahneen Warbaahinta Qaranka. Wasiir Maareeye ayaa Oday Cabdulle u yeeray waxa uuna ku yiri “Fadlan laga bilaabo maanta jooji ka qeyb galka Xubinta Kalamaan” halka Maka Xaaji Banaadir lagu yiri “Jooji Faaliyaha Qaranka ee aad ka qeyb gasho”. Maki Xaaji Banaadir iyo Oday Cabdulle waxay ka tirsanyihiin Shaqaalaha Wasaaradda Warfaafinta gaar ahaan Hoballada Qaranka ee Waabari. Dadka digniinta loo jeediyay waxaa kamid ah Aamina Macow oo ka tirsan Hoballada Waabari iyo Universal TV iyo Majaajiliiste Abahaa iyo kuwa kale oo caan ah. Su’aasha dad badan ay qabaan ah ayaa Warbaahinta Qaranka maka faa’ideysan doonaan dadkaan ay shaqada kale ka joojiyeen halka qaar kale ay qabaan maxaa looga joojiyay shaqada kale xubnahaan Dowladda ka tirsan oo waligeed tan iyo Maxamed Siyaad Barre sidaan ugu shaqeeyay qeybaha kale ee Warbaahinta si loo wacyi geliyo dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) ― Wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya Yuusuf Garaad Cumar ayaa ka hadlay qaabkii loo soo dhoweeyay Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Norway, Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide, oo maalintii Isniinta dalka booqasho ku timid. Yuusuf Garaad ayaa soo bandhigay qalad hab maamuuseed oo uu sheegay inaysan meelna kaga jirin dhaqanka diblomaasiyadda caalamka. Garaad ayaa sheegay inay gaf tahay in garoonka diyaaradaha ku soo dhoweeyan Ra’iisal wasaare ku xigeenka iyo afar Wasiir oo ay u saftaan soo dhoweynta hal Wasiir oo dalka soo booqatay. Yuusuf Garaad ayaa arrintaasi kaga hadlay qoraal uu soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook, wuxuuna u dhigna sidan: “Habmaamuuska dalka iyo kan caalamka waan baalmarnay ee ha la isdaba qabto oo ha la saxo hadda ka dib. Meel ugama jirto dhaqanka diblomaasiyadda caalamka in Ra’iisal Wasaare ku xigeen iyo afar Wasiir ay u tagaan gegida dayaaradaha una saftaan dayaarad hoosteed si ay u soo dhoweeyaan hal Wasiir oo dalkeenna soo booqday. Muhiimadda xiriirka labada dal siyaabo kale ayaa loo muujiyaa. Ma ahan khaladka keliya ee aan aniga oo aan raadin ay saxaafaddu i soo hordhigtay. Qof wax walba yaqaan ma jiro. Weydii wixii aanad aqoon. Habamaamuuska Diblomaasiyaddu waa aqoon, khubaradiisuna waa ay joogtaa Wasaaradda qaabbilsan”. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. Beledweyne (Caasimada Online) – Guddigii loo xil saaray baarista dilkii taliyihii qeybta booliska gobolka Hiiraan ayaa soo saaray natiijo hordhac ah, kadib markii ay baareen qaabka loo dilay Taliye Maxamed Macow. Guddigaan ayaa sheegay in baaritaanka meel wanaagsan uu marayo, islamarkaana dadkii loo xeray falka dilka ay maanta ay maxkamad kasoo muuqan doonaan, si wax looga weydiiyo cidda amartay inay dilkaasi geystaan. Taliyihii hore ee ciidamada Booliska Hirshabeelle Cali Dhuux Mahad Alle ayaa hogaaminaya guddi uu madaxweyne Waare u magacaabay dilka taliye Macow, waxaana uu sheegay in hadda rajo wanaagsan laga leeyahay in xaqiiqada banaanka la keeno. Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay inay la kulmeen ehelada taliyihii qeybta Booliska Gobolka Hiiraan Marxuum Maxamed Macow Xalane,isla markaana la isku afgartay in Maanta oo jimco ah meydka la’aaso. Dhinaca kale Xeer ilaaliyaha Maxkamada Ciidamada Qalabka sida qeybta 27aad Dhame Maxamed Cabduqaadir Maxamed ayaa sheegay in baaritaankooda ay kusoo qabteen 6 ruux oo ku eedeysan dilka taliyihii qeybta booliska Gobolka Hiiraan,isla markaan weli baaris kale ay wadaan. Madaxweynaha maamulka Hirshabeelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa horey u balanqaaday inuu cadaalada heli doono Kornel Macow, sidoo kalana wuxuu sheegay in dhamaan reer Hirshabeelle ay cadaalad heli doonaan. Dilka taliyaha ayaa sii huriyay xiisaddii u dhaxeysay madaxweyne Waare iyo Guddoomiyihii xilka laga qaaday, waxaana dowladda Soomaaliya dhankeeda ay guddi u magacowday dhacdada ka dhacday deegaanka Kalabeyr. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Beledweyne
  9. Waxa lagu dhawaaqay waqtiga la qaadi doono dacwada lagu soo oogay gabadha la dalatay dhaxal sugaha boqortooyada Sucuudiya Boqor Salman. Boqorad Hassa Bint Salman ayaa lagu soo oogay in ay ku amartay waardiyaheeda in uu garaaco nin loo shaqaalaysiiyay in uu qurxiyo hayga ay ku leedahay magaalada Paris ee dalka Faransiiska. Gabadhan la dhalatay dhaxal sugaha Sucuudiga ayaa wajihi doonta bisha soo socota Maxkamad la xariirta amarka ay ku bixisay in waardiyeedu garaaco ninkan shaqaalaha ah. Hassa bint Salman ayaa la filayaa in ay ka maqnaato dhagaysiga Maxkamada oo lagu wado in ay qabsoonto 9 July sida laga soo xigtay wakaaladda wararka AFP. Dhibanahan ayaa loo qaatay in uu naqashadeeyo boqorada guriga qaaliga ah ee ay ku leedahay caasimada Faransiiska sannadkii 2016, ninkan ayaa muuqaalo sawirro ah ka qaaday gudaha qolka ay daganayd boqoradu, kadib boqorada ayaa ku eedaysay in uu doonayay in sawirrada ka iibiyo warbaahinta. Mudo yar kadib waxay sababtay in ay amarto waardiyaheeda in uu weeraro ninkan waxey ku qaylinaysay,”Dill isaga, Eyga, uma qalmo nolosha” Ninkan dhibanaha ah ayaa sheegay in wajiga laga dhaawacay, halka gacmaha laga xidhay ka hor inta aan lagu qasbin in uu Dhunkado ama Shumiyo lugaha boqorad Muddo saacaddo ah kadib, halka qalabkiisii lagala wareegay shaqadana laga eryay sideed casho. Waardiyahan hore ayaa loo xukumay sannadkii 2016 danbiyo isticmaal Hub,hanjabaadyo iyo in uu dad ka hor istaagay rabitaankooda. Boqorad Hassa bintu Salman ayaa isaga carartay Faransiiska, halka dalabka warqadda dacwadda loo jaray in lagu soo xiro la soo saaray December sannadkii 2017, balse waqtigaas laguma guulaysan in lasoo qabto. Gabadhan ayaa la dhalatay dhaxal sugaha Sucuudiga Boqor Maxammed bin Salman. Haweenaydan oo ah 40 sano jirka ah ayaa warbaahinta Sucuudigu ku amaantay in ay shaqadeedu tahay caawinta iyo xuquuqda Haweenka. Boqorad Hassa ayaa ku noolayd wadada Avenue ee galbeedka caasimada Faransiiska, halkaas oo ah meel aad ugu fiican dalxiiska, waxa ku yaala guryaha ugu qaalisan caasimada Faransiiska. Xigasho: BBC
  10. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) ― Xukuumada Somaliland iyo Jaamacada Mekelle University ayaa shalay caasimada dalka Itoobiya ee Addis Ababa ku kala saxeexday heshiis is-faham (MoU). Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada Biyaha Somaliland, Maxamed Yuusuf Ismaaciil iyo Gudoomiyaha Jaamacada Mekkele University Dr Atto Kindeya, ayaa heshiiskaasi is-faham kala saxeexday. Heshiiskan ayaa sidoo kale waxa diirada lagu saaray is-dhaafsiga khibradaha iyo horumarinta qorshayaasha ay ka mid yihiin: qaabeynta hirgalinta mashaariicda, khayraadka biyaha iyo horumarinta qaybta siyaasada biyaha. Agaasimaha guud ee wasaarada biyaha Somaliland ayaa faah-faahin ka bixiyey heshiiskaasi, wuxuuna yiri “Farxad weyn ayay ii tahay inaan joogo madashan aanu ku kala saxeexanayno heshiiska Is-faham aniga iyo jaamacada Mekkele University, ee ku saabsan dhinacyada horumarka”. Wuxuuna intaas kusii daray “Waxaan jecelahay inaan u mahadnaqo Madaxweynaha Jaamacada Mekkele University Dr Atto Kindeya iyo dhamaan kooxda oo nagu qaabilay si saaxiibtinimo leh anaga oo la saxeexanay heshiis is-faham”. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  11. APO Group content is copyright free and can be republished at will. African Development Bank Group (AfDB) PRESS RELEASE Switzerland gives 3.2 million Swiss francs to African Development Bank’s ‘Boost Africa’ E-Lab and urban development fund ‘Boost Africa’ was launched in partnership with the African Development Bank and the European Investment Bank to enhance entrepreneurship and innovation across Africa MALABO, Equatorial Guinea, June 13, 2019/ — The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Government of the Swiss Confederation (SECO) and the African Development Bank ( on Thursday signed two agreements to fund African initiatives on the sidelines of the Bank’s 2019 Annual Meetings. SECO contributed 3 million Swiss francs to the Entrepreneurship Lab (E-Lab) for innovative young entrepreneurs and 200,000 Swiss francs to the Urban & Municipal Development Fund for Africa (UMDF), which helps African cities plan and manage urban growth and climate-resilient development by improving governance and basic services. “These days it’s important that partners work together … to put talents together in a complementary fashion … These are two areas which are forward-leaning and positive for the African continent,” said Raymund Furrer, Bank Governor for Switzerland, who signed on behalf of SECO at the Sipopo Conference Center in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. Bajabulile Swazi Tshabalala, the Bank’s Vice President for Finance and Chief Finance Officer, signed on behalf of the Bank. “Our partnership goes beyond the consistent and strong support of the two main windows of the Bank Group … Let me then take this opportunity to thank Switzerland for these two very valuable contributions, but also, for being a long-standing partner of the Bank Group,” she said. Switzerland joined the African Development Fund almost 50 years ago in 1972, and has been a full member of the African Development Bank for close to 40 years, since 1982. The E-Lab, a component of the Bank’s ‘Boost Africa’ strategy, provides innovative young entrepreneurs with financing, technical assistance and broader ecosystem support through incubators, accelerators, fund managers and others. Five countries have been identified to pilot the E-Lab: Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa. ‘Boost Africa’ was launched in partnership with the African Development Bank and the European Investment Bank to enhance entrepreneurship and innovation across Africa. The initiative, which has also received backing from the European Commission and other donors, is part of the Bank’s Jobs for Youth in Africa Strategy (2016-2025) to create 25 million jobs and impact 50 million youth by catalysing private sector investments that create employment for youth. Successful entrepreneurship is key to Africa’s economic growth and job creation. According to the Bank’s Economic Outlook Report, between 11 and 13 million more young people will join Africa’s labour force every year between 2015 and 2030, and only 3 million will find secure employment. More than 20% of Africa’s working age population are starting new businesses, the highest rate in the world. Businesses with fewer than 20 employees and less than 5 years’ experience provide the most jobs in Africa’s formal sector. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB). View multimedia content Media Contact: Gershwin Wanneburg Communication and External Relations Department African Development Bank Email: About the African Development Bank Group: The African Development Bank Group ( is Africa’s premier development finance institution. It comprises three distinct entities: the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). On the ground in 41 African countries with an external office in Japan, the Bank contributes to the economic development and the social progress of its 54 regional member states. For more information: SOURCE African Development Bank Group (AfDB) (at) Qaran News
  12. Hargaysa (Caasimada Online) ― Xildhibaan Saleebaan Garas Seed oo kamid ah xildhibaanada Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ayaa dhaliilo culus u soo jeediyey Dowlada Farmaajo, isagoona ugu baaqay inay fara-gelinta ka deyso Somaliland. Xildhibaan Saleebaan Seed ayaa sidoo kale xukuumada Farmaajo ku eedeyay inay dabino u maleegayso Somaliland, oo loo baahan yahay inay ka hor tagto Xukuumada Muuse Biixi. Xildhibaan Seed oo maanta la hadlayey warbaahinta ayaa quus galiyay midnimada ay baadi-goobeyso dowladda Farmaajo, wuxuuna yiri “Inagoo madax banaan oo waliba xoriyadeena ka qaadanay Ingiriiska, ayeynu Somaliya la midawnay, inagoo markaas raadinayna shantii Somalida, midawgaas aynu la midawnay dheef kamaynu helin ee midho dhalkiisi wuxuu noqday cadaadis, dil iyo in horumarka la inagala dagalaamo, halgan dheer kadibna dib ayeynu ula soo noqonay xoriyadeenii”. “Mar haddii aynu Somaliya kala soconay inagoo og sidii dadkeena loo galay, maaha inay ina daba socdaan, oo midnimo dambe raadiyaan ama ay ina sheegtaan, Somaliya oo dib ula midawnaan waa habeenkii xalay ahaa ee tagay, midnimadii hore ayeynu ka qoomamaynaa, ee Maamulka Xamar inay midnimo dambe raadiyaan, fikrad khaldana u sheegaan caalamka waa u damiir xumo, ee Xukuumadda Somaliland waxaa looga baahan yahay inay ka hor tagto dabinada ay Somaliya inoo maleegayso iyo beenta ay Caalamka u sheegayso”. Wuxuuna intaasi kusii daray “Xukuumadda Somaliland waxaa looga baahan yahay inay aad uga taxadirto khatar kasta oo inagaga imanaya Somaliya haddii ay noqoto dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisaba, Xukuumadda Somaliland waxaa looga baahan yahay in qadiyada Somaliland meel kasta ka rido, si aynu u helno aqoonsi caalamiya”. “Shacabka Somaliland waa Shacab muwaadiniin ah, oo dalkooda iyo dadkoodaba ilaashanaya, waxaan se leeyahay aad uga feejignaada, oo nabadiina iyo qarankiina ilaashada, oo Xukuumaddiina garab istaaga, oo Ciidankiina garab istaaga, nimcadiina waa taas inoo da’day, ee Alle inaga dulqaaday Abaartii, ee shugriga Alle-na aynu badino”. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  13. Somaliland: Taariikhda iyo Wax-soo-saarkii Dugsiga Farsamada Burco Sanadkii 1999kii baan akhriyey buug ka sheekaynaya dib u kabashadii Germany. Cutub kamid ahi wuxu gaar uga sheekaynayey Dugsiga Farsamada Gacanta ee Burco. Nuxurka buuggu wuxu ahaa Jarmalku 15 sano ayuu kaga soo kabtay burburkii iyo bayhoofkii dagaalkii labaad, kaddibna wuxu wax la’qabtay oo caawiyey ummadihii soo korayay ee ku noolaa Africa iyo Asia. Dugsigan oo caan ku ah magaca Iskuulka Jarmalka waxa la’ dhisay sanadkii 1964kii. Kharashka ku baxay wuxu ahaa 400,000 Dollar oo xiligaas joogay una dhigma 4 Malyuun oo Dollar oo maanta jooga. Qorshaha dugsigan waxa lahaa mid kamid ah aabayaashii Xoriyadda waa Axmed-Keyse Xaaji Ducaale oo Reer Ceerigaabo ahaa laakiin Burco laga soo dooran jirey. Wuxu dowladdiii Cabdirashid Cali Sharmarke ka noqday Wasiirka Beeraha, kaddibna wuxu noqday Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Jarmalka Galbeed, kaddibna Ingiriiska. Jarmalku, caashaq ay caashaqeen Burco iyo dadkeeda ugumay dhisin dugsigan casriga ah ee dedaal iyo dagaal adag oo uu galay Ambassador Axmed-Keyse Xaaji Ducaale ayaa keenay dhismaha Instuutka Farsamada Burco. Dhismaha Dugsiga waxa la geliyey tacab badan, Jarmalkuna wuxu keenay. Aqoontii, Qalabkii iyo Macalimintii oo wada socda. Waa sababtaas sababta dadkii ka aflaxay dugsigani u noqdeen taabba-gal. Haldoorkii ka aflaxay Burco Technical Institute ka Burco aad bay u badnaayeen, waxaynuse ka xusi karnaa: Sheekh Mustafa Xaaji Ismaaciil (Sheekha weyn ee Soomaaliyeed) Dr Saeed Axmed Xasan (Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadaha Golis) Maxamed Kahin Axmed (Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Somaliland) Sheekh Xasan Cabdisalaam (Hoggaamiye xagga Diinta ah oo caan ah) General Carab Ducaale Cilmi (5 Star General) Axmed Xaashi Cabdi (Wasiir, Xildhibaan) Cabdicasiis Samaale (Wasiirkii Maaliyadda) Cabdiraxman Xaaji Daahir (Cammuud University) Cabdirashid Xasan Mataan (Musharax Madaxweyne ku xigeen) Eng Maxamed Cali Burco (Ex-Xildhaan) Xaaji Abshir Axmed Xasan (Wasiirkii Dib u dejinta) Cabdiraxman Raage (Agaasimihii Hay’adda Inter-peace) Maxamed Faarax Laangadhe (Badhasaabkii Sool) Naasir Xaaji Cali Shire (Xildhibaan) WQ: Cismaan Abokor Dubbe Qaran News
  14. Delegates from 187 countries voted on Thursday, 13 June 2019, to elect Omar Faruk Osman, Secretary General of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) to its global leadership. Osman was able to muster 192 votes needed to win out of the 216 votes cast by delegates from 187 nations from across the world during the 30th World Congress Journalists in Tunis. NUSOJ Secretary General secured the shock win following massive support from the delegates from the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, South Africa, India and Brazil. Omar Faruk’s success shows the support and solidarity of the world’s journalists for the NUSOJ and all Somali journalists indicating that the impact of the Somali media globally. IFJ executive committee elected Youness M’Jahed of Marocco as new Président, first from the African continent since the global voice of journalists was founded in 1926. NUSOJ was represented at the IFJ Conference 2019 in Tunisia by its its Secretary General, Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Organising Secretary, Awil Mohamud and Farah Lamane, secretary of the treasury. The IFJ, the global voice of journalists, represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries. View the full article
  15. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will be leaving her post at the end of June, President Donald Trump has announced. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. Shirweynaha Guud ee Ururka Suxufiyiinta Adduunka ee ka soconaya magaalada Tunis ee dalka Tunisia ayaa galabta waxaa uu si aqlabiyad ah ugu doortay hogaanka ugu sareeya ururka suxufiyiinta adduunka Cumar Faaruuq Cusmaan oo ah Xoghayaha Guud ee Ururka Qaranka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ee NUSOJ. Cumar Faaruuq ayaa helay 192 cod oo ka mid ah 216dii cod ee ay dhiibteen argada ka kala timid 187 dal oo caalamka dhan ah ayadoo uu ka guuleystay murashaxiin ka kala socday 17 dal. Cumar Faaruuq oo ahaa musharaxa qaarada Afrika oo isla markaana tageero ka helaayay ergada ka kala socotay dalalka Carabta iyo Islaamka ayaa sidoo kale waxaa taageero xoogan siinayay ergada ka socoto dalalka Ingiriiska, Faransiiska, Talyaaniga, Spain, Ruushka, Koofurta Afrika, India iyo Brazil ayaga oo u arkayay Cumar Faaruuq in uu yahay qof wax badan ka qaban kara howlaha ururka suxufiyiinta adduunka ee IFJ horyaala. Guusha Cumar Faaruuq oo muujineyso tageerada iyo hiilada suxufiyiinta adduunka ay u hayaan ururka NUSOJ iyo dhamaan suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa hadana tilmaameyso in saameynta ay Soomaaliya ku yeelanayso saxaafada adduunka ay aad u xoogeysaneyso. Shirweynaha IFJ ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu maanta guddoomiye u doortay Younes Mjahed oo ah Xoghyaha Guud ee Ururka Suxufiyiinta Morocco. Younes ayaa noqonaya masuulkii ugu horeeyay ee qaarada Afrika ka socda ee abid loo doortay guddoomiyenimada ururka suxufiyiinta adduunka tan iyo markii IFJ la aas-aasay ee sanadkii 1926. Ururka NUSOJ waxaa shirweynaha IFJ kaga qeyb galaya sedax ergo kuwaasoo kala ah Xoghayaha Guud ee NUSOJ Cumar Faaruuq Cusmaan, Qasnajiga NUSOJ Faarax Maxamed Yusuf (Faarax Lamaane) iyo Xoghayaha Abaabulka NUSOJ Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi. View the full article
  17. PRESS RELEASE British Armed Forces Minister bolsters UK-Egypt defence ties Minister for the Armed Forces Mark Lancaster met with Egyptian Minister of Defence General Mohamed Zaki to discuss enhancing UK-Egypt defence cooperation CAIRO, Egypt, June 13, 2019/ — The meeting came as a part of the Minister’s first official visit to Egypt, and presented an opportunity to reaffirm the strength of the UK’s defence relationship with Egypt and deepen the longstanding strategic partnership between the two countries. The Chief of UK Defence Staff’s Senior Advisor for the Middle East Lt General Sir John Lorimer, British Ambassador to Egypt Sir Geoffrey Adams and British Defence Attaché Colonel Edward Sandry accompanied the British Minister. British Ambassador to Egypt Sir Geoffrey Adams said: “The UK recognises the pivotal role Egypt plays in the region’s security. Our growing partnership ensures that together we stay one step ahead of common threats and build regional and international security”. Defence cooperation between Egypt and the UK has increased significantly in recent years. In March, Egypt and the UK conducted military training AHMOSE, the first bilateral exercise between the two countries in 30 years. The UK also joined Egypt, the United States and a number of other countries in Exercise BRIGHTSTAR last year. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of British Embassy Cairo. SOURCE British Embassy Cairo Qaran News
  18. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Duqa Muqdisho ahna Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Mudane Cabdirixmaan Cumar Cusmaan (Eng.Yarisow) ayaa muwaadin Soomaaliyeed ku wareejiyey guri uu lahaa oo laga haystay muddo 28 sano ah. Guddoomiyaha oo furaha gurigaas ku wareejiyey muwaadinkii lahaa ayaa ka digay cawaaqib xumada Aakhiro iyo adduunba sugaysa dadka sida sharci darrada ah u deggan hantida muwaadiniinta kale ee doonaya in dib loogu soo celiyo xaqooda. “Cidna si sharci darro ah uma haysan karto muwaadin kale hantidiis, Maamulkan tan iyo markii aan nimid waxaan ku guuleysannay soo celinta hanti ay lahaayeen muwaadiniin, kuwaas oo dadkii haystay ay si mutadawicnimo ah usoo wareejiyeen, balse arrinta maanta waa ay ka duwan tahay oo maxkamad iyo xabsi ayeey gaartay.” Eng.Yarisow ayaa sheegay in muwaadinkii gurigan sida sharci darrada ah u haystay oo ahaa Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidanka Booliska la horkeenayo Maxkamad, lana marsiin doono hannaanka sharci ee uu mudnaa. Dhankiisa, Eng.Cali Maxamed Baare oo ahaa muwaadinka lahaa mulkiyadda guriga ayaa uga mahadceliyey Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir dadaalka joogtada ah ee ay ku bixiyeen dib u soo celinta gurigiisa oo sanaddo badan ka maqnaa.
  19. Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba says being Muslim has helped him find inner peace and become a better person. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. PRESS RELEASE European Investment Bank (EIB) to support EUR 4.5 billion new business, social, energy transition and sustainable transport investment This includes investment that addresses challenges facing female entrepreneurs in Poland and across Africa, supports lease financing in Italy, backs venture capital in Liberia and Sierra Leone LUXEMBOURG CITY, Luxembourg, June 13, 2019/ — EUR 1.6 billion support for private investment, including for women and rural communities; upgrading thousands of schools and expanding long-term care provision; financing renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean transport. The European Investment Bank (EIB) approved a total of EUR 4.5 billion of new financing that will tackle investment gaps hindering private sector growth, improve education and health care, replace old buses and trains. The new EIB support will directly back projects in 23 countries. “Tomorrow morning Europe’s finance ministers will meet as Governors of the EIB and discuss how we can accelerate climate action as we expand economic opportunities and improve social infrastructure. Climate has become a key priority for us all, and the projects we approved today show that the EIB takes its role as Europe’s climate bank very seriously.” said Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank. The EIB Board of Directors held its monthly meeting today in Luxembourg. Accelerating energy transition The EIB agreed EUR 611 million of new financing to support energy transition, reduce carbon emissions and scale up renewable energy. This includes backing new solar power in Zambia and wind farms in Portugal, energy efficiency projects in Lebanon and Jordan and support for rural communities across Niger to access clean energy. Hungary and northern Spain public transport users will benefit from EIB support to provide 3,200 buses and 31 trains with low-emission modern replacements. The EIB also agreed to support two new financing programmes with leading French banks to speed up the energy transition by encouraging greater use of renewable energy and more efficiency energy use by local companies. Upgrading thousands of schools and improving long-term care More than 3,000 schools across Italy will be upgraded in the coming years following EIB approval of more than EUR 1.3 billion of new financing for the National School Infrastructure Plan. The EIB also agreed to support construction of 19 new long-term care centres across Spanish regions that will provide new energy-efficient residential care places for more than 3,700 people. Targeted support for private sector investment The EIB approved EUR 1.6 billion of financing to help companies to innovate, expand and create jobs. This includes investment that addresses challenges facing female entrepreneurs in Poland and across Africa, supports lease financing in Italy, backs venture capital in Liberia and Sierra Leone and encourages new agri-business and renewable energy investment in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. Reducing flood risk and improving water networks The EIB also agreed to support new water and water investment across France and improve flood protection in the Irish city of Cork. The EIB also agreed to support new investment to upgrade the sewage network in Skopje, the capital of northern Macedonia. EUR 664 million of investment backed by the Investment Plan for Europe Financing for six projects approved by the EIB board today will be guaranteed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). Distributed by APO Group on behalf of European Investment Bank (EIB). View multimedia content SOURCE European Investment Bank (EIB) Qaran News
  21. APO Group content is copyright free and can be republished at will. Human Rights Watch (HRW) PRESS RELEASE Sudan: End Network Shutdown Immediately The UN Human Rights Council has unequivocally condemned measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online NAIROBI, Kenya, June 13, 2019/ — Sudan’s ongoing internet shutdown is a gross violation of human rights and should be lifted immediately, Human Rights Watch said today. Disruptions to access escalated over the past week and the country is now almost entirely cut off from the internet, after forces violently attacked and dispersed protesters. The authorities should immediately restore access to the internet. It is vital for emergency communications, including information from health care providers, and to access other basic information in times of crisis. “If the Transitional Military Council genuinely intends to restore peace and maintain good will with civilian opposition leaders, it should reverse this dangerous shutdown, which puts even more lives at risk,” said Priyanka Motaparthy, acting emergencies director at Human Rights Watch. “These shutdowns blatantly repress the rights of the people the military council claims it wants to have a dialogue with.” The UN Human Rights Council has unequivocally condemned measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online, in violation of international human rights law, and said that all countries should refrain from and cease such measures. Sit-ins and calls for peaceful civil disobedience do not justify the Transitional Military Council wholesale denial of internet access, Human Rights Watch said. Human Rights Watch has previously called for independent monitoring of the situation in Sudan, including an investigation from the Human Rights Council and an African Union independent inquiry. Activists began reporting mobile internet disruptions on June 3, 2019, when government forces carried out a bloody, large-scale attack on the sit-in in Khartoum, killing more than 100 people and injuring hundreds more. The attack followed weeks of growing tensions as negotiations stalled between the military council and opposition groups over the formation of a civilian-led transitional government, following the ouster of former president Omar al-Bashir on April 11. The Sudanese Professionals’ Association, an activist group opposing military rule, called for a campaign of civil disobedience starting June 9, asking supporters to remain at home until the country’s governance was transferred to civilian authorities. The military council has offered no compelling justification for denying internet access. On June 10, the authorities cut the remaining fixed line connections, effectively shutting down nearly all internet access. Netblocks, a nonprofit organization monitoring internet censorship, announced that Sudan now faces a “near-total restriction” on internet access in the country. The same day, Shamseddin Kabashy, spokesperson for the military council, confirmed on Al-Jazeera that the council had ordered the shutdown. “We stopped internet services for a limited period, at our discretion.” he said. The shutdown has resulted in wide-ranging harm. The outage has prevented activists and residents from reporting critical information about the volatile situation in Sudan, where government forces led by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces – known for their abusive campaigns in Darfur, Southern Kordofan, and Blue Nile – have reportedlycontinued to commit abuses following the June 3 attack. Mohammed, a 29-year-old demonstrator in Khartoum, told Human Rights Watch: “We…struggle with verifying information. This whole situation now is creating isolated locations where we don’t really know what is happening and what kind of abuses are taking place there.” The block on internet access has also caused serious safety concerns by denying access to information that could help people safely navigate roads during the current unrest. “It is dangerous now with all the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the streets and checkpoints to walk or drive around,” a 27-year-old man living in Khartoum said. “Without internet access, we can’t be warned, as used to be the case, on what streets to avoid and what are the safest routes.” The presence of security forces, including the RSF in Khartoum and at hospitals, has undermined or prevented access to medical care for those in need. Medical professionals said the lack of internet access has only made it more difficult for them to organize ways to provide care. Governments that seek to repress peaceful political opposition have in many instances cut off internet access during times of political sensitivity and crisis. Before the current shutdowns, Sudan’s government had blocked access to social media platforms – including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the messaging service WhatsApp – intermittently between December 2018 and April 2019. Such shutdowns violate multiple rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and information, and hinder others, including the right to free assembly. In their 2015 Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Responses to Conflict Situations, UN experts and rapporteurs declared that, even in times of conflict, “using communications ‘kill switches’ (i.e. shutting down entire parts of communications systems) can never be justified under human rights law.” Under international law, Sudan has an obligation to ensure that internet-based restrictions are provided by law and a necessary and proportionate response to a specific security concern. Officials should not use broad, indiscriminate shutdowns to curtail the flow of information, or to harm civilians’ ability to freely assemble and express political views, Human Rights Watch said. David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, has previously stated: “A general network shutdown is in clear violation of international law and cannot be justified by any means… Access to information is crucial for the credibility of the ongoing electoral process. Shutdowns are damaging not only for people’s access to information, but also for their access to basic services.” Members of the international community in contact with military council officials should stress the importance of fully restoring service immediately, given the clear violation of rights and the harm linked to the current shutdown. They should also press the council on the need to more broadly respect demonstrators’ rights to information, free expression, and free assembly. “No one is going to believe that a government that has repeatedly blocked this crucial avenue of communication is otherwise dealing with protesters in a proportionate, rights-respecting manner,” Motaparthy said. “There is simply no legitimate justification for this overbroad measure that is designed to repress the exercise of fundamental rights.” Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Human Rights Watch (HRW). SOURCE Human Rights Watch (HRW) Qaran News
  22. (SLT-Sweden)-Dawladda Sweden oo ka Noqotay Xayiraaddii Socdaalka Hargaysa, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  23. Cadaado (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha dowlad gobaleedka Galmudug, Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf ayaa tan iyo markii la doortay waxa uu ka dhamaan wayay khilaaf iyo dagaal siyaasadeed oo u gaar ah maamulkiisa ama mid uu la qabo dhamaan maamulada kae. Xaaf dagaalka uu ku jiro waa mid ka adag midka ay ku jiraan madaxda maamulada kale ee dalka waxa uuna maamulkiisa ku reebay raadad xun oo ay adag tahay sida looga soo kabto. Khilaafka ugu weyn waxa uu kala dhaxeeya DF Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya. Xaaf waxa uu waayay ku xigeenkiisa iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka sanado ka hor kuwaas oo noqday qatarta ugu weyn ee Madaxweyne Xaaf maadaama aysan dowladda u soo weerari karin maamulkiisa balse ay u soo marto ragaan. Caasimada Online ayaa heshay xog ku saabsan in Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Galmudug Maxamed Xaashi Carabeey uu yahay qatarta ugu weyn ee Xaaf. Waxyaabaha ay ogaatay Caasimada Online waxaa kamid ah in Carabeey uu ku guuleestay baajinta dhamaan heshiisyadii uu galay Madaxweyne Xaaf. Heshiisyada la baajiyay ama socon waayay ee uu Madaxweyne Xaaf galay dhamaantood waxay ahaayeen kuwa dibadda ah oo ay la saxiixdeen hey’ado shisheeyo iyo dowlado kale. Carabeey ayaa sidoo kale la sheegay in uu helo dhamaan xiriirka hey’adaha heshiiyada la gala Madaxweyne Xaaf kadibna uu baa’bi’iyo waxyaabihii lagu heshiiyay. Xaaf ayaa qaabilay warqado badan oo uga yimid hey’ado heshiis lala galay oo ka baxay kadib markii lagu wargeliyay in maamulkiisa uu khilaaf ka jiro, sidaas darteedna aysan ku dhiiran karin fulinta mashaariic horumarineed Galmudug oo aan mideesneen. Madaxweyne Xaaf waxa uu abaabulay doorashada Guddoomiye Baarlamaan oo aan aheyn Cali Gacal Casir balse kuma dhiiran doorashada iyo xil ka qaadista Madaxweyne ku xigeenka waxaana sababta lagu sheegay in uu wali rajo ka qabo in laga joojiyo dabagalka uu ku haayo Carabeey. Carabeey ayaa sidoo kale buriyay go’aano badan uu dowladda Soomaaliya ka qaatay Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho